HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 - Appeal of Denial of Special Neighborhood Trees Removal Request at 1317 and 1323 Ashford Lane - Appellant CorrespondenceReceived After Agenda Printed August 24, 2021 Item No. 20 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL 1323 ASHFORD LANE,, NEWPORT BEACH EUCALYPTUS TREE ASSESSMENTS PREPARED FOR: WILLHOIT CONSTRUCTION, INC. MS. KAITLIN WILLHOIT 1278 GLENNEYRE STREET, SUITE 213 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 SUBMITTED BY: MS. EVIN LAMBERT CERTIFIED ARBORIST WE - 9776A ASCA REGISTERED CONSULTING ARBORIST 667 ISA TREE RISK ASSESSMENT QUALIFIED CA PEST CONTROL ADVISER 123990 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA DANA POINT, CA 92624 AUGUST 23, 2021 7 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH - EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS P A G E i TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 3 OBSERVATIONS............................................................................................................ 3 DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................... 4 RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................................................... 5 SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................. 5 SUPPORTING INFORMATION............................................................................................ 6 APPENDIXA: SITE MAP..........................................................................................................................7 APPENDIX B: PHOTOS TAKEN DURING COURSE OF INSPECTIONS.....................................................................5 APPENDIX C: RESISTOGRAPH READINGS -TREE 1..................................................................................... 16 APPENDIX D: RESISTOGRAPH READINGS -TREE 2..................................................................................... 20 APPENDIX E: ASSUMPTIONS & LIMITING CONDITIONS, CERTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE ................................ 24 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 7 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH - EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS PAGE 1 3 INTRODUCTION Monarch Environmental was recently asked to perform a level three assessment of the health and structure of two Lemon Gum trees (Corymbia citriodora) located in the city -maintained parkway fronting 1323 Ashford Lane, in Newport Beach, in order to address concerns that were expressed by the homeowners over the trees' stability and continued suitability for this site. It was communicated to us that the property is slated for an extensive renovation in the coming months, which will include significant excavation activities encompassing the entire lot. There are concerns that the trees' root systems will be impacted by such excavation, as both trees' canopies extend well over the property line and one can surmise that their roots do as well. I conducted a level three assessment of the two trees on August 191h of this year, and my observations and recommendations are briefly summarized below with photos and Resistograph readings found in the attached appendices. OBSERVATIONS TREE 1- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TREE ID # 983931 This eucalyptus is located just to the left of the driveway of 1323 Ashford Lane, and it was found to be in good health, with good vigor and no apparent significant structural defects in its canopy. The canopy is upright in form with mostly vertical branching structure, although it has It has a slight corrected lean toward the home, with a live crown ratio of approximately fifty percent. The height is estimated to be between seventy and eighty-five feet, and it has a trunk diameter of thirty-two inches, as measured at four and a half feet above grade. It is located in an irrigated parkway strip which is planted with Cotoneaster, which is growing up around the tree's root collar. According to publicly available city tree maintenance records, this tree has been pruned regularly over the years, typically on a two-year pruning cycle. The tree had last been pruned in October of 2020 so the canopy was not overgrown at the time of inspection, and I did not note any evidence of hazardous limbs in the crown. There were a couple of small -diameter branches on the ground, but no obvious signs of recent large limb failures. This tree appears to be lifting the adjacent sidewalk, which has been ground and repaired in the past, as well as the adjacent curb and water meter. TREE 2 - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TREE ID # 983932 This eucalyptus is located just to the right of the driveway, and it too was found to be in good health, with good vigor and no apparent significant structural defects in its canopy. The canopy is upright in form with mostly vertical branching structure, with a live crown ratio of approximately fifty percent. The height is estimated to be between sixty and seventy-five feet, and it has a trunk diameter of thirty-seven inches, as measured at four and a half feet above grade. It is located in a parkway strip which is has turf on one side of the tree and drought -tolerant shrubs and pea gravel on the other side. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 7 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH - EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS PAGE 1 4 This tree was also last pruned in October of 2020, the canopy was appropriately dense at the time of inspection, and I did not note any evidence of hazardous limbs in the crown. A large portion of the canopy is overextended over the property line, but I did not note any limbs that appear to be inappropriately heavy or at risk of failure at this time. There is a large nest high in the canopy, but I did not observe any activity during the course of my inspection, so it may be vacant. Tree 2 also appears to be lifting the sidewalk, which has been ground and repaired in the past, and it is also lifting the foundation of the adjacent light post and cracking the curb. There is also a water meter vault that is being encroached upon by the tree's root collar. DISCUSSION A Resistograph test was conducted on each tree, utilizing an IML-RESI PD -400 which drilled sixteen inches into the tree at seven and eight locations, respectively, around the circumference of each tree's root collar. At each location the drill was angled downward between twelve and thirty-two degrees to detect the density of the wood at and below grade. An analysis of the readings shows that there are several small pockets of decay below grade, as well as small cavities within each tree's trunk. When viewing the attached graphs, any section with a rapid drop indicates lack of resistance to the drill bit, which is indicative of a pocket of decay, a crack, and/or a cavity. The bark and cambium layers of trees do not provide the same resistance as heartwood, therefore the readings on the first couple of inches (read right to left) on each graph should not be considered too problematic. What we are looking for are signs of significant structural defects which may be symptomatic of diminished wood strength. CONCLUSIONS At this time, the levels of decay within each tree do not appear to be widespread enough to consider either tree to be at high risk of failure within the next twelve months. As demonstrated in the Tree Risk Assessment matrices below, at this time the trees should be considered a moderate risk. However, if either tree were to sustain severe damage to or the complete loss of multiple structural roots during construction grading activities or any necessary hardscape repairs, it is likely that the risk of whole - tree failure would be increase significantly due to loss of stability as well as the continuing spread of internal decay. If these trees were to have buttress roots severed within just a few feet of their trunks, which seems likely given the scope of excavation planned, the "Likelihood of Failure" would likely increase from "possible" to "probable", which would then push them into the High Risk category. For the purposes of this assessment, the "targets" located within fifty to one hundred feet of these trees include numerous homes, their residents, vehicles, and passersby. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 7 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH - EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS P A G E 15 Likelihood Matrix Likelihood of Failure Likelihood of Impacting Target Very Low Low Medium High Imminent Unlikely Somewhat Likely Likely Very Likely Probable Unlikely Unlikely Somewhat Likely Likely Possible Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Somewhat Likely Improbable Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Risk Rating Matrix Likelihood of Failure & Impact Consequences of Failure Negligible Minor Significant Severe Very Likely Low Moderate High Extreme Likely Low Moderate High High Somewhat Likely Low Low Moderate Moderate Unlikely Low Low Low Low RECOMMENDATIONS It is Monarch's recommendation that prior to the start of construction some exploratory digging utilizing a non-invasive method (such as an Air Spade) be conducted on the outer edge of the sidewalk (on the private property side) between each of the two subject trees and the home. This would serve to determine whether or not there are significant structural roots within the upper soil profile that would be subject to significant damage or destruction during the construction project. If numerous large structural roots are found within the area to be excavated, and the loss of such roots would put the trees at risk of failure, the concept of preventative removal should then be revisited with the City. SUMMARY At this time, both trees should be considered a Moderate Risk. However, in light of the fact that there is already decay present within the base of each tree's trunk, significant root loss would likely put these trees at increased risk of failure within the next few years, either by toppling or the continuing advancement of decay. The loss of critical structural roots would inevitably push them both into the High Risk category. Prior to any disturbance to their root zones, exploratory digging should be done to assess the extent of damage that the trees would have to withstand throughout the construction project. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding my findings or recommendations. Thank you. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH - EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS 107 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE16 SUPPORTING INFORMATION 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA DANA POINT, CA 92624 MOBILE: 949.606.2437 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM fit, _ .,. �. • � • -it -�; 7 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH - EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS P A G E 19 Figure 3: Tree 1, with evidence of ongoing hardscape damage. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM '•� •�~�' �, ' ��. �' 1. .A v w. 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object data From 0,75" to 3.00" : pass, early decay Measurement no.: 2 Needle speed : 5000 r/min Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD - 1 - 2 Needle state O From 0.00" to 0.00" Level Drilling depth :15.780" Til :30" Direction: Date : 19.08.2021 Onset :841338 Species Trine : 13:26:17 Avg. carve : off Lacatton Feed speed :10"Imin Name comment Amplitude [%] 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment From 0,75" to 3.00" : pass, early decay From 3.00" to 9.75" : reasvna8ly sound From 9.75" to 14.00" : cadydecay From 14.00" to 15.80" : sound wood L-1FromOAO" to 0.00" O From 0.00" to 0.00" Comment m...�..memoox Figures 10 and 11: Resistograph readings 1 and 2. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS Measuring I object data M From 0.75 to 350": possearly decay Measurement no.: 3 Needle speed : 5000 drun Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD - 1 - 3 Needle state © From Level Drilling depth :15,760" Tr0 :-27' Direction Date : 19,08.2021 offset 701337 Species Tim :132854 Avg. curve : off Location Feed speed : 10 "lmin Name MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE117 Amplitude [%I 100 Be 6a 40 20 0 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Drilling depth [Inch] 0 Assessment M From 0.75 to 350": possearly decay Fromso 3,50" to 12.00" : und wood (] From 1200" to 1580": advanced decay D From 0.00 to 0.00" D From 0.00" to 0.00" © From 0.00" to 0.00" a¢—Maw Measuring I object data Measurement no.: 4 Needle speed : 5000 r6nin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD- 1 - 4 Needle state Level Drilling depth : 15,780" Tilt : -12' Direction Date : 19,08.2021 Offset :721340 Species Time : 13.32,13 Avg_. curve : off Location Feed speed : 10 "lmin Name Comment Amplitude [%I 100 80 so 40 20 0 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment From 1,00" to 4,00" ; poss. early decay From 4.00" to 15.80 mostly sound woad 0 From 0.00" to 0.00" 0 From 0.00" to 0.00" D From 0,00" to 0,00" D From 000" to 000": Figures 12 and 13: Resistograph readings 3 and 4 Comment 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS Measuring I object data M From 1,20" to 15.80": mostly sound woad Measurement no.: 5 Needle speed : 5000 rhnin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD - 1 - 5 Needle state D From 000° to Level Drilling depth :15,760" Tilt :-20' Direction Date : 19,08.2021 Offset :681337 Species Tim :133520 Avg. curve : off Location Feed speed : 10 "lmin Name MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGEII8 Amplitude [%I 100 80 so 40 20 0 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Drilling depth [inch] 1 Assessment M From 1,20" to 15.80": mostly sound woad From 0,00" to 0,00" O From 0.00" to 0.00" D From 0.00" to 0.00" D From 0,00" to 0,00" D From 000° to 000": ue--eeruss Measuring I object data From Measurement no.: 8 Needle speed 5000 r6nin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD- 1 - 6 Needle state m From 12 Level Drilling depth :15,780" Tilt -32' Direction: Date : 19 D8.2021 Offset 711335 Species Time : 133904 Avg. curve off Location Feed speed : 10 "lmin Name Comment Amplitude [%I 100 30 Bd 40 20 0 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment From 0.50 to 250; poss. early decay ® From 2.50" to 7.80" : reasonably sound From7.80" to 12.00" : advanoetl decay m From 12 .00" to 15.60" : sound wood , From 0.00 " to OAC " D From 0.00" to 000" Measuremen[OOb Figures 14 and 15: Resistograph readings 5 and 6. Comment 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS Measuring I object data M From 10" ,2to 5,50" : poss. early decay Measurement no.: 7 Needle speed : 5000 rhnin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD - 1 - 7 Needle state © From 0001, to Level Drilling depth :15,760" Toff :-29' Direction Date : 19,08.2021 Offset :61!333 Species Tierce :13.45.50 Avg. curve : off Location Feed speed : 10 "!min Name MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGEII9 Amplitude [%I 100 Be 4a 40 20 0 6 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Drilling depth [Inch] 1 Assessment M From 10" ,2to 5,50" : poss. early decay From 550" to 15.80" ": reasonably sound 0 From 0.00" to 0.00 D From 0.00" to 0.00" D From 0,00" to 0,00" © From 0001, to 0 00" uea MG07 Measuring I object data Measurement no.: 8 Needle speed : 5000 Amin Diameter ID numher : 1323 ASHFORD- 1 - 8 Needle state Level Drilling depth :15,780" Tilt :.32' Direction: Date : 19,08.2021 Offset :611387 Species Tjme : 13[50'41 Avg. curve off Location Feed speed : 10 "!min Name Comment Amplitude [%I 100 80 50 40 20 0 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment Comment From 1.25" to 450"; poss, early decay From 4.50" to 9.50" : sound mod From 9.50" to 11.00" : early decay From 11.00" to 15.60" : mostly sound wood O From 0.00" to 0.00" D From 0.00" to 00". meas"reme"moe Figures 16 and 17: Resistograph readings 7 and 8. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS 1 1 APPENDIX D -TREE 2 Measuring / object data Measurem int no.: 9 IN speed ; 5000 r/min ppme�f IDnumber 1323ASHFORD-2-1 Neadle state Level Drilling depth :15.780" Tilt : -26" Direction Date : 19.08,2021 offset 58/349 Specks Time : 13.55,46 Avg. curve : off Lacadon t Feed speed 10"lmin 13:58:15 Nam - 107 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE120 Amplitude Fh] 500 ltd 6o 40 20 0 Comment Assessment From 0,60" to 3.00" : soundmod From 3.00" to 5.00" : advanced decay D From 5,00" to 10.00" early decay From 10,00 " to 10.50 " decay l crack M From 10.50" to 12.80" sound mad From 12,80" to 15.00" : earlydecay Drilling depth ilnch] 1323 ASMard -2 -1 Measuring ! object data Measurement no.: 10 Needle speed ; 5000 rfmin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD - 2-2 Needle slate Level Drilling depth :15.760" Tilt :-20` Direction Date : 19.08.2021 offset :65331 Specks Tim 13:58:15 Avg. curve ; off Location ; Feed speed : 10 "kinin Nam Amplitude M 100 go 60 40 20 0 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment Comment From 0,50 to 6,00": reasonably sound I� From 6.00 " to 7.20 " : early decay O From 7.20 " to 7.75 reaction mad From 7.75 " to 8ca .25 " : decay l crack From 8,25" to 15.80" : mostly sound wood O From 0.00" to 0,00" 1]23 A---2.2 Figures 18 and 19: Resistograph readings 1 and 2. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS Measuring I object data Massuremem no.: 11 Needle speed : 5000 rhnin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD - 2 - 3 Needle state : --- Level Drilling depth : 15,760" Ti0 : -30° Direction Date : 19 M.2021 Offset :621346 Species Tiers : 140051 Avg. curve : off Location Feed speed : 10 "!min Name MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE121 Amplitude [%I 100 80 tm 40 20 9 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Drilling depth [Inch] v Assessment Comment M From 0.70" to 975" : mostly sound wood From 9,75 to 11.25": pass. early decay From 11 25 " to 11 75 " : reaction wood reaction From 11.75" to 15.60" : advanced decay O From 0.00" to 0.09" O From 0.00" to 0.00" raeasumme"mfr Measuring I object data Measurementno.: 12 Needle speed : 5000 dmin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD -2-4 Needle state : --- Level Drilling depth : 15.780" Tilt : -12" Direction Date19,082021 Offset :691347 Species Time 14'.0509 Avg. curve :off Location Feed speed : 10 "/min Name - Amplitude [%] 100 Bo so 40 20 0 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment M From 1,20" to 9.25" : reasonably sound From 0-25" to 11.00 early decay From 11A0" to 12.25": reasonably sound t From 12.25 " to 12.50 " decay I crack E From 12.50" to 14.50" : reasonably sound From 1450" to 15.80" ; advanced decay measuremenwrx Figures 20 and 21: Resistograph readings 3 and 4 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA DANA POINT, CA 92624 Comment MOBILE: 949.606.2437 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS Measuring I object data MFrom 1,00" to 8.25" : M From Measurement no.: 13 Needle speed : 5000 rhnin Diameter ID number : 1323 ASHFORD - 2 - 5 Needle state From 10.75 Level Drilling depth :15,760" Teh :-23° Direction Date : 19 M.2021 offset :571327 Species Time : 14.07.42 Avg. curve : off Location Feed speed : 10 "lmin Name MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE122 Amplitude [%j 100 80 s0 40 20 0 6 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment MFrom 1,00" to 8.25" : M From 0.75" to 300" : early decay From 3,00" to 9.50" : reasonablysound Il From 950" to 1075" : early decay From 10.75 to 15.80" : advanced decay D From 0.00 " to 0.cc " : -22" © From 0-00" to 000" 19,08,2021 0 McOsureme01013 Measuring I object data MFrom 1,00" to 8.25" : reasonahly sound Measurementno.: 14 Needle speed : 5000 renin Diameter ID number :1323 ASHFORD -2-5 Needle state :--- Level Drilling depth : 15.780" Tilt : -22" Direction Date 19,08,2021 Offset :621325 Species Time : 141011 Avg. curve :off Location Feed speed : 10'4min Name Comment Amplitude t%] 100 Bo so 40 20 0 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment MFrom 1,00" to 8.25" : reasonahly sound From 8 25 " to 8-50 " decay I crack From to 10.50" : reasonably sound M From 10.50" to 12.25 early decay E From 12.25" to 15.80" : reasonably sound Q From 000" to 000" ; mwsurenienmri Figures 22 and 23: Resistograph readings 5 and 6. Comment 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS Measuring / object data Measurement no.: 15 Needle speed : 5000 rlmin Diameter ID number 1323 ASHFORD - 2 - 7 Needle state : --- Level Drilling depth 15 780 " Tilt : -15° Direction Date 19.08.2021 Offset : 651325 Species Time : 1414:08 Avg. curve : off Location Feed speed : 10 "lmin Name �07MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 123 Amplitude r/6] 100 S0 60 40 20 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Drilling depth [Inch] Assessment From 0 75 " to 3.50 " : early decay From 3.50" to 6.65" : reasonably sound 0 From 6.65 " to 7.00 " : decay / crack From 7.00" to 10.50" : reasonably sound From 10.50 " to 15.80 " : advanced decay From 0.00 " to 0.00 " Measurement015 Figure 24: Resistograph reading 7. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA DANA POINT, CA 92624 Comment MOBILE: 949.606.2437 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS APPENDIX E ASSUMPTIONS & LIMITING CONDITIONS 7 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE la4 While trees vary in their tolerance to changed conditions, disruption in any form of the environment to which the trees have grown accustomed may result in adverse reaction. Human activity among and near trees is inherently contrary to tree welfare and there are inherent risks associated. The following are limitations to this report: • All information presented herein covers only the trees examined at the area of inspection, and reflects the conditions observed of said trees at the time of inspection. • Observations were performed visually without probing, dissecting, coring, or exaction, unless noted above, and in no way shall the observer be held responsible for any defects that could have only been discovered by performing said services in specific area(s) where a defect was located. • No guarantee or warranty is made, expressed or implied, that defects of the trees inspected may not arise in the future. • No assurance can be offered that if the recommendations and precautionary measures are accepted and followed, that the desired results may be attained. • No responsibility is assumed for the methods used by any person or company executing the recommendations provided in this report. • The information provided herein represents an opinion, and in no way is the reporting of a specified finding, conclusion, or value based on the retainer. • This report is proprietary to Monarch Environmental, Inc., and may not be reproduced in whole or part without written consent. This report has been prepared exclusively for use of the parties to which it has been submitted. • Should any part of this report be altered, damaged, corrupted, or lost the entire evaluation shall be invalid. • The information contained in this report is valid for a period of twelve (12) months, unless otherwise noted. 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 ASHFORD LANE, NEWPORT BEACH — EUCALYPTUS ASSESSMENTS CERTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE 1, Evin Lambert, certify: 7 MONARCH ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE la5 • That I have personally inspected the tree(s) and/or the property referred to in this report, and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation is stated in the attached report and the Terms of Assignment; • That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report and have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; • That the analysis, opinions, and conclusions stated herein are my own; • That my analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted arboricultural practices; • The no one provided significant professional assistance to the consultant, except as indicated within the report; • That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party. I further certify that I am a member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists, Registered Consulting Arborist # 667, and acknowledge, accept, and adhere to the ASCA Standards of Professional Practice. I am an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist, and have been involved in the practice of arboriculture and the study of trees for over fifteen years. Signed Date 34237 VIA SANTA ROSA MOBILE: 949.606.2437 DANA POINT, CA 92624 OFFICE: 949.207.3770 WWW.MONARCHU.COM 1323 Ashford Ln Newport Beach Tree Replacement Requested 0 LFAl ,. jj s 87 ��� r% �h 1 �V'°: ��.;r. _ _ •s.:s •r-- j J, V� '� - `�..- '� � �{ .ice !dam i � e I •s.aF��� /" 1 SO j - '�'`�F'..-• - l -x.fk �.: _ . �:S .a, � 1.C�,.{ t '-rte ' {' ' • � �ge e. ' • The tree roots are limiting access to water and sewer utilities J a jor v. 1 Z r W 'AhTAh 0, 1 i n;w li1 F { c� 'AhTAh 0, 1 o � Ah Ah1 rgh>• [ �Y M ■ AS rgh L City needed Repairs • The curb and gutter, along with the sidewalk will need to be repoured due to the lifting sidewalk, for ADA compliance, utility access, pooling of water, and to meet current city standards • Doing so will damage the trees and put them in high risk of toppling and damaging private property Safety Concerns •There are current safety concerns due to limbs falling during heavy rain or wind. • The size of these trees and their limbs could cause major property damage, public property damage, and pose a risk to public safety and life. New Construction ?ROPOSED SITE PLAN • Construction Reauirements • Demolition of Current Single -Family Home • Building New Single- Family Home • Per Soils Report: • New structural foundation elements should be founded in geotechnically reviewed, engineered fill. • Grading is anticipated to include minor cuts/fills on the order of 0 -1 -feet +/- to obtain design grades and provide for proper site drainage. • For at -grade improvements, unsuitable near surface soils encountered in the upper 3 -feet below proposed pad grades should be removed and recompacted as engineered fill. Remedial excavations should extend to a depth that provides at least 12 -inches of compacted fill beneath proposed foundation elements. • Non-critical hardscape and landscape areas, including the proposed driveway, patios, walkways, and stairs should be over excavated and recompacted to a depth of 2 -feet below existing grades. Locally deeper removals may be required, and actual limits and depth of over -excavation will be determined by AG during grading. r 1 1 ONE STORY BUILDING 1801 GLENWOOD LANE UNL Sf URY BUILDING 1317 ASHFORD LANE f Level 3 Tree Assessment Likelihood Matrix Likelihood of Failure Likelihood of Impacting Target Very Low Low Medium I High Imminent Unlikely Somewhat Likely Likely Very Likely Probable Unlikely Unlikely Somewhat Likely Likely Possible nr�r��t� omewhat Likely Low Low Improbable Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely A. Unlikely Risk Rating Matrix Likelihood of Failure & Impact Conserwces of Failure Negligible Iwll' r Significant Severe Very Likely Low 0derate High Extreme Likely Low Moderate High iModerate High Somewhat Likely nr�r��t� Unlikely Low Low Low Low DISCUSSION A Resistograph test was conducted on each tree, utilizing an IML-RESI PD -400 which drilled sixteen inches into the tree at seven and eight locations, respectively, around the circumference of each tree's root collar. At each location the drill was angled downward between twelve and thirty-two degrees to detect the density of the wood at and below grade. An analysis of the readings shows that there are several small pockets of decay below grade, as well as small cavities within each tree's trunk. When viewing the attached graphs, any section with a rapid drop indicates lack of resistance to the drill bit, which is indicative of a pocket of decay, a crack, and/or a cavity. The bark and cambium layers of trees do not provide the same resistance as heartwood, therefore the readings on the first couple of inches (read right to left) on each graph should not be considered too problematic. What we are looking for are signs of significant structural defects which may be symptomatic of diminished wood strength. • SUMMARY At this time, both trees should be considered a Moderate Risk. However, in light of the fact that there is already decay present within the base of each tree's trunk, significant root loss would likely put these trees at increased risk of failure within the next few years, either by toppling or the continuing advancement of decay. The loss of critical structural roots would inevitably push them both into the High Risk category. Prior to any disturbance to their root zones, exploratory digging should be done to assess the extent of damage that the trees would have to withstand throughout the construction project. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding my findings or recommendations. Thank you