HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-276_20211117_Project DescriptionARC Balboa Island 224 Marine Ave | Newport Beach California | 92662 November 15, 2021 Project Descrip-on To: City of Newport Beach Planning Department Project: ARC Balboa Island – 224 Marine Avenue We are happy to present to the City of Newport Beach an exciGng new full-service restaurant project, ARC Balboa Island, to be located at 224 Marine Avenue. The proposed project will require the exisGng building to be demolished and proposes to construct a peGte 1,102 sq. O. building. This building will be set towards the rear of the premises, and will resemble a classic Balboa Island “coQage”. This coQage will serve as a backdrop for ARC Balboa Island’s most unique feature; outdoor space in the style of a garden and serving as ARC’s al-fresco dining paGo. The coQage will house the restaurant’s kitchen and prep areas, as well as two ADA accessible restrooms. The full-service restaurant will be outdoor seaGng only on the 484 s.q. O. paGo, no indoor seaGng is proposed. Given the compact 2,250 s.f. lot area, on-site parking is infeasible. Included with our applicaGon is an alternate site plan showing the impracGcable nature of on-site parking. The proposed project’s styling is an homage to summer on Balboa Island. The “coQage” and outdoor dining paGo will resemble a nostalgic Balboa Island front porch and we hope to serve as Marine Avenue’s “front porch” for residents and visitors. The unexpected site plan enhances the Balboa Island community by replacing the dilapidated premises with a new building that will increase accessibility and will further beauGfy Marine Avenue. The proposed project, ARC Balboa Island, will be a reiteraGon of its sister concept, ARC Butcher & Baker, which is a local’s favorite on the Balboa Peninsula. ARC Butcher & Baker’s outdoor dining paGo has operated in harmony with the Cannery Village district and has become a beloved amenity to visitors, travelers and the local community. ARC Balboa Island hopes to bring the same sense of community that ARC Butcher & Baker has brought to Cannery Village through its approachable new American fare and its relaxing outdoor paGo. 1 PA2021-276 The goals and objecGves of the CondiGonal Use Permit will be to enhance and serve the Newport Beach residenGal, commercial and office districts by providing healthy, fresh and farm- to table meals to the community. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Reminiscent of the tradiGonal European garden, ARC Balboa Island will offer Balboa Islanders and visitors a unique way to dine; on our quaint al-fresco paGo. The al-fresco paGo is the highlight of the property and will feature flowering succulents and whimsical drought tolerant plants. A second story herb garden will serve to fulfill the kitchen’s herb needs and offer table shade for paGo seaGng below. The inset paGo will create an inviGng environment that will enhances the sophisGcaGon of Balboa Island, but in a relaxed and casual way. Along Marine Avenue, the paGo will have a “secret garden feel” with tall and lush planters and trees, offering privacy and coverage to our guests. Our sister paGo at ARC Butcher & Baker has been described as one of the most beauGful outdoor spaces on the Balboa Peninsula, and we plan to create a similar sense of understated elegance and bring a new sense of community to Balboa Island. The outdoor landscaping plan includes planters, poQed plants and will feature drought tolerant flowering succulents. The paGo has trench drainage plan at both the Marine Avenue side, as well as, in the rear of the premises on the alley way. Our proposed drainage plan will ensure that there will be no run off from plant watering or cleaning. The drainage plan will be consistent with the all applicable drainage requirements. Our proposed outdoor paGo will increase accessibility for visitors and locals. Our proposed project offers both an ADA ramp and separate stair exit for guests to Marine Avenue. Currently, the exisGng building at 224 Marine Avenue is not ADA compliant and is not accessible to all visitors. Throughout the last two years, our sister restaurant, ARC Butcher & Baker has assisted in revitalizing an underuGlized and disconnected village, ARC has propagated the Cannery Village district into a cohesive neighborhood with life at every turn. Our proposed on-site beer and wine is congruent with many other businesses on Marine Avenue. In addiGon to being similar in use to other surrounding businesses, our unique site-plan will further miGgate noise and view to nearby residents as the outdoor paGo seaGng will be paralleled by two full cinderblock walls on each side of the premises, and the two-story coQage at the rear of the property offers an aQracGve block for both view and noise reducGon. Our proposed business hours, are also conducive to the current hours kept by other businesses and establishments on Marine Avenue. Due to ARC Balboa Island’s proximity to hotels, residences, short-term rentals, seasonal rentals, businesses and waterways, we believe that our proposed project will not only increase accessibility and community, but offers a glimpse of the future for the commercial areas of 2 PA2021-276 Balboa Island. In other high density, mixed-use, urban areas, parking requirements oOen diminish despite the increase in density / populaGon. Although there may be an increase in density / populaGon, there is also a decrease distance for commuGng, as residents adapt to a village lifestyle, where they walk and use alternate means of transportaGon. Many of our exisGng staff members live near the locaGon and plan to walk or bike to work. We have seen a change in the way visitors, residents and locals have moved to alternaGve transportaGon via electric bicycles, bikes, uber/lyO, walking, and of course, in true Newport Beach fashion, via Duffy. Project Parameters: a.Lot Area = 2,250 s.f. b.Lot Width = 30’-0” c.Lot Depth = 75’-0” d.Setbacks: 1.Front = 32’-0” 2.Rear = 10’-0” from property line to trash enclosure 3.Rear = 16’-8” from the property line to the proposed building 4.Side (s) = 2” e.Gross Floor Area = 1,102 s.f. (45’-4” x 29’-8”) f.Floor Area RaGon = 1,102 / 2,250 = .489% g.Lot Coverage = 1,980 / 4,175.9 = .487% h.Building Height = 24’-1” to top of parapet i.Outdoor Area = 484 s.f. paGo and landscaping .025% j.Pavers = 484 s.f. k.Parking = 0 Van HC Stall + 0 Standard Stalls = 0 Stalls Bicycle Stalls = 20 bicycles l.Number of Employees = 4 Max at one Gme. For example; 2 cooks, 1 manager, 1 server. m.Number of Indoor Seats = 0 seats Number of Outdoor Seats = 26 – all seats are ADA accessible n.Dwelling Units = Not Applicable o.Hours of OperaGon 7am to 9pm (Monday thru Thursday) 7am to 10pm (Friday thru Sunday) p.Use = Full Service Restaurant q.Alcohol Service = On-site Beer and Wine Our proposed project is consistent with the General Plan land use designaGon applicable to the site. The Use is allowed within applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Code, Municipal code and Local Coastal Program. 3 PA2021-276 Our project is similar in operaGon to exisGng neighborhood takeout establishments, cafés and restaurants. Our total number of parking stalls is 0. We are requesGng a full parking waiver for the proposed project. The total number of employees on-site at any Gme is 4. Our project is compaGble and is suitable in terms of design, locaGon, shape, size, operaGng characterisGcs, and the provisions of public and emergency vehicles (e.g. fire and medical access) and public services / uGliGes. Our project has two access entrances off of Marine Avenue on the front of the building and one access off the Alley in the rear of building. Our proposed project is compaGble with the surrounding community and is suitable in terms of the operaGon and locaGon. Our proposed project is not in any form detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City. Our project is not a hazard to the public convenience, health interest, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of proposed use. Our project has a 7am to 10pm operaGonal hours. Our proposed project provides a clear and accessible path of travel to all building occupants and customers for take-out and dine-in. Our trash enclosure is within the City required 10’ setback to Alley property line. Our intenGon is to blend in with the exisGng neighborhood while enhancing and serving the exisGng Balboa Island residenGal, commercial and office districts. Thank you, Marin Howarth Blom (714) 350-0853 224 Marine Ave, LLC. 425 30TH Street #26 Newport Beach, CA 92663 4 PA2021-276