HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-068_NOE_Pacifica Christian High School General Plan Amendment_Zoning Change_File-posted_10-14-21CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 CIVIC CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658- HUGH NGUYEN CLERK-RECORDER Office of the Orange County Clerk-Recorder Memorandum SUBJECT: NOTICE OF EXEMPTION The attached notice was received, filed and a copy was posted on 10/14/2021 It remained posted for 30 (thirty) days. Hugh Nguyen Clerk -Recorder In and for the County of Orange By: Selina Gallegos Deputy Public Resource Code 21092.3 BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMES MARRIAGE LICENSES/RECORDS NOTARY REGISTRATION ORANGE COUNTY ARCHIVES PASSPORTS PROPERTY RECORDS The notice required pursuant to Sections 21080.4 and 21092 for an environmental impact report shall be posted in the office of the County Clerk of each county *** in which the project will be located and shall remain posted for a period of 30 days. The notice required pursuant to Section 21092 for a negative declaration shall be so posted for a period of 20 days, unless otherwise required by law to be posted for 30 days. TI1e County Clerk shall post notices within 24 hours of receipt. Public Resource Code 21152 All notices filed pursuant to this section shall be available for public inspection, and shall be posted * * * within 24 hours of receipt in the office of the County Clerk. Each notice shall remain posted for a period of 30 days. * * * Thereafter, the clerk shall return the notice to the local lead agency * * * within a notation of the period it was posted. The local lead agency shall retain the notice for not less than nine months. Additions orchanges by underline; deletions by*** (714) 834-2500 ♦ FAX: (714) 834-2675 ♦ OCRECORDER.COM ♦ OCARCHIVES.COM PA2021-068 · 1·, •·· •.·. . ' State of California -Department of Fish and Wildlife .. 2021 ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT DFW 753.Sa (REV. 01/01/21) Previously DFG 753.Sa SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY. LEAD AGENCY I LEAD AGENCY EMAIL CITY OF NEWPORT PLANNING DIVISION COUNTY/STATE AGENCY OF FILING PROJECT TITLE RECEIPT NUMBER: 30 -10/14/2021 -0842 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER (If applicable) DATE 10/14/2021 DOCUMENT NUMBER 202185000861 PACIFICA CHRISTIAN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING CHANGE PROJECT APPLICANT NAME PROJECT APPLICANT EMAIL PHONE NUMBER (949) 644-3227 PACIFIC CHRISTIAN SCHOOL , DAVID O'NEILL PROJECT APPLICANT ADDRESS CITY 833 W 15TH ST NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT APPLICANT (Check appropriate box) D Local Public Agency D School District D Other Special District CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: D Environmental Impact Report (EIR) D Mitigated/Negative Declaration (MND)(ND) D Certified Regulatory Program (CRP) document -payment due directly to CDFW ~ Exempt from fee ~ Notice of Exemption (attach) D CDFW No Effect Determination (attach) D Fee previously paid (attach previously issued cash receipt copy) D Water Right Application or Petition Fee (State Water Resources Control Board only) 0 County documentary handling fee D Other PAYMENT METHOD: ! STATE CA ZIP CODE 92663 D State Agency 0 Private Entity $3,445.25 $2,480.25 $1,171.25 $850.00 $ $ $ $ ________ o_.o_o $ . 0.00 ----------- $ ________ o._o_o 0.00 50.00 D Cash ~ Credit □ Check D Other TOT AL RECEIVED $ 50.00 AGENCY OF FILING PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DEPUTY CLERK, SANDRA VALENCIA LOPEZ ORIGINAL-PROJECT APPLICANT COPY-CDFW/ASB COPY -LEAD AGENCY COPY -COUNTY CLERK DFW 753.5a (Rev. 01012021) PA2021-068 Orange C~unty CJ.er-;k-Recordel'..'' s Off ice Hugh Nguyen 601. N. Rc>ss ➔ Street 92701 County Finalization: 20210000555229 10/14/21 4:20 pm 427 SC4A Item Title Count 1 Z01 1 ·' EIR.: Exempt 01~· ·· Previously Paid Documel'.lt ID Amount DOC# 202185000861 50.oo· Time Reco:r:d.ed 4 : 2 0 pm Total 50.00 Payment Type Amount Credit Card tendered 50.00 # 05706G Amount Due O. 00 THANK YOU PLEASE.~ RETAIN THIS RECEIF.>T FOR YOUR RECORDS. ,,,.r\f\1w. ocrecc:11\::ler. corn PA2021-068 ORANGE COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER CEQA FILING COVER SHEET Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder I IIIII I I IIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111 50 · 00 * $ R O O 1 3 2 5 0 0 9 3 $ * 202185000861 4:20 pm 10/14/21 427 SC4AZ01 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 THIS SPACE FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY Complete and attach this form to each CEQA Notice filed with the County Clerk-Recorder TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Proiect Title PACIFICA CHRISTIAN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING CHANGE Check Document being Filed: Q Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Q Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) or Negative Declaration (ND) @ Notice of Exemption (NOE) Q Other (Please fill in type): FILED OCT 14 2021 HUGH NGUYEN, CL.ERK-RECORDER BY: __ 7QJ_ --------------------. FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY CLE.RK-RECORPER ON October 14, 2021 Posted October 14, 2021 Removed ----- Returned ~agency on DEPUTY ~e\fl.a C-,g l\-ec10~ Filing fees are due at the time a Notice of Determination/Exemption is filed with our office.For more information on filing fees and No Effect Determinations, please refer to California Code of Regulations, Title 14, section 753.5. DEPUTY PA2021-068 To: County Clerk County of Orange Public Services Division Santa Ana, CA 92702 Project Title: Pacifica Christian General Plan Amendment and Zoning Change Project Applicant: Pacific Christian School, David O'Neill .,-},;,.¼ Project Location -Specific: 1499 Monrovia Avenue rlLt:U From: City of Newport Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949 644-3200 9- Project Location -City: Project Location -County: ~ Newport Beach Orange Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: CJ f- G-e-ne-r-al_P_la-n -A-me_n_d_m-en-t-an_d_Z_on-in_g_c-ha-n-ge_f_ro_m_R_e_si-de-n-tia-1-to-P-riv-a-te-ln ...... s-tit-ut-io-n -to-a-llo_w_i_or-th_e_o_pe-ra-t-ion_o_f_a_sc_h_oo-1-at-th_e_p-ro-pe_rt_y_. ---~ ~~ Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: City of Newport Beach Chelsea Crager, Associate Planner Exempt Status: (check one): D Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268); D Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); D Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); ~ Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: _S_ec_. 1_5_06~0(.....,c}_(2_,_) _______________ _ D Statutory Exemptions. State code number: _______________________ _ Reasons why project is exempt: The City has analyzed potential environmental effects of the proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change and has determined that the action is not subject to CEQA pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical changes to the environment, directly or indirectly. It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the approved activity will have a significant effect on the environment because the property is currently developed with an office building and no additional d_evelopment is contemplated as a part of this General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. The project would change the· General Plan and Zoning designation from multiple Unit Residential to Private Institution. The subject property is currently, and has historically been, used as a commercial property since its development. The office building operates under an abatement to the residential zoning designation, and the property has never been used for residential development, and no such development is planned for the site. As a result, residential uses will not be impacted because there is no residential use on the property. There are no cumulative impacts or significant effects that would result from this activity as contemplated by Sections 15300.2(b) and 15300.2(c), which prevent the use of a Categorical Exemption in this instance. Lead Agency Contact Person: Chelsea Crager If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. Area Code/Telephone/Extension: (949) 644-3227 2/~as a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? ~ Yes D No Date: Title: Associate Planner OCT -14 2021 l 0 0 rf\ Authority cited: Sections 21083 and 21110, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 21108, 21152, and 21152.1, Public Resources Code. ORANGE COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER DEPARTMENT BY: ___ Y, __ ~97 ___ _,DEPUTY PA2021-068