HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-260_20220207_Updated Traffic Summary Memo_1-5-22    CARLSBAD CLOVIS IRVINE LOS ANGELES PALM SPRINGS POINT RICHMOND RIVERSIDE ROSEVILLE SAN LUIS OBISPO 20 Executive Park, Suite 200, Irvine, California  92614     949.553.0666     www.lsa.net     MEMORANDUM  DATE: January 5, 2022  TO: Jonathan Bailey, Golf Realty Fund  FROM: Ken Wilhelm, LSA  SUBJECT: Newport Beach Country Club Traffic and Parking Analysis Update, Newport Beach,  California  LSA prepared this traffic analysis memorandum to update the 2009 Traffic Study prepared by  Kimley‐Horn and Associates for the proposed Newport Beach Country Club Project (project). The  existing project site includes 24 tennis courts, and 5,560 square feet (sf) of spa/fitness/office use.  The 2009 Traffic Study proposed to remove 17 tennis courts and construct 27 bungalows and 5  single‐family homes (The Villas). According to the 2009 Traffic Study, the proposed project, upon  completion, would have included 7 tennis courts, 5,560 sf of spa/fitness/office use, 27 bungalows,  and 5 single‐family homes.  The revised proposed project includes changes to what appeared in the 2009 Traffic Study, including  the addition of 1 tennis court and 14 bungalows/bungalow lofts/fairway lofts, and expansion of the  spa/fitness/office use by 4,511 sf. Upon completion, the revised proposed project will include 8  tennis courts, 10,071 sf of spa/fitness/office use, 41 bungalows/bungalow lofts/fairway lofts, and 5  condominiums. Figure 1 shows the project site plan.  This traffic analysis memorandum identifies the trip generation and parking requirements based on  the updated project description.  TRIP GENERATION  Based on the 2009 Traffic Study (provided in Attachment A), the previously approved project  description generated fewer daily trips and a.m. and p.m. peak‐hour trips compared to the existing  uses on site, including 24 tennis courts.  The proposed project now includes 8 tennis courts, 10,071 sf of spa/fitness/office use, 41  bungalows/bungalow lofts/fairway lofts, and 5 condominiums which include 2 single family  (detached) lots. Table A presents the proposed project trip generation summary.     SOURCE: Stearns ArchitectureFEET3001500FIGURE 1I:\NBC2101\G\Site_Plan.ai (8/27/2021)Site PlanNewport Beach Country Club   1/5/22 «P:\NBC2101\Doc\Traffic Summary Memo3.docx»  3  Table A: Proposed Project Trip Generation Summary    Land Use Size Unit ADT  AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour  In Out Total In Out  Total  Trip Rates1  Tennis Court2   Court 30.32  0.66  0.66  1.32  2.11  2.10  4.21   Hotel   Room 7.99  0.26  0.20  0.46  0.30  0.29  0.59   Single Family Attached Housing   DU 7.20  0.15  0.33  0.48  0.32  0.25  0.57   Single Family Detached Housing   DU 9.43  0.18  0.52  0.70  0.59  0.35  0.94   Approved Project Trip Generation (2009)3  Tennis Court 24  Court 728  16  16  32  51  50  101   Total Approved Trip Generation      728  16  16  32  51  50  101   Project Trip Generation  Tennis Court 8  Court 243  5  6  11  17  16  33   Bungalow/Bungalow Loft/Fairway Loft 41  Room 328  11  8  19  12  12  24   Condominium (The Villas, attached) 3  DU 22  0  1  1  1  1  2   Condominium (The Villas, detached) 2  DU 19  0  1  1  1  1  2   Total Trip Generation     612  16  16  32  31  30  61   Net Trip Generation     (116) 0  0  0  (20) (20) (40)  1 Trip rates referenced from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition (2021).        Land Use Code 490 ‐ Tennis Court      Land Use Code 310 ‐ Hotel      Land Use Code 215 ‐ Single‐Family Attached Housing      Land Use Code 210 ‐ Single‐Family Detached Housing   2 The ITE Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition does not provide the a.m. peak hour trip rate and the p.m. peak hour directional  distribution.     The a.m. peak hour trip rate and the p.m. peak hour directional distribution is based on the ITE Trip Generation Publication, 8th Edition.  3 2009 Traffic Study prepared by Kimley‐Horn and Associates.   ADT = average daily trips   DU = dwelling unit     As shown in Table A, with the addition of 1 tennis court, 4,511 sf of spa/fitness/office use (which is  ancillary to the bungalow land use), and 14 bungalows/bungalow lofts/fairway lofts to what was  proposed in the 2009 Traffic Study, the revised proposed project continues to generate fewer daily  trips and p.m. peak‐hour trips compared to the existing uses. In addition, the revised proposed  project does not change the a.m. peak‐hour trips compared to existing uses.           1/5/22 «P:\NBC2101\Doc\Traffic Summary Memo3.docx»  4  PARKING  Based on the 2009 Traffic Study, the proposed project required 97 parking spaces using the parking  rates outlined in the Newport Beach Country Club Planned Community District Plan (PCD Plan). The  proposed project provided 113 parking spaces on site. As such, there was a surplus of 16 parking  spaces on site based on the previous proposed project.  The proposed addition of 1 tennis court, 4,511 sf of spa/fitness/office use, and 14 bungalows/ bungalow lofts/fairway lofts would result in 134 required parking spaces. Table B presents a  summary of the parking requirement for each use. As shown in Table B, the revised proposed  project would provide a total parking supply of 143 spaces on site. As such, with the proposed  changes, the revised proposed project would continue to meet the parking requirements outlined in  the PCD Plan. There would be a surplus of 9 parking spaces provided on site.  Table B: Proposed Project Parking Demand Summary    Land Use Size Parking Rate1 Parking Required Parking Provided Surplus (Deficit)  Tennis Club 8 courts 4 spaces per court 32 78 5  Spa/Fitness/Office 10,071 sf 4 spaces per 1,000 sf 41  Bungalow  41 units  1 space per unit  41  19  4 Bungalow Loft 1 space per unit 8  Fairway Loft 1 space per unit 18  Condominium 5 du 4 spaces per du 20 20 0  Total      134 143 9  1 Parking rates referenced from the Newport Beach Country Club Planned Community District Plan Development Standards    CONCLUSIONS  The Newport Beach Country Club proposes a change to the land uses analyzed in 2009. As a result,  the conclusions of the 2009 Traffic Study will remain. The revised proposed project will generate  fewer daily trips and p.m. peak‐hour trips than existing uses and will not add trips in the a.m. peak‐ hour. As such, the revised proposed project is not anticipated to result in any operational or level of  service (LOS) deficiencies with the proposed changes. Furthermore, the revised proposed project  would continue to meet the parking requirements outlined in the PCD Plan.  If you have any questions, please contact me at (949) 433‐6429.  Attachment: A – Newport Beach Country Club Clubhouse/Tennis Improvement Project Traffic  Study (2009)  TRAFFIC AND PARKING ANALYSIS UPDATE  JANUARY 2022  NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA   P:\NBC2101\Doc\Traffic Summary Memo3.docx (01/05/22)  ATTACHMENT A    NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE/TENNIS IMPROVEMENT  PROJECT TRAFFIC STUDY (2009)  Traffic and Parking Evaluation for: Newport Beach Country Club Clubhouse I Tennis Improvement Project In the City of Newport Beach Prepared for: City of Newport Beach August.2009 ©KimIeyHorn and Associates,Inc TRAFFIC AND PARKING EVALUATION FOR NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUI3 CLUBHOUSE /TENNIS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Preparedfor: City of Newport Beach PrL’pared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc. 765 I’he (‘ity 1)rive.Suite 400 Orange.California 92868 -l ugusl.200 TRAFFIC AND PARKING EVALUATiON FOR THE NEWLORT BEA(’H COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE I TENNIS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH [ABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I PROJLCI I)IiSCRIPTION I Existing Project I Proposed Project 2 PROJECT TRAFFIC 4 Project Irip Generation 4 SITE ACCESS AND CIRCULATiON SITE PARKING 7 LIST OF FIGURES Figure I -.Proposed Site Plan 3 F iiure 2 Proposed }mprvemenls to Irvine Terrace 6 LIST OF TABLES Table i Sunimar of Existing and Proposed uses 2 Table 2 Summary of Project Trip Generation 4 Table 3 Summary of Parking Rates 7 Table 4 —Summary of Parking Required and Provided TRAFFIC AND PARKING EVALUATION FORTHE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE I TENNIS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared to provide a traffic and parking evaluation for the proposed Neport I3each Country Club Clubhouse and lennis Improvenient Project.Newport Beach Country Club (NBCC)is an existing private golf and tennis club located on East Coast I lighway in the Cit of’Newport Beach.The NBCC owner proposes to remodel the facility to remove or reduce the size of some of the site facilities,increase others.and to add residential and resort lodging components Information for this report has been taken from the Newport Beach Country Club Planned Community District Plan (the PCD Plan),hich provides details about the proposed changes to the NBCC’site,and provides parking and development standards fir the proposed project. This report will provide a review of the proposed changes to the site uses,site access,and on-site circulation;and will provide an estimate of the change in traffic generation that would result from the proposed site changes.This report will also provide an evaluation of the proposed parking standards and the adequacy of the parking supply. PROJECT I)ESCRIPTION Existing Project The Newport Beach Country Club is located on the north side of East Coast I1igha,between Jamboree Road and Newport Center Drive,in the City of Newport Beach.Ihe site is comprised of private golf’club and tenms club Ilicilities,totaline,approximatel\145 acres. The goB’club portion of’the site consists of an I 8—hole championship golf course,putting green. golf clubhouse,and golf accessory buildings.The clubhouse contains dining and drinking areas for members,a pro shop,and men’s and oriien’s locker rooms.Golf accessor\buildings include a golf cart storage barn,a greens-keeper building,restroom facilities,a snack shack,and a starter shack,The tennis club portion of the site consists of a pro shop and lounge,locker rooms. and 24 tenms courts. NBCC Clubhouse I Tennis Improvement Project -1 -August,2009 Traffic and Parking Evaluation The primary access to the Newport l3each (‘ountry Club is provided via a drive aisle that connects to the end of Irs me Terrace,v hich in turn connects to East Coast I lighway (State l-Iighwav I Irvine Terrace also provides access to the adjacent Corporate Plaza West development.Ike intersection of Irvine Terrace at East Coast I{ighwa is signalized. The maul NBCC drive aisle (labeled (‘ountrv Club l)rive on the site plaii splits in both directions from the end of Irvine Ferrace.ss ith the drive aisle to the left leading to the main parking area in front of the golf clubhouse,and the drive aisle to the right leading to the parking for the tennis courts.On the far side of the tennis parking area is a driveway connection to Granvihle Drise. which provides a direct connection to Newport Center Drive. Parking for NBCC consists of a large surface parking lot in front of the golf’clubhouse building with 420 parking spaces.and a surface lot adjacent to the tennis courts with 125 parking spaces Proposed Project The proposed project involves the remodel or replacement of sonic of’the site facilities,the removal of some Facilities,and the construction of a number of nes facilities.Upon completion. the site ssill consist of the 18-hole golf course,7 tennis courts.27 rental hungalos.and 5 custom single-family homes.A cops of the proposed project site plan is provided on Figure 1 A summar of the existing site uses and the proposed site changes is provided on Table I. TABLE I N I,WPORT BEACh (‘()UNTR\CLU B SUMMAR\OF EXISTING ANI)PROPOSEL)USES Quantity Land Use tlnits Existing Proposed (‘haiigc Golf Course I loles 18 18 I) I’ennisCourts Courts 24 7 -17 Bungalows Rooms 0 27 27 Villas Dwelling Units 0 5 5 1 he site plan indicates that the project entry and circulation through the site s dl be modified,and the parking areas ssill he recontigure(l.A total of 413 parking spaces will he provided to servc the ncs site uses. NBCC Clubhouse /Tennis Improvement Project -2 -August,2009 Traffic and Parking Evaluation PROJECT TRAFFIC Project Trip Generation trip .Leneration estinuites for the proposed Neport Beach Country (‘lob project ‘cre derived 1mm the Institute of iransportation l:ngirieers (lIE)Trip Generation.(11 Edition)puhheation. Based on the existing and proposed land uses at the protect site,four I li Land Use Categories %ere used tbr this analvis; •Golf Course tCategory 430). •Racquet I Tennis Club (Category 491). •Hotel (Catego 310).and •Single-Family Residential (C’atego 210). [he daily and peak hour trip generation rates used fl,r each catego are shown on ‘fable 2 TABLE 2 NEWPORT BE.CH COUNTRY CLUB SL1MARi OF PROJECT [RIP (;ENER.V[ION ml)Generation Rates lYE ANI Peak Hour PM Ptak hour Land Ise (‘ode I.nit Daily In Out Total In Out I otat GolI(ourse 431)Hole 35.74 1.76 R47 2.23 1.23 151 2.74 lennistourts 491 (ourt 38.70 0.66 1L66 1.32 1.68 l.(8 336 I bid 3 Ii)Room 8.17 0.34 0.22 0.56 9,3 I I).28 059 Sin —lami h Residential 211)Ut 9.57 0,19 0.56 0.75 0.04(1 (1.371)I .01 ________ Trip Generation Estimates — AM Peak hour PM Peak hour Land Use Daily In Out Total In Out Total Existing Uses (olI’(’ourse 18 Holes__-643 32 8 40 22 27 49 I ennis Courts 24 (‘ourt.s 929 16 16 2 4(1 41)81) Total Trips -Existing Uses 1,572 48 24 72 62 6’7 129 Proposed Uses (ioIf Course 18 Holes (s4.32 8 4))22 27 39 FennisCouris 2 (‘ourls 271 5 5 10 2 2 24 Hotci (Gotfand tennis Bunuatows)27 Rooms 221 9 6 15 8 8 16 Sinte-FamiI Residential ((‘he \‘i(lu.s)5 II 48 1 3 4 3 2 5 ‘I otal Trips -l’roposed Uses 1,183 47 22 69 45 49 94 Net Ne [rips -389 -I -2 -3 -17 -IX -35 Source;Institute nilransportation nginecrs l’l’F)Fri p (ieneration publication 8th dition) lit’=l)elling t nit NBCC Clubhouse I Tennis Improvement Project -4 -August.2009 Traffic and Parking Evaluation Trip generation lbr the existing and the proposed pmject uses are based on the land use quantities for each land use,as shown on Table 2.Trips generated by the existing land uses were cileiilated and subtracted from the trips that will he generated h’the proposed development. Table 2 shows that with the removal of 17 tennis courts,and the addition of 27 hotel rooms ([he Bungalows)and 5 custom homes (The Villas),the proposed Newport Beach Countr Club project is estimated to generate 39 léwer trips er day than the existing uses,with 3 fewer trips in the morning peak hour,and 35 few er trips in the evening peak hour. Since the proposed Newport Beach Countr Club project will generate less dail and peak hour trallic than the existing development on the site,no anaksis of the project’s traffic impact on the surrounding Street sstem is necessary. SITE ACCESS AND CIRCULATION ‘[he project site plan reflects proposed on—site changes to the main parking area in front of the Golf Clubhouse.including landscaping and beautification of the area,and minor changes to the site circulation The site’s access to the public street system at East Coast Ilighwav (via Irvine Terrace)and at (irauville Drive will remain. A copy of the proposed improvements on Irvine ‘lerrace is provided on Figure 2.Irvine lerrace will be improved to provide a landscaped median,and will he striped to delineate two inbound lanes and two outbound lanes.It is recommended that the Id-turn pocket at the intersection of E. Coast Highway be lengthened to provide a minimum of 100 let plus the transition. Access to the golf clubhouse will he improved as follows: •A new drive aisle with a drop—off area will he added to the front of’the clubhouse,A second internal entry’point to the main parking lot will be added at the northwest corner of the lot.The parking rows in the main both of the parking lot will he reconfigured to an east—west orientation,with access aisles provided on both ends of parking lot.l’ach of the drive aisles is shown to he 26 lèet in width,which provides adequate rooni br circulation.turning,and hacking for 90—degree parking spaces. •The secondary entrance to the golf course parking lot which is located itumediatel adlacent to the Irvine I’errace /East (‘oast Highway intersection,as well as the external drive aisle that runs parallel to East Coast Highway heteeii the parking lot and East Coast Highway.will he eliminated,and the affected area will be incorporated into the parking area, •Pedestrian access from the golf’course parking lot will be Irnpro ed h a pedestrian w alkw a with enhanced paving through the center of the parking lot.connecting directly to the golf clubhouse. NBCC Clubhouse /Tennis Improvement Project -5 -August,2009 Traffic and Parking Evaluation NOTTOSCALEFIGURE2PROPOSEDCIRCULATIONMODIFICATIONS1A-IKimley—‘r;andAssociates,incj--iiiIJC,0flLENAA:A11,7OL-¶24onK:\cO\2SAC’K).\K..pta.KKeI,ya\NBCC-o’NI\2dS..&Itd-l Access to the tennis area and new development will he improved as follows: •‘[he drive aisle leadim.to the tennis area ill he shifted slightly to the south (closer to Last Coast I ligl1%ay)to accommodate the new development. •A ne access road and cul-de-sac will provide access to The Bungalov.s and to The Villas,which will be constructed on a portion of the area now developed with tennis courts.Parallel parking will be allowed along the road.hut not on thc cul—de—sac. •Small parking areas will be added by the tennis courts,tennis clubhouse,and hungalus. to provide convenient access for each of these uses. SITE PARKIN(; The de elopment standards in the Newport Beach (ountn Club Planned Cornmunit [)istrict Plan (PC’D Plan)include parking requirements for each of the proposed site uses.A surnmar of the parking rates specified in the Planned Community District Plan,compared to the parking code requirements spccmlied in the City of’New port Beach Zoning Code is provided on Table 3. TABLE 3 NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB SUMMARY OF PARKIN(;RATES Parking Requirement Newport Beach Land Use NBCC PCD Plan Zoning Code As specified by the (loll Course 244 total Planning Director ‘l’ennis Club 4 per court 4 per court Tennis Spa 4 per 1,000 SF 4 per 1.000 SI: Bungalows (Bed &Breakfast)I per rental unit I per guest room,plus 2 2 covered mid 2 off ViHas (Single-Family Residence)Street per home 2 enclosed per unit As reflected on Fable 3.the parking standards proposed in the PC[)Plan are generally similar to the (‘ity’s parking code requirements.ith the exception of the parking requirement for the Golf Course.[he PC’D Plan has established a parking requirement of 244 park ing spaces for the Golf Course and the (iolfClubhouse.[he (‘itv’s Zoning Code does not specih a parking rate for golf’ courses,but rather indicates that the parking requirement for “other comiimercial recreation uses” viTI he ‘As specified h the Planning Director”. NBCC Clubhouse /Tenrus Improvement Project -‘7 -August.2009 Traffic and Parking Evaluation Although the PCI)Plan does not provide a breakdown of how the 244-space requirement was derived,it appears to be reasonable,based on the following analysis: [he Institute of l’ransportation Engineers (lIE)Parking Generation publication contains parking rates for golf courses,based on empirical data collected at a number of golf course facilities. including 18-hole golf courses.The ITE data indicates that the parking demand for an I 8-hole golf course ranged from 8.33 to 10.33 parking spaces per hole.The average of each of the peak parking demands for all golf courses studied was 8.68 spaces per hole.if the highest parking rate of 10.33 spaces per hole is applied,the parking requirement for the NBCC golf course would he 186 spaces (18 holes x 10.33 spaces per hole =185.9 spaces). Assuming a worst-case condition during golf course operations.$of the 10.33 spaces per hole would account for a foursome on every hole,if every golfer drove their own vehicle to the golf course.This would Ieae 6.33 spaces per hole tbr other people waiting for their tee time,plus people on tile driving range,at the putting green.in the lounge,or in the restaurant. The parking requirement of 244 parking spaces suggested by the PCD Plan would provide an additional 58 spaces for parking demand that might occur above and beyond the 10.33 per hole (244 spaces required by the PUD Plan —186 spaces required using [FE maximum rates 58 additional spaces).A parking requirement of’244 spaces appears reasonable for the NI3C’C Golf Course and Clubhouse.The project site plan (Figure 1,previously presented)indicates that a total of 300 parking spaces are proposed for the golf course parking lot. The parking required for all of the uses proposed for the NBCC project is summarized on Table 4.Based on the parking requirements established by the PCD Plan,the proposed site uses would require 341 parking spaces. TABLE 4 NEVPORT BEACI-1 COUNTRY CLUB SUMMARY OF PARKING REQUIRED AND PROVIDEI) Parking Parking Parking Surplus Land Use Quantity Unit Rate Required Provided (Deficit) Golf Course 18 Hole NA 244 300 56 Tennis Club 7 Court 4 28 58 8TennisSpa5.56 KSF 4 22 ,low___27 Room I 27 34 7 Villas 5 DU 4 20 21 Total 341 313 72 ‘Source:Newport Beach Country Club Planned Community [)istrict Plan Development Standards NBCC Clubhouse I Tennis Improvement Project -8 -August,2009 Traffic and Parking Evaluation The project site plan indicates that a total of 413 parking spaces ill he pros iJed.iesulting in a parking supply that exceeds the parking requirement h\7 spaces.Moreover.the parking suppl\ provided specifically for each individual use exceeds the parking required for that use.Most notably,the golf course parking lot will provide 300 spaces,which exceeds the 244-space requirement established by the PCD Plan by 56 spaces. The proposed parking supply of 413 spaces vill be adequate to meet the day-to-da parking needs of the proposed NBCC project. In addition to the on-site parking supply.the site plan indicates that the NBCC has a parking easement with the adjacent Corporate Plaza West dcelopment.A parking analysis prepared for the NBCC project (Neport l3each Country Club Parking Supply Analsis.LSA.August 20. 2008t indicates that through this parking easement.an additional 554 parking spaces ould be available to the NB(’C in the evenings and on eekends and holidays,if needed for parking oserl1os during tennis and golf events,The parking analysis also indicates that in the eent that a large gathering occurs during weekday business hours.hich would cause the parking demand to exceed the parking supply on a typical weekday,a separate Parking Management Plan would be required to address off-site parking needs. NBCC Clubhouse /Tennis Improvement Project -9 -August 2009 Traffic and Parking Evaluation