HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220309_ZA Action LetterCommunity Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment VIA EMAIL March 9, 2022 3S Sign Services, Inc dba PS Services c/o Patty Salinas 1320 N Red Gum St Anaheim, CA 92806 psalinas@psserv.com Subject: Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2021-004 (PA2021-124) 1400 West Coast Highway Taco Bell Sign Program Dear Ms. Salinas, It was a pleasure working with you on the above referenced application. Please be advised that the subject application was approved by the Zoning Administrator on March 9, 2022 and effective on March 23, 2022. A copy of the approved action letter with findings and conditions is attached. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you and I look forward to working with you again in the future. For additional information on filing an appeal or should you have any questions, please contact our office at 949-644-3200 or you may contact me directly at 949-644- 3312, jperez@newportbeachca.gov. Sincerely, BMZ/jp COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION LETTER Subject: Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124)  Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2021-004 Site Location 1400 West Coast Highway Applicant 3S Sign Services, Inc. dba PS Services Legal Description Lots 48 through 53 and a portion of Lot 54, Tract 1210 On March 9, 2022, the Zoning Administrator approved Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2021-004 allowing the establishment of a new comprehensive sign program for an existing fast food restaurant. This approval is in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). LAND USE AND ZONING • General Plan Land Use Plan Category: CG General Commercial • Zoning District: CG Commercial General SUMMARY The comprehensive sign program includes: • Three (3) wall-mounted signs • One (1) existing nonconforming pole sign • One (1) existing ground mounted menu board sign • Various freestanding directional signs • One (1) existing exempt mural painted on the south and east building elevations A comprehensive sign program is required for this site because three or more nonexempt signs are proposed for a single-tenant development and because the site maintains a frontage along a public right-of-way totaling more than 300 lineal feet. The Comprehensive Sign Program will allow the following deviations from Chapter 20.42 of the NBMC: 1. More than one freestanding sign per site; 2. Freestanding signs set back less than a minimum of five (5) feet from a street or interior property line and a minimum of ten (10) feet from the edge of a driveway; 3. Letters on freestanding signs smaller than the minimum required letter size of six (6) inches; Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) March 9, 2022 Page 2 Tmplt: 07-25-19 4. Freestanding signs installed with less than the minimum of fifty (50) feet between them; 5. Freestanding signs without landscaping and automatic irrigation at the base; 6. Freestanding signs without an address plate identifying the subject property. This approval is based on the following findings and standards and subject to the following conditions. FINDINGS AND STANDARDS FOR APPROVED SIGNS Finding A. The project is exempt from environmental review under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15311, Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Fact in Support of Finding: 1. Class 11 exempts minor structures accessory to existing commercial facilities, including signs. The proposed Comprehensive Sign Program (hereafter “Program”) includes signs are incidental and accessory to the principal commercial use of the property and do not intensify or alter the use. Standard B. The proposed sign program shall comply with the purpose and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42], any adopted sign design guidelines, and the overall purpose and intent of this Section [Section 20.42.120 – Comprehensive Sign Program]. Facts in Support of Standard 1. A comprehensive sign program is required whenever three or more nonexempt signs are proposed for a single-tenant development and when there is a building with frontage along a public right-of-way totaling more than 300 lineal feet. 2. The purpose of a comprehensive sign program is to integrate all signage within a project site. A comprehensive sign program also provides means for the flexible application of sign regulations for projects that reasonably require multiple signs. As proposed, the Program will allow the installation of three (3) wall-mounted signs that are visible to motorists on West Coast Highway, the minimum necessary freestanding directional signs throughout the project site to ensure adequate wayfinding and efficient circulation, and the refacing of an existing nonconforming pole sign along the West Coast Highway frontage. The font, colors, and materials of all proposed signage are coordinated to complement Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) March 9, 2022 Page 3 Tmplt: 07-25-19 both the architecture of the building and colors used by the restaurant chain. There are no changes proposed to the existing menu board sign. 3. Approval of this Program includes multiple deviations to the standards for freestanding signs. The increase to the overall number of freestanding signs at the project site is necessary due to the nature of the business. The project site is a fast food restaurant with a drive through amenity accessed from a higher speed roadway. To help ensure site circulation is efficient and does not create an unsafe condition, the drive through operation requires multiple, low, freestanding signs to direct traffic to and through the drive through and parking lot. These signs are intended to be used only by motorists and are not intended to draw attention to the business or provide additional business identification. These signs cannot realistically be placed greater than ten (10) feet from the driveway, be separated by a minimum of fifty (50) feet, or have irrigated landscaping at the base and achieve their intended purpose of efficient circulation. These directional signs do not qualify as sign types exempt from the sign program per Chapter 20.42.100 (Procedures for Sign Approval, Exemptions, and Revocations) as they exceed the maximum size of three (3) square feet and exceed the total number of directional signs allowed per the aforementioned code section. 4. The Program also includes a freestanding menu board sign for motorists to order from while in the drive through. It is common practice within the industry to use freestanding menu board signs. It is not practical that all menu board copy has a minimum letter height of six inches nor should the copy be visible from the road, which is the intent of the standard. Additionally, the deviation to forgo the requirement that a freestanding sign contain an address plate is appropriate for the Program given the function of most of the freestanding signs is not to identify the subject property but rather to facilitate the land use. 5. The proposed wall signs comply with the regulations for permanent signs identified in Table 3-16 of Section 20.42.070 (Standards for Permanent Signs) of the NBMC. 6. The refacing of a nonconforming sign is allowed in accordance with Section 20.42.140 (Nonconforming Signs) of the NBMC. 7. A mural is defined in Chapter 20.42.040 (Definitions) of the NBMC as an artistic image or design painted or affixed to the exterior surface of a structure that does not contain a commercial or noncommercial text or message and is exempt from sign standards per Section 20.42.100 (Procedures for Sign Approval, Exemptions, and Revocations) of the NBMC. The current mural painted on the south and east building elevations contain no commercial or noncommercial text or messaging and is therefore considered exempt. Condition of Approval no. 5 requires either the revision of this Program or the processing of a new comprehensive sign program if any changes are made to the mural which add a commercial or noncommercial text or message. Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) March 9, 2022 Page 4 Tmplt: 07-25-19 Standard C. The proposed signs shall enhance the overall development, be in harmony with, and relate visually to other signs included in the Comprehensive Sign Program, to the structures and/or developments they identify, and to surrounding development when applicable. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The project site is rectangular in shape and developed with a fast food restaurant and a large parking lot to serve the use. The project site is accessed from West Coast Highway and is located within the Mariners’ Mile corridor, which is an area of Newport Beach with abundant signage. The Program has been designed to provide adequate identification of the business and harmonious operation of the business without signage being overly attention-grabbing and without allowing the unnecessary proliferation of signage. 2. All project signage has been designed to use a consistent color pallet. Illuminated signs feature acrylic material for the face and are not excessively illuminated. Section 20.42.060 (Provisions Applying to All Sign Types) allows the Community Development Director to dim the illumination if the signs prove to be detrimental to the surrounding uses. 3. The proposed locations for project signage are appropriate and take into consideration the architecture of the building. Wall signs are placed within the middle fifty (50) percent of the building frontage and are separated by a minimum of thirty (30) feet measured along the exterior walls of the building. Standard D. The sign program shall address all signs, including permanent, temporary, and exempt signs. Fact in Support of Standard 1. The Program addresses all project signage. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the sign program shall be regulated by the provisions of NBMC Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards). Standard E. The sign program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants. Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) March 9, 2022 Page 5 Tmplt: 07-25-19 Fact in Support of Standard 1. The project site is developed with one building with one fast food operator. The Program provides adequate identification of the business from West Coast Highway and the necessary operational signage to support the business. Future operators at the project site should be able to utilize the sign program without substantial change to the Program. However, flexibility has been incorporated into the Sign Program Matrix to allow minor deviations from the proposed signs. Consistent with Chapter 20.42, the Director may approve minor revisions to the Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. Standard F. The program shall comply with the standards of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42], except that deviations are allowed with regard to sign area, total number, location, and/or height of signs to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42]. Fact in Support of Standard 1. Fact 3 and 4 in Support of Finding B is hereby incorporated by reference. Standard G. The approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not authorize the use of signs prohibited by this Chapter [Chapter 20.42]. Facts in Support of Standard 1. While the Program contains a pole sign, which is a prohibited sign type, the pole sign was legally installed and is now considered a nonconforming sign. The continuation of a nonconforming sign is allowed subject to the provisions of Section 20.42.140 (Nonconforming Signs), which include refacing of the sign provided there is no change in the structure or its configuration. 2. The Program does not authorize the installation of any new prohibited signs. Standard H. Review and approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not consider the signs’ proposed message content. Fact in Support of Standard 1. The Program contains no regulations affecting sign message content. Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) March 9, 2022 Page 6 Tmplt: 07-25-19 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (project specific conditions are italicized) 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, details, and elevations, except as noted in the following conditions. 2. Upon demolition or substantial structural and nonstructural changes to the exterior of the development on which this approval is based, this Program shall be rendered nullified and a new comprehensive sign program shall be obtained in accordance the zoning code provisions in effect at the time the new development is approved. 3. Locations of the signs are limited to the designated areas and shall comply with the limitations specified in the Sign Program Matrix included in Attachment No. ZA 2. 4. All signs shall be maintained in accordance with Section 20.42.170 (Maintenance Requirements) of the NBMC. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the program shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20.42 of the NBMC. 5. Revisions to the mural which add commercial or noncommercial text or messages could cause the mural to lose its exempt status and become subject to the requirements of Chapter 20.42 of the NBMC. At such a time, the mural would no longer be considered artwork and would instead be considered a new sign requiring either a revision to this Program or the processing of a new comprehensive sign program. Additionally, the new sign could require a Modification Permit if it exceeds size limits allowed under Section 20.42.120 (Comprehensive Sign Program) of the NBMC. 6. Required landscaping at the base of the pole sign shall be maintained per 20.42.080 (Standards for Specific Types of Permanent Signs) until the pole sign is removed. 7. The nonconforming pole sign may be maintained and repaired in accordance with Section 20.42.140 (Nonconforming Signs). Any future modification to the nonconforming pole sign is subject to review by the Planning Division and could result in the required removal of the nonconforming sign. 8. In accordance with 20.42.060 (Provisions Applying to All Sign Types), each illuminated sign shall be subject to a thirty (30) day review period, during which time the Director may determine that a reduction in illumination is necessary due to negative impacts on surrounding property or the community in general. In addition, and at any time, the Director may order the dimming of any illumination found to be excessively bright. The Director’s determination will be made without regard to the message content of the sign. 9. In accordance with Section 20.42.120(F) of the NBMC, the Community Development Director may approve minor revisions to the Program if the intent of the original Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) March 9, 2022 Page 7 Tmplt: 07-25-19 approval is not affected. This may include deviations on the tenant configurations, such as combining or dividing suites. 10. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Planning file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this approval and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 11. A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction and/or installation of the signs. 12. A copy of the approval action letter, including conditions of approval and sign matrix, shall be incorporated into the City and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits for the freestanding signs, and the initial wall sign installations to identify this approval as the authority for location, size and placement. 13. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of the Taco Bell Sign Program including, but not limited to Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2021-004 (PA2021-124) and the determination that the project is exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) March 9, 2022 Page 8 Tmplt: 07-25-19 APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development or City Clerk, as applicable, within fourteen (14) days following the date the action or decision was rendered. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: Approved by: BMZ/jp Attachments: ZA No. 1 Vicinity Map ZA No. 2 Comprehensive Sign Program Matrix ZA No. 3 Project Plans Attachment No. ZA 1 Vicinity Map Tmplt: 07-25-19 VICINITY MAP Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2021-004 PA2021-124 1400 West Coast Highway Subject Property Attachment No. ZA 2 Comprehensive Sign Program Matrix Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) Attachment No. ZA 2 Taco Bell Sign Program 1400 West Coast Highway Comprehensive Sign Program Matrix No. CS2021-004 (PA2021-124) Frontages: Primary Frontage: a) West Coast Highway (South) Secondary Frontages: b) Parking Lot (West) c) 1240 West Coast Highway (East) Sign Type Frontage Dimensions Other Specifications Sign Type A Wall Sign Secondary - Parking Lot Maximum Number: 1 Maximum Sign Area: 14 sq. ft. Maximum Letter/Logo Height: 36” Sign Type B Wall Sign Secondary - 1240 West Coast Highway Maximum Number: 1 Maximum Sign Area: 34 sq. ft. Maximum Letter/Logo Height: 36” Taco Bell Sign Program (PA2021-124) Attachment No. ZA 2 Sign Type C Wall Sign Primary – West Coast Highway Maximum Number: 1 Maximum Sign Area: 132.5 sq. ft. Sign Type P Pole sign Primary – West Coast Highway Maximum Number: 1 Maximum Sign Height: 25 feet Maximum Sign Area: 99.2 sq. ft. -Nonconforming sign may only be altered in compliance with NBMC Section 20.42.140 (Nonconforming Signs). Sign Type R Freestanding ground sign (directional) Various Maximum Sign Area: 5 sq. ft. -This Program allows the minimum necessary freestanding directional signs throughout the project site to ensure adequate wayfinding and efficient circulation Sign Type Z Freestanding ground sign Primary – West Coast Highway Maximum Number: 1 Maximum Sign Height: 8’ 9“ Maximum Sign Area: 44.50 sq. ft. -Shall be on a timer Notes/Requirements: a) Sign locations shall be as depicted on approved plans. b) Requirements for all signs per Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards), except as provided in this sign matrix. c) Sign Designs shall be consistent with Citywide Sign Design Guidelines Manual. d) Pursuant to NBMC Section 20.42.120(F), the Community Development Director may approve minor revisions to this approval if the intent of the original approval is not affected. e) Cabinet signs shall be designed such that the background is opaque and the only portion of the sign that appears as illuminated is the actual lettering and/or registered trademark or logo. Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BYTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.Customer creation through brand innovation.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTELEVATIONS3-1-2022106502.08TACO BELL 315121400 WEST COAST HIGHWAYNEWPORT BEACH, CAQTY. DESCRIPTION SQ. FT.1 SMALL SWINGING BELL W/10” LETTERS 13.81 MEDIUM SWINGING BELL W/12“ LTRS. 33.21 LARGE SWINGING BELL 13.53 LED COPING2 P93 PYLON REPLACEMENT FACES 99.21 CANOPY COVER - CUSTOM CUSTOM DIRECTIONAL FACE REPLACEMENTSBCQRPVACQPRABZZ44 sq. ft.EXISTING MENUBOARD S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BYTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.Customer creation through brand innovation.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTELEVATIONS3-1-2022106502.08TACO BELL 315121400 WEST COAST HIGHWAYNEWPORT BEACH, CAscale: 1/8” = 1’-0”scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”12’-3”B.O. LETTER SET13’-8”B.O. BELL17’-6”ABQTY. DESCRIPTION SQ. FT.1 SMALL SWINGING BELL W/10” LETTERS 13.81 MEDIUM SWINGING BELL W/12“ LTRS. 33.21 LARGE SWINGING BELL 13.53 LED COPING2 P93 PYLON REPLACEMENT FACES 99.21 CANOPY COVER - CUSTOM CUSTOM DIRECTIONAL FACE REPLACEMENTSBCQRPVA S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BYTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.Customer creation through brand innovation.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTELEVATIONS3-1-2022106502.08TACO BELL 315121400 WEST COAST HIGHWAYNEWPORT BEACH, CAQscale: 1/8” = 1’-0”scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”10’-3”B.O. BELL17’-6”CQexisting wall mural - North Elevationexisting wall mural - South ElevationQTY. DESCRIPTION SQ. FT.1 SMALL SWINGING BELL W/10” LETTERS 13.81 MEDIUM SWINGING BELL W/12“ LTRS. 33.21 LARGE SWINGING BELL 13.53 LED COPING2 P93 PYLON REPLACEMENT FACES 99.21 CANOPY COVER - CUSTOM CUSTOM DIRECTIONAL FACE REPLACEMENTSBCQRPVA APART # 823-EN-30-BELL-PUR2-5-2021S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BY105581.00CTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTCOLOR PANTONE 3M VINYL PAINTDark Purple PMS 2603C 3M 3630-9327Light Purple PMS 2577C 3M 3630-9141Black Pantone BlackWhite Pantone White 3M 3630-20 SW2123TB Bronze Tiger Drylac 49-66230 C33Status Bronze SW7034Urbane Bronze SW7048GRAPHIC & COLOR SPECIFICATIONS:5672’-6” (762MM)2’-9 1/8” (841MM)4’-7 3/4”10”3’-0” Materials• Cabinet: .050 [2mm] aluminum returns w/ black finish • .090 [2mm] aluminum back• 1" [25mm] black trim cap• Face: .177 [5mm] 7328 white acrylic with 1st surface vinyl graphics (with UV overlaminate) ELECTRICAL/ PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS• UL & NEC approval required• 12V, Class II UL approved system• If alternate LED’s are used:• 50,000 hour system where no greater than 30% lumen depreciation is experienced at 50K hours• Thermally managed surface mount devices (SMD)LED(s): (22) AgiLight LS-PRO160-50K-2B1 White (5000K)LEDs (11 ft) or equivalent - pre-approval requiredPower Supply: (1) 12V/60W LED Power Supply @ 0.9 ampsTotal Load: 0.9 ampsCircuits(s): (1) 20 amp-120VSPECIFICATIONSTYPICALWALL SECTION FORINTERIOR APPLICATIONTYPICALWALL SECTION FOREXTERIOR APPLICATION.177 [5mm] 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC FACE WITH 1ST SURFACE VINYLGRAPHICS (WITH UV OVERLAMINATE).090 [2mm] ALUM. BACKAGILIGHTLS-PRO160-50K-2B1WHITE LED MODULE, TYP.POWER SUPPLY.050 [2mm] ALUM. RETURNS1/4” [6mm] DIA. WEEP HOLEWEEP HOLE NOT USEDFOR INTERIOR APPLICATIONBUILDING FINISHN.T.S.1" [25mm] TRIM CAP3” [76mm]SEAL ALL WALL PENETRATIONS TO PREVENT WATER INTRUSION AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL BUSHING AFTER E.I.F.S. APPLICATION HAS HARDENED. DRILL HOLE SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN BUSHING THROUGH INSULATION ONLY. STOP AT PLYWOOD. CAULK OPENING PRIOR TO INSERTING FASTENER TO SEAL PENETRATION.1/2” [13mm] DIA. PIPE SPACER3/8” [10mm] DIA. FASTENERWITH NUT, FLAT &LOCK WASHERTO PRIMARYPOWER SUPPLYWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.WOOD BLOCKING3/8” [10mm] DIA. SNAPTOGGLEWALLANCHOR BY TOGGLERSYSTEMS W/ HARDWAREWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.5/8” [16mm] MIN. DRYWALLPLYWOOD SHEATHING3" [76mm]TYPICAL SECTIONSEAL ALL WALL PENETRATIONS TO PREVENT WATER INTRUSION AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL BUSHING AFTER E.I.F.S. APPLICATION HAS HARDENED. DRILL HOLE SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN BUSHING THROUGH INSULATION ONLY. STOP AT PLYWOOD. CAULK OPENING PRIOR TO INSERTING FASTENER TO SEAL PENETRATION.1/2” [13mm] DIA. PIPE SPACER3/8” [10mm] DIA. FASTENERWITH NUT, FLAT &LOCK WASHERTO REMOTEPOWER SUPPLYWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.PLYWOOD SHEATHINGWOOD BLOCKING.150 [4mm] 7328 WHITE HIGH-IMPACTACRYLICACR.063 [2mm] ALUM. BACK3/4" [19mm] TRIM CAP.040 [1mm] ALUM. RETURNS1/4” [6mm] DIA. WEEP HOLEBUILDING FINISHMaterials• Cabinet: .040 [1mm] aluminum returns w/ black finish and .063aluminum back• 3/4" [19mm] black trim cap• Face: .150 [4mm] 7328 white acrylicRemovable faceELECTRICAL/ PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS• UL & NEC approval required• 12V, Class II UL approved system• If alternate LED’s are used:• 50,000 hour system where no greater than 30% lumen depreciation is experienced at 50K hours• Thermally managed surface mount devices (SMD)LED(s): AgiLight LS-PRO160-65K-2B1 White (6500K)LEDs (20 ft) or equivalent - pre-approval requiredPower Supply: (1) 12V/60W LED Power Supply @ 0.9 amps- Remotely LocatedTotal Load: 0.9 ampsCircuits(s): (1) 20 amp-120VSPECIFICATIONSLETTERSPART # 823-18-CL10-TB-LN-WH13.8 sq. ft. BALTERNATE LAYOUT CONFIGURATION3" [76mm]SEAL ALL WALL PENETRATIONS TO PREVENT WATER INTRUSION AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL BUSHING AFTER E.I.F.S. APPLICATION HAS HARDENED. DRILL HOLE SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN BUSHING THROUGH INSULATION ONLY. STOP AT PLYWOOD. CAULK OPENING PRIOR TO INSERTING FASTENER TO SEAL PENETRATION.1/2” [13mm] DIA. PIPE SPACER3/8” [10mm] DIA. FASTENER W/ NUT, FLAT & LOCK WASHERWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.WALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.PLYWOOD SHEATHING5/8” [16mm] MIN. DRYWALLWOOD BLOCKING.150 [4mm] DULITE DAY-NIGHT ACRYLICTO REMOTEPOWER SUPPLY.063 [2mm] ALUM. BACK3/4" [19mm] TRIM CAP.040 [1mm] ALUM. RETURNSBUILDING FINISH1/4” [6mm] DIA. WEEP HOLEWEEP HOLE NOT USEDFOR INTERIOR APPLICATION3/8” [10mm] DIA. SNAPTOGGLEWALLANCHOR BY TOGGLERSYSTEMS W/ HARDWARETYPICAL WALL SECTION FORINTERIOR APPLICATIONTYPICAL WALL SECTION FOREXTERIOR APPLICATIONMaterials• Cabinet: .040 [1mm] aluminum returns w/ black finish and .063aluminum back• 3/4" [19mm] black trim cap• Face: .150 [4mm] DuLite Day-Night Acrylic• Removable faceELECTRICAL/ PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS• UL & NEC approval required• 12V, Class II UL approved system• If alternate LED’s are used:• 50,000 hour system where no greater than 30% lumen depreciation is experienced at 50K hours• Thermally managed surface mount devices (SMD)LED(s): (42) AgiLight LS-PRO160-50K-2B1 White (5000K)LEDs (21 ft) or equivalent - pre-approval requiredPower Supply: (1) 12V/60W LED Power Supply @ 0.9 amps- Remotely LocatedTotal Load: 0.9 ampsSPECIFICATIONS7'-3 7/8" [2232mm]12" [305mm]3'-7 3/4" [1111mm] 3'-3 3/8" [1000mm]V-04.36PART # 823-EN-36-BELL-PUR2-5-2021S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BY105581.00BTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTMedium Swinging BellCOLOR PANTONE 3M VINYL PAINTDark Purple PMS 2603C 3M 3630-9327Light Purple PMS 2577C 3M 3630-9141Black Pantone BlackWhite Pantone White 3M 3630-20 SW2123TB Bronze Tiger Drylac 49-66230 C33Status Bronze SW7034Urbane Bronze SW7048GRAPHIC & COLOR SPECIFICATIONS:5673'-0" [914mm]3'-3 3/4" [1010mm]4’-7”Materials• Cabinet: .050 [2mm] aluminum returns w/ black finish • .090 [2mm] aluminum back• 1" [25mm] black trim cap• Face: .177 [5mm] 7328 white acrylic with 1st surface vinyl graphics (with UV overlaminate) ELECTRICAL/ PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS• UL & NEC approval required• 12V, Class II UL approved system• If alternate LED’s are used:• 50,000 hour system where no greater than 30% lumen depreciation is experienced at 50K hours• Thermally managed surface mount devices (SMD)LED(s): (35) AgiLight LS-PRO160-50K-2B1 White (5000K)LEDs (18 ft) or equivalent - pre-approval requiredPower Supply: (1) 12V/60W LED Power Supply @ 0.9 ampsTotal Load: 0.9 ampsCircuits(s): (1) 20 amp-120VSPECIFICATIONSTYPICALWALL SECTION FORINTERIOR APPLICATIONTYPICALWALL SECTION FOREXTERIOR APPLICATION.177 [5mm] 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC FACE WITH 1ST SURFACE VINYLGRAPHICS (WITH UV OVERLAMINATE).090 [2mm] ALUM. BACKAGILIGHTLS-PRO160-50K-2B1WHITE LED MODULE, TYP.POWER SUPPLY.050 [2mm] ALUM. RETURNS1/4” [6mm] DIA. WEEP HOLEWEEP HOLE NOT USEDFOR INTERIOR APPLICATIONBUILDING FINISHN.T.S.1" [25mm] TRIM CAP3” [76mm]SEAL ALL WALL PENETRATIONS TO PREVENT WATER INTRUSION AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL BUSHING AFTER E.I.F.S. APPLICATION HAS HARDENED. DRILL HOLE SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN BUSHING THROUGH INSULATION ONLY. STOP AT PLYWOOD. CAULK OPENING PRIOR TO INSERTING FASTENER TO SEAL PENETRATION.1/2” [13mm] DIA. PIPE SPACER3/8” [10mm] DIA. FASTENERWITH NUT, FLAT &LOCK WASHERTO PRIMARYPOWER SUPPLYWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.WOOD BLOCKING3/8” [10mm] DIA. SNAPTOGGLEWALLANCHOR BY TOGGLERSYSTEMS W/ HARDWAREWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.5/8” [16mm] MIN. DRYWALLPLYWOOD SHEATHING33.2 sq. ft. CV-04.42PART # 823-EN-42-BELL-PUR2-5-2021S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BY105581.00ATHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTLarge Swinging BellCOLOR PANTONE 3M VINYL PAINTDark Purple PMS 2603C 3M 3630-9327Light Purple PMS 2577C 3M 3630-9141Black Pantone BlackWhite Pantone White 3M 3630-20 SW2123TB Bronze Tiger Drylac 49-66230 C33Status Bronze SW7034Urbane Bronze SW7048GRAPHIC & COLOR SPECIFICATIONS:5673'-6" [1067mm]3'-10 3/8" [1178mm]FRONT VIEWDESIGN PARAMETERS• Structural adequacy shall be the manufacturer's responsibility using the following criteria:• 100 MPH 3 second gust wind speed per ASCE 7-05 (130 MPH - ASCE 7-10). Category II, Exposure C. Components & Cladding, Zone 5.• Attachment may vary based on wall conditions.• Compliant with national building codes and standards (IBC 2009, IBC 2015, AISC 14th Edition, ASCE 7-05, ASCE 7-10, ACI & Aluminum Design Manual).• Refer to written documentation for material specifications.Materials• Cabinet: .050 [2mm] aluminum returns w/ black finish • .090 [2mm] aluminum back• 1" [25mm] black trim cap• Face: .177 [5mm] 7328 white acrylic with 1st surface vinyl graphics (with UV overlaminate) Area• Squared: 13.53 sf • Actual: 11.92 sfELECTRICAL/ PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS• UL & NEC approval required• 12V, Class II UL approved system• If alternate LED’s are used:• 50,000 hour system where no greater than 30% lumen depreciation is experienced at 50K hours• Thermally managed surface mount devices (SMD)LED(s): (49) AgiLight LS-PRO160-50K-2B1 White (5000K)LEDs (25 ft) or equivalent - pre-approval requiredPower Supply: (1) 12V/60W LED Power Supply @ 0.9 ampsTotal Load: 0.9 ampsCircuits(s): (1) 20 amp-120VSPECIFICATIONSTYPICALWALL SECTION FORINTERIOR APPLICATIONTYPICALWALL SECTION FOREXTERIOR APPLICATION.177 [5mm] 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC FACE WITH 1ST SURFACE VINYLGRAPHICS (WITH UV OVERLAMINATE).090 [2mm] ALUM. BACKAGILIGHTLS-PRO160-50K-2B1WHITE LED MODULE, TYP.POWER SUPPLY.050 [2mm] ALUM. RETURNS1/4” [6mm] DIA. WEEP HOLEWEEP HOLE NOT USEDFOR INTERIOR APPLICATIONBUILDING FINISHN.T.S.1" [25mm] TRIM CAP3” [76mm]SEAL ALL WALL PENETRATIONS TO PREVENT WATER INTRUSION AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL BUSHING AFTER E.I.F.S. APPLICATION HAS HARDENED. DRILL HOLE SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN BUSHING THROUGH INSULATION ONLY. STOP AT PLYWOOD. CAULK OPENING PRIOR TO INSERTING FASTENER TO SEAL PENETRATION.1/2” [13mm] DIA. PIPE SPACER3/8” [10mm] DIA. FASTENERWITH NUT, FLAT &LOCK WASHERTO PRIMARYPOWER SUPPLYWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.WOOD BLOCKING3/8” [10mm] DIA. SNAPTOGGLEWALLANCHOR BY TOGGLERSYSTEMS W/ HARDWAREWALL STUD ON16” [406mm] CTRS.5/8” [16mm] MIN. DRYWALLPLYWOOD SHEATHING13.53 sq. ft. PP93 PYLON REPLACEMENT FACE3-1-2022S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BY106502.08PTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.Customer creation through brand innovation.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT12'-3" 8'-1" Cabinet• Extruded aluminum frame, 10" [254mm] deep with 2" [51mm] retainer• Aluminum painted fillers• .177 [5mm] pan-formed clear SG polycarbonate face with debossed reinforcement at main ID face - 2nd surface vinyl decoration.• .150 [4mm] pan-formed SG polycarbonate face at breakfast face• Faces pinned into the retainer with mechanical fasteners as required• Hingeable access for serviceELECTRICAL/ PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS• UL & NEC approval required.• 12V, Class II UL approved system.• If alternate LED’s are used:• 50,000 hour system where no greater than 30% lumen depreciation is experienced at 50K hours.• Thermally managed surface mount devices (SMD).Cabinet:LED(s): (8) AgiLight LS-RTRZ5-120-50K-G3 RetroRayz 500 Light Bars (1) AgiLight LS-RTRZ5-084-50K-G3 RetroRayz 500 Light Bar(1) AgiLight LS-RTRZ5-060-50K-G3 RetroRayz 500 Light Bar Power Supply: (10) 12V/60W LED Power Supplies @ 0.9 amps ea.Total Load: 9.6 ampsCircuits(s): (1) 20 amp-120VSPECIFICATIONSCOLOR PANTONE PVINYL AINTDark Purple PMS 2603CBlack Pantone BlackWhite Pantone White 3M 3630-20 SW2123GRAPHIC & COLOR SPECIFICATIONS:3M 3630-9327EXISTING PROPOSED Q2-14-2022S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BY106502.06QTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.Customer creation through brand innovation.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT9 7/8" 9’-8 5/8” EXISTINGPROPOSEDALUMINUM COVER TO MOUNT TO FACEOF EXISTING CANOPY TO COVER ROUTEDOPENING.SIZE MAY NEED TO CHANGE DEPENDINGON INSTALLATION METHOD.SIZE SHOWN IS FACE SIZE ONLY - ANY ADDITIONALMATERIAL REQUIRED TO BEND OVER THE TOPAND BOTTOM FOR MOUNTING T.B.D. BY MFG/ENGR.SW7033 BRAINSTORM BRONZE R3-8-2021S. HawkeDRAWING NO:DATE:CUSTOMER APPROVAL:DATE:Rev. #1Rev. #2Rev. #3DATE BYRev. #4Rev. #5Rev. #6DATE BY106502.01RTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWING CREATED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT PLANNED FOR YOU BY CUMMINGS SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR USED, REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AN OFFICER OF CUMMINGS SIGNS.THIS DESIGN REMAINS OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY ANDCANNOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTCUSTOM DIRECTIONAL REPLACEMENT FACES.1’-7 1/2”2’-7 1/2