HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinance Committee - March 10, 2022CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA - Final 100 Civic Center Drive - Community Room Thursday, March 10, 2022 - 3:00 PM Finance Committee Members: Will O'Neill, Chair Noah Blom, Mayor Pro Tem Brad Avery, Council Member William Collopy, Committee Member John Reed, Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough, Committee Member Joe Stapleton, Committee Member Staff Members: Grace K. Leung, City Manager Scott Catlett, Finance Director/Treasurer Michael Gomez, Deputy Finance Director Marlene Burns, Administrative Specialist to the Finance Director NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Finance Director/Treasurer 24 hours prior to the scheduled Finance Committee meeting. NOTICE REGARDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Questions and comments may also be submitted in writing for the Finance Committee’s consideration by sending them to Scott Catlett Finance Director/Treasurer, at scatlett@newportbeachca.gov. To give the Finance Committee adequate time to review your questions and comments, please submit your written comments by no later than 5 p.m. the day prior to the Finance Committee meeting. All correspondence will be made part of the record. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Finance Committee meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Finance Committee agenda be posted at least seventy two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Committee and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Finance Committee. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. It is the intention of the City of Newport Beach to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, the City of Newport Beach will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. If requested, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 644-3127 or scatlett@newportbeachca.gov. 1 March 10, 2022 Page 2 Finance Committee Meeting I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Finance Committee. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The Finance Committee has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. IV.CONSENT CALENDAR MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 2022A. Recommended Action: Approve and file. DRAFT MINUTES 02092022 4A1_CORRESPONDENCE DRAFT MINUTES 02092022 V.CURRENT BUSINESS FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 FEE STUDY UPDATEA. Summary: Staff will present the Master Fee Schedule to the Finance Committee prior to presenting it to the City Council. Recommended Action: Review and discuss the proposed fee updates discussed in this report and provide any recommendations for consideration by the City Manager and City Council. STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT B 5A_STAFF PRESENTATION_03102022 5A1_ADDITIONAL MATERIALS _03102022 5A2_ADDITIONAL MATERIALS_03102022 2 March 10, 2022 Page 3 Finance Committee Meeting OVERVIEW OF REVENUE PROJECTIONSB. Summary: Staff will provide the Committee with an overview of the assumptions utilized to prepare revenue projections for the City's major funds as part of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget preparation process. Recommended Action: Receive and file. 5B_STAFF PRESENTATION_03102022 INTERNAL AUDIT PROGRAM UPDATEC. Summary: Bi-monthly progress update on the internal audit program. Recommended Action: Receive and file. WORK PLAN REVIEWD. Summary: Staff and Finance Committee to review the proposed work plan and identify matters that members would like placed on a future Agenda for discussion, action, or report. Recommended Action: Receive and file. ATTACHMENT A VI.ADJOURNMENT 3 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 1 of 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FINANCE COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 9, 2022 MEETING MINUTES I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Newport Beach Central Library, Friends MeetingRoom, 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660. II.ROLL CALL PRESENT:Chair Will O’Neill, Mayor Pro Tem Noah Blom, Council Member Brad Avery, Committee Member William Collopy, Committee Member John Reed, Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough, and Committee Member Joe Stapleton ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Grace K. Leung, Finance Director/Treasurer Scott Catlett, Administrative Specialist to the Finance Director Marlene Burns, Deputy Finance Director Michael Gomez, Public Works Finance/Administrative Manager Theresa Schweitzer, Budget Manager Shelby Burguan, Senior Budget Analyst Amber Haston, Purchasing and Contracts Administrator Sander Huang, Police Support Services Administrator Jonathan Stafford, Management Assistant/Fire Lili Melero, Fire Administrative Manager Mary Locey, Public Works Director Dave Webb, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Jim Houlihan, Public Works Administrative Manager Chris Miller, and IT Manager Avery Maglinti MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Jim Mosher, Charles Klobe, and Harbor Commissioner Don Yahn OTHER ENTITIES: None III.PUBLIC COMMENTS Jim Mosher encouraged staff to advise the public when a substantial change is made, especiallyregarding financial information, and noted the Finance Committee should also be apprised of thechange. He referenced a website that listed all approved contracts that were approved in the previous 30-days and advised it disappeared last summer. He inquired if the Finance Committeeshould have been notified of the change. He reported the budget no longer shows individualpositions within a department and anticipated employee expense and believes the FinanceCommittee should have been apprised of the change. He advised the link for the Open Budget hadbeen deleted from the City Budget and Salary information site and when searching for the contractfor Open Budget has not been renewed. He encouraged the Finance Committee to investigate the changes. Charles Klobe reported Supervisor Katrina Foley has publicly requested input on how to spend theCounty’s allocation of $300 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and inquired if the staff was communicating with her on how those funds may benefit the City. Finance Director/Treasurer Scott Catlett reported he will investigate what happened to the contractswebsite. 4 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 2 of 9 Chair O’Neill confirmed the budget does not have individual salary information and expense information and requested the information be made available back into the budget. He advised the ARPA funds will be discussed during the meeting. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR MINUTES OF JANAURY 13, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve and file. Chair O’Neill called for public comments and hearing none, closed the public comments. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Noah Blom moved to approve the minutes, as amended, seconded by Committee Member Collopy. The motion carried 6 ayes – 0 noes, 1 abstention (Committee Member Reed) V. CURRENT BUSINESS A. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) UPDATE Summary: Staff from Public Works will provide an update on what is planned for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 CIP. Recommended Action: Receive and File. Public Works Director Dave Webb provided a brief overview of the CIP process and reported an early look will be presented to the City Council on March 8, 2022. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Jim Houlihan reported the preliminary CIP budget is $87 million and includes 91 projects, programs, and studies. He noted that includes $63 million in new funding and $24 million in re-budgets. He advised 80% of the budget is spent on Facilities, Streets and Drainage, and Parks, Harbors, and Beaches. He provided a brief overview of the sources of funding, which includes surplus funds. Committee Member Collopy inquired about the re-budgets from the prior year. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Houlihan clarified that these funds are carry-over funds from the prior year’s budget. Committee Member Collopy inquired about Parks, Harbors, and Beaches CIP and the differences between the new budget of $3.5 million and the re-budget of $10.6 million. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Houlihan clarified the difference is primarily due to the $5 to $7 million available for Harbor dredging within the re-budgeted amounts. Public Works Director Webb reported the City Council provided Public Works direction to program additional funds during the planning session. Chair O’Neill clarified neighborhood enhancement funding comes from the General Fund Surplus. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Houlihan reported $15.5 of the proposed General Fund Surplus will be allocated to neighborhood enhancements and other CIP projects and provided a list to the Finance Committee. He reported $10 million will be put towards the Facilities Financial Plan (FFP) and would help fund the upcoming fire station and branch library project. He advised the City received $10.1 million in ARPA funding and is looking to use those funds for the Library Lecture Hall and Junior Lifeguard Building. He provided a brief overview of upcoming CIP projects over the next few years, which include the land purchase for a replacement police facility. He noted there is potential to use a portion of the existing police 5 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 3 of 9 facility site for the Santa Barbara Drive fire station replacement once the police facility has been relocated. Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough inquired about the existing size of the police facility site. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Houlihan clarified the current site is approximately 4 acres and noted the City will be evaluating options for additional parking on the current site but explained there is a need for additional site space for the future police facility. Public Works Director Webb explained the City Council will form a Council Working Group to further explore the options for the land purchase. Chair O’Neill reported if the City is able to eliminate its Unfunded Pension Liability by 2033 then there may be additional funds for this purpose. Chair O’Neill referenced the earlier public comment that Supervisor Foley was looking for recommendations for how to spend county ARPA funds and inquired if Public Works had investigated. Public Works Director Webb advised this is the first he has heard that ARPA funds may be available from the County, and he will investigate. Chair O’Neill opened public comments. Mr. Mosher noted that many of the projects listed on Page 5 and 6 of the presentation are really funded from General Fund dollars that have been transferred into other funds. He inquired how much of the CIP is comprised of grant funds and inquired why the use of Measure M grant funds has been reduced to zero this year. Public Works Director Webb advised the items that are using General Fund monies are notated with a “GF” in the presentation and explained General Fund money flows into the FFP and the Facilities Maintenance Plan. He clarified that Measure M funds are allocated on a competitive basis and award of these funds to the City fluctuates annually based on the projects included in the CIP. He further confirmed that there is no money allotted as part of this fiscal year’s CIP. Chair O’Neill closed public comments. B.FACILITIES FINANCIAL PLAN (FFP) AND HARBOR & BEACHES MASTER PLANSummary: Staff will provide an update on the current status of FFP and Harbor & Beaches Master Planfunding.Recommended Action:Review and discuss this report, provide feedback and recommendations regarding the presented options for assumed long-term funding for the FFP, concur with staff’srecommended funding level for the HBMP in Fiscal Year 2022-23, and provide any other related recommendations for consideration by the City Manager and City Council. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported the Harbor & Beaches Master Plan (HBMP) wasreviewed by the Harbor Commission on January 12 and the CIP and FFP components were preliminarily discussed by the City Council at the Planning Session held on January 29. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported the FFP is outlined in City Council Policy F-28 andnoted the funds are set aside for the renovation and/or replacement of existing City facilities or the addition of new facilities. He advised the current contribution is $8.5 million from the GeneralFund and explained it will stay at $8.5 million until 3% General Fund revenues exceed that amount, which is projected to be in 2028. He explained debt service also comes out of this fundand reported the current debt service payment for the Civic Center is $7.7 million and $0.9 million for Fire Station No. 2 for a total of $8.6 million. He reported staff recommends theminimum annual transfer be increased to match the annual debt service amount. He further reported staff recommends the transfer from the General Fund to the FFP Fund be split intotwo components, one for debt service, and one for a cash contribution to fund balance, in an effort to increase transparency. 6 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 4 of 9 Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported the FFP relies on Development Agreement Fees as an additional funding source. He reported Community Development gives the Finance Department a projection of the fees by project by year. He explained that under the current Reserve Policy, the minimum fund balance for the FFP Fund cannot drop below the maximum annual amount of debt service. He presented scenarios of what the required General Fund contribution would be if the assumed development fees did not materialize on the schedule anticipated in staff’s projection. Chair O’Neill inquired if these were estimated development fees. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett clarified this would include estimated development fees that have not yet been approved by the City Council but are on staff’s radar as well as development fees for projects that have been previously approved but for which the timing and certainty of future development is not definitive. Chair O’Neill noted the no development fees seem like an unlikely scenario. Chair O’Neill reiterated that once the unfunded pension liability is retired future City Councils will have additional resources to work with that could fund facilities projects and he hopes funds would be saved for this purpose. He expressed concern regarding the decision point. Committee Member Collopy recommended not making a decision now regarding increasing FFP contributions to compensate for the timing of receipt of future development fees, given that the 50% scenario does not show a need to increase contributions for several years. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett confirmed that the difference between the baseline scenario and the 50% of fees received scenario is the higher contributions above $8.6 million would start sooner and would be indexed on a higher percentage of General Fund Revenues. Committee Member Collopy recommended having this discussion in a few years when that decision point is reached. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett advised it is an option for the Finance Committee and added that until this analysis was conducted it was not clear when and if such a decision point would be necessary. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett provided a brief overview of the Harbor & Beaches Master Plan and reported staff has comprehensively updated the project list. He advised staff also evaluated the adequacy of the current $4.5 million contributions which was shown to be adequate but recommended that future contributions be indexed to inflation, which would result in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 contribution increasing to $4.6 million. Committee Member Scarbrough inquired how it is known that grants will be available in 2030, 2032, 2034. Public Works Administrative Manager Chris Miller explained the numbers are based on the funding the Federal Government has given the City for dredging projects. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett noted staff is recommending increasing maintenance funding to the FMMP by $1 million per year as part of next fiscal year’s budget. Chair O’Neill recommended the FFP Council Policy be updated. He agreed with the staff’s recommendation that the transfer from the General Fund to the FFP be split into two components, one for debt service, and one for a cash contribution to fund balance, to increase transparency. He also recommended this report be brought to the Finance Committee next year at the same time. Committee Member Collopy expressed surprise that the two piers need to be replaced. Chair O’Neill reported the recommendation came from a Council subcommittee recommendation. Mayor Pro Tem Blom explained it makes more sense to look at the piers holistically and 7 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 5 of 9 determine what can be done over the next 10 to 15 years. Chair O’Neill clarified it was a City Council Ad Hoc Committee. Committee Member Reed inquired if the Council Policy should have changed before approving the issuance of the Fire Station debt. Chair O’Neill explained the contributions from the City were necessitated with approval of the bond documents. He noted the Council Policy should have been updated when the City approved the issuance of the Fire Station Certificates of Participation. Chair O’Neil opened public comments. Mr. Mosher noted the FFP in the agenda packet differs from what is posted on the City’s website. He advised the summary of near-term projects is missing as well as the details regarding the expected development that will occur over the life of the FFP. He inquired if this is a new format for the FFP. Chair O’Neill closed public comments. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett advised if a page of the FFP attachment that was included in the Finance Committee packet in a prior year was not included this year, the omission was unintentional and there is not a new format. The item was received and filed. Chair O’Neill thanked Harbor Commissioner Don Yahn for his attendance at the Finance Committee meeting. C. SECOND QUARTER BUDGET UPDATE Summary: Staff will provide a presentation regarding the year-to-date and projected Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget performance. Recommended Action: Receive and file. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett provided a brief overview of Projected General Fund Revenues and noted Second Quarter Projections are $250 million with a $15.9 million positive variance. He advised Property Tax grew at a smaller rate this year due to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustment. He advised the projected growth for Fiscal Year 2022-23 is 6.5%. He reported Fiscal Year 2020-21 was a record year for Sales Tax and noted auto sales remain strong. He advised this was the first quarter where brick and mortar retail, restaurants, and hotel Sales Tax exceeded pre-pandemic levels. He reported Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue is now projected to exceed pre-pandemic levels this fiscal year. He noted residential TOT from Short-Term Rentals (STRs) is at a record high. Committee Member Collopy inquired how the City ensures STRs pay their TOT. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett explained the City has a Revenue Audit Program. He advised most people are paying their TOT and noted that while the number of permits has not increased, the revenue for each permit has increased. He advised the projections do not include the reopening of the Fashion Island and Marriott Hotels. Mayor Pro Tem Blom reported the Marriott Hotel will see even higher rates when their rooms come back online. He believes the hotels themselves are moving into a higher tier of hotel properties. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett highlighted the trend in Historical General Fund Revenues and noted that if things continue on their current trajectory the actual experience may soon 8 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 6 of 9 exceed the Pre-Covid Projection. He reported Other General Fund Revenues are projected to exceed the adopted budget by $5.4 million or 10.2%. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett provided a brief overview of Projected General Fund Expenditures and noted staff projects a budget savings of $4.4 million, which will likely increase. He advised if things stay as projected there will be a $15 million surplus at the end of the year. He advised staff will remain cautious and continue to evaluate trends and new information. Chair O’Neill explained the $31 million surplus from last year has been allocated to the unfunded pension liability and appropriated to FFP and CIP. Committee Member Collopy inquired when someone sells their home in Beacon Bay how much the Beacon Bay rent increases. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett advised the turnover in housing at Beacon Bay was not assumed in the mid-year adjustment but would need to investigate. He confirmed changes from lease revenues are reviewed annually. Committee Member Reed inquired if this considers employee salary and benefit inflation. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett advised most employee associations have entered into four-year contracts, and so inflation is accounted for in the mid-year adjustment. He noted the highest increases for salaries is 2% per year. Chair O’Neill called for public comments and hearing none, closed public comments. Chair O’Neill noted the increase is incredible and is attributable to the health of the local economy. The item was received and filed. D. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS UPDATE Summary: Staff will provide the Committee with an update on the health of the City's insurance, vehicle, equipment, and other internal service funds. Recommended Action: Receive and file. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett provided a brief update of the Internal Service Funds (ISFs) and noted their use is a best practice in government agencies. He explained they are funded by annual contributions from each department. He advised the ISF categories include Insurance, Compensated absences, Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), Equipment, and Information Technology. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported the Insurance ISFs had become overfunded, and rates were reduced in the current year to gradually draw down the excess fund balance. He noted the rates and fund balances are now evaluated annually. He reported the Compensated Absences ISF is funded from regular transfers equal 3.5% of payroll and advised no changes to the funding methodology are recommended at this time. He advised the two OPEB-related ISFs are the Operating ISF and the Conversion ISF and with the implementation of the City’s OPEB trust with CalPERS these funds are no longer necessary. Committee Member Collopy inquired if this fund is being used to pay into the CalPERS Trust. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett clarified it is used to run the money through, but it does not stay there. He noted the change will be that the funds run through the payroll clearing fund to CalPERS. He noted the Finance Committee will receive a detailed OPEB update at the March meeting. 9 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 7 of 9 Committee Member Collopy inquired if there was a Section 115 Trust for OPEBs. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett clarified that he was referring to that trust and CalPERS holds and invests the funds on behalf of the City. He clarified the Section 115 Trust is not accounted for in the General Ledger because the cash is not on hand with the City. He explained these are OPEB legacy funds from when the funds were managed differently in the past and are part of the City’s cash pool. Chair O’Neill provided additional clarification that the change will simply get rid of the pass-through fund. Committee Member Collopy inquired about the yield on the Section 115 Trust and Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett advised it did better than CalPERS last year due to a more aggressive investment strategy. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett explained the majority of the City’s ISFs relate to the City’s Equipment and Vehicles. He advised the Finance Department is recommending a $288,000 increase to the Police Equipment ISF to cover additional equipment. Committee Member Collopy inquired if the Police Department manages the Police Equipment ISF and Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett confirmed they do. Committee Member Collopy requested Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett identify who the funds are managed by moving forward. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported the Equipment Maintenance - All Other Fund is utilized for vehicle replacement and the adequacy of the rates was evaluated last year. He advised it is managed by Public Works and noted the rates do not need any further adjustments at this time. He reported the Recreation ISF is adequately funded but an ongoing study of the inventory of recreation equipment and minor facilities may result in a need to increase the contribution. He advised the Recreation ISF and Fire and Parking ISF are adequately funded, and no changes are required at this time. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported the Information Technology ISF rates are set by the IT Division staff based on operating costs and an analysis of long-term hardware and software needs. He advised there are no increased costs or rate methodology changes anticipated. He recommended the Finance Committee review and discuss the report and provide feedback to staff. Chair O’Neill opened public comments. Mr. Mosher inquired if any other departments help fund the Police Equipment ISF or is it entirely funded by the Police Department. He noted the Uninsured Claims ISF includes an account for non-tort litigation and related claim settlements and inquired examples. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported an example of Uninsured Claims could be land- use litigation that is not insured by the City’s General Liability policy. He clarified the Police Equipment ISF is only funded from the Police Department’s budget. Chair O’Neill closed public comments. The item was received and filed. E.INTERNAL AUDIT PROGRAM REPORTS (PART 2) Summary:Presentation of reports, findings, and recommendations from the Fiscal Year 2020-21 audit program.Recommended Action:Receive and file. 10 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 8 of 9 Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported the IT Controls review was completed by Moss Adams. He reported key findings included identifying a need to review, update, and finalize the policies and procedures related to system access. He advised Moss Adams recommended an enhanced training process and additional clarity on documentation and workflow. Lastly, they recommended the City formally document the process for handling terminated employees and contractor system access. He reported staff concurred with the Moss Adams findings and recommendations and will create a work plan for implementation. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett provided a brief overview of Cash Handling Controls and reported Moss Adams recommended the City establish requirements for training all cash handlers, centralize the tracking of training completed within the Revenue Division, and establish regular communication between the individual sites and the Revenue Division. He advised they also recommend the City consider performing a PCI assessment to evaluate compliance and related security risks. He reported staff concurred with the Moss Adams findings and recommendations and will create a work plan for implementation. Committee Member Collopy inquired if the City should consider going 100% cashless. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett explained there is not a staff workload problem but a need to be consistent in the procedure. City Manager Grace Leung agreed some situations warrant the City continuing to accept cash. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett reported he has seen a dwindling usage of cash but there are still residents who use it. He noted online payments have changed the frequency of when cash is used. Chair O’Neill advised for parking, the City decided to get rid of as many paid meters as possible and got a centralized app and credit card payment method. Chair O’Neill opened public comments. Mr. Mosher agreed with City Manager Leung that library patrons would like to pay their fines with cash. He inquired if the controls being recommended include the branch libraries and not just the Central Library. He inquired if there are any controls around contractors working on the City’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett advised the issue at the Central Library was with access to the cash registers due to the number of staff and the need to define a policy for closeout at the end of the day. IT Manager Avery Maglinti explained contractor access is turned off once the work is complete along with building access. He advised there is system monitoring software in place as well. Chair O’Neill closed public comments. The item was received and filed. F.WORK PLAN REVIEWSummary: Staff and Finance Committee to review the proposed work plan and identify matters thatmembers would like placed on a future Agenda for discussion, action, or report.Recommended Action:Receive and file. Chair O’Neill reported next meeting will include the Fee Study Update, OPEB, an overview of Revenue Projections, and the Internal Audit Update. He advised the Finance Committee willreceive the budget overview in April and vote to recommend a budget to the City Council inMay. Chair O’Neill called for public comments and hearing none, closed public comments. 11 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2022 Page 9 of 9 The item was received and filed. VI.ADJOURNMENT The Finance Committee adjourned at 4:29 p.m. to the next regular meeting of the Finance Committee. The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted on February 3, 2022, at 4:22 p.m., in the binder and on the City Hall Electronic Board located in the entrance of the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive. Attest: ___________________________________ _____________________ Will O’Neill, Chair Date Finance Committee 12 March 10, 2022, Finance Committee Item IV.A Comments These comments on an item on the Newport Beach Finance Committee agenda are submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item IV.A. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 2022 Changes to the draft minutes passages shown in italics are suggested in strikeout underline format. Page 1 (agenda packet page 4), Item III, paragraph 1: “Jim Mosher encouraged staff to advise the public when a substantial change is made, especially regarding financial information, and noted the Finance Committee should also be apprised of the change. He referenced a website that listed all approved contracts that were approved in the previous 30-days and advised it disappeared last summer. He inquired if the Finance Committee should have been notified of the change. He reported the budget no longer shows individual positions within a department and anticipated employee expense and believes the Finance Committee should have been apprised of the change. He advised the link for the Open Budget had been deleted from the City Budget and Salary information site and when searching for the contract for Open Budget has not been renewed. He encouraged the Finance Committee to investigate the changes.” Clarification: The first reference was to web page that the City Clerk had maintained at the request of the Finance Committee made some years ago when it was a three-Council member committee. Subsequent to the February 9 meeting, Finance Director Catlett kindly pointed out to me by email where the “missing link” had been moved to. That location could, at that time, be found under “Searchable Databases” on the Clerk’s Agendas and Minutes page, as can be seen in this view from February 16 preserved by the Internet Archives “Wayback Machine.” However, as you will see if you follow that link, the “Contracts approved in the last 30 day” page had not been updated by the Clerk since 2020. The page has since been deleted, and the link and the page it pointed to no longer exist. People interested in the contracts the Clerk knows have been approved in the last 30 days can do so using the search option in her Contracts Database. As to the second highlighted comment, I believe I did mention it looked like the contract for providing the public with the Open Budget portal (C-8233-1) had not been renewed (and links to the portal had disappeared); but I believe I expressed even greater concern that according to the Clerk’s records, the contract for the City’s Tyler Munis Enterprise Resource Planning Program (C-5780), which is the backbone of its financial reporting, had lapsed. The Clerk has posted it in her “Active” contracts file, and shows a March 2020 amendment, but believes the term expired on “12/31/2019.” According to the Clerk’s records, the City’s only currently valid contract with Tyler Technologies is the unrelated C-8399-1 for a Land Management System. Page 4 (agenda packet page 7), paragraph 3: “Chair O’Neill noted the that no development fees seem seems like an unlikely scenario.” Page 4 (agenda packet page 7), paragraph 10: “Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett noted staff is recommending increasing maintenance funding to the Facilities Maintenance Master Plan (FMMP) by $1 million per year as part of next fiscal year’s budget.” [?] 13 March 10, 2022, Finance Committee Item IV.A comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 2 Page 4 (agenda packet page 7), last paragraph: “Committee Member Collopy expressed surprise that the two piers need to be replaced. Chair O’Neill reported the recommendation came from a Council subcommittee recommendation.” Comment: I am not aware of the Council ever appointing such a committee. Page 6 (agenda packet page 9), full paragraph 3, sentence 2: “Finance Director/Treasurer Catlett advised the turnover in housing at Beacon Bay was not assumed in the mid-year adjustment but he would need to investigate.” Page 8 (agenda packet page 11), paragraph 2, sentence 2: “He advised they also recommend the City consider performing a PCI (Payment Card Industry) assessment to evaluate compliance and related security risks.” [?: the abbreviation was not explained in the Moss Adams summary] Page 8 (agenda packet page 11), paragraph 2 from end: “Chair O’Neill reported the next meeting will include the Fee Study Update, OPEB, an overview of Revenue Projections, and the Internal Audit Update.” 14 Agenda Item No. 5A March 10, 2022 TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE FROM: Finance Department Scott Catlett, Finance Director/Treasurer 949-644-3123, scatlett@newportbeachca.gov SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 FEE STUDY UPDATE SUMMARY: Fees are regularly studied and updated, by department, to ensure the proper recovery for cost of services in accordance with the cost recovery rates established by the City Council. Departments are reviewed on a rotating basis such that each department’s fees are comprehensively studied and updated every three to five years. This year, staff has comprehensively reviewed the fees for the following departments:  Recreation and Senior Services  Library  Fire Prevention Specific recommendations for each department are discussed in detail later in this report. Staff has also identified several necessary fee updates outside of the studied departments as follows:  Harbor – Marine Activities Permit (MAP) – New Renewal Application Fee for Service Providers  All Departments o Increase to the Notary Services Fee pursuant to Government Code Section 8211 o New fee to charge full hourly and burdened rate in addition to City or department overhead for user services not otherwise identified o New fees for both successful and unsuccessful appeals (excluding appeals to fines) that are not otherwise identified Subject to City Council approval, staff recommends that the fee schedule updates CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FINANCE COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT 15 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 2 become effective July 1, 2022. In addition to the proposed fee updates, staff is recommending modifications to the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Sections 3.36.0202 (Definitions) and 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) to facilitate the changes to authorized levels of cost recovery required by the fee changes that are recommended at this time. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and discuss the proposed fee updates discussed in this report and provide any recommendations for consideration by the City Manager and City Council. DISCUSSION: NBMC Section 3.36, Council Policy F-4 (Revenue Measures) and Item 12 of the Fiscal Sustainability Plan (FSP) provide staff and the City Council with policy guidance related to setting cost recovery targets and updating user fees. User fees, or cost-of-service fees, are charged to a private citizen or group for services performed or provided by a government agency on their behalf. If the service primarily benefits an individual or group of people, then the burden of that cost should be borne by the person receiving the benefit. NBMC Section 3.36.030 sets the cost recovery for user fees at 100%, with the exception of the subsidized fees listed in Exhibit “A” of that same section, as well as those limited by California or Federal statutes. A recommendation for less than a 100% cost recovery rate may occur when a service is beneficial to the community at large along with specific individuals or groups, and/or when there is an economic incentive, or disincentive, to do so. In these cases, another City revenue source – in most cases, the General Fund - subsidizes the service. Any newly proposed fee or fee increase that is not approved by the City Council will by default be subsidized by the General Fund. The Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) primarily includes cost-of-services fees, which are designed to recover the City’s cost to provide the related service. In order to establish fees on the basis of full cost recovery, it is necessary to determine the cost of services. Using well-established cost accounting methodologies, the City’s consultant, MGT of America (MGT), conducts a comprehensive review and update of the Citywide cost allocation plan and direct user fee calculations for each department on a rotating basis every three to five years. This year, MGT studied the following departments at staff’s direction:  Recreation and Senior Services  Library  Fire Prevention As part of this study, MGT meets with City staff from each studied department to discuss the services provided, the annual volume for those services, and the staff resources and time estimates for delivering the related services. In an effort to factor in both direct and indirect costs, MGT then calculates the department staff’s fully burdened hourly rate, which includes both internal administrative as well as citywide overhead costs. The fully burdened hourly rates are applied to the time estimates provided by staff and the fee is calculated. Consistent with the City’s round down policy and excluding Library Per Page 16 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 3 Copies, all fees proposed that are $5 or more are rounded down to the nearest dollar and all fees proposed that are less than $5 are rounded down to the nearest quarter. Based on the results of the fee study, it is not uncommon for some fees to increase while others may decrease. The most common reasons for fees to go up or down are: 1) costs changing over time, most often increasing 2) the staff performing the service changes, and/or 3) the amount of time to perform the service changes. Once the calculations are confirmed, department staff then recommends that the fee should either be fully recovered or subsidized. NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit “A” subsidy changes are detailed in Attachment B. In addition to the City’s cost-of-service fees, the SRFF includes fines & penalties, rents, and other charges imposed by the City or mandated by the State of California. The amount of these charges is determined in a variety of ways, most commonly market surveys when not mandated by a higher level of government. Where changes are recommended for these non-cost-of-service components of the SRFF herein, a description of the fee methodology and the reason(s) for a recommended change is provided. The remainder of this report focuses on how studied fees are changing. Executive summaries of each department’s studied fees can be found in Attachment A. Recreation and Senior Services The Recreation and Senior Services (RSS) Department was last studied in 2016, with some programmatic fee related updates approved by the City Council in subsequent years, such as fees relating to operational changes with the transition of the Marina Park boating program. As part of the prior fee study, the City Council approved revising NBMC Section 3.36 to set percentage recovery as a range, from a Council approved minimum amount up to 100%, in order to give the RSS Director and City Manager flexibility to adjust RSS fees as needed based on demand. As part of the current fee study, MGT and staff reviewed the percentage recovery ranges and determined these are still appropriate for both Recreation and Senior Services. Recreation Services – While staff is not proposing a modification to the codified cost recovery percentages, staff are proposing to increase fees in four program areas – Youth Camps, Youth After School Programs, Preschool Camps & Programs, and Aquatics Programs. This increase is warranted given the increase in the City’s costs to deliver these programs during the five-year period since the Recreation Services user fees were last studied and reflects an upward adjustment of approximately 10%. The fees have not been adjusted during this five-year period. This proposed increase on a programmatic level remains within the cost recovery percentage range established by the City Council and results in the following percentage increases in cost recovery by program: 17 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 4 Service Name Cost Recovery Range Current Cost Recovery Recommended Cost Recovery Youth Camps 20% - 50% 32% 35% Youth After School Programs 20% - 50% 25% 27% Preschool Camps & Programs 20% - 50% 26% 28% Aquatics Programs 20% - 50% 20% 23% The redline version of the SRFF that will be included in the fee resolution presented to the City Council in April will reflect an administrative reorganization and update of fees within the Adult Sports category in an effort to simplify the presentation of the fees in this program as well as to ensure the SRFF correctly captures all fees related to current operations. In line with this effort, there is one proposed additional fee in Adult Sports, Sports Classes. In an effort to ensure each fee listed correlates to the same programmatic area as where the revenue is recorded, staff is proposing to capture the per person sport related classes that are separate from the sport leagues, such as classes for pickleball. While this is not a new fee, this adjustment better aligns the SRFF with the departmental operations. In a similar effort to better align the SRFF with the departmental operations, the redline version of the SRFF will also reflect the elimination of seven fees under the Natural Resources category relating to beach clean-up and ISOpod special events and programs, as Recreation Services is no longer providing these programs. No other changes are proposed to the Recreation Services fees. Senior Services – Similar to Recreation Services, staff is proposing to increase fees for Oasis Fitness Memberships by a similar amount of approximately 10%. This proposed increase on a programmatic level remains with the cost recovery percentage range established by the City Council (50%-90%) and results in a 5% increase in cost recovery, from 53% to 58%. No other changes are proposed to the Senior Services fees. Appeal to City Council for Approval of Special Event Permits – MGT and staff completed a comprehensive review of the structure of the City’s types of appeals and the corresponding cost recovery for both successful and unsuccessful applicants. Generally, the City has included a cost recovery of less than 100% for both successful and unsuccessful applicants in order to not discourage potential appellants from exercising the right of appeal due to the fee(s) being cost-prohibitive. Similarly, in almost all cases, the City’s cost recovery for successful applicants is 0%. For consistency, staff is recommending modifying NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit “A” to include this same provision for appeals to the City Council for approval of Special Event Permits as outlined in Attachment B. Library Services The Library Services Department was last studied in 2016. As further detailed below, the proposed fee updates do not result in any material changes. While this study focused on cost-of-service fees, Attachment A also provides a summary of the reorganization and refinement of the fee descriptions for certain fines and replacement costs to better reflect the current types of materials. The summary is inclusive of all changes. 18 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 5 Library Services – There are three new fees proposed within Library Services. 1. The first two fees are Per Page Copies ($0.15 black and white; $0.45 color) that cover copies from central printers. While the central printers are somewhat self-service, they slightly differ in the process, cost, type of equipment, and volume, relative to the existing copy fees for self-service copiers. To that end, it was necessary to separately calculate the cost of this service from the other copier fees to factor in the different replacement cost and useful life of the printers. However, staff recommends aligning these fees with the existing Per Page Copies ($0.15 black and white; $0.45 color) from the self-service copiers for consistency. As such, Attachment B proposes amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit “A” to include a recovery for these services of less than 100%. As consistent with the City’s practice to round down, staff recommends continuing the practice to round these fees down to the nearest nickel for easy application. This recommendation will be included in the fee resolution presented to the City Council in April. 2. The third new fee covers a new service – Test Proctoring – the Library Department is adding based on an identified need of this service within the community. This fee is proposed at $24. It is important to note that this service differentiates from the traditional test proctoring where it is 100% supervised. This service recovers staff time associated with application processing and occasional monitoring at a central workspace. Similar to RSS, in an effort to align the SRFF with the current departmental operations and previously authorized changes by the Library Board of Trustees, there are additional updates, including the elimination of Materials Use – Best Sellers and the establishment of new fines for the new tech toys collection, which consists of technological items, such as GoPro camera, digital camera, synthesizer, and audio interface. Passport Services – While the fee for the passport service is restricted by the US Department of State, MGT studied the cost of passport photos. While the full cost of this service is $25.17, similar to staff’s recommendation as part of the prior fee study for the Library Department, staff recommends increasing the fee from $10 to $15 and recovering less than 100% of this cost based on the justification that the proposed $15 is comparable to the passport photo rates in the surrounding area. Attachment B proposes amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit “A” to include a recovery for these services of less than 100%. Fire Department – Fire Prevention The Fire Prevention fees were most recently studied in FY 2019-20. While Fire Prevention was not officially due to be studied this year, MGT and staff considered the relatively low City cost recovery stipulated in NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit “A” and the corresponding high subsidy by the General Fund of approximately $900,000. While recovering less than 100% of the total cost incurred by the City is to be expected for certain programmatic operations in the Fire Department that benefit the community at large in lieu of an individual, staff conducted a survey regarding cost recovery percentages for similar 19 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 6 services by other Orange County fire agencies. The results of this survey yielded that nearly all comparable agencies were fully recovering the cost of these services and had fees that were lower than what the City’s fees would be at a 100% cost recovery level. Following staff’s thorough analysis of the fee methodology with support from MGT, it was determined that the costs captured in these fees exceeded what was reasonable given the circumstances as further outlined below. The proposed fees reflect the full cost of providing these services resulting in proposed fee increases and decreases, including adjusting the fee methodology for the fees as summarized below: 1. The staff completing the following annual inspections summarized in the table below was modified to only include staff time by Fire Life Safety Specialists, as these inspections are no longer completed by Fire Captains or Firefighter Paramedics. This resulted in either fee decreases or a significantly lower net increase in the proposed fees even with the recommendation to increase the City’s cost recovery to 100%. State-Mandated Inspections Total Prior Cost Current Cost Recovery % Current Fee New Fee @ 100% Cost Recovery Variance Care Facility 7-99 Clients $1,253 36.0% $451 $442 ($9) Care Facility >99 Clients $1,430 40.8% $583 $226 ($357) Commercial Day Care Facility (Tutor Time) $711 36.0% $255 $260 $5 Hotel/Motel 50-299 Rooms $711 36.0% $255 $260 $5 2. Operation Permit: Level 1 and Level 2 (new or renewal) Annual – MGT and staff evaluated the fee methodology of these services, which previously included the hourly rate based on the full Engine Company (combination of Captain, Engineer, and Firefighter). While the Engine Company may fully be onsite to complete inspections related to these permits, the Engine Company must remain on-call to respond to emergencies. If the Engine Company receives a call, it will respond; therefore, the entity being inspected should not bear the full cost of the Engine Company. As such, MGT and staff propose changing the methodology to include an average (in lieu of the total) of the hourly rates for the Fire Captain and the Firefighter Paramedic partially comprising the Engine Company, which amounts to approximately one-third of the rate and decreases the basis for the staff time of the Engine Company from $960.29 to $358.54. The table below summarizes the net impact of this change on the fees for these two permits. Fee Description Total Prior Cost Current Cost Recovery % Current Fee New Fee @ 100% Cost Recovery Variance Operational Permit: Level 1* - New or Renewal $464 40.0% $185 $236 $51 Operational Permit: Level 2** - New or Renewal $908 38.1% $345 $445 $100 20 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 7 With these changes in the fee calculation methodology, staff is recommending increasing the City’s cost recovery to 100% for all services within this division. Attachment B therefore proposes amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit “A” to remove these services as an exception to the City’s policy of recovering less than 100% of costs incurred. Other Updates Even when a department is not scheduled for a comprehensive fee study, occasionally, operations will change enough that the non-studied departments will request one or two fee study changes for consideration and adoption. As part of this study and in an effort to present a comprehensive and thorough update on the City’s fees and current operations, staff considered the following additional updates outside of the departments scheduled to be studied: Harbor Department – The Harbor Department was last studied in the prior fiscal year. Pursuant to NBMC Section 17.10, most commercial activity in the Harbor requires obtaining a Marine Activities Permit (MAP). As part of the prior study, Department staff worked with the Harbor Commission to identify two categories of the most common business types that would be required to obtain a MAP, including 1) Service Providers and 2) Charters, Boat Rentals, and Human-Powered Rentals. Fees were proposed and approved for the initial application for each business type, respectively. In addition, a single fee for a renewal application for either business type was approved. In further evaluating the staff time incurred to process a renewal for these applicants, MGT and staff is recommending differentiating between the renewals for each business type. The existing renewal fee of $439 would be retained for the renewals for Charters, Boat Rentals, and Human-Powered Rentals, while a new fee would be added for the renewals for Service Providers of $84. All Departments / Other Municipal Code Revisions – As part of this fee study update, MGT and staff reviewed the fees in all departments for consistency with California or Federal Statute to ensure the fees in the SRFF align with the cost recovery set by the applicable statute. To that end, the Notary Services Fee is proposed to increase from $10 to $15 to correspond to the increase authorized by Government Code Section 8211. In addition to this one statutory change, staff is proposing three new fees that would be applicable to all City departments: 1. User Services not otherwise identified in the SRFF – This fee is proposed to be based on actual cost and will utilize the full hourly and burdened rate of personnel as well as the City and departmental overhead rates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan. This fee is intended to serve as a generic pass-thru fee that each department may use to charge on an hourly basis for unusual services. Staff anticipates that this will provide departments with additional flexibility and ensure the City is able to recover the cost of services in unique situations that would ordinarily 21 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 8 not be addressed by the fees included in the SRFF, whereas previously such services would need to be provided free of change if a fee had not otherwise been specifically established. As outlined in Attachment B, the proposed redlines to the NBMC adjust the definition of “User Services” to cover the existing cost-of-service fees as well as this proposed additional fee. The Finance Department will provide guidelines for the use of these hourly rates to each department and will approve each use of this fee to ensure that it is appropriately applied. Any use of these hourly rates that becomes recurring in nature would require a full cost-of-service fee study at the next opportunity to create a user fee for the identified service. 2. Appeals (excluding appeals to fines) – Applicant Unsuccessful and Applicant Successful – Similar to the approach outlined above, these two fees are proposed to be generic pass-thru fees and will be calculated utilizing the full hourly and burdened rate of personnel and the City and departmental overhead rates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan. This fee will address any situations where a specific fee has not been established for atypical or infrequent types of appeals. For appeal fees, the City has generally included a cost recovery of less than 100% for both successful and unsuccessful applicants in order to not discourage potential appellants from exercising the right of appeal due to fee(s) being cost- prohibitive. To that end, Attachment B includes a modification to NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit “A” proposing the City to recover 50% of the cost incurred by the City for appeals when the applicant is unsuccessful and 0% in cases where the applicant is successful, which is generally consistent with the City’s cost recovery for other appeals fees. In addition to the updates specified above, staff is proposing to modify the NBMC to include the authority for the City Manager or Finance Director to waive fees for services up to an amount of $5,000 per occurrence, which is comparable to the waiver limit staff identified in a survey of other comparable agencies. This waiver authority is intended to only be utilized in limited circumstances where an existing SRFF fee is incorrect, has been identified as higher than the cost incurred by the City, or should not be charged. Finance and City Attorney’s Office staff are proposing the following criteria under which a fee may be waived: the imposition of the fee would exceed the actual cost to the City, would result in duplicative fees for services rendered, or would impose a hardship. In cases where a fee is waived, and to the fullest extent possible, staff will document the reasons for the waiver. Rental Fees - California law also allows the City to charge market rates for the use of government property, such as renting a room in a City facility. While restricted by City Council Policy B-13 Public Use of City Facilities and not included in MGT’s study of cost- of-service fees, as part of studying the Recreation Services and Library Services fees, department staff completed a market survey for applicable rental fees/deposits – facility and room, gymnasium field, and park rentals – to ensure that the City’s charges are in line with comparable jurisdictions. Rental fees within the Aquatics Program relating to both exclusive and shared use of the MBAC Pool use are proposed to increase upward 22 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 9 by approximately 10%. This increase is warranted given the results of the market survey as well as the increase in the City’s costs to facilitate the use of the pool. The fees have not been adjusted during this five-year period since the Recreation Services fees were last studied. On a going forward basis, the MBAC Pool use rental fees have been adjusted to increase by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) similar to other Recreation Services rental fees within the SRFF. Staff is not proposing any other material updates to these fees. Excluding the MBAC Pool rental fees that will be increased by CPI effective July 1, 2023, applicable rental fees are set to increase effective July 1, 2022, by CPI. CPI Updates - The applicable rental fees within each studied department as well as all applicable fees listed in the SRFF that are subject to CPI increases based on prior resolutions, will be increased by CPI effective July 1, 2022. The applicable cost-of-service fees within each studied department will be increased by CPI effective July 1, 2023. However, the percentage by which these fees, including the rental fees referenced above, will increase is not yet noted as the City’s methodology in calculating the change in CPI is by using March of the prior year to March of the current year. The proposed increases will be included in the redline version of the SRFF that will be attached to the fee resolution when the fee study update is considered by the City Council in April. CDD – The Community Development Department was last studied in FY 2019-20. The Department is currently working with Finance staff and MGT to calculate and propose fee(s) related to building permit extensions. The City Council previously set a three-year time limit from the issuance of the first or original building permit for one-unit or two-unit dwellings to complete construction. Subject to the City Council’s consideration on March 8, 2022, in advance of the three-year deadline, if staff’s recommendations are approved it is anticipated that permittees will be able to request an extension of one-year by review of the Building Official. Subsequent one-year extensions would be deferred to a hearing officer for consideration. Following City Council’s direction related to the proposed Municipal Code revisions to reflect this process, fee(s) will be proposed to the City Council for approval either by way of a separate fee resolution or included in the fee resolution and recommendations as part of this fee study update in April. Public Works – The Public Works Department was last studied in the prior fiscal year. As part of this study, the full cost of the RGP Dredging Permit fee presented at the Finance Committee meeting on February 18, 2021, was $3,203, up from the prior existing fee of $1,900. However, after the Finance Committee meeting, the fee consultant discovered a formula error in the allocation of consultant costs to projects; Anchor QEA refined the breakdown of their costs, which increased the originally projected costs; and finally, time estimates for the City’s Administrative Manager were reviewed and reduced. These adjustments resulted in the cost of the RGP Dredging Permit increasing to $7,766. However, in accordance with staff’s recommendation, the City Council approved a cost recovery percentage of 42% to maintain the fee at $3,262, more closely aligned to the amount reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee. This approval was contingent upon staff returning to the City Council as part of this fee study update with a refined methodology to support either retaining, or proposing an adjustment to, the City’s cost 23 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 10 recovery for this permit based on discussions with the Harbor Commission and the collection of additional data over a one-year period to better understand the program and the fee related impacts to the permittees. Since the Council’s direction to collect additional data, operational limitations have prevented the collection of adequate data for City staff to fully analyze the program for the Harbor Commission’s consideration. Existing dredging permittees that have been authorized to initiate dredging activities in May 2022 have been on hold for approximately 1.5 years and paid the permit fee that was in place prior to July 1, 2021. Since the new fee became effective, there have been no new applications. Dredging activities were placed on hold due to the identification of invasive algae in the harbor, which halted all dredging activity. With the identification of this algae, regulations will only allow for dredging to take place from May to December. Additionally, new regulatory requirements resulting from the algae’s identification place a significantly higher financial burden on applicants, including the completion of three surveys that are approximately $1,500 each in addition to the fee that is paid to the City. As this upcoming window where dredging activity is permitted will only include permittees who paid the prior fee, applicants under the new, higher fee will not be permitted to dredge until May 2023. Therefore, staff recommends deferring any changes to the fee or the level of cost recovery until the next time the Public Works Department fees are studied in Fiscal Year 2023-24, which should coincide with when staff will have one year of data to analyze per the Council’s prior request. Fee Schedule Format Changes – Over the next year, staff will be researching the format of fee schedules used in other comparable local government agencies that focus on simple, effective communication. Staff will continue to utilize the existing SRFF as an internal mechanism to track critical fee related information, such as the last studied date, the fees eligible for CPI increases, and the historical increase/decrease of each fee. However, as the SRFF is a customer service document, staff anticipates creating a separate version that would be available on the City’s website with the goal of improving this communication tool by simplifying the information presented to be that which is most useful to the community. As the current SRFF available on the City’s website is 28 pages with 1,131 lines, many columns, and small print, staff have received concerns and heard frustration from constituents concerning the SRFF’s lengthy and complex nature. While the SRFF is intended to be a resource for constituents, the document is often a bit overwhelming, and in lieu of identifying the information needed, constituents end up contacting the City for assistance in confirming fee and fine information. In addition, staff will be completing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Fee Study and Citywide Cost Allocation Plan in the next few months. To that end, whether a new consultant is selected, or staff continues with MGT, staff will be reviewing in concert with the selected consultant the most effective presentation delivery methods of fee study updates to the Finance Committee and the City Council, which may result in some formatting changes with the information and the executive summaries that are presented before the Committee as part of this update. Staff welcomes any feedback from the Committee on the format of the public copy of the SRFF and/or the format of the fee study executive summaries and 24 Fee Study Update March 10, 2022 Page 11 materials presented to them and the City Council. CONCLUSION: Subject to City Council approval of the fees as recommended, it is estimated that approximately $180,622 of additional revenues will be generated for the General Fund. However, this projection does not account for any fees where volume statistics are unavailable. The City Council’s policy of ensuring regular review of the City’s cost-of- service fees and adequate cost recover will continue to ensure adequate cost recovery from users of the City’s fee-related services. This then facilitates the redirection of general tax revenues currently subsidizing fee-supported services to maintaining and enhancing non-fee supported services and programs. Staff will present the proposed fee recommendations to the City Council for formal consideration in April and will incorporate any feedback received from the Finance Committee into staff’s final recommendations. Prepared and Submitted by: /s/ Amber Haston Amber Haston Senior Budget Analyst Attachments: A. Fiscal Year 2021-22 Studied Department Changes B. Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 Changes 25 ATTACHMENT A FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 STUDIED DEPARTMENT CHANGES 26 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport BeachRSS ‐ Recreation Services (0107010 ‐ 0107024)2021‐2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRecommended Subsidy1 Adult Sports Program 1                501,974$        589,486$        85% 589,486$        85% 501,974$        501,974$         ‐$                 87,512$2Youth Sports Program 1                57,207$          131,662$        43% 131,662$        43% 57,207$          57,207$           ‐$                 74,455$3Youth Camps Program 1                174,416$        544,252$        32% 544,252$        35% 191,849$        191,849$        17,433$          352,403$ 4Youth After School ProgramsProgram1                223,871$        902,974$        25% 902,974$        27% 246,241$        246,241$        22,370$          656,733$ 5Preschool Camps & ProgramsProgram1                58,750$          229,784$        26% 229,784$        28% 64,624$          64,624$          5,874$            165,160$ 6Aquatics ProgramsProgram1                128,578$        627,535$        20% 627,535$        23% 141,436$        141,436$        12,857$          486,099$ 7Natural Resources ProgramsProgram1                24,958$          128,345$        19% 128,345$        19% 24,958$          24,958$          ‐$                 103,387$ 8Fee Based, NCCC, CYC ClasssesProgram1                1,092,234$    2,196,049$    50% 2,196,049$    50% 1,092,234$    1,092,234$    ‐$                 1,103,815$               9Marina Park and Peninsula ClassesProgram1                1,071,575$    1,842,630$    58% 1,842,630$    58% 1,071,575$    1,071,575$    ‐$                 771,055$ 10Recreation Facility & Field Use FeesProgram1                642,717$        1,414,509$    45% 1,414,509$    45% 642,717$        642,717$        ‐$                 771,792$ 11Recreation Special EventsProgram1                4,625$            494,255$        1% 494,255$        ‐‐ city‐sponsored events; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐12Sailing Center Classes/RentalProgram1                159,288$        212,283$        75% 212,283$        75% 159,288$        159,288$        ‐$                 52,995$13 Admin Processing FeeFixed Fee 34,580      5$6.63$               75% 229,324.95$  75% 5.00$               172,900$        ‐$                 56,425$14 Class Refund $74 or lessFixed Fee93              10$ 172.61$          6%16,052.75$    6% 10.00$            930$                ‐$                 15,123$15 Class Refund $75 or greaterFixed Fee508            20$ 58.69$            34%29,812.24$    34%20.00$            10,160$          ‐$                 19,652$16 Badge ReplacementFixed Fee4                5$37.11$            13% 148.42$          13% 5.00$               20$ ‐$                 128$ 17Special Events Permits Level 1 ‐ residentFixed Fee104            492$                3,696.83$       13% 384,470.22$  13% 492.00$          51,168$          ‐$                 333,302$ 18Special Events Permits Level 1 ‐ non resident Fixed Fee2                974$                4,358.50$       22% 8,717.01$       22%974.00$          1,948$            ‐$                 6,769$19Special Events Permits Level 2 ‐ residentFixed Fee24              1,026$            4,709.36$       22% 113,024.53$  22% 1,026.00$       24,624$          ‐$                 88,401$20 Special Events Permits Level 2 ‐ non resident Fixed Fee2                2,200$            4,296.27$       51% 8,592.55$       51% 2,200.00$       4,400$            ‐$                 4,193$21 Special Events Permits Level 3 ‐ residentFixed Fee22              2,915$            10,732.72$    27%236,119.85$  27%2,915.00$       64,130$          ‐$                 171,990$ 22Special Events Permits Level 3 ‐ non resident Fixed Fee2                5,573$            10,587.18$    53% 21,174.36$    53% 5,573.00$       11,146$          ‐$                 10,028$23 Bundled 1&2 Spec Events Permits (20 events) Fixed Fee7                3,260$            5,487.77$       59% 38,414.38$    59% 3,260.00$       22,820$          ‐$                 15,594$24Special Events Permits Appeal to City Council ‐ Applicant UnsuccessfulFixed Fee1                1,823$            2,754.80$       66% 2,754.80$       66% 1,823.00$       1,823$            ‐$                 932$ 25Special Events Permits Appeal to City Council ‐ Applicant SuccessfulFixed Fee (Revised)1                1,823$            2,755$            66% 2,755$            0%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 2,755$26 Park PatrolProgr Suppt ‐ Realloc 1                ‐$                 797,853$        0% 797,853$        ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐27Recreation Park, Playground & Fac Maint Progr Suppt ‐ Realloc 1                ‐$                 263,553$        0% 263,553$        ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐28 Land ManagementNon‐Fee Program1                ‐$                 463,877$        0% 463,877$        ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐29 Rec Mgr Suppt to Specific Progr (J.S.)Progr Adm ‐ Realloc 1                ‐$                 ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ program overhead; costs are re‐allocated above ‐‐30 Rec Mgr Suppt to Specific Progr (J.H.)Progr Adm ‐ Realloc 1                ‐$                 ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ program overhead; costs are re‐allocated above ‐‐CurrentRecommendationsPer Program AnnualPer Program / Annual1 of 1127 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport BeachRSS ‐ Recreation Services (0107010 ‐ 0107024)2021‐2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRecommended SubsidyCurrent RecommendationsPer Program AnnualPer Program / Annual31 Rec Mgr Suppt to Specific Progr (R.V.) Progr Adm ‐ Realloc 1                ‐$                 ‐$                 0%‐$                                      ‐‐ program overhead; costs are re‐allocated above ‐‐32 Non‐billable Facility UseNon‐Fee Program1                ‐$                 309,518$        0% 309,518$                                    ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐33 No Fee Programs (Classes/Events)Non‐Fee Program1                ‐$                 275,893$        0% 275,893$                                    ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐34 Community Partners AgreementsNon‐Fee Program1                ‐$                 76,927$          0% 76,927$                                      ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐35 Non Fee relatated Customer ServiceNon‐Fee Program1                ‐$                 323,003$        0% 323,003$                                    ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐Total User Fees$9,908,1154,560,172$    58,535$          5,347,943$               Footnotes3Youth Camps425 Special Events Permits Appeal to City Council ‐ Applicant SuccessfulStaff recommend including this provision to recover 0% of the costs incurred by the City for successful applicants consistent with the City's practice to generally recover less than100% of costs incurred in order to not discourage potential appellants from exercising the right of appeal due to fee(s) being cost‐prohibitive. In addition, NBMC Section 3.36.030Exhibit A is updated to reflect this. This program includes the summer day camps operated by departmental staff. The proposed increase to the fees in this program is to further align the recovery with program costs.The applicable fees in this program are proposed to increase given the increase in the City's costs to deliver this program during the five‐year period since the fees were last studiedand reflects an upward adjustment of approximately 10%.This program includes the after school program administered by departmental staff. The proposed increase to the fees in this program is to further align the recovery with programcosts. The applicable fees in this program are proposed to increase given the increase in the City's costs to deliver this program during the five‐year period since the fees were laststudied and reflects an upward adjustment of approximately 10%.This includes a variety of programs for preschool age kids administered by departmental staff including summer day camps and drop off preschool programs. The proposed increaseto the fees in this program is to further align the recovery with program costs. The applicable fees in this program are proposed to increase given the increase in the City's costs todeliver this program during the five‐year period since the fees were last studied and reflects an upward adjustment of approximately 10%.This staff administered program includes recreation swim and play, learn to swim classes, and lap swim classes. In addition, lifeguard staff are required for all classes as well asgeneral pool usage. The proposed increase to the fees in this program is to further align the recovery with program costs. The applicable fees in this program are proposed toincrease given the increase in the City's costs to deliver this program during the five‐year period since the fees were last studied and reflects an upward adjustment of approximately10%.Youth After School ProgramsPreschool Camps & Programs5Aquatics Programs62 of 1128 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport BeachRSS ‐ Senior Services (0107031 ‐ 0107033)2021‐2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRecommended Subsidy1Oasis Classes & Programs Program 1                810,000$        1,786,946$    45% 1,786,946$    45% 810,000$        810,000$        ‐$                976,946$        2Oasis Facility Use FeesProgram1                50,000$          205,810$        24% 205,810$        24% 50,000$          50,000$          ‐$                155,810$        3Oasis Fitness MembershipsProgram1                230,000$        437,559$        53% 437,559$        58% 253,001$        253,001$        23,001$          184,558$        4Senior Transportation ProgramsProgram1                29,000$          1,418,762$    2% 1,418,762$    2% 29,000$          29,000$          ‐$                1,389,762$    5Oasis Social ServicesNon‐Fee1                ‐$                268,431$        0% 268,431$                                      ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐6Non‐Billable Facility UseNon‐Fee1                ‐$                20,868$          0% 20,868$                                        ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐7Non‐Fee Programs (Volunteer Classes/Events) Non‐Fee1                ‐$                196,522$        0% 196,522$                                      ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐8Non Fee relatated Customer ServiceNon‐Fee2                ‐$                75,804$          0% 151,607$                                      ‐‐ general city services; not cost‐of‐service ‐‐Total User Fees$3,849,0771,142,001$    23,001$          2,707,076$    Footnotes3Oasis Fitness MembershipsThis program covers the fitness memberships for seniors at theOasis Facility. The proposed increase to the fees in this program is to further align the recovery with programcosts. The applicable fees in this program are proposed to increase given the increase in the City's costs to deliver this program during the five‐year period since the fees werelast studied and reflects an upward adjustment of approximately 10%.CurrentRecommendationsPer Program AnnualPer Unit / Annual3 of 1129 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport BeachLibrary (Dept 60)2021‐2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRecommended Subsidy1.00   Cancellation Charge1.01   Library Cancellation Charge Fixed Fee‐             66.00$             56.09$             118%‐$                 100% 56.00$              ‐$                  ‐$                  ‐$                 2.00   Deposits2.01   Central Library Community Room (use of PA System) Refundable‐             100.00$            ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ deposit fee, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐2.02   Refundable Cleaning DepositRefundable‐             96.00$             ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ deposit fee, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐3.00   Meeting Rooms1                ‐$                 50,485.30$     0% 50,485$           3.01   Ctrl Libr Mtg Room, Non‐Profit Resi RatePer Hr, 2 Hr Min‐             50.00$             ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fee may be set based on market conditions, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐3.02   Ctrl Libr Mtg Room, Non‐Profit Non‐Resi Rate Per Hr, 2 Hr Min‐             95.00$             ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fee may be set based on market conditions, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐3.03   Ctrl Libr Mtg Room, Private Resi RatePer Hr, 2 Hr Min‐             80.00$             ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fee may be set based on market conditions, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐3.04   Ctrl Libr Mtg Room, Private Non‐Resi RatePer Hr, 2 Hr Min‐             160.00$           ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fee may be set based on market conditions, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐4.00   Setup & Cleanup Fees4.01   Central Library Community RoomFixed Fee1                127.00$           129.44$           98% 129$                 100% 129.00$           129$                 2$ 0$ 5.00   Fines for Overdue Materials5.01   DVDs (non‐rental)Fine, per day‐             0.25$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐5.02   Gen'l Mat'ls, New Books, CDs, Lucky Day Books, ILL Fine, per day‐             0.25$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐5.03   Tech ToysFine, per day‐             5.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐5.04   LaptopFine, per hour‐             5.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐5.05   Paperbacks, PeriodicalsFine, per day‐             0.25$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐5.06   Video Games and Rental DVDs/Blu‐raysFine, per day‐             1.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐6.00   Library Services6.01   Black & White Copies (Self‐Service Copier)Per Copy 2,606        0.15$               0.41$               36% 1,074$             36% 0.15$               391$                 ‐$                 683$                 6.02   Color Copies (Self‐Service Copier)Per Copy 2,606        0.45$               0.50$               90% 1,308$             90% 0.45$               1,173$             ‐$                 135$                 6.03   Black & White Copies (from Printer)New Per Copy85,092      0.15$               0.68$               22% 57,666$           22% 0.15$               12,764$           ‐$                 44,902$           6.04   Color Copies (from Printer)New Per Copy2,130        0.45$               0.77$               59% 1,632$             59% 0.45$               959$                 ‐$                 673$                 6.05   Inter Library LoanFixed Fee 440            5.00$               70.43$             7% 30,987$           7% 5.00$               2,200$             ‐$                 28,787$           6.06   Materials UseFixed Fee 3,804        1.00$               5.82$               17% 22,152$           17% 1.00$               3,804$             ‐$                 18,348$           6.07   Materials Use ‐ Best SellersDELETE‐             1.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ remove from Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees (SRFF) ‐‐6.08   Test ProctoringNew Fixed Fee202            ‐$                 24.97$             0% 5,044$             100% 24.00$             4,848$             4,848$             196$                 7.00   Passport Services7.01   Passport ServiceUS Dept of State 658            25.00$             71.99$             35% 47,367$           49% 35.00$             23,030$           6,580$             24,337$           7.02   Passport PhotoFixed Fee 558            10.00$             25.17$             40% 14,043$           60% 15.00$             8,370$             2,790$             5,673$             CurrentRecommendationsPer Unit Annual Per Unit Annual4 of 1130 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport BeachLibrary (Dept 60)2021‐2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRecommended SubsidyCurrent RecommendationsPer Unit Annual Per Unit Annual8.00   Processing Charges for Replacement Items8.01   General Mat'ls, DVDs/Blu‐rays, Video Games Fine‐             10.00$              ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐8.02   Paperbacks (mass market)/Periodicals Fine‐             3.00$                ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐8.03   Tech ToysNew Fine‐             20.00$             ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ fines or penalties, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.00   Replacement Cost of Materials9.01   CDsPass‐Thru‐             20.00$             ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.02   Compact Disc CasesPass‐Thru‐             1.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.03   Damage to Barcode or RFID tag on Libr Mat'lsPass‐Thru‐             1.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.04   DVD/BOCD CasesPass‐Thru‐             4.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.05   DVDs (non‐rental) Pass‐Thru‐             25.00$              ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.06   General Materials Pass‐Thru‐             20.00$              ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.07   Tech Toys Pass‐Thru‐             400.00$           ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.08   Laptops and/or peripheralsPass‐Thru‐             1,200.00$       ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.09   Paperbacks, PeriodicalsPass‐Thru‐             5.00$               ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐9.10   Video GamesPass‐Thru‐             50.00$             ‐$                 0%‐$                 ‐‐ pass‐thru expense recovery, not a cost‐of‐service fee ‐‐Total User Fees$181,402 *57,667$           14,220$           123,735$         *Excludes Cost from Meeting Rooms as the fees are not included in the cost‐of‐service study. Footnotes1.01 Library Cancellation Charge3.00   Meeting Rooms5.009.00Fines for Overdue Book MaterialsReplacement Cost of Materials 5.03 8.03   9.07 Tech Toys6.01   Black & White Copies (Self‐Service Copier)6.02   Color Copies (Self‐Service Copier)6.03   Black & White Copies (from Printer)Staff is recommending decreasing this fee to align the recovery with the actual cost of service. Tech toys are a new collection that was added in 2016 and includes the following items: GoPro Camera, Digital Camera, Media Converter, Tripod, ExternalHardDrive,USBTurntable, DVD Drive, WiFi Mobile Hotspot, Drum Machine, Synthesizer, Audio Interface, NES Classic Mini, Sega Genesis Classic Mini, and PlayStation Classic. This service defines the costs associated with all meeting room facility use fees.  Facility use fees may be set based on market rates and need not be tied to cost of service.This is a new fee to cover copies from central printers, and staff recommends aligning this fee with the Black & White Copies (Self‐Service Copier) fee (6.01) forconsistency. As such, the NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A is updated to include a recovery for this service of less than 100%. This summary reflects a reorganization and refinement of the fee descriptions for certain fines and replacement costs to better reflect the materials. As these adjustments relate to fines and replacement costs that are not studied as part of this cost of service study, the above is a summary with all adjustments incorporated. The specific adjustments are reflected in the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees (SRFF).Staff recommend keeping this fee unchanged at $0.15 per page consistent with the recovery specified in NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A.Staff recommend keeping this fee unchanged at $0.45 per page consistent with the recovery specified in NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A.5 of 1131 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport BeachLibrary (Dept 60)2021‐2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRecommended SubsidyCurrent RecommendationsPer Unit Annual Per Unit Annual6.04   Color Copies (from Printer)6.05   Inter Library Loan6.06   Materials Use6.07   Materials Use ‐ Best Sellers6.08   Test Proctoring7.01   Passport Service7.02   Passport Photo8.03 Tech Toys FineThis is a new fee to cover copies from central printers, and staff recommends aligning this fee with the Color Copies (Self‐Service Copier) fee (6.02) for consistency. Assuch, NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A is updated to reflect the adjusted cost recovery. As such, the NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A is updated to include a recovery forthis service of less than 100%. This is essentially a duplicate of the Materials Use fee (6.06). Staff recommend this fee be removed from the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees (SRFF).Staff recommend this new fee be implemented to recover staff time associated with application processing and occasional monitoring at a central workspace.This is a fine that was established by the Board of Library Trustees to correspond to the new tech toys collection that is being added to the Schedule of Rents, Fines andFees (SRFF). Staff recommend keeping this fee unchanged at $5 consistent with the recovery specified in NBMC Section 3.36.030. Staff recommend keeping this fee unchanged at $1 consistent with the recovery specified in NBMC Section 3.36.030. The proposed increase to this fee aligns the fee with the fee set by the State and cannot exceed the amount shown. Staff recommend an increase to this fee while also setting the recovery to be less than 100% to align the fee with that of comparable services at other agencies.6 of 1132 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport Beach402  Fire Prevention2021/2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelVariance% ChangeAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRemaining Subsidy1Closure Report Review Hourly‐             194.00$          228.20$          85%‐$                 100% 228.00$          34.00$      18%‐$                  ‐$                  ‐$                 2 Commercial Battery ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee 10              233.00$          238.64$          98% 2,386$             100% 238.00$          5.00$         2% 2,380$             50$6$3 Commercial Battery ‐ PLAN REVIEW Fixed Fee 10              208.00$          241.54$          86% 2,415$             100% 241.00$          33.00$      16% 2,410$             330$                5$4Fire Lane Plan Review (Fire Master Plan) ‐ PLAN REVIEWHourly‐             194.00$          228.20$          85%‐$                 100% 228.00$          34.00$      18%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 5Fire, Life Safety or Special Hazard ConsultationHourly‐             194.00$          228.20$          85%‐$                 100% 228.00$          34.00$      18%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 6In Service Building Public Radio Coverage System Service in Private Structures Fixed Fee‐             396.00$          427.67$          93%‐$                 100% 427.00$          31.00$      8%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 7Fire Access Gates ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee2                164.00$          162.94$          101% 326$                100% 162.00$          (2.00)$        ‐1% 324$                (4)$2$8Above or Below Ground Tanks, Installation or Removal ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             434.00$          438.11$          99%‐$                 100% 438.00$          4.00$         1%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 9Fire Access Gates ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee2                164.00$          190.94$          86% 382$                100% 190.00$          26.00$      16% 380$                52$2$10 Above or Below Ground Tanks, Installation or Removal ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             296.00$          342.72$          86%‐$                 100% 342.00$          46.00$      16%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 11 Pre‐submittal ReviewHourly‐             194.00$          228.20$          85%‐$                 100% 228.00$          34.00$      18%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 12 Reinspection or Special Inspection ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee‐             233.00$          238.64$          98%‐$                 100% 238.00$          5.00$         2%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 13 Technical Assistance of Complex Fire Protection SystemsHourly‐             194.00$          228.20$          85%‐$                 100% 228.00$          34.00$      18%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 14Fuel Modification New and/or Change to Existing Plan ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             132.00$          138.90$          95%‐$                 100% 138.00$          6.00$         5%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 15 Fuel Modification New and/or Change to Existing Plan ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             120.00$          140.35$          85%‐$                 100% 140.00$          20.00$      17%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 16All Assembly (A, F, B, M, S): < or equal to 3000 square feet 2016 CBC  ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee25              333.00$          338.37$          98% 8,459$             100% 338.00$          5.00$         2% 8,450$             125$                9$17All Assembly (A, F, B, M, S):  > 3000 and less than or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee4                434.00$          438.11$          99% 1,752$             100% 438.00$          4.00$         1% 1,752$             16$0$18 All Assembly (A, F, B, M, S): >10,000 s.f. aggregate ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             635.00$          637.58$          100%‐$                 100% 637.00$          2.00$         0%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 19 Daycare E or I‐4 ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee1                452.00$          463.94$          97% 464$                100%463.00$          11.00$      2% 463$                11$1$20 Educational other than daycare ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee‐             452.00$          463.94$          97%‐$                 100% 463.00$          11.00$      2%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 21H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, or L  (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review Review fee also required) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee1                535.00$          537.85$          99%538$                100%537.00$          2.00$         0% 537$                2$1$22Hi‐Rise: 75' or higher measured from lowest point of FD access INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             1,633.00$       1,664.36$       98%‐$                 100% 1,664.00$       31.00$      2%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 23Misc Inspection including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awningsHourly‐             219.00$          225.30$          97%‐$                 100%225.00$          6.00$         3%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 24R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (base fee) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESBase Fee3                324.00$          367.79$          88% 1,103$             100% 367.00$          43.00$      13% 1,101$             129$                2$25R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (per unit, per building) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESPer Unit463            10.00$             9.97$               100%4,618$             100%9.00$               (1.00)$        ‐10% 4,167$             (463)$               451$                26R4:  licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7‐19 clients INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee1                535.00$          537.85$          99% 538$                100% 537.00$          2.00$         0% 537$                2$1$27R4:  licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving ≥ 20 clients INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee1                773.00$          788.98$          98% 789$                100% 788.00$          15.00$      2% 788$                15$1$28 Fire Alarm System: base fee ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESBase Fee81              233.00$          238.64$          98% 19,330$          100% 238.00$          5.00$         2% 19,278$          405$                52$29 Fire Alarm System: Per Device ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESPer Device 1,682        3.25$               3.32$               98% 5,592$             100% 3.25$               ‐$           0%5,467$             ‐$                 125$                30Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Base per head With 1 Riser ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESBase Fee2                233.00$          238.64$          98% 477$                100% 238.00$          5.00$         2% 476$                10$1$31Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): each add'l head ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESPer Head 1,755        3.25$               3.32$               98% 5,835$             100% 3.25$               ‐$           0%5,704$             ‐$                 131$                32Each Additional Commercial RiserPer Riser5                118.00$          125.57$          94% 628$                100% 125.00$          7.00$         6% 625$                35$3$33 Fire pump installation ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee‐             434.00$          438.11$          99%‐$                 100% 438.00$          4.00$         1%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 CurrentRecommendationsPer UnitAnnualPer UnitAnnual7 of 1133 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport Beach402  Fire Prevention2021/2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelVariance% ChangeAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRemaining SubsidyCurrentRecommendationsPer Unit Annual Per Unit Annual34Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow and tamper switches ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             283.00$          288.51$          98%‐$                 100% 288.00$          5.00$         2%‐$                  ‐$                  ‐$                 35Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (base fee) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Base Fee 2                233.00$          238.64$          98% 477$                100% 238.00$          5.00$         2% 476$                10$                  1$                    36Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (per unit) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESPer Unit 9,000        3.25$               3.32$               98% 29,921$          100% 3.25$               ‐$           0% 29,250$          ‐$                 671$                37Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             535.00$          537.85$          99%‐$                 100% 537.00$          2.00$         0%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 38 TI NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: base fee ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Base Fee 133            182.00$          188.77$          96% 25,106$          100% 188.00$          6.00$         3%25,004$          798$                102$                39 TI NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Per Head 3,487        3.25$               3.32$               98% 11,593$          100% 3.25$               ‐$           0% 11,333$          ‐$                 260$                40 Underground fire protection: New ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             434.00$          438.11$          99%‐$                 100% 438.00$          4.00$         1%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 41 Underground fire protection: Repair ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee‐             333.00$          338.37$          98%‐$                 100% 338.00$          5.00$         2%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 42Commercial cooking hood and duct system (per system) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee20              233.00$          238.64$          98% 4,773$             100% 238.00$          5.00$         2% 4,760$             100$                13$                  43 Pre‐action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee10              283.00$          288.51$          98% 2,885$             100% 288.00$          5.00$         2% 2,880$             50$                  5$                    44Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Fixed Fee10              233.00$          238.64$          98% 2,386$             100% 238.00$          5.00$         2% 2,380$             50$                  6$                    45 Spray Booth, spraying area ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee‐             434.00$          438.11$          99%‐$                 100% 438.00$          4.00$         1%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 46 Candle Permit Program ‐ ANNUALFixed Fee20              55.00$             57.34$             96% 1,147$             100% 57.00$             2.00$         4% 1,140$             40$                  7$                    47 Nuisance Abatement ServiceHourly‐             219.00$          225.30$          97%‐$                 100% 225.00$          6.00$         3%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 48 Operational Permit: Level 1* ‐ New  or Renewal  ‐ ANNUALFixed Fee 176            185.00$          236.66$          78% 41,652$          100% 236.00$          51.00$      28% 41,536$          8,976$             116$                49 Operational Permit: Level 2** ‐ New  or Renewal ‐ ANNUALFixed Fee 1,132        345.00$          445.91$          77% 504,772$        100% 445.00$          100.00$    29% 503,740$        113,200$        1,032$             50 Special Event ‐ single event permitFixed Fee 243            166.00$          193.63$          86% 47,053$          100% 193.00$          27.00$      16% 46,899$          6,561$             154$                51 Special Event Permit: Level III as defined by the Recreation Department Hourly‐             219.00$          225.30$          97%‐$                 100% 225.00$          6.00$         3%‐$                  ‐$                  ‐$                 52 Public Display ‐ Fireworks ‐ ground display onlyFixed Fee‐             373.00$          377.57$          99%‐$                 100% 377.00$          4.00$         1%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 53 Public Display ‐ Fireworks ‐ aerial display >10 minFixed Fee3                978.00$          985.20$          99% 2,956$             100% 985.00$          7.00$         1% 2,955$             21$                  1$                    54Temporary Change of UseHourly‐             194.00$          228.20$          85%‐$                 100% 228.00$          34.00$      18%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 55Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESHourly‐             219.00$          225.30$          97%‐$                 100% 225.00$          6.00$         3%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 56All Assembly (A, F, B, M, S):  < or equal to 3000 square feet 2016 CBC  ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee25              472.00$          545.09$          87% 13,627$          100% 545.00$          73.00$      15% 13,625$          1,825$             2$                    57All Assembly (A, F, B, M, S): > 3000 and less than or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee4                619.00$          713.74$          87%2,855$             100% 713.00$          94.00$      15% 2,852$             376$                3$                    58 All Assembly (A, F, B, M, S): >10,000 s.f. aggregate ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             773.00$          900.31$          86%‐$                 100% 900.00$          127.00$    16%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 59 Daycare E or I‐4 PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee1                384.00$          443.91$          87% 444$                100% 443.00$          59.00$      15%443$                59$                  1$                    60 Educational other than daycare ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             472.00$          545.09$          87%‐$                 100% 545.00$          73.00$      15%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 61H1, H2, H3, H4, or L (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review Review fee also required) ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee1                1,290.00$       1,537.54$       84% 1,538$             100% 1,537.00$       247.00$    19%1,537$             247$                1$                    62Hi‐Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             3,054.00$       3,561.25$       86%‐$                 100% 3,561.00$       507.00$    17%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 63Misc Plan Review including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awnings ‐ PLAN REVIEWHourly‐             194.00$          228.20$          85%‐$                 100% 228.00$          34.00$      18%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 64R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (base fee) ‐ PLAN REVIEWBase Fee3                200.00$          242.61$          82% 728$                100% 242.00$          42.00$      21% 726$                126$                2$                    65R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (per unit, per building) ‐ PLAN REVIEWPer Unit463            7.00$               8.43$               83% 3,904$             100% 8.00$               1.00$         14% 3,704$             463$                200$                8 of 1134 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport Beach402  Fire Prevention2021/2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelVariance% ChangeAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRemaining SubsidyCurrentRecommendationsPer Unit Annual Per Unit Annual66R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7‐19 clients ‐ PLAN REVIEW Fixed Fee 1                769.00$          910.35$          84% 910$                100% 910.00$          141.00$    18% 910$                141$                0$                    67R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving ≥20 clients ‐ PLAN REVIEW Fixed Fee 1                1,290.00$       1,537.54$       84% 1,538$             100% 1,537.00$       247.00$    19%1,537$             247$                1$                    68 Fire Alarm System: base fee ‐ PLAN REVIEWBase Fee81              164.00$          190.94$          86% 15,466$          100% 190.00$          26.00$      16% 15,390$          2,106$             76$                  69 Fire Alarm System: Per Device ‐ PLAN REVIEWPer Device 1,682        2.25$               2.70$               83% 4,539$             100% 2.50$               0.25$         11% 4,205$             421$                334$                70 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) (base fee) ‐ PLAN REVIEWBase Fee10              164.00$          190.94$          86% 1,909$             100% 190.00$          26.00$      16% 1,900$             260$                9$                    71 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) (per head) ‐ PLAN REVIEWPer Head 1,755        2.75$               3.37$               82% 5,919$             100% 3.25$               0.50$         18% 5,704$             878$                216$                72 Fire pump installation ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             384.00$          443.91$          87%‐$                 100%443.00$          59.00$      15%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 73Fire sprinkler monitoring  system, water flow & tamper switches ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             145.00$          165.11$          88%‐$                 100% 165.00$          20.00$      14%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 74Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): base fee ‐ PLAN REVIEWBase Fee‐             164.00$          190.94$          86%‐$                 100% 190.00$          26.00$      16%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 75Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): per unit ‐ PLAN REVIEWPer Unit‐             2.75$               3.37$               82%‐$                 100% 3.25$               0.50$         18%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 76Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             384.00$          443.91$          87%‐$                 100% 443.00$          59.00$      15%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 77 TI NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: base fee ‐ PLAN REVIEWBase Fee 133            120.00$          140.35$          85% 18,667$          100% 140.00$          20.00$      17% 18,620$          2,660$             47$                  78 TI NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head ‐ PLAN REVIEWPer Head 3,487        2.00$               2.53$               79% 8,821$             100% 2.50$               0.50$         25% 8,718$             1,744$             103$                79 Underground fire protection, fire line: New ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             325.00$          376.45$          86%‐$                 100% 376.00$          51.00$      16%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 80 Underground fire protection, fire line: Repair ‐  PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             164.00$          190.94$          86%‐$                 100% 190.00$          26.00$      16%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 81 Commercial cooking hood and duct system (per system) ‐ PLAN REVIEW Fixed Fee20              120.00$          140.35$          85% 2,807$             100% 140.00$          20.00$      17% 2,800$             400$                7$                    82 Pre‐action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee10              472.00$          545.09$          87% 5,451$             100% 545.00$          73.00$      15% 5,450$             730$                1$                    83Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee10              252.00$          292.13$          86% 2,921$             100% 292.00$          40.00$      16% 2,920$             400$                1$                    84 Spray Booth, spraying area ‐ PLAN REVIEWFixed Fee‐             472.00$          545.09$          87%‐$                 100%545.00$          73.00$      15%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 85 Care Facility: 7‐99 clients as defined in CBC ‐ ANNUALAnnual Fee 125            451.00$          442.97$          102% 55,372$          100% 442.00$          (9.00)$        ‐2% 55,250$          (1,125)$           122$                86 Care Facility: >99 clients as defined in CBC ‐ ANNUALAnnual Fee 160            583.00$          226.88$          257% 36,301$          100% 226.00$          (357.00)$   ‐61% 36,160$          (57,120)$         141$                87Commercial Day Care Facility (Tutor Time) ‐ ANNUALAnnual Fee 70              255.00$          260.12$          98% 18,209$          100% 260.00$          5.00$         2% 18,200$          350$                9$                    88 High Rise Buildings ‐ ANNUALAnnual Fee‐             1,352.00$       1,302.30$       104%‐$                 100% 1,302.00$       (50.00)$     ‐4%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 89 Hospital (Hoag) ‐ ANNUALAnnual Fee 50              8,365.00$       8,316.51$       101% 415,825$        100% 8,316.00$       (49.00)$     ‐1% 415,800$        (2,450)$           25$                  90 Hotel/Motel 50‐299 Rooms ‐ ANNUALAnnual Fee 70              255.00$          260.12$          98% 18,209$          100% 260.00$          5.00$         2% 18,200$          350$                9$                    91 Hotel/Motel 300 or More Rooms ‐ANNUALAnnual Fee‐             406.00$          442.97$          92%‐$                 100% 442.00$          36.00$      9%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 92 Residential Care Facility Pre‐License Inspection ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee‐             303.00$          312.54$          97%‐$                 100% 312.00$          9.00$         3%‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 93 State Fire Clearance ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFixed Fee28              85.00$             111.61$          76% 3,125$             100% 111.00$          26.00$      31% 3,108$             728$                17$                  94 Surgery Centers ‐ ANNUALAnnual Fee 10              474.00$          476.22$          100% 4,762$             100% 476.00$          2.00$         0% 4,760$             20$                  2$                    Total User Fees$1,374,2001,369,709$     84,356$          4,491$             **The remaining subsidy is due to the City's practice to round down to the nearest dollar (for fees more than $5) on most user fees. Footnotes7Fire Access Gates ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Staff is proposing a reduced fee to align the recovery with the actual cost. 9 of 1135 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport Beach402  Fire Prevention2021/2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery LevelFee @ Policy LevelVariance% ChangeAnnual Revenue2Increased RevenueRemaining SubsidyCurrentRecommendationsPer Unit Annual Per Unit Annual2931363969717578Fire Alarm System: Per Device ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): each add'l head ‐ INSPECTION SERVICES Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (per unit) ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESTI NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head ‐ INSPECTION SERVICESFire Alarm System: Per Device ‐ PLAN REVIEWCommercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) (per head) ‐ PLAN REVIEWMulti‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): per unit ‐ PLAN REVIEWTI NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head ‐ PLAN REVIEWPursuant to City policy for fees $5 or less, these proposed "per unit" fees are rounded down to the nearest quarter. 46 Candle Permit Program48 Operational Permit: Level 1* ‐ New  or Renewal49 Operational Permit: Level 2** ‐ New  or Renewal50 Special Event ‐ single event permit85 Care Facility: 7‐99 clients as defined in CBC86 Care Facility: >99 clients as defined in CBC87 Commercial Day Care Facility ( Tutor Time, annual inspections)88 High Rise Buildings ‐ ANNUAL89 Hospital (Hoag) ‐ ANNUAL90 Hotel/Motel 50‐299 Rooms91 Hotel/Motel 300 or More Rooms92 Residential Care Facility Pre‐License Inspection93 State Fire ClearanceThis program covers State mandated inspections. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 ExhibitA, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 82% to 100%. This program covers State mandated inspections. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 ExhibitA, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 40.8% to 100%. Staff is proposing a reduced fee to align the recovery with the actual cost. This program covers State mandated inspections. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 ExhibitA, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 36% to 100%. This program covers State mandated inspections. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 ExhibitA, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 36% to 100%. This program covers State mandated inspections. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 ExhibitA, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 92.4% to 100%. This program covers State mandated inspections. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 ExhibitA, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 96% to 100%. Staff is proposing a reduced fee to align the recovery with the actual cost. Staff is proposing a reduced fee to align the recovery with the actual cost. This program permits temporary operation of candles and open flames in assembly areas. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recoverypercentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 76% to 100%.This program includes new or renewal permits for certain operations. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMCSection 3.36.030 Exhibit A, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 40% to 100%. This program includes new or renewal permits for certain operations. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMCSection 3.36.030 Exhibit A, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 38.1% to 100%.Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A, thereby increasing the cost recoverypercentage from 88% to 100%. This program covers State mandated inspections. Staff recommends removing this user service from the list of exceptions to the 100% cost recovery percentage in NBMC Section 3.36.030 ExhibitA, thereby increasing the cost recovery percentage from 36% to 100%. Staff is proposing a reduced fee to align the recovery with the actual cost. 10 of 1136 User Fee Study Summary SheetCity of Newport BeachOther Updates for Non‐Studied Departments2021‐2022OrdService NameFee DescriptionAnnual VolumeCurrent Fee Full CostCurrent Recovery %Annual CostRecovery Level Fee @ Policy Level Annual Revenue2Increased RevenueRecommended SubsidyAll Departments1Notary ServicesFlat18             10.00$            18.36$            54% 331$                82% 15.00$            270$                90$ 61$2Appeals ‐ for any user services appeal not otherwise specified  ‐ Applicant UnsuccessfulNew ‐ Hourly‐‐$                 Varies0%‐$                 50% Varies‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$ 3Appeals ‐ for any user services appeal not otherwise specified ‐ Applicant SuccessfulNew ‐ Hourly‐‐$                 Varies0%‐$                 0% Varies‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$ 4User Service not otherwise identifiedNew ‐ Hourly‐‐$                 Varies0%‐$                 100% Varies‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$ Harbor Department5MAP (renewal) ‐ Service ProviderNew ‐ Flat5               ‐$                 84.60$            0% 423$                100% 84.00$            420$                420$                3$ Total User Fees754$                690$                510$                64$Footnotes1Notary ServicesStaff is increasing the fee to correspond to the increase authorized by Government Code Section 8211.2, 3 Appeals ‐ for any user services appeal not otherwise specified  ‐ Applicant Unsuccessful and Applicant Successful4User Service not otherwise identified5MAP (renewal) ‐ Service ProviderStaff recommend this new fee that will be based on actual cost and will utilize the full hourly and burdened rate of personnel as well as the City and departmental overheadrates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan. This fee is intended to serve as a generic pass‐thru fee that each department may use to charge on anhourly basis for unusual situations. Staff recommend these new generic pass‐thru fees that will be based on the actual cost and will utilize the full hourly and burdened rate of personnel and the City anddepartmental overhead rates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan. These fees will address any situations where a specific fee has not beenestablished for atypical or infrequent types of appeals. Consistent with the City's practice to generally recover less than 100% of costs incurred inorder to not discouragepotential appellants from exercising the right of appeal due to fee(s) being cost‐prohibitive, the NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A is updated to include a City recovery of 50%of the costs incurred for unsuccessful applicants and 0% of the costs incurred for successful applicants. Staff recommend this new fee to differentiate between the renewal of MarineActivities Permit (MAP) for the two different business types – 1) Service Providers and 2)Charters, Boat Rentals, and Human‐Powered Rentals – due to the difference in time spent between the two. This new fee will cover the MAP renewal for Service Providersand the existing fee in the Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) will be retained for the MAP renewal for Charters, Boat Rentals, and Human‐Powered Rentals.CurrentRecommendationsPer Unit Annual Per Unit Annual11 of 1137 ATTACHMENT B NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 3.36.030 CHANGES 38 Chapter 3.36  COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES  Sections:  3.36.010    Findings.  3.36.020    Definitions.  3.36.030    Cost Recovery Percentages.  3.36.040    Late Fees and Charges.  3.36.050    Severability.  3.36.010 Findings.  The City Council of the City of Newport Beach finds as follows:  A.    The City funds certain municipal services such as fire, police and residential trash collection using  primarily property, sales and other tax revenues. These municipal services are typically performed  without request by the user, benefit the public generally, and are traditionally funded by tax revenue.  B.    The City performs other services and offers certain programs which are funded in whole or in part  by the person or entity requesting the service or participating in the program. These services and  programs are typically initiated by an application submitted by the person requesting the service or  program participation, primarily benefit the person requesting the service or participation, and are  traditionally funded in whole or in part from fees charged to the person who initiates the services.  C.    The City Council has retained consultants to conduct cost allocation plan and cost of services  studies. Cost allocation studies determine the general City and departmental overhead rates to be used  in calculating the cost of City services. Cost of services studies determine the costs of providing certain  City services by, among other things, identifying the City employees performing the service and the  amount of time spent in performing the service. The City Council has thoroughly reviewed and  considered the studies prior to adopting the ordinance codified in this chapter. In order to ensure that  fees charged for services are an accurate reflection of actual costs, the City Council finds that cost  studies should be conducted at least every five years.  D.    The Finance Committee of the City Council has conducted public meetings to discuss the cost  allocation plan and cost of services studies, the factors relevant to the appropriate cost recovery  percentage for the services studied, and to receive public input on the issues. The Finance Committee  has submitted recommendations to the City Council regarding the appropriate cost recovery percentage  and those recommendations have been reviewed and considered by the City Council prior to adopting  the ordinance codified in this chapter.  E.    The City Council has fully complied with provisions of State and local law in establishing the cost  recovery percentages specified in this chapter, including, Section 66000 et seq. of the Government  Code, and Articles XIIIC and XIIIB of the State Constitution. (Ord. 2008‐14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord.  97‐8 § 1 (part), 1997)  3.36.020 Definitions.  39 For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:  “Actual cost” means the estimated cost to the City of providing a user service to a user as initially  determined by analysis of the cost factors in the studies and as modified from time to time in  accordance with changes in cost factors.  “Cost factors” means the various factors identified in the studies relevant to the calculation of the actual  cost to the City of providing user services to a user.  “Cost recovery percentage” means the percentage of the actual cost to the City of providing a user  service that the City Council determines should be recovered from the user.  “Cost studies” means the Cost of Services and Cost Allocation Studies conducted by the City’s  consultant(s).  “Fee resolution” means the resolution adopted by the City Council pursuant to this chapter which  establishes the fees and charges for user services.  “User” means the person or entity who requests, by filing an application or otherwise, City performance  of, or user’s participation in, a user service.  “User services” means services or programs that are initiated by request or by an application submitted  by the person requesting the service or program participation which primarily benefits the person  requesting the service or participation. User services include, but are not limited to, the services or  programs identified in the cost studies and which are funded, in whole or in part, by fees or charges  imposed on the user of the service. (Ord. 2008‐14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord. 97‐8 § 1 (part), 1997)  3.36.030 Cost Recovery Percentages.  A.    The municipal functions the City Council has determined to be user services and for which the City  Council has initially determined the actual costs and the appropriate cost recovery percentage are  described in the fee resolution. The cost recovery percentage appropriate for each user service shall be  one hundred (100) percent with the exception of the user services listed in Exhibit “A” and those  services for which the fee is limited by statute. The City Council may include in the fee resolution a  schedule to phase in specific fee increases over a period not to exceed four years.  B.    The City Council shall establish, pursuant to the fee resolution, the actual fee or charge for each user  service described in the fee resolution. The fee or charge shall be based upon the actual cost of  providing the user service, multiplied by the relevant cost recovery percentage.  C.    The City Council may, without amending this chapter, modify (increase or decrease) the fee  resolution to amend the amount of any fee or charge for, and the actual cost of providing, any user  service upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more of the cost  factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing that service.  D.    The City Council may modify the municipal functions determined to be user services in the fee  resolution and the cost recovery percentage for any service only by amending this chapter.  E.    Fees for service established in the fee resolution may be waived by:    40 (1)  tThe City Council;  (2) . The City Manager, up to  an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), per  occurrence, formay waive fees imposed on nonprofit organizations for nonprofit sponsored  events; or in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per year.  (3) The City Manager or Finance Director up to an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars  ($5,000.00), per occurrence, if the City Manager or Finance Director determines that the  imposition of the fee would exceed the actual cost to the City, would result in duplicative fees  for services rendered, or would impose a hardship.  Exhibit A  The City’s cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for  services. Exhibit “A” limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts indicated below.  Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  All Departments   Appeals – for any user services  Appeal not otherwise specified –  Applicant Successful  0%  Appeals – for any user services  Appeal not otherwise specified –  Applicant Unsuccessful  50%  Community Development  Department     Chapter 17.65 Appeal—Applicant  Successful  0%  Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City  Council—Applicant Unsuccessful  $940  Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor  Commission—Applicant  Unsuccessful  $1,250  41 Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  Building    Appeals Board Hearing—Applicant  Successful  0%  Appeals Board Hearing—Applicant  Unsuccessful  $1,715  Harbor Construction 50%  Preliminary Plan Review First Two  Hours Free,  Full Cost  Thereafter  Planning    Appeals to City Council $1,715  Appeals to Planning Commission $1,715  Coastal Development Permit  Application Appeals from Zoning  Administrator to Planning  Commission  0%  Reasonable Accommodation 0%  Finance Department    Admin. Cite Hearings 0%  Parking Hearings 0%  Payment Plans (Except Parking) $25  42 Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  Short Term Lodging Permit  Suspension or Revocation  Hearing—Applicant Successful  0%  Short Term Lodging Permit  Suspension or Revocation  Hearing—Applicant Unsuccessful  50%  Zero Bill Reprint 0%  Fire Department    Emergency Medical Services    Advanced Life Support (ALS)— Nontransport  $400  Basic Life Support (BLS)— Nontransport  $400  ALS First Responder Fee $400  BLS First Responder Fee $400  Fire Prevention    Candle Permit Program 76%  Care Facilities  7—99 Clients  36%  Care Facilities  > 99 Clients  40.8%  Commercial Day Care Facilities 36%  43 Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  Hotels/Motels  50—299 Rooms  36%  Hotels/Motels  300 or More Rooms  92.4%  Operational Permits—Level 1 40%  Operational Permits—Level 2 38.1%  Residential Care Facility Prelicense  Inspection  96%  Special Event Permits—Single  Event  88%  State Fire Clearance 82%  Harbor Department    Chapter 17.65 Appeal—Applicant  Successful  0%  Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City  Council—Applicant Unsuccessful  $940  Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor  Commission—Applicant  Unsuccessful  $1,250  Library Services Department    Black and White Copies from Self‐ Service Copiers or Printers  $0.15  44 Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  Color Copies from Self‐Service  Copiers or Printers  $0.45  Passport Photo $150  Use Fees—Materials $1  Inter‐Library Loan $5  Police Department    Bike Licenses 17%  Secondhand/Pawn Dealer Tag  Check  0%  Registrant—Narcotics 0%  Animal Shelter    Adoption Fee—Dogs $150  Adoption Fee—Puppies $225  Adoption Fee—Cats $90  Adoption Fee—Kittens $110  Adoption Fee—Small Animals $45  Boarding Fee (per day)—Animals $25  Boarding Fee (per day)—Small  Animals  $10  Owner Turn‐In Fee $100  45 Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  Impound Fee—Dogs, Cats, Small  Animals  $55  Public Works Department    Chapter 17.65 Appeal—Applicant  Successful  0%  Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City  Council—Applicant Unsuccessful  $940  Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor  Commission—Applicant  Unsuccessful  $1,250  RGP Dredging Permit 42%  Recreation and Senior Services  Department     Adult Sports 50%—95%  Administrative Processing Fee $5  Badge Replacement $5  After School/Camp Programs    Camps 20%—50%  After‐School/Teen Program 20%—50%  Preschool Program 20%—50%  Aquatics 20%—50%  46 Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  Contract Classes 50%—95%  Class Refunds    $74 or less $10  $75 or more $20  Youth Sports 20%—50%  Special Events—Levels 1, 2, and 3    Resident, Level 1 and Late Fees for  Level 1  0%—20%  Resident, Levels 2—3 and Late  Fees for Levels 2—3  20%—50%  Nonresident, Levels 1—2 and Late  Fees for Level 1  20%—50%  Nonresident, Level 3 and Late Fees  for Levels 2—3  50%—95%  Appeal to City Council – Applicant  Successful  0%  Appeal to City Council – Applicant  Unsuccessful  50%—95%  Natural Resources Programs 0%—20%  Senior Services    Oasis Transportation $1—$3 each  way  47 Service  Percentage of  Cost or  Amount to Be  Recovered  from Direct  Fees  Contract Classes 20%—50%  Fitness Center 50%—95%  Utilities Department    Construction Water Meter  Establishment  50%  Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)  Annual Permit  0%  City Council, Board, Commission,  Committee or Any Individual  Member Thereof When Acting  Within the Scope of Their Official  Duties     Review from a Lower Body or  Official  $0  (Ord. 2021‐13 § 1, 2021; Ord. 2021‐7 § 1, 2021; Ord. 2020‐10 § 1, 2020; Ord. 2020‐5 § 4, 2020; Ord.  2018‐15 § 1, 2018; Ord. 2018‐13 § 1, 2018; Ord. 2016‐14 § 1, 2016; Ord. 2015‐29 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2015‐9  § 1, 2015; Ord. 2013‐18 §§ 1, 2, 2013; Ord. 2013‐1 § 1, 2013; Ord. 2011‐28 § 1, 2011; Ord. 2011‐10 § 1,  2011; Ord. 2009‐32 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2009‐21 § 1 (Att. 1), 2009; Ord. 2008‐14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part),  2008: Ord. 2004‐4 § 3, 2004; Ord. 2002‐26 Exh. A, 2002; Ord. 2000‐24 § 1, 2000; Ord. 98‐18 § 1, 1998;  Ord. 97‐8 §§ 1 (part), 2, 1997)  3.36.040 Late Fees and Charges.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the City Council shall establish, in the fee resolution,  late fees and interest to be paid by any user of user services who fails to make payments when required  by this Code or any resolution, policy, or program adopted by the City Council. To the maximum extent  practical, the late fees and interest shall be uniform for all user fees. (Ord. 2008‐14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part),  2008: Ord. 97‐8 § 1 (part), 1997)  3.36.050 Severability.  48 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid  or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining  portions of this chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in  this chapter and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one  or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. (Ord. 2008‐ 14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord. 97‐8 § 2, 1997)    49 03/10/2022 1 Fee Study Update Finance  Committee  Meeting March 10, 2022 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 2 •Example: Building PermitsCost Recovery‐Based User Fees Fees limited to recovering the cost of  providing the service •Example: Facility RentalsMarket Rate User Fees The city can charge whatever price the  market will pay (must be competitive) •Example: Passport ServiceFees Set by Law Some fees are set by Federal or State law •Example: Business LicensesTaxes under Propositions 218 and 26 Certain fees constitute taxes and may not  be increased without a vote of the people •Example: Library FinesFines Fines are not subject to cost recovery rules  and may be set by the Council Types of Fees and Fines 1 2 50 03/10/2022 2 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 3 Degree of General vs. Private Benefit Commercial Facility Rentals Fire Prevention  Inspections Zoning and Planning  ApprovalsRecreation Classes Certain Appeals Non‐Profit Facility Rentals Police Services Street Maintenance Park Maintenance Tax‐Funded Fee‐Funded General Benefit Private Benefit City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 4 Authority for Cost‐Recovery Based User Fees Fiscal Sustainability Plan Establish appropriate cost‐recovery targets and adjust fee structure to ensure that  the fees continue to meet cost recovery targets.  City Council Policy F‐4 – Revenue Measures The City will establish appropriate cost‐recovery targets for its fee structure and will  annually adjust its fee structure to ensure that the fees continue to meet cost  recovery targets.  Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 mandates 100% cost recovery (except for subsidized services identified in the municipal code) 3 4 51 03/10/2022 3 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 5 Cost Recovery‐Based User Fees Fees cannot exceed the cost of providing the service Considerations: Degree of private benefit Appropriate cost recovery level Market competitiveness Size of increase that would result from full cost recovery Calculation of the maximum fee is a math exercise Type of fee varies based on fit (flat, tiered based on effort, or deposit‐based) Degree of cost recovery is a policy decision City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 6 Cost of Service Analysis Salary and  benefits for staff  providing service Productive hours  worked Any related costs  for office  operations /+ Maximum Fee Amount = Related overhead  costs  (department and  citywide) +Estimated time  to provide the  service X Any directly  chargeable  consultant or  other costs + Example: Personnel budget $ 200,000 Hourly rate $ 130 Operating costs 50,000 Hours required x 4 Overhead 75,000 Maximum fee amount $ 520 Division total costs $ 325,000 Consultant costs $ 500 Productive hours / 2,500 Total cost to customer $ 1,020 Hourly rate $ 130 5 6 52 03/10/2022 4 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 7 Cost Recovery Analysis Revenue from  Current Fee in $ Full cost of  Service in $Proposed Fee Current Level of  Cost Recovery Maximum Level of  Cost Recovery (100%) Recommended Level of  Cost Recovery Proposed General Revenue Subsidy Current General Revenue Subsidy Minimum Level of  Cost Recovery (0%) New Fees:  None City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 8 Recreation and Senior Services Fees Last Updated: 2016 Sample Services: Recreation classes, swim  lessons, sport classes,  after school programs  for preschool and  youths, senior services,  special event permits Fee Changes: •Increased cost recovery for five programs within the range specified in the NBMC ,  resulting in various fee increases: •Youth Camps –from 32% to 35% •Youth After School Programs –from 25% to 27% •Preschool Camps & Programs –from 26% to 28% •Aquatics Programs –from 20% to 23%  •Oasis Fitness Memberships –from 53% to 58% •Adult Sports – fees have been administratively reorganized to: •simplify the presentation •correctly capture all fees related to current operations •ensure each fee listed correlates to the same programmatic area as where the  revenue is recorded •Natural Resources –seven fees eliminated relating to beach clean‐up and ISOpod special events that are no longer provided •Appeal for Special Event Permits –Modify NBMC Section 3.36.030 to add 0% cost  recovery for successful applicants and update the existing 50‐95% cost recovery to be  for only unsuccessful applicants Net Revenue Impact: $81,536 7 8 53 03/10/2022 5 New Fees:  •Per Page Copies from Central Printers –aligning cost recovery in NBMC Section 3.36.030  with Per Page Copies from Self‐Service Copiers •Black and White $0.15  •Color $0.45 •Test Proctoring $24 –includes application processing and occasional monitoring at a  central workspace City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 9 Library Services Fees Last Updated: 2016 Sample Services: Materials use, inter  library loans, setup and  cleaning fees for  meeting room rentals,  passport processing and  photos Fee Changes: •Library Cancellation Charge –Reduced from $66 to $56 •Fees have been administratively  reorganized and/or updated to align the Schedule of  Rents, Fines, & Fees with departmental operations and authorized changes by the  Library Board of Trustees: •Materials Use –Best Sellers ‐Delete •Tech Toys –New fine to correspond to new collection (GoPro camera, synthesizer,  audio interface, etc.) •Passport Photo –Increased fee from $10 to $15 and updated cost recovery in NBMC  Section 3.36.030 to $15  Net Revenue Impact: $14,220 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 10 Fire Prevention Fees Last Updated: 2020 Sample Services: Inspections, plan  reviews, operational  permits Fee Changes: •Increased cost recovery in NBMC Section 3.36.030 to 100% for all Fire Prevention  services resulting in various +/‐fee changes based on survey of comparable OC fire  agencies that yielded: •Nearly all agencies are fully recovering the cost of these services and/or •The City’s fees at a 100% cost recovery level are competitive with the other  agencies •Fee methodology updated for certain State‐mandated inspections to reflect time of  Fire Life Safety Specialists in lieu of Fire Captains or Firefighter Paramedics: •Care Facility 7‐99 Clients –Reduce fee by $225 to $226 •Care Facility >99 Clients –Reduce fee by $141 to $442 •Commercial Day Care Facility (Tutor Time) –Increase fee by $5 to $260 •Hotel/Motel 50‐299 Rooms –Increase fee by $5 to $260 •Fee methodology updated for Operational Permits to use approximately 1/3 of the  hourly rate of the full Engine Company  •Level 1 –New or Renewal –Increase fee by $51 to $236 •Level 2 –New or Renewal –Increase fee by $100 to $445 New Fees:  •None Net Revenue Impact: $84,356 9 10 54 03/10/2022 6 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 11 Other Updates for All Departments •Notary Services –Increase by $5 to $15 to correspond to the increase authorized by  Government Code Section 8211 •3 New Fees based on actual cost and will utilize the full hourly and burdened rate of  personnel / City and departmental overhead rates:  •User Services not otherwise identified •Appeals not otherwise specified:  •Applicant Unsuccessful –50% Cost Recovery •Applicant Successful –0% Cost Recovery •Modify NBMC to authorize the City Manager or Finance Director to waive user fees  up to $5,000 per occurrence, which is to be used in limited circumstances City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 12 Other Updates for Non‐Studied Departments •Harbor –MAP Renewal for Service Providers $84 ‐New fee to differentiate  between the 2 business types (Service Providers and Charters, Boat Rentals, &  Human‐Powered Rentals) due to the differences processing times •CDD –Two new fees are being studied relating to the first and subsequent requests  for building permit extensions beyond the initial 3‐year time limit  •PW –RGP Dredging Permit:   •No changes proposed due to limited data as a result of the impact invasive  algae had on dredging activity •Staff recommends deferring any changes until Public Works fees are studied in  FY2023‐24 11 12 55 03/10/2022 7 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 13 Fiscal Impact of Fee Updates  Department FY 2020‐21 Proposed  Net Revenue Impact Fire Prevention $84,356 Library $14,220 RSS $81,536 Other Non‐Studied Depts. $510 Total $180,622  •Proposed fee updates will result in approximately $180,622 of  additional revenue next fiscal year •This projection does not account for the impact of any fees where  volume statistics are unavailable City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 14 Fiscal Impact of Fee Subsidizes  Department Proposed Annual  Subsidy Fire Prevention1 $0  Library2 $99,388  RSS3 $7,127,417  Other Non‐Studied Depts. $494,240  Total $8,549,259  1 Excludes the $4,491 subsidy in Attachment A which is due to the City’s practice to round down and not a specific policy  decision to recover less than 100% of the cost of services. 2Excludes the $24,337 for Passport Service since the fee is set by statue and not due to a specific policy decision to  recover less than 100% of the cost.  3Excludes approximately $900,000 in subsidies for rentals of facilities and fields that are not cost of service fees. 13 14 56 03/10/2022 8 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 15 Future Fee Schedule Format Changes •Staff believes that the format of the fee schedule can be simplified •Research format of other agencies  •Focus revisions on providing simple, effective communication designed   for end users of the City’s services •Staff will also evaluate the format of the executive summaries provided to  the Finance Committee •An RFP for a new user fee consultant will be advertised in Spring 2022  •Staff will review the most effective presentation delivery methods for fee  study update results (including content and formatting) with the selected  consultant City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 16 Timeline and Recommendation March 10, 2022 Finance Committee  Review April 12, 2022 Council Review and  First Ordinance  Reading of Proposed  NBMC Changes April 26, 2022 Council Second  Ordinance  Reading/Adoption of  Proposed NBMC  Changes July 1, 2022 Effective date for  proposed fee  updates and CPI for  non‐studied  departments and  rental fees Review the proposed fee updates and provide any recommendations for consideration by the City Manager and City Council. Recommendation 15 16 57 03/10/2022 9 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 17 Questions? 17 58 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateALL DEPARTMENTS1"B" Size Atlas Map Book Sheetssee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo 100% of Contractor Cost 07/26/20162"B" Size Color Mapssee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo 100% of Contractor Cost 07/26/20163"D" Size Atlas Sheets  Mapssee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo 100% of Contractor Cost 07/26/20164"E" Size Mapssee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo 100% of Contractor Cost 07/26/201658.5" x 11" Black and White Copy Per Page0.03$                   0.03$                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.0346$               No04/20/202168.5" x 11" Color Copy Per Page0.07$                   0.07$                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.0793$               No04/20/20217Appeals ‐ Applicant Unsuccessful For services not specified herein (excludes appeals to fines) see notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNoThe fee shall be calculated utilizing the full hourly and burden rate of personnel and the City and departmental overhead rates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan. 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A ‐ New Fee 2022 07/01/20228Appeals ‐ Applicant Successful For services not specified herein (excludes appeals to fines) see notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNoThe fee shall be calculated utilizing the full hourly and burden rate of personnel and the City and departmental overhead rates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan. 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A ‐ New Fee 2022 07/01/20229Atlas Bookssee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo 100% of Contractor Cost 07/26/201610Collection Costs Costs and Charges for Collection of Delinquent Fees see notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 1.05.100Pass ThruNo 100% of all third party costs and charges 07/26/201611Credit Card Fees on charges in excess of $20,000TBD TBD‐‐                                  Pass ThruNo100% of merchant processing fees (in the form of a percentage) charged on the amount over $20,000 07/01/202012DOJ Fee for Fingerprint Processing Processing Chargesee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo Pass Through 100% DOJ Charge 07/26/201613DVD/CD Per Disk0.49$                   0.49$                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.49$                   No07/26/201614Flash Drive Per6.00$                              6.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo07/01/202115Lobbyist Registrationsee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo 100% of Contractor Cost 07/01/202116Notary Fee Per Signature10.00$                           15.00$                           5.00                                   ‐                                  Gov. Code Section 8211Statute18.36$                No Maximum Permitted 07/01/202217Outside Copy Servicessee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo 100% of Contractor Cost 07/26/201618Penalty and InterestIf fees for services are not paid when due, then in addition to the fees for services a late payment penalty in the amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the unpaid amount shall be imposed.see notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.040PenaltyNo 10% First Penalty / 10% Second Penalty / 10% Interest 07/26/201619Public Record Requests Public Records Act Requests see notes  see notes ‐‐                                  P.R. ActStatuteNo Materials plus Direct Salary & Benefits Hourly Duplication Rate 07/26/201620Records on Computer DVD/CD/Flash Drive Public Records Act Requestssee notes see notes‐‐                                  P.R. ActStatuteNo Materials plus Direct Salary and Benefits Hourly Duplication Rate 07/26/201621Return Check Fee First Returned Check Within One Year Period25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  California Civil Code 1719.0 (a)StatuteNo Maximum Permitted 07/26/201622Return Check Fee Second And Subsequent Returned Checks Within One Year Period 35.00$                           35.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  California Civil Code 1719.0 (a)StatuteNo Maximum Permitted 07/26/201623Scanned Copy Per Page0.01$                   0.01$                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.0197$               No04/20/202124User Service not otherwise identified herein Full hourly and burden rate of personnel; fee shall not exceed the actual cost incurred.‐$                                see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNoFull hourly and burden rate of personnel for services not specified herein. The fee shall be calculated utilizing the City and departmental overhead rates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan. New fee 2022 07/01/2022COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ‐ BUILDINGFees with "Yes" under CPI column increased by CPICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ‐ PLANNINGFees with "Yes" under CPI column increased by CPI, unless noted otherwiseFINANCEFees were reviewed in detail and adjustments made based on study results and not CPI adjustments, via Resolution 2021‐21 adopted 3/9/21FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDSFees with "Yes" under CPI column increased by CPI, unless noted otherwiseEmergency Medical Services423Advanced Life Support (ALS)1,337.00$                      1,337.00$                       ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee1,337.42$          Yes07/01/2021424Basic Life Support (BLS)1,331.00$                      1,331.00$                       ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee1,331.53$          Yes07/01/2021425Emergency Ambulance Transportation Transportation Charge502.00$                         502.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee502.30$              Yes07/01/2021426Advanced Life Support Non‐Transport400.00$                         400.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee1,314.19$          Yes $400 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2021427Basic Life Support Non‐Transport400.00$                         400.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee1,302.41$          Yes $400 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2021428Emergency Ambulance Transportation Mileage Charge Per Mile9.70$                   9.70$                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee9.70$                   Yes07/01/2021429ALS First Responder Fee400.00$                         400.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee903.81$              Yes New fee 2018 $400 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2021430BLS First Responder Fee400.00$                         400.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 5.60.020COS‐Fee861.13$              Yes New fee 2018 $400 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2021431Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee ‐ Resident60.00$                           60.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 5.60.020               Resolution 2019‐105ProgramNo01/01/2020432Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee ‐ Business + 10 owners and employees60.00$                           60.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 5.60.020               Resolution 2019‐105ProgramNo01/01/2020433Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee ‐ Business, each additional 10 owners and employees (maximum 150) 25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 5.60.020               Resolution 2019‐105ProgramNo Maximum $410 (includes Annual Fee) 01/01/2020Fire Operations and EMS Staff434Battalion Chief Unit (one person) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 494.00$                         494.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 9.04.030COS‐Fee494.70$              Yes07/01/2021435Paramedic Unit (two persons) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 696.00$                         696.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 9.04.030COS‐Fee696.76$              Yes07/01/2021436Fire Engine (three persons) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 981.00$                         981.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 9.04.030COS‐Fee981.33$              Yes07/01/2021437Fire Truck (four persons) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 1,251.00$                      1,251.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 9.04.030COS‐Fee1,251.66$          Yes07/01/2021438Firefighter (per person) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 270.00$                         270.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 9.04.030COS‐Fee270.32$              Yes07/01/2021439Paramedic Assessment Unit (PAU) Engine 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 1,059.00$                      1,059.00$                       ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 9.04.030COS‐Fee1,059.38$          Yes New fee 2018  07/01/2021Full Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ‐ REAL PROPERTYCity of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 159 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. Fire Prevention ‐ Fire Access Gate440Closure Report Review Per Hour ‐ 1 Hour Minimum194.00$                         228.00$                         34.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee228.20$              Yes07/01/2022441Commercial Battery: Inspection233.00$                         238.00$                         5.00                                   ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee238.64$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022442Commercial Battery: Plan Review208.00$                         241.00$                         33.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee241.54$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022443Fire Lane Plan Review (Fire Master Plan) Per Hour ‐ 1 Hour Minimum194.00$                         228.00$                         34.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee228.20$              Yes07/01/2022444Fire, Life Safety Or Special Hazard Consultation Per Hour ‐ 1 Hour Minimum194.00$                         228.00$                         34.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee228.20$              Yes07/01/2022445In Service Building Public Radio Coverage System Service in Private StructuresService to privately owned bi‐directional amplification systems by the Orange County Sheriff‐Coroner Communications Division on behalf of the City Police and Fire Departments. 396.00$                         427.00$                         31.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee427.67$              Yes New COS‐Fee 2018 07/01/2022446Inspection 164.00$                         162.00$                         (2.00)                                  ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee162.94$              Yes07/01/2022447Inspection Tank Installation Or Removal Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank434.00$                         438.00$                         4.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee438.11$              Yes07/01/2022448Plan Review164.00$                         190.00$                         26.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee190.94$              Yes07/01/2022449Plan Review Tank Installation Or Removal Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank296.00$                         342.00$                         46.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee342.72$              Yes07/01/2022450Pre‐submittal  Review Per Hour ‐ 1 Hour Minimum;  includes CEQA, EIR, and advanced planning requests 194.00$                         228.00$                         34.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee228.20$              Yes07/01/2022451Reinspection or Special Inspection233.00$                         238.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee238.64$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022452Technical Assistance of Complex Fire Protection Systems Code Compliance Review ‐ Plan Review and/or Inspection Services; per Hour 194.00$                         228.00$                         34.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee228.20$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Fuel Modification New and/or Change to Existing Plan453Inspection132.00$                         138.00$                         6.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee138.90$              Yes07/01/2022454Plan Review/Update120.00$                         140.00$                         20.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee140.35$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Inspection455All Assembly (A), Factory (F)  < or equal to 3,000 square feet (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies 333.00$                         338.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee338.37$              Yes07/01/2022456All Assembly (A), Factory (F)  > 3,000 <  or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate  (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and 434.00$                         438.00$                         4.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee438.11$              Yes07/01/2022457All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when 635.00$                         637.00$                         2.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee637.58$              Yes07/01/2022458Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (I‐4)452.00$                         463.00$                         11.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee463.94$              Yes07/01/2022459Educational other than day care452.00$                         463.00$                         11.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee463.94$              Yes07/01/2022460High‐Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, or Laboratory ( L) (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review fee also required)535.00$                         537.00$                         2.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee537.85$              Yes07/01/2022461Hi‐Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access1,633.00$                      1,664.00$                      31.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee1,664.36$          Yes07/01/2022462Misc. Inspection including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awningsPer Hour219.00$                         225.00$                         6.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee225.30$              Yes07/01/2022463Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Base Fee)324.00$                         367.00$                         43.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee367.79$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022464Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Per Unit, Per Building)10.00$                 9.00$                ‐                                    (1.00)                               M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee9.97$                  Yes New Per Unit Fee 2018 07/01/2022465Residential R4:  licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving >19 clients773.00$                         537.00$                         (236.00)                              ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee537.85$              Yes07/01/2022466Residential R4:  licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7‐19 clients535.00$                         788.00$                         253.00                               ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee788.98$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Inspection Fire Alarm Systems467Fire alarm system: Base Fee233.00$                         238.00$                         5.00                                   ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee238.64$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022468Fire alarm system: Per Device 3.25$                   3.25$                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee3.32$                  Yes New Per Device Fee 2018 07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Inspection Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems469Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Base per head With 1 Riser233.00$                         238.00$                         5.00                                   ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee238.64$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022470Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) : each add'l head3.25$                   3.25$                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee3.32$                  Yes New Per Head Fee 2018 07/01/2022471Each Additional Commercial Riser118.00$                         125.00$                         7.00                                   ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee125.57$              Yes New Per Riser Fee 2018 07/01/2022472Fire pump installation434.00$                         438.00$                         4.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee438.11$              Yes07/01/2022473Fire sprinkler monitoring  system, water flow & tamper switches283.00$                         288.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee288.51$              Yes07/01/2022474Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (Base Fee)233.00$                         238.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee238.64$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022475Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (per unit)3.25$                   3.25$                ‐ ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee3.32$                  Yes New Per Unit Fee 2018 07/01/2022476Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock535.00$                         537.00$                         2.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee537.85$              Yes07/01/2022477Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: base fee182.00$                         188.00$                         6.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee188.77$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022478Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head3.25$                   3.25$                ‐ ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee3.32$                  Yes New Per Head Fee 2018 07/01/2022479Underground fire protection ‐ New434.00$                         438.00$                         4.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee438.11$              Yes07/01/2022480Underground fire protection ‐ Repair333.00$                         338.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee338.87$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention  ‐ Inspection Special Fire Protection Equipment481Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system)233.00$                         238.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee238.64$              Yes07/01/2022482Pre‐action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system283.00$                         288.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee288.51$              Yes07/01/2022483Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.)233.00$                         238.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee238.64$              Yes07/01/2022484Spray Booth, Spraying area434.00$                         438.00$                         4.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee438.11$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Operational and Special Event Permits485Candle Permit Program First time and special event55.00$                           57.00$                           2.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee57.34$                Yes 76% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022.  07/01/2022260 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 486Nuisance Abatement Service Weeds, Rubbish And Other Nuisance; per Hour219.00$                         225.00$                         6.00                                   ‐M.C. 10.48.060COS‐Fee225.30$              Yes Actual costs: pass through contract costs plus staff time. 07/01/2022487Operational Permits Level 1 ‐ New or Renewal ‐ AnnualLevel 1  (new) ‐ Cutting and welding carts, Dry cleaning plants – 1 to 2 machines, Liquefied petroleum gases , and Tents185.00$                         236.00$                         51.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee236.66$              Yes 40% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022.  07/01/2022488Operational Permits Level 2 ‐ New or Renewal ‐ Annual Level 2  (new) ‐ all other operations pursuant to CFC Section 105.6 345.00$                         445.00$                         100.00                               ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee445.91$              Yes 38.1% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022.  07/01/2022489Special Event Permits Single Event Permit166.00$                         193.00$                         27.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee193.63$              Yes 88% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022.  07/01/2022490Special Event Permits Level III as defined by the Recreation Department; per Hour 219.00$                         225.00$                         6.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee225.30$              Yes07/01/2022491Special Event Permits Public Display ‐ Fireworks ‐  ground display only e.g. homecoming 5‐10 minutes 373.00$                         377.00$                         4.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee377.57$              Yes07/01/2022492Special Event Permits Public Display ‐ Fireworks ‐ aerial display > 10 minutes978.00$                         985.00$                         7.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee985.20$              Yes07/01/2022493Temporary Change Of Use Use Of Retail Occupancy as a place of assembly ‐ Special Use; per Hour 194.00$                         228.00$                         34.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee228.20$              Yes07/01/2022494Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request 2 Hour Minimum; hourly if contiguous to normal business hours. 219.00$                         225.00$                         6.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee225.30$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Plan Review495All Assembly (A), Factory (F)  < or equal to 3000 square feet (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 2016 CBC472.00$                         545.00$                         73.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee545.09$              Yes07/01/2022496All Assembly (A), Factory (F)  > 3,000 <  or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate  (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required)619.00$                         713.00$                         94.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee713.74$              Yes07/01/2022497All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required)773.00$                         900.00$                         127.00                               ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee900.31$              Yes07/01/2022498Daycare Educational (E) or Institutional Daycare (I‐4)384.00$                         443.00$                         59.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee443.91$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022499Educational other than day care472.00$                         545.00$                         73.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee545.09$              Yes07/01/2022500High‐Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, or Laboratory ( L) (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review fee also required)1,290.00$                      1,537.00$                      247.00                               ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee1,537.54$          Yes07/01/2022501Hi‐Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access3,054.00$                      3,561.00$                      507.00                               ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee3,561.25$          Yes07/01/2022502Misc. Plan Review including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awnings Per Hour194.00$                         228.00$                         34.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee228.20$              Yes07/01/2022503Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Base Fee)200.00$                         242.00$                         42.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee242.61$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022504Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Per Unit, Per Building)7.00$                   8.00$               8.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee8.43$                  Yes New Per Unit Fee 2018 07/01/2022505Residential R4:  licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving >19 clients1,290.00$                      910.00$                         (380.00)                              ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee910.35$              Yes07/01/2022506Residential R4:  licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7‐19 clients769.00$                         1,537.00$                      768.00                               ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee1,537.54$          Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Plan Review Fire Alarm Systems507Fire alarm system: Base Fee164.00$                         190.00$                         26.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee190.94$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022508Fire alarm system: Per Device 2.25$                   2.50$                ‐                                    0.25                                M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee2.70$                  Yes New Per Device Fee 2018 07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Plan Review Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems509Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Base Fee164.00$                         190.00$                         26.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee190.94$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022510Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) : each add'l head2.75$                   3.25$                ‐                                    0.50                                M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee3.37$                  Yes New Per Head Fee 2018 07/01/2022511Fire pump installation384.00$                         443.00$                         59.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee443.91$              Yes07/01/2022512Fire sprinkler monitoring  system, water flow & tamper switches145.00$                         165.00$                         20.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee165.11$              Yes07/01/2022513Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (Base Fee)164.00$                         190.00$                         26.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee190.94$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022514Multi‐family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (per unit)2.75$                   3.25$                ‐0.50                                M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee3.37$                  Yes New Per Unit Fee 2018 07/01/2022515Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock384.00$                         443.00$                         59.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee443.91$              Yes07/01/2022516Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: base fee120.00$                         140.00$                         20.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee140.35$              Yes New Fixed Fee 2018 07/01/2022517Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head2.00$                   2.50$                ‐0.50                                M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee2.53$                  Yes New Per Head Fee 2018 07/01/2022518Underground fire protection ‐ New325.00$                         376.00$                         51.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee376.45$              Yes07/01/2022519Underground fire protection ‐ Repair164.00$                         190.00$                         26.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee190.94$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Plan Review Special Fire Protection Equipment520Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system)120.00$                         140.00$                         20.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee140.35$              Yes07/01/2022521Pre‐action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system472.00$                         545.00$                         73.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee545.09$              Yes07/01/2022522Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.)252.00$                         292.00$                         40.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee292.13$              Yes07/01/2022523Spray Booth, Spraying area472.00$                         545.00$                         73.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee545.09$              Yes07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ Staff524Life Safety Specialist II 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 201.00$                         199.00$                         (2.00)                                  ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee199.47$              Yes07/01/2022525Life Safety Specialist III 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 176.00$                         202.00$                         26.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee202.37$              Yes New to SRFF 2018 07/01/2022Fire Prevention ‐ State Mandated Inspections526Care Facilities Annual Fee 7‐99 clients as defined in the California Building Code 451.00$                         226.00$                         (225.00)                              ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee226.88$              Yes 36% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022 07/01/2022527Care Facilities Annual Fee > 99 clients as defined in the California Building Code 583.00$                         442.00$                         (141.00)                              ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee442.97$              Yes 40.8% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022 07/01/2022528Commercial Day Care Facilities Annual Fee255.00$                         260.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee260.12$              Yes 36% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022 07/01/2022529High Rise Buildings Annual Fee1,352.00$                      1,302.00$                      (50.00)                                ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee1,302.30$          Yes07/01/2022361 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 530Hospitals Annual Fee 200 Or More Beds8,365.00$                      8,316.00$                      (49.00)                                ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee8,316.51$          Yes07/01/2022531Hotels/Motels Annual Fee 50 ‐ 299 Rooms255.00$                         260.00$                         5.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee260.12$              Yes 36% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022 07/01/2022532Hotels/Motels Annual Fee 300 Or More Rooms406.00$                         442.00$                         36.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee442.97$              Yes 92.4% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022 07/01/2022533Residential Care Facility Pre‐License Inspection California Health and Safety Code Section 13235303.00$                         312.00$                         9.00                                   ‐CA H&S §13235COS‐Fee312.54$              Yes 96% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022 07/01/2022534State Fire Clearance Requests for commercial occupancies, Clinics, Offices, and Treatment Facilities 85.00$                           111.00$                         26.00                                 ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee111.61$              Yes 82% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Recovery increased to 100% 2022 07/01/2022535Surgery Centers Annual Fee474.00$                         476.00$                         2.00                                   ‐M.C. 9.04COS‐Fee476.22$              Yes07/01/2022Junior Lifeguards Program536Junior Guard Per Participant856.00$                         856.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes Subsidy Removed 2021, no CPI increase 07/01/2021537Junior Guard ‐ Administrative Fee Cancellation prior to established deadline, Per Participant 111.00$                         111.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes07/01/2021Lifeguard Operations538Lifeguard Officer 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 136.00$                         136.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes07/01/2021539Lifeguard Captain 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 200.00$                         200.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes07/01/2021540Lifeguard Battalion Chief 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 230.00$                         230.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes07/01/2021541Lifeguard I1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 64.00$                           64.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes07/01/2021542Lifeguard II / III 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 74.00$                           74.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes07/01/2021543Rescue Boat (two persons) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour261.00$                         261.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes07/01/2021HARBOR DEPARTMENTFees were reviewed in detail and adjustments made based on study results and not CPI adjustments, via Resolution 2021‐21 adopted 3/9/21, Rentals with "Yes" under CPI column increased by CPI544Appeals ‐ NBMC Chapter 17.65 (Applicant Successful) Appeal to Harbor Commission‐$                                 ‐$                                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 17.65COS‐Fee1,796.43$          Yes 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A  07/01/2021545Appeals ‐ NBMC Chapter 17.65 (Applicant Unsuccessful) Appeal to Harbor Commission1,250.00$                      1,250.00$                       ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 17.65COS‐Fee1,796.43$          Yes $1,250 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A  07/01/2021546Appeals ‐ NBMC Chapter 17.65 (Applicant Successful) Appeal to City Council‐$                                 ‐$                                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 17.65COS‐Fee1,550.89$          Yes 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A  07/01/2021547Appeals ‐ NBMC Chapter 17.65 (Applicant Unsuccessful) Appeal to City Council940.00$                         940.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 17.65COS‐Fee1,550.89$          Yes $940 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A  07/01/2021548Dinghy Rack Rental Application Fee Application fee to process monthly rental agreement19.00$                           19.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$19.29 Yes07/01/2021549Environmental Response73.00$                           73.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee Pass Thru$73.32 YesNew Fee 2021 ‐ Proposed charge plus pass through contract costs and/or materials 07/01/2021550Harbor Special Events ‐ Complex491.00$                         491.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$491.07 Yes New Fee 2021 07/01/2021551Harbor Special Events ‐ Simple (Raft Up, Boat Race, etc.) Cost to process permits95.00$                           95.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$95.58 Yes07/01/2021552Impound Fee ‐ Initial Cost to impound a vessel on the first day.104.00$                         104.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee104.33$              Yes07/01/2021553Impound Fee ‐ Loose or Lost and Found Boats/Vessels Cost to impound a vessel on the first day. Typically vessels under 20 feet. 52.00$                           52.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee52.99$                Yes Free first 5 days then charged per day 07/01/2021554Key Card Replacement The cost to replace the key to the Marina Park facilities12.00$                           12.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee12.86$                Yes07/01/2021555Large Boat Escort per escort and per vessel102.00$                         102.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$102.05 Yes New Fee 2021 07/01/2021556Large Boat Permit (≥80 Lineal Feet) Fee to review application and assist large boats in Harbor at anchorage or mooring 73.00$                           73.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$73.79 Yes07/01/2021557Large Boat Permit (≥80 Lineal Feet), Requiring Interagency Coordination736.00$                         736.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$736.61 Yes New Fee 2021 07/01/2021558Live Aboard Permit per year 373.00$                         373.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee373.55$              Yes07/01/2021559Lost/Broken Line Cost to replace a line provided to a renter that is either returned broken or not returned at all 60.00$                           60.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee60.86$                Yes07/01/2021560Marina Park Cancellation Fee Fee charged if reservation is cancelled12.00$                           12.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee12.86$                YesCancel 72 hours or more charged the Cancellation Fee, less than 72 hours forfeit deposit 07/01/2021561Marina Park Deposit Fee to reserve a slip at Marina park ‐ deposit charged against stay 50.00$                           50.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  ResolutionDepositYes Charged against stay, forfeited if canceled with less than 72 hours notice 02/21/2019562Marina Park ‐ Flat Rate for Electricity Actual cost$12 plus actual per kWh usage $12 plus actual per kWh usage‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee Pass Thru$13.18 $0.13 Yes07/01/2021563Marine Activities Permit ‐ initial  Service Provider365.00$                         365.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$365.79 Yes07/01/2021564Marine Activities Permit ‐ initial  Charters, Boat Rentals, Human‐Powered Rentals1,137.00$                      1,137.00$                       ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$1,137.45 Yes07/01/2021565Marine Activities Permit ‐ renewal  annual ‐ Charters, Boat Rentals, Human‐Powered Rentals  439.00$                         439.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$439.78 Yes07/01/2021566Marine Activities Permit ‐ renewal  annual ‐ Service Providers‐$                                $84.00 84.00                                 ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$84.60 Yes New 2022 Fee 07/01/2022567Mooring Extension Permit Cost to evaluate the possibility of extending a mooring length 503.00$                         503.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee503.93$              Yes07/01/2021568Multiple Vessel Mooring System Application Fee503.00$                         503.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee503.93$              Yes New Fee 2021 07/01/2021569Temporary Sea Lion Deterrent Cost of staff to put in place appropriate sea lion deterrent and remove when owner complies 140.00$                         140.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee140.85$              Yes07/01/2021570Towing Fee (Boats over 14') Contract pass through$25 plus 100% Contractor Cost $25 plus 100% Contractor Cost‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee Pass Thru$25.72 Yes07/01/2021571Towing Fee (Boats under 14') City staff70.00$                           70.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee70.43$                Yes07/01/2021572Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin Slips and Garages33.00$                           33.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee33.00$                Yes07/01/2021573Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin/Marina Park Dinghy Racks25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee25.72$                Yes07/01/2021574Wait List for Live Aboard 25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 17.40.110 (b)COS‐Fee25.72$                Yes07/01/2021575Dinghy Rack Rental ‐ Marina Park/Balboa Yacht Basin Rental rate for rack space at Marina Park and BYB $36 per Month $36 per Month‐‐                                  ResolutionRental36.68$                Yes07/01/2021576Dinghy Storage Based on Onshore Guest Mooring$0.655 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night $0.655 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental0.66$                  Yes07/01/2021577Guest Moorings ‐ Offshore (Year‐Round) Rental rate to spend the night on an offshore guest mooring $1.31 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night $1.31 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental1.31$                  Yes07/01/2021578Guest Moorings ‐ Onshore (Year‐Round) Based on fair market rate analysis$0.655 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night $0.655 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental0.66$                  Yes07/01/2021462 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 579Impound Fee ‐ Nightly Storage Fee Nightly fee to hold an impounded boat.  The City cannot rent this space to a paying customer. Same charge as Guest Mooring Rental Ra Same charge as Guest Mooring Rental R‐‐                                  ResolutionRentalsee notes Yes07/01/2021580Large Vessel (80+ LF) Offshore Guest MooringCost of renting a large vessel.  There is additional time involved in finding the proper location.$1.62 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night $1.62 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental$1.62 Yes07/01/2021581Large Vessel Guest Anchorage Rate ‐ Non City Tackle ‐ no boat Cost of keeping the tackle in the water if a vessel is not tied up. $0.49 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night  $0.49 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night ‐‐                                  ResolutionRental$0.49 Yes07/01/2021582Marina Park Boat Slips (40' Slip) Based on fair market rate analysis$83 per Night $83 per Night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental83.85$                Yes07/01/2021583Marina Park Boat Slips (55' Slip) Based on fair market rate analysis$115 per Night $115 per Night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental115.29$              Yes07/01/2021584Marina Park Boat Slips (Overhang Charge) Based on fair market rate analysis$2.10 per Foot/night $2.10 per Foot/night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental2.10$                  Yes07/01/2021585Moorings ‐ Offshore per linear foot, per year $                           38.61  $                           38.61 ‐                                     ‐                                  Resolutions 2016‐17RentalSee ResolutionSee Note CPI adjustments occur separately 01/01/2021586Moorings ‐ Onshore per linear foot, per year $                           19.29    $                           19.29    ‐                                     ‐Resolution 2016‐17RentalSee ResolutionSee Note CPI adjustments occur separately 01/01/2021587Multi‐hull Vessel ‐ 2 hulls Based on fair market rate analysis$1.57 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night $1.57 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental1.57$                  Yes07/01/2021588Multi‐hull Vessel ‐ 3 hulls Based on fair market rate analysis$1.83 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night $1.83 per Lineal Foot  (LF)/night‐‐                                  ResolutionRental1.83$                  Yes07/01/2021LIBRARY DEPARTMENTFees with "Yes" under CPI column last increased by CPI 7/1/2020, maxed out at 3 CPI increases. Fees with "Yes" under CPI column are proposed to increase by CPI effective 7/1/2022. Facility UseInsurance, Deposits And Set‐up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May ApplyCancellation Charge589Library Cancellation Charge All Programs and Facilities66.00$                           56.00$                           (10.00)                                ‐Council Policy I‐7COS‐Fee56.09$                Yes07/01/2022Deposits590Central Library Community Room Refundable, Use Of Public Address System 100.00$                         100.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy I‐7Deposit100.00$              No07/26/2016591Refundable Cleaning Deposit Refundable Cleaning Deposit96.00$                           96.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru96.00$                No07/26/2016Meeting Rooms592Central Library Community Room Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum50.00$                           50.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy I‐7Rental50.00$                No07/26/2016593Central Library Community Room Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 95.00$                           95.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy I‐7Rental95.00$                No07/26/2016594Central Library Community Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum80.00$                           80.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy I‐7Rental80.00$                No07/26/2016595Central Library Community Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 160.00$                         160.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy I‐7Rental160.00$              No07/26/2016Setup And Cleanup  Fees596Central Library Community Room Setup and Cleanup127.00$                         129.00$                         2.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee129.44$              Yes07/01/2022Fines for Overdue MaterialsBook Group in a Bag DELETE Fine for Overdue Material$0.25/day to Max $100$0.25/day to Max $100‐‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo07/26/2016597DVDs (non‐rental) Fine for Overdue Material$0.25/day to Max $20 $0.25/day to Max $20‐‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo07/26/2016598General Materials, New Books, Rental Books, CDs Fine for Overdue Material$0.25/day to Max $10 $0.25/day to Max $10‐‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo07/26/2016599Laptop Fine for Overdue Material$5/day hour to Max $1,200 $5/day hour to Max $1,200‐‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo07/26/2016600Paperbacks, Periodicals Fine for Overdue Material$0.25/day to Max $5 $0.25/day to Max $5‐‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo07/26/2016601iPad Tech Toys Fine for Overdue Material$5/day to Max $400 $5/day to Max $400‐‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo07/26/2016602Video Games and eReaderFine for Overdue Material$1/day to Max $20 $1/day to Max $20‐‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo07/26/2016Library Services603Black and White Copies (Self‐Service Copier) per copy0.15$                              0.15$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.41$                  No07/01/2022604Color Copies (Self‐Service Copier) per copy0.45$                              0.45$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.50$                  No07/01/2022605Black and White Copies (from Printer) per copy0.15$                             0.15                                   ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.68$                  No New 2022 Fee 07/01/2022606Color Copiers (from Printer) per copy0.45$                             0.45                                   ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass Thru0.77$                  No New 2022 Fee 07/01/2022607Inter Library Loan Per Unit5.00$                              5.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee70.43$                Yes $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022608Materials Use Video/Book Per Unit1.00$                              1.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee5.82$                  Yes $1 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Materials Use  ‐ Best Sellers DELETE Video/Book Per Unit1.00$                              (1.00)                                 ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes$1 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A07/01/2020609Test Proctoring Fixed fee24.00$                           24.00                                 ‐                                  ResolutionCOS‐Fee24.97$                Yes New 2022 Fee 07/01/2022Passport Services610Passport Execution Fee Authorized by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Passport Services. Maximum permitted by Gov't Code.25.00$                           $35.00 10.00                                 ‐                                  22 US Code 214Statute$71.99 YesRefer to City of Newport Beach website ‐ Passport Services. $35 Recovery per 22 US Code 214 07/01/2022611Passport Photo Fee Fixed fee10.00$                           $15.00 5.00                                   ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee$25.17 Yes $15 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Processing Charges for Replacement Items612General Materials, DVDs, Video Games and eReadersProcessing charge for replacement10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo09/08/2016613Paperbacks (mass market)/Periodicals Processing charge for replacement3.00$                              3.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNo09/08/2016614Tech Toys Processing charge for replacement‐$                                $20.00 20.00                                 ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterFineNoFine that was established by the Board of Library Trustees to correspond to the tech toys collection. 02/16/2016Replacement Cost of Materialssee notesSection 708 City Charter NoActual replacement cost of the item. When materials are replaced, fines paid are applied to replacement and processing charge. 09/08/2016Book Group in a Bag DELETE Replacement Cost of Materials100.00$                         100.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016615CDs Replacement Cost of Materials20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016616Compact Disc Cases Replacement, per case1.00$                              1.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016563 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 617Damage to Barcode or RFID tag on Library Materials1.00$                              1.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016618DVD/BOCD Cases Replacement, per case4.00$                              4.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016619DVDs (non‐rental)Replacement Cost of Materials25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016eReader and/or peripherals DELETE Replacement Cost of Materials120.00$                         120.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016620General Materials Replacement Cost of Materials20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016621iPad and/or peripherals Tech Toys Replacement Cost of Materials400.00$                         400.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016622Laptops and/or peripherals Replacement Cost of Materials1,200.00$                      1,200.00$                       ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016623Paperbacks, Periodicals Replacement Cost of Materials5.00$                              5.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016624Video Games  Replacement Cost of Materials50.00$                           50.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Section 708 City CharterPass ThruNo09/08/2016POLICEFees with "Yes" under CPI column increased by CPIPUBLIC WORKS ‐ ENGINEERINGFees were reviewed in detail and adjustments made based on study results and not CPI adjustments, via Resolution 2021‐21 adopted 3/9/21PUBLIC WORKS ‐ HARBOR RESOURCESFees were reviewed in detail and adjustments made based on study results and not CPI adjustments, via Resolution 2021‐21 adopted 3/9/21PUBLIC WORKS ‐ MUNICIPAL OPERATIONSFees were reviewed in detail and adjustments made based on study results and not CPI adjustments, via Resolution 2021‐21 adopted 3/9/21PUBLIC WORKS ‐ WATER QUALITY/CONSERVATION/ENVIRONMENTALFees were reviewed in detail and adjustments made based on study results and not CPI adjustments, via Resolution 2021‐21 adopted 3/9/21RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICESFees with "Yes" under CPI column last increased by CPI 7/1/2020, maxed out at 3 CPI increases. Fees with "Yes" under CPI column are proposed to increase by CPI effective 7/1/2022. Administration741Admin Processing Fee Applies to program and Facility Use charges5.00$                              5.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee6.63$                  Yes $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022742Badge Replacement5.00$                              5.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee37.11$                No Initial badge is provided at no cost. $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022743Class Refund For classes $74 or less10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee172.61$              Yes $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022744Class Refund For classes  $75 and over20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee58.69$                Yes $20 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Adult Sports50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A745Adult League Nonresident Player Card Per Player25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022746Adult League Nonresident Replacement Player Card Per Player15.00$                           15.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022747Adult League Resident Player Card Per Player20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022748Adult League Resident Replacement Player Card Per Player10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022Adult Soccer Nonresident DELETE League Teamssee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Adult Soccer Resident DELETE League Teamssee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016749Adult Sports Drop In Single Drop In3.00$                              3.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022750Adult Sports Drop In 5 Punch Pass15.00$                           15.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022751Adult Sports Drop In 20 Punch Pass ‐ Resident50.00$                           50.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022752Adult Sports Drop In 20 Punch Pass ‐ Nonresident60.00$                           60.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022753Adult Sports Late Registration Fee Late Registration Fee30.00$                           30.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022Basketball Nonresident DELETE League Teamssee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Basketball Resident DELETE League Teamssee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Softball Nonresident DELETE League Teamssee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Softball Resident DELETE League Teamssee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Volleyball Nonresident DELETE League Teamssee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Volleyball Nonresident DELETE Tournament Playersee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Volleyball Resident DELETE League Teamssee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016Volleyball Resident DELETE Tournament Playersee notessee notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee07/26/2016754Adult Sports League (Resident and Nonresident) League Teamssee notes see notes‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 07/01/2022755Sports Classes Per Personsee notes see notes‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoNew fee 2022. R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee. 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Aquatic Activities20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A756Lap Swim 5 Punch Pass15.00$                           16.00$                           1.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022757Lap Swim Nonresident Annual Pass190.00$                         209.00$                         19.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022758Lap Swim Nonresident 20 Punch Pass60.00$                           66.00$                           6.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022759Lap Swim Resident Annual Pass160.00$                         176.00$                         16.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022760Lap Swim Resident 20 Punch Pass50.00$                           55.00$                           5.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022761Lap Swim Senior 5 Punch Pass10.00$                           11.00$                           1.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022762Lap Swim Senior Nonresident Annual Pass140.00$                         154.00$                         14.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022763Lap Swim Senior Nonresident 20 Punch Pass45.00$                           49.00$                           4.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022764Lap Swim Senior Resident Annual Pass110.00$                         121.00$                         11.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022664 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 765Lap Swim Senior Resident 20 Punch Pass35.00$                           38.00$                           3.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022766Parent & Me Swim Nonresident35.00$                           38.00$                           3.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022767Parent & Me Swim Resident30.00$                           33.00$                           3.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022768Recreation Swim 17 yrs old & under Drop In2.00$                              2.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022769Recreation Swim Adult Drop In3.00$                              3.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022770Swim Lessons Nonresident Group56.00$                           61.00$                           5.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022771Swim Lessons Nonresident Semi‐private137.00$                         150.00$                         13.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022772Swim Lessons Nonresident Private95.00$                           104.00$                         9.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022773Swim Lessons Resident Group51.00$                           56.00$                           5.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022774Swim Lessons Resident Private85.00$                           93.00$                           8.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022775Swim Lessons Resident Semi‐private127.00$                         139.00$                         12.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022Cancellation Fees776Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities Program Or Facility Use (less than $75.00)10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13COS‐Fee172.61$              No $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022777Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities Program Or Facility Use ($75.00 or more)20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13COS‐Fee58.69$                No $20 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Facility UseInsurance, Deposits And Set‐up Fees May Be Required,Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply Deposits778Cleaning Fee150.00$                         150.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo This is a pass through cost 07/26/2016779Gymnasiums185.00$                         185.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo07/26/2016780Meeting Rooms And Parks Under 75 People100.00$                         100.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo07/26/2016781Meeting Rooms And Parks 76 And More People150.00$                         150.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo07/26/2016782OASIS Event Center Room No Alcohol200.00$                         200.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo07/26/2016783OASIS Event Center Room With Alcohol400.00$                         400.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo07/26/2016784OASIS Large Classroom185.00$                         185.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo07/26/2016785OASIS Small Classroom100.00$                         100.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo07/26/2016786Security Guards per hour36.00$                           36.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13DepositNo This is a pass through cost 07/26/2016Marina Park Boating Program787Boat Rental ‐ J/22 per hour20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental20.44$                Yes07/01/2021788Boat Rental ‐ RS Quest, Lido & Sabot per hour15.00$                           15.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental15.33$                Yes07/01/2021789Sail Pass Test65.00$                           65.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13COS‐Fee65.00$                Yes07/01/2022790Sailing Pass Annual Membership ‐ Adult613.00$                         613.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental613.14$              Yes07/01/2021791Sailing Pass Annual Membership ‐ Student306.00$                         306.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental306.57$              Yes07/01/2021792Sailing Pass Quarterly Membership ‐ Student102.00$                         102.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental102.19$              Yes07/01/2021793Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP)/Kayak Rentals per hour20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental20.44$                Yes07/01/2021794SUP/Kayak ‐ 5 Punch Pass76.00$                           76.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental76.64$                Yes07/01/2021795SUP/Kayak ‐ 10 Punch Pass102.00$                         102.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental102.19$              Yes07/01/2021Meeting Rooms796Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive,  Mariners/VJC Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 162.00$                         163.00$                         1.00                                   ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental163.02$              Yes07/01/2021797Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive,  Mariners/VJC Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 329.00$                         329.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental329.13$              Yes07/01/2021798Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive,  Mariners/VJC Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum49.00$                           49.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental49.52$                Yes07/01/2021799Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive,  Mariners/VJC Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 95.00$                           95.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental95.95$                Yes07/01/2021800Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive,  Mariners/VJC Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum79.00$                           79.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental80.48$                Yes07/01/2021801Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive,  Mariners/VJC Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 161.00$                         161.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental161.99$              Yes07/01/2021802Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive,  Mariners/VJC Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate21.00$                           21.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental21.67$                Yes07/01/2021803Civic Center Community Room Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 351.00$                         351.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental351.83$              Yes07/01/2021804Civic Center Community Room Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 636.00$                         636.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental637.63$              Yes07/01/2021805Civic Center Community Room Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 134.00$                         134.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental135.16$              Yes07/01/2021806Civic Center Community Room Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 202.00$                         202.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental203.26$              Yes07/01/2021807Civic Center Community Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum197.00$                         197.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental198.10$              Yes07/01/2021808Civic Center Community Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 315.00$                         315.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental316.75$              Yes07/01/2021809Civic Center Community Room Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate82.00$                           82.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental83.57$                Yes07/01/2021810Civic Center Lawn Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 260.00$                         260.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental261.04$              Yes07/01/2021811Civic Center Lawn Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 487.00$                         487.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental488.03$              Yes07/01/2021812Civic Center Lawn Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum73.00$                           73.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental74.29$                Yes07/01/2021765 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 813Civic Center Lawn Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 114.00$                         114.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental114.53$              Yes07/01/2021814Civic Center Lawn Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum82.00$                           82.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental83.57$                Yes07/01/2021815Civic Center Lawn Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 134.00$                         134.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental135.16$              Yes07/01/2021816Civic Center Lawn Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate55.00$                           55.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental55.72$                Yes07/01/2021817Council Chamber Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 264.00$                         264.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental265.16$              Yes07/01/2021818Council Chamber Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 523.00$                         523.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental524.14$              Yes07/01/2021819Council Chamber Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum51.00$                           51.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental51.59$                Yes07/01/2021820Council Chamber Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 95.00$                           95.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental95.95$                Yes07/01/2021821Council Chamber Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum79.00$                           79.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental80.48$                Yes07/01/2021822Council Chamber Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 161.00$                         161.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental161.99$              Yes07/01/2021823Council Chamber Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate27.00$                           27.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental27.86$                Yes07/01/2021824Newport Theater Art Center Daily Rate, Equipment and Operator Fees441.00$                         441.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐6Rental441.60$              Yes07/01/2021Community Youth Center825Small Classroom Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 179.00$                         179.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental180.56$              Yes07/01/2021826Small Classroom Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 360.00$                         360.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental361.12$              Yes07/01/2021827Small Classroom Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum55.00$                           55.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental55.72$                Yes07/01/2021828Small Classroom Non‐Profit Non‐Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 105.00$                         105.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental106.27$              Yes07/01/2021829Small Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum87.00$                           87.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental88.73$                Yes07/01/2021830Small Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 177.00$                         177.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental178.50$              Yes07/01/2021831Small Classroom Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental25.79$                Yes07/01/2021Lincoln Gymnasium832Lincoln Gymnasium Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 361.00$                         361.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental362.15$              Yes07/01/2021833Lincoln Gymnasium Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 692.00$                         692.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental693.35$              Yes07/01/2021834Lincoln Gymnasium Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum79.00$                           79.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental80.48$                Yes07/01/2021835Lincoln Gymnasium Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 140.00$                         140.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental140.32$              Yes07/01/2021836Lincoln Gymnasium Private Residential Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum110.00$                         110.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental110.40$              Yes07/01/2021837Lincoln Gymnasium Private Nonresidential Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 198.00$                         198.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental199.13$              Yes07/01/2021838Lincoln Gymnasium Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate36.00$                           36.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental37.14$                Yes07/01/2021Marina Park839Lawn Commercial Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum260.00$                         260.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental261.04$              Yes07/01/2021840Lawn Non‐Profit Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum73.00$                           73.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental74.29$                Yes07/01/2021841Lawn Private Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum82.00$                           82.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental83.57$                Yes07/01/2021842Lawn Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate55.00$                           55.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental55.72$                Yes07/01/2021843Large Event Center Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 397.00$                         397.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental398.26$              Yes07/01/2021844Large Event Center Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 730.00$                         730.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental731.52$              Yes07/01/2021845Large Event Center Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 144.00$                         144.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental144.45$              Yes07/01/2021846Large Event Center Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 325.00$                         325.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental326.04$              Yes07/01/2021847Large Event Center Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum253.00$                         253.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental253.82$              Yes07/01/2021848Large Event Center Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 434.00$                         434.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental434.37$              Yes07/01/2021849Large Event Center Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate82.00$                           82.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental83.57$                Yes07/01/2021850Large Room Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 151.00$                         151.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental151.67$              Yes07/01/2021851Large Room Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 268.00$                         268.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental269.29$              Yes07/01/2021852Large Room Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum53.00$                           53.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental53.65$                Yes07/01/2021853Large Room Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 119.00$                         119.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental119.69$              Yes07/01/2021854Large Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum91.00$                           91.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental92.86$                Yes07/01/2021855Large Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 161.00$                         161.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental161.99$              Yes07/01/2021856Large Room Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate26.00$                           26.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental26.83$                Yes07/01/2021857Medium Room Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 114.00$                         114.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental114.53$              Yes07/01/2021858Medium Room Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 217.00$                         217.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental217.70$              Yes07/01/2021859Medium Room Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum40.00$                           40.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental41.27$                Yes07/01/2021860Medium Room Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 95.00$                           95.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental95.95$                Yes07/01/2021861Medium Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum72.00$                           72.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental73.26$                Yes07/01/2021862Medium Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 124.00$                         124.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental124.84$              Yes07/01/2021866 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 863Medium Room Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate21.00$                           21.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental21.67$                Yes07/01/2021864Small Room Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 88.00$                           88.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental89.76$                Yes07/01/2021865Small Room Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 164.00$                         164.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental165.08$              Yes07/01/2021866Small Room Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum32.00$                           32.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental33.02$                Yes07/01/2021867Small Room Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 74.00$                           74.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental75.32$                Yes07/01/2021868Small Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum55.00$                           55.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental55.72$                Yes07/01/2021869Small Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum98.00$                           98.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental99.05$                Yes07/01/2021870Small Room Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate14.00$                           14.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental14.44$                Yes07/01/2021Newport Coast Community Center871Gymnasium Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 398.00$                         398.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental399.29$              Yes07/01/2021872Gymnasium Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 767.00$                         767.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental767.64$              Yes07/01/2021873Gymnasium Non‐Profit Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum87.00$                           87.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental88.73$                Yes07/01/2021874Gymnasium Non‐Profit Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 153.00$                         153.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental153.73$              Yes07/01/2021875Gymnasium Private Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum121.00$                         121.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental121.75$              Yes07/01/2021876Gymnasium Private Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 219.00$                         219.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental219.77$              Yes07/01/2021877Gymnasium Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 47.00$                           47.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental47.46$                Yes07/01/2021878Large Classroom Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 304.00$                         304.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental305.40$              Yes07/01/2021879Large Classroom Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 588.00$                         588.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental589.14$              Yes07/01/2021880Large Classroom Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum73.00$                           73.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental74.29$                Yes07/01/2021881Large Classroom Non‐Profit Non‐Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 148.00$                         148.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental148.57$              Yes07/01/2021882Large Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum142.00$                         142.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental142.38$              Yes07/01/2021883Large Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 277.00$                         277.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental278.58$              Yes07/01/2021884Large Classroom Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate53.00$                           53.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental53.65$                Yes07/01/2021885Small Classroom Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 179.00$                         179.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental180.56$              Yes07/01/2021886Small Classroom Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 360.00$                         360.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental361.12$              Yes07/01/2021887Small Classroom Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum55.00$                           55.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental55.72$                Yes07/01/2021888Small Classroom Non‐Profit Non‐Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 105.00$                         105.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental106.27$              Yes07/01/2021889Small Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum87.00$                           87.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental88.73$                Yes07/01/2021890Small Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 177.00$                         177.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental178.50$              Yes07/01/2021891Small Classroom Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental25.79$                Yes07/01/2021OASIS Senior Center892OASIS Event Center Room Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 406.00$                         406.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental407.55$              Yes07/01/2021893OASIS Event Center Room Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 730.00$                         730.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental731.52$              Yes07/01/2021894OASIS Event Center Room Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 151.00$                         151.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental151.67$              Yes07/01/2021895OASIS Event Center Room Non‐Profit Non‐Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 231.00$                         231.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental232.15$              Yes07/01/2021896OASIS Event Center Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum226.00$                         226.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental226.99$              Yes07/01/2021897OASIS Event Center Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 372.00$                         372.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental373.50$              Yes07/01/2021898OASIS Event Center Room Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate82.00$                           82.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental83.57$                Yes07/01/2021899OASIS Large Classroom Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 304.00$                         304.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental305.40$              Yes07/01/2021900OASIS Large Classroom Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 588.00$                         588.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental589.14$              Yes07/01/2021901OASIS Large Classroom Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum73.00$                           73.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental74.29$                Yes07/01/2021902OASIS Large Classroom Non‐Profit Non‐Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 148.00$                         148.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental148.57$              Yes07/01/2021903OASIS Large Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum142.00$                         142.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental142.38$              Yes07/01/2021904OASIS Large Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 277.00$                         277.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental278.58$              Yes07/01/2021905OASIS Small Classroom Commercial Resident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 179.00$                         179.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental180.56$              Yes07/01/2021906OASIS Small Classroom Commercial Nonresident  Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 360.00$                         360.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental361.12$              Yes07/01/2021907OASIS Small Classroom Non‐Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum55.00$                           55.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental55.72$                Yes07/01/2021908OASIS Small Classroom Non‐Profit Non‐Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 105.00$                         105.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental106.27$              Yes07/01/2021909OASIS Small Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum87.00$                           87.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental88.73$                Yes07/01/2021910OASIS Small Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 177.00$                         177.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental178.50$              Yes07/01/2021Setup And Cleanup  Fees911Energy Surcharge Additional Charge Necessary To Recover Energy Costs see notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo This is a pass through cost 07/26/2016MBAC Pool Use Fees 967 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 912Additional Lifeguard Staff Per staff person per hour30.00$                           33.00$                           3.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022913Energy Surcharge All groupssee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo This is a pass through cost 07/26/2016914Exclusive Use Rate Non‐Profit ‐ Resident / per hour75.00$                           82.00$                           7.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016915Exclusive Use Rate Non‐profit , Non‐resident/per hour95.00$                           104.00$                         9.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016916Exclusive Use Rate Private , Resident per/hour165.00$                         181.00$                         16.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016917Exclusive Use Rate Private, Non‐resident per hour190.00$                         209.00$                         19.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016918Exclusive Use Rate Commercial, resident  per hour305.00$                         335.00$                         30.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016919Exclusive Use Rate Commercial, non‐resident per hour330.00$                         363.00$                         33.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016920School Dist Maintenance Fee Pass through costsee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030Pass ThruNo This is a pass through cost 07/26/2016921Security Deposit on MBAC Rentals250.00$                         250.00$                          ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030DepositNo07/26/2016922Shared Use Rate Non‐Profit ‐ Resident / per hour46.00$                           50.00$                           4.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016923Shared Use Rate Non‐profit , Non‐resident/per hour85.00$                           93.00$                           8.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016924Shared Use Rate Private , Resident per/hour90.00$                           99.00$                           9.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016925Shared Use Rate Private, Non‐resident per hour110.00$                         121.00$                         11.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016926Shared Use Rate Commercial, resident  per hour215.00$                         236.00$                         21.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016927Shared Use Rate Commercial, non‐resident per hour250.00$                         275.00$                         25.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030RentalNoYes07/26/2016928Splash Bash Per Person5.00$                              5.00$                              ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016Natural Resources 0‐20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit ABeach Cleanup Program and Education DELETE Up to 2 hours35.00$                           35.00$                           ‐                                    ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016ISOpod School Program DELETE 2 Hours; 1‐70 Students350.00$                         350.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016ISOpod School Program DELETE 4 Hours; 71‐140 Students600.00$                         600.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program DELETE 2 Hours   250.00$                         250.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program DELETE 3 Hours350.00$                         350.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program DELETE 4 hours  425.00$                         425.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016ISOpod Use at Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program DELETE Add On To Existing Offering100.00$                         100.00$                         ‐                                    ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016929Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program Less than 15 people35.00$                           35.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016930Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program More than 15 people 69.00$                           69.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/26/2016Public AreasInsurance, Deposits And Set‐up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply931Peninsula Park Gazebo Commercial Resident  Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 226.00$                         226.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental226.99$              Yes07/01/2021932Peninsula Park Gazebo Commercial Nonresident  Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 453.00$                         453.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental453.98$              Yes07/01/2021933Peninsula Park Gazebo Non‐Profit Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 39.00$                           39.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental40.24$                Yes07/01/2021934Peninsula Park Gazebo Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. 79.00$                           79.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental80.48$                Yes07/01/2021935Peninsula Park Gazebo Private Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 49.00$                           49.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental49.52$                Yes07/01/2021936Peninsula Park Gazebo Private Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 100.00$                         100.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental101.11$              Yes07/01/2021937Peninsula Park Gazebo Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate15.00$                           15.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental15.48$                Yes07/01/2021938Picnic/Park Areas Commercial Resident  Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. 226.00$                         226.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental226.99$              Yes07/01/2021939Picnic/Park Areas Resident Non‐profit Youth Service Organization Rate15.00$                           15.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental15.48$                Yes07/01/2021940Picnic/Park Areas Commercial Nonres. Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. 454.00$                         454.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental455.01$              Yes07/01/2021941Picnic/Park Areas Non‐Profit Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. 39.00$                           39.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental40.24$                Yes07/01/2021942Picnic/Park Areas Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. 79.00$                           79.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental80.48$                Yes07/01/2021943Picnic/Park Areas Private Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. 45.00$                           45.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental46.43$                Yes07/01/2021944Picnic/Park Areas Private Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. 91.00$                           91.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental92.86$                Yes07/01/2021Registration and Contract Classes 945Classes Per Person see notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee. 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A07/01/2022946Contract Camp Refund Fee After camp has startedsee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoFee is calculated based on number of days attended.  20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022947Nonresident Additional Charge  ‐ Camps Per Person, for fees $124 and below10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoApplies to contract summer camps only. 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A07/01/2022948Nonresident Additional Charge  ‐ Camps Per Person, for fees $125 and above20.00$                           20.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoApplies to contract summer camps only.  20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A07/01/2022949Nonresident Additional Charge  ‐ Classes Per Person Fee Less Than $75.00 5.00$                              5.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022950Nonresident Additional Charge  ‐ Classes Per Person Fee $75.00 Or More10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Senior Services951OASIS‐WELLNESS Fitness Center Annual‐Resident125.00$                         137.00$                         12.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022952OASIS‐WELLNESS Fitness Center Annual‐Non‐Resident175.00$                         192.00$                         17.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022953Senior Recreation Classessee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030ContractNoR.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee, 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A07/01/20221068 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 954Transportation Van Service$1 ‐ $3 $1 ‐ $3‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNoTotal charge is based on destination. $1‐$3 each way Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Special Ball Field Services955Field Maintenance Fee Per Player Per Season10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐                                  Council Policy B‐13Rental10.32$                Yes07/01/2021956Field Preparation Additional Charge When Provided, Fee Per Field49.00$                           49.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental49.52$                Yes07/01/2021957Lights Additional Charge When Provided, Fee Per Hour Per Field32.00$                           32.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental33.02$                Yes07/01/2021Ball FieldsInsurance, Deposits And Set‐up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply958Ball Fields Commercial Resident  Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. 163.00$                         163.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental164.05$              Yes07/01/2021959Ball Fields Commercial Nonresident  Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. 325.00$                         325.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental326.04$              Yes07/01/2021960Ball Fields Non‐Profit Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. 72.00$                           72.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental73.26$                Yes07/01/2021961Ball Fields Non‐Profit Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. 116.00$                         116.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental116.59$              Yes07/01/2021962Ball Fields Private Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum 95.00$                           95.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental95.95$                Yes07/01/2021963Ball Fields Private Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. 161.00$                         161.00$                          ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental161.99$              Yes07/01/2021964Ball Fields Youth Sports Commission1.00$                              1.00$                              ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental1.00$                  No07/26/2016965Ball Fields Youth Sports Commission Club Rate, Fee Per Hour15.00$                           15.00$                            ‐                                     ‐Council Policy B‐13Rental15.00$                No07/26/2016Special Events966Surf Contest‐Amateur Per Person Prior To Registration Deadline30.00$                           33.00$                           3.00                                   ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022 Special Event Permits967Bundled Event Permit Fee For every 20 events3,260.00$                      3,260.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee5,487.77$          Yes07/01/2022968Deposit ‐ Level 2 Level 2815.00$                         815.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030DepositNo07/26/2016969Deposit ‐ Level 3 Level 31,746.00$                      1,746.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030DepositNo07/26/2016970Level 1 Permit NonresidentRouted To Other Departments No Road Closures,Attachments Or Permits Required By Other Departments 974.00$                         974.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee4,358.50$          Yes 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022971Level 1 Permit Nonresident Late  Fee Submitted Less Than 20 Calendar Days from Event Date 1,246.00$                      1,246.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022972Level 1 Permit Resident492.00$                         492.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee3,696.83$          Yes 0‐20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022973Level 1 Permit Resident Late Fee Submitted Less Than 20 Calendar Days from Event Date621.00$                         621.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes 0‐20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022974Level 2 Permit Nonresident2,200.00$                      2,200.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee4,296.27$          Yes 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022975Level 2 Permit Nonresident Late FeeComplex Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments Submitted Less Than 60 Calendar Days From Event Date3,156.00$                      3,156.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022976Level 2 Permit Resident1,026.00$                      1,026.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee4,709.36$          Yes 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022977Level 2 Permit Resident Late FeeComplex Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments Submitted Less Than 60 Calendar Days From Event Date1,582.00$                      1,582.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022978Level 3 Permit Nonresident5,573.00$                      5,573.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee10,587.18$        Yes 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022979Level 3 Permit Nonresident Late FeeMajor Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments & 1 Pre‐event Meeting Submitted Less Than 120 Calendar Days From Event Date 9,832.00$                      9,832.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes 50‐95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022980Level 3 Permit Resident2,915.00$                      2,915.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee10,732.72$        Yes 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022981Level 3 Permit Resident Late Fee Submitted Less Than 120 Calendar Days From Event Date 4,915.00$                      4,915.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeYes 20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022982Special Events Appeal ‐ to City Council ‐ Applicant Unsuccessful For levels 1, 2 and 31,823.00$                      1,823.00$                       ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee2,754.80$          Yes 50‐95% Recovery per Municipal Code 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022983Special Events Appeal ‐ to City Council ‐ Applicant Successful For levels 1, 2 and 3‐$                                 ‐$                                ‐                                     ‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐Fee2,754.80$          Yes 0% Recovery per Municipal Code 3.36.030 Exhibit A 07/01/2022Special Services984Relocation Of Sand Volleyball Court800.00$                         800.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo Requires contractor 07/01/2022Youth Sports, After School/Camp Programs20‐50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A985After School Program Late pickup charge ‐ per minute1.00$                              1.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022986After School Programs Nonresident Per Child Trimester365.00$                         401.00$                         36.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022987After School Programs Resident Per Child Trimester355.00$                         390.00$                         35.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022988Day Camp Additional rash guard15.00$                           15.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022989Day Camp Additional T‐shirt10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022990Day Camp Fee Per child per week160.00$                         176.00$                         16.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022991Day Camp Fee‐ Hardship Fee Per child per week108.00$                         108.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022992Day Camp/Pint Sized Campers Cancellation 6 days or less notice50.00$                           50.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022993Day Camp/Pint Sized Campers Cancellation 7+ days notice25.00$                           25.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022994Pint Size Campers Nonresident147.00$                         161.00$                         14.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022995Pint Size Campers Resident127.00$                         139.00$                         12.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022996Preschool 101 Nonresident Per session T/TH310.00$                         341.00$                         31.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022997Preschool 101 Nonresident Per session M/W/F453.00$                         498.00$                         45.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022998Preschool 101 Resident Per session T/TH300.00$                         330.00$                         30.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022Bonita Creek Sports Complex, Buffalo Hills Park, East bluff Park, Grant Howald Park, Lincoln Athletic field, Mariners Parks, Peninsula Park, San Miguel Park, Bonita Canyon Sports Park, Arroyo Park, Bob Henry Park, Coastal Peak Park, Irvine Terrace and Sunset Ridge Park1169 **Excludes CPI since March not yet availableSERVICE NAMEDESCRIPTION Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) Total or Base Fee   Incremental ‐ (if applicable) REFERENCE TYPETotal or Base FeeIncremental ‐ (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation DateFull Cost/Market ValueCurrent Charges Proposed Changes Rounded down/Fee @ Policy Level Fee @ Policy Level Variance From Previous Year City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) ‐ Detailed Note: Only departments with proposed fee changes are shown below to simplify the presentation of this document. 999Preschool 101 Resident Per session M/W/F443.00$                         487.00$                         44.00                                 ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/20221000Teen Leadership Program ‐ Annual Pass195.00$                         195.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/20221001Teen Leadership Program ‐ Summer115.00$                         115.00$                          ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/20221002Youth Sports‐ Track and Field Late/Day of Registration Fee Per Person5.00$                              5.00$                              ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/20221003Youth Sports Classes ‐FootballPer Personsee notes see notes‐‐                                  M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 07/01/20221004Youth Sports‐Track and Field Nonresident Per Person13.00$                           13.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/20221005Youth Sports‐Track and Field Resident Per Person10.00$                           10.00$                            ‐                                     ‐M.C. 3.36.030COS‐FeeNo07/01/2022UTILITIESFees were reviewed in detail and adjustments made based on study results and not CPI adjustments, via Resolution 2021‐21 adopted 3/9/21COS = Cost of Service1270 1 Application of Indirect Costs to the Calculation of Fees for Services The purpose of this exhibit is to provide a detailed explanation of the methodology used by the City of Newport Beach to incorporate indirect overhead costs in the development of the municipal fee schedule. The nature of indirect overhead costs will also be described. A Harbor Department, Special Event Permit – Simple fee facilitates the explanation. Permitted special events held on the waters of Newport Harbor allow for an array of unique programs and activities to be organized and take place in our community. Sailing race events, rowing regattas, fishing tournaments, and anchorage raft-up activities are examples of typical events held in the bay. By participating in the event permitting process, information is collected about the scope, time, dates, and other important event details. This collected information can then be shared with City staff and other harbor stake holders to ensure these programs can take place safely and successfully. In processing a special event permit request, Harbor Department staff will review details of the program, confirming among other things that the proposed program: does not conflict with other previously approved special uses of the Harbor; unreasonably impact regular activities on the bay; or impose on the neighboring residents. Following the review of application materials and a review of the planned activities, specific “Conditions” are incorporated into the permit as part of the approval process (providing guidance for issues such as: use of amplified music, locations, set up requirements, etc.). On-duty Harbor Service Workers, performing patrol activities on the day of the scheduled events – then check with event organizers, ensuring the terms and conditions set for the event to be successful are being met. The following steps demonstrate how the Fee is derived. Step 1: Calculate Hourly Staffing Rates and Burdened Factors The first step is to determine the hourly rates of staff providing the services associated with the fee. Table 1 below provides the hourly salary and benefit rates plus the hourly burden factors for the staff that are responsible for performing this task within Harbor Department. Indirect overhead costs or “burdened factors” are costs that are not directly accountable to the expenses incurred for a user fee service, but are necessary and contribute to the total cost of that service delivery, i.e. - managerial administration, utilities, insurance, legal, information technology, payroll, and finance, which are all valid components to the analysis of what it costs the City to provide municipal services. 71 2   Table 1- Hourly Rates for Salary, Benefit and Overhead Factors Salary and Benefits Burdened Factors Total Burdened Rate Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Harbor Services Worker $29.85 + $34.14 = $63.99 Harbormaster $114.53 + $131.00 = $245.53 Department Assistant $35.99 + $41.17 = $77.16 The City’s cost allocation plan consultant uses the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Super Circular 2 CFR Part 200 as a guideline to determine the allowable burdened, or indirect, cost elements. The Super Circular is a document that state and local governments use to identify allowable indirect costs when applying for reimbursement of cost from state or federal programs. Although the calculation of user fee services is not specific to applying for reimbursement from any state or federal program, the underlying methodology of identifying costs is much the same. The relevant sections of the Super Circular that specify how direct and indirect costs shall be applied to the calculation of the Fee follows below. Composition of Cost Direct Costs 1. General. Direct costs are those that can be identified specifically with a particular final cost objective. 2. Application. Typical direct costs include: a) Compensation of employees for the time devoted and identified specifically to the performance of the operation. b) Cost of materials acquired, consumed, or expended specifically for the purpose of fulfilling the mission of the operation. c) Equipment and other approved capital expenditures.1 d) Travel expenses incurred specifically to carry out the operation. Using the personnel identified in Table 1, the direct costs for the Special Event Permit – Simple fee are found on line 1.1 (total salary and benefits on an hourly basis) in Table 1a below.   1 Includes maintenance and/or depreciation expense only, not equipment purchases, which are capitalized over a  number of years.    72 3   Table 1a Indirect Costs 1. General. Indirect costs are those: (a) incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective, and (b) not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefitted. The term “indirect costs,” as used herein, applies to costs of this type originating from staff within Harbor Department, their operating expenditures and administration support, as well as those incurred by administrative departments in supplying goods, services, and facilities. The cost of service analysis includes four types of indirect overhead categories or “cost pools” consisting of compensated absences, general administration, operating expenses, and citywide overhead. a) Compensated Absences – The compensated absences cost pool is used to account for employees' time off with pay for vacations and sick days. The City is obligated to pay for these days off and is required by the matching principle to record the expense when the employees are working, since the benefits are a part of the employees' compensation. It is estimated that 280 out of 2,080 total available hours per year per full-time equivalent (FTE) are taken as compensated absences. This translates into a 13.4% burden factor applied to the hourly salary and benefit rate as indicated on line 2.1 in Table 1a above. Harbor  Services  Worker Harbormaster Department  Assistant 51,426$     197,306$        62,000$         1. Calculate hourly salary & benefits 1.1 Divide annual cost by direct hours available (1723) $29.85 $114.53 $35.99 Total Salary and Benefits $29.85 $114.53 $35.99 2. Indirect Overhead 2.1 Compensated Absences 13.4% $4.01 $15.35 $4.83 (vacation, sick leave) 2.2 General Administration 14.7% $4.39 $16.84 $5.29 (supervision, support services) 2.3 Operating Expense 32.7% $9.75 $37.41 $11.76 (training, supplies, maint & repair) 2.4 Citywide Overhead 53.6% $16.00 $61.40 $19.29 (Finance, City Manager, Human Resources) Total Indirect Overhead 114.4% $34.15 $131.00 $41.17 Total Burdened Rate: $64.00 $245.54 $77.16 Fully Burdened Hourly Rates Annual Salary & Benefits: 73 4   b) General Administration – The general administration cost pool includes the cost of staff time spent on such activities as budget planning and staffing allocations; public counter and telephone time, meetings, and training and education. The wages of management staff and the workers engaged in administration and support activities are considered an indirect labor cost. It is calculated that 14.7% of Harbor Department’s overall workload is spent on this general administrative function as indicated on line 2.2 in Table 1a above. c) Operating Expenditures – The operating expenditure cost pool consists largely of Internal Service Fund (ISF) charges to the divisions on a cost reimbursement basis. The City’s internal service funds are used to allocate the cost of providing general liability insurance and workers’ compensation; maintaining and replacing the City’s rolling stock fleet; and the cost of maintaining and replacing the City’s computers, printers, copiers, and telecommunication services. This cost pool also includes other general operating expenses such as publications, supplies, and training. The operating expenditure burden factor of 32.7% for Harbor Department as indicated on line 2.3 in Table 1a above is calculated by comparing the total cost of (allowable indirect) operating expenditures to the total (allowable direct) labor pool. d) Citywide Overhead - The Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) distributes the costs of City departments that serve a central service function supporting Harbor Department operations. These “Central Service Departments/Divisions” include: City Council, City Clerk, City Manager, Finance & Treasury Financial Planning, and Financial Reporting, as well as Human Resources Risk Management. The citywide overhead burden factor of 53.6% for Harbor Department is calculated by comparing the total cost of Harbor Department’s share of citywide overhead to the total (allowable direct) labor pool (see line 2.4 in Table 1a above). Step 2: Calculate Time Spent on the Service The second step is to calculate the time spent on the service. The task and time in minutes estimated to complete the task is captured in Table 2 below. Table 2: Task Description & Time Estimates in minutes Time Estimate Harbor Services Worker 20 minutes Harbormaster 15 minutes Department Assistant 10 minutes Step 3: Calculate the Cost to Provide the Service The third and final step is to calculate the cost to provide the service by converting the total minutes to hours per unit (or staff person). The product of the hourly rate calculation times the time spent yields the cost of providing the service (see Table 3 below). 74 5   Table 3 – Fee is Product of Times and Rates Summary The purpose of a CAP is to accurately, fairly, and reasonably distribute the City’s central administrative costs to the operating departments in the City. The development of a CAP follows a series of general guidelines and principles, which originate from federal guidelines established in OMB Super Circular. These principles ensure that allocated costs are necessary and reasonable to the operation of the government. A cost analysis study is almost entirely reliant upon the data provided by the City. Since all study components are interrelated, bad data at any step in the process will cause the ultimate results to be flawed. To avoid accuracy problems and other quality flaws, the study included a series of quality control measures including reasonableness tests and validation; balance and cross checks; and internal City review. Finally, it should be noted that private businesses typically add a layer of profit margin to their cost analysis, public agencies are not allowed to do so. Total Fully Total Cost  Total Hours per Burdened to Provide  Minutes Unit Hourly Rates the Service Harbor Services Worker 20.00 0.33 $63.99 $21.33 Harbormaster 15.00 0.25 X $245.53 =$61.38 Department Assistant 10.00 0.17 $77.16 $12.86 $95.57 Proposed Fee $95.00 75 03/09/2022 1 FY 2022-23 Overview of Revenue Projections Finance Committee Meeting March 10, 2022 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 2 Historical General Fund Revenues 2020‐21 Actual $ 235.9 million 2021‐22 Projected $ 250.1 million 2022‐23 Projected $ 265.1 million •$15.0 million of pr0jected revenue growth •Drivers of revenue growth •Property Tax + $8.0 million •Sales Tax + $2.3 million •TOT + $2.2 million •Fees and other + $2.5 million  $‐  $50  $100  $150  $200  $250  $300 FY 2020‐21 FY 2021‐22 FY 2022‐23Millions Property Tax Sales Tax TOT Other 1 2 76 03/09/2022 2 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 3 Historical General Fund Revenues $235  $241  $251 $260  $219  $200 $204  $217  $229 $229  $236  $250  $265   $190  $200  $210  $220  $230  $240  $250  $260  $270 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions Pre‐COVID Projection Initial Post‐COVID Projection Actual and Current Projection City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 4 Property Tax  Revenue •The City receives 17.2% of the 1% property tax •Each City’s percentage of the 1% varies •Newport Beach has the third highest share of the 1% property tax  in Orange County behind Santa Ana and Laguna Beach •Assessed value has a significant impact on revenue •Having a higher percentage of the total tax and higher assessed  values than many surrounding cities is a significant contributor to  the City’s fiscal stability •The City’s assessed valuation for FY 2021‐22 was $67 billion, the second  largest in Orange County behind Irvine at $95 billion and ahead of  Anaheim at $53 billion •The assessed valuation is projected to be $69 billion in FY 2022‐23 17.20% 67.20% 7.00%8.60% City of Newport Beach Schools County of Orange Special Districts 3 4 77 03/09/2022 3 City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 5 Property Tax Revenue by Category and Residential Sales Trend 10.70% 84.70% 2.30% 2.40% Commercial Residential Other Unsecured City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 6 Property Tax Revenue Projection Methodology •City staff works in collaboration with the City’s property tax consultant  HdL to develop the secured property tax revenue projection  •Accounts for the majority of the City’s property tax revenue •Includes the State’s recently‐released CPI factor for allowable  assessment growth under Proposition 13 (2.0% for FY 2022‐23) •Projects the impact of changes of ownership on assessed values •Projects the impact of rising property values on remaining  Proposition 8 adjustments from prior fiscal years •HdL also provides a projection of the City’s property tax in lieu of VLF  allocation each year •Staff calculate appropriate growth factors for other types of property  tax revenue based on historical information and advice from HdL 5 6 78 03/09/2022 4 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 7 Property Tax Revenue Projection •Represents approximately 50% of General Fund revenues •Growth has been accelerating based on strong assessed value growth and sales activity •6.4% growth projected for FY 2022‐23 across all categories of property tax revenue •FY 2017‐18 growth percentage has been revised based on a review of the historical data $94.4 $101.6 $108.4 $113.3 $119.2 $123.4 $131.4  $85  $95  $105  $115  $125  $135 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+7.7% +6.7% +4.6% +5.2% +3.6% +6.4% City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 8 Property Tax  Revenue Growth History 5.0%1.8%-0.4%-0.1% 13.4%-2.1%5.6%8.0%6.2%7.7%6.7%4.6%5.2%3.6% 6.4% $ M $20 M $40 M $60 M $80 M $100 M $120 M $140 M FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Projected FY 23 Projected 7 8 79 03/09/2022 5 City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 9 Sales Tax Revenue •The City receives 12.9% of the  7.75% sales tax (1% of sale) •Historically most of the City’s sales  tax revenue comes from: •Autos & Transportation •Restaurants & Hotels •General Consumer Goods 12.9% 50.8% 23.4%6.5% 6.5% City of Newport Beach State General Fund County of Orange Proposition 172 OCTA City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 10 Sales Tax Growth by Category 9 10 80 03/09/2022 6 City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 11 Comparative Sales Tax  Revenue City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 12 Sales Tax Revenue Projection Methodology •City staff works in collaboration with the City’s sales tax  consultant HdL to analyze historical sales tax data and  to identify material necessary adjustments •New  and closed retailers •Misallocated revenues •HdL develops a statewide revenue forecast by industry  category with assistance from Beacon Economics •Adjusted for regional or agency trends •Historically HdL’s forecasts tend to be conservative •The City’s budget number is net of sales tax sharing  agreements 11 12 81 03/09/2022 7 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 13 Sales Tax  Revenue Projection •5.3% growth anticipated for FY 2022‐23 •Cautious growth projections have turned optimistic as multiple quarters of significant growth have now  been recorded •Revenue from auto sales remains strong, with inventory decline impacts offset by price increases •Restaurant & hotel and brick & mortar retail receipts have now exceeded pre‐pandemic levels $33.7 $35.0 $38.5 $36.2 $39.0 $43.1 $45.3  $30  $34  $38  $42  $46 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+4.0% +9.9%‐5.9%+7.5% +10.5% +5.3% City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 14 Sales Tax Revenue Growth History -14.9% -13.6% 12.6%7.6%4.6% 10.8%6.5% 12.0% -8.4%4.0% 9.9%-5.9% 7.5% 10.5%5.3% $ M $5 M $10 M $15 M $20 M $25 M $30 M $35 M $40 M $45 M $50 M FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22Projected FY 23Projected 13 14 82 03/09/2022 8 •The City charges a 10% tax •Same rate as 41% of California jurisdictions •Lower than 32% of California jurisdictions •Higher than 27% of California jurisdictions •Revenue is generated from commercial (hotel)  and residential (short‐term rental) stays •The City has access to a variety of data sources  to monitor trends that impact leisure and  business travel 15 Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue City of Newport Beach – Finance Department City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 16 TOT Revenue Projection Methodology •Unlike for property tax and sales tax, the City does not have an expert consultant to rely on for  TOT revenue projection assistance •Historically, percentage‐based growth factors were applied based on historical revenue trends •Over the last year, staff has spent a significant amount of time refining the projection  methodology through collaboration with industry experts and more careful evaluation of the  data at the category, and, in the case of hotel TOT, the individual property level •Evaluating residential TOT versus hotel TOT trends and developing separate projections •Monitoring hotel closures, sales, and remodeling for impacts on revenues •Seeking input from Visit Newport beach and evaluating data from VNB and Visit California •Collectively validating assumptions amongst the Finance Department leadership team 15 16 83 03/09/2022 9 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 17 Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue Projection •4.6% growth projected for FY 2022‐23, including 3.0% for residential revenue and 5.0% for hotel revenue,  after taking into account a $1.0 million reduction in the prior year’s projection for timing concerns •Hotel‐related revenues are projected to exceed pre‐pandemic levels and short‐term rental‐related  revenues are growing well beyond the already‐reached record high level of revenue •Projections do not account for any impact from the VEA Newport Beach (former Marriott) reopening and  assume the Pendry Newport Beach (former Fashion Island Hotel) will not open until FY 2023‐24 $22.3 $22.8 $24.7 $20.8 $16.9 $25.6 $27.8  $14  $18  $22  $26  $30 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+2.4% +8.2% ‐15.6% ‐19.0% +51.4% +8.7% City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 18 Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue Growth History -12.4%0.7% 15.7% 13.2% 12.0% 10.2% 12.0%3.5%5.8%2.4% 8.2% -15.6% -19.0% 51.4% 8.7% $ M $5 M $10 M $15 M $20 M $25 M $30 M FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22Projected FY23Projected 17 18 84 03/09/2022 10 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 19 Other Revenues •Property tax, sales tax, and transiency occupancy tax revenues make up almost 80% of  the City’s General Fund revenues •Other revenues include the following material additional categories of revenue •Service Fees and Charges / Licenses and Permits (11% of General Fund revenues) •Property income (5% of General Fund revenues) •Other Taxes (5% of General Fund revenues) •The remainder of other revenues (3% of General Fund revenues) includes: •Intergovernmental revenues (primarily Proposition 172 revenue) •Fines and penalties (primarily parking fines) •Investment income and other minor revenues City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 20 Service Fees and Permits Revenue Projection •This category of other revenue primarily includes: •Building and planning fees •Recreation class and Junior Lifeguard program fees •The revenue projection is developed by Finance staff in collaboration with the subject matter experts in  the City Departments responsible for each of these programs •Growth due to recycling fee increase, a return to normal recreation program activity, and building activity $25.2 $25.5 $25.4 $25.7 $23.5 $23.6 $28.0  $18  $22  $26  $30 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+1.4%‐0.5%+1.2% ‐8.6%+0.5% +18.5% •Paramedic service fees •Recycling fees 19 20 85 03/09/2022 11 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 21 Property Income Revenue projection •This category of other revenue primarily includes: •Leased property income – generated from non‐Tidelands property leases •Parking income – generated from non‐Tidelands parking lots and meters •The revenue projection is developed by Finance staff in collaboration with the subject matter experts in  the City Departments responsible for each of these programs •Growth due to higher percentage‐based rents and parking revenues $9.2 $9.9 $9.9 $10.4 $12.2 $11.1 $12.4  $8  $10  $12  $14 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+8.3%‐0.7%+5.5% +17.1% ‐8.4% +11.2% City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 22 Other Taxes  Revenue Projection •This category of other revenue primarily includes: •Business license tax revenue •Property transfer tax revenue •Franchise fees (solid waste, cable, and utility) •The revenue projection is developed by Finance staff •Decline is due to conservative revenue forecast for property transfer tax $11.2 $11.9 $11.3 $11.8 $12.8 $12.5 $12.2  $10  $12  $14 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+5.9%‐4.5%+4.6% +8.5% ‐2.5% ‐2.8% 21 22 86 03/09/2022 12 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 23 Tidelands Fund Revenues •The Tidelands Fund is a special revenue fund  used to account for revenues related to the  Tidelands areas under the City’s jurisdiction •Funds are deposited into either the  operating or capital fund from all revenue‐ generating activities within the Tidelands •The operating fund has had an annual  deficit ranging from $7 million to $9  million in recent fiscal years that is  supported by the General Fund •The General Fund will transfer $4.6  million to the capital fund in FY 2022‐23  to support capital needs City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 24 Tidelands Fund Revenues Top Ten Tidelands Revenue Producers 23 24 87 03/09/2022 13 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 25 Tidelands Fund Revenue Projection •96% of revenues are generated from property income  •Leased property income – generated from Tidelands property leases, slips, and moorings •Parking income – generated from Tidelands parking lots and meters •Oil well income –generated from the City’s oil field in West Newport •4% of revenues are generated by investment income (primarily from capital reserves) $14.1 $14.7 $16.3 $15.9 $17.1 $16.9 $17.3  $12  $14  $16  $18 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+4.7% +10.4%‐2.1% +7.5%‐1.2%+2.6% City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 26 Water Utility Revenue Projection •98% of revenues are generated by service fees and charges from customers •1% of revenues are generated by investment income •Various other sources account for the final 1% of revenues •Rate plan in place with annual increases beginning on January 1, 2021, and ending on January 1, 2024 •Actual revenues depend on demand, with related variances in non‐personnel expenses $25.4 $27.1 $27.5 $27.8 $31.2 $30.4 $33.2  $22  $26  $30  $34 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+6.5% +1.4%+1.0% +12.5% ‐2.6%+9.2% 25 26 88 03/09/2022 14 City of Newport Beach –Finance Department 27 Wastewater Utility Revenue Projection •98% of revenues are generated by service fees and charges from customers •Various other sources account for the final 2% of revenues •Rate plan in place with annual increases beginning on January 1, 2018, and ending on January 1, 2022 •Staff is requesting funding for a new rate study as part of the ongoing FY 2022‐23 budget process •Actual revenues depend on demand, with minimal related variances in non‐personnel expenses $3.2 $3.5 $4.1 $4.2 $4.7 $4.5 $5.0  $2  $3  $4  $5  $6 2016‐17 Actual 2017‐18 Actual 2018‐19 Actual 2019‐20 Actual 2020‐21 Actual 2021‐22 Projected 2022‐23 ProjectedMillions+9.3% +19.6%+1.1%+11.3%‐3.0%+9.7% City of Newport Beach – Finance Department 28 Questions? 27 28 89 3/3/22 Scheduled Date Agenda Title Report Type Agenda Description Thursday, March 10, 2022 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Fee Study Update Presentation Staff will present the Master Fee Schedule to the Finance Committee prior to presenting it to the City Council. Overview of Revenue Projections Presentation Staff will provide the Committee with an overview of the assumptions utilized to prepare revenue projections for the City's major funds as part of the FY 2022-23 budget preparation process. Internal Audit Program Update Verbal Update Bi-monthly progress update on the internal audit program. Thursday, April 14, 2022 Proposed FY 2022-23 Budget Overview Presentation Staff will provide the Committee with an overview of the expenditure budget for FY 2022-23 that will be presented to the City Council in May. Moved from March OPEB Actuarial Valuation Report Update Presentation Staff will provide the Committee with an overview of the latest actuarial valuation report prepared by the City's actuary. Budget Amendments for Quarter Ending March 31, 2022 Receive and File Staff will report on the budget amendments from the prior quarter. Thursday, May 12, 2022 Third Quarter Budget Update Presentation Staff will provide a presentation regarding the year-to-date and projected Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget performance. Follow-Up Discussion of Proposed FY 2022-23 Budget Discussion Staff will provide the Committee with a copy of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 proposed budget document. Should the Committee wish to continue April's discussion of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget, this is also an opportunity to do so. Internal Audit Program Update Verbal Update Bi-monthly progress update on the internal audit program. Thursday, May 26, 2022 Financial Statement Auditor's Communication with the Finance Committee acting as the City's Audit Committee Presentation The City's external auditors, Davis Farr LLP, will provide an overview presentation regarding the audit process and request feedback from the Committee regarding any information that may assist them in their audit of the City's financial statements. Committee Recommendation to Council for the FY 2022-23 Budget Discussion Discussion of the Study Session earlier in the week and formulation of any recommendations to be presented to the City Council at the budget public hearing in June. Committee Recess July 2022 Newport Beach Finance Committee Work Plan April 2022 June 2022 May 2022 March 2022 Committee Recess August 2022 Committee Recess I:\Users\FIN\Shared\Admin\Finance Committee\WORK PLAN\2022\WORK PLAN 2021-22 - 3-3-2022 190 3/3/22 Scheduled Date Agenda Title Report Type Agenda Description Newport Beach Finance Committee Work Plan Thursday, September 15, 2022 Annual Review of Investment Performance Presentation The City's investment advisor, Chandler Asset Management, will report on the performance of the City's investment portfolio for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Annual Review of Investment Policy Presentation Staff will provide a presentation regarding any changes proposed to the City's Investment Policy by staff or the City's investment advisor prior to the Investment Policy being approved by the City Council. Overview of Police Department Budget Presentation Staff will provide the Committee with a presentation covering the budget for the Police Department. Recommended Changes to Purchasing Policies Presentation Staff will provide on overview of recommended changes to the City's purchasing policies for the Committee's consideration, in follow-up to the Internal Audit Program report presented to the Committee in January. Internal Audit Program Update Verbal Update Bi-monthly progress update on the internal audit program. Budget Amendments for Quarter Ending June 30, 2022 Receive and File Staff will report on the budget amendments from the prior quarter. Thursday, October 20, 2022 Year-End Budget Results Presentation Staff will provide a presentation regarding the year-end budget results for FY 2021-22. Revenue Audit Program Update Presentation Staff will provide an update on audits conducted by the Revenue Division to verify transient occupancy tax (hotels, agents and residential owners), charter boat company, waste hauler, etc. revenue collections. Budget Amendments for Quarter Ending September 30, 2022 Receive and File Staff will report on the budget amendments from the prior quarter. Thursday, November 10, 2022 CalPERS Update Presentation Staff will provide the Committee with an overview of the data from the latest actuarial reports from CalPERS as well as their impact on prior projections of the paydown of the City's unfunded pension liability. First Quarter Budget Update Presentation Staff will provide a presentation regarding the year-to-date and projected FY 2022-23 budget performance. Long Range Financial Forecast (LRFF) Update Presentation Staff will brief the Committee regarding the results of the updated LRFF analysis. Internal Audit Program Update Verbal Update Bi-monthly progress update on the internal audit program. September 2022 November 2022 December 2022 Committee Recess October 2022 I:\Users\FIN\Shared\Admin\Finance Committee\WORK PLAN\2022\WORK PLAN 2021-22 - 3-3-2022 291 3/3/22 Scheduled Date Agenda Title Report Type Agenda Description Newport Beach Finance Committee Work Plan Thursday, January 12, 2023 Financial Statement Audit Results and Related Communication Presentation The City’s external auditors will meet with the Finance Committee to discuss the results of their audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Internal Audit Program Reports Presentation Presentation of reports, findings, and recommendations from the FY 2021-22 audit program. Internal Audit Program Work Plan Review Presentation Selection of audit topics for the FY 2022-23 audit program. Budget Amendments for Quarter Ending December 31, 2022 Receive and File Staff will report on the budget amendments from the prior quarter. Thursday, February 16, 2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Update Presentation Staff from Public Works will provide an update on what is planned for inclusion in the FY 2023-24 CIP. Facilities Financial Plan (FFP) and Harbor & Beaches Master Plan Presentation Staff will provide an update on the current status of FFP and Harbor & Beaches Master Plan funding. Second Quarter Budget Update Presentation Staff will provide a presentation regarding the year-to-date and projected FY 2022-23 budget performance. February 2023 January 2023 I:\Users\FIN\Shared\Admin\Finance Committee\WORK PLAN\2022\WORK PLAN 2021-22 - 3-3-2022 392