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X2021-1239 - Calcs
xZo z I - Mz C1 E S I/ F M E INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER50" J���o ��otio o PROJECT: Structural calculations for deck remodel (center post removed and main beam replaced) at 618 Kings Place in Newport Beach. KROGH RESIDENCE DECK REMODEL 05-08-21 Revisions: Q Shipped: 9 KROGH/KELLEY Client Job No. Job No. M207 1800 E. 16th Street, Unit B, Santa Ana, CA 92701 / Tel: (714) 835-2800 / Fax: (714) 835-2819 Page: 2 ESI / F M E Inc. Date: 05-03-21 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS job #: M207 Client: KEVIN KELLEY Project Name: KROGH RES Plan #: DECK LOAD CONDITIONS: (2018 IBC / 2019 CBC) ROOF: Asphalt Shingle Built Up Tile FLOOR: Slope <6:12 Flat <6:12 w/o Conc. DECK Live Load 20.0 Pat 20.0 psf 20.0 psf Live Load 40.0 psf 60.0 psf Roofg Mt'I 4.0 6.0 10.0 D.L. of F.F. 8.0 0.0 Sprinklers 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sprinklers 1.0 0.0 Sheathing 1.5 1.5 1.5 Miscellaneous 2.0 1.5 Roof Truss/RR's 1.5 1.5 3.0 Sheathing 2.5 4.5 Ceiling Joist 1.5 1.5 0.0 4X8 Deck Joists 4.0 2.0 Drywall 2.5 2.5 2.5 Drywall 2.5 0.0 ' Misc/Solar Panels 6.0 6.0 6.0 Total D.L. WIT-psf psf 24-16-psf Total D.L. Total Load 20.0 psf 60.0 psf 8.0 psf 68.0 psf Total Load 38.0 psf 40.0 psf 44.0 psf LOAD CONDITIONS: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION: STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Job Name KROGH RES City NEWPORT BEACH 1. Sketches of details in calculations are not Client KEVIN KELLEY to scale and may not represent true PROJECT ENGINEER: SCOTT W ROSS conditions on plans. Architect or designer CALLS BY: SWR DATE: 05-08-21 is responsible for drawing details in plans ASSOC. CHECK: DATE: which represent true framing conditions BACK CHECK: DATE: and scale. Enclosed details are intended to ROOF TRUSS Rev.: DATE: complement standard construction practice FLR. TRUSS Rev.: DATE: to be used by experienced and qualified PIT FOUND. Rev.: DATE: contractors. PLAN CHECK: DATE: REVISIONS: 2. The structural calculations included here are for the analysis and design of primarySHTS: DATE: structural system: The attachment of non- structural elements is the responsibility of Init.: O SHTS: DATE: the architect or designer, unless specifically Inst.: C HTS: DATE: shown otherwise. OSHTS: Init.: DATE: 3. The drawings, calculations, specifications and reproductions are instruments of//_ nit.: \ E / SHTS: DATE: service to be used only for the specific project covered by agreement and cover Init.: Os 1rs: DATE: sheet. Any other use is solely prohibited. nit: 4. All changes made to the subject project OSHTS: DATE: shall be submitted to E S I / F M E, Inc. e._ Init.: in writing for their review and comment. E S I / F M E, Inc. - Structural Engineers These calculations are meant to be used (This signature is to be a by a design professional, omissions are wet signature, not a copy.) SSI intended. 5. Copyright © - 1994 by E S I / F M E. Inc. Structural Engineers. All rights reserved. APPROVED BY: WILLIq,��! b � Fyc a� This material may not be reproduced in whole or part without written permission of ESI / F M E, Inc. DATE: �,) r3 _ 2' q�OFCAUFO��\ Page: 3 ESI / F M E Inc. Date: 05-08-21 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Job #: M207 Client: KEVIN KELLEY Project Name: AROGH RES Pian #: DECK DESIGN CRITERIA SHEET FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CODE: IBC2018 / CBC2019 /ASCE-7-16 In all cases calculations will supersede this design criteria sheet. TIMBER Douglas Fir-Larch -19% max. moisture content 448 #2/#1: Fb = 1170/1300 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6/1.7 2x4 #2: Fb = 1315/1552 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6 4x10 #21#1: Fb = 108011200 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.611.7 2x6 #2: Fb = 1170/1345 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6 4x12 #21#1: Fb = 990/1100 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.611.7 2x8 #2: Fb = 1080/1242 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6 4x14 #21#1: Fb = 900/1000 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6/1.7 2x10 #2: Fb = 990/1138 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6 4216 #2/#1: Fb = 900/1000 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6/1.7 2x12 #2: Fb = 900/1150 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6 6x10 #1 ISS: Fb = 1350/1600 psi; fv=170 psi; E=1.6 2x14 #2: Fb = 810/931 psi; fv=180 psi; E=1.6 6x12 #11SS: Fb = 1350/1600 psi; fv=170 psi; E=1.6 It is recommended that lumber be free of heart center. PARALLAM PSL 2.0E Glued Laminated Beams: Douglas Fir-Larch fb=2900.psi; fv=290.psi; E=2.0 Ind. App. Grade: Fb=2400 si;Fv=240 psi;E=1.8E6 psi MICROLLAM LVL: Fb=2600 si;Fv=285 si;E=7.9 CONCRETE 1. Drypack shall be composed of one part Portland Cement to not more than three parts sand. 2. All structural concrete......................................................................... f = 3000 psi w/ inspection. All slab-on-grade/continuous footings/pads ............................. fc = 2500 psi w/o inspection. All concrete shall reach minimum compressive strength at 28 days. REINFORCING STEEL 1. All reinforcing shall be A.S.T.M. A-615-40 for #4 bars and smaller, A-615-60 for #5 bars and larger. Welded wire fabric to be A.S.T.M. A-185, lap 1-1/2 spaces, 9" min. 2. Development length of Tension Bars shall be calculated per AC1318-14 Section 12.2.2.. Class B Splice = 1.3 x 1a. Splice Lengths for 2500 psi concrete is: #4 Bars (40K) = 21", #5 Bars (60K) = 39", #6 Bars (60K) = 47" (30 dia. for compression). Masonry reinforcement shall have tappings of 48 dia. or 2'-0". This is in all cases U.N.O. 3. All reinforcing bars shall be accurately and securely placed before pouring concrete, or grouting masonry. 4. Concrete protection for reinforcement shall be at least equal to the diameter of the bars. Cover for cast-in-place concrete shall be as follows, U.N.O.: A. Concrete cast against & permanently exposed to earth...................................... 3" B. Concrete exposed to earth or weather < = #5 Bars........................................... 1 1/2" #6 => #18 Bars 2" C. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground Slabs, walls, Joists, < = #11 Bars.................................................... 314„ Beams & Columns: Primary reinforcement, ties, stirups, spirals....................... 11/2, STRUCTURAL STEEL 1. Fabrication and erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with "Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel Buildings", ASC, current edition. Steel to conform to ASTM A992. Round pipe columns shall conform to ASTM A53, Grade B. Square/Rectangular steel tubes ASTM A500, Grade B. 2. All welding shall be performed by certified welders, using the Electric Shielded Arc Process at licensed shops or otherwise approved by the Bldg. Dept. Continuous inspection required for all field welding. 3. All steel exposed to weather shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication, or other approved weatherproofing method. 4. Where finish is attached to structural steel, provide 117'o bolt holes @ 4'-0" o.c. for attachment of milers, U.N.O. See architectural drawings for finishes (Nelson studs 1/2" x 3" CPL may replace bolts), MASONRY 1. Concrete block shall be of sizes shown on architectural drawings and/or called for in specifications and conform to ASTM C-90-09, grade A normal weight units with max. linear shrinkage of 0.06% 2. All vertical reinforcing in masonry walls not retaining earth shall be located in the center of the wall (U.N.O.), retaining walls are to be as shown in details. 3. All cells with steel are to be solid grouted (except retaining walls where all cells are to be solid grouted). ESuFME, Inc. Project Title: KROGH RESIDENCE Structural Engineers Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set: ASCE 7-16 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb+ 1,350.0 psi E:Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination ASCE 7-16 Fb- 1,350.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,600.Oksi Max. '+°left Location in Span Fc - Pill 925.Opsi Eminbend -xx 580.Oksi Wood Species : Douglas Fir -Larch Fc - Perp 625.Opsi 0.5989 Wood Grade :No.1 Fv 170.Opsi 3 0.0000 9.328 Ft 675.Opsi Density 31.210pcf Beam Bracing Completely Unbraced Repetitive Member Stress Increase D(OA4) L(0.95) D(0.3) L(1.9) D(0.3) L(1.9) D(0.3), L(1.9) D(0.3) L(1.9) D(0.14) "(0.95) I I 1) 6.0X14_[4 6.0X14.0(A0 Span _=�2-Oft Span = 18.50 ft f T X14.0 I �If Span = 2.0 ft --� Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Point Load : D=0.140, L = 0.950 k @ 0.50 ft, (4X8) Load for Span Number 2 Point Load: D = 0.30, L =1.90 k @ 3.0 ft, (4X8) Point Load: D=0.30, L=1.90k@6.70it, IBM 1) Point Load: D = 0.30, L =1.90 k @ 11.30 ft, (4X8) Point Load : D = 0.30, L =1.90 k @ 15.70 It, (4X8) Load for Span Number 3 Point Load: D = 0.140, L = 0.950 k @ 1.50 ft, (08) Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span #where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 0.8421 6.0 X 14.0 1,274.23psi 1,512.62psi +D+L+H 11.193ft Span #2 0.499 in Ratio= -0.167 in Ratio= 0.599 in Ratio= -0.200 in Ratio= num Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 445>=240 286 >=240 370>=180 238>=180 0.482 : 1 6.0 X 14,0 81.86 psi 170.00 psi +D+L+H 2.000# Span # 1 Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination Span Max.' -'Deft Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+°left Location in Span 1 0,0000 0.000 +D+L+H -0.2003 0000 +D+L+H 2 0.5989 9.328 0.0000 0.000 3 0.0000 9.328 +D+L+H _0011 2000 ESI/FME, Inc. Project Title: KROGH RESIDENCE Structural Engineers Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL Veracal Keactions Support notation: Far fell is #1 I ,,.,., I__�:.._,:__ _ _ _ Values in KIPS Overall MlNimum4,71e 4781 4.719 +D+H 0.950 0.940 -D+L+H 5.730 5559 +D+Lr+H 0.950 0.940 +D+S+FI 0.950 0.940 +D+0.7501-r+0.750L+H 4,535 4479 +D+0.750L+0]50S+H 4535 4479 +D+0,60W+H 0.950 0940 +D+07501-r+0750L+o450W+H 4.535 4x79 +D+07501-+0.750S+0.450W+H 4535 4.479 +0.60D+0.60W+0.601-1 0.570 0,584 +0+0,70E+O60H 0,950 094f3 +D+0.750L+0750S+0.5250E+H 4535 4.479 ,0.6004.70E+H 0.570 0.564 D Only a 0,950 0.940 8,-- L Only t — 4.781 4.719 fie, H Only R ESI/FME, Inc. Structural Engineers EXIST 4X8 DECK JOISTS @ CODE REFERENCES Project Title: KROGH RESIDENCE Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL IS FOR REACTION INFO ONLY) Printed'. 13 MAY 2021. 2'.07," M Calculations per NDS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 D(0 02448) L(0.2448) D(O�t04) D 0.02448 L9 0.244tx1 1 a v Load Combination Set: ASCE 7-16 3 Fv: Allowable +D+L+H Material Properties 5.285ft 4X8 Y 4X8 4T4f5 Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb+ 1,200.Opsi E:Modulus ofElasficity Load Combination ASCE 7-16 Fb- 1,200.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,800.Oksi 220>=180 Fe -Prll 1,550.0 psi Eminbend -xx 660.Oksi Wood Species :Douglas Fir -Larch Fc - Perp 625.Opsi Wood Grade : No.1 8 Better Fv 180.0psi Ft 800.Opsi Density 31.210pcf Beam Bracing : Completely Unbraced Repetitive Member Stress Increase Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load : D = 0.0060, L = 0.060 ksf, Tributary Width = 4.080 It, (DECK) Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load : D = 0.0060, L = 0.060 ksf, Tributary Width = 4.080 ft, (DECK) Point Load: D = 0.040 k @ 2.0 ft, (NEWEL POST) aximum Bending Stress Ratio = Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable = Load Combination Location of maximum on span = Span #where maximum occurs = Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 0.859 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio D(0 02448) L(0.2448) D(O�t04) D 0.02448 L9 0.244tx1 1 a v v 3 Fv: Allowable +D+L+H Load Combination 5.285ft 4X8 Y 4X8 4T4f5 Span # where maximum occurs Span = 11.0 it Span = 2.0 ft 1 L— 240>=240 m. Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load : D = 0.0060, L = 0.060 ksf, Tributary Width = 4.080 It, (DECK) Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load : D = 0.0060, L = 0.060 ksf, Tributary Width = 4.080 ft, (DECK) Point Load: D = 0.040 k @ 2.0 ft, (NEWEL POST) aximum Bending Stress Ratio = Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable = Load Combination Location of maximum on span = Span #where maximum occurs = Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 0.859 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio 4x8 Section used for this span 1,505.69psi fv: Actual 1,753.09psi Fv: Allowable +D+L+H Load Combination 5.285ft Location of maximum on span Span #I Span # where maximum occurs 0.375 in Ratio= 352>=240 -0.199 in Ratio = 240>=240 0.415 in Ratio= 317>=180 -0.218 in Ratio = 220>=180 0.465 : 1 4x8 = 83.74 psi = 180.00 psi +D+L+H 10.447 ft Span #1 Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination Span Max.'-' Deft Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Deft Location in Span +D+L+H 1 0.4152 5.469 0,0000 0.000 2 0.0000 5.469 +D+L+H -0.2177 2000. Vertical Reactions Supponnotation Farleftis#1 Values in KIPS Support2 Support Overall mftmum 1.302 1,881 +D+'H 0.152 0.278 <D+L+H 1.454 2158 +D+Lr+H 0.152 0.278 Project Title: KROGHRESIDENCE ESIIFME: Inc. Engineer: SWR Structural Engineers Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL -0+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 1.129 1 680 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 0.152 0.278 +D+OcOW+H 1.129 1688 +D+0.759Lr+0.7501-+0.450W+H 1.129 16&8 +D -0750L+0. 7505+0.450W+H 0.091 01E7 -0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.152 0.278 +0-0,70E+() 60H 1.129 1.688 +D+O 750, +0 0091 0.167 ^ +0FD,070E+H 0.152 0278 D Only 1.302 1,081 ^ �. L Only H Only ESI/FME, Inc. Structural Engineers Project Title: KROGH RESIDENCE Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2018CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-16, Matertat Properties fc: Concrete 28 day strength fy: Rebar Yield Ec: Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density cp Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel %Bending Reinf. Min Allow %Temp Reinf. Min. Overturning Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ttg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Width parallel to X -X Axis Length parallel to Z -Z Axis Footing Thickness Pedestal dimensions... px : parallel to X -X Axis = pz : parallel to Z -Z Axis = Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete... at Bottom of footing = -Reinforcing Bars parallel toX-X Axis Number of Bars 2.50 ksi 40.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pcf 0.90 0.750 2 It 2.0 ft 36.0 in in in in 3.0 in Reinforcing Bar Size = # 3 Bars parallel to Z -Z Axis 4 Number of Bars __ Reinforcing Bar Size 3.0 Bandwidth Distribution Check (ACI 15.4.4,2) # 4 Direction Requiring Closer Separation # Bars required within zone # Bars required on each side of zone Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) SoiVConcrete Friction Coeff. 1.80 ksf No 300.0 pcf 0.350 3.0 it = ksf it ksf If k k Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below 0.0 soil surface Allow press. increase per foot of depth when footing base is below 1 0 : 1 1.0:1 No Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase Yes per footof depth No when max. length or width is greater than No 1.80 ksf No 300.0 pcf 0.350 3.0 it = ksf it ksf If k k -ti o r, � ky 1.80 ksf No 300.0 pcf 0.350 3.0 it = ksf it ksf If k k ESUFME, Inc. Structural Engineers i Project Title: KROGHRESIDENCE Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL 13 MAY iIGN SUMMARY Capacity Governing Load Combination Min.Ratio Item Applied 1.80ksf +D+L+H about Z -Z axis PASS 0.79G1 Soil Bearing 1.4.0 k -i 0.0 k -R 0.0 k -ft No Overturning PASS n1a overturning 0.Ok-ft O.Ok-ft No Overturning PASS nla Overtunning-Z-Z 00k O.Ok No Sliding PASS We Sliding -X-X 0.0 k 0.0 k No Sliding PASS We Sliding -Z-Z 0.0 k 0.0 k No Uplift +0.50Lr+1.60L+1.fi0H PASS nla 0.03725 Uplift ZFlexure (+X) 1.099 k -f fft 29.488 k-fUft 29488 killft +1.200 +J.20D+0,50Lr+1.60L+1.60H PASS 0.03725 Z Flexura (-X) 1.099 k-fUR 29.488 k -R R +1.20D+0.50I-r+1.60L+1.60H PASS 0.03725 X Flexure (+Z) 1.099 k-ftlft 29,488 k-fUft +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+190H PASS PASS 0.03725 XFlexure (-Z) 1999 psik-ft 0.0 psi 75.0 psi Ma PASS nla 1 -way Shear (+X) 0.0 psi 0.0 psi nla PASS 0.0 1 -way Shear (-X) 0.0 psi 75.0 psi We PASS We 1-wayShear (+Z) 1•wayShear(-Z) 0.0 psi 75.0 psi 75.0 Psi nla +1.40D+1.60H PASS nia 2 -way Punching 0.0 psi PASS We ESI/FME Inc. STRUIC7 gL ENGINEERS Project Name: KROGH RES F1 LOCATION: EXISTING DECK C TRANSVERSE. 1st STORY Roof D.L. _ ( 0 )psfx( Deck D.L. _ ( 8 )psfx( Wall D.L. = ( 1 )psfx( ILONGITUDINAL(N/A) 1st STORY Roof D.L. _ ( 0 )Psfx( Deck D.L. _ ( 8 )psfx( Wall D.L. _ ( 1 )PN( ASCE 7-16 EQUIVALENT FORCE IMET ' u ZIP CODE: LATITUDE: FROM USGS WEB SITE: Ss = 1.376 33.620000 Site Design Ss= 1.376e Soil Cless = Si = 0.490 Fa= 1.0 Fv= Seismic Design Category= D D Cs= -SDS _ 0.92 R/i 3;S = 0.612 But not greater than (12.8.3) CS== DI 0.59 TUR/1 g;2 = 3.793 Cs SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 0.01 IF S: > 0.609 Cs= O'SXSr 0.25 'Z'7 -I - QE=V=CSXW=>Eh=Px 0.7XQE= ASCE 7-16 SI_ Mpl _.PIED WiNn n (12.8.2) (12.8.3) (12.8.3) 0 21 21 0 0 0 )ft )ft )ft )ft )ft )it Page: Date: OS -08.21 Sob #: M207 Client: KEVIN KELLEY Plan #: DECK 0 pif 168 plf 21 pif TOTAL = 189 pif 0 pif = 0 pif 0 pif TOTAL = 0 pIP (ASCE 7-16 See. 12.8) LONGITUDE: -117.909000 1.8 Sms = Fax Ss = 1.376 R= Sm1 = Fv x S1 = SDs 0.887 1.5 (razz -1; SDs = 2/3 x S ms = 0917 P = I. Risk Calm, I, = 1.0 = . 2/3 x SMI - 0.591 we o e ru areCt=0.02es.FremaX = 0 750.026 0.8t Res. Freme 0.016 0.9h" = 9.0el Freme=CtX.h"" = g,igq rel5 lems 0,03 0.75Ys 0.02 0.75 GOVERNING Cs= 0.6116 0.16 EMMEREM Wind Velocity = 95 mph Ps= 0.6 x ), x Kzt x P x I Exposure= D vo Risk Cat.II, 1. = 1.0 a 1 C 141anon TRANSVERSE I LEVEL (ASCE 7-16 Sec. 25.5.3) 1.07 Mean Roof Height= 9.00 ft < 60 ft K„= Roof Slope= 0.0 :12 = 1= 1.47 (FrMA5CE7. 0.0 degrees I6 figure 26.54) - C wl r -rte LONGITUDINAL (N/A) L_ BEVEL I /lrl .I I FX Story Shear USE WIND Page: E S I% F M E Inc. Date; 05-08-21 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS lab #: M207 Client: KEVIN KELLEY Project Name: KROGH RES Plan #: DECK SHEAR WALL DESIGN SDs = 1.500 SEISMIC UPLIFT DEAD LOAD PARAMETER=0.6-0.14Sp 0 (IBC2018/0(32018/SDPWSAB) (CBC BASIC LOAD COMBINATIONS) JWALL(S) @ LATERAL LOAD AT DECK - SEE WOOD FRAME DESIGN PLATE HT= 0 ft {WALL 1= 1.00 ft OPENING= 0.00 ft WaIII E= 1.00 3) WALL2= 0.00 ft WALL 3= 0.00 ft WALL 4= 0.00 ft LOAD=(, 105 pif( 11.0 ft/2+ 2 )= 788 lbs. TOTALWALL LENGTH= 1.00 ft - LOAD =( 0 pif ( 0.0 ft/2+ O ) = 0 lbs. LOAD =( 0 pif ( 0.0 ft/2+ O ) = 0 Ibs. LOAD =( O plf ( 0.0 ft/2+ 0) = Ib5. SHEAR = T. LOAD / L = 788 Its / 1.00 It = 786 lbs/ft ANCHOR/STRAP? ANCHOR 7 t Ibs/ft O¢PORCE=''SEISMIC U S E /;#s W/5/8" Dia.x 10" A.B.'S@ 20 "o(c A1320 UPLIFT: L (Wall)= 1.0 - ft LOAD= 788 lbs. O.T.M.= 0 ft-Ibs RESISTING MOMENT = 0.39 x [Bearing Wall Weight] +Roof D.L.xTrib.Width+Floor D.L.xTdb.Width]x(S.W. Length)' /2 WALL WT= 14 .psfx 0 ft= 0 Ibs RDL= 0 psf TrbW= 0 ft FDL= 0 psf TrbW= 0 It RES.MOM= 0 ft-Ibs UPLIFT=(O.T.M: R.M.)/Laao UPLIFT= N/A lbs PROVIDE SIMPSON: N/A PER POST, CAPACITY= N/A Ibs OX USE DIAL "KNEE" BRACING - D WALL(S) @ NOT USED PLATE HT= 9 it OPENING=ft £ }} WALL2= {WALL 1= 31.00LOAD ft 21.60 It =( pif (. OA ft/2+ ) = 460 Ibs. Td0 AL WALL LENGTH = LOAD =( 249 pif ( 21.0 ft/2+ O ) = 2615 IbS. . LOAD =( 0 Pif ( 0.0 ft/2+ O ) = 0 IDS. LOAD =( 0 plf ( 0.0 ft/2+ O ) = 0 Ibs. SHEAR - T. LOAD /1, = 3075 Ibs / 21.50 ft _ 143 Ibs/ft 0 143 Ib5/ft ANCHORISTRAP? ANCHOR 5V.FORCE= SeIS b U S E 10 W/5/8' Dials 10" A B'S @ 72 "o/c AB72 361 li UPLIFT: 1 (Wall)= 21.5 ftLOAD= 3075 Its. O.T.M.= 27671 ft -lbs 0.39 x [Bearing Wall Weight] +Roof D.LxTfib.Width+Floor D.L.xTrib.Width]x(S.W. Length)' /2 RESISTING MOMENT = 9 ft= 126 Its 'RDL= 2UPLIf Trbw= 2 it FDL 0 psf TrbW= 0 ft WALL WT= 14 psfx RES.MOM= 31857 ft-Ibs UPLIFT=(O.T.M: R.M.)/Lw,li PROVIDE SIMPSON: NOT REQUIRED PER POST, CAPACITY= N.A. Ibs OX D WALL(S) @ NOT USED PLATE HT= 9 it (WALL 1= 2o.00 ft OPENING- 0.00 ft Weill E= 20.00 4) WALL2= 0.00 ft WALL 3= 0.00 ft WALL 4= o.00 ft 580 ft/2+ 0 ) = 7221 lbs. TOTAL WALL LENGTH= 20.00 it LOAD =( 249 pif 0 lbs. LOAD =( O pif ( 0.0 ft/2+ 0 ) = LOAD =( 0 pif ( 0.0 ft/2+ 0 ) = 0 lbs. LOAD =( D pif ( 0.0 ft/2+ 0 ) = 0 Ibs. SHEAR = T. LOAD / L = 7221 Ibs / 20.00 ft 361 li 361 lbs/ft ANCHOR/STRAP? ANCHOR - )V.FORCE= .SEISMIC U S E 12 W/5/8" Dia x 10" A.B'S @ 44 110/c UPLIFT: L,(Wall)= 20.0 ft LOAD= 7221 Ibs. O.T.M.- RESISTING MOMENT = 0.39 x [Bearing Wall Weight] +Roof D.L.xTnb.WIdth+Hoar D.LxTrib.Width]x(S.W. Length)' /2 WALL Wi= 14 psf x 9 ft = 126 Its RDL= 22 psf Trbw= 2 ft PDL= 0 psf RES.MOM= 13260 ft-Ibs UPLIFT=(O.T.M: R.M.)/L„g UPLIFT= 2586 Ibs PROVIDE SIMPSON: HTTS PER POST, CAPACITY= 3325 Ibs OX Diaphragm Lengdt= 20 It Provide A35's or tiff's Cu' a Inches O.C. V= 361 pif TrbW= 0 ft ESI/FME,INC. Sft tural Engineers 1800 E. 16th Street SBnta CA 701 (714) M Fax (714) 8352819 KrdBIE rOAcF- -ANAL,Js1s = 2.2 /r—z. K851�� S /2 M = 2.2-4(SSE fFAM>: AN41-511) = M Z 3 .o' - 3-- a` F, = 1.03 K Abk►*Is g L*v K,g5;1* = 1_)*s�? ).v3 K OK 13 ESI/FME, Inc. Structural Engineers Project Title: KROGH RESIDENCE Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL Description: FRAME ANALYSIS (FOR JOINT MOMENT INFO) Joints... Joint Joint Coordinates 0.0 Thermal Fixed Joint Label H ft X Translational Restraint Y Translational Restraint Z Rotational Restraint Tempp 0.0 0.000000 8.0 Steel 29.000.00 deg F 1U .0 Youngs 0.0 Thermal Fixed Label - Fixed kcf in/deg, Fixed 0 2 0.0 0.000000 8.0 Steel 29.000.00 0.490 0.000650 50.00 Wood 1800.00 0.350 0 3 18.50 8.0 1.0 +D+L+H10 1 1.0 I 1.0 0 4 18.50 +D+Lr+H 0.0 1.0 Fixed Fixed 1.0 Fixed 0 Members... 1.0 1.0 �D-0.760L,0.760L+H 1.25 1.0 0.750 0.750 Member 1.0 +0+0.750L+0.750S+H Endpoint Joints 1.0 Releases Specify Connectivity of Member Ends to Joints 0.750 Label Property Label I Joint J Jaint I End 0.60 J End +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 1.6 1.0 0.750 0.750 0.450 i8,000 x y z (rotation) % z irotaGon) A Column 1 2 Fixed Fixed Pinned Fixed Fixed Fixed B Beam 2 3 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed C Column 3 4 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Pinned Member Stress Check Data... Member Unbreced Lengths Slenderness Factors AISC Bending & Stability Factors Label Lutz 8 W :y K:z K:y Cm Cb A 8.000 8.000 1.00 1.00 internal Internal B I 18.50D 18.500 1.00 I 1.00 I Internal Internal C 8.000 8.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal Materials... Member Youngs Density Thermal Yield Label - ksi kcf in/deg, ksi Default 1.00 0.000 0.000000 1.00 Steel 29.000.00 0.490 0.000650 50.00 Wood 1800.00 0.350 0.000000 0.00 I uvuuu matenai Vara... Wood, Not Defined, Density= 350.0pcf, FbT=1350psi, FbC=1350psi, Fv=170psi, Ft= 1000, Fc=1000psi, E Bend XX= 1800ksi, E BendMin XX= 1800ksi, E Beny YY=1800kst, E BendMin YY=1800ksi, E Axial=1800ksi, Species=, Grade= Any, Class= 6x6 Column 1 Wood I 30.250 in^2 5.50 in 5.50 in 76.255 in^4 76.255 in44 6x14 Beam Wood 74.250 i02 13.50 in 5.50 in 1,127.67 in^4 187.17 in^4 Joint Loads.... Note: Loads labeled "Global Y" act downward (h. "-Y direr tion Load Load Magnitude Joint Label Direction Dead Roof Live Live Snow Seismic Wind Earth 2 Global 1 0,790 k Stress/Strength Load Combinations ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Cd 0.2* ds* Load Combination Factors Description Dead Seismic Roof Live Live Snow Wind Seismic Rho Earth +D+H 0.9 1.0 1.0 +D+L+H10 1 1.0 1.0 +D+Lr+H 1.25 1.0 1.0 1.0 +D+S+H 1.15 1.0 1.0 1.0 �D-0.760L,0.760L+H 1.25 1.0 0.750 0.750 1.0 +0+0.750L+0.750S+H 1.15 1.0 0.750 0.750 1.0 +D+0.60W+H 1.6 1.0 0.60 1.0 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 1.6 1.0 0.750 0.750 0.450 1.0 ESITME, Inc. Structural Engineers I& ProjectTitie: KROGH RESIDENCE Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL E Only Project Title: KROGH RESIDENCE ESIIFME, Inc. EngineerSWR Structural Engineers : Project M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL oint Reactions by Load Combination : Joint Reactions z Load Combination X Y Joint Label g k k-ft 3 ED v -6 3949 0.3416 4 E Only Member End Forces by Load Combination : Joint "J "End Forces Joint"I"En1111 s gxiai Shear Moment Member Load Combination Axial Shear Moment ft k 0.0 0.0 k k k-it 0.0 u.0 0.0 Label n n i -- I 0.0 a I I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 b 0.0 OA 0.0 _0.0 0.0.._..... _...-0.0 0.2391 -0.2766' 2.213 0 2391 0.2766 0.0 -2.211 a E OnIY'07� ��� 0.2764 -0.2391 -2.213 -0.2764 0.2391 b EOnly"0.70 0.2391 0.2764 2.211 -0.2391 -0.2764 0.0 c ��^ EOnly '0.70 0.2074 0.0 0.1794-0.2674 1.660 EOnN'0.5250 0.1794 -1.660 -0.2073 0.1794 -1.658 a E OnN' 0.5250 0.2073 -0.1794 0.0 b 0.1794 0.2073 1.658 -0.1794 -0.2073 G E OnN `0.5250 Only Load Combmabmrs ymmg maximum vaues are hsted Extreme Member Forces FO"2=766 Dist from "I" Joint Mmbr Lahel Axial Distirom "I" Joint Moment Dist from "1" Joint0.0 ft -0.03387k-ft 0.1633ftk 0.0 rt t Oni" `0.7C A 0.2391k EOniy-05260 Max EOnry`670 8.0g � 0.2074k 0.0 it A I 0.1794k 0.0 ft I-2.213k-H EOn(y'0525C E Oni `0.5253 Ii cOrly'070 0.0 ft Min-0.2073k Y 0.0 it 2.211 k-ft 18.50ft I -0.1794k FOnly'05250 8 I EOrily' 0.70 E on%'05250 I -0.2391 k 0.0 ft Max 0.9 ft-2213k-ft O.Oft B �-0.2764k - EOn!y `Ci0 E O ?Iy"0.70 Min E or t' T O.O ft ( 0.2764 k 0.0 ft -0.1794k 0.0 it 2.211k-ft F0111 0 � � Oniv'U 7P O.D ft Max EJnily 0.5250 7.837It 0.2073k _ 0.0 ft 0.03385 k-ft F Jr t -, 0 O 1-0.2391k �O,il 07 FOniy`OG250 y Min I Stress Checks per AISC 360.16 & NDS 20' Member Stress Checks...will Max. Shear Stress Ratios Member Section Material Max. Axial+ Bending Stress Ratios Label Label Load Combination Ratio Status Dist (ft) Load Combination Ratio Status Dist I eon 570 0.797 PASS 8.00 EoNy-070 0.090 PASS 0. A I Column Wood y' PASS 0.00 Eody'0.70 0.032 PASS 0 B Beam Wood Eody•o.70 0.131 EOdy'070 0.096 PASS 0 C Column Wood EONY'DID 0.789 PASS 0.00 ESVFME. Inc. Structural Engineers Project Title: KROGHRESIDENCE Engineer: SWR Project ID: M207 Project Descr: DECK REMODEL