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X2020-0586 - Calcs
VECTOR E fl O i n E E R S EMU X 2020 -bugu jkmia AVP, STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for JASMINE REMODEL at 710 JASMINE AVE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 for ROST ARCHITECTS 05-19-2020 BY: KALEN A. WILSON, PE PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT #: C0175-001-201 DATE: May 18, 2020 RZ � L W A F DESIGNED BY BKC; CHECKED BY KAW Note: The calculations presented in this package are intended for a single use at the location indicated above, for the client listed above. These calculations shall not be reproducer,, reused, "card fled", sold to a third party, or altered in any way without the written authorization of Vector Structural Engineering of Southern California, LLP and Rost Architects. NOISIAM DNI411M I Copyright © 2020 Vector Structural Engineering of Southern California, LLP These calculations contain proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering of Southern California, LLP., and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering of Southern California, LLP. 23152 Verdugo Dr. Ste 102 / Laguna Hills, CA 92656 / T (714-576-6524 / F (801) 990-1776 / wwwxectorse.com Page 1 of 30 Copyright112020 Vector Structural Engineering of Southern California, LLP YECTOR Engineering, Eereng, of Soot mnfCafilaaprefaP.nd information whoyeorpafrvINu21 Engineering,ofbSouthern mr Celihmia,LLP. antlmayheneithergto partially or reproduced wBbeut the prior written permission of Vector Sfruotural Engineering ofSouthem r1 G I n E E R S California LLP. PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel PROJECT NO.: C0175-001-201 SUBJECT: CRITERIA Design Criteria: General: Code: Structural design is based upon the California Building Code, 2019 Edition (2018 IBC) Risk Category: II Wind Criteria: ASCE7-16 Analysis Procedure: ASCE 7-16, Chapter 28 - Envelope Procedure - Part 2 Basic Wind Speed - Ultimate (mph): 96 (3 -sec gust) Wind Exposure: C Seismic Criteria: Analysis Procedure: ASCE 7-16, Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Site Class: C Seismic Importance Factor, le: 1.0 Mapped Spectral Response Accelerations: Be = 1.349 Sr = 0.478 Sos = 1.079 SC1 = 0.478 Seismic Design Category: D Seismic Force Resisting System: Wood Shearwalls and Hardy Frame Panels Seismic Response Coefficient, Ce: 0.166 Seismic Base Shear, V (k): 15.3 Live Loads: Roof Live Load (psf): 20 Floor Live Load (psf): 40 General Notes: • The contractor shall verify dimensions, conditions and elevations before starting work. The engineer shall be notified immediately if any discrepancies are found. • The typical notes and details shall apply in all cases unless specifically detailed elsewhere. Where no detail is shown, the construction shall be as shown for other similar work and as required by the building code. • These calculations are limited to the structural members shown in these calculations only. The connection of the members shown in these calculations to any existing structure shall be by others. • The contractor shall be responsible for compliance with local construction safety orders. Approval of shop drawings by the architect or structural engineer shall not be construed as accepting this responsibility. • All structural framing members shall be adequately shored and braced during erection and until full lateral and vertical support is provided by adjoining members. Foundation I Concrete: • All concrete mixing, placement, forming, and reinforcing installation shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete", ACI 318, latest applicable edition. • Foundation concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4500 psi at 28 days. • Cement for all concrete shall be Type V with a minimum of 6% entrained air. Maximum aggregate size shall be 3/4". • Reinforcing steel shall be per ASTM A615 Gr. 60, U.N.O. • Foundation design is based upon presumptive soil capacities. Vector Structural Engineering of Southern California, LLP strongly recommends independent soils testing be performed by a licensed geotechnical engineer to verify soil capacites, slope stability, and any other related soil parameters. NO HD 20'-0• N 1--------- SI . --- 4 IN I s I � (E) axc. PDDnxc a I j slAa ro rmAWx UNYTEPFO, U.NA. I 1 I I i I emm iy NO HD 20'-0• N 1--------- SI . --- IN NO I I I MyM WAY ND AT I CORNFi6 L — a G -I S Pn '2'-O• NIDE 4 5'-0• LONG x 00' OE, � MC FOOIING r/ /4 0 N' O.C. G 50-I WAY TOP R BORON C. LIP . NO 2'-0•, PROMS NIOIDNLL INS h RONF. PER WN F E ttTNLS FPD& TOPP'NG COATWG H WAY O SLAB MO -HOCM /4 GONG STAB r/ �4 0 12' O.C. FMX WAY 0 SVD ND -HOOK o/ 2' GWO o/ 4• GRAVEL Page 2 of 30 Page 3 of 30 liSE[r ii _._.._ ,� NO NO I._5. P7 MIN ND NO 71N Page 4 of 30 Page 6 of 30 YECTOR Copyright ®2020 Vetor Structural Engineering or Southern Corral n LLPThis Exrel workbook cnntainspmpnefaryinlarmaion belonging fo Vecror S(mcfurzl Engineeringo/ Soufhem California, LLP. and may be neither wholly norpartielly copieff or hemodmeC without the prior wriffn permission or Veofor Structural Engineering of Soufhem Calilomia, LLP. m O I rl E E R 3 PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel JOB NO.: CO 175-001-201 SUBJECT: GRAVITY LOADS Increase due to Original ROOF 10.00 pitch loading ROOF PITCH/12 4 INSULATION 1.00 STANDING SEAM METAL 3.16 1.05 3.00 1/2" PLYWOOD 1.58 1.05 1.50 FRAMING 3.00 LL 40.00 INSULATION 2.00 792 TL def 1/2" GYPSUM CLG. 2.20 1.10 2466 M, E & MISC 2.30 SPRINKLERS 3.00 SOLAR 3.00 DL 20.24 LL 20.00 SNOW 0.00 SNOW INCLUDED IN LATERAL 0.0 2ND FLOOR (WHERE OCCURS) FLOOR COVERING W/GYPCRETE 10.00 3/4" T&G PLYWOOD 2.30 MFG TRUSSES / FRAMING 2.00 INSULATION 1.00 5/8" GYPSUM CEILING 5.20 PARTITION 2.00 M, E & MISC. 1.50 SPRINKLERS 3.00 DL 27.00 LL 40.00 EXTERIOR WALLS 1653 EXTERIOR WALLS 0.00 0 0.00 STUCCO/SIDING (THREE COATS) 11.00 2x4 FRAMING W/3 PLATES 1.30 INSULATION 1.00 1/2" GYPSUM 2.20 DL 15.50 OVERFILL 0.00 0 0.00 ASPHALT SHINGLES 4.00 1/2" PLYWOOD 1.50 DL 3.50 LL 20.00 TYPICAL ROOF OVERBUILD MAX SPAN TABLE Spacing Grade Size (ft) Lma, (ft) DFL#2 2X4 2 6.10 DFL#2 2X6 2 9.70 DFL#2 2X8 2 12.80 DFL#2 2X10 2 15.60 Cr Cc Cr,V Mallow (ft -Ib) Vanow (lb) Ctrl'g factor 1.15 1.25 1.50 482382 TL def 1.15 1.25 1.30 1030 601 TL def 1.15 1.25 1.20 1653 792 TL def 1.15 1.25 1.10 2466 1011 Moment / / ! ! § }2 !f«! !« !{ \ ;m ) \\§|(/\\;;; / / ! A 0� 1/ 019 w` zw, Page .,z § }2 !{ \ ;m A 0� 1/ 019 w` zw, Page .,z YECTOR Cop 9h1®2018 Vectoralmdural En9lnaedne, LLC rhlc Excel woMbookconfaina pmpnetaryln(olLC, entlmey Ee neifhei whollpartially cop/etl orrepmduc d without lbepnurwnVen pvmiasmc n 9 1 f'1 E E R S of vacbr5r/ucm/elEnpbeebn , LLC. JOB DESIGN LOADS: Load Types: Snow Live Dead Add'I 0 Roof 0 20 24 Dead Floor Floor 40 33 Live Lr/Snow Load Wall FVI 19 Label Reif Add .2'8os to dead load? Yes 0.216=.2-SOs Length 32.25 W% Actual Allow Check # Plies pl 5 0.3999 Grade 24F -V4 SM/HDR Load 0 0.1674 Size 83/4X19-1/2 1A,1m) Cond Trib(ft) (ft Trib ft) 5 0 N.. Cr 1.00 pl (If) 0.2959 CD 1.25 47.32 0.2641 Cr,V 1.00 0 , ..—.,. LL (Ib) Lr/S (lb) OL (Ib) Total Re 0 2830 4204 7033 (left side) Rb 0 1 2600 1 3924 1 6525 (right side) 1.6 DL GLB CAMBER STD INCLUDE BM SELF WEIGHT? YES SHOW ALLOWABLE LOADS ON GRAPHS? VES Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead IIistd Length Root Trib Wall Load Load Load Loatl of Load wLL wL,ls rib (ft) (T Trit b(ft) (PIS (PIS (PI) 'a'(ft) 'b -(f) (ply (PIS w0L Exact 0 Add'I Add'I Add'I 0 Beam 90000 Point Point Dead Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Live Lr/Snow Load FYI FVI of Roof Trio Wall Load Load Load Bin wt WILL.wLps Live W% Cond Trib ft) (ft) Trio (ft) (pit) pl (pl (pl Load Load Load 1 wL,ls woL 0 Cond Trib(ft) (ft Trib ft) (pl (pl pl pl (If) (If) 12 47.32 0 0 47.32 Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead IIistd Length Root Trib Wall Load Load Load Loatl of Load wLL wL,ls rib (ft) (T Trit b(ft) (PIS (PIS (PI) 'a'(ft) 'b -(f) (ply (PIS w0L Exact 0 I 0 Point 0 0 Beam 90000 Point Point Dead Label L9 Live Lr/Snow Load FYI FVI of m Dist'a' Load Load 'Poi Total Total Origin Live (ft) 'PLL(Ib) 'PL,Is (Ib) (Ib) Ra (Ib) Rs (Ibl Live Load Factors Lr/S 1.00 L 11.00 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 I I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 90000 60000 Adtl'I Add'I Add'I 40000 Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead z000o Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load wLL wL,ls woL 0 Cond Trib(ft) (ft Trib ft) (pl (If) If) (pl (If) (If) 12 0 0 0 Page 901`30 RB7 LOAD I io 15 20 25 30 35 SHEAR (LB) MOMENT (FT -LB) iu 16 20 25 30 35 VECTOR Ct Pstr ht "Engr ,n, LLtmdural Engineering LLC This EvC21w buck wnfelnapropnefarylnlwmefion belonging fo Vecfw SfmcNrel Englneenng. L". tth0M benelfM1er whollynor paRlally copletl orfep/ptluretl wRhcuf (M1ep�orwritten permission E n G I n E E R s c/Vecfw Structural Engineering LCC DE IG N LOADS; Add'I Adolf Add'I Load Types: Snow Live Dead Roof 0 20 24 Live Lr/Snow Dead Floor 40 33 Label FB7 Wall Atld .2'Sos to dead load? Trio (fr 19 Length 17 Load Yes 0.216=.2'S0s # Plies WD b) Actual Allow Check Grade PSL BM/HDR (IU (ply (PIS V (Ib) 61889 12180 0.5087 Size C 3-1/2X78 H d�L (in) 0.022 0.567 0.039 Co 1'00 eloi (in) 0.36(7 1.133 0.325 Roof 1.00 4r/s (in) 0.169 0.65 0.1963 Cr,v 1.00 � ... Cond LL (lb) Lr/S (Ib) DL (Ib) Total Re 340 1812 4617 6769 (left side) Rb 340 1646 4099 1 6065 (right side) INCLUDE BM SELF WEIGHT? YES SHOW ALLOWABLE LOADS ON GRAPHS? YES Live Load Factors Lr/S 1.00 L 11.00 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 15000 1000( s000 0 -5000 40000 35000 20000 15000 Add'I Add'I Add'I 10000 Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead 5000 Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load wu w r w Cond Trib (ft) (ft) Trib ft) (plf) Lrs or o 72 (l I ( 10 ( If) (Pit) 0 0 0 Page 10 of 30 FB7 LOAD '" 15 20 SHEAR (LB) MOMENT (FT -LB) 1p 15 20 Add'I Adolf Add'I Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Cand Roof Trib ft) Trio (fr Wall Trib (ft) Load Load Load BM vrt WILL w, WD (pit) (IN (IU (ply (PIS P 8.29 40 0 51.119 Roof Floor Trib Well Live Lr/Snow Dead Dist to Length Cond Trib (ft) (ft) Trib (ft) Load (pit) Lcad Load Load of Load wu WL.(plF) 2 2 (PID'a' (ft) 'b' (ft) (pit) PIN 3 11 4 0 5.25 0 1 40 4 2 11 5.25 3.25 0 p - 5 4 B.5 4.75 0 40 5 13.25 3.75 0 0 7 0 0 Exact Beam Point Label o Point Point Dead Dista' Live La Lr/Snow Load FYI FYI and Ong y Load 'Poi Total Total Live Load Factors Lr/S 1.00 L 11.00 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 15000 1000( s000 0 -5000 40000 35000 20000 15000 Add'I Add'I Add'I 10000 Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead 5000 Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load wu w r w Cond Trib (ft) (ft) Trib ft) (plf) Lrs or o 72 (l I ( 10 ( If) (Pit) 0 0 0 Page 10 of 30 FB7 LOAD '" 15 20 SHEAR (LB) MOMENT (FT -LB) 1p 15 20 Page 11 of 30 YECTOR Copyright®2016Veg,11C,or oture I dmoyn9neMee erlC Thet Excelw ftb contains pmpnefery I'leer tion 6.1-111,6Vestr5fmcturalEnpineenng (1C, entlmaybennlberollynor pertlally mpietl orrepropusetl Wooer the Mar wnffen permbsion t,LLC f1 O I fT E PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel JOB NO.: C0175-001-201 SUBJECT: FB1 LAT DESIGN LOADS: Load Types: Snow Live Dead Size Roof 0 20 24 CD Floor 40 33 ALUs (in) Wall 0.85 19 Label F61LAT Add Ds to dead load? Yes 0.216=.2'Sos Length 17 Load Actual Allow Check # Plies V (lb) Grade PSL BM/HDR Size 3-1/2%18 H Cr 1.00 CD 1.60 CF,v 1.00 M (ft -Ib) 47281 73080 0.647 V (lb) 9773 19488 0.5015 Au (in) 0.022 0.567 0.038 AOL (in) 0.368 1.133 0.325 ALUs (in) 0.260 0.85 0.3064 ATL (in) 0.650 0.85 0.7653 LL (Ib) Lr/S (lb) DL (lb) Total Ra 340 2413 4617 7369 (left side) Rb1. 340 1 5583 1 4099 1 10022 (rightside) INCLUDE BM SELF WEIGHT? YES SHOW ALLOWABLE LOADS ON GRAPHS? YES Live Load Factors Lr/S 1.00 L 11.00 Deflection Crlteri8l 1 Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Dist to Length Roof Trib Wall Load Loatl Load Load of Load wu wLns rib, (ft) Trib (ft) (plF) (plf) (plF) 'a' (ft) 'b' (ft) (plf) (plf) Exact ALLdow A d'I Add'I Atltl'I Add'I Point I U1180 lCond ITrib Beam Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Paint Dead Roof Trib Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load Bm wt wLL wL,; wDL Cond Trib (ft (ft) Trib k) If) (I If) (I,,If) 'Poi Total (p1 1 Origin 1 (ft) 'PLi(Ib) 18.29 40 0 51.119 Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Dist to Length Roof Trib Wall Load Loatl Load Load of Load wu wLns rib, (ft) Trib (ft) (plF) (plf) (plF) 'a' (ft) 'b' (ft) (plf) (plf) Anm1w Exact ALLdow Add" Add'I Add'I Point I U1180 lCond ITrib Beam Live Lr/Snow Point Paint Dead Roof Trib Label o Load Live Lr/Snow Load FYI FYI Trib (ft) (pl of Ti Dist'a' Load Load 'Poi Total Total L Origin Ir (ft) 'PLi(Ib) 'PLId(lb) (Ib) Re (Ib) Rb (lb) RB2 A 4.75 0 76 785 261 261 RB2 B 7 0 76 785 261 261 RB7 A 8.25 0 2830 4204 7033 6525 RB2 A 14.75 0 76 785 261 261 17 1 HD 14.75 4538 Anm1w U240 ALLdow Add" Add'I Add'I ADL.IIaw= I U1180 lCond ITrib Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load w -L wLeUo (ft) 1t Trib (ft) (pl r,u) I'll)If) (plf 2 0 0 Anm1w U240 ALLdow L/ 3fi0 ALn6a11m� I U1240 ADL.IIaw= I U1180 w'DL 6000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 25000 20000 15D00 10000 5000 0 -5000 80000 7a0o0 40000 30000 10000 0 LOAD c 10 15 20 SHEAR (LB) MOMENT (FT -LB) 0 15 20 Page 12 of 30 YECTOR COyyngh1O2018 Vedoratmdurel Engineering LLC rhieErrelVecbi cooledtthnor pf "clll cnpletl wrepmtluretl wllhouf fhepnorwnttmo(YecfwSfmcfurelEngineeing, LLC. t1 O I fT E E R 9 PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel JOB NO.: C0175-001-201 SUBJECT: FBIOLAT DESIGN LOADS: Load Types: Snow Live Dead ALL (In) 0.078 Roof 0 20 24 0.987 0.2118 ALUs (in) Floor 40 33 0.498 0.74 0.6725 Wall Label 19 Roof Label=B10LAT Add .2'Sos to dead load? Yes 0.216=.2'S0s Length 14.8 wu wL,/s Actual Allow Check # Plies Grade PSL BM/HDR Size 5-1/4X11-1/4 Cr 1.Oo Co 1.oa CFV 1.00 M (ft -Ib) 15177 26763 0.5671 V (lb) 4751 11419 0.4161 ALL (In) 0.078 0.493 0.1581 AOL (in) 0.209 0.987 0.2118 ALUs (in) 0.211 0.74 0.2852 ATL (in) 0.498 0.74 0.6725 LL (Ib) Lr/S Inc) DL (Ib) Total Ra 666 1852 2483 5001 (left side) Rb 666 1 1388 1 1428 1 3482 (right side) INCLUDE BM SELF WEIGHT? YES SHOW ALLOWABLE LOADS ON GRAPHS? YES Live Load Factors Lr/5 1.00 L 11.00 Deflection Criteria Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Distto Length Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load Load of Load ILL wLUs rib (ft) (H) Trib (H) (PIfl (Plfl (Plfl 'a'(H) 'b'(H) (plfl (plf) Exact L/ 360 4nseimw Add'I Add] Add" L/ 180 [C,]ndTrib Beam Floor Floor Point Point Live Lr/Snow Dead Label o Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load Bm wt wu wL,/s woL Cond Trib H) ft) Trib (ft) If) (PID If) If) (pl I (IO 7 (Ib) Re (Ib) 3.5 30 FB25 17.15 90 20 156.67 Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Distto Length Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load Load of Load ILL wLUs rib (ft) (H) Trib (H) (PIfl (Plfl (Plfl 'a'(H) 'b'(H) (plfl (plf) Anatio� L/ 240 Exact L/ 360 4nseimw Add" Point L/ 180 [C,]ndTrib Beam Floor Point Point Dead Label o Wall Live 1H.Rnow Load FYI FYI of b' Dista' Load Load Poi Total Total on Origin X (ft) 'PLi (Ib) 'PL,/y' (Ib) (Ib) Re (Ib) Rb (lb) 7 FB25 2.5 166 446 446 8 FB11 2.5 0 1208 1593 2801 2801 9 FB25 9.5 1570 446 446 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 n I n Anatio� L/ 240 Aumirne= L/ 360 4nseimw Add" Add" Add" L/ 180 [C,]ndTrib Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load IL w1lS woL (H (H Trib (ft) wo Ifl (0 (pl Ifl (pl 0 0 0 Anatio� L/ 240 Aumirne= L/ 360 4nseimw U 240 AOLeoew— L/ 180 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 15000 10000 5000 0 -5000 30000 10000 5000 0 -5000 LOAD 10 15 20 SHEAR (LB) MOMENT (FT -LB) YECTOR PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel DESIGN LOADS: L=SnowLabel Addl Add'I Addl 20000 Addl Floor Add -1 Live Lr/Snow Dead Floor FB 17 Add.Sps to dead load? yea 0.216 =.2'SOS Length 24.25 Load Actual Allow Check # Plies 125.58 M (k -Ib) 28975 69188 0.4188 Grade 24F -V4 BM/HDR V (Ib) 4548 20372 0.2232 Size 5-1/8X18 dLL (in) 0.000 0.808 0 Cr 1.00 doL (in) 0.396 1.617 0.2449 Co 1.25 dL,/s (in) 0.289 7.213 0.2384 Cr,V 1.00 Live Lr/Snow Dead 1-1-01b) Lr/S(Ib) DL (Ib) Total Re 0 1978 2715 4693 (left side) Rb 0 2074 2832 490fi (right side) 1.5 DL GLB CAMBER STD INCLUDE SM SELF WEIGHT? YES SHOW ALLOWABLE LOADS ON GRAPHS? YES Copyright®2015 Vagarat--tural Engineering, LLC This Evice/wulkhook confaina pmpn&ary/n/almalbn he/onginH to vWw5lm to al Engineering LLC andmayheneRherwhollyno. partially cnpletl o.re0.utluretl w/lhouf the pnp, written pelmiayon orvecrosrwmurelengmeenng. ue JOB Beam Label of (ft) PPoint ISno I le. ad I I Live Lr/Snow Load FYI FYI Dista' Load Load Pi Total Total L� (Ib) 'PUTS(Ib) (Ib Ra (lb) R„ (Ib', Live Load Factors Lr/S 1.00 1.00 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2500r 2000C 1500C 10000 5000 0 -5000 60000 50000 Addl Add'I Addl 20000 Addl Floor Add -1 Live Lr/Snow Dead Floor Live Roof Trib Trib Wall Load Load Load Bm wt wLL VOL, yOL(ft( 125.58 Load wLL wLl/s (pl (RID (pa) in Ipif) plf) (pl (pI 0 0 25.584 plf (pl Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Dist to Length 0 Cond Root Trib (ft) Tnb WaII Load Load Load Load of Load wLL VVSt) (ft) Trib (ft) (pill (pill (pig 'a' (ft) 'b' (ft) (plf) 2 A (plf) woL Beam Label of (ft) PPoint ISno I le. ad I I Live Lr/Snow Load FYI FYI Dista' Load Load Pi Total Total L� (Ib) 'PUTS(Ib) (Ib Ra (lb) R„ (Ib', Live Load Factors Lr/S 1.00 1.00 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2500r 2000C 1500C 10000 5000 0 -5000 60000 50000 Page 13 of 30 FB17 LOAD = m 15 20 25 30 SHEAR (LB) MOMENT (FT -LB) - ' lu 15 20 25 30 20000 Addl Add'I Add -1 Floor Live LdSnow Dead 10000 Roof Trib Wall Load Load Load wLL wLl/s woL WDL ° Conti Trib (ft) (ft Trib ft) ( If) PIF) (pI plf (pl 0 0 0 Page 13 of 30 FB17 LOAD = m 15 20 25 30 SHEAR (LB) MOMENT (FT -LB) - ' lu 15 20 25 30 Page 14 of 30 C01161110 2018 Vector Slnmlural Enginee ng, LLC VECTOR This Ey el cop m book crrep wfelnspmpnefax,the rcl heionging b VecfcrVf cc,,V Englnestl, LL C, antl mey he naifhei wholly nw partlelly ropietl wrepmtlureE,vifhcul Ilse ptlw written pennlaslon cl Vecbl Slmcfmsl Englneenng LLC. E PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel JOB NO.: C0175-001-201 SUBJECT• FB78 DESIGN LOADS: Load Types: snow Live Dead ALL (in) 0.000 Roof 0 20 24 0.567 0.0941 Floor 0.041 40 33 ATL (in) 0.095 Wall 0.2225 Load 19 Roof Label FB18 Add .2'Sos to dead load? Yes 0.216=.2'SDs Length 8.5 Bm w[ wu Actual Allow Check # Plies Trib (ft) M(ft-Ib) 716 (I 1 2145 0.5415 Grade DFL#2 BM/HDR Size 2xtn Cr 1.00 CD 1.25 CF,V 1.10 V (11b) 492.7 2061 0.2367 ALL (in) 0.000 0.283 0 AOL (in) 0.053 0.567 0.0941 ALhs On) 0.041 0.425 0.0971 ATL (in) 0.095 0.425 0.2225 INCLUDE SM SELF WEIGHT? YES SHOW ALLOWABLE LOADS ON GRAPHS? YES Live Load Factors Lr/S 1.00 L 11.00 Deflection Criterlar---] ATLumwME7365 AuaiwiADLcuow Add'I Add'I Add -[ Beam Floor Point Point Floor Dead Live Lr/Snow Dead o Roof Live Lr/Snow Load FYI Roof Trib Wall Load Load I Load Bm w[ wu wres WD Cond Trib (ft) (ft) Trib (ft) (I (plF) If) (I (I� (I (plf) 1 2 137 137 FB19 3.006 0 40 51.64 ATLumwME7365 AuaiwiADLcuow Add') Add'] Point Beam Floor Point Point Dead Dead Label o Roof Live Lr/Snow Load FYI FYI EExact of .6 Dista' Load Load 'Poi Total Total CondOrigin Plf) If (ft) 'pLi (Ib) 'PL,Is (Ih) (lb) Re (lb) Ry (Ib) Rate 0 1.25 0 60 77 137 137 FB19 5 0 60 77 137 137 9 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 ATLumwME7365 AuaiwiADLcuow Add') Add'] Atld'I Floor Live Lr/Snow Dead Roof Trih Wall Load Load Load wLL wms wDL Cond Trib (l (ft) Trib ft (plf) If) (I Plf) If (plf) 2 0 0 0 ATLumwME7365 AuaiwiADLcuow £!E##! !§:r! /!§/§§//[/[ )!§k \\\\ 0000 Page 15!30 Page 16 of 30 >�/ECTOR Copynsc®2o40Vector structural Enongingho c.SBWhemed!Eughne LLP These calculationscrimean be neitherlle,whullynor belonging co eVector StructuralithoNahe prior Sauthuh en Celiromie, LLP, and may, 6e neither whulynw fillnetycopletlorrepntluretlwithout the poor wnBon E m O I m E E R 3 pelmission or Vector Structural EnglneetlnB or Southern calihmla,LLP. PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel JOB NO.: C0175-001-201 SUBJECT: STUDS & OTHER MEMBERS DESIGN LOADS (psf) Dead Live Snow Roof20 20 0 Floc. 27 40 Exterior Wall 16 Interior Wall 8 LOADING PARAMETERS Label:. Typical Ext. K. Stud 8' open K. Stud 12' operK. Stud 20' oper Typical Int. Wind/Wall Tributary (ft) 1.33 4.00 6.66 10.66 1.33 Bending Axis Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Roof Tributary 1 (ft) 24 28 Roof Tributary 2 (ft) 1.33 4 6.66 10.66 1.33 .Floor Tributary 1 (ft) Floor Tributary 2(ft) 1.33 4 6.66 10.66 1.33 Additional Dead Load (Ibs) Additional Floor Live Load (lbs) Additional Roof Live Load (lbs) Additional Snow Load (lbs) Location for Wind Loading C&C Zone 5 C&C Zone 4 C&C Zane 4 C&C Zone 4Interior Mean Roof Height (ft) 20 20 20 20 20 Design Wind Speed (mph) 100 100 100 100 100 Exposure C C C C C Axial Loads (lbs): Dead 726 271 452 723 798 Floor Live 0 0 0 0 0 Roof Live 638 0 0 0 745 Snow 0 0 0 0 0 Bending Load (plf): Wind 38.6 96.5 151.2 242.0 6.7 Strong -Axis Unbraced Length, It (ft) 8.5 8.75 8.75 8.75 10 Weak-A)ds Unbraced Length, Iz 00 1 1 1 1 1 Compression Edge Unbraced Length, I. (ft) 1 1 1 1 1 Grade DFLSTUD DFLSTUD DFLSTUD DFLSTUD DFLSTUD Size 2x4 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x4 Quantity of Members 1 1 2 3 .1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Moisture Category Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Temperature Category 5100" 5100° 5100° 5100° 5100° Incising? No No No No No Repetitive Member Category Rep. (Special) Rep. (Special) Rep. (Special) Rep. (Special). Rep. (Special) Finish Type Brittle Brittle Brittle Brittle Plaster/Stucco - SECTION PROPERTIES Width, b (in) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Depth, d (in) 3.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.5 Moment of Inertia, I (in4)5.359375 20.796875 20.796875 20.796875 5.359375 Section Modulus, S (in3)3.0625 7.5625 7.5625 7.5625 3.0625 DESIGN VALUES Fb (psi) 675 675 675 675 675 Fyr (psi) 675 675 675 675 675 F. (psi) 825 825 825 825 825 E. (psi) 1400000 1400000 1400000 1400000 1400000 En (psi) 1400000 1400000 1400000 1400000 1400000 Emm.,(psi) 510000 510000 510000 510000 510000 Em;,,n.(psi) 510000 510000 510000 510000 510000 RESULTS D+L 33% 5% 4% 4% 48% D+Lr 60% 4% 4% 4% 90% D+S 32% 5% 4% 4% 47% D+0.75L+0.75Lr 53% 4% 4% 4% 79% D+0.75L+0.75S 32% 5% 4% 4% 47% D+0.6W 74% 63% 49% 52% 45% D+0.75L+0.42W+0.75Lr 87% 44% 34% 37% 87% D+0.75L+0.42W+0.75S 54% 44% 34% 37% 45% Deflection Limit (Ln 240 240 240 - 240 360 Deflection (Li) 603 772 985 924 903 Column Slenderness, I./d 29.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 34.3 Beam Slenderness, Ra 6.2 7.8 7.8 7.8 6.2 Unity Check 87% 63% 49% 52% 90% Page 17 of 30 Copyright m 2020 Vector Structural Engineering of Southern California, I.I.P. yr=CTOFZ This Eering, Of ok Southern mafion belonging to VectorSrally co Engineering, of Southem Caliromia, LLP. and maybe neither wholly norpartially copied or repmtluced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering of Southern M O I r I E E R 8 California, L.L.P. PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel JOB NO.: C0175-001-201 SUBJECT: LATERAL LOADS DESIGN OF ENCLOSED SIMPLE DIAPHRAGM LOW-RISE BUILDINGS FOR LATERAL LOADS Seismic Parameters (ASCE 7-16 Chapters 11 12 & 22) Site Class: C S.11.4.2 N = 2 S. Determination of SDC R = 6.5 T. 12.2-1 C, = 0.02 T. 12.8-2 Per Table 11.6-1: D Ss = 1.349 F. 22-1 hn (ft) = 21 S. Per Table 11.6-2: D S1 = 0.478 F. 22-2 x = 0.75 T. 12.8-2 SDC: D S.11.6 Fa = 1.20 T. 11.4-1 Te = 0.20 E. 12.8-7 IE = 1.00 T. 1.5-2 F� = 1.50 T. 11.4-2 To= 0.09 S.11.4.5 Cst = 0.375 E. 12.8-3,4 Sue = 1.62 E. 11.4-1 Ts= 0.44 S. 11.4.5 Cs= 0.166 E. 12.8-2 SMi = 0.72 E. 11.4-2 Cu= 1.40 T. 12.8-1 CSMIN= 0.047 E. 12.8-5,6 SDS = 1.079 E. 11.4-3 TL= 8 F. 22-12 CSCONTROL= 0.166 SDI = 0.478 E. 11.4-4 Se 1.079 S.11.4.5 CSCONTROL* 7= 0.116 S.2.4.11 Seismic Analysis Req'd? Yes IBC 1613.1 Wind Parameters (ASCE 7-16 Chapter 26) Perform Seismic Analysis? Yes Wind areas labeled C and D are used for ca/culatinq line loads on the fol/rlwinrr .chwor Elevation (ft): 138 Risk Category: II Basic Wind Speed (mph): 96 Exposure Category: C K,: 1.00 Ke: 1.00 MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM - METHOD 2 SIMPLIFIFn nFBIGN whin oeeeci ied n FIGURE 28.6-1 BASIC WIND SPEED ROOF ANGLE gya Ir�4 P-<rwurd o dl rr_ou Feer) Note: Wind load determined from pressures below will be multiplied by 0.6 (ASD load factor on wind loads) ZONES LOAD HORIZONTAL PRESSURES VERTICAL PRESSURES OVERHANGS (mph) (degrees) CASE A B I C I D fillE F G H EOa Goa 0 to 5° 1 14.7 -7.5 9.7 -4.5 -17.6 -9.9 -12.2 -7.8 -24.6 -19.3 10° 1 16.5 -6.9 11.0 -4.0 -17.6 -10.7 -12.2 -8.3 -24.6 -19.3 15° 1 18.4 -5.4 -8.8 -24.6 -19.3 96 20° 1 20.3 -5.4 13.5 -2.9 -17.6 -12.2 -12.2 -9.3 -24.6 -19.3 25° 1 18.4 2.9 13.3 3.1 -8.2 -11.1 -5.9 -8.9 -15.2 -12.9 2 3 -.1 -6.0 -0.9 -3.8 30' to 45° 1 16.5 11.2 13.0 8.9 1.3 79.9 0.4 -8.5 -5.7 -6.6 2 16.5 11.2 13.0 8.9 6.4 -5.0 5.5 -3.6 -5.7 -6.6 E C T O R Engin9hl ®2018 Vector Structural Engineering, LLC This Excel ceftook centelns Mercier, lnienceflon belonging to Vector a(mcfural Engineering, LLD, Wlid 0101 pence er ural Eollynorpng, lly LLC or E M O 1 n E IM R S mpmdoned wifheetMe prior written permission or Vector son, Engineering, LLC PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel JOB NO.: C0175-001-201 SUBJECT: LINE LOADS Level Descriptions Label Height (ft) Weeeo-ol (Ib) Vne,m (lb) 1V,ad;ee (Ib) Radial Fad Roof 21 20080 3334 6467 1.94 Upper Floor 8 2318 12007 8873 0.74 Eq"" 0 0 0 1.00 Width 0 0 0 1.00 I umi vveigni 0D/ ez4eb Total Base Shear (1b)i 15341 Seismic Line Loads Page 18 of 30 Estimated Total Weight in Longitudinal Direction 91728 Estimated Total Weight in Transverse Direction 92398 Percent difference in estimated weights 0.7% Roof DL Seismic Numberof Snow Ext Wall k= 1 Floor DL Eq"" 7pf Zwjh;k= 1000218 Wall DL Width Level Period, T Roof Trib Estimated Total Weight in Longitudinal Direction 91728 Estimated Total Weight in Transverse Direction 92398 Percent difference in estimated weights 0.7% Wind Line Loads Surface a'C' is naf wall and 'D' is sloeat -11 'C Numberof Ext Wall Other Total Eq"" ed Force Label Width Level times to Roof Trib Floor Wall Trib Length Weight Weight Total Force Radial Height Exposed Red to Interior Press Interior Direction include (ft Trib ft) Height ft) (ft Ib/ft) (lb/ft) (lb/ft Factor1 ft Type W1 32.5 1 Roof TRANS 1 20 Exp Coeff, 4.5 101.5 wl 618 103 1.949 NO W2 3 (ps Roof LONG 1 20.5 ), 4.5 26 002 1015 168 1.947 4.5 NO W3 15.5 17.71 Roof LONG 1 33 1.35 4.5 75.5 W3 1000 166 1.942 5.5 NOwA 32 U er Floor TRANS 1 0.00 22.5 8.5 99 w4 10155 25 C 5.5 NO26.5 18.4 U er Floor TRANS 1 24 1.35 4 fib W5 6348 25 C 8.5 NO21 18.4 U er Floor TRANS 1 24 1.35 4 225.86 m6 4 25 C 4 NOw7 4 14.5 U er Floor TRANS 1 24 1.35 4 55.5 m7 717 119 C 7 155 U er Floor LONG 1 61 1.35 4 78.5 w8 1534 255 0.748 ION NOw8 8.5 U er Floor LONG 1 50 1.35 4 79.5 rag 1580 262 0.748 5 NOw9 3.5 18.5 U er Floor LONG 1 16 32 8.5 75 m10 1718 285 0744 5 NOm10 3.5 4.5 U er Floor LONG 1 28.43 20 4 28.5 bill 933 25 0.741 8.5 NObill 18.4 17.71 0.00 1 0.00 1.35 150.57 225.86 bill 155 0.744 NOm12 18.4 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1.35 0.00 0 wl3 0 0 1.00 NObi13 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0 w14 0 0 100 NOw14 0.0 0.00 0.60 1 0.00 0.00 0 w15 0 0 100 NOm15 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0 w16 NOw16 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0 m17 0 0 100 NOw17 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 1.00 NOm18 W19 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 -Too- 0 W19 ml9 0 0 1.00NO bi20 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0 bi20 0 0 1.00 D NO 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 1.00 0 NO Wind Line Loads Surface a'C' is naf wall and 'D' is sloeat -11 'C p 10a resent arapers on on1 one state and both sides of the structure, res ecdvely Equiv Eq"" Applied Applied Applied Applied Roof Mean Roof Surface Height Exposed Surface Height Exposed Roof Interior Press Interior End Zone End Zane Height & Total Int Total End Label Pitch /12 Hei ht (ft Ty e 1 ft Type 1 Prass 2 Press 1 Press 2 Exp Coeff, Unif Load Zone Unif wl 4 25 C 2 (ft) An le (ps sf) (ps (psf) ), (I Load plf) 002 4 25 C 4.5 D 4 18.4 17.71 0.00 26.57 0.00 1.35 104.00 119.57 W3 4 25 C 5.5 18.4 17.71 0.00 26.57 0.00 1.35 97.43 146.14 w4 4 25 C 5.5 18.4 17.71 0.00 2fi.57 0.00 1.35 97.43 146.14 W5 4 25 C 8.5 18.4 17.71 0.00 26.57 0.00 1.35 150.57 225.86 m6 4 25 C 4 D 4 18.4 17.71 0.00 26.57 0.00 1.35 96.00 10fi.29 m7 4 25 C 7 18.4 17.71 0.00 26.57 0.00 1.35 124.00 186.00 w8 4 25 C 8 18.4 17.71 0.00 26.57 0.00 1.35 141.72 212.57 rag 4 25 5 CP1 3.5 18.4 17.71 28.43 26.57 28.43 1.35 188.09 232.38 m10 4 25 C 5 CP1 3.5 18.4 17.71 28.43 26.57 28.43 1.35 188.09 232.38 bill 4 25 C 8.5 18.4 17.71 0.00 26.57 0.00 1.35 150.57 225.86 bill 18.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.35 0.00 0.00 wl3 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 w14 0.0 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 w15 0.0 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 w16 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 m17 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -Too- 0.00 W19 ml9 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 bi20 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 19 of 30 (Redevee major reaetion onN) LOADAB� OVE LINE BI-3NO STORY (Reoievea m madden Rom both .idea) (Rediwea major reaedon debt (Remlevea newlenl mlre neallon(bell (Reoievea major and Bmh reaetlon am equal minor mamtion(hem) M the roUl end ,ane load) Bob, reacher are a,, alentl zonesen mmpry abadoned beam TYPE OF END ZONE LOAD ,)VECTOR E r1 O I 1 E E R 9 pnnPl.e= 1.3 Min Diaphragm Wtlth (k) = 8 Allowable Seismic Aspect Ratio= 3.5 ` Allovasble Wind Aspect Ratio= 3.5 copynem 0 .. avemor swcwm EI Aln Benne. ltc mnswl,.wwa.ox.�m.xmsmp„I.mm�,w,w.ewlymam vera, � Shrzfunl Ellpnep�np, LLL, eMmey EenWMrwryoPynwPolNry.epbpw W.au.M wIMaNIM pIw wMMnpumavbnelVeNalS4utMl m�ewna uc. 1089 I Inclutle Rf I to in accondence with: action 12.3 A,2 185 negulari0es (above)? yes 59 Apply aspeq ratio retlugion? yas W% Petlomtetl SW? No 232 Opening elevation 9 Force Transfer�Openings? yy Shear Length(k)= 13.3333 Story V(K)= 5885 Wall DL (paf)= ig M ax allow. tlnk (In) 2.7 Max allow, tlnk (in) 2.801 Max allow. Cnk(in) 2] Page 20 of 30 ,VECTOR E n a 1 n E E R S PROJECT: Jeanne Ram.d.1 PApplletl- 1.3 USES Min Diaphragm Width (9) = 3 Allowable Seismic Aspect Ratio= 3.5 ^- Allowable Wind Aspect Ratio= 3.5 Plate h Max opening height Apply aspect ratio retluW Wall Length RoofaL'W (it) I (6) Plate Max ooenina h=i, Wall Length I Root, W I Floor, Apply asped reit. r Opening W-11 Length I Roof, (6) (61 copydpnt ®acre veomr swmrel Ensmeeaae, uc ml•EealwwFe[W[[m.m[q[pyN.nxrwmxe[n e.w„al„am v.[Im SW[M1mlEripw[wlnp,LLL, anfmayeenaphw whalrynwpegalryeapepw MW[atlwlM[NlM pwrvrManp¢.mtel[ne/VwMSIrveW[al MPnexin0. LLC. 1 in accordance wit: Section 12.342 Page 21 of 30 Sill Plate Tension HD I SMaxhean, Cap. (ph I (Ib) I Caoacim wmisr.. 1.00 Above ra.a 111.6 ] 9.]5 120 198 Total 2113 2065 Inclutle ❑for irtegularitI.. (above)? No Win'BLoatl Vs. Allew. 100% Pelfarated SW] No Shear Length (ft)-ory 134 2]6 Force Transfer (d Openings' No Wall DL s)- 885 Max aH..'rift((Ip) 1260 P9 B ensl.n From Capeuty (wind, 2SDs) Aspect Sol.. Sets. Above_—Well— -Holtlown (Stemtlloor seismic -RM Aspect ftalio Shear WaII Cap. Wind Wnd Wall SIII (Ib) Type Sill Type Strap config) III (ft -Ib) Rad. Retluc. P1 S1 DTTp] (Plf) (pIQ Shear(pIt) Cap logs Cel &2ND 1.00 Above 29g3 1069 or'tl 1 63.8 1 B - =E3 154 198 8.68866] 8.88888] Total 4498 2q]] Include D for irregularities No Wintl Load vs. All. 105 YF 100% perforated SW9 No Force Transfer Openings? No Shear Length (6)= 6.08333 Wall DL (psf)= 16 Story V (K)= 13960 Max allow. drift (in) 2.6 126 276 enslon ens on Otero 'W Olherpi From Above Wall Holtlown (Stem/boor Capacity (wintl, .2SDs cels is •RM) ARetai (Ib) W(p10 (IbJ Type SiII TYPe Strap config) Aspect Steger WaII Cap. Wintl WintlW -Ib) (fl -Ib) _ (6 -Ib) (fFlb) Rago Retluc folh !ran Rhea. r.,m n__ ,_. Page 21 of 30 Sill Plate Tension HD I SMaxhean, Cap. (ph I (Ib) I Caoacim wmisr.. 1.00 Above ra.a 111.6 ] 9.]5 120 198 Total 2113 2065 Inclutle ❑for irtegularitI.. (above)? No Win'BLoatl Vs. Allew. 100% Pelfarated SW] No Shear Length (ft)-ory 134 2]6 Force Transfer (d Openings' No Wall DL s)- 885 Max aH..'rift((Ip) 1260 P9 B ensl.n From Capeuty (wind, 2SDs) Aspect Sol.. Sets. Above_—Well— -Holtlown (Stemtlloor seismic -RM Aspect ftalio Shear WaII Cap. Wind Wnd Wall SIII (Ib) Type Sill Type Strap config) III (ft -Ib) Rad. Retluc. P1 S1 DTTp] (Plf) (pIQ Shear(pIt) Cap logs Cel Max Tendon HO Shear - (Ib) CapeGty Wellb(il Max Sill Plate Tension HD Shear- Cap.(plf) (Ib) Capacity 1a1I8(m) 1.00 Above 10 198 e e Total 1402 1488 Include R for irregularities (above)? No W 149 and vs. Alh Yes 100% Perforated SM No Force Transfer @ Openings? No Shear Length ft - 3.ifi66] g O� Wall DL (psQ= 16 Story V(K)= 13980 Max allow tldit (in) 2A 276 enslon Otero 'W From Above Wall Capacity (wind, 2SDs Holdewn (San or sesmic •RM) ARaflot (pIQ (Ib) Type Sill Type Strep cenfig) (8 Aspect Shaer WallaCap. WindWintlW -Ib) (fl -Ib) Ratio Retluc (he rmn s,W.r_in �__,_ Max Tendon HO Shear - (Ib) CapeGty Wellb(il Max Sill Plate Tension HD Shear- Cap.(plf) (Ib) Capacity 1a1I8(m) Page 22 of 30 cbomzhr®zoic ve�lor swmni enam.enoa, uc ECTOR�.gww�,a.ro.rq.a wll. �.p.�p�robwl„ SbulwelEnypweMp, 4L, enLmaypeneiMwwhegrwrpeNagooµEw npoEueepwMourgepler wrAimprMeeyn el Ve,Yw Slrvelunl E Il O I f'1 E E R S E"o'^ewo�o,uc Min Diaphragm Width (R) = Allowable Seismic Aspect Ratio = >�/ECTOR E rn 6 1 n E E R 5 PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel C'n, ght®2018 V.Mrs mortal En gin Si -W m"ct.ewer,iulc'to--pbbrylNurm.Mnt,-p bv.eb. aWOMel EnwpnneMnp,LLC.aMmayaenM�xwaopyiwipeNely ropbOor oath IM pbr wMfan pwmubn alVxM afru�Mel Enybewvp LL4 Into turf - r.m7&nIH-9nt Sue m.i cute. mle i . c Page 23 of 30 pnrpiba= Min DiaphragmectRtio= Allowable Seismic Aspect Ratio= Allowable Wind Aspect Ratio = Comb, Oversiren Ih Factors: 0-0.5)= 1.3 3 3.5 3.5 2.50 USE MAX RHO p, 1.00 1.00 Loc FpIFx A -1ST 1.00 A -2ND 1.00 1.00 100 Roaf OL s 20 (P 0- (includes seismic snow where occurs) Floor DL s = 27 In calculated In accortlance with: ASCE]-18 Sedlan No Exce tion in ASCE ] meta LINE: 1.6 13T STORY Timber Framed Shoemeall Calculations Line Loadslpl0 Loads tram above Actual Applietl Loatls (plf unless noted otherwise) Diaphragm Shear Hill) Pert/FTAO Well Info Load Tnbw h E.Z.A I' $ an R Line % LocaBon 0.]E Ibs O.6W Ibs 'Seis Wntl E.Z. Wind 2a R E.Z. P Ib Ora n Seis Loatl vs. Allow. NotA liable w10 9.25 Me'ar mil 2.25 Minor 18.5 4.5 1.00 1.00 Onset Onset 191.8 903 135.5 6 22] 104.1 6 i6 18 111 198 15 Ploteh (R)= Max opening height (tt)= Apply aspect ratio reduction? Opening elevation 8.8] 8.87 Vas 1.62ND 1.00 1 Above 448 Total 2455 100% Perforated SW? No Force Transfer M Openings? No 88 1150 bonds tE for irregularities(above)? No Shear Length (tt)= 16 Story V (K)= 13960 Wall CIL it 18 Maz allow. tlntt (in) 2.801 Wind Loatl vs. Allow. BB 276 ear- Wall Length RoofoL'W FlooroL'w' (R) (n) (ft) OtheroL al (PID I ens on From Above (Ib) Wall Type Capacity (wind, .2SDs) Aspect Seis. Hall (Steel allc -RM Aspect Ratio Shear Sill Type Strap conflg) (n -Ib) (R -Ib) Ratio Retluc. (A Sets, Wall Cap. Hill) Wind Wntl Wall Sill Plate Tension Shear(p10 Cap.(pl0 Cap.(pl0 (Ib) Max HD Sh... Capacity Wall 6(in) 18 6 Pi 81 NO HD 21� 20133 0.54 1.00 153 260 72 365 372 ]2 200 0.14 Ad dl Comments: Maz: 0.14 LINE: 3 2ND STORY Timber Framed Shearwall Calculations Line Loads to Loatls fmm above Actual ApPiled Ljd.(Plfunless notetl pthenvise) Ciehragm Shear full PertIFTAO Wall Info Loatl Tnbw n E.Z.A I' Span tt Line % Location 0]E Ibs O.6W Ibs Seis Wntl E.Z. Wind 2a tt E.Z.P Ib Ora tt Seis Loatl vs. Allow. NatA Ilcable m2 1.5 Minor .3 ].]5 Major 3 15.5 t00 1.00 Onset Chesil293.0 29].4 58.5 5].7 8 175 58.5 e].] B 141 14 14 32 166 162 Piste h(R)= Max opening height (1 Apply aspect ratio redudion? Opening elevation 9 8 Yes 1.00 Above Total 2717 100% Perforated SW? No Force Transfer �10peninge? No 858 Include R for irregularities Habove)? Vee Shear Length (n)= 12 Story V (K)= 5885 Wall DL (pi 16 Max allow. drift (in) 2.7 Wing Wad.. Allow. 19 232 42 Sheen- Well Length RoofoL'tV FlooroL''N (ft) (f) HR) OtheroL 'W all I ension Fmin Above HIS) Well Type Capacity (wind, .2SDs) Aspect Sets. Sets, Holdown (StemlBoor seismic •RM Aspect Ratio Shear WaII Cap. Sill Type Strap con5g) (R -Ib) Ili Ratio Retluc Halo (ph Wintl Wind Wall Sill Plate Tension Shear (pl0 Cap.(p10 Cap. 0:10 HIS) Max HD Sheen Capacity Wall 8(in) 12 3 P1 CS16 24453 8448 0075 1.00 226 260 71 355 1500 1705 024 Add l Comments: Maz: 0.24 Page 24 of 30 c""ahto zale v.morswow�al eoaa.ed�c, uc � VECTOR e.., �...,.,., o r�.,e�,�,w uc ..,m..,.�....�r.w��.wro�.,a � v. c .P ..mMa E fl p l IT E E R 9 s"tl""^"y uc. PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel .Ina un - rmvc AA,,%va 1.3 USE MAX RHO pi Loc Fp'Ex 2860 I Include D for inegulanties(above)? No M 1 Min Diaphragm Width (X) = 3 1'00 A -1ST 1.00 Roo/ DL (Pat) = 26 (inclutlea seismic snowwhere occurs) Allowable Seismic Aspect Ratio= 3.5 1'00 A -2ND 1.60 Floor pL s 9 O.BW lbs Wind E.Z. Wintl 2a % E.Z.P to Dur k Seis Load vs. Allow. NotA licable Allowable Wind Aspect Ratio= 3.5 6.5 p calculated in accordance with: 1.00 O%set 836 1]13 112.8 139.4 1 6 31 Comb. Overseen th Factors(0.0.5)= : 2.50 (X) (%) W (PN 1.00 ASCE]-18 Section 2 -2ND 1.00 Above 2]i] LINE: Ra 1ST STORY 15 50 198 zn 1.00 No Exception 1n ASCE ] met? 8 B Total 8569 Timber Frametl Shearwall Calculations Wind Load vs. Allow. 116 Lina Loatls (pIN Loatl Tdbw % E.Z.A I' Sank Lina Loads from above % Location DYE Actual Ap lied Loads (pit unless noted otherwise) &W 'Seis Diaphragm Shear Lill PertIFTAO Wall Info w10 9.25 None 18.5 lbs 1.Op Offset lbs Wintl EZ. Wind 1. X E.Z.P in Dre X Sets Load---, NotA licable None Well 1.00 Offset 191.8 90.3 135.5 8 1.00 Above Otherul 198 Wall Plate h(k)= B Max opening height(X)= B Sets. Total 1])5 83fi Inclutle0for inegularitles(above)? No O Wind Loatl vs. Allow. (Ib) Apply aspect no reduction? Yes Opening elevation 100% Force Transfer@ Perforated SW? No Openings? No Shear Length(k)=Story V(p= 13960 Wall DL (pin= 18 Max allow, drift (m) 2.4 276 AtltlIC ts. config) ill (ft -lb) Ratio Retluc. (pIN (PID Shear (pIN Ca cap,(pip - Capacity W0.34all 8 (in) 4 '1st STORY Timber Frametl 1 1a aI :i II aliens 2860 I Include D for inegulanties(above)? No M 1 Line Loatls (pIN Loatl Tdb7 k E.MrZ. A I' Sank Line Loads from above % Location 0]E Actual Applied Loatls (pit unless natetl otherxise) 'Baia piaphragm Shear (pIN Pert/FTAO Wall Info w6 ].]5 Minor 15.5 2a -1ST lbs 1.00 Offset 1]]5 O.BW lbs Wind E.Z. Wintl 2a % E.Z.P to Dur k Seis Load vs. Allow. NotA licable Well ength r49I 4.25 Minor 6.5 Wall 1.00 O%set 836 1]13 112.8 139.4 1 6 31 15 238 (XJ (X) (%) W (PN (Ib) 2 -2ND 1.00 Above 2]i] 1]8.4 112.9 139.4 8 5fi B58 15 50 198 zn Plateh(l Max opening height (Ill 8 B Total 8569 3135 Include 0 for inegularities(above)? No Wind Load vs. Allow. 116 Apply aspect ratio retluction? Opening elevation Yes 100% Perforated SW? No Force Transfer ® Openings? No Shear Length ft- 10.]5 g O Story V (K)= 13980 Wall OL (psN= 16 Max allow. tldk (In)1 2.4 36 278 ear- arson Well From Length Reofn"W FloorX W Otherul Above Wall Capacity (wind, .2SDs) Aspect Sells . Sets. (X) (fl) (k) W(pLN (Ib) noltlawn (Stem/floor Type Sill Type Seep seism c -RM Aspect RatiMax oShear Wall Cep. Wind Wind Wall Sill Plate Tension HD Shear 10.]5 3 P4 config) ill (ft -lb) Ratio Retluc. (pIN (PID Shear (pIN Ca cap,(pip - Capacity W0.34all 8 (in) S4 HDU4 52549 4]]3 U. 1.00 611 640 292 8091N 44b44 Adtl'I Comments: LINE: 3 2ND STORY Timber premed Shearwall Calculations Mex: Du Line Loads (pIN Load Tdbw X EI' S an fl Line Loads from above % Location 0.]E lbs Actual Applied Loads (plf unless noted o tM1e,wise) 'Seis Diaphragm Shear (pIN PertIFTAO Wall Info w3 7.]5 MoMai or 15.5 O.BW lbs Wntl E.Z. Wintl 2a(m E.Z. P p fl Sets Ib ro Loatl llo 1.00 Offset vs. Aw. NotA licable None 1.00 Offset 293.0 50.5 8l.] 8 141 15 151 00 Above 15 1138 Plate h Max opening height (k)= Ill 9 9 _ Total 22]1 504 Include 0 far irregularities No egularities (above)? 0 Wind Wad vs. Allow. 40 Apply aspect rano reduction? Opening elevation Vee 100% Perforated SW? No Force Transfer@ Cipenings7l No Shear Length (%)= 16.fi] Story V (K)= 5885 Walt OLs (P B= 16 Max allow. tld%(in) 2] 232 ear- vva9 From Capaoty (wintl, 25pa Length RoofcL'W Flo.1, OthercL Above WaII ) Aspect Seis. Seis. (fl) (X) (X) W Haltlown (Steml%aor eismtc •RM Aspect Ratlo Shear WaII Cap. Wintl 11 no Wal IDB gb) Type S'Il Type Strap fg) (%Ib) (X lb) R t R tl (pIN (pIN Shear (pIN Cap. (pIN 10.07 3 198 2]8 Max Tension HD Shear - (Ib) Capacity W.1180, Max Wall Sill Plate Tension HO Shear- (pIN Cap.(pIN Lb) Capacity Wall 6 Or Max opening height(k)= 8.87 1umil 'aro I 2860 I Include D for inegulanties(above)? No 32 Apply aspect ratio retluction? Ves Opening elevation 100% Perforated SW? No Force Trans(er@Openings? No Shear Length (X)= 33.25 WaII OL (psN= 16 Story V (K)= 13960 Max allow. driff TnuL 2.601 30 i ear- ens on Well ength R.-fot'W Fl..,'W On roi Fram Above Wall Capacity (wintl, .2SDs ) Aspect Sets. Bels. (XJ (X) (%) W (PN (Ib) Type HoldoPn (Stemlfloor Type SillT She seismic -RM Aspect Ratio Shear WaII Cap. I Wind zn a confi8) (k,lb) Lill Retia Reduc. co (pIN ShearO 198 2]8 Max Tension HD Shear - (Ib) Capacity W.1180, Max Wall Sill Plate Tension HO Shear- (pIN Cap.(pIN Lb) Capacity Wall 6 Or ,)VECTOR E n O I fl E E R S PROJECT: Jasmine Remodel N,vum = 1.3 USE Min Diaphragm Width (g)= 3 Allowable Seismic Aspect Ratio= 3.5 Allowable Wind Aspect Ratio= 3.5 c.PvnaN®iota vamrswmm6nem>a3�auc mbE,mwxeo.x.omm.P^orr.nbrom.m„e.w„abam v..nr aburlw&flyw,eeMp,LLC, enOmeyeenNM1erwM1ellynw Pepegy nP,yCw ^MM'N wXMNfMglw wMlen Pwm'ubnolVenbrapuNurel Enpbesop LLt Page 25 of 30 Pleteh(k7= Plate h (k)= 8.8] 1Ap Above 1 DLJ Above 9.91887 'a 9 a 129 14 95 198 Apply Max opening height (k)= 8.8] 1813 Total 132] 1003 Include O for inegularities(above)] No Wintl Loatl va. Allow. 100% Performed SW� Force Transfer (� Openinps9 No aspect redo rackh:ctO: 9 Yas 100% perforated SW? No 278 Wall OL s - (P 0- 18 Opening elevation Foma Transfer Openings'! No Shear Length (k)= 14 Wall OL (psy= 16 Story V (K)= 13960 Max 72 eer- Wall Wall Length Roofp�•W Floor W Flo., (g) (k) Oth'IL Fmm Above Wall allow, ding (in) 2.601 Sets. Sale. (k) Ro0fp1.'W Flooror W' (k) (k) Otherp e I�remI Above Wall Ca aci HSeoldeWn Stem/floor sevi'mac ?RM) (config) ARatict �A�;P.ct Aspectatio Shear WeIICap. Ratio(PIO 14 W(plp (Ib) Type Sill Typa Strep (k.jlb) (g Aspect Shear Wa11Cap. Max Wind Wnd Wall Sill Plate 2 -Ib) Ratio Redue (pIQ (pin Tension HD Shear - Shearrnln re., r_�� ..__ .... Pleteh(k7= 8.8] 1Ap Above 9.91887 198 Max opening height (g)= Apply B.W Total 1813 1]08 include (l for inegularities (above) Np Wnd Loatl vs. Apow. aspect ratio reduction?I.vaich Opening elevation Yee 100% Performed SW� Force Transfer (� Openinps9 No Shear Length (k)= 8.9168] V (K)m Story (7- 13880 1]2 278 ear- Wall OL s - (P 0- 18 low, Max allow. ding (in) 2.8111 Wall enslon Length Roofp�•W Floor W Flo., (g) (k) Oth'IL Fmm Above Wall Ca aci P ry (winq 2SOs) Holtlown (Stem/floor seismic •RM Sets. Sale. (g) W(P19 (Ib) Type Sill Type Strep config) (k -Ib) (g -Ib) �A�;P.ct Aspectatio Shear WeIICap. Ratio(PIO Wind Wntl Wall Sill Plate Tension (pIQ ,.,. .__ HD Sheer - Shear (plf) Cap(IQ Ca .(pi(Ib Capacity Weear. P ) VECTOR E n O I n E E R S JOB NO.: C01 FOOTINGS Assumed Soil Bearing Pressure = 1500 psf Continuous Footings: Page 26 of 30 Copyright 02018 Vector Structural Engineering, LLC This Excel workbook contains pmpdelary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering, LLC, and may be neither wholly norpluff by copied orrepmduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. EFP 35 sf fc 2500 si fy 60000 psi YECTOR n O I n E E R S 200 Ib x4.25' = 1.6(12"/12")x x = 531 Ib (1) MTS12 strap = 1000 Ib Page 27 of 30 JOB NO. C0175-001-201 GATE 5/12/2020 PROJECT SUBJECT GUardrail Ca1CS SHEET DR DESIGNED CHECKED 54.2 psf x 2.5'x Tx 3.5'= 1.6(24"/12")x x = 1037 Ib 3/4" bolt = 1170 Ib 200 Ib x 3.5' = 1.6(4"/12")x x = 1312.5 Ib 1/4" Titen HD w/ 2-1/2" embed = 1905 Ib www.vectorse,com Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Page 28 of 30 Engineer: 9 using the "Settings" menu item Project ID: and then using the "Printing & Project Descr: Title Block' selection. +D+L+H Title Block Line 6 Printed: 18 MAY 2020, 9:12AM Steel Column IR-11GOOGLE-11MARCHW-IINETWOR-t119BDC-I.OPR12020PR-tICO175R-110017&-11ENG1C0175--1.EU Bottom along X -X 0.0 k Description: Guardrail Code References Calculations per AISC 360-10, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used: IBC 2018 Steel Section Name: HSS2x2x3/16 Overall Column Height 3.50 ft Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Top & Bottom Fixity Top Free, Bottom Fixed Steel Stress Grade Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns Fy : Steel Yield 50.0 ksi X -X (width) axis: E: Elastic Bending Modulus 19,000.0 ksi Fully braced against buckling along X -X Axis Y -Y (depth) axis: Fully braced against buckling along Y -Y Axis applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Column self weight included :15.120 lbs' Dead Load Factor BENDING LOADS .. . Let. Point Load at 3.50 ft creating Mx -x, L = 0.20 k I]�dLH,`lLi9WuGL'�7 Bending & Shear Check Results 0.02165 :1 Load Combination +D+L+H PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = 0.3522 :1 Maximum Load Reactions.. Location Load Combination +D+L+H Top along X -X 0.0 k Location of max.above base 0.0 ft Bottom along X -X 0.0 k At maximum location values are ... 0.00 ft Top along Y -Y 0.0 k Pa: Axial 0.01512 k Bottom along Y -Y 0.20 k Pn/ Omega: Allowable 35.629 k 0.000 PASS Ma -x: Applied -0.70 k -ft Maximum Load Deflections ... 0.00 ft Mn -x I Omega: Allowable 1.989 k -ft Along Y -Y 0.4035 in at 3.50ft above base 0.000 PASS for load combination :+D+L+H +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Ma -y: Applied 0.0 k -ft 0.00 ft 0.016 Mn -y I Omega: Allowable 1.989 k -ft Along X -X 0.0 in at 0.0ft above base PASS 0.00 It for load combination : PASS PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= 0.02165 :1 Load Combination +D+L+H Location of max.above base 0.0 ft At maximum location values are... Location Va: Applied 0.20 k Vn I Omega: Allowable 9.240 k Load Combination Results PASS Maximum Axial +Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Load Combination Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Location +D+H 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+L+H 0.352 PASS 0.00 ft 0.022 PASS 0.00 ft +D+Lr+H 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+S+H 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 0.264 PASS 0.00 ft 0.016 PASS 0.00 It +D+0,750L+0.750S+H 0.264 PASS 0.00 It 0.016 PASS 0.00 It +D+0.60W+H 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+0.70E+H 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 0.264 PASS 0.00 ft 0.016 PASS 0.00 ft +D+0.750L+0.750S+,450W+H 0.264 PASS 0.00 ft 0.016 PASS 0.00 It +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 0.264 PASS 0.00 ft 0.016 PASS 0.00 ft +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +0.60D+0,70E+0.60H 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft Maximum Reactions Note: Only non -zero reactions are listed. Axial Reaction X -X Axis Reaction k Y -Y Axis Reaction Mx - End Moments k -ft My- End Moments Load Combination @ Base @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top Title Block Line 1 You can change this area using the "Settings" menu item and then using the "Printing & Title Block" selection. Guardrail Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Page 29 of 30 Printed: 18 MAY 2020, 9 12A Maximum Reactions Note: Only non -zero reactions are listed. Axial Reaction X -X Axis Reaction k Y -Y Axis Reaction Mx - End Moments k - ft My - End Moments Load Combination @ Base @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top +D+Lr+H 0.015 +D+S+H 0.015 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L41 0.015 0.150 -0.525 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 0.015 0.150 -0.525 +D+0.60W+H 0.015 " Minimum +D+0.70E+H 0.015 +D+0,750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 0.015 0.150 -0.525 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H 0.015 0.150 -0.525 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 0.015 0.150 -0.525 +0.60D+O.60W+0.60H 0.009 +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 0.009 D Only 0.015 0.015 Lr Only L Only I. 0.200 -0.700 S Only W Only Reaction, Y -Y Axis Top Maximum E Only H Only I. Extreme Reactions 0.015 Axial Reaction X -X Axis Reaction k Y -Y Axis Reaction Mx - End Moments k -ft My - End Moments Item Extreme Value @ Base @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top Minimum Reaction, X -X Axis Base Maximum 0.015 " Minimum 0.015 Reaction, Y -Y Axis Base Maximum 0.015 0.200 -0.700 1. Minimum 0.015 Reaction, X -X Axis Top Maximum 0.015 I. Minimum 0.015 Reaction, Y -Y Axis Top Maximum 0.015 I. Minimum 0.015 Moment, X -X Axis Base Maximum 0.015 I. Minimum 0.015 -0.700 0.200 -0.700 Moment, Y -Y Axis Base Maximum 0.015 I. Minimum 0.015 Moment, X -X Axis Top Maximum 0.015 I. Minimum H15 Moment, Y -Y Axis Top Maximum U15 " Minimum U15 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations Load Combination Max. X -X Deflection Distance Max. Y -Y Deflection Distance +D+H H000 in 0.000 it 0.000 in 0.000 It +D+L+H - 0.0000 in 0.000 it 0.404 in 3.500 It +D+Lr+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 It +D+S+H 0.0000 in 0.000 If 0.000 in 0.000 It +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 0.0000 in 0.000 If 0.303 in 3.500 It +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.303 in 3.500 It +D+0.60W+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D+0.70E+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D+0,750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.303 in 3.500 It +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.303 in 3.500 It +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.303 in 3.500 it +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.000 in 0.000 It +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.000 in 0.000 ft D Only 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.000 in 0.000 it Lr Only 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.000 in 0.000 ft Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: using the "Settings" menu item "Printing Project ID: Project Descr: and then using the & W Only Title Block" selection. 0.000 Description : Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations Load Combination Max. X -X Deflection Distance Max. Y -Y Page 30 of 30 Printed: 18 MAY 2020, 9 12A S Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft W Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft E Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft H Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft Steel Section Properties : HSS2x2x3116 Depth = 2.000 in I xx = 0.64 inA4 J = 1.090 in4 Design Thick = 0.174 in S xx = 0.64 inA3 Width = 2.000 in Rxx = 0.733 in Wall Thick = 0.187 in Zx = 0.797 inA3 Area = 1.190 inA2 I yy = 0.641 iO4 C = 1.140 inA3 Weight = 4.320 pif Syy = 0.641 inA3 R yy = 0.733 in Yog = 0.000 in Y X E E rlkqTOR Project Number: C0175-001-201 o, February 17, 2022 'tMFNT pErAR Rost Architects cFvrtavMENi ° 16530 Bake Pin °Rl acpc c° a>,, ,iruTE Ex of S�°Ni r�� PIEWP n �Np O� g OF IH _ Irvine, CA 92618 y C1t� o� `� , '� �o o iia C. vcsSE co sl Roc'f l .i 15.. �UARAN'CL Pc At , ATTENTIO ,�ya�sNliS Ava°o`A� i��� OF1Nrwg p� N: Mitchen Rocheleau -r��7s �pocO� .v�SE -oRE Dull— nLpAs 1 F6 1 '> N� TN DINAN uIeL FN (O aY� U tF�Y WITH uOR REFERENCE: JusmineAvenueReS�ile�nhejiC�q r °wt1�c.H 710 Jas minevenpe ,,�p�, iF i irc i ssaRPo� �A 92625 �GNATUR Summary ofDelta 4-, ��t,n Zt �t1ri'igai Cha �uHE—�. Dean Mr. Rocheleau, � �NCR1<VICE I Per your request, we have reviewed the � — E � _ be advised as follows: " �a at ppPR�VAt Fenced project. Please Where the new aluminum Ffence i Sheet S3: auq-0W�'be� ed, the following sheets have been modified: Sheet SD -4: New footing along the fence. New sheet to address details for the fence. All calculations affected by these changes are attached for your reference. The recommendations above are provided based Upon our review of calculations and drawings from information the client provided. P ggenerated We hope this meets your needs. office at your convenience. If you have airy fw•ther questions regarding this matter, please call this Very truly yours, VECTOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, LLP Kalen A. Wilson, P.E, Project Engineer Enclosures 2-23-2022 BUILDING DIVISION BY. S.E.C. 23022 La Cadena Dr. Suite 201 / Laguna Hills, CA 92653/ T (714) 576-6524 / F (801) 990-1776 / www-vectorse.com YECTOF� JOB NO.: C0175-001-201 PROJECT: SUBJECT: Design Wind Loads on Solid Signs DESIGN WIND LOADS ON SOLID SIGNS - Label: INPUT DATA: Basic Wind Speed, V [mph]: Exposure Category: Sign: Height, h: Vertical Dimension, s [ft]: Horizontal Dimension, B [ft]: Ratio of Solid Area to Gross Area, E: Length of Return Corner, Lr [ft]: For Flexible Signs, (if n, < 1 Hz): Depth, L [ft]: Natural Frequency, n, [Hz]: Damping Ratio, 0: DESIGN SUMMARY: Case A: Design Wind Pressure, pp [psf]: Case B: Design Wind Pressure, pa [psf]: Case C: Consider Case C? Design Wind Pressures: PCS [psf) PCz [Psf] PCa [psf]: PC4 [psf]: PC5 [psf] PCs IPsf]: PCr IPef7: i 5.0 30.0 1.00 00 0.005 19.3 32.2 Yes 38.0 24.8 17.9 12.1 Page 1 of 2 CA5E A (sin < I1 CA5E C 15/h < U Project Title: Engineer: Page 2 of 2 Project ID: Project Descr: DESCRIPTION: Col. Code References Calculations per IBC 2018 1807.3, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-16 General Information Pole Footing Diameter ......... 18.0 in Calculate Min. Depth for Allowable Pressures No Lateral Restraint at Ground Surface Allow Passive ................ 250.0 pd Max Passive ................. 1,500.0 psf Controlling Values �',. Point Load 1.575 Governing Load CombinatieD+0.60W ' 364.7 1.000 +D+0.450W io Lateral Load 0.630 k Soil Surface No lateral ENaint Moment 1.575 k -ft 4.50 364.4 reE 1.000 NO Ground Surface Restraint 0.000 0.000 - - 0.0 Pressures at 1/3 Depth u Actual 364.354 psf Allowable 364.732 psf 4.60 ti Minimum Required Depth. Fooling Base Area 1.767 ft -2 Maximum Soil Pressure 0.5942 ksf Applied Loads Lateral Concentrated Load (k) Lateral Distributed Loads (kl Vertical Load (k) D : Dead Load k k/ft 1.050 k Lr : Roof Live k k/ft k L : Live k k/ft k S : Snow k k/ft k W: Wind 1.050 k k/ft k E : Earthquake k k/ft k H : Lateral Earth k k/ft k Load distance above TOP of Load above ground surface ground surface 2.50 ft ft BOTTOM of Load above ground surface ft Load Combination Results +D+0.60W 0.630 1.575 4.50 364.4 364.7 1.000 +D+0.450W 0.473 1.181 4.00 322.5 324.0 1.000 +0.60D+0.60W 0.630 1.575 4.50 364.4 364.7 1.000 +0.60D 0.000 0.000 0.13 0.0 0.0 1.000 L A P I T E C NATURALLY ITALIAN Lapitec S.p.A. V is Bassanese G, 310 50 Vedelago (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 042" 70 38 11 - Fax +39 0423 70 95 40 info n lapi tcacmu - www.lapilec.com Technical specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STANDARDS TEST RESULTS CARATTERISTICHETECNICHE NORMA RISULTATOPROVA CARACTERISTICAST�CNICAS NORMA RESULTADODELENSAY0 TECHNISCHEDATEN NORM PRUFERGEBNIS CARACTERISTIQUESTECHNIQUES NORME RESULTATS DES ESSAIS Standard size 3365x1500 (12-20 mm) Dimensioni standard 3365x1460 130 mm) r Dimensiones estandard EN 14617-16 ►� Abmessungen standard 132.5x59 in. (1/2 - 3/4 in.) Dimensions 132.5x57.5 in. (11/4 in.) Thicknesses Spesson 12 - 20 30 mm Espesore5 EN 14617-16 1/2 3/4 11/4 In. Starken Epalsseur Specific weight Peso specifico 3 Peso especifico EN 14617-1 2,4 kg/dm Spezifisches gewicht Gravit6 sp6cifique Water absorption Assorblmento d'acqua Absorcion de ague EN 14617-1 0.02%' Wasseraufnahme Absorption d'eau 1 Ftezarat strength* Resistenza a flessione Resistencia a to flexion Biegefestigkeit ®----- R6sistance 6 to flexion Deep abrasion resistance Resistenza alCabrasione profonda Resistencia a to abrasion profunda �������� Abriebbestandigkeit (Tiefenabrieb) R65istance a t'abrasion profonde • Past 20 cycles of thermal shock IR,,I /Post 25 cycles of freezing/ thawing IR,,I. a tec® tigious Italian surface EN 14617-2 55 N/mm2 EN 14617-4 140 mm3 5.5 in. Vers. 0.2019 Technical specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STANDARDS TEST RESULTS CARATTERISTICHETECNICHE NORMA RISULTATOPDEL ENSAYO CARACTERISTICASTECNICAS NORMA RESULTADO DEL NORM PRUFER TECHNISCHEDATEN CARACTERISTICIUESTECHNIQUES NORME RESULTATSDES ESESSAIS Resistant Frostresistanceage Resistente !� Resistenza at g Resistencia al hieLielo EN 14617-5 Resistente Frost/Tau/Wechselbestandigkeit Bestandig R6sistance au gel Resistant Coetwient of thermal shock ruistance• f Coefficiente di resistenza alto shock termico 71 Coeficiente de resistencia al choque t6rmico EN 14617-6 0.9% W6rme5 chgckbestandigkeit' Coefficient de r6sistance aux chocs thermlques Impact resistance I Resistenza all'urto 1.97 Joule 112 mm / 1/2 in.) O i Resistencia al impacto EN 14617-9— 3.30 Joule (20 mm / 3/4 in. Schlagfestigkeit R6sistance aux chocs Resistance to chemical substances C4 - Resistant Resistenza alle sostanze chimiche C4 Resistente Resistencia a las sustancias qufmlcas EN 14617-10 C4 -Resistente Wlderstand gegen chemische Angnffe C4 - Bestandig R6slstant aux substances ctimiques C4 - Resistente Coefficient of linear thermal expansion Coefficiente dilatazione termica lineare �®•� Coeficiente lineal de dilataci6n termica EN 14617-11 5.8 x 10.4°C' 1 Lineare thermische Ausdehnungkoeff izienten 8, Coefficient de dilatation thermique lin6aire Dimensional stability Stability dimensionale EN 14617-12 A �m Estabitidad dimensional Dimensionsstabilitat Stabilit6 dimensionnelle ' Post 20 cycles. Prestec' Vers. 0.2019 tigious Italian Surface L Technical Specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE CARACTER(STICAS T�CNICAS TECHNISCHE DATEN CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES Fire reaction (. Reazione at fuoco Reacci6n al fuego Brandverhalten Reaction au feu STANDARDS TEST RESULTS RISULTATO PROVA NORMA RESULTADO DEL ENSAYO NORMA PRUFERGEBNIS NORM RESULTATS DES ESSAIS NORME mmommm Al EN 13501-1 Specific heat 840 J/kgK Calore specifico EN ISO 10456 Cator especifico Spezifische Warme Chaleur sp6cifique Wow vapor diffaafon resistance acqueo no vatue ld ry) Resistenza alla diffusione di vapors EN 15010456 Iwet) ® Resistencia a la difusion de vapor de ague r� Bestandigkeit gegen die Diffusion von r11 ♦ Wasserdampf R6sistance a la diffusion de vapeur d'eau La teC Prestigious lMlian Surface Vers. 0.2019 Non -slip property R9 tVelvet) Dune) R10 IVesuvio, Lithos, Propriet6 antiscivoto antidestizante DIN 51130 R12 (urban) [Fossil, Arena) Propiedad Rutschfeste Eigenschaft R13 mmommm Propri6t6 antid6rapante Resistance to eompro"im 439 N/mm2 Dry Resistenza a compressions ASTM C170 483 N/mm2Wet Resistencia a Is compresion — Druckfestigkelt R6sistance a la compression La teC Prestigious lMlian Surface Vers. 0.2019 ED Technical specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STANDARDS NORMA TEST RESULTS RISULTATOPROVA CARATTERISTICHETECNICHE NORMA RESULTADO DELENSAYO CARACTER(STICASTECNICAS NORM PRUFERGEBNIS TECHNISCHEDATEN NORMS RESULTATS DES ESSAIS CARACTERISTIOUESTECHNIQUES No change of colours Color resislanu b Ilghl Nessuna variazione °•° a Resistenza dei colon alta Luce Solidez a la luz de los colores DIN 51094 Ninguna variacion Lichtechtheit der Farbungen Keine Veranderung „ Resistance des couleurs a lumiere Couleurs inchangees .Laptec° Vers. 0.2019 Prestigious Italian Surface