HomeMy WebLinkAbout05_8 Bayshore Partnership, LP Residence CDP_PA2021-308CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT April 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 5 SUBJECT: 8 Bayshore Partnership, LP Residence (PA2021-308) ▪Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-080 SITE LOCATION: 2676 Bay Shore Drive APPLICANT: Skurman Architects OWNER: 8 Bayshore Partnership, LP PLANNER: Liz Westmoreland, Associate Planner 949-644-3234 or lwestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING •General Plan: RS-D (Single Unit Residential Detached) •Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) •Coastal Land Use Category: RSD-B (Single Unit Residential – [6.0-9.9 DU/AC]) •Coastal Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY Request for a coastal development permit to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residence and construction of a new two-story, single-family residence with a third-floor roof deck and attached 646-square-foot accessory dwelling unit. The proposed structure consists of approximately 13,518 square feet with two attached two-car garages. The project also includes hardscape, walls, landscaping, and drainage facilities. No work is proposed on the existing bulkhead. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of SmallStructures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment;and 3)Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal DevelopmentPermit No. CD2021-080 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 8 Bayshore Partnership, LP Residence (PA2021-308) Zoning Administrator, April 14, 2022 Page 2 DISCUSSION Land Use and Development Standards • The subject property is located in the R-1 Coastal Zoning District, which provides for single-unit residential development and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A coastal development permit is required, and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is located in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area. • The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with a single-family residence. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two-story, single-family residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development is consistent with applicable development standards. • The proposed single-family dwelling and accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. Table 1 – Development Standards Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front (Street) 10 feet 10 feet Sides 4 feet 4 feet Front (Bay) 10 feet 64-92 feet Allowable Floor Area (max.) 36,670 square feet 13,518 square feet Allowable 3rd Floor Area (max.) 2,750 square feet 0 square feet Allowable 3rd Floor Covered Area (max.) 9,167.5 square feet 0 square feet Open Space (min.) 2,750 square feet >10,910 square feet Parking (min.) 2-car garage 4-car garage spaces Height (max.) 24-foot flat roof 29-foot sloped roof 24-foot flat roof 29-foot sloped roof Hazards • According to the Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis prepared by Geosoils, Inc., dated July 15, 2021, there is an existing seawall which serves the subject property. The existing seawall is currently being raised to an elevation of 10.9 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) with an adaptability elevation of 14.4 feet (NAVD88) pursuant to a coastal development permit (CD2021-065 under PA2021-250) that was previously approved. This is above the minimum required 10.9 feet (NAVD88). Flooding, wave runup, and erosion will not 2 8 Bayshore Partnership, LP Residence (PA2021-308) Zoning Administrator, April 14, 2022 Page 3 significantly impact this property over the proposed 75-year economic life of the development. Flood shields (sandbags and other barriers) can be deployed across the openings to protect and prevent flooding to the structure. The report concludes that the proposed project will be reasonably safe from flooding hazards for the next 75 years. • The finished floor elevation of the proposed single-family residence is 12.5 feet (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD88) elevation standard. • A condition of approval has been included to confirm that prior to final inspection of the building permit for the single-family residence, the existing bulkhead is raised to a minimum height of 10.9 feet NAVD88 (with adaptability up to 14.4 feet NAVD88) as approved under Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-065 (PA2021-250). • The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. Water Quality • The property is adjacent to coastal waters. Pursuant to Section 21.35.030 (Construction Pollution Prevention Plan) of the Municipal Code, a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) is required to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived from construction chemicals and materials. A CPPP has been provided and construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the CPPP. • Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 21.35.050, due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A preliminary WQHP has been prepared for the project by Civilscapes Engineering, dated February 3, 2022. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of an LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. 3 8 Bayshore Partnership, LP Residence (PA2021-308) Zoning Administrator, April 14, 2022 Page 4 Public Access and Views • The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public access way, or Coastal Viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal view road that is West Coast Highway, which is located approximately 1,200 feet from the subject property. The project does not contain any unique features that could degrade the visual quality of the coastal zone and the proposed footprint of the structure is similar to the existing development on the property. • The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact, and be proportional to the impact. The project is located within a private, gated community that is not accessible to the public and does not provide public access to the bay. In this case, the project replaces an existing single-family residence located on standard R-1 lot with a new single-family residence and accessory dwelling unit. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. • Lateral access to the bay is available throughout various entrances from West Coast Highway. The Bayshores community is a private, gated community that does not provide public access. Therefore, the project does not include any features that would obstruct access to the bay. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three single-family residences and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of the demolition of one single-family residence and the construction of a new 13,518-square-foot, single-family residence including an accessory dwelling unit and attached garages. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of this exemption. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. 4 8 Bayshore Partnership, LP Residence (PA2021-308) Zoning Administrator, April 14, 2022 Page 5 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Program [LCP] Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: ______________________________ Liz Westmoreland, Associate Planner Law/ Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans 5 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 6 10-18-2021 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2022-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2021-080 TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE AND CONSTRUCT A NEW TWO (2)-STORY SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT AND TWO (2) ATTACHED TWO (2)-CAR GARAGES LOCATED AT 2676 BAY SHORE DRIVE (PA2021-308) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Skurman Architects, with respect to property located at 2676 Bay Shore Drive, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. 2. The lot at 2676 Bay Shore Drive is legally described as Lot 54 of Tract 907. 3. The applicant proposes a coastal development permit to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residence and construction of a new two (2)-story single-family residence with a third-floor roof deck and attached 646-square-foot accessory dwelling unit. The proposed structure consists of approximately 13,518 square feet with two (2) attached two (2)-car garages. The project also includes hardscape, walls, landscaping, and drainage facilities. No work is proposed on the existing bulkhead. 4. The subject property is designated Single Unit Residential Detached (RS-D) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Zoning District. 5. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Single Unit Residential Detached (RSD-B) (6.0 – 9.9 DU/AC) and it is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Coastal Zone District. 6. A public hearing was held on April 14, 2022, online via Zoom. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303, Division 6, Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 2 of 10 10-05-2021 2. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three (3) single-family residences and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of the demolition of one (1) single-family residence and the construction of a new 13,518-square-foot, single-family residence including an accessory dwelling unit and attached garages. 3. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 21.52.015 (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation is 36,670 square feet and the proposed floor area is 13,518 square feet. b. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 10 feet along the front property line abutting Bay Shore Drive, 4 feet along each side property line and 10 feet along the front property line abutting the bay. c. The highest guardrail is less than 24 feet from established grade (12.42 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 [NAVD88]) and the highest ridge is no more than 29 feet from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. d. The project includes garage parking for a total of four (4) vehicles, complying with the minimum three (3)-car garage parking requirement for single-family residences with more than 4,000 square feet of habitable floor area and one (1) parking space for attached accessory dwelling units. 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 3 of 10 10-05-2021 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two (2)- story single-family residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. 3. According to the Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis prepared by Geosoils, Inc. dated July 15, 2021, there is an existing seawall which serves the subject property. The existing seawall is currently being raised to an elevation of 10.9 feet NAVD88 with an adaptability elevation of 14.4 feet (NAVD88) pursuant to a coastal development permit (CD2021-065 under PA2021-250) that was previously approved. This is above the minimum required 10.9 feet (NAVD 88). Flooding, wave runup, and erosion will not significantly impact this property over the proposed 75-year economic life of the development. Flood shields (sandbags and other barriers) can be deployed across the openings to protect and prevent flooding to the structure. The report concludes that the proposed project will be reasonably safe from flooding hazards for the next 75 years. 4. The finished floor elevation of the proposed single-family residence is 12.5 feet (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD88) elevation standard. 5. A condition of approval has been included to confirm that prior to final inspection of the building permit for the single-family residence, the existing bulkhead is raised to a minimum height of 10.9 feet NAVD88 (with adaptability up to 14.4 feet NAVD88) as approved under to Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-065 (PA2021-250). 6. The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 7. The property is located adjacent to coastal waters. A Construction Erosion Control Plan was provided to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived by construction chemicals and materials. The project design also addresses water quality through the inclusion of a post-construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event runoff on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. 8. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 21.35.050, due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A preliminary WQHP has been prepared for the project by Civilscapes Engineering dated, February 3, 2022. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of an LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 4 of 10 10-05-2021 9. Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075. A condition of approval is included that requires drought-tolerant species. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. 10. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public access way, or Coastal Viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal view road that is West Coast Highway, which is located approximately 1,200 feet from the subject property. The project does not contain any unique features that could degrade the visual quality of the coastal zone and the proposed footprint of the structure is similar to the existing development on the property. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact, and be proportional to the impact. The project is located within a private, gated community that is not accessible to the public and does not provide public access to the bay. In this case, the project replaces an existing single-family residence located on standard R-1 lot with a new single-family residence and accessory dwelling unit. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. 2. Lateral access to the bay is available throughout various entrances from West Coast Highway. The Bayshores community is a private, gated community that does not provide public access. Therefore, the project does not include any features that would obstruct access to the bay. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this Project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 5 of 10 10-05-2021 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-080, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 2022. _____________________________________ Jaime Murillo, Zoning Administrator 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 6 of 10 10-05-2021 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Prior to final of building permits, the existing seawall shall be reinforced and capped to 10.90 feet (NAVD 88) and capable to be raised up to 14.4 feet (NAVD 88), in compliance with the City of Newport Beach Waterfront Project Guidelines and Standards, Harbor Design Criteria Commercial & Residential Facilities and the approved Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-065 (PA2021-250). 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the property owner shall submit a notarized signed letter acknowledging all hazards present at the site, assuming the risk of injury or damage from such hazards, unconditionally waiving any claims of damage against the City from such hazards, and to indemnify and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of development. This letter shall be scanned into the plan set prior to building permit issuance. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the property owner shall notarize and record a deed restriction for the accessory dwelling unit that prohibits short-term lodging and the individual sale of the unit. 5. Prior to final inspection of the building permit, the property owner shall submit a questionnaire to the Planning Division that describes the anticipated use and rent (if applicable) of the accessory dwelling unit. 6. This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on California Coastal Permit Jurisdiction, State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right-of-way. Any improvements located on tidelands, submerged lands, and/or lands that may be subject to the public trust shall require a coastal development permit (CDP) approved by the California Coastal Commission (Coastal Commission). Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a copy of said coastal development permit or CDP waiver or documentation from the Coastal Commission that subject improvements are not subject to the permit requirements of the Coastal Act and/or not located within the permit jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission. 7. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 7 of 10 10-05-2021 or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. No demolition or construction materials shall be stored on public property. 8. This Coastal Development Permit does not authorize any development seaward of the private property. 9. The applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of native birds pursuant to MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one or two short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 10. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHPs) shall be implemented prior to and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Erosion Control Plan. 11. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 12. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stock piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 13. Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 14. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new coastal development permit. 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 8 of 10 10-05-2021 15. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 16. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 17. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 18. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 19. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 20. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 21. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings, non-invasive plant species and water efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 22. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the final WQHP/WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. Implementation shall be in compliance with the approved CPPP and WQHP/WQMP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the Building Division. 23. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings, non- invasive plant species and water efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 24. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 9 of 10 10-05-2021 25. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. 26. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00AM and 10:00PM Between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 27. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 28. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 29. This Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-080 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 30. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of 8 Bayshore Partnership, LP Residence including, but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-080 (PA2021-308). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2022-### Page 10 of 10 10-05-2021 Building 31. The property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, Zone AE8. All new construction shall comply with NBMC Section 15.50. 32. A separate building permit is required for repair or remodeling of the existing bulkhead. 16 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 17 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-080 PA2021-308 2676 Bay Shore Drive Subject Property Subject Property 18 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 19 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 9 4 1 1 83654 SACRAMENTO STREET tel 4 1 5 4 4 0 4 4 8 0 fax 4 1 5 4 4 0 4 4 8 8 skurman.comBAYSHORE RESIDENCE2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT RESUBMITTAL08 MARCH 202220 07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.PROJECT DATAAND DRAWINGINDEXT-1PROJECT DATAOWNER: 8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.PHONE: 949.263.1111ADDRESS: 2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663A.P.N.: 049-191-16LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PORTION OF LOT 171 BLOCK 54 IRVINESUBDIVISIONBK 1, PG 88, M.M.OCCUPANCY: R3/UOWNER: V-BLAND USE: RS-D SINGLE UNIT RESIDENTIAL DETACHEDZONING: R-1 SINGLE UNIT RESIDENTIALHOA: BAYSHORES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONCOASTAL ZONE: YESUNITS: 1 EXISTING, 1 PROPOSEDPARKING: 3 REQUIRED, 4 PROPOSEDBUILDING WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRESPRINKLER SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA STD 13DSPRINKLER SYSTEM WILL BE SUBMITTED UNDER A SEPARATEPERMIT.CODE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC)CALIFORNIA CODES: 2019 CRC, 2019 CBC, 2019 CMC, 2019 CEC, 2019CPC, 2019 CFC, CAL-GREENSCOPE OF WORKDEMOLISH ONE EXISTING HOME AND BUILD ONE SINGLE FAMILYHOME WITH AN ATTACHED 4 CAR GARAGE. NEW LANDSCAPING.THIS PROJECT INCLUDES A 646 SF ADU. VICINITY MAPSN.T.S.ARCHITECT:ANDREW SKURMAN ARCHITECTS3654 SACRAMENTO STREETSAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118PHONE: 415.440.4480FAX: 415.440.4488CONTACT: SUZETTE SMITHEMAIL: SUZETTE@SKURMAN.COMPROPOSED PROJECT LOCATIONT-1 PROJECT DATA AND DRAWING INDEXT-2 GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONST-3 AREA CALCULATIONST-4 HOUSING CRISIS ACT COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITIONSSURVEYTOPO EXISTING SURVEYCIVILC1 TITLE SHEETC2 GRADING PLANC3 STORM DRAIN PLANC4 EROSION CONTROL PLANC5 GEOTECHNICAL NOTESSEAWALLSW-0 STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES & VICINITY MAPSW-1 SITE PLAN & ELEVATIONSW-2 DETAILSSW-3 SHORING PLAN & ELEVATIONLANDSCAPET0.00 TITLE SHEETL1.01 CONSTRUCTION PLANL1.51 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSL1.52 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSL2.00 MASTER IRRIGATION LEGEND, NOTES & MWELOL2.01 IRRIGATION PLANL3.01 PLANTING PLANARCHITECTURALA1.0 SITE PLANA1.1 DEMOLITION PLANA2.1 FIRST FLOOR PLANA2.2 SECOND FLOOR PLANA2.3 ROOF PLANA3.1 EXT. ELEVATIONSA3.2 EXT. ELEVATIONSA3.3 EXT. ELEVATIONS - COURTYARDA3.4 EXT. ELEVATIONS - LOGGIAA3.5 EXT. ELEVATIONS - SERVICE COURTYARDA3.6 EXT. ELEVATIONS - 207 BALCONYA3.7 EXT. ELEVATIONS - 227 OUTDOOR ENTRYWAYA3.8 EXT. ELEVATIONS - 232 OUTDOOR ENTRYWAYA4.1 BUILDING SECTIONSA4.2 BUILDING SECTIONSA5.0 EXTERIOR DETAILSPROJECT TEAMSTRUCTURAL ENGINEER:WILLIAM SIMPSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.23 ORCHARD RD, SUITE 250LAKE FOREST, CA 92630OFFICE: 949.206.9929 EXT 400CONTACT: MASOUD JAFARI, S.E.EMAIL: M.JAFARI@WSASE.COMINTERIOR DESIGNER:HARTE BROWNLEE & ASSOCIATES, INC962 GLENNEYRE STREETLAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651OFFICE: 949.494.8343 ex107FAX: 949.494.8342CONTACT: SHELDON HARTEEMAIL: SH@HARTEBROWN.COMGENERAL CONTRACTOR:PMR CONSTRUCTION (CL #716-745)145 WEST MAIN STREET - SUITE 200TUSTIN, CA 92780OFFICE: 714.754.4111CONTACT: CHRIS MILLEREMAIL: CHRIS@PMR-CONSTRUCTION.COMLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:EPT DESIGN234 N. EL MOLINO AVENUE, SUITE 100PASADENA, CA 91101OFFICE: 626.795.2008CONTACT: NORD ERIKSSONEMAIL: NERIKSSON@EPTDESIGN.COMTITLE 24 + MECHANICAL:PRO ENGINEERING CONSULTING, INC.1057 SYCAMORE AVEVISTA, CA 92081PHONE: 858.240.4336FAX: 866.936.5447CONTACT: RAMIN PARSI, EPEEMAIL: RAMIN@PROENGC.COMSURVEYOR/CIVIL ENGINEER:CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING, INC.28052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677OFFICE: 949.464.8115CONTACT: WILL ROLPHEMAIL: INFO@CIVILSCAPES.COMLIGHTING DESIGNER:ADAPTIVE RESOURCE GROUP6415 N. BUSINESS PARK LOOP RD, SUITE KPARK CITY, UTAH 84098OFFICE: 435.602.5800CONTACT: GLENN JOHNSONEMAIL: GLENN@ ADAPTIVEDG.COMSOILS ENGINEER:GEOFIRM801 GLENNEYRE ST., SUITE FLAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651OFFICE: 949.494.2122FAX: 949.497.0270CONTACT: ERIK HILDE, P.G., E.G. 2303EMAIL: EHILDE@STONEYMILLER.COMSEAWALL ENGINEER:PMA CONSULTING, INC.28161 CASITAS CT.LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677PHONE: 714.717.7542CONTACT: PLAMEN PETROV, P.E.EMAIL: CONSULTING@PMA-BG.COMDRAWING INDEXCOASTAL HAZARDS ENGINEER:GEOSOILS, INC.5741 PALMER WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010OFFICE: 760.438.3155FAX: 760.931.0915CONTACT: DAVID SKELLY MS, P.E.11121 GENERALNOTES ANDABBREVIATIONST-2ABV. AboveA.D. Area DrainADJ. AdjustableA.F.F. Above Finish FloorBD. BoardBEL. BelowBLK. BlockBLKG. BlockingBM. BeamB.O. By OthersBOT. BottomBSMT. BasementCAB. CabinetC.B. Catch BasinCEM. CementC.I. Cast IronCLG. CeilingCLO. ClosetCLR. ClearCONC. ConcreteCONT. ContinuousCNTR. CounterCTR. CenterD. DryerDBL. DoubleDET. DetailDIA. DiameterDIM. DimensionDISP. DisposalD.W. Dish WasherDR. DoorD.S. Down SpoutDWG. DrawingDRWR. Drawer'E' or (E) ExistingEA. EachEL. ElevationELEC. ElectricalEQ. EqualEXP. ExpansionF. FurnaceF.D. Floor DrainFDN. FoundationFIN. FinishF.F.E. Finish Floor ElevationFLR. FloorF.O.C. Face of ConcreteFT. FOOT OR FEETFTG. FOOTINGFURR. FURRINGG.B. GRAB BARGL. GLASSGRND. GROUNDGRD. GRADEGYP. GYPSUMH.B. HOSE BIBHDWD. HARDWOODHORIZ. HORIZONTALHGT. HEIGHTI.D. INSIDE DIAMETERINSUL. INSULATIONINT. INTERIORJT. JOINTKIT. KITCHENLAM. LAMINATELAV. LAVATORYLT. LIGHTMAX. MAXIMUMM.C. MEDICINE CABINETMECH. MECHANICALMIN. MINIMUMMIR. MIRRORMISC. MISCELLANEOUSMTL. METALMDF MEDIUM DENSITYFIBERBOARDN' OR (N) NEWN.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACTNO. NUMBERN.T.S. NOT TO SCALEO.C. ON CENTERO.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETERO.D. OVERFLOW DRAINOPNG. OPENINGOPP. OPPOSITEPERF. PERFORATEDP.G. PAINT GRADEPL. PLATEPLYWD. PLYWOODPR. PAIRPT. POINTR. RADIUSREF. REFRIGERATORREINF. REINFORCEDR.D. ROOF DRAINREQ'D. RequiredRESIL. ResilientRET. RetainingRM. RoomR.O. Rough OpeningS. SinkSCHED. ScheduleSHWR. ShowerSHT. SheetSHTH. SheathingSIM. SimilarS.D. Smoke DetectorSPEC. SpecificationSQ. SquareS.L.D. See Landscape DrawingsS.S. Stainless SteelS.S.D. See Structural DrawingsSTD. StandardSTL. SteelSTOR. StorageSYM. SymmetricalT. TreadTBD. To Be DesignedTEL. TelephoneT&G Tongue and GrooveTYP. TypicalT.O. Top OfT.O.S. Top of SlabU.O.N. Unless Otherwise NotedVERT. VerticalVEST. VestibuleV.I.F. Verify In FieldW. WasherW/ WITHW.H. WATER HEATERW.C. WATER CLOSETWD. WOODW.I. WROUGHT IRONW.I.C. WALK-IN CLOSETW/O WITHOUTW.O. WHERE OCCURSWP. WATERPROOFWT. WEIGHT< ANGLE@ ATØ DIAMETER# POUND OR NUMBERColumn Grid2Window NumberRevision NumberDoor NumberRoom Number01121321301212Interior Elevation Reference Drawing Number21AX.XX4Building Section/Wall SectionReference Drawing NumberReference Drawing NumberMoulding DetailReference Drawing NumberX3AX.XXAX.XXAX.XDetailLevel Line / Floor LineWall Type NumberEl +14'-3"LC1Center Line Point ElevationNew or RequiredABBREVIATIONSSYMBOLS LEGENDGENERAL NOTESARCHITECTURAL NOTES:1. All construction to conform to all current building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing codes (2019 CBC, CPC CMC, & CEC) and all other state, county, and city ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto including but not limited to the California Green Building StandardsCode.2. Permits: Contractor shall obtain and pay for the General Building, Electrical, Plumbing, and all other permits, etc., required by the governing authorities for the scope limited to only the work in the Architect's Drawings. All other work noted N. I. C. (not in contract) is by others.3. Contractor shall examine and verify existing conditions of the job site. Any discrepancy between drawings and existing conditions shall be recorded & reported with a submittal copy to the Architect for resolution prior to commencement of work.4. The contractor will notify the Architect about any condition requiring a modification or change before proceeding with the work.5. All penetrations of the building envelope shall be fully caulked and sealed unless otherwise noted. Contractor to insure watertight conditions, including but not limited to, all new roofing, doors and windows.6. All dimensions are to the finish face of cased openings, face of finish jamb (doors and windows), etc. Unless otherwise noted.7. Refer to Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing drawings for additional general notes and requirements and coordinate with architectural drawings.8. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS.9. Verify all dimensions in field.10. Appliances designed to be fixed in position shall be securely fastened in place in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Supports for appliances shall be designed and constructed to sustain vertical and horizontal loads within the stress limitations specified inthe building code. CMC 303.4 and shall have adequate volume of combustion air per CMC 701.4.11. Use manufacturer's standard detail for all flashing unless otherwise noted.12. Bathtub and shower floors and walls above bathtubs with installed shower heads and in shower compartments shall be finished with a nonabsorbent surface. Such wall surfaces shall extend to a height of not less than 6 feet above the floor. (CRC section R307.2) Materials used asbackers for wall tile in tub and shower areas and wall panels in shower areas shall be of materials listed in Table R702.4.2 (Glass mat gypsum backing panel, Fiber -reinforced gypsum panels, nonasbestos fiber-cement backer board and nonasbestos fiber mat-reinforcedcementitious backer units) (CRC section R702.4.2)13. Where required by the provisions of CBC Section 1704.6.1, 1704.6.2 or 1704.6.3, the owner or the owner's authorized agent shall employ a registered design professional to perform structural observations for general conformance to the approved construction documents. CBC Section 1704.6.14. In combustible construction, fireblocking shall be provided to cut off both vertical and horizontal concealed draft openings and to form an effective fire barrier between stories, and between a top story and the roof space. See CRC R302.11 for required locations.15. Provide 5/8'' type 'x' gyp board at walls and soffit of enclosed usable space under stairs.DEMOLITION1. All areas of demolition shall be reviewed with the Owner to identify any item(s) to be salvaged, stored and /or reinstalled per Owner's instructions unless otherwise expressly noted.2. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work, and agrees to be fully responsible for any and all damages that may occur by the contractor's failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all underground utilities.3. The contractor is to dispose of demolition debris off site in a legal and ethical manner. Dump fees are to be paid by the contractor. Thoroughly clean and keep entire construction are free of debris and waste material to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Architect.MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING NOTES:1. All utilities (but not limited to the following: gas, electric, water, sewer, etc.) shall be inspected for existing and new capacity and modified as required to meet codes per note #1 above.2. Two or more 20-ampere small-appliance branch circuits shall be provided for all receptacle outlets specified by 210.52(B). CEC 210.11(C)(1)3. At least one additional 20-ampere branch circuit shall be provided to supply the laundry receptacle outlets required by 210.52(F). This circuit shall have no other outlets. CEC 210.11(C)(2)4. Luminaires in clothes closets shall be surface-mounted or recessed incandescent or LED luminaires with completely enclosed light sources, surface mounted or recessed fluorescent luminaires, surface mounted fluorescent or LED luminaires identified as suitable for installationwithin the closet storage space CEC410.16(A). Incandescent luminaires with open or partially enclosed lamps and pendant luminaires or lampholders shall not be permitted. CEC 410.16(B).5. Provide non-removable backflow prevention device on all exterior hose bibbs, and lawn sprinkler/irrigation systems per CPC 603.3.6. Smoke detectors shall be powered by building wiring current with battery backup per CRC 314.6.7. Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations: In each sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms, on each additional story of the dwelling including basements and habitable attics and not including crawl spaces anduninhabitable attics per CRC R314.38. All electrical outlets located on opposite side of rated firewalls shall have a minimum 24" horizontal separation. CBC 709.79. All 125-volt, single phase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles installed in Bathrooms, Garages, Outdoors, Crawl Spaces, Unfinished portions or areas of the basement not intended as habitable rooms, Kitchens, Sinks - where receptacles are installed within 6ft from the top inside edgeof the bowl of the sink, Boathouses, Bathtubs or shower stalls - where receptacles are installed within 6ft of the outside edge of the bathtub or shower stall and Laundry areas shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protection for personnel.. CEC 210.8(A). In theKitchen, a receptacle shall be installed at each wall countertop and work surface that is 12" or wider. Receptacle outlets shall be installed so that no point along the wall line is more than 24 in. measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in that space CEC 210.52 (C)(1). Atleast one receptacle shall be installed ay each island countertop space with a long dimension of 24 in or greater and a short dimension of 12in or greater CEC 210.52 (C)(2). Countertop spaces separated by rangetops, refrigerators, or sinks shall be considered as separate countertopspaces in applying the requirements of 210.52(C)(1). Receptacle outlets shall be located on or above, but not more than 20 in. above, the countertop or work surface CEC 210.52(C)(5)10. In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room or similar area of a dwelling unit, the two or more 20-ampere small-appliance branch circuits required by 210.11(C)(1) shall serve all wall and floor receptacle outlets covered by 210.52(A), all countertop outlets covered by210.52(A), all countertop outlets covered by 210.52(C), and all receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment 210.52(B)(1). The two or more small-appliance branch circuits specified in 210.52(B)(1) shall have no other outlets 210.52(B)(2). Receptacles installed in a kitchen toserve countertop surfaces shall be supplied by not fewer than two small-appliance branch circuits, either or both of which shall also be permitted to supply receptacle outlets in the same kitchen and in other rooms specified in 210.52(B)(1). Additional small appliance branchcircuits shall be permitted to supply receptacle outlets in the kitchen and other rooms specified in 210.52(B)(1). No small appliance branch circuit shall serve more than one kitchen. CEC 210.52(B)(3).11. Provide adequate volume of combustion air per CMC chapter 7.12. Provide water heater pressure/temperature relief valve with drain to outside of building or other approved location. CPC 608.13. In every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room, parlor, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room, or similar room or area of dwelling units, receptacle outlets shall be installed in accordance with the general provisions specified in 210.52(A)(1) through (A)(4).Receptacles shall be installed such that no point measured horizontally along the floor line of any wall space is more than 6 ft from a receptacle outlet. A wall space shall include: any space 2ft or more in width and unbroken along the floor line by doorways or similar openings,fireplaces and fixed cabinets that do not have countertops or similar work surfaces, the space occupied by fixed panels in walls excluding sliding panels and the space afforded by fixed room dividers such as free standing bar type counters or railings. CEC 210.52(A)(1) and (2)14. Shower receptors built on site shall be watertight and shall be constucted from approved-type dense, nonabsorbent, and noncorrosive materials. Lining materials shall be pitched 14" per foot to weep holes in the subdrain of a smooth and solidly formed subbase. CPC 408.715. Maintain working clearances per NEC Article 110-16 at all sub-panel locations.16. Any floor drains within the building shall have trap primers and drain to the sewer system (ejector pump).17. No dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system or food disposer without the use of an approved air gap fitting on the discharge side of the dishwashing machine. CPC section 807.3.18. All luminaries installed in damp locations shall be marked "Suitable for Wet Locations" or "Suitable for Damp Locations." CEC 410.10(A)20 DEC. 2021AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #2DEC. 20, 2021PERMIT SET22 OUTDOORP.R.39 SFOUTDOORSTO.86 SFOUTDOORSTO.31 SFOUTDOORSTO.79 SFOUTDOORSTO.45 SFOUTDOORSTO.14 SFOUTDOORSTO.186 SFOUTDOORSTO.15 SFGARAGE750 SFSHAFT-7 SFLIVING5473 SFGARAGE718 SFLIVINGAREA4,923 SFLAYLIGHT-51 SFSTAIR-310 SFELEV-19 SFSTAIR-119 SFOUTDOORSTORAGE55 SFOUTDOORSTORAGE440 SFOUTDOORSTORAGE25 SFADU646 SFLOT SIZE:22,199 sq.ft.BUILDABLE AREA (Lot Area - Setbacks):18,335 sq.ft.MAX. ALLOWABLE FAR (2x Buildable Area): 36,670 sq.ft.PROPOSED FAR:8,522 + 7,709 =16,231 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS:MIN. OPEN VOLUME (15% of Buildable Area): 2,750 sq. ft.PROPOSED OPEN VOLUME(buildable area - first floor total area):10,910 sq. ft.1ST FLOOR AREA:1st Floor (including stairs 1+2 and elevator):5,466 sq.ft.Garages (718+750)1,468 sq.ft.Outdoor closets and storage (14+45+186+86+79+31+15) 456 sq.ft.Outdoor P.R. 39 sq.ft.1ST FLOOR TOTAL AREA: 7,429 sq.ft.2ND FLOOR AREA:2nd floor4,923 sq.ft.ADU 646 sq.ft.Outdoor Storage (55+440+25) 520 sq.ft.2ND FLOOR TOTAL AREA:6,089 sq.ft.1ST FLOOR TOTAL AREA: 7,429 sq.ft.2ND FLOOR TOTAL AREA: 6,089 sq.ft.TOTAL AREA:13,518 sq.ft.NOTE:SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS ABOVE DO NOT INCLUDETHE SIZE OF AN AREA RESERVED FOR A POTENTIAL FUTURETHIRD FLOOR DECK WHICH IS SHOWN ON SHEET A2.3AS 473 SQ. FT.[SEE ARCH. GUIDELINES SEC C.7.h WHICH ALLOWS 450 SQ FTFOR A THIRD FLOOR DECK FOR A 4,000 SQ FT LOTS]SCALE:3/32"=1'-0"T-31BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - FIRST FLOOR PLANSCALE:3/32"=1'-0"T-32BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR PLANNPROJECTNORTHSQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.AREACALCULATIONST-3LOT COVERAGESQUARE FOOTAGE:- LOWER FLOOR AREA = 6,667 SQ.FT.- UPPER FLOOR AREA = 3,367 SQ. FT.TOTAL EXISTING RESIDENCE SQUARE FOOTAGE = 10,034 SQ.FT.LOT SIZE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 22,199 SQ.FT.PERCENT OF EXISTING LOT COVERAGE: 6,667 / 22,199 = 30%SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0"T-33EXISTING TWO STORY RESIDENCESCALE:3/32"=1'-0"T-34PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE- LOWER FLOOR AREA (ALL COVERED AREAS) = 8,522 SQ.FT.LOT SIZE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 22,199 SQ.FT.LOT COVERAGE: 8,522 / 22,199 = 38%NPROJECTNORTHNPROJECTNORTHNPROJECTNORTH11123 07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.HOUSING CRISISACT COMPLIANCEFOR DEMOLITIONST-424 11.8210.5911.8611.9011.4212.3312.0312.1311.59ACTWO STORY BUILDING2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663APN: 049-191-16TWO STORY BUILDING2686 BAYSHORE DRIVETWO STORY BUILDING2672 BAYSHORE DRIVEDETACHEDGARAGEBAYSHORE DRIVEDETACHEDGARAGETWO STORY BUILDING2686 BAYSHORE DRIVE12.33TWOSTORY BUILDING2672BAYSHOREDRIVEACACAACTWOSTORY BUILDING2676BAYSHOREDRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEPORTION OF LOT 171, BLOCK 54, IRVINE SUBDIVISION, BK 1, PG 88, M.M.APN: 049-191-16TOPOGRAPHIC MAPFOR2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663JOB NO.DATESHEET NO.REVISIONS...NO. REVISION DATESHEET NO. OF 15/27/202128052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677949.464.8115 info@civilscapes.comG:\Projects\21017 2676 Bayshore Dr, NB\DWG\21017.TOPO.dwg1TOPOEXISTING RESIDENCENO SCALEVICINITY MAPCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIACOUNTY OF ORANGETOPOGRAPHIC MAPLEGENDTOP OF RETAINING WALLGARAGE FINISHED FLOOREDGE OF THRESHOLDTRWGFFTHRESHHARDSCAPESITE ADDRESS: 2676 BAYSHORE DR., NEWPORT BEACHAPN: 049-191-16GENERAL PLAN LAND USE: RS-D SINGLE UNIT RESIDENTIAL DETACHEDZONING DISTRICT: R-1 SINGLE-UNIT RESIDENTIALCOASTAL ZONE: YESSITE DATA:BUILDING WALLTOP OF CURBTCSIDE OF WALLWALLGATEGATEFENCEFENCETILETILETOP OF GRATETGBUILDINGBLDGFLOW LINEEDGE OF CONCRETEFLCONCEDGE OF PAVEMENTEGEDGE OF GRASSGRASSAERIAL TARGETATFINISHED SURFACEFSFINISHED GRADEFGFINISHED FLOORFFSTREET CENTERLINEBOUNDARY LINEFENCEWALLTOP OF WALLTWSURVEY NOTEBOUNDARY SURVEY SHALL BE PERFORMED AND PROPERTY CORNERMONUMENTS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO PRE-GRADE MEETINGSEWER MANHOLESMHNATURAL GRADENGRIGHT-OF-WAYORANGE COUNTY SURVEY DESIGNATION 3K-24A-82DESCRIBED BY OCS 2002 - FOUND 3 3\4" OCS ALUMINUM BENCHMARKDISK STAMPED "3K-24A-82", SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETE BRIDGE DECK.MONUMENT IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THEINTERSECTION OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AND NEWPORT BAYCROSSING, 42 FT. SOUTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF PCH AND 37 FT.EASTERLY OF THE WEST END OF THE SOUTHERN GUARD RAIL ALONGBRIDGE. MONUMENT IS SET LEVEL WITH THE SIDEWALK.NAVD88 ELEVATION = 19.353 (LEVELED 2015)BENCHMARK:LAWYERS TITLE COMPANY16755 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 100IRVINE, CA 92606PHONE: (949) 223-5575TITLE OFFICER: TERRI HAUN - SOEMAIL: tu57@ltic.comFILE NO.: 221570560PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT:ESTABLISHED GRADE = AVERAGE OF THE 4 CORNERS12.33' + 12.62' + 12.29' + 12.45' = 49.69' / 4 = 12.42'25 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANFOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663JOB NO.DATESHEET NO.REVISIONS21017NO. REVISION DATESHEET NO. OF 511/30/202128052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677949.464.8115 info@civilscapes.comG:\Projects\21017 2676 Bayshore Dr, NB\DWG\21017.GRADING.dwg1C1TITLE SHEET1.ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 15 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE(NBMC), THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT.2. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING AND/OF JUST PALLIATIVE.3. SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.4. WORK HOURS ARE LIMITED FROM 7:00 AM TO 6:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY; 8:00AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAYS; AND NO WORK ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS PER SECTION10-28 OF THE NBMC.5. NOISE, EXCAVATION, DELIVERY AND REMOVAL SHALL BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 10-28OF THE NBMC.6. THE STAMPED SET OF THE APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES.7. PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND PROTECTINGUTILITIES.8. APPROVED SHORING, DRAINAGE PROVISION AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES MUST BE USEDTO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING THE GRADING OPERATION.9. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE ABANDONED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THEUNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL.10. HAUL ROUTES FOR IMPORT OR EXPORT OF MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITYTRAFFIC ENGINEER AND PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC.11. POSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS AND SLOPEAREAS.12. FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS AND/OR HAVE REMOVABLE EROSION CONTROLDEVICES ON-SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES SHALL RESULT IN A "STOP WORK" ORDER.13. ALL PLASTIC DRAINAGE PIPES SHALL CONSIST OF PVC (SDR 35) WITH GLUED JOINTS.14. NO PAINT, PLASTER, CEMENT, SOIL, MORTAR OR OTHER RESIDUE, SHALL BE ALLOWED TOENTER STREETS CURBS, GUTTERS OR STORM DRAINS. ALL MATERIALS AND WASTES SHALLBE REMOVED FROM THE SITE.GENERAL NOTESCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIACOUNTY OF ORANGEC1 TITLE SHEETC2 GRADING PLANC3 STORM DRAIN PLANC4 EROSION CONTROL PLANC5 GEOTECHNICAL NOTESSHEET INDEX2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663APN: 049-191-16PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANWILL ROLPHCIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING, INC.28052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA949.464.8115WILL@CIVILSCAPES.COMSURVEYOR1. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLYACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR WILL BEREQUIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONSDURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALLPERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT IS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLYCONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS.2. NO UTILITY SEARCH WAS CONDUCTED. A UTILITY SEARCH BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALLBE CONDUCTED AND IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE DUEPRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES FOUND ON THESITE AND TO NOTIFY THE OWNERS OF THE UTILITIES IMMEDIATELY UPON THEIRDISCOVERY.3. EARTHWORK AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION ITEM QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANSARE ESTIMATES FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT USED FORCONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES OR FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLDEVELOP OWN QUANTITIES FOR BIDDING PURPOSES.4. A SOILS INVESTIGATION MUST BE MADE BY A QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER AND/ORGEOLOGIST. SOIL AND EARTH ACCEPTABILITY ARE NOT UNDER PURVIEW OR THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THIS PLAN. CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERINGDOES NOT TEST OR OBSERVE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO, DURING OR AFTERCONSTRUCTION AND HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR SOILS (EARTH) STRUCTURES.5. ALL RETAINING WALL DESIGNS ARE TO BE BUILT PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S PLAN ANDPER SEPARATE PLAN AND PERMIT.6. REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS.7. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING ELEVATION, PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, ANDDOWNSTREAM DRAIN.8. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWN HEREON FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY.9. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PREPARED BY: APEX LAND SURVEYING, INC., 8512 OXLEY CIRCLE,HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. PHONE: 714-488-5006.10. VERIFY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC ELEVATIONS AND NOTIFY CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING OFANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.11. NO UTILITY SEARCH WAS CONDUCTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT UTILITIES ORSTRUCTURES FOUND ON THE SITE AND NOTIFY CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING OF ANYCONFLICTS.12. EXTERIOR FOUNDATIONS WALLS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE DETAILS AS SHOWN BELOW:13. PAD ELEVATION IS ASSUMED TO BE BASED ON ARCHITECTURAL FLOOR PLAN WITH ATLEAST 5" THICK CONCRETE AND 4" THICK BASE WITH VAPOR BARRIER PER SOILS REPORT.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH LATEST APPROVED SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURALENGINEER FOR EXACT SLAB RECOMMENDATIONS.14. A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INSPECTION IS REQUIREDBEFORE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FINAL CAN BE ISSUED. AT THE TIME OFPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INSPECTION, IF AN OF THE EXISTING PUBLICIMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE IS DAMAGED, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, CURBAND GUTTER, AND ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED AND 100% PAID BY THEOWNER. SAID DETERMINATION AND THE EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADEAT THE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR.15. AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK ACTIVITIES WITHINTHE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALLNON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.16. ALL WORK RELATED TO WATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PERFORMED BYA C-34 LICENSED PIPELINE CONTRACTOR OR AN A LICENSED GENERAL ENGINEERINGCONTRACTOR.17. ALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BEPERFORMED BY A C-42 LICENSED SANITATION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR AN A LICENSEDGENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR.18. EXISTING STREET TREE(S) SHALL BE PROTECTED IN PLACE.19. REMOVE EXISTING NON-GRASS PARKWAY ELEMENTS BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND CURB.REPLACE WITH SOD TO MATCH EXISTING AS REQUIRED.20. REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS AND OVER-EXCAVATIONREMOVALS AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS.21. PIPE MATERIAL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IF APPROVED BY ENGINEER.22. INCLUDE ALL REQUIRED JOINTS AND FITTINGS. PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS.23. UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND INSTALLED PER CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODEAND CITY PLUMBING CODE. SERVICE LINES AND METER SIZES SHALL BE CONFIRMED BYPLUMBING ENGINEER OR CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.24. CONSTRUCT TRENCH, BEDDING, AND BACKFILL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS, ASTM D 2321, AND SOILS REPORT. 25. ALL FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, PIPING AND MATERIALS SHALL BE LISTED.26. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ELEVATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFYENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES.27. ALL PRIVATE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND POSITIONED IN AMANNER THAT WILL NOT CAUSE IRRIGATION OVERSPRAY ONTO THE PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY.NOTES TO OWNER, CONTRACTOR, & ARCHITECT8 BAYSHORE PARTNERSHIP L.P.2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663949.263.1111OWNER1. GRADED SLOPES SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN 2 HORIZONTAL TO 1 VERTICAL.2. FILL SLOPES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 90 PERCENT RELATIVECOMPACTION OUT TO THE FINISHED SURFACE.3. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO THE MINIMUM OF 90 PERCENTRELATIVE COMPACTION AS DETERMINED BY ASTM TEST METHOD 1557, AND APPROVEDBY THE SOILS ENGINEER. COMPACTION TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED APPROXIMATELYEVERY TWO FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND OF SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO ATTEST TO THEOVERALL COMPACTION EFFORT APPLIED TO THE FILL AREAS.4. AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL SHALL BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND DEBRIS, SCARIFIEDAND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACING OF THE FILL.5. FILLS SHALL BE KEYED OR BENCHED INTO COMPETENT MATERIAL.6. ALL EXISTING FILLS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR REMOVED BEFOREANY ADDITIONAL FILLS ARE ADDED.7. ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AND CISTERNS SHALL BE REMOVED OR CRUSHED INPLACE AND BACKFILLED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER.8. THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE SUBDRAINS SHALL BE SURVEYED IN THE FIELD FOR LINEAND GRADE.9. ALL TRENCH BACKFILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT THE MINIMUM OF 90PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THEBUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE CORING OF CONCRETE FLATWORK PLACED OVERUNTESTED BACKFILLS TO FACILITATE TESTING.10. THE STOCKPILING OF EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDINGDEPARTMENT.11. ALL CUT SLOPES SHALL BE INVESTIGATED BOTH DURING AND AFTER GRADING BY ANENGINEERING GEOLOGIST TO DETERMINE IF ANY STABILITY PROBLEM EXISTS. SHOULDEXCAVATION DISCLOSE ANY GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS OR POTENTIAL GEOLOGICALHAZARDS, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGISTS SHALL RECOMMEND AND SUBMIT NECESSARYTREATMENT TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL.12. WHERE SUPPORT OR BUTTRESSING OF CUT AND NATURAL SLOPE IS DETERMINED TO BENECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER, THE SOILSENGINEER WILL OBTAIN APPROVAL OF DESIGN, LOCATIONS AND CALCULATIONS FROMTHE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.13. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND TEST THECONSTRUCTION OF ALL BUTTRESS FILLS AND ATTEST TO THE STABILITY OF THE SLOPEAND ADJACENT STRUCTURES UPON COMPLETION.14. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL PERFORM PERIODIC INSPECTIONS DURINGGRADING.15. NOTIFICATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE: IF IN THE COURSE OF FULFILLING THEIRRESPONSIBILITY, THE CIVIL ENGINEER, THE SOILS ENGINEER, THE ENGINEERINGGEOLOGIST OR THE TESTING AGENCY FINDS THAT THE WORK IS NOT BEING DONE INCONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED GRADING PLANS, THE DISCREPANCIES SHALL BEREPORTED IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING TO THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE GRADINGWORK AND TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVEMEASURES, IF NECESSARY, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FORAPPROVAL.GRADING NOTES1. ALL LOOSE SOIL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM PAVED SURFACES. AREAS UPONSTARTING OPERATIONS, AND PERIODICALLY THEREAFTER.2. SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES (I.E. GRAVEL BAGS OR EQUIVALENT) SHALL BEIMPLEMENTED AT THE PERIMETER OF ALL DISTURBED SOIL AREAS TO CONTROL RUN-ONAND RUN-OFF.3. GRAVEL BAGS AND NECESSARY MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE AND STOCKPILEDAT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO FACILITATE RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARYDEVICES OR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, WHEN RAIN ISIMMINENT. A STAND-BY CREW SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THERAINY SEASON.4. MATERIALS AND WASTE WITH THE POTENTIAL TO POLLUTE URBAN RUN-OFF SHALL BEUSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LABEL DIRECTIONS AND SHALL BE STORED IN A MANNERTHAT EITHER PREVENTS CONTACT WITH RAINFALL OR CONTAINS CONTAMINATEDRUN-OFF FOR TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL.EROSION CONTROL NOTESSITE ADDRESS: 2676 BAYSHORE DR., NEWPORT BEACHAPN 049-191-16GENERAL PLAN LAND USE: RS-D SINGLE UNIT RESIDENTIAL DETACHEDZONING DISTRICT: R-1 SINGLE-UNIT RESIDENTIALCOSTAL ZONE: YESSITE DATA:ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DOES NOT RELIEVEAPPLICANTS OF THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS TO OBSERVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS ANDRESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY BE RECORDED AGAINST THE PROPERTY OR TO OBTAINPLANS. YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS PRIOR TOCOMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT.CC&R'S1. PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY ANENCROACHMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT.2. A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INSPECTION IS REQUIREDBEFORE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FINAL CAN BE ISSUED. AT THE TIME OFPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INSPECTION, IF ANY OF THE EXISTING PUBLICIMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE IS DAMAGED, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK,CURB AND GUTTER, AND ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED.ADDITIONALLY, IF EXISTING UTILITIES INFRASTRUCTURE ARE DEEMED SUBSTANDARD,A NEW 1-INCH WATER SERVICE, WATER METER BOX, SEWER LATERAL AND/ORCLEANOUT WITH BOX AND LID WILL BE REQUIRED. 100% OF THE COST SHALL BEBORNE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER (MUNICIPAL CODES 14.24.020 AND 14.08.030).SAID DETERMINATION AND THE EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADE ATTHE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLETO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT ALL TIMES DURING THECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. A STOP WORK NOTICE MAY BE ISSUED FOR ANY DAMAGEOR UNMAINTAINED PORTION OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY.3. AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NON-STANDARDIMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. ALL NON-STANDARDIMPROVEMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY COUNCIL POLICY L-6.4. CONTRACTOR REMOVE ALL EXISTING DECORATIVE MATERIAL WITHIN THE PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY.5. ALL LANDSCAPING WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUMGROWTH CHARACTERISTIC OF 36-INCHES.6. ALL PRIVATE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND POSITIONEDIN A MONNER THAT WILL NOT CAUSE IRRIGATION OVERSPRAY ONTO THE PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY.PUBLIC WORKS NOTESARCHITECTANDREW SKURMAN ARCHITECTS3654 SACRAMENTO STREETSAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118415.440.4480THIS GRADING PLAN HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY THE UNDERSIGNED AND FOUND TO BE INCONFORMANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE FOLLOWING SOILSREPORT FOR THIS PROJECTENTITLED: PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONPROJECT No.: 72572-00DATED:AUGUST 17, 2021FIRM NAME: GEOFIRMGEOTECHNICAL CERTIFICATIONREFER TO GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:GEOFIRM801 GLENNEYRE STREET, SUITE FLAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651949.494.2122PROJECT No.: 72572-00SOILS ENGINEERNOTE:SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL PERMANENTLYMONUMENT PROPERTY CORNERS OR OFFSETSBEFORE GRADING.CIVIL ENGINEER/NO SCALEVICINITY MAP26 11.8210.5911.8611.9011.4212.3312.0312.1311.59ACPROPOSED RESIDENCEFF=12.50TOS=12.33POOLTC=12.50ACDENCEPROPOSED RESIDENCEDENCEF=12.50FF=125F=125TOS=12.33PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANFOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663JOB NO.DATESHEET NO.REVISIONS21017NO. REVISION DATESHEET NO. OF 511/30/202128052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677949.464.8115 info@civilscapes.com\\Cse\group\Projects\21017 2676 Bayshore Dr, NB\DWG\21017.GRADING.dwg2C2GRADING PLANCONSTRUCTION NOTESHARDSCAPE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLAN.DRIVEWAY PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLAN.PLANTER AREA PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLAN.WALL OR FENCE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLAN.CONNECT DOWNSPOUT TO ONSITE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM PER DETAIL ON SHEET C3.CONSTRUCT 8" TALL CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STANDARD PLAN STD 182, TYPE 'A'.CONSTRUCT FLOWLINE PER DETAIL HEREON.IF EXISTING METER IS SUBSTANDARD, REMOVE AND REINSTALL 1-INCH WATER METER PER CITY OF NEWPORTBEACH STANDARD DRAWING STD-502-L. PROTECT SERVICE LINE FROM METER TO WATER MAIN. METER ANDSERVICE SIZE SHALL BE CONFIRMED BY MEP CONSULTANT.FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND CONDITION OF EXISTING SEWER LATERAL TO SATISFACTION OF CITY ENGINEER.REMOVE EXISTING CLEANOUT AND PROVIDE NEW SEWER CLEANOUT WITH TRAFFIC RATED BOX PER CITY OFNEWPORT BEACH STANDARD DRAWING STD-406-L.FURNISH & INSTALL 6" NDS SPEE-D BASIN W/6" GREEN ATRIUM GRATE PER DETAIL ON C3.FURNISH & INSTALL 6" NDS SPEE-D BASIN W/6" BRASS SQUARE GRATE PER DETAIL ON C3.BIORETENTION AREA PER DETAIL ON SHEET C3.4-INCH WIDE NDS TRENCH DRAIN W/LIGHT GRAY GRATE.CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEMWALL PER STRUCTURAL PLAN AND PER DETAIL HEREON.1234567891011161718TOP OF WALLFINISHED SURFACEFLOW LINEFINISHED GRADEGRADE BREAKHIGH POINTLEGENDINVERTTOP OF GRATEFINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONTWFSFLFGGBHPINVTGFFTOP OF COPING OR TOP OF CURBTCGARAGE FINISHED FLOORGFFEXISTING GRADEEG EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION( )TOP OF RETAINING WALLTRWTOP OF SLOPETOPTOP OF RAILINGTRTOP OF STEMWALLTSHARDSCAPE PER ARCH. PLANNATURAL GRADENGHARDSCAPE/LANDSCAPEPER PLANFLOWLINE DETAILNO SCALEALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BEPERFORMED BY A C-42 LICENSED SANITATION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR AN ALICENSED GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR.***ALL WORK RELATED TO WATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BEPERFORMED BY A C-34 LICENSED PIPELINE CONTRACTOR OR AN A LICENSEDGENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR.***********PROPERTY LINE AND LIMIT-OF-WORKOREXISTING ELEVATION; CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELDVERIFY ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONAND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TOCIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING102.6(102.6)PROPOSED WALLBUILDING STEMWALLBIORETENTION AREA PER DETAIL HEREONSTEMWALL/ADJACENT GRADE DETAILNO SCALEFINISHED SURFACEFINISHED FLOORFINISHED GRADEFINISHED FLOOR**** CONSTRUCT STEM WALL AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE MINIMUMSEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN WOOD SHEATHING AND SURFACEPER 2016 CRC SECTION R317.1. FOUNDATIONS WITH STEM WALLSSHALL HAVE ONE NO. 4 BAR WITHIN 12 INCHES FROM TOP OF WALLAND ONE NO. 4 BAR LOCATED 3 TO 4 INCHES FROM BOTTOM OFFOOTING (MINIMUM) PER 2016 CRC SECTION R403.1.3.1. REFER TOSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS.********* VERTICAL DISTANCE PER 2016 CRC SECTION R317.1 MAY BE REDUCEDPROVIDED THAT WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS, INCLUDING WOODSHEATHING, THAT REST ON EXTERIOR FOUNDATION WALLS AREMADE OF NATURAL DURABLE OR PRESERVATIVE-TREATED WOOD INACCORDANCE WITH CODE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFYCIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING IF THERE ARE ANY CONFLICTS*** MINIMUM GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION SHALL BE PER 2016 CRCSECTION R401.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY CIVILSCAPESENGINEERING IF THERE ARE ANY CONFLICTS.27 11.8210.5911.8611.9011.4212.3312.0312.1311.59ACPROPOSED RESIDENCEFF=12.50TOS=12.33POOLTC=12.50DENCEPROPOSED RESIDENCEDENCEF=12.50FF=125F=125TOS=12.33ACPRELIMINARY GRADING PLANFOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663JOB NO.DATESHEET NO.REVISIONS21017NO. REVISION DATESHEET NO. OF 511/30/202128052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677949.464.8115 info@civilscapes.com\\Cse\group\Projects\21017 2676 Bayshore Dr, NB\DWG\21017.GRADING.dwg3C3STORM DRAIN PLANCONSTRUCTION NOTESFURNISH & INSTALL 6" NDS SPEE-D BASIN W/6" GREEN ATRIUM GRATE PER DETAIL HEREON.FURNISH & INSTALL 6" NDS SPEE-D BASIN W/6" BRASS SQUARE GRATE PER DETAIL HEREON.FURNISH & INSTALL 4-INCH SCH-40 PVC STORM DRAIN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) PER CPC. INCLUDE REQUIREDJOINTS AND FITTINGS PER CPC. CONSTRUCT TRENCH, BEDDING, AND BACKFILL PER ASTM D 2321 AND SOILSREPORT.1-1/2" DIA. FORCEMAIN; CONNECT TO PUMP DISCHARGE.CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK & PRIVATE DRAIN THROUGH CURB PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STANDARD DRAWINGSTD-184-L.FURNISH & INSTALL 3-INCH SCH-40 PVC STORM DRAIN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) PER CPC. INCLUDE REQUIREDJOINTS AND FITTINGS PER CPC. CONSTRUCT TRENCH, BEDDING, AND BACKFILL PER ASTM D 2321 AND SOILSREPORT.BIORETENTION AREA PER DETAIL HEREON.4-INCH WIDE NDS TRENCH DRAIN W/LIGHT GRAY GRATE.1011121314151617TOP OF WALLFINISHED SURFACEFLOW LINEFINISHED GRADEGRADE BREAKHIGH POINTLEGENDINVERTTOP OF GRATEFINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONTWFSFLFGGBHPINVTGFFTOP OF COPING OR TOP OF CURBTCGARAGE FINISHED FLOORGFFPROPERTY LINE AND LIMIT-OF-WORKOREXISTING ELEVATION; CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELDVERIFY ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONAND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TOCIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING102.6(102.6)EXISTING GRADEEG EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION( )PROPOSED WALLTOP OF RETAINING WALLTRWTOP OF SLOPETOPTOP OF RAILINGTRTOP OF STEMWALLTSBUILDING STEMWALLBIORETENTION AREA PER DETAIL HEREONNATURAL GRADENG4-INCH PVC DOWNSPOUTDRAIN PIPE PER STORM DRAIN PLAN6-INCH ELBOW 1/4 BEND6-INCH PVC RISER WITHDOWNSPOUT INSIDE RISER PIPECLAMPS AROUND RISER PIPE (TYP)PROP. BUILDINGWALLCRUSHED STONEINVERT ELEVATIONDRAIN PIPENDS #101 OR #201 SPEE-D BASINOR APPROVED EQUALNDS #66 - 6" DRAINRISER PIPE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED)OR APPROVED EQUALCOMPACTED SOILSLOPE TO DRAINNDS ATRIUM GRATEOR FLAT GRATESLOPE TO DRAINNDS SPEE-D BASIN DETAILNO SCALEDOWNSPOUT CONNECTION DETAILNO SCALEHARDSCAPE PER ARCH. PLANINF-3: BIORETENTION W/UNDERDRAINSSECTION VIEW | NO SCALE28 11.8210.5911.8611.9011.4212.3312.0312.1311.59ACPROPOSED RESIDENCEFF=12.50TOS=12.33POOLTC=12.50DENCEPROPOSED RESIDENCEDENCEF=12.50FF=12.5F=12.5TOS=12.33ACPRELIMINARY GRADING PLANFOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663JOB NO.DATESHEET NO.REVISIONS21017NO. REVISION DATESHEET NO. OF 511/30/202128052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677949.464.8115 info@civilscapes.com\\Cse\group\Projects\21017 2676 Bayshore Dr, NB\DWG\21017.GRADING.dwg4C4EROSION CONTROL PLAN1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT FACILITY AND COMPLY WITHCASQA BMP WM-8.2. ALL REMOVABLE EROSION PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACHWORKING DAY WHEN THE 5-DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS 40%.3. SEDIMENTS FROM AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETAINED ON SITE USINGAN EFFECTIVE COMBINATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPRACTICABLE, AND STOCKPILES OF SOIL SHALL BE PROPERLY CONTAINED TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENTTRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES VIARUNOFF, VEHICLE TRACKING, OR WIND.3. APPROPRIATE BMPS FOR CONSTRUCTION-RELATED MATERIALS, WASTES, SPILLS OR RESIDUESSHALL BE IMPLEMENTED AND RETAINED ON SITE TO MINIMIZE TRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, OR ADJOINING PROPERTY BY WIND OR RUNOFF. NOTES:GRAVEL BAG DETAILNO SCALEAEROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION NOTESINSTALL GRAVEL BAG BARRIER PER CASQA SE-8 AND SE-6INLET PROTECTION PER DETAIL HEREONABAREA DRAIN INLET PROJECTIONNO SCALEB29 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANFOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663JOB NO.DATESHEET NO.REVISIONS21017NO. REVISION DATESHEET NO. OF 511/30/202128052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677949.464.8115 info@civilscapes.comG:\Projects\21017 2676 Bayshore Dr, NB\DWG\21017.GRADING.dwg5C5GEOTECHNICAL NOTES30 31 32 33 34 2676 Bayshore DriveLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTWilliam Simpson & Associates, INC.28052 Camino Capistrano, Suite 213Laguna Nigel, CA 92677P l 949.464.8115Contact: Will RolphCivilscapes Engineering, INC.CIVIL ENGINEER2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663P l 949.263.1111EPTDESIGNOWNER8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.STRUCTURAL ENGINEER23 Orchard Road, Suite 250Lake Forest, CA 92630P l 949.206.9929 EXT 400Contact: Masoud Jafari, S.E.234 North El Molino Ave, Suite 100Pasadena, CA 91101T l 626.795.2008Contact: Nord Eriksson962 Glenneyre StreetLaguna Beach, CA 92651P l 949.494.8343 ex107Contact: Sheldon HarteHarte Brownlee & Associates, INC.INTERIOR DESIGNERAdaptive Resource GroupLIGHTING DESIGNER6415 N. Business Park Loop Rd., Suite KPark City, Utah 84098P l |435.602.5800Contact: Glenn Johnson1 of 72 of 73 of 74 of 75 of 76 of 77 of 7T0.00L1.01L1.51L1.52L2.00L2.01L3.01DESCRIPTIONSHEET IDSHEET NO.ARCHITECTAndrew Skurman Architects3654 Sacramento StreetSan Francisco, CA 94118P l 415.440.4480Contact: Suzette SmithTitle SheetConstruction PlanConstruction DetailsConstruction DetailsMaster Irrigation Legend, Notes & MWELOIrrigation PlanPlanting PlanTitle SheetT0.00These drawings are instruments of service. EPTDESIGNshall retain all copyrights, statutory and common lawright with regard to these drawings and the designscontained therein in all formats, including printed anddigitized. These drawings are not to be altered in anyway, nor assigned to a third party without first obtainingwritten permission and consent from EPTDESIGN.Plan Control: Construction Docs.DateByJob NumberDesign StaffProject ManagerPrincipalClient8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663T 949.263.1111E21-018ECNEEC1st City Sub. XX Month 20162676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, California2676 Bayshore Dr.Park Design Case Number: 00000000 - PPDApproved Park Plan Number: 0000000 - PPPPlayground Plan Number: 00000000 - PPA--RevisionsCDP Submittal EC 12/20/2021REGRESEISTRASignature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAE TC AC ITH INTA TRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 12/17/21CDP Corrections EC 02/02/2022GENERAL CONTRACTORPMR Construction145 West Main Street, Suite 200Tustin, CA 92780P l 714.754.4111Contact: Chris Miller5741 Palmer WayCarlsbad, CA 92010P l 760.438.3155Contact: David Skelly, MS, P.E.GEOSOILS, INC.SOILS ENGINEERPRO Engineering Consulting, INC.TITLE 24 + MECHANICAL1057 Sycamore AveVista, CA 92081P l | 858.240.4336Contact: Ramin Parsi, EPE28161 Casitas CT.Laguna Nigel, CA 92677P l 714.717.7542Contact: Plamen Petrov, P.E.PMA Consulting, INC.SEAWALL ENGINEER2676 Bayshore Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTATION PACKAGEPROJECT SITENTSREGRESE ISTRA Signature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAE TC AC ITH INTATRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 12/17/2135 (18.81 TW)(18.87 TW)(14.66 TW)(18.88 TW)(12.39 TW)(11.86 FS)(9.03 FG)10.87 FS9.4 FS12.5 TC12.38 FS1%11.83 FS10.9 FG10.9 TW12.44 FS10.9 FS10.9 TW11.81 FS11.83 FS(9.56 FG)10.9 TW13.06 T R 10.9 TW 13.06 T R (9.56 FG)(9.56 FG)13.06 T R 10.9 TW 10.9 TW12.31 TW11.81 TW10'-0"4'-0"4'-0"2'-0"8"FLUSH 80'-7"7'-9"10'-8"3'-1"34'-11"3'-1"10'-8"10'-4"20'-1"6'-0"TYP.16'-0"4'-0"18'-4"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"Construction PlanL1.01These drawings are instruments of service. EPTDESIGNshall retain all copyrights, statutory and common lawright with regard to these drawings and the designscontained therein in all formats, including printed anddigitized. These drawings are not to be altered in anyway, nor assigned to a third party without first obtainingwritten permission and consent from EPTDESIGN.Plan Control: Construction Docs.DateByJob NumberDesign StaffProject ManagerPrincipalClient8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663T 949.263.1111E21-018ECNEEC1st City Sub. XX Month 20162676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, California2676 Bayshore Dr.Park Design Case Number: 00000000 - PPDApproved Park Plan Number: 0000000 - PPPPlayground Plan Number: 00000000 - PPA--RevisionsCDP Submittal EC 12/20/2021REGRESEISTRASignature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAETC AC ITH INTA TRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 12/17/21CDP Corrections EC 02/02/2022024816 FeetScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PAPAPAPAPAPAPATURFPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERESIDENCEBAYSHORE DRIVEWALL & FENCE LEGENDSITE AMENITIES LEGENDFOR MATERIALS, COLORS, FINISHES AND MODELS, SEE MASTERCONSTRUCTION LEGEND, SHEET L1.XXP-1PAVING LEGENDP-1P-2DESCRIPTIONDETAILITEMDRIVEWAY - CHARCOAL GREY COBBLEP-3P-4P-7P-8SA-1SA-2SA-3SA-4DETAIL BSHEET L1.51DETAIL ASHEET L1.51DETAIL CSHEET L1.51DETAIL DSHEET L1.51DETAIL HSHEET L1.52DETAIL HSHEET L1.51DETAIL RSHEET L1.52DETAIL PSHEET L1.52PER ARCHDETAIL TSHEET L1.52DRIVEWAY - LIMESTONE PAVINGLIMESTONE PAVINGLIMESTONE STEPPER ON SLABLIMESTONE COPINGRECIRCULATING WATER WALL @ENTRYRECIRCULATING WATER FEATURE @ENTRY COURTYARDOUTDOOR BBQ GRILL ANDCOUNTERTOP @ SIDE YARDFIRE PITLIMESTONE STAIRS @ DOCK RAMPGATE LEGENDG-1DETAIL SSHEET L1.516' HT. POOL ENCLOSURE GATE @EAST SIDE YARDRAILING LEGENDR-1DETAIL NSHEET L1.5142" HT. CLEAR GLASS GUARDRAIL @SEA WALLR-2DETAIL HSHEET L1.51STAIR HANDRAIL @ DOCK RAMPP-9DETAIL ESHEET L1.51SYNTHETIC TURF BANDSW-1DETAIL QSHEET L1.51GARDEN WALLG-2DETAIL TSHEET L1.516' HT. POOL ENCLOSURE GATE @WEST SIDEYARDW-2DETAIL OSHEET L1.51GARDEN WALL W/ GLASS RAILINGP-10DETAIL FSHEET L1.51LIMESTONE/ LAWN STAIRSP-11DETAIL GSHEET L1.51LIMESTONE RAMPPASETBACKSETBACKPLANTING AREAEXISTING UTILITY - PROTECT IN PLACECENTER LINECLTYPICALFACE OF BUILDINGREFERENCE LEGEND12345PATYP.F.O.B.EXISTING AREA DRAIN - PROTECT IN PLACEEXISTING CURB AND GUTTER - PROTECT IN PLACESEAWALL PER ENGINEER'S PLANEXISTING DOCK - PROTECT IN PLACE6LANDSCAPE HEADER - REFER TO L3.01724" FRONT YARD SET BACK ZONE BOUNDARY LINESETBACK2323P-3SA-2P-3SA-1SA-1P-1P-1P-3P-2P-3SA-3P-3P-3P-3P-3R-1P-45W-1R-1P-101G-2G-1P-9W-2PAPASA-7NOTE: ALL EQUIPMENT TO MEET NEWPORTBEACH ZONING CODE, TITLE 20 - PROPERTYDEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SECTION20.30.080 - NOISEPAPAPAPAPAPAP-3P-4SA-6SA-5W-2P-7EXISTING MASONRY WALL TOREMAIN, NEW PLASTER FINISHTO MATCH ARCHITECTUREEXISTING MASONRY WALL TOREMAIN, NEW PLASTER FINISHTO MATCH ARCHITECTUREEXISTING MASONRY WALL WITH GLASSRAIL TO REMAIN, NEW PLASTER FINISHTO MATCH ARCHITECTUREEXISTING MASONRY WALL TOREMAIN, NEW PLASTER FINISHTO MATCH ARCHITECTUREPAPAPAPAPAR-144SA-6SA-7SA-5DETAIL JSHEET L1.52SWIMMING POOL W/ AUTOMATICPOOL SAFETY COVERDETAIL JSHEET L1.5236" HT. MAILBOXDETAIL RSHEET L1.51SPA W/ AUTOMATIC SAFETY COVERPAVING LEGEND- CONTINUEDP-11P-8SA-4PA77W-136 Construction DetailsL1.51ABThese drawings are instruments of service. EPTDESIGNshall retain all copyrights, statutory and common lawright with regard to these drawings and the designscontained therein in all formats, including printed anddigitized. These drawings are not to be altered in anyway, nor assigned to a third party without first obtainingwritten permission and consent from EPTDESIGN.Plan Control: Construction Docs.DateByJob NumberDesign StaffProject ManagerPrincipalClient8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663T 949.263.1111E21-018ECNEEC1st City Sub. XX Month 20162676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, California2676 Bayshore Dr.Park Design Case Number: 00000000 - PPDApproved Park Plan Number: 0000000 - PPPPlayground Plan Number: 00000000 - PPA--RevisionsCDP Submittal EC 12/20/2021REGRESEISTRASignature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAETC AC ITH INTA TRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 CDP Corrections EC 02/02/2022WOOD GATE @ WEST SIDE YARDScale: 1/2" = 1'-0"1.WOOD GATE FRAME - COLOR TO MATCHARCHITECTURE GARAGE DOORS2. 4X4 WOOD POSTS3. WOOD PANEL FRAME4. WOOD FENCING - COLOR TO MATCHARCHITECTURE GARAGE DOORS5. ADJACENT BUILDING WALL6. ADJACENT EXISTING PROPERTY WALL7. FINISH SURFACE PER PLAN8. HEAVY DUTY HINGES9. DECORATIVE HANDLE - TBS1'-812"3'-6"2'-412"6'-0"2"3'-3"Elevation76821349245WOOD GATE @ EAST SIDE YARDScale: 1/2" = 1'-0"1. WOOD GATE FRAME - COLOR TO MATCHARCHITECTURE GARAGE DOORS2. 4X4 WOOD POSTS3. WOOD PANEL FRAME4. WOOD FENCING - COLOR TO MATCHARCHITECTURE GARAGE DOORS5. ADJACENT BUILDING WALL6. ADJACENT EXISTING PROPERTY WALL7. FINISH SURFACE PER PLAN8. HEAVY DUTY HINGES9. DECORATIVE HANDLE - TBSElevation3'-0"2'-4"6'-0"2"3'-3"91253642871. GREY STONE CAP2. GREY STONE VENEER3. GREY STONE BASE4. GREY STONE TRIM5. CUSTOM BRONZE LOCKING RECESSEDMAILBOX W/ MAIL SLOT AND PULL-OUTCONTAINER6. FINISH SURFACE PER PLAN7. MAILBOX HANDLE BEYONDMailboxScale: 3/4" = 1'-0"Front ElevationSide Elevation3'-0"1'-712"34"1'-6"34"3"2'-412"412"1'-814"1'-0"3'-0"1'-712"34"1'-6"34"3"2'-412"412"63245163271CDLawn StepsScale: 1" = 1'-0"1. ADJACENT LIMESTONE PAVING PER PLAN2. LIMESTONE TREAD3. LIMESTONE RISER4. MORTAR SETTING BED5. CONCRETE SUB-SLAB6. NOT USED7. PLANTING AREA PER PLAN8. 90% COMPACTED SUB-GRADENOTES:A. STONE SIZE AND SHAPE PER PLAN3'-0"TYP.1'-0"TYP.6"TYP.Section1285734527HGFENPlanter WallScale: 1" = 1'-0"345 NOTES:A. RETAINING WALLS HEIGHT ANDCONSTRUCTION PER CIVIL DRAWINGSB. BLOCK, FOOTING SIZE AND REINFORCEMENTPER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGSC. REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS FORCONCRETE FOOTING AND STEELREINFORCEMENT1. 8"X8"X16" PRECISION CONCRETE BLOCK2. PLASTER TO MATCH ADJACENT BUILDING3. LIMESTONE CAP4. APPROVED WATERPROOFING5. CONCRETE FOOTING6. FINISHED GRADESection66121'-0"MIN.12"30" MAX.OEQ.STD PANEL WIDTH3'-6"Clear Glass Guardrail @ Seawall - Planter AdjacentScale: 3/4" = 1'-0"Section AElevationA NOTES:A. REFER TO MASTER CONSTRUCTIONLEGEND FOR ALL MODEL NUMBERS,COLORS AND FINISHESB. REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR ALLFOOTING, REINFORCING ANDCONNECTION SPECIFICATIONSC. REFER TO CIVIL PLANS FOR DRAINAGED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOPDRAWINGS FOR GLASS GUARDRAILSYSTEMS FOR APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT AND CLIENT PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTIONE. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT GROUT SAMPLEFOR APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONEnlargement - SectionGlass Railing Base ShoeNot To Scale81. 3/4" THICK TEMPERED LAMINATED CLEARGLASS PANEL - REFER TO MASTERCONSTRUCTION LEGEND2. C.R.LAURENCE 9BL56 SERIES SURFACEMOUNT BASE SHOE3. C.R.LAURENCE RUBBER GLAZING GASKET4. C.R.LAURENCE TAPER-LOC TAPER SETFOR LAMINATED TEMPERED GLASS5. C.R.LAURENCE HILTI HUS-EZ OR HILTIHSL-3 ESR ANCHOR BOLT -REFER TOSTRUCTURAL PLANS FOR ADDITIONALANCHORING INFORMATION ANDMANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATIONRECOMMENDATIONS6. SEAWALL PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'SPLANS7. STEEL ANCHOR PLATE PER STRUCTURALPLANS8. EXISTING FINISH GRADE PER PLAN9. BUTT JOINTED GLASS PANELS10. ADJACENT PAVING PER PLAN11. ADJACENT PLANTING PER PLANTING PLAN116611'-8"62314SeeEnlargement9TYP.11575"2'-0"1089.56 EG3'-6"10.9 TWQWall and Railing @ West Back Yard1. EXISTING WALL PER PLAN W/ PLASTERFINISH TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE2. SEAWALL PER ENGINEER'S PLAN3. SEAWALL GLASS GUARDRAIL4. GLASS GUARDRAIL5. GARDEN WALL WITH PLASTER FINISH TOMATCH ARCHITECTURE6. FINISH GRADE PER PLAN7. NEIGHBORING GRADE - BEYONDScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"10.9 TW(18.84) TW1211.81 TW(11.23 TW)(9.96 FG)(8.93 FG)(9.06 TW)4'-0"67743456"13.06 TRSRTSection4"12"14213571. ADJACENT STONE PAVING PER PLAN2. SYNTHETIC TURF3. SYNTHETIC TURF ADHESIVE PER MANUFACTURERRECOMMENDATIONS4. SYNTHETIC TURF BACKING SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURERRECOMMENDATIONS5. WATERPROOFING PER ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS6. CONCRETE SUB-SLAB7. COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE6Limestone StepsScale: 1" = 1'-0"1. ADJACENT LIMESTONE PAVING PERPLAN2. LIMESTONE TREAD3. LIMESTONE RISER4. MORTAR SETTING BED5. CONCRETE SUB-SLAB6. ADJACENT LIMESTONE STEPPER PERPLAN7. PLANTING AREA PER PLAN8. #3 REBAR @ 18" O.C.9. #3 REBAR NOSING BAR (CONTINUOUS)10. #3 DOWEL @18" O.C.11. 4" CRUSHED AGGREGATE12. 90% COMPACTED SUB-GRADE13. EXPANSION JOINTNOTES:A. STONE SIZE AND SHAPE PER PLAN3'-0"TYP.1'-0"TYP.6"TYP.Section1133679111082254121. LIMESTONE STAIRS PER PLAN2. DOCK FINISH SURFACE PER PLAN3. ADJACENT SEAWALL4. ADJACENT GLASS GUARDRAILStairs @ DockScale: 3/4" = 1'-0"Elevation1'-6"EQ.EQ.EQ.6'-2"213437 Construction DetailsL1.52These drawings are instruments of service. EPTDESIGNshall retain all copyrights, statutory and common lawright with regard to these drawings and the designscontained therein in all formats, including printed anddigitized. These drawings are not to be altered in anyway, nor assigned to a third party without first obtainingwritten permission and consent from EPTDESIGN.Plan Control: Construction Docs.DateByJob NumberDesign StaffProject ManagerPrincipalClient8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663T 949.263.1111E21-018ECNEEC1st City Sub. XX Month 20162676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, California2676 Bayshore Dr.Park Design Case Number: 00000000 - PPDApproved Park Plan Number: 0000000 - PPPPlayground Plan Number: 00000000 - PPA--RevisionsCDP Submittal EC 12/20/2021REGRESEISTRASignature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAETC AC ITH INTA TRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 CDP Corrections EC 02/02/2022DKJHWater Wall @ Entry HallwayScale: 3/4" = 1'-0"1.DECORATIVE STONE TILE MATERIAL - TBS2. STONE COLUMNS PER ARCHITECT (BEYOND)3. WELDED STEEL UPPER DISTRIBUTION BASIN4. WELDED STEEL LOWER BASIN5. SUBMERSIBLE PUMP WITH FLOW VALVE BYCONTRACTOR6.12" DIA. COPPER FEED PIPE7. STEEL FRAMING8. BLACK BEACH PEBBLE9. LIMESTONE PAVING PER PLAN ON MORTAR SETTINGBED10. 90% COMPACTED SUB-GRADE11. FINISH SURFACE PER PLAN NOTES:A. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE DRAIN - CONNECT TO SITESEWER LINEB. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AUTOMATIC FILL ANDOVERFLOW DRAIN IN FOUNTAIN3'-1034"9'-10"1012"1012"ALIGN ALIGN 9'-10"6"1'-012"ElevationSection1211221958637104Water Feature @ Entry CourtyardScale: 1/2" = 1'-0"ElevationSection1. 312" THICK LIMESTONE COPING W/ SQ. EDGES2. CUSTOM CARVED STONE URN FOUNTAIN3. STONE PEDESTAL4. WATER LINE.5. ADJACENT LIMESTONE PAVING PER PLAN6. 1"Ø COPPER OVERFLOW STAND PIPE.7. ADJACENT PLANTED AREA PER PLAN8. CONCRETE BASIN.9. CONCRETE PEDESTAL BUILD-UP10. DECORATIVE SPRAY NOZZLE.11. COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICALREPORT.12. WATER LINE IN FROM PUMP.13. WATER LINE IN FROM AUTO-FILL.14. WATER LINE OUT TO PUMP.15. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH BASIN SHALLBE SEALED WATER TIGHT WITH SILICONECAULKING OR OTHER APPROVEDWATERPROOFING COMPOUND.A.B.C.NOTES:CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A REMOTEAUTO-FILL DEVICE & A VARIABLE SPEEDRE-CIRCULATING PUMP. VERIFY LOCATION ONSITE WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TOPURCHASE & INSTALLATION. SUBMIT CUTSHEETS FOR REVIEW & APPROVAL BYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ELECTRICALHOOKUP FOR PUMP.NO WATER THAT SPRAYS INTO THE AIR SHALLLAND OUTSIDE OF THE WATER FEATURE ORINTO ADJACENT LANDSCAPE/ HARDSCAPEAREAS.6'-0"3"3'-0"8"3"8"8"8"1'-012"1'-5"10239417586111213142315715Fire PitScale: 3/4" = 1'-0"3'-0"6'-0"1'-0"3"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3"4'-0"4566111Plan ViewA1'-6"2"6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-8"Section A91043511112876LIMESTONE VENEERC.I.P. CONCRETE FIRE PIT3/4" LAVA ROCK FILLER2" DEPTH OF COLORED TUMBLED GLASS. GLASSTO HAVE 3/4" COVER OVER POINT OF GASDISTRIBUTION. GLASS TO BE TUMBLED COLORTBD, SIZE #2 (1/4"-3/8")FLEXIBLE NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION LINE.SIZE AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS.3/4" DRAIN PIPEADJACENT LIMESTONE PAVINGEXPANSION JOINTELECTRICAL CONNECTIONNATURAL GAS CONNECTIONFIRE IGNITOR. PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS.SAFETY TIMER FOR FOR IGNITION ANDSHUTOFF OF FIRE, IN LOCKABLE ENCLOSURE.PROVIDE SUBMITTAL FOR APPROVAL BYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. Pool and Spa Enlargement Plan1. LIMESTONE COPING2. LOWERED SPA WALL WITH DECORATIVETILE FINISH3. BAJA SHELF4. POOL STAIR5. ADJACENT POOL DECK PER PLAN6. ADJACENT LIMESTONE STEPPERS PERPLAN7. ADJACENT LAWN STAIRS PER PLAN8. INFINITY EDGE SPILL WALL9. SPILL BASIN WALL10. POOL TROUGH WITH DECORATIVE GRATE11. SEAWALL PER ENGINEER'S PLAN12. ADJACENT GLASS GUARDRAIL13. EXISTING WALL PER PLAN14. PROPERTY LINE15. ADJACENT FAMILY ROOM DOORSScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"KL1.52DL1.52111291081256732'-7"12'-0"12'-7"8'-0"4'-0"4'-0"33'-1112"17'-6"7'-6"11'-0"7'-6"6'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"4"8'-4"26'-0"34'-0"17'-0"17'-0"PAPAPAPAPA12411433151413NOTES:A. POOL/SPA ARE DESIGN BUILD -CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDESTRUCTURAL AND MECHANICALENGINEERING AND SUBMIT DRAWINGS TOLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEWB. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALLREQUIRED PERMITSC. POOL SHALL MEET ALL LOCAL AND STATEPOOL CODED. ONLY USE WHOLE TILES. COORDINATEWITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTE. POOL SAFETY COVER SHALL COMPLYWITH ASTM SPECIFICATIONS F1346-91F. POOL SHALL HAVE POOL ALARMS THATWHEN PLACED IN POOL, WILL SOUNDUPON DETECTION OF ACCIDENTAL ORUNAUTHORIZED ENTRANCE INTO WATER.THE POOL ALARMS SHALL MEET AND BEINDEPENDENTLY CERTIFIED TO ASTMSTANDARD F2208 'STANDARDSSPECIFICATION FOR POOL ALARMS' WHICHINCLUDE SURFACE MOTION, PRESSURE,SONAR, LASER AND INFRARED TYPEALARMS. SWIMMING POOL ALARMS SHALLNOT INCLUDE SWIMMING PROTECTIONALARM DEVICES DESIGNED FORINDIVIDUAL USE, SUCH AS AN ALARMATTACHED TO A CHILD THAT SOUNDSWHEN THE CHILD EXCEEDS A CERTAINDISTANCE OR BECOMES SUBMERGED INWATER.HL1.526'-1112"12.5 TC12.5 TC12.5 TCSwimming Pool & Spa SectionScale: 3/8" = 1'-0"1. 3" THICK LIMESTONE COPING2. LOWERED SPA WALL WITH DECORATIVE TILE FINISH3. WATERLINE DECORATIVE TILE4. SPA BENCH5. PLASTER FINISH6. ADJACENT POOL DECK PER PLAN7. INFINITY EDGE SPILL WALL8. SPILL BASIN WALL WITH 2" THICK LIMESTONE CAP9. POOL TROUGH WITH DECORATIVE GRATE10. SEAWALL PER ENGINEER'S PLAN11. GLASS GUARDRAIL BEYOND12. WATERLINE13. EXISTING DREDGE LINE14. NEW TIEBACK PER ENGINEER'S PLAN15. POOL SHELL BY CONTRACTOR16. STONE SLAB - COLOR BLACK SPA WALLS17. 2" THICK STONE10.9 TW11.95 TW2'-0"512"5"452312113101114354.81'-2"159782'-0"3'-7"614'-612"5'-0"NOTES:A. POOL/SPA ARE DESIGN BUILD - CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STRUCTURALAND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND SUBMIT DRAWINGS TO LANDSCAPEARCHITECT FOR REVIEWB. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITSC. POOL SHALL MEET ALL LOCAL AND STATE POOL CODED. ONLY USE WHOLE TILES. COORDINATE WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTE. POOL SAFETY COVER SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM SPECIFICATIONS F1346-91F. POOL SHALL HAVE POOL ALARMS THAT WHEN PLACED IN POOL, WILL SOUNDUPON DETECTION OF ACCIDENTAL OR UNAUTHORIZED ENTRANCE INTOWATER. THE POOL ALARMS SHALL MEET AND BE INDEPENDENTLY CERTIFIEDTO ASTM STANDARD F2208 'STANDARDS SPECIFICATION FOR POOL ALARMS'WHICH INCLUDE SURFACE MOTION, PRESSURE, SONAR, LASER ANDINFRARED TYPE ALARMS. SWIMMING POOL ALARMS SHALL NOT INCLUDESWIMMING PROTECTION ALARM DEVICES DESIGNED FOR INDIVIDUAL USE,SUCH AS AN ALARM ATTACHED TO A CHILD THAT SOUNDS WHEN THE CHILDEXCEEDS A CERTAIN DISTANCE OR BECOMES SUBMERGED IN WATER.Pool Baja Shelf SectionScale: 3/8" = 1'-0"1. 3" THICK LIMESTONE COPING2. LOWERED SPA WALL WITH DECORATIVETILE FINISH3. WATERLINE DECORATIVE TILE4. PLASTER FINISH5. ADJACENT POOL DECK PER PLAN6. WATERLINE7. POOL STAIR8. BAJA SHELF9. POOL SHELL PER CONTRACTOR4'-0"EQ.EQ.EQ.EQ.519867243NOTES:A. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDESTRUCTURAL AND MECHANICALENGINEERING AND SUBMIT DRAWINGS TOLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEWB. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALLREQUIRED PERMITSC. POOL SHALL MEET ALL LOCAL AND STATEPOOL CODED. POOL FENCING SHALL COMPLY WITHMUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 15E. ONLY USE WHOLE TILES. COORDINATEWITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTScale: 1 1/2"-1'-0"Pool Coping1. LIMESTONE COPING2. WATERLINE TILE3. PLASTER POOL FINISH4. POOL SHELL BY POOL CONTRACTOR5. MORTAR SETTING BED6. ADJACENT POOL DECK PER PLAN7. 90% COMPACTED SUB-GRADE8. WATERLINE9. EXPANSION JOINT3"1"1'-6"1'-0"9"65197823438 Master IrrigationLegend, Notes &MWELO WorksheetL2.00These drawings are instruments of service. EPTDESIGNshall retain all copyrights, statutory and common lawright with regard to these drawings and the designscontained therein in all formats, including printed anddigitized. These drawings are not to be altered in anyway, nor assigned to a third party without first obtainingwritten permission and consent from EPTDESIGN.Plan Control: Construction Docs.DateByJob NumberDesign StaffProject ManagerPrincipalClient8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663T 949.263.1111E21-018ECNEEC1st City Sub. XX Month 20162676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, California2676 Bayshore Dr.Park Design Case Number: 00000000 - PPDApproved Park Plan Number: 0000000 - PPPPlayground Plan Number: 00000000 - PPA--RevisionsCDP Submittal EC 12/20/2021REGRESEISTRASignature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAETC AC ITH INTA TRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 12/17/21CDP Corrections EC 02/02/2022IRRIGATION VALVE CALLOUT:Line Size 2 1/2"and smaller.3300 - 2" Normally OpenMaster Valve33-DNP - 3/4" Quick Coupler ValvePESB-R PRS-DRSD-BEx - Rain SensorESP-LXME-FS-MP orWeatherTRAK PRO3MainlineLateral LinePVC SleevesLATERAL LINE SIZING CHARTExisting MainlineSuperiorNibcoRainBirdRainBirdRainBirdRainBirdTFSBTRPTPVC SCH. 40 IPS purple pipe - sleeves shall be installed for any mainline, lateral, orwires crossing under hardscape per irrigation construction notes. Size to be twotimes the pipe diameter or wire bundle.Protect in place.Irrigation controller assembly with flow sensing and ET capability located perirrigation plans. See irrigation construction notes for more information.Rain Sensor. Verify location in field.Remote control valve, angle flow pattern, purple colored flow control handle, size perplan. Install in purple rectangle Carson Valve Box.Quick coupler valve with purple locking rubber cover.Install in purple round Carson Valve Box per detail.Size per plan. Install per detail. See irrigation construction notes for additionalinformation and model numbers.Master Valve to be installed in rectangle valve box adjacent to flow sensor.For mainline sizes 3" and larger, use Nibco F-619-SON, epoxy coated. Assemblewith stainless steel hardware. Install in a 10" round valve box.Remote control valve kit with pressure regulating basket filter. Install in purplerectangle Carson Valve Box per detail.RainBirdXCZ-PRB-100-COMT-111 Gate Valve - - up to 25 GPMXCZ-PRB-150-COM - up to 35 GPMIrrigation Mainline - Reclaimed water purple pipe.PVC SCH. 40 IPS for mainline sizes 1" to 2"PVC Class 315 IPS for mainline sizes 2 1/2" and largerSleeve mainline per notes and details.Lateral Pipe - Reclaimed water purple pipe.Minimum pipe size shall be 3/4" - size laterals per plan.PVC SCH. 40 IPS for sizes 3/4" to 2 1/2"PVC Class 315 IPS for sizes 3" and largerDOMESTIC WATER POINT OF CONNECTIONEQUIPMENT SIZES:POC = WATER METERWM = WATER METERBS = BASKET STRAINERMV = MASTER VALVEFS = FLOW SENSORPLANT MATERIALABBREVIATIONS:MVFSRBS MV FSCONTROLLERP.O.C.WMDOMESTIC WATER METER LOCATIONNOTE # ON SHEET SEE IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION X-XXXXStation No.GPMValve SizePlant TypeRWS-B-C-1402 (.50 GPM)1402 on 1802 w/ PA-80RainBird RainBird TLSOV - Manual Flush ValveDrip ConnectorBubbler in Sleeve with GrateFlood Bubbler on 2" pop-up Spray Head30 .50---30 .50----/L2.xx-/L2.xx-/L2.xx-NetafimNetafim0.6 GPH Flow Rate30-/L2.xxIrrigation Dripline -Techline CV Dripline TLCV6-18Space lateral rows at 18".Dripper spacing at 18".Install 3" min - 6" max below grade per specifications.Application rate: 0.43 in/hr. Time to apply 1/4": 36 minutes.--/L2.xx40--/L2.xx-40--.401.47.7415'-19' MP2000-360 on PRO-06-PRS40-CVMP2000-90 on PRO-06-PRS40-CVHunterHunter15'-19'06" Pop-Up Turf Rotary Nozzle06" Pop-Up Turf Rotary Nozzle--Netafim(Shrub)IRRIGATION LEGENDDESCRIPTIONPSIFHQA@180°DETAILFLOW RATE IN GPMSYMBOLMODEL NO. WITH NOZZLE SIZE & TYPERAD.FHQAMANF.Install per manufacturers specifications.Flow HDWeatherTRAKNOTE:THE LATERAL SIZEBETWEEN TWOIDENTICAL TICK MARKSSHALL BE SIZED THESAME. MINIMUM PIPESIZE IS 3/4".ExistingMProtect in place-1812-SAM-PRS 5'-H, QRainBird 5'12" Pop-Up Shrub Spray Head30 1.5----/L2.xx1. Pre-job/kick-off meeting with contractor, general contractor, and irrigation designer.2. Mainline, basket strainers, master valves, flow sensors, booster pump installation and operation, installation review prior to backfillingtrenches, irrigation mainline pressure test, etc.3. Finalizing the location for the controller assemblies - landscape contractor shall coordinate with the irrigation designer to verifyconnection of flow sensors and associated equipment to each controller assembly and for certification/warranty of equipment.4. Irrigation coverage test - a dynamic pressure test shall be performed by the landscape contractor and shall be observed by the owner(or the owner's representative) and the irrigation designer for each valve during the irrigation coverage test.The landscape contractor shall schedule an irrigation site observation by the irrigation designer, and/or the owner's representative, which shallnot occur without at least 48 hours prior notification. The following items shall be reviewed:OBSERVATION SCHEDULING1. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for familiarizing themselves with all differences in grade, location of seatwalls, location ofretaining walls, etc. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all irrigation work with the general contractor, electricalcontractor, and all other subcontractors for the location and the installation of irrigation related sleeves through walls, structures, underroadways, paving, etc.2. The irrigation design presented in these documents is intended to be diagrammatic. All irrigation equipment, piping and valve locations,etc. shown within paved areas are for design clarification and shall only be installed in planting areas. Irrigation contractor shall install allremote control valves, quick couplers, and gate valves, in shrub planting areas or as approved by owner's representative & the landscapeirrigation designer. Avoid any conflicts between the sprinkler system, planting and architectural features.3. The irrigation system design is based upon the minimum operating pressure and the maximum flow demand shown on the irrigationdrawings at each point of connection. The irrigation contractor shall verify water pressure prior to construction. Any difference betweenthe water pressure indicated on the drawings and the actual pressure reading at the irrigation point of connection shall be immediatelyreported in writing to the owner's authorized representative. If the pressure differences are not immediately reported prior to beginningconstruction, the irrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for all revisions to the irrigation system deemed necessary by theowner's representative and all costs associated with those revisions.4. When it is apparent to the landscape contractor in the field that obstructions, grade differences, or differences in the calculated areadimensions exist that may have not been considered in the design of the system, the irrigation contractor shall not willfully install theirrigation system as indicated on the construction drawings. The owner's authorized representative shall be notified in writing of any suchobstructions or differences prior to beginning any irrigation installation. If notification is not received prior to beginning installation, theirrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for all revisions to the irrigation system as deemed necessary by owner'srepresentative and all costs associated with those revisions.5. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for installing all control wire sleeving of sufficient size, under all paved areas in addition tothe control wire sleeving shown on the drawings.6. All piping and equipment shall be installed per the irrigation details. Teflon tape or Teflon pipe dope shall be applied to all male PVC pipethreads on all irrigation valve assemblies.7. All pop-up style irrigation heads located in in shrub or groundcover areas shall be installed so the top of the irrigation head is 1" abovefinish grade.8. All pop-up style irrigation heads to be located in turf areas shall initially be installed so the top of the irrigation heads are flush with theadjacent sidewalk or curb. Within 10 days of being notified by the owner's representative, the irrigation contractor shall be responsible foradjusting all turf irrigation heads so the top of the irrigation head is 1/2" above finish grade.9. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for flushing and adjusting all irrigation heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto areas not intended for irrigation. This shall include selecting the proper the arc pattern, adjusting the spray radius of theirrigation head with PRS screens and/or also throttling the flow control at each valve to obtain the optimum operating pressure for eachsystem.10. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for adjusting the pressure regulator on each electric control valve so the irrigation headfarthest and highest in elevation from its associated control valve functions within the operating pressure shown on the irrigation legend(not to exceed 5 PSI above the indicated operating pressure).11. When installing Rain Bird 1800 series nozzles that require arc patterns other than the standard arc patterns (e.g., 360°, 180°, and 90°),the contractor shall use the appropriate fixed arc pattern (e.g. 120°, 240°, 270°). The contractor shall use Rain Bird variable arc nozzles(VAN) when installing irrigation heads using Rain Bird 1800 series nozzles only when required pattern is not one of the fixed arc patterns.Select the radius of VAN nozzles to match site conditions. For example: use 8-VAN where an 8 foot radius is required or a 12-VANwhere a 12 foot radius is required.12. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for making field adjustments to the irrigation system by installing a quarter circle or halfcircle sprinkler head on each side of any vertical element (props, street lights, trees, etc.) which prevents proper coverage by interferingwith the spray pattern of the irrigation head. All adjustments shall be made at no additional costs to the owner.13. Drainage of irrigation water through spray head will not be allowed. Rain Bird SAM feature shall be used to prevent spray head drainage.During construction, the contractor shall change spray bodies from Rain Bird 1800-PRS to 1800-SAM-PRS for spray heads showingsigns of draining after the irrigation system has operated from an ON to OFF position. Installation of Rain Bird SAM feature shall beincluded in the Bid Price of the irrigation system.14. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for making the final connection between the power source and the automatic controller. 120volt electrical power source shall be provided by others at the automatic controller location.15. Adhesives, sealants and caulks shall meet local or regional air pollution control or South Coast AQMD rule 1168 VOC and statewideVOC standards.16. Contractor shall verify exterior mounted rain sensor location and provide wiring between rain sensor and controller.GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTESA7A7A9A7A7A13A7A7A8A7A7A5A7A5A3A3A3A1A1A1A1A3A3A9A13RESIDENCEBAYSHORE DRIVEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE3"2-1/2"2"1-1/2"1-1/41"3/4"3" 3" 3"4" 4" 4"6"3"25-404"41-482-1/2"17-242" MIN.0-161. Sleeves are required for all irrigation pipe and control wire conduit under paving(typical). Refer to Irrigation Sleeve Sizes and Control Wire Conduit Charts forappropriate sleeve and conduit sizing.2. For drawing clarity, not all irrigation sleeves are sized but shall be installed andincluded as part of the contractor's bid. Also, for drawing clarity, not all conduits andirrigation sleeves are shown. Contractor is responsible for installation for sleevesand conduits of appropriate size under all paved areas as well as all sleeve pipesand conduits that are shown on the drawings.3. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for familiarizing themselves with alldifferences in grade, location of seatwalls, location of retaining walls, etc. Thecontractor shall be responsible for coordinating all irrigation work with the generalcontractor, electrical contractor, and all other subcontractors for the location and theinstallation of irrigation related sleeves through walls, structures, under roadways,paving, etc.The irrigation design presented in these documents is intended to be diagrammatic. Allirrigation equipment, piping and valve locations, etc. shown within paved areas are fordesign clarification and shall only be installed in planting areas. Irrigation Contractor shallinstall all remote control valves, quick couplers, and gate valves, in shrub planting areasor as approved by owner's representative & the landscape irrigation designer. Avoid anyconflicts between the sprinkler system, planting and architectural features.1. All irrigation equipment, piping and valve locations, etc. shown withinpaved areas are for design clarification and shall only be installed inplanting areas (typical).2. Locations of automatic controller, backflow preventer, master valve, andflow sensor are approximate. Owner's representative shall determinefinal and precise positioning of above grade installation of irrigationequipment. Contractor to stake out all above grade irrigation equipmentlocations for review by owner's representative. Owner approval to beobtained prior to installation. Contractor shall provide minoradjustments of above grade irrigation equipment locations at noadditional cost to the owner. If owner approval is not received prior tobeginning installation, the irrigation contractor shall assume fullresponsibility for all revisions to the equipment locations as deemednecessary by owner's representative and all costs associated with thoserevisions.3. Locations of remote control valves and gate valves are approximate.Owner's representative shall determine final and precise positioning ofabove grade installation of remote control valves and gate valves.Contractor to stake out all remote control valve and gate valve locationsfor review by owner's representative. Owner approval to be obtainedprior to installation. See irrigation details for additional installationinformation. Contractor shall provide minor adjustments of remotecontrol valve and gate valve locations at no additional cost to the owner.If owner approval is not received prior to beginning installation, theirrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for all revisions tothe remote control valve and gate valve locations as deemed necessaryby owner's representative and all costs associated with those revisions.EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTEHYDROZONE LEGENDSYMBOL DESCRIPTION Low Water Use Plants (Drip)A1A2-Med Water Use Tree (Spray)Low Water Use Plants (Drip)A3A4-Med Water Use Tree (Bubbler)Med Water Use Plants (Drip)A5A6-Med Water Use Tree (Spray)Low Water Use Plants (Drip)A7Low Water Use Turf (Spray)A8Med Water Use Plants (Drip)A9A10-Low Water Use Tree (Spray)A11-Med Water Use Tree (Spray)A12-Low Water Use Tree (Bubbler)Pool & Water FeaturesA1339 RAIrrigation PlanL2.01These drawings are instruments of service. EPTDESIGNshall retain all copyrights, statutory and common lawright with regard to these drawings and the designscontained therein in all formats, including printed anddigitized. These drawings are not to be altered in anyway, nor assigned to a third party without first obtainingwritten permission and consent from EPTDESIGN.Plan Control: Construction Docs.DateByJob NumberDesign StaffProject ManagerPrincipalClient8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663T 949.263.1111E21-018ECNEEC1st City Sub. XX Month 20162676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, California2676 Bayshore Dr.Park Design Case Number: 00000000 - PPDApproved Park Plan Number: 0000000 - PPPPlayground Plan Number: 00000000 - PPA--RevisionsCDP Submittal EC 12/20/2021REGRESEISTRASignature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAETC AC ITH INTA TRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 12/17/21CDP Corrections EC 02/02/2022024816 FeetScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERESIDENCEBAYSHORE DRIVEPOOLSPAIRRIGATION VALVE CALLOUT:Line Size 2 1/2"and smaller.3300 - 2" Normally OpenMaster Valve33-DNP - 3/4" Quick Coupler ValvePESB-R PRS-DRSD-BEx - Rain SensorESP-LXME-FS-MP orWeatherTRAK PRO3MainlineLateral LinePVC SleevesLATERAL LINE SIZING CHARTExisting MainlineSuperiorNibcoRainBirdRainBirdRainBirdRainBirdRainBirdXCZ-PRB-100-COMT-111 Gate Valve - - up to 25 GPMXCZ-PRB-150-COM - up to 35 GPMMVFSRX-XXXXStation No.GPMValve SizePlant TypeRWS-B-C-1402 (.50 GPM)1402 on 1802 w/ PA-80RainBird RainBird TLSOV - Manual Flush ValveDrip ConnectorNetafimNetafimIrrigation Dripline -Techline CV Dripline TLCV6-1815'-19'MP2000-360 on PRO-06-PRS40-CVMP2000-90 on PRO-06-PRS40-CVHunterHunter15'-19'--Netafim(Shrub)IRRIGATION LEGENDSYMBOLMODEL NO. WITH NOZZLE SIZE & TYPERAD.FHQAMANF.Flow HDWeatherTRAKNOTE:THE LATERAL SIZEBETWEEN TWOIDENTICAL TICK MARKSSHALL BE SIZED THESAME. MINIMUM PIPESIZE IS 3/4".ExistingM1812-SAM-PRS 5'-H, QRainBird 5'3"2-1/2"2"1-1/2"1-1/41"3/4"3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6"3"25-404"41-482-1/2"17-242" MIN.0-161. Sleeves are required for all irrigation pipe and control wire conduit under paving(typical). Refer to Irrigation Sleeve Sizes and Control Wire Conduit Charts forappropriate sleeve and conduit sizing.2. For drawing clarity, not all irrigation sleeves are sized but shall be installed andincluded as part of the contractor's bid. Also, for drawing clarity, not all conduits andirrigation sleeves are shown. Contractor is responsible for installation for sleevesand conduits of appropriate size under all paved areas as well as all sleeve pipesand conduits that are shown on the drawings.3. The irrigation contractor shall be responsible for familiarizing themselves with alldifferences in grade, location of seatwalls, location of retaining walls, etc. Thecontractor shall be responsible for coordinating all irrigation work with the generalcontractor, electrical contractor, and all other subcontractors for the location and theinstallation of irrigation related sleeves through walls, structures, under roadways,paving, etc.The irrigation design presented in these documents is intended to be diagrammatic. Allirrigation equipment, piping and valve locations, etc. shown within paved areas are fordesign clarification and shall only be installed in planting areas. Irrigation Contractor shallinstall all remote control valves, quick couplers, and gate valves, in shrub planting areasor as approved by owner's representative & the landscape irrigation designer. Avoid anyconflicts between the sprinkler system, planting and architectural features.SB11"A1TR151A2EXISTING WATER METERCONTRACTOR TO FIELDVERIFY LOCATION ANDCONNECT TO DOMESTICWATER LINE.TFSBTRPTDOMESTIC WATER POINT OF CONNECTIONEQUIPMENT SIZES:POC = WATER METERWM = WATER METERBS = BASKET STRAINERMV = MASTER VALVEFS = FLOW SENSORPLANT MATERIALABBREVIATIONS:BS MV FSCONTROLLERP.O.C.WMDOMESTIC WATER METER LOCATIONNOTE # ON SHEET SEE IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION SB31"A3TR11"A4SB11"A5SB51"A7TF61"A8TR91"A6BF MVCONTROLLERP.O.C.DOMESTIC WATER METER LOCATIONNOTE # ON SHEET SEE IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION L2.501A2"1 1/2"A1. All irrigation equipment, piping and valve locations, etc. shown withinpaved areas are for design clarification and shall only be installed inplanting areas (typical).2. Locations of automatic controller, backflow preventer, master valve, andflow sensor are approximate. Owner's representative shall determinefinal and precise positioning of above grade installation of irrigationequipment. Contractor to stake out all above grade irrigation equipmentlocations for review by owner's representative. Owner approval to beobtained prior to installation. Contractor shall provide minoradjustments of above grade irrigation equipment locations at noadditional cost to the owner. If owner approval is not received prior tobeginning installation, the irrigation contractor shall assume fullresponsibility for all revisions to the equipment locations as deemednecessary by owner's representative and all costs associated with thoserevisions.3. Locations of remote control valves and gate valves are approximate.Owner's representative shall determine final and precise positioning ofabove grade installation of remote control valves and gate valves.Contractor to stake out all remote control valve and gate valve locationsfor review by owner's representative. Owner approval to be obtainedprior to installation. See irrigation details for additional installationinformation. Contractor shall provide minor adjustments of remotecontrol valve and gate valve locations at no additional cost to the owner.If owner approval is not received prior to beginning installation, theirrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for all revisions tothe remote control valve and gate valve locations as deemed necessaryby owner's representative and all costs associated with those revisions.EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTESB21"A9TR61"A10TR151"A11TR111"A1240 Planting PlanL3.01These drawings are instruments of service. EPTDESIGNshall retain all copyrights, statutory and common lawright with regard to these drawings and the designscontained therein in all formats, including printed anddigitized. These drawings are not to be altered in anyway, nor assigned to a third party without first obtainingwritten permission and consent from EPTDESIGN.Plan Control: Construction Docs.DateByJob NumberDesign StaffProject ManagerPrincipalClient8 Bayshore Partnership L.P.2676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, CA 92663T 949.263.1111E21-018ECNEEC1st City Sub. XX Month 20162676 Bayshore DriveNewport Beach, California2676 Bayshore Dr.Park Design Case Number: 00000000 - PPDApproved Park Plan Number: 0000000 - PPPPlayground Plan Number: 00000000 - PPA--RevisionsCDP Submittal EC 12/20/2021REGRESEISTRASignature10/31/23Expiration DateDANDLEPCSAETC AC ITH INTA TRCDateOFEOIFALNORDERIKSSONNo.2858 12/17/21CDP Corrections EC 02/02/2022024816 FeetScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERESIDENCEBAYSHORE DRIVESETBACKSETBACKSETBACKPOOLNAMESYMBOLNAMESYMBOLPLANTING LEGEND: Trees and Boxed PlantsCUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENSITALIAN CYPRESSPLANTING LEGEND: ShrubsPHOENIX CANARIENSISCANARY ISLAND DATE PALMLAVANDULA DENTATAFRENCH LAVENDERSIZE36"BOX42DETAILD,L / L3.51WATERREQ.*QTYLOWLOW24'CTHSIZEDETAILQTY5 GAL@ 24" O.C.6WATERREQ.*G,H,L / L3.51ARCHONTOPHOENIX CUNNINGHAMIANAKING PALMPLUMERIA RUBRAFRANGIPANIWESTRINGIA FRUITICOSA 'GREY BOX'GREY BOX WESTRINGIA5 GAL@ 24" O.C.167LOWLOWCALYSTEGIA MACROSTEGIACOAST MORNING GLORY (STAKED)15 GALPER PLAN2MAINTAIN @ 18" HT.STAKEDNOTESLAURUS NOBILISSWEET BAYMAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORASOUTHERN MAGNOLIALOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'BREEZE'DWARF MAT RUSHWESTRINGIA 'WYNYABBIE GEM'WYNYABBIE GEM WESTRINGIAMEDLOWLOWMEDLOWLOWCAMELLIA JAPONICA 'NUCCIO'S GEM' (ESPALIER)NUCCIO'S GEM CAMELLIAMED24"BOX5 GAL@ 36" O.C.5 GAL@ 36" O.C.DIETES X 'NOLA ALBA'KATRINA AFRICAN IRIS5 GAL@ 24" O.C.DIANELLA REVULTA 'LITTLE REV'LITTLE REV DIANELLA5 GAL@ 18" O.C.24"BOXRHUS INTEGRIFOLIALEMONADE BERRYLOW24"BOXLOWLOW15 GALPER PLANNOTESHEDGE FORM, MAINTAIN @ 8' HT.MATCHING, WHITE FLOWERING, MAINTAIN @8' HT. MAX.MATCHED PAIRMATCHING, MAINTAIN @ 12' HT. MAX.14517494CARISSA MACROCARPA 'BOXWOOD BEAUTY'THORNLESS NATAL PLUMLOW5 GAL@ 24" O.C.541631786736"BOX810' BTH16' BTHSINGLE TRUNKS, (1X) 48" BOX & (12X) 36"BOXG,H,L / L3.51D / L3.51C / L3.51 C,L / L3.51 C / L3.51B,C / L3.51B / L3.51B,C / L3.51B,C / L3.51A,B,C / L3.51A,C / L3.51I / L3.51A,B,C / L3.51 J / L3.51LOWESPALIERED, MAINTAIN @ 6' HT.MAINTAIN @ 6' HT. MAX.MAINTAIN @ 30" HT.MAINTAIN @ 36" HT.MAINTAIN @ 24" HT.MAINTAIN @ 36" HT.MAINTAIN @ 36" HT.MAINTAIN @ 36" HT.SPAPLANTING LEGEND: Tuf and GroundcoverNAMESYMBOLSIZEDETAILQTYWATERREQ.**WATER REQUIREMENT PLANT FACTOR IS BASED ON WUCOLS DATABASE AND CAN BE FOUND ONLINE AT:http://ucanr.eduedu/sites/WUCOLS/PLANTING PLAN DESIGN USES DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS AND DOES NOT INCLUDE INVASIVE SPECIESNOTESAGROSTIS PALLENSNATIVE BENT GRASSSISYRINCHIUM BELLUMBLUE EYED GRASSLOW1 GAL@12" O.C.1112 SF112 SFB,C / L3.51-SODLOWRECIRCULATING WATERFEATURERECIRCULATING WATERFEATURE41 SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTDNCOURTYARDBELOW8 3/8:12SECONDFLOORTERRACESECONDFLOORWALKWAY5:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:125:123 5/8:128 3/8:128 3/8:125:123 5/8:123 5/8:12POTENTIALFUTUREROOF DECKLOCATION(473 SF)8 3/8:125:123 5/8:125:12GENERATOR5:12301DECKROOF3 5/8:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:12PROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEBAYSHORE DRIVEN06°17'36"WN60°06'30"WN09°48'48"EL= 80.82', R=287.50' = 016°06'24"10'-0"FRONTYARDSETBACK4'-0"SIDEYARDSETBACK10'-0"REARYARD SETBACKTWO STORY BUILDING2672 BAYSHORE DRIVEDETACHED GARAGETWO STORY BUILDING2686 BAYSHORE DRIVEDOCKSEA WALL157.26'170.16'245.13'EXISTINGRESIDENCEDASHED5'-678"5'-534"11'-0"9'-738"8"11'-218"5'-538"5'-358"15'-678"8'-034"10'-10"15'-2"18'-578"13'-1078"3'-638"10'-778"17'-5 14"3'-134"15'-418"6'-1112"17'-178"24'-1 38"CHIMNEYCHIMNEYCHIMNEY35'-11"10'-9"4'-0"SIDEYARDSETBACK92'-1112" TO P.L.64'-5" TO P.L.07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.SITE PLANA1.0SCALE:1/8"=1'-0"A1.01BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - OVERALL SITE PLANNPROJECTNORTH0 4 81624 FEETCOMPARISON BETWEEN PROPOSED AND EXISTINGA.P.N.: 049-191-16LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PORTION OF LOT 171 BLOCK 54 IRVINE SUBDIVISIONBK 1, PG 88, M.M. 1142 PROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEBAYSHORE DRIVEN06°17'36"WN60°06'30"WN09°48'48"EL= 80.82', R=287.50' = 016°06'24"10'-0"FRONTYARDSETBACK4'-0"SIDEYARDSETBACK10'-0"REARYARD SETBACKTWO STORY BUILDING2672 BAYSHORE DRIVEDETACHED GARAGETWO STORY BUILDING2686 BAYSHORE DRIVEDOCKSEA WALL157.26'170.16'245.13'EXISTINGRESIDENCE4'-0"SIDEYARDSETBACK2 STORY SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENCE2676 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA92663APN: 049-191-16LOT 54 OF TRACT 907KEY:DEMOLISHDEMOLISH ALL EXISTINGPAVINGEXISTINGPAVING20 DEC. 2021AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #2DEC. 20, 2021PERMIT SETDEMOLITIONPLANA1.1SCALE:1/8"=1'-0"A1.11BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - DEMO PLANNPROJECTNORTH0 4 81624 FEETNOTES:1. SITE TO BE FENCED AT A HEIGHT BETWEEN 72 AND 84 INCHES USING A CHAIN LINK OVERLAID ON THE EXTERIOR WITH AN OPAQUE VINYL FENCE2. COMPLY WITH CITY ORDINANCE 2019-9 FOR STRUCTURES WITHIN HIGH DENSITYAREAS.3. ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE WET AT TIME OF HANDLING TO PREVENT DUST.4. SEWER LINE SHALL BE CAPPED.5. ALL BASEMENT FILLS SHALL BE CLEAN AND UNIFORM.6. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS ARE TO REMAIN CLEAN AND FREE OF ANYOBSTRUCTIONS.7. PEDESTRIAN CANOPY PROTECTION REQUIRED IF DEMOLITION IS WITHIN 10 FEET OFPUBLIC SIDEWALK.8. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON-SITE BETWEEN OCTOBER 15AND MAY 15.9. BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INPLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHENEVER THE FIVE-DAYPROBABILITY OF RAIN EXCEEDS 30 PERCENT. DURING THE REMAINDER OF THEYEAR, THEY SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY, WHENEVERTHE DAILY RAINFALL PROBABILITY EXCEEDS 50 PERCENT.10. TEMPORARY DESILTING BASINS, WHEN REQUIRED, SHALL BE INSTALLED ANDMAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT.EXISTING SQUARE FOOTAGE:- LOWER FLOOR AREA = 6,667 SQ.FT.- UPPER FLOOR AREA = 3,367 SQ. FT.TOTAL EXISTING RESIDENCE SQUARE FOOTAGE = 10,034 SQ.FT.EXISTING BEDROOM COUNT:- LOWER FLOOR BEDROOMS = 2 BEDROOMS- UPPER FLOOR BEDROOMS = 3 BEDROOMSTOTAL EXISTING BEDROOM COUNT = 5 BEDROOMS43 ABCDEFG1472356147CDEFGAB21'-038"1A3.1A3.12A4.11A4.11A3.21A3.22A4.12A4.121A4.21A4.22A4.22A4.25'-334"25'-4"4'-914"20'-758"18'-038"17'-1014"91'-1118"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"108'-5"29'-3"5'-2"71'-7"39'-214"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"118'-414"UP[22r @ 7"h]LAYLIGHTFOUNTAIN5' x 9'UP[24r @ 6.5"h]MURPHYBEDOPEN PATTERNEDBRONZE GATESBLIND BOOKSHELF DOOR(SAFE ROOM DOOR)UP[21r @ 7 5/16"h]64 GALLONTRASH CANSPROPERTYLINE36" BBQ WITH 15" SIDEBURNER (HOOD ABOVE)WORKBENCHLINE OF ROOFABOVESHELVESELEC.PANELSWORKBENCHBLIND DOORW/ ART ASFOCAL POINTLAYLIGHTFP60" x 20"FP 60" x 20"1-011-021-031-041-051-001-071-081-091-101-111-121-141-151-161-171-181-191-201-221-231-241-251-261-271-281-291-301-311-321-331-341-351-361-371-391-381-431-401-421-441-45LAYLIGHTLAYLIGHT3'x4'18' x 26'PROPERTYLINE5'-718"4'-0"7'-6"7'-111516"5'-0"5'-0", TYP.20'-1116"5'-0"6'-6"16'-0"6'-71516"23'-91116"8'-1138"8'-1138"3'-2"2'-9"2'-3"2'-3"11'-41116"7'-6"17'-0516"25'-078"9'-612"8'-11716"7'-9516"4'-0"6'-9"15'-312"15'-312"41'-0"2'-014"17'-0"4'-214"15'-2"1'-0"11"4'-6"5'-0"6'-0"4'-0"25'-814"24'-114"5'-0"15'-0"6'-0"24'-0"23'-1078"4'-10"13'-714"10'-0116"4'-0"PROPERTYLINE4'-0"3'-6"5'-11516"9'-0", TYP.9'-0", TYP.MIRROR+30"+36"+36"139COURTYARDSERVICE20'-334"1-412'-3"2'-3"2'-3"2'-3"64 GALLONTRASH CANS3'-0"FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']17'-6"STORAGECONTINUESUNDERSTAIRMAIL5'-0"R4'-0"3'-11"LAYLIGHT117MGR.116COLD115PANT.118LAUNDRY114KITCHENSERVICE143CLO.113KITCHEN112ROOMFAMILY119S. FAMILY HALL120VEST.121BCLO.121HALLN. FAMILY140STORAGEOUTDOOR141P.R.GARDEN142STOR.OUTDOOR137ENTRYWAYOUTDOOR136GARBAGE135GARAGEWEST126BW.C.126LADIES126AVEST.125ACOATS125BCOATS123CHINA124STORAGE125HALLNORTH122STAIRBACK111DINING ROOM110HALLSOUTH109LOGGIA127AVEST.127P.R.127BW.C.103VEST.104HALLENTRANCE105ELEV.106BAR107STOR.WINE108ROOMLIVING131POOL EQUIP.130BATHGUEST130AVEST.129W.I.C.128AVEST.128STUDYHIS132ELEC.133STORAGE134GARAGEEAST102COURTYARD101PASSAGE100ENTRY PORCHCOVERED130AW.C.130BSHWR.114AKITCHEN VEST.SERVICENO FOODPREPARATIONFACILITIESALLOWED INTHIS SUITE20'-0"10'-0"10'-0"20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"20'-0"10'-0"24'-7916"21'-778"25'-812"25'-8916"24'-21116"92'-1112" TO P.L.64'-5" TO P.L.1122TOTALBOTTLES1.0% GRADEPER CIVIL1.0% GRADEPER CIVILABCDEFG1472356147CDEFGAB21'-038"1A3.1A3.12A4.11A4.11A3.21A3.22A4.12A4.121A4.21A4.22A4.22A4.25'-334"25'-4"4'-914"20'-758"18'-038"17'-1014"91'-1118"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"108'-5"29'-3"5'-2"71'-7"39'-214"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"118'-414"1234 A3.31234 A3.412 A3.51234 A3.807 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.FIRST FLOORPLANA2.1SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A2.11BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - FIRST FLOOR PLAN0 2 4812 FEETNPROJECTNORTH1111144 6'-0"13'-1078"15'-4516"17'-118"19'-858"4'-6"13'-10"16'-618"3'-6"5'-6"5'-412"5'-0"1'-0"3'-6"15'-878"6'-1"3'X4'OPEN TOBELOWUP TO ROOFLAYLIGHTLAYLIGHTDN[24r @ 6.5"h]DN[22r @ 7"h]MIRROR15'-178"5'-6"SECURITY, TBDSTACKEDW/D5'-0"3'-6"3'-0"4'-8"9'-714"8'-11"12'-0"7'-712"TV ABOVEDRESSER5'-2"12'-1158"18" UCREF.3'-6"4'-6"7'-21116"8'-6916"8'-5716"4'-2116"6'-918"4'-1"15'-258"5'-3"3'-3"LAYLIGHTTOWELS7'-0"DN[21r @ 75/16"h]7'-7"7'-7"6'-0"19'-858"3'-0"3'-6"PROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINESOLATUBE23'-101116"8'-11716"8'-11716"4"4'-0"19'-958"3'-6"LAYLIGHT3'-6"LAYLIGHT W/ AUTOMATIC SHADESLAYLIGHT W/ AUTOMATIC SHADES6"BOOKSSECRETPASSAGE11'-71316"TV ABOVE2-012-022-032-042-052-062-072-082-092-102-112-122-132-142-152-162-172-182-252-262-272-28LAYLIGHT7'-0"LAYLIGHTLAYLIGHT2-292-302-312-322-342-33CL.CL.5'-0", TYP.211ROOMSITTING43'-238"14'-2516"14'-2516"SOLATUBES5'-4"2-352-362-372-382-392-442-457'-0"STACKEDW/DINTEGRATEDSTONE SINK2-192-202-212-232-2423'-1058"3'-0"SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']LAYLIGHT212BALCONY213ASUPPLIESOFFICE213STUDYHER215BALCONY214BATH202LINEN204BEDROOMGUEST207BALCONY206BATH206BW.C.206ASHWR.205W.I.C.203VEST.203ACLO.105ELEV.228STORAGE227MECHANICALOUTDOOR226STORAGE201LANDINGUPPER225HALL200BELOWCOURTYARD229GYMSTUDIO /231W.I.C.230BATH230BW.C.230ASHWR.234ADU BEDROOM236ADU W.I.C.235ADU BATH233ROOMADU LIVING232ENTRYWAYOUTDOOR221CLEATHERFURS / 200ACLO.221BHER DRESSING ROOM221AHER DRESSING ROOM221DLUGG.222SALON224LAUNDRY223BACK STAIR210VEST.209HALLMBR208COFFEE216BEDROOMMASTER218BATHHIS217AVEST.217HALLMASTER219HIS DRESS.218BW.C.218ASHWR.220HER BATH220AW.C.220BSHWR.PLUMBFORFUTURESHOWER42" TALLRAILINGOPEN TO LAYLIGHTBELOWFP 48" x 20"VERTICALLAYLIGHTVERTICALLAYLIGHTVERTICALLAYLIGHTLAYLIGHTLAYLIGHTLADDERLOC. TBD237ACCESSLAYLIGHTVERTICALLAYLIGHTOPEN TO THE SKYREF/FRZDWMICROCOOKTOPDOUBLE HANGINGSINGLEHANGING25'-6" S.H.20' D.H.DRESSER ORBASE CABINET3'-6"3'-6"STORAGE BELOWSTORAGE ABOVE18' D.H.STORAGE ABOVE16' D.H.STORAGE ABOVE18"DISPLAY3'-6"3'-6"18"DISPLAY6'-612"4'-0"4'-0"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6"SHOESDRAWERS, BOOTS OR ADJ. SHELVESSHELVES FOR PURSES, HAT AND BAGSBELTSSCARFSHEAD BANDSACCESSORIESSAFESETC.JEWELRY &WATCHESISLANDS. HUNG(ROBES &SLEVES)3 WAYMIRRORS1'-8"PREP- ISLANDDRESSERINTIMATESOCKSMISCELLANEOUS62-12" x 58-1116"SHOES SHOESSHOES62-12" x 58-1116"SAFESETC.HOOKS57-14" x 168-1/2"BENCH92'-1112" TO P.L.64'-5" TO P.L.3'-6"4'-0"STRINGER BELOW2-15AABCDEFG1472356147CDEFGAB21'-038"1A3.1A3.12A4.11A4.11A3.21A3.22A4.12A4.121A4.21A4.22A4.22A4.25'-334"25'-4"4'-914"20'-758"18'-038"17'-1014"91'-1118"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"108'-5"29'-3"5'-2"71'-7"98°39'-214"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"118'-414"1234 A3.43456 A3.51234 A3.61234 A3.71234 A3.807 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.SECOND FLOORPLANA2.2SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A2.21BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR PLAN0 2 4812 FEETNPROJECTNORTH11111111145 T.O. RIDGE, TYP.27'-6" (29'-0" MAX)ROOF WELL24'-0"SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTDNCOURTYARDBELOWT.O. RIDGE29'-0"4'-0"SIDEYARDSETBACK4'-0"SIDEYARDSETBACK10'-0"FRONT YARD SETBACK15'-2"8 3/8:128'-834"SECONDFLOORTERRACEPROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINEPROPERTYLINESECONDFLOORWALKWAYT.O. RIDGE27'-6" (29'-0" MAX)ROOF WELL24'-0"5:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:123 5/8:125:123 5/8:128 3/8:128 3/8:125:123 5/8:123 5/8:12POTENTIALFUTUREROOF DECKLOCATION(473 SF)7'-1114"15'-4"5'-814"21'-5"28'-8" TO PROPERTY LINE36'-514" TO PROPERTY LINENOTE: ALL EQUIPMENT TO MEETNEWPORT BEACH ZONING CODE,TITLE 20 - PROPERTYDEVELOPMENT STANDARDSSECTION 20.30.080 - NOISEPER 10.26.045: NEW HVACEQUIPMENT NOT TO EXCEEDA-WEIGHTED SOUND PRESSURELEVEL OF 50 DBA OR 55 DBAWITH A TIMING DEVICE THATDEACTIVATES EQUIP. 10PM - 7AM.8 3/8:12SOLATUBES3-013-023-03INTERNAL S.S.GUTTER ANDDOWNSPOUT,TYP.INTERNAL S.S.GUTTER ANDDOWNSPOUT, TYP.ROOF DRAIN, TYP. SEEDETAIL 3/A5.043'-212"14'-214"14'-214"5:123 5/8:125:12GENERATOR5:123-043'-0"3'-0"1'-6"3'-0"301DECKROOF300STAIRBACK3 5/8:12SECTION ONLYOPEN TOTHE SKYAC UNITS AND/OR OTHEREQUIPMENT SHALL BELOCATED BELOW THEROOF LINE3:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:123:12OUTDOOR MECHANICAL BELOW12'-9"T.O. WALL16'-3"T.O. RIDGE26'-6 3/16"T.O. ROOF28'-2 1/2" SOLATUBETO 203 VEST.SOLATUBETO 214 BATHSOLATUBETO 211SITTINGROOMSOLATUBE TO217A VEST.SOLATUBE TO 217MASTER HALLSOLATUBE TO218 HIS BATHSOLATUBE TO 221AHER DRESSING ROOMSOLATUBE TO 221BHER DRESSING ROOMSOLATUBETO 235 BATHSOLATUBETO 229STUDIO/GYM92'-11 12" TO P.L.64'-5" TO P.L.3'-0"1234 A3.86-1/4:126-1/4:125'-5"T.O. SKYLIGHT27'-6" 4:124:124:124:12T.O. SKYLIGHT27'-6" 3:123:12ABCDEFG1472356147CDEFGAB21'-038"1A3.1A3.12A4.11A4.11A3.21A3.22A4.12A4.121A4.21A4.22A4.22A4.25'-334"25'-4"4'-914"20'-758"18'-038"17'-1014"91'-1118"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"108'-5"29'-3"5'-2"71'-7"98°39'-214"49'-614"11'-9"9'-058"8'-1014"118'-414"07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.ROOFPLANA2.3SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A2.31BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - ROOF PLAN0 2 4812 FEETNPROJECTNORTHSATELLITEAIR-CONSOLAR PANELSRESERVED FOR POSSIBLE ROOF DECK111111111111111111111111146 SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']STEEL DOORS& WINDOWS,TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.STONE CORNICE W/INTERNAL SSGUTTER &DOWNSPOUT, TYP.TYP.A5.04SIM.A5.04SIM.A5.02SIM.A5.01OPENBEYOND26'-6" (TO MIDPOINT OF ROOF)29'-0"WOOD GARAGEDOORS, TYP.METALRAILINGWITH GLASSINFILL, TYP.SLATEROOF, TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.STONEBASE,TYP.STONEBAND,TYP.STONEWALLSSTONECASINGS,TYP.STONESTONECAP,TYP.9'-9"1'-10"10'-10"5'-0"12'-8"10'-134"411'-6"10'-134"8'-0"5:127A5.22A5.23A5.29A5.26A5.212A5.31DECORATIVESPARK ARRESTORA5.214A5.219'-0"SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']A5.01A5.02TYP. TYP.A5.06TYP.10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"12'-8"3'-6"STEELDOORS, TYP.SLATE ROOF,TYP.STONEENTABLATURE,TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.STONEENTABLATURE,TYP.27'-6"2'-0"STONE CORNICE W/INTERNAL SSGUTTER &DOWNSPOUT, TYP.2'-0"3'-6"10'-134"GLASSRAILINGS,TYP.A3.431A3.4A3.553A3.5A3.631A3.6CURVED76543211'-6"9'-11"8'-0"358:12A5.214A5.44A5.41A5.21A5.51STONEPLINTHS, TYP.07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.EXTERIORELEVATIONSA3.1SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.11BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.12BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - SOUTH ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEET1. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:147 12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"SLATE ROOF,TYP.3'-6"STONEBASE, TYP.STONEPLINTHS,TYP.STONECORNICE, TYP.STONEBAND, TYP.3'-6"STONE CAP, TYP.STONE3'-6"27'-6"26'-6" (TO MIDPOINT OF ROOF)25'-9" (TO MIDPOINT OF ROOF)29'-0"STONE WALL, TYP.A5.01TYP.A5.02TYP.A5.06TYP.STONEWALL, TYP.STONE CORNICE W/INTERNAL SSGUTTER &DOWNSPOUT, TYP.STEEL DOORS ANDWINDOWS, TYP.A3.724A3.7GFEDCBAA5.01SIM.ANGLED1'-6"9'-11"9'-534"8'-0"5:12358:12A5.22A5.21A5.23A5.24A5.214A5.44A5.51SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"SLATE ROOF,TYP.STONEBAND, TYP.3'-6"STONEBASE, TYP.STONEPLINTHS,TYP.STONEENTABLATURE,TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEENTABLATURE,TYP.GLASSRAILING,TYP.STONE, TYP.STONE CAP,TYP.3'-6"3'-6"OUTDOORHOOD3'-6"STONEWALLS, TYP.29'-0"25'-9" (TO MIDPOINT OF ROOF)26'-6" (TO MIDPOINT OF ROOF)STONEWALLS, TYP.STEEL DOORS ANDWINDOWS, TYP.STONE CORNICE W/INTERNAL SSGUTTER &DOWNSPOUT, TYP.OPEN TO BEYOND3'-6"ANGLEDA5.01A5.02TYP.TYP.A3.842A3.8CURVEDABCDEFGSTONECORNICE, TYP.ANGLED1'-6"8'-0"9'-534"9'-11"5:12358:12A5.21A5.22A5.214A5.23A5.212A5.26A5.51A5.44SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.EXTERIORELEVATIONSA3.2SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.21BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - EAST ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.22BAYSHORE RESIDENCE - WEST ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEET1. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:148 12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"11'-3"1'-6"9'-9"1'-10"10'-10"3'-6"3'-6"SLATE ROOF,TYP.STONECORNICE, TYP.GLASSRAILING, TYP.STONE BASE, TYP.27'-6"STONE BASE,TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.8'-0" OPEN TOPASSAGEWAYSTEELDOORS ANDWINDOWS,TYP.4128STUDYHIS225HALL221BDRESSING RM.HER126LADIESCURVED9'-9"1'-6"8'-0"9'-534"10'-134"8 3/8:123:123:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"3'-6"SLATE ROOF,TYP.STONECORNICE, TYP.GLASSRAILING, TYP.27'-6"STONE BASE,TYP.STONEBASE,TYP.STONEWALL, TYP.STEEL DOORS ANDWINDOWS, TYP.STONEWALL, TYP.STONE CORNICE W/INTERNAL SSGUTTER &DOWNSPOUT, TYP.CURVED4128STUDYHIS225HALL221BDRESSING RM.HER126LADIES1'-6"9'-534"8'-0"8 3/8:12A5.22A5.2143:123:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"3'-6"3'-6"SLATE ROOF,TYP.STONECORNICE, TYP.GLASSRAILING, TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.STEELDOORS ANDWINDOWS,TYP.C125HALLNORTH224LAUNDRY12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"27'-6"1'-6"101PASSAGECURVEDCURVEDBA9'-534"8'-0"8 3/8:123'-6"3:123:12237ACCESSLAYLIGHTSECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"SLATE ROOF,TYP.STONECORNICE,TYP.GLASSRAILING,TYP.STONEWALL, TYP.29'-0"STONEBASE, TYP.3'-6"9'-9"1'-6"3'-6"STONEBASE, TYP.STEEL DOORS ANDWINDOWS, TYP.1'-6"CBA101PASSAGE125HALLNORTH224LAUNDRYCURVEDCURVED9'-534"8'-0"8 3/8:12A5.21A5.343'-6"3:123:12237ACCESSLAYLIGHTSECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.EXTERIORELEVATIONS -COURTYARDA3.3SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.34COURTYARD NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A3.31COURTYARD EAST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A3.32COURTYARD SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.33COURTYARD WEST ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEET11111111111. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:149 SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"11'-3"11'-158"STONE BASE, TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.STEELDOORS, TYP.27'-6"PLASTER ATPARAPET,TYP.9'-9"A3.431A3.4543215BALCONY109LOGGIA1'-6"8'-0"9'-11"358:12A5.2143:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"3'-6"GLASSRAILING,TYP.STONE PLINTHS,TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.27'-6"1'-638"A5.02A5.01A5.06TYP.TYP. TYP.1'-6"A3.413A3.4345109LOGGIA215BALCONY358:12A5.51A5.413:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"11'-3"STONE BASE, TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEPLINTHS, TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.27'-6"A3.442A3.49'-9"1'-6"11'-158"EFSTEELDOORS, TYP.109LOGGIA213STUDYHER215BALCONY8'-0"9'-11"358:123:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"11'-158"3'-6"STONEBASE, TYP.GLASSRAILING, TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.STEELDOORS, TYP.STONE PLINTHS,TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.27'-6"A3.424A3.49'-9"FE109LOGGIA215BALCONY213STUDYHER1'-6"9'-11"358:123:1207 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.EXTERIORELEVATIONS -LOGGIAA3.4SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.44LOGGIA NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A3.41LOGGIA EAST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A3.42LOGGIA SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.43LOGGIA WEST ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEET11111. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:150 9'-534"STONEWALLS, TYP.STONECORNICE, TYP.STONE BASE, TYP.STEEL DOORSAND WINDOWS,TYP.SLATEROOF, TYP.121HALLN. FAMILY12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"29'-0"1'-6"221BDRESSING RM.HERCURVEDSECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']9'-534"STONEWALLS, TYP.STONE BANDS,TYP.STONE BASE, TYP.STEEL DOORSAND WINDOWS,TYP.SLATEROOF, TYP.7121HALLN. FAMILY12'-8"3'-6"10'-10"1'-10"11'-3"27'-6"9'-9"1'-6"221BDRESSING RM.HER8'-0"9'-534"358:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']OPEN TOBEYONDSTEELDOORS, TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"27'-6"3'-6"A5.06TYP.GLASSRAILING, TYP.A3.535A3.556112ROOMFAMILY212BALCONY9'-11"STEELDOORS,TYP.SLATEROOF, TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEPLINTHS, TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.10'-10"9'-9"1'-10"1'-6"3'-6"27'-6"A5.02A5.01TYP.TYP.PLASTER ATPARAPET,TYP.A3.546A3.5ED112ROOMFAMILY211ROOMSITTING212BALCONY9'-534"358:123:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"27'-6"STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.A3.553A3.565112ROOMFAMILY212BALCONY8'-0"SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']5'-0"9'-9"27'-6"12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"27'-6"STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEPLINTHS, TYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.GLASSRAILINGSTYP.STONE BASE,TYP.A3.564A3.5DEFG212BALCONY112ROOMFAMILY9'-11"8'-0"358:123:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.52SERVICE COURTYARD NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A3.51SERVICE COURTYARD SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"A3.54212 BALCONY SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.56212 BALCONY NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.55212 BALCONY WEST ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEETSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.53212 BALCONY EAST ELEVATIONEXTERIORELEVATIONS - SERVICEA3.5COURTYARD11111. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:151 27'-6"12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"GLASSRAILINGSTYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.OPEN TOBEYONDSTEELDOORS, TYP.A3.613A3.62108ROOMLIVING207BALCONY9'-11"358:123A5.51SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']A5.06TYP.A5.02TYP.PLASTER ATPARAPET,TYP.A5.01TYP.27'-6"12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"27'-6"A3.624A3.6GF108ROOMLIVING207BALCONY8'-0"9'-11"358:123:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']27'-6"5'-0"9'-9"27'-6"STONEWALLS, TYP.STONE BASE,TYP.12'-8"10'-10"1'-10"A3.631A3.6321108ROOMLIVING207BALCONY8'-0"358:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']5'-0"9'-9"27'-6"GLASSRAILINGSTYP.STONECOLUMNS,TYP.12'-8"10'-10"1'-10"A3.642A3.6FGSTEELDOORS, TYP.108ROOMLIVING207BALCONY206BATH9'-11"A5.543:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.62207 BALCONY SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.64207 BALCONY NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.63207 BALCONY WEST ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEETSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.61207 BALCONY EAST ELEVATIONEXTERIORELEVATIONS -207 BALCONYA3.6111. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:11152 STONEWALLS, TYP.12'-8"1'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"27'-6"3'-6"STONEBASE, TYP.A3.713A3.721227MECHANICALOUTDOOR131STORAGE8'-0"358:123:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']5'-0"9'-9"27'-6"A5.01TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.12'-8"10'-10"1'-10"A3.724A3.7D131STORAGE227MECHANICALOUTDOOR130BATHGUEST8'-0"A5.21SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']5'-0"9'-9"29'-0"1'-6"STONEBASE, TYP.STEELDOORS, TYP.12'-8"10'-10"1'-10"A3.731A3.721130BATHGUEST227MECHANICALOUTDOOR8'-0"5:12A5.223:12SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"5'-0"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"27'-6"A5.01TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.3'-6"A3.742A3.7D131STORAGE130BATHGUEST227MECHANICALOUTDOOR9'-534"A5.24SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.72227 OUTDOOR MECHANICAL SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.74227 OUTDOOR MECHANICAL NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.73227 OUTDOOR MECHANICAL WEST ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEETSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.71227 OUTDOOR MECHANICAL EAST ELEVATIONEXTERIORELEVATIONS - 227 OUTDOORA3.7MECHANICAL1. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:11153 12'-8"6'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"29'-0"STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.STEELDOORS, TYP.A3.842A3.8C232ENTRYWAYOUTDOOR136GARBAGE9'-534"SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"6'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"29'-0"STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.STEELDOORS, TYP.METALRAILING W/GLASSA3.813A3.8135GARAGEWEST232ENTRYWAYOUTDOOR8'-0"9'-534"136GARBAGESECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']A5.01TYP.METALRAILING W/GLASS12'-8"6'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"29'-0"3'-6"4A3.8A3.82136GARBAGE232ENTRYWAYOUTDOORSECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']12'-8"6'-6"10'-10"1'-10"9'-9"29'-0"METALRAILING W/GLASSSTEELDOORS, TYP.STONEWALLS, TYP.STONEBASE, TYP.1A3.8A3.83232ENTRYWAYOUTDOOR8'-0"135GARAGEWESTANGLEDSECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.82232 OUTDOOR ENTRYWAY SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.84232 OUTDOOR ENTRYWAY NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.83232 OUTDOOR ENTRYWAY EAST ELEVATION0 2 4812 FEETSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A3.81232 OUTDOOR ENTRYWAY WEST ELEVATIONEXTERIORELEVATIONS - 232 OUTDOORA3.8ENTRYWAY1. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:154 SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']102COURTYARD127P.R.127BW.C.111ROOMDINING110HALLSOUTH109LOGGIA127AVEST.125HALLNORTH224LAUNDRY208COFFEE202LINEN213STUDYHER214BATH101PASSAGE100ENT. PORCHCOVEREDFLAT ROOF TOHIDE HVACEQUIPMENT5:12207BALCONY215BALCONY12'-8"3'-6"29'-0"10'-10"1'-10"5'-0"1'-6"9'-9"10'-10"3'-6"11'-158"9'-9"27'-6"A5.01TYP.A5.15TYP.A5.02TYP.9'-9"1'-10"GFEDCBA8 3/8:12358:12358:12R-30 ROOFINSULATION,TYP.R-19INSULATIONFOR INTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19 INSULATIONFOR EXTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19INSULATIONAT SLAB ONGRADE, TYP.3'-6"3:123:123:126-1/4:123'-6"3'-6"SKYLIGHT4:12SKYLIGHT237ACCESSLAYLIGHTSECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']9'-534"8'-0"358:12FLAT ROOF TOHIDE HVACEQUIPMENT104HALLENTRANCE102COURTYARD103VESTIBULE108ROOMLIVING204BEDROOMGUEST203VEST.207BALCONY12'-8"3'-6"29'-0"10'-10"1'-10"5'-0"1'-6"9'-9"9'-9"1'-6"1'-10"10'-10"3'-6"3'-6"9'-9"FIREPLACEGFED201LANDINGUPPERR-30 ROOFINSULATION,TYP.R-19INSULATIONFOR INTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19 INSULATIONFOR EXTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19INSULATIONAT SLAB ONGRADE, TYP.3:123:124:12SKYLIGHT07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.BUILDINGSECTIONSA4.1SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A4.11NORTH-SOUTH BUILDING SECTION - THROUGH COURTYARD0 2 4812 FEETSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A4.12NORTH-SOUTH BUILDING SECTION - THROUGH MAIN STAIR HALL1111111. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:11155 8'-0"9'-534"SECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']29'-0"1'-10"5'-0"1'-6"9'-9"FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']1"10'-10"135GARAGEWEST134GARAGEEAST221CLEATHERFUR/232ENTRYWAYOUTDOOR235BATH236W.I.C.229GYMSTUDIO/5:12A5.01TYP.A5.02TYP.A5.15TYP.A5.15SIM.147101PASSAGER-30 ROOFINSULATION,TYP.R-19INSULATIONFOR INTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19 INSULATIONFOR EXTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19INSULATIONAT SLAB ONGRADE, TYP.3:123:123:12237ACCESSLAYLIGHTSECOND FLOOR12'-9" [25.17']MAX ROOF HEIGHT29'-0" [41.42']ESTABLISHED ELEV.0'-0" [12.42']MAX. FLAT ROOF HEIGHT24'-0" [36.42']T.O. PLYWD12'-7" [25.00']SECOND FLOOR CEILING22'-6" [34.92']29'-0"1'-10"5'-0"1'-6"9'-9"FIRST FLOOR CEILING10'-11" [23.33']FINISH FLOOR0'-1" [12.50']T.O. SLAB-0'-1" [12.33']1"10'-10"112ROOMFAMILY108ROOMLIVING216BEDROOMMASTER213STUDYHER214BATH204BEDROOMGUEST206ASHOWER206BW.C.358:127654321113KITCHEN109LOGGIA8'-0"212BALCONYR-30 ROOFINSULATION,TYP.R-19INSULATIONFOR INTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19 INSULATIONFOR EXTERIORWALLS, TYP.R-19INSULATIONAT SLAB ONGRADE, TYP.3:123:12SKYLIGHT4:12SKYLIGHT07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.BUILDINGSECTIONSA4.2SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A4.21EAST-WEST BUILDING SECTION - THROUGH GARAGES0 2 4812 FEETSCALE:1/4"=1'-0"A4.22WEST-EAST BUILDING SECTION - THROUGH FAMILY RM & LIVING RM1111111. SEE SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSNOTES:156 24'-0" [36.42']T.O. CORNICE22'-6" [34.92']SECOND FLOOR CEILINGSTONE WALLSLATE TILE OVER ROOFUNDERLAYMENT OVERSELF-ADHERING WP MEMBRANEINTERNAL S.S. GUTTERAND DOWNSPOUTST. STL. FLASHING ANDCOUNTERFLASHING8"STONE CORNICE16" TJIs PER STRUCTURAL1'-4"34"34"ROOF RAFTERS PER STRUCTURAL24'-0" [36.42']T.O. FLAT ROOF22'-6" [34.92']SECOND FLOOR CEILINGT.O. RIDGE HT.RIDGE FLASHING OVERWATERPROOFING MEMBRANESHEAR PANEL TYPE 1(1532" PLYWOOD)PER STRUCT.EXT. PLASTER WALL2"1'-6"1'-4"34"34"34" THICK PORCELAINTILE PAVING714"2x8 ROOF RAFTERSPER STRUCTURAL8"714"2x8 WALL PERSTRUCTURAL2"3:12114"SLATE ROOF TILESVARIES -SEE ROOF PLANCLRIDGE6"SUMPED ROOF AREA DRAIN(OVERFLOW PER ROOF PLAN)FRAMING PER STRUCT.2% MIN.NOTE: ALLOW 12" MIN. TO ANYDRAIN, PENETRATION OR WALL TOALLOW FOR PROPER FLASHING2 PLY SBS ROOFINGMEMBRANELIQUID FLASHINGMEMBRANEMETAL RAILING1/2" STARPHIREGLASS PANELSATTACHED TOMETAL RAILING3'-6"STONE CORNICE112"METALSTANDOFFATTACHMENTPOINTS1"14"12"34"1"218"1'-412"4"1'-458"1"-4METAL RAILINGSHOE1/2" STARPHIREGLASS RAILING3'-6"1/2" STARPHIRE GLASSPANELS ATTACHED TOBACK OF METALRAILINGMETAL RAILINGMETAL STANDOFFATTACHMENT POINTS4"VAR. - SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS4"118"4"-57"11"34"STONE TREADS &RISERS, TYP.R5 8"114"LEVEL 5 GYP. BD. PAINTED OVERWD. BLK'G AS NECESSARY FORRAIL SUPPORT112"2"34"T.O. HAND R A I L EL. +3'-0" A . F . F .BRONZE BRACKET; JULIUSBLUM PROFILE 370 ORAPPROVED EQ.BRONZE HANDRAIL07 FEB. 2022AS NOTEDScaleDateProject No.-Sheet No.Sheet TitleJUL. 7, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1AUG. 4, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #1JUN. 2, 2021HOA PRE.-APP. MTG.APN: 049-191-162676 BAYSHORE DRIVEORANGE COUNTYNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NOV. 3, 2021HOA SUBMITTAL #21FEB. 7, 2022PLANNING RESUB.DEC. 20, 2021PLANNING SUB.EXTERIORDETAILSA5.0SCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0"A5.01TYP. ROOF EAVE DETAILSCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0"A5.02TYP. ROOF RIDGE DETAILSCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0"A5.03TYP. ROOF DRAIN DETAILSCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0"A5.05GLASS & METAL RAILING SECTION DETAILSCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0"A5.06TYP. GLASS RAILING DETAILSCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0"A5.04GLASS & METAL RAILING ELEVATION DETAILSCALE:3"=1'-0"A5.07OUTDOOR ENTRYWAY STEP DETAILSCALE:6"=1'-0"A5.08OUTDOOR ENTRYWAY RAILING DETAIL1157