HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2018-0348 - MiscX2o W O N%
100 Civic Center Drive 1 P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915
www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200
Project Description: REV
Project Address: 2889 WAY LINE
Permit App. Date: 10/2/20
Plan Reviewer: Soon Cho
Plan Ch
I4) Per meeting with Soon
11we are OK. Existing
Residence FFE +30'&
above the 9' Req EL
The project plans were reviewed for compliance wit the following codes and standards:
2019 CRC; 2019 CBC; 2019 CPC; 2019 CEC; 2019 CMC; 19 California Energy Code; 2019 California
Green Building Standards Code (CG); & Chapter 15 of the ewport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC).
1) Planning Dep Approval
COMMENTS: in process. OK
2) Arch. Struc &Civil are
1) Obtain plan review approval from the followin - Planning, signed. OK
2) Final drawings which will be approved for ermit issuance shall be sl ned by the respective design
professional on each sheet (electronic si ature is acceptable). Verify at final approval.
3) New building permit is required for inc ased scope of work. 13) Rev 6 to Continue. root Required
��per meeting w/ Soon
4) Existing structure: Substantial improvement is when the cost of improvements meets or exceed 50%
of the depreciated market value of the existing structure. See Building Code Policy NBMC 15.50.
Substantial improvement requires the entire structure (existing and new) to be elevated so that the top
of slab is set at one foot above the Base Flood Elevation as established in FIRM dated March 21, 2019
using (NAVD88). NBMC 15.50.200
a. A-0.4: The Substantial Improvement Cost Determination needs to be updated.
5b) Not Reqper
meeting with Soon, a
see Structural for
Shear, Calcs @ Bay
ine & details b
3c) F.S. Plans and
iesign already
)ennitted see a)
New construction or addition/reco struction which exceeds 2,000 sf. and 50% of the area
of the existing structure will requir installation of a fire sprinkler system throughout the
structure. NBMC 15.04.120 A
Where the valuation of the permit for t e remodel or renov;
of the market value of such building the ntire building shall
for new construction.
Exceotion: Permits having a valuation leas than $220,
C ' Sprinkler drawings and hydraulic calculati\in
5d) F.S Plans and prior to issuing a building permit, or, lis '
design already Provide a note on the drawing stating: "Oe
permitted & 0 sheathing inspection."
13D see A-0.06) Detaii rev 2/A -Z2 d Revise building data on cover sheet to idet I
em in accordance with NFPA 13D.
6) A-2.3: roof plan calls out deta a/A-7.1 at roof ridge buto
7) T-24 to be signed by the licensed architect
Blank Counter Review Comment 05-2020 7) T-24 Signed
is equal to or exceeds 50%
)lywith the code provisions
NBMC 15.02.060
J to plan check and approved
Submittals" on cover sheet.
permit prior to calling for roof
is equipped with a fire sprinkler
tws wall. Verify the detail.
5a) Separate FS Design is permitted under
F 2020-0201. We are OK.
1Ne added this to A-0.0 Rev 5 Cloud
4a) Substantial Improvement Cost Det.
submitted to Building for completion of
form.. We are OK per meeting w/ Soon
8) S-103: It shows headers and roof joists are demoed. What is the proposed new framing at that area?
9) Provide detail 4/S-603 AND 4/S-522.
10) S-104: Provide detail 10/S-603.
11) S-104: New ridge beam is added. Prove framing detail matching architectural detail.
12) Eng calcs page 4: City policy requires to analyze the capacity of existing shear walls per today's code.
10% rule only applies if the existing shea walls meets the demand of the whole structure.
a. Specify the length of shear walls and show shear wall nailing schedule.
13) This house is having another revision. The scope of work exceeds 50% of the market value of the
a. Provide full analysis for lateral loads bracing system using current ASCE 7-16.
14) Win design velocity pressure calculation must consider topographic effects on escarpments, ridges,
and hi that meet all of the conditions of ASCE 7. Section 26.8.1.
Also use wind exposure D. The house is facing the ocean.
15) Submit map ed accelerations parameters Ss and S1 and other seismic design parameters using a
website interf a tool that queries the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Seismic Design Web Services
and retrieves th seismic design variables in a report format (i.e. ATC Hazards by Location, OSHPD
Seismic Design "ps, ASCE 7 Hazard Tool, etc.).
16) See red marks on pl�Qs for additional comments and clarifications.
Please see separate
structural response sheet
13) Per meeting with Soonfull analysis Is
not required. See revised Structural Plans
and Calcs for Shear wall analysis at Bay
side. 1) We addressed the bay elevation
and interior shear conditions and possible
hold done connections 2) added nailing
schedule 2) though not required. we are
adding exterior shear at other areas under
siding and plaster as a matter of "best
xactices" 3) add master bedroom beam
9etail as noted on structural calc's
Forms\patio covers 9-16-04
100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915
www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200q) Per meeting with Soon
we are OK. Existing
above the 9' Req EL
Project Description: REV 6
Project Address: 2889 WAY LNEX
Plan Check o.: REV20-1512
Permit App. Date: 1012120Valua on:
Plan Reviewer: Soon ChoP ne: 949-644-3281
scho new ortb. ovThe project plans were reviewed pliance wit the following codes and standards:
2019 CRC; 2019 CBC; 2019 CPC; 20192019 CMC; 19 California Energy Code; 2019 California
Green Building Standards Code (CG); &r 15 of the ewport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC).
1) Planning Dep lCOMMENTS: in process. OK2) Arch, Struc &Civil are
1) Obtain plan review approval from thn - Planning, signed oK
2) Final drawings which will be approvermit issuance shall be si ned by the respective design
professional on each sheet (electronture is acceptable). Verif at final a roval,
3) New building permit is required for ind scope of work. 3) Rev 6 to Continue. Not Required
��per meeting w/ Soon
4) Existing structure: Substantial improvement is when the cost of improvements meets or exceed 50%
of the depreciated market value of the existing structure. See Building Code Policy NBMC 15.50.
Substantial improvement requires the entire structure (existing and new) to be elevated so that the top
of slab is set at one foot above the Base Flood Elevation as established in FIRM dated March 21, 2019
using (NAVD88). NBMC 15.50.200
a. A-0.4: The Substantial Improvement Cost Determination needs to be updated.
5h) Not Reqper a New construction or addition/reco\thentire
on which exceeds 2,000 sf. and 50% of the area
meeting with Soon. of the existing structure will requillation of a fire sprinkler system throughout the
see Structural for
Shear. Calcs @ Bay structure. NBMC 15.04.120
line & details In Where the valuation of the permit emodel or renovati n is equal to or exceeds 50%
5c) F.S Plans and of the market value of such buildinbuilding shall mplywith the code provisions
design already for new construction.
permitted seea)Exception: Permits having a valuas than $220,700. 0. NBMC 15.02.060
C Sprinkler drawings and hydraulic calculate ns to be sub
mi ed to plan check and approved
5d) F.S. Plans and prior to issuing a building permit, or, list under `Defer d Submittals" on cover sheet.
design already Provide a note on the drawing stating: "Obt in fire sprin ler permit prior to calling for roof
permitted & NFPA sheathing inspection."
13D see A-0.0
6) Detail rev 2/A-�.2 d Revise building data on cover sheet to identify hat build ng is equipped with a fire sprinkler
m in accordance with NFPA 13D.
6) A-2.3: roof plan calls out deta a/A-7.1 at roof ridge but the d tail s ows wall. Verify the detail.
7) T-24 to be signed tLy the licensed architect 5a) Separate FS Design is permitted Jr
F 2020-0201. We are OK.
STRCUTRAL: 7) T-24 Signed We added this to A-0.0 Rev 5 Cloud
Blank Counter Review Comment 05-2020 4a) Substantial Improvement Cost Det.
submitted to Building for completion of
form. We are OK per meeting w/ Soon
8) S-103: It shows headers and roof joists are demoed. What is the proposed new framing at that area?
9) Provide detail 4/S-603 AND 4/S-522.
10) S-104: Provide detail 10/S-603.
11) S-104: New ridge beam is added. Prove framing detail matching architectural detail.
12) Eng calcs page 4: City policy requires to analyze the capacity of existing shear walls per today's code.
10% rule only applies if the existing shea walls meets the demand of the whole structure.
a. Specify the length of shear walls and show shear wall nailing schedule.
13) This house is having another revision. The scope of work exceeds 50% of the market value of the
a. Provide full analysis for lateral loads bracing system using current ASCE 7-16.
14) Win design velocity pressure calculation must consider topographic effects on escarpments, ridges,
and hi that meet all of the conditions of ASCE 7. Section 26.8.1.
Also use wind exposure D. The house is facing the ocean.
15) Submit map ed accelerations parameters Ss and S1 and other seismic design parameters using a
website interf a tool that queries the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Seismic Design Web Services
and retrieves th seismic design variables in a report format (i.e. ATC Hazards by Location, OSHPD
Seismic Design "ps, ASCE 7 Hazard Tool, etc.).
16) See red marks on plus for additional comments and clarifications.
Please see separate
structural response sheet
of required. See revised Structural Plans
nd Calcs for Shear wall analysis at Bay
ide. 1) We addressed the bay elevation
nd interior shear conditions and possible
old done connections 2) added nailing
chedule 2) though not required.. we are
dding exterior shear at other areas under
ding and plaster as a matter of "best
ractices" 3) add master bedroom beam
stall as noted on structural calc's
Forms\patio covers 9-16-04
October 20, 2020
Soon Cho
Plan Check Engineer
Building Division
100 Civic Center Dr. PO Box 1768
Newport Beach, CA 92658
Project: 2889 Way Ln SFR Interior Remodel REV 6
Address: 2889 Way Ln
Subject: Plan Check Corrections PC # REV20-1512 0289-2018, Structural Response
The following is our response to the structural plan check corrections dated 10/02/2018:
Correction Response
8. Demo'd headers on gridline D are replaced with a 2x stud wall. Demo'd roof joists around
grid intersection D.5/4 are framing an exterior canopy that is demo'd and not replaced.
9. See revised submittal for details 4/S-603 and 4/S-522.
10. See revised submittal for detail 10/S-603.
11. See added detail 12/S-604 for drop ridge beam detail.
12. See added calc pages PC -4 to 6 for shear wall analysis along bay side elevation.
13. As discussed in person, full lateral analysis not required.
14. See added calc page PC -1 for Wind values from permit approval with exposure D. Added
calc pages 10a, 10b, 14a, 14b, 16a, 16b for analysis of roof members with revised negative
wind load.
15. See added calc page PC -2 for USGS hazard map tool output.
16. Marks on plans match comments above.
Please contact Sean Gallemore of our office if you have any questions, (949)-748-7170.
17981 Sky Park Circle, suite O, Irvine, CA, 92614
Phone: (949) 748-7170
Email: psarkis@petrastructural.com
Website: www.petrastructural.com
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