HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-161_NOD_Residences at 1300 Bristol Street_Filed-Posted on 3-24-2022CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 CIVIC CENTER DR HUGH NGUYEN CLERK-RECORDER NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 Office of the Orange County Clerk-Recorder Memorandum SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DETERMINATION -BIR The attached notice was received, filed and a copy was posted on 03/24/2022 It remained posted for 30 (thirty) days. Hugh Nguyen Clerk -Recorder In and for the County of Orange By: Sandra Lopez Deputy Public Resource Code 21092.3 BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMES MARRIAGE LICENSES/RECORDS NOTARY REGISTRATION ORANGE COUNTY ARCHIVES PASSPORTS PROPERTY RECORDS The notice required pursuant to Sections 21080.4 and 21092 for an environmental impact report shall be posted in the office of the County Clerk of each county*** in which the project will be located and shall remain posted for a period of 30 days. The notice required pursuant to Section 21092 for a negative declaration shall be so posted for a period of 20 days, unless otherwise required by law to be posted for 30 days. The County Clerk shall post notices within 24 hours of receipt. Public Resource Code 21152 All notices filed pursuant to this section shall be available for public inspection, and shall be posted*** within 24 hours of receipt in the office of the County Clerk. Each notice shall remain posted for a period of 30 days. *** Thereafter, the clerk shall return the notice to the local lead agency*** within a notation of the period it was posted. The local lead agency shall retain the notice for not less than nine months. Additions or changes by underline; deletions by*** (714) 834-2500 ♦ FAX: (714) 834-2675 ♦ OCRECORDER.COM ♦ OCARCHIVES.COM PA2021-161 State of California -Department of Fish and Wildlife 2022 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT DFW 753.Sa (REV. 01/01/22) Previously DFG 753.5a SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY. LEAD AGENCY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I LEADAGENCY EMAIL COUNTY/STATE AGENCY OF FILING LrJ PROJECT TITLE Save RECEIPT NUMBER: 30 -03/24/2022 -0238 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER (If applicable) 2006011119 DATE 03/24/2022 DOCUMENT NUMBER 202285000244 RESIDENCE AT 1300 BRISTOL STREET (PA2021-161) PROJECT APPLICANT NAME PROJECT APPLICANT EMAIL PHONE NUMBER BCD NEWPORT BEACH,LLC (THE PICERNE GROUP) PROJECT APPLICANT ADDRESS CITY 5000 BIRCH STREET STE 600 NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT APPLICANT (Check appropriate box) D Local Public Agency D School District D Other Special District CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: ~ Environmental Impact Report (EIR) D Mitigated/Negative Declaration (MND)(ND) D Certified Regulatory Program (CRP) document -payment due directly to CDFW D Exempt from fee D Notice of Exemption (attach) D CDFW No Effect Determination (attach) D Fee previously paid (attach previously issued cash receipt copy) D Water Right Application or Petition Fee (State Water Resources Control Board only) 0 County documentary handling fee D Other PAYMENT METHOD: (949) 644-3227 STATE ZIP CODE CA 92660 D State Agency 0 Private Entity $3,539.25 $2,548.00 $1,203.25 $850.00 $ $ $ $ 3,539.25 ----------$ ________ o_.o_o $ ________ o._o_o 0.00 50.00 D Cash ~ Credit □ Check D Other TOTAL RECEIVED $ 3,589.25 AGENCY OF FILING PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DEPUTY CLERK, SANDRA VALENCIA LOPEZ ORIGINAL -PROJECT APPLICANT COPY -CDFW/ASB COPY· LEAD AGENCY COPY· COUNTY CLERK DFW 753.Sa (Rev. 01012022) PA2021-161 POSTED MAR 2 4 2022 ORANGE co~~ERK-RECORDER DEPARTMENT BY:. ___ ~ _______ OEPUTY Notice of Determination To: Orange County Clerk-Recorder 601 N. Ross Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 From: Contact: Phone: ., _______ ■■■ -■■■-•--· ----------, -..,,, --., Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder I IIIII I I IIIIII Ill lllll lllll II I II IIIII IIIII Ill II Ill II lllll 111111111111111111 3 5 89 . 2 5 * $ R O O 1 3 6 2 3 8 6 6 $ * 202285000244 2:26 pm 03/24/22 414 Vitlndx Z02 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ffl 0-- MAR 2 4 2022 ORANGE C~ERK.ftECORDER DEPARTMENT --.....it--_____ DEPUTI City of Newport Beach Community Development Department 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Ms. Chelsea Crager (949) 644-3227 Subject: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code State Clearinghouse Number: 2006011119 Project Title: Residences at 1300 Bristol Street (PA2021-161) Project Applicant: BCD Newport Beach, LLC (The Picerne Group),, 5000 Birch Street, Ste. 600, Newport Beach, California 92660 Project Location: 1300 Bristol Street North, Newport Beach, Orange County, California (APN No. 427-342-01). The approximately 1. 97-net-acre project site is generally bordered by Spruce Street to the northwest and a surface parking lot to the north and southeast. The project site abuts northbound Bristol Street North which runs northwest to southeast near the site. Project Description: The project includes demolition of 2-story office building (33,292 sf) and construction of a 6-story podium residential building with 3 levels of parking: 1 level at grade and two levels of subterranean parking. The Project would have 193 multi-family rental units, inclusive of 169 market rate units and 24 affordable units. Of the 24 affordable units, 12 units would be for very-low-income households and 12 units would be for low-income households. The project required the following approvals by the City of Newport Seach City Council: Approval of Resolution No.Z.c'2:2.-l1adopting Addendum No. ER2022-001 to the 2006 General Plan Update Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and the 2008-2014 City of Newport Beach Housing Element Update Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) for the Residences at 1300 Bristol Street Project located at 1300 Bristol Street North (PA2020-061 ). The City Council approved Resolution No. l.02.2.-1~. Approval of Resolution No.,2.02:2.-z.9 approving Major Site Development Review No. SD2021-003, Affordable Housing Implementation Plan No. AH2022-001, Traffic Study No. TS2022-001 for the Residences at 1300 Bristol Street Project located at 1300 Bristol Street North, and Transfer of Development Rights No. TD2022-001 for the transfer to n. residential units from the Uptown Newport Planned Community to 1300 Bristol Street North. The City Council a·pproved Resolution No. 1-022-2..D The Residences at 1300 Bristol Street Addendum to the to the 2006 General Plan Update Program EIR and the 2008-2014 City of Newport Beach Housing Element Update IS/ND (collectively, General Plan Program EIR) evaluates whether the project (i.e., 169 multi-family residential units) would have any new significant or more severe significant adverse environmental impacts beyond those analyzed and addressed in the certified final General Plan Program EIR. The Addendum confirmed that the project would not result in new or more severe significant adverse impacts and that none of the circumstances set forth in Public Resources Code Section 21166 or CEQA Guidelines 15162(a) were present, and that no further environmental review is necessary for the project. PA2021-161 This is to advise that the City of Newport Beach, as Lead Agency, approved the above described project at the March 22, 2022 City Council meeting, and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project. 1. An Environme~,tal Impact Report (SCH 2006011119) previously was prepared and certified for the General Plan Program EIR pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. An Addendum was prepared and adopted which confirmed the project did not result in new or more severe significant adverse impacts and that none of the circumstances set forth in Public Resources Code Section 21166 or CEQA Guideline 15162(a) were present. 2. Compliance with General Plan policies were made a condition of the approval of the project 3. A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan is not required for an Addendum. 4. A Statement of Overriding Considerations was not adopted for the project. 5. Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. This is to certify that the General Plan Program EIR, Residences at 1300 Bristol Street Addendum to the General Plan Program EIR, and the record of the project is available to the general public at the City of Newport Beach, Community Development Department, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Because City Hall is currently closed to the public due to COVID-19, please first contact the City (contact information is provided on page one). Signature:CW a,n - Date: March 22, 2022. POSTED MAR 2 4 2022 ORANGE COUNTY C~-RE RDER DEPARTMENT DEPUTY BY=----~--- FILED MAR 2 4 2022 ORANGE C~~ERK-RECORDER DEPARTMENT BY: ___ {J ______ DEPUTY PA2021-161 Orange Count~ =i Clerk-Recorder's Office Hugh Nguyen· 601 N. Ross Stree;t 92701 Coun~y Finalization: 20220000112530 3/24/22 2:26 pm 414 Vitindx Item Title 1· Z02 EIR: Environmental Im1-.-:.1ot Report Documei1t ID DOC# 202285000244 Time Recorded 2: 26 pm Total Payinent Type Aruount 3589.25 3589.25 Amount Credit Card tendered 3589. 25 # 893135 Amount Due 0.00 THANK YOU PLEASE RETAIN THIS RECEIPT FOR YOUR RECORDS vvl.NW. oc recorder. com PA2021-161