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M2019-0056 - Misc
�..... ._ ° •,. .rug' '' ,..ftot z,•/x�� '=l IN RE Acl 1AA T7iq PICF , IN�CE > DNCRi P WA vF Rc t eCel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH�� ` z COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I RO Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www newoortbeachca oov 1(949) 644.3200 SETBACKS AND TOP OF SLAB/FLOOR ELEVATION CERTIFICATE The purpose of this certificate is to insure that the structure is located properly on site per the approved drawings. This certificate also verifies the top of slab/floor elevation noted on the approved drawings. After the top of slab/Floor elevation is verified to match the elevation specified on the approved drawings, the contractor and inspector can measure the height of the structure to the top of slab/floor to verify that it is equal or less than the dimension shown on building sections and elevations. This form must be filled out by a registered surveyor or civil engineer authorized to perform surveys. The survey must be done after the concrete forms are in place or preferable after the concrete slab is Poured or raised floor is built, but prior to starting wall framing. Engineer/Surveyor's Name PFr rjX .1 l IA M Engineer/Surveyor's Job Address Setbacks: Sketch a site plan and specifv surveyed setbacks (use back page) License 9 r{•iia. Q4( b GA 012625 " Top of slab/floor elevation: _ 9,75 rpp "I'K ar,%D " If slab/floor elevation varies, sketch a plan or section through slab on the back page and specify the elevations. Use same datum used in the survey of record, I certify that the setbacks are, are not ❑, per City approved plans. Describe any deviations from plans: I certifv that top of slab/floor elevation(s) is Z, is not ❑, per City approved drawings. Describe any deviations from plans: 14 2020 � Date _ '- Engine4eyor's P �d fnmts�SetbucksandTopol5lubFlevnunnCcn t,43 Na. 24868 I,'Ivl l -21 N J= Z a 4kbA �31 -0 C GOMllwoo CeNC. o I 2 n a+ Q � � z cR CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT c"�oaN�P BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca.Qov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: A -VT-= Report Date: CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit #: 16651 E EGA-( cti8 o412a2D Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: CfZAICn SILVERS Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SDNA T 1+KZANOss�l/v s►IA SO E-mail Address: 'F-o/ J + S. KASHA%/ WSAi& SO Telephone # 949 2 SO License / Reg. #: 90 / P. S. 'e—,rT Yc-�9' nr cncc wnrrme cronrrrro Ar n cnacwrTC Akin r`ONNFCTIONS OBSERVED (Check avolicable boxes) FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel ❑ Concrete ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel Deck ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams X Other: ❑ Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels ❑ Other. ❑ Masonry ❑ Other: ❑ Wood ❑ Other: ' -5aAWAL1- A c-l" ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. A7 Tt\1EST SID& OF PPLOPLC ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. ./ / q C 82840 STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION DOES NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Fonm`Swawat0lr�rvuunRe�u�l�u.rvnions TY, q �C i it 9" l � �"� RrpORT. B ` � r rs DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT �+ i, CMl4LiJTY D)ISION 2858-8915 Box 1788 C Newp9 ort Beach, GH -. tt h00 GwiGCe Dr C P �i gm6ca afP ((949) 64jW200 s ,.S.s�Yi^v^ rt i el.rd.i�..t� �_'i ��a .•iV� /!LiLf�wwi7'�Yl1M RP_DO!"t CIGP w,na. b #.. . SO Ucel 69929 C 'check a IicatilL+ bW TELOCAMON(s) a iesv� _�...rte.nCTYQ SIGNATU-OI F 9IiZGxOR4' � x oei7E. �'' �.✓ a�'+s ttb`cs ^"i` s� c�� ' ' v r� Y #u r e r s x k e ✓f*-vtk .de r ... � f J! � au�our6lysac rtoxeicgirtSTR xga�o OFNEW � { Y ) gry CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNM DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www newoortbeachca Dov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Ohsprvatinn Rannrf Project Address: 1601 East Bay Ave Report Date: 12/08/2020 [CNB Inspector Name: CNB Penult #: Building Owner Name: Owners Mailing Address Of different from site): Owners Tel #. CNB Plan Check #: Full Named Structural Observer (SO}: SO E-mall Address: SO Telephone SO License / Reg. #: Masoud Jafar M.Jaferi@wsase.com 949-2069929 ext 400 53812 PLFASF ltunlrATe cre�...�.,.,.. — FOUNDATIONS ❑ Conventional Foolin s & Slab — — � . W. ' SHEAR WALLS ❑ Concrete cLcmcN I U AND FRAMES ❑ Steel CONNECTIONS OBSERVED check a livable DIAPHRAGMS INDICATE LOCATION(S) Floor/Roof) OBSERVED ❑ Concrete boxes DATE OBSERVED ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams ❑ Masonry ❑ Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels ❑ Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Steel Deck ❑Woad Other. . ❑ Other. ❑ Other. ❑ Other. ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generallycomplies with the approved constructi d ED PORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. on ocuments and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be In responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom 1 have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance wfth the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. / ^,y 12/08/2020 —••••••• �.. �,w.a vnn�uoJCFfvtH STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION DOES NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CRY OF NEWPORT BEACH. PomMSirvawelODterwiionRepe,1&4u.,u.�iow DEPUTY 1 INSPECTION l? 1-800-DEPUTY1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Sub C ntr `ahel (vs [f%Ce`y n' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION `'i, r'1001 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 ( Newport Beach, CA 92658 www.newnortbeachca.,gov 1 (949) 644-3200 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Project Address: t© ArAeni — 1601 E bwi Ave - Permit Number: Mac) 14 a 00 54 Inspection Type (s): Inspection Date (s): ) Periodic b4 Continuous To the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the Building Division approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the U.B.C. except as noted above_ Special Inspector Signature: Date: Print Full Name: Newport Beach Registration No.: nAI1 ('lLyeil SpeciallnspectionAeport 8-24-15 n (I P DEPUTY 1 INSPECTION 1-800-DEPUTY1 Gen Contr: ; it •' I^I ,; t" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Sub Contr: �- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 www.iiewportbeachca.gov (949) 644-3200 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Project Address: ' 9M1 C3' r' =ia°g fjl)e ° 1 Permit Number: ;'c'1 ('t t 9 - est., j (� Inspection Type Inspection Date Comments: 4..txf-1 vC Its'.. ( ) Periodic (xJ Continuous To the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the Building Division approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the U.B.C. except as noted above. Sector Signature: pecial InspDate: % Print Full Name: Newport Beach Registration No.: Spedellnspeoianneport a-24-15 _Nt 5 Trr:IU.Q V Shellmaker 'w;rrrL=rn)tr WS and Associates Report of Special Inspection 'toject Name & .address _ Co ArgenV1601 EBay.Aye,,Newport Beach,_,..__"..,-- --"------ Permit Number M2019-0056 Inspection Type(s) Reinforced Concrete_.._ ar pection Date(sj /23/2020 mM�Y [ l Periodic X ]Continuous D _;cr_k•c %rs^ect"son Made, including Locations-. of sea List Tests Made: Total Inspection Time Each :lay: and Date Hours j ¢ st Items Requiring Corrcc;ion, include uncorrected items previously lis.ed Forms clean and free from any standing water or debris. Reinforcement ciearances achieved and maintained througl5out " - Epoiry Coates rebar used pet'specs and"codes "'"" _. All "concrete was placed -anti "consolidate" T:o eh, best of my knowledge, the wnrr inspected was in accordance with theL wilding t�eparement ;.r,prr,",Icd design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the U.B.C. cxcetst as noted *--��mas 6/23/2020 e C;cgistratiort No. hu;f P:ame....__.._.._9__..__...-.---.._..__....... NB-0617 Shellmaker WS and Associates (epori of Special Inspection Project Name ,r Address _ _Co Argent/1_601 E BayAye, Newport Beach.,.. xe rutc N,,r M2019-0056 Inspection Types) Reinforced Concrete in. 6722/2020 peCtitna Date(s) __�_�_,__._____._. � j Periodic [ X I Continuous 1D-srnbc. Inspection Made, including Locations-___ .,______. Observed placement of concrete (5000PSI� trueline piles at property line per SW1 of the sea wall plan. Reinforcement size and placement of pile sections in strict accordant with corresponding detatTS-ofSVN2. Zpirst 32'tiay§) List Tests Made: __._._.._--.—.— _ ....4.(4X8)..cylinders..cast__..._..... _.._ T otal Inspection Time Each Day. Date Hours List Items Requiring Correction, include uncorrected items previously fisted Comments Forms clean and free from any standing water or debris Remforcement clearances achieved and mamtame throughout. Epoxy Coates rebar used per specs and -codes All'concrete was placed and con'solidaied per "specs an co e . T:> ii;c k-St of my i'now iedge, the work inspected was in accordance with the Building Department ar,proved design drawings, specification€, and applicable workmanship provisions of the U,B.C. ac:.^.Oted -bavr, 6/22/2020 grit. t)atc _... ...._. I.gisttatron tag,. NB-____- 1oau si-o:,t"o n w DEPUTY 1 INSPECTION 1-SOD-DEPUT)'1 , Caen Cone "a h z CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .Sub Contr. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUHMING DIVISION 1 W Civic Center Drive I P.O. Boot 17881 Newport Beads, CA 926W www.newoortbeachcaoov) (9d8) 84d-3Z00 . SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Project Address: 6 T c to R •- ^ - ' h 0 I r n ca ' Permit Number -- —___A t Dt i — t7O Inspection Type (s): 1 �L inspection Date.(s): k -0 ( ) Periodic (,() Continuous To the best of nW knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance whh the Balding Maim approved design drawings, spediflcatlons and appll=ble worlenanship pmvWons of the U.B.C. owept as noted above. SoedalWoaeaesbrAftaai: 5PCdWYapamiR9Wt8-U-15 S, UT .Ii ln, --- a�s-a-a-a�at(ae 'WNW��� 441 Commercial Way, La Hebra, CA 90631-6168 (562194]-2990 (" "26-8441 FIELD DATA ON TEST FAX I5621946_0026 ST SPECIMENS 4, CONCRETE: X - ASTM C31, C138, C143, C172, ADDRESS: MORTAR: MORTAR: SHOTCRETE: C173, C231, C1064 JOB NAME: 601 E' BAY AVE, NEWPORT BCH CORES: JOTS NAME: JOB #: GUNITE: CONTRACTOR: SHELLMAKER INC. PERMIT #: M2019-0p56 ISSUED BY: NEWPOR0 BCH ENGINEER; WM SIMPSON & ASSOCIATES INC. LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: COPING AT TRULINE WALL SUB. TRACT: CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PHASE: TYPE OF CEMENT: V GARY BALE SLUMP: 5.75 in. CONCRETE TEMP: 57 F DATE CAST: 08/24/2020 SPECIMENS MADE BY: JOHN OWEN LAB #: 167074 SAMPLE AGE DA) SIZE (in.): Height ter AREA (in.A2): CRUSH LOAD (lbs.). COMPRESSIVE gTRENGTH HEIGHT -DIAMETER RATIO; CORRECTION FACTOR: CORRECTED STRENGTH (F BREAKTYPE: C.T.M. USED: REMARKS: COMPLIES; X PLANT: IRVINE # 2 ADMIXTURE: MID RANGE WATER ADDED: 8 gal, MIXING TIME: 45 min. LOT #: ------------------- MIX #: GB500038M TICKET #; 318628 AIR TEMP: 77 F TIME CAST: 12:15 RECEIVED AT LAB: 081P5/2020 SPECIFIED PSI(!; 2g D®y87 5000 DEPUTY 1 INSPECTION 2111772 1773 21[79950 2111774 7 08/31/� 2p 02 8.000 X 4.000 E28 09/21/20 12.57 8.000 X• 65060 12.57 5180 60 80321 III III e BK Im 11775 rti ASTM C39, C174, C192, C470, C617, C42 DOES NOT COMPLY: FOR INFORMATION: THIS REPORT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF SOUTHWEST INSPECTION AND TESTING, INC. SAMPLES CAST BY OTHERS: NOTICE:These teat results are from samples cast by Inspectors or technicians not employed by our firm. They were either delivered to our laboratory or picked up by our driver. We will swept no responsibility for the inspection made on the iobsite by the Inspector, furthermore we do riot take responsibility for any information on this report other than the strength as tested and reported. ASTM C39 BREAKS: I -CONE - II -CONE AND SPLIT RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED SOUTHWEST INSPECTION AND TESTING ZAFARPRINC AHMED�ER PRINCIPALENG III=COLUMNAR - IV=SHEAf1 - V=SIDE FRACTURES - VI -POINTED ConitnUOUs Inspection A&AA SOUTHWESTat tf�st= ���.��►���►�' Inspel'tloll Testing, Inc. 441 Commercial WayL1, 562)941H2990 C8 714)526-8441 FAX )562)946-0026 FIELD DATA ON TEST SPECIMENS - ASTM C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C1064 --- CONCRETE: X MORTAR: SHOTCRETE: CORES: GUNITE: ADDRESS: 1601 E. BAY AVE, NEWPORT BCH JOB #: DATE: 07/27/2020 JOB NAME: CO ARGENT PERMIT #: M2019-0055 ISSUED BY: NEWPORT BCH ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: SHELLMAKER INC. SUB: LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: PILES AT PL 32 BAY TRACT: PHASE: LOT #: CONCRETE SUPPLIER: GARY BALE PLANT: IRVINE # 2 MIX #: GB50003840 TYPE OF CEMENT: II IV ADMIXTURE: TICKET #: SLUMP: 4.00 in. WATER ADDED: 0 gal. AIR TEMP: 66 F CONCRETE TEMP: 72 F MIXING TIME: 35 min. TIME CAST: 10:00 DATE CAST: 06/22/2020 RECEIVED AT LAB: 06/25/2020 SPECIMENS MADE BY: THOMAS GEORGE SPECIFIED PSI @ 28 Days: 5000 LAB #: 161505 CLIENT: DEPUTY 1 INSPECTION r��rrwrr_ ruenou wrrnwr. SAMPLE IDENTIFICA71ON: 1997971 1997972 1997973 1997974 AGE DAYS: 7 28 28 28 DATE TEST: 06/29/2020 07/20/2020 07/20/2020 07/20/2020 SIZE (in.): Height X Diameter 8.000 X 4.000 8.000 X 4.000 8.000 X 4.000 8.000 X 4.000 AREA (inP): 12.67 12.57 12.57 12.57 CRUSH LOAD (Itt.R.): 45320 75210 76346 77892 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi.): 3610 5980 6070 6200 HEIGHT -DIAMETER RATIO: CORRECTION FACTOR. CORRECTED STRENGTH (psi.): BREAK TYPE: III II III III C.T.M. USED: BK Forney96 Forney% Fomey96 REMARKS: ASTM C39, C174, C192, C470, C617, C42 COMPLIES: X DOES NOT COMPLY: FOR INFORMATION: THIS REPORT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF SOUTHWEST INSPECTION AND TESTING, INC. SAMPLES CAST BY OTHERS: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED NOTICE -These test results are from samples east by Inspectors SOUTHWEST INSPECTION AND TESTING a technicians not employed by our Flom. They were either delivered to our laboratory or picked up by our driver. We will accept no responsibility for the inspection made on the lobshe by the inspector, furthermore we ZAFAR AHME do not take responsibility for any Information on this PRINCIPAL ENGINEER report other than the strength ae tested and reported. ASTM C39 BREAKS: [=CONE - ll=CONE AND SPLIT - III=COLUMNAR - IV --SHEAR - V=SIOE FRACTURES - VI=POINTED w DEPUTY 1 INSP 1-800-DEPUTYI Gen Contr: Sub Contr: Report of Special Inspection Project Name Address: Ct7 Ar=t / 1601 F. Rny Ave Permit Number: M7019-0056 Inspection Type(s) - - - 5 Yrla Inspection Date(s) 19/11/9020 [ ] Periodic [ Continuous Describe Inspection Made, including Locations: Qhgernxl the plapmment and rnnunlidnflon of 5000 i ei nnnnrete fnr the cea wall ran. I Fria P. RRw M 6 . eT MTRI 11 MOMM-MR11 RoTIMPTIM MMUM [Malla H-1.1-MIXT1,11 :u._ Total Inspection Time Each Day: List Items Requiring Correction, include uncorrected items previously listed Comments To the best of my knowledge, the work imspected was in accordance with the Building Department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of th II. t as noted above. Signed: Date 12111/2020 Print Full Name: Chad Rnimmal Registration No FORM SI-02, 90 Continuous Inspection & Materials Testing __-.________ SOUTHWEST WWW'WWWWWWW WWWWWW Inspection & Testing, Inc. 441 Commercial Way. La Habra, CA 90631-6168 (562)941-2990 (714)526-8441 FAX (5621946-0026 FIELD DATA ON TEST SPECIMENS -- ASTM C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C1064 --- CONCRETE: X MORTAR: SHOTCRETE: CORES: GUNITE: ADDRESS: 1601 E. BAY AVE, NEWPORT BCH JOB #: DATE: 01/08/2021 JOB NAME: PERMIT #: ISSUED BY: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: SUB: SHELLMAKER INC. LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: SEAWALL CAP TRACT: PHASE: LOT #: CONCRETE SUPPLIER: GARY BALE PLANT: IRVINE MIX #. GB500038M TYPE OF CEMENT: II / V ADMIXTURE: TICKET #: 328464 SLUMP: 5.00 in. WATER ADDED: 0 gel. AIR TEMP: 0 F CONCRETE TEMP: 71 F MIXING TIME: 40 min. TIME CAST: 01:10 DATE CAST: 12/11/2020 RECEIVED AT LAB: 12/28/2020 SPECIMENS MADE BY: CHAD BRUMMEL SPECIFIED PSI 0 28 Days: 5000 LAB #: 174639 CLIENT: DEPUTY 1 INSPECTION �re.�arw wr'asaaa rrnu. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 2142786 2142787 2142788 2142789 AGE DAYS: 28 28 28 HOLD DATE TEST: 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 SIZE (in.): Height X Diameter 8.000 X 4.000 8.000 X 4.000 8.000 X 4.000 AREA (In.Aa): 12.57 12.57 12.57 CRUSH LOAD (Ibs.): 76660 79520 81670 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi.): 6100 6330 6500 HEIGHT -DIAMETER RATIO: CORRECTION FACTOR: CORRECTED STRENGTH (psi.): BREAK TYPE: IV III III G.T.M. USED: Forney96 Forney96 Forney96 REMARKS: ASTM C39, C174, C192, C470, C617, C42 COMPLIES: X DOES NOT COMPLY: FOR INFORMATION: THIS REPORT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF SOUTHWEST INSPECTION AND TESTING, INC. SAMPLES CAST BY OTHERS: NOTICE:These teal results are from samples cast by Inspectors or technicians not employed by our firm. They were either delivered to our laboratory or picked up by our driver. We will accept no responsibility for the inspection made on the lobsits by the Inspector, furthermore we do not take responsibility for any Information on this report other than the strength as tested and reported. ASTM C39 BREAKS: I -CONE - II -CONE AND SPLIT - RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED SOUTHWEST INSPECTION AND TESTING ZAFAR AHM PRINCIPAL E�IEER III.COLUMNAR - N=SHEAR - V--SIOE FRACTURES - VI.POINTED DAILY FIELD REPORT Client: !Ives Client Rep: Scp t- Week Day: q" Date: Field Tech: Field Engineer: (z6h Proj Name: Proj No: VV115 Start: Stop: _Start:_Stop:_Regular Bra: Over Time:_Mileage:_ Proj. Location: _1601 a, k &4 Equipment Used: &Or ell- Weather Condition: sol'OX 701= COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Test No. Test Date Test Location Ele. or Depth(ft) Moist (%) Dry Dens. Max Dens. Relative Compact(%) All inspections based upon 4hrs. minimum Remarks: 5'4 i V13 -%d -tV ©65er�E �hS�f i`ns�,z�lo�re� h Approved By: P.A. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Soil Engineering • Material Testing Geology • Environmental ServicesZ5�r CALIFORNIA: 30 Edelman, Irvine, CA 92618 • Tel. 949-679-7474 Fax 949-679-7575 Website: www.paassociates.com • E-mail: info@paassociates.com CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachea.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 SMOKE DETECTOR AND CARBON MONOXIDE SELF -CERTIFICATION (this certification is to be filled out by the permittee or homeowner) Project Address: 1 (-126 1 (S Permit Number: <761 Y 1 1 Property Owner: z9 &Le' *—,�i� � 4 Licensed Contractor ���J41 PC, Lic'#: f'e)JY%%Y� The State of California now requires that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors must be installed in all residential buildings California Residential Code (CRC) Section R314.1, CRC R315.2 states in part that existing dwellings be "retrofitted with smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. CRC Section R314.3, CRC R315.3 defines required locations. Both boxes below must be checked: �f Carbon Monoxide Alarm: On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms or in each hallway outside of the rooms, and each level of the dwelling. Detectors are also required in be .robms with gas fired appliances ❑ Smoke Alarms: Installed in each room used for sleeping purposes, outside each sleeping area, and on each level of the dwelling unit. Retrofitted detectors may be battery operated for buildings where no alterations are performed on the interior. Multiple -purpose alarms (carbon monoxide and smoke alarms) shall comply with all applicable standards and must be approved by the State Fire Marshall. The devices must be installed per manufacturer's specifications. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the permittee or homeowner of the project. I further certify that smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are present and test d"to be f nctional in all the following locations: Signature: Date: NOTE: This self -certification is only used for projects to the exterior of the structure where access to the interior of the dwelling by the City of Newport Beach Building Inspector is not achieved during the course of construction. Forms\SmokeDetectorandCarbonMonoxideSeifCert 08/12/16 CARA ENG Permit Specialist II QQar@newportbeachca.gov 949-644-3251949-723-3661 nx} ' . , a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660 newportbeachca.gov DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Community Development Department UILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 gL�FORN www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NO CONSTRUCTION -RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH DENSITY AREAS On June 11, 2019, the City Council adopted an ordinance restricting construction -related noise on Saturday in .High Density Areas effective August 12, 2019. I acknowledge that any construction -related noise, (including, but not limited to operating power equipment or machinery in a manner that produces noise) is not allowed on Saturday or Sunday in High Density Areas in accordance with Newport Beach Municipal Code 10.28.040. As the owner of the property, I am responsible to. ensure all _persons working on the property comply with this provision of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. ProjectAddress: riot E461 Pt��d[ h"e' Permit Number: Owner's Name: Owner's Signature: Contractor's Signature: Date: FormsXAcknowledgmenl_No_Saturday_CensVuction_HighDensilyAreas _ cco ooc oco e E c c c o c e c o c o oc c o ec n a c coco 0 0 oco c o o c c o c 1 c c c r < o cc co ccu c c cc oc coo