HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2020-2682 - Misc (6)X207-0•21uI2 J 288ol vua uo. AEk ® ETA ,n G /�, Project: 2889 Way Lane Project number: Client: Novum Report 1 of Page 1 Of 1 STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means the visual observation of the structural system, for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications, at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspections required by Section 108, 1701 or other sections of the code. THIS REPORT INCLUDES ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK THROUGH March 9, 2020 PROJECT ADRESS STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD (SOR) PHONE NUMBER OF (SOR) 2889 Way Lane Corona del Mar, CA PETER SARKIS 949-331-8475 BUILDING PERMIT NO STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OBSERVER LICENSE NO PETER SARKIS SE 5038 OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS ELEMENTS/CONNECTION FOUNDATION WALL FRAMES FLOORS OBSERVATION LOCATION Footings, Stem Walls ® Concrete ® Steel Moment Frame ® Concrete General Framing Matfoundation ®Masonry ® Steel Braced Frame ® Steel Deck ® Retaining Foundation Others: ® Masonry Wall Frame Others: Hillside Special Anchors Others: ® Others NOTED DEFICIENCIES with the proposed corresponding corrective actions with respect to general conformance with the approved plans or in the load path: (A final report by the structural observer which states that all observed deficiencies have been resolved is required before acceptance of the work by the building officials.) No deficiencies noted. I DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE: 1.1 AM THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT RETAINED BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FOR THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OFTHEJURISDICTION. 2. I, OR ANOTHER ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT WHO 1 HAVE DESIGNATED ABOVE AND IS UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, HAS PERFORMED THE REQUIRED SITE VISITS AT EACH SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IS IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, 3. ALL NOTED DEFICIENCIES WHICH REM ABOVE, 4.1 RECOMMEND THAT ACCEPTANCE OF BE WITHHELD UNTIL ALL OBSERVED DEFT HAVE BEEN INDICATED THEJURISOICTION 3/09/2020 SIGNATURE OF STRUCTURAL DATE Stamp of Structural Observer 11 ETR%� 1]991 skkypwCirde ( IfVJM, CA, 9 14 Suite O, TGI:(949)74&7170 PLOJect' 2889 Way Lane 'Y' SG sheet SSK chant: Novi<am Do": 11/21/19 01 Title: Added Floor Joists Between Job: 2017-192 Kitchen and Living Room ,�1 la mfLL Ut°6z, (,A) 2x StNDS 4 "w �Y0 - 4ctf Px PT 51u. P1,� - �t�atD N) C,kms 11041w PEPLAP-i> CURB MAYBE OMITTED. --,iL----:_=-=-= -44 A W $ / . 17-"\ o)wr- Y r.rlW6 �.�:Ik1�on1 sasz.s GUI. GAP AT a 65S C<�r 5GdM/ MAY G/rN1ILrvF-R 2 (-6 41'4M FA CAD Psi. C60a Cot_ 6R-5 <e� Sw", I C P1s PETITA Project: 2889 Way Lane Project number: Client: Novum Report 1 of Page 1 of 1 STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means the visual observation of the structural system, for general conformance to the approv plans and specifications, at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspections required by Section 108,1701 or other sections of the code. THIS REPORT INCLUDES ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK THROUGH February 18, 2020 PROJECT ADRESS STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD (SOR) PHONE NUMBER OF (SOR) 2889 Way Lane Corona del Mar, CA PETER SARKIS 949-331-8475 BUILDING PERMIT NO STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OBSERVER LICENSE NO PETER SARKIS I SE 5038 OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS FOUNDATION WALL FRAMES FLOORS ELEMENTS/CONNECTION OBSERVATION LOCATION Footings, Stem Walls ®Concrete ® Steel Moment Frame ® Concrete General Framing Matfoundagon ® Masonry ® Steel Braced Frame ® Steel Deck Retaining Foundation Hillside Special Anchors ® Others: ® Masonry Wail Frame Others: Fj Others: ® Others NOTED DEFICIENCIES with the proposed corresponding corrective actions with respect to general conformance with the approved plans or in the load path: (A final report by the structural observer which states that all observed deficiencies have been resolved is required before acceptance of the work by the building officials.) No deficiencies noted. I DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE: 1.1 AM THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT RETAINED BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FOR THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OFTHEJURISDICTION. 2.1, OR ANOTHER ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT WHO I HAVE DESIGNATED ABOVE AND IS UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, HAS PERFORMED THE REQUIRED SITE VISITS AT EACH SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IS IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AN4SPECIATIONS, 3. ALL NOTED DEFICIENCIES WHICH REMAIN TRECTED HAVE BEEN INDICATED ABOVE, 4.1 RECOMMEND THAT ACCEPTANCE OF THER MS BY THE JURISDICTION BE WITHHELD UNTIL ALL OBSERVED DEFICIENCORRECTED. 2/18/2020 SIGNATURE OF DATE Stamp ofStrurturol0burvor F ;', PrOJed' 2889 Way Lane By: SG Sheet: r'ETRA 0�'� Novum � 3J03/20IMI SSK ?9 SLOO ORYPerRQmle Tel(M)748-71io Tide: New Entry Wall at Rock job. 2017-192 k 01 L J CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CIVIL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION FORM From: City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach. California 92658 ATTENTION: GRADING ENGINEER, BUILDING DIVISION Date: December 9, 2021 GPC No.: Tract/Subdivision/Lot No.: Rough: _Final: X Project Names: 2889 Way Ln Residential Renovation Owner/Developer: COG Caforio Day. Group LLC Type of Project: Notes: Tract: X Drainage Commercial _ Other Industrial Yardage for Project: Notes: _ Cut: Borrow: Fill: _ Export: I hereby approve the grading for this project in accordance with my responsibilities under the City Grading Code. I have inspected the project and hereby certify that all areas exhibit positive surface flow to public ways or City approved drainage devices. The grading has been completed: in conformance with, with the following changes to the approved grading plan. Description of Changes: Field verified the storm drain for the above referenced site. The alignment and elevation of said improvements are in substantial conformance with the approved Civil Site Drainage Plan and surface drainage should function as intended. Company: Walden and Associates Name: Marcos F. Padilla k'- t �•� '` 1 (print) ,' (sign) \ r r License No.: 80426 (RCE/LS) Forms0vil Engineer's Certification Form 9-13 a_ti4ti.e_ <a_ R w i(1)U4 A -OA ptj ry,,W P,04W. -.v r i - a �a� -'--...x .....tkm CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca aov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report ProjectAddress: 2889 Way Lane Report Date: 5/5/2021 CNBinspector Name: CNB Permit #. Building Owner Name: PETER SARKIS Owner's Mailing Address (if different from sne); Owners Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License / Reg. #: PETER SARKIS psarkis@petrastructural.com 949-331-8475 S-5038 PLEASE INDICATE STRucrnRer FI CMCMTC AAIM rnouenrrnuc �es�..v�.. __.. _ _._. FOUNDATIONS X Conventional Footin s & Slab - - - - - - - --- - -• •• •- SHEAR WALLS ❑ Concrete -- ... ......,......v..,.ry FRAMES Steel uv.w vuacnv=w DIAPHRAGMS (Floor/Roof) ❑ Concrete julltl ft appliuduale, INDICATE LOCATIONS) OBSERVED ALL poxes DATE OBSERVED ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concrete ❑Steel Deck OBSERVED XCeiasans,Plles, Grade Beams Wood orManuf. Shear Panels ❑Masonry Wood THROUGHOUT ALL CONSTRUCTION Other: ❑Other. ❑Other. ALL HEKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. rOBSERVEDCOEFICIENOCIES AND COMMENTS: ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. X FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally com lies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. d STRUCTURAL Fo.mzz�$tlueMetObzezntionReporc9lmy,rthugz 5/05/2021 01M it Ur 31 RUU I UKAL UISUVWttt INSPECTION BYAUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newDortbeachca.00v 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: Report Date: CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit* 2889 WAY LANE 12/21/2020 Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone M CNB Plan Check* Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone M $O License I Reg. #: PETER SARKIS PSARKIS@PETRASTRUCTURAL.COM 949-748-7170 S-5038 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTIONS OBSERVED fchack annNcahla hnyaal FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel ❑ Concrete ALL WALL SHTG 12/21/2020 ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel Deck ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams X Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels ❑ Masonry ❑ Wood ❑ Other: ❑Other: ❑ Other: ❑ Other: X ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. P1 FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which 1 have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. �/ 12/21/2020 S I AMF UI- b I KUG I UKAL U56ERVER STRUCTURAL Fomu StwMWObsemaiwRepo,tMuftc4mu INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CRY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 I Newport Beach, CA 926588915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CONTRACTORIPROPERTY OWNER SELF -CERTIFICATION DECLARATION FOR PLUMBING FIXTURE REPLACEMENT Project Address:: Z C® gyeo ' zs-- Date: �?/® ® A4z Permit #: A 14' — A"J Vg The following is to be completed by the California licensed contractor or owner, participating in the City of Newport Beach Self -Certification Program. Please a or prin Installer's Name: License No (if applicable) ? • 7V. Installer's Mailing Address: Phone # (required): J/x-4 Installer's Email: _ t+1o6,.9 3a e.Pc[er r� FAX #: Installer I certify that the installation is in compliance with applicable code requirements I further affirm that I have reviewed and understand the requirements of the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code (CGBSC) Section 301.1.1 and that all self -certification reports submitted will be based on the code requirements contained therein. I declare that all plumbing fixtures subject to the CGBSC 301.1.1 has been replaced meeting the low flow requirements: Kitchen faucets: 1.8 gal/minute at 60 psi Shower heads: 1.8 gal/minute at 80 psi Water closet: 1.28 gal/flush Faucets: maximum flow rate of 1.2 gal/minute at 60 psi, and minimum 0.8 gaVminute at 20 psi ar J7® 7-4®2.2 Installers Sig re '� Date Property Owner (Required) As the property owner of the project address noted above, I have read, understand and agree to participate in the Plumbing Fixture Replacement Self -Certification Program. I further understand that by participating in this program, the plumbing system will not be inspected by a City of Newport Beach Building Inspector during construction or after installation unless requested. The Building Division may request and reserves the right to verify code compliance after the installation is complete. Date Email This form must bcompleted and returned to the City of Newport Beach, Building Division, for a final approval of the combinati n permit. Please return this form to the Building Division by mail or fax. Please mail to: City of Newport Beach Phone: (949) 718-1888 Community Development Department Fax #: (949) 644-3250 Building Division P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 FormslContractor-OWnerSelf-CertDeclaration-Plumbing Fixture Replacement 031g4122 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachea.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 SMOKE DETECTOR AND CARBON MONOXIDE SELF -CERTIFICATION (this certification is to be filled out by the permittee or homeowner) r Project Address: Permit Number: Property Owner: Licensed Contractor: Lic #: A 3 S " 7Z19 NOW The State of California now requires that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors must be installed in all residential buildings California Residential Code (CRC) Section R314.1, CRC R315.2 states in part that existing dwellings be "retrofitted with smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. CRC Section R314.3, CRC R315.3 defines required locations. Both boxes below must be checked: 0 Carbon Monoxide Alarm: On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms or in each hallway outside of the rooms, and each level of the dwelling. Detectors are also required in bedrooms with gas fired appliances Smoke Alarms: Installed in each room used for sleeping purposes, outside #E] each sleeping area, and on each level of the dwelling unit. Retrofitted detectors may be battery operated for buildings where no alterations are performed on the interior. Multiple -purpose alarms (carbon monoxide and smoke alarms) shall comply with all applicable standards and must be approved by the State Fire Marshall. The devices must be installed per manufacturer's specifications. 1, the undersig ed, her by certify that I am the permittee or homeowner of the project. I furer ce i that s oke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are present an t late do of in all tho following locations: Signature: Date: " NOTE: This self -certification is only used for projects to the exterior of the structure where access to the interior of the dwelling by the City of Newport Beach Building Inspector is not achieved during the course of construction. FormslSmakeDetectomndCarbonMono)ddeSelfGort 08112n8 QUICK STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 04/22/2022 16:05 (Page 1 of 2) Energy Standards Code Year: 2016 ■ ~ ■ ■ L ■ Easy to Verify @ calcerts.com Project Name: 2889 Way Lane (1157863) Project Type: Alterations SFR Lot ID: 1157863 Address: 2889 Way Lane City/State/Zip: Corona del Mar / CA 192625 Enforcement Agency: City of Newport Beach Permit Number: x2019-2984 / 02-18-2020 OVERALL STATUS COMPLETE HERS VERIFIABLE MEASURES: COMPLETE ENV-01: Fenestration Installation N/A ENV insul lion Instillation j r-� I -r-f%A nt i MCH-01: S'pace-Conditioning Systems, ducts and Fans �:a 1 , - r' , ,- r•-� r - i i r N/A r�, System 1 MCH-21: Ducts Located InConditionedSpace r I System 1 MCH-23: Airflow System 1 MCH-22: Fan Efficacy System 1 MCH-26: Rated Equipment System 1 PLB-02: SO HWS Distribution N/A System 2 MCH-21: Ducts Located In Conditioned Space System 2 MCH-23: Airflow System 2 MCH-22: Fan Efficacy System 2 MCH-26: Rated Equipment System 3 MCH-21: Ducts Located In Conditioned Space System 3 MCH-23: Airflow System 3 MCH-22: Fan Efficacy HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Residential Compliance Dec 2015 QUICK STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 04/22/2022 16:05 (Page 2 of 2) ISystem 3 1 MCH-26: Rated Equipment 1 0 1 HERS Provide, C.ICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Residential Compliance Dec 2015