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I vvk'� t Qk. , JRM ENGINEERING AND DEaIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page 1 of 18 P.O. box 771 2 Weybridge Ct ob #2021-238 CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA � 951-235-027r Structural Calculations for Restoration for Abel Residence at 2 Weybridge Court Newport Beach, CA 92660 BUILDING DIVISION r c BY.. Y.T. JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration P.D. Box 77744 2 Weybridge Ct CORONA, BA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 951-235-D2']fi TABLE OF CONTENTS page LOAD SPECIFICATIONS 3 LATERAL CALCULATIONS 4 SITE SPECIFIC DESIGN VALUES 4 GRIDS AND LATERAL SECTIONS DIAGRAM 5 WIND ANALYSIS 6 SEISMIC ANALYSIS 7 SHEAR LINE LOADING 9 LATERAL LINES 10 BEAM CALCULATIONS 14 BALLOON STUD CALCULATIONS 16 2/23/2022 page 2 of 18 Jab #2021-238 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page of 18 P.O, eox 99144 2 Weybddge Ct Job#2021-238 CORONA, CA 92577 Newport Beach, CA 951-235-0276 LOAD SPECIFICATIONS Jurisdiction: 2019 CBC Site Class: D - Default (See Section 11.4.3) SDC: D Occupancy Category: 11 Soil Bearing: 1500 Wind Speed: 100 Soil Passive: 100 Wind Exposure: C Wind Importance: 1 GRAVITY LOADS Dead Load Live Load Total Load Roof 20.22 20.00 40.22 2x8 @ 16" o.c. 1.99 1/2" Plywood 1.50 Felt 0.25 Roofing 6.00 Misc 1.5 Solar Panels 3.00 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 2x8 @ 16" o.c. 1.99 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.00 16.46 2x4 @ 16" o.c. 0.96 1/2" Plywood 1.50 Stucco 10.00 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 InteriorWall 7.46 0.00 7.46 2x4 @ 16" o.c. 0.96 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 Floor 10.83 40.00 50.83 2xl2 @ 16" no. 3.08 Carpel 1.50 Insulation 1.50 3/4" plywood 2.25 Undedayment 1 Insulation 1.50 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Exterior Wall w/ Brick 43.42 0.00 43.42 2-2x4 @ 16" o.c. 1.92 1/2" Plywood 1.50 Brick 36.00 112" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 Out of Plane Seismic (brick wall) 0.00 18.27 18.27 F=0.4Saak,l^/1.4 Scs= 1.05 1.= 1.00 Ws= 43.42 nolused 0.00 0.00 0.00 JRM ENGINEERINe1 AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page of 18 P.O. Boa 99144 2 Weybddge Cl Job#2021-238 Doa.HA, CA 92a17' Newport Beach, CA 951-235-0296 LATERAL CALCULATIONS Site Specific Design Values Values taken from "seismicmaps.org' ASCE7-16 Risk Category II Site Class ult (See Section 11.4.3) Latitude, Longitude: 33.6302868,-117.8644304 Se= 1.316 See= 1.579 Sos= 1.052 S1 = 0.468 S., = null -See Section 11.4.8 Sol = null -See Section 11.4.8 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page of 18 P.D. Bo% vo 1 as 2 Weybridge Of Job #2021-23B c owo Nn, cA 925vv Newport Beach, CA 951 '235-D295 GRIDS AND LATERAL SECTIONS DIAGRAM Ex1s INT G V b �. �NG JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration P.O. eox 77144 2 Weybridge Ct .....A. CA 9z1377 Newport Beach, CA 951'235-13.7. WIND (ASCE 7.16 28.5.3) P.= 0.6AkzrPasn V = 100 mph Exposure Category= C A = function of height and exposure, see table below k,r 1.0 Paso= 22.0 psf Section Max. HL Above +0 A pressure (psf) x Wind Height (ft) = Wind Farce (pip 1 LONG 30.0 1.40 18.48 13.00 240.24 1 TRANS 30.0 1.40 18.48 8.50 157.08 2 LONG 20.0 1.29 17.03 10.00 170.28 2 TRANS 20.0 1.29 17.03 10.00 170.28 3 LONG 30.0 1.40 18.48 18.00 332.64 3 TRANS 30.0 1.40 18.48 11.50 212.52 2/23/2022 page 6 of 18 Job 92021-238 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page of 18 P.D, ecz o71 as 2 Weybddge Ct Jab#2021-238 cowoNA, cA 92Ev7 Newport Beach, CA 951-235-0296 SEISMIC (ASCE 7-1612.8 and/or Latitude,Longitude: 33.6302868,-117.8644304 Site Class = D -Default (See Section 11.4.3) Risk Category= II R= 6.5 1= 1.0 # of stories 2 F= 1.1 p= 1.3 Ti = 8.0 seconds h = 30 ft. S.= 1.32 SI= 0.47 F.= 1.20 F,.= 1.83 Sms= 1.58 So,= 0.86 Sos = (2/3)Sns = 1.05 So, = (2/3)S.0 = 0.57 CI= 0.02 x = 0.75 h" = 12.82 T.=CIW= 0.26 C = 1.40 C . = 0.36 T.=Sol/Sos= 0.54 0.8T.= 0.43 T. < 0.8T, OK C.T. T. OK S, < 0.75g OK distance between LFRS= 40 <=40 OK 11.4.8 exception #2 used? yes Seismic Design Category = D Simplified Design pFSosW = We simplified design not used Seismic Base Shear, V = 1,4(R/I) Seismic Base Shear, V = PCsW/1.4 (ASCE 7-16, 12.8-1) Cs = 0.16 ( il)o. or need to to exceed Cs= Sol 0.343 T(R/p or Cs= S.I = 10.692 T (R/l) Cs shall not be less than = 0.05 for S, > 0.6, min. Cs = = 0.04 0R/S1 use Cs= 0.162 USEV= 0.150 W JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page of 18 P.D. EIDX 7v 144 2 Weybdge Ct Job #2021-23B DDeoNA, CA V2877 Newport Beach, CA ss I-zzs-Dz�s SEISMIC (ASCE 7-16 12.8 andfor - continued Roof Die.+ Floor Dia.+ Exterior Walls+ Intenor Walls Section h, FAw (psf x tL-depth)+ (psfx ft.-depth) + (psf x ft. x 112 ht.)/depth+ (psf xft. x 1/2 ht.)/depth 20.22 psf 10.83 psf 16.46 pat 7.46 psf 1 LONG 25 1.281 606.72 + 0.00 + 151.00 + 122.00 mass $79.72 pif seismic force= 169.52 pif 1 TRANS 25 1.281 869.63 + 0.00 + 151.00 + 122.00 mass= 1142.63 elf seismic force= 220.18 eif 2 LONG 12 0.615 0.00 + 325.02 + 378.00 + 211.00 mass= 914.02 pif seismic force= 84.54 pif 2 TRANS 12 0.615 0.00 + 465.86 + 378.00 + 211.00 mass= 1054.86 pif seismic force= 97.57 pif 3 LONG 24 1.230 606.72 + 0.00 + 189.00 + 56.00 mass= 851.72 pif seismic force= 157.56 pif 3TRANS 24 1.230 465.15 + mace= 71n 15 0.00 + If 189.00 sniemic force= + 11117 56.00 nI£ JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page o118 F.D. Box 77144 2 Weybddge Ct Job#2021-238 CORONA, CA 92577 Newport Beach, CA 951'235-D2'I6 SHEAR LINE LOADING Line 1 Line 2 15'1TW+15-2TW+4.5.3TW = 5866.74 lb 15^ITS+15'2TS+4.59TS = 5357.35 lb Governing Wind = 5866.74 lb Governing Seismic = 5357.35 lb 11.31W = 3659.04 lb 11'31S = 1733.12 lb Governing Wind = 3659.04 lb Governing Seismic = 1733.12 lb JRM ENGINEERING AND DEBIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page 10 of18 P.D. Box 77144 2 Weybddge Ct Job#2021-238 CORONA, CA 92899 Newport Beach, CA 951-235-0276 SHEAR LINE 1 Wind Force to Line = 5866.74 lb Seismic Force to Line = 5357.35 to Governing Force= 5866.74 lb Diaphragm Length= 30.00 it Total Shear Panel Wall Length = 16.0 it Element Length =[.._._j_A'-; it Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Element Unit Shear = 366.67 pit Shear Panel Options: A (160 pil): NO B (240 pit): NO e C (310 pit): NO D (410 pit): YES F (340 pit): NO G (510 pit): YES H (665 pit): YES J (870 pIf): YES double sided panels: GO (1020 pit): YES HH (1330 pIf): YES JJ (1740 pit): YES Sill r Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 3 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts @ 8 O.C. 5/8" anchor bolls @ 40 O.C. A35 clips @ 14 O.C. LTP4 clips 21 O.C. 1/2"anchor bolts 28 O.C. Maximum Drag Force = 2737.81 lb Diaphragm Shear= 195.56 pit Wall Shear This Line = 366.67 pit Element Force= 2566.70111 Total Force = 2566.70 lb Element Height F___,'?,y 0 Net Moment Above 0.00 ft-lb OT Moment This Level= 25666.99 ft-lb Total OT Moment= 25666.99 ft-lb Tributary Dead Load: Roof= 0 x 20.22= 0.00 lb Floor= 9 x 10.83 = 97.51 lb Exterior Wall Above= 0 x 16.46= 0.00 lb Interior Wall Above= 0 x 7.46= 0.00 lb Panel Dead Load = 10 x 16A6 = 164.59 lb Total Tributary Load = 262.10 lb Panel End Load = 500.00 lb Resisting Moment= 9921.35 ft-lb (0.6-0.14'Sos)'Resisting Moment = 4490.48 ft-lb Net OTM = 21176.50 Holdown Force [y_ J02527y,.,,, JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 pagell ofl8 P.D. eo. 77144 2Weybridge Ct Job#2021-238 cos..<, .. 93fi99 Newport Beach, CA 951-03 5.0396 SHEAR LINE Element Length = G 9 00 T';�it Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Element Unit Shear= 366.67 pit Shear Panel Options: A (160 pit): NO B (240 pit): NO C (310 pit): NO D (410 pit): YES F (340 pip: NO G (510 pit): YES H (665 pip: YES J (870 pip: YES double sided panels: GG (1020 pll): YES HH (1330 pip: YES JJ (1740 pip: YES Sill / Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 3 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts Q 8 O.C. 518" anchor bolts @ 40 O.C. A35 clips @ 14 O.C. LTP4 clips Q 21 O.C. 112' anchor bolts Q 28 O.C. PANEL 2 Element Force = 3300.04 lb Total Force = 3300.04 lb Element Height;fpjit Net Moment Above= 0.00 ft-lb OT Moment This Level= 33000.41 ft-lb Total OT Moment= 33000Al ft4b Tributary Dead Load: Roof= 0 x 20.22= 0.00 lb Floor= 9 x 10.83 = 97.51 lb Exterior Wall Above = 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 Ib Interior Wall Above= 0 x T46= 0.00 lb Panel Dead Load = 10 x 16.46 = 164.59 lb Total Tributary Load = 262.10 lb Panel End Load = 500.00 lb Resisting Moment = 15114.89 ft-lb (0.6-0.14'Sas)'Resisting Moment = 6841.12 ft-lb Net OTM = 26159.29 Holdown Force JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration P.M. Box 77144 2 Weybridge Ct coeo«A, cA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 951-23e-0276 SHEAR LINE Wind Force to Line= 3659.04 lb Seismic Force to Line = 1733.12 lb Factored Seismic Force to Line= 2599.68 Ib factored to allow 3.5:1 max h:w ratio Governing Force = 3659.04 Ib Maximum Drag Force = 2500.34 It, Diaphragm Length= 30.00 it Diaphragm Shear= 121.97 pit Total Shear Panel Wall Length = 9.5 it Wall Shear This Line = 385.16 pit Element Length=[ 55 -Eft Element Force= 2118.39 lb Stacked Force= 0.00 to Total Force= 2118.39111 Element Unit Shear= 385.16 plf Shear Panel Options: A (160 pli): NO B (240 plf): NO C (310 pll): NO D (410 plo: YES F (340 plf): NO G (510 plf): YES C H (665 plF): YES J 1870 of): YES double sided panels: GO (1020 pit): YES HH (1330 plo: YES JJ (1740 pm: YES Sill / Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 3 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts @ 8 O.C. 5/8" anchor bolts (53 38 O.C. A35 clips @ 14 O.C. LTP4 clips @ 20 O.C. 1/2" anchor bolts( aj 26 O.C. Element Height E ' -iolft Net Moment Above = 0.00 ft-lb OT Moment This Level = 21183.92 ft-lb Total OT Moment= 21183.92 It -lb Tributary Dead Load: Roof = 3 x 20.22 = 60.67 Ito Floor= 0 x 10.83 = 0.00 to Exterior Wall Above = 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 Ib Interior Wall Above = 0 x 7.46 = 0.00 to Panel Dead Load = 10 x 16.46 = 164.59 to Total Tributary Load= 226.26 Ib Panel End Load = 500.00 Ib Resisting Moment= 6157.09 fl-lb (0.6-0.14*S,,)*Resistng Moment = 2786.75 ft-lb Net OTM = 18397.17 Holdown Force 2/2312022 page 12 of 18 Job #2021-238 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page 13 of 18 P.D. eox vv 1 as 2 Weybridge Ct Job #2021-238 c.R.r A, cA 92977 Newport Beach, CA 951-235-O276 SHEAR LINE Element Length = 4.O0,f' ift Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Element Unit Shear= 386.16 pit Shear Panel Options: A(160 plo: NO B (240 pin: NO C (310 pit): NO D (410 pIN: YES F (340 pit): NO G (510 plf): YES H (665 pit): YES J (870 pit): YES double sided panels: GG (1020 pip: YES HH (1330 plf: YES JJ (1740 plf): YES Sill / Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 3 D.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts @ 8 D.C. 5/8" anchor bolts @ 38 D.C. A35 clips @ 14 O.C. LTP4 clips @ 20 D.C. 112" anchor bolts @ 26 D.C. PANEL 2 Element Force = 1540.65 Ib Total Force = 1540.65 lb Element Height =1 _d?�ffl Net Moment Above = 0.06 ft-lb OT Moment This Level = 18487.78 ft-lb Total OT Moment= 18487.78 ft-lb Tributary Dead Load: Roof= 4 x 20.22 = 80.90 Ib Floor= 0 x 10.83 = 0.00 Ib Exterior Wall Above= 0 x 16.46= 0.00 Ib Interior Wall Above= 0 x 7.46= 0.00 lb Panel Dead Load = 12 x 16A6 = 197.51 lb Total Tributary Load = 278.40 to Panel End Load = 500.00 lb Resisting Moment= 4227.23 ft-lb (0S-0.14'SD,J*ResisBng Moment = 1913.28 ft-lb Net OTM = 16574.50 Holdown Force = E_7 414Y63.'1 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration P.D. sox 97 t 44 2 Weybridge Ct CORONA, CA 92e77 Newport Beach, CA sst-zas-Oz�s BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 1.0 Description: existing roof bm Length: 22.5 It Left Support: 0.0 It Right Support: 22.5 it USE Existing Beam - Calc'd for Rx Only F� = 10000.00 A = 10000.00 Fv = 10000.00 S = 10000.00 Shear Factor = 10000.00 1 =1000000.00 Fs = 10000.00 Cu-C, = 1.00 E = 1.0E+05 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (pso Live Load (psf) Tributary (it) Load (plf) Roof 20.22 20.0 14.00 563.1 Exlenor Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 10.83 40.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall w/ Brick 43.42 0.0 0.00 0.0 LL Reduction 0.00 -2.3 0.00 0.0 Total = 563.1 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Disl'x' (ft) Rx from-- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 35635.95 ft-Ibs Reaction geft/nghq= 6335.28 Ibs 6335.28 Ibs Shear(Iegldghl)= 6335.28 Ibs 6335.28 Its Deflection Limit = 1.125 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area„gv= 6335.28 in` < 10000.00 OK 63.4% Section Modulus"^e= 42.76 in' < 10000.00 OK 0.4% Moment of meltiaNgn= 28865.12 in' < 1000000.00 OK 2.9% Bearing Length,egv= 0.00 in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 2.0 Description: existing hip bm Length: 10.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 it Right Support: 10.0 it USE Existing Beam - Calc'd for Rx Only F, = 10000.00 A = 10000.00 Fv = 10000.00 S = 10000.00 Shear Factor = 10000.00 1 =1000000.00 Fb = 10000.00 Co'C, = 1.00 E = 1.0E+05 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (pall Tributary (it) Load (pIQ Roof 20.22 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exteror Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 10.83 40.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall w/ Brick 43.42 0.0 0.00 0.0 Out of Plane Seismic 0.00 18.3 0.00 0.0 Total = 0.0 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist')' (it) Roof as Point Load 1005.4 6.7 Moment (max)= 2234.33 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/nght) 335.15 Has 670.30 Ibs Shear geNnghl)= 335.15 Ibs 670.30 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.500 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area„"= 335.15 in` < 10000.00 OK 3.4% Section Modulus,..= 2SB in' < 10000.00 OK 0.0% Moment of lnertia„gv= 804.36 in' < 1000000.00 OK 0.1% Bearing Length„sv= 0.00 in single 2x trimmer OK 2/23/2022 page 14 of 18 Job #2021-238 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration P.O. eox 77144 2 Weybadge Ct CORONA, CA e2e77 Newport Beach, CA 9B I-235-0276 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 3.0 Desorption: living rim hdr Length: 11.5 It Left Support: 0.0 It Right Support: 11.5 fl USE 3.5x 14 PSL F� = 760.00 A = 49.00 Fv = 285.00 S = 114.33 Shear Factor = 1.50 1=800.33 Fb = 2900.00 Co C, = 1.00 E = 2.0E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psh Live Load (psf) Tributary (fl) Load (pill Roof 20.22 20.0 4.00 160.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 6.00 98.8 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 10.83 40.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall w/ Brick 43.42 0.0 0.00 0.0 Out of Plane Seismic 0.00 18.3 0.00 0.0 Total = 259.7 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dlst W (ft) Fix from L1+L2 6670.4 8.5 Moment (max) 19083.29 ft-Ibs Reaction(lefgrght)= 3233.10 Ibs 6423.30 Ibs Shear(lefuright) 3233.10 Ibs 6423.30 Its Deflection Limit = 0.575 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Areamgv= 17.02 in` < 49.00 OK 34.7% Section Modulus,egv= 78.97 in' < 114.33 OK 69.1% Moment of lnertia,een= 395.02 in° < 800.33 OK 49.4% Bearing Length,,,= 2.45 in "single 2x trimmer not sufficient 2/23/2022 page 15 of 18 Job #2021-238 JRM ENBINEERINB AND DEBIBN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page 16 of 18 P.D. Box 99144 2 Weybridge Ct Job#2021-238 coax HA, cA 92599 Newport Beach, CA 951-23 5-0276 Bending and Compression on Studs 15--T walls Loads: Studs: 3-2x 4 D.F. Stud Spacing: F .18aar Roof Tributary r, uol Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load 20;OQ' Wall Tributary Wall Dead Load Floor Tributary �LIti(1 Floor Dead Load 10 83 Floor Live Load �215.723 Roof: D L, 213.333 Wall: D 395.016 Floor: D 0 L 0 Wind Speed t 4gOj Wind Load : 24.64 per stud Out of Plan Seismic: 24.36 per stud Wind governs C1 1.3 bending CI 1.1 compression Fs 900 psi F,., 625 psi F� 1350 psi E 1600000 psi b ,r �bj in A 15.75 in wall height A81ft V 211.5 in S 9.1875 in' Gravity Loads: Dead Loads: 610.739 Live Loads- 0 Roof Live Loads: 213.333 D only 610.739 Ca= D+L 610,739 Ca= D+L, 213.333 Cs= D+0.75(L+L,) 770.739 Ca= f�= 3B.78 D only f,= 38.78 D+L f,= 13.54 D+Lr f,= 48.94 D+0.75(L+Lr) 0.9 1 1.25 1.25 0 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN P.D. Box 77144 C ORLINA� CA 92977 951-235-0276 Axial: D only l,/d K. c Fos F, FOE/Fc. (1+F,s/F,)/2c Cs F. D+L la/d K,s c Fos F, F.j, (1+F.s/F,)/2c Cp Fc D+Lr I,/d I.s c Foe F, Fca/F, (1+F,a/F,)/2c Cs F. 60.4286 0.3 for sawn 0.8 forsawn 131.449 psi 1336.5 0.09835 psi 0.68647 0.0963 128.71 psi > Abel Restoration 2 Weybridge Ct Newport Beach, CA 38.78 psi �Oli j 60.4286 0.3 for sawn 0.8 for sawn 131.449 psi 1485 0.08852 psi 0.68032 0.08687 128.99 psi > 38-78 psi 60.4286 0.3 for sawn 0.8 for Sam 131.449 psi 1856.25 0.07081 psi 0.66926 0.06977 129.51 psi > 13.54 psi LON , 1 2/2312022 page 17 of 18 Job #2021-238 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Abel Restoration 2/23/2022 page 18 of 18 P.D. Box 77144 2 Weybddge Cl Job #2021-238 coeowA, CA 9.877 Newport Beach, CA 951-235-D2']fi D+075(L+L,) V/d 60.4286 Kos 0.3 for sawn c 0.8 for sawn Fps 131.449 psi F, 1856.26 F.s/F, 0.07081 psi (1+F,s/F,.)/2c 0+66926 Cp 0.06977 F. 129.51 psi > 48.94 psi Bending: W (wind) M 956.77 ft-Ibs. 11481.3 in-Ibs. fb 1249.66 psi Cd 1.6 CF 1.3 Cr 1.15 F'b 2152.80 psi > 1249.66 psi 0.75W(wind) M 717.58 ft-Ibs. 8610.96 in-Ibs. {b 937.247 psi Ca 1.6 CF 1.3 Cr 1.15 F'b 2152.80 psi > 937.25 psi Combined Stresses D+W = 0.91 <= 1.0 OK' D+075(L+Lr+W) (f.1F'<)4(fb/(F'b(1-f./F,F)))' 0.84 <= 1.0 OK iOK< OK> 1