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X2017-2303 - Calcs
JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck P.O. Box 771 44 617 Lido Park Dr CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235.0276 OIIYOI II ,Ai10RI EEACHCOI V Y _VFI PMEINI'DEPARFbIENT IIIIRMAL OF !ILSE DIAIIS DOI:` (I JS- ITUIE XPR! OR IMPLIED :ITERII 10 CC IRL C H) ' _iANIN JO:AEION LI 7R II ,IL t if WITH 'E4HE ORDIHANL •I l, AHD PJLI IESOF ME cII 7F 1 01g1 A rNS l l PROVAL GWVtAIIIF THAT Tr PIAI,jS ti AIL RESFL':IS IN III CITY BUILDING AID ZykIG O,PLANS A ID POLICIES. I, ( OF NFA, OPT BEACH hl,-,,, i/ES TI .UHT IO REQUIRE ANY PERMNFE "VISETHEBUILDING EU_-JF.SOR Ih'!•( J?. MEPIT AUTHORIZED BY THE IA?dS BEFORE, DURING Oh' AF EFR CC) L-, I tUC HON, IF NECESSARY TO COMP_'f VVI TR THE ORDINANCES, PLANS AND POLIC,E9 OF EHE CITY OF NEVVPCRT BI,AJH PEF,'MiTTEE'SACKN VVLEDGEMENT:_ - - -- (SIGNATURE) DEPArl BENT SIGNATURE__ PUBi.IC VVbRKS,. GPNERALSERVICEG _ PLANNING ElM1P ,�ra:Wa+eulations BUILDING: DATE: for Roof Deck for Schultheis Residence at 617 Lido Park Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 6/19/2018 page 1 of 28 Job #2017-046 �11 U&O lun �W I QRnVESSIO / HAR ZFyc s CIVI\- a`P TEOFCAti\F r l 2g1�8 JRM ENDINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page of 28 P.D. BOX 77144 617 Lido Park Or Job #2017-046 C... HA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-035-0296 TABLE OF CONTENTS LOAD SPECIFICATIONS LATERAL CALCULATIONS USGS SITE SPECIFIC DESIGN VALUES GRIDS AND LATERAL SECTIONS DIAGRAM WIND ANALYSIS SEISMIC ANALYSIS SHEAR LINE LOADING LATERAL LINES BEAM CALCULATIONS FOUNDATIONS page 3 4 4 5 6 7 9 11 18 28 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page of 28 P.O. Box 991 44 617 Lida Park Dr Job #2017-046 DOR.H4, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-23S-0296 LOAD SPECIFICATIONS Jurisdiction: 2016 CDC Site Class: D Seismic Design Category: #REFI Occupancy Category: II Soil Bearing: 1500 Wind Speed: 110 Soil Passive: 150 Wind Exposure: C Wind Importance: 1 GRAVITY LOADS Dead Lead Live Load Total Load Roof 21.62 20,00 41.62 2x8 @ 16" o.c. 1.99 1/2" Plywood 1.50 Felt 0.25 Roof Tile 10.40 Misc 1.5 2x8 @ 16" o.c. 1.99 1/2' Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.00 16.46 2x4 @ 16" o.c. 0.96 1/2' Plywood 1.50 Stucco 10.00 ' 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 Interior Wall 7.46 0.00 7.46 2x4 @ 16" ox. 0.96 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 Floor 12.96 40.00 52.96 2x12 @ 16" o.c. 3.084 Carpet 1.50 Insulation 1.50 5/8" plywood 1.88 Underlayment 1 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 Deck 11.83 60.00 71.83 2x12 @ 16" o.c. 3.08 Deck Surface 2.50 314' plywood 2.25 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 Stairs 12.96 100.00 112.96 2x12 @ 16" o.c. 3.084 Carpet 1.50 Insulation 1.50 5/8" plywood 1.88 Underlayment 1 1/2" Gyp Board 2.50 Insulation 1.50 not used 0.00 0.00 0.00 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN P.M. Box 77144 CoevNp CA 92699 951-235-0296 LATERAL CALCULATIONS USGS Site Specific Design Values MILh7M17.7 Schultheis Deck 617 Lido Park Dr Newport Beach, CA 92663 Design Maps Summary Report Print View Detailed Report User —Specified Input Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7-10 Standard (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Site Coordinates 33.61483-N, 117.9263-W Site Soil Classification Site Class D —"Stiff Soil" Risk Category 1/II/III USGS—Provided Output Ss= 1.708g Sea= 1.708g Soa= 1.138g Sl = 0.631 g Sml = 0.947 g Sol = 0.631 g 6/19/2018 page 4 of 28 Job #2017-046 JRM ENGINEERING AND DEHIDN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page of 28 P.D. Box 771 44 617 Lido Park Dr Jab #2017-046 coeor,<, CA 92677 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-0276 GRIDS AND LATERAL SECTIONS DIAGRAM EXISTING EXISTING EXII T —+— I. EXISTING A EXISTING EXISTING if EXISTING EXISTING T I I I I EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING JRM ENGINEERING ANG DEGIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page of 28 P.O. Box 97144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-23 5-0276 WIND (ASCE 7-10 28.6.3) P. 0.6Akzrps,, V = 110 mph Exposure Category = C A = function of height and exposure, see table below ku = 1.0 psea= 26.6 psf Section Max. Ht. Above+0 A pressure test) x Wind Height (ft) = Wind Force (pit) 1 LONG 35.0 1.45 23.14 9.00 208.28 1 TRANS 35.0 1.45 23.14 9.00 208.28 2 LONG 35.0 1.45 23A4 9.00 208.28 2 TRANS 35.0 1.45 23.14 9.00 208.28 3 LONG 25.0 1.35 21.55 9.00 193.91 3 TRANS 25.0 1.35 21.55 9.00 193.91 4 LONG 30.0 1.40 22.34 8.00 178.75 4TRANS 30.0 1.40 22.34 8.00 178.75 5I DNG 3(Ln 1 40 22.34 8.00 178.75 5 TRANS 30.0 1.40 22.34 11.00 245.78 6 LONG 30.0 1.40 22.34 8.00 178.75 6TRANS 30.0 1.40 22.34 11.00 245.78 1a LONG (existing) 35.0 1.45 23.14 7.50 173.57 1 a TRANS (existing) 35.0 1.45 23.14 7.50 173.57 2a LONG (existing) 35.0 1.45 23.14 Z50 173.57 2a TRANS (existing) 35.0 1.45 23.14 7.50 173.57 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN P.O. BOX 99144 CORONA, CA 92a99 951-235-027. Schultheis Deck 617 Lido Park Or Newport Beach, CA 92663 SEISMIC (ASCE 7-1012.8 and/or Latitude= 33.61483 Longitude= -117.92630 Site Class= D Occupancy Category= II R= 6.5 1= 1.0 #of stories 3 F= 1.2 p= 1.3 Tc= 8.0 seconds It 35 ft. S, = 1.71 S1 = 0.63 Fa= 1.00 F,= 1.50 %S = 1.71 But = 0.95 SOS = (2/3)S. = 1.14 Sol = (2/3)SM1 = 0.63 CI= 0.02 x = 0.75 h'= 14.39 Ta=Cih`= 0.29 C�= 1.40 CST,= 0.40 T,=Sol/SOS = 0.55 0.8T. = 0.44 Ta < OST, OK C„T < T,q OK - SI < 0.75g OK distance between LFRS= 40 <=40 OK Seismic Design Category = O simplified design may be used Simplified Design pFSDSW = 0.195 W (ASCE 7-10, 12JS-11) Seismic Base Shear, V = 1,4(R/1) Seismic Base Shear, V = PCsW/1.4 (ASCE 7-10, 12.8-1) Cs = SS = n/a, simplified design used (RAor need to to exceed Cs = = n/a, simplified design used T(R/p or Cs = S(R/I) °IT� = n/a, simplified design used T Cs shall not be less than = n/a, simplified design used for SI > 0.6, min, CS = .5SI = Na, simplified design used use Cs = Na, simplified design used USE V = 0.195 W 6/19/2018 page of 28 Job #2017-046 JRIN ENGINEERING AND DEsusN Schultheis Deck 6/1912018 page of 28 P.D. evx 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 c vsvHA, CA 92977 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-0276 SEISMIC (ASCE 7-1012.8 and/or - continued Roof Dia.+ Patio Dia.+ Exterior Walls+ Interior Walls Section h„ Fdw„ (psf x ft: depth) + (psf x ft.-depth) + (psf x ft. x 1/2 ht.)/depth + (psf x ft. x 1/2 ht.)/depth 21.62 psf 12.96 psf 46.46 psf 7.46 pat 1 LONG 28 n/a 86.50 + 181.50 + 197.00 + 41.00 mass= 506.99 pill seismic force= 98.77 pif 1 TRANS 28 Na 86.50 + 259.28 + 197.00 + 41.00 mass= 583.78 pif seismic force = 11395 PH 2 LONG 28 n/a 172.99 + 103.71 + 131.00 + 19.00 mass= 426.70 plf seismic force= 83.29 pif 2 TRANS 28 We 86.50 + 103.71 + 131.00 + 19.00 mass= 340.21 pif seismic force= 66.41 pit 3 LONG 18 Na 0.00 + 311.14 + 444.00 + 206.00 mass= 961.14 plf seismic force = 18761 pli 3TRANS 18 n/a 0.00 + 311.14 + 444.00 + 206.00 mass= 961.14 pif seismic force= 187.61 pit 4 LONG 22 Na 389.23 + 0.00 + 89.00 + 24.00 mass= 502.23 pif seismic force= 98.04 pif 4TRANS 22 r✓a 475.73 + 0.00 + 89.00 + 24.00 mass= 588.73 elf seismic force = 11492 pif 5 LONG 22 n/a 345.98 + 0.00 + 96.00 + 96.00 mass= 537.98 pif seismic force= 105.01 plf 5TRANS 22 Na 562.22 + 0.00 + 96.00 + 96.00 mass= 754.22 pif seismic force= 147.22 pill 6 LONG 22 Na 735.22 + 0.00 + 150.00 + 55.00 mass= 940.22 pif seismic force= 183.53 pif STRAINS 22 Na 886.58 + 0.00 + 150.00 + 55.00 mass= 1091.58 pif seismic force= 213.08 pif 1 a LONG (existing) 29 Na 345.98 + 0.00 + 197.00 + 41.00 mass = 583.98 pif seismic force = 113.99 PH 1 a TRANS (existing) 29 Na 518.98 + 0.00 + 197.00 + 41.00 mass= 756.98 pif seismic force= 147.76 pif 2a LONG (existing) 29 Na 172'99 + 0.00 + 197.00 + 29.00 mass= 398.99 pif seismic force= 77.89 pif 2a TRANS (existing) 29 Na 172.99 + 0.00 + 197.00 + 29.00 mass= 398.99 pif seismic force= 77.88 plf JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck P.O. Box 77144 617 Lido Park Dr meoN<, CA 92.77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-0276 SHEAR LINE LOADING Line A (3rd Floor) Line B (3rd Floor) Line C (3rd Floor) Line 1 (3rd Floor) Line 3 (3rd Floor) Line A (2nd Floor) - Existing Line A (2nd Floor) - Proposed Line B (2nd Floor) - Existing Line B 12nd Floor) - Proposed Line D (2nd Floor) - Existing Line D (2nd Floor) - Proposed 8*ITW = 1666.22 lb 81TS = 911.62 lb Governing Wind = 1666.22 lb Governing Seismic = 911.62 lb e'1TW+4'2TW = 2499.34 to 8'1TS+4'2TS = 1177.26 I6 Governing Wind = 2499.34 to Governing Seismic = 1177.26 lb 4'2TW = 833.11 lb 4'2TS = 265.631b Governing Wind = 833.11 lb Governing Seismic = 265.63 to 12'1LW = 2499.34 Its 12'1LS+1.5'2LS = 1310.17 lb Governing Wind = 2499.34 lb Governing Seismic = 1310.17 ib 12'1LW = 2499.34 lb 12'11-S+6.5'21-S = 1726.64 lb Governing Wind = 2499.34 to Governing Seismic = 1726.64 to 8'1aTW+8'3TW = 2939.83 lb Ba'1TS+8'3TS+8.5'4TS = 3659.82 lb Governing Wind = 2939.831b Governing Seismic = 3659.82 lb 8'1TW+8'3TW = 3217.54 lb 8'1TS+8`3TS+8.5'4TS = 2591.68 lb Governing Wind = 3217.54 lb Governing Seismic = 2591.68 lb 8'1aTW+4a'2TW+15'3TW = 4991.491b 8'laTS+4'2TS+15'3TS+5'4TS+10'5TS = 6354.68 lb Governing Wind = 4991.49 Ib Governing Seismic = 6354.68 lb VITW+4'4TW+15'3TW = 5408.05 lb e'1TS+4'2TS+15'3TS+5'4TS+10'5TS = 6038.311b Governing Wind = 5408.05 lb Governing Seismic = 6038.31 Ib 4'2aTW+7'3TW+11.5'6TW = 4878.17 lb 4'2aTS+7'3TS+10'5TS+11.5'3TS = 5227.85 to Governing Wind = 4878.17 to Governing Seismic= 5227.85 I6 4'2TW+7'3TW+11.5'6TW = 5017.03 Is 4'2TS+7'3TS+10'5TS+11.5'3TS = 5181.95 lb Governing Wind = 5017.03 lb Governing Seismic = 5181.95 lb 6/1912018 page 9 of 28 Job #2017-046 9% increase <10% -29%decrease <10% Existing LFRS sufficient to remain as -is per 2016 California Existing Building Code 8% increase <10 % -5% decrease <10 % Existing LFRS sufficient to remain as -is per 2016 California Existing Building Code 3% increase <10 % -1%decrease <10% Existing LFRS sufficient to remain as -is per 2016 California Existing Building Code Section 403.4 JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 10 of 28 P.D. eox 991 44 617 Lido Park Dr Jab #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92S77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-z3 s-0276 SHEAR LINE LOADING Line 1 (2nd Floor) - Existing Line 1 (2nd Floor) - Proposed Line 3 (2nd Floor) - Existing Line 3 (2nd Floor) - Proposed 12'1aLW+12'3LW = 4409.75 lb 12'1aLS+1.5'2aLS+12'3LS = 3736.11 lb Governing Wind = 4409.75 lb Governing Seismic = 3736.11 Ito 12"1LW+12'3LW = 4826.30 lb 12'1LS+1.5'2LS+12'3LS = 3561.54 lb Governing Wind = 4826.30 lb Governing Seismic = 3561.54 lb 9% increase <10 % -5% decrease <10% Existing LFRS sufficient to remain as -is per 2016 California Existing Building Code 12'1aLW+12'3LW = 4409.75 lb 12'1aLS+6.5'2aLS+12'3LS = 4125.53 lb Governing Wind = 4409.75 lb Governing Seismic = 4125.53 Ib 12*ILW+12'3LW = 4826.30111 9% increase <10 12'1LS+6.5'2LS+12'3LS = 3978.00 lb -4% decrease <10 Governing Wind = 4826.30 lb Existing LFRS sufficient to remain as -is per Governing Seismic = 3978.00 lb 2016 California Existing Building Code Section 403.4 a JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN P.O. Box 77144 CORON n, CA 92877 951-235-0276 Schultheis Deck 617 Lido Park Dr Newport Beach, CA 92663 SHEAR LINE A Wind Force to Line = 1666.22 to Seismic Farce to Line = 911.62 lb Factored Seismic Force to Line = 1041.86 lb increase to allow max h:w ratio o13.5.-1 Governing Force = 1666.22 to Maximum Drag Force = 416.56 lb Diaphragm Length = 24 R Diaphragm Shear= 69.43 pit Total Shear Panel Wall Length = 18.0 It Wall Shear This Line= 92.57 pit Element Length = 3.5 It Element Force = 323.99 lb Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Total Force = 323.99 lb Element Unit Shear = 92.57 pit Shear Panel Options: Element Height= 8.it A (160 pit): YES Net Moment Above = 0.00 ft-lb B (240 pit): YES -m OT Moment This Level = 2591.90 ft-lb C (310 pli): YES Total OT Moment = 2591.90 N-lb D (410 pll): YES F (340 pit): YES Tributary Dead Load: G (510 pit): YES - Roof = 3 x 21.62 = 64.87 lb H (665 plf): YES Floor = 7.5 x 12.96 = 97.23 lb J (870 pit): YES Exterior Wall Above = 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 lb Interior Wall Above = 0 x 7.46 = 0.00 Ib double sided panels: Panel Dead Load = 8 x 16.46 = 131.67 Ib GG (1020 pit): YES Total Tributary Load = 293.77 Ib HH (1330 pit): YES Panel End Load = 500.00 Ito JJ (1740 pit): YES Resisting Moment = 3549.37 It -lb (0.6-0.14'Sos)*Resisting Moment = 1563.80 ft-ib Net OTM = 1028.10 Sill / Top Plate Options: HOldown Force = 293.74 16d Nails @ 15 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts @ 16 O.C. EXISTING MST48 OK 5/8" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. A35 clips @ 24 O.C. LTP4 clips @ 24 O.C. 1/2" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. 6/19/2018 page 11 of 28 Job #2017-046 Jill ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 12 of 28 P.O. SOX 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92699 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-0276 SHEAR LINE Element Length= 14.5 ft Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Element Unit Shear = 268.45 plf Length Left of Window= 2 ft Length of Window= 9.5 ft Length Right of Window= 3.0 ft Height Above Window= 1.33 ft Height of Window= 4 It Height Below Window= 3.67 It r= 0.73 C, = 0.60 Increased Unit Shear by l/Cp= 447.41 off Shear Panel Options: A (160 pit): NO B (240 plf): NO C (310 Phil: NO D (410 plf): NO F (340 pIf): NO G (510 plf): YES H (665 plf): YES — J (870 pit): YES double sided panels: GO (1020 plf): YES HH (1330 pit): YES JJ (1740 pit): YES Sill / Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 5 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2' lag bolts @ 11 O.C. 5/8" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. A35 clips @ 20 O.C. LTP4 clips@ 24 O.C. 1/2" anchor bolts @ 38 O.C. PANEL2 Element Farce = Total Farce = 1342.24 Ib 1342.24 Ib (perforated panel adjustement factor per SDPWS Element Height= Net Moment Above = OT Moment This Level = Total OT Moment = Tributary Dead Load: Roof = Floor= Exterior Wall Above — Interior Wall Above = Panel Dead Load = Total Tributary Load = Panel End Load = Resisting Moment = (0.6-0.14'Sos)'Res1sting Moment = Net OTM = Holdown Force = 9ft 0.00 ft-lb 12080.12 ft-lb 12080.12 ft-lb 2 x 21.62 = 43.25 Its 7.5 x 12.96 = 97.23 he 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 Ib 0 x 7.46 = 0.00 to 9 x 16.46 = 148.13 lb 288.61 Ib 500.00 to 37590.02 ft-lb 16561,66 It-Ile -4481.54 no net uplift JRM ENow EEBwD AND DEBIDN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 13 of 28 P.D. Box 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92B77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-0276 SHEAR LINE B Wind Force to Line = 2499.34 Ib Seismic Force to Line = 1177.26 to Factored Seismic Force to Line = 1345.44 Ib increase to allow max h:w ratio of 3.5:1 Governing Force = 2499.34 lb Maximum Drag Force = 1041.39 He Diaphragm Length = 24 it Diaphragm Shear = 104.14 pit Total Shear Panel Wall Length = 14.0 ft Wall Shear This Line = 178.52 pit Element Length = 10.5 It Element Force = 1874.50 Ib Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Total Force = 1874.50 to Element Unit Shear = 220.53 pit Length Left of Window = 6 it Length of Window = 2 it Length Right of Window = 2.5 it Height Above Window = 1.33 ft Height of Window = 4 it Height Below Window = 2.67 it r = 0.89 Co= 0.95 (perforated panel adjustement factor per SDPWS Increased Unit Shear by 1/Ce = 231.03 pfl Shear Panel Options: A (160 pit): NO B (240 pit): YES - C (310 pit): YES D (410 pit): YES F (340 pif): YES G (510 pit): YES H (665 pit): YES J (870 pit): YES double sided panels: GG (1020 pit): YES HH (1330 pit): YES JJ (1740 pit): YES Sill /Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 6 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2' lag bolts @ 14 O.C. 5/8" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. A35 clips @ 24 O.C. LTP4 clips @ 24 O.C. 112' anchor bolts @ 47 O.C. Element Height = Net Moment Above = OT Moment This Level = Total OT Moment = Tributary Dead Load: Roof = Floor= Exterior Wall Above = Interior Wall Above = Panel Dead Load = Total Tributary Load = Panel End Load = Resisting Moment = (0.6-0.14*8es)'Resisiing Moment = Net OTM = Holdown Force = 8ft 0.00 ft-Ile 14996.02 ft-lb 14996.02 ft-lb 3 x 21.62 = 64.87 Its 7.5 x 12.96 = 97.23 to 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 Ib 0 x 7.46 = 0.00 Ib 8 x 16.46 = 131.67 Ib 293.77 Ib 500.00 to 21444.29 ft-lb 9448.07 ft-lb 5547.95 528.38 When Discontinuity Below Panel: n = 2.5 p= 1.3 Factored Holdown Force = 1598.86 Ibs (seismic) CS16 w/ 12' END LENGTH JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 14 of 28 P.O. eox 771 44 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951.235-0.7. SHEAR LINE B Element Length= 3.5 ft Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Element Unit Shear= 178.52 plf Shear Panel Options: A (160 pit): NO B (240 plf): YES - C (310 pil): YES D (410 plf): YES F (340 plf): YES G (510 plf): YES H (665 plf): YES J (870 plf): YES double sided panels: GG(4020 plf): YES HH (1330 plf): YES JJ (1740 plf): YES Sill / Top Plate Options 16d Nafls @ 8 O.c. 3/8" x 6-1/2' lag bolts @ 16 O.C. 5/8" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. A35 clips @ 24 O.C. LTP4 clips@ 24 O.C. 1/2' anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. PANEL2 Element Force= 624.83 lb Total Force= 624.83 lb Element Height = Net Moment Above = OT Moment This Level = Total OT Moment = Tributary Dead Load: Roof = Floor= Exterior Wall Above = Interior Wall Above = Panel Dead Load = Total Tributary Load = Panel End Load = Resisting Moment = (0.6-0.14'Sos)"Resisting Moment = Net OTM = Holdown Force = 8It 0.00 ft-lb 4998.67 ft-lb 4998.67 ft-lb 3 x 21.62 = 64.87 Ib 7.5 x 12.96 = 97.23 to 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 to 0 x 7.46 = 0.00 lb 8 x 16.46 = 131.67 lb 293.77 lb 500.00 lb 3549.37 ft-lb 1563.60 fl-lb 3434.87 981.39 EXISTING MST48 OK Ji ENGINEERING AND DEEroN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 15 of 28 P.D. Box 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 coaorrA, cA 9.877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 9 S 1-235-0276 SHEAR LINE C Wind Force to Line = 833.11 Ib Seismic Farce to Line = 265.63 lb Governing Force = 833.11 Ib Diaphragm Length = 8 It Total Shear Panel Wall Length = 8.0 it Element Length = 8.0 it Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Element Unit Shear = 104.14 plf Shear Panel Options: A (160 pit): YES B (240 plf): YES - C (310 pit): YES D (410 plf): YES F (340 plf): YES G (510 plf): YES H (665 plf): YES J (870 plf): YES double sided panels: GO (1020 plf): YES HIT (1330 plf): YES JJ (1740 plf): YES Sill / Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 13 o.c. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts @ 16 O.C. 518" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. A35 clips @ 24 O.C. LTP4 clips@ 24 o.c. 1/2"anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. Maximum Drag Force= 0.00 Ib Diaphragm Shear = 104.14 plf Wall Shear This Line = 104.14 plf Element Force = 833.14 Its Total Force= 833.11 In Element Height= 8It Net Moment Above = 0.00 ft-lb OT Moment This Level = 6664.90 ft-lb Total OT Moment = 6664.90 ft-lb Tributary Dead Load: Roof = 0 x 21.62 = 0.00 lb Floor= 1 x 12,96= 12.96 In Exterior Wail Above = 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 lb Interior Wall Above = 0 x 7.46 = 0.00 Ib Panel Dead Load = 8 x 16.46 = 131.67 lb Total Tributary Load = 144.64 lb Panel End Load = 500.00 Ito Resisting Moment= 8628.35 ft-lb (0.6-0.14'Sos)"Resisting Moment = 3801.54 ft-lb Net OTM = 2863.36 Holdown Force = 357.92 When Discontinuity Below Panel: n. = 2.5 p= 1.3 Factored Holdown Force = 388.12 Ibs (seismic) MSTO28 HOLDOWN JRM ENGINEERINR AND DEe ON Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 16 of 28 P.O. BOX 771 44 617 Lido Park Dr Job N2017-046 CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-23 5-0276 SHEAR LINE 1 Wind Force to Line= 2499.34 lb Seismic Force to Line= 1310.17 to Governing Force= 2499.34 He Diaphragm Length = 16 It Diaphragm Shear = 156.21 pit Total Shear Panel Wall Length = 16.0 ft Wall Shear This Line= 156.21 pit Element Length = 16.0 ft Element Force= 2499.34 lb Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Total Force = 2499.34 lb Element Unit Shear = 178.52 pit Length Left of Window = 7 ft Length of Window = 2 it Length Right of Window = 7.0 ft Height Above Window = 1.33 ft Height of Window= 4.5 it Height Below Window= 2.17 it = 0.89 Co= 1.00 (perforated panel adjustement factor per SDPWS Increased Unit Shear by 1/Co= 178.52 pfl Shear Panel Options: A (160 pit): NO B (240 plf): YES = C (310 pit): YES 113 D (410 plf): YES F (340 pit): YES G (510 pit): YES H (665 pit): YES J (870 pit): YES double sided panels: GG (1020 pit): YES HH (1330 pit): YES JJ (1740 pit): YES Sill / Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 8 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts @ 16 O.C. 5/8" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. A35 clips @ 24 O.C. LTP4 clips@ 24 O.C. 1/2" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. Element Height = Net Moment Above = OT Moment This Level = Total OT Moment = Tributary Dead Load: Roof = Floor = Exterior Wall Above = Interior Wall Above = Panel Dead Load = Total Tributary Load = Panel End Load = Resisting Moment= (0.6-0.14'Sns)"Resisting Moment= Net OTM = Holdown Force = 8ft 0.00 ft-lb 19994.69 ft-lb 19994.69 ft-lb 2 x 21.62 = 1 x 12.96 = 0 x 16.46 = 0 x 7.46 = 8 x 16.46 = 187.88 Ile 500.00 lb 32049.15 ft-lb 14120.43 ft-lb 5874.26 367.14 EXISTING MST48 OK 43.25 Ib 12.96 Ib 0.00 lb 0.00 lb 131.67 to JRM ENGINEERING ANO DEBIBN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 17 of 28 P.O. BOX 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 C.e.rvA, CA 92.77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-0276 SHEAR LINE 3 Wind Force to Line= 2499.34 lb Seismic Force to Line = 1726.64 lb Governing Force = 2499.34 Ib Diaphragm Length = 25 it Total Shear Panel Wall Length = 20.0 it Element Length = 20.0 It Stacked Force = 0.00 lb Element Unit Shear = 124.97 pit Shear Panel Options: A (160 off): YES B (240 pit): YES - C (340 pit): YES m D (410 pit): YES F (340 pit): YES G 1510 pit): YES H (665 pit): YES = J (870 pit): YES double sided panels: GG (1020 pit): YES HH (1330 pit): YES JJ (1740 pit): YES Sill / Top Plate Options: 16d Nails @ 11 O.C. 3/8" x 6-1/2" lag bolts @ 16 O.C. 5/8" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. A35 clips @ 24 O.C. LTP4 clips @ 24 O.C. 112" anchor bolts @ 48 O.C. Maximum Drag Farce = 499.87 to Diaphragm Shear= 99.97 pit Wall Shear This Line= 124.97 pit Element Force= 2499.34 Ile Total Force= 2499.341b Element Height= 8$ Net Moment Above = 0.00 ft-lb OT Moment This Level = 19994.69 ft-lb Total OT Moment = 19994.69 ft-lb Tributary Dead Load: Roof = 3 x 21.62 = 64.87 lb Floor= 1 x 12.96= 12.96 In Exterior Wall Above = 0 x 16.46 = 0.00 lb Interior Wall Above= 0 x 7.46 = 0.00 lb Panel Dead Load = 8 x 16.46 = 131.67 lb Total Tributary Load = 209.51 Ib Panel End Load = 500.00 Ile Resisting Moment = 51901.60 ft-Ib (0.6-0.14'Scs)'Resisting Moment= 22867.1511-lb Net OTM = -2872.46 Haldown Force = no net uplift JRM ENOINEERINO AND DEsuaN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 18 of 28 P.C. Box 771 44 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CMRONA, CA 92S77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-23 5-0276 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 1.0 Description: hdr at storage Length: 6.5 it Left Support: 0.0 ft Right Support: 6.5 ft USE 4x10 DF-#1 Fe = 625.00 A = 32.38 Fv = 180.00 S = 49.91 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 230.84 Fb = 1000.00 CD'C, = 1.00 E = 1.7E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (plf) Roof 21.62 20.0 4.00 166.5 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 6.00 98.8 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 4.00 287.3 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 552.6 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x' (ft) Rx from-- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 2918.34 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 1795.90 Ibs 1795.90 Ibs Shear (Ief /right) = 1795.90 Ibs 1795.90 be Deflection Limit = 0.325 in @ U 240 Section Properties Required Areaegd= 14.97 in' < 32.38 OK 46.2% Section Modulus,egd= 35.02 in' < 49.91 OK 70.2% Moment of lnertia„yd= 40.17 in, < 230.84 OK 17.49/6 Bearing Length,ead = 0.82 in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 2.0 Description: deck joists Length: 8.0 If Left Support: 0.0 If Right Support: 8.0 ft USE 1.75 x 5.5 LVL Fe = 750.00 A = 9.63 Fv = 285.00 5 = 8.82 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 24.26 Fb = 2600.00 CD-C, = 1.15 E = 1.9E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psi) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (plf) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0A Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12,96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 1.33 95.5 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 95.5 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x' (ft) Roof & Ext Wail 242.7 1.0 Roof & Ext Wall 242.7 7.0 Moment (max) = 1189.03 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 624.85 Ibs 624.85 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 624.85 Ibs 624.85 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.400 in @ U 240 Section Properties Required Area,.,= 3.29 in` < 9.63 OK 34.2% Section Modulus,eee= 4.77 in' < 8.82 OK 54.1 % Moment of lnertiar,1 18.02 in° < 24.26 OK 74.3% Bearing Length,ead= 0.48 in single 2x trimmer OK JI ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 19 of 28 P.O. Box 771 44 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 9ZB77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-027S BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 3.0 Description: bm at stair Length: 4.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 it Right Support: 4.0 it USE 4x10 DF#1 F, = 625.00 A = 32.38 Fv = 180.00 S = 49.91 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 230.84 Fe = 1000.00 Co C, = 1.00 E = 1.7E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (Pat) Live Load (psf) Tributary (it) Load (pif) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall Z46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 9.00 646.5 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 646.5 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x' (ft) Fix from-- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 1293.01 ft-Ibs Reaction (lefUright)= 1293.01 Its 1293.01 be Shear (left/right) = 1293.01 Ibs 1293.01 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.200 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area,wd= 10.78 in` < 32.38 OK 33.3% Section Modulus,,, = 15.52 in3 < 49.91 OK 31.1 Moment of lnsrtia,ld= 10.95 M4 < 230.84 OK 4.7% Bearing Length,w= 0.59 in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 4.0 Description: hdr at game Length: 2.5 ft Left Support: 0.0 If Right Support: 2.5 It USE 4x6 DF#1 F, = 625.00 A = 19.25 Fv = 180.00 S = 17.65 Shear Factor - 1.50 1 = 48.53 Fb = 1000.00 Cr-Cr = 1.00 E = 1.7E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 3.00 124.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 6,00 98.8 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 8.00 574.7 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 798.3 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x' (ft) Fix from-- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 623.67 ft-Ibs Reaction(left/right)= 997.87 Ibs 997.87 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 997.87 Ibs 997.87 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.125 In @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area,agn= 8.32 in, < 19.25 OK 43.2% Section Mcdulusrdyd= 7.48 in, < 17.65 OK 42.4% Moment of Inertia,,- 3.30 in° < 48.53 OK 6.8% Bearing Length,egd= 0.46 in single 2x trimmer OK JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 20 of 28 P.O. Gox 991 44 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 COe.NA, CA 92677 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-23 5-0276 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 5.0 Description: hdr at game Length: 6.5 it Left Support: 0.0 it Right Support: 6.5 it USE 4x12 DF-91 F, = 625.00 A = 39.38 Fv = 180.00 S = 73.83 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 415.28 Fe = 1000.00 Cn-C, = 1,00 E = 1.7E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (it) Load (pIf) Roof 21.62 20.0 3.00 124.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 6.00 98.8 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 8.00 574.7 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 798.3 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist X (h) Rx from -- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 4216.01 ft-Ibs Reaction (Ieft/right) = 2594.47 Ibs 2594.47 be Shear (left/right) = 2594.47 His 2594.47 be Deflection Limit= 0.325 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area„dv= 21.62 in < 39.38 OK 54.9% Section Modulus,,,= 50.59 in° < 73.83 OK 68.5% Moment of lnertia,wu= 58.03 in° < 415.28 OK 14.0% Bearing Length,ayd= 1.19 in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 6.0 Description: deckjoists Length: 16.0 it Lett Support: 0.0 It Right Support: 16.0 it USE 1.75 x 9.25 LVL F� = 750.00 A = 16.19 Fv = 285.00 S = 24.96 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 115.42 Fs = 2600.00 C,-C, = 1.15 E = 1.9E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 1.00 71.8 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 71.8 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y (it) Roof & EM Wall 182.5 1.0 Roof & Ext Wall 182.5 15.0 Moment (max) = 2469.76 ft-Ibs Reaction (Ieft/right) = 745.75 Ibs 686.08 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 745.75 Ibs 586.08 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.600 in @ U 320 Section Properties Required Area,aad= 3.92 m2 < 16.19 OK 24.2% Section Modulus,,,, 9.91 in' < 24.96 OK 39.7% Moment of lnertia,,a= 99.83 in' < 115.42 OK 86.5% Bearing Length,ead= 0.57 in single 2x trimmer OK JRM ENGINEERING ANn DESIGN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 21 of 28 P.O. Box 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92e77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-23S-O276 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 7.0 Description: hdr at master wic Length: 7.0 It Left Support: 0.0 It Right Support: 7.0 It USE 3.5 x 9.25 PSL F, = 750.00 A = 32.38 Fv = 285.00 S = 49.91 Shear Factor 1.50 1 = 230.84 Fb = 2900.00 Co`C, = 1.00 E = 2.0E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load lost) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 3.00 124.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 11.50 189.3 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 2.50 18.6 Floor 12.96 40.0 1.00 53.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 9.00 646.5 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 1032.3 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y ((t) Rx from-- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 6322.64 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 3612.94 Has 3612.94 Ibs Shear (lefUright) = 3612.94 Ibs 3612.94 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.350 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area,ld= 19.02 in` < 32.38 OK 58.7% Section Modulus,.,= 26.16 in` < 49.91 OK 52.49/. Moment of lnertia,,a= 79.67 in < 230.84 OK 34.5% Bearing Length,ayd= 1.38 in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 7.1 Description: nor at master wic w/ holdown from above Length: 7.0 It Left Support: 0.0 If Right Support: 7.0 It USE 3.5 x 9.25 PSL F� = 750.00 A = 32.38 Fv = 285.00 S = 49.91 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 230.84 Fb = 2900.00 Co'C, = 1.60 E = 2.0E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 3.00 124.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 11.50 189.3 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 2.50 18.6 Floor 12.96 40.0 1.00 53.0 Deck 11.133 60.0 9.00 646.5 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 1032.3 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y (ft) Holdown Line B 1598.9 5.3 Moment (max) = 8421.14 ft-Ibs Reaction (le8/right) = 4012.66 Ibs 4812.08 Ibs Shear (lefdright) = 4012.65 Ibs 4812.08 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0,350 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area„qv= 21.12 in' < 32.38 OK 65.2% Section Modulus,ayd= 21.78 in' < 49.91 OK 43.6% Moment of lnertia,ld= 106.11 in° < 230.84 OK 46.0% Bearing Length,,., = 1.83 in "single 2x trimmer not sufficient JRM ENRINEERINR AND DE81e1N Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 22 of 28 P.D. Box 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job#2017-046 c os. HA, .A 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 9s1-235-0296 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 7.2 Description: hdr at master wic w/ opposite holdown from above (uplift) Length: 7.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 It Right Support: 7.0 it USE 3.5 x9.25 PSL F. = 750.00 A = 32.38 Fv = 285.00 S = 49.91 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 230.84 Fs = 2900.00 CD'C, = 1.60 E = 2.0E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name 90% Dead Load (psf) Live Load (Pat) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 19.46 0.0 3.00 58.4 Exterior Wall 14.81 0.0 11.50 170.4 Interior Wall 6.71 0.0 2.50 16.8 Floor 11.67 0.0 1.00 11.7 Deck 10.65 0.0 9.00 95.9 Stairs 11.67 0.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 353.0 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y (ft) Holdown Line B -1598.9 5.3 Moment (max) = 63.88 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 835.93 Has 36.50 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 835.93 Ibs 36.50 Ibs Deflection Limit- 0,350 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area,.gd= 4.40 in' < 32.38 OK 13.6% Section Modulus,., = 0.17 in' < 49.91 OK 0.3% Moment of Inertia,.., = 0.80 in° < 230.84 OK 0.3% Bearing Length,.., = 0.32 in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 8.0 Description: fj over master bath Length: 19.5 If Left Support: 0.0 ft Right Support: 19.5 ft USE 2-2x14 DF-#2 F. = 625.00 A = 39.75 Fv = 180.00 S = 87.78 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 581.55 Fe = 900,00 Co C, = 1.15 E = 1.6E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (Pat) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 1.00 71.8 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0,00 0.0 Total = 71.8 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y (it) Roof/Deck/ExtW all 543.9 15.5 Moment (max) = 5143.62 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right)= 811.95 Its 1132.70 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 811.95 Ibs 1132.70 IIns Deflection Limit = 0.975 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area,.gd= 6.77 in` 1 39.75 OK 17.0% Section Modulus,.gd= 59.64 in' 87.78 OK 67.9% Moment of lnertia,.gd= 225.68 in° < 581.55 OK 38.8% Bearing Length,.gd = 0.60 in single 2x trimmer OK JRM ENDINEERINa AND DKMIGN Schultheis Deck 6/ig/2018 page 23 of 28 P.D. Box 771 a4 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-o296 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 9.0 Description: fir bm over kit Length: 24.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 It Right Support: 24.0 ft USE W12x65 F, = 625.00 A = 4.73 Fv = 14400.00 S = 87.90 Shear Factor = 1.00 1 = 533.00 Fy = 30000.00 CdC, = 1.00 E = 3.0E+07 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (pat) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 3.00 124.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 11.50 189.3 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 9.00 67.1 Floor 12.96 40.0 2.00 105.9 Deck 11.83 60.0 9.00 646.5 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 1133.7 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x' (it) Rx from-- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 81627.52 ft-Ibs Reaction(left/right)= 13604.59 Ibs 13604.59 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 13604.59 Ibs 13604.59 Its Deflection Limit = 0.600 in @ L/ 480 Section Properties Required Area,wd= 0.94 in' < 4.73 OK 20.0% Section Modulus,,d = 32.65 in' < 87.90 OK 37.1 Moment of inertia,,,- 470.17 in' < 533.00 OK 88.2% Bearing LengthR,d = 55.81 in "single 2x trimmer not sufficient Bearing Required = 21.8 in' Area of 4x10= 32.38 It? OK JRM ENDINEERIND AND DESIDN Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 24 of 28 P.O. Box 99144 617 Lido Park Dr Jab #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235.0276 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 10.0 Description: fj over kit Length: 24.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 ft Right Support: 24.0 ft USE 2-1.75 x14 LVL F� = 750.00 A = 49.00 Fy = 285.00 S = 114.33 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 800.33 Fb = 2600.00 CD"C, = 1.00 E = 1.9E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psi) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 1.00 53.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 0.00 0.0 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 53.0 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y (ft) Rx from RS 1132.7 20.0 Moment (max) = 7589.06 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 824.35 IIns 1579.48 Has Shear (left/right) = 824.35 Ibs 1579.48 Has Deflection Limit = 0,686 in @ L/ 420 Section Properties Required Ama,w= 4.34 in' < 49.00 OK 8.99/6 Section Modulus,ege= 35.03 in' < 114.33 OK 30.6% Moment of Inertia,,, 603.93 lr' < 800.33 OK 75.5% Bearing Length,N, 0.60 in single 2x trimmer OK JRM ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Schultheis Dock P.O. Box 77144 617 Lido Park Dr cosorrn, cA 9ZB77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235-OZ7. BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 11.0 Description: hdr at butlers pantry Length: 5.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 it Right Support: 5.0 It USE 3.5 x 11.25 PSL F, = 750.00 A = 39.38 Fv = 285.00 S = 73.83 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 415.28 Fb = 2900.00 CD`C, = 1.00 E = 2.0E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load lost) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 11.00 457.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 11.50 189.3 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 12.50 93.2 Floor 12.96 40.0 16.00 847.4 Deck 11.83 60.0 4.00 287.3 Stairs 12.96 100.0 6.00 677.8 Total = 2552.9 Point Lead Total Load (Ibs) Dist k' (ft) Rx from -- 0.0 0.0 Moment (max) = 7977.89 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 6382.31 Ibs 6382.31 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 6382.31 Ibs 6382.31 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.250 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area,apd = 33.59 in` < 39.38 OK 85.3 % Section Modulus,¢yd= 33.01 in' < 73.83 OK 44.7% Moment of lnertia,�d= 71.80 in < 415.28 OK 17.3% Bearing Length,_, 2.43 in "single 2x trimmer not sufficient Beam: 11.1 Description: hdr at butlers pantry w/ holdown from above Length: 5.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 ft Right Support: 5.0 It USE 3.5 x 11.25 PSL F� = 750.00 A = 39.38 Fv = 285.00 S = 73.83 Shear Factor = 1,50 1 = 415.28 Fb = 2900.00 CD"C, = 1.60 E = 2.0E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary In) Load (plf) Roof 21,62 20.0 11.00 457.9 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 11.50 189.3 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 12.50 93.2 Floor 12.96 40.0 16.00 847.4 Deck 11.83 60.0 4.00 287.3 Stairs 12.96 100.0 6.00 677.8 Total = 2552.9 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y (ft) Holdown Line C 388.1 3.0 Moment (max) = 8443.63 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 6537.56 Ibs 6615.18 Ibs Shear(left/right) = 6537.56 Ibs 6615.18 Its Deflection Limit = 0,250 in @ U 240 Section Properties Required Area,,,,= 34.41 m2 < 39.38 OK 87.4% Section Modulusrage= 21.84 in' < 73.83 OK 29.6% Moment of lnertiar.gd= 75.99 in° < 415.28 OK 18.3% Bearing Length,agd = 2.52 in "single 2x trimmer not sufficient 6/19/2018 page 25 of 28 Job #2017-046 JRM ENGINEERINIa AND DEHION Schultheis Deck 6/19/2018 page 26 of 28 P.O. Box 77144 617 Lido Park Dr Job #2017-046 CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-23 5-0278 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 11.1 Description: hdr at butlers pantry w/ opposite holdown from above (uplift) Length: 5.0 ft Left Support: 0.0 ft Right Support: 5.0 it USE 3.5 x 11.25 PSL F� = 750.00 A = 39.38 Fv = 285.00 S = 73.83 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 415.28 Fb = 2900.00 Co'C, = 1.60 E = 2.0E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name 90% Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 19.46 0.0 11.00 214.1 Exterior Wail 14.81 0.0 11.50 170.4 Interior Wall 6.71 0.0 12.50 83.9 Floor 11.67 0.0 16.00 186.7 Deck 10.65 0.0 4.00 42.6 Stairs 11.67 0.0 6.00 70.0 Total = 767.6 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x' (ft) Holdown Line C -388.1 3.0 Moment (max) = 1933.11 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 1763.83 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 1763.83 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0,250 in Section Properties Required Area,., = 9.28 5.00 40 1686.21 be 1686.21 Ibs @ U 240 in` < 39.38 OK in' < 73.83 OK in' 415.28 OK in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 12.0 Description: norat m bath Length: 19.5 ft Left Support: 0.0 ft Right Support: 19.5 ft USE 2-1.75 x 14 LVL F� = 750.00 A = 49.00 Fv = 285.00 S = 114.33 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 800.33 Fb = 2600.00 Co`C, = 1.15 E = 1.9E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 1.00 71.8 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 71.8 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x'(ft) Roof/Deck/EM W all 1313.5 15.5 Moment (max) = 7590.65 ft-Ibs Reaction (leftright) = 969.82 line 1744.46 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 969.82 Ibs 174446 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.557 in @ U 420 Section Properties Required Area„se= 5.10 in` < 49.00 OK Section Modulus,ega= 30.46 in' < 114.33 OK Moment of Inertia,egs= 490.80 in < 800.33 OK Bearing Length,,, = 0.66 in single 2x trimmer OK 23.6% 6.8% 4.2% 10.4% 26.6% 61.3% Load Name Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 1.00 71.8 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 71.8 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist'x'(ft) Roof/Deck/EM W all 1313.5 15.5 Moment (max) = 7590.65 ft-Ibs Reaction (leftright) = 969.82 line 1744.46 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 969.82 Ibs 174446 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.557 in @ U 420 Section Properties Required Area„se= 5.10 in` < 49.00 OK Section Modulus,ega= 30.46 in' < 114.33 OK Moment of Inertia,egs= 490.80 in < 800.33 OK Bearing Length,,, = 0.66 in single 2x trimmer OK 23.6% 6.8% 4.2% 10.4% 26.6% 61.3% 23.6% 6.8% 4.2% 10.4% 26.6% 61.3% JRM ENGINEERING AND OEHIe1N Schultheis Deck P.O. eox 771 a4 617 Lido Park Dr CORONA, CA 92877 Newport Beach, CA 92663 95I-235-0276 BEAM CALCULATIONS Beam: 12.1 Description: bm at m bath w/ holdown from above Length: 19.5 It Left Support: 0.0 ft Right Support: 19.5 It USE 2-1.75 x 14 LVL F. = 750.00 A = 49.00 Fv = 285.00 S = 114.33 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 -800.33 Fb = 2600.00 CD C, = 1.60 E = 1.9E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name Dead Load (pat) Live Load (psf) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 21.62 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 16.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 7.46 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 12.96 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 11.83 60.0 1.00 71.8 Stairs 12.96 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total = 71.8 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist X (ft) Roof/Deck/ExtW all 1313.5 15.5 Holdown Line C 388.1 15.5 Moment (max) = 8824.68 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 1049.43 be 2052.96 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 1049.43 Ibs 2052.96 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.975 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area„,,= 5.52 in < 49.00 OK 11.3% Section Modulus,ega= 25.46 in < 114.33 OK 22.3% Moment of lnertiar,g 326.05 in' < 800.33 OK 40.7% Bearing Length„,,d = 0.78 in single 2x trimmer OK Beam: 12.2 Description: bm at m bath w/ opposite holdown from above (uplift) Length: 19.5 ft Left Support: 0.0 It Right Support: 19.5 it USE 2-1.75 x 14 LVL F� = 750.00 A = 49.00 Fv = 285.00 S = 114.33 Shear Factor = 1.50 1 = 800.33 Fb = 2600.00 C,*C, = 1.60 E = 1.9E+06 Uniform Loading (entire span) Load Name 90% Dead Load (pat) Live Load (psi) Tributary (ft) Load (pit) Roof 19.46 20.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wall 14.81 0.0 0.00 0.0 Interior Wall 6.71 0.0 0.00 0.0 Floor 11.67 40.0 0.00 0.0 Deck 10.65 60.0 1.00 70.7 Stairs 11.67 100.0 0.00 0.0 Total - 70.7 Point Load Total Load (Ibs) Dist Y (ft) Roof/Deck/EA W al l 675.1 15.5 Holdown Line C -388.1 15.5 Moment (max) = 4270.70 ft-Ibs Reaction (left/right) = 747.72 Ibs 916.99 Ibs Shear (left/right) = 747.72 be 916.99 Ibs Deflection Limit = 0.975 in @ L/ 240 Section Properties Required Area,epd = 3.94 in2 < 49.00 OK 8.0% Section Modulus,.,,= 12.32 in < 114.33 OK 10.8% Moment of Inertia„ , 157.79 in < 800.33 OK 19.7% Bearing Length,,d = 0.35 in single 2x trimmer OK 6/1912018 page 27 of 28 Job #2017-046 a JRM ENOINEERINO ANo DEBION Schultheis Dock P.O. BOX 77144 617 Lido Park Dr CORONA, CA 92a77 Newport Beach, CA 92663 951-235029fi FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS Zone Number: 1 Zane Name: interior Stem(abv grade) 6 Width 20 in Depth (into grade) 24 in Total Height: 30 In Uniform Loading: Load Name psf Tributary Load Roof 41.62 8 332.99 Exterior Wall 16.46 11.5 189.28 Interior Wall 7.46 19 141.72 Floor 52.96 15.5 820.94 Deck 71.83 4 287.34 Stairs 112.96 3 338.89 Total 2111.16 plf = 1267 pat Allowable P (opening) 7222 Allowable P (no opening) 1944 Point Loads Group Load Name Beam # Adjacent Opening Load (Ibs) Pad Req'd (ft') Use Pad 0 Reaction RII yes 6382.3 2.1 30"sqx 18"dp(5)#4 as way 1 Reaction R3 no 1293.01 - no pad req'd 1 Reaction Rg no 13604.59 - no pad req'd SUM 14897.60 3.2 42"sq x Il dp (7) #4 as way Zone Number: 2 Zone Name: exterior Stem(abv grade) 6 Width 20 in Depth (into grade) 24 in Total Height: 30 in Uniform Loading: Load Name psf Tributary Load Roof 41.62 4 166.50 Exterior Wall 16.46 31 510.23 Interior Wall 7.46 0 0.00 Floor 52.96 0 0.00 Deck 71.83 12 862.01 Stairs 112.96 0 0.00 Total 1538.73 plf= Allowable P (opening) 8653 Allowable P (no opening) 4806 Point Loads Group Load Name Beam # Adjacent Opening Load (Ibs) Pad Req'd III ) 0 Reaction L9 no 13604.6 3.1 923 psf Use Pad 42"sq x 18"dp (7) #4 ea way 6/1912018 page 28 of 28 Jab#2017-046