HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 - Board and Commission Scheduled Vacancies — Confirmation of NomineesQ SEW Pp�T CITY OF z NEWPORT BEACH c�<,FORN'P City Council Staff Report June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 21 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk - 949-644-3005, (brown@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Eric Bryan, Deputy City Clerk, ebryan@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3006 TITLE: Board and Commission Scheduled Vacancies — Confirmation of Nominees ABSTRACT: The annual vacancies on the City of Newport Beach's (City) Boards and Commissions will occur on June 30, 2022. The process to fill the vacancies is provided in City Council Policy A-2 (Boards, Commissions, and Committees). As part of this process, an Ad Hoc Committee of the City Council interviewed applicants and made nomination recommendations as provided in this staff report. All vacancies were noticed according to the Maddy Act and City Council Policy A-2. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Waive the portion of City Council Policy A-2 (Boards, Commissions & Committees) that recommends nominating two or more candidates for each vacancy, if an insufficient number of candidates are available; and c) Confirm the nominations made by the City Council Ad Hoc Appointments Committee: Board of Library Trustees [1 vacancy] Ash Kumra Laurel Tippett Jim Mosher Building and Fire Board of Appeals [2 vacancies] Bill Caskey (incumbent) J.R. Walz (incumbent) Kenneth Kasdan 21-1 Board and Commission Scheduled Vacancies — Confirmation of Nominees June 14, 2022 Page 2 City Arts Commission [1 vacancy] Wayan Kaufman (incumbent) Walt Howald John Blom Civil Service Board (Council nominee) [1 vacancy] Sharon Wood (incumbent) Matthew Parisi Harbor Commission [3 vacancies] Ira Beer (incumbent) Don Yahn (incumbent) Antonella Castro Rudy Svrcek Jordan Wachter Bill Peterson Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission [2 vacancies] Diane Daruty (incumbent) Hassan Archer (incumbent) Michael Rutledge Planning Commission [1 vacancy] Debbie Stevens Tristan Harris Jonathan Langford DISCUSSION: Pursuant to City Council Policy A-2, Mayor Kevin Muldoon established a Council Ad Hoc Appointments Committee (Committee) comprised of Council Member Joy Brenner, Council Member Noah Blom and Council Member Will O'Neill. The Committee was charged with reviewing all applications and making recommendations to the full City Council for the Board and Commission vacancies scheduled to occur on June 30, 2022. At the conclusion of the application period on May 11, 2022, the Committee reviewed the applications and conducted interviews with selected applicants on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Following the interviews, the Committee determined that they were unable to recommend at least two candidates for every vacant seat. Therefore, the Committee respectfully requests that Council waive the portion of the City Council policy that states, "By having a goal of two (2) or more candidates for each vacancy, it is the intent of the City Council that at least two (2) separate individuals should be considered for each vacancy (i.e., if there are two (2) vacancies, the City will attempt to have four (4) separate individuals under consideration)." 21-2 Board and Commission Scheduled Vacancies — Confirmation of Nominees June 14, 2022 Page 3 The City Council will conduct appointments to fill these vacancies at its Tuesday, June 28, 2022, City Council meeting. All new terms will be effective July 1, 2022, with an expiration date of June 30, 2026. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Board of Library Trustees Applications Attachment B — Building and Fire Board of Appeals Applications Attachment C — City Arts Commission Applications Attachment D — Civil Service Board Applications Attachment E — Harbor Commission Applications Attachment F — Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Applications Attachment G — Planning Commission Applications 21-3 ATTACHMENT A n APPLICATIdlr P6YEAPPOINTIVE POSITION I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ResidenceOistri p. Verified by 7072 APR 25 P;j 10: 0 f �• ..� z•cl's CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It isthe responsibility ❑fth,� applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the positions) applied for. detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Cleric's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov ICity Gave rnmentf Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwo years for the position(s) applied for. if you are n,otselected Forappointment during thatperiod of time, itwill be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed bythe City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public, record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Board of library trustees Name: Kumr2 Ash (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): Zip Code: 92663 —7 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 8 years Home/Cell #: Business Address; f Irvine, CA, 92606 Business Phone: Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? In NO 0 YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commission; shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Doyou currently hold any paidoffice or employment with the Cityof Newport Beach, including but not limited tocontracted services? Q NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? 0 IN ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. None CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-4 Name and Location of Colleges Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended UC Irvine Intarnalional Sludiesicompuler Science 2004 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Please see resume Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Please see resume References, Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Steve Rosansky Address Phone No. 2. Name (Vick 5tathos Address Phone No, I Summarize why you wish to serve the city of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. Hello - thankyou for considering me. I have built my career in media and broadcasting. This passion came from all the years I have spent in the library. The library is one of the most fundamental areas needed for a community to thrive. I am at a time in my life where I want to give back to my community in a deeper way. I can't think of a more fitting opportunity than the library. Please see my resume to learn more about me. My areas of strengh include fundraising, community building and marketing to our next generation. Currently, I have the priviledge of serving on the board of the Newport Beach foundation since it's inception (which is where I firs' heard about the board of trustees and their mission). In this role, I have helped our organization grow it's community both digitially and ofnine with key community events (some even hosted at the library). For transparency - this is the only commission I am applying for I have applied several times already and sincerely hope I can be a part of the team this time around. I thank you again for considering me. Ash Kumra I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct tothe test of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular positions) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. BOX MUS-i BE C1 ICKED F SUBSI}1ITTING ELECTRONICALLY] Signature Ash Kumra DAL ;042522 21-5 ASH KUMRA Irvine, CA 92606, PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Communication leader, storyteller and community builder with 10 years' experience in content production, strategic partnerships and social media. Proven track record of bringing fresh ideas and mobilizing them across complex organizations to spark change and deliver results. am currently advising MIT Sloan for a global Al community venture. We have created a global series featuring several thousand participants with leadership from Linkedln, World Economic Forum and Boston Consulting Group. Prior, I helped build two national movements including the California chapter for White House venture Startup America. I currently run a weekly business FM radio show on 88.9FM. Guests and features include Dr. Oz, Sony Television, Forbes, Huff ington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur magazine. I also have a Linkedln course a two time TEDX speaker and awarded twice by White House. See more at www.ashkumra.com. SKILLS • Content production • Broadcasting • Partnerships EXPERIENCE • Podcast • Community Building • Social media • Digital Marketing • Blockchain • Web 3.0 Community Growth Manager 04121 to Present Massachusetts institute of technology] Boston ■ Oversee online community for MIT Sloan`s flagship artificial intelligence original content property. • Led a global content series featuring several thousand participants with leadership from Linkedln, World Economic Forum and Boston Consulting Group (media: https:llbit.ly13o838Fm) 21-6 ■ Created one of the largest private Linkedln groups with Al leaders (over 4000 members including IBM, BCG, Google, Amazon). • Lead across channels (owned, social media, partnerships). • Work with a team of 10+ globally to develop platforms to increase awareness, consideration, and reputation. Executive Producer and Talk Show Host 09116 to Present 88.9 FM I Irvine, CA ■ Weekly national radio show with interviews including Dr OZ, ❑r Drew and over 500 luminaries (see www.ashkumra.com). Board Member (Volunteer) 12/18 t❑ Present Newport Beach Foundation I CA ■ Manage the social media for non-profit to a community of several thousand professionals and business leaders (traffic, community and content all organic): https://www.instagram.com/nbfoundation/ Head of Partnerships 06116 -12119 Youngry I Los Angeles, CA • Built a national movement of business owners, securing 100's of sales/marketing deals and top influencer's across North America. • Presented on SONY TV show "Meet The Drapers". . Created a regulation crowd funding campaign with investment platform Republic, generating six figures in reach and over a hundred media placements with n❑ marketing spend. California Statewide Leader 09/12 -09/15 White House/Startup America • httos:Hobamawhitehouse.archives.gov/economy/busines slstartu - america. EDUCATION UC Irvine, Irvine, CA AWARDS AND MEDIA • Linkedln Learning Course: https:llbit.lyl3xcgk4a . ■ White House Award: https://prn.to/3f6UdWS . ■ Forbes Profile: https://bit.ly/2TEQt7o. 21-7 • Dr. Oz Interview: https://bit.ly/3f5XOnQ . • Dr. Drew Interview: https://bit.ly/3ygawbm . • TEN Speech: https:Hbit.l,,Z/3i9BwDZ . 21-8 APPLICATION i&;(ARA&&nVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2020 APR '8 AM 9: 09 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Residence Distri OFTE OF Newport Beach, CA 92660 VerifiedbyTV-.k-- THE CITY CLERK City Clerk (949) 644-3005 CITY OF NFI'v$rRf RfAi. +H Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicantto familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: vvww.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Board of Library Trustees Name: Mosher James ("Jim") M. (Last) (First) Residence Address (required)- Zip Code: 92660 How long, have you lived in Newport Beach? since 1981 Business Address: I NA NA Home/Cell #: Business Phone: N A (Middle) Email Address: mi W:1 Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? �■ NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE. Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the Citygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? ■[j N0 ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? 0 N0 ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. My potential conflicting financial interests consist only of stock Ownership and ownership of a residence in Newport Beach. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-9 Name and Location of Colleges Universities Attended California Institute of Technology Major Physics Degree Last Year Attended PhD 1977 California Institute of Technology Physics BS 1969 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Line in the Sand PAC Director (2017 - present) 2014 - present Attended City's public meetings none 2009 - present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Hates of Employment self-employed physics/optical engineering Consultant 1986-retired Rosemount Analytical/Uniloc Division instrument development Senior Scientist 1982-1986 DiscoVision Associates (IBM/MCA partnership) video disk development Staff Engineer 1981-1982 Lockheed Palo Alto Research Lab solar astronomy research Research Scientist 1976-1981 References, Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Jean Watt Address F I Phone No. 2. Name Connie Skihba Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you area pplying. I have been a frequent user of the Newport Beach Public Library for nearly 40 years. Given the ever changing technological and informational needs of the City's population, I feet strongly that maintaining the quality and continued relevance of library services depends critically on active citizen participation and management through a Library Board, as originally envisioned by the City Council with ordinance 166 in 1920 and reaffirmed by the people in Section 708 of their 1954 City Charter. I have attended nearly all the Trustees' meetings since 2009 and, as documented in the archived meeting materials and minutes, offered comments at most of those. I feel the Board needs to play a more active role in guiding the library's future direction as well as in better engaging the public in that effort. I believe I could help it do so. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. SOX MUST BE CHECKED Ir Sti8miT-r'NG ELECTRONIC -ALLY] signature James M. Mosher Date April 7, 2029 21-10 APPLICATION 1= APPTIVE POSITION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 140 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment d uring that period of time, it will be necessary for you to resubmit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE. EQAC, City Arts Commission, Board of library Trustees, Planning Commission Name: Tippett (Last) laurel Michelle (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): Zip Code: 92660 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? l was born he � Home/Call #: Business Address. Santa Ana, CA, 92701 Business Phone: T Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? JZ NO [] YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE. Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Do you currently hoist any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? NO [] YES (if yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? 0 NO 0 YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. MA WN i irvut IU VAUE rwQ 21-11 •. ...._.... ... .. .- _ .sue.. [....• n . •.•.. .4 _, .. .c. ,m _[.. .. .S.• ..... _�] t e'.' �. Y. x~H ..�:f.... q"6pj, Y 1 • nit T . � y�j�y - i:"' i UA•' Y. aa.i - 's: - _ •:.A " +• �.� ��:i'.r�-�.�'::: �:"��. k w ,ems.. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Communications/international B.S. 2001 UC Hastings College of the Law, 5F, CA J.D. 2005 Distinguished Citizen Program, Newport Beach 1 12020 I Co -Founder of SHARE - local community organization I 12019-present I Occupational History, Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years, x. - .ram[ CEO/RE manager for the County of Orange steal Estate transactions Administrative Manager 1 2016-present County Counsel, Orange County Child Dependency cases Deputy County Counsel 2008 - 201 6 District Attorney, Orange County Trial Attorney Deputy [District Attorney 2006 - 2008 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. I. Name Kristen Gooding Address Phone No, 2_ Name Lauren Kramer Address Phone No.� Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. I grew up in Newport Beach and returned after law school to work and raise my kids here. Participating in the DCP program through the Newport Beach Foundation peaked my interest in learning more about our City and continuing to be an active mernber in my community. i have enjoyed, and continue to find value in my career as a lawyer in the public sector for the County. I am interested ire the ways in which governments interact between the state, county and city levels. As a lawyer, I am a strong advocate for my clients. I listen to all sides of an argument before malting a decision and I get deals done by knowing what points are deal breakers and which points can be compromised. I would bring these skills to the City. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. l.80X i US"iRE:4`-1,AFt-r E-1' IF -SUBMI-FliING O-ECTROMa=Ai_LYI Signature Laurel-ippett� . W - Date r17L] -20-2ImMJ� 21-12 ATTACHMENT B APPLICATION FORAOPi&NTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY OR 23 PH 9' 4 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH "I't +'r- 100 Civic Center Drive Residence Distric Newport Beach, CA 92660 Verified by City Clerk (949) 644 3005 NVV Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fullyevaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the Clty's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees), Applications will be kept on file for two years for the positions)applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application ifyou are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: BUILDING AND FIRE BOARD OF APPEALS Name: ASKEY BILL __1 JD 71 (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): W Zip Code: 92625 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 40 YEARS Horne/Cell #i: 1 Business Address: ' Business Phone: CORONA del MAR CA Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minortraffic violations? d NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? 0 NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? ❑ No Q YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. LUN I INUt FQ PAGE TWO 21-13 Name and Location of Colleges) Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended OKLAHOMA STATE ARCHITECTURE BS 1974 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ARCHITECTURE MASTER 1977 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) dates of Membership BUILDING AND FIRE BOARD OF APPEALS NONE 2018-2022 Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years, Firm or Organization Type of Ausiness Title Dates of Employment BILL CASKEY+ASSOCIATES INC ARCHITECTURE PRESIDENT 1994-2022 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name ED FCSTER Address Phone No. 2. Name JOE DICHIRO Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newpor'. Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying_ I ENJOY WORKING WITH THE BUILDING DEPT AND FIRE DEPT RESOLVING ISSUES THAT ARE UNIQUE TO THE AREA WE LIVE. WITH OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ARCHITECT I HAVE DEVELOPED A WIDE RANGE OF EXPERIENCE AND PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE. I ALSO HAVE A LONG UNDERSTANDING OF THE BUILDING CODE THRU MANY YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IN MY OWN BUSINESS. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX 1AUS1- M: G ILCKLD If SUBMITTING ELECTRIONICALLY Signature 1B ILL CASKEY Date 4-22-2022 21-14 APPLICATION FORAPPUINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Residence Distri Verified byIt �, 2022 FIAY 10 Pill 10-- 02 CITV V n CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS., One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fuliyevaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Govern ment/Boards, Commissionsand Committees). Applications will be kept on file for twoyears for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period oftime, it will be necessaryforyou to re -submit an application If you are stillinterested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Building and Fire Board of Appeals Namp: Walz f John � R ( Last) Residence Address (required): (First) How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 37 Years Home/Cell # Business Address: Business Phone: Email Address: Zip Code: 92625 Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? UK NO F1 YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) (Middle) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Doyou currentlyhold any paidofficeor employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited tocontracted services? ■M NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? 0 NO YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future finar,cial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-15 Name and Location of Colleges] Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended College of the Holy Cross Economics BA 1998 Southern California Institute of Arch. Architecture MA 2003 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) bates of Membership Harbor View Dads 501c3 Secretary, Treasurer, President 2011-2021 Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Walz Architecture Architecture President 2015-Present References. Include names of at least two residents or Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City, 1. Name George Lesley Address I Phone No. 2. Name Joe Stefano Address I Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. My career as a local architect gives me unique understanding of Newport Beach's Municipal Codes and processes, while also having an appreciation for the public's interaction with those codes and processes. This dual experience enables me to provide a balanced opinion when hearing appeals to the Board. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. € O)< Mt.1ST BE UIECICED If St.JBI%IITT;NG ELECTRONICALLY V I Signature date 20�2,05.1 0 21-16 APPLICATION FORA�FPQ111TIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2 +7 A AFC I f CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH i i 140 Civic Center Drive ResidenceDistr' i �' 'I' !Newport Beach, CA92660 Ve rif i e d by + } City Clerk (949) 644-3045 I 1 + Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completelyso that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicantto familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the pesition(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newpc)rtbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years forthe position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary foryouto re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the intereet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Building and Fire Board of Appeals I Name: Kasdan Kenneth I S (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): Zip Code: 192661 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 8 years Home/Cell #; Business Address: Business phone: Irvine, CA 92612 EmalI Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? ® NO Ej YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE; Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the Citygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? M NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) if applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? 0 NO YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. none CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-17 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended City University of New York- Baruch College Political Science B.A. 1973 1976 State University of Buffalo School of Law Law J.D. Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership American Concrete Institute (ACI) Member 1 996-Present West Coast Casualty Speaker and Topic Committee Committee Member 2910-Present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Kasdan, Turner, Thomson, Booth LLP Law Firm Senior Partner 1976-Present References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City, 1, Name Kim Bibb Address I Newport Beach, CA 2. Name Mark Tran Address Newport Beach, CA Phone No, Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. i am an attorney, licensed to practice in California since 1076, and am also admitted in Arizona (2003), New Mexico (2017), and Hawaii (2017), with my principal office in Irvine, CA. My practice is focused on Construction Defect law; typically representing both residential and commercial property owners. In such regard, I have extensive experience in the application of the California Building Code. including provisions of the various National Fire Codes incorporated into the California Code, as well as the interaction with the California existing Building Code and municipal ordinances adopted by the City of Newport Beach adopting and enforcing the relevant codes. I have a working and technical knowledge of codes and construction practices and techniques, as well as practical knowledge of the interaction of various code approval processes and product acceptance reports. I do not represent any owner or applicant seeking City of Newport Beach plan approval; nor do I represent applicants before municipal agencies seeking plan approvals. I submit that my over 40 years of experience working with and interpreting building codes would provide a valuable background to sit on a Board hearing appeals from actions taken by the Chlef Building Official and Fire Marshal of the City. Enforcing the code is important for the safety of all those who occupy buildings and providing for orderly development of real property. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge_ I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular positions) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [130M115€ BE C:litmCKrlli SUB lVl[i [IiC; LIE(FFtC3i`J1�riY Signature Kenneth S. Kasdan Date 05/11/2022 21-18 ATTACHMENT C APPLICATION FOR ff.P.01!N*T YrEFOOSITION Lj FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH IOD Civic Center Drive Resldencedis (Newport Beach, CA 92660 Verlfledby City Clerk (9491644-3005 Fax (949)544-aD39 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used For all the appointl, e- positions you are applying for- Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the resp onsihility of the applicant to famik arise themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed Information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's office or on the City's website: www-newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file For two years for the position(s) applied for. IFyou are not selected for appointment during that period oftime, it will beriecessary for you to re-gubmitan applicationifyou are stil I interested in bei ng considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed bythe City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document isapub] icrecord and may heposted onthe internet, NAME OF BOARp, COMMISSION OR COMM ITTEE' City Arts Commission Name: $IOfTI John I ILaurence (East} (First) (Middle) ResidenneAddress (required): Now long have you lived in Newport Beach? Zip Code: 92663 41 years Home/Cell k: mp� - Business Address: same Business Phone: Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? ■X NO ❑ YE5 (If Yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in tine Cltygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? ■W NO 0 YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? ❑ NO LI YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Cornmitteeyou are applying for. COOINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-19 Name an Location of Cr..4iegesl tJntvje esAt#e q#ed •' ,� major l J Dto-2E l.aSt'lear Aen#ed Univ. of San Francisco Business BS 1969 i Brooks Institute of Photography Portraiture BA 1974 Prior or Current Civic Experience {include membership in prof.gMi4naj..tharity Dr.cornmun4— organization) CAtte Held (if any). Bates of Member;ha Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce Board member & President 1979-2012 1990- 2010 Corona del Mar Business Imrpovernent District Board member & President Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Board member 1980-2012 Newport Chamber Commodores Skipper 1 988-present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held forth e last five years - Flan pr�QrganizatiRn„. .. _ Typeof &Islnrss Title . . e5,af MP16 ent.: 1 979-present John L Blom Custom Photography photography studio owner References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the Clty- 1. Name RICK Gallaghan Address i phone No. 2, Name Jack Jensen Address I Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. I have a background in the arts and have studied photography and painting for over 45 years. I also have i a background in business having had my photography studio in Corona del Msr fmrn 1979 to 2012, 1 have � actively served in boards of organizations that have worked to improve life in our city and improve the beautification of the Corona del Mar business district, I certify that alf statements made an this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the intemet- (BOX MUST BE CHECKED fF 5UBMrTTING ELECTRONICALLY] Signature Pohn L Blom Blom pats 4-20-2021 21-20 APPLICATION FC)RAPl . • INTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE 115E ONLY 2022 f-f/ Y -9 F 1 2: 10 CITY DE NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Residencedistri _ l~1 `i'�,i r'r rt':x �+ 1Lr Newport Beach, CA92650 Verified by City Clerk (949) 644-3005 �W Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completelyso that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarizethernseives with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City'swebsite: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/ Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the positions) applied for. If ycau are not selected for appointment during that period of time, itwill be necessary for you to re-submitan application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Soards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City, This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: I Harbor, Arts, or Board of Library Trustees, Name: Howald lWalter Grant (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): I Zip Code: 92 25 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 7Q ]IeaiS Home/Cell #: BusinessAddress; R,Q, Box 622 Business Phone:I Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Email Address; �— Have you ever been convicted of any crime or vfolation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? N NO 0 YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office oremplayment in the City government. Doyou currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? © NO E YES 0f yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? NO ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for, None. L-V111 11NUC I VAUC IVVU 21-21 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended UCLA Economics/English BSIBA 1960 UCLA Law School Law LLBIJ.D. 6353 Newport Beach Police Academy Newport Beach Police Work Certificate 2020 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Parks, Beaches and Recreation Chair/Commissioner 2013-2021 California State Bar Association Active 50 year to present Friends of OASIS V.P. Civic Affairs! Board of [directors 2002 to present Friends of Newport Beach Animal Shelter Founding Member 1 Treasurer 2018 to present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization usiness Title Hates of Employment !Walter C. Flowald, Inc. HFirm President Est. 1980-2019 Coast Community College District Community Colleges & € OCE Elected Trustee/President 1986-2016 Bakersfield College Foundation CommunityCol lege/Bond Campa1gn Director / Bond Chair 2015-2018 TrimLok, Inc. Manufacturing Attorney f Board Advisor 2010-2019 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. f. Name Evelyn Hart Address + Phone No. z. Name [r��IkeZimmerman Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. As an owner of property in Corona del Mar, t have built four residences and currently own two properties in the "Flower Streets." I have participated in numerous Civic activities to benefit residents of Newport Beach, including fund raising for City projects, City history documentation, education opportunities, library and volunteer recogntion projects, and events. For 8 years, I served on Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission, was an elected Trustee for Coast Community District Colleges for 30 years, and have been involved in numerous local, county, and national projects as a Trustee. I was selected by the !Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce as Citizen of the Year for 2021. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular positions) that I are applying for and authorize the release of this information an the internet. .i-i ti L, k.5ii �i.: If. 0 L;Givii1 dlWs i"i..EC_+.. i L�...J Signature {p , J Date 21-22 APPLICATION 1`014APPIOI ITIVE POSITION FOR OFFfCE; USE ONLYLD22 HAY I 1 Ali 9' 36 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive ResidenceDistri ,LIT'f c}-"l{'S �'7r'_i Newport Beach, CA 92660 Verified by } City Clerk (949) 644-3405 Fax (949)644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fullyevaluate your qualifications. It Is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for, Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessaryfor you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered, NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: City Arts Commission Name: Kaufman Wayan Sofina (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): F Zip Code; r92625 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 18 years:::] Home/Cell H: E Business Address: a] Business Phone Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Emai I Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? ILJ NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office oremployment inthe Citygovernment. Doyou currently hold any paid office or employment with the Cityof Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? Q NO ❑ YE5 (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 30 years?❑ NO ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial Interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. None SUN I INVE rU PAUE TWO 21-23 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended UC Santa Cruz Politics BA 2000 Stanford University - summer session Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Newport Beach City Arts Commission 2018 - present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Sarnueli Foundation Private foundation Office ManagedGrantsAdministrator 2017 _ present References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Hal Meany Address F Phone No. 2. Name Harmonie Wooley Address I Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. It has been a tremendous honor and pleasure to serve as a Commissioner on the City Arts Commission for the past four years. I have served on the Cultural Arts Grants and Concerts on the Green subcommittees and participated in the selection process for the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park. I have built relationships with local nonprofit arts organizations and hope to continue that momentum in a second term in order to bring quality arts programming to the residents of Newport Beach, with a particular focus on K-12 arts education. certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. ilex IViUi l- BE C1-ILCI�LIJ I}- S BMITTIN(; EMLU. RONICALLY. 77 signature Lwayan Kaufman Date 5/11122 21-24 ATTACHMENT D APPLICATION FOR.A'PP;OINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AF11' —7 A11 1 I : 22 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Residence Distri + Verifiedby r a V CITY CLEk 'a Or FiCc i i� Y I F 1vVvVFU xT 0EAC,F€ 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax 1949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwo yec.rs for the position(s) applied for. If you are notselected forappointment during that period of time, itwill be necessaryforyou to re -submit an application if you are still Interested In being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document isa public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Aviation, DOI Service, Parks/Beaches/Rec Name: Parisi Matthew James (Last) (first) (Middle) Residence Address (required): Zip Code: How long have you Wed in Newport Beach? 11 years I Home/Cell #: Business Address: Business Phone: Newport Beach, CA 92660 1 Email address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? C NO F-1 YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explana`ion) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Do you currently hold any paid office oremployment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited tocontracted services? Q NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? ❑ No [—] YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. There are no known past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind with the City or any Commission for which I'm applying. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-25 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last year Attended Penn State University internationalPolarsINationalsewrity BA 2011 University of Virginia International Studies Study Abroad 2010 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) office Held (If any) Dates of Membership A Million Thanks (non profit) Executive Director 2014-Present occupational History. Begin with your present a most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment The Parisi Group Business Management Consulting Owner 2017 - Present Verde Consulting Group Issue Advocacy Owner 2018 - Present References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officiaily connected with the City. 1. Name Anthony Ramirez J Address 6 2.Name LPhil Greer Address Phone No. Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the positicn for which you are applying. I have been a multiple resident and business owner in Newport Beach for about a decade. I have had a growing interest in local politics that began during a consulting project in which I needed to secure local government approval for certain buildinglzoning permits. I do have a desire to one day run for City Council and know that prior to making a run for that position, I need to have Committee experience. I've been intimately involved in supporting various Council Member campaigns which continues to grow my interest as well. I have extensive experience in being brought into business operations that need assistance and assist in turning those businesses around from an operational perspective. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX MUST HCI-iL-CKED 1F 5U[3MIIfiNG ELL-C TRONICALLYj 7 Signature Matthew Parisi Hate 7 April 2022 21-26 APPLICATION FQRAPPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I'M _g PH 1: 56 100 Civic Certter Drive Residenceaistri Newport Beach, CA 92660 Verifiedby CITY C1.Ei'K'� [ ; f=l�� City Clerk (949) 644-3005 01 , r t' : a r- 1:�'i� Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS. One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the positions) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted an the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION CAR COMMITTEE: Py—disseervice Board Name: Wood Sharon Z (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address {required]: I Zip Code: 192625 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 22 years Business Address: Home/Cell #. Email Address: I Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? FRI NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation] NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or a m ploym ent in the City government. Dayou currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? 0 NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10years? N NO F1 YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for - CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-27 Narne and Location of Colleges/ Universfties Attended Major or Degree Last Year Attended Emmanuel College, Boston MA Economics BA 1972 Columbia University, NY Urban Planning MSUP 1974 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in Professional, cgri[y or cummuni[y organization) Office Held (if any} ,... Dates of Membership Civil Service Board Vice Chair 2016-2022 Visit Newport Beach Board & EC 2020-2022 Jasmine Creek Architectural Committee Vice Chair 2019-2022 Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm QrOrganization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment City of Newport Beach Government Asst City Manager 1996-2011 References, include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. I. Name I Edward Snavely I Address 2. Name I Gem Scherr Address Phone No. I 1 I Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particuiarly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. Among my responsibilities as Assistant City Manager, I managed the Human Resources Department for a year when its position in the organizational structure was being evaluated. I was Secretary to the Civil Service Board during that time, became familiar with NBMC Chapter 2.24, the Civil Service (Rules and Regulations and the Personnel Policies, and worked on revisions to the latter two. i also considered disciplinary appeals from employees that did not rise to the level of the Board. Finally, I was the point person for labor negotiations, a role that I continued to fill for several years. In that capacity, I had frequent rontact with representatives of all the employee associations, txAh safety and miscellaneous. I have now served on the Civil Service Board for six years, and am very familiar with the management and operations of the City's Human Resources, Police and Firo Dopartmonts. I'vo also developed good working relationships with other Board members, both through regular meetings and our attendance together at Fire and Police Department appreciation events and the Mayor's Dinner. There has been some turnovnr in Board membership during the past year, and I think that my re -appointment wou Id be beneficial for maintaining continuity, especially as I am currently serving as Vice Chair. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the k dutfes and res onsibilities of the articular position(s) s that I am p p p � } applying for and authorise the release of this information an the Internet. [BOX MUST BE CHECKED IF SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY] # ❑ Signature j-� Date � C r 21-28 ATTACHMENT E APPLICATION FQ,R,QnINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Residence District No. q Verified by 2K2 MAY I ! P,M 9: 35 n;-t"lCr. �3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 64-4-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to famillarrze themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City`s website: wvvw.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(5) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an applicationif you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Harbor Commission Name: Castro Antonella Alnma (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): Zip Code: 192660 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 20 Home/Cell #: Business Address: Mailing Address Only 92625 Business Phone: Erna Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? NO ❑ YES (if yes, attach separate sheet with explanation] NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? 0 NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) if applying fora position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? NO ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. None CON I INUE'10 PAGE TWO 21-29 Name and Location ofCollegesl Universities Attended Major begree Last Year Attended Loyola Law School Los Angeles Law Juris Doctorate 2008 University of California Irvine Crime, Law, and Society/Psych Double Bache lors 2004 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Orange County United Way Board of Directors; Executive Committee 2015-Current The Newport Beach Foundation Vice Chair 201 B-Current Simon Scholars Advisory Council Member AdvisoryCounciI 2020-Current The Elite OC Board of Directors 2016-2018 Occupational history. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title pates of Employment See attached Addendum A and Resume References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Mario Marovic Address Phone No. 2. Name Megan Acosta Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. Please see attached Addendum B. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX MUST BE CHECKED IF SUBMIT" G ELE RONICALLY] F-1 Signature date 21-30 ADDENDUM A Work History (Last 5 years) In 2016, 1 left my in-house position with Mobilitie and became outside counsel to Mobilitie until 2020, while concurrently serving as General Counsel to Kap7 International, Inc. Then in 2018, Meta, (formerly known as Facebook), approached me about being a contingent worker which means I have a head count in their Infrastructure Construction Management business unit. Additionally, I support the in-house legal team as an outside legal counsel. From 2019-February 2022, 1 was outside special counsel to a full - service real estate firm based in Los Angeles. Today, in addition to working with Meta, I work with other clients mostly referral based, primarily related to real estate transactional matters. 21-31 ANTONELLA A. CASTRO, ESQ. III.u111 wi.......1u11........... w1111.u.11w...111a11.Jilowlalwu1.uw..uulu1i1111{laMil%IJII IIIIIIJIMIIIIIIw1YMofawliYl11a1.1.....................................................i........ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Facebook, Inc. Consultant, ICM and Legal Groups 912018-Present Assist internal business teams and legal department in the negotiation Qf construction and design agreements for data center, retrofit and campus projects. o Example, worked in partnership with all internal business units (Legal, Project Controls, Pre -Con, Infmstnicture Construction Management (ICM)) to lead drafting and negotiation of the U.S, master construction agreement for new builds with eight (8) general contractors. o Prepared training; materials and conducted training to internal stakeholders on administration and enforcement of the new master construction agreements. Provide ongoing input and advice to internal stakeholders, regarding contracting strategies on various types of projects, including, best practices for utilizing various standard agreements for retrofit projects and labor ordering. Draft and develop templates such as master agreements, work orders, and change orders. Revise and draft construction and design agreements for data center, retrofits and interior buildouts for offices. Karavas, Kiely, Schloss and Whitman LLP Special Of Counsel 612019-21112022 • Represent borrowers and lenders in the negotiation and drafting of loan agreements and related documents for real estate finance transactions. Including, senior debt, note purchases, mezzanine loans, and co -lender financings. • Represent developers in acquisition, financing and construction of real estate projects. Represent landlords and tenants in commercial lease negotiations. • Represent users in negotiation of master services agreements for plug in play office space. ■ Draft and negotiate construction and design related agreements for single and multi- family construction for both homebuilders and individual owners. MOBILITIE, LLC, Newport Beach, CA In -House Senior Counsel 2014-2016; Outside Special Counsel 2016-2020 + Draft and negotiate agreements, including, master agreements related to construction, installation and operation of distributed antennae systems and small cell wireless networks including, but not limited to, venue lease agreements, wireless carrier sublease agreements, design/construction/installation, and maintenance agreements. • Create master constniction agreements for nationwide wireless construction prajccts. • Supervise, manage, and train associate attorneys. • Collaborate with internal business units (sales, construction, and procure€neat) in executing and delivering project and venue agreements. 21-32 + Draft and negotiate various contracts related to product purchase, installation, software licensing, office systems, independent contractors, settlement of claims, confidentiality, and non -disclosure. • Oversee and manage outside counsel on litigation matters and special projects. • Create templates for wireless infrastructure projects and conduct training on how to implement and utilize the templates. • Support and advise company leadership on status of ongoing projects and Iegal issues. • Assist asset management teams on day-to-day operational matters. KAP7 international, Irvine, CA Outside General Counsel 1112015-112020 • Negotiate and draft agreements related to global business of the company including, distribution, financing, license, sponsorship, manufacturing, employment, and services. • Advise executive leadership and the Board of Directors on legal issues including corporate and employment related issues. • Negotiate addition of new products and verticals. ■ Negotiate international distribution agreements and secure global trademarks. ■ Support executive leadership in day-to-day operations. • Manage outside counsel, PAUL HASTINGS LLP, Costa Mesa, CA Associate — Real Estate 912008 — 9i2014 • Draft agreements related to real estate secured loans, construction, joint ventures, acquisitions, and dispositions, and leasing. • Represent borrowers, private equity groups, developers, technology, and social media companies, institutional investors, landlords, and tenants in large scale real estate transactions including, real estate finance, acquisition, and disposition of portfolios, distressed assets, new construction, and leasing. • Advise clients (internal and external) on real estate issues in connection with mergers, credit facilities and asset and stock acquisitions/sales, and negotiate and draft real estate related documents. ■ Conduct property due diligence including title and survey review and negotiation for large scale acquisitions and financings. • Experience in data center construction, campus development and construction, and tenant improvement build -outs, for technology and social media companies. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL, WESTERN DIVISION, Los Angeles, CA Extern to Federal Magistrate Honorable Andrew J. Wistrich 512006 — 812006 Drafted discovery motions and opinions; attended hearings and settlement conferences. Wrote report and recommendations for writ of habeas corpus. Researched cases and statutes for various legal issues including civil rights and patent lave. THE RODARTI GROUP/PROJECT DELIVERY SERVICES, LLC, Aliso Viejo, CA Project Coordinator/Contract Administrator 2003-2005 21-33 • Prepared, reviewed, and revised real estate development and construction contracts. • Developed and prepared project presentations for existing and prospective clients. • Managed and supervised real estate development projects. • Designed and implemented construction risk management protocols. • Created, developed, and implemented company marketing strategy. PUBLIC DEFENDER SERVICE, Washington, D.C. Felony One Investigative Intern Summer 2003 Drafted memoranda and other documents necessary for the preparation of a client's legal defense. Interviewed witnesses, performed field investigations, and researched legal issues for trial preparation. PUBLICATIONS Published Author Truth in Broadcasting Act: Can It Move the Media Away From Indoctrinating and Back to Informing? Loyola Entertainment Law Review (Vol. 27 issue Il, 2006-2007). RECOGNITION/AWARDS • Named to Super Lawyer's List of Southern California Rising Stars 2018, 2019,2020, 2021 • Recognized Top 50 Women Attorneys by Los Angeles Magazine 2021 • Recognized Top 25 Up and Coming Attorneys OC by Super Lawyer's 2021 • Nominated for a Women of the Year Award 2018 • OC Metro Magazine's 40 Under 40 Recipient 2014 • Recipient of Real Property Law Section's Morning Star Award 2013 • Nominated for a Women in Business Award by the Orange County Business Journal 2011 LEADERSHIP POSITIONS/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT • Member Simon Scholars Advisory Board • Member of The Newport Beach Foundation Board of Directors, VP • Member United Way Women United Global Leadership Council • Member of KAP7 International's Board of Directors • Member Orange County United Way's Board of Directors o Chair United for Student Success o Co -Chair Advocacy Committee o Member Executive Committee o Member of Task Force for United to End Homelessness • Member Advisory Board of Directors to Youngry Inc. • Founding Member Contemporaries Group — Orange County Museum of Art • Member of The Elite OC's Board of Directors • Chair, Orange County United Way's Women Looking Forward (Vice Chair 2010-2012) • Member Advisory Committee of American Heart Association's OC Chapter • Board of Directors o California Young Lawyers Association of the State of California o Real Property Section Liaison o Business Law Section Liaison o Canyon Acres Children and Family Services 2020-Present 2018-Present 2017-Present 2008-Present 2015-Present 2017-2019 2014 2016-2018 2012-2014 2013-2014 2012 — 2014 2010 — 2012 21-34 EDUCATION Loyola Law School, Los Angeles • Juris Doctorate Cum Laude/Order of the Coif 2008 University of California at Irvine • Bachelor of Arts in Crime, Law, and Society 2004 • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Social Behavior 2004 • UCI's NCAA Division I Women's Tennis Team 2000 — 2002 • Delta Delta Delta Sorority INTERESTS • Favorite Place Traveled To — Positano, Italy • Favorite Band — Led Zeppelin • Favorite Team — New York Yankees • Craziest Experience — Great White Shark Cage Diving in South Africa • Favorite People to travel with — Family 21-35 ADDENDUM B When I came to Newport Beach in 2000, one of the very first things I did was take a Duffy Boat ride through the Harbor. I was immediately overcome with a peaceful feeling and in awe of the beautiful homes and boats that line the Harbor. Fast forward to 2022, and cruising the Harbor is still one of my all- time favorite things to do. Now, I am often accompanied by my three children who all want to drive! The Newport Beach Harbor is one of the largest harbors in the country and it is what sets Newport Beach apart from other beach cities. The important role the harbor plays in our community is why I want to serve on the Harbor Commission. It is enjoyed by our residents and visitors recreationally and also serves as a significant source of revenue for the City of Newport Beach. I want to actively ensure that this community treasure is maintained, improved, and protected so generations to come can enjoy it. My oldest child sails out of Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, and this summer, my middle child will be going through the sailing program. I grew up in Las Vegas, and while water skiing and boating on Lake Mead was part of my life, sailing was not in the cards. I love that my children get the benefit of learning to sail, which also includes developing independence, a healthy respect for the water, knowledge of directions, appreciation for conservation and protection of the harbor and bay. Being a steward for the Newport Harbor requires individuals who are able to listen, learn, strategize, and work collaboratively with multiple groups. I have spent my professional career as a real estate transactional attorney listening, learning about the specific needs/goals of each client, negotiating and working with numerous interested parties at once to obtain the best outcome for my clients. As a member of the Harbor Commission, 1 will apply these same skills in advising our City Council, resolving disputes, and thinking through policies with the lens of what is best for our residents and the Harbor as whole. Further, in my capacity as a community and philanthropic leader, I am often building bridges with private and governmental agencies to develop policies and programs to benefit our County. Therefore, I would be able to critically analyze the roles and responsibilities of the City, County and federal agencies in order to balance the various interests and risks to obtain the most beneficial outcome. To sum it up, I have a true love of the Harbor, Bay, and City of Newport Beach and possess the skills necessary to serve as a Harbor Commissioner. It would be my honor to be entrusted with the responsibility of protecting, maintaining, and improving the Newport Beach Harbor. Further, being a Harbor Commissioner would exemplify to my children the importance of taking an active role in protecting what you are passionate about. 21-36 APPLICATION FOR`-0- 0INTIVE POSITION FOR OFF ICE —USE ONLY 2022 MAY I I AH 9' 11 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Residence Distri Verified by 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fullyevaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwoyearsforthe position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that periodoftime, it will be necessaryforyou to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted onthe internet. NAME Of BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMInEE: HARBOR COMMISSION Name: IYAHN DONALD WESLEY (Last) {First} Residence Address (required): Zip Code: 92660 (Middle) How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 52 YEARS home/Cell #: Business Address: Business Phone: 11 1RVINE, CA 92612 1 Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? Q NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the Citygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office oremployment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? ■❑ NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? ❑ NO YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. I DO NOT HAVE ANY FINANCIAL INTEREST IN THE PAST, CURRENTLY OR IN THE FORESEEBLE FUTURE THAT MAY CONFLICT WITH THE HARBOR COMMISSION. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-37 Name and Location of Callegesf Universities Attended Major degree Last Year Attended UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUSINESS BS 1987 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY GENERAL ED CERTIFICATE 1987 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR COMMISSION 2018-PRESENT NEWPORT BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2020-PRESENT UNITED WAY OF ORANGE COUNTY TOCQUEVILLE BOARD MEMBER 2018-PRESENT COMMODORES CLUB EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER 2017-PRESENT Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held For the last five years. Firm or organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment CUSHMAN & VVAKEFIELD COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATERROXERAGE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1991 TO PRESENT References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name GRAHAM TINGLER I Address ] Phone No. 2. Name JOHN CLEMENT Address Phone No. [ Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. I am seeking a second term as Harbor commiseionor because I believe that I can leverage my experience over the last 4 years and continua to make a meaningful impact on the Commission's goals, objectives and policies of the Harbor. With regard to the harbor commission's 2022 ahjectives, I currentiyserve as lead of the Harbor Operations Functional Area One, which oversees matters pertaining 10 the management, policies, codes, regulations, and enforcement of the harbor, More particularly, I have worked determinedly on the updating of Tills 17, which process has spanned over several years where I have coordinated numerous meatings with stakeholders, city attorney, harbor master and city council members. Revisions to Title 17 has been a priority since the city took over harbor operations which now requires a well velted set of rules to properly enforce oodes and regulations. This is an ongoing effort which I plan to update on an annual basis. In harbor dredging, I served on the Ad -hoc committee to explore alternatives (at a private citizen's request) which should result in the validation of the Confined Aquatic disposal (CAD) for the upcoming dredging project. a controversial project challenged by many citizens. A recent agenda ilem of the oommission has me concerned: the appraisal of the fair market rate for onshore moorings. The flurry of opposition by the permit holders claiming that a rate increase will Ue a now -boo! Sax' and it is considered discriminatory (as only the onshore permit holders are being increased, as opposed to permits for offshore moorings, docks and marinas.) This topic will require rounds and rounds of efforts with me and my colleagues to av6d another Dock Tax 2.0. It has been an honor to serve on the Harbor Commission, yet my work is not done. I look forward to persevering with the hefty goals and objectives of the Commission in the coming 4 years. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular pusition(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX Nb1US'T B CI-iE(KLD iF S(Jb3 /11'I'riNG LLECI-i;t:)NKALLY1 0 Signature Donald Yahn Date 5/10/2022 21-38 APPLICATION F 9-',A0I bINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY --] ?022 MAR 30 PM 5' 12 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ResldenceDistricv Verified by �i�/C- CITYC€.FRK'S OFFICE CITY OF P�EWPDIRT DEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92560 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for ail the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsihilityofthe applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibliMes of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's w-Bbsite: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwo years for the position(s) applied For. If you are not selected forappointment during that period oftime, it will be necessaryfor you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. !NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be fromthe qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION ORCOMMITTEE: Harbor Commission Name: lBeer Ira (Last) (First) Residence Address (required): IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr Zip Code: 92663 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 20+ years Business Address: I 5th Floor Home/Cell #: Business Phone: (Middle) Email Address: L 9 Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? N NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office ar employment in the City government. Doyou currently hold any paid office oremployment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? Q NO ❑ YES (if yes, attach separates heet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? in NO ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. None CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-39 Name and Location of Colleges) universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended University of Nevada Las Vegas Finance 1981 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment ProMedix Health, Inc Medical Technology & Services CEO Aug 2019 to Present American Response, Inc Sec€inty&Medical Alert Monitoring CEO Dec 1998toAug 2019 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Ali Jahangiri Address Phone No. 2. Name Jerry Conrad Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the politic:-€ forwhichyou are applying. As the current Vice -Chair for the Newport Beach Harbor Commission, I would be honored to continue my service for another term. 1 believe Newport Harbor is a very important and integral part of the City of Newport Beach and greatly enhances the quality of life for residents, while at the same time provides a welcoming destination for visitors. My 5 years of experience is a great foundation for me to continue working toward the objectives of the City and the Harbor Commission. Thank you for your continued support and consideration. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX X1V�UST BE CHECKED IF SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY] J I 5ignature lira Beer I aatt March 30, 2022 21-40 APPLICATI0t�L � POINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 7.021 DEC 05 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Residence District No. 14 CITr G92660 Verifiedby -- CITY Off. N PORT BEACH -; Newport (949) 6a -3005 City Clerk {949) 644-3Dp5 Fax {949)544-3D39 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicantto familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file For two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE. Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: -nITlission Name: Wachter I Jordan I p (Last) Residence Address (required): (First) Zip code: 192660 (Middle) How long have you lived in Newport Beach? tj Home/Cell #� I I Business Address: Business Phone: Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minortraffic violations? ❑ NO Q YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office oremployment in the City government. Doyou currently hold any paid office or employmentwith the City of Newport Beach, includingbut not limited tocontracted services? IN NO C YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? NO 0 YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for - None CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-41 -- - Name and Location of Colleges/ � Last year Universities Attended Major Degree Attended California State University, Fullerton I Business BA 2011 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Balboa Yacht Club Newport Beach Foundation Elks- Lodge #1 767 Newport Beach Office Held {if any) Dates of Membership J-Flag Board of Directors l 2019-Present 2019-Present Member 2019-Present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Bannister & Associates Insurance Insurance Consulting Senior Account Executive 4l2018-Pres Code Zero President VP Operations 412018-Pres Signal Alarm Co., Inc. Security 612005-4Y2018 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1_ Name Brett Swartzbaugh Address I Phone No. 2. Name Max Ukropina Address f — Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any spFcial qualifications you have which are particularly appropriatetothe position for which you are applying_ Having grown up in and around Newport Harbor, the wellbeing of the Harbor and its preservation will always be important to me. It is my goat in becoming active in the community to preserve Newport Harbor for the enjoyment of future generations. My wife, and daughters, are avid boaters and spend nearly all our free time on the water. We are active members of Balboa Yacht Club and participate in various other community organizations throughout Newport Beach. I am both a power and sail boater. I have owned over two dozen boats in my life and have extensive knowledge in boat and yacht handling, angling, sailing, and the shipwright trades. Along with this knowledge. I work in insurance and have a lifelong background in risk assessment and conflict resolution that I believe would be beneficial in approaching the issues that come before the Harbor Commission. I attended many of the Title 17 revision meetings along with the regular harbor commission meetings, so I am familiar with the organization. Along with attending these meetings, I have long standing relationships with many past and present Harbor Commissioners and the past and present Harbof Master to better my familiarity with 'he position that I hoping to fill. I look forward to serving and giving back to the community that has provided me such a wonderful venue for my u:rtrr riply and the upbringing of my family. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. BCX IVIUS1 B� CHE1 C{c0 IF 5UBM" TTI^.0 ELcCTRCNICALL I f I Signature date 8 December 2021 21-42 Statement of conviction: In 2009 1 was convicted of driving under the influence in Huntington Beach. All ordered probations and restitutions were paid and completed. The case and all charges were dismissed and expunged on 26 January 2016 pursuant to Penal Code section 1203.4. Jordan Wachter 15 March 2021 21-43 APPLICATION FORAPPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Residence Distri Verifiedby� 2022 HAR. 31 PM 2: 3 7 C.ITy U&J-71IKIS 01:= tc- C11TY OF NILEW OR T SEAC1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained fromthe City Clerk's office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwo years forthe position(s) applied for. if you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, itwill be necessaryfor you to re-submitan application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet, NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: IHarbor Commission Name: Svrcek Rudy Alan ( Last) Residence Address (required): F How long have you lived in Newport Beach? (First) 5 years Home/Cell #: Zip Code: 92$B 1 Business Address: Business Phone: F Corona Del Mar Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic vWati❑ns? 0 NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) (Middle] NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office oremployment inthe Citygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office oremployment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? 0■ NO ❑ YES (if yes, attach separatesheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? FR] NO YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. 1 live on the hay and want Newport Harbor to be clean and a safe place to live and play CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-44 Name and Location of Colleges) a�°f Degree Last Year Universities Attended Attended Orange Coast College General NA 1972 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in Office Held Dates of professional, charity or community organization) (if any) Membership Served on the Board of St. Joseph Hospital Board Member 1996-97 Served on Board or Directors of Irvine Apartment Communities Board Member 1998-99 Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent positions. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Ownership of auto dealerships in L.A. Volkswagon Porsche Audi Owner 1998 to Present The Irvine Company Real Estate Senior Vice President 1983-1999Keit References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Keith Dawson Address Phone No. 2. Name Rick Heinz Address I Phone No. I Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee, Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you area pplyIng. I am Passionate about Newport Harbor and want to contribute to its health, safety and navigational function. I bring experience that may be helpful to the commission having hired consultants, attorneys, and engineers to assist on approvals of dredging, dock configuration, sea walls, sand quality and related issues. I served the Irvine Company for 16 years as Senior Vice President and participated in land planning, design, and marketing of large scale communities in coastal and inland zones. l am a member of Balboa Yacht Club, Catalina Island Yacht Club and play in the harbor or ocean weekly on one of my two boats. I have observed how much healthier the bay has become over the last 20 years and appreciate all the efforts invested to bring it to todays levels. Now is the time to give back to the harbor and community l have enjoyed for so I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX MUST BE CHECKED IF SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY] Signature udY Svrcelc pate March 3, 2022 21-45 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APR 25 p�� 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 200 Civic Center Drive ResidenceDistri Newport Beach, CA92660 Verified by City Clerk (949) 644-3005 s Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the positions) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two yearsfor the positions) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: [Hail3Cir CornmlSslorl Name: Peters n William I Carl (Last) (First) Residence Address (required): ; Zip Code: 192661 How long have you limed in Newport Beach? 50 yrs Home/Cell #: Business Address: I Business Phone: Costa Mesa, Ca 92727 Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic vilvlatitlns? 0 NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) (Middle) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the Citygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? NO © YES (if yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) if applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? ® NO YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commisslon or Committee you are applying for. None; for the past 50 years I've been exclusively in both the military aerospace business and industrial wastewater treatment sectors. Therefore, I submit I don't believe GNPB will be purchasing any of the systems we develop & manufacture! 21-46 Name and Location of Colleges] Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended Lang Beach City College Associate general business N/a 1964 Manatee Junior College undesgrad arts engineering Nla 1955 OCS Artillery & Missiles, Ft Sill Oklahoma Missiles & Air Defense Systems Commissioned Officer 1968 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership In professional, charity or community organization) office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Orange County Sherrif Commissioner 1986 - Present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment General Dynamics Aerpspace weapon systems 'rest Engineering Manager 1969_1970 Atlantic Research Aerpspace weapon systems Program Manager 1970-1975 Western Design Incorporated Aerpspace weapon systems Founder, Chairman & Ceo 1976-1992 & 2017- Present Linear Control Systems Inc Industrial Waste Water Treatment Sys Founder, Chairman & Ceo 1 992-201 7 References. include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach wh❑ are not officially connected with the City. 1, Name Russel Fluter Address Phone No. I 2_ Name John Curcci Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a hoard, commission or committee you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. include any Special qualifications The skill sets to provide guidance to the city council & harbor master on the most challenging technical & administrative matters in all aspects of the harbor, its policies, enforcement procedures and safety in the past, present and future. Our Harbor is an undervalued asset, as can easily be seers by waterfront commerciallresidential property values, local economy, plus tourism and it's up market usage. All the disenfranchised parts which make up the harbor, including property, entitlements, docks, piers, moorings, street end facilities, sea wall & sea wall structures, as well as detailed engineering of what is managed & titled as a " HARBOR SYSTEM" encompass complex issues. All the parts need to be properly integrated to serve not only the city, a sound budget process, It's property owners and all stake holders at large! These include issues necessary for the governance, safety, caste enforcement and simplified regulations. At Linear Control Systems we developed modular packaged wastewater treatment plants. Our sole customer was Dole Standard Fruit. We developed a technology to reduce oily wastewater, BOO and COD oontaminants down to EPA Standards prior to discharge. These are present in our harbor most notable at low tides. I certify that At statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have rear} and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX MUST BE CHECKED IF SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY] Signature I I Date April, 12, 2022 21-47 ATTACHMENT F APPLICATION FD ,A4P-PQjNTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ResidenceDistric 44 Verifiedby 2oz? APR 2S pq 10: 03 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: one application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibilityof the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov iCity Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwo yearsforthe position(s) applied for. If you are nGt selected forappointment during that period oftime, it wiJI be necessaryforyou to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: [Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission Name: ❑aruty Diane Smith (Last) (First) Residence Address(requiredj: I Zip Code: 1926560 Haw long have you lived in Newport Beach? o years Home/Cell #i: Business Address: nfa Business Phone- Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? 0 NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) (Middle) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment inthe Citygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the Cityof Newport Beach, including but not limited tocontracted services? ■❑ NO f-] YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy In the last 10 years? ❑ NO YES Pleasestate any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. I am Chairman of Newport Mesa Spirit Run, Inc. (NMSRI) a non profit 501(c)(3) that presents the annual Spirit Run. NMSRI has applied for and received grants from the City since Spirit Run 2012 and will apply again for fiscal year 2023. Through Spirit Run, since 2008, NMSRI has been promoting the City's Recreation and Senior Services classes and actitivities including Camp Newport summer classes and the annual track meet. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-48 Name and Location of Colleges Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign Accountancy B.S. 1985 University of California Davis School of Law Law Juris Doctor 1992 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community arganizaticn) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Newport Mesa Spirit Run, Inc. 501(c)(3) that presents Spirit Run Founder/Chairman of Board 2010 - ]resent Exchange Club of Newport Harbor Co -VP Programs fye 2023 2021-present Leadership Tomorrow none class 2018-2019 Rotary Club Newport Balboa none 2012-2016 Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held For the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Crowell & Moring Law Firm Senior Associate 1993-2001 Pettis Tester Kruse & Krinsky Law Firm: Associate 1992-1993 University of California, Davis University Head Teacher Asst Accounting 1 990-1 992 KPMG Public Accounting Firm Senior Auditor 1985-1989 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Karen Yelsey Address Phone No, I I 2. Name David Kobrine I Address I Phone No. I I LJ Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. For the last four years, I have enjoyed serving on the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission, currently as Chair of the Commission. I believe I have made an important contribution to the City and that my experience has trained ms well for another four year term. I have appreciated the opportunity to be a part of deciding important issues in the City, in particular tree removal requests, working at Council's direction to provide suggestions for updating the donation Policy and currently solutions for the Bafboa Island benches, and participating in the creation or renovation of City parks. I am also grateful to have had the privilege of continuing and expanding my relationship with members of the Recreation and Senior Services Department beyond our collaboration with Spirit Run. I truly admire these highly professional staff as well as other City staff, in particular in Public Works, and City Council members with whom I have worked. Likewise, I admire and have worked well with my fellow commissioners. would greatly appreciate being appointed for another four year term so I can continue my service to the City. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [t3OX MUST l3E C:Ht_:(ALD Ii SU6lVd t i iNG LLLC 11,UNILAILLY 7' J Signature IDiane Smith Daruty Date April 26, 2022 21-49 APPLICATION FOWAPPOI ITIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY l 20?2 APR -7 AI14 10: 53 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ResidenceOistri 4 Verifier!byAk � OFFICE fY OF NEWPn��T BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS. One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website; www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwo years forthe position(s) applied for. !f you are not selected for appointment duririg that period oftime, it will be necessaryfor you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: [Parks, Beaches, :&::R�ecrea�fionommission Name: Archer Hassan E77:::� ( Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): Newport Beach CA Zip Code: [92:W63 How long haveyou lived in Newport Beach? .5 ]fears Home/Cell 4: Ausiness Address: Newport =Beach Business Phone: Email Address: leave you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? X NO n YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the Citygovernment. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? [] NO 0 YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? o NO [] YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you area pplyfng far. None. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-50 Name and Location of Colleges Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended University of Texas at Austin Computer Science B.S. 2000 University of Washington - Seattle Business Certificate 2010 Vanguard University Psychology M.S. 2014 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) office Held (If any) Dates of Membership Parks, Beaches, & Recreation Commission - City of Currently Vice Chair 2018 - Present Seattle Parks Miller Community Center Treasurer Finance Committee Member Leader 2007 - 2010 2002 - 2006 1999 - 2000 St. Peters United Methodist Church Project 1000 - Austin, Texas Charity Organization Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held For the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates, of Employment Hassan Archer Consulting LLC Software Consulting CEO 2019 - Present Buy It Installed Software COO 2019 Originate Inc. Software Consulting Director - OC 2014 - 2019 Microsoft Corp. Software Lead SW Engineer 2001 - 2009 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Mark Sutherland Address I Phone No. 2. Name Forrest Mack Address I Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularlyappropriateto the position forwhich you are applying. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 4 years serving the city on the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. I would like to serve a second term and complete some of the projects and improvements we have in motion. During my time on this commission I have worked well with the city staff, consultants, and fellow commissioners to protect our urban forest, plan and launch the Grand Howald Park restoration, revise and update the G Policy regarding notification requirements for tree removals, push to preserve special trees on Balboa Island, and most recently draft a recommendation for park improvements along Ocean Blvd in CDM. I certify that all statements made on this application are true acid correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) toat I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. )BOX MLJS i- Lei" Ci IECI<L-'D if= Sl.iBlVii i liNCz LLE:CTRON ICALLY] Signature Hassan Archer Date [4-6-2022 1 i 21-51 APPLICATION FOkAPPOTNTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ResidenceDistric ! Verifiedby f 2072 APR 2; APB Q- 46 ,C1Tv C1,FPI/ ,- CfrFf CITY OF NE WPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949] 644-300S Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City GavernmentjBoards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file far two years for the positions) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME Of BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Name: Rutledge Michael John (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): iVewport Beach CA Zip Code, 92663 1 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 5 years Home/celI #: Business Address: Business Phone. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? 0 NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid Office or employment in the City government. Doyou currently hold any paidaffice oremploymentwith the Cityof Newport Beach, including but not limited tocantracted services? 0 NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? ■a NO ❑ YES Pleasestate any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. GUN I IN LIE TU PAGE TWO 21-52 Name and Location of Colleges/ universities Attended Major Degree last Year Attended University Of Rhode Island, Kingston Business Administration, Bachelors 2009 Zhongnan University of Economics & F International Business, International Achie 2008 Prior or Current Civic Experience (includc membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Datesof Membership Set Her Free (Charity) Advisor 2015-Current BBBody Board of Directors 2019-Current occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment FitLab Inc. Fitness & Sport Lifestyle Senior Director 11112020-Current Aperion Group product & Service bevel Co -Founder 1212016-12/2019 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Michael Melby Address 1 Phone No. 11 2. Name aylor Good Address Phone No. Summarize whvyou wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. I find myself in a unique position as a transplant resident of Newport Beach. Having been born and raised in New York, living in lower Manhattan for over a decade, and finding my way to Orange County. Choosing Newport Beach as my home has been the smartest personal and professional decision I ever made. I feel it is my civic duty to be a force multiplier and value add asset to my community. My experience with operations, strategic planning and growth initiatives throughout my professional career will bring thoughtful, creative and a community first vision to this committee, My passion for this city, its beauty and the pivotal part recreation plays in our citizens life is at the forefront of my personal and professional life. I thank you for your consideration and hope to be a value add to the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX MUST BE CHECKED KED 1F SU&MITTING LLEC1 RONICALLYJ F Signature IM ichael J. Rutledge Date 4/2712022 21-53 ATTACHMENT G APPLICATION 1`6kkV-16�IVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Residence Distr Verified by 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644.3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fullyevaluate your quallflcations. It Is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered_ NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: I Planning Commission Name: Stevens IDebbie Bright (Last) (First) Residence Address (mqu€red): 1 0 1 Zlp Code: �92625 How long haveyou lived In Newport Beach? 29 years Business Address: Home/Cell #: Business phone: (Middle) Placentia, CA Email Address: F � Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? ■❑ NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment inthe City government. Do you currently hold any paid office oremployrnentwith the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? ■❑ NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? [j NO E] YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. As part of my professional career, I work for Environmental Audit, Inc-, which provides environmental consulting services for a variety of clients. Most of the clients that I currently represent are heavy industrial facilities (e.g., refineries, port facilities, marine terminals, pipelines, etc.) that do not have facilities in Newport Beach; school districts (not including Newport -Mesa); and air districts (South Coast Air Duality Management District and Bay Area Air Quality Management District). We do not currently represent businesses in Newport Beach. Therefore, I do not foresee conflicts with any projects before the Planning Commission CONTINUE TD PAUL TWU 21-54 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended University of Southern California Biological Sciences Bachelor of Science 1979 University of California, Los Angeles Epidemiology Masters of Public Health 1982 UCLA, Continuing Education Environmental Engineering CEQA Update Courses 2020 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Housing Element Update Advisory Committee Member 2020-2021 General Plan Update Steering Committee Member 2019-2020 Carona del Mar Residents Association President, Vice President 2010 to present Environmental Quality Affairs Committee Member and Chairperson 2009 to 2016 Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Rates of Employment Environmental Audit, Inc. Environmental Consulting President 1982 to present References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name JlPaul Watkins Address 2, Name Ed Selich Address r Phone No. ] Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. I have been an environmental consultant for over 39 years and have extensive experience in planning and environmental compliance. My education and work experience have provided a broad experience in planning and the environmental field, specifically preparing documents in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) since 1984, compliance with land use/air quality rules and regulations, preparing health risk assessments, preparing coastal development permits, and hazardous waste compliance. I have represented clients before the California Coastal Commission, as well as Environmental Commissions, Planning Commissions and City Councils in various jurisdictions. I have recently worked on the Newport Beach General Plan and Housirig Element Updates which provided insight into changes in rules, regulations, plans, etc, that have or will occur shortly in Newport Beach, changing the way that the City needs to evaluate projects. This experience would be helpful on the Newport Beach Planning Commission. I recognize the importanr.:e and the challenges of the Planning Commission In Newport Beach and it would be an honor to serve on the Commission. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. r i- ; . C is , ) � is i i z oo i - 91 Signature Debbie B. Stevens Date May 11, 2021 21-55 APPLICATION FORT►tl1 PdF1QTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 7M11,AY 10 APB 10: 23 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • r4 7 F7 I C r 100 Civic Center Drive ResldenoeDfstri :�- ��- • i Newport Beach, CA92660 Verifiedby E City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS. One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file fortwo years for the positions) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period oftime, it will be necessaryfor youto re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors oft he City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: PLANNING COMMISS10N Name: LLANGFORD JONATHAN IPHILLIP (Last) (First) (Middle) Resi de nce Ad dress (required): I Zip Code: 92660 How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 36 YRS Business Address: Home/Cell #: Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? NO YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE. Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Doyou currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited tocontracted servicas? 0 NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 70 year,? ❑■ No ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. My wife and I own a home and reside full-time in Newport Beach. My wife and I own a rental property in Corona del Mar. My parents own a home and reside full-time in Corona del Mar. My parents -in-law own a home and reside full-time in Corona del Mar. My grandmother -in-law leases a home and resides full-time in Corona del Mar. My employer owns various properties in Newport Beach. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 21-56 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) Business / Real Estate BS 2008 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Friends of Newport Beach Animal Shelter President 2017 - present Office of U.S. Congressman Daniel E. Lungren Housing Corporation, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at USC National Security Advisor 2008 - 2011 Director 2012 -- present Mariners Christian School Alumni Advisory Board 2009 - present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Mesa Centers retail shopping center management Director of Real Estate 2020 - present Aspen Dental Management, Inc, dental support organization Director of Real Estate 2019 - 2020 Dollar Tree, Inc. retaji, variety, discount stores Real Estate Manager 2014 - 2019 99 Cents only Stores discount, grocery stores Real Estate Manager 2011 - 2014 References, Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1, Name The Hon. Jean WattAddress L 2. Name The Han. Nancy Gardner Address Phone No, Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on aboard, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. Newport Beach City Council Members, Residents of Newport Beach, and To Whom it May Concern: My name is Jonathan Langford and I wish to serve you on the Newport Beach Planning Commission. My blend of experiences in City matters, legislation, and real estate gives me the knowledge and wisdom to capably and faithfully serve our City in this capacity upon appointment, if I am fortunate to receive your trust. As president of Friends of Newport Beach Animal Shelter (nonprofit public benefit corporation), we raised nearly $3.000,000.00 from fellow residents, bought property in Newport Beach, gained Planning Commission approval, and are under construction to build Newport Beach's newest public facility. U.S. Congressman Lungren chose me to advise him on specialized policy decisions in Washington, D.C. on an array of legislative issues — working closely with elected officials and professlonal staff. As a real estate professional for multiple large retailers, I have worked with city planning commissions across the Western states, allowing me to adopt a best -practice approach to serving Newport Beach. As a lifelong Newport Beach resident, I cherish this opportunity to give back to my community. Thank you For your consideration. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [130X MUST BE CHECKED & SUBMITTING LLECI'RONICALL.'t 1 21 Signature Jonathan Phillip Langford Date 05/1 012022 21-57 ---. 2022 tr-, y I I ►; 1- 13 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �F 100 Civic Center Drive ResidenceDistri p � y ,.., ort Beach, CA 92660 V"/ � � . - - - - ' •, r*r.; New Verified1b City Cleric {9491644-3405 _._._.—..... _.._............. .... ...... .... __._ _. f jr Fax(9491644 3039 DIRECTIONS- One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained frorn the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newpc)rtbe.achca.gov (CityG-overnnientlsoards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kepi of) file for two years for the positions) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in bring c.onsi dered. NOTICE- Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a puhiit record and may ioe posted on the Internet. _._ ._.._................._ NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMIdIIT7EE: Flail rling Commission Name: Harris Tristan ^ _ Chew (last) _ _ - {First) (Middle) ResitlenceAddress{required}: Zip Cnde.: 926 3 How tong haveyou lived in Newport Reach? LC+ ]Eea S� Business Address: Newport Beach, CA 92660 tloine./Cell H-. Business Phone: Finijil Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICI t pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office oremployment in the City government. D❑you currently hold any paid office or emploympot i:ith the Cityof Newport Beach, including but not hini ted to contracted services? W NO E YES (if yes, att at'1 separate sheet with explanation) 11 applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? 0 NO ❑ YES Pleasestate any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Corr. rnis5ion or Committee you are applying for. CONTINUF -f O PAGE 21-58 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended University of California San Diego Last Year Major Qegree Attended HistoryBachelor's ! 2008 .............................................................................._.... -�— - - Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) ENC Community Membership Newport Beach City Recreation Sports Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership 2019-Pres 201 0-Pres Occupational History. Begin with your present or rnost recent position. List all posirions separately held for the last five years. .._. .... ............ ....._.. _..... ..... ..... - ... ....__. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Arbor Capital Partnersg, LLC. Real Estate Investment Vice President 2011-Present References. Include names of at N,Ost two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially (onvected with the City. 1. Name dewairl Campbell I Address Phone No_ 2. Narnc . eff_ Bergsma Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to Serve the City of Newport Deach on aboard, commission or corninitte.e. lririude any sl)ecial qualifications you have which are particularly appfopriate to the position for which you are applying. After growing up in Newport, my wife and I have chosen to purchase our home and raise our two children in this wonderful community. As a more than 30 year resident I have been fortunate to witness the City's evolution and I believe that a city's success is a direct reflection of the engagement of its citizenry This is why I am applying to be on the Planning Commission. In my professional work, I am involved in many aspects of real estate invesimenUdevelopment projects siarting from the finanlcirZtglplanning/entitlement stages ail the way through construction management and completion. I have presented to Planning CornmissionsiCity CooncilslTown Boards on numerous occasions and I feet I have a unique understanding of how these processes work. Further, I have a tremendous amount of respect rtat only for the operations of government, but also for the citizens who dedicate their time and expertise to their city. Our City is absolutely reliant on people willing to sacrifice and serve, and I would like to do my part- Thank you for considering my application. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my kn❑wledge I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the Internet. 5L `...!-'. -.. 't:.. Signature [Tristan Harris gate 0511112622 21-59