HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2019-3996 - Misc (2)1222 ,W�nsioW UA . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 926588915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 SETBACKS AND TOP OF SLAB/FLOOR ELEVATION CERTIFICATE The purpose of this certificate is to insure that the structure is located properly on site per the approved drawings. This certificate also verifies the top of slab/floor elevation noted on the approved drawings. After the top of slab/floor elevation is verified to match the elevation specified on the approved drawings, the contractor and inspector can measure the height of the structure to the top of slab/floor to verify that it is equal or less than the dimension shown on building sections and elevations. This form must be filled out by a registered surveyor or civil engineer authorized to perform surveys. The survey must be done after the concrete forms are in place or preferable after the concrete slab is poured or raised floor is built, but prior to starting wall framing. Engineer/Surveyor's Name Dane P. McDougall License # Engineer/Surveyor's Address 6 Orchard Rd, Suite 200, Lake Forest CA 92630 Job Address 1244 Irvine Avenue -TR 18135 - Units 1-9 Setbacks: Sketch a site plan and specify surveyed setbacks (use back page). * Top of slab/floor elevation: Varies 9297 * If slab/floor elevation varies, sketch a plan or section through slab on the back page and specify the elevations. Use same datum used in the survey of record. I certify that the setbacks are 0, are not ❑, per City approved plans. Describe any deviations from plans: I certify that top of slab/floor elevation(s) is 0, is not ❑, per City approved drawings. Describe any deviations from plans: 11/05/2020 Date Engineer/Surveyor's stamp and signature Forms/SetbacksmdTopof5labElevationCert. IIM I V L.S. 9297 T0b NLl ..buS'. bs Lql CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1(949)644-3200 Structural Observation Report PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTIONS ORSFRVFn rrherk wnnllrAhln knrnd I FOUNDATIONS i SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS INDICATE LOCATION(S) DATE } I , FloorfRoo OBSERVED OBSERVED Conventional i ❑ Concrete 0 Steel ,,' C1 Concrete " �) I UU(L F25LU sBSiab f _. �. ()r 'V61-- � 0 Cl Mat Foundation, ❑ Mason y~ D Cencr9le ❑ Steel Deck — i{ --- -- Prestressed Concrete ' I f l I U n/ i ' S — q �' _ L—��---�.—.. Caissons, Piles, �] W or Manuf. ❑ MjAcinry Cl W9od Grade Beams r Panels Other. I ,Other p' Other Cy'Other D ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. 13 OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: (ORSLRVO I2Qr'aA1fGNy^/ RJtLiJiNfZ 2 UNITS I.F--') Cvl-UtMry r3F)3(_CBSut NgT IrJS1AILEr) AT TN( jf/Y _ OF ctsrIC?AR'7fJrJ NJp'i i((`P �L frCIL+/ocs -1 fit �'J { E-' CONTINUED OY ATTACHED PAGES FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents and all observed deficiencies were corrected. 1 declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: )I 1. I am the Ncensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible chargeof the structural observation; 2. t, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant comtr—"ti0n sthgti to vanfy 1ha! the structure '.0 in ger.z.al confon^ance -.nth th- approved construction documents; 3.. I understand that all deficiencies which i have documented must be corrected, prior to Gnat.acceptanCa Of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. Tr''S l=uSNRL D te, i3gfGL l3 ll-s-2fl2o _ SIGMA OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD DATE STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. �;L AlLi ; 6572 9 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: i 17A " I (i t.10w c-,aNL Report Date: 2- 2-2 I CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit #: X1019- 3,1,7 Building Owner Name: Owners Mailing Address (if different from site); Owners Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO Email Address: SO Telephone #: SO License / Reg. #: f iilS) - Ammii RqMimART (aG,0UV (nfovP,ra ❑ Concre Cos Zo3',7 I PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTIONS OBSERVED (check aeelicahle boxesl FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED ❑ Conventional Footings & ab ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel ❑ Concrete Y7 DO/LDiry 2-2.-2-/ ❑ Mat Fo dation, Prestres d Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concre ❑ Steel D k Urr, 1 TS Li — �l ❑ C 'sons, Piles, rade Beams Lg Wood or Mani Shear Panels O Me my ❑ Wd o ❑ Other. ❑ Other. ❑ ther: ❑ her: ❑ ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: b nEvz -KT- i 6CAflitlAli miii VIL N 2• NO ii)(=PCILVULL ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally compile with the approved roved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were 1 declare thatahe following statements ere true to the best of my knowledge: 1. 14m the' licensed design professional retalr by the owner to be in responsible gharge of the'st uctural 6seryatlon, ' 2. I, or another l'cepsatl o Ign professional whom I have designated above and Is under my re9ponsible cherge %Ye perfor ed the requlred site visits at each signifigant oonstn{tio� steps ;Wver,that the alucture Is In general conformance" wdh ,the approved consthictfon doculnente. corrected. )052030 2/31/22 Job number: 65291 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.Qov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: 1223 Winslow lane ReportDate: 3-1-21 CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit #: INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab X2019-3996 Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: CNB Plan Check* Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License / Reg. #: Basil Ammari Bammari@gouvisgroup.com 9497521612 C052030 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTIONS OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel ❑ Concrete Building 2. Units 4-9. 3-1-21 ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel Deck ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams ® Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels ❑ Masonry ❑ Wood ❑ Other:. ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ Other: ❑ ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: Observed interior and exterior framing on building 2 units 4-9. Area near stairs, partition walls and some shear walls covered with drywall. No other deficiencies. ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. 3-1-21 No. OOi52= STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION DOES NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Famu\S W ctwalObsma[ioMeport&Ivslrvctiaw CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 BUILDING HEIGHT CERTIFICATION Project Street Address: 1244 IRVINE AVE, NEWPORT BEACH Building Permit Number(s): 2750-2019 BLDG 2, UNITS 4-9 OF TR 18135 As the surveyor of record for the project at the above address, I hereby certify that I have reviewed the City of Newport Beach approved plan and original topographic survey and based the elevations listed below on those plans. Elevations shall include an allowance for roofing material thickness if not yet installed. Provide each critical ridge and flat roof, or roof deck railing elevations indicated on the approved plans. Use the format below on the back of this form if additional space is necessary or further explanation is needed. Provide original copy to the inspector before roof framing inspection. All elevation points are based on: D NAVD88 O NGVD29 O Assumed Please provide the following elevation information for the highest roof ridges, flat roofs, or parapets/guardrails. Additional elevation points may be requested by the Building Inspector. RIDGES (3:12 slope or greater) 1. Approved elevation point of ridge is 120.04' and actual elevation point is 119.62' 2. Approved elevation point of ridge is and actual elevation point is 3. Approved elevation point of ridge is and actual elevation point is FLAT ROOFS, PARAPETS AND GUARDRAILS 1. Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is 2. Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is 3. Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is I certify that the above height measurements are correct and the above project: OIS in compliance with the City -approved plans. OIS NOT in compliance with the City -approved plans (Provide explanation). Please describe any deviation from the City -approved plans on the back of this form. Surveyor or Civil Engineer's* signature and seal (Wet stamp and signature required) * License number of 33965 or lower Fo=\Buih ing Height Certification 11/02/16 LANA 01/07/2021 MCp SG Date 9! r 4 O L.S. 9297 + rt CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www-newpord)eachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CIVIL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION FORM From: C&V Consulting, Inc. Dane P. McDougall Date: 6/28/2021 9830 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618 ATTENTION: GRADING ENGINEER, BUILDING DIVISION GPC No.: 2750-2019 Tract/Subd'rvesion/Lot No.: 1 Rough: _Final: X Project Names- The We at Mariner Shores owner/DeveloW.. Intracorp Homes Type of Project - Notes: X Tract 18135 X Drainage Phase 1 Homes: Buildings 1 & 2, Units 1-9 _ Commercial _ Other Industrial Yardage for Project Notes: Cut Borrow- Fill: orrowFill. _ Export I hereby approve the grading for this project in accordance with my norm bilities under the City Grading Code. I have inspected the project and hereby certify that all areas exhbit positive surface flow to public ways or City approved drainage devices- The grading has been completed: 6/28/2021 in conformance with, Precise Grading with the following changes uli appruved gra&N pian- Plan, #2750-2019 Description of Changes: Company. C&V Consulting, Inc. Name: Dane P. McDougall (ptiM) (sign) License No.: C 80705 (RCE/LS) FonnskOvil Engineers Gena icatlon conn 9-13 GeoTek, Inc. I S48 North Maple Strect, Corona, California 92878 (951) 710-1160 C ice (951) 710-1167 Fax www4eotekumcom June 21, 2021 Project No. 2343 -CR Intmcorp SW, LLC 895 Dove Street Suite 400 Newport Beach, California 92660 Subject Final Geotechnical Services Letter Buildings I and 2 The Isle at Mariner Shores — Tract No. 18135 1244 Irvine Avenue City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California References: See Appendix A Dear Mr. Puffer. On-site earthwork construction for the subject building pads has been completed in general accordance with City of Newport Beach guidelines and the referenced geotechnical reports by GecTek, Inc (GeoTek). The services completed, observed and selectively tested by a representative of GeoTek has included the flatwork subgrade, foundation excavations and plumbing trench backfill- GeoTek has provided periodic testing and observation services during these earthwork operations for the subject building pads, as requested by Intracorp. Engineered fill was observed to be placed as recommended A report summarizing the testing and observation services performed during the post grading activities at the project site can be prepared -,at ehe coi pieiiva-of tire profecL The subject building pads are considered suitable for the intended construction from a geotechnical viewpoint Conclusions and recommendations presented in the referenced reports remain valid and applicable. GEOTECHNICAL I ENVIRONMENTAL I MATERIALS INTRACORP SW, LLC Project No. 2343 -CR Tinal Geotechnical Services Letter, Tract No. 18135 June 21, 2021 City of Newport Beach. County of Orange. California Page 2 LIMITATIONS Our findings are based on site conditions observed and the stated sources. Thus, our comments are professional opinions that are limited to the extent of the available data. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current City/County standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Y Edward FL LaMont CEG 1892, Exp. 07131/22 Principal Geologist Distribution: (1) Addressee via email Enclosures: Appendix A — References Noelle C. Toney PE 84700, Exp. 03131/22 Project Engineer G.iProjects\2301 to 2350\2343Q2 Intracarp SW Mariner's Square Project Tract No. 18131 Newport Beach\Real Services Letter12343CR Final %otedwical Service Letter Building 1 and 2 Tract No. 18135.door GEOTEK PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 07/21/2021 13:18 (Page 1 of 3) HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Residential Compliance Dec 2015 Energy Standards Code Year: 2016 Project Name: The Isle -Mariner Shore (Mariner Square) �. Project Type: New Construction SFR ■L Address: 1223 Winslow Lane City/State/Zip: Newport Beach / CA / 92660 ■ ea 0 L � ■ Enforcement Agency: City of Newport Beach ■ Easy to Verify @ calcerts.com Permit Number: 2019 3996 — OVERALL STATUS COMPLETE HERS VERIFIABLE MEASURES: COMPLETE 4 d'%V9 } F INFORMATION Cert�f cateof Carmpllance (Docum�nrilsts Regwred Energy Features). fii Certificate Type Compliance Registered Form CF1R-PRF-01-- Registered Date 2020-05-22_1049:28 Registration T --)I'> \ r "' ��.) T� I' Number 219-P010253474E-,,000-000'00000()0-0000: J- J ,I ! �t.�`...,r'>, r? 'r h".,. N''.#s �"o-<,'Fxv�AR:�y-%¢ �, < /.} "•'r�za�i '� R' F�� ?f...,1� .,.r" !�iY� d� ,t%t. in� t Ft�.-, f,. dem ;'W" ^ porm Re9rstered ate `3d':an85�'` N`Reglstrs4on Nyber'� r, ya - ,. CF1R-SRA-01 2021-07-20 17:48:49 219-P010253474E-R01001A CF1R-SRA-01 2021-07-2017:48:49 219-P010253474E-R01002A G CF1R-SRA-01 2021-07-20 17:48:49 219-P010253474E-R01003A�'/ CF1R-SRA-01 2021-07-20 17:48:49 219-P010253474E-R01004A v/ CF1R-SRA-02 2021-07-2017:48:49 219-P010253474E-R02001A% CF1R-SRA-02 2021-07-2017:48:49 219-P010253474E-R02002A CF1R-SRA-02 2021-07-20 17:48:49 219-P010253474E-R02003A CF1R-SRA-02 2021-07-20 17:48:49 219-P010253474E-R02004A HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2016 Residential Compliance Dec 2015 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Phase 1 - Units 1-9 Community Development Department I Building Division 100 Civic Center Dr.1 P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658 www.newoortbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CALGREEN DOCUMENTATION COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION ADDRESS: 1237, 1239, 1241, 1233, 1231, 1229, 1223, 1225, 122!aERMIT NO.: X2019-3996/3999 ins ow ane THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. ONE COPY OF THIS FORM SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AT FINAL INSPECTION AND ONE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE BUILDING OWNER AS PART OF THE CAL GREEN CERTIFICATION PACKAGE. The following section shall be completed by a person with overall responsibility for the planning and design portion of the project. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATIONS PROVIDED TO THE PROPERTY OWNER(S) 13 Franchise Hauler for Construction/Demolition Waste (65% min. reuse of nonhazardous waste) ® VOC Contents Limitation I& Formaldehyde Emissions Limitation IJ T-24 Energy Certificate of Installations (Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mech., Plumb.) n T-24 Energy Certificate of Verifications or Acceptance( Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mech., Plumb., HERS) R Operations and Maintenance Manual MOISTURE CONTENT OF BUILDING MATERIAL (RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY) L5 I certify that the moisture content of the wall and floor framing is less than 19 percent as determined in accordance with Section 4.505.3 of CAL Green prior to being enclosed. DECLARATION STATEMENT • 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided is true and correct. • 1 certify that the installed measures, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate conform to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcing agency. Emilie Simard Date Signed: 5/2/22 Notes: rui —\—. i ccu wwwemeuon wrnpuance Ler[ rorm 1 -Lull Person's Signature: 1151LYNai Position/Title: Project Manager, Development