HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - Use of City Property at 16th and MonroviaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER June 21, 1966 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Administrative Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: USE OF CITY PROPERTY AT 16th AND MONROVIA RECOMMENDATION l ; vA -3 It is recommended that the City Council go on record expressing its opposition to selling or entering into any new lease agreement for any por- tion of the above mentioned two -acre parcel. It is further recommended that the City Council clarify the City's position on the pending proposal from Success Broadcasting Company (KOCM-FM radio) to have their existing lease extended, by indicating that the City does not at this time desire to approve a lease extension beyond the November 30, 1968, expiration date and that no additional expansion of the radio transmitting station shall be allowed at this time. (As an alternate course of action, the City Council could exer- cise its option to extend this lease through November 30, 1971, in accordance with the terms of the existing agreement.) DISCUSSION On February 14, 1961, the City entered into a license agreement with Success Broadcasting Company (then known as Newport -Costa Mesa Broadcasting, Inc.) for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a radio transmitter building facility and radio tower. This agreement was amended on December 11, 1961, to allow the company to use and expand an existing City owned building which was relocated on subject property. The agreement was again amended on December 14, 1964, to permit an extension of the radio tower height from 250' to the present 320' to allow for an increase in power output of the radio station. The current proposal to amend the lease calls for a requested lease extension through November 30, 1975, and permission to increase the size of the transmitting station from 600 tp 1,000 square feet. The City utilities operation temporarily abandoned part of the property when the three million gallon water storage tank was drained on September 14, 1964. This tank has not been used since that time nor has the bulk of the re- maining surface of the property been used during this period. Because of this fact, it has caused many people to assume that the property has been permanently abandoned. I have received a number of proposals to lease or purchase a part of or the total parcel of property in recent months. Most of the proposals have chosen to make use of or remove the existing water storage tank facilities. Each proposal has been explored in depth and a few might have some merit if indeed the City were prepared to dispose of or allow the property to be leased by private concerns. -2- While the City is currently not fully utilizing the surface of the property, it will simply be a matter of time before this will become necessary. This facility is the only means by which the City will be able to service the water needs in the West Newport area adequately. While the large water storage tank is not presently needed due to the large capacity of the Big Canyon Reser- voir, a large network of active water lines in the subject property are now used to distribute water to the various sections of West Newport. (See attached sketch.) Any additional private uses of this property could easily impair the usage of these distribution lines. In addition, as soon as the Banning and Kadane properties are sub- divided, it will be necessary to activate the large water storage tank in order to provide the needed additional storage capacity. At that time, it will probably be necessary also to install additional pumping and distribution facilities on the property. Even if this need does not arise for some time, the large water storage tank and surrounding properties should be maintained as a secondary facility for emergency purposes. This is the only other large water storage facility owned by the City which can be used to supplement the Big Canyon Reservoir or provide emergency assistance to the reservoir distri- bution system should the need arise. It is thus very desirable and essential that the existing water facility network at 16th and Monrovia not be disturbed in any manner. This includes. any expansion of the radio transmitting station which could easily have a harmful, `e`ffect upon the subsurface water distribution lines which are located around the existing radio station building. JAMES P. DE CHAINE JPD /mj c Att: 1 8, doo - 28 Oe7 4-ev i N92 0 101,3 AEZArloAl Q3 OyG L ,lAeST ',4,0,o17-1o1V 7-0 1V,6W1OOa7- 17 . I , j A;