HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 - Confirmation of Voting Delegate and Alternates for the 2022 League of California Cities Annual Conference — September 7, 2022 to September 9, 2022Q �EwPpRT CITY OF s NEWPORT BEACH `q44:09 City Council Staff Report June 28, 2022 Agenda Item No. 15 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk - 949-644-3005, (brown@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk TITLE: Confirmation of Voting Delegate and Alternates for the 2022 League of California Cities Annual Conference — September 7, 2022 to September 9, 2022 ABSTRACT - The 2022 League of California Cities (Cal Cities) Conference is scheduled for September 7, 2022 to September 9, 2022, in Long Beach. The City of Newport Beach (City) is a member of Cal Cities and typically sends one Council Member to serve as the City's voting delegate and at least one Council Member as the alternate voting delegate at the annual conference. Pursuant to Cal Cities' bylaws, the City Council must designate its voting delegate and alternates by City Council action. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine that the action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Designate Council Member Joy Brenner to be the voting delegate and Mayor Kevin Muldoon and City Council Will O'Neill to be the alternate voting delegates at the League of California Cities Conference; and c) Direct the City Clerk to complete and submit the designation form to the League of California Cities. DISCUSSION: An important part of the Cal Cities' Conference is the Annual Business Meeting scheduled for noon on Friday, September 9, 2022. At this meeting, the Cal Cities membership considers and acts on resolutions regarding Cal Cities policies. To vote at the Annual Business Meeting, the City must designate, by City Council action, a voting delegate and up to two alternate voting delegates. Following the City's confirmation of its delegates, the City Clerk will complete and submit the Voting Delegate/Alternate designation form to the Cal Cities office. 15-1 Confirmation of Voting Delegate and Alternates for the 2022 League of California Cities Annual Conference June 28, 2022 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENT: Attachment A — Cal Cities Voting Delegate/Alternate Designation Form 15-2 ATTACHMENT A LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI ES Council Action Advised by August 31, 2022 DATE: June 1, 2022 TO: City Managers and City Clerks RE: DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES League of California Cities Annual Conference & Expo - September 7-9, 2022 Cal Cities 2022 Annual Conference & Expo is scheduled for September 7-9, 2022 in Long Beach. An important part of the Annual Conference is the Annual Business Meeting (during General Assembly) on Friday, September 9. At this meeting, Cal Cities membership considers and acts on resolutions that establish Cal Cities policy. In order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, your city council must designate a voting delegate. Your city may also appoint up to two alternate voting delegates, one of whom may vote if the designated voting delegate is unable to serve in that capacity. Please complete the attached Voting Delegate form and return it to Cal Cities office no later than Friday, September 2. This will allow us time to establish voting delegate/alternate records prior to the conference. Please view Cal Cities' event and meeting policy in advance of the conference. Action by Council Required. Consistent with Cal Cities bylaws, a city's voting delegate and up to two alternates must be designated by the city council. When completing the attached Voting Delegate form, please attach either a copy of the council resolution that reflects the council action taken, or have y city clerk or mayor sign the form affirming that the names provided are those selected by the city council. Please note that designating the voting delegate and alternates must be done by city council action and cannot be accomplished by individual action of the mavor or city manaaer alone. Conference Registration Required. The voting delegate and alternates must be registered to attend the conference. They need not register for the entire conference; they may register for Friday only. Conference registration will open by June 1 on the Cal Cities website. In order to cast a vote, at least one voter must be present at the Business Meeting and in possession of the voting delegate card. Voting delegates and alternates need to pick up their conference badges before signing in and picking up the voting delegate card at the Voting Delegate Desk. This will enable them to receive the special sticker on their name badges that will admit them into the voting area during the Business Meeting. 15-3 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI ES v • Transferring Voting Card to Non -Designated Individuals Not Allowed. The voting delegate card may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates, but only between the voting delegate and alternates. If the voting delegate and alternates find themselves unable to attend the Business Meeting, they may not transfer the voting card to another city official. Seating Protocol during General Assembly. At the Business Meeting, individuals with the voting card will sit in a separate area. Admission to this area will be limited to those individuals with a special sticker on their name badge identifying them as a voting delegate or alternate. If the voting delegate and alternates wish to sit together, they must sign in at the Voting Delegate Desk and obtain the special sticker on their badges. The Voting Delegate Desk, located in the conference registration area of the Long Beach Convention Center, will be open at the following times: Wednesday, September 7, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Thursday, September 8, 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; and Friday, September 9, 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The Voting Delegate Desk will also be open at the Business Meeting on Friday, but will be closed during roll calls and voting. The voting procedures that will be used at the conference are attached to this memo. Please share these procedures and this memo with your council and especially with the individuals that your council designates as your city's voting delegate and alternates. Once again, thank you for completing the voting delegate and alternate form and returning it to Cal Cities office by Friday, September 2. If you have questions, please call Darla Yacub at (916) 658-8254. Attachments: Annual Conference Voting Procedures Voting Delegate/Alternate Form 15-4 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI ES Annual Conference Voting Procedures One City One Vote. Each member city has a right to cast one vote on matters pertaining to Cal Cities policy. 2. Designating a City Voting Representative. Prior to the Annual Conference, each city council may designate a voting delegate and up to two alternates; these individuals are identified on the Voting Delegate Form provided to the Cal Cities Credentials Committee. 3. Registering with the Credentials Committee. The voting delegate, or alternates, may pick up the city's voting card at the Voting Delegate Desk in the conference registration area. Voting delegates and alternates must sign in at the Voting Delegate Desk. Here they will receive a special sticker on their name badge and thus be admitted to the voting area at the Business Meeting. 4. Signing Initiated Resolution Petitions. Only those individuals who are voting delegates (or alternates), and who have picked up their city's voting card by providing a signature to the Credentials Committee at the Voting Delegate Desk, may sign petitions to initiate a resolution. 5. Voting. To cast the city's vote, a city official must have in their possession the city's voting card and be registered with the Credentials Committee. The voting card may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates, but may not be transferred to another city official who is neither a voting delegate or alternate. 6. Voting Area at Business Meeting. At the Business Meeting, individuals with a voting card will sit in a designated area. Admission will be limited to those individuals with a special sticker on their name badge identifying them as a voting delegate or alternate. 7. Resolving Disputes. In case of dispute, the Credentials Committee will determine the validity of signatures on petitioned resolutions and the right of a city official to vote at the Business Meeting. 15-5 A, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI ES CITY: NEWPORT BEACH 2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE VOTING DELEGATE/ALTERNATE FORM Please complete this form and return it to Cal Cities office by Friday, September 2, 2022. Forms not sent by this deadline may be submitted to the Voting Delegate Desk located in the Annual Conference Registration Area. Your city council may designate one voting delegate and up to two alternates. To vote at the Annual Business Meeting (General Assembly), voting delegates and alternates must be designated by your city council. Please attach the council resolution as proof of designation. As an alternative, the Mayor or City Clerk may sign this form, affirming that the designation reflects the action taken by the council. Please note: Voting delegates and alternates will be seated in a separate area at the Annual Business Meeting. Admission to this designated area will be limited to individuals (voting delegates and alternates) who are identified with a special sticker on their conference badge. This sticker can be obtained only at the Voting Delegate Desk. 1. VOTING DELEGATE Name: JOY BRENNER Title: COUNCIL MEMBER 2. VOTING DELEGATE - ALTERNATE Name: KEVIN MULDOON Title: MAYOR 3. VOTING DELEGATE - ALTERNATE Name: WILL O'NEILL Title: COUNCIL MEMBER ATTACH COUNCIL RESOLUTION DESIGNATING VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATES OR ATTEST: I affirm that the information provided reflects action by the city council to designate the voting delegate and alternate(s). Name: Leilani I. Brown Mayor or City Clerk (circle one) (signature) Email (brown@newportbeachca.gov Date 6-29-22 Phone 949-644-3005 Please complete and return by Friday, September 2, 2022 to: Darla Yacub, Assistant to the Administrative Services Director E-mail: dyacub@calcities.ora; Phone: (916) 658-8254 15-6