HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 - Tustin Avenue Trial Street Closure - CorrespondenceReceived after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Webb, Dave (Public Works) To: Brown, Leilani Cc: Brine, Tonv; Houlihan, James Subject: FW: Public Comment Re: Permanent Closure of Tustin Ave. between Ocean View Ave. & Cliff Dr. Date: June 27, 2022 8:31:34 AM Attachments: imaae001. nnaa Public Comment on Item 20. Dave Webb Director of Public Works 0 From: Diana Long <dianadrakelong@me.com> Sent: June 25, 2022 4:35 PM To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) <DAWebb@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Bob Long <robertdlong@aol.com> Subject: Public Comment Re: Permanent Closure of Tustin Ave. between Ocean View Ave. & Cliff Dr. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mr. Webb and Members of the Newport Beach City Council, As residents of 2516 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach for 45 years, we request the permanent street closure of Tustin Ave. between Cliff Drive and Ocean View Ave. for the following reasons: It will increase the safety of hundreds of pedestrians, bicyclists and cars traveling up the Cliff Dr. hill from the stop sign at Riverside and Cliff. Over the past 45 years we have witnessed numerous accidents and near misses at this `blind' intersection due to the curve of Cliff Dr. between Tustin Ave. and Riverside Dr. Cars and motorcycles travel at high speeds on Cliff Drive and they threaten the safety of cars that try to enter Cliff Dr. from the Tustin Ave./Ocean View streets. When the pavement is wet, cars and trucks slide onto Cliff Dr. out of control, endangering all. With the addition of a new proposed housing development between Pacific Coast Highway and Avon Ave. there is the potential of increased traffic on the narrow Tustin Ave. hill — which is impossible most days to have two-way traffic due to parked cars on both sides of the street. This additional traffic will create more accidents as they enter Cliff Drive from lower Tustin Ave. We would appreciate this section of street becoming a green belt allowing cyclists and pedestrians safe passage while beautifying the neighborhood with a park -like space. The current road blocks are a definite eye sore and we need them removed permanently. We look forward to a healthy and safe solution to this issue. Respectfully, Diana and Bob Long 2516 Cliff Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 Cell 949-274-6051 DianaDrakeLon me.com Robertdlong&aol.com Cell 949-632-3468 Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Mulvey, Jennifer Item No. 20 Subject: FW: Tustin Closure From: Carolyn Slayback <carrieslayback@gmail.com> Sent: June 24, 2022 3:59 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin Closure Honorable Members of Newport Beach City Council, I've read the staff report and was impressed by the way staff took every point, discussed, refuted some. Here's a shortened version I've sent to my neighbors. 1. Tustin traffic volume at 834 trips doesn't match city policy for closure which is 4000 trips daily. Tustin speeds are 23 MPH. 2. During Tustin closure, Surrounding neighborhood experienced traffic increases. Riverside=10% increase —Traffic that avoided Tustin Avenue north of Avon Street traveled directly to the Coast Highway/Riverside Avenue intersection, then went north on Riverside Avenue from Coast Highway. —10% increase in traffic volumes on Riverside Avenue north of Cliff Drive. —The combination of the daily traffic volume increases on Cliff Drive west of Tustin Avenue (+6%) and the additional daily traffic on Riverside Drive north of Cliff Drive equals roughly the reduction in daily traffic volumes on Tustin Avenue. 3. Staff report answered Tustin's resident's complaints: —narrow street; CDM has narrow streets. —Tustin residents pulling out of driveways into traffic; Irvine Ave residents pull out of driveways with 12,000 vehicles passing at 40 mph. —Tustin Ave hill has 12% grade; Riverside Ave's hill is 11.5% 4. City Traffic says, granting Tustin closure would set a president for "low volume, low speed, low accident streets" to request closure. I've spoken to many of you and appreciate the time you spent on the phone with me. As I write this cars speed by on Riverside. Out of my kitchen window, I observe a steady stream of walkers, strollers, runners, Jr. Lifeguards and dogs/people heading to Cliff Drive Park. Respectfully, Carrie Luger Slayback 426 Riverside Ave. Newport Beach, CA 1 Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin closure Date: June 27, 2022 9:05:50 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Jeff <gojbar@yahoo.com> Sent: June 25, 2022 7:15 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Again, I strongly oppose to the consideration closing Tustin Ave. The wishes of 28 home owners to establish a semi private neighborhood are grossly overshadowed by the burden the redirected travel flow would put on their neighbors in Newport Heights. Frankly, each home owner was certainly aware of the street layout in the area prior to their home purchase. This just doesn't seem well thought out There is just no need to burden the entire neighborhood to cave and appease just a few. Jeff Levine Homeowner Riverside Ave. Sent from my iPhone Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Public Comment Re: Permanent Closure of Tustin Ave. between Ocean View Ave. & Cliff Dr. Date: June 27, 2022 9:06:07 AM From: Diana Long <dianadrakelong@me.com> Sent: June 25, 2022 4:35 PM To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) <DAWebb@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Bob Long <robertdlong@aol.com> Subject: Public Comment Re: Permanent Closure of Tustin Ave. between Ocean View Ave. & Cliff Dr. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mr. Webb and Members of the Newport Beach City Council, As residents of 2516 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach for 45 years, we request the permanent street closure of Tustin Ave. between Cliff Drive and Ocean View Ave. for the following reasons: It will increase the safety of hundreds of pedestrians, bicyclists and cars traveling up the Cliff Dr. hill from the stop sign at Riverside and Cliff. Over the past 45 years we have witnessed numerous accidents and near misses at this `blind' intersection due to the curve of Cliff Dr. between Tustin Ave. and Riverside Dr. Cars and motorcycles travel at high speeds on Cliff Drive and they threaten the safety of cars that try to enter Cliff Dr. from the Tustin Ave./Ocean View streets. When the pavement is wet, cars and trucks slide onto Cliff Dr. out of control, endangering all. With the addition of a new proposed housing development between Pacific Coast Highway and Avon Ave. there is the potential of increased traffic on the narrow Tustin Ave. hill — which is impossible most days to have two-way traffic due to parked cars on both sides of the street. This additional traffic will create more accidents as they enter Cliff Drive from lower Tustin Ave. We would appreciate this section of street becoming a green belt allowing cyclists and pedestrians safe passage while beautifying the neighborhood with a park -like space. The current road blocks are a definite eye sore and we need them removed permanently. We look forward to a healthy and safe solution to this issue. Respectfully, Diana and Bob Long 2516 Cliff Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 Cell 949-274-6051 DianaDrakeLong&me. com Robertdlong&.aol.com Cell 949-632-3468 Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: RIVERSIDE TRAFFIC Date: June 27, 2022 9:08:12 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Heroesbeauty <stephani@heroesbeauty.com> Sent: June 26, 2022 1:11 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: woneill-@newportbeachca.gov; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: RIVERSIDE TRAFFIC [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello and thank you all for your time. I know a couple of you, like Will and Diane, but for those who don't know me, I am Stephani Reuter and my husband, Mark Reuter and I have lived on Riverside Avenue for the past 11 years. We love the neighborhood, the park across the street and our sweet neighbors. We realize that Riverside has always been a busier street, however, in the past few months, and especially since the temporary closure of Tustin, we have definitely seen a HUGE increase in both TRAFFIC and people SPEEDING up Riverside! This is quite concerning as we have so many pedestrians walking their dogs, running, and pushing babies to the park. The NHHS cross country teams, also run up Riverside in small packs and really have to watch their backs with this increase in traffic. We also have an enormous amount of bike riders coming up and down the hill on their way to and from the beach or heading to or from Ensign and Newport Harbor High School. Many of these kids/people are on electric bikes, which makes the additional traffic and speeding even more concerning and dangerous. Both my husband and I have almost gotten hit several times, just trying to get across the street or getting IN or OUT of our cars when parked on Riverside Ave. The traffic really did seem to DOUBLE once Tustin was closed. I feel bad for those neighbors on Tustin who would like to see their street permanently closed as I have a couple of friends who live on that street, however, I feel very compelled to reach out to all of you because it truly has caused Riverside to become an even MORE busy and very DANGEROUS thorough fare! I STRONGLY urge you to OPEN up Tustin to ease the Riverside traffic! Once that is done, PLEASE look at options for both Tustin and Riverside to SLOW the through traffic down! People seem to step on the gas all the way up the hill on Riverside and barely stop at Clay before powering on to 15th Street. Perhaps you could consider islands or speed bumps like Costa Mesa has done. I am hoping that if Riverside and Tustin are both "slower options", with speed bumps or something like that, thus making it a "harder route" to get to 17th Street, this could possibly deter people from going through the neighborhood in the first place. Instead, they might be more inclined to just go down PCH to Newport Blvd. because it would then be a "faster" option. At any rate, we need to SLOW the traffic down on both streets and REDUCE the traffic on Riverside! Thank you so much for taking the time and consideration from a very concerned Riverside Ave. resident. Very Sincerely, Stephani and Mark Reuter Riverside Avenue Residents PS. Three of our cars have been hit or mirrors clipped while parked on Riverside. We truly hope you consider doing something before an adult, child, baby, dog or cat gets hurt. Thanks again. Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Avenue Closure Date: June 27, 2022 9:08:47 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Mary Beth Saucerman <mbsaucerman@icloud.com> Sent: June 26, 2022 1:19 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin Avenue Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council, I have lived on Riverside Avenue for nearly seventy years and have accepted the fact that as our community grows so does its traffic. However, I feel that closing off Tustin to through traffic unfairly burdens other adjacent streets with additional increased traffic. Tustin Avenue should be reopened to through traffic. Mary Beth Saucerman 416 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 mbsaucerman@icloud.com Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Avenue Closure Date: June 27, 2022 9:09:02 AM From: Majada Saucerman <glorious_m@icloud.com> Sent: June 26, 2022 3:50 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin Avenue Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council, As a long-time resident of Riverside Avenue, I am writing to express my opposition to the Tustin Avenue street closure. This closure is not in line with city policy and has resulted in a significant increase in traffic on Riverside Avenue. I am deeply concerned about the impact this will have on the safety of Riverside, particularly for pedestrians. Newport Heights traffic increases should be shared as equally as possible by all streets in the area urge you to act fairly and remove the traffic barricades on Tustin Avenue. Thank you. Majada Saucerman 416 Riverside Avenue, Newport Beach glorious micloud.com Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: MAKE PERMANENT THE CLOSURE AT CLIFF DRIVE Date: June 27, 2022 9:09:17 AM From: John Roth <john@rothlawoffice.com> Sent: June 26, 2022 7:37 PM To: Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; bravery@ newportbeachca.gov; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Blom, Noah <NBlom@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <wonei I I @ newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: MAKE PERMANENT THE CLOSURE AT CLIFF DRIVE [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Honorable City Council Members: My name is John Roth. For the past nine years, I have owned and resided at 256 Ocean View Avenue. For the past thirty-two years, I have been a practicing attorney in Newport Beach. I previously emailed all of you, via the city council email address, a slightly modified version of the following correspondence with a view toward having each of you vote to make the closure at Cliff Drive permanent. However, I am concerned that my email may not have been received by all of you, or even any of you, inasmuch as I am informed that a copy is not contained in the agenda "packet" for the meeting scheduled on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. I simply desire to assure that my correspondence is read by each of you, and carefully considered. I thank all of you in advance for your anticipated courtesy in taking 5 minutes of your valuable time to read the following. Preliminarily, I believe that my perspective on this matter is uniquely significant for several reasons: (1) 1 am in favor of permanent closure at Cliff Drive notwithstanding that my home is situated at the SW corner of Ocean View Avenue and Tustin Avenue such that the impact of the closure (just a few hundred feet away) will result in arguably greater inconvenience for me (and 2 or 3 other neighbors) than perhaps virtually all other neighbors; (2) The failure of the City to implement this permanent closure will, like the many other families on Tustin Avenue, subject me to further traffic, greater noise, and increased motor -vehicle dangers certain to arise from the anticipated commercial property projects in the very near future — while some of my neighbors further around the bend on Ocean View Avenue and deeper into the heights would remain safe, untroubled, and likely completely unaffected by the known problems and increasing dangers of this traffic, some of whom appear to oppose the closure purely for "convenience" reasons or for what, at worst, might present a nominal increase in traffic on Riverside; and (3) The primary two areas of my law practice — personal injury and business litigation with a substantial emphasis in real estate —both have application here. 1. THE CITY WILL UNREASONABLY EXPOSE ITSELF TO MONUMENTALLY INCREASED LIABILITY IF THERE IS A FAILURE TO MAKE THE CLOSURE PERMANENT The many, highly unique features of Tustin Avenue, described below, and motor - vehicle traffic now well beyond what it was designed to reasonable accommodate, is a grave recipe for a deadly accident. I can tell you with near absolute certainty, that if you decide to now re -open the closure, any two-bit personal injury lawyer will name the City in any motor - vehicle accident for design defect and negligence. I cannot imagine that the City Attorney would be advising you to make this mistake. It is not an over -reaction or an over -statement, to tell you that re -opening the closure will, ultimately, dearly cost the lives of some human being(s) and a huge monetary hit for the City. It would just be a matter of time. The following long parade of reasons clearly demonstrates that the growing increase in traffic on Tustin Avenue in the last 5 years, and the anticipated, significant increase in traffic reasonably expected as a result of commercial -building projects in the very near future, will monumentally increase the liability for the City -- if it fails to act reasonably in now making the closure permanent: 1. The very narrow width of Tustin Avenue --not only being less than the standard, 36 feet in width, but indeed it is 27 feet and 9 in width; 2. The extreme grade of Tustin Avenue, especially when coupled with its narrow width; 3. The original design, construction, and intended use of Tustin Avenue (from PCH to Ocean View Avenue) for a very small, semi -private neighborhood; 4. The well-known history of Tustin Avenue transforming over the years into a "short cut" thoroughfare for residential and commercial traffic (as well as school bus traffic) through what is not much wider, if at all, than a number of nearby alleyways; 5. The very unique, recreational use of Tustin Avenue's significant grade for morning (and later) work outs by many local school children and for exercise by neighbors which is not known to many unless you actually live here; 6. The unusual commercial zoning at the bottom of Tustin Avenue midway from PCH changing into residential zoning going to its top; 7. The unusual circumstance having a California Highway intersect with this very narrow, steep, street; (8) The anticipated vast increase in traffic in the very near future expected from pending building projects make it easily foreseeable that an increase in traffic will, necessarily, increase the risk of harm beyond its "safe and reasonable capacity" on a street that is arguably already too narrow for the increase in traffic it has seen in the past five years well beyond its original, intended use; (9) The apparent dispute regarding traffic information that appears to have been acquired by the City to study this issue during Covid when many restaurants and schools were closed -- thereby providing inaccurate and arguably misleading information that might be wrongfully used in making very important decisions that involve public safety; (10) The past motor -vehicle accidents and injuries that have already occurred on Tustin Avenue and which appear to have increased in frequency with increased traffic over the past 5 years -- including a pedestrian accident with injuries and another accident involving substantial property damages to parked vehicles; (11) Unless I misunderstand, the City has apparently mistakenly claimed to somehow be unaware of well-known and documented prior accidents and injuries on Tustin Avenue by claiming that there were supposedly either no reports to law enforcement officials, emergency personnel, or any claims against the City; (12) The City is, in any event, now on full notice of such aforementioned accidents and injuries; (13) There are no street lights, although installation thereof would clearly not, by itself, resolve the dangers present; and (14) The known dangers of making "'blind"" left turns at the top of Tustin Avenue onto Cliff Drive; 2. THIS WOULD NOT SET ANY PRECEDENT FOR OTHER NEIGHBORHOODS BECAUSE TUSTIN AVENUE IS VERY UNIQUE: IT IS ONLY 28 FEET WIDE, HAS AN EXTREME GRADE, IS LOCATED PARTLY IN A COMMERCIALLY -ZONED AREA, AND INTERSECTS WITH A HIGHWAY! Closing Cliff Drive would simply not create a legitimate precedent allowing other neighborhoods to close off their streets. Indeed, it seems nearly impossible to find a similar street like Tustin Avenue with all of its extraordinarily unique features — narrow width, extreme grade, part commercially zoned, and intersecting with a highway. 3. THE CLAIM BY SOME RESIDENTS DEEPER IN THE HEIGHTS THAT A CLOSURE AT CLIFF DRIVE MIGHT INCREASE TRAFFIC ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEEMS SPECULATIVE, AND IN ANY EVENT, EVEN IF CORRECT, WHAT WOULD LIKELY BE ONLY A SLIGHT INCREASE IN TRAFFIC ON A STREET LIKE RIVERSIDE DRIVE THAT IS MONUMENTALLY LESS DANGEROUS THAN WHAT WILL CERTAINLY BE CAUSED BY THE EVER-INCREASING TRAFFIC ON A NARROW, STEEP STREET LIKE TUSTIN AVENUE THAT SIMPLY CANNOT REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE ANY FURTHER INCREASE IN TRAFFIC It does not appear that disallowing through traffic from Tustin Avenue to Cliff Drive would dramatically increase traffic on Riverside Drive into the heights inasmuch as traveling from PCH and turning left on Tustin Avenue from Riverside would remain a primary thoroughfare to directly reach 17th Street, and because some traffic coming from Riverside would of course continue straight onto Cliff Drive. In any event, on balance, it plainly appears that any slight to moderate increase in traffic on Riverside Drive into the Heights would be monumentally safer, far less dangerous, and much easier to accommodate than having what would certainly be substantially increased traffic on the narrow, very steep grade of Tustin Avenue. Thank you for your time and consideration. L A C1 O F F i C E� OF JOHN S. LOTH Outstanding Service. Superior Representation. This electronic message ("e-mail"), including its contents and attachments, is a confidential communication from the Law Offices of John S. Roth intended solely and exclusively for the individual(s) or entity named above. It is not to be delivered to, or read by, any person other than the intended recipient(s). This e-mail is protected by attorney -client and work -product privileges pursuant to California and Federal Laws. If you are not the intended recipient, reading, disclosing, disseminating, copying, or distributing this e-mail, or any of its contents or attachments, is strictly prohibited. Transmission of this e-mail is not guaranteed as error free and no representation is made concerning the absence of any virus. The recipient should scan for viruses. If you have received this e-mail in error, please delete it and notify us by telephone at (949) 646-1818. LAW OFFICES OF JOHN S. ROTH 2901 W. Coast Highway, Suite 200 Newport Beach, California 92663-4057 Telephone: (949) 646-1818 Fax: (949) 646-2323 www.rothlawoffice.com Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Avenue closure at Cliff Date: June 27, 2022 9:09:38 AM From: Sue Leal <sue@specceramics.com> Sent: June 26, 2022 8:27 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin Avenue closure at Cliff [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Since "a picture is worth a thousand words", PLEASE take a look at the attached photo of Tustin Avenue at Avon. Does this look like Riverside Avenue? Of course not. Apparently some homeowners on Riverside are against the permanent closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff because they feel the temporary closure has caused considerably more traffic on their street. However, according to the City Traffic Engineer, his study showed 191 more cars per day on Riverside, which translates to approximately 8 cars per HOUR. I can understand and empathize with the concern from Riverside homeowners; however, here are some health and safety facts that I hope you and they might consider: street Tustin Riverside 27'9" wide (8 W smaller) 36'4" wide NO room for two-way traffic Dangerous garage/driveway access NO ALLEYS NO sidewalks Constant parking by employees Serious accidents from PCH access Dramatic street slope Used for student physical training Built for residential only EASY two-way traffic Safe 15' alley access Safe alleys & safe garage access Some sidewalks Occasional parking on the No direct PCH access Less street slope Not used for anything but vehicle traffic Built years later to accommodate traffic I previously submitted signatures (to the Council) of every homeowner (100%) on Tustin Avenue (between Avon and Cliff) in favor of permanent closure, even though the closure causes inconvenience. In closure, the health and safety of our students and citizens is at great risk if we do not permanently close Tustin at Cliff, and the health and safety of homeowners on Riverside will not be negatively impacted. Susan E. Leal David Leal, Jr. 219 Tustin Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 714-231-4660 sue(@specceramics.com "ORli fit,\ j fir` d a LIL I FMIMI I MIN MAN IN U j x Al 5 PINPFF A .. Nk y T r rt x s 14 eH < f i�d¢�l 4 < ,to \i y. �(JJ _ — t I. NMI% 14 T � . A �r YISO � pi Ir--'p x INN Nm NO ji -imI.Nm I Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Please Oppose the Closure of Tustin Date: June 27, 2022 9:42:38 AM From: Cari Young <carijaneyoung@gmail.com> Sent: June 27, 2022 9:39 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Please Oppose the Closure of Tustin [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Council Members, I am writing to you to ask that you oppose the closure of Tustin Avenue between Avon and Cliff Drive. As a resident of Newport Heights, there has been a notable increase in traffic on our streets due to the closure with a 10 percent increase in traffic volume on Riverside Avenue which is already heavily trafficked especially during the school year and is impacted by cars traveling at high speed. In reviewing the staff recommendations, the traffic volume on this portion of Tustin does not meet the city policy for closure. The closure would set a dangerous precedent whereby a small group of homeowners may request closure of their street. This is not a precedent that makes sense especially when this portion of Tustin is one of the few streets providing access to Pacific Coast Highway from within Newport Heights. While the residents of this portion of Tustin have voiced concerns about it being a narrow street and having difficulties existing their driveways, these conditions existed when they elected to purchase their properties and exist in locations throughout Newport Beach and Corona del Mar. If the council wishes to address these concerns, I would respectfully recommend that limiting parketing to one side of the street is a more appropriate solution than closing a street which has provided access to and from the neighborhood for decades. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Cari Young Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Avenue/Riverside Avenue Date: June 27, 2022 9:37:21 AM From: barbara <barbara@krausmanagement.com> Sent: June 27, 2022 9:36 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Melissa Barnes <melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com>; Sara D'Elia (sdelia@remmgroup.com) <sdelia@remmgroup.com>; gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com; dboyd3@me.com; Carolyn Slayback <carrieslayback@gmail.com>; Cari Young (carijaneyoung@gmail.com) <carijaneyoung@gmail.com>; Jane Kearl <jkearl@watttieder.com>; Summer Anderson <summanderson@yahoo.com> Subject: Tustin Avenue/Riverside Avenue [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To our City Council Members, On June 1st, Tony Brine and Dave Webb conducted a community meeting regarding the above referenced site. We sincerely appreciated the time and advice they shared with all of the affected neighbors. Since that meeting, and now that summer is in full swing, the traffic on Riverside has increased more than the 10% indicated on the staff report. The traffic count was conducted off summer season and we understood from Mr. Brine why that was the protocol. The increasingly popular Junior Guard program has begun and what was once kids riding to and from the beach, is now a race track for electric bikes. My husband and I spend a lot of time on our front porch and witness the increased traffic, not to mention speed up Riverside towards 17th Street. There are several bike accidents and near misses to dog walkers, strollers, etc. Our street is full of cars, as several homes have turned their garages into ADU's per city guidelines. This causes pedestrians to use more street space as we do not have, nor want sidewalks. There is constant honking and yelling that we have never experienced. Lastly, there are a total of 14 homes between Tustin and Avon (the area in question) and 43 homes between Cliff and 15th (the area affected). How does this seem right? This poses a more dangerous situation to 43 homeowners when the 14 homeowners who have requested this closure knew their street conditions when they purchased their homes. We respectfully request that Tustin Avenue/Ocean View intersection be re- opened as a fairness to all of the Heights neighbors and to eliminate the dangerous conditions this closure has caused. Sincerely, John & Barbara Kraus 518 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 949/433-6040 Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Road Closure Date: June 27, 2022 2:09:26 PM From: Lance Leonard <lancedleonard@gmail.com> Sent: June 27, 2022 2:10 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>, Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin Road Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, I am sure that you have been inundated by numerous emails and phone calls regarding the Riverside/Tustin road closure. I understand that both sides have valid concerns and issues with the traffic flow in the Newport Heights area. What I would ask each of you as representatives for Newport Beach is that you view the issue as anyone would a precedent, something that has been in place and understood when they came to the area. While traffic and codes may have changed throughout the years, when each of the residents moved to the area, they knew that there would be narrow streets, limited garage access, an increase in population, and more traffic over time. That goes for me when I purchased my home on Riverside Ave, and it was the same for those that reside on Tustin. Making changes to better suit one neighbor over another only shifts the issue and solves an issue with one group, but creates a problem for the other. We had similar issues when our neighbors left, contractors came in and built next to us obstructing our view, it was a disappointment, but it was a possibility when we purchased our property. I cannot come now and complain that my problem should be others' problems. The NIMBY mentality is everywhere and I hope that the council understands that any change to the status quo affects others, there is no easy solution as the community grows but I would ask that you review this without emotion or personal bias and rule in the only fair way, leave the streets open and allow traffic flow as is. I appreciate the time and understanding as you review this topic, thank you, Lance & Gretchen Leonard 431 Riverside Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 206-919-2066 phone Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Mulvey, Jennifer Item No. 20 Subject: FW: To the attention of the Mayor, the City Council and the City Clerk From: Lynn Lorenz <lynnierlo@icloud.com> Sent: June 27, 2022 6:40 PM To: CityClerk@Newportbeach.gov; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: To the attention of the Mayor, the City Council and the City Clerk It is disconcerting when the Council grants favors to individuals and small groups to the detriment of others. Just as the Council should not grant special favors, individuals should not request them as it tears apart the fabric of the community. Tony Brine provided us with some very useful information, particularly his map showing the differences in traffic flow which developed as a result of the closure of lower Tustin. Additional statistics which I acquired through the Public Information Act and provided by the Police Department help paint a picture of traffic flow and traffic safety in the Heights. Tony pinpointed the areas which would see an increase in traffic. I requested the accident reports for the last ten years of the areas which saw such an increase. The area that was closed off from the rest of the Heights, lower Tustin and Oceanview saw a total of 5 accidents over the 10 year period. With the closure of Tustin the number of cars on Tustin went from 834 to 276 daily. Oceanview went from 169 to 255. Cliff Drive saw the largest traffic increase with Tustin closed. It experienced an increase of 323 cars daily! I used the 2400 through the 2600 blocks that looked to me to be the area that was most affected. That area also had the largest number of accidents from 2012 through 2022- 19 accidents to be exact. The next area which bears the brunt of the traffic from the closure is Riverside Drive which had an increase of 1200 cars weekly. They experienced 6 accidents in the 400-500 block. However, if you look at all of Riverside from Pacific Coast Highway to 15 th Street which will be the single thoroughfare through the Heights, it is not too unrealistic to look at what will happen in the future. Drivers will know that Tustin is closed to through traffic and will get used to the idea of taking Riverside exclusively. Imagine the accident count then. In the last 10 years there were 126 accidents! Riverside becomes the poor stepchild of the Newport Heights. Upper Tustin has an increase of 4 cars daily which doesn't seem like much until you look at its statistics. Upper Tustin, one of the most beleaguered streets in the Heights, sees a total of 2,513 cars daily. They had a relatively high accident rate of 14 cars. Upper Tustin, Cliff Drive and Riverside have big traffic problems even without the closure of lower Tustin. We should be solving their traffic problems too, instead of focusing on one small area. Respectfully yours, Lynn Lorenz Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Riverside Traffic Date: June 28, 2022 7:30:19 AM From: Mary Zollman <maryzollman@gmail.com> Sent: June 27, 2022 6:33 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>, Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Riverside Traffic [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, We're longtime Riverside Avenue residents and will appreciate your consideration in protecting our street from being overburdened by any more traffic. Please reopen Tustin Avenue. Thank you, Mike and Mary Zollman Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: Opposition to Proposed Tustin Avenue Closure at Cliff Drive Date: June 28, 2022 7:29:43 AM Attachments: imaoe846100.png image346577.ona image191918.onnc image589433.pnna From: A. Paciorek, Henryk <Henry.Paciorek@ MadisonMarquette.com> Sent: June 27, 2022 5:28 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Opposition to Proposed Tustin Avenue Closure at Cliff Drive [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Newport beach City Council — My name is Henryk Paciorek and I reside at 500 Riverside Avenue. I strongly opposed to the closing of Tustin Avenue, it was by no means ever intended to be a cut de sac. Creating this closure negatively effects all of the other streets in the neighborhood. There are 3 schools throughout the neighborhood which range in grades from K-12. The amount of children everyday both walking and riding their bikes on Riverside Avenue and the surrounding streets is huge. I understand the concern of the residents on Tustin Avenue for their children as well. I feel that the best solution for this issue is to complete installing sidewalks on Tustin Ave and have only one side of the street allow for street parking. This would create a safer environment for the children, bike riders and pedestrians, and allow for vehicles to safely travel on Tustin without creating undo traffic on all the streets in the neighborhood. I believe this solution could create the safe environment that we are all striving for in the neighborhood. Sincerely, Henry Paciorek HENRYK A. PACIOREK I SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS CA REAL ESTATE LICENSE #01256641 949.390.5510 1 f 949.794.1750 1 rr, 949.293.6181 henry_paciorek(2madisonmaMuette.com 3 Park Plaza, Suite 450 1 Irvine, CA 92614 www.madisonmarquette.com Moo CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Closure - Impact on Riverside Avenue Date: June 28, 2022 7:30:05 AM From: melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com <melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com> Sent: June 27, 2022 5:34 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin Closure - Impact on Riverside Avenue [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members, First I would like to thank you for sending out Tony Brine and David Webb to host a meeting at the top of Tustin Avenue on June 1. Their time was greatly appreciated. My name is Melissa Barnes and I live at 507 Riverside Avenue in Newport Heights, I have lived in my home for over 25 years. The traffic has increased significantly on our street since the closure of Tustin Ave at Cliff Drive. Now that summer has arrived, the traffic is increasing even more on a daily basis. My bedroom is on the front of the house and my desk peers out onto the street, I can testify that not only has the traffic increased dramatically, the speed at which the cars travel has increased dramatically and, the traffic has also spread late into the night. The traffic counts completed by the city were completed in the off season and I do not feel that their findings reflect the impact truthfully. I am especially concerned with this increase in traffic as Riverside is and always been a main artery for junior guards to make their way to the program which as all are aware has both a morning and an afternoon shift. Below are a few thoughts on the current situation 1. It appears that a "petition" was generated by a few (Tustin Ave Residents) and not passed on to the whole of Newport Heights 2. Traffic counts were not taken at peak season — Summer would be peak Season 3. As Dave Webb (I think it was him) pointed out at that meeting — these residents bought on the street knowing it was narrow, etc. just as those who purchase in Corona Del Mar Flower streets purchase their homes with the understanding that the streets are narrow 4. The neighborhood needs to "share the wealth" with regard to the flow of traffic. Unlike Corona Del Mar where every street is an ingress and egress, there are only a few such streets in Newport Heights and to take away one of them would be unfair to the whole community. 5. Riverside Ave is a thoroughfare for children on bikes going to and from Jr. Guards in the Summer, please help keep them safe. 6. How can one short block of only homes initiate a change where the decision impacts an entire community of hundreds of homes 7. Better to keep open for emergency vehicles to have all ingress and egress arteries remain the same as they always have been Agreeing to close Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive permanently would, in my opinion set a bad precedent for the council going forward..... I plan to be in attendance at the meeting at City Hall tomorrow night. Melissa Barnes 507 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-633-1896 Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Closure Date: June 28, 2022 8:38:43 AM Attachments: Tustin Signatures for Permanent Closure of Tustin at Cliff.pdf From: Sue Leal <sue@specceramics.com> Sent: June 28, 2022 8:38 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Robert Clarke<rclarke@surterreproperties.com> Subject: Tustin Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I was asked to again provide the Council with the signatures from Tustin Avenue resident recommending permanent closure of Tustin Avenue. Every single homeowner signed in favor. We also have at least nine signatures from Ocean View Avenue. Susan E. Leal 714-231-4660 suePspecceramics.com From: Sue Leal <suePspecceramics.com> Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022 8:28 PM To:'cityclerk(@newportbeachca.gov' <cityclerk(@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Robert Clarke<rclarkePsurterreproperties.com>; Kathy & Tony Shaw (kathyashaw5(@gmail.com) <kathyashaw5Pgmail.com>; Peter and Linda (peter.helf rich Psap.com) <peter.helfrich(@sap.com> Subject: City Council meeting April 12 at 4:00 pm Re: Trial closure of the North end of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive in Newport Beach Our sincerest Thanks and gratitude to the City Council of Newport Beach for authorizing the trial closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive. The trial has been INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL! It has truly improved the quality of our lives! Attached are signatures of every single Tustin Avenue resident recommending permanent closure. Yes, 100%! For our residents, the closure at Cliff is a small inconvenience compared to the traffic hazards and safety issues we experienced before. Today, I'd venture to say 99% of drivers on our streets are residents, visitors and vendors only. No more racing cars up and down our street! No more GIPS showing our street as a shortcut to Cliff or PCH. We can park our cars and walk our children and dogs on the streets without fear of being run down! These narrow streets were not built for speeding traffic, and they certainly were not built for the traffic of future planned developments for Mariners Mile. Again, our sincerest THANKS to the City Council. Your actions have definitely improved the quality of our lives, and we are forever grateful. We respectfully request your consideration for the permanent closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive. Respectfully, Susan E. Leal David Leal Jr. 714-231-4660 sue(@specceramics.com PETITION TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Newport Beach City Council Members FROM: Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Homeowners DATE: 3/23/22 RE: Permanent Closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive The residents of Tustin Avenue and Ocean View in Newport Beach are extremely appreciative of the four -month trial closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive. This closure has proven to be extremely successful, and our streets continue to be more calm and safe. There is no more "shortcut" thru traffic racing up and down our streets. We respectfully request the City Council approve the PERMANENT closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive (see signatures below). Our hope is the City will redevelop that area into a greenbelt with access to pedestrians and bikes for movement to and from schools and the local area. We would also appreciate your consideration of renaming this part of Tustin Avenue to Ocean View Loop, Blue Pacific Avenue, Newport Heights Circle or anything you deem appropriate. Our sincerest THANKS to the Council members for allowing the trial closure and continuing to make our community safe! Respectfully submitted and personally signed by residents of Tustin Avenue and Ocean View: Signature: 204 Tustin Avenue Signature: TUSTIN AVENUE Kathy & Tony Shaw s Date: ✓/ �:2(, /-)—a . Date: 312-5�/ZL 207 Tustin Avenue Amy and Randy Gagnier U Signature: �.i - r �Date: 208 Tustin Avenue Thos and Erika Carson Signature: -1 )JA 11�� 212 Tustin Avenue Linda and Peter Helfrich Signature: 215 Tustin Avenue Bob and Carolyn Clarke Signature: 216 Tustin Avenue C__�NORESIDENT(Oners: Signature: 219 Tustin Avenue Susan and Dave Leal Signature: 220 Tustin Aven a Dwight and Dee Guan Signature: Robert and PeCkCorbin) ire 225 Tustin Avenue Cameron Signature: ,� . Date:3—Z3"2 ZL 3,z3 -,Z Date: Date: 3 -221,Z Z' Date: -^Date: i v Date: 226 Tustin Avenue Andrea and Thom Mc roy r Signature: Date:? L LL 231 Tustin Avenue Frank and ephanie King Signature: Date: 232 Tustin Avenue Robert and Melissa Rutan YZ �ZZ Signature: Date: 238 Tustin Avenue Gregg Schwenk Dear Neighbor — 3/23/22 With the four -month trial closure of the intersection of Tustin/Ocean View and Cliff Drive, we hope you have enjoyed the reduction of vehicle traffic and the increased safety of our streets. We are now gathering signatures to ask the Newport Beach City Council to make this trial closure PERMANENT and request they redevelop that area into a greenbelt with access to pedestrians and bikes for movement to and from schools and the local area. PLEASE SIGN BELOW AND RETURN THIS WEEK IN TIME FOR AN UPCOMING City of Newport Beach Council meeting. There are four options for your signature: 1. Sign below and put in our mailbox (either 219 Tustin or 204 Tustin) 2. Sign below, take a picture of your signature and text to Kathy Shaw at 949/290-7249 or Sue Leal at 714/231-4660 3. Sign the petition at Kathy Shaw's house. It will be on the front porch. 4. Call Kathy Shaw at 949/290-7249 or Sue Leal at 714/231-4660. We will gladly come to your home for your signature. Signature: Date: Printed name: �v�, ict�l �.� Address:° Email Address: C' (_ i Phone: L 'vr'1 k � ' kJ Thank you for your input and keeping our streets safe! . Sue Leal, Carolyn Clarke, Peter Helfrich Rog- ow:~ � ,#� illtht �r ttlrr dp Ot t!u h�tlpMt i M1bt►at+tM CW*%V we h"w YW Ap! 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Wt wd Il *Comp W VOW horse for VOW SgrWture ITi Thant dote kr Yotw aid i�4tN t6raels is/a! 3/23/22 Dear Neighbor — onth'.trial closure of the intersection of Tustin/Ocean and the View d With the fourmtraffic Cliff Drive, we hope you have enjoyed the reduction of vehicle In creased safety of our streets. ort Beach City Council to make We are now gathering signatures to ask the Newepthat area into a this trial closure PERMANENT and request they develop el with access to pedestrians and bikes for movement to and from schools greenb t and the local area. PLEASE SIGN BELOW AND RETURN THIS WEEK IN TIME FOR AN UPCOMING City of Newport Beach Council meeting. There are four options for your signature: 1. Sign below and put in our mailbox (either 219 Tustin or 204 Tustin) 2. Sign below, take a picture of your signature and text to Kathy Shaw at 949/290-7249 or Sue Leal at 714/231-4660 3.� Sign the petition at Kathy Shaw's house. It will be on the front porch. 4 Call Kathy Shaw at 949/290-7249 or Sue Leal at 714/231-4660. We will gladly come to your home for your signature. S A //,k Signature: Date-l U An Printed name; Address:1.� 4-1 5e- Email Address: I i Phone: 1, 149dq Signature: (�/Oli,-, 212 Tustin Avenue Linda and Peter Helfrich Signature: C 215 Tustin Avenue Bob and Carolyn Clarke Signature: 216 Tustin Avenue C_ZESID�ENT(OHers: Signature:_ 219 Tustin Avenue Susan and Dave Leal Signature: Robert and geCe, Corbin) Date: 7— 3— [ L 3-z3 -ZZ-) Date: Date: 3 Date: 220 Tustin Aven a Dwight and Dee Guan Signature: f J"'� Date: J�/Y 225 Tustin Avenue Cameron Signature: Date: 226 Tustin Avenue Signature: G 231 Tustin Avenue r Signature: 232 Tustin Avenue Signature: 238 Tustin Avenue Andrea and Thom Mc ro t Frank an ephanie King Robert and Melissa Rutan Gregg Schwenk Date:��Ly/ ZL Date: J'/x Date: Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin Ave. Closure Date: June 28, 2022 9:21:22 AM From: Jamie Klippert <jkklippert@aol.com> Sent: June 28, 2022 9:17 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin Ave. Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Council members - We urge you to not close Tustin Avenue permanently. The traffic is truly becoming scary and dangerous. Because Riverside Avenue is a through way to the Coast Highway we already have significant traffic which makes it exceedingly dangerous for kids and adults on their bikes as they head to the beach not to mention that we are centrally located among three schools and do not have any streetlights.To date we have lost two cats which were hit by cars crossing in from of our own home. We have owned our home on Riverside Avenue for 30+ years and have seen the traffic on our street increase each and every year. The closure of Tustin Avenue would just add to our dilemma. Again, I urge you to not close Tustin Avenue permanently! Younger and Jamie Klippert 531 Riverside Ave. Newport Beach, Ca 92663 Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: Fwd: Date: June 28, 2022 12:00:44 PM From: Sara D'Elia <sdelia@remmgroup.com> Sent: June 28, 2022 11:58 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear council, I would like to make sure my letter was received, as I did not see it noted in tonight's agenda attachments. Thank you! Dear council, I attended the meeting at Ocean and Tustin and was surprised to find out how long the city has been thinking about the Tustin closure. It seems as though the homeowners on Ocean Avenue and Tustin signed a petition well over a year ago, not including/considering anyone from other streets. The rationale for closing the street was their children's safety as well as inability to pull out of their driveways. I was open to hearing both sides even though I felt strongly that my street would be taking much of the traffic burden along with our neighboring streets. I live on Riverside Ave. I left wishing for a middle ground, sidewalks or a one way street that would benefit all parties and not just one street. While the homeowners were asking for child safety, it was their reluctance to add sidewalks which downplayed their argument. I walked the street this morning as I often do, but this time taking a mental note to the street. There are 14 houses that would benefit by the street closure on Tustin and yet dozens of streets that would be impacted. There are homes within Laguna and Corona Del Mar all facing similar narrow streets and there is not one discussion about closing any road. It would be a monumental decision on behalf of our counsel to let fourteen homes dictate our towns access due to their personal preference. I believe the best solution would be to add sidewalks and allow those residence parking permits so that we can keep the street loosely parked with no additional barriers. An original thought was to create a one-way street leading up from PCH. I have attached photos of the street ... this seems to be just a construction inconvenience for the neighbors. Please look at what you are proposing and all of the hundreds of homes it WILL impact. Most sincerely, Sara D'Elia, CPM I Chief Executive Officer Broker Corp #01949006 Real Estate Broker #01013395 The REMM Group, AMO 207 W. 20th Street, Santa Ana, CA. 92706 (714) 974-1010 ext. 213 (office) I (714) 974-2191 (fax) sdeliaeremmaroup.com I remmgroup.com Going Beyond, Creating Value 3PW'T' -,wa � a y �n •� ;{ Received after Agenda Printed June 28, 2022 Item No. 20 From: City Clerk"s Office To: Mulvey. Jennifer; Rieff. Kim Subject: FW: Newport Heights Traffic Safety Concerns Date: June 28, 2022 1:31:52 PM From: Portia Weiss <portiaweiss@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 1:31:42 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Heights Traffic Safety Concerns [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I attended the recent staff -led Tustin Avenue traffic meeting. I recall that staff in attendance repeated at least twice that Newport Heights has had the most traffic studies of any other Newport Beach community and that these past studies should be adequate to make current Tustin Avenue circulation decisions. It was also intimated that the number of prior studies would probably preclude the Heights from having any further traffic studies. If this reasoning was indeed communicated, it is flawed and misleading. If I recall correctly, there was a 2017 study and a 2004 study. The most recent and possibly relevant study was conducted during the beginning of COVID, when all traffic was considerably reduced. The importance of conducting another traffic study before making a final decision about Tustin Avenue follows. There are three public schools in a small area of Newport Heights. They are literally surrounded by four major traffic arteries-17th, Dover, PCH & Newport/55. No other community in Newport Beach has such a high density of schools in the middle of such busy traffic thoroughfares (also without sidewalks.) I cycle through this area daily, as do many of our community's children. Sharrows have already been placed on Clay, but are completely inadequate at improving riding safety, especially with the recent increased prevalence of students on electric bikes, who, as we all know, commonly (and obliviously) cruise through intersections. Blocking off Tustin Avenue, especially combined with the thousands of additional car trips into our community expected from the upcoming Mariner's Mile development poses immediate and serious safety concerns for our children, pedestrians and cyclists. It bears repeating that a new and comprehensive traffic study of the entire Heights is needed before an informed final decision can be made about blocking off Tustin Avenue. Even without the further studies, to those of us who have lived here for decades and are familiar with traffic circulation in the area, it is obvious that closing Tustin Avenue would make many other areas Newport Heights more dangerous and congested. From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Against the Closing of Tustin Avenue Date: June 28, 2022 3:45:34 PM From: Jane Kearl <jkearl@watttieder.com> Sent: June 28, 2022 3:12 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Against the Closing of Tustin Avenue [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members, I am pleased that the staff report is against the closure of Tustin Avenue. In these times of growing population, it is important that all are resources are used for the benefit of the community and not a select few. However, if City Council decides to go against the staff report and basically privatize this public street, I disagree that a negative declaration is appropriate. Given the nature of the proposed project, the physical change to the streets, the increase in traffic to other streets, and the hindrance to members of the public reach the PCH and the beach should Tustin Avenue be closed, an EIR would be required. Thank you for your continued consideration of this matter. Jane Kearl Disclaimer: The information contained in this communication from ikearl()watttieder.com is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for use by citvcouncil(a)newoortbeachca.aov and others authorized to receive it. If you are not citvcouncil(c newoortbeachca.aov you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in reliance of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Potential Tustin Ave Road Closure Date: June 28, 2022 4:00:29 PM -----Original Message ----- From: Steve Loucks <stevecloucks@gmail.com> Sent: June 28, 2022 3:49 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Potential Tustin Ave Road Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. City Council Members of Newport Beach: As a Newport Beach resident living on Riverside Avenue, I urge you not to move forward with the permanent closure of Tustin Avenue. Traffic congestion is already at an all time high through Riverside Avenue and has increased greatly throughout the Newport Heights neighborhood. This will only get worse as we head into the summer season as it increases the danger to pedestrians walking or riding bikes (especially kids). Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Steve and Stephanie Loucks c) 714.814.8304 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tustin closure Date: June 28, 2022 3:45:23 PM -----Original Message ----- From: Linda Wallace <lgwdesigner@icloud.com> Sent: June 28, 2022 3:07 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I have lived on Riverside Ave for 37 years and I'm against the closure of lower Tustin. Riverside ave is a straight shot to the beach and is heavily traveled by cars and pedestrians alike. Any action that shifts extra traffic to this WORKHORSE street of the heights is a mistake! Linda Wallace Sent from my iPhone