HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Presentation_GPUSC_7-11-2022Housing Element Update Agenda Item IV(b): General Plan Update Steering Committee July 11, 2022 Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Deputy Community Development Director Benjamin Zdeba, Senior Planner Status of Housing Elements Community Development Department 2 SCAG Region 197 Agencies Certified 19 Uncertified 178 Orange County 35 Agencies Certified 2 Uncertified 33 City Drafts and HCD Review •March 10, 2021, Initial Draft •July 7, 2021, Revised Draft •August 13, 2021, First HCD Submittal •November 12, 2021, Second HCD Submittal •February 8, 2022, Third HCD Submittal o City Council Adopted Version •June 28, 2022, Fourth HCD Submittal Community Development Department 3 SB 197 Community Development Department 4 Signed June 30, 2022 Revised Compliance Criteria: •Adopted Housing Element must be “substantially compliant” by October 15, 2022 •If substantially compliant, rezonings must be completed by February 2025, possible extension to February 2026 AB 1398 Community Development Department 5 Signed September 28, 2021 Revised Compliance Criteria: •Adopted Housing Element must be “substantially compliant” by February 11, 2022 Revised Penalty: •If not, City must implement all rezonings by October 2022 What is Next? Community Development Department 6 ADD •Work with HCD to receive substantial compliance letter –HCD review due August 26, 2022 •Return to City Council for re-adoption once HCD accepts the revisions –September 2022 Circulation Element Update Agenda Item IV(c): General Plan Update Steering Committee July 11, 2022 Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Deputy Community Development Director Benjamin Zdeba, Senior Planner Circulation Element Draft Community Development Department 8 •Refreshed to reflect State mandates and current trends (e.g., electric vehicles and rideshare services) •Posted March 12, 2021, with invitation for public comments •Two public community workshops and two Planning Commission study sessions What is Next? Community Development Department 9 ADD •Post latest version with minor updates to language and exhibits – July 12, 2022 •Planning Commission public hearing – August 18, 2022 •City Council public hearing – September 13, 2022 General Plan Update Overview Agenda Item IV(d): General Plan Update Steering Committee July 11, 2022 Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Deputy Community Development Director Benjamin Zdeba, Senior Planner Introduction Community Development Department 11 •Last comprehensive update was 2006 •10 Elements •6 required by law •Comprehensive update initiated in 2019 •Pivoted to Housing to address RHNA in 2020 Remaining General Plan Elements Community Development Department 12 REQUIRED LAND USE SAFETY NOISE NATURAL RESOURCES OPTIONAL Vision Statement Community Development Department 13 •Describes the City’s desired end state and what it hopes to achieve by 2025 •Is the current vision statement reflective of current sentiment? •Can guide the goals and policies in the General Plan Elements •Can serve as a performance measure •Usually comes first but takes time to update, vision may need to catch up with other elements Some Considerations: Land Use Element and Rezonings Community Development Department 14 •Guides pattern of land development •Correlates with all other elements •Must rezone for by-right housing •Must be updated to reflect Housing Element strategy for 6th Cycle RHNA •Must be completed and ready for March 2024 ballot due to Charter Section 423 vote •Should include supporting retail commercial where appropriate •Policies to provide framework supporting zoning actions for increased housing (e.g. density, overlays, specific plans, zone changes, etc.) Some Considerations: Land Use Element and Rezonings Community Development Department 15 Noise Element Community Development Department 16 •Guides actions to help protect the community from excessive noise •Identifies noise-sensitive land uses and noise sources •Land use compatibility and mitigation •Must be updated for consistency with Housing Element strategy for 6th Cycle RHNA •Prohibition of housing in the 65-70 dBA CNEL area must be removed Some Considerations: Safety Element Community Development Department 17 •Guides actions that reduce potential risk of death, injury, property damage, and economic and social dislocation resulting from natural and human-induced hazards •Can partner with City emergency services providers to refresh goals and policies •Aligns with Local Hazard Mitigation Plan preparation •Must address climate change, including sea level rise, flooding, wildfire, etc. Some Considerations: Arts & Cultural Element Community Development Department 18 •Guide actions that meet future cultural needs of the community •Coordination, preservation, and promotion of arts and cultural activities •Can partner with City’s Arts Commission to discuss and refresh goals and policies Some Considerations: Harbor & Bay Element Community Development Department 19 •Goals and policies guide development and management the harbor to be a hospitable and easily navigable •Protects the harbor as a recreational and economic, and environmental resource •Can partner with City’s Harbor Commission to discuss and refresh goals and policies Some Considerations: Historical Resources Element Community Development Department 20 •Provides a policy framework to address the protection of historic, cultural, and archaeological sites •Can be used to help create awareness and appreciation of Newport Beach history •Potential partnership with local historical societies Some Considerations: Natural Resources Element Community Development Department 21 •Guides the conservation, development, and use of natural resources •Water quality and supply, air quality, biological resources, open space, archaeological and paleontological resources, mineral resources, visual resources, and energy conservation •Overlaps with other elements •Can include policy-direction for enhanced sustainability practices Some Considerations: Recreation Element Community Development Department 22 •Identifies existing and future parkland opportunities •Includes parks, park programs, paths and trails for bikes and pedestrians, beaches and marine recreation •Partner with City’s Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission to discuss and refresh goals and policies per the Charter •May need to update with increased housing units Some Considerations: Current Schedule: Circulation and Housing Community Development Department 23 Anticipated Schedule: Land Use and Rezonings Community Development Department 24 & REZONING* *Must be completed no later than February 2025 Anticipated Schedule: Remaining Elements Community Development Department 25 What is GPAC? Community Development Department 26 •General Plan Advisory Committee •A group of appointed community members that makes recommendations on changes to General Plan goals and policies •For 2006 update, made up of 32 to 37 members of varying interests and expertise Prior Consultant: Kearns & West Community Development Department 27 •Contract was fully expended and is expired •Services related to: o Branding and marketing o Public outreach o Public engagement o Website management Current Consultant: Kimley-Horn & Associates Community Development Department 28 •Under contract for services related to: o Housing Element o Circulation Element o Land Use Element Consistency with Housing Element o Environmental Impact Report Next Steps Community Development Department 29 ADD •Continue working with Kimley-Horn & Associates o Update scope and fees for: Land Use Element Overlays, Specific Plan Areas, and rezoning EIR •Develop scope and prepare RFP for new consultant for remaining elements •Formation of a policy advisory committee? •Next meeting August 8th? Anything else? 30 Questions and Discussion Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Deputy Community Development Director Benjamin Zdeba, Senior Planner GPUpdate@newportbeachca.gov General Plan Update Steering Committee July 11, 2022