HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV(d)_Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan UpdateCommunity Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment Memorandum To: Chair Gardner and General Plan Update Steering Committee Members From: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Principal Planner Date: August 4, 2022 Re: Attachments 2 and 3 – Draft Revised Scope of Work for Kimley-Horn & Associates and Draft Scope of Work Language for the Comprehensive Update Request for Proposal (RFP) ________________________________________________________________ The enclosed documents are working drafts. Staff intends to have the General Plan Update Steering Committee review the content to ensure that the appropriate themes and topics are being conveyed adequately. Any spelling and grammatical errors will be fixed prior to finalizing the documents. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update RFP – Updating the Newport Beach General Plan SECTION 1: RFP OVERVIEW GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 2 | P a g e INTRODUCTION Background and Objective: “Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” Fitzhugh Dodson, educator In January 2019, the Newport Beach City Council (Council) directed the initiation of an update to the General Plan. In consultation with the former General Plan Update Steering Committee and the City Council, the City focused on an outreach program that was intended to provide feedback on the Community’s values and desires, which will be used in a comprehensive update of the General Plan. The effort was branded as “Newport, Together,” with the establishment of an interactive online platform of www.NewportTogether.com. During the time the outreach program was being carried forward, the City received a 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation of 4,845 new units – a nearly one-thousand-fold increase from the City’s 5th Cycle RHNA allocation of 5 new units. With direction from City Council, City staff pivoted to focusing on just the Housing Element, Land Use Element, and Circulation Element. The City entered into contract with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. (KHA) for consulting services related to these Elements and the programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The City Council formed the Housing Element Update Advisory Committee and dissolved the former General Plan Update Steering Committee to assist in selecting sites to include on the Housing Opportunity Sites Inventory. The City Council adopted its 6th Cycle Housing Element on February 8, 2022, and subsequently submitted to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review. A letter was provided by HCD on April 11, 2022. The City submitted revisions on June 28, 2022, and is currently working with HCD to resolve a few remaining comments. Now that the City is nearing certification of its 6th Cycle Housing Element, City Council desires to refocus on the comprehensive General Plan Update. A new General Plan Update Steering Committee (Steering Committee) was formed and began meeting July 2022 to help guide the process moving forward. KHA will help to finalize the Circulation Element and to move forward with changes to the Land Use Element and Noise Element while preparing the programmatic EIR. The Steering Committee will provide recommendations on the formation of a General Plan Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee), which is expected to be seated in late 2022 or early 2023. The Advisory Committee will be tasked with evaluating current goals and policies for change in a public forum to involve the community. As such, the Scope of Services section purposefully lacks a lot of specificity on desired changes, as those will largely be identified by the Advisory Committee and the community as part of the outreach process. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 3 | P a g e Currently, the City and Steering Committee seek a qualified consultant (Consultant) to assist in preparing a comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan, including the following Sections or Elements: • Vision Statement • Harbor and Bay Element • Historical Resources Element • Recreation Element • Arts and Cultural Element • Natural Resources Element • Safety Element • Implementation Program • Glossary Expected Timing: a) August 2022 – December 2022 (4 months) • Request for proposals, proposal evaluations, consultant selection, and contract execution b) December 2022 – March 2023 (3 months) • Review existing General Plan Elements and identify areas needing to be updated for consistency with state and federal law • Identify areas needing to be updated for consistency with the Housing Element and Circulation Element • Begin to work with the GPUSC and the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) c) March 2023 – March 2024 (12 months) • Work with the GPUSC, GPAC, to receive feedback from the community on areas needing change • Present at meetings of the City’s Arts Commission, Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, Harbor Commission, and others to collaborate with appointed subject matter experts • Conduct community outreach beyond the GPUSC and GPAC meetings • Prepare draft narrative, policy, goal, and exhibit changes • Study Sessions at City Council d) March 2024 – December 2024 (9 months) • Refine draft narrative, policy, goal, and exhibit changes • Present the changes at GPUSC, GPAC, and all affected City Boards, Commissions, or Committees • Study Sessions and public hearings for adoption Definitions: The following is an explanation of terms frequently referred to in this document: ▪ “City”: Refers to the City of Newport Beach. ▪ “Request for Proposal (RFP)”: Refers to the solicitation process wherein the City is seeking proposals. ▪ “Proposal”: The formal response to this solicitation submitted to the City by a Proposer or Proposers. ▪ “Proposer”: Refers to the individual, limited liability company, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that is submitting a proposal in response to this RFP process. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 4 | P a g e ▪ “Project”: Working closely with the City and Steering Committee on executing a comprehensive community outreach program while working to review and prepare required and desired updates to the General Plan. ▪ “Shall”: Refers to a mandatory requirement. ▪ “Consultant/Contractor”: Refers to the individual, limited liability company, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity including their subcontractors that is awarded a contract by the City upon conclusion of this RFP process. ▪ “Contract” or “Agreement”: A promissory agreement with specific terms between the City and one or more parties that creates, modifies or describes a legal relationship in exchange for consideration. ▪ “Advisory Committee”: Refers to the future General Plan Advisory Committee, an ad-hoc committee created by the City Council. ▪ “Steering Committee”: Refers to the current General Plan Update Steering Committee, an ad-hoc committee created by the City Council. Proposal Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the response to all of the provisions of this RFP. Since this solicitation is an RFP as opposed to a Bid, pricing alone will not constitute the entire selection criterion. The City may use some or all of the following criteria and corresponding percentages in its evaluation and comparison of proposals submitted. The criteria listed are not necessarily an all-inclusive list. The City reserves the right to modify each evaluation criterion and percentage of the score as deemed appropriate from time to time. POTENTIAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA EVALUATION CRITERIA PERCENTAGE OF SCORE Qualifications and experience of the proposing Consultant firm or team conducting similar projects, of comparable complexity, and magnitude, particularly for government agencies. 60% A demonstrated understanding of the requested scope of services or work program. 15% The Consultant’s ability to deploy services as identified in the Scope of Services on schedule. 15% Recent references from local clients with particular emphasis on local government. 10% The City reserves the right to determine whether a proposal meets the specifications and requirements of this RFP and reject any proposal that, in the City’s sole discretion, fails to meet the detail or intent of the requirements. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Selection Process: The Steering Committee may employ a three-step process to identify a Consultant to recommend to the City Council for this Project. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 5 | P a g e In the first step, known as “Technical Evaluation,” a panel of City staff, with oversight of the Steering Committee, may rate the technical qualifications of all proposals using the criteria described above to arrive at a Technical Score. Each criterion will be assigned a unique scoring weight based on the significance of each criterion to the overall success of the Project. Since this is a procurement for a professional service, cost may not be assessed during Technical Evaluation. If, upon conclusion of Technical Evaluation, (1) there are multiple firms with similar Technical Scores; or (2) no single firm has been distinguished as a likely successful candidate, the City reserves the right to initiate live interviews. Firms invited to interview shall have their panel interviews evaluated and scored, resulting in adjustments to the Technical Score. In the second step, once an order of candidate rankings has been achieved based on Technical Score, all proposals and their respective rankings may be presented to the Steering Committee at a public meeting. The Steering Committee may choose to interview one or more candidates at one of its regularly scheduled public meetings. In the third step, the Steering Committee may identify the highest-qualified firm and direct City staff to open its Cost Proposal, which will be evaluated for feasibility and reasonableness. If the Cost Proposal is deemed to be unfeasible and/or unreasonable, efforts may be initiated by the City to negotiate with the Proposer to reach more favorable terms. If these negotiation efforts fail, the City will consider the Cost Proposal from the second highest qualified firm, and so forth until a desired resolution is achieved. After the conclusion of the Selection Process, the Steering Committee may make one or more recommendations to the City Council about the Consultant. RFP Schedule: The following is a tentative schedule of the RFP process. While the City will attempt to apply the necessary resources to maintain this schedule, the following dates are merely projections and the City reserves the right to modify this schedule as needed to accommodate the completion of this RFP process. TENTATIVE RFP SCHEDULE RFP Published: Friday, August 12, 2022 Questions from Proposers Due: Monday, August 29, 2022 Questions and Responses Posted: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Proposals Due: Monday, September 19, 2022, 4:30 p.m. (PDT) Interviews: First and second weeks of October 2022 (if necessary) Anticipated Contract Award: November 2022 GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update RFP – Updating the Newport Beach General Plan SECTION 2: SCOPE OF SERVICES GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 1 | P a g e RFP – Updating the Housing, Land Use, and Circulation Elements SCOPE OF SERVICES The following is a basic description of the anticipated work program components. These components are not all-inclusive and the Consultant is encouraged to provide recommendations to help achieve the City’s objective. As stated in the introduction, changes will largely be identified by the Advisory Committee and the community as part of the outreach process. Task 1. Project Preparation, Community Outreach and Project Management A) Kick-off Meeting. The Consultant shall schedule a kick-off meeting with City staff to discuss Project overview and expectations. Deliverable 1a): Concise meeting summary in electronic format. B) Project Schedule. The Consultant shall work with City staff to create a realistic Project schedule that includes tasks and milestones, all of which result in a comprehensive General Plan Update no later than December 2024. Deliverable 1b): Initial Project schedule and updated schedules, as necessary, in electronic format. C) Steering Committee Meetings. The Consultant shall be available to attend Steering Committee meetings to discuss any relevant topics and provide Project updates. Deliverable 1c): Any relevant materials for attachment to the Steering Committee agenda in electronic format. D) City Staff and KHA Meetings. The Consultant shall meet with City staff and its current consultant, KHA, on an as-needed basis. E) Newport, Together Outreach and Engagement. The Consultant shall work closely with City staff and the Steering Committee to facilitate meaningful community outreach and engagement workshops. The Consultant shall also actively monitor, manage, and update the www.newporttogether.com website. New and exciting content should be created to connect with and engage with the community. Deliverables 1e): A comprehensive community outreach and engagement plan, including workshops and workshop topics, as well as any relevant materials for the workshop presentations and activities. The Consultant is also encouraged to include creative engagement tools that are seen as best practice for outreach and interaction. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 2 | P a g e RFP – Updating the Housing, Land Use, and Circulation Elements F) Advisory Committee Meetings. The City will create a Ralph M. Brown Act regulated committee and appoint members of the community to it. The General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) will meet monthly at a regularly scheduled date and time, as necessary. Meetings will be held during the evenings in the Civic Center or at other locations within the City, as deemed appropriate. The purpose of the GPAC is to provide opportunities for public participation and to shape the draft update as guided by the community outreach efforts of the Steering Committee. The GPAC will be made up of members selected by the City Council after an application review process. Committee membership is anticipated reflect the diverse nature of the City’s geography and competing interests. The goal is to create a balanced, conscientious and civic-minded group that actively listens and finds consensus on a variety of issues to be an effective body. The Consultant shall be available to attend General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) meetings to discuss goals and policies and provide Project updates. The Consultant will participate in all GPAC meetings and will prepare discussion materials and technical memorandums for the scheduled topics. The Consultant will lead creative discussions on the various topic matters within the complete scope of the update. Deliverable 1f): Any relevant materials for attachment to the GPAC agenda in electronic format and detailed minutes of the meeting for review and GPAC adoption. Task 2. Project Research and Data Collection A) General Plan Review. Review and evaluate the current General Plan Elements to determine the revisions that must be made to comply with state and federal law. Identify all obsolete information, including tables, exhibits and illustrations. B) Specific Considerations. While reviewing the current General Plan Elements, the Consultant should keep the following considerations in mind: i) Vision Statement. a) Is the current Vision Statement reflective of current community sentiment? b) Should guide the goals and policies in the General Plan Elements and may also serve as a performance measure. ii) Harbor and Bay Element. a) Must partner with City’s Harbor Commission to refresh goals and policies. b) What policies can be crafted to encourage a retention of marine-related commercial uses? iii) Historical Resources Element a) Could be used to help create new awareness and appreciation of Newport Beach history. b) Must consider partnering with local historical societies. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 3 | P a g e RFP – Updating the Housing, Land Use, and Circulation Elements iv) Recreation Element a) Must partner with City’s Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission to refresh goals and policies. b) Must evaluate adequacy of parkland taking into account increased density resulting from implementation of the 6th Cycle Housing Element. v) Arts and Cultural Element a) Must partner with the City’s Arts Commission to discuss and refresh goals and policies. vi) Natural Resources Element a) Overlaps with other Elements and can include policy-direction for enhanced sustainability practices. vii) Safety Element a) Must partner with City emergency service providers to refresh goals and policies. b) Must align with the preparation of the City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (not in scope). c) Must address climate change, including sea level rise, flooding, wildfire, etc. d) What additional goals and policies must be provided to support the housing opportunity sites in the Housing Element? Deliverable 2a): The Consultant shall provide a General Plan Diagnostic Memo to help guide the mandatory changes needing to be made. The Memo must identify the issue, the applicable state or federal law, and the possible solution. The Memo should also identify internal inconsistencies and areas for improvement. Task 3. General Plan Amendment A) Preparation and Formatting of Amendment. The Consultant shall prepare a draft amendment and will work with City staff to incorporate revisions and prepare a final draft for Planning Commission and City Council review. The draft must address all matters identified by the General Plan Diagnostic Memo, feedback received from the community, including any appointed City bodies, and must be consistent with the Housing Element, Land Use Element, and Circulation Element. The Consultant must present a refreshed template that is consistent with the Newport, Together branding efforts – this includes the customized icons, colors, and fonts. All Elements, including those that will have already been adopted, must be reformatted to present a refreshed and consistent format. Deliverable 3a): Up to two (2) electronic copies of the draft amendment and one (1) electronic copy of the final amendment. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update 4 | P a g e RFP – Updating the Housing, Land Use, and Circulation Elements Consultant Representative The Consultant shall assign a primary representative and an alternate to perform the services described in the scope of work. Approvals of the individuals assigned shall be at the Steering Committee’s discretion. Each individual shall be identified in the proposal and resumes shall be provided with references. The Consultant’s representatives shall remain responsible for all duties from contract negotiations through project completion. If the primary representative is unable to continue with the project, then the alternate representative is expected to become the primary representative. Additional Consultant Responsibilities The Consultant shall be responsible for completing the specified services in accordance with the City’s standard “Professional Services Agreement.” A copy of the standard agreement is attached as Appendix A. Services specified in this agreement shall be taken directly from the Consultant’s proposal and from the “Request for Proposal.” In addition, the scope of services may be adjusted at the discretion of the City to incorporate information generated in the interview process or as otherwise deemed appropriate by the Steering Committee or City Council. City Responsibilities The City will provide the following items to assist the Consultant in completing the requested services: • Primary and alternate City representative; • Current General Plan Housing Element; • Preparation of map exhibits, if needed; • Work with the Consultant to coordinate and schedule meeting spaces for Staff, Steering Committee, and other public meetings; • Notice Steering Committee meetings and post meeting agendas; and • Provide staff support, oversight and direction to the Consultant throughout the process. Payment for services shall be monthly based upon satisfactory progress, submission of requests for reimbursement, and percent of work completed, with a retention factor, which recognizes that the value of the work is heavily dependent on delivery of the final report. GP Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. 4d- Attachment 3 Draft Request for Proposal for the General Plan Update