HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV(b)_Additional Materials Received After Deadline_TannerAugust 8, 2022 General Plan Steering Committee City of Newport Beach Subject: Newport Beach Housing Element Update Project Committee Chair, The following additional information is provided for your August 8th meeting. Orange County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) •The 6th Cycle Housing Element Update was previously reviewed and denied on September 16, 2021 (the staff report is available online at: https://www.ocair.com/about/administration/airport-governance/commissions/airport-land- use-commission/september-16-2021/) •A new review of the Housing Element Update will be required following approval of the Updated Housing Element Project. •The ALUC HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE - SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST requires: the following: 8.Does the Housing Element Update identify new housing sites within the airport Notification/Planning Area*? ☐ No (skip items # 9-12). ☐ Yes (continue below). 9.Does the Housing Element Update identify new housing sites within the: ☐60 CNEL or ☐65 CNEL Noise Contours of the airport(s)*? Please attach an exhibit showing location(s) of proposed housing sites and number of units in relation to noise contours. 10.Are noise policies or mitigation measures identified in the Housing Element or elsewhere in the General Plan? ☐ No ☐ Yes - Please attach pages with noise policies/mitigation measures highlighted. 11.Are any new housing sites identified within the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ), Clear Zone (CZ), or Airport Safety Zones of the airport*? ☐ No ☐ Yes - Please attach exhibit showing location(s) of proposed housing site(s) and number of units in relation to the applicable zones. 12.Are any new housing sites identified within the Obstruction Imaginary Surfaces*? ☐No ☐ Yes - Please attach an exhibit showing location(s) of proposed housing sites and number of units in relation to the Obstruction Imaginary Surfaces. 13.Maximum height allowed for proposed housing. Click or tap here to enter text. General Plan Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. IV(b) - Additional Materials Received After Deadline Update on the Schedule for Adoption of the Housing and Circulation Elements (Please provide link and identify section(s) of General Plan and/or Zoning Code where housing maximum height is specified.) o Copy of proposed Housing Element Update attached (and any other proposed elements) with requested information highlighted. • ALUC review and approval is not contemplated in the June 2022 Housing Element Update. • How will ALUC review and approval impact the project timeline? Particularly, since the application requires a “Copy of proposed Housing Element Update attached (and any other proposed elements) with requested information highlighted.” Thank you for considering my comments. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Dave Tanner 223 62nd Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 949 233-0895 Cell dave@earsi.com General Plan Update Steering Committee - August 8, 2022 Item No. IV(b) - Additional Materials Received After Deadline Update on the Schedule for Adoption of the Housing and Circulation Elements