HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2022-0957 - Alternative Material & MethodsW R CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH @� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT u zli BUILDING DIVISION pq ,PonNv ylN 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www, newoortbeachca goy 1 (949) 644-3200 CASE NO.: ❑ REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION TO PROVISIONS OF TITLE 9 (FIRE CODE) OR TITLE 15 (BUILDING CODE) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $291) ® REQUEST FOR ALTERNATE MATERIAL OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $291) For above requests, complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 below by printing in ink or typing. r Oils reCZiv�,° df_ CO�"417141r), ��y r 0 R'fCV IIII. FOR STAFF USE ONLY ca 0E;1,111 Plan Check # # of Stories Z Occupancy Classification Y=n I,,& - Use of Building#of Units 1° Project Status Construction Type _ S Verified by SEL No. of Items Fee due DISTRIBUTION: ❑ Owner Plan Check ❑ Petitioner ❑ Inspector ❑ Fire ❑ Other U JOB ADDRESS: I PETITIONER: SITE ADDRESS: 314 Evening Canyon Rd. Owner Bluewater Estates, LLC Address 15921 Cherbourg Ave. Irvine, CA Zip 92664 Daytime Phone ( 949 ) 264-6221 Petitioner Timothy Rhoads &Dave George (Petitioner fo 6e aroh/feef or eng/need Address 2222 Martin, Suite 210 Irvine, CA zip 92612 Daytime Phone (949) 463-9818 Email: dave@dga-arch.com A Irc1=utumbl: Submit plans if necessary to illustrate request. Additional sheets or data maybe attached. II OF over Petitioners Signature_ Position Position Principal CA Professional Lie. # C-34428 DEPARTMENT ACTION: In accordance with: ❑ Concurrence from Fire Code Official is required. FOR STAFF USE ONLY XCBC 104.11/CFC 104.9 (Alternate materials & methods) ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved By: Request (DOES) OFC N �.�-essen any fire protection requirements. Request (DOE D C7) lessen the structural integrity 2019 CRC R703.7.2.1 Date 4/12/2022 ❑ CBC 104.10/CFC 104.8 (CBC Modification) ❑ Written Comments Attached III ' .........>S Granted ❑ Denied (See reverse for appeal information) III ❑ Granted (Ratification required) Slgnaturb --- - Z� -'(" - PositioS,HIEF E3U!LO NG OFFiCI.A(.Date MAY 2 0 2022 Print Name' f rw L.E''i-1-yl.r APPEAL OF DIVISION ACTION TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS (See Reverse) (Signature, statement of owner or applicant, statement of reasons 9 asons fora eal nd ing fees are required.) � 6 V CASHIER RECEIPT NUMBER: \ t/Forms\modif 07/01/21' Guidelines for Approval of Alternate Materials. Design and Methods of Construction Basis For Approval For the Chief Building Official and Fire Code Official or their designated agent to approve a request for modification or a request for alternate material or method of construction, he/she must determine that special, individual reasons exist that make compliance with the strict letter of the Code impractical and that equivalency is provided. The resulting condition must be in conformance with the spirit and purpose of the Code provisions involved and that such modification does not lessen fire protection, structural integrity or occupant safety. The applicant must provide sufficient information with this application to allow the above evaluation to be made. Requirements for Submittals The applicant design professional shall prepare a Written Report that describes the alternate proposal along with the applicable data listed below: • State specific code provisions for which alternative is requested and why request is being submitted. • Describe by code section those provisions for which alternative is desired. • Compare the proposed alternative versus the code requirements in terms of structural strength, suitability, effectiveness, fire resistance, safety and health impacts affecting the building or user of the building. • Demonstrate that the proposed alternative is compatible with balance of code requirements. • When applicable, specify how authoritative consensus document(s) are used to substantiate proposal. (Reference draft ICC Building Performance Code Commentary Section for background information). • Provide assumptions, references, and documentation of evaluation methods utilized. This includes intended use, input data, anticipated outputs, and limitations of computer models and other analytical tools or methods. • Specify when and where special inspection and testing are required and the standards of acceptance for demonstrating compliance. Show how the proposed alternate, if accepted, will be identified on the job site. • Where land use restrictions and building setbacks are required, deed restrictions may be an appropriate method to ensure continued compliance. • State how and where alternate proposal is incorporated within construction plans and prepare plan amendments as necessary. The design professional has the responsibility to coordinate all construction documents and ensure compatibility between documents. • The report and design documents shall be dated, signed and stamped by the design professional according to the plan submittal procedure. • For alternate methods of design requests, the applicant shall set performance criteria for his design. Performance criteria shall be reviewed, amended and approved by the Building or Fire Code Official prior to start of design. Alternative Design ReviewNerification The Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official has the responsibility to review design submittals for compliance to the adopted codes and procedures. If the Building or Fire Code Official does not have the expertise on staff to make a thorough and competent review, the Building or Fire Code Official shall select a consultant that possesses the necessary qualifications to perform a third -party or peer review. Cost of peer review shall be paid by applicant to the Building Division prior to commencing the review. • Verify that all applicable information and justifications listed above as requirements for submittals is received and verify that evaluation and design methods used by designer are appropriate to the alternative proposed. • Verify products are being used in accordance with their listing conditions as required by recognized listing agencies. If not available, require documentation and/or testing to demonstrate compliance with intent of code and intended use. • Evaluate performance of material and possible flaws that could affect performance of material in its installed state. • The reviewer shall document that the submittal has been reviewed and accepted as meeting the alternative materials, design and methods of construction provisions of the code. If the Building or Fire Code Official is not satisfied that the applicant has met the conditions, the request should be denied in writing with the applicable reason(s). Inspection/Field Verification The alternate proposal as approved in the construction documents must be verified by inspection, and, where necessary, testing as follows: • To verify that alternate materials, systems and fabricated products comply with accepted design criteria and the manufacturer's and engineer's installation procedures, inspectors should check product labeling, certification, quality assurance processes, and testing, as applicable. • When appropriate, an approved third party quality assurance inspection and testing service may be required for continuous and complex inspection and testing activities. This is intended to verify that construction complies with the code and the approved plans. Appeal from the determination or action of the Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official or their designated agent may be made to the Building and Fire Board of Appeals. To appeal, the applicant must provide special individual reasons that make compliance with the strict letter of the Code impractical. Appeals or ratifications pertaining to State Disabled Access Standards require complete evidence to substantiate that the proposed design is equivalent to that prescribed by that standards or that due to legal or physical constraints, compliance with the standards or providing equivalency would create an unreasonable hardship. Appeals must be submitted on the Appeal Form available at Permit Counter accompanied by the proper fee. You will be notified in writing of the appeal hearing's time and date. 314 Evening Canyon / PC #1654-2021 Alternative Method of Construction —Weep Screed Date: 4/12/2022 INSULATION GYP. BD. 2X'FRAMING TOP OF CONC. SLAB` e 6 d 4 N f z.z .cos: I .. `►�o�MESH, OR III SIDING OR BRICK PLYWOOD O ♦j BUILDING T COPPER/S/S/FLASHING OVER> BITUTHENE (OR EQ.) 6" ABOVE'T.O.S: (12" CONTINUOUS)' � o CORROSION•RESISTANTWEEP SCREED; MIN. 26 GA. SHEET GAGE — WEEP SCREED W/ MIN. 31/20 ATTACHED FLANGE PER R7037.3 FOR STUCCO FINISH LINE OF FINISH GRADE 9 WHERE OCCURS a ° ° Q' c r a ° I' c CONC.SLAB/PAYER a w WHERE OCCURS 4 a m ° ° a 4 NOTE.,;: ALL METAL FLASHING AND WEEP SCREED TO BE OF SIMILAR MATERIAL TO AVOID GALVANIC CORROSION. „ F c G Adjacent p 30B EvenlnA Canyaa Rd. AAB I SUM” - -- R16Lnle a 23.0 ROW saxXLm�l m I ron y � Dart 34 I 27 wiu 10 n v 9r 1 �Aasql n rwr¢ 30 L B b III w Ert \ a wwm rm,n: 131.26' I mw Detail � 1 nF ._ -- ' i1011 � ' is • r I , ` 4 ��n A _ 10 a• (< I 99 � II m+ Iax[ri II - - rm170 Bain raaaa III W n rw - - - tOl rOfi § m>_� z roaw T if L . _ plan, 1 I rural 0 i 1rTw m III M J z1 + _ T _ _ _. 1 - m _ I -I � + 1 1 i v 9 Z�. Bel J J 44 _ ro 9M1BI1 , I I_ a I I 10 ca rz ou O ri XB�1 J - I tW /OFF A w I j III 1 LLLJJ— n z4 r f Y4-- �r _ _-� I..,-- i � m-w a z9 a F0 N9 i0Ff _ l l t ? g Z � 0 mG Wm _ 1 v' 1r r' o I I , 1. T I-i _ Ipr f war._ _ oeteul _ „i _ L -.❑ / ❑ II _. spe J 1— t1Di 1 mmRi WT 1r 1r ,LI - _. _1 - - l zB A :.p .earn_ O �. �L / _I_ q , y I L ILL J 1 1s r 11 ' a I l-❑ 19 `r j. ` '` . 19� B t as I end tam CuoCen ICI 6S Z�� Y�� a aorcs a[ un nw roe [ • \ m n ma rs an 132.41 P.L. R3 9 II 1r 1� 1r 9 E7 20 1 as.x F can a All Adjacent 320 Evening Canyon Rd. �►� ' 4cahr ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 31IV-11V SITE PLAN LEGEND: I� PAILDING ETBANE. 19 PINAPEISURP7CHMC ALKNCOLORUNDEDGRORX1HRACRE,WOBB PIpXNTIF SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES: PROJECT SITE DATA: I� Q9 QI 09 17 17 BUILDING SETBACK LINE. S1AEEi CURB. DRIVEWAY ANGELUS BLOCK PERMEABLE pOURtIXR PRYING 810XE8. EWRYASIDE TRM WALKWAY ANGELUS BLOtKPFRMFAAIf pOUNIXAPAVIXAlTONES. CONCRETE WALKWAY, COLOfl�CGY. 90"NIGH FROM YANG PATIO WALL SMASH. COLORfOMANN HOME, Rn RI 2Y 23 24 WOOL MDIi CNMCOALMFGCOLOR3gNOF06RAIU. PEAL EBUIPMEN. 3050WOODGATE 34•N16N SEpI WAt1. 6'LMUSCREEN WALL .4'HIGH W/PLASIIApryISNiO MATCH HOME. SIDXEWAIERNESFRWBA IP•WIOF, VENEER XANGLLFOGfRbIOXF ALLSIDES, BITNBCNT R'SELOW BACK WALL. t ELfCIXIGLSERVICE iO BF UNDERGROUND MR NEW CON$iRUCfION. R, SERVILE EQUIPMENT AND SUB PAXFW TO HAVE pMINIMUM 80°W0FM 35• pEFPCLEAN W0AX3PptE 3, If ELA INSPECTORS TO REVIEW AND APPROVE ONDEROROUNO SERVICE REOUIRFMFWSPMORTOLOXCRMPUCEMEXi. 4. POOLS, SPAR WALLS, FENCES, PATIO COVERS Mo OMER FREFb1AIIII URUUURFSNEOUIRESEPFAATF SUBMITTAL REVIEW AND PERMITS. A. POOL DESIGN TUBE SUBMIT MR REVIEW UNDER SEPERAIE PWI CHECK 1A.P RUSH RFLAIEON WAIFS IXNELINE WAYSHMBE PE MULFBBYpL3OLICENSED CGINTRACTORELIXFCANIflAC10flAflAN•q'LICEXSFO LICE" GFNfGLEM6IXEERING COMIRpC10R 11. ALL WORK MUTED TO WABIFWALBN IX THE FUSLIC RIGHT-OF'WAYSHRLBE PLANRMFO BY A C42 LICLOSN SANITATION SEWER CDN "OR ON AN 'A' LICENSEE GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR. 19. PROVIDE NEW SEWER CLEAN OW ON STARTING MURAL PER CITY STANDARD SIR <O6LNF SEWER BLFANON 3NALLSE L0CATMIk NE SIDEWALK AM OF AIG CANYON ORNF. LM 66o1 La[INo.1116 nICounly of Ann9e APX:06AROR-0t Lot Arry ptltlrtiv: Sq. R 10.175ChosenAms Read, Coruna BN Mar, CA L9tdwnFu 11.RISOFL101A3Sq Fl Builtling Fnolpanl Prea:;Flb.<989. fL pro wants kid Order Haul ind Eeall: d...AUNIFLI600%1 pro mPro koe Untiv OOM MELEmel: 9,995AS Sq.fl.I91]%) pd6Xlnnal And Increase Allowed: 0.00 Sq. FL Addilinnal qm Murton PRear 6 0.00 Sq. N. RL600L9a0Bnf N0Bltlen'a fleuo'Bm MInlmuminl31zB:6BOBbq. H. I] "HIGH SIDE MO WOOD PRIVACY AWES. RS ❑ A80, 311 HIGH. 6. DISTANCE MOM FACEOF FOUNDAT90NMO ROUGH STUD FRAMING" PROPERTY 13.ACLL.OSHAPFRMNIS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVRLIOHOFEPFRNAX BOND FIR SHORING AND UNOM PINNING. Hoo1NeI9AA 24'0"Flat Nnnl/R9'P8loped Rpol Mln.3:1R P&h Los Corerage: 60%nl let It all Ilea Seder All. TROTH awro. [9] UNIONS PROPERTY LINE FENCE WITH I' CURB. 316• HBOW IMAX.I, TO REMAIN. Yfi ❑ GAS METER. LINE TO BE CONSIDERED ZONING SETBACK MUSUMMEHi. la EDISON APPROVAL IS RFOWAfO FOR MUTED LOGLIOX M'[MS PVFa EiNo Newoa Aea[5' iD NEW S'0'WOOD PENCE ON YB'NICN NEWXING WAIL HEIGHTS PER GRADING PLAN. Rl WpIFRMNfR fX191N'GiO BE ABpN00ryFD AND NEW INSiALIEOPER BID 50R, ]. pFUBLIC WORKS OEFAR1MfW ENCROACHMENT PENMNIMBPFCTONIO REQUIRED HEIGHT THE BUILDING PERMIT FINAL I BE ISSUED. AT THE TAKE OF PUBLIC P�OHTO�XNONER AGTIOXORNIA `f Naar..: SIP 11 FMIBNXI WOOD FENCE, MAXIMUM NFICW 6e8'I10"Sf REPLACED). ELECNIGL METER. WORKS OEPAHIMMIXOFECTION, IF MY OF THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WRROUXOIXB NF SDEIS DAMAGED NEW CONCRETE SMEWAUL CURB d IU11FA 15. FENCES, HEDGES, Wp ,FA MIN WALL&, GUARMAI S DR ANY COMBIRANnN THEREOF SHALL NOT EXCEED IY'FHOM EXISTING GROVE IRISH TO COXSNUCMX Sitlu Yartle: 01 tY 1J NEW WOOD FENCE OX CONCRETE CURB (REMOVE EXISTING WALL OR iFXLfI. RETAINING WALL, NEMNIb PER PLAN NYP. W HIGH, WMER REFER TO (RANGING PGNI. RB 30 EXISTING CONLMESA, PROIFWINPPLACE. WAS, RECEPTACLES, pNO gLIEY/S1Rffi PRVEMFW WILL BE REQUIRED AND 100% FAR! BY THE OWNER. SAID OETEIIMIXAHON Me NE MlIEX10FNF REPAIR WORXbNALLBf MADE qi NE DISCRIEFUR of WE PUBUL AM US IXSPFCNR WITHIN IRE 99OUIREO MAN SMACK. 16, NOTE AC CONDENSERS ARE LOCATED ON NF HOOF IN A MELRMNICAL ROOF WELL. yrggpls: BUIIdiA9:39'O"pve.R9'VMM.ICINI ORIW MBs IN0A1 F..... &'.0- NINM1 ICIN) A V A' MAOIe COSTS HIM) 11 STORE RETAINING WALL, EXISTING IN IR'ABV.A03.FpB➢XG PAVING). 3E DOWNSPOUT CORNER, IN01CA1F01WN: *OS 6, AN APPROVER ENCROACHMFW PERMIT Ib NEMINER FDA ALL WORK ACIIMES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGW'OF-WAY OR WIMIN EXFMNG heLIN MSEMEW3. k[Allealural Features: Canada& Ease. 30' shown] Into ..all,, 16 SUPPING PADS- PERMEABLE PAVING STONES. 32 LINE OF ZNO FLOOR DECK. 9. A CIIY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT PERMIT 15 REQUIRED FOR ALL NOR STANDARD 16 TURF AT 80EYARDS WHERE INDICATED. 33 I'LINGR GG1EDRAIN AT DRIVEWAY. PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC AIRW-GF.M. 1R PLANING ARMS. 31 1' LINEAR GRAZE DRAIN. 13 EXISTING MAGNOLIA TREE TO OF REMOVED AS APPROVED BY THELITY ARBORUSi. &5 NEW SEWER LINE. CLEAXO T SUR LATERAL PER SIR 406. 96 LURBLOREDGIN EMIUINGTOBFA00XDONfDPFRSTD182A100. PRD3ECT DESCRIPTION: MRNew Noma o1 7,013 Sq. IT, Man,, 3- ar 6nGeV an Open Be of Beek. Use SFA OmopnAeg R-1 CMakerieniae: VB,SprinU.Mdpor NFPA13B AREATABOLATION: Hotfoots kec I+A A/Aer. I ANon, Plan: 9.860 BE rN Elect Fla: S.RRr SF Bevlsbna: Toll NaEilahlBM.: 6pXr SF Q m Osage: 00B IF .. h m Flevamr/VeM1ClrtuIaOOA: 603E Caered Loggirw arn6: Y32 SF THAI Curved Me: 6987 B1 0 Project No.: Acramn"Awar. EV PareM1: 268F M-20 9N flax Ope CeN: 1NSF pnNo Oren Ruol Dark 3938E LNal A.es[nrykea: BOX SF Plan Che=k No.: 1654.2G31 lhael No.• A0.0 cM1ev4er Dale: mail: u/av/smi Armetmiea ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN M"A BOB RNAT uNGLEN _BUILDING fAAE CO2NUMB. PaePell CossMRXICm..... - 8 laof.luOrtn 5 . 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Ile MEETLevee laav a- weuun ni'wm wxxvp[v.anunamuEvvniunnx Gorde Rnne 10I led Flon, Lend 116A➢' 1 mEumniiovm reAn Nxuxwwu[xui REM Ge[A/Parapet 13G.Y1' Loon,v"e°x wwe1Xn"un wueaawenF. e. artuLxnvplwEnAEEV(Pwe Rll EnxwelwflMlXE LEGEND' s. klEmna XT= GIendid Eiffel Neght Move Etletl"p "Cove .,.I INw oewn Ron I Rell uvweoow... I Green R- Finish ElevatlEn EIGHT AA BRIGHT Gle, ITURNI EFC 1. xIn. C.n n vwm ED..I" eve wtn,uwwo in ffid F6= EYNIn0 GTE do ElevaOnn Rills] 1. 'knDodee wwEENTweE on Ron one,nlx.NREIC..IIN 11. No I.e. NET ITURELLN 11. so sr odo >Rn"T's ed"EW¢." MAt¢6RIAEMIAGUL _+al FloerLGA� 0 UMFAFEGIIMAAMGL ATN6NEAUILMUFACE EiTERIRRMATFR AL8AXRFX ANEL I. A Ime.mf1�s:nes, rexvWol-IR.- IT es, No RUNIT. BITW., se, 1. o..ue'—" w .,III, ltse"1 m'u, Mene. LoeI-RII,Y..II EL a RTTI mum. AY[UpvuRENEIImnI.E11—sovi ...I 1..;•n;ea.IIRET,R d. ®�::rr.w",Is...¢fw,l To w;N.;E'Ll""Td I;:° m�;rU11.1o.. 'I LERREITI ELEvnnMn `EeE�n RRw nv.•wvuEm,N. Rrm I. e01e' 0 owm wRN'T.F aoxwl L.B.11m,xlrunewmr.EweNwlxRnTra. ,ENE X60emEe WR, E,".Los o ne,„fww,EEwT o eve"naU. eFMXeINw o xE".[fwm,E% Q Klx[Iwm"x EENE' MMSUoDG�CM�EB� on o evel ron' E,a,BE]DER - oven I.E... IOe .EEELED Eves. WE Do . O "Re on To No. o ,.To so nowt. o IaR...EN„„RINGI.AAEFGo I.Nw.—I flovene END Von =.wanne.e 1NEEm„E o , RonIe E--- OO .rtw awN.nmsxurn"uwE xNran ENwE, ee(D NERETTELEENTER, No .Be sons"Cur, 0 E.Mw m"vTULCENTEL rwervw Mllvlasvle¢uEl FEE xwooxTwr) ® s•wx.ED.... -No lNmn FnEl.rorTURc e'awwfmmnewwwex.enxn9¢mowosauwvmmnnewnfvwmw.e BID xNwfwwwwE..unmNEawNexwfrwxEA w9l,�nexvww9EL eE o x=,eI'don'Twlu o .A¢mENnlw ARewwln .nnxw LOU o �wlNw®wwrxAwrREw¢w.� n o I.I, I.BEE.. nen.°ExrwmwEwrERENT. LERTENTIE sume-Lood¢wwdood,"° [e.InnN�Im[[mawx,,,Nwlrnwl..nx o wn.Ilwe.a .,IT, nneumE.eu.Neamm�menxcemEllx Nnuyvlll. I Do,.: I S.M. urz+nml va�•r.E� EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS AYA No. nW.'"AMUMXFISMWNMF XUILUIXFSECnOX OCCURS CAYAVGOAWEM, I]O.EB Para 25'-e` Fo0r P41eL12] _ 20' 5' Yn xR 2 OFloor 11603 dL w,F 101 Cni14871 10' 2' r NUR. 1c(q [MAYG4XIm M.lOASB � 1.IFIoo' .( pC.78f_ 0' tea AVG, ENE M. uOfiS _(13021(_ 25'-6- R"MPlate ,�21_ 2p•_5• 2ntl Flaw11603 PL 25 11 4' 19 Flggrl1140i — ,.viz Eel GIYAVs.6Xg0[M.10GE0 �r 4 1etF0Milli a' tmAre.GaA9EMI,g.fia ParepePe_pet 113021'F — — — 2111. 25'-6" Roof Pali 5_12) zp'-s I 19 — IL CITY AY6, EWE M.10Aw'aa w n Now office-------------- gemoom2 XOP91'MAXtlUXMEIGMWNEXF0Nl01X39E3PDXOtNX4 tIIYA'NAX,AYG.HAGM14b1 J Si a ,6 - —❑ BUILDING SECTION GENERAL NOTES —_ �M-_ rnwxMnAmxx.anxM,.mma •• _ _Pere at L3p.2� wgnittrnmrtaomnonuwnutu°,Irvfr ❑ 25'-1" , xuunrn.tuvuauo mmnircwwnoxuo nonn lower. ....... 421: 10110 peaWFlsor: 1013Y J'Ci 2A FIA0rlvel118.0 rVal 1. No�riw`mrm¢NEVEneReal 0,.a/Fai 13021 inoo arronaeRoaawiiR.1nor"i inallxomworeauwsna.Morn • Raol Phle R .12 _ LEGEND: MwlXaw,eler Mlrto.�AwwO.wo�v"i B,AIp I.Row °01umnNeARDE w'mmm[nmANNE .mxa.wntvu..AMERerall M= Gradeplmenrloo flevilOn NeIAM1. AEOve EtlNng ° n¢rwuogtav m.AUMAMYAW wFrneM x¢XX�EFEwIxM r FE = HNoo Howelon Xelgel anni EY.IInO Grade Mmr.6xmtrixxeo �usiWReI.M. wwn Pre. ,ou" onake EG - fsllao Grade GrvenOn WAR zp . wm To MHNRNo 1.1Areflimwar.—I w°wreelalle .NVAUNermw.t. ei r a Lane Forlar 2ntl Floor(116.03) s' onneraunw[¢nTill—m mm.�vowrnuarp, eat vnWurt n'or uMANxw 11`4" rnwm0omrMmnroenniA.mw. INSULATION: 1 Floor 1,4.m y vptA,ozuemsuwvurw' mmxsuunu,w °wnanwunAtmrxn Ar[wna urrtwuLmnruorcNo. wruIRA 0' 2" arr n 41 rmoraeorr°r,wn i.or Faioroueex °mAM No wa¢eoaTRAN. lowmx° no"V ran, ArgrtuAR.Mrs a—eare xewrst ee s=rl P Botler zsre rmF.xsw,eAurtearea rwmm..,.enmwaunwwAr ease.. AwumnonluoA[ovw,tnnumnewuu.,ru 1. .ePAO'Ni BUILGING SEC710N SEYNGTES mow, _ •` _lat MaRL1°.]° o uvem°Ammmn o .1 xavexmv� o E. _Ni xno",-AAI"xoruv MUN m III II ❑II F I4z III R".cnenG43a � .GraMearre • O No,— �;e J2p5/256' --Ilhllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllll 111 ���— lllllllllllll XBALIXEXFFEAMBRAVRE ❑i GATCU-1lAd8 Ar� � AA°°xwm°e ❑' W„Noroar�aAw.rrxntwle i— —� WXFXFBBIWpV3ftl10X°WAS r 3M .. I'] nu°ixwrwxrmwor, e ❑ ww wa e XW Pd'X)IIMUXXFIGMWNFXEBUIIpWG 9FCRX0ttLW5 ❑u .dea ArMw e O xWrcxr m e runm. ,Po r »on GNi CAY➢1'NAIAVG. 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DECK EDGE SECTION Ai EDPYf CK EDGE emM N, TYPICAL DECK & BALCONY RAILING & FLASHING AT ALL EXTERIOR LOCATIONS C;\ ree—See. �< ww„Nw.— m Pw. w,e Fe.e ree— e..w Woec �,.N . or ---- -- d=8 wN"W,R ” Poulin ,.w �a. we € ,e„N LSe Pf° w -- PLAN VIEW' Nw..mN /� fOPAB01fOM RAIL AIIACHMENT Nwwuw®,.° [w:wm. „pppq x,m wrt,ure.e. uu, o°.:; m. SECTION " � 11 DECKDECN LOG`_ EDETAiI V METAI DRIP EDGEy fOPd BOROM RAILMOUNTINGPIAiE DECK FLASHING „e 28 TYPICAL DECK RAILING & FLASHING AT EXTERIOR STAIR (ALL EXTERIOR LOCATIONS) r� �.uwnwplun OeLY �. auums vuw w✓ eww..nx[wxntavwabw rLLmm w, STEP I STEP 2 STEP I<w,..R.....w.—Sew„ow.we.°....1e STEP STEP 21 MR.w,R.w..r,w STEP 2 .; > UN -VENTED DECK OVER NOOK BRICK COLUMN SCUPPER AT DECK 15 N.w,w r—Sw.. �\rScoolle e r—6 141 STUCCO GUARD AT DECK M+-A rmn—ffnNv, s �;A S000 U U C 9 WEEP SCREED AT DECK [} 8 w1/1 a ww eeroeol.— DC E wuumu nrwmwuvuo `p P��N@e,MeEl,Yxon 3 m.m V \ ....w,o.wNwa YI --me ` umxLrc ' m . Ot[drtuoet 0 .ew,wwNN - C o w eu..ruumN O a pig w pw w,.,ww.wNN o —I—re � ♦ o _p W��' ' III, III-III-11I III — — — C ..S.eI. N a W ore. ow a B.ALTCAPS JACENi e9 IS LESS AN 0 INCH LPNM9CAPE IS LESS iNANBNCH REMIT RMEHT u W Vuw�`w .em 'iareer Iem®.Nunw N% 0 See— 7 - ' ` RevHlnNe: —111_II o I_ III 11Ill-- 1I-111 p anv r.Mwsomo3 p Projectlx, ,w "a'."`w'"euw°:,wu"„°'w°w"°, zsu 6 WEEP SCREED AT SLAB / FIN. ARCM D1.1 .,.w jMM,e: Scale: IAL DETAILS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CASH RECEIPT FINANCE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 P.O. BOX 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Permit Number: X2021-1909 Plan Check Number: 1654-2021 Today's Date : May 09, 2022 Receipt Number: R000122385 Job Address: 314 EVENING CANYON RD NB Description: NEW SFR W/ ATTACHED GARAGE 6434 SF & 608 SF Owner: BLUE WATER ESTATES LLC Applicant: GEORGE DAVID Date Paid : May,09,2022 09:19 AM Notation: DAVID H GEORGE Initial: SDR Description Payment Payment Type Credit Crd FOR PLAN CHECKS ONLY: TARGET DATE: Total Paid : $291.00 Check Number. Card Type AM EXP Tendered $291.00 For status, please log on to www.newportbeachca.gov/building, and select PLAN CHECK STATUS or call (949) 644-3255 NOTICE: PLAN CHECK EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF SUBMITTAL as t 0 C 0 0 0 U S e- 0 3 N $ ¢ .6 V Ln J O W V m N p N c' } E� Um to g W o y Q 3 p v Z o Z o 0 0 w 0o �(O� a �99 m�ii� W — �omoaar, Q