HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIC2022003�gW PO� en Community Development Department = Planning Permit Application C9GFOR��P 1. Check Permits Requested: ❑ Approval -in -Concept - AIC # ❑ Coastal Development Permit ❑ Waiver for De Minint Development ❑ Coastal Residential Development ❑ Condominium Conversion ❑ Comprehensive Sign Program ❑ Development Agreement ❑ Development Plan ❑ Lot Line Adjustment sod 7 ❑ Lot Merger ❑ Limited Term Permit - [I Seasonal ❑ < 90 day ❑>90 days ❑ Modification Permit ❑ Off -Site Parking Agreement ❑ Planned Community Development Plan ❑ Planned Development Permit ❑ Site Development Review - ❑ Major ❑ Minor ❑ Parcel Map s Parcel No(s) Li 2:>, - additional sheets if c-L0 4. Applicant/Company Name l - Jy\, 5. Mailing Address I o -3-) U-) - 1 1 �` SA I City I -L-t .2_0 ' �I State I—C Phone q`t-q Je'ye G-35A Faxl J EmailI CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment ❑ Staff Approval Al (�ZO�L (j3 El Tract Map ❑ Traffic Study 0'�!!5 ❑ Use Permit-❑Minor❑Conditional ❑ Amendment to existing. Use Permit ❑ Variance ❑ Amendment -❑Code ❑PC ❑GP ❑LCP ❑ Other: S nit I - I Diu C'C2fo2 1 -6,hP t1w.-,>, L-ei- n:3.c � - (_zqa �t t-P v,-- I 4-111— city ��I State I. I zip Phone qq'? S`fR-53S�1I Fax i J Email I 15'Ke«k (L�vO %_' (66d, 6. Property Owner Name 6�a-t 13owo� k- T��t e SE CaE Mailingg Sal d2c�c-L`tV� Address I Suite/Unit City S�� �q�c�tt�i g _0 ISt�ate . C_:bck Zip Phone I Fax F-- Email '�' 22@C8 d w aC(b tp ow r 0__D� 7. Property Owner's Affidavit*: (1) (We) depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (1) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): Title: Date: I MMMMIDDNEAR Signature(s): Title: I Date: IIJ *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)' signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. 19Users\CDD\SheredVdmin\Planning Divislon\Applic tionaWpplication_GuidellnesTimming Permit Appllcatlon_2021.dacc Rev: 01124117 - NearPORJ Community Development Department '; 9 =d Planning Permit Application F"Cq.GFOA011 1. Check Permits Requested: ❑ Approval -In -Concept -AIC# ❑ Coastal Development Permit ❑ Walverfor Da Minimis Development ❑ Coastal Residential Development ❑ Condominium Conversion ❑ Comprehensive Sign Program ❑ Development Agreement ❑ Development Plan 0 Lot Line Adjustment Z. Project Addresses)/Asses ❑ Lot Merger ❑ Limited Term Permit - ❑ Seasonal ❑ < 90 day 0>90 days ❑ Modification Permit ❑ Off -Site Parking Agreement ❑ Planned Community Development Plan ❑ Planned Development Permit 0 Site Development Review - 0 Major 0 Minor ❑ Parcel Map s Parcel Note) 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachm.govtcammunitydevelopment ❑ Staff Approval ❑ Tract Map ❑ Traffic Study ❑ Use Permit-OMlnor OCondalonal 0 Amendment to existing Use Permit ❑ Variance ❑ Amendment -OCodeEIPci]GPEILCP ❑ Other. 3. Projjeect Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): i'��' L C-C-0 -p--Ski 1C (3 '�--�- i.�: c._+ Ct-1 o aqv\ p-- o 4 L �Ul1MEVL�E- 4. Applicant/CompanyName Mailin g Address 1 -3 ) l_a) E I Suite/Unit _f City (Li--, st a -�-i'" o— State d Zip `Y Phone Li`eq� iS Fax Email r 5. Contact/Company Name I .Qhe_1 Mailing Address ( a city a` Phone�q S�tc �135�1 Fm 6. Property Owner Name VV-' ('c Mailing Address--scEED City SCo Phone I Fat Email T(2e e St L'-cmNa-L Email t- 2- 7. Property Owner's Affidavit*: (1) (We) I I depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (1) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): ' � �- Title: N e (Date: d MWODNEAR Signature(s): _ Title: �©��' t/ Date: 1 O -e Z� 2 "May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the applicafion. Please note, the owner(sy signature for ParceliTract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. I:1e9ers1CDDI5M1aretlWdlninlPprvil� DlvlebnWpppcapopaNpplkaWn.GuiCeine9Pienning PamNAOPuapOn 2a21Arcx aev: a W17 PROJECT REVIEW REQUEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division Please Distribute to: Date: May 5, 2022 Harbor —C. Miller Please return PRR and Plans to Staff Planner Joselyn Perez, Assistant Planner 949-644-3312, ipereztnewoortbeachca.gov Applicant: Shellmaker Inc. Contact: Lisa Miller shellmakert�a.sbcgiobal. net 949-548-5359 Project Name New Seawall at 506 38th Street Address: 506 38th Street AIC2022003 A request for an AIC to replace an existing seawall with a new seawall, in the same location. The new seawall will be constructed to a height of 10.90 NAVD88 with design adaptability to be raised to a height of 14.40 NAVD88. There is no use of mechanized equipment proposed from the water side of the bulkhead and all construction shall take place from the land side. REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 13, 2022 1 Notes: No comments on the project as presented. ❑ Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design. ❑ Recommended conditions of approval are attached. ❑ Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project. ❑ I contacted the applicant on ❑ To schedule an appt. for Code review ❑ To discuss the following (see notes) Signature Ext. Date Please indicate the approximate time spent on reviewing this project: Tmplt: 10/10/12 Pi Environmental AN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTANT www.pienvironmental.com Ms. Lisa Miller Shellmaker, Inc. shellmaker@sbcglobal.net 4/14/2022 Ms. Miller, Pi scientific divers surveyed the 506 38" Street property in Newport Beach for both the invasive species of Caulerpo and Eelgrass (Zostera marina) presence/absence. The results of the Caulerpa survey are provided in the standardized Caulerpa Control Protocol (CCCP) form. IN our surveys conducted on April 13, 2022, there was no evidence of Caulerpa at the site, which included a greater than 75% diver visual search density. Similarly, Eelgrass was not observed during the field visit. Our team did not detect see any signs of eelgrass presence on the 506 parcel, or adjacent properties. Further, our team reviewed the historical eelgrass data available from the City of Newport Beach (City), collected in 2016 and 2018. Both data sets are absent eelgrass at the site as well. Thank you again for the opportunity to provide marine biological survey services. Should you have any questions, please contact me at anytime. Respectfully, Brent Mardian Owner/ Senior Marine Scientist Pi Environmental, LLC 0:760.593.3141 bmardian @pienvironmental.com 11Page Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the invasive exotic alga Caulerpa taxifolia that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regions 8 & 9). The form has been designed to assist in controlling the costs of reporting while ensuring that the required information necessary to identify and control any potential impacts of the authorized actions on the spread of Caulerpa. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the Caulerpa survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized pernuttee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For farther information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), (562) 980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218). Report Date: April 13, 2022 Name of bay, estuary, lagoon, or harbor: West Newport Harbor, Balboa Cove Specific Location Name: 506 38th St., Newport Beach CA 92663 (address or common reference Site Coordinates: 33.619089-117.932305 WGS84 (UTM, Lat./Long., datum, 413519.78N, 3720312.21E I IN accuracy level, and an GPS Accuracy 3m electronic survey area map Map included as Figure 1 or hard copy of the map must be included Survey Contact: Lisa Miller, Shellmaker Inc., shellmaker@sbcglobal.net,(949) 548-5359 name, phone, e-mail) Personnel Conducting Chris Mirabal, 760-593-3141, emirabal@pienvironmental.com Survey (if other than Brent Mardian, 760-593-3141, bmardian@pienvironmental.com above): (name, phone, e-mail Permit Reference: (ACOE Permit No., RW CB Order or Cert. No. Is this the first or second First survey for thisproject? Was Caulerpa Detected?: (if Caulerpa is found, please Yes, Caulerpa was found at this site and immediately contact NOAA Fisheries or CDFG personnel identified above) has been contacted on date. X No, Caulerpa was not found at this site. Description of Permitted Work: (describe briefly the work to The owner at 506 38th street is looking to do some necessary dock repairs on their property. be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site: Depth range: 0- loft Substrate e: Mud and Silt (describe the physical and biological conditions within the Temperature: 60 dearees F survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight into variability, if known. Please Salinity: approx 32 Dominant flora: Ulva sp., unidentified brown algae provide units for all numerical information). Dominant fauna: Mytilus sp., some barnacles and other small hydroids and invertebrates attached to docks Exotic species encountered None (including any other Caulerpa species): Other site description notes: Description of Survey Effort: Survey date and time pertod: 4/13/2022 1045-1145 Horizontal visibili in water: A rox. 5ft pp (please describe the surveys conducted including type of Survey type and methods: SCUBA survey survey (SCUBA, remote video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of work, and survey density (estimated percentage of the bottom actually viewed). Survey personnel: Chris Mirabal, Pi marine scientist Describe any limitations encountered during the survey efforts. Survey density: 75% by visual survey Survey limitations: None Other Information: (use this space to provide Ulva near shoreline, otherwise not a lot of vegetation at the site. additional information or references to attached maps, reports, etc.) Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form (version 1.2, 10/31/04) 3 gg pg g g -e 99gg;; .y og,g, ,, �t €f; II11 ;11.11g ll It as a�i�RI 9 g eF At ofE I a goo t�a go g e pa ;g9ap9F Ponoaf@ p Q pill 9y1�5RSl §98 �ap$gpe911 1tpE'55pgpag269�E 9�'2'&ty�Il 5aa6 6® 99®@p" �Fp:]aig9yi€61,i g €p R =�I �C m r m m I tt�gP^9P9€�g�E9P�99P e6g"Aat€€�t�€`-€:S¢aaz I�III�IIIIiI!IIIIII� ��I�IIIIIIihIIIIIIUI Z a " ItEtaaa9e � �'11II I �I�igl1111 1111 �$� ���E��9sAE�ga�a��ieE 9 oaz LOCATED AT: ROOERT BOPTNN pma com uigb lu., n �„zi tBB,BID BmEfT MERESE CANNATA ,bm�. OO �' T.PEIRQY NEWPIXiT BFACHr GfQ8R1 BBBPAL "OCKBIWE b41Yf.Wm T umm S ..€ a b I e,mlcntL.L cEuouL N01Eb a vxtwry N^P BBNRUNa^co, Gwlr °�w•.^•^^a•,� ,„� � v.Pcmov PRELIMINARY FOR AIC � c 9e^6R ICI Id II \1 h � R 1 9 � (el! ;; -J �s I r LTgg-i--. H iI' Ii. K{I€ alz o�z� P I < o i1�iE y ii! 8E ii �ai� z D g m/ze/xozz PROPOSED SEAWALLOCATL .SKA Ste1 , Px .yawPim..RPoEozivaRoonvv 6RE PIiN DAT: ROSERT BOWMAN WUTH6E CANNATA NWPORT BECH, CAB26635EAL ROCK 6ANPPNCCA9f&1EAT22P\x/uAu Cru...0x.0 �- " w 2 !t aE pE� PRELIMINARY FOR AIC 5 P� r $ m SR n A€.. p�sq a p9q AIRS AIR gAll y q o q n II g9' Aq @gT. i9b9 xgg9 �� $� r � p �P+�q£q r a@@@ '($jai)' O pp9p ggQpgg y yx g .R�yjB` nTp$Q€�yry YtlB�4.111i 0`9� (bO ¢ pp 99 gg FFFR.� 9e�� P aPF g_ 9G9G FIypq� aCW Ac @ @gp g12. 06� aF8 mlxi �� $ a4'a$ia m y F- l q �vx S9 In ° mw plox $ Fig vnc 9$ �� �q4' G • -IbL r-r IIII w F WAR �J O pp33 55 ig da�� ddS ppppp �� a °HIP 16' i�"i to x N y oi/za zoza az�zi PROPOSED SEAWALL LOCATEDAT: Wa�HSmF.Ei. ROBERT BOWMAN THERESE CANNATA PAIAc..^•"•^'Idog�<rwe +:.;�9 "+' a 9 i.PElgw N NENTp{l BEgCH,Gad883 988EAL R0q(BRNE BMIFlWgCISCq.G&tz1 �:mAni�'"" sraP P.PEiIiW oETAll9 n.,rev�ws�.w..v. PRELIMINARY FOR AIC