HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIC2021004SECTION Applicant APPENDIX B LOCAL AGENCY REVIEW (TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR AGENT) William Guidero Project Description Site improvements & as -built seawall Location 3906 River Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Assessor Parcel Number 423-303-04 SECTION 2 (TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL PLANNING OR BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT) Zoning Designation R-2 dwelling units/acre General or Community Plan Designation mod° g _ 3,. r ty g 3�dwellmg units/acre Local Coastal Program Amendment ❑ Required Submitted to Coastal Commission LOCAL DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS [Jproposed development meets all zoning requirements. No further permits required other than building permits. ✓IProposed development requires local discretionary approvals. CHECK ALL APPLICABLE requirements below. Attach a copy of each approval. Design/Architectural Required❑ Applicant Submitted ❑ Review Complete Variance for (describe) ❑Required Applicant Submitted Review Complete Zoning chan a(describe) ❑Required Applicant Submitted LJ Review Complete Tentative Subdivision/Parcel Map No. ❑Required Applicant Submitted LJ Review Complete 13 Grading/Land Dev. Permit No. Required❑ Applicant Submitted DReview Complete Planned Residential/ Commercial Development Approval Required❑ Applicant Submitted Review Complete Plan Review Required❑ Applicant Submitted ❑Review Complete IC ndominium Conversion Permit No. RequiredF-] Applicant Submitted OReview Complete Papd1tional, cial, or Major Use Permit No. L_jRequiredL_jApplicant Submitted ❑Review Complete Other (describe) City Coastal Development Permit �Requiredd Applicant Submitted ✓ Review Complete CEQA COMPLIANCE Type (Exempt, Categorically Exempt, Mitigated Negative Declaration, EIR, etc.) Section 15303 (Class 3-New Construction or Conversion of Small St�yr�� Statutory or Guideline Section Relied On State Clearinghouse or other Document No. Action or Adoption Date CERTIFICATION July 29, 2021 r Prepared for the City/County of City of Newport Beach by (print name) Title Makana Nova Senior Planner Date 12-08-21 14