HomeMy WebLinkAboutRW140033_Plans - Issued RW140033 Docsfituts.f~, el-f-1 '1·i 1..1 DATE: 02.20J 4 15375 Barranca Parkway, H1D6 Irvine. CR 92518 949-788-0424 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS WALL DESIGN JOB# 140217-01 NOROUZIAN RESIDENCE 94 ARCHIPIELAGO NEV!PORT COAST,CA DESIGN CRJTERIA: 2013 CB.C • 15:075 F.li"llltll"il Pmk.UM\1. Hl06 11'\tlne, CF< 9<?Gl(! ~'-lg. 700·0'-l;;>f.! U.E.I. !}'~ UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. 15375 BARRANCA PARKWAY SUITE H-106 Title ,:;. : ~~. RE.a WALL .., · Job tf : · · ,.Dsgnr: s.s. Oeser:, •r · ····' Page:_l __ :'.~~ Date: 19MAY2014 ·~, IRVINE, CA 92618 W14 PROJECTS\140217-01 NOROUZIAN RES. (GEOSCAPE LAND RetainPro 10 (c) 1987·2012, Build License: KW-06056538 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ;ode: esc 2010,ACI 318-08,ACI530-08 License To : UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. J ~~!~~!!!iii' .. ,. or m•!!\Wit-Uiiitilil&IW ,gcy ®*wM%!!%¥¥!i%lWi"' Retained Height 4.00 ft Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe Water height over heel 5.00 ft 0.00: 1 6.00 in 0.0 ft I ~~!!~~~a~~=IR~&~--=::1 Surcharge Over Heel 0.0 psf NOT used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 psf NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning l!;.!t~~e,~~ Axial Dead Load 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load · 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity 0.0 in Wall Stability Ratios Overturning · Sliding Total Bearing Load ... resultant ecc. 1.52 OK 1.61 OK 1,382 lbs 10.17 in Soil Pressure@ Toe 1,331 psf OK Soil Pressure @Heel 0 psf OK . Allowable 1 ,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe 1,597 psf ACI Factored @ Heel 0 psf Footing Shear@ Toe 10.8 psi OK Footing Shear@ Heel 2.5 psi OK Allowable 75.0 psi Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force · 830.0 lbs less 1 OQ% Passive Force = - 1 ,056.3 lbs less 100% Friction-Force = -276.4 lbs Added Force Req'd 0.0 lbs OK ... .for 1.5 : 1 Stability 0.0 lbs OK Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 60.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure Soil Density, Heel Soil Density, Toe FootingiiSoil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure 200.0 psf/ft 120.00 pcf 120.00 pcf 0.200 0.00 in I Lateral Load Applied to Stem n Lateral Load o:o #/ft ... Height to Toj: 0.00 ft ... Height to Bottom 0.00 ft The above lateral load has been increased 1.00 by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = 16.0 psf Stem Construction Top Stem Design Height Above Ft!; ft= 5.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" Fence Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section lbs= 64.0 Moment.. .. Actual ft-# = 128.0 Moment. .... Allowable ft-# = Shear ..... Actual psi= Shear ..... Allowable Wall Weight psf= Rebar Depth 'd' in= LAP SPLICE IF ABOVE in= LAP SPLICE IF BELOW in= HOOK EMBED INTO FTG in= djacent ooting Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dis! Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 2nd 3rd Stem OK Stem OK 2.00 0.00 Masonry Masonry 6.00 8.00 # A # 4 .. 16.00 8.00 Center Center 0.669 0.547 200.0 560.0 440.0 1,160.0 657.9 2,122.0 5.6 9.3 38.7 38.7 63.0 84.0 3.00 5.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 6.00 Masonry Data Hook embedment reduced by stress ratio rm psi= Fs psi= Solid Grouting Load Factors ------------- Use Half Stresses Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method 1,500 20,000 Yes No 25.78 1.000 5.60 1,500 20,000 Yes No 25.78 1.000 7.60 Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind,W Seismic, E CBC 2010,ACI 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.000 Concrete Data rc Fy psi= psi= Normal Weight ASD 0:0 lbs 0.00 ft 0.00 in 0.00 ft Line Load 0.0 ft 0.500 U.E.I. Title : 6' RET WALL j UNIVERSAL ,:,-~'":':;~:'~';;;;~,:~ ~ '""' "'"''"'"'' ""'''"'"'· "'"' 1<'\'ln!!. CF192Git:l UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. 15375 BARRANCA PARKWAY SUITE H-106 Job# Dsgnr: S.S. Page:~ Date: 19 MAY 2014 Descr: 949. ~OU·0'-1<14 IRVINE, CA 92618 W14 PROJECTS\140217-01 NOROUZIAN RES, (GEOSCAPE LAND RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2012, Build License: KW-oso56538 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design License To : UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. ~ode: CBC 2010,ACI 318-08,ACI 530-08 I Footing Dimensions & Strengths I M4J?i44@44ffui-M#%hfh~~Y.:i£1!t:4¥M'Ji~ ''*iW&kJ.iZ%~'f,.,~ Toe Width 2,08 ft Heel Width 1.00 Total Footing Width 3,08 Footing Thickness Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe 12.00 in 12,00 in 21.00 in 1 '75 ft fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 40,000 psi 145.00 pcf 0.0018 Footing Concrete Density Min, As% Cover@ Top 3.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in __!Qg_ Factored Pressure 1,597 Mu' : Upward 22 Mu' : Downward 3 Mu: Design 18 Actuai1-Way Shear 10.75 Allow 1-Way Shear 75.00 Toe Reinforcing None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing None Spec'd Key Reinforcing # 4@ 9.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not re·~'d, Mu < S * Fr Heel: Not re ~'d, Mu < S * Fr ~ 0 psf 0 ft-# 10 ft-# 10ft-# 2.45 psi 75.00 psi Key: #4@ ~~.50 in, #5@ 14.50 in, #6@ 20.50 in, #7@ 28.00 in, Forces & Monients Item Heel Active Pressure Surcharge over Heel Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above Soil = . Total ..... OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 750.0 1.67 1,250,0 80.0 7.50 600.0 830.0 O.T.M . 1,850.0 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.52 Vert. component of active S.P. used for Overturning Resistance. DESIGNER NOTES: Soil Over Heel Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem= *Axial Live Load on Stem Soii Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weigh! Key Weight ..... RESISTING: .... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 160.0 124.8 357.0 40.0 446.6 253,8 2.91 1.04 2.37 2.66 1.54 2.25 466.1 129.8 845.8 106.5 687.8 570.9 Total= 1,382,2 lbs R.M.= 2,807.0 *Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. . .. I DATE: 02.20.14 UNIVERSAL 15375 Barranca Parkway, H106 Irvine, CR 92618 949-788-0424 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS WALL DESIGN JOB# 140217-01 NOROUZIAN RESIDENCE 94 ARCHIPIELAGO NEWPORT COAST,CA DESIGN CRITERIA: 2013 C.B.C ENGINEERING IS~YS F.l;J•H'rll"•l P:>ri<.Wll\1. Ho(')S Irvine; CFI"92GIEI !:14'J· 730·0~?4 U.E.I. UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. 15375 BARRANCA PARKWAY SUITE H-106 Title 6' RET WALL Job# OTC12122 Dsgnr: S.S. Oeser: Page: __ Date: 17 FEB 2014 IRVINE, CA 92618 2014 PROJECTS\140217-01 NOROUZIAN RES. (GEOSCAPE lAND RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2012, Build License: KW-06056538 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design License To : UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. ~ode: CBC 2010,ACI318-08,ACI530-08 Criteria Retained Height Wall heighi above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe Water height over heel 4.00 ft 5.00 ft 2.00: 1 6.00 in 0.0 ft L SUrcharge Loads oo UWW-t>tMttt:t"f&N tltl®Ui&Wfi'hd &i&Vi'it.%1®~~ Surcharge Over Heel 0.0 psf NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 psf NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning I.£E~~~~a~l!;~ ·Axial Dead Load 0.0 lbs · Axial Live Load 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity 0.0 in 1.2!~!~~,~~~ .. ~'t-&-.-¥46lli:::J Wall Stability Ratios Overturning 2.15 OK Sliding 2.32 OK Total Bearing Load ... resultant ecc. 1,479 lbs 9.96.in Soil Pressure @ Toe 1,389 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel 0 psf OK Allowable · 1 ,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACIFactored@ Toe 1,666 psf ACI Factored@ Heel 0 psf Footing Shear@ Toe 12.0 psi OK Footing Shear@ Heel 8.6 psi OK Allowable 75.0 psi Sliding Cales . (Vertical Component Used) LateraiSiidirig Force less 100% Passive Force = less 100% Friction Force = Added Force Req'd ... .for 1.5 : 1 Stability 880.81bs 1,667.4 lbs 375.81bs 0.0 lbs OK 0.0 lbs OK Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1 ,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 60.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure Soil Density, Heel Soil Density, Toe FootingjjSoil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure 200.0 psf/ft 110.00 pcf 110.00 pcf 0.200 0.00 in I Lateral Load Applied to Stem Lateral Load ... Height to Toj: ... Height to Bottom The above lateral load has been increased by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 #1ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.00 16.0 psf Adjacent ooting Load 0.0 s Footing Width 0.00 ft Eccentricity 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil 0.0 ft at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 0.500 I~~&~~~ ..-:..T.=.o!:..p..:::S.=.te:..:m~---=.:..::_~-~c.:...::....,...,...,---------2nd 3rd Stem OK Stem OK Design Height Above Ft£ ft = 5.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" Fence Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB +fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment... .Actual Moment:. ... Allowable lbs= ft-# = ft-#= Shear. .... Actual psi = Shear. .... Allowable Wall Weight psf = Rebar Depth 'd' in = lAP SPLICE IF ABOVE in= lAP SPLICE IF BELOW in= HOOK EMBED INTO FTG in= 64.0 128.0 2.00 Masonry 6.00 # 4 16.00 Center 0.669 200.0 440.0 657.9 5.6 38.7 63.0 3.00 24.00 24.00 Masonry Data Hook embedment reduced by stress ratio fm Fs Solid Grouting psi= psi= 0.00 Masonry 8.00 # 4 8.00 Center 0.547 560.0 1,160.0 2,122.0 9.3 38.7 84.0 5.00 24.00 6.00 Load Factors ------------- Use Half Stresses Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method 1,500 20,000 Yes No 25.78 1.000 5.60 1,500 20,000 Yes No 25.78 1.000 7.60 Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth,H Wind,W Seismic, E esc 201o,ACI 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.000 Normal Weight ASD Concrete Data ------------------------- fc Fy psi= psi= ·r U.E.I. Title : 6' RET WALL Page: __ _ UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. 15375 BARRANCA PARKWAY SUITE H-106 Job# : OTC12122 Dsgnr: S.S. Date: 17 FEB 2014 Oeser: IRVINE, CA 92618 ?014 PROJECTS\140217-01 NOROUZIAN RES. (GEOSCAPE LAND RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2012, Build . License: KW.()G05653B Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ~ode: CBC 2010,ACI 318-08,ACI 530-08 License To : UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING INC. Footing Dimensions & Strengths Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe 2.08 ft 1.00 3.08 12.00 in 12.00 in 31.00 in 1. 75 ft fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 40,000 psi 145.00 pcf 0.0018 Footing Concrete Density Min. As% Cover@ Top 3.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in Factored Pressure Mu': Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actuai1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing ___!QL 1,666 23 3 19 ~ 0 psf 0 ft-# 224 ft-# 224 ft-# 12.05 8.61 psi 75.00 75.00 psi # 4@ 12.00 in #4@ 12.00 in #4@ 9.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: #4@ 9.50 in, #5@ 14.50 in, #6@ 20.50 in, #7@ 28.00 in, Forces & Moments Item Heel Active Pressure Surcharge over Heel Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above Soil = Total .... ~OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 800.8 1.72 1,379.2 80.0 7.50 600.0 880.8 O.T.M. 1,979.2 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 2.15 Vert. component of active S.P. used for Overturning Resistance. Vertical component of active pressure NOT used for soil pressure DESIGNER NOTES: Soil Over Heel Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = *Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Weight(s) Earth @Stem Transitions= Footing Weigh1 Key Weight . .... RESISTING ..... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 146.7 2.91 427.3 3.1 2.97 9.1 114.4 1.04 119.0 357.0 2.37 845.8 36.7 2.66 97.7 446.6 1.54 687.8 374.6 2.25 842.8 ____ 4_00_.1_ 3.08 1,232.3 Total= 1,879.1 lbs R.M.= 4,261.7 *Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. - GLOBAL RECE\VED May 23,2014 Project 5800-81 MAY 2 7 20'4 COUNTY Of ORANGE Geoscape 20372 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, California 92630 Attention: Subject: Mr. Len Hawkins Response to Geotechnical Report Review Sheet Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa: and Retaining Wall Construction Norouzian Residence 94 Archipelago Newport Coast, California References: a) Global Geo-Engineering, Inc. -Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa and Retaining Wall Construction, Norouzian Residence~ 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, California Project 5800-81 dated March 18, 2014; b) County of Orange Public Works -Grading/Geotechnical Section - Geotechnical Report Review Sheet dated March 31, 2014; c) Global Geo-Engineering, Inc.-Response to Geotechnical Report Review Sheet, Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa and Retaining Wall Construction, Norouzian Residence, 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, California Project 5800-81 dated May 19, 2014; d) County of Orange Public Works -Grading/Geotechnical Section - Geotechnical Report Review Sheet dated April11, 2014; c) Grading Plan Check No. RW140033 Dear Mr. Hawkins: This letter provides our response to the referenced review sheet dated April11, 2014 1. Item 1 . We reviewed the swimming pools plans. The plans are in general conformance with our report. The plans have been signed and stamped. 3 Corporate Park, Suite 270, Irvine, California 92606 Office (949) 221-0900 Fax (949) 221-0091 e-mail: global@globalgeo.net Geoscape May 23,2014 Project 5 800-81 Page2 2. ·Item 2 -- We reviewed the retaining wall plans and structural details. The plan and details are in general·confonnance with our recommendations . . 3. Item 3 Our recommendations have been incorporated in the project plans. 4. Item 4 -- We reviewed the following reports and plans: a) Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2002a, Geotechnical Report of Rough Grading, Lots 81 through 128, Lots 145through 180, Lots 192 through 222, Lots 236 through 262, and Adjacent Slopes and Streets, Tract 15586 Phase 2, Beachtown 2, Crystal Cove, Newport Coast, County of Orange, California, Project No. 830019-037, dated January 24, 2003; b) Pool plans prepared by Geoscape; c) Structural details provided by Pool Engineering, Inc. 5. Item 5 The review of the report by Leighton and Associates, Inc. indicate the subgrade soils below the pool area consist of engineered fill. 6. Item 6 The recommended values are CBC minimum. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Verytrulyyours, ~~ -/"'""orEvS/n~ · G.LOBAL GEO-ENGINEERlN·~-~~~N ~--~-~ -; ;·vj UDf\SANI Q. \ ·:; ' ' . ·z. \ . ' .. ' ( Exp. Daie 03/31/ I 'i) M. . pasani. . '!~\ 2301 _"' :; Pnnc1pal Geotechnical Engmeer ·,,, ~f'or u~\\J ~-/ RGE 2301 "/; -"---' £c,~ 'X~ . li::-.;----1\\<;.0,p (Exp. March 31, 2015) -LUd;~~.-;:-7 MBU:mbu Geoscape May 23,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 3 Enclosure: County of Orange Geotechnical Report Review Sheet Terms and Conditions '· County of Orange PC ·Orange County Public Works-Grading/Geotechnical Section 300 North Flower Street-P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048 -(Direct) 714-667-8876 (Fax) 667-8885 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW SHEET Review of the Geotechnical Report including: Geotechnical Geoteclinical Geologic Report Soils. Report Response Report Date 03-18-2014 03-18-2014 Bv the Consulting Firm: Global Geo-Engineering, Inc. Legal Description: Lot 3iTract 16407 Site Address: 94 Archipelago Drive, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Grading Plan CheckNo.: SW140053/RW140033 Developer/Owner: Reza Norouzian Address: 94 Archipelago, Newport Coa.<;t, CA 92657 Geoteclmical Engineer: Mohan B. Upasani, RGE 2301 Engineering Geologist: N/A Date Received 03-25-14 (SW) 03-25-14 (R\V) Type of Report Preliminary (Initial) Preliminary (Initial) In-grading or Interim Rough Grade Compaction Supplement or Addendum Grading Plan Review Consulting Firm Job #: 5800-81 Also Mail To: Geoscape Landscape Const., Inc. 20372 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Prior to approval of the report please attend to the items below: 1. Review the Swimming Pool Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary. The sv.imming pool plans must be reviewed and signed by the geotechnical engmeer. 2. Review the Retaining Wall Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary.. The retaining wall plans must be reviewed and signed by the geotechnical engineer. 3. Coordinate with the project engineers to confirm that your recommendations are incorporated into the swimming pool and retaining wall plans and structural details. 4. Provide a list of the references (e.g. approved geotechnical reports, publications, maps, etc.) used in preparation of your report. The swimming pool aml retaining wall plans reviewed in preparation of your report should also be included in the reference list. 5. Provide additional comment/discussion on the as-graded condition (min./max. depth of fill, slope/key>vay construction, etc.) in the vicinity of the proposed improvements based upon your review of the approved geotechnical reports for the subject site. 6. Provide supporting site specific laborat01y test results or confirm CBC minimums for allo\vable bearing values are recommended in your submitted report. · Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at my office (714-667-8876). ~//}~ . ,//<r[/ .. / . c..-.__ Report Reviewed by: ____ .....:;._~-+----..:.-,.._------=---------· Date: 04-ll-2014 {_RYan S. Rose, PG, CEG Engineering Geologist R yan.RosercU.ocp w. ocgov. com •, Geoscape May 23,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Consultant shall serve Client by providing professional counsel and technical advice regarding subsurface conditions consistent with the scope of services agreed-to between the parties. Consultant will use his professional judgment and will perform his services using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances, by reputable foundation engineers and/or engineering geologists practicing in this·or similar localities. In assisting Client, the Consultant may include or rely on information and drawings prepared by others for the purpose of clarification, reference or bidding; however, by including the same, the Consultant assumes no responsibility for the inf'ormation shown thereon and Client agrees that Consultant is not responsible for any defects in its services that result from reliance on the information and drawings prepared by others. Consultant shall not be liable for any incorrect advice; judgment or decision based on any inaccurate information furnished. by the Client or any third party, and Client will indemnify Consultant against claims, demands, or liability arising out of, or contribute to, by such information. UiJ.less otherwise negotiated in writing, Client agrees to·liinit any and all liability, claim for damages, cost of defense, or expenses to be levied against Consultant on account of design defect, error, oinission, or professional negligence to a sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars or charged ·fees whichever is less. Further, Client agrees to notify any construction contractor or subcontractor who may perform work in cormection with ariy design, report, or study prepared by Consultant of such limitation of liability for design defects, errors, oinissions, or professional negligence, and· require as a condition precedent to their performing the work a like liinitation of liability on their part as against the Consultant. In the event the Client fails to obtain a like limitation of liability provision as to design defects, errors, oinissions or professional negligence, any liability of the Client and Consultant to such contractor or subcontractor arising out of a negligence shall be allocated between Client and Consultant in such a manner that the aggregate liability of Consultant for such. design defects to all parties, including ·the Client shall not' exceed ten thousand dollars or charged fees whichever is less. No warranty, expressed or implied of merchantability or fitness, is made or intended in connection with. the work to be performed by Consultant or by the proposal for consulting or other services or by the furnishing of oral or written reports or findings made by Consultant. The Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted-by law, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Consultant, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all claims, damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, of any nature whatsoever arising from or in connection with the Project to the. extent that said claims, damages, liabilities or costs arise out of the work, services, or conduct of Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third party not under Consultant's control. Client further agrees that the duty to defend set forth herein arises i=ediately and is not contingent on a· finding of fault against Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third parties. Client shall not be obligated under this provision to ·indemnify Consultant for Consultant's sole negligence or· willful misconduct. Client shall grant free access to the site !or all necessary equipment and personnel and Client shall notify any and all possessors of the project site that Client has granted Consultant free access to the project site at no charge to Consultant uiJ.less expressly agreed to otherwise in writing. If Client is not the property owner for the subject Project, Client agrees that it will notify the property owner of the terms of this agreement and obtain said property owner's approval to the terms and conditions herein. Should Client fail to obtain the property owner's agreement as required herein, Client agrees to be solely responsible to Consultant for all damages, liabilities, costs, including litigation fees and costs, arising from such failure that exceed that limitation of Consultant's liability herem. Client shall locate for Consultant and shall assume responsibility for the accuracy of his representations as to the locations of all underground utilities and installations. Consultant will not be responsible for damage to any such utilities or installation not so located. Client and Consultant agree to waive claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this agreement. Neither party to this agreement shall assign the contract without the express, written consent of the other party. Consultant agrees to cover all open test holes and place a cover to carry a 200-pound load on· each hole prior to leaving project site unattended. Consultant agrees that all test holes will be backfilled upon completion of the job. However, Client may request test holes to remain open after completion of Consultants work. In the event Client agrees to pay for all costs associated with covering and backfilling said test holes at a later date, and Client shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Consultant for all. claims, demands and liabilities arising from his request, except for the sole negligence of the Consultant, to the extent perinitted by law. Consultant shall not be responsible for the general safety on the job or for the work of Client, other contractors and third parties. Consultant shall be excused for any delay in completion of the contract caused by acts of God, acts of the Client or. Client's agent and/or contractors, inclement weather, labor trouble, acis of public utilities, public bodies, or inspectors, extra work, failure of Client to make payments promptly, or other contingencies unforeseen by Consultant and beyond reasonable control of the Consultant. In the event that either party desires to terminate this contract prior to completion of the project, written notification of such intention to terminate must be tendered to the other party. In the event Client notifies Consultant of such intention to terminate Consultant's services prior to completion of the contract, Consultant reserves the right to complete such analysis and records as are necessary to place files in order, to dispose of samples, put equipment in order, and (where considered necessary to protect his professional reputation) to complete a report on the work performed to date. In the event that Consultant incurs cost in Client's termination of this Agreement, a terinination charge to cover such cost shall be paid by Client. If the Client is a corporation, the individual or individuals who sign or ini,tial this Contract, on behalf of the Client, guarantee that Client will perform its duties under this Contract. The individual or individuals so signing or initialing this Contract warrant that they are duly authorized agents of !lie Client. Any notice required or permitted under this Contract may be given by ordinary mail at the address contained in this Contract, but such address may be changed by written notice given by one party to the other from time to time. Notice shall be deemed received in the ordinary course of the mail. This agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into the County of Orange, State of California. · LIMITATIONS Our findings, interpretations, analyses, and reco=endations are professional opinions, prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted professional practices and are based on ·observation, laboratory data and our professional experience. Consultant does not assume responsibility for the proper execution of the· work by others by undertaking the services being provided to Client under this agreement and shall in.no way be responsible for the deficiencies or defects in the work performed by others not under Consultant's direct control. No other warranty herein is expressed or implied. County of Orange R Orange County Public Works-Grading/Geotechnical Section 300 North Flower Street-P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048 -(Direct) 714-667-8876 (Fax) 667-8885 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW SHEET Review of the Geotechnical Report including: Geotechnical Geotechnical Geologic Report Soils Report Response Response Report Date 03-18-2014 03-18-2014 05-19-2014 05-23-2014 By the Consulting Firm: Global Geo-Engineering. Inc. Legal Description: Lot 3/Tract 16407 Site Address: 94 Archipelago Drive, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Grading Plan Check No.: SW140053/RW140033 Developer/Owner: Reza Norouzian Address: 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Geotechnical Engineer: Mohan B. Upasani, RGE 2301 Engineering Geologist: N/ A Reports Approved Date Received TYQe of Report 03-25-14 (SW) Preliminary (Initial) 03-25-14 (RW) Preliminary (Initial) In-grading or Interim Rough Grade Compaction 05-20-2014 (SW) Supplement or Addendum 05-27-2014 (SW/RW) Supplement or Addendum Grading Plan Review Consulting Firm Job#: 5800-81 Also Mail To: Geoscape Landscape Const., Inc. 20372 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Reports Reviewed by: ------~---r--;-~~--' _A _ _._~----------Date: 05-30-2014 yan S. Rose, PG, CEG Engineering Geologist Ryan.Rose@ocpw.ocgov.com County of Orange PC Orange County Public Works-Grading/Geotechnical Section 300 North Flower Street-P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048-(Direct) 714-667-8876 (Fax) 667-8885 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW SHEET Review of the Geotechnical Report including: Geotechnical Geotechnical Geologic Report Soils Report Response Report Date 03-18-2014 03-18-2014 By the Consulting Firm: Global Geo-Engineering. Inc. Legal Description: Lot 3/Tract 16407 Site Address: 94 Archipelago Drive, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Grading Plan Check No.: SW140053/RW140033 Developer/Owner: Reza Norouzian Address: 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Geotechnical Engineer: Mohan B. Upasani, RGE 2301 Engineering Geologist: N/ A Date Received 03-25-14 (SW) 03-25-14 (RW) Type of Report Preliminary (Initial) Preliminary (Initial) In-grading or Interim Rough Grade Compaction Supplement or Addendum Grading Plan Review Consulting Firm Job#: 5800-81 Also Mail To: Geoscape Landscape Const., Inc. 20372 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Prior to approval of the report please attend to the items below: 1. Review the Swimming Pool Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary. The swimming pool plans must be reviewed and signed by the geotechnical engineer. 2. Review the Retaining Wall Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary. The retaining wall plans must be reviewed and signed by the geotechnical engineer. 3. Coordinate with the project engineers to confirm that your recommendations are incorporated into the swimming pool and retaining wall plans and structural details. 4. Provide a list of the references (e.g. approved geotechnical reports, publications, maps, etc.) used in preparation of your report. The swimming pool and retaining wall plans reviewed in preparation of your report should also be included in the reference list. 5. Provide additional comment/discussion on the as-graded condition (min./max. depth of fill, slope/keyway construction, etc.) in the vicinity of the proposed improvements based upon your review of the approved geotechnical reports for the subject site. 6. Provide supporting site specific laboratory test results or confirm CBC minimums for allowable bearing values are recommended in your submitted report. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at my office (714-667-8876). Report Reviewed by: _____ ,/J?r~-;.1 -~--~__....·~-· -=-------ffiml S. Rose, PG, CEG Engineering Geologist Ryan. Rose@ocpw. ocgov. com Date: 04-11-2014 County of Orange PC Orange County Public Works-Grading/Geotechnical Section 300 North Flower Street-P.O; Box 4048 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048-(Direct) 714-667-8876 (Fax) 667-8885 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW SHEET Review of the Geotechnical Report including: Geotechnical Geologic Report Soils Report Response Report Date 03-18-2014 By the Consulting Firm: Global Geo-Engineering. Inc. Legal Description: Lot 3/Tract 16407 · Site Address: 94 Archipelago Drive, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Grading Plan Check No.: SWl40053 Date Received 03-25-14 Type of Report Preliminary (Initial) In-grading or Interim Rough Grade Compaction Supplement or Addendum Grading Plan Review Consulting Firm Job #: 5800-81 Developer/Owner: Reza Norouzian Address: 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Geotechnical Engineer: Mohan B. Upasani, RGE 2301 Engineering Geologist: N/ A Also Mail To: Geoscape Landscape Const., Inc. 203 72 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Prior to approval of the report please attend to the items below: 1. Review the Swimming Pool Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary. The swimming pool plans must be reviewed and signed by the soils engineer. 2. Coordinate with the project engineers to confirm that your recommendations are incorporated into the swimming pool plans and structural details. 3. Provide a list of the references (e.g. approved geotechnical reports, publications, maps, etc.) used in preparation of your report. The swimming pool plans reviewed in preparation of your report should also be included in the reference list. 4. Provide additional comment/discussion on the as-graded condition (min./max. depth of fill, slope/keyway construction, etc.) in the vicinity of the proposed improvements based upon your review of the approved geotechnical reports for the subject site. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at my office (714-667-8876) . . /::J j\ 1/1 Report Reviewed by: _____ 1.,..1~_/....,. .... ~.o;;.,~--..:.CJ'-· _· _--,.;;..~~-~-l...l-&\~-....,.-------­ . c.i'Yan S. Rose, PG, CEG · Engineering Geologist Ryan.Rose@ocpw.ocgov.com Date: 03-31-2014 ~·=·· <=J' . ' GLOBAL GEO-ENGINEE~o,~~ss RECJ=.A.t~----------,.. COUNTY OF ORANGE OC PUBLIC WORKS I OC PLANNING May 23,2014 Project 5800-81 PERMIT# Geoscape 20372 Hermana Circle geu l ~roJ) /sw flfo6C3 REPORTS APPROVED Lake Forest, California 92630 Attention: Subject: Mr. Len Hawkins Response to Geotechnical Report Revi Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa: and Ret Norouzian Residence 94 Archipelago Newport Coast, California ~nconditionally SheJtl Conditionally ning Wall Construction 5~? 0 ~ 201 'f DATE: ...)' · f( .,..:£::2~ References: a) Global Gee-Engineering, Inc. -Gef!Jeclp?ifal fvaluation, Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa and Re aining #a"?} ~struction, Norouzian Residence~ 94 Archipelago, Ne ~'.]J~aJ:LCaast.,..~11l}:OLi"WJ.~~;.GJ;.~;wc+~,__ _ _... dated March 18, 2014; b) County of Orange Public Works -Grading/Geotechnical Section - Geotechnical Report Review Sheet dated March 31, 2014; c) Global Gee-Engineering, Inc. -Response to Geotechnical Report Review Sheet, Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa and Retaining Wall Construction, Norouzian Residence, 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, California Project 5800-81 dated May 19, 2014; d) County of Orange Public Works -Grading/Geotechnical Section - Geotechnical Report Review Sheet dated April 11, 20 14; c) Grading Plan Check No. RW140033 Dear Mr. Hawkins: This letter provides our response to the referenced review sheet dated April11, 2014 1. Item 1 We reviewed the swimming pools plans. The plans are in general conformance with our report. The plans have been signed and stamped. 3 Corporate Park, Suite 270, Irvine, California 92606 Office (949) 221-0900 Fax (949) 221-0091 e-mail: global@globalgeo.net Geoscape May 23,2014 Project5800-81 Page 2 2. Item 2 -- ·."\ j We reviewed the retaining wall plans and structural details. The plan and details are in general conformance with our recommendations. 3. Item 3 Our recommendations have been incorporated in the project plans. 4. Item 4 We reviewed the following reports and plans: a) Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2002a, Geotechnical Report of Rough Grading, Lots 81 through 128, Lots 145through 180, Lots 192 through 222, Lots 236 through 262, and Adjacent Slopes and Streets, Tract 15586 Phase 2, Beachtown 2, Crystal Cove, Newport Coast, County of Orange, California, Project No. 830019-037, dated January 24, 2003; b) Pool plans prepared by Geoscape; c) Structural details provided by Pool Engineering, Inc. 5. Item 5 The review of the report by Leighton and Associates, Inc. indicate the subgrade soils below the pool area consist of engineered fill. 6. Item 6 The recommended values are CBC minimum. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, ,~==~ GLOBAL GEO-ENGINEERlNG;~~~FESs0:v..-~~~ . . -t·/ r~nH -<'-\ .. 1 l.v ,A,N 8. '> ll.L&:~ · . ·· ·.: UPASA.NI ~Q M h ·B~ ·' 1 ·I Exp. Date03/31/( Z \11 o an . pasam '. · ;2 ,+1 1 Principal Geotechnical Engineer~-\ 0." 2301 . -:v (/J:J RGE 2301 . . ,~~"'~rtc'r\~\~~ ~Y (Exp. March 31, 2015) :t:_oFC;;§~ ~. ~ ".;;r,._;:;,;;:-_.p;;:;..- MBU::inbu Geoscape May 23,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 3 Enclosure: County of Orange Geotechnical Report Review Sheet Terms and Conditions County of Orange PC Orange County Public \Vorks-Grading/Geotechnical Section 300 North Flower Street-P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048 -(Direct) 714-667-8876 (Fax) 667-8885 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW SHEET Review of the Geotechnical Report including: Geotechnical Geotedfnical Geologic Report Soils Report Response- Report Date 03-18-2014 03-18-2014 By the Consulting Firm: Global Geo-Engineering, Inc. Legal Description: .Lot 3/Tract 16407 Site Address: 94 Archipelago Drive, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Grading Plan CheckNo.: SW140053/RW140033 Developer/Owner: Reza Norouzian Address: 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Geotechnical Engineer: Mohan B. Upasani, RGE 230 l Engineering Geologist: N/A Date Received 03-25-14 (S\Y) 03-25-14 (RW) Type of Report Preliminary (Initial) Preliminary (Initial) In"grading or Interim Rough Grade Compaction Supplement or Addendum Grading Plan Review Consulting Firm Job #: 5800-81 Also Mail To: Geoscape Landscape Const., Inc. 20372 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Prior to approval of the report please attend to the items below: 1. Review the Swimming Pool Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary: The s>'vimming pool plans must be reviewed and signed by the geotechnical engineer. 2. Review the Retaining Wan Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary.. The retaining wall plans must be reviewed and signed by the geotechnical engineer. 3. Coordinate with the project engineers to confirm that your recommendations are incorporated into the swimming pool and retaining wall plans and'structural details. 4. Provide a list of the references (e.g. approved geotechnical reports, publications, maps, etc.) used in preparation of your report. The swimming pool and retaining wan plans reviewed in preparation of your report should also be i11Cluded in the reference list. 5. Provide additional comment/discussion on the as-graded condition (min./max. depth of fill, slope/keyway constmction, etc.) in the vicinity of the proposed improvements based upon your review ofthe approved geotechnical reports for the subject site. 6. Provide supporting site specific laboratory test results or confirm CBC minimums for allowable bearing values are recommended in your submitted report Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at my office (714-667-8876) . . // /t1[2 ,/X[// . -~/~c.-_ Report Reviewed by: __ ..._ _ __.;:LJ_~-+---/-\.:... __ ----=--------- {)(yan S. Rose, PG, CEG Engineering Geologist Ryan.Rose@ocow.ocgov.com Date: 04-ll-2014 Geoscape May 23,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Consultant shall serve Client by providing professional counsel and technical advice regarding subsurface conditions consistent with the scope of services agreed-to between the parties. Consultant will use his professional judgment and will perfonn his services using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances, by reputable foundation engineers and/or engineering geologists practicing in this or similar localities. In assisting Client, the Consultant may include or rely on infonnation and drawings prepared by others for the purpose of clarification, reference or bidding; however, by including the same, the Consultant assumes no responsibility for the infonnation shown thereon and Client agrees that Consultant .is not responsible for any defects in its services that result from reliance on the infonnation. and drawings prepared by otherS. Consultant shall not be liable for any incorrect advice; judgment or decision based on any inaccurate infonnation furnished.by the Client or any third party, and Client will indemnify Consultant against claims, demands, or liability arising out of, or contribute to, by such infonnation. Ui!less otherwise negotiated in writing, Client agrees to liinit any and all liability, claim for damages, cost of defense, or expenses to be levied against Consultant on account of design defect, error, oinission, or professional negligence to a sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars or charged ·fees whichever is less. Further, Client agrees to notify any construction. contractor or subcontractor who may perform work in connection with any design, report, or study prepared by Consultant of such limitation of liability for design defects, errors, oinissions, or professional negligence, and· require as a condition precedent to their performing the work a like liinitation of liability on their part as against the Consultant. In the event the Client fails to obtain a like limitation of liability provision as to design defects, errors, oinissions or professionar negligence, any liability of the Client and Consultant to such contractor or subcontractor arising out of a negligence shall be allocated between Client and Consultant in such a. manner that the aggregate liability of Consultant for such design defects ·to all parties, including ·the Client shall not exceed ten thousand dollars· or charged fees whichever is less: No warranty, expressed or implied of merchantability or fitness, is made or intended in connection with the work to be perfonned by Consultant or by the proposal for consulting or other services or by the furnishing of oral or written reports or findings made by Consultant. The Client agrees, to the fullest extent perinitted by law, to indeninify, defend and hold harmless the Consultant, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all claims, damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, of any nature whatsoever arising from or in connection with the Project to the extent that said claims, damages, liabilities or costs arise out of the work, services, or conduct of Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third party not under Consultant's control. Client further agrees that the duty to defend set forth herein arises immediately and is not contingent on a· finding of fault against Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third parties. Client shall not be obligated under this provision toindeninify Consultant for Consultant's sole negligence or willful misconduct. Client shall grant free access to the site for all necessary equipment and persmmel and Client shall notify any and all possessors of the project site that Client has granted Consultant free access to the project site at no charge to Consultant uuless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing. If Client is not the property owner for the subjeci Project, Client agrees that" it will notify the property owner of the terms of this agreement and obtain said property owner's approval to the terms and conditions herein. Should Client fail to obtain the property owner's agreement as required herein, Client agrees to be solely responsible to Consultant for all damages, liabilities, costs, including litigation fees and costs, arising from such failure that exceed that liinitation of Consultant's liability herein. Client shall locate for Consultant and shall assume responsibility for the accuracy of his representations as to the locations of all underground utilities and installations. Consultant will not be responsible for damage to any such utilities or installation not so located. Client and Consultant agree to waive claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this agreement. Neither party to this agreement shall assign the contract without the express, written consent of the other party. Consultant agrees to cover all open test holes and place a cover to carry a 200-pound load on each hole prior to leaving project site unattended. Consultant agrees that all test holes will be backfilled upon completion of the job. However, Client may request test holes to remain open after completion of Consultants work. . In the event Client agrees to pay for all costs associated with covering and backfilling said test holes at a later date, and Client shall indeninify, defend and hold harmless Consultant for aU. claims, demands and liabilities arising from his request, except for the sole negligence of the Consultant, to the extent perinitted by law. Consultant shall not be responsible for the general safety on the job or for the work of Client, other contractors and third parties. Consultant shall be excused for any delay in completion of the contract caused by acts of God, acts of the Client or Client's agent and/or contractors, inclement weather, labor trouble, acts of public utilities, public bodies, or inspectors, extra work, failure of Client to make payments promptly, or other contingencies unforeseen by Consultant and beyond reasonable control of the Consultant. In the event that either party desires to terminate this contract prior to completion of the project, written notification of such intention to terminate must be tendered to the other party. In the event Client notifies Consultant of such intention to tenninate Consultant's services prior to completion of the contract, Consultant reserves the right to complete such analysis and records as are necessary to place files in order, to dispose of samples, put equipment in order, and (where considered necessary to protect his professional reputation) to complete a report on the work perfonned to date. In the event that Consultant incurs cost in Client's termination of this Agreement, a tennination charge to cover such cost shall be paid by Client. If the Client is a corporation, the individual or individuals who sign or initial this Contract, on behalf of the Client, guarantee that Client will perfonn its duties under this Contract. The individual or individuals so signing or initialing this Contract warrant that they are duly authorized agents of the Client. Any notice required or pennitted under this Contract may be given by ordinary mail at the address contained in this Contract, but such address may be changed by written notice given by one party to the other fr.om time to time. Notice shall be deemed received in the ordinary course of the mail. This agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into the County of Orange, State of California. - LIMITATIONS ;_, Our findings, interpretations, analyses, and recommendations are professional opinions, prepared and pr~sented in accordance with generally accepted professional practices and are based on ·observation, laboratory data and our professional experience. Consultant does not assume responsibility for the proper execution of the work by others by .undertaking the services being provided to Client under this agreement and shall in.no way be responsible for the deficiencies or defects in the work performed by others not under Consultant's ·direct control. No other warranty herein is expre~sed or implied. GLOBAL GED-ENEi/NEERING_,. INC RECEIVED MAY 2 0 2014 COUNTY OF ORANGE OC PUBLIC WORKS I OC PLANNING PERMIT# May 19,2014 Project 5800-81 COUNTY OF ORANGE P.w ( ~m'3) ·/sw 1 ~oo s-3 . I Geoscape REPORTS APPROVED 203 72 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, California 92630 ~Unconditionally Attention: Subject: Mr. Len Hawkins 0 Conditionally Response to Geotechnical Report eview~eet Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa and Retaining Wall Construction Norouzian Residence 94 Archipelago Newport Coast, California ~ Engineering Geologist 0 Civil Engineer References: a) Global Geo~ Engineering, Inc. -Geotechnicar Evaluation Pr a Swimming Pool/Spa and Retaining Wall Construction, Norouzian Residence, 94 Archipelago, Newport Coast, California Project 5800-81 dated March 18, 2014; b) County of Orange Public Works -Grading/Geotechnical Section - Geotechnical Report Review Sheet dated March 31, 2014; c) Grading Plan Check No. SW140053 Dear Mr. Hawkins: This letter provides our response to the referenced review sheet dated March 31, 2014. We reviewed the swimming pools plans. The plans are in general conformance with our report. The plans have been signed and stamped. 2. Item 2 Our recommendations have been incorporated in the project plans. 3 Corporate Park, Suite 270, Irvine, California 92606 Office (949) 221-0900 Fax (949) 221-0091 e-mail: global@globalgeo.net Geoscape May 19,2014 · Project 5800-81 Page2 3. Item 3 We reviewed the following reports and plans: a) Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2002a, Geotechnical Report of Rough Grading, Lots 81 through 128, Lots 145through 180, Lots 192 through 222, Lots 236 through 262, and Adjacent Slopes and Streets, Tract 15586 Phase 2, Beachtown 2, Crystal Cove, Newport Coast, County of Orange, California, Project No. 830019-037, dated January 24, 2003; b) Pool plans prepared by Geoscape; c) Structural details provided by Pool Engineering, Inc. 4. Item 4 The review of the report by Leighton and Associates, Inc. indicate the subgrade soils below the pool area consist of engineered fill. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, MBU/KBY:kby Enclosure: County of Orange Geotechnical Report Review Sheet Terms and Conditions .· "-... County ofOrange PC Orange County Public Works-Grading/Geotechnical Section 300 North Flower Street-P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048-(Direct) 714-667-8876 (Fax) 667~8885 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW SHEET Review of the Geotechnical Report including: GeotechniCal Geologic Report Soils Report Response Report Date 03-18-2014 By the Consulting Firm: Global Geo-Engineerin2. Inc. Legal.Description: Lot 3/Tract 16407 Site Address: 94 Archipelago Drive, Newport Coast,. CA 92657 Grading Plan Check No.: SWi40053 Date Received 03-25-14· Type of Report Preliminary (Initial) In-grading or Interim Rough Grade Compaction Supplement or Addendum Grading Plan. Review Consulting Firm Job #: 5800~81 Developer/0\N!ler: Reza Norouzian Address: 94 Archipelago; Newport Coast,.CA 92657 Geotechnical Engineer: Mohan B. Upasani, RGE 2301 Engineering Geologist: N/A Also Mail To: Geostape Landscape Const,Inc. 20372 Hi:rmana Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Prior to approval of the report please attend to the items below: 1. Review the Swimming Pool Plans and Structural Details submitted to the County that will be utilized during construction of the project. Provide additional recommendations as necessary. The swimmirig pooL plans must be reviewed and signed by the soils engineer. 2. Coordinate with the project engineers to confmn that your recommendations are incorporated into the swimmfug pool plans and structural details. 3. Provide a llst of the references {e.g. approved geotechnical reports, publications, maps, etc.) used in preparation of~ your report: The swimming pool plans reviewed in preparation of your report should also be included in the-reference list. 4. Provide additional comment/discussion on the as-graded condition (min)max. depth of fill, slqpeikeyway · construction, etc.) in the vicinity of the proposed improvements based upon your review of the approved geotechnical reports for the ,subject site. · Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at my office (714-667-8876). /~:// /! //~0 /~ {·i i· ReportReviewed by: _____ i..:;.l_'r···o~-'-.:..V:-'-· ___,.i..>_"_ . ..:..~~·· _. · ___ -_...;...... ___ _ / . . . (.,R'yan S. Rose, PG, CEG Engineering Geologist Rvan.Rose@,ocpw .ocgov .com Date: 03-31~2014 Geoscape· May 19,2014 ProjeCt 5800-81 Page3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Consultant shall serve Client by providing professional counsel and technical advice regarding subsurfuce conditions consistent with the scope of services agreed-to between the parties. Consultant will use his professional judgment and will perform his services using thafdegree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances, by reputable foundation engineers and/or engineering geoiogists practicing in this or similar localities; · In assisting Client, the Consultant may include or rely on information and drawings prepared by others. for the· purpose of clarification, reference or bidding; however, by including the same, _the Consultant assumes no responsibility for the information shown thereon and Client agrees that Consultant is not responsible for any defects in its services that result from reliance on the information and drawings prepared by others. Consultant shall not be liable for any incorrect advice; judgment or decision based on any inaccurate information funlished by the ·client or any third party, and Client will indemnify ConSultant against claims, demands; or liability arising out o:t; or contribute to, by such information.. Unless otherwise negotiated in writing, Client agrees to limit any and· all liability, claim for damages, cost of defense, or expenses to. be levied against Consultant on account of design defect, error, omission, or professional negligence to a -.sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars or charged fees whichever is less. Further, Client agrees to notifY any construction contractor or subcontractor who may perform work in connection with any design, report, or study prepared by Consultant of such liinitation of liability for design defectS, errors, omissions, or professional negligence, and require as a condition precedent to their performing the work a like limitation of liability on their part as against the ·consultant In· the event the Client fails to obtain a like limitation of liability provision as to. design defects, errors,_ omissions or professional negligence, any liability of the Client and Consnltant to such contractor or subcontractor arising out of a negligence shall be allocated between Client and Consultant in such. a manner that the aggregate liability of Consultant for such design defects to· all parties; including the Client shall not exceed ten thousand dollars or charged fees whichever is Jess: No warranty, expressed or implied of merchantability· or fitness, is made or intended in connection with the· work to be performed by Consultant or by the· proposal for consulting or other services or by the furnishing of oral or written reports or findings made by Consultant The Client agrees, tp the fullest extent pe~itted by law, to indemnifY, defend and hold. harmless the Consultant, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all claims, damages, liabilities oi costs, including ·reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, ·of any· nature· whiltso.ever arising from or ii:t connection with the Project to the extent that said.claimS, damages, liabilities or costs arise out of the work, services, or conduct of Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third ·party not under Consultant's controL Client further agrees that the duty to defend set forth herein arises immediately and is not contingent on a finding of fault against Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third parties. Client shall not be obligated under this provision to indemnifY Consultant for Consultant's sole negligence or willful misconduct· Client shall grant free access to the site for all necessary equipment and personnel and Client shall notifY any and all possessors of the project site that Client has granted Consultant free access to the project site at no charge to Consultant unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing. If Client is not the property owner for the subject Project, Client agrees that it will notifY the property owner of the terms of this agreement and obtam said property owner's approval to the terms and conditions herein. Should Client fail t6 obtain the property owner's agreement as required herein, Client agrees io be ·solely responsible to Consultant for all damages, liabilities, costs, including litigation fees and costs, arising from such failure that exceed that limitation of Consultant's liability herein. Client shall locate for Consultant and shall assume responsibility for the accuracy of his repl)'senbtions as to the locations of all underground utilities and installations. Consultant will not be responsible for dainage to any such utilities or installation not so located. Client and Consultani agree to waive claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this agreement Neither party to this agreement shall assign the contract without the express, written consent of the other party. Consultant agrees to cover all open test holes and place a cover to carry a 200-pound load on each hole prior to leaving project site unattended. Consultant agrees that all test holes will be backfilled upon completion of the job. However, Client may request test holes to· remain open after completion of Consultants ·work. In the event Client agrees to pay for all costs associated with covering and backfilling said test holes at a later date, and Client shall" indemnifY, defend and hold harmless Consultant for all claims, demands and liabilities arising from his request, except for the_ sole. negligence ·of the Consultant, to the extent permitted by law. Consultant shall not be responsible for the general safety on the job.or for ·the work of Client, other contractors and third parties.- Consultant shall be excused fur any delay in completion of the contract caused by -acts of God, acts of the Client or Client's agent and/or contractors, inclement weather, labor trouble, acts of public utilities, public bodies, or inspectors, extra work, failure of Client to make payments promptly,_9r other contingencies unforeseen by Consultant and beyond reasonable control of the Consultant. In the event that either party desires to terminate this contract prior to comp!tition of the project, written notification of such intention to_ terminate must be tendered to the other party. In the event Client notifies Consultant of such intention to terminate Consultant's services prior to completion of the contract, Consultant reserves the right to complete such analysis and records as are necessary to place files in order, to dispose of samples, put equipment in order, and (where considered necessary to protect his professional reputation) to complete a report on the work performed to date. In the event that Consultant incurs cost in Client's termination of this Agreement, a termination charge to cover such cost shall be paid by Client If the Client is a corporation, the individual or individuals who sign or initial this Contract, on behalf of the Client, guarantee that Client will perform its duties under this Contract. The individual or individuals so signing or initialing this Contract warrant that they are duly authorized agents of the Client. . Any notice required or permitted under this Contract may be given by ordinary mail at the address contained ·in this Contract, but such address may be changed by written notice given by one party to the otlier from time to time. Notice shall· be deemed received in the ordinary course of the mail. This agreement shall be deemed to have .been entered into·the County of Orange, State of California. ' .LIMITATIONS Our findings, interpretations, analyses, and recommendations are professional opinions, prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted professional practices and are based .on observation, laboratory data and oirr professional experience. Consultant does not assume responsibility for the proper execution of the work by others by undertaking the services being provided to Client under this agreement and shall in no way he responsible for the deficiencies or defects in the work performed by others not under Consultant's direct control. No other warranty herein is expressed or implied. fW\ tiOO~~ :__---- -'?v.l \~eo 0'3 GLOBAL GED-ENGINEERING? INC::. March 18,2014 Project 5800-81 Geoscape 203 72 Hermana Circle Lake Forest, California 92630 Attention: Mr. Len Hawkins COUNTY Of ORANGE OC PUBLIC WORKS I OC PLANNING PERMIT# ~w ~ tcfi'3'3 /sw lirfh) REPORTS APPROVED ~Unconditionally 0 Conditionally Subject: Geotechnical Evaluation 5 ..-3cJ-2o f <j- Proposed Swimming Pool/Spa and Retai ·ng W~1'~onstruction r;) Norouzian Residence \ ~ ! ~~ ~ 94 Archipelago / · L ~ '- Newport Coast, California ~o:: •. ,11,:::Geologist Dear Mr. Hawkins: \ __ 0 ==-r----------- 1. INTRODUCTION a) This letter provides our geotechnical evaluation for the proposed pool/spa and retaining wall construction to be located in Newport Coast, County of Orange, California. No subsurface exploration was conducted during the course of preparing this report. We assume the stability of the nearby slopes has been assessed and approved in conjunction with the development of the tract. b) As we understand, the planned improvements will include the construction of a new swimming pool within the rear (western) area of the lot. The depth of the pool will range from 3.5 to 5.5 feet. In a addition a new 5-foot high retaining wall is planned along a part of the north-lying ascending slope. The project scope will also include new hardscape and flatwork areas. The recommendations provided in this report are for the swimming pool/spa and retaining wall only. If requested, we will provide additional recommendations for the other improvements. c) Evaluation of the existing residence and other structures was beyond the scope of our services. The subgrade soils below the pool and the spa were not investigated and therefore the quality of the soils is not known. It is possible that the sub grade soils may impact the performance of the pool/spa. 3 Corporate Park, Suite 270, Irvine, California 92606 Office (949) 221-0900 Fax (949) 221-0091 e-mail: global@globalgeo.net Geoscape March 18, 2014 Project 5800-81 Page 2 2~ SITE CONDITIONS a) During the course of preparing this report, we have conducted a site reconnaissance of the property, specifically in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. b) The subject parcel is developed with a two-story, wood-frame, single family residence on a relatively level pad. A rectangular shaped, 18-inch deep, concrete lined pond is present within the center part of the rear area of the lot. The pond is surrounded by concrete tile flatwork. The remainder of the rear yard area is covered by grass· and planters. c) Along the northern side of the property, a 4-foot high (3 feet retaining) concrete wall extends along the bottom of a 2-to-3-foot high slope which ascends up to the bottom of a 6.5-foot high free-standing concrete block property line wall. d) A 6-to 8-inch high concrete curb exists along the rear edge of the yard area. Beyond the curb is an 8-foot high, 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope which descends to the west-lying wrought iron property line fence. Beyond the fence is a 44-foot high slope descending at a gradient 2: 1 (horizontal:vertical). The slope is very well vegetated and appears to be well maintained. A 5-foot wide concrete terrace drain extends midway through the slope. d) With respect to the existing yard improvements, the concrete pond and flatwork appear to be generally in good condition and are free of any obvious distress. 3. COUNTY POLICY In late 2005 and early 2006, the County of Orange implemented a general policy relating to Expansion Index testing as they related to swimming pool and hardscape/flatwork · construction and has been generally accepted by the geotechnical and construction community since that time. The general nature of the policy suggested that, in the absence of any site-specific EI or Soluble Sulphate testing ·and analysis, the geotechnical design recommendation must assume very high EI and Severe sulphate exposure. It is our professional opinion that, this policy is generally sound and should continue as unchanged as it is considered the most conservative for the varying soil conditions. 4. POOL AND SPA CONSTRUCTION a) From a geotechnical point of view, the proposed pool and spa construction is considered feasible, provided the recommendations are implemented during the design and the construction phase. ·Geoscape March 18, 2014 Project 5800-81 Page 3 b) A portion of the pool within 25 feet from the top of the slope should be designed · for structurally free-standing conditions. For the design of the pool, use an allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 lb/ft2 at 1-foot depth in accordance with the 2013 California Building Code. Use an equivalent fluid pressure of 100 lb/ft3 for the walls of the pool, supporting an expansive, level backfill. c) The subgrade soils may have sulphate contents greater than 0.2 percent. The sulphate exposure is considered Severe. The project structural engineer should be notified about the high sulphate content. d) For the shotcrete/concrete construction, the compressive strength should be 4,500 lb/in2 and water/cement ratio of 0.45 should be used, in addition to using Type V cement. e) A representative sample of the subgrade soils may be collected and tested to determine the sulphate exposure at the conclusion of the excavation. If the sulphate content is less than 0.1 percent, the compressive strength of the shotcrete/concrete may be reduced. f) Based upon the pool plans, we understand that the western (slope-side) edge of the spa excavation, will be located between 3 feet horizontally away from the top of the descending slope, whereas the eastern edge of the pool will be located 1 0 feet from the top of the slope. g) i) One of the goals of conducting a pre-excavation, geotechnical evaluation report is to identify potential geologic hazards or subsurface soil conditions which may be a detrimental to the planned improvements. The evaluation is partially based upon observation of existing site conditions, and our experience with similar types of construction within the general proximity of the site. ii) Detailed analysis of the existing slope stability was beyond the scope of our work. However, structures and hardscape improvements located near the top of descending slopes will often undergo a process of slope creep or lateral fill extension (lot stretching). Slope creep is defined as, very slow, nearly imperceptible rates of downslope movement, occurring from alternating wetting and drying of the fill soils, typically along the outer 5 to 20 feet ofthe slope surface. iii) Many factors are involved in the magnitude of slope creep effects. They include; • The overall slope height; • The quality of the fill compaction; • TYPe of fill soils; • Amount of surface irrigation, and surface and subsurface drainage. Geoscape March 18,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 4 h) iv) With respect to the water infiltration into the surface soils, exposed along the creep-prone slopes, the degree of water infiltration and subsequent creep effects may be controlled by surface drainage, rl.:moff, and slope maintenance. v) Because slope creep and lateral fill extension will likely remain active throughout the life of the structure, we strongly recommend that for the pool, construction, a deepened keyway be incorporated into the design and construction. vi) The .. de_epe~ed key:.vay .should be included along the eastern (slope-side) edge of the excavation, deepened such that the horizontal setback from the bottom of the..-k:eyway ·-is.me~~2J.Q1e~t fr{)m the-face ,of-the,,descencling- slope. The keyway should have a_ minimum width of 18 inches. We estimate the depth of the keyway will be approximately 5.5 feet along the spa and the shallow portion of the pool, tapering to one foot in the pool's deep end. For the keyway design, use an active pressure of 45 lb/fe, a passive resistance of250 lb/ft3and a coefficient of friction of0.3. i) It is critical for the performance of the poolthat the underlying subsurface materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation be of similar material type (either bedrock or fill) and be consistent in thickness, and be sufficiently dense to support the gunite shell without the risk of settlement. ii) We anticipate that the pool excavation will expose fill. No overexcavation is deemed necessary, provided that the exposed subgrade is deemed suitable. iii) However, if a bedrock/fill transition or unsuitable soils are encountered, we recommend that the entire swimming pool be overexcavated to a minimum depth of 1.5 feet, subject to review during the excavation process. The resulting excavation should be backfilled with engineered fill, compacted to 90 percent relative compaction. Onsite soils generated during the overexcavation process may not be suitable for re-use as compacted fill due to its anticipated excessive moisture content, subject to review during the excavation process. As an alternative to a compacted soil backfill, the backfill material may consist of %-inch crushed rock or gravel. Pea gravel backfill is not specifically recommended. i) If any signs of groundwater seepage occur, then installation of a hydrostatic relief valve may be necessary. Determination of a hydrostatic valve will be made following the excavation of the pool. j) At this time, we do not believe that the excavation will require shoring, subject to review during the excavation process. I i ' Geoscape March 18,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 5 k) The pool excavation will be observed by a geotechnical engineer or an engineering geologist. Any adverse conditions exposed during the excavation Will be evaluated by us and mitigating recommendations, if required, will be provided with due consideration given to the exposed geologic conditions including bedding, height of the excavation etc. If the excavation of the pool is planned during winter months, it should insmed that exposed temporary cuts for the excavation are covered sufficiently with plastic and secured with sand bags to prevent surficial erosion and possible failure. I) In general, due to the presence of the highly expansive underlying soils, the planned hardscape and flatwork will be highly susceptible to soil expansion effects such as cracking and heaving. Hardscape areas planned for this project should be designed in order to counteract the effects of the highly expansive soil conditions, slope creep and Lateral Fill Extension. Implementation of mitigating measures, can limit the amount of expansive soil affects on hardscape. m) The recommendations included in this report are intended to minimize the potential of distress caused by the underlying soils. However, it should be noted that certain amount of cracking, uplifting and tilting of may be unavoidable and should be anticipated during the lifetime of the proposed structures. 5. RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION 5.1 General a) It is our opinion that the site will be suitable for the proposed decks and retaining wall improvements, assuming that our recommendations are implemented during construction. b) We are of the opinion that the proposed footings may be supported on the new footings founded in the competent soils. c) We are also of the opinion that with due and reasonable precautions, the proposed construction will not endanger adjacent property nor will construction be affected adversely by adjoining property. d) The earthwork operations should be observed by a representative of a geotechnical engine~r. e) The design recommendations in the report should be reviewed during the grading phase when soil conditions in the excavations become exposed. 5.2 Processing of On-Site Soils a) At this time, no overexcavation is required below the bottom. of the footings, provided the footings are founded in the competent fill soils. Geoscape March 18,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 6 b) If any slab-on-grade is constructed, the existing disturbed sub grade soils should be' reworked for a depth of 8 to 10 inches. c} Wherever structural fills, if any, are to be placed, the upper 6 to 8 inches of the exposed sub grade should be scarified and reworked. d) Any loosening of reworked or native material, consequent to the passage of construction traffic, weathering, etc., should be made good prior to further construction. e) The depths of overexcavation, if any, should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer during construction. Any surface or subsurface obstructions, or any variation of site materials or conditions encountered during grading should be brought immediately to the attention of the Geotechnical Engineer for proper exposure, removal or processing, as directed. f) No underground obstructions or facilities should remain in any structural areas. Depressions and/or cavities created as a result of the removal of obstructions should be backfilled properly with suitable materials, arid compacted. 5.3 Material Selection (for any new fills) After the site has been stripped of any debris, excavated on-site soils are considered satisfactory for reuse in the construction of on-site fills. Concrete pieces greater than 4 inches in diameter should not be incorporated in compacted fill below slab-on-grade. 5 .4 Compaction Requirements a) Reworking/compaction shall include moisture-conditioning/drying as needed to bring the soils to slightly above the optimum moisture content. All reworked soils and structural fills should be densified to achieve at least 90 percent relative compaction with reference to laboratory compaction standard. b) The optimum moisture content and maximum dry density should be determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D1557. c) Fill should be compacted in lifts not exceeding 8 inches (loose). 5.5 Excavating Conditions a) Excavation of on-site materials may be accomplished with standard earthmoving or trenching equipment. Geoscape March 18,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 7 b) Dewatering is not anticipated. c) Portions of the demolished structures, if any, should be removed entirely from within the structural areas. Care should be taken not to undermine the foundations to be left in place. 5.6, Expansivity Based on our observations, the expansion potential of the underlying material is considered to be medium, The slab (if any) and the footings should be designed in accordance with California Building Code. A subgrade soil sample should be collected and tested to determine the expansion potential. 5.7 Sulphate Content The subgrade soils may have sulphate contents greater than 0.2 percent. The sulphate exposure is considered Severe. The project structural engineer should be notified about the high sulphate content. 5.8 Grading Control All grading and earthwork should be performed under the observation of a Geotechnical Engineer in order to achieve proper subgrade preparation, selection of satisfactory materials, placement and compaction of all structural fill. Sufficient notification prior to stripping and earthwork construction is essential to make certain that the work will be adequately observed and tested. 5.9 Surface Drainage In accordance with the building code, the ground adjacent to the foundation should be sloped away at gradient of 5 percent. If the ground adjacent to the residence is covered with impervious material, the area adjacent to the foundations may be sloped away at 2 percent gradient. 5.1 0 Slab-on-Grade (if any) The recommendations provided here assume that the subgrade soils have medium expansion potential. The soils should be tested to verify the expansion potential. a) Concrete floor slabs may be founded on the reworked existing soils or compacted fill. b) The sub grade should be proof-rolled just prior to construction to provide a firm, unyielding surface. Geoscape. March 18, 2014 Pr9ject 5800-81 Page 8 c) The slab-on-grade should be underlain by 4-inch thick SAND. A plastic vapor barrier is recommended. This sheeting should be placed at the midheight ofthe SAND. d) It is recommended that #4 bars on 16-inch center, bothways, or equivalent be provided as minimum reinforcement in slabs-on-grade. Joints should be provided and slabs·should be at least 4 inches thick. e) The FFL should be at least 6 inches above highest adjacent grade. f) The subgrade should be kept moist prior to the concrete pour. 5.11 Spread Foundations a) The proposed structures can be founded on shallow spread footings. The minimum criteria are ·presented below. However, the design footing dimensions significantly exceed the minimum criteria. b) Dimensions/Embedment Depths Minimum Width Minimum Embedment Below Lowest Finished Surface {ft) {ft) Square Column Footings -1.5 to 50 kip c) Allowable Bearing Capacity Embedment Depth Allowable Bearing Capacity (ft) (lb/ft2) 1.5 1,650 (Notes: • The allowable bearing capacity may be increased by 20 percent for each additional foot increase in the depth or the width, to a maximum value of 3,500 lb/ft2; • These values may be increased by one-third in the case of short-duration loads, such as induced by wind or seismic forces; $ Planter areas should not be sited adjacent to walls. In case planter areas are sited next to the walls the footings should be deepened by additional six inches; Geoscape March 18,2014 Project 5800-81 Page 9 • Footings adjacent to the slope should be sited such that horizontal distance from the lower outer edge of the footings to the competent slope should be 1/3rct x the slope height; minimum 6 feet and need not exceed 40 feet; • Footing excavations should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer to verify the footings are excavated in the competent soils and are in one type of soils; • Footing excavations should be kept moist prior to the concrete pour; • It should be insured that the embedment depths do not become reduced or adversely affected by erosion, softening, planting, digging, etc.) 5 .12 Lateral Pressures a) The following lateral pressures are recommended for the design of retaining structures. Pressure (lb/felft depth) Lateral Force Soil Profile Rigidly Supported Unrestrained Wall Wall Active Pressure Level 60 - Passive Resistance Level 250 - (ignore upper 1.5 ft.) - b) Friction coefficient: 0.3 (includes a Factor of Safety of 1.5). While combining friction with passive resistance, reduce passive by 1/3. c) These values apply to the existing soil, and to compacted backfill generated from in-situ material. Imported material should be evaluated separately. d) It is recommended that where feasible, imported granular backfill be utilized, for a width equal to approximately one-quarter the wall height, and not less than 1.5 feet. e) Backfill should be placed under engineering control. f) Subdrains comprised of 4-inch perforated (holes facing downwards) Schedule 40 or equivalent PVC pipe covered in a minimum of one cubic foot per linear foot of filter rock and wrapped in Mirafi 140N filter fabric should be provided behind retaining walls. Geoscape March 18, 2014 Project 5800-81 Page 10 5.13 Seismic Coefficients For seismic analysis of the proposed project in accordance with the seismic provisions of the 2013 California Building Code, we recommend the following: ITEM VALUE REFERENCE Site Longitude (Decimal-degrees) -117.8272 Google Earth Site Latitude (Decimal-degrees) 33.5703 GoogleEarth Site Class D 2013 CBC Section 1613.3.2 & Chapter 20 of ASCE 7 Seismic Design Category D 2013 CBC SeCtion 1613.3.5 & Tables 1613.3.5(1)(2) Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration-Short Period 1.732 2013 CBC Section (0.2 Sec)-Ss 1613.3.1(1) Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration-1 Second 0.634 2013 CBC Section Period-S1 1613.3.1(2) Short Period Site Coefficient-F. 1.0 2013 CBC Section 1613.3(1) Long Period Site Coefficient Fv 1.5 2013 CBC Section 1613.3.3(2) Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration @ 0.2 Sec. 1.732 2013 CBC Section 1613.3.3 Period (Sms) Equation 16-37 Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration@ 1Sec.Period 0.951 2013 CBC Section 1613.3.3 (Sml) Equation 16-38 Design Spectral Response Acceleration@ 0.2 Sec. 1.155 2013 CBC Section 1613.3.4 Period (Sn,) Equation 16-39 Design Spectral Response Acceleration @ 1-Sec. Period 0.634 2013 CBC Section 1613.3.4 (Sm) Equation 16-40 . The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, ~~· Principal Geotechnical Engineer RGE 2301 (Exp. March 31, 2015) MBU/KBY:kby Enclosure: Terms and Conditions Geoscape March 18, 2014 Project 5800-81 Page 11 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Consultant shall serve Client by providing professional counsel and technical advice regarding subsnrface conditions consistent with the scope of services agreed-to between the parties. Consultant will use his professional judgment and will perform his services using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances, by reputable foundation engineers and/or engineering geologists practicing in this or similar localities. In assisting Client, the Consultant may include or rely on information and drawings prepared by others for the purpose of clarification, reference or bidding; hoWever, by including the same, the Consultant assumes no responsibility for the information shown thereon and Client agrees that Consultant is not responsible for any defects in its services that result from reliance on the information and drawings prepared by others. Consultant shall not be liable for any incorrect advice; judgment or decision based on any inaccurate information furnished by the Client or any third party, and Client will indemnify Consultant against claims, demands, or liability arising out of, or contribute to, by such information. Unless otherwise negotiated in writing, Client agrees to limit any and all liability, claim for damages, cost of defense, or expenses ·to be levied against Consultant on account of design defect, error, omission, or professional negligence to a sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars or charged fees whichever is less. Further, Client agrees to notify any construction contractor or subcontractor who may perform work in connection wiih any design, report, or study prepared by Consultant of such limitation of liability for design defects,· errors, omissions, or professional negligence, and require as a condition precedent to their performing the work a like limitation of liability on their part as against the Consultant. In the event the Client fails to obtain a like limitation of liability provision as to design defects, errors, omissions or professional negligence, any liability of the Client and Consultant to such contractor or subcontractor arising out of a negligence shall be allocated between Client and Consultant in such a manner that the aggregate liability of Consultant for such design defects to all parties, including the Client shall nof exceed ten thousand dollars or charged fees whichever is less. No warranty, expressed or implied of merchantability or fitness, is made or intended in connection with the work to be performed by Consultant or by the proposal for consulting or other services or by the furnishing of oral or written reports or findings made by Consultant. The Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Consultant, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all claims, damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, of any nature whatsoever arising from or in connection with the Project io the extent that said claims, damages, liabilities or costs arise out of the work, services, or conduct of Client or Client's contractors, subcorisultants, or other third party not under Consultant's control. Client further agrees that the duty to defend set forth herein arises immediately and is not contingent on a finding of fault against Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third parties. Client shall not be obligated under this provision to indemnify Consultant for Consultant's sole negligence or willful misconduct. Client shall grant free access to the site for all necessary equipment and personnel and Client shall notify any and all possessors of the project site that Client has granted Consultant free access to the project site at no charge to Consultant unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing. If Client is not the property owner for the subject Project, Client agrees that it will notify the property owner of the terms of this agreement and obtain said property owner's approval to the terms and conditions herein. Should Client fail to obtain the property owner's agreement as required herein, Client agrees to be solely responsible to Consultant for all damages, liabilities, costs, including litigation fees and costs, arising from such failure that exceed that limitation of Consultant's liability herein. " Client shall locate for Consultant and shall assume responsibility for the accuracy of his representations as to the locations of all underground utilities and installations. Consultant will not be responsible for damage to any such utilities or installation not so located. Client and Consultant agree to waive claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this agreement. Neither party to this agreement shall assign the contract without the express, written consent of the other party. Consultant agrees to cover all open test holes and place a cover to carry a 200-pound load on each hole prior to leaving project site unattended. Consultant agrees that all test holes will be backfilled upon completion of the job. However, Client may request test holes to remain-open after completion of Consultants work. In the event Client agrees to pay for all costs associated with covering and backfilling said test holes at a later date, and Client shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Consultant for all claims, demands and liabilities arising from his request, except for the sole negligence of the Consultant, to the extent permitted by law. · ' Consultant shall not be responsible for the general safety on the job or for the work of Client, other contractors and third parties. Consultant shall be excused for any delay in completion of the contract caused by acts of God, acts of the Client or Client's agent and/or contractors, inclement weather, labor trouble, acts of public utilities, public bodies, or inspectors, extra work, failure of Client to make payments promptly, or other contingencies unforeseen by Consultant and beyond reasonable control of the Consultant. In the event that either party desires to terminate this contract prior to completion of the project, written notification of such intention to terminate must be tendered to the other party. In the event Client notifies Consultant of such intention to terminate Consultant's services prior to completion of the contract, Consultant reserves the right to complete such analysis and records as are necessary to place files in order, to dispose of samples, put equipment in order, and (where considered necessary to protect his professional reputation) to complete a report on the work performed to date. In the event that Consultant incurs cost in Client's termination of this Agreement, a termination charge to cover such cost shall be paid by Client. If the Client is a corporation, the individual or individuals who sign or initial this Contract, on behalf of the Client, guarantee that· Client will perform its duties under this Contract. The individual or individuals so signing or initialing this Contract warrant that they are duly authorized agents of the Client. Any notice required or permitted under this Contract may be given by ordinary mail at the address contained in this Contract, but such address may be changed .by written notice given by one party to the other from time to time. Notice shall be deemed received in the ordinary course of the mail. This agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into the County of Orange, State of California. LIMITATIONS Our findings, interpretations, analyses, and recommendations are professional opinions, prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted professional practices and are based on observation, laboratory data and our professional experience. Consultant does not assume responsibility for the proper execution of the work by others by undertaking_ ihe services being provided to Client under this agreement and shall in no way be responsible for the deficiencies or defects in the work· performed by others not under Consultant's direct control. No other warranty herein is expressed or implied.