HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV(b)_Draft Minutes of October 13, 2022CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE OCTOBER 13, 2022 REGULAR MEETING – 6 P.M. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. II.WELCOME AND ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Gardner and Committee Members Kimberly Carter and Phillip Brown Absent: None Staff: Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell and Principal Planner Ben Zdeba III.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None IV.CURRENT BUSINESS a.Discussion of General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Applicants Chair Gardner indicated that the first order of business is to determine if the Committeethinks there is sufficient representation or if reopening the application process is necessary.The Committee unanimously agreed that there was sufficient representation of the categories among the current applicant pool and no need to re-open the applicationprocess. Jim Mosher, resident, suggested that draft meeting minutes be prepared and posted promptly after the meeting, thought the response to the application was anemic and the net of applicants is not as large as it should be. He relayed the 2002 visioning festival where the City solicited applications and had a mass newsletter mailing result in 252 applications received which was reduced to 52 before going to the Council who selected 37 people. Mr. Mosher believed it would be a stretch to expect 30 positions to be filled by 37 applicants and there may be more qualified people who did not know about the opportunity. While Chair Gardner acknowledged Mr. Mosher’s comments, she thought the application process was robust and widely distributed and the Committee was ready to move forward. She further commented that the Committee spent a lot of time reviewing the applications and took it seriously and agreed on 22 applicants who she thought should be placed on the GPAC and the remaining applications be discussed among the Committee with the possibility of conducting interviews. Chair Gardner reminded the audience that the GPAC formation was not about rushing, General Plan Update Steering Committee - October 27, 2022 Item No. IV(b) - Attachment 2 Draft Minutes of October 13, 2022 personality, or likeability, it is about filling holes to satisfy the needs in the City’s planning process. Committee Member Carter suggested the Committee focus on the 11 applicants who received “yes” votes from two Committee Members. Committee Member Brown suggested taking an informal vote without a discussion to narrow down the 11 applications. Chair Gardner asked the Committee to allow her to make a pitch for a few applicants. Debbie Stevens, applicant and resident, expressed interest in serving on the GPAC again, noted she served on the previous GPAC, hoped for a diversified group, and thought the only way to reach the goal of gaining approval from the City is with a lot of variety. Chair Gardner noted some young applicants. Chair Gardner explained that she added Dennis Baker due to his environmental credentials and Denis LaBonge for his experience with Complete Streets and the Bike Safety Committee, as well that he is from District 7 which she believed to be underrepresented. She corrected her statement to reflect one applicant from District 5 and three from District 7. Denis LaBonge, applicant and resident, provided his background, expressed interest in serving on the GPAC, and offered to answer questions. Chair Gardner favored Christine Walker who owns property in Santa Ana Heights and David Guder. Committee Member Carter indicated that it is most important to have representation from all the areas and as many as possible for areas underrepresented. In response to Committee Member Carter’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba confirmed that Mr. Mosher will not be able to serve on the GPAC if he wins a Council seat. Chair Gardner encouraged the audience to not become disengaged if they do not end up on the GPAC because people drop out and their voice can be heard. Mr. Mosher, applicant and resident, concurred with Chair Gardner and questioned if the applicant’s current committee or commission involvement was relevant. In response, Chair Gardner recognized an applicant’s experience and knowledge versus current involvement in a commission or committee. General Plan Update Steering Committee - October 27, 2022 Item No. IV(b) - Attachment 2 Draft Minutes of October 13, 2022 Committee Member Brown and Carter agreed with Chair Gardner’s suggested applicants, LaBonge, Baker, and Walker, and were added to the list along with David Guder. Charles Klobe, president of Still Protecting Our Newport (SPON) and Newport Heights Homeowners Association (HOA), noted having attended every GPUSC meeting since its inception in 2019, and offered to answer questions. Committee Member Carter included Mr. Klobe on her list for his involvement in a HOA. Annie Clougherty, applicant and resident, provided her background, shared her interest in joining the GPAC after noticing all the changes in the area, and thought all the elements are important. Anthony Maniscalchi, real estate developer in Glendale, CA, former pilot, and Newport Beach residence, shared his understanding of City codes, ordinances, and conflict, recognized serving on GPAC as an opportunity to volunteer, and believed he possesses the appropriate background. Jeremy Evans, applicant and resident, thanked the Committee and expressed happiness to serve on the GPAC. Chair Gardner read the list of applicants selected for the GPAC. The Committee reviewed and recapped the list of unanimous “yes” votes. The Committee recommended adding Denis LaBonge, Dennis Baker, Christine Walker, Annie Clougherty, David Guder, Jim Mosher, Charles Klobe, and Anthony Maniscalchi. In response to Committee Member Carter’s questions, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell stated that the Committee can forward additional names to the City Council for alternates, however, the Council will receive the full applicant list and the Committee’s recommendation from which to select. b. Status Updates on the Housing, Circulation, and Land Use Elements Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted the Housing Element being certified by the California Department of Housing and Community (HCD) and noted the amendment process initiated for implementation of the Housing Element with an adjustment to the Land Use Element policies and the Zoning Ordinance overlays. Furthermore, he indicated that staff is working with Kimley-Horn to prepare an EIR and conduct a traffic study, noted a schedule due to the City Council by December 2023, and indicated that the GPAC will examine policy changes and overlays to be brought back to the Committee in early 2023. Additionally, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell relayed a Circulation Element study session with the City Council and plans to bring it back to the City Council for adoption on October 25, 2022. General Plan Update Steering Committee - October 27, 2022 Item No. IV(b) - Attachment 2 Draft Minutes of October 13, 2022 V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION, OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Chair Gardner requested an agenda item for the next GPUSC meeting to consider pulling the airport area out of the process and moving it forward with the understanding that an airport development plan will be developed and reviewed by the GPAC, Planning Commission, and City Council. She encouraged potential GPUSC members to attend this meeting to be involved in the discussion. VI. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting is scheduled for October 27, 2022, at 6 p.m. General Plan Update Steering Committee - October 27, 2022 Item No. IV(b) - Attachment 2 Draft Minutes of October 13, 2022