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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-2022-BLT-APPROVED MINUTESCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Newport Beach Central Library 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Meeting Minutes Monday, November 21, 2022 – 5:00 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL – Roll Call by Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist
Trustees Present: Chair Paul Watkins, Secretary Douglas Coulter, Trustee Barbara Glabman, Trustee Ash Kumra Trustees Absent: Vice Chair Janet Ray (excused) Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director
Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Rebecca Lightfoot, Adult Services Coordinator/Acting Library Services Manager
Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Claudia Lavenant, Literacy Coordinator
Staff Absent: Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Chair Watkins IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC – Waived V. CONSENT CALENDAR – Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome INTRODUCTIONS – Chair Watkins introduced Literacy Coordinator Claudia Lavenant who gave the BLT a summation of her background and stated she was excited about the
role. A. Consent Calendar Items
1. Minutes of the October 17, 2022 Board of Library Trustees (BLT) Meeting
Chair Watkins introduced the Consent Calendar and confirmed that the other Trustees did not wish to discuss and/or did not wish to remove items from the Consent Calendar. He then called for the public comment but heard none and noted that he had several comments. 2. Patron Comments
Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons.
Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes November 21, 2022
Page 2 3. Library Activities
Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. 4. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library's operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. Chair Watkins noted that one-third of the way into the Fiscal Year (FY) they had expended 32% of the budget. They remain approximately 1% underbudget. 5. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the BLT.
Chair Watkins called for a Motion on the minutes and noted that Trustee Kumra would be abstaining because of his prior absence.
Motion made by Trustee Glabman, seconded by Secretary Coulter, and carried (4-0-0-1) to approve the Consent Calendar with the minutes as presented.
AYES: Watkins, Glabman, Coulter, Kumra (Consent Calendar) NOES: ABSTENTIONS: Kumra (Minutes) ABSENCES: Ray VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 6. Resolution Honoring Library Facilities Specialist Eddie Flores The BLT will honor Eddie Flores for his 40 years of service to the City of Newport Beach.
Chair Watkins read a resolution in honor of Eddie Flores’ 40 years with the City of Newport Beach. 7. Media Lab Use Policy (NBPL 6) Staff recommends that the BLT review Library Policy NBPL 6, Media Lab Use, and requests the Board approve changes.
Library Services Director Hartson reported that the Media Lab Use policy served its purpose, and the lab was available to the public with reservations. Staff did not recommend any major changes to the policy. Staff recommended a minor change to the format as the Library no longer sold CDs. Chair Watkins called for BLT discussion and the public comment but heard none. Motion made by Secretary Coulter, seconded by Trustee Kumra, and carried (4-0-0-1) to approve the changes to Library Policy NBPL 6, Media Lab Use, as presented.
AYES: Watkins, Glabman, Coulter, Kumra
Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes November 21, 2022
Page 3 NOES:
ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Ray 8. Sound Lab Use Policy (NBPL 7) Staff recommends that the BLT review Library Policy NBPL 7, Sound Lab Use, and requests the Board approve changes. Chair Watkins stated that NBPL 7 had the same changes as NBPL 6. Library Services Director Hartson indicated that the exact same line was changed in both policies as the Library no longer sold CDs.
Chair Watkins confirmed that the policies were similar.
Library Services Director Hartson agreed that was true. Chair Watkins called for BLT or public comment.
Rhonda Watkins, Newport Beach resident, inquired about the cost of flash drives sold to patrons. Adult Services Coordinator/Acting Library Services Manager Lightfoot said they were market price and the discount provided fluctuated. Currently they were $4 each and the Library did not profit from them. Motion made by Secretary Coulter, seconded by Trustee Kumra, and carried (4-0-0-1) to approve the changes to Library Policy NBPL 7, Sound Lab Use, as presented.
AYES: Watkins, Glabman, Coulter, Kumra NOES: ABSTENTIONS:
ABSENCES: Ray 9. Grant Acceptance from California State Library
Staff recommends the BLT approve the acceptance of a grant from the California State Library Literacy Services to support the Newport Beach Public Library’s Project Adult Literacy (PAL) Program. Chair Watkins stated that the grant was from the California State Library in the amount of $43,022. Library Services Director Hartson explained that the City applied for State Grants for Literacy Services every year. The grant amount was awarded based on the number of learners and tutors in the program as well as other factors. The $43,022 grant was the first of a two part grant. A smaller amount would come through in Spring 2023. The grant was
to support staffing of Literacy Services programming. Chair Watkins confirmed that a thank you letter would be sent.
Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes November 21, 2022
Page 4 Library Services Director Hartson indicated that she would follow up on that.
Trustee Glabman asked who the grant writer was. Library Services Director Hartson explained that the grant was part of the program and was an annual report submitted by the Literacy Coordinator. Trustee Glabman suggested that person send the thank you letter. Jerry Kappel, Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (NBPLF), explained that a report was provided to the State annually. There was not really anyone to thank as the grant went through a panel. He suggested thanking the local state legislators.
Chair Watkins confirmed there was no further BLT discussion and no public comment. Motion made by Secretary Coulter, seconded by Trustee Glabman, and carried (4-0-0-1)
to accept the grant from the California State Library Literacy Services to support the Newport Beach Public Library’s PAL Program.
AYES: Watkins, Glabman, Coulter, Kumra NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Ray 10. Lecture Hall Update Trustee Ray will report on activities related to the Library Lecture Hall project. Library Services Director Hartson reported that City Council approved the remaining naming rights with the Stahr Courtyard and Louise and Roy Woolsey Memorial Lobby. The Beyond Books Campaign was live on the website as they had moved into the public
portion of the campaign. Chair Watkins inquired about the fund matching program.
Mr. Kappel said that they were at a 40% match of $500,000. He also noted that the amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was approved. That included
the potential naming right for the auditorium. Chair Watkins thought fundraising was going well. Mr. Kappel stated they met the initial threshold. Chair Watkins called for BLT or public comments and heard none, so he received and filed the report. 11. Balboa Branch Replacement Update Trustee Ray will report on activities related to the Balboa Branch Replacement
Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes November 21, 2022
Page 5 Library Services Director Hartson reported that the bids had closed. Public Works was
reviewing the submissions and the award would go out in 2023. Once the consultant was picked the BLT would have input. Chair Watkins confirmed that Library Services Director Hartson was speaking about an architect. Library Services Director Hartson said that they would know in the new year who won the bid. Chair Watkins called for BLT or public comments and heard none, so he received and filed the report.
12. Library Services Report of Library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff.
Library Services Director Hartson noted that the BLT met the new Literacy Coordinator earlier in the evening. She read from the meeting packet a list of employees with milestone
service years. The PAL Holiday Party was scheduled for Saturday, December 3, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. and RSVPs were accepted through the website. Chair Watkins called for BLT or public comment, but there was none. He received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 13. Library Foundation Liaison Reports A. Library Foundation Board – Report on the most recently attended meeting. Library Services Director Hartson reported that the Board met and approved a fundraising event in January. They were also rolling out a Giving Tuesday campaign focused on
technology for the Library. Mr. Kappel explained that Giving Tuesday was the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and
was a national day of giving. Last year’s campaign was for children’s books at the Mariner’s Branch. This year they intended to upgrade tech toys and purchase audio enabled books for children. They were publicizing the drive with an email to their 15,000
followers. Chair Watkins called for BLT and public comment, but there was none so he received and filed the report. B. Library Live Lectures Committee – Report on the most recently attended meeting. Trustee Kumra stated that the last event was well attended. Chair Watkins said that 160 people attended.
Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes November 21, 2022
Page 6 Trustee Kumra said that the author was excellent. The Library Live Committee was looking
to expand the types of authors and subjects in 2023. The goal was to make future events as successful as possible. Chair Watkins noted that the focus of the Library Live Lectures had been on fiction. Trustee Kumra believed the intent was to still discuss fiction, but to open it up to more types of fiction. Trustee Glabman asked if they were looking for authors that would be bigger draws. Trustee Kumra said that there was discussion about hosting big names versus up-and-
coming authors. In order to bring more known authors, the budget would have to increase and that was a Board level decision.
Mr. Kappel commended the Chair for his introduction of the speaker. The last speaker of the year, Min Jin Lee, was expected to sell out and had already sold 100 seats. They extended invitations to the learners from PAL in order to encourage them to read.
Chair Watkins confirmed there was no further discussion and received and filed the report. C. Witte Lectures Committee – Report on the most recently attended meeting. Chair Watkins said that the Committee was impressive and that he had enjoyed watching them discuss the upcoming season. He announced Anne Applebaum had sold 83 tickets for February 10 and 70 tickets for February 11. Dr. Arthur Caplan sold 69 tickets for March 3 and 65 tickets for March 4. Cristina Mittermeir sold 71 tickets for March 31 and 67 tickets for April 1. Dr. Jill Lepore sold 77 tickets for April 28 and 75 tickets for April 29. With 300 fixed seats in the new library lecture hall, they would need to increase attendance to justify
the size of the facility. He called for BLT or public comment, but there was none. He indicated the BLT received and filed the report. 14. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting.
Secretary Coulter reported that the Friends of the Library did not meet in November. They had a volunteer lunch attended by 61 people that was lovely. In June they hold a member luncheon. The volunteer luncheon honored people that had served anywhere from 5 to 25 years. The income for October 2022 was $23,867 which was up from $19,618 in October 2021. The next sale was scheduled for January 13 and 14 with January 13 being only open to members. The Friends hoped to have 600 boxes of books by that date. The Friends were a great organization, and he was honored to represent the BLT before them. Trustee Glabman stated that the Friends funded wonderful programming.
Chair Watkins called for BLT and public comment. Hearing none he received and filed the report. 15. Literacy Services Liaison Report
Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes November 21, 2022
Page 7 Trustee update on the most recently attended Project Adult Literacy (PAL)
Advisory Board meeting. Trustee Glabman stated that the BLT had met Literacy Coordinator Claudia Lavenant. There were currently 60 active tutors, with 12 waiting and 94 active learners, with 17 waiting. $43,022 was received from the California Library Literacy Services Grant. Classes were currently full, with a waiting list, and she listed the courses for the BLT. A new course was proposed called News Bias and she thought that had the potential to be opened to the entire Library community. The annual report was in progress and a solicitation letter went out earlier in the week. California placed a value of $33.61/hour on volunteers and that translated to $14,822 in volunteer hours for September 2022. PAL was losing Board Members and any recommendations for people should be directed to the PAL office. She
was impressed with the caliber of the people who served. Chair Watkins called for further comment or questions from both the BLT and the public.
Hearing none he received and filed the report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None. VIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Chair Watkins announced that the next BLT meeting was scheduled for December 19. He also mentioned the Corona del Mar branch’s Holiday Open House on December 3. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth explained that there would be crafts, children’s activities, performances by local high school students, and refreshments. IX. ADJOURNMENT – 5:38 P.M.
Submitted by: Paul K. Watkins
Chair Approval of Minutes