HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0198_20221110_1401 Quail Resubmittal Response to Comments Date: 10/26/2022 Project No.:22052.02 To: City of Newport Beach – Planning Department Project Name: Quail Street Podium From: RHA / Intracorp / Adams Streeter Cc.: Regarding: Responses to Comments - Preliminary Application for Residential Development at 1401 Quail St Responses/comments in blue Notice of Incomplete Filing - Comments from City: The following documentation is required to complete the application (Please note that a number of the following items can be addressed by a letter): 1. Project Description. Please include a detailed project description addressing all items on the preliminary application for residential development form. Including: Project Description: Residential for-sale units will replace an existing office building on a 1.71 acre site. This will be a six-story structure, with five levels of residential units constructed over the lobbies and covered parking within the first floor and basement levels. The outdoor arrival space at the entry to the site provides a motor court, with spaces for delivery and additional guest parking. Living options include one, two and three-bedroom units, all with private decks. Amenities for the seventy-eight units include outdoor lounge with pool at the second-floor deck and a Clubroom. a. Dimensioned plans which show compliance with applicable code provisions. i. The first-floor plan indicates a ramp below. If there is a basement floor, please provide plans. Basement plan sheet has been added. ii. Label certain uses such as outdoor patios and elevators on floor plans. Labels for these items have been added. iii. Drive aisle on Preliminary Site Plan is inconsistent with the Tentative Tract Map plans (20’ vs. 26’). Drive aisles shown on the Proposed Site Plan are 26’ for 90-degree parking per City standards Section 20.40.070 of the Zoning Code (Chapter 20.40 Off-Street Parking). iv. On Preliminary Site Plan, “Existing Use” should list the office building and size, not the land use category. Land Use Category can be a separate line item. Preliminary Site Plan has been updated to define “Existing Use” as the office building including the size. Comments from City: RESPONSES WILL BE BY OTHERS (CLIENT/CONSULTANTS) b. Clarify existing use on site. Please clarify the square footage of the existing building. Per building permit records, it shows the existing square footage to be 22,536. If you believe the gross floor area is larger, please have the architect prepare an as built diagram with dimensions and a floor area calculation attesting to the correct gross floor area. The existing building has been clarified on the Preliminary Site Plan under “Notes”. The existing square footage has been verified. c. Clarify the number of units proposed. There are inconsistencies in the letter regarding the number of units proposed (77 vs 78). Please revise letter for consistency. The total number of proposed units is 78. The September 7th 2022 letter has been updated for consistency. Please refer to the Housing Density Calculations Table. d. Any proposed point sources of air or water pollutants. The Natural Hazard Report provided to us by First American Title does not identify any existing air or water pollutants. The planned project would not introduce future air or water pollutants. e. Whether a portion of the property is located in any of the following: i. A very high fire hazard severity zone, as determined by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection pursuant to Section 51178 Please make note of the Natural Hazard Report (NHD) which does not reflect that the site is in a Very High Hazard Severity Zone. ii. Wetlands, as defined in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, Part 660 FW 2 (June 21, 1993) The NHD does not reflect that the 1401 Quail site in a Wetlands area. iii. A hazardous waste site that is listed pursuant to Section 65962.5 or a hazardous waste site designated by the Department of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to Section 25356 of the Health and Safety Code. The NHD reflects that the subject site is not a hazardous waste site. iv. A special floor hazard area subject to inundation by the 1 percent annual chance flood (100-year flood) as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in any official maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The NHD reflects that we are not in a flood hazard area. v. A delineated Earthquake fault zone as determined by the State Geologist in any official maps published by the State Geologist, unless the development complies with applicable seismic protection building code standards adopted by the California Building Standards Commission under the California Building Standards Law (Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code), and by any local building department under Chapter 12.2 (commencing with Section 8875) of Division 1 of Title 2. Please see the attached letter from Leighton & Associates which indicates that the 1401 Quail site is not in an earthquake fault zone. vi. A stream or other resource that may be subject to the streambed alteration agreement pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 1600) of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code. The 1401 Quail site is not subject to a streambed alteration. This item is not applicable to this site. vii. The Coastal Land Use Plan of the Local Coastal Program of the City of Newport Beach, prepared in accordance with the California Coastal Act of 1976. The 1401 Quail site is not located within the Local Coastal Program of the City of Newport Beach. f. Are there any historic or cultural resources known to exist on the property? There are no known cultural resources that exist on the property or within the directly adjacent properties. The building onsite was built in the 1970’s and did not have any incidents with cultural resources onsite. g. The number of proposed below market rate units and their affordability levels including the duration of proposed affordability. Please note that the proposed below market rate units is based on 30% of the project’s base density of 52 residences. Please see the calculation provided below. h. The number of bonus units and any incentives, concessions, development standard waivers, or parking reductions requested pursuant to Section 65915. The density bonus unit count is 26 units. Please refer to the residential unit count calculation provided above. The concessions presently appear to be regarding the building setbacks and the building height. i. A site map showing a stream or other resource that may be subject to a streambed alteration agreement pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 1600) of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code and an aerial site photograph showing existing site conditions of environmental site features that would be subject to regulations by a public agency, including creeks and wetlands. This item is not applicable to the 1401 Quail site. j. Show the location of any recorded public easement, such as easements for storm drains, water lines, and other public rights of way. If no public easements affect the project site, indicate this information on your preliminary application resubmittal and provide a title report with the subsequent planning application. The easements are reflected on the TTM that has been submitted as part of our application. k. An electronic copy of all the above submittal items is required to be submitted in electronic format (CD-ROM or email). The 1401 Quail site application has been made via electronic format. Additional Items for Project Submittal 1. Affordable Housing Implementation Plan – The Affordable Housing calculation has been provided as part of item 1g in the responses above. A detailed Affordable Housing Plan will be coordinated as part of the overall development. Please note that we plan to provide 30% of the base density as affordable rate homes (52 base units x .30 = 16 units) The concessions that we anticipate seeking are the building setbacks and the building height. A formal Implementation Plan will be developed during entitlements. 2. Sewer and Water Demand Study – Please see the attached letter provided by Adams Streeter. 3. Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan – Please see the attached letter provided by Adams Streeter. 4. Circulation / Gate Plan – Please make note of the gate located in the parking structure past the visitor parking. A rideshare parking stall has been located at the project entry. 5. Projected Entitlement Request – We have taken note of the entitlements that would be required. • The Tentative Map has been submitted with this application. • Please see the attached letter from Linscott Law & Greenspan regarding the overall traffic impact. We appreciate your review of our proposed project at 1401 Quail Street. We would like to proceed with a Design Review Committee Meeting so that we can gather feedback from the other departments (Building, Public Works, Fire, etc.) Residential Density Calculations Table Site: 1401 Quail Street General Plan LUE: Commercial Office General (CO-G) General Plan HE: Housing Opportunity Site Zoning: Newport Place PC Industrial Site 3A, no R-Overlay Site acreage: 1.71 Max density per LU 6.15.7: 85 50 du/ac Min density per LU 6.15.7: 52 30 du/ac Building area: 22,536 Max units per LU 6.15.5: 52 Replacement existing office at 2.29 units/ 1,000 sf office 52 dwelling units complies with both LU 6.15.5 and LU 6.15.7, a higher base density pursuant to LU 6.15.7 count would not comply with 6.15.5. A project with 52 units would comply with both policies. Legislative amendments required: GPA to designate the site MU-H2, no vote per Charter §423 because no new units added PCDP Amendment (Newport Place) to designate the site as R Overlay Development Agreement required pursuant to NBMC §15.45.020 (not LU6.15.12) Other applications required: Site Development Review Tentative Tract Map Affordable Housing Implementation Plan Development standard waivers and/or concessions proposed (TBD) Proposed Intracorp Project: Base density 52 units Density bonus request at 50% 26 units Total project units (condos) 78 units Affordable at 30% per Zoning 16 units (20.7% of project) Market rate units 62 units The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Information Provided By: PLEASE VERIFY THAT THE PROPERTY INFORMATION BELOW IS CORRECT. Underlying APN ("Property"): N/A Tentative Tract Map No. 19261 Project Name: 1401 QUAIL STREET City, State, Zip: NEWPORT BEACH, CA Report Date: 10/17/2022 RECIPIENTS Intracorp SW, LLC Attn: Rick Puffer 895 Dove St. #400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 NOTICE First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation, operating through its First American Natural Hazard Disclosures division ("FANHD") is pleased to provide Recipient with this Property Disclosure Report ("PDR®") for the Property identified above. Please note that this PDR® ("Report") is a contract subject to the Terms and Conitions (Section 5) set forth herein which should be reviewed carefully. If you have any questions or comments regarding this Report, please contact FANHD’s Customer Service Department at (800) 200-2561. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 1 of 30    Table of Contents Notice to Parties.............................................................................................................1 Table of Contents............................................................................................................2 Summary of Disclosure Determinations.........................................................................3-4 NHD Report....................................................................................................................5-28 Terms and Conditions.....................................................................................................29-30 ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 2 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    PROPERTY DISCLOSURE SUMMARY - READ FULL REPORT Statutory NHD Determinations IN NOT IN Map N/A*Property is: NHD Report page: Flood X NOT IN a Special Flood Hazard Area. The Property is IN a FEMA-designated Flood Zone(s) X. 5 Dam X NOT IN an area of potential dam inundation.5 Very High Fire Hazard Severity X NOT IN a very high fire hazard severity zone.6 Wildland Fire Area X Not in a wildland-state responsibility area.6 Fault X NOT IN an earthquake fault zone designated pursuant to the Alquist-Priolo Act. 7 Landslide X NOT IN an area of earthquake-induced land sliding designated pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act. 7 Liquefaction X NOT IN an area of potential liquefaction designated pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act. 7 County-level NHD Determinations IN NOT IN Map N/A*Property is: NHD Report page: Fault   X   NOT WITHIN one-eighth of one mile of a mapped fault trace 9 Landslide X     IN an area of moderately low (Zone 2) or very low potential (Zone 1) for massive bedrock landslides under earthquake conditions. 9 Liquefaction   X   NOT IN an area of high or moderate liquefaction potential 9 Debris Flow   X   NOT IN a mapped source area of high propensity for either mud- debris flow or rock fall during periods of exceptionally high rainfall or during seismic shaking 9 Tsunami   X   NOT IN a mapped tsunami runup area 9 Ground Shaking X     IN Seismic Shaking Zone B, a mapped relative seismic shaking zone with intermediate shaking potential. 9 Expansive Soils X     IN a mapped area with high soil expansivity potential 10 City-level NHD Determinations IN NOT IN Map N/A*Property is: NHD Report page: Fault   X   NOT WITHIN a designated Fault Disclosure Zone.11 Erosion   X   NOT IN a designated Coastal Erosion Hazards Zone.11 Tsunami   X   NOT IN a designated 100- or 500-year zone for tsunami inundation at extreme high tide. 11 Fire Hazard X     IN a designated Low to No Fire Susceptibility Area.11 Additional Statutory Disclosures IN NOT IN Map N/A*Property is: NHD Report page: Fire Hazard Severity Zone (SB 63) (Moderate, High or Very High in Local Responsibility Area)     X Map Not Available – SB 63 fire zones not yet released by State Fire Marshal. 13 Former Military Ordnance   X   NOT WITHIN one mile of a formerly used ordnance site.13 Commercial or Industrial X     WITHIN one mile of a property zoned to allow commercial or industrial use. 14 Airport Influence Area X     IN an airport influence area: John Wayne Airport 15 Airport Noise Area for 65 Decibel   X   NOT IN a delineated 65 dB CNEL or greater aviation noise zone.16 California Energy Commission X     IN a climate zone where properties are usually subject to duct sealing and testing requirements 17 Right to Farm Act   X   NOT IN a one mile radius of designated Important Farmland.18   The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186 ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 3 of 30 Additional Statutory Disclosures IN NOT IN Map N/A*Property is: NHD Report page: Notice of Mining Operations   X   NOT IN a one mile radius of a mapped mining operation that requires a statutory "Notice of Mining Operation" be provided in this Report: 19 General Advisories Description NHD Report page: Gas and Hazardous Liquid Transmission Pipeline Database Notice Provides a notice required pursuant to Section 2079.10.5(a) of the Civil Code. Information about transmission pipeline location maps is made available to the public. 21 Methamphetamine Contamination Provides an advisory that a disclosure may be required pursuant to the "Methamphetamine Contaminated Property Cleanup Act of 2005". 22 Mold Provides an advisory that all prospective purchasers of residential and commercial property should thoroughly inspect the subject property for mold and sources for additional information on the origins of and the damage caused by mold. 23 Radon Provides an advisory on the risk associated with Radon gas concentrations.24 Endangered Species Provides an advisory on resources to educate the public on locales of endangered or threatened species. 24 Abandoned Mines Provides an advisory on resources to educate the public on the hazards posed by, and some of the general locales of, abandoned mines. 25 Oil and Gas Wells Provides an advisory on the potential existence of oil and gas wells and sources for additional general and/or specific information. 25 Groundwater Basin Provides an advisory about groundwater basins that may be prioritized for groundwater management. 26 Electromagnetic Fields Advisory Provides an advisory about electromagnetic fields in the local environment and their assessment. 27 Tsunami Map Advisory Provides an advisory about maximum tsunami inundation maps issued for jurisdictional emergency planning. 28     Determined by First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation For more detailed information as to the foregoing determinations, please read this entire Report.   The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186 ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 4 of 30 Natural Hazard Disclosure Report Part 1. State Defined Natural Hazard Zones Statutory Natural Hazard Disclosures Section 1103 of the California Civil Code mandates the disclosure of six (6) natural hazard zones if the Property is located within any such zone. Those six "statutory" hazard zones are explained below. Note that those statutory disclosures do not provide for informing report users if a property is only partially within any of the delineated zones or provide additional flood zone information which could be very important to the process. This Report may not be used as a substitute or replacement for the FANHD Natural Hazard Disclosure Report for the sale of individual parcels. Among other things, this Report does not include the mandatory information and disclosures which the seller of real property is required to provide to purchasers of residential real property including the “Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement” pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1103.2(a). For additional information about this Report or to request a New Home Natural Hazard Disclosure Report for the sale of homes to consumers, please contact FANHD, Builder Services Division at (800) 200-2561 or visit us at http://www.fanhd.com/. SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA DISCUSSION: Property in a Special Flood Hazard Area (any type of Zone "A" or "V" as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") is subject to flooding in a "100-year rainstorm." Federally connected lenders require homeowners to maintain flood insurance for buildings in these zones. A 100-year flood occurs on average once every 100 years, but may not occur in 1,000 years or may occur in successive years. According to FEMA, a home located within a SFHA has a 26% chance of suffering flood damage during the term of a 30-year mortgage. Other types of flooding, such as dam failure, are not considered in developing these zones. Flood insurance for properties in Zones B, C, D, X, X500, and X500_Levee is available but is not required. Zones A, AO, AE, AH, AR, A1-A30: Area of "100-year" flooding - a 1% or greater chance of annual flooding. Zone A99: An “adequate progress” determination for flood control system construction projects that, once completed, may significantly limit the area of a community that will be included in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Such projects reduce but do not eliminate, the risk of flooding to people and structures in “levee-impacted” areas, and allow mandatory flood insurance to be available at a lower cost. Zones V, V1-V30: Area of "100-year" flooding in coastal (shore front) areas subject to wave action. Zone B: Area of moderate flood risk. These are areas between the "100" and "500" year flood-risk levels. Zones C, D: NOT IN an area of "100-year" flooding. Area of minimal (Zone C) or undetermined (Zone D) flood hazard. Zones X: An area of minimal flood risk. These are areas outside the "500" year flood-risk level. Zone X500: An area of moderate flood risk. These are areas between the "100" and "500" year flood-risk levels. Zone X500_LEVEE: An area of moderate flood risk that is protected from "100-year flood" by levee and that is subject to revision to high risk (Zone A) if levee is decertified by FEMA. Zone N: Area Not Included, no flood zone designation has been assigned or not participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. Notice: The Company is not always able to determine if the Property is subject to a FEMA Letter of Map Revision ("LOMR") or other FEMA letters of map change. If Seller is aware that the Property is subject to a LOMR or other letters of map change, the Seller shall disclose the map change and attach a copy of the FEMA letter(s) to the Report. Contact FEMA at http://msc.fema.gov for additional information. For more information about flood zones, visit: https://efotg.sc.egov.usda.gov/references/public/NM/FEMA_FLD_HAZ_guide.pdf  PUBLIC RECORD: Official Flood Insurance Rate Maps ("FIRM" ) compiled and issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") pursuant to 42 United States Code §4001, et seq. AREA OF POTENTIAL FLOODING (DAM FAILURE) Since 1998 California law has required seller disclosure of areas of potential inundation due to sudden or total dam failure as delineated on inundation maps submitted by dam owners to the California Office of Emergency Services (“OES”) for review and approval; however, as of June 27, 2017, the date on which Senate Bill 92 (SB 92) became operative, the review and approval of inundation maps prepared by licensed civil engineers and submitted by dam owners became the statutory responsibility of the California Department of Water Resources (“DWR”) Division of Safety of Dams (“DSOD”) as required by California Water Code Section 6161. These inundation maps are a component of emergency action plans submitted by dam owners to comply with statutory requirements set forth under the California Water Code for extremely high, high, and significant hazard dams and their critical appurtenant structures. Inundation maps are not required by the California Water Code for low hazard dams. SB 92 further ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 5 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    requires dam owners to update the emergency action plan, including an inundation map, no less frequently than every 10 years or sooner. To date DWR has yet to review, approve, and make publicly available inundation maps and data for many facilities with inundation areas that are subject to disclosure requirements. Inundation maps will continue to be posted and updated maps will replace outdated maps as they are approved by DSOD. In the absence of DSOD-approved data, inundation maps previously approved by the OES will be used by the Company to facilitate compliance with specified statutory real estate transfer disclosure requirements. These include inundation maps for federally owned dams over which DSOD has no jurisdictional authority and for which inundation maps are not available from DSOD. These dams include, among others, Folsom Dam, Isabella Dam, Hansen Dam, Prado Dam, and Seven Oaks Reservoir (owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) as well as Monticello Dam, New Melones Dam, and Shasta Dam (owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation). The Company may also use OES-approved maps should the mapped inundation area for a given facility be greater than that depicted on a DSOD-approved map. PUBLIC RECORD: (1) Official dam inundation maps made publicly available prior to June 27, 2017 by the State of California Office of Emergency Services ("OES") pursuant to California Government Code §8589.5; (2) Official inundation boundary digital data made publicly available since June 28, 2017 by the State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR) pursuant to California Water Code §6161. DWR states that its inundation boundary data typically includes flooding depths greater than one foot but some information may be redacted for security purposes. VERY HIGH FIRE HAZARD SEVERITY ZONE (VHFHSZ) DISCUSSION: VHFHSZs can be defined by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection ("Calfire") as well as by local fire authorities within "Local Responsibility Areas" where fire suppression is the responsibility of a local fire department. Properties located within VHFHS Zones may have a higher risk for fire damage and, therefore, may be subject to (i) additional construction requirements such as a "Class A" roof for new construction or replacement of existing roofs; and (ii) additional maintenance responsibilities such as adequate vegetation clearance near the structure, spark screens on chimneys and stovepipes, leaf removal from roofs, and other basic fire-safety practices. Contact the local fire department for a complete list of requirements and exceptions. PUBLIC RECORD: Maps issued by Calfire pursuant to California Government Code § 51178 recommending VHFHSZs to be adopted by the local jurisdiction within its Local Responsibility Area, or VHFHSZs adopted by the local jurisdiction within the statutory 120-day period defined in California Government Code § 51179. WILDLAND FIRE AREA (STATE RESPONSIBILITY AREA) DISCUSSION: The State Board of Forestry classifies all lands within the State of California based on various factors such as ground cover, beneficial use of water from watersheds, probable damage from erosion, and fire risks. Fire prevention and suppression in all areas which are not within a Wildland - State Responsibility Area ("WSRA") is primarily the responsibility of the local or federal agencies, as applicable. For property located within a WSRA, please note that (1) there may be substantial forest fire risks and hazards; (2) except for property located within a county which has assumed responsibility for prevention and suppression of all fires, it is NOT the state's responsibility to provide fire protection services to any building or structure located within a WSRA unless the Department has entered into a cooperative agreement with a local agency; and (3) the property owner may be is subject to (i) additional construction requirements such as a "Class A" roof for new construction or replacement of existing roofs; and (ii) additional maintenance responsibilities such as adequate vegetation clearance near the structure, spark screens on chimneys and stovepipes, leaf removal from roofs, and other basic fire-safety practices. The existence of local agreements for fire service is not available in the Public Record and, therefore, is not included in this disclosure. For very isolated properties with no local fire services or only seasonal fire services there may be significant fire risk. If the Property is located within a WSRA, please contact the local fire department for more detailed information. PUBLIC RECORD: Official maps issued by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection ("Calfire") pursuant to California Public Resources Code § 4125. SRA Fire Prevention Benefit Fee Advisory In 2011, the California Legislature and Governor enacted a "Fire Prevention Fee" on habitable structures in the State's wildland fire responsibility area. The yearly fee, levied on property owners, paid for various activities to prevent and suppress wildfires in the SRA, and was most recently at the rate of $152.33 per habitable structure on the property. Effective July 1, 2017, as authorized by Assembly Bill 398 and signed by the Governor, that fire prevention fee is suspended until 2031. For more information, please refer to "Part 6. State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fee" in the FANHD Property Tax Report. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 6 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    EARTHQUAKE FAULT ZONE DISCUSSION: Earthquake Fault Zones are delineated and adopted by California as part of the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Act of 1972. Property in an Earthquake Fault Zone ("EF Zone") does not necessarily have a fault trace existing on the site. EF Zones are areas or bands delineated on both sides of known active earthquake faults. EF Zones vary in width but average one-quarter (1/4) mile in width with the "typical" zone boundaries set back approximately 660 feet on either side of the fault trace. The potential for "fault rupture" damage (ground cracking along the fault trace) is relatively high only if a structure is located directly on a fault trace. If a structure is not on a fault trace, shaking will be the primary effect of an earthquake. During a major earthquake, shaking will be strong in the vicinity of the fault and may be strong at some distance from the fault depending on soil and bedrock conditions. It is generally accepted that properly constructed wood-frame houses are resistant to shaking damage. PUBLIC RECORD: Official earthquake fault zone or special study zone maps approved by the State Geologist and issued by the California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey pursuant to California Public Resources Code §2622. SEISMIC HAZARD MAPPING ACT ZONE DISCUSSION: Official Seismic Hazard Zone ("SH Zone") maps delineate Areas of Potential Liquefaction and Areas of Earthquake-Induced Landsliding. A property that lies partially or entirely within a designated SH Zone may be subject to requirements for site-specific geologic studies and mitigation before any new or additional construction may take place. Earthquake-Induced Landslide Hazard Zones are areas where the potential for earthquake-induced landslides is relatively high. Areas most susceptible to these landslides are steep slopes in poorly cemented or highly fractured rocks, areas underlain by loose, weak soils, and areas on or adjacent to existing landslide deposits. The CGS cautions these maps do not capture all potential earthquake-induced landslide hazards and that earthquake-induced ground failures are not addressed by these maps. Furthermore, no effort has been made to map potential run-out areas of triggered landslides. It is possible that such run-out areas may extend beyond the zone boundaries. An earthquake capable of causing liquefaction or triggering a landslide may not uniformly affect all areas within a SH Zone. Liquefaction Hazard Zones are areas where there is a potential for, or an historic occurrence of liquefaction. Liquefaction is a soil phenomenon that can occur when loose, water saturated granular sediment within 40 feet of the ground surface, are shaken in a significant earthquake. The soil temporarily becomes liquid-like and structures may settle unevenly. The Public Record is intended to identify areas with a relatively high potential for liquefaction but not to predict the amount or direction of liquefaction- related ground displacement, nor the amount of damage caused by liquefaction. The many factors that control ground failure resulting from liquefaction must be evaluated on a site specific basis. PUBLIC RECORD: Official seismic hazard maps or digital data thereof approved by the State Geologist and issued by the California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey pursuant to California Public Resources Code §2696. STATUTORY NATURAL HAZARD DISCLOSURE REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shall be reported if any portion of the Property is located within any of the above zones as delineated in the Public Record. "NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is located within any of the above zones as delineated in the Public Record. Map Not Available shall be reported in areas not yet evaluated by the governing agency according to the Public Record. Please note that "MAP NOT AVAILABLE" will be applicable to most portions of the state. Official Seismic Hazard Zone ("SH Zone") maps delineate Areas of Potential Liquefaction and Areas of Earthquake-Induced Landsliding. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 7 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    Part 2. County and City Defined Natural Hazard Zones HAZARD MAPS IN THE LOCAL GENERAL PLAN General Plan regulates property development.  There are currently over 530 incorporated cities and counties in California. The state Government Code (Sections 65000 et seq.) requires each of those jurisdictions to adopt a comprehensive, long-term "General Plan" for its physical development. That General Plan regulates land uses within the local jurisdiction in order to protect the public from hazards in the environment and conserve local natural resources. The General Plan is the official city or county policy regarding the location of housing, business, industry, roads, parks, and other land uses. Municipal hazard zones can affect the cost of ownership.  Each county and city adopts its own distinct General Plan according to that jurisdiction's unique vegetation, landscape, terrain, and other geographic and geologic conditions. The "Safety Element" (or Seismic Safety Element) of that General Plan identifies the constraints of earthquake fault, landslide, flood, fire and other natural hazards on local land use, and it delineates hazard zones within which private property improvements may be regulated through the building-permit approval process, which can affect the future cost of ownership. Those locally regulated hazard zones are in addition to the federal and state defined hazard zones associated with statutory disclosures in the preceding section. City and/or County natural hazard zones explained below. Unless otherwise specified, only those officially adopted Safety Element or Seismic Safety Element maps (or digital data thereof) which are publicly available, are of a scale, resolution, and quality that readily enable parcel-specific hazard determinations, and are consistent in character with those statutory federal or state disclosures will be considered for eligible for use as the basis for county- or city-level disclosures set forth in this Report. Please also note: •If an officially adopted Safety Element or Seismic Safety Element map relies on data which is redundant of that used for state- level disclosures, this Report will indicate so and advise Report recipients to refer to the state-level hazard discussion section for more information. •If an officially adopted Safety Element or Seismic Safety Element cites underlying maps created by another agency, those maps may be regarded as incorporated by reference and may be used as the basis for parcel-specific determinations if those maps meet the criteria set forth in this section. •Because county- and city-level maps are developed independently and do not necessarily define or delineate a given hazard the same way, the boundaries for the "same" hazard may be different. If one or more maps contained in the Safety Element and/or Seismic Safety Element of an officially adopted General Plan are used as the basis for local disclosure, those maps will appear under the "Public Record(s) Searched" for that county or city. REPORTING STANDARDS A good faith effort has been made to disclose all hazard features on pertinent Safety Element and Seismic Safety Element maps with well-defined boundaries; however, those hazards with boundaries that are not delineated will be deemed not suitable for parcel-specific hazard determinations. Some map features, such as lines drawn to represent the location of a fault trace, may be buffered to create a zone to facilitate disclosure. Those map features which can not be readily distinguished from those representing hazards may be included to prevent an omission of a hazard feature. If the width of a hazard zone boundary is in question, "IN" will be reported if that boundary impacts any portion of a property. Further explanations concerning specific map features peculiar to a given county or city will appear under the "Reporting Standards" for that jurisdiction. PUBLIC RECORDS VS. ON-SITE EVALUATIONS Mapped hazard zones represent evaluations of generalized hazard information. Any specific site within a mapped zone could be at less or more relative risk than is indicated by the zone designation. A site-specific evaluation conducted by a geotechnical consultant or other qualified professional may provide more detailed and definitive information about the Property and any conditions which may or do affect it. PROPERTY USE AND PERMITTING No maps beyond those identified as "Public Record(s)" have been consulted for the purpose of these local disclosures. These disclosures are intended solely to make Report recipient(s) aware of the presence of mapped hazards. For this reason -- and because local authorities may use on these or additional maps or data differently to determine property-specific land use and permitting approvals -- Report recipients are advised to contact the appropriate local agency, usually Community Development, Planning, and/or Building, prior to the transaction to ascertain if these or any other conditions or related regulations may impact the Property use or improvement. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 8 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    ORANGE COUNTY GEOLOGIC ZONES DISCUSSION PUBLIC RECORD(S) SEARCHED: The following Public Records, incorporated by reference into the Safety Element of the General Plan as adopted by the County Board of Supervisors in 2000, is utilized for those county-level disclosures below: "Environmental Geology of Orange County," a map series prepared by California Geological Survey, Open-File Report 79-8 L.A. FAULT•Active faults (Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone): These faults have evidence of displacement during the most recent epoch of geologic time, the Holocene epoch, generally considered to have begun about 11,000 years ago. •Potentially active faults: These faults show activity within the past 2 million years but show no evidence of movement within the past 11,000 years •Inactive faults: Faults which show no evidence of movement during the past two million years and show no potential for movement in the future. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is situated within one-eighth of one mile (660 feet) of a fault trace as delineated in the Public Record, "WITHIN" shall be reported. DEBRIS FLOW, MUD FLOW, AND ROCKFALL Areas of potential mud and/or debris flow may occur during periods of exceptionally high rainfall. Rockfall zones may experience falling rocks during periods of exceptionally high rainfall or seismic shaking. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Mud Flow Zone as delineated in the Public Record,, "IN" shall be reported. If any portion of the Property is within a Rockfall Zone as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL Liquefaction is a liquid-like condition of the soil which sometimes occurs during earthquake shaking where the ground water level is close to the surface and the subsurface materials are loose and cohesionless (such as sandy soil). These factors have the potential to combine to produce liquefaction in local areas. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Liquefaction Zone as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. SEISMIC SHAKING Several seismic zones have been defined by Orange County to separate areas having varying responses to earthquake shaking. The zones were defined utilizing a variety of geologic, hydrologic and slope gradient information, but by necessity, have been generalized. Any single property within a Seismic Zone could be at less or more relative risk than is indicated by the zone designation. If site-specific information regarding seismic hazards is desired, this company recommends that a geotechnical consultant be retained to study the site. •Seismic Shaking Zone A: Zone A represents areas of least earthquake shaking. The maximum expected damage to modern construction due to shaking is expected to be minor to moderate in this zone. •Seismic Shaking Zone B: Zone B represents areas of intermediate earthquake shaking. The maximum expected damage to modern construction due to shaking is expected to be moderate in this zone. •Seismic Shaking Zone C: These are areas of high geologic hazard only if strong earthquake shaking produces liquefaction. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Seismic Shaking Zone as delineated in the Public Record, only the more/most severe shall be reported. TSUNAMI This area has been designated as a zone of moderate risk for tsunami (seismic sea wave or "tidal wave ") run-up. Properties in a tsunami zone may be inundated with waves which recur on the average of once every 100 years. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Tsunami Run-up Zone as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. LANDSLIDE / SLOPE STABILITY ZONES The relative slope stability zones represent average slope stability conditions. This Report discloses Slope Stability Zone for conditions under seismic (earthquake) conditions, not aseismic (normal) conditions, as detailed in the Public Record. •Zone 1: Very low potential for massive bedrock landslides under normal and seismic/earthquake conditions. •Zone 2: Moderately low potential for massive bedrock landslides under seismic/earthquake conditions. •Zone 3: Moderately high potential under seismic/earthquake conditions with a greater slope failure risk during earthquakes if the slope gradient is greater than 20% and the slope is underlain by relatively weak bedrock or weak soil materials. •Zone 4: High potential for massive bedrock landslides under seismic/earthquake conditions. •Zones 5 and 6: Very high potential for massive bedrock landslides under seismic/earthquake conditions. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 9 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    •Zone W: Coastal areas which have unstable slopes resulting from periodic wave erosion. Please note that the boundaries of this Slope Stability Area W are not defined in a manner suitable for definitive parcel-specific disclosure; therefore, this zone is not disclosed in this Report. Reporting Standards: "Very High, High, or Moderate" shall be reported if any portion of the Property is within Slope Stability Zone 3, 4, 5, or 6. "Moderately Low or Low" shall be reported in the Property is completely within Slope Stability Zone 1 or 2. EXPANSIVE SOILS Expansive soils occur throughout much of Orange County. These areas are subject to the seasonal shrink-swell cycles of soils, as well as slope yielding if locally on a slope. Three possible conditions related to expansive soils exist in the County. •Differential Swell is the uneven tilting or lifting of a structure by the greater expansion of thicker soils on one side of the structure.•Concentric Swell is caused by the migration of water toward the center of a structure, causing expansion of the soils, and lifting of the center of the structure. •Slope Yielding is a slow down slope movement of soils, causing tilting of the foundation of a structure. Experts agree that no residence is completely safe from cracking, slipping or sinking to some degree. Expansive soil problems can be mitigated, in most cases, through structural and design modifications and, in some cases, through soil treatment techniques. Mapped areas of expansive soils are identified as: •Areas of Man Made Land with Extremely Variable Expansivity Potential •Areas of High Expansivity Potential •Areas of Tidal Flats with Highly Variable Expansivity or Shrink Potential•Areas of Moderate Expansivity Potential •Areas of Low Expansivity Potential Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within an area of Low, Moderate, or High Expansivity Potential or is within a Tidal Flat as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported for the more/most severe condition. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 10 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GEOLOGIC ZONES DISCUSSION PUBLIC RECORD(S) SEARCHED: The following Public Records, contained in the Safety Element of the General Plan as adopted by the City Council in 2006, are utilized for those city-level disclosures below: Maps of "Seismic Hazards," "Coastal Hazards," and "Fire Hazards." FAULT Current California Geological Survey Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone maps do not recognize the presence of an active fault that has shown signs of surface fault rupture within the past 11,000 years within the City; however, the Public Record identifies a segment of the Newport Inglewood Fault within the City as a "Fault Disclosure Zone." This Zone hugs the coastline from Newport Shores in a southerly direction until it extends into the Pacific once it passes to the south of Newport Pier. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within the "Fault Disclosure Zone" as delineated in the Public Record, "WITHIN" shall be reported. LANDSLIDE According to the Safety Element, strong ground motions can worsen existing unstable slope conditions, particularly if coupled with saturated ground conditions. Seismically induced landslides can overrun structures, people or property, sever utility lines, and block roads. Much of eastern Newport Beach has been identified as vulnerable to seismically induced slope failure. Approximately 90 percent of the land from Los Trancos Canyon to State Park boundary is mapped as susceptible to landsliding. Additionally, the sedimentary bedrock that crops out in the San Joaquin Hills is locally highly weathered. In steep areas, strong ground shaking can cause slides or rockfalls in this material. Rupture along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone and other faults could reactivate existing landslides and cause new slope failures throughout the San Joaquin Hills. Slope failures can also be expected to occur along stream banks and coastal bluffs, such as Big Canyon, around San Joaquin Reservoir, Newport and Upper Newport Bays, and Corona del Mar. Reporting Standards: The boundaries of the City's Potential Landslide Area are the same as those for earthquake-induced landslides delineated on official maps issued by the California Geological Survey pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act. For more information, please see Seismic Hazard Mapping Act Zone discussion contained in this Report. LIQUEFACTION Liquefaction, a geologic process that causes ground failure, typically occurs in loose, saturated sediments primarily of sandy composition. According to the Safety Element, Balboa Peninsula, Newport Bay and Upper Newport Bay and vicinity, the lower reaches of major streams in Newport Beach, and the Santa Ana River floodplain are susceptible to liquefaction and related ground failure. It is likely that residential or commercial development will never occur in many other liquefiable areas, such as Upper Newport Bay, the Newport Coast beaches, and the bottoms of stream channels. However, infrastructure in these areas is vulnerable to damage from liquefaction if mitigation measures have not been included in design. Reporting Standards: The boundaries of the City's Potential Liquefaction Area are the same as those for areas of potential liquefaction delineated on official maps issued by the California Geological Survey pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act. For more information, please see Seismic Hazard Mapping Act Zone discussion contained in this Report. COASTAL EROSION HAZARDS Significant coastal bluff retreat, bluff-top erosion, gullying, and beach erosion are occurring along the eastern Newport shoreline. Erosion rates depend on the underlying geologic units and their different responses to the weathering effects of water (including rain and waves), gravity, and wind. Coastal erosion occurs as a result of natural processes such as long- shore drift, storm surge, and sea level rise. Sea bluff erosion occurs as a result of processes that impact both the bottom and top of the cliffs. If the sediments exposed in this zone are soft and highly erodible, eventual collapse of the bluff can occur as it is undercut by wave action. Unchecked foot and vehicular traffic and rodent burrowing can also cause significant damage at the top of the bluffs. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a "Coastal Erosion Hazards Zone" as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. TSUNAMI INUNDATION The Safety Element states that Newport Beach is generally protected from most distantly generated tsunamis by the Channel Islands and Point Arguello, except for those generated in the Aleutian Islands, off the coast of Chile, and possibly off the coast of Central America. Nevertheless, since the early 1800s, more than thirty tsunamis have been recorded in Southern California, and at least six of these caused damage in the area, although not necessarily in Newport Beach. Tsunamis generated in the Alaskan region take approximately six hours to arrive in the Southern California area, while tsunamis generated off the Chilean coast take 12 to 15 hours. Given those timeframes, coastal communities in Southern California can receive adequate warning, allowing them to implement evacuation procedures. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a "100-year Zone for Tsunami Inundation at Extreme High Tide (Inundation Elevation = 13.64 Feet)" as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. FIRE HAZARD ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 11 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    The City of Newport Beach defines a wildland fire hazard area as any geographic area that contains the type and condition of vegetation, topography, weather, and structure density that potentially increases the possibility of wildland fires. The eastern portion of the City and portions of the Newport Beach region and surrounding areas to the north, east, and southeast include grass- and brush-covered hillsides with significant topographic relief that facilitate the rapid spread of fire, especially if fanned by coastal breezes or Santa Ana winds. In these areas the Fire Department enforces locally developed regulations which reduce the amount and continuity of fuel (vegetation) available, firewood storage, debris clearing, proximity of vegetation to structures and other measures aimed at "Hazard Reduction." New construction and development are further protected by local amendments to the Uniform Building Code. These amendments, which are designed to increase the fire resistance of a building, include: protection of exposed eaves, noncombustible construction of exterior walls, protection of openings, and the requirement for Class "A" fireproof roofing throughout the City. Additionally, a "Fuel Modification" plan aimed at reducing fire encroachment into structures from adjacent vegetation must be developed and maintained. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Fire Susceptibility Area ("High," "Moderate," and "Low" ) as delineated in the Public Record, the more/most severe shall be reported. END OF LOCAL AREA DISCLOSURES AND DISCUSSIONS SECTION ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 12 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    Part 3. Additional Statutory Disclosures MELLO-ROOS and SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AN FANHD TAX REPORT IS NOT PROVIDED WITH THIS PDR. IMPORTANT: Seller must disclose information on Special Tax Assessments to the buyer. DISCUSSION: California laws allow "special taxes" and "special assessments" to be levied against a parcel of real property in addition to ad valorem property taxes in order to help fund benefits such as streets, curbs, gutters and underground sewer and water infrastructure. The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act (“Mello-Roos”) and the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (“1915 Bond Act”) are two of these assessment laws, and assessments made under these laws carry a disclosure obligation as of January 1, 2002 (California Civil Code § 1102.6b). When either of these assessment laws is activated, an assessment lien is placed against each affected parcel of property and a special assessment appears on the property tax bill until the amortized debt is fully paid. An important feature of "Mello-Roos" and "1915 Bond Act" assessment districts is that the lien has a priority status. If the assessment tax is not paid on time, the home can be foreclosed upon and sold through an accelerated foreclosure process. Even though a "special" or "supplemental assessment" may appear on the property tax bill, it is not necessarily a "Mello-Roos" or "1915 Bond Act" bond assessment subject to a property lien or a specific disclosure requirement. Note: A comprehensive property tax disclosure report can be ordered along with this Report. Please contact FANHD for additional information. Senate Bill 63 (SB 63) Advisory California Senate Bill 63 (“SB 63”), approved by the Governor on September 28, 2021 (effective January 1, 2022), requires among other things that the Director of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (“Director”) shall identify areas in the State as “Moderate,” “High,” and “Very High” Fire Hazard Severity Zones (Section 51178 of the Government Code as amended). SB 63 further requires that a local agency shall make the information available for public review and comment (Section 51178.5 of the Government Code as amended). The Director has not yet released those Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps for local areas where counties and cities have fire protection responsibility (the “Local Responsibility Area”). SB 63 does not itself create a new real estate disclosure. However, a prior law that still controls, Assembly Bill 38 (“AB 38”), created certain disclosure and vegetation management (defensible space) obligations for real property subject to AB 38 that is located in a High or a Very High FHSZ as identified by the Director or as required by a local vegetation management ordinance. Effective January 1, 2022, SB 63 requires the State Fire Marshal to identify High and Moderate FHSZs in the Local Responsibility Area – in addition to a Very High FHSZ the State already may have identified. Currently, “there legally is no High Fire Hazard Severity Zone within the Local Responsibility Area,” according to the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Therefore, when the Director releases the new SB 63 FHSZ maps, the obligations under AB 38 will apply to the Very High and the High FHSZ in the Local Responsibility Area. At that time, disclosure reports issued by FANHD will update the “Fire Hazard Severity Zone (SB 63)” determination from “Map Not Available” to indicate whether a Property is “IN” a FHSZ as identified by the State Fire Marshal, along with the most severe fire hazard severity level that affects the Property. In addition, the AB 38 disclosure will likewise be updated to include both the Very High and and the High FHSZ in the Local Responsibility Area. FANHD Reports will continue to include the current “NHD Statement” (the one-page statutory form at the front of the report) as specified under California Civil Code 1103.2, until such time that the Legislature officially amends that form with respect to the “Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone” or any other listed disclosure. FORMER MILITARY ORDNANCE SITE DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: Former Military Ordnance (FUD) sites can include sites with common industrial waste (such as fuels), ordnance or other warfare materiel, unsafe structures to be demolished, or debris for removal. California Civil Code Section 1102 requires disclosure of those sites containing unexploded ordnance. "Military ordnance" is any kind of munitions, explosive device/material or chemical agent used in military weapons. Unexploded ordnance are munitions that did not detonate. NOTE: MOST FUD sites do not contain unexploded ordnance. Only those FUD sites that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has identified to contain Military Ordnance or have mitigation projects planned for them are disclosed in this Report. Additional sites may be added as military installations are released under the Federal Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Act. Active military sites are NOT included on the FUD site list. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 13 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    PUBLIC RECORD: Data contained in Inventory Project Reports, Archives Search Reports, and related materials produced for, and made publicly available in conjunction with, the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used Defense Sites by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  Sites for which no map has been made publicly available shall not be disclosed. REPORTING STANDARD: If one or more facility identified in the Public Record is situated within a one (1) mile radius of the Property, "WITHIN" shall be reported. The name of that facility or facilities shall also be reported. COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: The seller of  real property who has actual knowledge that the property is affected by or zoned to allow commercial or industrial use described in Section 731a of the Code of Civil Procedure shall give written notice of that knowledge to purchasers as soon as practicable before transfer of title (California Civil Code Section 1102.17). The Code of Civil Procedure Section 731a defines industrial use as areas in which a city and/or county has established zones or districts under authority of law wherein certain manufacturing or commercial or airport uses are expressly permitted.  The "Zoning Disclosure" made in this Report DOES NOT purport to determine whether the subject property is or is not affected by a commercial or industrial zone.  As stated above, that determination is based solely upon ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE of the seller of the subject property. In an effort to help determine areas where this may be applicable, this disclosure identifies if a property exists within one mile of the seller's property that is zoned to allow for commercial or industrial use. Very commonly, a home will have in its vicinity one or more properties that are zoned for commercial or industrial use such as restaurants, gasoline stations, convenience stores, golf courses, country club etc. PUBLIC RECORD:  Based on publicly-available hardcopy and/or digital zoning and land use records for California cities and counties. REPORTING STANDARD: If one or more property identified in the Public Record as "commercial," "industrial," or "mixed use" is situated within a one (1) mile radius of the Property, "WITHIN" shall be reported.  Please note that an airport facility that may be classified as public use facility in the Public Record will be reported as "commercial/industrial" in this disclosure. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 14 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    AIRPORT INFLUENCE AREA DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: If any portion of the Property is in either an officially designated "airport influence area" ("AIA") or a two mile radius of a qualifying facility for which an AIA has not yet been officially designated, the following Notice is required: NOTICE OF AIRPORT IN VICINITY If this property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, as identified in the determination section of this Report, within what is known as an airport influence area…the property may be subject to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations (for example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual sensitivities to those annoyances can vary from person to person. In that case, you may wish to consider what airport annoyances, if any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase and determine whether they are acceptable (California Civil Code, Section 1103.4). Certain airports are not disclosed in this Report.  FANHD has made a good faith effort to identify the airports covered under Section 1102.6a. Sources consulted include official land use maps and/or digital data made available by a governing Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) or other designated government body. Most facilities for which an Airport Influence Area has been designated are included on the "California Airports List" maintained by the California Department of Transportation's Division of Aeronautics. Not disclosed in this Report are public use airports that are not in the "California Airports List", airports that are physically located outside California, heliports and seaplane bases that do not have regularly scheduled commercial service, and private airports or military air facilities unless specifically identified in the "California Airports List".  If the seller has actual knowledge of an airport in the vicinity of the subject property that is not disclosed in this Report, and that is material to the transaction, the seller should disclose this actual knowledge in writing to the buyer. Most facilities for which an Airport Influence Area has been designated are included on the "California Airports List" maintained by the California Department of Transportation's Division of Aeronautics. The inclusion of military and private airports varies by County, and heliports and seaplane bases are not included, therefore, airports in these categories may or may not be included in this disclosure. NOTE: Proximity to an airport does not necessarily mean that the property is exposed to significant aviation noise levels. Alternatively, there may be properties exposed to aviation noise that are greater than two miles from an airport. Factors that affect the level of aviation noise include weather, aircraft type and size, frequency of aircraft operations, airport layout, flight patterns or nighttime operations. Buyer should be aware that aviation noise levels can vary seasonally or change if airport usage changes. PUBLIC RECORD: Based on officially adopted land use maps and/or digital data made publicly available by the governing ALUC or other designated government body.  If the ALUC or other designated government body has not made publicly available a current officially adopted airport influence area map, then California law states that "a written disclosure of an airport within two (2) statute miles shall be deemed to satisfy any city or county requirements for the disclosure of airports in connection with transfers of real property." REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shall be reported along with the facility name(s) and the "Notice of Airport in Vicinity" if any portion of the Property is situated within either (a) an Airport Influence Area as designated on officially adopted maps or digital data or (b) a two (2) mile radius of a qualifying facility for which an official Airport Influence Area map or digital data has not been made publicly available by the ALUC or other designated governing body. "NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is within either area. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 15 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    AIRPORT NOISE DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: California Civil Code §1102.17 requires the seller(s) of residential real property who has/have actual knowledge that the property in the transaction is affected by airport use must give written notice of that knowledge, as soon as practicable, before transfer of title. Under the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Noise Compatibility Planning Program Part 150, certain 65 decibel (dB) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) contour maps have been produced for some airports. Not all airports have produced noise exposure maps.  A property may be near or at some distance from an airport and not be within a delineated noise exposure area, but still experience aviation noise. Unless 65dB CNEL contour maps are published, helipads and military sites are not included in this section of the Report. The Airport Noise Compatibility Planning Program is voluntary and not all airports have elected to participate. Furthermore, not all property in the vicinity of an airport is exposed to 65dB CNEL or greater average aviation noise levels. Conversely a property may be at some distance from an airport and still experience aviation noise. Buyer should be aware that aviation noise levels can vary seasonally or change if airport usage changes after a map is published or after the Report Date. FANHD uses the most seasonally conservative noise exposures provided. Federal funding may be available to help airports implement noise reduction programs. Such programs vary and may include purchasing properties, rezoning, and insulating homes for sound within 65dB areas delineated on CNEL maps. Airport owners have also cooperated by imposing airport use restrictions that include curfews, modifying flight paths, and aircraft limitations. PUBLIC RECORD: Certain 65 decibel (dB) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) contour maps produced under the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Noise Compatibility Planning Program Part 150. REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shall be reported if any portion of the Property is situated within a 65 decibel Community Noise Equivalent Level contour identified in the Public Record. "NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is situated within a 65 decibel Community Noise Equivalent Level contour identified in the Public Record. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 16 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION DUCT SEALING & TESTING REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION:  According to the California Energy Commission ("CEC") most California homes have improperly sealed central air conditioning and heating system ducts such that approximately 30 percent of the conditioned air actually leaks outside the home. Effective July 1, 2014, in order to combat this waste of energy and money, the CEC updated its residential duct sealing and testing requirements in the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24). Previously, such duct sealing and testing was required only in certain CEC-designated climate zones when a central air conditioner or furnace is installed or replaced. The revised standards now make duct sealing and testing mandatory in all California climate zones when such a system is installed or replaced. Ducts found to leak more than 15 percent or more must be repaired. Once a contractor tests and fixes these ducts, you must have an approved third-party verifier determine that the ducts have been properly sealed. The CEC cautions homeowners that a contractor who fails to obtain a required building permit and fails to test and repair your ducts "is violating the law and exposing you to additional costs and liability." If you do not obtain a permit, you may be required to bring your home into compliance with code requirements for that work and may incur additional penalties and fines that have to be paid prior to selling your home.  Remember that you have a duty to disclose whether you obtained required permits for work performed to prospective Buyers and appraisers.  Local governments may mandate more stringent requirements. Please note there are specific alternatives that allow high efficiency equipment and added duct insulation to be installed instead of fixing duct leaks. Please also be advised that there are separate regulations which govern duct insulation levels required by climate zone and HVAC system. For more information please contact the California Energy Commission or visit the official CEC "2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards" portal at: https://energycodeace.com/site/custom/public/reference-ace-2013/index.html#!Documents/14whatsnewfor 2013.htm PUBLIC RECORD: 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24). REPORTING STANDARD: "WITHIN" shall be reported regardless of CEC-designated climate zone pursuant to the revised Title 24 Standards. COOLING AND HEATING ENERGY-EFFICIENCY ADVISORY Effective January 1, 2015, new federal energy-efficiency standards apply to the repair and replacement of residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning ("HVAC") systems. The new standards raise the minimum efficiency requirements for air conditioning systems and certain types of heating systems. Energy efficiency is measured by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio ("SEER"), which compares the amount of cooling (or heating) output by an HVAC system to the amount of energy (electricity or gas) input over its operating season. The higher the system's SEER value, the more energy-efficient it is and the lower the unit cost of cooling (or heating) a home. For the first time, federal minimum-efficiency standards will vary by region. Prior to 2015 one standard, called SEER 13, applied nationwide. Now, in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico (the Southwestern Region), SEER 13 has been replaced by the more efficient SEER 14 standard. In the Southwestern Region the new rule allows repairs to existing SEER 13-compliant systems. However, in many cases a full system replacement (both the indoor and outdoor unit) will be necessary to make the system compatible, and replacement is allowed only with a SEER 14-compliant unit. The higher standard may increase the replacement cost to the property owner because the SEER 14 efficiency improvements require increased complexity of the new equipment, and the SEER 14 units may not fit in the existing space, requiring structural modifications at the owner's expense. In some cases the SEER 14 standard could double the cost of replacement over the earlier replacement cost. For applicable details and codes, see the California Energy Commission web page at: https://energycodeace.com/site/custom/public/reference-ace- 2013/index.html#!Documents/15scopeandapplication.htm (The new federal standards go into effect on January 1, 2015, which is six months after the July 1, 2014, effective date of the 2013 Standards.) Federal energy-efficiency standards are updated from time to time. To determine the current applicable federal standard inquire with a home inspector or other appropriately licensed professional. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 17 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    STATEWIDE RIGHT TO FARM DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: California has a "Right to Farm Act" (Civil Code Section 3482.5) to protect farming operations. When agricultural land within the State's agricultural areas is bought and sold, the purchasers are often not made aware of the fact that there are right-to-farm laws. This has lead to confusion and a misunderstanding of the actual uses of the land or uses of the surrounding agricultural lands. In 2008 the State of California enacted Assembly Bill 2881 to limit the exposure of farmers to nuisance lawsuits by homeowners in neighboring developments. The mechanism of this bill is a formal notification of the Buyer, through a "Notice of Right to Farm" in an expert disclosure report that advises the Buyer if the subject property is within one mile of farmland as defined in the bill. If the seller has actual knowledge of an agricultural operation in the vicinity of the subject property that is not disclosed in this Report, and that is material to the transaction, the seller should disclose this actual knowledge in writing to the Buyer. PUBLIC RECORD: Based on the most current available version of the "Important Farmland Map" issued by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, utilizing solely the county-level GIS map data, if any, available on the Division's Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program website, pursuant to Section 11010 of the Business and Professions Code, and Section 1103.4 of the California Civil Code. REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shall be reported and the "Notice of Right to Farm" provided if any portion of the Property is situated within, or within one mile of, a parcel of real property designated as "Prime Farmland," "Farmland of Statewide Importance," "Unique Farmland," "Farmland of Local Importance," or "Grazing Land" in the public record. "NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is within that area. Some counties, or parts thereof, are not included in the Public Record because they have not been mapped for farmland parcels under this State program. Typically, this is because the county area is public land and not planned for incorporation, or, in the case of San Francisco, the county is entirely incorporated. In those instances, we report "Map Not Available" above, or "Map N/A" in the table of summary determinations at the beginning of this Report. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 18 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    NOTICE OF MINING OPERATIONS DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION:  Historically mining operations have been located in remote areas. However, increasing urbanization has resulted in some residential projects being developed near existing mining operations. California Public Resources Code §2207 requires owners and operators of mining operations to provide annually specific information to the California Department of Conservation ("DOC"), including but not limited to, (i) ownership and contact information, and (ii) the latitude, longitude, and approximate boundaries of the mining operation marked on a specific United States Geological Survey map. The Division of Mine Reclamation ("DMR") is a division of the DOC. Using the mandatory data specified above, DMR provides map coordinate data that can be used by GIS systems to create points representing mine locations ("DMR Maps"). For more information please visit the DMR All Mines Viewer (https://gis.data.ca.gov/datasets/cadoc::dmr- all-mines/about) and click “View Map” to see mapped mine operations. Effective January 1, 2012, California Civil Code §1103.4 requires the seller of residential property to disclose to a Buyer if the residential property is located with one (1) mile of mining operations as specified on DMR Maps. Special Notes: 1. Mine status can change without notice (e.g., a 'Proposed' mine can become 'Active' or an 'Active' mine can become 'Idle'). Check the link above for current status. 2. This statutory disclosure does not rely on the DMR's "AB 3098 List," a list of mines regulated under the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 ("SMARA") that meet provisions set forth under California Public Resources Code §2717(b). The AB 3098 List does not include map coordinate data as required under California Public Resources Code §2207 and may not include all mining operations subject to the "Notice of Mining Operations" disclosure. 3. This "Notice of Mining Operations" disclosure is not satisfied by disclosing abandoned mines. An abandoned mine is NOT an operating mine. California Civil Code §1103.4 is satisfied only by disclosing based on DMR Maps. PUBLIC RECORD:  Mining operations as provided on DMR Maps made publicly available by DOC pursuant to California law. REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" is reported if any portion of the Property is located within a one (1) mile radius of one or more mining operation(s) identified in the Public Record for which map coordinate data is provided.  If "IN", the name of the mining operation(s) as it appears in the Public Record is also reported. "NOT IN" is reported if no portion of the Property is located within a one (1) mile radius of a mining operation specified on DMR Maps. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 19 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    Part 4. General Advisories This Section provides a detailed explanation of the Other Disclosures and Advisories made in this Report including identifying the applicable Public Record and the Reporting Standard used to make each determination. MELLO-ROOS and SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DETERMINATION NO DETERMINATIONS MADE IN THIS REPORT DISCUSSION: California laws allow "special taxes" and "special assessments" to be levied against a parcel of real property in addition to ad valorem property taxes in order to help fund benefits such as streets, curbs, gutters and underground sewer and water infrastructure. The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act ("Mello-Roos") and the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 ("1915 Bond Act") are two of these assessment laws, and assessments made under these laws carry a disclosure obligation as of January 1, 2002 (California Civil Code § 1102.6b). This notice is designed to help Sellers fulfill this disclosure obligation. When either of these assessment laws is activated, an assessment lien is placed against each affected parcel of property and a special assessment appears on the property tax bill until the amortized debt is fully paid. An important feature of "Mello-Roos" and "1915 Bond Act" assessment districts is that the lien has a priority status. If the assessment tax is not paid on time, the home can be foreclosed upon and sold through an accelerated foreclosure process. Even though a "special" or "supplemental assessment" may appear on the property tax bill, it is not necessarily a "Mello-Roos" or "1915 Bond Act" bond assessment subject to a property lien or a specific disclosure requirement. Note: A comprehensive property tax disclosure report can be ordered along with this Report. Please contact FANHD for additional information. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 20 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    GAS AND HAZARDOUS LIQUID TRANSMISSION PIPELINE DATABASE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION: Following a number of pipeline disasters in the U.S., such as the 2010 San Bruno explosion in Northern California, there is an increased awareness of the potential dangers associated with underground transmission pipelines. As a result, the California Legislature unanimously passed Assembly Bill 1511 (Bradford), signed by Governor Jerry Brown on July 13, 2012. This law, which becomes effective January 1, 2013, is chaptered as California Civil Code Section 2079.10.5 and mandates the disclosure of the following notice to Buyers: NOTICE REGARDING GAS AND HAZARDOUS LIQUID TRANSMISSION PIPELINES This notice is being provided simply to inform you that information about the general location of gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines is available to the public via the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) Internet Web site maintained by the United States Department of Transportation at https://www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov/. To seek further information about possible transmission pipelines near the property, you may contact your local gas utility or other pipeline operators in the area. Contact information for pipeline operators is searchable by ZIP Code and county on the NPMS Internet Web site. (California Civil Code Section 2079.10.5(a)) Civil Code Section 2079.10.5(c) adds, "Nothing in this section shall alter any existing duty under any other statute or decisional law imposed upon the seller or broker, including, but not limited to, the duties of a seller or broker under this article, or the duties of a seller or broker under Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 1102) of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of Part 4 of Division 2." Such "existing duties" include the disclosure of actual knowledge about a potential hazard, such as may be created by the delivery of a letter from the local utility company informing the seller that a gas transmission pipeline exists within 2,000 feet of the Property. Beginning on the law's January 1, 2013, effective date, except where such"existing duties" apply, "Upon delivery of the notice to the transferee of the real property, the seller or broker is not required to provide information in addition to that contained in the notice regarding gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines in subdivision (a). The information in the notice shall be deemed to be adequate to inform the transferee about the existence of a statewide database of the locations of gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines and information from the database regarding those locations." (California Civil Code Section 2079.10.5(b)) The disclosure of underground transmission pipelines helps the parties in a real estate transaction make an informed decision and is in the best interest of the public. Buyer should be aware that, according to the NPMS Internet Web site, gas and/or hazardous liquid transmission pipelines are known to exist in 49 of California's 58 counties, the exceptions being in rural mountainous parts of the state. Every home that utilizes natural gas is connected to a gas "distribution" pipeline, which is generally of smaller size and lower pressure than a transmission pipeline. For More Information To investigate whether any pipeline easement (right-of-way) exists on the Property, Buyer should review the Preliminary Title Report. Buyer should consult an attorney for interpretation of any law. This notice is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 21 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    METHAMPHETAMINE CONTAMINATED PROPERTY DISCLOSURE ADVISORY DISCUSSION: According to the "Methamphetamine Contaminated Property Cleanup Act of 2005" a property owner must disclose in writing to a prospective buyer if local health officials have issued an order prohibiting the use or occupancy of a property contaminated by meth lab activity. The owner must also give a copy of the pending order to the buyer to acknowledge receipt in writing. Failure to comply with these requirements may subject an owner to, among other things, a civil penalty up to $5,000. Aside from disclosure requirements, this new law also sets forth procedures for local authorities to deal with meth-contaminated properties, including the filing of a lien against a property until the owner cleans up the contamination or pays for the cleanup costs. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 22 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    MOLD ADVISORY DISCUSSION: The Buyer is hereby advised that naturally occurring molds may exist both inside and outside of any home and may not be visible to casual inspection. Persons exposed to extensive mold levels can become sensitized and develop allergies to the mold or other health problems. Extensive mold growth can damage a structure and its contents. All prospective purchasers of residential and commercial property are advised to thoroughly inspect the Property for mold. Be sure to inspect the Property inside and out for sources of excess moisture, current water leaks and evidence of past water damage. As part of a buyer's physical inspection of the condition of a property, the buyer should consider engaging an appropriate and qualified professional to inspect and test for the presence of harmful molds and to advise the buyer of any potential risk and options available. This advisory is not a disclosure of whether harmful mold conditions exist at a property or not. No testing or inspections of any kind have been performed by The Company. Any use of this form is acknowledgement and acceptance that The Company does not disclose, warrant or indemnify mold conditions at a property in any way and is not responsible in any way for mold conditions that may exist. Information is available from the California Department of Health Services Indoor Air Quality Section fact sheet entitled, "Mold in My Home: What Do I Do?" The fact sheet is available at https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/EHLB/IAQ/CDPH%20Document%20Library/MMIMH_050619_ADA.pdf or by calling (510) 620-3620. The Toxic Mold Protection Act of 2001 requires that information be developed regarding the potential issues surrounding naturally occurring molds within a home. Information was written by environmental authorities for inclusion in the Residential Environmental Hazards: A Guide for Homeowners, Buyers, Landlords and Tenants booklet developed by the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Health Services. It is found in Chapter VII of that booklet, and includes references to sources for additional information. For local assistance, contact your county or city Department of Health, Housing, or Environmental Health. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 23 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    RADON ADVISORY DISCUSSION:  For its Radon Advisory, FANHD uses the updated assessment of radon exposure published in 1999 by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Columbia University, under support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Science Foundation, and the US Department of Energy (published online at http://www2.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/radon-risk-website.html). Based on this recent assessment, FANHD radon advisory is as follows: All of California's 58 counties have a predicted median annual-average living-area concentration of radon below 2.0 pCi/L (picocuries per liter of indoor air) -- which is well below the EPA's guideline level of 4 pCi/L and equivalent to the lowest hazard zone (Zone 3) on the 1993 EPA Map of Radon Zones. The "median concentration" means that half of the homes in a county are expected to be below this value and half to be above it. All houses contain some radon, and a few houses will contain much more than the median concentration. The only way to accurately assess long-term exposure to radon in a specific house is through long-term testing (sampling the indoor air for a year or more). The EPA recommends that all homes be tested for radon. NOTE:  FANHD does not use the EPA's 1993 map for advisory purposes because that map shows "short-term" radon exposure averaged by county. It was based on "screening measurements" that were intentionally designed to sample the worst-case conditions for indoor air in US homes--using spot checks (sampling for just a few days), in the poorest air quality (with sealed doors and windows), at the worst time of the year (winter), in the worst part of the house (the basement, if one was available). These short-term, winter, basement measurements are both biased and variable compared to long-term radon concentrations (averaged over a year) in the living area of a house. Long-term concentrations are a more accurate way to judge the long-term health risk from radon. For the above reasons, the EPA expressly disclaims the use of its 1993 map for determining whether any house should be tested for radon, and authorizes no other use of its map for property-specific purposes. For additional information about EPA guidelines and radon testing, see "Chapter VII--Radon", in the California Department of Real Estate's Residential Environmental Hazards: A Guide for Homeowners, Homebuyers, Landlords and Tenants. ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT ADVISORY DISCUSSION: The Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 ("ESA"), as amended, requires that plant and animal species identified and classified ("listed") by the Federal government as "threatened" or "endangered" be protected under U.S. law. Areas of habitat considered essential to the conservation of a listed species may be designated as "critical habitat" and may require special management considerations or protection. All threatened and endangered species -- even if critical habitat is not designated for them -- are equally afforded the full range of protections available under the ESA. In California alone, over 300 species of plants and animals have been designated under the ESA as threatened or endangered, and over 80 species have critical habitats designated for them. Most California counties are host to a dozen or more protected species and, in many cases, 10 or more species have designated critical habitats within a county. ADVISORY: An awareness of threatened and endangered species and/or critical habitats is not reasonably expected to be within the actual knowledge of a seller. No federal or state law or regulation requires a seller or seller's agent to disclose threatened or endangered species or critical habitats, or to otherwise investigate their possible existence on real property. Therefore, Buyer is advised that, prior to purchasing a vacant land parcel or other real property, Buyer should consider investigating the existence of threatened or endangered species, or designated critical habitats, on or in the vicinity of the Property which could affect the use of the Property or the success of any proposed (re)development. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Complete and current information about the threatened and endangered species in California that are Federally listed in each county -- including all critical habitats designated there -- is available on the website of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Federal authority which has enforcement responsibility for the ESA. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Species Database (TESS) https://www.fws.gov/endangered/ ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 24 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    ABANDONED MINES ADVISORY DISCUSSION: According to the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mine Reclamation, since the Gold Rush of 1849, tens of thousands of mines have been dug in California. Many were abandoned when they became unproductive or unprofitable. The result is that California's landscape contains many thousands of abandoned mines, which can pose health, safety, or environmental hazards on and around the mine property. Mines can present serious physical safety hazards, such as open shafts or adits (mine tunnel), and they may create the potential to contaminate surface water, groundwater, or air quality. Some abandoned mines are such massive problems as to earn a spot on the Federal Superfund environmental hazard list. No California law requires the disclosure of abandoned mines in a real estate transaction, unless the existence of an abandoned mine is within the actual knowledge of the Seller and is deemed to be a fact material to the transaction. The Division of Mine Reclamation (DMR) and the U.S. Geological Survey maintain a database of abandoned mines -- however, it is known to be incomplete and based on maps that are often decades out of date. Many mines are not mapped because they are on private land. The DMR warns that, "Many old and abandoned mines are not recorded in electronic databases, and when they are, the information may not be detailed enough to accurately define, differentiate or locate the mine feature, such as a potentially hazardous vertical shaft or horizontal adit or mine waste." (See reference below.) Accordingly, this Report does not contain an abandoned mines disclosure from any government database or map or any other source, in order to protect the seller from liability for non-disclosure of unrecorded abandoned mines. Parties concerned about the possible existence or impact of abandoned mines in the vicinity of the Property are advised to retain a State-licensed geotechnical consultant to study the site and issue a report. Other sources of information include, but are not limited to, the State Division of Mine Reclamation at (916) 323-9198 (website: https://www.conservation.ca.gov/DMR), and the Engineering, Planning or Building Departments in the subject City and County. FOR MORE INFORMATION: For more information visit the State Division of Mine Reclamation's website at: https://www.conservation.ca.gov/dmr/publications/Documents/Abandoned%20Mine%20Lands%20FAQs.pdf  OIL & GAS WELL ADVISORY California is currently ranked fourth in the nation among oil producing states. Surface oil production is concentrated mainly in the Los Angeles Basin and Kern County, and in districts elsewhere in the state. In recent decades, real estate development has rapidly encroached into areas where oil production has occurred. Because the state's oil production has been in decline since the 1980's, thousands of oil and gas wells have been shut down or abandoned, and many of those wells are in areas where residential neighborhoods now exist. According to the California Department of Conservation ("DOC"), to date, about 230,000 oil and gas wells have been drilled in California and around 105,000 are still in use. The majority of remaining wells have been sealed ("capped") under the supervision of the DOC's Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM). A smaller number have been abandoned and have no known responsible operator -- these are called "orphan" wells. The state has a special fund that pays the cost of safely capping orphan wells, however, that program is limited in its scope and progress. Buyer should be aware that, while the DOC database is the most comprehensive source available for California oil and gas well information, the DOC makes no warranties that the database is absolutely complete, or that reported well locations are known with absolute accuracy. For More Information For a search of the state's databases of oil and gas wells and sites of known environmental contamination on or near the Property, please obtain the FANHD Residential Environmental Report. For general information, visit the California Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) at https://www.conservation.ca.gov/CalGEM/. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 25 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    SUSTAINABLE GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ACT ADVISORY DISCUSSION: In 2014 the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) created the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program for the purpose of prioritizing groundwater basins for monitoring seasonal and long-term trends in groundwater elevations. According to DWR, Groundwater Basin Prioritization is a technical process that utilizes the best available data and information to classify California’s 515 groundwater basins into one of four categories high-, medium-, low-, or very low-priority. The technical process is based on eight components that are identified in the California Water Code Section 10933(b). In 2015 the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) became operative and required DWR to prioritize basins for purposes of SGMA. DWR implemented initial SGMA basin prioritization in 2015 and later updated it as the SGMA 2019 Basin Prioritization to include all 515 groundwater basins. Ninety-four basins and/or sub-basins were identified as medium or high priority. SGMA requires medium- and high-priority basins to develop groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs), develop groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) and manage groundwater for long-term sustainability. DWR prioritizes groundwater basins based on factors such as population, irrigated acreage, and the number of wells (Water Code §10933), focusing on the importance of groundwater in a basin. DWR will reassess current prioritization whenever Bulletin 118 boundaries are updated or as otherwise required. As of this date the next update to Bulletin 118 is scheduled to be published in 2025. For a determination of whether the Property is located above a groundwater basin prioritized under the SGMA, including its priority, please see the FANHD Residential Environmental Report (if ordered). For more information on the SGMA prioritization process please visit the DWR Basin Prioritization portal. To view an interactive statewide map of groundwater basins and their prioritization please visit the SGMA Basin Prioritization Dashboard. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 26 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD (“EMF”) ADVISORY According to the National Cancer Institute (“NCI”) a 1979 study pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines and childhood leukemia. More recent studies have not found an association or have found one only for those children who lived in homes with very high levels of magnetic fields present in few residences. The NCI also notes that a majority of epidemiological studies have also shown no relationship between breast cancer in women and exposure to extremely low frequency EMFs (“ELF-EMF”s) in the home, although a few individual studies have suggested an association; only one reported results that were statistically significant. Sources of extremely low frequency ELF-EMF include power lines, electrical wiring, and electrical appliances such as shavers, hair dryers, and electric blankets. For more information please visit the NCI Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer portal at https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes- prevention/risk/radiation/electromagnetic-fields-fact-sheet Weighing in on the same matter The World Health Organization (“WHO”) states, “Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields. However, some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research.” WHO also asserts, “Despite many studies, the evidence for any effect remains highly controversial. However, it is clear that if electromagnetic fields do have an effect on cancer, then any increase in risk will be extremely small. The results to date contain many inconsistencies, but no large increases in risk have been found for any cancer in children or adults.” For more information please visit WHO’s EMF Q&A website at https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/electromagnetic-fields The National Institute of Environmental Health Science (“NIEHS”) Electric & Magnetic Fields web page at https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/emf/index.cfm states, “If you are concerned about EMFs emitted by a power line or substation in your area, you can contact your local power company to schedule an on-site reading. You can also measure EMFs yourself with the use of a gaussmeter, which is available for purchase online through a number of retailers.” For further information and additional reading please visit: =United States Environmental Protection Agency (“U.S. EPA”) https://www.epa.gov/radtown/electric-and-magnetic-fields-power-lines =The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (“NIEHS”) & National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/materials/electric_and_magnetic_fields_associated_with_the_use_of_electric_power_qu estions_and_answers_english_508.pdf ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 27 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    TSUNAMI MAP ADVISORY DISCUSSION: The California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA), the University of Southern California Tsunami Research Center (USC), and the California Geological Survey (CGS) have prepared maps that depict areas of maximum tsunami inundation for all populated areas at risk to tsunamis in California (20 coastal counties). The maps were publicly released in December 2009 with the stated purpose that the maps are to assist cities and counties in identifying their tsunami hazard and developing their coastal evacuation routes and emergency response plans only. These maps specifically contain the following disclaimer: Map Disclaimer: This tsunami inundation map was prepared to assist cities and counties in identifying their tsunami hazard. It is intended for local jurisdictional, coastal evacuation planning uses only. This map, and the information presented herein, is not a legal document and does not meet disclosure requirements for real estate transactions nor for any other regulatory purpose. The California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA), the University of Southern California (USC), and the California Geological Survey (CGS) make no representation or warranties regarding the accuracy of this inundation map nor the data from which the map was derived. Neither the State of California nor USC shall be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages with respect to any claim by any user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of this map. A tsunami is a series of ocean waves or surges most commonly caused by an earthquake beneath the sea floor. These maps show the maximum tsunami inundation line for each area expected from tsunamis generated by undersea earthquakes and landslides in the Pacific Ocean. Because tsunamis are rare events in the historical record, the maps provide no information about the probability of any tsunami affecting any area within a specific period of time. Although these maps may not be used as a legal basis for real estate disclosure or any other regulatory purpose, the CGS has, however, provided diagrams of the maps online which the public can view. To see a maximum tsunami inundation map for a specific coastal community, or for additional information about the construction and/or intended use of the tsunami inundation maps, visit the websites below: State of California Emergency Management Agency, Earthquake and Tsunami Program: http://myhazards.calema.ca.gov/  University of Southern California -- Tsunami Research Center: http://www.usc.edu/dept/tsunamis/2005/index.php  State of California Geological Survey Tsunami Information: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_hazards/Tsunami/index.htm  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Center for Tsunami Research (MOST model): http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/time/background/models.html  END OF NATURAL HAZARD DISCLOSURE REPORT SECTION See Terms and Conditions at end of this Report. ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 28 of 30 The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186    TERMS and CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE OR USE OF THIS REPORT, CONSTITUTES APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS STATED HEREIN. A.Limitations on Public Record and this Report. FANHD has accurately reported the information in the Public Records with respect to the Property as of the Report Date. With respect to the Public Records, it is important to understand that: •The Public Records may not be accurate, current, fully detailed, or complete. •A parcel of real property may be affected by hazards that have not been identified in the Public Records. •There may be other governmental Public Records with relevant information which are not included in this Report. •FANHD does not make any representations as to: •The significance or extent of any hazard disclosed. •Any related health or risk of the hazard to humans or animals or how they may affect the Property. •The drinking water sources for the Property. •Any information regarding the Property after the Report Date. B.Reporting Standards. The Reporting Standards utilized by FANHD in making each determination are specified in the Disclosure Explanations (Sections 1 through 4, inclusive) of this Report. If the Property is near the state border, hazards which may be in the adjoining state or nation are not disclosed in this Report. Where appropriate, FANHD may use the assessor’s rolls, cadastral-type maps, photographic enlargements of maps and various cartographic techniques to locate the site on the appropriate map. The respective determination is made as accurately as reasonably possible using these maps. For purposes of defining property lines, the assessor's parcel number and parcel maps are used. Any errors in the assessor's rolls may affect the determination procedures. If the Public Record is not of sufficient accuracy or scale that a reasonable person can determine if the Property is within a delineated hazard area or zone, "IN" or "YES" will be reported for the corresponding disclosure. C.Not an Inspection Report. FANHD does not perform a physical examination or any testing of the Property. This Report only provides information electronically derived from the specific Public Record identified for each disclosure in the Disclosure Explanations (Sections 1 through 4, inclusive) of this Report. This Report should not be considered a substitute for an on-site environmental and/or geological or engineering assessment. If additional information is desired, the Parties are encouraged to investigate other sources and to consult an environmental expert, a geologist, an engineer or other expert. D.Changes to Public Record After Report Date. The Parties are advised that the Public Records may change after the Report Date and FANHD is not responsible for advising the Parties of any changes to the determinations that may occur after the Report Date. As a courtesy, FANHD will update this Report at no cost during the transaction process for which this Report was issued, if requested. E.No Third Party Reliance on this Report. A contract is formed with FANHD only upon receipt by FANHD of payment of the full price of the Report. This Report cannot be relied upon (a) by any persons or entities other than the Parties, (b) for any other real property, or (c) for any future transactions involving the Property. The price paid for the Report does not include any amounts for protection of such other parties. F.Limitations on FANHD's Liability. This Report is not an insurance policy and does not provide the same protections as an insurance policy. It does not obligate FANHD to defend or indemnify the Builder and/orRecipient against any claims. FANHD’s total liability and responsibility to all Recipients collectively for any and all liabilities, causes of action, claim or claims, including but not limited to claims for breach of contract or negligence, shall be limited to the actual cost for California Bureau of Real Estate ("BRE") filing fees and/or the fee paid for this Report. G.Reporting of Risk Elements for Condominium Projects, Planned Unit Developments, and Other Properties with Common or Undivided Interests (“Common Interests”) Unless otherwise noted, this report is based solely on the real Property referenced by the Property’s Assessor's Parcel Number (“APN”). An APN whose boundary does not include all Common Interests associated with the parcel will generate a report which does not identify the natural hazards relating to the Common Interests that extend beyond the APN parcel boundary. Accordingly, it is imperative that you consult with the property’s homeowners association(s) to determine those risks. H.FANHD's Database Updates. Each database used in this Report is updated by the responsible agency at various intervals. Updates for a database are determined by the responsible agency and may be made at any time and without notice. FANHD maintains an update schedule and makes reasonable efforts to use updated information. For these reasons, FANHD reports information as of the date when the database was last updated by FANHD. That date is specified as the "Database Date" for each database. I.Party’s Responsibility of Full Disclosure. Regardless of the information in this Report, if a party has any actual knowledge of hazards potentially affecting the Property, that information must be disclosed. J.Governing Law. The Report shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. K.Small Claims or Arbitration. This provision constitutes an agreement to arbitrate disputes on an individual basis. Any party may bring an individual action in small claims court instead of pursuing arbitration, so long as the action remains in that court. All disputes and claims arising out of or relating to the Website, Customer Service, or any Report, must be resolved by binding arbitration. This agreement to arbitrate includes, but is not limited to, all disputes and claims between Company, transferor(s) and transferee(s) and claims that arose prior to purchase of the Report. This agreement to arbitrate applies to transferor(s) and transferee(s) successors in interest, assigns, heirs, spouses, and children. As noted above, a party may elect to bring an individual action in small claims court instead of arbitration, so long as the dispute falls within the jurisdictional requirements of small claims court. Any arbitration must take place on an individual basis. Company, transferor(s) and transferee(s) agree that they are waiving any right to a jury trial and to bring or participate in a class, representative, or private attorney general action, and further agree that the arbitrator lacks the power to grant relief affecting anyone other than the individual claimant. If a court decides that any of the provisions of this paragraph are    The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186 ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 29 of 30 invalid or unenforceable as to a particular claim or request for a particular remedy (such as a request for public injunctive relief), then that claim or request for that remedy must be brought in court and all other claims and requests for remedies must be arbitrated in accordance with this agreement The arbitration is governed by the Consumer Arbitration Rules (the "AAA Rules") of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by this Agreement, and will be administered by the AAA. Company will pay all AAA filing, administration and arbitrator fees for any arbitration it initiates and for any arbitration initiated by another party for which the value of the claims is $75,000 or less, unless an arbitrator determines that the claims have been brought in bad faith or for an improper purpose, in which case the payment of AAA fees will be governed by the AAA Rules #A COPY OF THESE RULES IS AVAILABLE FROM THE AAA'S WEB SITE AT WWW.ADR.ORG OR ON REQUEST FROM THE COMPANY. THE ARBITRATION AWARD MAY INCLUDE ATTORNEY'S FEES IF ALLOWED BY FEDERAL, STATE, OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW AND MAY BE ENTERED AS A JUDGMENT IN ANY COURT OF PROPER JURISDICTION. The arbitration will take place in the same county in which the property covered by the Report is located. The Federal Arbitration Act will govern the interpretation, applicability and enforcement of this arbitration agreement. This arbitration agreement will survive the termination of the Report. L.Severability. If any provision of the Terms and Conditions to this Report is determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, then such provision shall be treated as severed from the remainder of the Terms and Conditions, and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of all of the other provisions of the Terms and Conditions. M.Other Agreements. This Report sets forth the complete, integrated agreement between FANHD and the Parties. Evidence of prior or contemporaneous statements, representations, promises or agreements shall not be admissible to vary the terms of this written agreement. This agreement may not be changed or amended except by a written document signed by an authorized representative of FANHD and the Parties. In the event that any dispute arises between FANHD and any Parties arising out of or relating to this Report or its subject matter, or any act or omission of FANHD, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover his, her or its reasonable costs, including attorneys’ fees, from the losing party.    The First American MASTER PROPERTY DISCLOSURE REPORT PDR® Property:  TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19261 APN:  N/A Property Address: Report Date: 10/17/2022 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Report Number: 3111186 ©2022 - First American Real Estate Disclosures Corporation - 4 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phone: (800) 200-2561 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 30 of 30 October 10, 2022 Project No. 13542.001 Intracorp SoCal 1, LLC 895 Dove Street, Suite 400 Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Mr. Rick Puffer, Vice President Development Subject: Geotechnical Response to Community Development Department Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development 1401 Quail Street Newport Beach, Orange County, California Reference: Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2022, Geotechnical Exploration Report Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development 1401 Quail Street Newport Beach, Orange County, California, Project No. 13542.001, dated June 23, 2022. In accordance with your request, Leighton and Associates, Inc. (Leighton) is providing response to the Community Development Department Planning Division Notice of Incomplete Filing for the Preliminary Application for Residential Development at 1401 Quail Street (PA2022-0198), dated October 3, 2022. Our response is related only to geotechnical comment 1E, section V. The comment is reproduced below in italics followed by our response. COMMENT 1E SECTION V Whether a portion of the property is located in any of the following: A delineated Earthquake fault zone as determined by the State Geologist in any official maps published by the State Geologist, unless the development complies with applicable seismic protection building code standards adopted by the California Building Standards Commission under the California Building Standards Law (Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code), and by any local building department under Chapter 12.2 (commencing with Section 8875) of Division 1 of Title 2. Geotechnical Response to Comments Project No. 13542.001 2 RESPONSE TO 1E SECTION V The fault classification criteria adopted by the California Geological Survey, formerly the California Division of Mines and Geology, defines Earthquake Fault Zones along active or potentially active faults. The classification system of the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 is referenced herein. Section 2.4 Surface Fault Rupture (Leighton, 2022) reports the site (1401 Quail Street) is not located within an Alquist Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone and that no known active faults have been mapped across the site. Consequently, the State does not require a fault investigation. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please contact me at (866) LEIGHTON; or specifically at the phone extension or e-mail address listed below. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Joe A. Roe, PG, CEG 2456 Senior Principal Geologist Extension 4263, jroe@leightongroup.com Distribution: (1) Addressee Dear Community Development Director Jurjis: The enclosed site plan is being provided for your review of the proposed podium building containing 78 condos (62 Market Rate 16 Affordable) located at 1401 Quail Street, Newport Beach, California. Please note that a completed Planning Permit Application is also being submitted containing the property owner’s signatures. Provided below are notable features of the site plan and product type that we are proposing. • Please see the site plan which reflects the parcel numbers, legal description and site address. • The proposed land use is only residential use. Please see the plan submittal for the floorplan mix and sizes • The current use of the property is Commercial / Office. Under the proposed use the existing building would be demolished and a podium with 5 condominium floors would be provided. Each homeowner would have their own private balcony space. • A site plan reflecting the location of the property, elevations, color / material, massing, height and square footage has been provided in this submittal. • The proposed parking spaces that we would be providing is 167. • Our environmental studies did not bring up any particular species of special concern or cultural resources • Our proposed site would deliver 62-Market Rate Condos and 16 Inclusionary Condos. Please note that we have applied a 30% Inclusionary home percentage on a total of 52 base units. • The proposed project would likely require a Tentative Tract Map and Condo Plan approval. Please see the attached summary which indicates the proposed legislative amendments and density calculations. • There are not any recorded easements over the property with the current utility providers. We look forward to your feedback on the proposed design for the 1401 Quail St. site. 16755 VON KARMAN AVE., STE. 150 • IRVINE, CA. 92606 • Tel: (949) 474-2330 • Fax: (949) 474-0251 Rick Puffer VP, Development Intracorp SW, LLC 895 Dove Street, Suite 400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 October 25, 2022 Subject: Civil Engineering Response to Preliminary Application for Residential Development at 1401 Quail St., Newport Beach, CA Mr. Puffer, In response to your request, we are providing responses to the Notice of Incomplete Filing for the Preliminary Application for Residential Development at 1401 Quail Street (PA2022-0198), dated October 3, 2022. Our response is related only to the civil related Additional Requirements for Project Submittal. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECT SUBMITTAL: 2. SEWER AND WATER DEMAND STUDY: Provide a study which shows the analysis of the existing capacity of the utility systems and if they are able to accommodate the proposed project. RESPONSE: For the submittal of the Preliminary Application to be deemed complete, a submittal of a Sewer and Water Demand Study is not necessary. It is our intent to submit said document once subsequent applications are submitted to the city. For the purpose of the preliminary application submittal, we can verify that there are existing sewer and water utilities serving the property. An existing 8” VCP public sewer main in Spruce Street will be the source connection for sewer and an existing 16” public water main in Spruce Street will be utilized for domestic water and fire water. 3. PRELIMINARY WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (WQMP) RESPONSE: A Preliminary WQMP has been included with this preliminary application submittal. It will also be submitted with subsequent project submittal applications. Mr. Puffer Intracorp SW, LLC October 25, 2022 Page 2 16755 VON KARMAN AVE., STE. 150 • IRVINE, CA. 92606 • Tel: (949) 474-2330 • Fax: (949) 474-0251 If you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please contact me at nstreeter@adams-streeter.com Sincerely, Nick Streeter, PE, PLS Senior Vice President October 27, 2022 Rick Puffer Intracorp SW, LLC 895 Dove Street, Suite 400 Newport Beach CA 92660 LLG Reference: 2.22.4610.1 Subject: Trip Generation Assessment for the 1401 Quail Street Project Newport Beach, California Dear Mr. Puffer: As requested, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) is pleased to submit this Trip Generation Assessment for the Qual Street Podium Project (herein after referred to as Project) to be located at 1401 Quail Street in the City of Newport Beach. The Project site is situated within an existing business center that is generally located west of Spruce Avenue, north of Bristol Street and south of Quail Street. The subject property is currently developed with a general office building and surface parking. The Project is proposing to demolish the existing office building and construct a new residential development in its place. This letter summarizes the traffic generation forecast potential for the proposed Project. Additionally, it estimates the trip generation of the prior office trip-making potential, and further makes a comparison between the proposed Project and the prior office use as required by the City of Newport Beach. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project site is a 1.71-acre square-shaped parcel of land that is currently development with a 22,536 square-foot (SF)1 with surface parking. Access to the subject property is currently provided via one (1) full access driveway on Quail Street and two (2) full access driveways on Spruce Street. The proposed Project includes the construction of 78-unit, six-story structure, with five levels of residential units constructed over the lobbies and covered parking 1 Source: City of Newport Beach – Notice of Incomplete Filing Letter dated October 3, 2022. Rick Puffer October 27, 2022 Page 2 N:\4600\2224610 - 1401 Quail Street, Newport Beach\Report\4610 1401 Quail Street Project Traffic Generation Letter 10-27-2022.doc within the first floor and basement levels. The 78 residential units will consists of 18 one-bedroom units, 31 two-bedroom units, and 29 three-bedroom units. On-site facilities/amenities include a pool, club room, and roof top area for residents. Parking for the Project is proposed to total 195 spaces to be located at ground level along with subterranean parking. Access to the subject property will be provided via one (1) existing full access driveway on Spruce Street. Figure 1, located at the rear of this letter report, presents a Vicinity Map, which illustrates the general location of the project and the surrounding street system. Figure 2 presents the existing site aerial. Figure 3 presents the proposed Project site plan. PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST Traffic generation is expressed in vehicle trip ends, defined as one-way vehicular movements, either entering or exiting the generating land use. Generation factors and/or equations used in this traffic analysis are based on information found in the 11th Edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) [Washington, D.C., 2021]. Table 1 presents the ITE rates used in forecasting the vehicular trips. Based on review of the Project description, the trip generation potential of the existing use was forecast using ITE Land Use Code 710: General Office Building, whereas this land use in combination with ITE Land Use Code 221: Multifamily Housing Mid Rise trip rates were used for the proposed Project.  ITE Land Use Code 221: Multifamily Housing Mid Rise  ITE Land Use Code 710: General Office Building The upper portion of Table 1 presents the trip rates used for the existing and proposed tenants. Review of the middle portion of Table 1 shows the net trip generation potential for the existing land use totals 248 daily trips, with 34 trips (30 inbound, 4 outbound) during the AM peak hour and 32 trips (5 inbound, 27 outbound) during the PM peak hour. A review of the lower half of Table 1 shows the trip generation forecast for the proposed Project totals 354 daily trips, with 29 trips (7 inbound, 22 outbound) during the AM peak hour and 30 trips (18 inbound, 12 outbound) during the PM peak hour. A comparison of the trips generated by the proposed Project to the trips generated by the previous office use shows that the proposed Project would generate 110 more daily trips, and 5 fewer AM peak hour trips and 2 fewer PM peak hour trips. Rick Puffer October 27, 2022 Page 3 N:\4600\2224610 - 1401 Quail Street, Newport Beach\Report\4610 1401 Quail Street Project Traffic Generation Letter 10-27-2022.doc Based on a review of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code, Chapter 15.40 Traffic Phasing Ordinance2, the City requires a traffic study be prepared to assess the potential traffic impact of any project, but is exempt if the proposed project “generates no more than 300 average daily trips” or “during any morning or evening peak hour period, does not increase trips by one percent or more on any leg of any primary intersection”. CONCLUSIONS Given the implementation of the proposed Project results in a net addition of less than 300 daily trips when compared to the Existing Land Use, it can be concluded that the Project would not require a traffic study based on the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance. In addition, the AM and PM peak hour trips generated by the Project are less than the existing use, hence the implementation of the Project will not result in an increase of one percent of more on any leg of an adjacent intersection during the morning peak hour or evening peak hour. As such, we conclude the potential impacts of the Project would be insignificant and that no additional analysis is required. Given these results, we conclude that a traffic impact study may not be necessary, but confirmation would be required by the City staff. We appreciate the opportunity to prepare this investigation. Should you have any questions regarding this analysis, please call us at (949) 825-6175. Sincerely, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Richard Barretto, P.E. Principal cc: File Shane S. Green, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer 2 https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach15/NewportBeach1540.html N:\4600\2224610 - 1401 Quail Street, Newport Beach\Report\4610 1401 Quail Street Project Traffic Generation Letter 10-27-2022.doc TABLE 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES AND FORECAST3 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ITE Land Use Code / Project Description ADT Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Generation Rates:  ITE 221: Multifamily Housing Mid Rise4 (TE/DU) 4.54 23% 77% 0.37 61% 39% 0.39  ITE 710: General Office Building (TE/TSF) 10.84 88% 12% 1.52 17% 83% 1.44 Existing Land Use (Prior Tenant)  General Office Building (22,536 SF) 244 30 4 34 5 27 32 Proposed Project  Residential Units (78 DU) 354 7 22 29 18 12 30 Net Difference Trip Generation Forecast: +110 -23 +18 -5 +13 -15 -2 Proposed Project minus Existing Land Use Notes:  TE/TSF = Trip ends per 1,000 SF of development  TE/DU = Trip End per dwelling unit 3 Source: Trip Generation, 11th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Washington, D.C. (2021). 4 Mid Rise consists of multifamily residential project between 4 – 10 levels.