HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0155_20221207_Notice of Incomplete Filing Responses COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FILING VIA EMAIL December 7, 2022 Nate Nicodemus Christian Rice Architects, Inc. 316 Grand Canal `` Application No. • Jankiewicz Residence Coastal Development Permit (PA2022-0155) Address 316 Grand Canal It was nice speaking with you today. As mentioned on the phone, you can submit for building plan check now with complete sets of plans including structural. The following documentation is required to complete the application: 1. Property Development Standards. Final Corrections on plans: a. On required open sides of second floor decks, need railings to be completely open so the glass needs to be the entire height of railing except for bottom 6” curb. Label these areas on exterior elevations “To remain open with open glass railings” b. Third floor covered deck – Covered area on third floor needs to be open on two sides. The one side that is supposed to be open has the counter and BBQ, this needs to move to the other side where the stairwell is. LABEL THE AREA WITH THE RMOVED COUNTER AS GLASS RAILING. BBQ AND CONTER AX ALLOWED IS 24 FEET OR 33’ ELEVATION. LOWER IF NEEDED AND LABEL. c. Please add curb or water proofing around structure to meet a minimum height of 10.9 feet NAVD 88 pursuant to recommendations in Coastal Hazards Report. Please label this on the grading plan and site plan to match. d. Labeling – label all accessory structures on roof top not to exceed 24 feet and include maximum elevations. LABEL ELEVATIONS SO 9’ PLUS THE HEIGHT ON ALL RIDGES AND FLAT ELEMENTS e. Labeling – add actual elevations, roofs and flat elements railings, etc. LABEL ELEVATIONS SO 9’ PLUS THE HEIGHT ON ALL RIDGES AND FLAT ELEMENTS. f. FAC Sheet - Provide legend on FAC sheet to correspond with areas and to match floor plan, label JADU, and add Open Space dimensions and labeling. VERIFY OPEN SPACE. DOES NOT MATCH OPEN SPACE LABELED ON SITE PLAN. FIX BOTH TO MATCH. g. Please provide a construction erosion control plan (example attached) November 18, 2022 (PA2022-0155) Page 2 Tmplt. 10/23/2018 h. Please address correction number 95. Regarding accessory structures including fences hedges and walls. LABEL ON SITE PLAN AND GRADING PLAN CONSISTENTLY. LABEL ELEVATIONS OF FENCES/WALLS WITH EXISTING GRADES DIRECTLY BELOW TO DEMONSTRATE HEIGHT COMPLIANCE. Maximum 42 inches tall allowed from existing grade within front yard setback and maximum 6 feet tall from existing grade within side yard setback. It appears front wall is too tall. Please fix and label on site plan and grading plan consistently. Please be advised, the project as designed does not comply with all required property development standards identified in Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 21.30 (Property Development Standards). The project design does not meet the minimum Zoning Code regulations for the RBI Zone. The corrections required to comply are provided in detail in the attached residential correction sheet. Due to the redesign, there is potential that the resubmittal will require additional corrections. 2. Project Description and Justification. FYI - Pursuant to state law, the existing two units need to be replaced with no reduction of units. Although, the City has accepted ADUs and JADUs as replacement units, the Coastal Commission has provided an inconsistent acceptance of these types of units as replacement units. What we have seen is a risk of appeal by the Coastal Commission especially for JADUs. We have seen a more consistent acceptance of ADUs. We are warning applicants and owners of property within the Coastal Commission appeal area such as this project, that even though the City will support the JADU as proposed as a replacement unit, there is an increased chance the Coastal Commission will appeal the project and potential to get “stuck” in their appeal process. We recommend that you change the JADU to an ADU. We can discuss this further if you have any questions. 3. Plant Selection and Grouping. The project is located within 50 feet of a beach area. Please provide a detailed planting plan in accordance with Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 21.30.075(3) (Landscaping – Plant Selection and Grouping) and Section 21.30.085 (Water Efficient Landscaping). Refer to the California Invasive Plant Council and California Native Plant Society websites for a list of prohibited and drought tolerant plant types for environmentally sensitive areas. 4. Notice of Public Hearing. Please submit radius map and mailing labels in compliance with Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 21.62.020(B)(2). Please find the instructions at the following link : Public Hearing Requirements 5. Coastal Hazards Report. November 18, 2022 (PA2022-0155) Page 3 Tmplt. 10/23/2018 As the property is located on the shoreline, the proposed development may be affected by current or expected future erosion, flooding/inundation, wave runup, or wave impacts, including those resulting from sea level rise. Please provide a Coastal Hazards Report prepared in accordance with Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 21.30.015(E)(2). ( I can provide an example of one if you would like.) FYI - Please be aware, a Waiver of Future Protection will likely be required as a condition of approval for this project in accordance with Section 21.30.015(E)(5). This is a recorded agreement waiving any potential right to future protection devices to address threats from natural hazards for the economic life of the development. Upon verification of completion, the application will be processed and scheduled for a Zoning Administrator Hearing. Should you have any questions regarding submittal requirements, please contact Melinda Whelan at 949-644-3221 mwhelan@newportbeachca.gov