HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2022-2227 - PermitsT C T W co O-A0 'o DcOjA 'o 0c0 O OO M m CD- O m O 0E-Vm C L C n o N x v O m M m m'a y0 i Dm CL n m ? o .Dm. 'm" Z - O p ' c m rD- ..m 0o � O Om < xQS rnW.D. N m o n �{ COrn m3 �C) C)0 Z . O V �O O .9 r'A G --,- 0 0 moo 3oo X T •• G Z � m mZ0< ( m x . n3`G 0n60 �U0C o o 4 °gy m o Z m .m O- , vi o o m c o o Z o D., Z A m o 0 O In A m v S� oyo mn rn.: -�w N.��p 3 O j OA A '_ D a '@ z .� m o co m Z o'^ '� a (D fD D a'' OT N�A��CWY m (Dj mm mco m w p D N D rn A' yC —ID N Da (� O) C Z NJ MU D O T AO o0 o O T T ? o W W r. D 0� 0 ';m D O m 0 0= o. { 0' yC v m� r m mm;y % m 'C Om 'm _I AA N '. X Z.. y 0 'a 0 N. 0 Z m U) O) 0N N m 8 0 Z O D m � m K 3. p A m W .� m N: A �:A N r x:'� Ww'mNVy z Z O O Z .o�A.w W- O O ,. N O W f m - 0 O D. O 2C - A D 7 p V Z N A ON — U N f0 m Z •A A W T� W S m 3 Zc W j N O mC11A'% O m0 ,� (nz O TrC.m ZZ tD. m U> U) W _ { - D C A Z 0m 0-0 n; D O Du.•, Cl) D -I zm m 0 A y z= 4m V 0 D. 2rz Ow v oT D DD 0 1�- oSom � D o v D S m w v D D -C Tm o mo W o. o. o N o a H. o_.o. Q.. .. o '.� N� ¢ S O D Z N O T` (D G .d•. O. fD..O.�O-fD Ny rN NN r� co NmZ� ZO Zc N O fD ..N� •� n w „• C T O .Ow G d N .. .. .. .. .. Z A 0 KS :+ G A C { x m x Wa c = N .. O Z,� ' N ;u W0 z 0 =Z (N D .. .. A O y N o o rn > 9a'�""�A N N 9 DC N Co Zz N o J - c s . " ° ` c O G Dm N `e .. a n J• e o O c �'I L m 0 y D AM, N m �" n D J 21 0 El « a N. w N. Y991 U lfi ro J O o M x+3 w C y O y d srt � p O � U. ,s o i o } < R 0 � y c a. � E "o E o N a a a W P J N L o O N N O O [M E E o u m ttl Yoo .l 5 c o a w U a � N`O C � °y m O $ww C O O So E o E U N 5E 2 U U .4'[L E o � 3 v a6'6 c $ w Ear Ee a f a ,ar C N ME ac E c � � N U y z U a° O « O .c W N m 03 s tp V 2 C P O U. N N Kr a V fl } J e R m 0 c O c o n a K a G O Yri � 4 4" Op A E c A U r t= z z � Y m N -9 t w �J 0 , u. Lj4 u'v' p r C i oa� g �ro a. P m m S a mSm N A ��r6D • •f iy'Y, O�•� GIp �5 �j 'hi6L L6�ro Ae • �YY. �c }'h A anew Cr' block wall will be built botweon 404 Helvue Lane and 406 Ocivue Law), to replace the hack ha'f of the existing wO that wI I be damolishPd. 'the new u!oex wall will be consttucte(I on the pwiv—ity of 406 Belvue Lano, to - allow it fe oe inine wilh the front polhon of it wail ihat is L) Ionian _ i hig flew G wall will LW nonsiluciad of Muck, wilt) a brick cap, and ;mica on the side of 406 HeNLIO 1_an8, to match existing. Additionally, a fence post 10r the 1rOnI fc.r.-�arlllj,_ui,SlcdIII llel,untoflh(;pupilly ,0itr,)t,J vit,W400 ane to Id,,vs�IhH"`unf fence of 404 Helvue Lane to connect with the front pica?;ter of 406 Belvoo Lane. f DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F6F6495-9117-494B-AE4F-B4B2455C4B8D CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.00v1(949)644-3200 AGREEMENT TO BUILD A FENCEIWALL CENTERED OVER THE PROPERTY LINE THIS AGREEMENT has been entered into by the following property owners for the construction of a common property line fence where 50% of the wall thickness and foundation will be built over the adjacent property. This is a sample form intended to assist both parties through the permitting process, it is not intended to address any property rights or legal issues. Any other forms of agreements may be used as long as it contains the basic information herein. SUBJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS: victor Poma PRINT NAME 404 Belvue Lane Vtdbr Pbwia 406 Belvue Lane 8/19/2022 DATE ADDRESS OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 1 (Seek anJNn-daT Cathy Kinney 6" 8/19/2022 40288 00808142A... PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER DATE ADDRESS OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 2 (See key plan): PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER DATE ADDRESS OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 3 (See key plan): PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER KEY PLAN PROPERTY PROPERTY2 SUBJECT PROPERTY: ----------------- STREET 117G\Iq PROPERTY 3: Forms/property line wall agreement 2016-08-12 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F6F6495-9117-494B-AE4F-B4B2455C4B8D Xpa0aa- aGLX CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 AGREEMENT TO BUILD A FENCE/WALL CENTERED OVER THE PROPERTY LINE THIS AGREEMENT has been entered into by the following property owners for the construction of a common property line fence where 50% of the wall thickness and foundation will be built over the adjacent property. This is a sample form intended to assist both parties through the permitting process, it is not intended to address any property rights or legal issues. Any other forms of agreements may be used as long as it contains the basic information herein. SUBJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 404 Belvue Lane victor Poma Ud6r P6m#. 8/19/2022 PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER DATE 406 Belvue Lane ADDRESS OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 1 (See k" planj19ned by: Cathy Kinney 11/M'�j �i 8/19/2022 1-48288300809142 PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER DATE ADDRESS OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 2 (See key plan): PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER DATE ADDRESS OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 3 (See key plan): PRINT NAME KEY PLAN PROPERTY1 SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY2 SUBJECT PROPERTY: DATE PROPERTY 3: forms/property line wall agreement 2016-08-12 -----------------STREET xb�aoaa aaa�� A new 6' block wall will be built between 404 Belvue Lane and 406 Belvue Lana, to replace the back half of the existing wall that will be demolished. The new block wall will be constructed on the property of 406 Belvue Lane, to allow it to be inllne Willi the front portion of the wall that is to remain, Tills new 6" wail will be constructed of block. with a brick cap, and stucco on the side of 406 Belvue Lane, to match existing, Additionally, a tenon post for the front fence will ba installed in the front of the properly against the PL, on the proparly of 406 Belvue Lane, to allow the front fence of 404 Belvue Lane to connect with the front pilaster of 406 Belvus Lane. �cy7�[ f i�rr4'