HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW140053_Correction List (1)County of Orange
OC Public Works
OC Planning
Main Office
300 N. Flower Street
Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048
Residential Plan Check Corrections
It is the responsibility of the applicant to satisfy the requirements (clearances) of each of the departments listed in this document.
Normally, each section will stamp your plans indicating their approval.
To view your plan check status and the latest correction list on the Internet, please visit: http://www.ocplanning.net and click on
'Plan Check Status' Link.
Please note that Planning and Development Services (PDS) Public Counter Hours are open Monday thru Friday
from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except holidays.
Project Number:SW140053
Submittal Date:Mar 25, 2014
CBC Edition: 2013
Plan Check Date: 4/1/2014 1:34 PM
Description:New pool and spa
combination (588
sq ft.)
Job Address
Owner Address
Reza Norouzian
94 Archipielago
Newport Coast CA
Current - 1st Plan Check
Engineer of Record
Universal Engineering
15375 Barranca Parkway #h-106
Irvine CA
Plan Checked By Contact Address
Len Harkins
30001 Comercio
Rancho Santa Margarita CA92688
949 888-8008
949-888-2246 FAX
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Application for which no permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation.
An extension of 180 days may be granted upon written request showing circumstances beyond the control of the applicant
have prevented action being taken. In order to renew action for an application after expiration, the applicant
shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan check fee.
Valid Worker's Compensation Certificate or Owner-Builder Verification is required prior to issuance of building
Major corrections shall be made on the original tracing resubmitted with three (3) sets of new prints. Return
the previous check print with revised plans.
The correction list is available on line at http://ocplanning.net (Click on the plan check status).
The Structural Engineer or Civil Engineer or Architect responsible for the project shall sign three final approved
sets of plans. The third set is for the assessor's Office.
Note on the correction sheet the location of the completed corrections on your plans. Plans will not be rechecked
at the counter, allow ten (10) working days for recheck.
Upon receiving inspection report from grading inspector, a grading permit and rough grading approval may be required.
Building permit will not be issued until Rough Grading approval is obtained from the grading inspector. Contact
the plan checker for additional information.
Obtain all clearances as noted on the attached clearance summary worksheet. Prompt attention is suggested as there
can be delays for other departments to review the project.
The applicant shall contact Becky Schade, Orange County Fire Authority at 714-573-6134, to determine if fire clearance
is required for this project. OCFA approval is required before any building permits can be issued.
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Notes must be shown as worded, on the title sheet of the plan
1. In the case of emergency, call___________________at Work Phone #___________________or Home Phone #_________
2. Sediment from areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on site using structural controls to the maximum
extent practicable.
3. Stockpiles of soil shall be properly contained to minimize sediment transport from the site to streets, drainage
facilities or adjacent properties via runoff, vehicle tacking, or wind.
4. Appropriate BMP's for construction-related materials, wastes, spills shall be implemented to minimize transport
from the site to streets, drainage facilities, or adjoining properties by wind or runoff.
5. Runoff from equipment and vehicle washing shall be contained at construction sites unless treated to reduce
or remove sediment and other pollutants.
6. All construction contractor and subcontractor personnel are to be made aware or the required best management
practices and good housekeeping measures for the project site and any associated construction staging areas.
7. At the end of each day of construction activity all construction debris and waste materials shall be collected
and properly disposed in trash or recycle bins.
8. Construction sites shall be maintained in such a condition that an anticipated storm does not carry wastes or
pollutants off the site. Discharges of material other than stormwater only when necessary for performance and
completion of construction practices and where they do not: cause or contribute to a violation of any water quality
standard; cause or threaten to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance; or contain a hazardous substance in
a quantity reportable under Federal Regulations 40 CFR Parts 117 and 302.
9. Potential pollutants include but are not limited to: solid or liquid chemical spills; wastes from paints, stains,
sealants, glues, limes, pesticides, herbicides, wood preservatives and solvents; asbestos fibers, paint flakes
or stucco fragments; fuels, oils, lubricants, and hydraulic, radiator or battery fluids; fertilizers, vehicle/equipment
wash water and concrete wash water; concrete, detergent or floatable wastes; wastes from any engine/equipment
steam cleaning or chemical degreasing and superchlorinated potable water line flushing.
During construction, permittee shall dispose of such materials in a specified and controlled temporary area on
-site, physically separated from potential stormwater runoff, with ultimate disposal in accordance with local,
state and federal requirements.
10. Dewatering of contaminated groundwater, or discharging contaminated soils via surface erosion is prohibited.
Dewatering of non-contaminated groundwater requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit from
the respective State Regional Water Quality Control Board.
11. Graded areas on the permitted area perimeter must drain away from the face of slopes at the conclusion of each
working day. Drainage is to be directed toward desilting facilities.
12. The permittee and contractor shall be responsible and shall take necessary precautions to prevent public trespass
onto areas where impounded water creates a hazardous condition.
13. The permittee and contractor shall inspect the erosion control work and insure that the work is in accordance
with the approved plans.
14. The permittee shall notify all general contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, lessees, and property
owners: that dumping of chemicals into the storm drain system or the watershed is prohibited.
15. Equipment and workers for emergency work shall be made available at all times during the rainy season. Necessary
materials shall be available on site and stockpiled at convenient locations to facilitate rapid construction of
temporary devices when rain is imminent.
16. All removable erosion protective devices shall be in place at the end of each working day when the 5-Day Rain
Probability Forecast exceeds 40%.
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17. Sediments from areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on site using an effective combination of
erosion and sediment controls to the maximum extent practicable, and stockpiles of soil shall be properly containted
to minimize sediment transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities of adjacent properties via runoff,
vehicle tracking, or wind.
18. Appropriate BMPs for construction-related materials, wastes, spills or residues shall be implemented and retained
on site to minimize transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities, or adjoining property by wind or
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Residential Plan Check Corrections
Sheet Comments By
D. Leever1 In your responses, please refer to the alpha-numeric reference numbers that are
shown at the start of each of the following correction items.
Pending D. Leever2 All expired permits are to be cleared prior to final inspeciton. Permit RT021112
and RW030248 are expired.
Pending D. Leever3 Revise plans to indicate height and material of gates and pool enclosure fences.
Revise plans to show/note that all gates shall be self closing and self latching
with a latch a minimum of 5´ high and must be swinging outward.
Pending D. Leever4 Provide proposed door alarm system for doors opening into the pool enclosure area.
Identify all alarmed door locations on the plans.
Pending D. Leever5 Revise site plan to include north arrow.
Pending D. Leever6 Complete the attached Pool/Spa Questionnaire and attach to the plans.
Pending D. Leever7 County of Orange Pool/Spa Notes must be on plans. (see attached notes)
Pending D. Leever8 Provide the Special Inspection Form for shotcrete, which shall be completed by
licensed architect, engineer, or homeowner. (see attached)
Pending D. Leever9 Provide the completed approved Fire Ant Form attached to plans. (see attached)
Pending D. Leever10 Revise the cross sectional drawings to demonstrate elevation differences between
the pool and the surrounding areas including minimum setbacks from property lines,
building structures and slopes.
Please include all slopes on site including slopes of adjacent properties, the vertical
dimension of height of slope, distance of the proposed pool/spa structure from descending
slope and distance to daylight from bottom of pool footing to face of slope.
Pending D. Leever11 Revise detail SW-1013A to show minimum dimension of 20 feet for the horizontal
setback from the bottom of the keyway to the face of the slope as required by soils
report dated March 18, 2014, by Global Geo-engineering, page 4.
Pending D. Leever12 Revise site plan to clearly reference the required pool wall keyway detail (along
top of slope).
Pending D. Leever13 The swimming pool plans in compliance with soils report recommendations shall
be reviewed and verified by the soil engineer of record. Verification by the soil
engineer of record could be either by sealing and signing all plans or by a verification
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Residential Plan Check Corrections
Sheet Comments By
letter, which is sealed and signed by him.
Please coordinate with the Structural Engineer to see that the soils report recommendations
are incorporated into the revised plans.
Pending D. Leever14 Show and identify on the plans all easements of record. If there are no easements,
provide a note on the plan signed by the (designer, owner or the contractor) as
"I have verified the subject property´s grant deed and title report and have found
no easements in the area of the proposed construction. I acknowledge that I am responsible
and accountable for not constructing in the easements".
Pending D. Leever15 If septic system, show location of septic system on the site plan. Also please
provide a Letter of Agreement that will state the following:
This property,_________, is serviced by septic system. Drainage of the pool and/or
spa can not be drained to a septic system, on to the ground, or in to the stream.
If the pool and/or spa must be drained it shall be by an approved pumping truck
service and disposed of accordingly. If the property is sold or rented, the new
tenants/owners must be informed of this County of Orange requirement.
Please provide the draft letter prior to recordation of the document.
Pending D. Leever16 Minimum setback from patio cover footing shall not be less than height of pool
wall unless calculations are submitted to show pool wall is designed to take surcharge
from footing. Dimension distance from pool wall to nearest patio cover footings
and indicate depth of the spa at the point closest to these footings. Provide pool
wall surcharge design, if needed.
Pending D. Leever17 Please provide the location of gas and electric lines on Site Plan and indicate
its depths and sizes.
Pending D. Leever18 Engineer to stamp and wet sign corrected plans.
Pending D. Leever19 At the time of issuance, contractor shall provide proof of California Contractor
License C53.
Pending D. Leever20 Include "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Notes" on first sheet
of plans and fill the required information in item 1.
Pending D. Leever21 Revise site plan to show Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP). Include location
of required gravel bags (SE-6 detail), or fiber rolls (SE-5) to contain the area
of work and concrete washout area (WM-8 detail).
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