HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.01_Rough Grade Report_RG Report Phase 1 ROUGH GRADE COMPACTION REPORT HARBOR DAY SCHOOL—PHASE 1 3443 Pacific View Drive Corona Del Mar, California for Harbor Day School 22885 Savi Ranch Parkway  Suite E  Yorba Linda  California  92887 voice: (714) 685-1115  fax: (714) 685-1118  www.socalgeo.com August 31, 2020 Harbor Day School, A Non-Profit California Corporation 3443 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, California 92625 Attention: Ms. Angela Evans Project No.: 20M132-1 Subject: Rough Grade Compaction Report Harbor Day School—Phase 1 3443 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, California References: 1) Geotechnical Investigation, Harbor Day School—Phase 1, 3443 Pacific View Drive, Corona Del Mar, California, prepared for Harbor Day School by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG), SCG Project No. 18G161-3R, dated February 17, 2020. 2) Supplementary Geotechnical Investigation – Drilled Pier Design and Stairway Recommendations, Harbor Day School—Phase 1, 3443 Pacific View Drive, Corona Del Mar, California, prepared for Harbor Day School by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG), SCG Project No. 18G161-4, dated January 7, 2020. Dear Ms. Evans: We are pleased to present this Rough Grade Compaction Report which serves as a summary of the grading observation and testing performed by our personnel during rough/remedial grading operations for the proposed Harbor Day School—Phase 1 project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The subject site is located at the street address of 3443 Pacific View Drive in Corona Del Mar, California. The site is bounded to the south by San Joaquin Hills Road, to the west by apartment buildings, to the north by Pacific View Drive, and to the east by a cemetery. Harbor Day School consists of a roughly trapezoidal shaped property approximately 5.86 acres in size. The site was previously developed with several structures that are part of the existing school facility, primarily located in the central region of the site. We understand that the main school building was constructed between 1971 and 1972. The buildings are assumed to be of wood frame and stucco construction and supported on conventional shallow foundations with concrete slab-on-grade floors. The gymnasium was a structure of tilt-up concrete construction, supported on a combination of shallow foundations and drilled piers. A large sports field was located in the western region of the site and a smaller sports field was located in the southeastern region of the site. The ground surface surrounding the building areas consisted of asphaltic concrete in the parking lot and basketball courts, and turf grass in the sports field areas. Several landscape planters were also present around the buildings and parking areas. All but two of the existing buildings were demolished prior to the current phase of construction. The overall site topography Harbor Day School—Phase 1 – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-1 Page 2 sloped gently downward to the southeast at a gradient of less than 1± percent with some local various in the site topography. As part of the Phase 1 development, the gymnasium and the adjacent 6,400± ft2 school building were demolished. A relatively small 2,000± ft2 school building located immediately southwest of the main school building was also demolished. The two largest existing school buildings, located in the eastern and northeastern areas of the site, remained in place during the Phase 1 construction. The new building will be a U-shaped structure with overall dimensions of 250± feet by 270± feet. The building will be located in the southwestern region of the property. We understand that the new building will be a two-story structure used to house administration offices, classrooms, a theatre, and the gymnasium. The proposed improvements will also include a quad area located adjacent to the new building and a large sports field located in the southeastern region of the site. Some areas of new Portland cement concrete flatwork, landscape planters, and automobile drive lanes are anticipated. PREVIOUS STUDIES Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG) previously conducted a geotechnical investigation for the proposed development. The results of this investigation were presented in reference 1, listed above. The subsurface exploration conducted by SCG for this project consisted of five (5) borings advanced to depths ranging from 15 to 25 feet below the existing site grades. Existing fill soils were encountered at the boring locations, extending to depths ranging from 2½ to 6½± feet. The fill soils generally consisted of stiff to very stiff silty and sandy clays and medium dense silty to clayey fine sands. Native alluvial soils were encountered beneath the existing fill soils at one location. The alluvial soils generally consisted of medium stiff silty clay. Terrace deposits were also encountered at most of the boring locations, beneath the fill soils or alluvium. The terrace deposits generally consisted of medium dense to dense silty to clayey fine sands and stiff to very stiff silty to sandy clays. The terrace deposits extended to depths of 6½± to 12± feet at the boring locations. Bedrock was encountered at all of the boring locations between depths of 6½ to 25± feet (the maximum depth explored). Generally, the bedrock consists of very stiff to hard silty claystone and medium dense to very dense silty fine-grained sandstone that was friable, weathered, and weakly cemented. Based upon the conditions identified, it was recommended that the building pad area be overexcavated so as to remove all of the existing fill soils. It was also recommended that the building pad be overexcavated to a minimum depth of 3 feet below the proposed finished pad grade. Foundation influence zones were recommended to be overexcavated to a depth of 2 feet below bearing grade. Foundations were recommended to be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 lbs/ft2. SCG also prepared a supplementary report in order to provide drilled pier foundation design and stairway recommendations. Based on the expected deeper fills discussed in the Reference 2 report, recommendations were provided to support the southern portion of the building on drilled Harbor Day School—Phase 1 – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-1 Page 3 piers. Recommendations for the design and construction of the combination of drilled piers and shallow spread footings were provided in the referenced SCG geotechnical reports. SUMMARY OF EARTHWORK OPERATIONS AND TESTING Rough/remedial grading operations for Phase 1 were initiated on July 30, 2020 and were completed on August 21, 2020. The proposed building pad area was overexcavated to at least the minimum depths recommended in the referenced geotechnical reports. Removal activities resulted in the pad area being overexcavated to depths ranging from 3 to 7½± feet below the proposed pad grade. Deeper removals of 12± feet were required in isolated areas due to undocumented fills and/or organic material in the soils that were encountered during grading. The southern portion of the building will be supported on drilled pier foundations, therefore complete removal of the existing fill soils was not considered necessary based on the recommendations provided in Reference 2, listed above. The overexcavation was extended laterally at least 5 feet beyond the building and foundation perimeters. Foundations for the site walls and stairs were also overexcavated to at least the minimum depths recommended in the referenced geotechnical reports. The approximate limits of the building pad overexcavation are indicated on the enclosed Density Test Location Plan (Plate 1). The native soils exposed at the base of each overexcavation were proofrolled with fully loaded Caterpillar 623B scrapers while being observed by a representative of SCG. The overexcavation subgrades were found to be firm and unyielding and were approved for placement of structural compacted fill. Prior to filling, subgrade soils were scarified to a depth of 12± inches, moisture conditioned, and then recompacted. The excavated building pad, site wall footings, and stair areas were then backfilled with compacted structural fill to reach finished grade. Fill materials consisted of on-site soils which were placed in thin (approximately 6 to 8 inch thick) horizontal lifts, moisture treated, and compacted. The results of compaction testing performed at discrete, randomly selected locations indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. The final 1 foot of fill placed within the building pad area was compacted to at least 95 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum density. Structural fill compaction was tested by the Nuclear Method (ASTM D-6938), referenced to the maximum dry density values obtained by the Modified Proctor Method (ASTM D-1557). Where density tests indicated less than the minimum specified compaction, the soils were moisture treated as necessary and recompacted until the specified compaction was achieved as indicated by retests. The locations of the density tests are indicated on the enclosed Density Test Location Plan, Plate 1. Moisture-density test results are presented on Table 1, enclosed in this report. In addition, data regarding the soil types used as structural fill are presented on Table 2. Harbor Day School—Phase 1 – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-1 Page 4 LABORATORY TESTING Soluble Sulfates Representative samples of the on-site soils were collected during the geotechnical investigation and were tested for soluble sulfate content. The results of this testing indicated sulfate concentrations ranging from of 0.007 to 0.071 percent, which represent a negligible level of soluble sulfates. Additional samples of the soils used for fill were obtained from the completed building pad and submitted for sulfate testing. The results of the additional testing will be documented in an addendum letter when they become available. Since only on-site soils were used for fill in the building pad area, the forthcoming results are also anticipated to reflect negligible sulfate contents. Expansion Index Expansion index testing was performed on two (2) representative samples of the fill soils obtained from the completed building pad. This testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM test method D-4829. The results of the EI testing are as follows: Sample Identification Expansion Index Expansive Potential Finished Pad – North 31 Low Finished Pad – South 34 Low The results of the EI testing performed as part of the referenced geotechnical report indicated a low to medium expansive potential for the on-site soils. The foundation and floor slab design recommendations presented in the project geotechnical report were made in consideration of the low to medium expansive potential of the on-site soils. It is, therefore, recommended that the floor slab subgrade soils be moisture conditioned to 2 to 4 percent over the optimum moisture content to a depth of at least 12 inches. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Geotechnical observation and testing indicate that the building pad, as rough graded, was completed in accordance with recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical engineering reports and the applicable building codes. The building pad is expected to provide adequate support for the proposed structure. The recommendations contained within the referenced geotechnical report are considered appropriate for construction of the foundations and floor slabs for the new structure. During rough grading, the floor slab and foundation soils were properly moisture conditioned to 2 to 4 percent above the Modified Proctor optimum, to a depth of at least 12 inches below bearing grade. Since it is typically not feasible to increase the moisture content of the floor slab and foundation subgrade soils once rough grading has been completed, care should be taken to maintain the moisture content of the building pad subgrade soils throughout the construction process. Harbor Day School—Phase 1 – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-1 Page 5 FUTURE EARTHWORK OBSERVATION AND TESTING It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be contacted to perform additional earthwork observation and testing during the following phases of the project: • Drilled Pier Inspection • Foundation Excavation • Utility Trench Backfill • Retaining Wall Backfill • Subgrade Preparation in New Pavement Areas • Aggregate Base Placement in New Pavement Areas CLOSURE This opportunity to be of continued professional service is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained herein, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Respectfully Submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Oscar Sandoval Staff Engineer Gregory K. Mitchell, GE 2364 Principal Engineer Enclosures: Density Test Location Plan, Plate 1 Summary of Field Density Tests, Table 1 Summary of Moisture-Density Relationships, Table 2 Distribution: (1) Addressee APPROXIMATE STAIR LOCATION APPROXIMATE STAIR LOCATION BASE MAP PREPARED BY WALDEN & ASSOCIATES 22 8 8 5 S a v i R a n c h P a r k w a y Su i t e E Yo r b a L i n d a , C A 9 2 8 8 7 Ph o n e : ( 7 1 4 ) 6 8 5 - 1 1 1 5 Fa x : ( 7 1 4 ) 6 8 5 - 1 1 1 8 ww w . s o c a l g e o . c o m PL A T E 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST APPROXIMATE ELEVATION AT BOTTOM OF OVEREXCAVATION APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF BUILDING PAD OVEREXCAVATION 254 01 4 6 * So C a l G e o TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 1 30-Jul-20 303.5 Site Wall A 15.3 107.6 90 B.O.X. 2 30-Jul-20 304.5 Site Wall A 15.4 108.8 91 3 30-Jul-20 305.0 Site Wall A 11.9 106.4 89 Fail: 90% Required 4 30-Jul-20 305.0 Site Wall A 15.1 110.1 92 Retest #3 5 30-Jul-20 306.0 Site Wall A 16.6 107.5 90 6 30-Jul-20 307.0 Site Wall C 16.2 108.6 90 7 30-Jul-20 303.5 Site Wall A 16.4 107.5 90 B.O.X. 8 30-Jul-20 304.5 Site Wall A 17.6 105.0 88 Fail: 90% Required 9 30-Jul-20 304.5 Site Wall A 15.8 107.8 90 Retest #8 10 30-Jul-20 308.0 Site Wall C 15.4 108.6 90 11 30-Jul-20 305.5 Site Wall A 14.5 105.9 88 Fail: 90% Required 12 30-Jul-20 305.5 Site Wall A 15.3 109.3 91 Retest #11 25 03-Aug-20 304.0 Site Wall F 13.3 110.4 90 B.O.X. 26 03-Aug-20 305.0 Site Wall F 13.6 110.1 90 27 03-Aug-20 304.5 Site Wall F 12.9 111.2 90 28 03-Aug-20 306.0 Site Wall F 13.3 110.6 90 29 03-Aug-20 306.5 Site Wall F 14.1 109.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 30 03-Aug-20 306.5 Site Wall F 13.5 110.8 90 Retest #29 31 03-Aug-20 307.5 Site Wall A 15.2 108.0 90 42 04-Aug-20 306.0 Site Fill E 12.7 110.1 90 B.O.X. 43 04-Aug-20 306.5 Site Fill E 11.7 108.1 88 Fail: 90% Required 44 04-Aug-20 306.5 Site Fill E 11.9 109.7 90 Retest #43 45 06-Aug-20 305.5 Site Fill A 15.9 109.9 92 B.O.X. 46 06-Aug-20 306.5 Site Fill D 14.7 112.4 90 47 06-Aug-20 306.5 Site Fill C 16.1 112.0 93 48 06-Aug-20 307.5 Site Fill C 15.7 111.8 92 49 06-Aug-20 307.5 Site Fill A 16.4 109.5 91 50 06-Aug-20 308.0 Site Fill A 16.8 108.1 90 51 06-Aug-20 308.0 Site Fill C 16.6 109.4 90 52 06-Aug-20 308.5 Site Fill A 16.0 108.4 90 53 06-Aug-20 301.5 Building Pad F 12.4 113.0 92 B.O.X. 54 06-Aug-20 303.5 Building Pad A 17.0 107.5 90 B.O.X. 55 06-Aug-20 302.5 Building Pad C 16.8 111.6 92 56 06-Aug-20 302.5 Site Wall F 13.9 111.8 91 B.O.X. 57 06-Aug-20 303.0 Building Pad B 9.0 113.0 88 Fail: 90% Required 58 06-Aug-20 303.0 Building Pad B 12.7 114.9 90 Retest #57 59 06-Aug-20 303.5 Site Wall C 16.7 110.3 91 60 06-Aug-20 303.5 Building Pad C 16.5 109.9 91 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 1 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 61 06-Aug-20 305.0 Site Wall F 13.8 110.4 90 62 07-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad C 17.0 111.4 92 63 07-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad D 14.8 112.5 90 64 07-Aug-20 306.0 Site Wall E 12.5 110.3 90 65 07-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad A 15.8 109.9 92 66 07-Aug-20 304.0 Building Pad C 15.4 110.0 91 B.O.X. 67 07-Aug-20 302.5 Building Pad C 15.5 109.8 91 B.O.X. 68 07-Aug-20 307.0 Site Wall E 10.1 108.1 88 Fail: 90% Required 69 07-Aug-20 307.0 Site Wall E 12.0 109.9 90 Retest #68 70 07-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad C 15.4 112.9 93 71 07-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad C 15.2 111.0 92 72 07-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad A 15.9 108.9 91 73 07-Aug-20 292.0 Stairs C 17.0 108.4 90 74 07-Aug-20 294.0 Stairs C 15.6 110.5 91 75 07-Aug-20 296.5 Stairs C 16.7 109.6 91 76 07-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad D 14.1 112.4 90 77 07-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad A 15.3 108.7 91 78 07-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad C 14.8 106.2 88 Fail: 90% Required 79 07-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad C 15.5 108.8 90 Retest #78 80 07-Aug-20 298.0 Stairs C 16.1 111.4 92 81 07-Aug-20 298.5 Building Pad E 12.8 111.3 91 B.O.X. 82 07-Aug-20 300.0 Stairs A 15.3 106.9 89 Fail: 90% Required 83 07-Aug-20 300.0 Stairs A 15.5 107.6 90 Retest #82 84 07-Aug-20 300.0 Building Pad A 16.3 109.6 91 85 07-Aug-20 303.0 Stairs C 15.3 109.3 90 86 07-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad A 15.2 108.0 90 87 07-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad D 14.7 112.5 90 88 07-Aug-20 307.0 Building Pad D 14.2 113.1 90 89 07-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad C 16.0 109.9 91 90 07-Aug-20 302.0 Site Wall A 16.3 109.3 91 B.O.X. 91 07-Aug-20 305.0 Stairs C 15.5 108.3 90 92 07-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad D 14.7 112.9 90 93 10-Aug-20 302.0 Building Pad E 13.1 110.3 90 94 10-Aug-20 302.0 Site Wall E 13.2 113.1 92 B.O.X. 95 10-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad C 15.1 112.1 93 96 10-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad C 15.4 111.8 92 97 10-Aug-20 303.5 Building Pad C 15.7 107.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 98 10-Aug-20 303.5 Building Pad C 16.7 108.4 90 Retest #97 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 2 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 99 10-Aug-20 303.5 Building Pad F 13.8 111.2 90 100 10-Aug-20 307.0 Stairs C 15.9 111.4 92 101 10-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad C 15.2 112.1 93 102 10-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad A 16.2 108.3 90 103 10-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad A 16.5 109.2 91 104 10-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad F 13.4 112.6 92 105 10-Aug-20 308.5 Stairs D 14.3 113.8 91 106 10-Aug-20 288.0 Stairs D 14.0 112.9 90 107 10-Aug-20 289.5 Stairs A 16.8 105.8 88 Fail: 90% Required 108 10-Aug-20 289.5 Stairs A 16.0 107.9 90 Retest #107 109 10-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad D 14.1 113.0 90 110 10-Aug-20 SG Fire Road D 13.8 114.2 91 111 10-Aug-20 SG Fire Road C 15.4 111.3 92 112 10-Aug-20 SG Fire Road C 15.8 109.9 91 113 10-Aug-20 291.0 Sairs C 15.1 110.3 91 114 11-Aug-20 297.0 Building Pad A 16.7 107.7 90 B.O.X. 115 11-Aug-20 302.5 Building Pad A 17.0 108.0 90 116 11-Aug-20 292.5 Stairs C 16.6 108.3 90 117 11-Aug-20 297.0 Building Pad D 15.0 113.9 91 118 11-Aug-20 294.0 Stairs B 13.0 114.9 90 119 11-Aug-20 299.5 Building Pad A 15.4 107.8 90 120 11-Aug-20 299.0 Building Pad A 15.3 108.2 90 121 11-Aug-20 306.0 Building Pad C 15.7 110.2 91 122 11-Aug-20 297.0 Stairs A 13.3 106.1 88 Fail: 90% Required 123 11-Aug-20 301.0 Building Pad A 15.4 108.3 90 124 11-Aug-20 302.0 Building Pad D 14.7 112.5 90 125 11-Aug-20 297.0 Stairs A 15.2 107.8 90 Retest #122 126 11-Aug-20 303.0 Building Pad E 13.3 110.2 90 127 11-Aug-20 304.0 Building Pad D 14.1 113.5 90 128 11-Aug-20 301.5 Building Pad A 18.4 109.4 91 Fail: 90% Required/B.O.X. 129 11-Aug-20 301.5 Building Pad A 16.7 108.3 90 Retest #128 130 11-Aug-20 298.5 Stairs E 12.1 111.4 91 131 11-Aug-20 304.0 Site Fill F 12.9 111.6 91 132 11-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad E 13.0 110.7 90 133 11-Aug-20 303.5 Slope Fill A 19.1 104.1 87 Fail: 90% Required/B.O.X. 134 11-Aug-20 303.5 Slope Fill A 16.4 108.0 90 Retest #133 135 11-Aug-20 306.0 Site Fill E 12.9 111.9 91 136 11-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad F 11.9 109.1 89 Fail: 90% Required 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 3 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 137 11-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad F 13.1 110.4 90 Retest #136 138 11-Aug-20 302.5 Building Pad A 15.5 108.4 90 B.O.X. 139 11-Aug-20 306.0 Building Pad F 13.5 110.7 90 140 11-Aug-20 301.0 Stairs A 14.5 105.6 88 Fail: 90% Required 141 12-Aug-20 304.5 Slope Fill B 13.9 115.3 90 142 12-Aug-20 304.0 Building Pad C 12.8 107.5 89 Fail: 90% Required 143 12-Aug-20 306.0 Slope Fill A 12.4 106.8 89 Fail: 90% Required 144 12-Aug-20 307.0 Site Fill C 15.7 108.8 90 145 12-Aug-20 306.0 Site Fill A 16.0 107.9 90 Retest #143 146 12-Aug-20 304.0 Site Fill C 16.8 108.7 90 Retest #142 147 12-Aug-20 307.0 Site Fill E 12.6 110.3 90 148 12-Aug-20 305.0 Site Fill C 15.3 109.8 91 149 12-Aug-20 306.5 Slope Fill E 12.7 110.5 90 150 12-Aug-20 307.5 Stairs A 15.0 107.7 90 151 12-Aug-20 307.0 Building Pad A 16.8 110.2 92 152 12-Aug-20 307.5 Slope Fill C 16.7 109.8 91 153 12-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad A 14.7 106.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 154 12-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad D 14.3 113.0 90 155 12-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad A 15.8 108.6 91 Retest #153 156 12-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad A 16.1 109.1 91 157 12-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad D 14.5 112.8 90 158 12-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad C 15.8 109.2 90 159 12-Aug-20 301.0 Building Pad A 16.2 108.5 90 Retest #140 160 12-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad D 14.1 113.9 91 161 13-Aug-20 304.0 Building Pad A 16.2 107.9 90 B.O.X. 162 13-Aug-20 302.5 Building Pad D 14.1 114.1 91 B.O.X. 163 13-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad C 15.7 109.1 90 164 13-Aug-20 303.5 Building Pad B 13.1 115.0 90 B.O.X. 165 13-Aug-20 304.0 Building Pad A 16.1 109.0 91 166 13-Aug-20 306.0 Building Pad A 15.5 108.8 91 B.O.X. 167 13-Aug-20 302.5 Site Wall E 12.7 111.5 91 B.O.X. 168 13-Aug-20 303.5 Site Wall D 14.3 112.5 90 169 13-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad C 13.5 106.3 88 Fail: 90% Required 170 13-Aug-20 302.5 Slope Fill A 15.9 108.2 90 B.O.X. 171 13-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad C 15.3 108.8 90 Retest #169 172 13-Aug-20 305.5 Site Wall C 16.3 109.8 91 173 13-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad A 15.2 107.5 90 174 13-Aug-20 304.0 Site Wall C 16.5 112.2 93 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 4 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 175 13-Aug-20 304.0 Slope Fill F 13.5 112.1 91 176 13-Aug-20 304.5 Site Wall E 12.9 111.6 91 177 13-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad A 15.8 108.2 90 178 13-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad F 13.8 110.8 90 179 13-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad C 14.2 107.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 180 13-Aug-20 305.5 Site Wall C 16.8 109.0 90 181 13-Aug-20 306.0 Slope Fill F 14.0 110.5 90 182 13-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad C 15.2 108.6 90 Retest #179 183 14-Aug-20 307.0 Building Pad C 16.6 111.6 92 184 14-Aug-20 307.0 Building Pad F 12.7 113.6 92 185 14-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad C 16.1 111.0 92 186 14-Aug-20 306.0 Site Wall D 13.9 113.4 90 189 14-Aug-20 306.5 Site Wall F 11.9 109.9 89 Fail: 90% Required 190 14-Aug-20 306.5 Site Wall F 12.8 111.8 91 Retest #189 191 14-Aug-20 307.0 Site Wall E 13.5 110.2 90 192 14-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad C 16.9 111.4 92 193 14-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad A 16.5 110.2 92 194 14-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad D 14.5 112.5 90 198 14-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad C 15.4 109.5 90 199 14-Aug-20 307.5 Site Wall E 12.7 110.5 90 200 14-Aug-20 308.0 Site Wall E 12.9 111.6 91 201 14-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad E 13.3 110.4 90 202 14-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad D 14.7 112.7 90 203 14-Aug-20 309.0 Site Wall D 14.2 113.3 90 204 14-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad E 12.8 112.9 92 205 14-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad D 12.7 112.0 89 Fail: 90% Required 206 14-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad D 13.5 113.9 91 Retest #205 207 14-Aug-20 301.5 Building Pad E 9.3 108.8 89 Fail: 90% Required/B.O.X. 208 14-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad E 13.0 111.4 91 B.O.X. 209 14-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad A 16.8 107.7 90 B.O.X. 210 14-Aug-20 301.5 Building Pad E 12.9 111.0 91 Retest #207/B.O.X. 211 17-Aug-20 302.5 Building Pad A 15.3 107.6 90 212 17-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad A 13.7 105.3 88 Fail: 90% Required 213 17-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad A 15.6 108.1 90 Retest #212 214 17-Aug-20 304.0 Building Pad D 13.4 114.6 91 215 17-Aug-20 302.0 Building Pad E 12.9 112.8 92 B.O.X. 216 17-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad C 16.3 111.0 92 217 17-Aug-20 304.0 Building Pad E 13.0 111.8 91 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 5 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 218 17-Aug-20 304.5 Building Pad C 16.1 109.6 91 219 17-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad A 16.2 107.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 220 17-Aug-20 305.0 Building Pad A 16.3 107.8 90 Retest #219 221 17-Aug-20 306.0 Building Pad C 16.2 110.6 91 222 17-Aug-20 306.0 Building Pad F 14.0 113.4 92 223 17-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad C 16.4 111.2 92 224 17-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad C 16.9 110.7 91 225 17-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad E 12.4 112.5 92 226 17-Aug-20 307.0 Building Pad A 15.8 108.3 90 227 17-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad F 13.5 111.9 91 228 17-Aug-20 307.0 Building Pad F 13.4 113.2 92 229 17-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad C 13.9 107.2 89 Fail: 90% Required 230 17-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad C 15.2 108.6 90 Retest #229 231 17-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad F 13.8 112.4 91 232 17-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad C 15.2 111.0 92 233 17-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad A 16.3 108.4 90 234 17-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad F 13.3 112.5 91 237 18-Aug-20 305.5 Building Pad B 14.0 116.8 91 B.O.X. 238 18-Aug-20 306.5 Building Pad C 15.5 110.1 91 239 18-Aug-20 304.5 Site Wall C 16.9 110.3 91 B.O.X. 240 18-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad F 13.5 112.1 91 241 18-Aug-20 307.0 Building Pad A 15.4 107.9 90 242 18-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad B 13.7 118.1 92 243 18-Aug-20 306.0 Site Wall B 13.8 114.6 90 244 18-Aug-20 307.5 Building Pad B 13.2 115.1 90 245 18-Aug-20 307.0 Site Wall A 17.7 104.7 87 Fail: 90% Required 246 18-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad C 16.2 110.6 91 247 18-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad D 14.6 112.5 90 248 18-Aug-20 307.0 Site Wall A 16.9 109.0 91 Retest #245 249 18-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad A 15.5 108.8 91 250 18-Aug-20 308.0 Site Wall C 16.4 112.3 93 251 18-Aug-20 305.5 Site Fill F 13.5 110.3 90 254 18-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad C 15.2 111.4 92 255 18-Aug-20 306.5 Site Fill F 13.3 111.5 91 256 18-Aug-20 308.0 Site Wall C 16.1 112.9 93 257 18-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad F 13.7 112.0 91 259 19-Aug-20 309.5 Building Pad D 13.9 116.4 93 260 19-Aug-20 309.5 Building Pad B 13.7 117.6 92 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 6 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 261 19-Aug-20 308.0 Building Pad D 14.2 112.8 90 262 19-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad C 16.4 111.0 92 263 19-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad B 13.0 115.5 90 264 19-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad D 14.9 113.8 91 265 19-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad C 17.8 106.3 88 Fail: 90% Required 266 19-Aug-20 308.5 Building Pad C 16.9 108.5 90 Retest #265 268 19-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad F 13.3 112.9 92 269 19-Aug-20 SG Pavement SG B 12.9 115.9 91 270 19-Aug-20 SG Pavement SG A 15.7 108.2 90 271 19-Aug-20 SG Pavement SG B 13.2 117.2 92 272 20-Aug-20 309.5 Building Pad D 14.3 114.8 91 273 20-Aug-20 309.5 Building Pad A 15.8 111.0 93 274 20-Aug-20 309.0 Building Pad D 14.1 115.5 92 275 20-Aug-20 SG Pavement SG B 13.0 118.5 93 276 20-Aug-20 309.5 Building Pad F 13.4 114.3 93 277 20-Aug-20 FP Building Pad A 15.2 111.4 93 Fail: 95% Required 278 20-Aug-20 FP Building Pad F 13.1 116.4 95 279 20-Aug-20 FP Building Pad A 15.1 115.3 96 Retest #277 280 20-Aug-20 FP Building Pad A 15.4 113.7 95 281 20-Aug-20 FP Building Pad C 15.2 114.6 95 287 21-Aug-20 FP Building Pad D 14.0 119.2 95 288 21-Aug-20 FP Building Pad A 15.7 114.2 95 289 21-Aug-20 FP Building Pad C 15.5 114.7 95 NOTES: Elevations Referenced To Grade Stakes Set In Field By Others FP = Finished Pad Grade (Approximate El. = 309.6) B.O.X. = Bottom of Overexcavation Retests Performed After Recompaction All Tests Performed By Nuclear Test Method (ASTM D-6938) Unless Otherwise Noted 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 7 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS Soil Type Soil Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture (%) A Light Brown Clayey fine to coarse Sand, trace fine Gravel 120.0 13.0 B Brown fine to coarse Sandy Clay, trace fine to coarse Gravel 128.0 10.5 C Brown Silty Clay, little fine Sand 121.0 13.0 D Brown Clayey fine to medium Sand 125.5 11.0 E Light Gray Brown Silty fine Sand, little Clay 122.5 9.5 F Light Gray Brown Silty fine Sand, trace Clay 123.0 10.0 Note: All Moisture-Density Relationships determined per ASTM D-1557 (Modified Proctor) 20M132- Harbor Day School Phase 1 -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 8