HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.03_Final Grading Report_20M132-5 Final ReportFINAL COMPACTION REPORT HARBOR DAY SCHOOL – PHASE 0 & 1 3443 Pacific View Drive Corona Del Mar, California for Harbor Day School 22885 Savi Ranch Parkway  Suite E  Yorba Linda  California  92887 voice: (714) 685-1115  fax: (714) 685-1118  www.socalgeo.com December 9, 2021 Harbor Day School 3443 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, California 92625 Attention: Ms. Angela Evans Project No.: 20M132-5 Subject: Final Compaction Report Harbor Day School – Phase 0 and Phase 1 3443 Pacific View Drive Corona Del Mar, California References: 1) Geotechnical Investigation, Harbor Day School—Phase 1, 3443 Pacific View Drive, Corona Del Mar, California, prepared for Harbor Day School by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG), SCG Project No. 18G161-3R, dated February 17, 2020. 2) Supplementary Geotechnical Investigation – Drilled Pier Design and Stairway Recommendations, Harbor Day School—Phase 1, 3443 Pacific View Drive, Corona Del Mar, California, prepared for Harbor Day School by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG), SCG Project No. 18G161-4, dated January 7, 2020. 3) Rough Grade Compaction Report, Harbor Day School—Phase 1, 3443 Pacific View Drive, Corona Del Mar, California, prepared for Harbor Day School by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG), SCG Project No. 20M132-1, dated August 31, 2020. Ms. Evans: We are pleased to present this Final Grade Compaction Report which serves as a summary of the geotechnical observation and testing performed by our personnel during post-grading earthwork operations for the proposed Harbor Day School—Phases 0 and 1. SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site is located at the street address of 3443 Pacific View Drive in Corona Del Mar, California. The site is bounded to the south by San Joaquin Hills Road, to the west by apartment buildings, to the north by Pacific View Drive, and to the east by a cemetery. Harbor Day School consists of a roughly trapezoidal shaped property approximately 5.86 acres in size. The site was previously developed with several structures that are part of the existing school facility, primarily located in the central region of the site. A large sports field was located in the western region of the site and a smaller sports field was located in the southeastern region of the site. The ground surface surrounding the building areas consisted of asphaltic concrete in the parking lot and basketball courts, and turf grass in the sports field areas. Several landscape planters were also present around the buildings and parking areas. All but two of the existing buildings were demolished prior to the current phase of construction. The overall site topography sloped gently Harbor Day School – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-5 Page 2 downward to the southeast at a gradient of less than 1± percent with some local various in the site topography. The new building consists of a U-shaped structure with overall dimensions of 250± feet by 270± feet. The building is located in the southwestern region of the property. The new building is a two-story structure used to house administration offices, classrooms, a theatre, and the gymnasium. The improvements also include a quad area located adjacent to the new building. Several landscaped planters, areas of concrete flatwork, automobile parking, and drive lanes were constructed throughout the site. As part of Phase 0, access roads and pavements were constructed for several temporary modular classroom buildings. The modular buildings were placed in the northwestern region of the site to facilitate the construction of Phase 1. PREVIOUS STUDIES SCG previously conducted a geotechnical investigation for the proposed improvements. The results of this investigation were presented in Reference 1. The subsurface exploration performed for this project consisted of five (5) borings advanced to depths of 15 to 25± feet below the previously existing site grades. SCG also prepared a supplementary report in order to provide drilled pier foundation design and stairway recommendations. Based on the expected deeper fills discussed in the Reference 2 report, recommendations were provided to support the southern portion of the building on drilled piers. Recommendations for the design and construction of the combination of drilled piers and shallow spread footings were provided in the referenced SCG geotechnical reports. A Rough Grade Compaction Report, presented as Reference 3, was also prepared for this project by SCG. This report documented remedial grading activities performed within the building pad area. Generally, the building pad area was excavated to depths ranging from 3 to 7½± feet below the proposed pad grades. Deeper removals of up to 12± feet were required in isolated areas due to undocumented fills and/or organic material in the soils that were encountered during grading. The overexcavations were filled with structural compacted fill up to planned pad grades. SUMMARY OF EARTHWORK OPERATIONS AND TESTING Foundation Subgrade Evaluation SCG evaluated the condition of the foundation bearing soils within the footing excavations for the new building and site walls. Our evaluations indicated that the foundation excavations were underlain by recently placed compacted structural fill soils. These materials were probed at several random and periodic locations. All of the encountered soils were found to be medium dense to dense and possessed adequate moisture contents. Based on our evaluation, the foundation bearing soils are considered suitable for support of foundations designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 lbs/ft². Harbor Day School – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-5 Page 3 Drilled Piers As discussed in Reference 2, the southern portion of the new building is supported on a drilled pier foundation system. SCG monitored the excavation operations for the drilled piers within the new building area. The drilled piers were 24 inches in diameter in accordance with the project structural plans. The embedment depths for the drilled piers were noted to be in compliance with the design depths indicated on the project plans. Utility Trench Backfill Utility trench backfill soils and base were tested for compaction on an intermittent basis as scheduled by the site superintendent for DPR. The utility trenches tested by our field representatives included interior and exterior sewer, interior and exterior electrical, water, fire, gas, irrigation, and storm drain lines. The depths of the compacted fill tested within the utility trenches generally ranged from 1 to 12± feet as measured from finished surface to the top of the utility line or shading material. Fill soils were compacted in lifts within the trenches with a backhoe- or excavator-mounted compaction wheel, and hand-operated mechanical compactors. Results of compaction tests (performed at discrete, randomly selected locations) indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. Compaction test results within the top 1 foot of the building pad, base and pavement subgrade elevation, indicate that at least 95 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at these test locations. Minor off-site grading was performed to connect the new on-site utility lines to the off-site utility lines on Pacific View Drive. The off-site utility trenches tested by our field representatives consisted of water lines. The depths of the tested utility trenches generally ranged from 1 to 3± feet as measured to the top of the utility line or shading material. Fill soils were compacted in lifts within the trenches with a backhoe-mounted compaction wheel. Results of compaction tests performed at discrete, randomly selected locations indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. Compaction test results for the top foot of fill within the off-site utility trenches indicate that at least 95 percent of the ASTM D- 1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. Wall Backfill The proposed site walls (retaining and non-retaining) were backfilled with fill material consisting of on-site and imported select soils. The soils were moisture treated and placed in 6 to 8± inch thick lifts. The fill soils were compacted with an excavator-mounted compaction wheel, and hand- operated mechanical compactors. The results of compaction tests indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at all test locations. Flatwork Subgrade Minor grading was required in the new flatwork areas within the new development. The precise grading activities within the new flatwork areas generally consisted of fills and cuts of less than 1± foot in order to establish the proposed elevations. Hand-operated mechanical compactors and a vibratory smooth drum roller were used for compaction. Results of compaction tests (performed Harbor Day School – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-5 Page 4 at discrete, randomly selected locations) indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. Curb and Gutter Subgrade Minor grading was required for the new curb and gutter areas. The precise grading activities for the new curb and gutter areas generally consisted of fills and cuts of less than 1± foot in order to establish the proposed elevations. A vibratory smooth-drum roller was used for compaction. Results of compaction tests performed at discrete, randomly selected locations indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. Pavement Subgrades and Base Precise grading activities within the proposed pavement areas generally consisted of minor cuts and fills of less than 2± feet in order to establish the proposed finished grade elevations. The subgrade soils within the new pavement areas were scarified, moisture treated or dried as necessary, and then recompacted. Low areas were raised to planned subgrade elevation with compacted fill soils. Vibratory rollers, rubber-tired loaders, and hand-operated mechanical compactors were used for compaction. The results of compaction testing performed at discrete locations during fill placement activities indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. Localized areas of saturated and unstable soils were encountered in the planned pavement areas of Phase 0. In order to mitigate these conditions within the northern area of the site, rock stabilization was implemented. Initially, a Mirafi RS580i woven geosynthetic was placed over the unstable subgrade soils. A layer of clean, coarse (2 to 4-inch particle size), angular rock was then placed over the geosynthetic. The rock layer was 6± inches thick. A Mirafi N-140 separation fabric was then placed over the rock layer. A base course layer consisting of crushed miscellaneous base was compacted over the approved subgrades within new pavement areas. The base material was moisture conditioned and then compacted. The results of compaction testing indicated that at least 95 percent of the ASTM D- 1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations. Asphaltic Concrete The temperature and loose depth of asphaltic concrete was measured during the paving operations. The asphalt temperatures were noted to be above the minimum required lay down temperature and no temperature related problems were observed during paving. Subsequent to the compaction of the asphalt with steel drum rollers, density tests were performed to determine the relative compaction. Compaction test results indicated that the asphaltic concrete was compacted to at least 95 percent of the reported maximum density at all test locations. General Structural fill compaction was tested by the Nuclear Method (ASTM D-6938). Relative compaction was determined by comparing the density of the fill to the maximum dry density values obtained Harbor Day School – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-5 Page 5 by the Modified Proctor method (ASTM D-1557). Where density tests indicated less than the minimum specified compaction, the soils were moisture treated as necessary and recompacted until the specified compaction was achieved as indicated by retests. The locations of the density tests are indicated on the enclosed Density Test Location Plans, Plates 1 and 2. Moisture-density test results are presented on Table 1, enclosed in this report. In addition, data regarding the soil types used as structural fill are presented on Table 2. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The fill soils observed in the footing excavations are expected to provide adequate support for the new structure which utilizes a foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 lbs/ft2. The fill soils placed during site grading operations and utility trench backfilling procedures have been prepared in accordance with the recommendations presented in Reference 1. The new pavement subgrades are expected to provide adequate support for the new pavement sections and the anticipated traffic loads. CLOSURE The test results presented in this report have been accumulated during intermittent observation and random testing by this company, as scheduled by the site superintendent for DPR. The test results and observations summarized in this report were found to be in general compliance with current grading codes. Although we are unaware of any such areas, we cannot be responsible if any grading or earthwork activities were performed during the absence of our personnel. Our professional services have been performed using our understanding of that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this area at this time. No other warranty, express or implied, is made as to the professional services described in this report. This report was prepared exclusively for Harbor Day School and should not be used by other parties unfamiliar with its intent. This opportunity to be of continued professional service is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained herein, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Harbor Day School – Corona Del Mar, CA Project No. 20M132-5 Page 6 Respectfully Submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Oscar Sandoval Staff Engineer Gregory K. Mitchell, GE 2364 Principal Engineer Enclosures: Plate 1: Density Test Location Plan, Phase 1 Plate 2: Density Test Location Plan, Phase 0 Summary of Field Density Tests, Table 1 Summary of Moisture-Density Relationships, Table 2 Distribution: (1) Addressee APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST100 BASE MAP PREPARED BY WALDEN & ASSOCIATES 01 4 6 * So C a l G e o 22 8 8 5 S a v i R a n c h P a r k w a y Su i t e E Yo r b a L i n d a , C A 9 2 8 8 7 Ph o n e : ( 7 1 4 ) 6 8 5 - 1 1 1 5 Fa x : ( 7 1 4 ) 6 8 5 - 1 1 1 8 ww w . s o c a l g e o . c o m PL A T E 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST100 BASE MAP PREPARED BY WALDEN & ASSOCIATES 01 4 6 * So C a l G e o 22 8 8 5 S a v i R a n c h P a r k w a y Su i t e E Yo r b a L i n d a , C A 9 2 8 8 7 Ph o n e : ( 7 1 4 ) 6 8 5 - 1 1 1 5 Fa x : ( 7 1 4 ) 6 8 5 - 1 1 1 8 ww w . s o c a l g e o . c o m PL A T E 2APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ROCK STABILIZATION TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 17 31-Jul-20 308.5 Site Fill B 14.1 115.5 90 B.O.X. 18 31-Jul-20 309.0 Site Fill B 13.9 116.1 91 19 31-Jul-20 309.5 Site Fill B 13.5 115.2 90 20 31-Jul-20 310.0 Site Fill C 16.2 107.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 21 31-Jul-20 310.5 Site Fill C 15.8 108.5 90 Retest #20 22 01-Aug-20 310.5 Site Fill C 16.0 108.3 90 23 01-Aug-20 310.5 Site Fill C 15.6 109.9 91 24 01-Aug-20 311.5 Site Fill A 15.7 108.6 91 32 03-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade C 15.3 108.9 90 33 03-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade B 13.4 116.7 91 34 03-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade B 13.8 116.3 91 35 03-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.1 114.4 91 36 03-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade E 12.8 110.7 90 37 03-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade F 12.4 113.0 92 38 04-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade C 15.8 109.6 91 39 04-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade F 12.9 112.1 91 40 04-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.2 113.2 90 41 04-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade C 15.2 108.7 90 187 14-Aug-20 -2.0 Fireline C 16.7 108.8 90 188 14-Aug-20 -2.0 Fireline C 16.9 109.3 90 195 14-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline C 16.8 108.4 90 196 14-Aug-20 -2.0 Fireline B 13.9 115.1 90 197 14-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline A 16.2 107.7 90 235 17-Aug-20 -2.0 Water A 18.7 105.5 88 Fail: 90% Required 236 17-Aug-20 -1.5 Water A 17.9 106.1 88 Fail: 90% Required 252 18-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline A 16.0 107.8 90 253 18-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline A 16.5 108.1 90 258 18-Aug-20 -1.5 Sewer A 16.9 107.9 90 267 19-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline C 15.2 112.0 93 282 20-Aug-20 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade E 11.6 110.4 90 283 20-Aug-20 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade E 11.7 111.3 91 284 21-Aug-20 -3.0 Sewer A 16.0 108.2 90 285 21-Aug-20 -2.0 Sewer A 15.3 109.1 91 286 21-Aug-20 -1.0 Sewer D 14.5 112.4 90 290 21-Aug-20 -2.0 Fireline C 15.8 110.0 91 291 21-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline C 18.1 106.1 88 Fail: 90% Required 292 21-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline C 16.7 108.5 90 Retest #291 293 21-Aug-20 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade E 12.0 110.7 90 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 1 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 295 25-Aug-20 -1.5 Gas A 15.6 107.6 90 296 25-Aug-20 -1.5 Gas A 15.7 108.0 90 297 25-Aug-20 -1.5 Gas C 15.4 109.5 90 298 26-Aug-20 -1.0 Gas A 13.1 107.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 299 26-Aug-20 -1.0 Gas A 15.2 108.4 90 Retest #299 300 26-Aug-20 -1.5 Gas A 15.7 109.6 91 301 26-Aug-20 -1.5 Gas C 16.9 110.1 91 302 26-Aug-20 -1.0 Gas C 15.7 110.8 92 303 26-Aug-20 -2.0 Gas C 16.3 109.1 90 304 26-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical A 15.2 108.0 90 305 26-Aug-20 -1.5 Gas C 16.7 109.2 90 306 26-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical A 17.1 106.5 89 Fail: 90% Required 307 26-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical A 16.6 107.7 90 Retest #306 308 26-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical E 12.9 111.6 91 309 27-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical A 15.8 107.6 90 310 27-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical A 16.4 107.4 90 311 27-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical C 16.0 112.6 93 312 27-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical D 14.5 113.9 91 313 27-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical A 17.1 105.8 88 Fail: 90% Required 314 27-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical A 16.2 108.9 91 Retest #313 315 27-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical A 15.8 107.8 90 316 27-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical A 15.5 109.0 91 317 27-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical C 15.2 110.4 91 318 27-Aug-20 BG Pavement Base G 14.8 117.9 95 319 27-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical A 16.1 107.7 90 320 27-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical C 15.3 111.5 92 321 27-Aug-20 -2.0 Fireline D 14.4 113.0 90 322 28-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical A 18.3 104.6 87 Fail: 90% Required 323 28-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical A 16.8 107.7 90 Retest #322 324 28-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical C 15.7 108.4 90 325 28-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical D 13.6 113.4 90 326 28-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.8 111.2 91 327 28-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical A 18.1 106.4 89 Fail: 90% Required 328 28-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical A 16.8 107.7 90 Retest #327 329 28-Aug-20 -4.0 Electrical C 15.7 108.4 90 330 28-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical C 15.2 109.1 90 331 28-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical E 12.0 112.9 92 332 28-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical A 15.8 107.5 90 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 2 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 333 28-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical D 13.9 112.6 90 334 28-Aug-20 -1.5 Electrical C 15.5 108.6 90 335 28-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical C 16.3 109.4 90 336 29-Aug-20 -1.5 Sewer D 13.4 115.4 92 337 29-Aug-20 -1.0 Sewer D 13.3 114.6 91 338 29-Aug-20 -1.5 Water A 15.2 108.9 91 Retest #236 339 29-Aug-20 -2.0 Water A 15.3 107.9 90 Retest #235 340 29-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline C 15.1 109.0 90 341 29-Aug-20 -0.5 Sewer E 11.8 111.5 91 342 29-Aug-20 -1.0 Electrical C 15.6 110.6 91 343 29-Aug-20 -1.5 Fireline A 15.2 109.2 91 344 29-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade B 13.0 116.1 91 345 29-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade D 13.9 112.4 90 346 29-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade E 12.1 112.1 92 347 29-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade D 13.6 113.0 90 348 29-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade E 12.1 111.7 91 349 31-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical E 12.1 111.3 91 350 31-Aug-20 -2.0 Electrical D 13.2 114.5 91 351 31-Aug-20 307.5 Site Fill A 15.1 107.7 90 352 31-Aug-20 308.0 Site Fill E 12.7 111.6 91 353 31-Aug-20 308.0 Site Fill B 13.2 115.4 90 354 31-Aug-20 308.5 Site Fill E 12.5 110.1 90 355 31-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade B 13.0 117.5 92 356 31-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade F 12.8 110.3 90 357 31-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade F 12.7 112.9 92 358 31-Aug-20 SG Pavement Subgrade B 13.4 115.8 90 359 01-Sep-20 -1.5 Electrical B 13.1 115.3 90 360 01-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.8 115.8 95 361 01-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.0 116.9 95 362 01-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.7 116.6 95 363 01-Sep-20 -2.0 Fireline D 13.5 113.9 91 364 01-Sep-20 -1.5 Fireline C 15.2 109.5 90 365 01-Sep-20 -1.0 Fireline H 12.8 116.0 95 366 01-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 15.9 114.2 93 Fail: 95% Required 367 01-Sep-20 -1.5 Fireline A 15.5 108.9 91 368 02-Sep-20 -1.5 Gas E 12.0 111.3 91 369 02-Sep-20 -2.0 Fireline A 15.3 108.1 90 370 02-Sep-20 -1.0 Fireline D 13.1 113.1 90 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 3 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 371 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 10.9 110.8 90 Fail: 95% Required 372 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.7 111.6 91 Fail: 95% Required 373 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.6 116.3 95 Retest #371 374 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.2 115.9 95 Retest #372 375 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.4 116.1 95 376 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.7 116.6 95 Retest #366 377 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.6 117.0 96 378 02-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.0 115.8 95 379 03-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.9 115.6 94 380 03-Sep-20 -1.0 Water I 10.0 120.3 93 381 03-Sep-20 -0.5 Water I 9.1 120.0 93 382 03-Sep-20 -2.0 Water I 9.4 117.1 91 383 03-Sep-20 -2.0 Water I 9.1 121.3 94 384 03-Sep-20 -1.0 Water I 9.3 123.0 95 385 03-Sep-20 -1.0 Water I 9.4 120.9 94 386 03-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.9 115.5 94 Fail: 95% Required 387 03-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 14.1 113.9 93 Fail: 95% Required 388 03-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.4 116.0 95 389 03-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 15.0 114.1 93 Fail: 95% Required 390 03-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 12.9 113.8 93 Fail: 95% Required 391 04-Sep-20 -1.5 Water I 9.3 122.9 95 392 04-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.4 117.1 96 Retest #386 393 04-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.7 116.2 95 Retest #387 394 04-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 14.1 115.9 95 Retest #389 395 04-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.3 117.0 96 Retest #390 396 04-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 139.3 95 397 04-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 139.7 95 398 04-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 139.4 95 399 04-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 141.5 96 400 04-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 140.0 95 401 08-Sep-20 -2.0 Water I 10.1 115.7 90 402 08-Sep-20 -1.0 Water I 9.3 123.1 95 403 08-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 142.2 95 404 08-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 141.4 95 405 08-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.7 115.9 95 406 08-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 15.9 114.5 93 Fail: 95% Required 407 08-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.8 116.7 95 408 08-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base H 13.9 117.5 96 Retest #406 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 4 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 409 08-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 142.0 95 410 08-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 142.6 96 411 08-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 141.5 95 412 08-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 141.8 95 413 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 143.3 97 414 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 141.2 96 415 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.8 94 Fail: 95% Required 416 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 141.6 96 417 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 143.0 97 Retest #415 418 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 142.1 95 419 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 141.8 95 420 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 142.7 96 421 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 143.0 96 422 09-Sep-20 -1.5 Pavement Base I 9.3 115.8 90 423 09-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt K N/A 141.3 95 424 10-Sep-20 -3.0 Fireline I 11.0 115.0 89 Fail: 90% Required 425 10-Sep-20 -3.0 Fireline I 10.2 117.7 91 Retest #424 426 10-Sep-20 -2.0 Fireline I 10.1 119.6 93 427 10-Sep-20 -1.0 Fireline I 9.6 122.4 95 428 11-Sep-20 -3.5 Sewer C 17.7 106.7 88 Fail: 90% Required 429 11-Sep-20 -3.5 Sewer C 16.6 108.4 90 Retest #428 430 11-Sep-20 -3.0 Sewer C 16.3 109.2 90 431 11-Sep-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.8 109.4 91 432 11-Sep-20 -3.0 Sewer A 16.5 107.7 90 433 11-Sep-20 -1.0 Sewer E 13.0 110.5 90 434 11-Sep-20 -3.5 Sewer E 12.7 111.2 91 435 14-Sep-20 -2.0 Sewer E 13.3 110.8 90 436 14-Sep-20 -1.0 Sewer E 13.1 111.3 91 437 14-Sep-20 -0.5 Electrical D 13.6 115.6 92 438 18-Sep-20 -2.0 Storm Drain E 12.3 110.3 90 439 18-Sep-20 -3.5 Storm Drain E 12.0 111.1 91 440 21-Sep-20 -5.0 Storm Drain C 16.8 108.6 90 441 21-Sep-20 -4.0 Storm Drain C 15.2 108.3 90 442 21-Sep-20 -2.0 Storm Drain E 12.7 111.3 91 443 22-Sep-20 -2.0 Storm Drain E 12.3 112.3 92 444 22-Sep-20 -2.5 Storm Drain E 13.0 110.6 90 445 22-Sep-20 -5.5 Storm Drain A 16.8 107.7 90 446 23-Sep-20 -5.0 Storm Drain A 18.3 105.6 88 Fail: 90% Required 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 5 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 447 23-Sep-20 -5.0 Storm Drain A 16.9 108.0 90 Retest #446 448 23-Sep-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 16.4 109.9 91 449 23-Sep-20 -6.0 Storm Drain C 15.7 110.3 91 450 23-Sep-20 -2.5 Storm Drain E 12.1 112.3 92 451 23-Sep-20 -5.5 Storm Drain E 12.8 111.0 91 452 24-Sep-20 -2.0 Storm Drain E 12.0 113.3 92 453 24-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base L 10.9 132.2 96 454 24-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base L 11.1 130.5 95 455 24-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base L 10.7 131.1 95 456 24-Sep-20 BG Pavement Base L 10.5 132.0 96 457 24-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 141.6 96 458 24-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.2 93 Fail: 95% Required 459 24-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 142.3 97 Retest #458 450A 24-Sep-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 141.5 96 451A 25-Sep-20 301.0 Storm Drain E 14.7 104.4 85 Fail: 90% Required 452A 25-Sep-20 303.0 Storm Drain E 14.3 105.3 86 Fail: 90% Required 453A 25-Sep-20 300.0 Storm Drain E 12.3 114.2 93 454A 25-Sep-20 299.0 Storm Drain C 15.1 110.1 91 455A 25-Sep-20 303.0 Storm Drain E 12.8 111.0 91 456A 28-Sep-20 -4.0 Storm Drain C 15.6 111.6 92 457A 28-Sep-20 -3.0 Storm Drain C 15.7 110.5 91 458A 28-Sep-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 15.5 109.0 90 459A 28-Sep-20 -4.0 Storm Drain C 15.9 109.3 90 460 28-Sep-20 -1.0 Storm Drain C 15.0 106.7 88 Fail: 90% Required 461 28-Sep-20 -1.0 Storm Drain C 15.5 109.0 90 Retest #460 462 28-Sep-20 299.0 Storm Drain M 13.9 110.2 92 463 28-Sep-20 299.0 Storm Drain M 13.5 107.6 90 464 28-Sep-20 300.0 Storm Drain M 13.8 110.3 92 465 28-Sep-20 301.0 Storm Drain M 13.6 109.0 91 466 28-Sep-20 301.0 Storm Drain M 13.9 107.7 90 467 28-Sep-20 303.0 Storm Drain M 13.7 107.9 90 468 29-Sep-20 -2.0 Storm Drain M 13.6 108.5 91 469 29-Sep-20 -1.0 Storm Drain M 13.9 110.2 92 470 29-Sep-20 299.0 Storm Drain B 12.9 116.7 91 471 29-Sep-20 300.0 Storm Drain B 12.6 119.4 93 472 29-Sep-20 301.0 Storm Drain C 15.1 109.5 90 473 29-Sep-20 302.0 Storm Drain C 15.6 109.0 90 474 29-Sep-20 303.0 Storm Drain C 15.2 109.6 91 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 6 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 475 29-Sep-20 304.0 Storm Drain A 9.6 105.7 88 Fail: 90% Required 476 29-Sep-20 304.0 Storm Drain A 9.7 105.9 88 Fail: 90% Required 477 29-Sep-20 304.0 Storm Drain A 15.6 108.8 91 Retest #475 478 29-Sep-20 304.0 Storm Drain A 15.8 108.2 90 Retest #476 479 30-Sep-20 305.0 Storm Drain A 15.6 110.5 92 480 30-Sep-20 305.0 Storm Drain A 15.9 110.6 92 481 30-Sep-20 306.0 Storm Drain C 15.1 108.9 90 482 30-Sep-20 306.0 Storm Drain C 15.8 109.6 91 483 30-Sep-20 307.0 Storm Drain E 8.6 108.0 88 Fail: 90% Required 484 30-Sep-20 307.0 Storm Drain E 8.9 107.8 88 Fail: 90% Required 485 30-Sep-20 307.0 Storm Drain E 11.6 110.3 90 Retest #483 486 30-Sep-20 307.0 Storm Drain E 11.8 110.5 90 Retest #484 487 01-Oct-20 -6.0 Storm Drain B 8.6 112.7 88 Fail: 90% Required 488 01-Oct-20 -6.0 Storm Drain B 12.9 116.0 91 Retest #487 489 01-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain E 11.6 111.7 91 490 01-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain E 11.9 110.3 90 491 01-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain E 11.7 110.4 90 492 01-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain B 12.5 115.7 90 493 01-Oct-20 -1.0 Storm Drain A 15.6 109.8 92 494 01-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 15.9 109.0 91 495 01-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain A 15.0 108.1 90 496 01-Oct-20 -1.0 Storm Drain A 15.2 108.6 91 497 01-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 15.5 108.8 91 498 02-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 10.6 106.0 88 Fail: 90% Required 499 02-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 15.8 108.2 90 Retest #498 500 02-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 10.7 105.6 88 Fail: 90% Required 501 02-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 15.1 108.1 90 Retest #500 502 02-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain A 15.8 109.5 91 503 02-Oct-20 -1.0 Storm Drain A 15.6 108.9 91 504 02-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 15.2 108.5 90 505 02-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain A 15.9 108.7 91 506 02-Oct-20 -1.0 Storm Drain A 15.5 108.8 91 507 02-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 15.3 108.2 90 508 05-Oct-20 -6.0 Storm Drain M 14.4 107.6 90 509 05-Oct-20 -3.5 Storm Drain M 13.9 107.9 90 510 05-Oct-20 BG Pavement Base L 11.0 132.4 96 511 05-Oct-20 BG Pavement Base L 10.7 131.8 96 512 05-Oct-20 -1.5 Storm Drain C 15.5 108.3 90 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 7 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 513 05-Oct-20 -6.0 Storm Drain M 14.4 107.7 90 514 05-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain C 16.4 108.9 90 515 05-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain M 13.9 109.1 91 516 06-Oct-20 -5.5 Storm Drain M 16.1 105.1 88 Fail: 90% Required 517 06-Oct-20 -5.5 Storm Drain M 14.8 107.7 90 Retest #516 518 06-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain A 16.0 108.1 90 519 06-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain M 14.4 108.6 91 520 06-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain A 15.9 109.2 91 521 06-Oct-20 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 142.2 97 522 07-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain C 16.1 108.7 90 523 07-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain M 14.1 108.3 91 524 07-Oct-20 -1.0 Storm Drain D 14.5 114.7 91 525 07-Oct-20 -5.5 Storm Drain D 13.6 113.4 90 526 07-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain M 14.2 109.7 92 527 07-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain M 13.9 107.7 90 528 07-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain D 13.8 114.8 91 529 08-Oct-20 303.0 Storm Drain E 11.7 111.3 91 Retest #452 530 08-Oct-20 301.0 Storm Drain E 11.9 112.1 92 Retest #451 531 13-Oct-20 -6.0 Sewer C 16.6 108.3 90 532 13-Oct-20 -3.0 Sewer C 16.2 109.0 90 533 13-Oct-20 -6.0 Storm Drain C 17.3 106.4 88 Fail: 90% Required 534 13-Oct-20 -6.0 Storm Drain C 16.1 108.6 90 Retest #533 535 13-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain M 14.6 107.4 90 536 13-Oct-20 -5.5 Storm Drain M 13.7 108.1 90 537 13-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain A 16.0 109.3 91 538 13-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain M 14.8 106.9 89 539 13-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain A 15.7 107.9 90 540 13-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer C 18.3 105.3 87 Fail: 90% Required 541 13-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer C 16.6 108.4 90 Retest #540 542 13-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain M 14.8 107.0 90 543 13-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain E 12.3 110.7 90 544 13-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain M 14.5 108.5 91 545 13-Oct-20 -4.5 Sewer C 18.9 106.2 88 Fail: 90% Required 546 14-Oct-20 -4.5 Sewer C 16.1 108.3 90 Retest #545 547 14-Oct-20 -2.0 Sewer M 14.3 109.4 92 548 14-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain D 13.9 112.7 90 549 14-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer A 15.3 108.3 90 550 14-Oct-20 -4.0 Sewer A 15.0 109.2 91 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 8 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 551 14-Oct-20 -1.5 Sewer M 14.2 108.4 91 552 14-Oct-20 -2.5 Sewer D 13.7 115.1 92 553 14-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain M 16.1 106.6 89 Fail: 90% Required 554 14-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain M 14.7 107.3 90 Retest #553 555 14-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain C 15.9 109.9 91 556 14-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain C 16.1 108.7 90 557 14-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain M 14.3 107.8 90 558 14-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 15.4 112.3 93 559 16-Oct-20 -3.0 Sewer C 16.1 108.3 90 560 16-Oct-20 -2.0 Sewer E 12.5 111.3 91 561 16-Oct-20 -1.0 Sewer C 15.3 109.0 90 562 19-Oct-20 -1.0 Sewer E 12.2 112.3 92 563 19-Oct-20 -1.0 Sewer B 13.1 115.1 90 564 19-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 16.0 108.0 90 565 19-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain B 12.5 117.0 91 566 19-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 16.5 107.9 90 567 19-Oct-20 -1.5 Storm Drain B 12.5 117.4 92 568 19-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain A 19.6 104.1 87 Fail: 90% Required 569 19-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain A 16.8 107.6 90 Retest #568 570 19-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain C 16.2 108.8 90 571 19-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain C 15.9 109.3 90 572 19-Oct-20 -1.5 Storm Drain M 13.9 110.1 92 573 20-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain C 17.0 110.0 91 574 20-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain C 14.2 106.0 88 Fail: 90% Required 575 20-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain C 15.6 108.5 90 Retest #574 576 20-Oct-20 -1.5 Storm Drain A 17.0 109.8 92 577 20-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain C 16.5 111.2 92 578 20-Oct-20 -3.5 Storm Drain A 16.2 108.1 90 579 20-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer A 16.7 108.3 90 580 20-Oct-20 -6.0 Sewer M 14.3 109.3 91 581 20-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer M 14.5 108.9 91 582 20-Oct-20 -2.0 Sewer B 12.9 114.9 90 583 20-Oct-20 -2.0 Electrical E 12.4 113.0 92 584 20-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical A 15.3 109.5 91 585 21-Oct-20 -5.5 Sewer M 13.7 108.0 90 586 21-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer A 16.8 106.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 587 21-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer A 16.4 107.8 90 Retest #586 588 21-Oct-20 -2.0 Sewer C 15.9 110.1 91 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 9 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 589 21-Oct-20 -6.0 Sewer M 14.8 107.0 90 590 21-Oct-20 -3.0 Sewer M 14.7 108.3 91 591 21-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer A 15.9 109.1 91 592 21-Oct-20 -1.5 Electrical E 13.1 113.3 92 593 21-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.8 111.3 91 594 21-Oct-20 -2.0 Electrical A 15.9 108.3 90 595 21-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical A 15.4 109.2 91 596 22-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.1 112.3 92 597 22-Oct-20 -0.5 Electrical A 15.4 110.1 92 598 22-Oct-20 -0.5 Electrical E 12.2 113.5 93 599 22-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical D 13.8 115.6 92 600 22-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain C 12.9 106.1 88 Fail: 90% Required 601 22-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain C 15.7 108.6 90 Retest #600 602 22-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain A 16.2 109.4 91 603 22-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain B 14.1 116.1 91 604 22-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain C 16.7 108.3 90 605 23-Oct-20 -5.0 Storm Drain C 16.8 108.4 90 606 23-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain M 16.1 105.3 88 Fail: 90% Required 607 23-Oct-20 -4.0 Storm Drain M 14.7 107.7 90 Retest #606 608 23-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 16.2 109.9 91 609 23-Oct-20 -4.5 Storm Drain B 14.3 116.6 91 610 23-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 15.7 109.4 90 611 23-Oct-20 -5.0 Sewer M 14.8 107.2 90 612 23-Oct-20 -4.0 Sewer C 16.4 109.9 91 613 23-Oct-20 -4.5 Sewer C 18.2 106.6 88 Fail: 90% Required 614 23-Oct-20 -4.5 Sewer C 16.9 108.7 90 Retest #613 615 23-Oct-20 -0.5 Electrical B 12.8 119.4 93 616 23-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.3 113.1 92 617 23-Oct-20 -1.0 Sewer E 12.5 111.2 91 618 23-Oct-20 -0.5 Sewer A 15.1 110.4 92 619 26-Oct-20 -3.0 Sewer C 16.9 109.4 90 620 26-Oct-20 -2.5 Sewer A 15.7 108.3 90 621 27-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.1 111.3 91 622 27-Oct-20 -1.5 Electrical B 12.9 115.4 90 623 27-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.3 112.5 92 624 27-Oct-20 -0.5 Electrical B 13.0 118.5 93 625 28-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 16.8 107.6 90 626 28-Oct-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 15.9 108.4 90 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 10 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 627 28-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 17.1 107.1 89 Fail: 90% Required 628 28-Oct-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 16.6 108.2 90 Retest #627 629 28-Oct-20 -3.5 Storm Drain E 12.7 109.7 90 630 28-Oct-20 -1.0 Storm Drain A 15.8 110.6 92 631 28-Oct-20 -2.0 Sewer A 15.4 108.4 90 632 28-Oct-20 -0.5 Sewer D 13.4 119.3 95 633 28-Oct-20 -1.5 Sewer A 16.3 110.1 92 634 29-Oct-20 -0.5 Electrical E 12.2 116.8 95 635 29-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.0 113.9 93 636 29-Oct-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.4 108.3 90 637 29-Oct-20 -3.0 Sewer A 15.7 108.5 90 638 29-Oct-20 -1.5 Sewer C 16.2 109.1 90 639 30-Oct-20 -3.0 Sewer A 16.2 107.4 90 640 30-Oct-20 -2.0 Sewer A 16.0 108.3 90 641 30-Oct-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.1 109.0 91 642 30-Oct-20 -1.0 Electrical B 13.0 117.4 92 643 30-Oct-20 -1.5 Sewer A 15.8 109.6 91 644 30-Oct-20 -1.0 Sewer E 12.4 113.9 93 645 30-Oct-20 SG Pavement Subgrade C 15.1 112.5 93 646 30-Oct-20 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.4 114.3 91 647 30-Oct-20 SG Pavement Subgrade B 13.6 115.9 91 648 02-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical A 15.9 107.6 90 649 02-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical C 15.7 110.3 91 650 02-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical C 15.3 110.7 91 651 02-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer A 16.7 108.8 91 652 02-Nov-20 SG Flatwork Subgrade D 13.9 114.8 91 653 03-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical D 13.4 114.2 91 654 03-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical D 14.8 110.8 88 Fail: 90% Required 655 03-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical D 14.5 115.1 92 Retest #654 656 03-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical E 13.1 109.9 90 657 03-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.8 110.7 90 658 04-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical E 12.0 113.4 93 659 04-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical B 12.8 117.3 92 660 04-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 13.4 115.1 95 661 04-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 15.1 109.9 91 Fail: 95% Required 662 04-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 13.0 114.8 95 663 04-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 13.7 114.6 95 Retest #661 664 05-Nov-20 -2.5 Storm Drain A 16.1 108.2 90 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 11 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 665 05-Nov-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 17.2 107.1 89 Fail: 90% Required 666 05-Nov-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 16.5 109.0 91 Retest #665 667 05-Nov-20 -1.0 Storm Drain C 16.8 110.1 91 668 05-Nov-20 -4.0 Storm Drain C 16.6 108.8 90 669 05-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 13.7 114.6 95 670 05-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 12.6 116.0 96 671 05-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 12.5 115.3 95 672 05-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 13.8 114.5 95 673 05-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 13.0 116.7 96 674 05-Nov-20 -3.0 Storm Drain A 16.7 107.9 90 675 05-Nov-20 -4.0 Storm Drain A 15.9 108.4 90 676 05-Nov-20 -3.0 Storm Drain C 16.6 109.0 90 677 05-Nov-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 16.4 108.7 90 678 06-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 13.2 109.9 90 679 06-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 13.2 113.5 93 680 06-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 12.4 111.4 91 681 06-Nov-20 -2.0 Storm Drain C 15.7 109.9 91 682 06-Nov-20 -1.5 Storm Drain C 15.6 110.6 91 683 06-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 13.5 110.3 90 684 06-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 12.9 111.5 91 685 06-Nov-20 BG Pavement Base N 12.5 115.9 96 686 09-Nov-20 AC Pavement Asphalt O N/A 142.9 95 687 09-Nov-20 AC Pavement Asphalt O N/A 144.1 96 688 09-Nov-20 AC Pavement Asphalt O N/A 139.2 93 Fail: 95% Required 689 09-Nov-20 AC Pavement Asphalt O N/A 143.0 95 690 09-Nov-20 AC Pavement Asphalt O N/A 143.6 96 Retest #688 691 09-Nov-20 AC Pavement Asphalt O N/A 143.7 96 692 10-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 12.4 111.0 91 693 10-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 11.8 115.2 94 694 10-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer D 13.3 112.7 90 695 10-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.2 112.1 93 696 10-Nov-20 -0.5 Electrical A 15.1 113.6 95 697 12-Nov-20 -3.0 Sewer A 16.3 108.9 91 698 12-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer E 12.9 114.1 93 699 12-Nov-20 -3.0 Fireline A 16.4 107.4 90 700 12-Nov-20 -2.0 Fireline A 15.1 108.3 90 701 12-Nov-20 -3.0 Fireline C 15.2 111.9 92 702 12-Nov-20 -1.5 Fireline A 14.7 107.0 89 Fail: 90% Required 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 12 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 703 12-Nov-20 -1.5 Fireline A 15.5 107.8 90 Retest #702 704 12-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical C 15.2 108.4 90 705 12-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical C 15.8 109.2 90 706 12-Nov-20 BG Fireline N 13.7 115.4 95 707 12-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.7 107.7 90 708 12-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.2 110.9 92 709 12-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.1 111.4 93 710 13-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer M 13.9 111.4 93 711 13-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical C 16.1 110.9 92 712 13-Nov-20 -3.0 Electrical C 17.2 107.3 89 Fail: 90% Required 713 13-Nov-20 -3.0 Electrical C 16.6 108.4 90 Retest #712 714 13-Nov-20 -2.0 Electrical A 15.8 108.1 90 715 13-Nov-20 -1.0 Electrical D 14.0 114.2 91 716 13-Nov-20 -1.0 Sewer A 15.3 111.1 93 717 16-Dec-20 -1.5 Fireline D 13.8 114.4 91 718 16-Dec-20 -0.5 Fireline E 12.5 115.9 95 719 18-Mar-21 -1.5 Wall Backfill D 12.8 108.8 87 Fail: 90% Required 720 18-Mar-21 -1.0 Wall Backfill C 15.4 109.3 90 721 18-Mar-21 -1.5 Wall Backfill D 13.2 112.5 90 Retest #719 722 18-Mar-21 -1.5 Wall Backfill P 11.1 118.6 90 723 18-Mar-21 -1.5 Wall Backfill P 10.6 119.3 90 724 18-Mar-21 -1.0 Wall Backfill P 10.9 120.5 91 725 18-Mar-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill P 10.7 119.5 90 726 17-Jun-21 -0.5 Storm Drain A 16.5 109.0 91 727 17-Jun-21 -3.0 Storm Drain A 15.4 110.3 92 728 17-Jun-21 -0.5 Storm Drain A 15.0 110.0 92 729 17-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain A 16.0 109.2 91 730 17-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain A 15.8 104.0 87 Fail: 90% Required 731 17-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain A 15.7 110.7 92 Retest #730 732 18-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain B 13.5 115.4 90 733 18-Jun-21 -4.0 Storm Drain B 14.8 110.1 86 Fail: 90% Required 734 18-Jun-21 -4.0 Storm Drain B 13.3 115.7 90 Retest #733 735 18-Jun-21 -0.5 Storm Drain B 12.7 116.5 91 736 18-Jun-21 -4.0 Storm Drain B 13.6 115.3 90 737 18-Jun-21 -2.0 Storm Drain B 14.5 113.6 89 Fail: 90% Required 738 18-Jun-21 -2.0 Storm Drain B 12.5 116.1 91 Retest #737 739 18-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain B 13.4 115.5 90 740 18-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain B 13.2 115.9 91 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 13 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 741 18-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain B 12.5 116.4 91 742 18-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain B 13.3 115.5 90 743 18-Jun-21 -0.5 Storm Drain B 12.6 116.6 91 744 18-Jun-21 -2.0 Storm Drain B 13.4 115.7 90 745 18-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain B 13.7 115.4 90 746 18-Jun-21 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.2 108.9 85 Fail: 90% Required 747 18-Jun-21 -2.0 Storm Drain B 13.3 115.9 91 Retest #746 748 18-Jun-21 -1.0 Storm Drain B 13.2 115.8 90 749 01-Jul-21 -2.0 Storm Drain D 14.3 113.2 90 750 01-Jul-21 -1.0 Storm Drain D 14.0 114.0 91 751 01-Jul-21 -4.0 Storm Drain D 13.8 113.0 90 752 01-Jul-21 -2.0 Storm Drain D 14.5 114.2 91 753 01-Jul-21 -3.0 Storm Drain D 13.5 113.8 91 754 01-Jul-21 -1.0 Storm Drain D 14.2 113.5 90 755 02-Jul-21 -3.0 Storm Drain D 14.1 112.7 90 756 02-Jul-21 -1.0 Storm Drain D 13.8 114.1 91 757 28-Jul-21 -1.5 Wall Backfill A 15.6 110.3 92 758 28-Jul-21 -1.5 Wall Backfill A 15.9 111.7 93 759 28-Jul-21 -2.0 Wall Backfill A 16.3 113.1 94 760 28-Jul-21 -1.0 Wall Backfill A 15.3 111.9 93 761 28-Jul-21 -1.0 Wall Backfill A 15.4 110.5 92 762 17-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 13.1 118.7 93 763 17-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.6 119.3 93 764 17-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.9 119.1 93 765 18-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 10.1 112.9 88 Fail: 90% Required 766 18-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.8 119.4 93 Retest #765 767 18-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 13.5 118.8 93 768 18-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 13.3 118.9 93 769 18-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.6 120.2 94 770 18-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 13.8 117.7 92 771 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.5 120.5 94 772 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.8 119.2 93 773 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.5 118.9 93 774 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.5 117.7 92 775 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.9 123.1 93 776 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.6 120.5 91 777 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.8 123.4 93 778 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.4 120.9 91 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 14 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 779 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade A 15.6 108.2 90 780 19-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade A 15.4 108.5 90 781 20-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.5 119.2 90 782 20-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.7 122.9 93 783 20-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.2 121.5 92 784 20-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.8 120.5 91 785 23-Aug-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill B 12.5 117.8 92 786 23-Aug-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill B 12.7 117.3 92 787 23-Aug-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill B 12.6 117.5 92 788 24-Aug-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill B 13.2 117.6 92 789 24-Aug-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill B 13.5 117.4 92 790 24-Aug-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill B 13.1 117.9 92 791 24-Aug-21 -0.5 Wall Backfill B 13.9 116.2 91 792 24-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 8.1 114.1 89 Fail: 90% Required 793 24-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.7 119.5 93 Retest #792 794 24-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.5 118.8 93 795 24-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 13.2 117.7 92 796 24-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.9 117.3 92 797 24-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 13.1 116.6 91 798 25-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.6 117.2 92 799 25-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.5 118.7 93 800 25-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.9 118.4 93 801 25-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade B 12.5 119.5 93 802 26-Aug-21 -0.5 Irrigation B 13.4 115.8 90 803 26-Aug-21 -0.5 Irrigation B 12.9 116.1 91 804 26-Aug-21 -0.5 Irrigation B 13.8 115.3 90 805 26-Aug-21 -0.5 Irrigation B 13.7 115.5 90 806 26-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 7.3 116.6 88 Fail: 90% Required 807 26-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.5 119.4 90 Retest #806 808 26-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.9 122.7 93 809 26-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.3 121.2 91 810 26-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.4 123.9 94 811 27-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 12.2 123.1 93 812 27-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.8 122.4 92 813 27-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.9 123.4 93 814 27-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.4 120.9 91 815 27-Aug-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.7 121.5 92 816 16-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 7.2 115.0 87 Fail: 90% Required 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 15 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No.Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments (ft)Location Type Content (pcf)Compaction (%)(%) 817 16-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.9 116.8 88 Fail: 90% Required 818 16-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.4 121.5 92 Retest #816 819 16-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.9 120.0 91 Retest #817 820 16-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.2 123.5 93 821 16-Sep-21 -1.5 Irrigation D 13.4 114.0 91 822 16-Sep-21 -1.0 Irrigation D 14.2 115.6 92 823 16-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.0 120.7 91 824 17-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.8 120.8 91 825 17-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.5 120.5 91 826 17-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 12.0 121.0 91 827 17-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.1 121.3 92 828 21-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.2 121.6 92 829 21-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.6 122.2 92 831 21-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade Q 6.2 119.0 87 Fail: 90% Required 832 21-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade Q 10.6 119.9 88 Fail: 90% Required 833 22-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.6 122.5 92 Retest #831 834 22-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.3 123.3 93 Retest #832 835 22-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.9 121.2 91 836 22-Sep-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.5 122.2 92 837 29-Oct-21 309.0 Site Fill P 10.5 120.3 91 838 29-Oct-21 309.0 Site Fill P 10.9 119.9 90 839 29-Oct-21 308.5 Site Fill P 10.5 119.4 90 840 29-Oct-21 309.0 Site Fill P 11.0 120.3 91 841 29-Oct-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.6 120.8 91 842 29-Oct-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.6 120.2 91 843 29-Oct-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.6 121.9 92 844 29-Oct-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.9 122.4 92 845 29-Oct-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 11.1 122.7 93 846 29-Oct-21 SG Flatwork Subgrade P 10.5 124.8 94 NOTES: Elevations Referenced To Grade Stakes Set In Field By Others FP = Finished Pad Grade (Approximate El. = 309.6) Negative Elevations Referenced to SG SG = Finished Subgrade Elevation BG = Base Grade Elevation AC = Finished Surface of Asphaltic Concrete Retests Performed After Recompaction All Tests Performed By Nuclear Test Method (ASTM D-6938) 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 16 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS Soil Type Soil Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture (%) A Light Brown Clayey fine to coarse Sand, trace fine Gravel 120.0 13.0 B Brown fine to coarse Sandy Clay, trace fine to coarse Gravel 128.0 10.5 C Brown Silty Clay, little fine Sand 121.0 13.0 D Brown Clayey fine to medium Sand 125.5 11.0 E Light Gray Brown Silty fine Sand, little Clay 122.5 9.5 F Light Gray Brown Silty fine Sand, trace Clay 123.0 10.0 G Crushed Miscellaneous Base 124.5 12.5 H Crushed Miscellaneous Base 122.5 10.5 I Crushed Miscellaneous Base*129.0 7.0 J Asphaltic Concrete 147.0 N/A K Asphaltic Concrete 149.0 N/A L Crushed Aggregate Concrete 137.5 8.5 M Brown Silty fine Sand, trace Clay 119.5 11.0 N Crushed Miscellaneous Base 121.0 10.0 O Asphaltic Concrete 150.0 N/A P Gray Brown Silty fine Sand, trace coarse Sand (IMPORT)132.5 8.5 Q Gray Brown Silty fine Sand, trace coarse Sand, trace fine Gravel (IMPORT)137.0 7.0 Note: All Moisture-Density Relationships determined per ASTM D-1557 (Modified Proctor) *Maximum Density Provided by Plant 20M132-5 Harbor Day School -- Corona Del Mar, California Page 17