HomeMy WebLinkAboutE2022-0921 - Permits�EwPoRT City of Newport Beach O4 m Community Development Department- Building Division r " a 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 n U Z Permit Counter Phone: (949) 644-3288 CgL�F00.N�p Inspection Requests Phone: (949) 644-3255 newportbeachca.gov/inspections 11111m111111111111111p111111111111111111111111 jj Electrical Permit : E2022-0921 Plan Check No : PC2022-3088 Work Class: Other Issued Date : 02/06/2023 Inspection Area; 3 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION, BUT NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGINAL ISSUANCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH DENSITY AREAS AND NO WORK ON SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS IN ALL AREAS Job Address : 1830 BERYL LN Description: ELEC - NEW 125A SUB -PANEL Owner: JACOB RAABE Address : 1830 BERYL LN NEWPORT BEACH, CA Phone: Applicant: SOLAR OPTIMUM INC Address: 614 W Colorado St. GLENDALE, CA 91 Phone: (818)804-3122 Owner/Builder: Address Phone: Code Edition : 2019 Type of Construction : 0 Desc : N TR 1806 BLK LOT'28 Building Setbacks : Front: 20, Side: 6, Side: 6, Rear. 6 Flood Zone : X Use Zone: R-1-6000 - Single -Unit Residential (6000 indicates; minimum lot area) PROCESSED BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 614 M INC St. GLENDALE, CA 91204 9 Y ! Y Y . . .. . a . .... 0. 9! Ive,placed next to the applicable Ile xhe Issuance, also requires,the api action 7000) of Division 3,qf the Bu 'nit subjects the applicant to a civil I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages astheir sale compensatron;:wdp8o (_J all: of or. U portions: of the work, and the'siructurs is not intended of offered for sale (Section 7044,. nness and: Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Low does not apply to an owner of property who. through employees" or personal effort, builds or Improves :the property;: provided that the ,rovemants are not intended or offered for sate. it however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of ctimpletion, the Owner -Builder will have the burden of proving that if was not built or (roved for the purpose of sate). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed Contractors to oonstma the project (Section 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not. dy to an owner of property who builds or Improvesthereon, and who contracts for the projects with a licensed Contractor pursuantto the Contractors' State License Law).. I am exempt from liDeesure under the Contractors'. Slate. License Law for the following reason: my signature below I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence in which I must have residedfor at least ooa year Prior to completion of the improvements covered by this: permit, I cannot legall a structure: that I have built as an owner -builder if it has not been,constnloted in its.entirety by licensed contractors. l understand that a copy of the applicable law, Section 70" of the Business and �fessions Code, is available upon request when this application Is submitted or at the following Web site:hdpjtwww.leginfo.ca.govtcalaw.html,.. nature of Property Dwneror Authorized Agent' Date_ TENSED CONTRACTOR'$ DECLARATION ,reby affirm under penalty ofppedury that I am licensed under provisions of CCt{r�a to 9 eo mencing with: - 04 o Div Ion 3 of the Business and Professio �rnfmyliL msets,in full force I effect License Class (_I n License No 6„a�aet Segrrafii // )RKERS' COMPENSATION tIiECL.ARATK3N' —• _ DUNG: FAILURE 'T�O}S,ECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVfRAOE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TOONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS:IS900,000), IN ADDITION TO THE IT OF COMPER4AP6 t,S7%WeS AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE; INTEREST, ANDATTORNEYS FEES. Keby a trm _undiVIAf ity: of perjury one of the following declarations: I have-and:wolf maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure, for wodters'. compensation, issued by the DireetoF of Industrial Relations as provided. for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for m formance of the +nark for which this permit is Issued. Policy No. ha4E and wilt rV11pV:tn Worke€s' compensation insurance, as; required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work: for which this permit is: issued, Myt workere" compensetio . . . my signatur I am the pr I have real I: agree to: c I: authorize the property. owner's behalf. I have provided is correct. BY 'I V ASBESTOS NO LIIFICAMN IS N 7BL.F. TO � in in any manlier so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of. California, and agre le. I shall form1with comply with those provisions. _ -7/I q the work for which this permit is issued (Section 3097, Civi(Code),.