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P2023-0056 - Permits
�EwPoRT City of Newport Beach O� Community Development Department- Building Division n 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 0 ) Permit Counter Phone: (949) 644-3288 o- cq� FopN.r Inspection Requests Phone: (949) 644-3255 newportbeachca.gov/inspections 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ll 11Plumbing Permit : P2023-0056 Plan Check No: PC20223151 Work Class : Other Issued Date : 02/01/2023 Inspection Area : 4 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION, BUT NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGINAL ISSUANCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH. DENSITY AREAS AND NO WORK ON SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS IN ALL AREAS Job Address : 2124 LOGGIA Description: MFR REATTACH (E) TUB IN SAME Owner: Address Phone: NEWPORT BLUFFS LLC 6110 RESIDENCIA NEWPORT BEACH. CA Applicant: SCOTT PLUMBING INC Address : 10765 LAUREL AVE SANTA FE Phone: (562)944-9793 Owner/Builder : Address Phone : Code Edition : 2022 Type of Construction : SPECIAL CONDITIONS: CA 9067i Desc : N'TR 15584 BLK LOT-5 NG INC AVE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 TYINSURANCE COMPANY _ -a woo $ -_ .�. �a •9• edYi•n Il • o• • oae•°e 0 • • •tee ea o 0 0 0 0 •• . •° • • e •ea• •o•.;o OINNPF t hereby (Section 703 the: permit to Professibnt i not'Moro lba 0 1, as owr Business aw Improvement m roved for I, as om, apply to an o © lam axe atermpt from the Contractors` -State License. Law for the reason(s):indit ty city or County that requires apermit to construct, alter, 4mprove. den licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License I rely contraell r improves in ::onlraclors': COMPENSATION DECLARATION RE TO SECURE wORKER3' COMPENSATION COY NSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR a1$WTI� i under penalty at perjury one of the follm uct the project CIS with a Ilea U I --have and Mil maintain a:certtftoete of content to.:self-insure'for workers' compensation,. Issued by .the ©ir iformanoo of lhave and`r iWee,oce carrii Carrier Name of Agent i certify that, that, if I should Is Issued. Polley NcL nation Insurance, as required by Seddon 3700 of the Labor Code, 10 Policy Number for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in: any r ' compensadion proYl ions of Section; 3799 of t}ve Labor Code, lehalt.'. DN LEND#fJt"a C;ENCY Preis a Construction lending agency Tor the performance of the work I r;plaCed next to the:ap a issuance, also requti Elan 70001of Division: iE:e„h:enla Ihsanniine effort budtds or improves the; "property, provided that the: II it will have the burden of proving that Ifwas not built or ns :Code, The Contractors' State License Law does not.: UP TO ONE HUNCREd THOUSAND DOLLARS (i190A401, IN ADDITION TO THE Ins as provided for by Sacl on'3700 of the Labor Code, for fru work. for which this ;permit is. issued. My workers' compensator ttion Data t# ;object to the worham, compensation laws of California, and ag z Provisions. � DO Ii123 1 i ued (Section 3957, ILi, Code):. Si as tare rtf Pro "'A r or Authbr2ed . "g Agent � Pr nt Pro llYrnaY'S or fluthoYizod:A Agents Name' - A- I ACTION � B'Y E CLARA,TION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CODE OF FEDERAL. FOR OFFICE USECINLY • � � � �VDIATE REGULATIONS PART 15t OF TITLE AND AQ MO RULE •••••• • 1403 FEtjM171 1LlRED. ISUBMFTTED ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION TO S�t�: rx1iA /A/ LC,�j �SC ANNCQ ]"'/—/YPERMIT � 1 A O G ei Wt. (P- VPERMITFINAL PE MITCA CLEF• • UkNDEA+ OMD. F �'O J._)�N�V�/• �C�(/y���?� •• ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION IS NOTAPPLICABLE TO CERiFICATEOr PROPOSED DEMOLITION SL OCCUPANCY ISSUED I .SIGNATURE,.