HomeMy WebLinkAbout01_04-13-2023_ZA_Minutes - DRAFT Page 1 of 3 NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MINUTES 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH ZOOM THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2023 REGULAR MEETING – 10:00 A.M. I. CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. Staff Present (Remote): Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Zoning Administrator Afshin Atapour, Assistant Planner Oscar Orozco, Assistant Planner Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner II. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCES None. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF MARCH 30, 2023 Action: Approved IV. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ITEM NO. 2 Wolverton Residential Condominiums Tentative Parcel Map (PA2022-0308) Site Location: 602 and 602 ½ Iris Avenue Council District 6 Oscar Orozco, Assistant Planner, provided a brief project description stating that the request was for a tentative parcel map for a two-unit residential condominium at 602 and 602 ½ Iris Avenue. Mr. Orozco identified that the property is within the R-2 Zoning District and that there is an existing duplex that has been demolished, and a new duplex is currently under construction. He also added that a variance was approved in 2017 for height, third floor setbacks, and a raised walkway in the side setback. Lastly, Mr. Orozco identified that the project was categorically exempt under the requirements of CEQA pursuant to Section 15315 under Class 15. The applicant’s representative, Stacy Straus of Srour & Associates, on behalf of the owner, stated that she had reviewed the draft resolution and agrees with all the required conditions. Zoning Administrator Zdeba requested staff remove Conditional Of Approval No. 3 due to it being duplicated by Condition Of Approval No. 7. The applicant’s representative, Stacy Straus was in accordance with the changes to the conditions of approval. Zoning Administrator Zdeba asked Mr. Orozco if it is his understanding that the slope of the lot is, on average, less than 20 percent and is therefore consistent with the CEQA exemption being used. Mr. Orozco confirmed that the slope of the lot is on average less than 20 percent. Zoning Administrator Zdeba opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one from the public wished to comment, the public hearing was closed. Action: Approved as amended MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 04/13/2023 Page 2 of 3 ITEM NO. 3 Cabraloff Residence Coastal Development Permit (PA2022-0278) Site Location: 504 38th Street Council District 1 Afshin Atapour, Assistant Planner, provided a brief project description stating that the application is for a coastal development permit (CDP) to allow the demolition of an existing single-unit dwelling and construction of a new 3,127-square-foot, three-story, single-unit dwelling with an attached 471-square-foot, two-car garage. The project includes landscape, hardscape, drainage, and accessory structures all within the confines of the property. The project complies with all development standards and no deviations are requested. All improvements authorized by this CDP will be located on private property. Afshin Atapour, stated there were edits needed to be made to the Draft Resolution, in regard to handwritten page 10, Fact 2 in support of Finding A and on handwritten page 12, Fact 2 in support of Finding B. Also, Afshin discussed one letter of correspondence that was received expressing concern with three-story development on the 500 block of the neighborhood. It also expressed concern with sunlight blockage, alteration of the skyline, and the removal of a large tree on the lot with the nesting of birds. Applicant Craig Hampton, on behalf of the Owner, Albert Cabraloff, stated that he had reviewed the draft resolution and agrees with all the required and updated conditions. Zoning Administrator Zdeba opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one from the public wished to comment, the public hearing was closed. Zoning Administrator Zdeba indicated that there are at least ten other properties on Newport Island that have been redeveloped with a three-story residential structure. The proposed project meets all development standards and is consistent with the existing and allowed development for the neighborhood. There are also conditions of approval related to compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to ensure the presence of nesting birds is considered when the tree needs to be removed for the project’s construction. Action: Approved as amended ITEM NO. 4 Smith Residence Coastal Development Permit (PA2022-0306) Site Location: 2286 Channel Road Council District 1 Afshin Atapour, Assistant Planner, provided a brief project description stating that the application is for a coastal development permit (CDP) to allow the construction of a new 4,220-square-foot, three-story, single-unit dwelling with an attached 588-square foot three-car garage. The project includes landscape, hardscape, drainage, and accessory structures all within the confines of the property. The project complies with all development standards and no deviations are requested. All improvements authorized by this CDP will be located on private property. This CDP (PA2022-0306) will supersede a previously approved CDP (PA2020-323) that authorized demolition of the existing single-family residence and construction of a new single-family residence. Demolition of the existing single-unit dwelling was completed under the prior CDP and the lot is currently vacant. Applicant Craig Hampton, on behalf of the Edward & Debra Smith, stated that he had reviewed the draft resolution and agrees with all the required conditions. Zoning Administrator Zdeba opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one from the public wished to comment, the public hearing was closed. Zoning Administrator Zdeba confirmed with Mr. Atapour that the project may be visible from the designated coastal viewpoints in Corona del Mar across the harbor entrance, but that the proposed project would blend into the existing development and would not detract from any coastal views. Action: Approved MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 04/13/2023 Page 3 of 3 ITEM NO. 5 Blk Dot Coffee Minor Use Permit (PA2022-0259) Site Location: 1314 Bison Avenue, Unit E Council District 3 Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner, provided a brief project description stating that the request is for a minor use permit to operate a coffee shop (fast food eating and drinking establishment) within an existing retail space in The Bluffs Shopping Center. The interior of the existing 1,540-square-foot tenant space would be improved with a storage and wash area, prep area, service area with counter and a dining area. Parking is provided onsite within the shopping center parking area. No late hours (after 11 p.m.) or alcohol sales are proposed as part of this application. Applicant Tai Tran of Blk Dot, stated that he had reviewed the draft resolution and agrees with all the required conditions. Mrs. Whelan stated that a memo was distributed to address one correction in the parking summary table for the shopping center. It showed that one surplus parking space would remain after Blk Dot Coffee opened for business. Appropriate findings and conditions were updated to indicate the one surplus parking space. Zoning Administrator Zdeba opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one from the public wished to comment, the public hearing was closed. The Zoning Administrator indicated the conditions of approval were missing a condition related to the operating hours. He added one condition of approval for the hours of operation to be limited from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., daily. The Applicant agreed to the updated conditions of approval. Action: Approved as amended V. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT The hearing was adjourned at 10:27 a.m. The agenda for the Zoning Administrator Hearing was posted on April 6, 2023, at 9:15 a.m. on the digital display board located inside the vestibule of the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive and on the City’s website on April 6, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP Zoning Administrator From:Jim Mosher <jimmosher@yahoo.com> Sent:April 26, 2023 11:46 AM To:CDD Subject:Comment on ZA Item 1 (4/27/2023 meeting) Regarding Item 1 (Draft Minutes of April 13, 2023) on the Newport Beach Zoning Administrator's April 27, 2023, agenda: On page 1, under Item 2, paragraph 3, it appears "Conditional Of Approval" was intended to read "Condition of Approval." -- Jim Mosher Zoning Administrator - April 27, 2023 Item No. 1a Additional Materials Received Draft Minutes of April 13, 2023