HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA000129*NEW FILE* *NEW FILE* PA000129 O County of Orange Planning & Development Services Department ZI 0 S July 11, 2003 Steven Hook Chief of Building Inspection City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA. 92663 Subject: CA01-07 Transmitting of Zone Change PA000129- ZC00-05 Dear Mr. Hook, LARRY M. LEAMAN INTERIMDII2ECTOR 300 N. FLOWER ST. SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 4048 SANTA ANA, CA 92702.4048 Enclosed we are transmitting the Zone Change File regarding 7 h amendment Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. We will be sending your office more files as we can per our current agreement with the city. If you have any further questions, please call Patti Rhyne at 714-834-5079. John B. Buzas, Manager Community and Advance and Current Planning Services - - Received Date PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT DATE: December 20, 2000 TO: Orange County Planning Commission FROM: Planning & Development Services Department/Environmental & Project Planning Services Division PROPOSAL: Planning Application PA 000129 is a proposed amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP) which includes a Zone Change ZC 00-05 for minor technical corrections and other technical refinements to various sections of the document: LOCATION: Located south of Bristol Street, north of Mesa Drive, east of Santa Ana Avenue and includes Bayview Avenue in the east, in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area. STAFF Micki Harris — 834-4630 CONTACT: BACKGROUND: The Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area lies just south of Orange County Airport and is characterized by a diversity of land uses. The proposed project is the sixth amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. In 1986, the Board of Supervisors adopted the original Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan to implement the Land Use Compatibility Program for Santa Ana Heights area in conjunction with the expansion of Orange County Airport. Since then, there have been six amendments adopted by the Board of Supervisors that have reflected infrastructure improvements, zoning boundary changes and land use district regulation modifications. The proposed amendment has been reviewed and is supported by the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee (PAC). Staff has coordinated the amendment changes with the City of Newport Beach. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: The proposed project is the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP). The amendment includes a Zone Change (ZC 00-05) to make minor technical corrections and other technical refinements to various sections of the document as follows: Business Park Land Use Regulations Corrections - Changes include a correction in -the sixth amendment, which included the incorrect side building setback requirement for this district. The change is consistent with the Fifth Amendment and was never intended or indicated for modification. Technical Refinements - Changes include adding several paragraphs that were included in the fifth amendment but were inadvertently removed during the sixth amendment. These changes were never proposed for change during the sixth amendment process. Other changes reflect recent County organizational changes, primarily the dissolution of the Environmental Management Agency and its PDSD Report PA00-0129/ZC 00-0.5 Page 2 of. 3 replacement by the Planning & Development Services Department and the Public Facilities & Resources Department. Requested PAC Changes - At the December 5, 2000 meeting of the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee (PAC), it was requested that minor modifications be included in the Community Design Program to indicate that "non -slippery surfaces" be used in driveways that cross the equestrian trails and trail integrity be maintained with new development. Staff has included these changes on Page III-4. Pages that have been modified for the seventh amendment are included in Attachment E for Planning Commission consideration. REFERRAL FOR COMMENT AND PUBLIC NOTICE: A Notice of Hearing of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot on December 7, 2000 and was mailed to the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee, ABCOM and the Airport Land Use Commission. Additionally, a notice was posted on the site, and at the Osborne Building as required by established public hearing posting procedures. A copy of the proposed amendment was also distributed for review and comment to the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. No comments regarding this project have been received by staff. CEQA COMPLIANCE: Negative Declaration PA 000023 was prepared for amendment six and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning and Development Services Department/Environmental & Project Planning Services Division recommends the Planning Commission: a. Receive staff presentation and public testimony as appropriate; and, b. Recommend Board of Supervisors approval of Planning Application PA 000129/Zone Change ZC 00-05 to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. Respectfully submitted George Britton, Manager Environmental & Project Planning Services Division l_ PDSD Report PA00-0129/ZC 00-05 Page 3 of 3 Attachments: A. Vicinity Map B. Proposed Land Use District Map C. Environmental Documentation D. Draft Board of Supervisors Resolution/Ordinance E. Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan — Zone Change ZC 00-05 - Seventh Amendment (Modified pages only) ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP ATTACHMENT B LAND USE DISTRICT MAP 30lid OQLL LOLL rile ZBCL R R a R R n e n R m R R p' m RiR n`In l' LLEL RIRI uaim �� L 5 �'3 o g g {{ I; I Lsez j�l zrEL R Eli R R R R WR Rig SI« wEz Ff R g� il% •e is ,� m O r C aL � m <� -M (n Z id tTi 0! Rc�Ce Y� YS E E- EEa O w a U a` ar U L 3 c e 4` T o c E m W 5 LL y m U E z d a J RE 0-- F�T R. R P-Z F- laal memo Qa i� tfY L m 94LL ZSLL Me \ p I LEtL 69tz onz ',}�/' •i R R Lau R I R zztz I I i�( Lz �I 1337l13 HOil19 L tEOi V C O z[OL `LCD R 'off; t90L ' y W •�+ flW. ZZOL LEpL t h N g R g pp LLOL .Lt3p M1 � .L. tow s9 •- �� to LA 133a1s v1OVOV cc p -AN � � % w lift �� \ I{AS,22b0`�42`+7 iii 666Qiii Bt 400 co CL MVHO O / j Low ..$ ,gooez j . >tr+ it mc z �o- 3Nr1 a3dva i NNLL 3nNSAV MAW x ' ' 3A110 3Nn,, m tuL .ELL I _V o 46 W n e u. u LOLL LOLL Zem A e✓ Iyi�2 _ f 9E I� '_-1 R R R testl �zesL Le9L a It � R y LL9 i_IfA Qi j ~ ZL9L LL9L! 4 I� J L R I NR oS lLtI III%i Z939Al>i SN3AR1 3yL � IIt ,_ '/ H LLNL59t1 1tC9L z49t L49L69II 3AiI [{Ia 3I; i15II 3AII Rt1 3f NV1 OTUNt59iI it f(� I tit ZE9L LE9L ESZOL I i I f I I "�t t63� mL IZU 4L9L I^ I R M t9EOZ eq Call Lz9tj �eti`��i \ 3Aliq SaNvla32! ��`'¢J\ fi#• t09t t�l Z09L t09L1� �4� ^,,9• I..L LR zssL Lest{ L991I 3A1W SaNv'1a31i_��.�'-r 3AR10 sawa3N I +�'�� R \9/ t[sL w LLSL I f! I(: I I_ LL ISSt IzssL LS9LI SLI IzcsL� L�SL, mL I I I i I 11 Cy� � All .LLS :RA t04L ZOSL, LtSLi I 30N3Av VNV V1NVS 7 i. ATTACHMENT C ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION County of Orange DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 16, 2000 Micki Harris, Environmental & Project Planning Services Lea Umnas, Environmental & Project Planning Services Division PA000023 — Amendment No. 6 to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan ZC00-1 l PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is an amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP). The amendment includes a zone change to modify the requirements of the Business Park District and the Residential Equestrian District development standards. The proposed project also amends the Community Design program and refines other sections of the Specific Plan to reflect recent County organizational changes. The Specific Plan with the above amendments is hereby incorporated into this Negative Declaration. See Table 1 to review the proposed changes to the Specific Plan. PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed project site is located south of Bristol, north of Mesa, east of Santa Ana Avenue and west of Orchid in Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, unincorporated Orange County. CEQA DETERMINATION: The CEQA review of the subject project has been completed by the Environmental & Project Planning Services Division (E&PPSD) which has determined that Negative Declaration is the adequate document for the proposed project. The following is attached to this memo for your consideration: I. Instructions for Filing CEQA Documents with the County Clerk; and II. CEQA Statements, Actions and Findings which should be used for Staff Reports and AITs for the Project, including A. CEQA Compliance Statement for AITs and Staff Reports; and B. Recommended Finding for an Exempt Project; and C. Fish and Game Code Finding for Approval of Project; and C. NCCP Finding for Approval of Project. III. Negative Declaration PA000023 IV. Notice of Determination If clarification is needed regarding this Memo or if there are questions, please contact the following staff person from the Environmental & Project Planning Services Division: E&PPSD Staff Contact: Lea Umnas Telephone Number: 834-2742 George Britton, Manager Environmental & Project Planning Services Division By: C�titi Bob Aldrich, Aldrich, ief Public Projects Attachment 1: Filing Instructions for County Clerk Attachment 2: Recommended CEQA Statement, Action, Findings Attachment 3: Negative Declaration PA000023 Attachment 4: Notice of Determination ATTACHMENT 1 FILLNG CEQA DOCUMENTS WITH THE COUNTY CLERK Your division will be responsible for filing the CEQA Notice of Exemption (NOE) and paying its related $38.00 filing fee with the County Clerk for your project. The County Clerk now only needs your CEQA document(s) with your project charge number in the upper right corner in order to post the document and recover this fee. You must, however, obtain a fee receipt from the County Clerk, which must then be turned in immediately to Management Services/Accounting Services. The County Clerk requires the $38.00 documentary handling fee for the following; items: *Negative Declarations (ND); *Notices of Determinations (NOD); and *Notices of Exemption (NO) Please note the following: 1. Within 5 days of approval action by the decision -making authority (e.g. Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, Subdivision Committee or Director, PDS) on a project, a Notice of Exemption (NOE) must be filed with the County Clerk. 2. A De Minimis Finding (Certificate of Fee Exemption) will be provided by E&PPSD and must accompany your project's NOD. You will need to fill in the information on the NOE form and get an original authorizing signature from your division after the approval action on your project. You will need to take the original set, and at least one set of copies to the EIR Clerk located in the Recorders/Clerks Office, Building 12, Civic Center Plaza. The Clerk will stamp the,NOE and keep the original set. The Clerk will issue a receipt for the environmental document, which must be returned to Management Services/Accounting Services by the end of the day. A copy of a stamped NOE must be sent to E&PPSD for the file. ATTACHMENT 2 RECOMMENDED CEQA STATEMENT, ACTION AND FINDINGS FOR STAFF REPORTS/AITs A. CEQA COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (FOR TEXT OF STAFF REPORT/AIT): The CEQA compliance statement, located in the text of the staff report or body of the AIT under "Additional Data", shall include the following statement advised otherwise by County Counsel or the Manager, Environmental & Project Planning Services Division. Negative Declaration No. PA000023 has been prepared and was posted for public review on May 17, 2000. It is attached for your consideration and must be approved prior to project approval with a finding that it is adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA. B. RECOMMENDED ACTION STATEMENT FOR APPROVING PROJECT: State law requires that action on a CEQA document be taken by the decision -maker prior to approval of the project for which it has been prepared. The following action must be taken before action on the project, unless directed otherwise by County Counsel or the Manager, PDSD/E&PPSD. In accordance with Section 21080(c) of the Public Resources Code and CEQA Guidelines Section 15074, Negative Declaration No. PA000023, which reflects the independent judgment of the lead agency, Orange County, satisfies the requirements of CEQA. It is approved for the proposed project based upon the following findings: a. The Negative Declaration and Comments on the Negative Declaration received during the public review process were considered and the Negative Declaration was found adequate in addressing the impacts related to the project; and b. There is no substantial evidence that the project, with the implementation of the mitigation measures, if any, which are included in the Negative Declaration, will have a significant effect on the environment; and C. If mitigation measures are included, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program is adopted. C. FISH AND GAME CODE FINDING FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT: Find that pursuant to Section 711.4 of the California Fish and Game Code, this project is exempt from the required fees per Government Code Section 6103. D. NCCP FINDING FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT: Find that the proposed project will not have a significant unmitigated impact upon Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and, therefore, will not preclude the ability to prepare an effective Subregional Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP). County o�. -)range Planning & Development Services Department NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Negative Declaration PA000023 ZC0041 In compliance with Section 15072 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines and the County of Orange Procedures, notification is hereby given to responsible agencies, trustee agencies.,, interest groups and the general public, that the County of Orange proposes to adopt Negative Declaration PA000023 ZC00-01 Amendment No. 6 to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The Negative Declaration (ND) and supporting attachments are available for review by the general public at the offices of the PDSD/Environmental & Project Planning Services Division, 'Room 321, 300 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana CA. 92702. The proposed ND will undergo a 20-day public review period during which time comments will -be received, starting May 17, 2000 and ending June 7, 2000. Comments responding to the adequacy and appropriateness of the ND should be sent to: George Britton, Manager Environmental & Project Planning Services Division Planning and Development Services Department P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 ATTN: Lea G. Umnas Commentors wishing to appeal the decision to prepare a ND must specifically state this intention in their letter. Project Location: The proposed project site is located in Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area of unincorporated Orange County. Project Description: The proposed project is an amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific .Plan (SAHSP). The amendment includes a zone change to modify the requirements of the Business Park District and the Residential Equestrian District development standards. The proposed project also amends the Community Design program and refines other sections of the specific plan to reflect recent County organizational changes. Project Contact: Micki Harris (714) 834-4630 CEQA Contact: Lea Umnas (714) 834-2742 D( : OSTED Mav 17, 2000 DA t E FINAL o�s't '- o�'� U ti1 NEGATIVE DECLARATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARMENT 300 N. FLOWER STREET P.O. BOAC 4048 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702-4048 In accordance with Orange County Board of Supervisor's policies regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, the County of Orange has conducted an Initial Study to determine whether the following project may have a significant adverse effect on the environment. On the basis of that study, the County of Orange hereby finds that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report because either the proposed project: a. has or creates no significant environmental impacts requiring mitigation; or b. will not create a significant adverse effect, because the Mitigation Measures described in the initial study have been added to the project. The envioonmental documents that constitute the Initial Study and provide the basis and reasons for this determination are attached and hereby made a part of this document. PROJECT: Title: Amendment No 6 to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan File No: PA000023 Location: Santa Ana Heights area southwesterly of John Wayne Airport south of Bristol and North of Mesa Description: Technical amendments to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Project Proponent or Applicant: County of Orange Division/Department Responsible for Proposed Project: Environmental & Project Planning Room No. 321 Address: 300 N. Flower St„ Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 Project Contact Person: Micki Harris Telephone: (714) 834-5049 CEQA Contact Person: Lea Umnas Telephone: (714) 834-2742 NOTICE: The Negative Declaration may become final unless written comments or an appeal is received by the office listed above by 4:30 p.m. on June 7, 2000. If you wish to appeal the appropriateness or adequacy of this document, address your written comments to our finding that the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment: (1) identify the environmental effect(s), why they would occur, and why they would be significant, and (2) suggest any mitigation measures which you believe would eliminate or reduce the effect to an acceptable level. Regarding item (1) above, explain the basis for your comments and submit any supporting data or 5 ences._L7_ Dated: �� _ NOTE: This document and supporting attachments are provided for review by the general public. This is an information document about environmental effects only. Supplemental information is on file and may be reviewed in the office,listed above. The decision - making body will review this document and potentially many other sources of information before considering the -proposed project. RA/RHCB FORMS OCT 1997 INITIAL STUDY PROJECT TITLE: Zone Change and Amendment No. 6 to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan LEAD DIVISION: Planning and Development Services (PDSD), County of Orange INITIAL STUDY NUMBER: PA000023 PROJECT PLANNER: Micki Harris CEQA PLANNER: Lea Umnas APPLICANT: PDSD, County of Orange PHONE: (714) 834-4630 PHONE: (714) 834-2742 PROJECT LOCATION: Santa Ana Heights South of Bristol. North of Mesa. East of Santa Ana Avenue and West of Orchid. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is the sixth amendment to the Santa Ana Height Specific Plan (SAHSP). The project involves a zone change to modify requirements in the Business Park (BP) District and Residential Equestrian District (REQ) development standards. The proposed project also amends the Community Design program and refines other sections of the Specific Plan to reflect recent changes in the County organization. DECISION MAKER: Board of Supervisors SOURCES OF INFORMATION (as numbered on checklist): 1) Planning Application including the Santa.Ana Heights Specific Plan with amendments 2) EIR 508 A 3) County of Orange Zoning RESPONSIBLE/TRUSTEE AGENCIES INVOLVED: N/A LAND USE ENTITLEMENT SUMMARY: Zoning: Specific Plan PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: Original Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan adopted on October 15, 1986, Amendment 87-1 and Zone Change 87-22 on March 30, 1988, Amendment 89-1 and Zone Change 89-13 December 6, 1989, Amendment 90-la.nd.Zone Change 90- 077 approved on flay 21, 1999, Amendment 94-1 and Zone Change PA 94-0018 on August 20, 1996, Amendment 9901 and Zone Change ZC 99-03; Community Profile Amendment CPA99-02 on November 23, 1999. INITIAL STUDY DATE: March 4, 2000. INITIAL STUDY COVER/Environmental & Project Planning Services Division LGU 8/23/1999 �1 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ � � C'U O � � _'J11 � J rJ. 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J �' G; ^ L v U 4 v O C •• v >, - C � u � T .- a .• G 7 � •�.. a-J', q 4� O .!1 a 'n' �"',. L-1 u'• O .i .� �-� =��, :'� A •- ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r y o L 7 �• r t c c `� = 4 � � � C � � 3 •_ •� _ _ � •• U u i � V: f � 7 Cr Lam" O v y� 7 U V 41 {Z � T J I L • �: U J r, L >- au 12 = L n `� •3 v V2 Cn .3 7 H p �• i6 � u 7 u 4 >, E u (j o` o c � `-' -°a t"" ` o ' `o ° 3 :n i� ❑ ❑ ATTACHMENT 3 NEGATIVE DECLARATION AMENDMENT NO.6 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is an amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP). The amendment includes a zone change to modify ents of the Business The proposed projectkalsotrict and amends the Residential Equestrian District development standards the Community Design program and refines other sections of the Specific Plan to reflect recent County organizational changes. The Specific Plan with the above amendments is hereby ee Table 1 to review the proposed changes to the incorporated into this Negative Declaration. S Specific. Plan. PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed project site is located south of Bristol, north of Mesa, east of Santa Ana Avenue Heights Specific Plan, unincorporated Orange County. and west of Orchid in Santa Ana EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area is an established, urbanized area. The area is characterized by a diversity of land uses with a mix of office, commercial and residential uses. PROJECT BACKGROUND The proposed project is an amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHS6)'19 5 adopted t Orange County Board of Supervisors originally he Specific Plan on February guidelines, The purpose of the Specific Plan is to provide a comprehensive set of plans, regulations and implementation programs for guiding an elasnuring the orderly development of Santa Ana Heights in accordance with the adoptedP In accordance with Sec. 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act'(CEQA) Guidelines, an Initial Study was completed on the subject project by the Environmental & Project Planning Services Division (E&PPSD) to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. E&PPSD determined that a Negative Declaration (ND) would be an appropriate environmental documentation for the subject project. The following is the analysis of the subject proposal. �T .ANALYSIS: 1. LAND USE & PLANNING a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies of agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (e.glow income, minority)? d) Conflict with adjacent, existing or planned land uses? ANALYSIS: The proposed zone change does not conflict with the general plan designation or zoning and remains consistent with the Board -adopted land use plan for the area. No mitigation measures are required. 2. AGRICULTURE. Would project: a) Convert Farmlands listed as "Prime", "Unique" or of "Statewide Importance" as shown on the State Farmland Mapping. and Monitoring Program, to non-agricultural use? b) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? ANALYSIS: There is no farmland conversion involved with the proposed project. The scope of the .project 'cations to the Community Design Program, and changing contains technical corrections, modi requirements in the Residential Equestrian (REQ) District and the Business Park (BP) District. The project would not involve changes in the existing environment that could result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use. No mitigation measures are necessary. 3. POPULATION & HOUSING. Would the project: a) Cumulatively exceed adopted regional or local population projections? b) Induce substantial grown in an area directly or indirectly through project in an undeveloped areas or extension of major infrastructure? c) Displace existing housing affecting a substantial number of people? Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Initial Study PA000023 ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments will not cause the Santa Ana Heights area to cumulatively exceed adopted regional or local population projections or induce substantial growth in an area directly or indirectly. The changes to the Specific Plan involve technical corrections and updating of regulations only. No mitigation measures are required. 4 GEOPHYSICAL. Would project result in or expose people to impacts involving: a) Local fault rupture? b) Seismicity: ground shaking or liquefaction? c) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? d) Landslides or mudslides? e) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill? J) Subsidence of the land? g) Expansive soils? h) Unique geologic or physical features? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments would not generate impacts associated with landform alteration, seismic faults, or unstable earth conditions. The project involves modifications to Residential Equestrian District and Business Park District regulations as well as technical corrections to the Specific Plan. No construction or entitlement will be conveyed at this time. No mitigation measures are warranted. Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan j Initial Study PA000023 5 HYDROLOGY & DRAINAGE. Would the proposal result in: a) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in manner which would result in: i) Substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site? ii) A substantial increase in the rate or amount of surface runoff in manner which would result in flooding on- or off -site? b) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? c) Place within a 100 year flood hazard area structures, which would impede or redirect flood flows? d) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam, or inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments will not affect absorption rates, drainage patterns, erosion, or the rate and amount of surface water run-off as no grading or construction is part of the proposed project. No mitigation measures are required. 6. WATER QUALITY. Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of a local groundwater table level? c) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? ANALYSIS: The subject project will not violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements, neither is it expected to substantially deplete or degrade water quality. The changes to the Specific Plan are mainly technical corrections and address changes to regulations for the Business Park District and the Residential Equestrian District. Therefore, no adverse impacts are anticipated. No mitigation measures are required. Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 4 Initial Study PA000023 7. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic Congestion beyond adopted policies and/or forecasts.? b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standards established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? c) Safety hazards from design features (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment) ? d) Inadequate emergency access of access to nearby uses? e) Insufficient parking capacity on -site or off -site? J) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? g) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks) ? h) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? i) Change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendment would not generate any additional vehicular movement, beyond regional projections, affect existing parking facilities, or create demand for new parking facilities. It would not alter present patterns of circulation or movement. No mitigation measures are warranted. 8. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any SCAQMD standard or contribute to air quality deterioration beyond projections of SCAQMD? b) Expose sensitive population groups to pollutants in excess of acceptable levels? c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate.? d) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendment would not significantly contribute to air emissions, deteriorate air quality, create objectionable odors, cause a change in air movement, moisture or temperature either locally or regionally, or elevate air pollution beyond South Coast Air Quality Management Plan forecasts. No mitigation measures are necessary. Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Initiab Study P?.000023 9. NOISE. Would the proposal: a) increase existing noise levels? b) Expose people to noise levels exceeding adopted County standards? c For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where sclh plan has ile project en adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public useairport, expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendment is not expected to increase is ising noise levels in the vicinity of John Wayne Airport grading oue to the fact that no r construction is involved. Santa Ana Heigh JWA). However, Final EIR No. 508A addressed how is achi mitigationevec tmeasurestrequiredl in from JWA and land uses in Santa Ana Heights. Impa regard to noise were adequately addressed in Final EIR No. 508A. No additional mitigation measures are necessary. 10. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project impact: a) Endangered, threatened or rare specie? or their habitats including, but not limited to, plants, fish, insects, animals and birds. b) Locally designated species e.g. heritage trees? c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g. Oak Forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? d) Wetland habitat e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool? e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? Adopted conservation plans and policies (e.g. Natural Community Conservation Plan or Resource Management Plan)? ANALYSIS: project The proposed amendments to the Specific Plan would not impact eistenceloNo gical new mitigationThe measures site is a fully urbanized area with no biological resources in are warranted. 11. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or view open to the public? b) Affect a designated scenic highway? Initial Study PA000023 Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 6 �l c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create light or glare beyond the physical limits of the project site? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments to the Specifi P P c Plan will impact the aesthetics of ddiaAna o andechanges ights by enhancing the existing and/or future visual character or quality of the site. have taken place to the Community Design Program of the Specific Plan area and anta Ana Heights encouraecific ging (SAHSP) with the goal of providing a sense of iden , P existing and surrounding land uses. See bullets below: development thatwilt complement Landscape guidelines have changed. Along all property lines where business park uses abut residential uses, athree-foot-wide landscape bufferall be required The proposed amendment soften views from existing residential uses to business park uses includes a change in the type of trees allowed in the buffer area and sets the criteria for how many, where, what type of trees will be utilized in the buffer area. See the SAHSP or Table 1 for the exact changes made. The amendment also includes modifications to the Architectural Guidelines for Business Park Uses. Materials and design guidelines have been of di aded to ti aterialsrand Building Roo l ne ofess the exteor appearancethe the buildings. See the sections on Exterior bull SAHSP for details. Changes to the Land Use District Regulations may also impact the aesthetics of the area. See bullet below: d storage Site development standards have been modified. design guihandelnes to suare lnall part of thg height, trash ep proposed of mechanical equipment, and building amendment. Because changes above will not degrade the existing visual character o1ed. gquality of the site., but rather enhance the aesthetics of the area, no mitigation measures are requi 12. CULTURAL/SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Disturb archaeo or paleo resources? b) Affect historical resources? c) Have the potential to cause a physical change that would affect unique ethnic cultural values? ANALYSIS: Initial Study PA000023 Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 7 The proposed amendments to the Specific Plan will not impact cultural or scientific resources since construction or grading are not part of the.proposed project. No mitigation measures are warranted. 13. RECREATION. Would proposal: a) Increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration or the facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities that might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? c) Conflict with adopted recreational plans or policies? ANALYSIS: The proposed project involves technical updates and changes in regulations stated, in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The project would not result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities. No mitigation measures are warranted. 14. MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally -important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, Specific Plan or other land use plan? ANALYSIS: The proposed project would not result in the loss of availability of any known mineral resource or locally important mineral resource recovery site. No mitigation measures are warranted. 15. HAZARDS. Would the project: a) Create a hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 8 initial Study PA000023 d) Exposure of people to evYisting sources of health hazards? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? j) For a project within the vicinity of private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? i) E-cpose people or structures to a significant risk or loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where - residences are intermixed with wildlands 9 ANALYSIS: The proposed project would not result in impacts to public health and safety. Santa Ana Heights is in the vicinity of John Wayne Airport (JWA). However, Final EIR No. 508 A addressed how to achieve compatibility between airport uses at JWA and land uses in Santa Ana Heights. Impacts and mitigation measures required in regard to safety were adequately addressed in Final EIR No. 508A. No additional mitigation measures are necessary. 16. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would project result in needs for new/altered government facilities/services in: a) Fire protection? b) Police protection? c) Schools? d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? e) Other government services? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments to the SAHSP do not impact the public services/utilities plan. The public services/utilities plan addresses the adequacy of existing water, sewer, and drainage facilities to meet existing and ultimate demand and identifies those public works facility improvement needed to implement the Land Use Plan. No additional mitigation measures are required. Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 9 Initial Study PA000023 l_ 17. UTILITIES & SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would project result in needs for new or substantial alterations: a) Power or natural gas? b) Communications systems? c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities? d) Sewer or septic tanks? e) Solid waste disposal? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments to the SAHSP will not impact existing utilities and service systems. The need for natural gas, communication systems, sewer or solid waste disposal have been incorporated into the planning process of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan when EIR 508A was prepared. No additional mitigation measures are warranted. FINDINGS A. The project would not have any impacts on fish or impact wildlife habitat or communities, rare or endangered species or any periods of California history due to the nature of the project. B. Due to the nature of the project, no long-term environmental goals would be compromised. C. The project would not have any adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. D. Negative Declaration PA000023, adequately satisfies the requirements of CEQA for the proposed project. By Lea G. Uirnn'as, Planner Environmental'& Project Planning Services Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 10 Initial Study PA000023 TABLE 1: AMENDMENTS TO SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN pdate to Specific Land uses along Birch and Acacia are converting from residential equestrian (REQ) to commercial uses. Any discussion of Community Profile has been eliminated. Irvine Ranch Water District provides water service instead of Santa Ana Heights Water Replaced 6" water main with 12" line on Birch and the extension of the 12" line west along Mesa Drive was completed to reflect the previous SAHSP update. Community Design Program Update For architectural interest, building walls shall incorporate relief features including building elements, articulation and window treatment. Utilization of balconies shall be encouraged in the business park district (BP). - Usable balconies and unenclosed outside stairwells shall not be used on walls facing the REQ District. Stone, rock or other appropriate accent materials may be used for the exterior. Stucco, with a machine applied or smooth finish in natural gray or colors ranging from whites to earth tones may be used. Building entries should be highlighted by such features as inviting pedestrian spaces such as plazas and fountains. In all cases, roof -mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from the adjacent streets and adjacent REQ District residences with materials finished to match material and colors in the roof and building. for To reflect the previous amendment to the Specific Plan (ZC99-03). To reflect general plan ame GPA 2000-1. Change in water districts. echnica To create an interesting blend with the landscaping and other buildings to mitigate the commercial impacts on residential neighborhoods. To provide more architectural relief on commercial buildings. privacy areas. A combination of these materials is encouraged to soften and add architectural variety and interest. to building facades. To provide visual relies an architectural interest. co nvironmental Impact See Negative Declaration PA990074 to fifth amendment of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. See Negative Declaration IP99-1: None one one None one one one one Update to Specific Plan Reason for Change Environmental Impact Uncoverdd trash enclosures shall Provide aesthetic relief. None not be located any closer than 40 feet from any property line abutting the REQ District and no closer than 10 feet from any side property line and shall not exceed a height of 8 feet maximum abutting the BP District. There have been changes to trees To provide a greater diversity in None and shrubs that will be utilized landscaping design. within the buffer design. An increase of trees will be provided in the buffer area. See SAHSP for list of trees and shrubs. Land Use Regulations To mitigate aesthetics. None New single family residences in the residential equestrian district (REQ) built after January 1, 2000 and remodeled and/or repairs of more than 25% of the value of the existing residence shall not place dumpsters in the front setback area of the building site. Dumpsters shall be effectively. screened from view from the right of way with appropriate screening material, i.e., block wall or wood fencing to be a minimum height to completely screen the container. For buffer in the BP district, a To mitigate aesthetic impacts. To None minimum six foot slump stone or improve aesthetics for future slumped block wall shall be development. constructed along property lines abutting the REQ District, except within the front setback area, where the height shall be no greater than three and one-half feet. No sign shall exceed six square To mitigate aesthetic impacts. None feet in area unless otherwise provided for by an approved site development permit or use permit. to Specific Under Temporary Uses In BP district conforming uses shall be permitted in non -conforming structures subject to the approval of a Use Permit. Such building site shall conform to parking requirements and site development standards contained in the Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9- 145. Site Development Standard Perimeter wall or fence. An opaque wall or fence 6 feet for the side property line and 8 feet in height maximum at rear property line to be measured from the highest adjacent grade. Land Use District Regulations Front Building Height for Business Park. 15 feet maximum or sloping up to 18 feet maximum in the first 10 feet measured from the from property line and then, 30 maximum feet for structures. equipment shall comply with the following: • Mechanical roof screens may exceed the maximum 37 foot height limit by six feet, provided that the roof screen is set back from the outside face of the main building parapet a minimum of ten feet. • Roof screen materials and detailing must be compatible with the main building architecture. • Roof -mounted equipment may not be visible from a point five feet above the centerline of the adjacent street(s) and from abutting lots in the REQ District, as calculated from a point five feet above existing grade level from a distance of three hundred feet or less from the subject building site. on l o have aeveiopn the business park. l hange flexibility in None To mitigate aesthetics. To mitigate mitigate one one one ct Update to Specific Plan Reason for Change Environmental Impact All storage of cartons, containers To provide aesthetic relief.. None and trash along with ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be enclosed by a building or by a wall not less than 6 feet in height. No such structure shall be located within 10 feet of any property line abutting the REQ District. If unroofed, no such structure shall be located within 40 feet of any property line abutting the REQ District and no closer than 10 feet from any side property line abutting the BP District. On properties abutting the REQ To protect privacy of residential None District, a direct line of sight to properties. abutting properties within the REQ from above first floor properties, second story openings and above, windows, usable balconies, open stairways, stairway landings or other architectural features shall be prohibited All roof structures, such as air To provide aesthetic enhancement. None conditioning units, ventilation devices or other roof -mounted appurtenances, shall be screened from view from a point 5 feet above the centerline of an adjacent street and from the REQ District or abutting lots in the REQ District, as calculated from a point 5 feet above existing grade level from a distance of 300 feet or less from the subject building site. The following signs shall be To provide aesthetic relief. None permitted subject to the noted restrictions and per Zoning Code section 7-9-111: Wall signs, monument/ground signs, business or identification signs, temporary pole signs, and permanent pole signs. Signs that are prohibited are: outdoor advertising signs, roof and projecting signs, banner signs, electronic message board signs, portable signs, electronic flashing/blinking signs, rotating signs. Update to Specific Plan Reason for Change Environmental Impact Within the Land Use District Minimize impact from the None Regulations all windows above the business park development on first floor facing the REQ District surrounding residential areas. must have a minimum height of six feet, six inches of permanent window treatment. This treatment can include intregally-obsured glass, permanently positioned window louvers or other equally effective treatment as approved by the Planning Commission. Applied films to windows is prohibited. All public utility wires and lines To provide aesthetic relief. None shall be undergrounded within the ten foot setback area adjacent to any public street. ATTACHMENT D DRAFT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLUTION/ORDI NANCE DRAFT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA , 2001 WHEREAS, the State of California Government Code provides for the preparation and adoption of specific plans; and WHEREAS, the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan was prepared to implement the Land Use Compatibility Program for Santa Ana Heights and was initially adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors by Resolution 86-1324, and by Ordinance No. 3601, both on October 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, said Specific Plan provides detailed plans for the Land Use Element; Transportation Element, Public Services and Facilities Element and Recreation Element of the Orange County General Plan; and WHEREAS, said Specific Plan provides for the regulation of land within the Specific Plan area and supersedes all zoning provision applicable to the Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Planning and Zoning Law of the State of California, this Board has duly considered the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, PA 00-0129, Zone Change ZC 00-05 as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on December 20, 2000; and WHEREAS, in compliance with said law, a public hearing was held by this Board on said Specific Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, said Specific Plan Amendment is a "project" pursuant to the California Environment Quality Act; and WHEREAS, Negative Declaration PA 00-0023 was prepared for Zone Change ZC 00-01 and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this Zone Change ZC 00-05. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board makes the following findings: 1. In accordance with Section 21080 (c) of the Public Resources Code and CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, Negative Declaration PA 00-0023 was prepared and reflects the independent judgment of the .lead agency, Orange County, and satisfies the requirements of CEQA. It is approved for the purposed project based upon the following findings: a. The Negative Declaration and Comments on the Negative Declaration received during the public review process for Zone Change ZC .00-01 were considered and the Negative Declaration was found adequate in c addressing the impacts related to the project and satisfies the requirements of CEQA for ZC 00-05; and b. There is no substantial evidence that the project, with the implementation of the mitigation measures, which are included in the Negative Declaration, will have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Pursuant to Section 711.4(c)(2)(B) of the California Fish and Game code, this project is exempt from the required fees as it has been determined that the project is de minimus in effect on fish and wildlife resources. 3. The proposed project will not have a significant unmitigated impact upon Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and, therefore, will not preclude the ability to prepare an effective Subregional Natural Comminutes Conservation Planning (NCCP) Program. 4. Zone Change ZC 00-05 is consistent with the objectives, policies general land uses and programs specified by the General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board finds that the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan as amended was prepared pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code, Sections 65450 et seq., governing the adoption of specific plans. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board finds that the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, Zone Change ZC 00-05 will enhance the overall aesthetic character of the community. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board approves the amended Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan as the guidance and regulatory document for Planning and development within the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan boundary, approves Zone Change ZC 00-05 and adopts the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan and intends to adopt, by separate Ordinance, Zone Change ZC 00-05. DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE STATE PLANNING AND ZONING LAW, AMENDING THE SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN (ZC 00-05) The Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The amendment to the Land Use District Regulations as set forth in Zone Change ZC 00-05,to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan is hereby adopted, pursuant to Section 7-9-156 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange, and, is added to Section 7-9-48 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange as contained in Exhibit 1 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE STATE PLANNING AND ZONING LAW, AMENDING THE SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN (ZC 00-06) The Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The amendment to the Land Use District Regulations as set forth in Zone Change ZC 00-05,to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan is hereby adopted, pursuant to Section 7-9-156 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange, and is added to Section 7-9-48 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange as contained in Exhibit 1 ATTACHMENT E Pages which have been modified for the Seventh Amendment of the SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN ZONE CHANGE ZC 00-05 c -M IS-161-3 O � 040 � o O z A V � W W � a- Ol� m O co CO Q1 r O 03 CO N w o�u�>�' 0-0M y-OZcn o����aa� -0 ; ce C--, Q d' s N L y DA y y a .; o> - a. o; o �a �. u '� 'C = s M > C U L Q V M O a Co try ;0 C CJCIII .x •� N 'in O C1 yUA O �'a E V R G C1 L 'O N y 0 4. y< C v .y O L N E O i L y w w r .L U U U y 0 ne O V O Z U.cn U ZC U C Q aJ 0 O 0. 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L ¢ n 2 n y cn n C� a Z ca in cN rn `r 6 Richard Dayton 2900 Silver Lane Newport Beach, CA 92660 Gary Hall 20411 Upper Bay Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Jeffrey Hamilton 20102 Cypress Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Rita Jones, PAC, ABCOM 20461 Cypress Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Peter Macdonald 2392 Bayfarm Place Newport Beach, CA 92660 John Mc Gregor 20092 Kline Drive Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Planning Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Public Notices Mailed out on December �? , 2000, for the 7th Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan for the PC hearing on 12-20-00 By Micki Harris On Site Posting of Public Notice on three sites by Marie Sianez on , 2000 for PC Hearing Richard Moriarty 20362 Birch Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Robert Banghart 20312 Riverside Drive Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Mary Slouka 376 22nd Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Davis Stieve 1731 Orchard Drive Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Roger Summers 20292 Birch Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Gregory Carroll 20101 Bayview Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92660 Planning Director City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92707 Public Notices mailed on , for the 7th Amendment to the SAHSP for the Board Hearing on by Micki Harris On Site Posting of Public Notice on three sites by Marie Sianez on , 2001 for Board of Supervisors Hearing Send Confirmation Report Name: PDSD/ENV&PROJECT PLN'G ID: 714 8346132 29 Nov'00 4:Z8PM Page 1 Job Start time Usage Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode Status 153 11129 4:37PM 0143" 918004749444................ Send.............. 2/ 2 EC144 Completed........................................ Total: 0'4311 Pages sent: 2 Pages printed: 0 s o t-OnntyofOmmip Pknnfny and DvMPkPM"t Sorv/ces Dept Emironmental & Project Planning Semi = o� sir 300 N. Flow Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 Return PAX: 714-834.8132 To Daiy Journal Attention: Susie n— M cid Hank, (714) 8344630 F= 1-11(4474.OW resm 2 pb. 213-229-5338 Oarw 11raw ices Public Notice eee r 13UWAR ❑rvra"Iew OP—O"WO! ❑Pk. asrnr OF—a.oyow i` s cowm m Please place this Planning Commissim Public Notice In the Newport Beach - Costa Mesa Daily Pilot next week Phase make it a .1l8th Display ad. The Planning Comrimlon hearing date Is December 20, 2000. The Charge Number for this public notice Is PC30455 If there are any problems or questions, please call me this afternoon beige 4:30 p.m Tomorrow, if there are any problems, please call me at (714) 834- 4830. Thanks for your assiefance in this matter Micki Harris s �4 C� _F o County of Orange Planning and Development Services Dept. Environmental & Project Planning Services 300 N. Flower Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 Return FAX: 714-834-6132 Fax To: Daily Journal Attention: Susie From. Micki Harris, (714) 834-4630 Fax.. 1-800-474-9444 Pages: 2 Phone: 213-229-5338 Date: 11 /29/00 Re: Public Notice CC: ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑Please Recycle • Comments: Please place this Planning Commission Public Notice in the Newport Boach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot next week. Please make it a 1/8th Display ad. The Planning Commission hearing date is December 20, 2000. The Charge Number for this public notice is PC30455 If there are any problems or questions, please call me this afternoon before 4:30 p.m. Tomorrow, if there are any problems, please call me at (714) 834-4630. Thanks for your assistance in this matter Micki Harris 0� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �9LIF0R�~� BY THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: Public Hearing for proposed PA 000129 - Zone Change ZC 00-05 to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan PROPOSAL: The proposed project, the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific , Plan (SAHSP), includes minor technical corrections and other technical refinements to various -sections of the document. LOCATION: Located south of Bristol Street, north of Mesa Drive, east of Santa Ana Avenue and includes Bayview Avenue and the area west, in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area. APPLICANT: County of Orange ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: Negative Declaration PA 000023 was prepared for the sixth amendment and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project. The Negative Declaration is available with supporting attachments for review by the ,general public at the offices of the PDSD/Environmental & Project Planning Services Division, Room 321, 300 North Flower, Santa Ana. HEARING DATE: December 20, 2000 HEARING TIME: 1:30 P. M. (Or as soon as possible thereafter) HEARING LOCATION: Planning Commission Hearing Room, 10 Civic Center Plaza. Corner of West Santa Ana Blvd. and North Broadway, Santa Ana, CA. INVITATION TO BE HEARD: The applicant and all persons either favoring or opposing this proposal and all supporting documents are invited to present their views at this hearing. It is requested that any written response be submitted to Micki Harris, Planning & Development Services Department, at least 24 hours prior to the hearing date. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or -someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered prior to, the hearing to the address below. For further information, call Micki Harris at (714) 834-4630, or FAX: 834-6132, or come to the Development Processing Center at the address indicated below. Planning and Development Services Department 300 North Flower Street P.O. Box 4048, Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 r APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT X 01/03/01 Request To: M/CK/ HARRIS From: LU LU GOH Phone:834-5014 Please review the attached invoice(s) summarized below and indicate recommended payment action by completing and signing the bottom half of this form: Vendor: DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION Invoice Vs: 3504881 Amount: $ 10.80 ® Please provide account code information. FUND AGCY 0'! 4ORG OBJ SUB•OBJ JOB NUMBER AMOUNT !40 PC 304S5 T 4n Rn I Remarks: Payment is contagent upon your approval for payment I am familiar with the terms of the above financial obligation and recommend the following: Performance Satisfactory: Payment Recommended (x) Partial Payment of $ } Explanation Defer Payment Until } Payment Denied (x) } Signed Date RETURN PROMPTLY TO FISCAL & PROGRAM SERVICES BY TO ENSURE TIMELY PAYMENT AND CONTINUED SERVICE. F0250.281.5 (114197) CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ORANGE MEMORANDUM September 29, 2000 TO: Micki Harris/PDSD FROM: Susan Novak, Assistant Clerk of the Board SUBJECT: Daily Journal Corporation - California Newspaper Services Bureau Invoice Attached are the following invoices from Daily Journal Corporation for publication of notices submitted to our office by your. department: Invoice Date Order Number Amount Board Date Agenda Item Number 9/21/00 00155892 $10.80 9/12/00 #101 9/06/00 00152474 $9.55 9/12/00 #301 Please code the invoice and forward them to the Auditor-Controller/Accocuits Payable for payment. The proof of publication must accompany these invoices to the Auditor/Controller. If you have any questions regarding this invoice please give me a call, at 834-2206. Thank you, Maria Lopez Deputy Board Clerk SN:ml Attachment(s) r r f DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU P.O. BOX 54026 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90054-0026 Phone: (213) 229-5300 Fax: (213) 680-3682 Federal Tax ID #95-4133299 MARIA LOPEZ CLERK OF THE BOARD/ D.BLOOM 10 CIVIC CTR PLAZA, 5TH FLOOR HALL OF ADMIN. SANTA ANA CA 92701 LEGAL ADVERTISING INVOICE Invoice Date: 09/21/00 Invoice Number: 3504881 PO Number: Customer Number: 1124119792 DATE ' TYPE INVOICE NUMBER ORDER NUMBER DESCRIPTION # OF INS DEPTH RATE AMOUNT 09/21/00 INV 3504881 00155892 ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 00-10 GPN Govt Public Notice Orange County Reporter 9122/0 1 2.16 10.80 10.80 V) N) TOTAL: 10.80, Please detach and return this portion with payment. To ensure proper credit Invoice Date Invoibe Number to your account, please write your customer number on your check. If you 09/21/00 3504881__ have any questions about your account, please contact Accounts Receivable Customer Number at (714) 543-2027. 1124119792 Legal"Advertising - Div. 1124 (Gov.) DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU Attn: Accounts Receivables P.O. Box 54026 Los Angeles California 90054-0026 PLEASE PAY: CLERK OF THE BOARD/ D.BLOOM 10 CIVIC CTR PLAZA, 5TH FLOOR HALL OF ADMIN. SANTA ANA CA 92701 10.80 ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER' ' ms space or rung stamp only - SINCE 1921 - 600 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 205, Santa Ana, California 92701-4542 Telephone (714) 543-2027 • Fax (714) 542-6841 MARIA LOPEZ CLERK OF THE BOARD/ D.BLOOM 10 CIVIC CTR PLAZA, 5TH FLOOR HALL OF ADMIN. SANTA ANA CA 92701 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) State, of California ) County of Orange ) ss Notice type: * GPN Govt Public Notice Ad description: ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO.00-10 I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of the ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER, a newspaper published in the English language in the City of Santa Ana, and adjudged a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of June 2, 1922, Case No. 13,421. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: 09/22/00 Executed on: 09/22/00 At Los Angeles, California I certify (or declare).under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Signatures OR#: 00155892 PUBLIC NOTICE ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 00.10 SUMMARY NOTICE is hereby given that at regular meeting held September 12, 2000, 9:30 a.m., the Orange County Board of Supervisors. adopted Ordinance -00.00- 10, adopting Zone Change ZC 00.01 for the Sixth Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan and Land Use Uistnct Map. Copies of the full text of the proposed Ordinance are available at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 10 Civic Center Plaza, Room 465, Santa Ana, CA The Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Thomas W. Wilson. Todd Spitzer, James W. Silva, Cynthia P. Coed NOES: EXCUSED: Charles V. Smith Darlene J. Bloom, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 09/22/00 OR-155a92• �.•cr.• � t 7 ti0.. s• • ... � irk 0 APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT _,e: 01/03/01 Request To: MICKI HARRIS From: LU LU GOH Phone:834-5014 Please review the attached invoice(s) summarized below and indicate recommended payment action by completing and signing the bottom half of this form: Vendor: DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION Invoice Ws: 3488422 Amount: $ 9.55 ® Please provide account code information. FUND AGCY ORG OBJ SUB•OBJ JOB NUMBER AMOUNT X00 071 q5 ?c30a55 $ 9.55 Remarks: Payment is contagent upon your approval for payment. I am familiar with the terms of the above financial obligation and recommend the fol Performance Satisfactory: Payment Recommended (x) Partial Payment of $ } Explanation Defer Payment Until } Payment Denied (x) } Signed Date RETURN PROMPTLY TO FISCAL & PROGRAM SERVICES BY F0250.281.5 (R4197) TO ENSUF 1 1 CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ORANGE MEMORANDUM September 29, 2000 TO: Micki Harris/PDSD FROM: Susan Novak, Assistant Clerk of the Board SUBJECT: Daily Journal Corporation - California Newspaper Services Bureau Invoice Attached are the following invoices from Daily Journal Corporation for publication of notices submitted to our office by your department: Invoice Date Order Number Amount Board Date Agenda Item Number 9/21/00 00155892 $10.80 9/12/00 #101 9/06/00 00152474 $9.55 9/12/00 #101 Please code the invoice and forward them to the Auditor-Controller/Accounts Payable for payment. The proof of publication must accompany these invoices to the Auditor/Controller. If you have any questions regarding this invoice please jive me a call, at 834-2206. Thank you, Maria Lopez Deputy Board Clerk SN:ml Attachment(s) S0 �5 00�d 05131 a y C. DAILY -JOURNAL CORPORATION CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU P.O. BOX 54026 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90054-0026 Phone: (213) 229-5300 Fax: (213) 680-3682 Federal Tax ID #95-4133299 MARIA LOPEZ CLERK OF THE BOARD/ D.BLOOM 10 CIVIC CTR PLAZA, 5TH FLOOR HALL OF ADMIN. SANTA ANA CA 92701 C, LEGAL ADVERTISING INVOICE Invoice Date: 09/06/00 Invoice Number: 3488422 1 PO Number: Customer Number: 1124119792 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- Please detach and return this portion with payment. To ensure proper credit Invoice Date Invoice Number to your account,, please write your customer number on your check. If you 09/06/00 3488422 have any questions about your account, please contact Accounts Receivable Customer Number at (714) 543-2027. 1124119792 Legal Advertising - Div. 1124 (Gov.) PLEASE PAY: 9,.55 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION CLERK OF THE BOARD/ D.BLOOM CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU 10 CIVIC CTR PLAZA, 5TH FLOOR Attn: Accounts Receivables HALL OF ADMIN. P.O. Box 54026 SANTA ANA CA 92701 Los Angeles California 90054-0026 ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER - SINCE 1921 - 600 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 205, Santa Ana. California 92701-4542 Telephone (714)543-2027 • Fax (714)542-6841 MARIA LOPEZ CLERK OF THE BOARD/ D.BLOOM 10 CIVIC CTR PLAZA, 5fH FLOOR HALL OF ADMIN. SANTA ANA CA 92701 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) State of California ) County of Orange ) ss Notice type: GPN Govt Public Notice Ad description: SANTA ANA HEIGHTS I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California, I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of the ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER, a newspaper published in the English language in the City of Santa Ana, and adjudged a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of June 2, 1922, Case No. 13,421. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following•dates, to -wit: 09/06/00 Executed on: 09/06/00 At Los Angeles, California I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. l Signature ms space ror rwng stamp only OR#: 00152474 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SUMMARY ORDINANCE NOTICE is hereby given that the Orange County Board of Supervisors, will conduct a regular public meeting on September 12. 2000 at 9:30 a.m., in the Orange County Board of Supervisors Hearing Room. 10 Civic Center Plaza. 1st Floor. Santa Ana, CA to consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to adopt Zone Change ZC 00.01 for the sixth Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan and Land Use District Map. Anyone who wishes to comment on this matter may do so at that time. Copies of the full text of the proposed Ordinance are available at the Office of the Clerk of the Board. 10 Civic Center Plaza. Room 465, Santa Ana, CA 92701. DARLENE, J. BLOOM. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 09/06/00 OR-152474♦ APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT r To: MICKI HARRIS From: LU LU GOH Phone; 834-5014 r Date: 01/02/00 Please review the attached invoice(s) summarized below and indicate recommended payment action by completing and signing the bottom half of this form: Vendor: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU Invoice Ws: CNS1809153 Amount: $ 168.00 ® Please provide account code information. FUND AGCY ORG OBJ SUB-OB.) 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BOX 4048 Purchasing Grc SANTA ANA CA 92702 4048 Origin of Order „u.e,auutg %.acegory, tta NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILO 50960 LEGAL LOCAL LINER Publication Dates: 12/07/00 Keywords: ZONE CHANGE ZC 00-05, SANTA ANA HEIGHTS LEGAL SECTION SET 6PT. TYPE. MIN. SET 1/8 PG****/WITH O.C. LOGO* GOV'T PUBLIC NO 12/21/00 Length In Rate/Unit Amount 28.000 6.00 168.00 Past Due in 31 Days: 188 00i ------------------------------------------------ Piease detach and return this portion with payment. To ensure proper credit to your account, please write your customer number and invoic350 e number on your 3650052 check. If you have any questions about this invoice, please contact: Accounts Receivable at (213) 229-5416 CNS1809153 *ICNS18091533503650052* 168.00 ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE -Ti HARRIs ORANGE CO PLANNING AND DEV CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU P.O. BOX 4048, P 0 BOX 54026 SANTA ANA CA 92702 4048 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-0026 C4 Pisan Make Check Payable To: California Newspaper Service Bureau InVOIC6 NUMDOr nvoice uate CNS1809153 12/WOO Customer Account NumDer P 0 Box 54026 Los Angeles CA 90054-0026 350 3650052 213-229-5500, Fax: 213-625-0552, Federal ID #95-4133299 Customer Payment Reference * INVOICE Special Project Adjustment MICKI HARRIS ORANGE CO PLANNING AND DEV Purchasing Group P.O. BOX 4048 origin of order SANTA ANA CA 92702 4048 Newspaper Name NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILO Newspaper umber 50960 Advertising category, tiate bource and Fori5at LEGAL LOCAL LINER Publication Dates: 12 / 0 7 / 0 0 Keywords: ZONE CHANGE ZC 00-05, SANTA ANA HEIGHTS LEGAL SECTION SET 6PT. TYPE. MIN. SET 1/8 PG****/WITH O.C. LOGO* GOW T PUBLIC NO Length In 28.000 Rate/Unit 6.00 Amount 168.00 ��� Past Due in 31 Days: 168.00 Please detach and return this portion with payment. To ensure proper credit to your 350 3650052 account, please write your customer number and invoice number on your check. If you have any questions about this invoice, please contact: Accounts Receivable at (213) 229-5416 CNS1809153 *ICNS18091533503650052* 168.00 MICKI HARRIS ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ORANGE CO PLANNING AND DEV CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU P.O. BOX 4048 P 0 BOX 54026 SANTA ANA CA 92702 4048 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-0026 dO ..i to Publish Advertisements of all kinds includin tic notices by sf the _`uperior Court of Orange County, California nber A•6214, 2,9; 7'961, and A-24831 June 11, 1963. PROOF OF PUBLICATION -E OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. 1ty of Orange ) a Citizen of the.United States and a nt of the County aforesaid; I am over ;e of .eighteen years, and not a party to :rested in the below entitled matter. I principal clerk of the NEWPORT H-COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, a )aper of general circulation, printed and hed in the City. of Costa Mesa, County Inge, State of California, and that ed Notice is a true and complete copy i printed and published on the ing dates: December 7, 2000 re, under penalty of perjury, that the ng is true and correct. !d on _ 3 Mesa, December 7� California. Signature 2000 M Q ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: Public Hearing for proposed PA 000129 - Zone Change ZC 00-05 to the Santa Ar Heights Specific Plan PROPOSAL: The proposed project, the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP), includes minor technical corrections and other technical refinement to various sections of the document. LOCATION: Located south of Bristol Street, north of Mesa Drive, east of Santa Ana Avent and includes Bayview Avenue and the area west, in the Santa Ana Heights Specift. Plan area. APPLICANT: County of Orange EWIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: Negative Declaration PA 000023 was prepared fi the sixth amendment and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality A (CEQA) for this project. The Negative Declaration is available with supporting attachments fi review by the general public at the offices of the PDSD/Environmental &'Project Planning Seivicl Division, Room 321, 300 North Flower, Santa Ana. HEARING DATE: December 20, 2000 HEARING TIME: 1:30 P.M. (Or as soon as possible thereafter) HEARING LOCATION: Planning Commission Hearing Room, 10 Civic Center Plaza. Corn( of West Santa Ana Blvd. and North Broadway, Santa Ana, CA. INVITATION TO BE HEARD: The applicant and all persons either favoring or opposing this proposal and all supportir documents are invited to present their views at this hearing. It is requested that any writtt response be submitted to Micki Hams, Planning & Development Services Department, at least hours prior to the hearing date. If you challenge the action -taken on this proposal in�court, you mt be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described this notice, or in written correspondence delivered prior to the hearing to the address below. For further information, call Micki Harris at (714) 834-4630, or'FAX: 834-6132, or come to- the Development Processing Center at the address indicated below. Planning and Development Services Department 300 North Flower Street P.O. Box 4048, Santa Ana, CA, 92702-4048 Published Newport Beach —Costa Mesa Daily Pilot December 7, 2000 CNS 1809153 Th45 PLANNING & Dh ,(ILOPMENT SERVICES DE_ �RTMENT REPORT DATE: December 20, 2000 TO: Orange County Planning Commission FROM: Planning & Development Services DepartmentJEnvironmental & Project Planning Services Division PROPOSAL: Planning Application PA 000129 is a proposed amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP) which includes a Zone Change ZC 00-05 for minor technical corrections and other technical refinements to. various sections of the document. LOCATION: Located south of Bristol Street, north of Mesa Drive, east of Santa Ana Avenue and includes Bayview Avenue in the east, in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area. STAFF Micki Harris — 834-4630 CONTACT: BACKGROUND: The Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area lies just south of Orange County Airport and is characterized by a diversity of land uses. The proposed project is the sixth amendment to the eahtant ecnaSifiPlan eighis to Specific Plan. In 1986,'the Board of Supervisors adopted the ongtnal Santa Ana C P implement the Land Use Compatibility Program for Santa Ana Heights area in conjunction with the expansion of Orange County Airport. Since then, there have been six amendments adopted by the Board of Supervisors that have reflected infrastructure improvements, zoning boundary changes and land use district regulation modifications. The proposed amendment has been reviewed and is supported by the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee (PAC). Staff has coordinated the amendment changes with the City of Newport Beach. DISCUSSION/AINALYSIS: The proposed project is the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heightcal Specific fons an (SANS other ). The 'amendment includes a Zone Change (ZC 00-05) to make minor ccal refinements to various sections of the document as follows: tions _ Changes include a correction in the sixth Business Park Land Use Regulations Correc orrect side building setback requirement for this district. The change amendment, which included the inc is consistent with the Fifth Amendment and was never intended or indicated for modification. Technical Refinements - Changes include adding several paragraphs that were included in the fifth amendment but were inadvertently removed during the sixth amendment. These changes were never proposed for change during the sixth amendment process. Other changes reflect recent County organizational changes, primarily the dissolution of the Environmental Management Agency and its PD5D Report PA00-0129/ZC 00-05 Page 2 of 3 replacement by the Planning & Development Services Department and the Public Facilities & Resources Department. Requested PAC Changes -At the December 5, 2000 meeting of the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee (PAC), it was requested that minor modifications be included in the Community Design Program to indicate that "non -slippery surfaces" be used :n driveways that cross the equestrian traits and trail integrity be maintained with new development. Staff has included these changes on Pale I" =. Paaes that have been modified for the seventh amendment are included in Attachment E for Planning Commission consideration. REFERRAL FOR COMMENT AND PUBLIC NOTICE: A Notice of Hearing of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot on December 7, 2000 and was mailed to the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee, ABCOM and the Airport Land Use Commission. Additionally, a notice was posted on the site, and at the Osborne Building as required by established public hearing posting procedures.�.a and of eproposed amendment was also distributed for review and comment to the Cities of Costa i 1 s Newport Beach. No comments regarding this project have been received by staff. CEQA COMPLLANCE: Negative Declaration PA 000023 was prepared for amendment six and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project. RECOMv1ENDED ACTION: Planning and Development Services Department/Environmental & Project Planning Services Division recommends the Planning Commission: a. Receive staff presentation and public testimony as appropriate; and, b. Recommend Board of Supervisors approval of Planning Application PA 000129/Zone Change ZC 00-05 to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. Respectfully submitted n JWf_9C_3 I.v " George Britton, vlanaQer Environmental & Project Planning Services Division PDSD Report PA00-0129/ZC 00-05 Page 3 of 3 Attachments: A. Vicinity Map B. Proposed Land Use District Map C. Environmental Documentation D. Draft Board of Supervisors Resolution/Ordinance E. Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan — Zone Change ZC 00-05 - Seventh Amendment (NIodified pages only) ID ATTACHMENT E Pages which have been modified for the Seventh Amendment of the � SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN ZONE CHANGE ZC 00-05 J F-I� J ti O Z n O q CO r- G� C� '- N C) n i C 00 ci �CC .J G U Q O CJ O z�ci > �> r N L[1 �J J y V v 7—, ^. �^^" (/� Z raj C Q ` N .r > u cu In wn cj 72 o c = m Cj N C —— — �i PEI ru ell en CN cm 7 •y. 7—^— 7 C1 V — :C ? .Y O `^, X :: r'� '^ = I i > i J Ln Cd IL cj Z_ r 51 57 ra Qc Qll ell to co to C 14 LA d— "✓ � > r `1 -)v r•.r' 66 O Vi R J 7 �,• V21 T y v CA '7Z V. 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Vt .� � � � V � .^vim r n �^' „�- I• � _ � r _ ". p Iz c y c c V= ac rs Q m°�_LM C v _ V C U "G -75 C C y yp = maG _ � s y v o - 'c' y W N m o f C C 'C 17, O U U p L p w .� a �•• y v N � C 7 ^ C > 7C L� O C 7 �_ _C C � � � cu 0 co 3 L O r1'- j^ C mo N d p p .; CCU v r r LM Fz 3 tA m CUaj 'o d� y d u c C q c0 v C U s N rr0 C L_ i C O U N p yC J CJ H y ti y }- 2 Y•= Y y J V 7 vui O C H C Q ^ C.0 C^ Qa.o �u y cz ci 3 ATTACHMENT G SANTA ANA HEIGHTS, SPECIFIC PLAN SEVENTH AMENDMENT ZONE CHANGE ZC 00-05 (EXHIBIT 1 for Board of Supervisors Ordinance) ...: 1 w O N = V M - N W i � Q � Z -, Q 1 F- ~ u- Z Q Q 0 � Z E. W o Q � � V - o �Q V� J i m m o CO �U C� 0) O p C, M N r N �- N.0- dA Q o 0 0-0 -v z L -a -0 v N w -2 0M w s ce z N v� W W O V O Cd L� �_•`�' Cn W > V cc p J Q Z W p Ln W w ATTACHMENT F Planning Commission Minutes And Staff Report PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Date: December 20, 2000 Time: 2:08 P.M. Item 2.: Public Hearing — Planning Application No. PA00-0129 for Zone Change ZC00- 05 and Negative Declaration PA00-0023, CEQA for Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan - Seventh Amendment. . Executive Officer Buzas introduced the project. Environmental and Project Planning Services Manager Britton gave a brief presentation. He stated that staff concluded that the requested refinement couldn't be handled administratively therefore, staff if requesting that the Planning Commission recommend Board of Supervisors approval. Mr. Britton discussed the modifications requested and noted that they could be located in Attachment E of the Planning Commission package. He stated the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee requested that minor modifications be included in the Community Design Program to indicate that "non - slippery surfaces" be used in driveways that cross the equestrian trails and that trail integrity be maintained with new development. 2:14 P.M.: The Chairman opened the public hearing. 2:14 P.M.: No one wishing to be heard, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Action: 2:14 P.M.: The motion of McBurney, seconded by Long, to recommend Board of Supervisors approval of Planning Application No PA000-0129/Zone Change ZC00-05 to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan as recommended in the Environmental and Project Planning Services Division report, dated December 20, 2000, was carried by unanimous vote. �f _F o County of Orange ° Planning and De ve%pr»ent Services Environmental & Project Planning Services �E-'pt, ,0'% 300 N. Flower Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 Return FAX: 714-834-6132 Fax To: Daily Journal Attention: Susie Fax: 1-800-474-9444 Phone: 213-229-5338 Re: Public Notice From: Micki Harris, (714) 834-4630 Pages: 2 Date: 12/18/00 CC: ❑ Urgent [] For Review []Please Comment ❑ Please Reply []Please Recycle • Comments: Please place this Board of Supervisor Public Notice in the Newport Costa Mesa Daily Pilot the first week of January. Please make it a Board of Supervisors hearing date hearing date is January 23 20011/8th Display ad. eThe . The Charge Number for this public notice is PC30455 If there are any problems or questions, please call me. Thanks for your assistance in this matter Micki Harris �9 .NOTI E OF PUBLOLHEARING r� F, BY THE ORANGE COUNTY Board of Supervisors tFo�� SUBJECT: Public Hearing for proposed PA 000129 - Zone Change ZC 00-05 to the Santa Ana Heights. Specific Plan PROPOSAL: The proposed project, the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP), includes minor technical corrections and other technical refinements to various sections of the document. LOCATION: Located south of Bristol, north of Mesa, east of Santa Ana Avenue and westerly to Bayview Street in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area. APPLICANT: County of Orange ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: Negative Declaration PA 000023 was prepared for the sixth amendment and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project. The Negative Declaration is available with supporting attachments for review by the general public at the offices of the PDSD/Enviromnental & Project Planning Services Division, Room 321, 300 North Flower, Santa Ana. HEARING DATE: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 HEARING TIME: 9:30 A.M. (Or as soon as possible thereafter) HEARING LOCATION: Hall of Administration 10 Civic Center Plaza. Corner of W. Santa Ana Blvd. and N. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA. INVITATION TO BE HEARD: The applicant and all persons either favoring or opposithis proposal and all supporting documents are invited ng to present their views at this hearing. It is requested that any written response be submitted to Micki Harris, Planning & Development Services Department, at least 24 hours prior to the hearing date. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered prior to the hearing to the address below. For further information, call Micki Harris at (714) 834-4630, or FAX: 834-6132, or come to the Development Processing Center at the address indicated below. Planning & Development Services Department By order of the Board of Supervisors 300 N. Flower Street of Orange County, California P.O. Box 4048, Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 Darlene J. Bloom Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California DATE: 1 po I TO: pr-, z31ZA�r-� / P-Z).5�b FROM: Clerle f the Board Board Ser vices Division RE: Confirmation to Publish This is to confirm the attached copy you submitted for publication is scheduled for the following day(s): Day 1: r Ub Day 3: Day 2: Day 4: Thep ication will be published with the following adjudicated newspaper:r. Please update your records to reflect this information. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone (714) 834-2206. Thank you, �/ -P Z� Maria Lopez Deputy, Clerk of the Boar i Cobshare/Brdvs/forms/office forms/publication confirmation i Order No : 205023 Created Date : 02/02/2001 Ad Description : 2nd Summary and Ordinance No. 01-1 Newspaper Name : ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER Pubdates : 02/07/01 PUBLIC NOTICE ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 01-1 SUMMARY NOTICE is hereby given that at regular meeting held January 23, 2001, 9:30 a.m., the Orange County Board of Supervisors, adopted Ordinance 00- 1 adopting Zone Change ZC 00-05 for the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Thomas W Wilson, Charles V. Smith, James W. Silva, Todd Spitzer, Cynthia P. Coad NOES: EXCUSED: Copies of the full text of the proposed Ordinance are available at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Room 465, Santa Ana, Ca Darlene J. Bloom, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 0 N N IQ 9 O Q CD O N O w O N' C#J SU CD CD CD O O _C CD A Q 0 fff gf-- Z Q -n 'n M. :z \J- ¢1 CD 0) y m r U CD C tW ert CD 7C p; CU d '� 0 =• ;� Q 2) t3ci :a CD v CD :CD CD o a m O a co r m v y m > 7 y ^ \_, � n 0 ;Q icn t3 m Q '� o =Q. cn 0 N W CD C N :r 3 ° m W m, o ' O X g a m v* i CD v v z 0 o a a Cl CD = z C a z a f /A AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I am a citizen of the U.S., over the age of 18, resident of Orange County and not a party to the action upon which publication is being made. My business address is 10 Civic Center -Plaza, P. O Box 687 Santa Ana CA 92702 . I ordered publication of the attached notice. Said notice has been ordered to be published in the -...-.[2rC 410 �(,4,1 '7`'ce a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Orange, o be publishe on the following dates: F,& rt4A,-- U., % , aZ 019 I declare under --penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Santa Ana, California on ,t"eb` ---)I(date). By: Maria Lopez (Print Name) Signature F:1brd: AGENCY/DEPT "'CE 1 CLERK USE ONLY .AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL CEO REVIiW, . CONSENT v DISCUSSION ,Concur \ 0 �LIFOR� HEARING Do Not Concur , PUBLIC TO: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ORANGE FROM: Planning and Development Services Department CONTACT FOR INFORMATION PHONE George Britton 714-834-53.12 FILE: - MEETING DATE SUBJECT Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP)--, SUPV. DIST. Zone Change ZC 00-05 5 January 23, 2004 SUMMARY OF REQUEST (Descnpdon for agenda) The proposed seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP) includes zone change (ZC 00-05,) for minor technical corrections and other technical refinements to various sections of the document. ADDITIONAL DATA: The seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan includes the addition of several paragraphs that were included in the fifth amendment but were inadvertently removed during the sixth amendment process. These changes were never proposed during the sixth amendment process. Included' in the Business Park Land Use Regulations changes is a correction to the sixth amendment setback requirements to make them consistent with the fifth amendment. At the December 5, 2000 meeting of the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee (PAC), it was requested that minor modifications be included in the Community Design Progam to indicate that "non -slippery surfaces" be used on (Continued on next page) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIFIC ITEM: The original SAHSP was adopted by the Board Of Supervisors on October 15, 1986. Additional amendments were adopted on March 30, 1988, December 6,1,989, May 21, 1991, August 20.1996 November 23 1999 and September 12 2000. FUNDING SOURCES) CURRENT YEAR COST ANNUAL COST BUDGETED? YES NO N/A None None N/A WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL? CONSISTENT WITH BOARD POLICY NO IF YES, STATE NUM ER PERMANENT LIMITED TERM YES NEW ITEM OR EXCEPTION RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a public hearing. 2. Approve Draft Resolution which finds Negative Declaration PA 00-0023 adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA for the proposed project and approve Zone Change ZC 00-05 to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. 3.. Adopt Draft Ordinance amending the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Land Use District Regulations pursuant to Zone Change ZC 00-05. CONCURRENCES (If applicable) ATTACHMENTS A. Draft Resolution and Ordinance B. Vicinity Map (Continued on next page) DATE County of. Oraiage F I! E NOTICE OF DETERMINATIQN S T r '"�0 201 TO: COUNTY CLERK, COUNTY OF ORANGE JAN 3® 2001 GARY L. GRANVILI Jerk-Recordei FROM: County of Orange Planning & Development ServicelyDepadws (1A#.;-Z DEPUTY SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code Project Title: Amendment No. 7 Santa Ana Heights Specific Type of Document: Negative Declaration Plan Project Applicant: County of Orange, PDSD File No.: PA000023 Ir-reviousiy certified or adopted? No If yes, provide Contact Persons: Project Manager — Micki Harris document number and certification date: CEQA Project Manager — Lea Umnas Telephone:.(714) 834-4630 Project Location: Santa Ana Heights South of Bristol, North of Mesa, East of Santa Ana Avenue and West of Orchid. Project Description: The proposed project is the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Height Specific Plan (SAH The project involves a zone change ZC 00-05 to make minor technical corrections and other technical refinement various sections of the document. Notice is hereby given that the County of Orange as lead agency has made the following determination on the above -described proj. 1. The project was approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 23, 2001. 2. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. ❑ An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ® A Negative Declaration was prepared for the sixth amendment and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project. 3. Mitigation Measures were incorporated into the project through conditions of approval and project design. 4. For this project a Statement of Overriding considerations was not adopted. 5. Findings were made pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15091 (Statement of Facts and Findings). 6. A copy of the Negative Declaration and the record of the project approval is on file and may be examined at: Planning & Development Services Department, Environmental & Project Planning Services Division, 300 N. Flower, Room 321 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048. (714) 834-5550. Signature:46 1 .tea Date: �,� 3 �� Title: Planner IV Fish & Game Fee Findin • Exempt per Government Code Seci Recorded in Official Records, County of Orange Gary Granville, Clerk -Recorder 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII NO FEE 170 52 z03 0018500010108:23am 01130/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '0.00 I �Y 70 \ O G� U L+] y' UIF0 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEMPTION De Minimis Impact Finding County: Orange Lead Agency: County of Orange Planning & Development Services Department Project Title: Amendment No. 7 to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan ZA00-01 Project Location: The proposed project site is located south of Bristol, north of Mesa; east of Santa Ana Avenue and west of Orchid in Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, unincorporated Orange County. Project Description: The proposed project is the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP). The project involves a zone change to ZC 00-05 to make mintor technical corrections and other technical refinements to various sections of the document. Findings of Exemption (attach as necessary): The proposed project is de minimus in its effect on fish and wildlife resources and is therefore exempt from filing fees pursuant to Section 711.4(c)(2)(B) of the Fish and Game Code. Initial Study PA000023 was conducted to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed project and there is no substantial evidence that it will have any potential for adverse impacts on Wildlife resources as defined by Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. Certification: I hereby certify that the public agency has made the above findings and that the project will not individually or cumulatively have an adverse effect on Wildlife Resources, as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. Signature Title: (�' L A tQ t L L.12. Date: I RA/RHCB FORMS APR 1998 County of Ora�ge C F 1 L E D NOTICE OF DETERMINATIF JAN24 20Di � S T �Z pANV ,Ckrk•DEF JAN -2 4 2001 TO: COUNTY CLERK, COUNTY OF ORANGE NARY L. GRANVIII� Recorder FROM: County of Orange Planning & Development Servicefiy Y DEPUTY r SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21108 or 211'52 of the Public Resources Code Project Title: Amendment No. 7 Santa Ana Heights Specific Type of Document: Negative Declaration Plan Project Applicant: County of Orange, PDSD Previously certified or adopted? No If yes, provide File No.: PA000023 document number and certification date: Contact Persons: Project Manager — Micki Harris Telephone: (714) 834-4630 CEQA Project Manager — Lea Umnas (714) 834-2142 Project Location: Santa Ana Heights South of Bristol, North of Mesa, East of Santa Ana Avenue and West of Orchid. Project Description: The proposed project is the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Height Specific Plan (SAHSI The project involves a zone change ZC 00-05 to make minor technical corrections and other technical refinements various sections of the document. Notice is hereby given that the County of Orange as lead agency has made the following determination on the above -described projec 1. The project was approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 23, 2001. 2. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. ❑ An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. r ® A Negative Declaration was prepared for the sixth amendment and satisfies the requirements of .the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project. 3. Mitigation Measures were incorporated into the project through conditions of approval and project design. 4. For this project a Statement of Overriding considerations was not adopted. 5. Findings were made pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15091 (Statement of Facts and Findings). 6. A copy of the Negative Declaration and the record of the project approval is on file and may be examined at: Planning & Development Services Department, Environmental & Project Planning Services Division, 300 N. Flower, Room 321 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048. (714)834-5550. Signature: Date: / - A 3 — 0/ Title: Planner IV Fish & Game Fee Finding: Exempt per Government Code Se Recorded in Official Records, County of Orange Gary Granville, Clerk -Recorder IIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINO FEE 170 s zoo 200185000082 02:56pm 01/24/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 „ ; . - '- y x u - .:-,: -' .' . _ - , t - 11 - - „lit. i'•':i` at t. _ _ - - . S_ _ . .- _ . 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': ' - - _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - -. -- ,_r - `_ , - _ - - - - - - - - "a - Y, - - -- _ .. - _ __ - -_. - -_ - - _-,1 - - - / § _ n (7aCD\ Na CDR ) a % � & « & » a = a ] § cu } § $ \ CD ° ) § > ] \ ° / E $ m 2 # ' \ § )\ \(D a� \ ° ® 7 \ §CD $ ? a \ \ » / ] ; a). / j( \ 0 • @ P P P ) S S S 8 -0 o r- 0 0CL o- E E > > > > ) ƒ f / §a \ ƒ * \ } ) z M )' as \ > a<>m 2 CD;5§9 j � m y§ a �5) 2 zm \ 3 A ' w3) & y)� r ? 2 3 $ 2 Ec% \ / -nf\ \ i m m § n ƒ D q / k CD ƒ �. r � � � 30 C (7 County of Orange NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO: COUNTY CLERK, COUNTY OF ORANGE FROM: County of Orange Planning & Development Services Department SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code Project Title: Amendment No. 7 Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Preiect Anolicant: County of Orange, PDSD File No.: PA000023 Contact Persons: Project Manager — Micki Harris CEQA Project Manager— Lea Umnas Type of Document: Negative Declaration Previously certified or adopted? No If yes, p document number and certification date: 14) 834-27 Project Location: Santa Ana Heights South of Bristol, North of Mesa, East of Santa Ana Avenue and West of Orchid. Project Description: The proposed project is the seventh amendment to the Santa Ana Height Specific Plan (SAHSP). The project involves a zone change ZC 00-05 to make minor technical corrections and other technical refinements tc various sections of the document. Notice is hereby given that the County of Orange as lead agency has made the following determination on the above -described project: 1. The project was approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 23, 2001. 2. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. [] An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ® A Negative Declaration was prepared for the sixth amendment and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project. 3. Mitigation Measures were incorporated into the project through conditions of approval and project design. 4. For this project a Statement of Overriding considerations was not adopted. 5. Findings were made pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15091 (Statement of Facts and Findings). 6. A copy of the Negative Declaration and the record of the project approval is on file and may be examined at: Planning & Development Services Department, Environmental & Project Planning Services Division, 300 N. Flower, Room 321 Santa Ana, California 927024048. (714)834-5550. Signature: ` Date: �� 3 �� Title: Planner IV Fish & Game Fee Finding: Exempt per Government Code Section 6103 DATE:—7FAJJt,_CJwy, /DI '2- CC) / TO: j�O l��rZ �/�L)S /� R E C V r). 0 FROM: Clerk of the Board, Board Services Division AN 2001 RE: Confirmation to Publish This is to confirm the attached copy you submitted for publication is scheduled for the following day(s): Day 1: ': Zr1 L t CLr % �/ 2 D D Day 3: Day 2: Day 4: The publication will be published with the following adjudicated newspaper: -1-OrM '��2- Please update your records to reflect this information. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone (714) 834-2206. Thank you, a6a,� Maria Lo ez Deputy, Clerk of the Board -7217 �- a r 2 ?, Z DJ 1 CobshareBrdvs/forms/office forms/publication confirmation Order No : 195363 Created Date : 01/10/2001 Ad Description : PN: 1st Summary Ordinance for Zone Change ZC 00-05 Newspaper Name : ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER Pubdates : 01/17/01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SUMMARY ORDINANCE NOTICE is hereby given that the Orange County Board of Supervisors, will conduct a regular public meeting on January 23, 2001 at 9:30 a.m., in the Orange County Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 10 Civic Center Plaza, 1st Floor, Santa Ana, CA to consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to adopt Zone Change ZC 00-05 for the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. Anyone who wishes to comment on this matter may do so -at that time. Copies of the full text of the proposed Ordinance are available at the Office of the Clerk of the Board, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Room 465, Santa Ana, CA 92701 DARLENE J. Clerk of the Orange County Board of Supervisors dAN. -10' O1(WEU) 16:00 � � P. 001 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION California Newspaper Service Bureau 915 F. First St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (800) 788.7840 Fax: (800) 540-4089 01 /10/2001 ATTN: Maria Lopez CLERK OF THE BOARD/ D.BLOOM 1.0 CIVIC CTR PLAZA, 4TH FLOOR HAL OF ADMIN.Room 465 SANTA ANA CA 92701 Dear Customer: The order listed below has been received and processed. If you have any questions regarding this order, please call your ad coordinator or the phone number listed above. Customer Account#: Type of notice: Ad Description: Our order number: Newspaper: Publication date(s)- Sale/Hearing Date: 119792 GPN - GOVT PUBLIC NOTICE PN: 1 st Summary Ordinance for Zone Change zC 00-a 195363 ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER 01/17/01 01 /17/2001 Thank you for using the Daily Journal Corporation, Created ay: ORANOF COUNTY BOARD OF SUpFRVISORS w 0 bQ a 7' M o Q J m Q O � Y G U aa. Q m LU u. a x L J O Z A N T a m c lq LL Q Z Q O QC CN 0 �. a l c T o L a O U S O U U U O D E E cn z D_ �LL N Z CC O O � U O CDO C 0 T `m N m a -1 a T ¢ z � T o V/ Q a�, aaa C, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I am a citizen of the U.S., over the age of 18, resident of Orange County and not a party to the action upon which publication is being made. My business address is 10 Civic Center Plaza, P. O. Box 687 Santa Ana CA 92702 . I ordered publication of the attached notice. Said notice has been ordered to be published in the C4`' a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Orange, to be published on the following T dates: J C n / Z '? cam. / I declare under penalty of perjury that the, foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Santa Ana, California one j �' �' (date). By: Maria Lopez - (Print Name) Signature s F.%brdsysNff msVmisc\affidvt.dac (7 Richard Dayton 2900 Silver Lane Newport Beach, CA 92660 Gary Hall 20411 Upper Bay Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Jeffrey Hamilton 20102 Cypress Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Rita Jones, PAC, ABCOM 20401 Cypress Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Peter Macdonald 2392 Bayfarm Place Newport Beach, CA 92660 John Mc Gregor 20092 Kline Drive Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Planning Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Public Notices Mailed out on December , 2000, for the 7" Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan for the PC hearing on 12-20-00 By Micki Harris On Site Posting of Public Notice on three sites by Marie Sianez on , 2000 for PC Hearing Richard Moriarty 20362 Birch Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Robert Banghart 20312 Riverside Drive Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Mary Slouka 376 22nd Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Davis Stieve 1731 Orchard Drive Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Roger Summers 20292 Birch Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Gregory Carroll 20101 Bayview Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92660 Planning Director City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92707 Public Notices mailed on or the 7th Amendment to th�AHS for the Board Hearing on 0 by Micki Harris On Site Posting o ublic Notice othree sites by Marie Sianez on 00j001 for Board of Supervisors a ring Send Error Report Name: PDSD/ENV&PROJECT PLN'G ID: 714 8346132 18 Dec, 00 2:45PM Page, E12/t art time Usage Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode Status 18 2:44PM 0'00" 912132295338................ Send.............. 0/ 2 .......... No answer............................... Total: 0'00" Pages sent: 0 Pages printed: 0 Countx ofOrangir n P/snn/ny and Do VeAp vneint sorvivas Dip! e Environmental & project Planning Services �hosfi 300 N. Flower Streat Sartre Ana, CA 92703 Return FAX. 7148348132 Fax TO. Daily Journal Attention: Susie Fn Mi* Harris, (714) 8344M Fas 1-8006474ti444� 2 rim 213.229-5338 ova 12118N0 no Public Notice cc: ❑arse ❑ w awY, pn.r. �•s.nse Q PMs•. a.Fy Qn.... � • Goaa•efF Please piece this Beard of Supervisor Pudic Notice in the Newport Basch Board Costa s Daly Pilot the firer week of January. Please make it a 11Bfh Display The pwAsom hearing date hearing date's January 23, 2001. The Charge Numberforthis public nodes is pC30455 tfthere are any problems or questions. pleese call me. Thanks for your assistance in This matter Mk*j Harris . ... .. ... . ... SANTA ANA AVENUE LL I• _!ED�DS DRIVE REDLANWD7R-ft•02 i HH JA/ J 1 LLI VVILLO LANE RIVERSIDE DR, IVE ILZ �Hll =E I r c PAPER ONE 0 E 0 Cn iD so �ffl se 20 full EL 2303 lei g, LA 37RM 28 2140 21DE 2148 — 2182 2242 2262 ;a 0 23W ;INQ 2!�g m UPPER RAY n DRNE ell F BAYv 'p v DR :omm BIRCH MINE zm ER f !c =,"''MI AVENUE • MR i! 1! 1 DILL! 1 i Li PLACE low REDLA -Ji 77 CO) ilia fm Mh T SANTA ANA AVENUE f,I - --- - ------- REDLANDS DRIVE 0 IRVINEAVENUE 21,40 ZOO 21022242 IRS w Cn Ib 2X Fi Ii U BAY , D LY L ACACLA 1110111011 11011m ;p-q 1110111011 11011m ;p-q ,r AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL Page 2 ADDITIONAL DATA: (Continued) driveways that cross the equestrian trails and that trail integrity be maintained with new development. These changes have been included on Page III-4 of the document. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the project on December 20, 2000 and recommended your Board's approval. PUBLIC COMMENTS Both ABCOM and the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee (PAC) support the proposed project. To date, no public comments objecting to the proposed project have been received. CEQA COMPLIANCE Negative Declaration PA 00-0023 was prepared for the sixth amendment and satisfies the requirements of California .Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this project (Attachment E) and must be approved prior to project approval with a finding that it is adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA. ATTACHMENTS: (Continued) C. Land Use District Map D. Public Comments E. Environmental Documentation Negative Declaration PA 00-0023 F. Planning Commission Minutes and Staff Report (with document pages that have been modified) G. Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, Seventh Amendment (Exhibit I to Ordinance) t . ATTACHMENT A Draft Resolution and Ordinance f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 �l 26 DRAFT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA , 2001 WHEREAS, the State of California Government Code provides for the preparation and adoption of specific plans; and WHEREAS, the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan was prepared to implement the Land Use Compatibility Program for Santa Ana Heights and was initially adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors by Resolution 86-1324, and by Ordinance No. 3601, both on October 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, said Specific Plan provides detailed plans for the Land Use Element, Transportation Element, Public Services and Facilities Element and Recreation Element of the Orange County'General Plan; and 'WHEREAS, said Specific Plan provides for the regulation of land within the Specific Plan area and supersedes all zoning provision applicable to the Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Planning and Zoning Law of the State of California, this Board has duly considered the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, PA 00-0129, Zone Change ZC 00-05 as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on December 20, 2000; and WHEREAS, in compliance with said law, a public hearing was held by this Board, on said Specific Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, said Specific Plan Amendment is a "project" pursuant to the California Environment Quality Act; and WHEREAS, Negative Declaration PA 00-0023 was prepared for Zone Change ZC 00-01.and satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for this Zone Change ZC 00-05. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board makes the following findings: 1. In accordance with Section 21080 (c) of the Public Resources Code and CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, Negative Declaration PA 00-0023 was prepared and reflects the independent judgment of the lead agency, Orange County, and satisfies the requirements of CEQA. It is approved for the purposed project based upon the following findings: a. The Negative Declaration and Comments on the Negative Declaration received during the public review process for Zone Change ZC 00-01 were considered and the Negative Declaration was found adequate in addressing the impacts related to the project and satisfies the requirements of CEQA for ZC 00-05; and b. There is no substantial evidence that the project, with the implementation of the mitigation measures, which are included in the Negative Declaration, will have a significant effect on the environment. 1 2. Pursuant to Section 711.4(c)(2)(B) of the California Fish and Game code, this project is exempt from the required fees as it has been determined that the project is de 'minimus in 2 effect on fish and wildlife resources. 3. The proposed project will not have a significant unmitigated impact upon Coastal Sage Scrub 3 habitat and, therefore, will not preclude the ability to prepare an effective Subregional Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP) Program. 4 4. Zone change ZC 00-05 is consistent with the objectives, policies general land uses and 5 programs specified by the General Plan. 6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board finds that the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan as 7 amended prepared pursuant to the provisions of the government Code, Sections 65450 et seq., governing the adoption of specific plans. 8 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board finds that the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, Zone Change ZC 00-05 will enhance the overall aesthetic character of the 9 community. 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board approves the amended Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan as the guidance and regulatory documents for planning and development within the Santa Ana 11 Heights Specific Plan boundary, approves Zone Changes ZC 00-05 and adopts the Seventh Amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan and intends to adopt, by separate Ordinance, Zone Change ZC 12 00-05. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 j. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE STATE PLANNING AND ZONING LAW, AMENDING THE SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN (ZC 00-05) The Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The amendment to the Land Use District Regulations as set forth in Zone Change ZC 00-05,to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan is hereby adopted, pursuant to Section 7-9-156 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange, and is added to Section 7-9-48 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange as contained in Exhibit 1. 1 ATTACHMENT B Vicinity Map GIS031sah -vidn IN. a or, AV_ WARNER L RD .SE AL701N AV /11P7 AV it Icn SANTA ANA NIACARTHUR SU/0 SUN FLOWER AV C: C; M > AV �GISLEFR AKER BAKER ST IRVINE AV Cn < M OB— N AD VIS ARLING-,,'ON MERRI 71 R COSTA STA AV z FAIII OR MESA > fLSON'! SANTA ANA 0- ERI A HEIGHTS 'NEWPORT BEACH 4F, V el IOAQUIN' A N 0 3000 6000 9000 Peet Thomas S. Mathews, Director Planning & Development services Department August 2000 Santa Ana Heights Via cinity Map ATTACHMENT C Land Use District Map _._-f � IIjII�I lliti,I. ii j��,~•;:.I I '1 _ � '.. � a� v n •' __ 5a 3 _ i I fS'�ip Ft �••I�'•Z'i^'� R >"i:j•` T 7IL b i � i � Ia�Rlz�ai al�'a'a:z:al .;, z • a.�•.. �1 z 4 z .-. . 71 .71 - 3nN3Ar M3IA AW _ i izs2 (g - I ia. aiii ^ra^ coL: 'tn :; A.3 3 •3. 3 .J a v U U i Ittn ! f2IRip ' Ri IZI�I IZt IZi � lr3ia:uv:i =_ dl1 R 4 a' i ) I K Ig �j )s.I^„IGI✓;';A '« i 9,r. LLrt.=u.L-- •.'S ? 3 ? 3 s; 1 4 ¢• a. _ J I I 8�2 i i8 .i!^? LLfe ;�:� ?, y ) I I i�:� ?.' ? '? Z' <•LGEL �I�t' IaC AY9 a3dan ._.. 3nN3AY 37nad ' , �" w w:con, love! _ ,w.Lm'L Lonl �Lo>t Lan•• ZKL !�!�:� �.�,?i- ". Rl..,a tiEL Z'. t6EL �. !Lycra. r---itI• iViA1Ri?IZ131d,•. ,atz:z: :�_..u: .er.a:t6EL .aEL' -� 7 •"�' —/�•-+ Larz: _•Lyct bet: _ LeeL Lenz• u~+j ,y�r '^'�'gi�larj.i_Ia'�iS•j;'='"'.;'�;3� T._ L__C• ..SE., yLap";Ia:L'•rxL:�2:z MZ1 W "VZ�I iZi i;3l IR'-'.la'Z' '�: ' Z. ? 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LEOL• tLLI I I +I I e I g I ! - • i LLoz' ` •yj ra :. r �Na l _ t I 133aIS YIJYJY r".... 11 y t i ,- ii V / ,aLPI • '� mod; ,Ly2�' `\ Yip '.'.,•'YCC P, 9 I; .i T StNn O '\ Y I ' I1•L''M6Li gam!n Q I MNn S .� 4 3nN3AY 3NIm, i 1 I i I >,>+n i �',y�.? 12 i � r 31 g � i �-E �l'�' j LztL: Ltn �� �•�i 3 I YW .� �.. ) � �� '�s� --'- 3AIaa i 3mm .'� I 'L691 I t991' LLu ; cm L7 9Le i I j i•v ` 1� La9Li .221 R .ir-i , L9ti W�log � >.+'Lo.+ :'m9L .INII r • •-. �j S m9t 7 -.. $ . 'Lp}L i •' 1,Nn : 1 L'9L .sv; .="`; ffGr�;yILKL;LKL. Col. ItE9t �`- 3nla sa3Ala�- G� n� �� __ ;(SL, 3niaa3alsa3nla j,. - 3NY'1oTllrA w . II ,mt, I E'SLOL 'ZmL�'In, II>—Z9t---, F�iI`^^'I Si? j OEM. r p T '' L090 i'��'-' ' ' � I IGStI v�IZ6St ' LGSL. i• - _ .•F,L iAIaC SGNY'Oi�! _ _3AIaC _3C`lY'C 3a 2 ; `.Ll•' � � �_ �� —_ .. . l •) , i r t9sl]a' Z+7�1-/I�9S tom, .zLSL LL ..SL-JI �_ ''• LI tt91: tKt 3nN3AY YNY YINYS 4 ATTACHMENT D Public Comments (No public comments have been received) ATTACHMENT E Environmental Documentation `�� 20 p go U M ti ��LlF0¢t J DATE: TO: FROM: County of Orange SUBJECT: May 16, 2000 lyficki Harris, Environmental & Project Planning Services Lea Umnas, Environmental & Project Planning Services Division PA000023 — Amendment No. 6 to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan ZC00-91 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is an amendment to the Santa, Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP). The amendment includes a zone change to modify, the requirements of the Business Park District and the Residential Equestrian District development standards. The proposed project also amends the Community Design program and refines other sections of the Specific Plan to reflect recent County organizational changes. The Specific Plan with the above amendments is hereby incorporated into this Negative Declaration. See Table 1 to review the proposed changes to the Specific Plan. PROJECT LOCATION : The proposed project site is located south of Bristol, north of Mesa, east of Santa of Orchid in Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, unincorporated Orange County. Ana Avenue and west CE DETERMINATION: The CEQA review of the subject project has been completed by the Environmental & Project Planning Services Division (E&PPSD) which has determined that Negative Declaration is the adequate document for the proposed project. The following is attached to this memo for your consideration: I, Instructions for Filing CEQA Documents with the County Clerk: and II. CEQA Statements, Actions and Findinas which should be used for Staff.Reports and AITs for the Project, including A. CEQA Compliance Statement for AITs and Staff Reports: and B. Recommended Finding for an Exempt Project; and C. Fish and Game Code Finding for Approval of Project; and C. NCCP Finding for Approval of Project. III. Negative Declaration PA000023 IV. Notice of Determination If clarification is needed reaarding this Memo or if there are questions, please contact the following staff person from the Environmental & Project Planning Services Division: E&PPSD Staff Contact: Lea Umnas George Britton, Manager Environmental & Project Planning Services Division Telephone Number: 834-2742 By: Bob Aldrich, Chief Public Projects Attachment 1: Filing Instructions for County Clerk Attachment 2: Recommended CEQA Statement, Action, Findings Attachment 3: Negative Declaration PA000023 Attachment 4: Notice of Determination ATTACFLNIENT 1 FILING CE A DOCUMENTS `VITH THE COUNTY CLERK Your division will be responsible for filing the CEQA Notice of Exemption (NOE) and paying its roject. he Countyrelated $38.00 filing fee with the County Clerk for yourepnumber Tn the upperCright lerk co�rnernin needs your CEQA document(s) with your project cha order to post the document and recover this fee. You must, however, obtain a fee receipt from the County Clerk, which must then be turned in immediately to Management Services/Accountin, Services. The County Clerk requires the $38.00 documentary handling fee for the following items: *Negative Declarations (ND); *Notices of Determinations (NOD); and *Notices of Exemption (NO) Please note the following: Within 5 days of approval action by the decision -making authority (e.g. Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, Subdivision Committee or Director, PDS) on a project, a Notice of Exemption (NOE) must be filed with the County Clerk. / 2. A De Minimis Finding (Certificate of Fee Exemption) will be provided by E&PPSD and must accompany your project's NOD. You will need to fill in the information on the NOE form and get an original authorizing signature from your division after the approval action on your project. You will need to take the original set, and at least one set of copies to the EIR Clerk located in the Recorders/Clerks Office, Building 1,,, Civic Center Plaza. The Clerk will stamp the NOE and keep the original set. The Clerk will issue a receipt for the environmental document, which must be returned to Management Services/Accounting Services by the end of the day. A copy of a stamped NOE must be sent to E&PPSD for the file. ATTACHvIENT 2 RECOivivIENDED CE ASTATEIIENT, ACTION AND FLNDC GS FOR STAFF REPORTS/AI— A. CEQA COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (FOR TEXT OF STAFF REPORT/AIT): The CEQA compliance statement, located in the text of the staff report or body of the AIT under "Additional Data", shalI include the following statement advised otherwise by County Counsel or the tiianager, Environmental & Project Planning Services Division. Negative Declaration No. PA000023 has been prepared and was posted for public review on iViay 17, 2000. It is attached for your consideration and must be approved prior to project approval with a finding that it is adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA. B. RECOMMENDED ACTION STATEMENT FOR APPROVL�tG PROJECT: State law requires that action on a CEQA document be taken by the decision -maker prior to approval of the project for which it has been otherwise by following Counselaction nuor st bthe kiVianaen ser. action on the project, unless directed PDSD/E&PPSD. In accordance with Section 21080(c) of the Public Resources Code and CEQA Guidelines Section 15074, Negative Declaration No. PA000023, which reflects the fies the independent judgment It isapproved roved for thee lead y prOoposed project based range County, supon the requirements of CEQA PP following findings: a. The Negative Declaration and Comments on the Negative Declaration received during the public review process were considered'and the Negative Declaration was found adequate in addressing the impacts related to the project; and b. There is no substantial evidence that the project, with the implementation of the mitigation measures, if any, which are included in the Negative Declaration, will have a significant effect on the environment; and C. If mitigation measures are included, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the Mitigation ivionitoring and Reporting Program is adopted. C. FISH 42ND GAME CODE FLN`DL`jG FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT: Find that pursuant to Section 711.4 ee fr the California Code Section and Game Code, this project is exem t from the required fees per Go D. NCCP FIN"Dr G FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT: Find that the proposed project will not have a significant unmitigated impact upon Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and, therefore, will not preclude the ability to prepare an effective Subregional Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP). ri J County c �Jrangre Planning & Development Services Department NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Negative Declaration PA000023 ZC0041 lines In compliance with Secion 15072 of the nasjornia herebEgVven toeespons responsible agen�iesntal Quality Art et usteenac�ncies. County of Orange Procedures, notification y interest groups and the general public. that the County of Orange proposes to adopt Negative Declaration PA000023 ZC00-01 Amendment No. 6 .to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The Negative Declaration (ND) and supporting attachments are available for review by the general public at the offices of the PDSD/Environmental & Project Planning Services Division, Room 321, 300 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana CA. 92702. The proposed NO will undergo a 20-day public review period during which time comments will be received, starting May 17, 2000 and ending sent e 7, 2000. Comments responding to the adequacy and appropriateness of the ND should be George Britton, Manager Environmental & Project Planning Services Division Planning and Development Services Department P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA 92702-4C48 ATTN: Lea G. Umnas Commentors wishing to appeal the decision to prepare a NO must specifically state this intention in their letter. The proposed project site is located in Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area of unincorporated Orange County. The proposed project is an amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP). The amendment includes a zone change to modify the requirements of the Business Park District and the Residential Equestrian District development standards. The proposed project also amends the Community Design program and refines other sections of the specific plan to reflect recent County organizational changes. Project Location Project Description: Project Contact: CEQA Contact: Micki Harris (714) 834-4630 Lea Umnas (714) 834-2742 _ .,OSTED Nfav 17. 2000 E FINIAL ;, ore o � `7�IFOg�`T NEGATIVE DECLARATION PLANTN-LNG & DEVELOPINIENT SERVICES DEPARtiIE`+'T 300 N. FLOWER STREET P. O. BOX 4043 SANTA ANA, CALIFOR.NIA 92702-4043 In accordance with Orange County Board of Supervisor's policies regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, the County of Orange has conducted an fnitial Study to determine whether the following project may have a significant adverse effect on the environment. On the basis of that study, the County of Orange hereby finds that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and does not require the preparation plan Environmental. Impact Report because either the proposed project: a. has or creates no significant environmental impacts requiring mitigation; or , because the lylitiza- don Measures described in the initial.study have been added b. will not create a significant adverse effect to.the project. The envioonmental documents that constitute the Initial Study and provide the basis and reasons for this determination are attached and hereby made a part of this document. PROJECT: Title: Amendment No. 6 to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan File No: PaO000'_': Location: Santa Ana Heights area southwesterly of John Wayne Airport south of Bristol and North of Mesa 'D Description: Technical amendments to the Santa Ana Heights Soecitic Plan Project Proponent or Applicant: County of Or ---- Division /Department Responsible for Proposed Project: Environmental & Project Planning Room No. 321 Address: 300 N. Flower St.. Santa Ana, CA 92702-4043 Project Contact Person: lViicki Harris Telephone: (7'14) 334-5049 CEQA Contact Person: Lea Utnnas Telephone: (714) 8 4-2742 NOTICE: The Negative Declaration may become final unless written comments or an appeal is received by the office listed above by 4:30 p.m. on June 7, 2000. If you wish to appeal the appropriateness or adequacy of this document. address your w, itten comments to our finding that the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment: (1) identit, the environmental effect(s), why they would occur, and why they would be significant, and (2) suggest any mitigation measures which you believe would eliminate or reduce the effect to an acceptable level. Regarding item (1) above, explain the basis for your comments and submit any supporting data or , ences._ t- Dated: 6iu�z NOTE: This document and supporting attachments are provided for review by the general public. This is an information document about environmental effects only. Supplemental information is on file and may be reviewed in the office listed above The decision- t making body will review this document and potentially many other sources of information before considering the proposed project. RAIRHCB FORMS OCT 1997 u°{ •ai INITIAL STUDY PROJECT TITLE: Zone Change and Amendment No. 6 to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan LEAD DIVISION: Planning and Development Services (PDSD), County of Orange INITIAL STUDY NUMBER: PA000023 PROJECT PLANNER: viicki Harris CEQA PLANNER: Lea limnas APPLICANT: PDSD, County of Oranae PHONE: (714) 834-4630 PHONE: (714) 83-=-1742 PROJECT LOCATION: Santa Ana Heights South of Bristol. North of viesa. East of Santa Ana Avenue and West of Orchid. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is the sixth amendment to the Santa Ana Height zone change to modify requirements in the Business Specific Plan (SAHSP). The project involves a Park (BP) District and Residential Equestrian District (REQ) development standards. The proposed project also amends the Community Design program and refines other sections of the Specific Plan to reflect recent changes in the County organization. DECISION NLAKER: Board of Supervis6rs SOURCES OF INFORivLXTION (as numbered on checklist): 1) Planning Application including the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan with amendments 2) EIR 508 A 3) County of Orange Zoning RESPONSIBLE/TRUSTEE AGENCIES I�+-'OLVED: N/A LAND USE ENTITLEMENT SUMMARY: Zoning: Specific Plan PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUNIENTATION: Original Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 87-22 on adopted on October 15, 1986, Amendment 87-1 and Zone Changeendment 90I band Zone Change 90- Amendment 89-1 and Zone Change 89-13 December 6, 1989, Am 077 approved on viay 21, 1999, Amendment 94-1 and Zone Change PA 94-0018 on August 20, 1996. Amendment 9901 and Zone Change ZC 99-03; Community Profile Amendment CPA99-02 on November 23, 1999. INITIAL STUDY DATE: viarch4, 2000. I I INITIAL STUDY COVERLZnvironmental 3: Project Planning Services Division LGU 8,23/1999 ❑o ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ac�� ❑ ❑ ❑ �- C -' ❑ ❑ L i✓ r V r, ]J J 21 •fA � > 7 _ - .f y .^. - _ _ - - ; v _ T = � - I � = - � it v .� � �_ _ -i• n .. _- lu Ul O3 ^ - , •.� ± •'• ' _ f�i y y . J ' Z y 'J V , . 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The proposed project also amends the Community Design program and refines other sections of the Specific Plan to reflect recent County organizational changes. The Specific Plan with the above amendments is hereby incorporated into this Negative Declaration. Se —Table 1 to review the proposed changes to the Specific Plan. PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed project site is located south of Bristol, north of Mesa. east of Santa Ana Avenue and west of Orchid in Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, unincorporated Orange County. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CO`iDITIONS . The Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan area is an established, urbanized area. The area is characterized by a diversity of land uses with a mix of office, commercial and residential uses. PROJECT BACKGROUND The proposed project is an amendment to the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SAHSP). The Orange County Board of Supervisors originally adopted the Specific Plan on February 26, 1935. The Purpose of the Specific Plan is to provide a comprehensive set of .plans, guidelines, regulations and implementation programs for guiding and ensuring the orderly development o Santa Ana Heights in accordance with the adopted land use plan. In accordance with Sec. 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, an Initial Study was completed on the subject project by the Environmental have Qni & ant effecProject t o�ie Services Division (E&PPSD) to determine if the project may environment. E&PPSD determined that a Negative Declaration (ND) would be an appropriate environmental documentation for the subject project. The following is the analysis of the subject proposal. ANALYSIS: 1. LAND USE & PLANNING a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies of agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (e.g. low income, minority)? d) Conflict with adjacent, existing or planned land uses? ANALYSIS: The proposed zone change does not conflict with the general plan designation or zoning and remains consistent with the Board -adopted land use plan for the area. No mitigation measures are required. 2. AGRICULTURE. Would project: a) Convert Farmlands listed as "Prime", "Unique" or of "Statewide Importance" as shown on the State Farmland :tilappinc and JVlonitoring Program, to non-agricultural use? r b) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use?_ ANALYSIS: There is no farmland conversion involved with the proposed project. The scope of the project contains technical corrections, modifications to.the Community Design Program, and changing requirements in the Residential Equestrian (REQ) District and the Business Park (BP) District. The project would not involve changes in the existing environment that could result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use. No mitigation measures are necessary. 3. POPULATION & HOUSING. Would the project: a) Cumulatively exceed adopted regional or local population projections? b) Induce substantial grown in an area directly or indirectly through project in an undeveloped areas or extension of major infrastructure? c) Displace existing housing affecting a substantial number of people? Initial Study PA000023 Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments will not cause the Santa Ana Heights area to cumulatively exceed adopted regional or local population projections or induce substantial growth in an area directly or indirectly. The changes to the Specific Plan involve technical corrections and updating of regulations only. No mitigation measures are required. 4 GEOPHYSICAL. Would project result in or expose people to impacts involving: a) Local fault rupture? b) Seismicity: ground shaking or liquefaction? c) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? d) Landslides or mudslides? e) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from e-rcavation, grading or fill? 1) • Subsidence of the land? g) Expansive soils? h) Unique geologic or physical features? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments would not generate impacts associated with landform alteration, seismic faults, or unstable earth conditions. The project involves modifications to Residential Equestrian District and Business Park District regulations as well as technical corrections to the Specific. Plan. No construction or entitlement will be conveyed at this time. No mitigation measures are warranted. j Initial Study P?.000023 Amendment to Santa Ana Haights Specific Plan 5 HYDROLOGY & DRAINAGE. Would the proposal result in: a) Substantially alter the evYisting drainage pattern of the site or area, including the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in manner which would result in: i) Substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site? ii) A substantial increase in the rate or amount of surface runoff in manner which would result in flooding on- or off -site? b) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? c) Place within a 100 year flood hazard area structures, which would impede or redirect flood flows? d) E.cpose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving oding, includingflooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam, or inundation flo by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? ANYALYSIS: The proposed amendments will not affect absorption rates, drainage patterns. erosion, or the rate and amount of surface water run-off as no grading or construction is part of the proposed project. No mitigation measures are required. 6. WATER QUALITY. `Mould the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a loweri�:g of a local groundwater table level? c) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? ANALYSIS: The subject project will not violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements, neither is it expected to substantially deplete or degrade water quality. The changes to the ions and address changes to regulations for the - Specific Plan are mainly technical correct Business Park District and the Residential Equestrian District. Therefore. ho adverse impacts are anticipated. No mitigation measures are required. Amendment to Santa Arta Heights Specific Plan 4 Initial Study PA000023 7. TRANSPORTATIONICIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion beyond adopted policies and/or forecasts? b) E.rceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standards established by the county congestion management agencyfor designated roads or highways? e) Safety hazardsfrom design features (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment)? d) Inadequate emergency access of access to nearby uses? e) Insufficient parkin; capacity on -site or off -site? Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? g) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks) ? h) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? 0 Change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic leveIs or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendment would not generate any additional vehicular movement beyond regional projections, affect existing parking facilities, or create demand for new parking facilities. It would not alter present patterns of circulation or.movement. No mitigation measures are warranted. 8. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any SCAQMD standard or contribute to air quality deterioration beyond projections of SCAQMD? b) Expose sensitive population groups to pollutants in excess of acceptable levels? c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any chap; a in climate? d) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? :ANALYSIS: The proposed amendment would not significantly contribute to air emissions, deteriorate -air change in air movement, moisture or temperature quality, create objectionable odors, cause a either locally or regionally, or elevate air pollution beyond South Coast Air Quality vlanagement Plan forecasts. No mitigation measures are necessary. t,,,,�/ Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 5 Initial Study PA000023 9. NOISE. Would the proposal:. 7) a) Increase existing noise levels? b) E.epose people to noise levels e-rceeding adopted County standards? c) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to e-rcessive noise levels? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendment is not expected to increase existing noise levels due to the tact gnat no grading or construction is involved. Santa Ana Heights is in the vicinity of John Wayne Airport (JWA). However, Final EIR No. 508A addressed how to achieve compatibility between noise from JWA and land uses in Santa Ana Heights. Impacts and mitigation measures required in regard to noise were adequately addressed in Final EIR No. 508A. No additional mitigation measures are necessary. 10. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project impact: a) Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats including, but not limited to, plants, fish, insects, animals and birds? b) Locally designated species e.g. heritage trees? c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g. Oak Forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? d) Wetland habitat e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool? e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? Adopted conservation plans and policies (e.g. Natural Commiinity Conservation Plait or Resource Afanagement Plan)? ANALYSIS: The proposed amendments to the Specific Plan would not impact biological resources. The project site is a fully urbanized area with no biological resources in existence. No new mitigation measures are warranted. 11. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or view open to the public? b) Affect a designated scenic highway? (D :amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 6 Initial Study FA000023 c) Substantially degrade the e-xisting visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? ^� d) Create light or glare beyond the physical limits of the project site? ANALYSIS: ments to the Specific Plan will impact the aesthetics Santa Ara Hei_�ts The proposed amend anges enhancing the existing and/or future -visual character or quality Of ille site. Add•tions a.�d have taken place to the Community Design Program of the Santa Ana Heights Scectr,c Plar. (S �HSP) with the goal of prop iding a sense of identity to the Specific Plan area and encou:a=in'I development that will complement existing and surrounding land uses. See bullets below: • Landscape guidelines have changed. Along all property lines where business park uses abut residential uses, a three -foot -wide landscape buffer shall be required in order to screen and soften views from existing residential uses to business park uses. The proposed amendment includes a change in the type of trees allowed in the buffer area and sets the criteria for how many, where, what type of trees will be utilized in the buffer area. See the SAHSP or Table 1 for the exact changes made. • The amendment also includes modifications to the Architectural Guidelines for Business Par: Uses. iviaterials and design guidelines have addedbeen � 'Materials and Building Rooflss the exterior in appearance tvthe the buildings. See the sections on Exterior building SAHSP for details. Changes to the Land Use District Regulations may also impact the aesthetics of the area. See bullet below: • Site development standards have been modified. Changes to building height, trash and storage of mechanical equipment, and building design guidelines are all part of the proposed amendment. Because changes above will not degrade .the existing visual character or quality of the site. but rather enhance the aesthetics of the area. no mitigation measures are required. 12. CULTURAL/SCIE`tTIFIC RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Disturb archaeo or paleo resources? b) affect historical resources? c) Have the potential to cause a physical change that would affect unique ethnic cultural values? ANALYSIS: ~ Initial Stud% P 000023 �/ Amendment to Santana Heights Specific Plan 7 The proposed amendments to the Specific Plan will not impact cultural or scientific resources since construction or grading are not part of the proposed project. No mitigation measures are warranted. 13. RECREATION. Would proposal: a) Increase the use of e-ristin; neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration or die facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of -recreational facilities that might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? c) Conflict with adopted recreational plans or policies? ANALYSIS: The proposed project involves technical updates and changes in regulations stated in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The project would not result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities. No mitigation measures are warranted. 14.,1MIYERAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? b) Result in -the loss of availabilitl: of a locally -important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, Specific Plan or other land use plan? ANALYSIS: The proposed project would not result in the loss of availability of any known mineral resource or locally important mineral resource recovery site. No mitigation measures are warranted. 15. HAZARDS. Would the project: a) Create a hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a hazard to the public or the environment through reasonablvforeseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? Amendment to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan $ Initial Study PA000023 d) Exposure of people to existing sources of health hazards? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? f) For a project within the vicinity of private airstrip, would the project result in a safes, hazard for people residing or working in the project area? g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emerg ency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk or loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? AN.kLYSIS: The proposed project would not result in impacts to public health and safety. Santa Ana Heights is in the vicinity of John Wayne Airport (J`� A). However, Final EIR No. 508 A addressed row to achieve compatibility between airport uses at JWA and land uses in Santa Ana Heights. Impacts and mitigation measures required in regard to safety were adequately addressed in Final EIR No. 508A. No additional mitigation measures are necessary. 16. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would project result in needs for new/altered government J facilities/services in: a) Fire protection ? b) Police protection? c) Schools? d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? e) Other government services? AstiALYSIS: The proposed amendments to the S AHSP do not impact the public services,'utilities plan: The public services/utilities plan addresses the adequacy of existing water, sewer, and drainage facilities to meet existing and ultimate demand and identifies those public works facility improvement needed to implement the Land Use Plan. do additional mitigation measures are required. ^� Initial Study PA000023 J Amtndmant to Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan 9