HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA96-0065*NEW FII-1E* *NEW FILE* PA96-0065 I HE IRVINE COAST Planned Community OR AN G E C 0 U N TY CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMENT AREA 2C-9 Planned Community ORANGE COUNT Y CALIFORNIA PLANNING AREA 14 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEVELOPMENT AREA 2C-9 PLANNING AREA 14 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Prepared for: County of Orange Environmental Management Agency Land Planning Division Submitted by: California Pacific Homes Newport Beach, CA 92660 Prepared by: FORMA 3100 Bristol Street, Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 May 1996 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE A. INTRODUCTION Purpose ............................................ 1 Existing Conditions .................................... 2 Ongoing Tracking Procedures .............................. 2 B. CURRENT PLAN DESCRIPTION 1. Site Development Plan ............................... 3 2. Grading Plan ..................................... 6 3. Landscape/Fuel Modification Plan ........................ 7 4. Architectural Plans .................................. 7 C. CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS ............................ . 11 D. APPENDIX Orange County Planning Application Orange County Fire Authority Correspondence Correspondence Regarding Easement Tentative Tract Map No. 15078 794/02.000 ca1pac\ph3-sdp.005 i c) July 3, 1996 FORMA LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT FOLLOWING PAGE OR NUMBER TITLE SEE MAP POCKET (MP) 1. 2. Project Location Map .................................... Site Development 1 Plan for ICPC DA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 ........... 3 3. Recreation Center/Entry Plaza Detail Plan ......................... 4 4. Recreation Center Floor Plans/Elevations ........................ 4 5. Entry Plaza Elevation .................................... 4 6. Model Complex ............................... ......... 4 6a. Temporary Sales Trailer .................................. 4 6b. Model Complex Signs .................................... 4 7. Grading Plan for ICPC DA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 ................. 6 8. Site Development Sections ................................. 6 9. Landscape/Fuel Modification Plan for ICPC DA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 .... 7 10. Landscape/Fuel Modification Sections .......................... 7 11. Architectural Floor Plan/Elevations — Plan 1 ..................... 7 �I 12. 13. Architectural Floor Plan/Elevations — Plan 2. ..................... Architectural 7 Floor Plan/Elevations — Plan 3 ................... 7 2. 1* Master Development Plan ................................ MP LIST OF TABLES TABLE ON OR 4 NUMBER TITLE FOLLOWING PAGE A Phase III Project Statistical Table ............................. 5 B Irvine Coast Planned Community Statistical Table — Tenth Revision ....... 5 C San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Statistical Table — Second Revision .................................. 5 D Proposed Plant List for Development Areas ....................... 8 11 : Reflects approved CDP/SDP PA 94-0149 exhibit numbers. PP ( ) 1 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 ca1paclph3-sdp.005 11 FORMA NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 1 ' A. INTRODUCTION Purpose A Site Development Permit is requested for the combined residential development area consisting of Irvine Coast Planned Community (ICPC) Development Area 2C-9 and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community (SJHPC) Planning Area 14, located along the northern side of Ridge Park Road, as indicated by Exhibit 1, Project Location Map. This area represents the first development project within the approved Newport Coast Phase III CDP/SDP. The combined CDP/SDP for the Newport Coast Phase III development projects (PA 94-0149) was approved by the Orange County Planning Commission on June 27, 1995 (Resolution No. 95- 13). Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 14786 was subsequently approved on June 28, 1995 by the Orange County Subdivision Committee. The project was later re -approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors with their denial of an appeal on August 8, 1995 (Resolution No. 95-597). The above stated project approvals provided for the construction of a total of 635 dwelling units on lots ranging in size from 4,000 to 8,000-square feet and all associated infrastructure on a combined total of approximately 361-acres (gross). The residential project area consists of 292.4-acres (gross), excluding Signal Peak facilities in DA 2C-10 and the Community Park in DA 2C-8. The total number of units approved as well as the project density of 2.2 dwelling units per acre fall far below the Medium -High Density Residential land use category which ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 dwelling units per acre. Additionally, the recreation/open space component of the approved project totals approximately 50-acres (gross), excluding the 12.5-acre active recreation and view park located adjacent to the existing IRWD reservoir site along Vista Ridge Road in DA 2C-8. This submittal is the result of design modifications that better represent the marketing program of ' the builder, California Pacific Homes, and also responds to more detailed engineering information now available for the ICPC DA 2C-9/SJHPC PA 14 site. Approval of this Site Development Permit will allow for the following modifications to the approved CDP/SDP (PA 94-0149) Site Development Plans: ❑ Provide for minor adjustments (1.1-acre total) in the Planning Area boundaries between ICPC PAs 8 and 2C and SJHPC PAs 13, 14 and 19; ❑ Substitute amended Site Development, Grading and Landscape/Fuel Modification Plans for ICPC DA 2C-9/SJHPC PA 14; ❑ Implement a process for tracking ongoing minor modifications to the approved CDP/SDP; ❑ Reduce ICPC DA 2C-9 by 1 unit; resulting in 489 total units within PA 2C; ❑ Increase SJHPC PA 14 by 1 unit from 63 units to 64 units; well under the permitted maximum of 89 units; ❑ Provide for revisions to the design of the gated community entrance; ❑ Provide for the inclusion of a community recreation area, including improvements such as a swimming pool, restrooms, sun deck and barbecue areas; and 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 ca1pac\ph3-sdp.005 FORMA 1 1 1 . PA 19 CoestEi zone Open Specs.......................... .,� �' PA20 3 �....- PriMete Open Space w.a++ sn ��i��7�3 .._.. j PA 15 12 i::.:•: .................:.: :.:/•' 1 ) Sipnel _Peak ) ••\• 2C-5 Comm erdw 10 l,tlel i �..i i �•.,�..� j 6-1 ..� 2C-3 'r t 2C-,, Lacel Park— _ •�:Rww oreaw ops ` / „` /„` ! �,r•� 28-3 (UrxierCa�tuctbn) 2G2 Nndercar>sm oon) / �'1 / �...►••� i f f. 12A / �• Los Trencoe Canyon '•'�� Public Open Specs i 2C-8 PROJECT LOCATION MAP PLANNING AREA 14 AND DEVELOPMENT AREA 2C-9 00 U M AID ISM PA WSW M*RVN*CDL~ MAY 1995 1 NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 2 ❑ Provide an adequate level of detail to permit the re -subdivision of the ICPC DA 2C- 9/SJHPC PA 14 portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 14786 with the lotting and construction shown on Tentative Tract Map No. 15078 (which is being processed concurrently as a separate and distinct entitlement document and is included in the appendices of this document for reference purposes only). This document has been prepared to be consistent with the CDP/SDP and to previously -approved meet the requirements for a Site Development Permit, as set forth in The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program (LCP), Chapter H-10-13 and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program, Chapter X. It is intended to provide the Director, Orange County Environmental Management Agency, with the necessary information to permit the above listed refinements to the approved CDP/SDP (PA 94-0149). Existing Conditions The topography of the site is comprised primarily of hilly terrain that has been partially modified by the grading and construction activities of the IRWD Reservoirs at Signal Peak and, more recently, by the construction of Ridge Park Road. Ongoing Tracking Procedures Although the Phase III CDP/SDP was processed and approved as a comprehensive plan of development for the combined 361-acre project area, because it has been divided into as many as �. 16 planning areas/development areas to allow for the greatest opportunity to provide a variety of different land uses/project types, it is likely that a number of minor modifications to the approved development plan will be proposed prior to project build -out. These refinements will be processed pursuant to Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-150.3 (h) which provides Orange County EMA staff with some flexibility to determine if the proposed changes are in substantial conformance with the previously -approved discretionary action. To facilitate the orderly development of the project and provide a means for review of any proposed plan modifications in the context of the overall project approval, a 1 " =200'-scale Master Development Plan has been provided. This plan is intended to provide a comprehensive picture of the proposed Site and Grading Plan refinements by placing them in the context of the ,original approval. In addition, a revision block is provided to document descriptions of the ongoing plan revisions, a revised Project Statistical Summary (if appropriate) and any appropriate EMA project administrative references. It is anticipated that at the time any request to modify the approved CDP/SDP plans is made, the submittal would be accompanied within an updated Master Development Plan. In this way, County staff and the landowner will be better able to ensure the consistency of any proposed refinements with the original approval. Also, consistent with the approach for tracking ongoing refinements to the approved CDP/SDP, a similar method is proposed for monitoring progressive changes to the approved Tentative Tract Map No. 14786. A Master Community Subdivision Map will be provided to EMA Subdivision staff to demonstrate the compatibility and consistency between subsequently prepared maps intended to replace subareas of the originally approved Tentative Tract Map No. 14786. 1 794/02.000 July 3,1996 ca1paclph3-sdp.005 FORMA NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 3 B. CURRENT PLAN DESCRIPTION ' The Site Development, Grading, and Landscape/Fuel Modification Plans associated with this Site Development Permit replace the previously approved CDP/SDP (PA 94-0149) for ICPC DA 2C- 9 and SJHPC PA 14. The refinements provided herein offer a level of detail which is consistent with the originally approved CDP/SDP. Additionally, the proposed refinements enhance the design of this residential development by providing an important community recreation amenity while maintaining the approved densities. ' 1. Site Development Plan 1 1 A 1 1 1 Ll 11 1 The Site Development Plan, Exhibit 2, has been modified to provide the residential units with enhanced view opportunities and a private community recreation complex. In so doing, 1 unit was eliminated from ICPC DA 2C-9 and 1 unit was added to SJHPC PA 14. The Site Development Plan also reflects minor adjustments to the boundaries of ICPC Planning Areas 2C and 8, as well as SJHPC Planning Areas 13, 14 and 19. These adjustments increase the overall site area of the Phase III projects by 0.5 acre. ICPC DA 2C-9 increased by 0.8 acre, which is offset by a corresponding decrease within ICPC PA 8. Additionally, SJHPC PA 14 decreased in size by 0.3 acre while PA 13 increased by the same amount. Although the boundaries for SJHPC PA 19 have been modified, the area remains at 1.0 acre, as approved. These modifications are reflected in the updated Phase III Project Statistical Summary, Table A, the Irvine Coast Planned Community Statistical Table — Tenth Revision, Table B, and the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Statistical Table — Second Revision, Table C'. As noted on the updated Phase III Project Statistical Table, ICPC DA ZC-9 now provides 25 residential units on 8.6 acres for a density of 2.9 dwellings per acre. The overall density for ICPC Planning Area 2C remains unchanged at 1.9 dwellings per acre. SJHPC PA 14 maintains the approved overall density of 2.4 dwellings per acre with the increased unit and acreage. The total of 64 residential units is within the permitted maximum of 89 units. The Site Development Plan reflects modifications to the street patterns, which now consist of a series of short cul-de-sac streets. These private streets maintain the previously approved widths and will be constructed in a manner consistent with the Irvine Coast, Master CDP and Orange County street standards or approved deviations. Community Recreation Center A private community recreation complex including a pool, spa and a structure which provides showers, restrooms and the pool equipment has been incorporated into the revised, Development Plan. This facility, located at the intersection of the project entry street and the primary cul-de-sac street, encompasses a total of 0.27 acre and provides a prominent ' Although the statistics in this table reflect the current planning area acres, this table was not previously updated to indicate the approved Phase III acres. Therefore, the increase in PA 13 and decrease in PA 14 does not coincide with the descriptions above. 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 calpac\ph3-sdp.005 FORMA 0 0a1 r,-oA 5 C 10ISV. - -D nai 1 NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 4 visual amen for the community. Exhibit 3 Recreation Center/En Plaza Detail Plan t3'Center/Entry , diagrams the recreational facilities proposed with this SDP. The architectural character of the recreation center building reflects the LCP-approved Mediterranean style, incorporating a color palette for the building materials consistent throughout the development area. The floor plan and elevations for this structure are shown on Exhibit 4, Recreation Center Floor Plans/Elevations. Consistent with the certified LCP, the building does not exceed 35-feet in height. ,. Entry Plan The entry plaza diagrammed on Exhibit 3, Recreation Center/Entry Plaza, has been redesigned to reflect an informal character, departing from the formal, walled entry courtyard typical within the Irvine Coast Planned Community. The walled courtyard has been replaced with a softly bulbed entry drive which incorporates enriched paving materials and is reinforced with plant materials demonstrating a layering effect. This revised entry complements the informal, gated entries approved along Ridge Park Road and Vista Ridge Road. The entryincorporates vehicular and pedestrian ornamental iron gates which will be rP P operated by an electronic key. A knock -box for emergency personnel access is included. The gatehouse has been replaced with thematic pilasters and walls that incorporate signage specific to this development project, as shown on Exhibit 5, Entry Plaza Elevation/ Sections. Model Complex The refinements to the Site Development Plan have prompted the relocation of the model complex. Although it is still located within the ICPC DA 2C-9 portion of the project, it is now across from the community recreation center, as shown on Exhibit 6, Model Complex. Consistent with the approved CDP/SDP, the model complex includes three residential units connected by a sidewalk. The sales office is located in the garage of the unit adjacent to the temporary parking area which provides 11 parking spaces, one of which is handicap accessible. Flags, temporary signs and 42-inch high tubular steel trap fences will assist the sales efforts. An interim structure consisting of a temporary modular trailer, may be installed prior to the completion of the model homes to assist the sales efforts. This facility will be located adjacent to the temporary parking lot and maintain the size and characteristics as indicated on Exhibit 6a, Temporary Sales Trailer. This facility is not intended to replace the construction of the model homes and will be removed from the site as soon as they are complete. Elevations of the proposed signs and flagpole are provided on Exhibit 6b, Model Complex Signs. The locations of these features is identified on Exhibit 6, Model Complex. 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 ca1pac\ph3-sdp.005 FORMA L. Boom== r m m m m m m m ummwr r ="Now m 0 z T 4 m 0 z u: 0 O v z z w 0 0 z Z MEW-19 m m z v n o< C— _ ( m = 0 CL o :3 CD J Q nDI 0 -omz f 3= 3o" <o X C -1�m m D0 co _ 2 h ct- �z ICI 9° Isis aZ v < � Cl) � �v m r -o --u 0.0 CL �) 8 ��—I _o ny 0 �_ 13) 0 m / ✓_ m m I m Dn 3 3 0 m Z p b c 2 N. c w *r rr rr r r it rr rr rr rr r� r rr �r rr � � ■� t �, z a //^^ WK lo Zmormo o N vm MrO Oo yyt- pN N zC0 0 T -f 0 S3 N Ohm gm �� m 3 ?r � Z m n Zo -0 Ommj 5 =1D r0-0 z z z c ���� x .max- o aZl �o Z K m O a v"'zx D L m X ^ JZ COT� v' l...... -o n Z .: DO Cl) m rnCO ;. ......---. ....._ :- :- .............-- ' _ :. D ..... i 0 mcmi +. 1 j i i z 00 m` HMO. m p z v0� v O D M{ Ocn tn� > D zo m MiL g9 Er C= m v zD m� Z. m n ' mQ �'yO �' > 1itz ^ Z m Po boa .y.0 �3° =1b °zx AM N rn� Iz o g z m -o �0) -o �'- � �_ - =3(D ' 8 a Q C7> 0Q 0m f� n m "gym m DN -�� 3�, �__ Ejn �° h CDO) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EMPORARY BUILDER FLAGS PROPERTY LINE— `C' STREET TEMPORARY TRAILER FOR PBODUCT VIEWING PURPOSES (BUR ER FOR LEVEL 2' --_ACCESS FROM ING LOT) TEMPORARY TRAILER ENTRY (RAMP) TEMPORARY ASPHALT LANDING H 1 2 PARKING LOT 3 10 SPACES WITf 1 HANDICAPPEI 4 5 1i 10 9 8 7 6 5"''%' cr, i 4— POTENTIAL L FOR PORTABLE RE I I r< l� Source: HRP Santa Ana, CA May 6, 1996 Not to Scale A 1 The Irvine Coast Planned Community San Joaquin Hills Planned Community JCPC DA 2C-9 SJHPC PA 14 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Exhibit 6a Model Complex Temporary Sales Trailer 0 THE FTVV E QOIVFAW _ 3" 1"Xill D -0 Co. z Xm O mz O c 0 x r -0K am 21 za -0 �o O A m0 Tm 0w zz a� mG) m� D= m2 c� mro ft �� �C) o 0 m O 60" 44" 1" , 5" 4" 11,: 4" i °_ 4" L 5" .3" t i n � I _) > c m'�,—� �0 0o a j�r a 2Q��a s too ��'-MRq -q Mx 0o x_nacnmj �oi9co �o�v Kv v � 0 co �coi�m0 +� =rvMAmmm°r°iv m oOrD=1�OX��a I >3�Dz A� 0 m �m m 0 o� 0 0) co a 0 CD 0) ca 00 0 0 0c�.s-z z m.m o m-pm mmv m cnzm Imo -1 -on rp l) r _{m`00 Min zz"' am Sn 'O 90m0co N O < r 2 X m ,n .DDo� D Z-�m CAD= z o '0mmm O m 0 211 o v5 m cn CD Q � 'a C C-- CD om o rm- cn — O ..� moo. D o �:� o O f) 3 , m �_'� m DN c 3 �• ,(D n 0) -N ch cr 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page. 5 TABLE A - PHASE III PROJECT STATISTICAL SUMMARY Coastal Development Permit Site Development Permit Irvine Coast Planned Community San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Planning Areas 2C, 6-1 and 12D Planning Areas 14, 15, 19 and 20 IRVINE COAST PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED PROPOSED AREA LAND USE/HOUSING TYPE ACRES DWELLING DENSITY UNITS (DU/Ac) 2C MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (TOTAL PA) (3.5 - 6.5 DU/Ac) 258.9 Acres 489 1.9 2C-1 Single -Family Detached (8,000 S.F. Lots) 19.6 42 2.1 2C-2 Single -Family Detached (8,000 S.F. Lots) 15.2 38 2.5 2C-3 Single -Family Detached (7,000 and 8,000 46.7 79 1.7 S.F. Lots) 2C-4 Single -Family Detached (5,500 S.F. Lots) 57.8 81 1.4 2C-5 Single -Family Detached (5,500 S.F. Lots) 25.8 72 2.8 2C-6 Single -Family Detached (5,500 S.F. Lots) 42.9 97 2.3 2C-7 Single -Family Detached (7,000 S.F. Lots) 23.8 55 2.3 2C-8 Los Trancos View Park 12.5 0 0.0 2C-9 Single -Family Detached (4,000 S.F. Lots) 8.6 25 2.9 2C-10 Signal Peak 6.0 0 0.0 6 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (TOTAL PA) (0 - 2.0 DU/Ac) 190.0 Acres 53 Units 0.3 6-1 Single -Family Detached (5,500 S.F. Lots) 14.5 Acres 53 Units 3.7 12D RECREATION/OPEN SPACE 32.7 Acres -- SAN JOAQUIN HILLS PLANNED COMMUNITY 14 and 15 (TOTAL PA) MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (3.5 - 6.5 DU/Ac) 38.0 Acres 93 Units 2.4 14 15 Single -Family Detached (4,000 S.F. Lots) Single -Family Detached (5,500 S.F. Lots) 19.4 18.6 64 29 3.3 1.6 19 RECREATION OPEN SPACE 1.0 20 RECREATION/OPEN SPACE 16.3 Acres ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS ACRES UNITS +.80' -1 +.80 - 1 -.30" -.30 + 1 PHASE III PROJECT TOTALS 1 361.4 1 635 1.8 1 1 +0.5 ] Results in .80-acre reduction in PA 8 acreage, as shown on PC Statistical table. Results in .10-acre reduction in PA 13 acreage, as shown on PC Statistical table. ' 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 calpac\ph3-sdp.005 FORMA s MMMMMMM i 3.CDi Q'v va.SDi o,-NiDyCumi oc A3 � 3 v�Didwc3a f0.o,3cc 'z �03�• Q,CD yON c no o �- . O rt CA 0. C L fu m m ogay�, rL '' ra Z ur m kin o 0 ,u ;u ? IV m 3`oy3 033 o' a R a 3 3 N8 OFLO c.3oo M' Cn O N -yNp N cDdNp 'O o•�m am Et 0fD 2•3 O N fD com GN 3 c CD '$ N � cC a n- _00 �OD OD cCD D 0. to N D m m N 0 W 0 CD T •r� m 0 08 ac 08 3a 9--4 rn� 0 � 0 z 0 Or X -I N� X m A az. v 3a 3X mvJ M> o ��-n cwx m mZ.rn c=��ft1t 0 v� m c=o 0 0 �.��o c ���=�so m mmCD mmcom �v C mr mr D0 r-(Dm-.Q o'er < co m o'er d �,Q� C c =r�1-��c c c t��-t��-�`c c =c =� �m O C) n �m yna �°;,o�iC)- 0 0 ,� 01 m — uJ a r 3 3 3 333 3 a �� ��� -`c 00 r r zco .0 Du, O � -oy °< S- a� r.Z OTSD So r-X o o v c� o A �mR W DyN m m OgOv m y fD d r X D .0 w cD w '0 N J oNW� 005moD> I.� DD-4v °'"A0 DaDA aW DWN)oN �coWDAmmaocag >Z Z O 0 Z Z '� CD V .1. N •a O to MWNN co O 0 CO N- -- N O UC)00 W fOW CO A Nth CA 3y W ON CA 0) Ctt O0-FA. NCO wO Otp O 000CC00-4a0CA(nCA VCJ) CA O COOOOG-+N 0<o:N6 3.c�a m go! r 3:333 :3 m m <° a 00 00 'a 0 "J CA) •CCA (D CD 'A cm.. m. to V V O O Ln , A A CA .A O 1 1 1 I I 1 1 t 1 i 0/ 1 1 0 �m Cv N - - o O MCA ark .. N O ID O -� -�NANV O O 0t Ul W V At CO W AA-►N-� Ch -+ O N Co O A A CO CD OD A -� N V 0 vZ R09 O 000000000 O 1 I t I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I CJI-+NN W O V c"000CDACD CO C -al Z G Z �V a N �v o c� om� N .a UI Al .a Ln NWOWAO — CD O �.a ��ZE V W V W W CDAACOa0CCl t 3 r O oc vm Q O OOCOOa0 �� ���� CD 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i I 1 / 0 O�OCD to o(7C� Ci10C�0o 00 0w o ai Z3 eT 2 9v 4 CAA 0 En-4V 000 0 COJI ro .a .a CJI� N AACAOCADOOA-►N v,-•oowo0ocJl000D P. �-�ce 3 Om t 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 r � vZ c0 We v= A_ O O - - V co r N O ; zZ z CJ7-O OOOOO0000 0-4 CO Z W Z a S 0MR w w0000000000WWO20 Ovo 20M C Z �. 0 Z 1 1 TABLE C San Joaquin Hills Planned Community PLANNED COMMUNITY STATISTICAL TABLE - Second Revision LAND USE PLANNING CATEGORY AREA ESTIMATED GROSS ACRES DWELLING UNITS EST.(a) Max.(b) RESIDENTIAL: Medium/M (3.5 - 6.5 DU/AC) 1 35.0 115 148 Medium-High/MH (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 2 29.0 80 227 Medium-High/MH (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 3 14.0 87 224 Medium-High/MH (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 4 14.0 92 211 Medium-High/MH (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 5 23.0 144 244 Medium-High/MH (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 6 12.0 150 151 Medium-High/MH (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 7 17.0 81 133 High/H (18+ DU/AC) 8 15.0 316 438 High/H (18+ DU/AC) 9 13.0 196 298 High/H (18+ DU/AC) 11 18.0 66 389 Medium-High/MH (IC) (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 13 24.3 „ 4, , ° 57 430 Medium/M (IC) (3.5 - 6.5 DU/AC) 14 i 9.6 63 89 Medium/M (IC) (3.5 - 6.5 DU/AC) 15 T8O4°1:88 _` _ 29 118 Medium-High/MH (6.5 - 18 DU/AC) 21 101.5 140 350 Subtotal RESIDENTIAL: 363.8 rim 1.,616 2,550 COMMERCIAL VILLAGE/CV 12 18.0 (c) 130 (d) 200 (d) RECREATION: Recreation/R 10 29.0 -- -- Recreation/R 16 9.0 -- -- Recreation/R 17 (e) 39.0 -- -- Recreation/R 18 (e) 15.0 -- -- Recreation/R 19 1.0 -- -- Recreation/R 20 a-S A -- Subtotal RECREATION: -- 109.0 -- -- •GRAND TOTAL ALL 480.8 1,746 2,550 (f) (a) Estimated number of dwelling units per Planning Area. (b) Maximum number of dwelling units per Planning Area. (c) Commercial uses within the Commercial Village shall not exceed 155,000 square feet of gross floor area; Floor Area Ratio shall be between 0.2 and 0.5 (maximum FAR). (d) Commercial Village provides for, but does not require, inclusion of residential land usage as part of a mixed use planning concept. (e) Planning Areas 17 and 18 are identified as the Buck Gully Open Space Dedication Area. This Dedication Area, like other Planning Areas, is gross acreage, which includes roads and arterial highways, grading and permitted improvements. It is not intended that the total 54 acres within PA 17 and 18 be natural open space. (f) Units will not exceed 2,550 maximum. 1 Phase III Development Area 1 calpac\PCSTT2ND.XLS 794/02.000 6/27/96 I NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 6 2. Grading Plan The Grading Plan for ICPC DA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14, Exhibit 7, reflects the grading currently proposed for this combined development area and incorporates the refinements ' shown on the Site Development Plan. The most significant modifications proposed by this SDP to the approved Grading Plan include an expansion to the limits of grading (both development related and remedial grading) and a lowering of the western portion of the site which corresponds with an increase in the proposed elevations in the eastern portion of the ' site. The lowering in the west enhances the view opportunities throughout the site as the elevations step up towards the eastern project boundary. The expansion of the grading activities occurs primarily along the northern boundary and the newly expanded western ' edge. The new limits of grading extend into SJHPC PA 13 and beyond the .planned community boundary to the north which is acceptable to The Irvine Company, the adjacent landowner for both areas. The expansion into PA 13 is highlighted in the Grading Plan, ' Exhibit 7. The grading for this residential development project will occur in two separate operations. The first mass grade phase will be done in conjunction with other adjacent development areas within the approved CDP/SDP and will provide a graded site with large pads. The second phase will create the elevations as indicated on the Grading Plan, Exhibit 7. ' As in the approved CDP/SDP, contour grading techniques will be utilized to maintain a gradual transition between the manufactured and natural slopes and all grading activities will be completed in a manner consistent with the Irvine Coast LCP, Master CDP, Special Provisions of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program, the Orange County Grading and Excavation Code and the Orange County Grading Manual. ' Exhibit 7 also represents the key map for the five sections provided on Exhibit 8, Site Development Sections, which illustrate the relationship of the proposed refinements .to the natural contours. The three sections in the approved CDP/SDP that reflected the development in this area, Sections B-B, C-C and D-D, have been revised to reflect the proposed refinements. Two additional sections have been incorporated (Section 1 and Section 2) to better illustrate the expanded areas of grading relative to these proposed ' refinements. The following is a summarization of the revised sections compared to the previously approved plan. Section B-B: The proposed pad elevations are higher than the previously -approved plan. Section C-C: The proposed refinements are lower at the western edge while closely resembling the grading relationships of the approved CDP/SDP near the entry plaza. Section D-D: The proposed refinements closely resemble the elevations presented in ' the approved CDP/SDP. ' 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 ca1paclph3-sdp.005 FORMA 'D dN D� moo• C as o. o D O .,1090 n ct o' D n c� c� X. v 0 -0 -0 . < r m ( ` CD m � TO a a� m N 3__ f� 3cc? m �0 3 3 oC V w fill co wII ED to 03 CID co w w fCID11 0 co w F4 :13 0 G) mm m C/) A m 0 (b 0 'o 0 CD m C4m m m Pil 0 m m z M > 0 m a m � m 0 m z -1 > m m > z z > 0 "U CD m 00 m < m M 0 0 Cl) m m m -u z z > z m C/) m 0 -H, 0 0- CD z m 21 03 I aka. 0 m 0 m M,M �o ma o z m 0 m < m m G) m >K) m > > mi m 119 Wfl >M > mo I m - m f 0 T 0 0 co m T (7) z z G) 0 m 33 4-- m CJ) co n CDC M C- -r (D c- 0 CD CD 0 'a 9 M m 0 CL 0 0 0 02) CL Z CD a m 0-0 > c � N) 3 0 CD 3 0 Cl) M CD x m 0 3 3 o 0 L7 z rn co i NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 7 3. odi M Landsca elFuel cation Plan p � ' The combined Landscape and Fuel Modification Plan for ICPC DA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14, Exhibit 9, refines and expands the landscape components expressed in the approved CDP/SDP by incorporating a revised gated entry courtyard, a pedestrian sidewalk extending from the most southerly cul-de-sac to the sidewalk along Ridge Park Road and revised fuel modification areas which reflect the currently proposed residential lot, boundaries. ' The Landscape Plan provides screening with vertical accent trees for both the 11-foot retaining wall at the eastern edge and the 18-foot loffelstein wall along the northern edge of the project. Plan materials will also be incorporated into the loffelstein wall to further soften the impact of this structure. Additionally, refined planting concepts for the . manufactured slopes and trees within the front yards are included to provide neighborhood continuity. Exhibit 10, Landscape/Fuel Modifications Sections, describes typical planting concepts for ' the manufactured slopes and the fuel modification zones along with identification of the maintenance responsibility for these areas. The Landscape/Fuel Modification Plan maintains the approved Mediterranean character in that the landscape employs a rich layering of plant materials and is comprised of a simple palette of trees and shrubs that serves to unify the separate neighborhoods into a cohesive ' community. The Proposed Plant List, Table D, reflects the proposed landscape plantings which are in addition to those identified in the approved CDP/SDP. These refinements do not propose any modifications to the Plant List for Fuel Modification Zones, Table 2-C ' within the previously -approved CDP/SDP. 4. Architectural Plans The approved CDP/SDP included four floor plans with only one, Plan 4, providing a 3-car garage. Plan 4, which also incorporated a 10-foot elevation split, has been deleted while Plans 1, 2 and 3 remain unchanged, except that they now provide an alternate plan that includes the 3-car garage, in addition to the 2-car garage version. The original plans and alternates along with front elevations are included with Exhibits 11, 12 and 13. The side ' and rear elevations did not change. Consistent with the approved CDP/SDP, the proposed refinements maintain the approved Mediterranean style of the architecture and the approved building heights, which are restricted to 35-feet maximum. The mixture of architectural plans to be constructed has been revised as shown on the Site Development Plan, Exhibit 2, reflecting the deletion of Plan 4 and the addition of the 3-car garage option. ' 794/02.000 July 3,1996 ca1paclph3-sdp.005 FORMA .�o iv KR w • to R.O.W r corl> m nv Z 00 cn z > r m re O rn z rn z ro 4— rn re ra ZO r m Mr , K TO z Om > MZ omo 0> >0 -C 44 n C/) " m CD C/) m CO co m 0 of CD F -n r_ CD m yj M 0 CL 0 CL 0 III.) r-M c/) 0 0 > 0 %D -0 0 05" 0 CD 0 m m m 3 3 - 0 cl) CD CL =r 0 m 0 3 c 3 0 a ID 20 cr z 2. 2. m m mu m mom w mom =Iwo volmom U) (D 0 0 :3 CL 0 0 0 SD G) CD 21 a n 27 0 3Z-4" .............. ............. 1 n '14 h ----------- I-j 27.81, 201-6' 81-0, r r -i z 0 z m cn 0 :3 CL -n 0 0 3Z-4- Wma A, air 29-8" T > =r m = 0 - M CD09 0— C- 'o (D M CD CD CD M r U) M c- -0 0 0. 0 00 00) CL 0 0— —1 > 0-0 5, 0 CD 0 m x ��m 1 3 0 3 0 3 o =7 m cb 5 c 0) MIN m m (n CD 0 0 =3 CL -n 0 0 0 0 -I z 0 N 0 U) CD 0 0 Q. -A 0 0 rh 0 0 — ---------- rr rr rr rrlrr 2a T > _0 m < Cl) C- F CO :3 71)7 = m0 M x 0 CD C- (D — M r co o T 00 C.0 00) .0 CL-� 05 om x :q m c > � m 0 E;. 0 (D 30 % =r m (b CD z 2. ' NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page S TABLE D •— PRASE III ' PROPOSED ADDITIONS TO PLANT LIST Irvine Coast Planned Community San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Development Area 2C-9 Planning_ Area 14 TREES— SLOPES, Alnus rhombifolia Cassia leptophylla Eucalyptus ficifolia Eucalyptus lehmannii Pinus eldarica ' Pinus halepensis Pinus pinea Platanus racemosa Quercus varieties Robinia ambigua Tipuana tipu ' Tristania conferta 1 TREES — STREETS/MEDIANS Eriobotrya deflexa Erythrina crista-galli Erythrina humeana Eucalyptus nicholii Feijoa sellowiana Ficus retusa "Green Gem" Ficus rubiginosa Pittosporum undulatum ' Schinus molle TREES — FRONT YARD/SLOPE/STREET Cupressus sempervirens Melaleuca quinquenervia Metrosideros excelsus Podocarpus macrophyllus Prunus caroliniana Prunus cerasifera Wrauter vesuvius " Tristania conferta Tristania laurina ' 794/02.000 ca1pac\ph3-sdp.005 July 3, 1996 FORMA U ' NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page- 9- (Continued) ' TABLE D — PHASE III PROPOSED ADDITIONS TO PLANT LIST ' Irvine Coast Planned Community San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Development Area 2C-9 Planning Area 14 ITREES — RECREATION CENTER ' Eriobotrya deflexa Ficus benjamina "Multi" Ficus rubiginosa Rhaphiolepis "Majestic Beauty" Syagrus romanzoffanum "Multi" ' SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER Buxus microphylla japonica "Green Beauty" Camellia sasanqua ' Coprosma repens Cuphea hyssopifolia Erica darleyensis ' Escallonia fradessi Gardenia jasminoides "Veitchii " ' Ilex cornuta "Burfordii " Ligustrum japonicum "Texanum" Liriope gigantea Liriope muscari ' Murraya paniculata "Exotica " Pittosporum tobira "Mint" Pittosporum tobira "Variegata " ' Podocarpus henkelii Prunus caroliniana "Bright n Tight" ' Psidium littorale Rhaphiolepis indica "Ballerina" Rhaphiolepis indica "Pink Lady" Ternstroemia gymnanthera Trachelospermum jasminoides Viburnum sinus "Spring Bouquet" ' Xylosma congestum "Compacta " 1 ' 794/02.000 July 3,1996 ca1paclph3-sdp.005 FORMA t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 10 (Continued) TABLE D — PHASE III PROPOSED ADDITIONS TO PLANT LIST Irvine Coast Planned Community San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Development Area 2C-9 Planning Area 14 794/02.000 ca1pac\ph3-sdp.005 VINES Jasminum polyanthum Mandevilla "Alice Du Pont" Pandorea jasminoides Stephanotis floribunda ESPALIERS Camellia sasanqua Ficus Benjamina Calliandra haematocephala Podocarpus gracilior July 3, 1996 FORMA ' NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 11 IC. CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS ' This Site Development Permit has been prepared in accordance with the 1988-certified Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program (LCP), Master Coastal Development Permit (MCDP) as amended,, the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program — First Amendment and the combined ' Coastal Development Permit/Site Development Permit (PA 94-0149) prepared for the Phase III development projects. ' Consistent with the previous CDP/SDP approval, this development project: r-� i L r -J rJ L • Conforms to the principal uses permitted in the Medium Density Residential categories; • Is consistent with the maximum number of dwelling units permitted within each Planning Area and within each Planned Community; • Conforms to all LCP or PC Program Site Development Standards or the alternative development standard previously -approved with the CDP/SDP (PA 94-0149) which permits driveways 18-feet in length as measured from the back of curb or sidewalk to the garage; • Is fully consistent with the SJHPC Program Chapter XI in that the refinements to the Planning Area boundaries and PC Statistical Table are less than ten percent (10%); • Is consistent with LCP Section I-B-3 in that residential areas have been located on ridgeways away from sensitive habitat areas in canyon bottoms and contiguous with and in close proximity to existing development areas; and • Will contain building site areas with a minimum of 2,500 square feet with 10-foot minimum building setbacks from any exterior property line abutting a street. In terms of overall design, despite the minor refinements which reflect detailed design and the inclusion of a community recreation complex, the plans proposed within this Site Development Permit are intended to be fully consistent with the previously -approved land use descriptions and conditions of approval for the Newport Coast Phase III development projects and the processing procedures outlined in Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-150-3. Orange County Planning Application Orange County Fire Authority Correspondence Correspondence Regarding Easement Tentative Tract Map No. 15078 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 ca1pac\ph3-sdp.005 FORMA 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 to 10 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY PLANNING APPLICATION (SEE FILING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING. FORM MUST SE TYPED) PROJECT NAME: ICPC DA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 LOCATION: Irvine Coast Planning Area 2C (portion) and San Joaquin Hills Planning Area 14 (See Exhibit 1, Location Map) ACREAGEISO. FT. Approximately 28.4 acres OF THE SITE OWNER: COASTAL COMMUNITY BUILDERS ADDRESS: 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 PHONE: (714) 720-2293 Contact: Roberta Marshall APPLICANTIAGENT Rn1= h C'haniPr (IF NOT OWNER) ' FIRM: CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES ADDRESS: 1 Civic Plaza, Suite 275 Newport Beach, CA 92660 PHONE: (714) 719-3000 LUE: CR ZONE: PC (CD) P.CJS.P The Irvine Coast PC SUPV. DIST: 5 CSTL ZONE PROJECT PROPOSAL: 4/24/96 APPLICATION FOR CASE NUMBER DATE INITIAL r I PERMIT XINMAL STUDY REOUESTTO SCNEDULE GPA -- GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT COMM. PROFILE AMENDMENT - ZONE CHANGE FEATURE PLAN AREA PLAN TRACT MAP PARCEL MAP USE PERMIT SITE DEV. PERMIT VARIANCE COASTAL OEV. PERMIT DETAIL PLAN X ADMINISTRATIVE SITE DEV. PERMIT This Administrative Site Development Permit, for residential Development Area 2C-9 of the Irvine Coast Planned Community and residential Planning Area 14 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community, proposes refinements to the previously approved Coastal Development Permit (PA 94-0149) for the Irvine Coast to include: • Expansion of this development project by 0.9 acres; • One additional residential unit in SJHPC PA 14 for a total of 64; • One less residential unit in ICPC DA 2C-9 for a total of 25; • Site Plan refinements to lot lines and street alignments; • Refinements to the Grading Plan to incorporate Site Plan Revisions and enhanced view opportunities; • Modifications to the gated entry courtyard and the Landscape/Fuel Modification Plan; and • The addition of a community recreation center within SJHPC PA 14. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: Portions of the site have been modified by the grading and construction of Vista Ridge Road, the IRWD's Zone 4 Reservoir, the 6.8 acre signal transmission towers site and the adjacent residential development in Planning Area 213-3. The IRWD Zone G and-6 Reservoirs are currently under construction. Additionally, the site has been modified by construction of an SCE utility access road into Los Trancos Canyon. The SJHPC portion of the project is currently undeveloped except for temporary improvements such as dirt access and fire.roads. PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT APPROVALS: ICPC: (1)The Irvine Coast LCP (Jan. 88); (2)CD89-36P (Oct. 89); (3)Vesting "A" o. 13337 (May 88); (4)EIR No. 486 (April 88); (5)Development Agreement 87-16 (March 88); (6)Master CDP 88-11P (May 88); (7)CDP PA 40149 (June 95); (8)Final E1R No. 544A (June 95) SJHPC: (1)PC Program, Resolution No. 91783 (Feb 91); (2)Final EIR No. 517 (Feb 91) CERTIFICATION ti w Iz O Z 2 Iz O U- (a) There are no assurances at any time, implicitly or otherwise, regarding final staff recommendations to the decision making body about this application. (b) Major changes of the proposed project may require a new application and payment of new fees. (c) Board of Supervisors policy contained in Resolution 79-1242 states that except for cases in which an important County policy or other extraordinary interest is determined to be present, the County will not provide an active legal defense to cases involving the issuance of permits or other entitlements for use or development of real property or zoning or General Plan Amendments. (d) I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the information I have presented in this form and the accompanying materials is true and correct. I also understand that additional data and information may be required prior to final action on this application. I have read and understand the content contained in statements (a) thru (d). SIGNATURE(S) fir{ DATE PROPERTY OWN R AGENT DATE AP#: CAA: C.T. LEAD SECTION: REFERRED TO: ELEMENT PLANNING LAND PL-COASTAL LAND PL-FOOTHILL ENVIRONMENTAL/ SPECIAL PROJECTS ACOUSTICS PROJ PLNG-COMM 1. PROPOSED LUE MAP (20) 2. EXISTING LUE MAP (20) 3. a. PROPOSED ZONING MAP (20) b. EXISTING ZONING MAP (20) 4. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (30) 5. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (22) 6. AREA PLAN MAP (20) 7. FEATURE PLAN MAP (20) 8: PLOT PLAN (20) LOT TRACT (OR ATTACH METES AND BOUNDS) BAM: ZONING ADMIN. SITE PLANNING SUBDIVISIONS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TRANSP. PLANNING STREET & DRAINAGE PROJ PLNG-O.S. GRADING SURVEYOR OCTD IHDO HEALTH FIRE CAO PUBLIC REFERRAL LIST 9. SDM (1) 17. PHOTOS (2 SETS) 10. FLOOR PLAN (20) 18. CERTIFICATION LETTERS (2 SETS) 11. LANDSCAPE PLAN (20) 19. AUTHORIZATION LETTER 12. ELEVATIONS (20) 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 13. GRADING PLAN (2) 21. AFFORDABLE HOUSING FORM 14. TOPOGRAPHY MAP 22. USGS QUAD SHEET 15. ENVELOPES (3) 23. COLORED EXHIBITS 16. PROPERTY OWNERS LIST. 24. COMMUNITY PROFILE ENVELOPES AND AP MAP 25 ( ) = Quantity F0250.67017187) HRP LAND^ESIGN PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN Mr. Page Dougherty ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY 1110 East Chapman Avenue Suite 103 Orange, CA 92666 Re: California Pacific Homes Conceptual Fire Fuel Modification Plan Tract 15078 County of Orange Signature of Approval Dear Page: April 12, 1996 I Subsequent to your acknowledgment of the Conceptual Fire Fuel Modification Plan for Tract 15078 in the County of Orange on November 8, 1995, modifications were made to the Tract 15078 site plan. A meeting was held April 4, 1996 to present these changes to you and to discuss Orange County Fire Authority issues affected by these changes. The following issues were discussed in the April 4, 1996 meeting regarding the site plan modifications. Loffel Wall: As discussed in the meeting, the proposed Loffel wall is ± sixteen feet (161) tall. It was agreed that the twenty foot (20') non-combustible setback zone would begin from the back of the concrete bench drain atop of the Loffel wall and extend twenty feet (20') to the dwelling unit (see attached Exhibit). The Loffel wall will be planted with an evergreen vine which resists dead undergrowth and a possible fire hazard. Tempered glass was discussed as an acceptable wall material meeting O.C.F.A. guidelines. Ten foot (10') wide gates will be provided at each 0 maintenance access for truck entrance provisions. 1 1 1 Fire Fuel Modification Maintenance Access: Fire Fuel Modification Maintenance Access is provided every five hundred feet (500') with the exception of one (1), seven hundred foot (700') access separation constituted by 2:1 manufactured slopes at the development edge near Ridge Park Road. 3242 HALLADAY SUITE 203, SANTA ANA, CA 92705 / (714) 557-5852 / LICENSE 1364 1 ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY Tract 15078 April 12, 1996 Page 2 of 3 Temporary Fire Safe Zone: A temporary fire safe zone will occur on the west end of Tract 15078 above the adjacent development if the permanent slopes have not been graded and installed. The temporary fire safe zone will extend from the back of the dwelling units one hundred feet (100') down the slope as directed by yourself. The zone will be planted with an O.C.F.A. approved hydroseed, shrub and tree palette and will be temporarily irrigated. Permanent irrigation and planting will be installed as approved by the O.C.F.A. Street Widths: All double loaded streets will be thirty-six feet (36') wide. `B' Street between `A' and `C' Streets, `F' and `G' Streets will have thirty-two foot (32') wide streets with parking on one (1) side. Fire hydrants will be located on non -parking sides of the street and no parking signs per O.C.F.A. standards. Fire Fuel Modification Zone: The fifty foot (50') wet zone immediately behind the development area will be permanently irrigated and planted with O.C.F.A. approved plant material. The one hundred foot (100') dry zone, below the wet zone, will consists of two (2), fifty foot (50') thinning zones as specified in the O.C.F.A. guidelines. Interior Slopes: The interior slopes will be permanently irrigated and planted with an ornamental plant palette meeting O.C.F.A. guidelines. Plan Notes: A note will be added to the Landscape Plans indicating that dimensions for the fire fuel modification zones are shown in plan view and the contractor is responsible for calculating the slope factor when measuring the distance in the field to achieve the required distance for each zone. 1 1 1 ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY Tract 15078 April 12, 1996 Page 3 of 3 Please sign below and return a copy to our office for our records and distribution to California Pacific Homes. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Best regards, HRP LanDesign Ta"lo Associate TJ:pjm (A/APR96frR 15078L.DOC-#B4013) �T Orange County Fire Authority Date r xc: Mel Mercado, California Pacific Homes Ralph Chenier, California Pacific Homes Norm Witt, Coastal Community Builders Roberta Marshall, Coastal Community Builders Enclosures: Fuel Modification Exhibit (Color Xerox) 1 1 r MAY 06 '96 04:0GPM THE IRVINE _t P•2/2 Eff COASTAL COMMUN17 Y BUILMRS 1 r- L-1 May 61996 , John Buzas Pat Stanton County of grange 300 East plower Street Post Office Box 4048 Santa Ana, California 92702-4048 ■ Re: PA 2C-9 of Irvine COasi Planned Community and PA 14 of the San Joaquin F1^ifls Planned Community - Site Development Peni it Revision Dear John and Pat: This letter is to confirm that The Irvine Company will provide California Pacific Homes with either an easement or fee ownership of the land which is outside of the north lrly boundary of PA 2C 9 (ICPC)IPA 14 (SIBP Q for fuel. modification_ If you have any questions, please call me at 7141720- 2722_ Sincerely, 7 Bernard maj2iscalco President BA11Jlplw I I650 Newport Center drive, P.O. Box Wo, NeKport Bsaoh, Calftr is 92658-6370 ■ (714) 720 2410 I Cl • •• VOW* ... ....... ...... ... :�w -7 ii.................. .... ...... ......... ------------- ............. . .... .. C 'flip K, T PL PP N .. ....... . .......... ...... .. .... .............. PA 19 d 7 ..... ........ ...... ... ... ..... ............ f . . . ....... S�p Recreation/ ............ ........... . ..... ..... ..... . . ........ . it... .. ..... . . . ...... .. . .. .. .... . . ............. .. . . ....... .......... ..... ... ... ... ...... Private Open Space . ..... . .... . . ........... . .......... if.... ... ..... ..... . .. .... . . .. ........ .......... Ir ....... ....... ife/Maintenance ............... . . .... .. 71 7 < I. .............. . ...... ...... . ... . . ... .. 6e, s s (T y p.) ... . ...... ....... .... ..... .. .... . ........ . . ...... 10 ..... . . ...... ------ .... .......... Previous son -,-,7 . ......... ............ . ... PA Boundaries .... ....... ......... Local _f ark . . ... ... .... .... I.. . ...... . >/ now F "Zon f)aska .. .. ... ..... ndary U R at- n\/*, .. ......... 0 p - n itP . . ...... ... ......... . 13 IResidential L ... ..... .... . .. mmun ..... ...... 2C1 Co . ....... . . ............... e C OMM .. .... 9 quin . . ....... ... . . ned C ac an 0 vIan Co Previous, 12 lrq ine .... ......... .. . ....... . PA Boundary Oi -7 77 . . . ......... f T ?r .. ....... . ... . Commercial .......... . . . ..... . ... .. ......... . .... ..... ...... ... ...... .. . . . .. ...... ...... ......... .... .. .. ... . .... ......... . ... ...... ... . ..... . ..... I.... ............ ..... . ........ .. ... . ............... ... .. . ...... . . .... . ........... . ............ 8 . .... . ......... . . ........ ..... 4P . . ............... Residenti al ttP 12D ie. :e 1 ILocal P ark . ..... . . ..... .. . . . sioential .... ........ .. ... P, I........... . . . ............. . ... ............ AN !F %:.- , Al . >/ -7 if OJECT STATISTIC LL SUMMARY \e 31te. J0eVeI4JPMeHt rCF1111L 7 _C6 ent rCfll[]LJ[t I Comm Ir Coast Fla unitk" San Joaq' HillsPlann d Community 213-3 -Areas 14, 15, 19 and 20 Planning S Area 2C, 6-1 and"12R, Planning. COAST PL OiNED COMMUNITY Re'- Odenti al Itunaer-.:.� t..onsirucuon) Ii.......... 4 I213-2 Res'idential Junder Construction) . ...... .... ......... . PROPOSED PROPOSED D E - E L - PNI�ENT- �A AND USEIHOUSING'TYP . E ACRES LL D NSITY UNITS (DU/Ac): -MEDILTM. DENSITY RESIDENT ' IAL' (TOTAL PA), (3.5,- 6.5 DU/Ac). 258.9 Acres 489 1.9 I Sing' le7family'Detached (8, S. F. Lots) 19,6 2. I' Single -Family D tached (8,000 S.F. Lots)' 15.2 38.- - 2.5 Single'Family Detached,(7,000 and- 8,000 4 .7 1.7: .S.F.Lots) Singli ly, De�t h6d (5,500 S.F. Lots), 57.8 81 1A Sin gle-Family Detache.d­'(5,5 00 S. Lots 25'81' 72 2,,8.,' Si" le -Family.'. Detached- -500, S.F. Lo 2.3_ Single -Family Detached (7,000'S.F. Lots �3.8 '55 2 3,`�` 2C-8 L6s Trancos View Park 12.5. 0 0.0 Single,-Family�be�iached (4,000'S.F. Lots) 25, 2.9 Sig-- I P 0.0 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (O -2.0 DU/Ac) 190 0 Acres 53. Units 0.3 ... r­-Family-Detached (5,500 S.I. .1 1,53 RECREATION/OPEN. SPACE, 32.7 Acre.s SAN JOAQUIN HILLS PLANNED COMMUNITY I............ ....... PHASE III MODIFICATION 'SUMMARY ifParki 7 'Spaces . .......... (En'-ing-1 RWD) x1st Parking-30-� Sp Eic es /Existing �Station [RWD Pun D . ............... +.10... +.io, + I00 IPHASE III PR 635 T Recreation Center - OJECT TOTALS., �61.8 I -.a nc o IResults iw.80-acre reduction in PA 8 acreage, as shown on PC Statistical table'. JR .... .. .... Courts S (Existing Water. Reservoir 1,RWD), Tennis I.Open F% b, C p 14 and I MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (3.5 6:5 DU 'Ac 38.4 Acres 93 Units, 2.4.i 15 gle-Family Detathe& (4.,,000 S.F. Lots) Single -Family Detached' (5,500, S" F. Lots) - 19.8 18.6. '64 29� 3.2- 'L6 19 IRECREATION OPEN SPACE 1.0 :20 IRECREATION/OPEN SPACE 16.3, Acres -13 acreage, as shown on PC Statistical table.,, R"pits in. . I 0-acr6 reduction in PA sA" ­2 1 1�11 L C 1-1 'af-I L; irc'/ IVI, appro 94 0149) ved June, 27 '1995 CDP/.SDP, .(.PA, ISource':_ CDC Ehginle'e,ring, Irvine,- CA I KANNING AREAC DEVELOPMENT AREA PLANNING. APPLICATION REVISIONS. 1.4/DA 2C-9 IPAI Revised Site Plan to enhance Addition ot, I 'unit to SJllPC PA 14and the reduction 0t, 40 3t PA boundarv*:chan ase as ge resulting in acreage incre... C r refle ted in P.'o�ject Statistical SuillIllarN, 4. Addititl)n ot'C-ofimiunity Recreation Area g ocation ot.Nlodel Complex el Exhibit 2.1 KA A`= 'T I= FZ_ in F=IV P I n-, P KAP IKI T- P I A KI EPICH ASSMATES, `nc. J5.7 E. T'"QgtJt�C OAKS OLVD. V03 IN S?LAXE V.U_A CA. 91M TEL fM)707-;�G3fi Alf .L::8i7�7-Ts012 ._.. �i �........�...— - - , TFiAKE- SPE'rJALiSTS J G�►C� - � .t'.P�+s �4�r COYOTE. CANYON • � t�gfp17rJ1` � �"'__'-.•�_,�......-•-�.---_..---•a: �-.-jfOi`ta0--:_.���F'q�1'iJr`� 4�`i !�uA•�� :3f t," `ia�- �RT9b�'� ' I ian�i$' L4 '{.x_ 1a#-�# i ° loi•4a c`REX. 1 yb to+115 yy :j' Wf.`!3'gbttyi /47 1 1 s i•e _.�:..:1F---•----= • f _ `~ �y��, �� �- f i r_o_ ' !L f sx ° ! j ,�tj�, i V�1 V84T PING 5D ! o i 1E . 96 1�•�- p�+es- -- 1., • CO-curity Of �rarige ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY PLANNING APPLICATION (0995 RIDGE- 'P'irK Rd -TizVc" Application #: PA960065 Date Filed: 05/07/1996 Application Type: SITE PLAN - ADMINISTRATIVE .Application Name: ICPC DA 2C-9 AND SJHPC PA 14 Parcel(s) :T150-7$ - a- TAM Address(es): Location: NEWPORT COAST Project Area: 28.40 ACRE Public Project: N Initial Study Required: Y IS Charge #: P53390' IS Summary .#: 08-2 Application Charge #: P57918 Summary #: 403 Owner Information Name:- COASTAL COMMUNITY BUILDERS Address: 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA Zip: 92660 Phone: 714-720-2293 Applicant/Agent Information Name: CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES Address: 1 CIVIC PLAZA, SUITE 275 NEWPORT BEACH, CA Zip: 92660 Phone: 714-719-3000 17TO Zoning:- PC / APN: CAA: 47 Census Tract: 626.17 Supv District: 5 -Coastl LUE: 1B Comm Profile: 1.4 PC/SP: ICPC AND SJHPC Previous Apprv: PA9401491 INCLUDES APN#47802120 Project Proposal: SITE PLAN TO AMEND PREVIOSLY APPROVED PA940149 FOR REFINEMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT AREA 2C-9 OF THE ICPC AND PA 14 OF THE SJHPC. DEPOSIT SUMMARY Total Deposit: 4,000.00 Payments: 4,000.00 Balance Due: .00 CONDITIONALLY APPROVED BY:o�r. EMn DATE: el?, ( Y LAND USE PLANNING Pol Zone: YES PF 1 YJlA�IOITiQ;,' i; 03VOii95,+ 0 County of Orange ��LIFOR��c DATE: 812-/ G k TO: File/Record/Applicant JEJ1410-1 FROM: Michael M. Ruane, Director EMA • FILE: PA 96-0065 SUBJECT: Planning Application PA 96-0065 for Site Development Permit within Planning Area 14 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community; and, Site Development Permit within Development Area 2C-9 of the Irvine Coast Planned Community Local Coastal Program. APPLICANT: California Pacific Homes, developer Coastal Community Builders, land owner I. NATURE OF PROJECT: A revision to previously approved Planning Application PA 94-0149 which is a Site Development Permit (SDP) and a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the 360 acre, 635 dwelling unit Phase III Irvine Coast Planned Community. Phase III approval includes development within San Joaquin Hills Planned Community (SJHPC) Planning Areas (PA)s 14, 15, 19 and 20; and, the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program (ICPC) PAs 2C, 6 and 12D. PA 94-0149 was approved by the Planning Commission on June 27, 1995 and by the Board of Supervisors on August 8, 1995. The Site Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit were approved as "construction level" permits which allows construction of all the infrastructure and the 635 homes within the SJHPC/ICPC Phase III development area. The revision requested by this Planning Application is the 28.4 acre portion of Phase III covering Planning Area 14 of the SJHPC and Development Area (DA) 2C-9 of ICPC. The original approval permitted tract map approval, landscaping, grading and the construction of 63 single-family detacheddetached homes in the SJHPC portion and 26 single-family detached homes in the ICPC portion. The proposed revision includes the following changes and/or modifications: 1. Provide for minor adjustments (1.1 acre total) in the Planning Area boundaries between ICPC PAs 8 and 2C and SJHPC PA 13, 14 and 19. 2. Associated revisions to the approved grading, landscaping and fuel modification plans. 3. Implement a process for tracking ongoing minor modification to the approved CDP/SDP. PA 96-0065 Page 2 of 4 4. Reduce the number of dwelling units in ICPC DA 2C-9 by one unit from 26 to 25. The total number of dwelling units in PA 2C is reduced by one unit to 489. 5. Increase the number of dwelling units in SJHPC PA 14 by one unit from 63 to 64. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in this PA is 89. 6. Modifications to lot lines and street alignments. 7. Revision of the gated entrance. The major change includes the deletion of the manned gate house to an unmanned gate. 8. Add a new private recreation area (within SJHPC PA 14) including: a swimming pool, restrooms, sun deck and barbecue areas. 9. New location of model homes sales complex. 10. Approval of the above changes will allow for the necessary revision to TT 14786 (the overall Phase III tract map) by TT 15078 (the ICPC DA 2C-9/ SJHPC PA 14 tract map). The project site is located in the northern section of the Irvine Coast Planned Community, approximately 1,500 feet west of the intersection of Newport Coast Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road on the north side of Ridge Park Road. While a portion of this project is in the Coastal Zone, a Coastal Development Permit is not required for that portion of the project within the ICPC DA 2C-9. Since the original Coastal Development Permit for the ICPC was a construction level permit, the Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit allows technical amendments and revisions to an approved construction level Coastal Development Permit to be revised through the approval of a Site Development Permit. II. REFERENCE: (Authority for Administrative action is given by what ordinance, regulation, etc.) Orange County Zoning Code section 7-9-150 "Discretionary Permits and Procedures" and the development regulations from: 1. First Amendment - Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program; 2. Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit (as amended); and, 3. First Amendment - San Joaquin Hills Planned Community. PA 96-0065 Page 3 of 4 III. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: The proposed project is covered by Final EIR 544A previously certified on August 8, 1995 and Addendum PA 960065. Prior to project approval, this EIR must be found adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA by the Director, EMA. Section V and Attachment 1 of this report contains the required CEQA Findings. IV. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the subject proposal has been Conditionally Approved as noted below. Michael M. By: Date: WVM FOLDER: IC Charles M. Site Planni Director EMA i6aker, Chief ection ATTACHMENTS: 1. Findings - Planning Commission Resolution No.•95-13 2. Conditions of Approval - Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-13 V. FINDINGS: The Findings contained in Attachment A-1 of Planning Commission Resolution No 95-13 for Planning Application PA 94-0149 are hereby re -adopted as the Findings for this project and are included as Attachment 1 of this report. VI_. CONDITIONS: The Conditions of Approval contained in Attachment A-2 of Planning Commission Resolution No 95-13 for Planning Application PA 94-0149 are approved as Conditions of Approval for this project, except as noted below, and are included as Attachment 2 of this report. PA 96-0065 Page 4 of 4 The following Conditions of Approval (or portions) are not applicable to this project and are deleted: 6, 19, 32.C, 34, 39, 42, 44 and 45. Condition of Approval No. 48 sections B, C, and F are revised to read as follows: B. A maximum of sixteen (16) on site pennants and/or flags are permitted in conjunction with the model homes sales site. C. All signs shall be in conformance with Zoning Code Section 7-9-136.1(f) and the sign regulations of the Irvine Coast Community Design Program except as modified by Exhibit 6b of Site Development Permit submittal package. The applicant shall obtain sign permits for all signs over six (6) square feet in area. F. The model home sales offices and trailer will be used solely for the sale of dwelling units within Tract 15078 approved by this permit. RESOLJTION OF THE ORAIA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISIPTON COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA RES. NO. 95-13 DATE OF ADOPTION: RE: PA 94-0149 — IRVINE COAST PLANNING AREAS 2C, 12D AND A PORTION OF 6 AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS PLANNING AREAS 14 15 19 and 20 June 27, 1995 On the motion of Commissioner McBurney, duly seconded and carried, the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the entire Irvine Coast Planned Community, with exception of certain boundary adjustments approved by Resolution No. 89-39, is within the coastal zone as defined by the California Coastal Act of 1976 and is coterminous with�the Irvine Coast Planning Unit of the Local Coastal Program of the County of Orange; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Coastal Act, the County of Orange has prepared a Local Coastal Program (LCP) for the Irvine Coast; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Supervisors adopted the Irvine Coast LCP/Land Use Plan by Resolution No. 87-1606 and the Irvine Coast LCP/Implementing Actions Program by Ordinance No. 3674 on December 2, 1987; and the California Coastal Commission certified the Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program on January 14, 198.8;.._and WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Supervisors adopted the Irvine Coast Development Agreement (DA 87-16) on April 20, 1988, which enables the Irvine Company to build out the Irvine Coast Planned Community over a 20-year period in accordance with the policies and regulations set forth in the 1983 certified LCP; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission approved MCDP 88- 11P by Resolution No. 88-46 on May 4, 1988; and i WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission approved MCDP =- First and Second Amendments (CD 89-26P and CD 9005219001P) by Resolution 89-39 on October 16, 1989 and Resolution 90-19 on -June 18, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission approved MCDP -- Third Amendment (CD 900703001P) by Resolution 92-0'8 on March 11, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Supervisors adopted the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program by Ordinance No. 3814 and Resolution 91-183 on February 26, 1991; and ATTACHMENT/1 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 Page 2 WHEREAS, the applicable Residential Land Use Regulations/ Development Standards of Planning -Area 2C of the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program and Planning Areas 14 and 15 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community are identical; and WHEREAS, The Irvine Company, the major landowner in the LCP area, has submitted Planning Application PA 94-0149 for the Master CDP -- Fourth Amendment to establish the final boundary line between Planning Areas 2C and 12A, 2C and 12D, 2C and 6, to update the Planned Community Development Map and Planned Community Statistical Table contained within The Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit, to expand the MCDP boundary to include a portion of PA 6; to modify the alignment of Vista Ridge Road; and to include the emergency/utility access road into Los Trancos Canyon (PA 12A); and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission has, concurrent with the consideration of this Planning Application PA 94-0149 for a Coastal Development Permit and has duly considered the MCDP — Fourth Amendment which was environmentally evaluated by EIR 544A; and WHEREAS, The Irvine Company, the major landowner in the LCP area, has submitted a Coastal Development"Permit (CDP) for PAs 2C, 12D and a portion of PA 6, as part of the Irvine Coast Planned Community and a Site Development Permit (SDP) for PAs 14, 15, 19 and 20 as part of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community; and WHEREAS, it was the intent and approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, that Planning Areas 14 and 15 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community be developed concurrently with Planning Area 2C of the Irvine Coast Planned Community Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, the CD "Coastal Development" District Regulations, Section 7-9-118 requires that a Coastal Development_ Permit may be approved only after the approving authority has made the findings in the Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-150 and Section 7-9-118.6(e); and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 65000 et seq. the County of Orange has an adopted General Plan which meets all of the requirements of state law; and WHEREAS, in compliance with said laws a legally noticed public hearing was held by the Orange County Planning Commission on June 27, 1995 to consider Planning Application PA 94-0149 for the MCDP — Fourth Amendment/Coastal Development Permit/Site Development Permit proposed by the Irvine Company; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 Page 3 WHEREAS, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Administrative Code Sections 15000 et seq.) EIR No. 544A has been prepared to evaluate the potential adverse environmental effects of the proposed project; and WHEREAS, this Commission has considered the proposed Final EIR 544A and finds that it adequately addresses all potential adverse environmental impacts of the proposed project and meets all the requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines as set forth in Resolution No. 95-12 adopted by this Commission on June 27, 1995. WHEREAS, EIR 544A and the EIRs for prior tiers of environmental analysis, including EIRs 485, 486, 511 and 528, and other documents constituting the Administrative Record in this action are located at the Orange County Environmental Management Agency. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That this Commission considered Final EIR 544A prior to approval of the project and determined that it adequately addresses all potential adverse environmental impacts of the proposed project and meets all the requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. 2. That the Orange County Planning Commission hereby approves Planning Application PA 94 0149 for the Irvine Coast MCDP — Fourth Amendment, Coastal Development Permit for Planning Areas 2C, a portion of 6, and 12D of the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program and Planning Application 94-0149 for Site Development Permit for Planning Areas 14, 15, 19 and 20 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community subject to the Findings as set forth in Attachment A-1 and the Conditions of Approval as shown in Attachment A-2 to this resolution. 3. That the conditions adopted herein are reasonably related to the use of the property and necessary for appropriate development and operation of the uses permitted by the Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program and the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program. • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 Page 4 AYES: Commissioners - McBurney, Long, Blamer, Moody, Potts NOES: Commissioners - None ABSENT: Commissioner - None I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 95-13 was adopted on June 27, 1995 by the Orange County Planning Commission. ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION av, 1,5 6 by ohn B. Buzas, Executive Officer 0 0 ATTACHMENT A-1 -- FINDINGS PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PLANNING APPLICATION 94-0149 FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IRVINE COAST PLANNED COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS 2C, A PORTION OF 6, AND 12D SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SAN JOAQUIN HILLS PLANNED COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS 14, 15, 19 AND 20 MCDP -- FOURTH AMENDMENT IRVINE COAST PLANNED COMMUNITY That the Planning Commission makes the following findings with respect to Planning Application 94-0149 for MCDP -- Fourth Amendment, Coastal Development Permit/Site Development Perm -it: 1. County Requirements are being met as follows: a. General Plan. The use or project proposed is consistent with the General Plan. b. Zoning Code. The use, activity or improvement proposed by the application is consistent with the provisions of the Orange County Zoning Code. C. CEQA. The approval of the permit application is in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act as demonstrated in Resolution No. 95-12. d. Compatibility. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed use will not create significant noise, traffic or other conditions or situations that may be objectionable, detrimental or incompatible with other permitted uses in the vicinity. e. General Welfare. The application will not result in conditions or circumstances contrary to the public health and safety and the general welfare. f. Development Fees for Provision of Public Facilities. The requirements of Orange County Code Section 7-9-711 have been met. g. Mitigation Measure Monitoring. The monitoring requirements of Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 have been met in that a Mitigation Measure Monitoring and Reporting Plan, has been prepared. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 2 h. Local Coastal Program. The project proposed by the application conforms with the certified Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program in a manner as approved by the Orange County Planning Commission in Resolution No. 87-1327 dated September 30, 1987 and by the Orange County Board of Supervisors• in Resolution No. 87-1606 dated December 2, 1987 and in Ordinance No. 3674 dated December 2, 1987. _ i . San Joacruin Hills Planned Community Program. The project proposed by the application conforms with the certified San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program in a manner as approved by the Orange County Planning Commission in Resolution 91-1, dated January 8, 1996, and by the Orange County Board of Supervisors by Ordinance No. 3814 and Resolution No. 91-183, dated February 26, 1991. j. Master Coastal Development Permit -- Fourth Amendment. The project proposed by this application conforms with the Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit -- Fourth Amendment as concurrently approved by the Orange County•Planning Commission with this Resolution 95-13 on June 27, 1995. k. Irvine Coast Development Agreement. The project proposed by the application conforms with the Irvine Coast Development Agreement (DA 87-16) as approved by the Orange County Planning Commission in Resolution No. 88-24 dated March 29, 1988, and EMA Report dated March 11, 1992 on the Project PA 94-0149, and as demonstrated in the following findings. 2. Based on the information and analysis contained in EIR 544A, the project will have no new significant adverse environmental effects beyond those identified, mitigated, or for which overriding considerations were adopted in connection with EIR 544A or the previous environmental documentation prepared for the Irvine Coast LCP, the Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit, and the Irvine Coast Development Agreement. The findings approving the LCP and contained in Board of Supervisors' Resolution 87-1327 and the findings certifying EIRs 485, 486, 511 and 528 contained in Resolution Nos. 88-24, 88-45, 89-38, 92-07 are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. 3. All development projects within the Irvine Coast Planned Community are subject to approval of a Coastal Development Permit in compliance with Chapter,10 of the Irvine Coast LCP PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 3 and the County's "Coastal Development" District Regulations, Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-118. 4. The Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit First Amendment, CD 89-26P encompasses approximately 2,839 acres in a northerly subarea of The Irvine Coast Planned Community, including Planning Areas 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 8, 9, 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 12A, 12D, 13A, 13B, 13C, 13D, 13E, 13F, and 14. The MCDP First Amendment granted entitlement for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 13337 -- Second Revised; the certified LCP Planned Community Development Map: First Revision and Planned Community Statistical Table: First Revision; construction of Sand Canyon Avenue within Planning Areas 3A and 3B; widening of Pacific Coast Highway in certain locations; construction of Ridge Park, Vista Ridge and Pelican Hill Roads; construction of backbone drainage improvements recommended in the Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan and The Irvine Coast Hydrology Report; construction of backbone domestic water storage and distribution system; construction of backbone waste water collection system; construction and relocation of master utilities; rough grading within Planning Areas 2B and 8 to complete Newport Coast Drive side slopes and erosion control and -drainage improvements; and grading of USGS "Blue Line" drainage courses within Residential, Tourist Commercial, and Golf Course Planning Areas. 5. The provisions of Master Coastal Development Permit 88- 11P and the Planning Commission findings contained in Resolution No. 88-46 are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. 6. The provisions of Master Coastal Development Permit First Amendment, CD 89-26P, and the Planning Commission findings contained in Resolution No. 89-39 are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. 7. Chapter II-11 of The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program (LCP) describes the Planned Community, (PC) Development Map and Statistical Table. The PC Development Map identifies Planning Areas and land uses within the Planned Community; the PC Statistical Table contains a statistical breakdown for each residential and nonresidential Planning Area shown on the map in terms of maximum and estimated number of dwelling units and accommodations. 8. The Local Coastal Program recognizes that the PC Development Map and Statistical Table require revisions as more accurate design and planning information becomes available. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 4 9. LCP Section II-11-B (Planned Community Development Map) states:, "The acreages in the Statistical Table on the PC Development Map may vary without requiring an amendment to the LCP Land Use Plan provided that the variation is consistent with the total acreage and boundaries of Development and Open Space shown on the Planned Community (PC) Statistical Summary and does not result in development occurring within the proposed Irvine Coast Regional Park dedication areas." 10. LCP Section II-11-C (Planned Community Statistical Table) provides that refinements to individual Planning Area -acreage are allowable under the certified LCP up to a maximum of 10 percent, provided such refinements do not change any of the land use categories or the maximum number of dwelling units/overnight accommodations for any Planning Area or the Planned Community in total. 11. Section 1.3.2 of the Master CDP First Amendment,'CD 89- 26P, provided a detailed description of The Irvine Coast Planned Community (PC) Development Map and Statistical Table, and the revision procedures related thereto, and stated (p. I- 9): "The Master CDP and its amendments have been mutually determined by the -County of Orange and The Irvine Company as the tracking mechanism and historical record for revisions to the PC Development Map and Statistical Table, as they may occur over time." 12. The provisions of Master Coastal Development Permit Second Amendment, CD 9005219001P, and the Planning Commission findings contained in Resolution No. 90-19 are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. 13. The MCDP Second Amendment provided for the insertion of new language into MCDP Section 1.3.2 to permit "Technical Addenda" to the MCDP to incorporate adjustments allowable under the LCP in the distribution of the estimated dwelling units, accommodations, and/or Planning Area acres within the Planned Community. Adjustments resulting from more detailed planning may entail refinements to the acreage statistics and boundaries shown on the previously -approved Planned Community Statistical Table and Development Map contained in the MCDP, and will be permitted by these Technical Addenda without requiring comprehensive changes to the MCDP text. 14. The MCDP Third Amendment incorporated into the Irvine Coast MCDP document a refinement to the boundary between Irvine Coast Planning Areas 1C-2 and 11B and the text of Irvine Coast MCDP, Section 5.4 (Utility Systems), the Subsection titled "Southern California Edison" to replace a portion of an existing overhead 66,000 volt (66 kV) transmission line with an underground system. • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 5 15. As required by the 1988 certified Irvine Coast LCP, any revision to the PC Development Map and Statistical Table shall be considered by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. Said hearing for a proposed Technical Addendum to the MCDP shall occur prior to or concurrent with the final action taken by the County on the Coastal Development Permit, Site Development Permit, and/or Tentative Subdivision Map necessitating the proposed revision. 16. This MCDP -- Fourth Amendment establishes the final boundary line between Planning Areas 2C and 12A, 2C and 12D, 2C and 6; updates the Planned Community Development Map and Statistical Table contained within The Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit expands the MCDP boundary to include a portion of PA 6; modifies the alignment of, Vista Ridge Road; and includes an emergency utility access road into Los Trancos Canyon (PA 12A). 17. This Coastal Development Permit is for development proposals in Irvine Coast Recreation Planning Area 12D, Medium Density Residential Planning Area 2C and Low Density Residential Planning Area 6. 18. This Site Development Permit is for=development proposals in San Joaquin Hills Medium Density Residential Planning Areas 14 and 15, and Recreation Planning Areas 19 and 20. 19. The refinements to the Planning Area boundary between Residential Planning Area 2C and Recreation Planning Area 12A and the refinement between Planning Areas 2C and 12D are fully consistent with LCP Section I-3-M which states: "Edge conditions throughout the Irvine Coast vary greatly and the lines shown on the Land Use Map show approximate development/open space boundaries which will be more precisely located with subdivision map submittals." 20. The refinement to the Planning Area 2C boundary adjacent to Planning Areas 12A, 12D, and 6 is consistent with LCP Section II-11-C (Planned Community Statistical Table) in that refinements to the individual Planning Area acreages are allowable under the certified LCP up to a maximum 10 percent, provided such refinements do not change any of the land use categories or the maximum number if dwelling units for any Planning Area or the planned community in total. 21. The refinement to the Planning Area boundaries between Planning Areas 12A and 2C is reflected on Parcel Map 95-116 and the amended Irrevocable Offer of Dedication being processed concurrently with Planning Application PA 94-0149. 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 6 22. Development within Planning Area 12D will have only limited- facilities for recreational use (i.e., trails, look out points, gazebos, etc.) (LCP I -A [page I-1.4]). 23. Development within Planning Area 12D, related both to recreational facilities and to drainage, infrastructure, and fuel modification serving permitted residential development in Planning Area 2C will modify category I'D" ESHA's in Planning Area 12D. No other category of ESHA will be of fected, and the development within Planning Area 12D complies with LCP ESHA policies in that development is permitted to modify or eliminate vegetation and drainage courses in category ''D" ESHAs, which have little or no riparian habitat value; and all development impacts will be mitigated by the Open Space Dedication and Riparian Habitat Creation Programs (LCP I-2-A- 2a [page I-2.4]) . 24. Development within Planning Area 2C, a portion of 6 and 12D complies with LCP Visual Quality polices which protect views of major landforms in a comprehensive manner as depicted in LCP Exhibit C. Neither PAs 2C, 6 nor 12D is depicted on Exhibit C as containing visually significant lands. Preservation and planting enhancement of PA 12D as private open space visually softens and visually screens adjacent residential development in PA 2C. 25. Development within Planning Area 2C and a portion Of 6 is consistent with LCP Special Use Open Space policies in that an offer of dedication for Planning Area 12A has been made to the County of Orange in a form approved by the Manager, EMA- Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division (LCP I-3- A-2b [page 1-3.5]) and Tentative Parcel Map 95-116 is currently being processed to reflect this revised offer of dedication. 26. Planning Area 12D is proposed for limited development for passive recreational use including fuel modification areas; drainage control facilities, underground water/sewer facilities and utilities; and is consistent with the Principal Permitted Uses specified in LCP Section II-7-B-7 (page II-7.3 and II-7.4). 27. The proposed improvements in Planning Area 12D are consistent with the applicable LCP Recreation/Open Space Management Policies (LCP I-2-C-2a [page I-3.18]) based on the following: a. Recreation lands will be owned and maintained by homeowner associations, adjoining property owners, and/or special assessment districts. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 7 b. Natural landforms are retained by the design of recreational facilities to minimize impact to natural stream courses and riparian vegetation. C. Less than 2% of the land within PA 12D will be developed with impervious surfaces (i.e., trails, roads, recreation facilities, etc.) d. All recreational facilities are sited on slopes generally less than 300. e. Vehicular access is restricted to emergency and maintenance vehicles. f. No archaeological and paleontological sites will be disturbed except where necessary to provide public safety and/or utilities facilities. 28. The proposed improvements in Planning Area 12D are consistent with the applicable LCP site development standard provisions (LCP II-7-F [page II-7.5 and II-7.6]) based on the following: a. Less than to of the land within PA 12D will be covered by buildings. b. No building will be higher than eighteen (18) feet. c. Walls and fences will be set back a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the ultimate right-of-way line of any street. d. Parking areas adjacent to public/private streets will be generally screened from view by earthen berms and/or landscaping. 29. The proposed improvements in Irvine Coast Planning Area 2C and San Joaquin Hills Planning Areas 14 and 15 are consistent with the applicable LCP and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program Site Development standard provisions (LCP II-4-c [page II-4.19-231 and SJHPC Program III-D-5 [pages III-20-24]) based on the following: a. Under the LCP, the site is designated for Medium Density Residential development, which permits a maximum density of 6.5 dwelling units per gross acre. In conjunction with all developments within Planning Areas 2C, 14 and 15, the combined overall density will be 2.2 units per acre. 0 6. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 8 b. No building site area will be less 2,500 square feet for detached/attached single-family, or non- residential development. C. Regardless of the slope of the land, the gross land area per dwelling unit is above the 1,000 square feet minimum. d. Building height will be consistent with the maximum 35 feet standard. However, consistent with the definition for "Building Height" contained in LCP Chapter II-12 (page II-12.2): 1) Where finished grades in portions of Planning Areas 2C, 14 and 15 are 10% or greater, the maximum height above grade will not exceed 45 feet (i.e., "as specified in the development standards plus ten (10) feet"); and ' 2) Elevators, mechanical space, chimneys and architectural treatments may exceed the applicable 35 foot (or 45 foot) height restriction by an additional 12 feet-.• e . Two or more car garages will be provided for all units. f. Community recreation facilities will include a 12.5 acre community park which provides tennis courts, a recreation building/restroom and a picnic area. g. Street lights will be designed and located so that rays are aimed at the site. h. Areas of disturbed soil will be hydro -seeded to control erosion. i. Manufactured slopes along development edges will incorporate contour -grading techniques. j. The principle project collector road will .maintain 40 feet of paving with 48-inch meandering sidewalks on one side'of the street. The cul-de-sacs serving the residential neighborhoods will maintain 36 feet of pavement with 48 inch sidewalks on both sides of the street. Lighting along the streets will be limited to intersections and cul-de-sacs. 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 9 30. Planning Areas 2C, 14 and 15 are proposed for development as a residential housing project, with a maximum total of 635 single-family detached dwelling units on 292.4 acres (gross), with an overall density of 2.2 dwelling units per acre. 31. In terms of adopted procedure: a. This CDP sets forth certain elements of planning approval and is processed as a large-scale plan that implements The Irvine Coast LCP Chapter II-10, Discretionary Permits and Procedures; Section II- 10-A-2 and -3, Coastal Development Permits and Applications. b. This SDP sets forth certain elements of planning approval and is processed as a Construction -level Site Plan that implements San Joaquin Hills PC Program Chapter X, Permit Regulations and Procedures; Section C, Procedures, and in particular Section C-6 for the processing of phased developments. 32. ICPC Planning Area 2C is --proposed for development as a single-family residential housing project, with a total of 490 dwelling units on approximately 258 acres with an overall density of 1.9 dwelling units per acre. 33. The Low Density Residential Planning Area 6 portion of this CDP is proposed for development as a single-family residential housing project with a total of 53 dwelling units on approximately 190 acres with an overall density of 0.3 dwelling units per acre. 34. 1 The Irvine Coast Planning Area 2C, a portion of 6 and San Joaquin Hills Planning Areas 14 and 15 project is divided into thirteen (13) Development Areas establishing different housing products, acreages, and ranges of dwelling units as shown below: Irvine Coast DA 2C-1/Single-Family Detached DA 2C-2/Single-Family Detached DA 2C-3/Single-Family Detached DA 2C-4/Single-Family Detached DA 2C-5/Single-Family Detached 19.6 Acres (gross) 42 DU at 2.1 DU/Ac. 15.2 Acres (gross) 38 DU at 2.5 DU/Ac. 46.7 Acres (gross) 79 DU at 1.7 DU/Ac. 57.8 Acres (gross) 81 DU at 1.4 DU/Ac. 25.8 Acres (gross) 72 DU at 2.8 DU/Ac. 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 10 DA 2C-6/Single-Family Detached 42.9 Acres (gross) 97 DU at 2.3 DU/Ac. DA 2C-7/Single-Family Detached 23.8 Acres (gross) 55 DU.at 2.3 DU/Ac. DA 2C-8/Community Park 12.5 Acres (gross). DA 2C-9/Single-Family Detached 7.8 Acres (gross) 26 DU at 3.3 DU/Ac. DA 2C-10/Signal Peak Transmission Site 6.0 Acres (gross). DA 6-1/Single-Family Detached 14.5 Acres (gross) 53 DU at 3.7 DU/Ac. San Joaquin PA 14/Single-Family Detached 19.7 Acres (gross) 63 DU at 3.2 DU/Ac. PA 15/Single-Family Detached 18.6 Acres (gross) 29 DU at 1.6 DU/Ac. 35. The portion of the CDP encompassing the proposed residential housing project within a portion of Planning Area 6 is consistent with LCP Site Development Standard Provisions (LCP II-4-C-6) in that: a. Although the density within Development Area 6-1 is 3.7 dwelling units per acres, the LCP policies specify that the Planning Area density is based upon the total gross acres within the Planning Area. The overall gross density of 0.3 dwellings per acre is consistent with the Low Density Residential Land Use Category. 36. The proposed alternative development standard for Development Area 6-1 is consistent with LCP Residential 'Policies Section I-4-D-4 addressing development. within Muddy Canyon (PA 6) in that: a. To protect the visual and habitat resources of Muddy Canyon, residential development is limited to a maximum of 75 single-family dwelling units and requires a public hearing; b. Although the proposed building site area of the alternative development standard is smaller than the 30,000 square feet minimum average established for PA 6, the smaller lots allow these residential units to be clustered adjacent to ICPC PA 2C and SJHPC PA 15 as an extension of the development proposed in PA 2C. This clustering allows for a greater residential setback from Crystal Cove State Park; C� u PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 11 c . Access to PA 6 will be from the network of local roadways within PA 2C; d. The proposed residential development in DA 6-1 is located at least 450-feet from the public recreation lands within Crystal Cove State Park and does not necessitate the incorporation of a special buffer or transition zone separating the development edge from the state park; and e. As demonstrated by Site Sections F-F and G-G, CDP Exhibit 2.8, the proposed development within DA 6-1 will not degrade the existing undeveloped visual qualities from the potential Moro Canyon Trail as described by LCP Exhibit K. The manufactured slopes located at the rear of the lots along the perimeter of DA 6-1 facing Crystal Cove State -Park lands will be planted with materials consistent with Table 2-C Proposed Plant List _within Fuel Modification Zones. These materials resemble the plants in the natural areas of The Irvine Coast and Crystal Cove State Park and provide a transition from natural areas to the development" edge. 37. The proposed residential housing project and recreational improvements are consistent with the LCP Archeological policies in that: a. The MCDP 89-26P conditions of approval require that a County -certified archeologist complete a literature and records search and a field survey. The search and survey for PAs 2C, that portion of 6, 14, 15, 12D, 19 and 20 has been completed. Twelve archeological sites have been identified with these Planning Areas. b. The MCDP 89-26P conditions of approval require that a County -certified archeologist conduct subsurface tests prior to grading and determine site disposition. Subsurface excavations have been completed and analyzed, and reports are being prepared. Resource .surveillance will be provided during grading operations. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 12 38. The proposed residential housing project and recreational improvements are consistent with the LCP Paleontological policies in that: a. The MCDP 89-26P conditions of approval require that a County -certified paleontologist complete. a literature and records search and a field survey. This search and survey had been completed. No paleontological resources were identified. b. The MCDP 89-26P conditions of approval required that a County -certified paleontologist conduct pregrading salvage and resource surveillance if necessary. Since no resources were identified, no pregrading activities are required. During grading, resource surveillance will be conducted. 39. The proposed project complies with the LCP Erosion, Sediment, Grading and Runoff policies in that the prof ect will be developed in accordance with the Refined Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan (MDRMP) prepared by Rivertech Inc. Storm runoff from DAs 2C-1, 2C-2 and 2C-7 will be captured in a series of catch basins located throughout the neighborhood streets and the primary project collector Vista Ridge Road for release into Los Trancos Canyon (PA 12A) . Storm flows will be detained in two detention basins, one located in 2C-1, the other straddling DAs 2C-7 and 2C-8, upstream of the Los Trancos Canyon outlet. DA 2C-3, a portion of DA 2C-4, San Joaquin Hills Planning Areas 14 and most of 15 will drain into Buck Gully (PA 11A). The runoff will be collected in streets and underground pipes, connecting to the system in Ridge Park Road that is tied into a detention basin facility located in the Local Park (DA 2B-3 ) and released into Buck Gully. Runoff from DAs 2C-5, 6-1 and a portion of PA 15 will drain to both Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons. The MDRMP was approved by the County in connection with approval of the MCDP 88-11P. The MDRMP addresses, in a comprehensive manner, the policies contained in Sections I-3-E,-I,-J,-K and -L of the LCP. It provides data on existing water quality and quantity, and an assessment of project impacts on water resources, existing and proposed riparian habitats, and off -shore marine life. Mitigation measures, long-term maintenance, and a monitoring program are described. This report demonstrates compliance with the applicable LCP policies, and its findings demonstrating such compliance are incorporated herein by reference. Specifically: u PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 13 a. The areas to be developed are used for grazing and have a high erosion rate. After development, erosion rates will be significantly lower than existing rates and will approximate natural conditions. (LCP I-3-I-1 [page I-3, 301) b. Plans for sedimentation and erosion control will respond to requirements for reseeding and planting disturbed soil. (LCP I-3-I-2 [page I-3.291) C. Erosion control devices will be installed. Additional preventive erosion control measures described in the Orange County Grading Manual and the City of Irvine's Sedimentation and Erosion Control Manual will be integrated into each Development Area site plan, as appropriate. (LCP I-3-I-3,-4, and -5 [page I-3.301) 1 d. The MDRMP recommends that detention basins be converted to desilting basins during construction. During the design stage and prior to the initial grading operations, configurations and structural'--- -- details of these desilting basins will be prepared as part of the submitted design. The erosion control design plans for each development cluster will identify additional desilting basins in accordance with the Orange County Grading Manual. (LCP I-3-J-1 [page I-3.301) e. Vegetative cover and temporary mechanical means of controlling sedimentation will be established and conducted as described in the MDRMP and in accordance with Orange County's Grading Manual. (LCP I-3-J-2 and-3 [pages I-3.30 and I-3.311) f. In order to maintain channel stability, Rivertech has identified a number of locations where detention basins may be constructed. Chapter VII of the MDRMP includes a detailed study of the mechanics of Buck Gully downstream from Newport Coast Drive. That chapter identifies and describes size and configuration of the facilities required to maintain the stability of the downstream reach of Buck Gully. The sediment yield to the beach is expected to be less than existing and will approximate natural conditions. (LCP I-3-J-5 [page I-3.311 ) 0 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 14 g. Except during the construction, Rivertech foresees no long term need for sediment catch basins. (LCP I-3-J-5 [page I-3.311) h. Planning Areas 2C, a portion of 6 and 12D drain into Buck Gully, Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons. Most drainage goes into the Los Trancos Canyon where all the detention basins described in PA 94- 0149 were sized to take 2C, a portion of 6 and 12D drainage flows. The small amount of drainage that flows to Muddy Canyon will be di s charged' through energy dissipators into the natural vegetation of Muddy Canyon (PA 12E). i. Hydrologic computations performed by The Keith Companies revealed that peak discharges from the study area at Pacific Coast Highway after development would not exceed the existing peak discharges by more than 10 percent in the major canyons. The Keith Companies utilized a number of swales in the golf course and Wishbone Hill as detention basins to achieve further --reduction to less than existing within Pelican Hill and Wishbone Hill watersheds. Subsequent to The Keith Company's hydrology computations, Rivertech has identified a number of additional potential locations for detention basins. These detention basins are proposed to achieve channel stability. (LCP I-3-K- 1 (page I - 3 .311 ) j. Drainage facilities will be designed and submitted with the project grading plans. (LCP I-3-K-2 and - 3 [page I - 3 .3 2 ] ) k. No retention basins will be required on -site. (LCP I-3-K-4 (page I-3.321) 1. Impact type energy dissipaters with riprap are proposed to reduce the flow velocity and shear stress to non -eroding values at the outlet of storm drains. (LCP I-3-K-5 [page i-3.323) M. Based on analysis performed by The Keith Companies, all structures draining into the study area across Newport Coast Drive have adequate capacity to convey the design discharges. Runoff from the proposed development will be released to the natural water courses. The exact terminus location of each storm drain will be determined during the 0 ! PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 15 design stage, based on geotechnical, hydraulics, and stream mechanics analyses. (LCP I-3-K-6 (page I-3 .321 ) n. Soils and engineering studies have been submitted to the County. (LCP 1-3-L-1 [page I-3.321) o. The MDRMP addresses grading from October 15 through April 15, and identifies those measures necessary for adequate erosion control. (LCP I-3-L-2 [page I-3.331) P. Project plans call for appropriate permanent and temporary stabilization techniques as identified in the soil and geotechnical reports for PAs 2C, a portion of 6 and 12D. (LCP I-3-L-3,-5, and -6 [pages I-3.33 and I-3.341) f q. Stockpile locations for topsoil will be identified in the final landscape plans. r. Grading for 12D---is — limited to the removal of vegetation in identified graded areas, (i.e., for development, public/private roads, utilities, storm drains, and other infrastructure), trails, and access/haul roads, and for areas of fuel modification. Similarly, construction equipment will be limited to these areas. (LCP I-3-L-7 (page I-3.341) S. The grading for Irvine Coast Planning Areas 2C, a portion of 6, and San Joaquin Hills Planning Areas 14, and 15 will be terraced -to conform to the general topography. Terraces will have variable heights to avoid uniformity. Through the use of a meandering interior roadway, a stair -stepped appearance will be avoided. Perimeter edges will be treated with daylight cuts and fills following the existing topography where possible. Slopes will be varied from 2:1 and flatter, and contoured into the existing topography. Slopes will be terraced along the project interface with Ridge Park and Vista Ridge Roads, integrating the slopes created by roadway construction with grading for residential projects. Thus, the graded slopes will appear natural, blending into the existing environment and mitigating the potential visual effects of grading. (LCP I-3-L-8 [page I-3.341) 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 16 40. The LCP Development/Open Space Edge policies apply to the interface between Planning Areas 2C and 12D and 2C and 12A, in that: a. The use of trees within the community slopes adjacent to Los Trancos Canyon will help screen -the edge of development from views along Crystal Cove State Park and Los Trancos Canyon. b. The trees planted in the community slopes adjacent to PA 12D will help screen the development edge viewed from Newport Coast Drive. The fuel modification program approved in Master CD 89-26P allows three methods of fuel modification - expanded wet zones, expanded wet zone with thinning, and wet zones at roadways. In expanded wet zone areas, fuel modification will include shrubs, meadows, and groundcover. This variation in methods has been developed to avoid the visual impacts often associated with fuel modification. All of the fuel modification will occur within Planning Areas 2C, a portion of 6 and 12D and temporary within Planning Areas 8 and 13. The depth of fuel modification will meander depending upon topography. Conceptual Fuel Modification Plans for the project site have been approved by the County Fire Department and EMA Planning. Emergency access points to the fuel modification edges, have been identified and annual maintenance will be the Homeowners Association responsibility (LCP I-3-M-4 through -10 [pages I-3.36 through I- 3.401) 41. The proposed project complies with the LCP Circulation policies (LCP I-4-E [pages I-4.19 through I-4.341) in that: a. Roads are designed to meet County safety standards; b. Roads will be landscaped; C. All internal roadways are curvilinear and all slopes contoured into the existing topography; d. Residential areas are served by private streets and/or driveways; e. All modifications to existing roadway standards have been. carefully considered and justified by safety and circulation conditions. 0 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 17 f. Roadway grading has been blended into existing topography by contour grading, where feasible. Retaining walls and other structures have been used to minimize grading impacts. g. Traffic Management Program measures have been incorporated into the project where appropriate. h. Road design and sections for entry roads, collector roads, residential streets, and private driveways have been designed to be consistent with LCP Exhibit R, Residential Entry Road & Residential Streets -- Typical Sections. i. All roadway improvements established in LCP Exhibit Q, Irvine Coast Arterial Roadway Phasing Summary, will be installed on or before the triggering mechanisms called for in the Exhibit Q. 42. The proposed project complies with the LCP Public Works/Infrastructure policies in that it includes necessary sewer improvements and drainage improvements. All public works/infrastructure are provided in the major public roadways approved under Master CD 89-26P and the Pelican Hill Road CDP (for Newport Coast Drive), and the roadways proposed in this project. (LCP I-4-F-1 through -7 [pages I-4.19 through I- 4.34) 43. The proposed project complies with the LCP ESHA policies in that development within PAs 2C and a portion of 6 is permitted to modify or eliminate vegetation and drainage courses within Category "D" ESHAs. The Irvine Coast Open Space Dedication Program and Riparian Habitat Creation mitigate habitat lost as a result of development. (I-3-F [pages I-3.24 and I-3.251) 44. Residential uses approved as part of the LCP were found consistent with the requirement of Coastal Act Section 3-0250 in that development within the Irvine Coast has been clustered near existing residential areas and existing employment centers. Clustering of residential units preserves open space, reduces grading impacts, and enhances the compatibility of private development with public open space. By clustering residential uses on the ridges away from sensitive habitat areas in the canyon bottoms the LCP complies with Coastal Act Section 30240. Approval of this CDP carries out these policies. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- FINDINGS Page 18 45. In accordance with Section 30007.5 of the Coastal Act, the LCP Open Space Dedication Program protects certain specified coastal resources and offsets adverse environmental impacts in residential development and recreation areas which are otherwise not mitigated. Permanent protection and preservation of major canyon watersheds, visually significant ridgelines, stream courses, archeological and paleontological sites, riparian vegetation, coastal chaparral and wildlife habitat is provided by dedication to a public agency. Large- scale master planning and dedication programming ,for The Irvine Coast enables the permanent protection of large, contiguous open space areas rather than the protection of smaller, discontinuous habitat areas that might result from a project -by -project site mitigation approach. A much greater degree of habitat and open space protection can be achieved by dedication programs that assemble large blocks of habitat area contiguous to Crystal Cove State Park than would be possible with project -by -project mitigation measures. The Irvine Coast Dedication Program will result in approximately 7,234 acres devoted to open space and recreation use which includes 2,807 acres in Crystal Cove State Park, 2,666 acres in Wilderness Open Space, 1,161 acres in Special Use Open Space Dedications, and over 600 acres in the Golf Course and other non -dedicated recreation areas. Ll • ATTACHMENT A-2 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PLANNING APPLICATION 94-0149 FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IRVINE COAST PLANNED COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS 2C, A PORTION OF 6 AND 12D SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SAN JOAQUIN HILLS PLANNED COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS 14, 15, 19 AND 20 MCDP -- FOURTH AMENDMENT IRVINE COAST PLANNED COMMUNITY 1. LP NA NA Basic This approval constitutes approval of the proposed project only to the extent that the project complies with the Orange County Zoning Code and any other applicable zoning regulations. Approval does not include any action or finding as to compliance of approval of the project regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. 2. LP NA NA Basic This approval is valid for a period of 24 months from the date of final determination. If the use approved`by this action is not established within such period of time, this approval shall be terminated and shall thereafter be null and void. 3. LP NA NA Basic Except as otherwise provided herein, this permit is approved as a precise plan. After any application has been approved, if changes are proposed regarding the location or alteration of any use or structure, a changed plan may be submitted to the Director EMA for approval. If the Director determines that the proposed change complies with the provisions and the spirit and intent of the approval action, and that the action would have been the same for the changed plan as for the approved plot plan, he may approve the changed plan without requiring a new public hearing. 4. LP NA NA Basic Failure to abide by and faithfully comply with any and all conditions attached to this approving action shall constitute grounds for the revocation of said action by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. ATTACHMENT 2 0 .0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 2 5. LP NA NA Basic Applicant shall defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the County because of issuance of this permit or, in the alternative, the relinquishment of such permit. Applicant will, reimburse the County for any court costs and attorney's fees which the County may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. County may, at its sole discretion, participate in the defense of any such action, but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 7. LP LP NA Special All drainage and grading shall be consistent with the provisions of the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program and the Master Coastal Development Permit. :_wo): FTWOTA WN4 o, 8. HP HP G IARCHAEO SALVAGE Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, EMA/Regulation/ Grading Section, that a County -certified archaeologist has been retained to conduct salvage excavation of the archaeological resources in the permit area. Excavated finds shall be offered to the County of Orange, or designee, on a first refusal basis. Applicant may retain said finds if written assurance is provided that they will be properly preserved in Orange County, unless said. finds are of special significance, or a museum in Orange County indicates a desire to study and/or display them at this time, in which case items shall be donated to the County,- or designee. A final report incorporaitng the results of the salvage operation and grading observation shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division, prior to the final certification of grading in the archaeological site areas. 9. HP HP G ARCHAEO GRD OBS Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, Grading Section, that A County -certified archaeologist has been retained, shall be present at the pregrading conference, shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surveillance, and shall establish, in cooperation with the project developer, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, identification, and evaluation of the artifacts as appropriate. 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -= CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 3 If additional or unexpected archaeological features are discovered, the archaeologist shall report such findings to the project developer and to the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Divisions. If the archaeological resources are found to be significant, the archaeological observer shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the project developer, for exploration and/or salvage. Prior to the issuance of a precise grading permit, the archaeologist shall submit a follow-up report to the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division, which shall include the period of inspection, an analysis of any artifacts found and the present repository of the artifacts. Excavated finds shall be offered to the County of Orange, or designee, on a first refusal basis. Applicant may retain said finds if written assurance is provided that they,will be properly preserved in Orange County, unless said finds are of special significance, or a museum in Orange County indicates a desire to study and/or display them at this time, in which case items shall be donated to the County, or designee. These actions, as well as final mitigation and disposition of the resources, shall be subject to the approval of the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division. 10. HP HP G PALED SURV Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, EMA/Regulation/ Grading Section, that a County -certified paleontologist has been retained to observe grading activities and salvage and catalogue fossils as necessary. The paleontologist shall be present at the pregrading conference, shall establish procedures for paleontological resource surveillance, and shall establish, in cooperation with the project developer, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification, and evaluation of the fossils. If major paleontological resources are discovered, which require long-term halting or redirecting of grading, the paleontologist shall report such findings to the project developer and to the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning- Division. The paleontologist shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the project developer, which ensure proper exploration and/or salvage. Excavated finds shall be offered to the County of Orange, or its designee, on a first -refusal basis. Applicant may retain said finds if written assurance is provided that they will be properly preserved in Orange County, unless said finds are of special significance, or a museum in Orange County indicates a desire to study and/or display them at this time, in which case items shall be donated to the County, or designee. These actions, as well as final mitigation and disposition of the resources, shall be subject to approval by the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 4 Prior to the issuance of a precise grading permit, the paleontologist shall submit a follow-up report for approval by the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division, which shall include the period of inspection, a catalogue and analysis of the fossils found, and present repository of the fossils. Monthly grading observation reports shall be submitted to the grading inspector on all projects which exceed 100,000 cubic yards, unless no earthwork has been done during the month. These reports shall include the period of. inspection, the list of fossils collected, and their present repository. BUYER NOTIFICATION 11. AP AP B BUYER NOTIF MAP Prior to the issuance of any building permits for residential construction, the developer shall comply with Board of Supervisors Resolution 82-1368 (Buyer Notification Program) which requires the developer to prepare a map denoting the existing and proposed land uses, arterial highways, and public facilities within the surrounding area for the approval of the Director of Planning, EMA. The map content, display, and distribution shall be in accordance with the Buyer Notification Program guidelines approved by the Board of Supervisors and available at - the Development Processing Center. DRAINAGE 12. SD SD RG DRAINAGE STUDY Prior to the recordation of the final tract map or prior to the issuance of any grading permits, whichever comes first, the following drainage studies shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, Subdivision Division: A. A drainage study of the subdivision including diversions, off -site areas that drain onto and/or through the subdivision, and justification of any diversions; and B. When applicable, a drainage study evidencing that proposed drainage patterns will not overload existing storm drains; and C. Detailed drainage studies indicating how the tract map grading, in conjunction with the drainage conveyance systems including applicable swales, channels, street flows, catch basins, storm drains, and flood water retarding, will allow building pads to be safe from inundation from rainfall runoff which may be expected from all storms up to and including the theoretical 100-year flood. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 _ PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 5 13. SD SD R DRAINAGE IMPROV A. Prior to the recordation of a final tract map or prior to the issuance of any grading permits, whichever comes first, the applicant •shall in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision Division: 1) Design provisions for surface drainage; and 2) Design all necessary storm drain facilities extending to a satisfactory point of disposal for the proper control and disposal of storm runoff; and 3) Dedicate the associated easements to the County of Orange, if determined necessary. SD SD RU DRAINAGE IMPROVE B. Prior to the recordation of a final tract map, or prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy, whichever occurs first, said improvements shall be constructed in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, EMA/Construction Division. 1.4. SD SD RG DRAINAGE OFFSIT Prior to the recordation of a final tract map or prior to the issuance of any grading permit, whichever comes first, and if determined necessary by the Manager, Subdivision Division, a letter of consent, in a form approved by the Manager, Subdivision Division, suitable for recording, shall be obtained from the upstream and/or downstream property owners permitting drainage diversions and/or unnatural concentrations. 1.5. SD SD R MPD PARTICIPTN Prior 'to the recordation of a final tract map, the subdivider shall participate in the applicable Master Plan of Drainage in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision Division, including payment of fees and the construction of the necessary facilities. 16. SD SD R EASMT SUBORD Prior to the recordation of a final tract map, the subdivider shall not grant any easements (except utilities) over any property subject to a requirement of dedication or irrevocable offer to the County of Orange or the Orange County Flood Control District, unless such easements are expressly made subordinate t-o the easements to be offered for dedication to the County. Prior to the granting any of said easement, the subdivider shall furnish a copy of the proposed easement to the Manager, Subdivision Division, for review and approval. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 9470149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 6 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 17. EH EH R SEWER LINES Prior to the recordation of the final tract map, sewer lines, connections and structures shall be of the type installed in the location as specified in the "Guidelines Requiring Separation Between Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers, Orange County Health Department 1980," in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental Health, HCA. 18. EH EH G VECTOR CONTROL Prior to the issuance of the first grading permit, the Manager, Environmental Health, shall be requested to initiate the survey process of the tract site to determine if vector control measures are necessary. If warranted, such measures shall be conducted by the developer is a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental Health. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES 20. ER ER R POLLUTION CONTROL PLNS If determined applicable by the Manager, Environmental Resources Division, prior to recordation of any final tract map, or the issuance of any building permits if no tentative map is involved, the applicant shall provide appropriate stormwater pollution control plans related to the site's structural and non-structural Best Management Practices for compliance with the 1990 National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Regulations, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Flood Programs and Environmental Resources. FIRE 21. F F R WATER IMPV PLANS Prior to the recordation of the final tract map, water improvement plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Chief for adequate fire protection and financial security posted for the installation. The adequacy and reliability of water system design, location of valves, and the distribution of fire hydrants will be evaluated and approved by the Fire Chief. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 7 22. F F B COMBSTBLE CONST Prior to the issuance of any building permits for combustible construction, evidence that a water supply for fire protection is available shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Chief. Fire hydrants shall be in place and operational to meet required fire -flow prior to commencing construction with combustible materials. Some lots may require on -site fire hydrants to provide fire protection water to lots. 23. F F B CONST PHAS PLAN Prior to the issuance of any building permits, a construction phasing plan shall be submitted to approved by the Fire Chief. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the adequacy of emergency vehicle access for the number of dwelling units served. 24. F F R FIRE HAZARD Prior to the recordation of the final tract map, a note shall be placed on the map meeting the approval of the Fire Chief that the property is in a very high fire hazard area due to wildland exposure. 25. F F G FUEL MOD Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, a fuel modification plan and program shall be approved by the` Fire Chief. The plan shall show the special treatment to achieve an acceptable level of risk in regard to the exposure of structures to flammable vegetation and shall address: the method of removal and installation, mechanical or hand labor, and provisions for its continuous maintenance. The approved fuel modification plan shall be installed prior to the issuance of building permits, under the supervision of the Fire Chief, and completed prior to the issuance of applicable use and occupancy permits. Contact the Wildland Fire Defense Planning Section at 744-0498 for requirements. 26. F F BU AUTO FIRE EXT If determined applicable by the Fire Chief that automatic fire • extinguishing is needed for fire protection, then prior to the issuance of any building permits, all underground piping for automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be approved by the Fire Chief. Plans for automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be approved by the Fire Chief prior to installation. Notification of the Fire Chief's approval shall be forwarded to the Manager, Building Inspection Division, prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy. Further, such systems shall be operational prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy. • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 8 27. F F G CONTROL ENTRY Prior to the issuance of building permits, construction details for any controlled entry access shall be approved by the Fire Chief. These details shall include width, clear height, and means of emergency vehicle override. Installation of a controlled access will have an impact on emergency vehicle response times. 28. F F U FIRE LANES Prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy, any private street(s) having a curb -to -curb width of less than 36' shall be posted "No Parking —Fire Lane" as per 1988 Uniform Fire Code Section 10.207, in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. 29. F F U FIRE, HYDRNT MKRS Prior to the issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have a "Blue Reflective Pavement 'Marker" indicating its location on the street or drive per.Orange County Fire Department Standard. On private property these markers are to be maintained in good condition by the property owner. Further, prior to the issuance of any certificate-s of use and occupancy, the applicant shall submit evidence to the Manager, Building Inspection Division, that the` "markers" meet OCFD standards. GRADING 30. DS DS G GEOLOGY RPT Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit a geotechnical report to the Manager, Development Services for approval. The report shall include the information and be'in a form as required by the Grading Manual. 31. DS DS G GRADING DEVIATION Prior to issuance of any grading permits, if review of the grading plan for this property by the Manager, Development Services, indicates significant deviation from the proposed grading illustrated on the approved tentative tract map, specifically with regard to slope heights, slope ratios, and pad elevations and configuration, the plan shall be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee for a finding of substantial conformance. Failure to achieve such a finding will require processing a revised tentative tract map; or, if a final tract map has been recorded, a new tentative tract map or a Site Development Permit application per Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-139 and 7- 9-150. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 9 32. DS DS G GRADING Prior to the recordation of the first final tract map or issuance of the first grading permit for projects located immediately adjacent to or including portions of regional parks, significant open space corridors, or other environmentally sensitive areas, the project proponent shall provide evidence acceptable to the Manager, Development Services, in consultation with the Manager, HB&P/Program Planning, that graded areas will be compatible with natural land characteristics of the adjacent areas. Treatment to achieve the desired effect shall include: A. Smooth and gradual transition between graded slopes and existing grades using variable slopes ratios (2:1-4:1); and B. Urban Edge Treatment/Landscaping Plans) for all graded areas adjacent to open space; and 33. DS DS G CONST NOISE A. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the project proponent shall produce evidence acceptable to the Manager, Development Services, that; 1) All construction vehicles or equipment, fixed or mobile, operated within 1,000' of a dwelling shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained mufflers. 2) All operations shall comply with Orange County Codified Ordinance Division 6 (Noise Control). 3) Stockpiling and/or vehicle staging areas shall be located as far as practicable from dwellings. B. Notations in the above format, appropriately numbered and included with other notations on the front sheet of grading plans, will be considered as adequate evidence of compliance with this condition. HP HP R OPEN SPACE DEDICC Pri ,..��or concurrent with the recordation of the -s- final tract map"o ining any portion of Plan Area 6, the landowner shall ma irrevocable er of dedication of Recreation Planning Area y Canyon, to the County of Orange or its design region a rk purposes in a form approved by the aver, EMA-Harbors, Beac Parks/Program Plannin ' ision, suitable for recording. Said o - all be and clear of money and all other encumbrances; 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 10 TLIIs ,,`fees, easements and unpaid taxes except those meeting the approval of—t anager, EMA-Harbors, Beaches and Pa ogram Planning bivision. offer shall be in„mthat can be accepted for transfer of fee y time by the County. Creditable acreage for pu s of sa ' Local Park Code requirements shal - y with requirements of ne Coast Local Pa e Plan General Plan and any applicable EMA po rocedures. 35. HP SD RBU PUB.INT LNSCP Prior to the recordation of the final tract map, a landscape plan shall be required for all slopes created in conjunction with construction of roadways and shall be landscaped and equipped for irrigation and improved in accordance with the following: HP SD R PRELM LNSCP PLN A. Preliminary Plan — Prior to the recordation of an applicable final tract map, an agreement shall be entered into.and financial security posted guaranteeing landscape improvements and the maintenance thereof based on a preliminary landscape plan showing major plant material and uses, with a cost estimate of the landscape improvements. The preliminary plan and cost estimates shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager, Subdivision Division, in bonsultation with the Manager, EMA/Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division. Said plan shall take into account the previously approved landscape plan for Irvine Coast Planned Community, the EMA Standard Plans for landscape areas, adopted plant palette guides, applicable scenic and specific plan requirements, Water Conservation Measures contained in Board Resolution 90-487 (Water Conservation Measures), and Board Resolution 90-1341 (Water Conservation Implementation Plan). I HP SD B DTAL LNSCP PLN B. Detailed Plan — Prior to the issuance of any building permits(s), a detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, Subdivision Division, in consultation with the Manager, EMA/ Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division. Detailed plans shall show the detailed irrigation and landscaping design. HP CBI U LNDSCP INSTALL C. Installation Certification — Prior to the issuance of final certificates of use and occupancy and the release of the financial security guaranteeing the landscape improvements, said improvements shall be installed and shall be certified by a licensed Landscape architect or licensed landscape contractor, as required, as having been installed in accordance with -the approved detailed plans. Said certification, including an irrigation management report for PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 11 each landscape irrigation system, and any other required implementation report determined applicable, shall be furnished in writing to the Manager, Construction Division -,,- and the Manager, Building Inspection Division, prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy. 36. Prior to the recordation of an applicable final tract map; the subdivider shall dedicate an easement to the County of Orange or its designee over the lettered lot(s) facing Los Trancos Canyon (PA 12A) and PAs 12D, 19 and 20 for scenic preservation purposes in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, HB&P/Program Planning. Maintenance, upkeep and liability for said easement area shall remain the responsibility of the subdivider or assigns and successors (i.e., homeowners, association) or current underlying owner(s) of said easement area and shall not be included in said dedication offer. The subdivider shall not grant any easement over any property subject to said easement unless such easements are made subordinate to said 'easement [excluding utility easements] offer in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, HB&P/Planning. Limitations and restrictions for said easement shall be recorded by separate document concurrent with the recordation of the subj-ect final map, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, HB&P\ Program Planning. ` 37. Prior to recordation of an applicable final tract map or when determined applicable by the Manager, HB&P/Program Planning Division, the subdivider shall survey and monument all adjacent parcels of land to be dedicated for scenic preservation easement purposes, and submit plans showing how the developemnt boundaries of the scenic preservation easement parcel(s) is marked to be visible for monitoring purposes by Grantee to the satisfaction of the Manager, HB&P/Program Plannign Division, in consultation with the Manager, EMA/HB&P/Coastal Facilities/Open Space/Trails. NOISE COMPATIBILITY 3.8. All residential lots and dwellings shall be sound attenuated against present and projected noise which shall be the sum of all noise impacting the project so as not to exceed an exterior standard of 65 db CNEL in outdoor living areas and an interior standard of 45 dB CNEL in all habitable rooms. Evidence prepared by a County -certified acoustical consultant, that these standards will be satisfied in a manner consistent with applicable zoning regulations, shall be submitted as follows: 0 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 12 DS DS RG ACOUSTICAL RPT A. Prior to the recordation of a final tract map or prior to the issuance of grading permits, as determined by the Manager, Development Services Division, for approval. The report shall describe in detail the exterior noise environmental and preliminary mitigation measures. Acoustical design features to achieve interior noise standards may be included in the report in which case it may also satisfy "B" below. DS DS B ACOUSTICAL RPT B. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for residential construction, an acoustical analysis report describing the acoustical design features of the structure required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards shall be submitted to the Manager, Development Services Division, for approval along with satisfactory evidence which indicates that the sound attenuation measures specified in the approved acoustical report have been incorporated into the design of the project. DS DS G ACOUST BARRIERS C. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, all freestanding acoustical barriers must be 'showri 'on the project's plot plan illustrating height, location and construction in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Development Services Division. DS DS B ACOUST NON - non -residential structures shall be sound attenuated a nst th ined impact of all present and projected 'se ,from exterior ise sources to meet the interior nois criteria as specified in - e Noise Element and Land Use/N ' e Compatibility Manual: Prior to the issuance of a buildi permits, evidence prepared under the supervision of a Coun certified acoustical consultant that these standards will sate fried- in a manner consistent with applicable zoning regulations s be submitted to the Manager, Developme Services Division, the form of an acoustical anal report describing in deta' the exterior noise enviro ent and the acoustical design features ired to achieve e interior noise standard and which indicate t the sou attenuation measures specified have been incorporated ! e design of the project. MAJOR THOROUGHFARE FEE PROGRAMS 40. Prior to the issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, the developer shall produce evidence to the Manager, Building Inspection, that the Department of Real Estate has been notified 0 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 13 that the project area is adjacent to a regional transportation corridor. The Corridor is expected to be a high capacity, high speed, limited access facility for motor vehicles, and will have provisions for bus lanes and other mass transit type facilities. 41. TP CP B SJHTC FEE PROG Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay fees as prescribed in the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. 43. TP TP G SIGHT DISTANCE Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, adequate sight distance shall be provided at all street intersections per Standard Plan 1117, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Transportation Program Division. This includes any necessary revisions to the plan such as removing slopes or other encroachments from the limited use area. Pr-1-the recordation of a shall insta underground signals, phones, po e loop appurtenances (e.g., pull boxe ` UNDRGND final tract map, the rz ivider traffic sign nduits (e.g., dete s, etc.) and other needed for future traffic signal construction at intersection �eed�d above, and as needed for fut ' nterconnection with adj acente.sections, all in rdance with plans and specifications meeting 'mot a �P oval of the Manager, Subdivision Division. �P SD R ASSES Pr3o the recordation of a final tract map, the kdivider shall prepar required improvement plans a all identify on the plans t L4 'ts of all the cilities which the subdivider intends to fu r a Mello -Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) Ass ent District (AD) bond program. In additio e improvement plan"--s1La_1l identify the specific CFD under which the improvements w3_r'� funded, in a r meeting the approval of the Manager, Subd &QA s own . 46. TP TP R ASSESS DIST FRM Prior to the recordation of a final tract map within the boundaries of an assessment district, the subdivider shall fill out, sign and submit the required application form for the division of land and assessment, and pay the required fee, in a • 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 14 manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Transportation Program/Special Districts. 47. TP SD R PVT ST NOTIF Prior to the recordation of a final tract map, a note shall be placed on the map that states: "The private streets constructed within this map shall be owned, operated and maintained by the developer, successors or assigns. The County of Orange shall have no responsibility therefore unless pursuant to appropriate sections of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the said •private streets have been accepted into the County Road System by appropriate resolution of the Orange County Board of Supervisors." 48. LP LP U MODEL CONDITIONS A. Each sales trailer, if used, and each sales office use approved by this action shall expire two (2) years from the issuance of each temporary certificates of use and occupancy for the temporary commercial coach or the model sales office, which ever comes first. Applicant may apply for one (1) one- year extension for the model sales use. Six4te" 11 `) B. A maximum of -ems--� ^-,- on -site pennants and/or flags are permitted in connection with each of the model home sales sites. C. All signs shall be in conformance with Zoning Code Section 7- 9-136.1(f), and the sign regulations of the Irvine Coast Community Design Program The applicant shall obtain sign permits for all signs over six (6) square feet in area. i step �� ir D. No sign shall �e posted or placed on public or private 5� property advertising or directing people to the development P4419 which is the subject of this permit, unless such sign is allowed by all applicable permits and is expressly permitted by written consent of the property owner. It is expressly understood and accepted by the applicant that this condition is applicable to any sign advertising or directing people to the development, regardless of whether the applicant directly posted or placed the sign in question. E. Within 60 days from the issuance of the temporary certificates of use and occupancy for each sales office, the temporary sales trailer and access shall be removed (if applicable). F. The model home sales trailers and offices will be used solely for the sale of dwelling units .appal PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 PA 94-0149 -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 15 G. Within ninety (90) days after the termination of the use of the subject property as a model home complex and real estate sales'office, the parking lot, signs, all temporary fencing, the sales office and the parking lot, signs, all temporary fencing, the sales office and the model homes shall be removed or shall be located or revised as necessary to comply with the current applicable zoning regulations. 49. CP CP B GARAGE DOORS Sectional/roll-up type garage doors shall be installed on all homes which have driveways 18 feet or less in length as measured from the back of sidewalk or back of curb when no sidewalk is present. V County of Orange �Qo DATE: . August 2, 1996 TO: William Melton, Land Use Planning, Project Manager Pat Stanton, Manager, Subdivision Division FROM: Environmental & Project Planning Division SUBJECT: Project Title: P TI, Revis'on to Development Area 1/TT 15078 Initial Study N PA 960065 The CEQA documentation for your proposed project has been completed by the Environmental Planning Division. The following information is critical and is attached to this memo for your consideration : I. Instructions for Filing CEQA Documents with the County Clerk. These instructions are crucial since they affect the status of your project insofar as legal challenges; and II. CEQA Statements, Actions and Findings which should be used for Staff Reports and AITs for the Project, including: A. CEQA Compliance Statement(s) for AITs and Staff Reports; and B. Recommended Action(s) for Decision-maker(s) to Approve or Certify CEQA Documentation for Projects subject to CEQA; or C. Recommended Findings for Exempt and Non -projects; and D. Fish and Game Code Findings for Approval of Projects subject to CEQA; and E. NCCP Findings for Approval of Projects. III. CEQA Document, if applicable. If clarification is needed regarding this Memo or if there are questions, please contact the following staff person from EMA/Environmental Planning Division: EPD Staff Contact: Lyn Ahrens Telephone Number: (714) 834-5154 George Britton, Manager Environmental/Project Planning Division By; Date: '" Title: RHCB:nccb 515195: Supersedes 9/1/94 Attachments: Attachment A: Filing Instructions for County Clerk Attachment 1: Recommended CEQA Statements, Actions, Findings _.w_ ._ _ • - -- — - - ...77 _�___-_ Mi • • FILING CEOA DOCUMENTS WITH THE COUNTY CLERK Your division will be responsible for filing the CEQA documentation and paying its related $38.00 filing fee with the County Clerk for your project. The County Clerk now only needs your CEQA document(s) with your project charge number in the upper right corner in order to post the document and recover this fee. You must, however, obtain a fee receipt from the County Clerk which must then be turned in immediately to EMA/Accounting Services. The County Clerk requires the $38.00 documentary handling fee for the following items: * Negative Declarations (ND); * Notices of Determinations (NOD); and * Notices of Exemption (NOE) Please note the following: 1. In the case of NDs, the County clock for public review does not begin until the Office of the County Clerk has posted the document. 2. Within 5 days of approval action by the decision -making authority (e.g. Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator) on a project, a Notice of Determination (NOD) or Notice of Exemption (NOE) must be filed with the County Clerk. 3. If EPD has determined that your project is exempt from the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) fees, a De Minimus Finding (Certificate of Fee Exemption) will be provided by EPD and must accompany your project's NOD. 4. If EPD cannot find your project exempt from the DFG fees, you will be required to pay $1288.00, or $888.00, respectively, for NDs and EIRs, including the $38.00 handling fee. You will need to fill in the information on the NOD or NOE form and get an original authorizing signature from your division after the approval action on your project. You will need to take the original set, and at least one set of copies to the EIR Clerk located in the Recorders/Clerks Office, Building 12, Civic Center•Plaza. The Clerk will stamp the ND, NOD or NOE, and keep the original set. The Clerk will issue a receipt for the Environmental document which must be returned to EMA/Accounting Services by the end of the day. A copy of a stamped NOD/NOE must be sent to EPD for the file. - Page 1A - ATTACHMENT 1 RECOMMENDED CEOA STATEMENTS FOR STAFF REPORTS/AITs A. CEQA COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS (FOR TEXT OF STAFF REPORT/AIT): The CEQA compliance statement, located in the text of the staff report or body of the AIT under "Additional Data", shall include an appropriate statement from the following list unless advised otherwise by County Counsel or the Manager, Environmental Planning Division. (XX) 1. The proposed project is covered by Final EIR No. 544A, previously certified on 8/8/95 and Addendum No. PA 960065. Prior to project approval, the decision -maker must assert that together, they are adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA for the proposed project. B. RECOMMENDED ACTION STATEMENTS FOR APPROVING PROJECTS SUBJECT TO CEQA: State law requires that action on a CEQA document be taken by the decision -maker prior to approval of the project for which it has been prepared. If a new EIR has not been prepared for the proposed project, one of the following actions must be taken before action on the project, unless directed otherwise by County Counsel or the Manager, EMA/EPD. (XX) l.The decision -maker has considered Final'EIR 544A , previously certified on 8/8/95 and Addendum No. PA 960065 prior to project approval. Together they are approved for the proposed project based upon the following findings: a. Together, these documents are adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA by the decision -maker; b. The additions, clarifications and/or changes to the original document caused by the Addendum, do not raise new significant issues which were not addressed by the EIR; and c. The approval of the EIR and Addendum for the proposed project reflect the independent judgment of the Lead Agency. C. hSH AND GAME CODE FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECTS SUBJECT TO CEQA (XX) Find that pursuant to Section 711.4 of the California Fish and Game Code, this project is subject to the required fees as it has been determined that potential adverse impacts to wildlife resources may result from the project. E. NCCP FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECTS (XX) 1. Find that the proposed project will not have a significant unmitigated impact upon Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and, therefore, will not preclude the ability to prepare an effective subregional Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Program. Page 1 RHCB/forms 9/1/94: Supersedes 4/14/94 0 • ADDENDUM INITIAL STUDY PA 960065 to EIR 544A PHASE III SITE DEVELPMENT PERMIT FOR REVISION TO DEVELOPMENT AREA 1 (PA 14, SJHPC & PA 2C-9, ICPC) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, TT 15078 LEAD AGENCY• ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY Environmental & Project Planning Division George Britton, Division Manager Private/Capital Projects Section Raymond H. C. Brantley, Chief Contact Person• Lyn Ahrens, CEQA Project Manager 300 Flower Street Room 321 Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 (714) 834-5154 OWNER/PROJECT'APPLICANT: Coastal Community Builders 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Contact Person Ralph Chenier (714) 719-3020 � A •°o e a ^� n a• m o CD m m' 'o R° ►o n o � C p 0 n _a A H 1 _o - A H . T. N CAcn y w _3 A y A wl H A ' VAl O �7 0 v ((DD M t� • C 'p C P� �� y x O H rcn u, -� O Cro] rr O � W > to sr t7 a� :z (Do �0ro O C)(Db 0 (D ^'_ Fi H l7 r H ° nay C al6�InJN C CWn a. o F- :• C/ n o OFJ. to ^ o(Droz .� ` oozm• ✓ A ca F•' F- (n a O a o "O � r• n �, � W Q, tQ ro`C6 (DO0 () (D 0-1 (D H H rr t I ¢ "C r' rn d n rr (D rr rj r (D C � . (D^ W LQ rr F— 0 rr co 1 H. rD 1 N n I � 1 r• rr �ro rn 0 0 rn Ul ro lQ rS w m C� � Ji W N ►.+ Z O< q O r0 O H's H O C� H t" b ba (Dr P 2 a °`r� > K r aMI vz� c (D Iv H �+Mi n ,3 N• 2 Zr,°, >N H Z �n. 1 � . H,, �r•� (D own (D G �-+ r+ EH w 012) -. �8 m a (D � _ � 1i t -� rrr rrO = H a z rt°ro C (D iv }- o U. 3 H K ho Fl 1 UQ � ! 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I ib 10 1* 1010 161010 IQ I +� � 101* 1� le n � p H ATTACHMENT 2 Irvine Coast, Phase III, Revision to DA 1, PA 2C-9 (ICPC) and PA 14 (SJHPC) Environmental Analysis PA 960065 An Addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report 544A Certified for Irvine Coast, Phase III PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is a revision of a portion of the Irvine Coast, Phase III Coastal Development/Site Development Permit for which final EIR 544A was certified for Planning Application, PA 940149, approved by the Orange County Planning Commission, Resolution No. 95-13 on June 27, 1995. Vested Tentative Tract 14786 was approved by the Orange County Subdivision Committee on June 28, 1595 for the entire Irvine Coast, Phase III. Irvine Coast, Phase III is made up of portions of two adjacent planned communities, physically linked together through a variety of components' including circulation, access, utilities and physical site design. The revision to Phase III is to Development Area 1 which consists of Planning Area (PA) 14, San Joaquin Hills Planned Community (SJHPC) and PA 2C-9, Irvine Coast Planned Community (ICPC). Approval of Site Development Permit, PA 960065, will allow the following revisions and modifications: °Irvine Coast Planned Community, boundary adjustment between PAs 8 and 2C-9; °San Joaquin Hills Planned Community, boundary adjustment between PAs 14 and 13; °Revise Grading and Landscape/Fuel Modification previously approved (FEIR 544A/PA94049); *Provide a mechanism to more efficiently update the Master Development Plan and the applicable Irvine Coast Statistical Report without a Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program Amendment, which is now required each time; *Revise number of proposed units in PA 2C-9 (ICPC) from 490 units to 489 units; °Revise number of proposed units in PA 14 (SJHPC) from 63 units to 64 units; °Revision to the design of the gated community entry; °Revision to add a community recreation area which will include swimming pool and spa areas, patio and barbecue areas and restrooms; *Revision to location of lots approved in TT 14786; revisions detailed in Tentative Tract 15078 which will supersede that portion of Tentative Tract 14786 that includes Development Area 1, PA 2C-9 (ICPC) & PA 14 (SJHPC) (currently being processed parallel to PA 960065). °Revision to Conceptual Grading Plan due to lot relocation Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 1 0 PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed project, a residential development is a part of the Irvine Coast, Phase III phased component, which links two larger planned communities, Irvine Coast Planned Community (ICPC) and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community (SJHPC) (Figure 1). Irvine Coast Planned Community/San Joaquin Hills Planned Community is located in the southwestern area of unincorporated Orange County, between the cities of Newport Beach/Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. Phase III is located east of Newport Coast Drive and north of Vista Ridge Road (Figure 2). The proposed project (Revision to DA 1, PA 2C-9 (ICPC) and PA 14 (SJHPC), is located in the northwestern area of the Irvine Coast Phase III. This is in the Fifth Supervisorial District. EXISTING SITE CONDITION: The Irvine Coast/San Joaquin Hills Planned Communities topography consists primarily of hilly terrain. The project site has been minimally graded in connection with infrastructure and roads. CEQA BACKGROUND PROJECT DEFINED: Under Section 15002(d) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, a project is defined as an activity subject to CEQA. Further, the term project refers to an activity which is proposed that has a potential for resulting in a physical change in the environment either directly or ultimately. A private project is defined by the Guidelines as a project which will be carried out by a person other than a governmental agency, but the project will need i discretionary approval from one or more governmental agencies. The proposed development is regarded as a private project, because of the discretionary approvals required to implement it. These include Planning Application/Site Development Permit PA 960065 and Tentative Tract Map TT15078. LEGISLATIVE INTENT OF CEQA: The Legislature's intentions in enacting the California Environmental Quality Act is identified in the Public Resources Code, Chapter 1. Policy of Division 13. CEQA emphasizes the following: It is the intent of the Legislature that all agencies of the state government which regulate activities of private individuals, corporations, and public agencies which are found to affect the quality of the environment, shall regulate such activities so that major consideration is given to preventing environmental damage, while providing a dIcent home and satisfying living environment for every Californian. 1. Section 15377 of the CEQA Guidelines. 2. Section 21000(g) of the CEQA Statute. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 2 TIERED EIR• CEQA Guidelines3 encourages agencies to•tier EIRs prepared for separate but related projects. EIR 544A is a tiered, focused, construction level EIR in a series of tiered EIRs. CEQA Guidelines 4, provides for the incorporation of previously approved and/or certified documents which aided in the evaluation of the Phase III project. In Final EIR 544A the following documents were incorporated by reference; ° LCP - Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program - 1/14/88; Functional Equivalent to EIR; Approved LCP is part of General Plan & Zoning Code - Guides development within Irvine Coast ° Final EIR 486 - 4/20/88; Irvine Coast Development Agreement ° Final EIR 485 - 5/4/88; MCDP88-11P and Vesting TT 13337 subdividing 2,813 acres. This EIR also addressed backbone infrastructure & roadways. ° Final EIR 511 - 7/89; Irvine Coast Phase I; MCDP, Amendment I; TT13337, 2nd Revision. ° Final EIR 517 - 2/26/91; General Plan Amendment, Community Profile and Zone Change permitting the establishment of San Joaquin Hills Planned Community and associated regulations. ° Final EIR 460 - 11/87; Pelican Hill Road, subsequently renamed to Newport Coast Drive. The CEQA Guidelines provide guidance for use of previously certified EIRs with a subsequent activity. Specifically, where a previous EIR has been certified for a larger project, the later activity or project is examined in light of the previously Tiered EIR. The Guidelines also provide that a Tiered EIR may be incorporated into an Addendum to an EIR to address significant and cumulative program impacts analyzed and considered in the Tiered EIR. 5 CONSIDERATIONS IN INITIAL STUDY: In order to determine the possible impacts of the proposed project, the County of Or-ange, as the Lead Agency for the subject project, is required to solicit expert oii.nions. It must also establish early contacts with responsible agencies and interested parties. 6 With regard to the proposed project, the project Lead Division and the Environmental & Project Planning Division, consulted the technical divisions of the County, as well as, with interested parties. Environmental &. Project Planning Division considered the following in completing its Initial Study: 3. Section 15152 or the CEQA Guidelines. 4. Section 15150 of the CEQA Guidelines. 5. Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines. 6. Section 15083 of the CEQA Guidelines. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) PA 960065 Page 3 • Final Environmental Impact Report 544A, Tiered EIR for Irvine Coast, Phase III, approved 6/27/96, appealed, appeal denied, re -certified 8/8/95; • Irvine Coast & San Joaquin Hill Planned Communities, Land Use Regulations; • Site and Plot Plans for the proposed project, including elevations, line of sight analysis, landscape plans, cross -sections from various locations outside the project boundaries; o Comments received from both technical divisions and interested parties, including Orange County EMA/Harbor, Beaches and Parks Division; Subdivision, Grading Section, & NPDES/OCFCD Section; OC Transportation, Traffic Section; A field check of the proposed project site and the project vicinity; and C A detailed analysis of the CEQA Environmental Checklist. CEQA BASIS FOR AN ADDENDUM: Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) 544A was certified 6/27/95 and Irvine Coast, Phase III, approved 6/27/96; approval appealed, appeal denied, re -certified 8/8/95. In accordance with the Guidelines 7, an Initial Study (PA 960065) was completed on the subject project by the Environmental & Project Planning Division (EP&PD). Based upon the foregoing information, it was determined that EIR 544A adequately analyzes all of the major impacts of the proposed project, that no subsequent changes are proposed with respect to the circumstances surrounding this project, and that no new information has become available, that would substantially affect the validity of EIR 544A. It was determined an Addendum is necessary to provide project specific analysis, to provide clarification and address minor technical changes to Final EIR 544A. ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS/MITIGATION: (1) LAND USE AND PLANNING, A through E, No Impact The proposed project is consistent with and in conformance with General Plan and its implementing documents; under the Land Use Element: (1C) Urban Residential Communities; Community Profile (1.5) Medium High Density Residential. The San Joaquin Hills Planned Community and the Irvine Coast Planned Community are separate and distinct areas in terms of zoning and land use regulation. Although distinct from a regulatory and zoning perspective, physical land planning design components such as roads, open space areas, and ownerships for -development projects within SJHPC Planning Area 14 may cross over the common boundary shared with The ICPC Planning Area 2C-9. There is no conflict with zoning or general plan designation nor conflict with existing, or planned land uses. The project area is currently being developed residential. No mitigation measures required. (2) POPULATION AND HOUSING, A through C, No Impact. The proposed project will not cumulatively exceed adopted regional or local population projection, neither will it induce substantial growth in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure or displace existing housing. The 7. Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) PA 960065 Page 4 T project proposes revising the number of proposed units in PA 2C-9 (ICPC) from 490 units to 489 units and the number of proposed units in PA 14 (SJHPC) from 63 units to 64 units. The proposes revision will balance out from one planning area to another within the two planning areas included in the proposes project (2C9-ICPC and 14-SJHPC). (3) GEOPHYSICAL, A through I, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A. Final EIR 544A, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines, Section 15126(b) included a discussion describing changes to contiguous topographic features in the Irvine Coast Phase III project area as one that cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Although the project proposes remedial grading beyond the Planned Community boundaries in order to provide stabilization to the revised location of lots, mitigation measures addressing these issues have been added to ensure that potential impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. The proposed revisions will not result in changes to topography and ground surface relief features substantially beyond those identified in FEIR 544A. Landslide and earthquake potential still exists in the project area. Remedial grading may be required to ensure stabilization of landslides that may exist within PAs 2C9 and 14. Grading policies found in the Orange County Grading and Excavation Code as well as the Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program and the following mitigation measures will ensure that no further potentially significant impact will occur. Mitigation Measure #1 Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, the developer shall submit a soils engineering and geologic study to the Manager, EMA, Development Services Division, for approval. This report shall include assessment of potential soil -related constraints and hazards such as slope instability, settlement, liquefaction, or related secondary seismic impacts where determined to be appropriate by the Manager, EMA, Development Services Division. The report also shall include evaluation of potentially expansive soil and recommended construction procedures and/or design criteria to minimize their effect of these soils on the proposed development. More specifically, the report shall address the following topics: a. Settlement: Locations where settlement is encountered shall be removed and recompacted to provide better support. b. Seismic Shaking: Compliance with the current Orange County Grading and Excavation Code and Uniform Building Code shall be required to mitigate the potential effects from seismic shaking on wood frame structures. C. Landslides: Mitigation measures identified in EIR 517, Table 4.2.B, which address specific landslides, shall be verified in the above -required soils/geologic report. Any required off -site remedial grading and associated impacts shall be addressed in construction -level environmental documents for the project. d. Compressible Materials: Locations where compressible materials are encountered should be removed and recompacted in place, if feasible. If, due to the depth of the compressible materials in certain locations, removal/recompaction is not feasible, then surcharge fills, monitoring, and construction of storm drains shall be required. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 5 (3) GEOPHYSICAL(continued) Mitigation Measure #1 (continued) e. Expansive Soils: Where expansive soils are encountered, these soils shall be uniformly distributed over the project site. Extra reinforcement, presoaking of the sub -grade, and special foundations design (e.g., in compliance with the Uniform Building Code and Orange County Grading and Excavation Code) may be required. f. Rippability: In locations where harder earth and rock materials are noted and difficult ripping may be encountered, a geophysical survey shall be required to identify areas requiring blasting. All reports shall be completed in the manner specified in the Orange County Grading Manual, State Subdivision Map Apt, and Orange County Subdivision Code. (Implements Mitigation Measure 4.2.1 - EIR 517) Mitigation Measure #2 Prior to the issuance of the any preliminary grading permit for projects located immediately adjacent to or including portions of significant open space corridors, regional parks, or other environmentally sensitive areas, the project proponent shall provide evidence acceptable to the Manager, Development Services, in consultation with the Manager, Environmental & Project Planning Division, that graded areas shall be compatible with natural land characteristics of the adjacent areas. Treatment,to achieve the desired effect shall include: A. Smooth and gradual transition between graded slopes and existing grades using variable slopes ratios (2:1-4.1); and B. Urban Edge Treatment/Landscaping Plan(s) for all graded areas adjacent to open space; and C. Incorporating architectural and design techniques into the project in order to enhance off -site views attained from within parks and other environmentally sensitive areas. Mitigation Measure #3 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit detailed grading plans, including an off -site haul route, approved off -site disposal site and an erosion control plan, further defining the extent of earthwork requirements for the project meeting the approval of'the Manager, Development Services. The plan shall be in accordance with stated grading concepts as required by the Orange County Grading and Excavation Code. Mitigation Measure #4- Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, if review of the grading plan for the project site by the Manager, Development Services, indicates significant deviation in elevations from the proposed grading illustrated on approved PA 960065 and approved Tentative Tract 15078, specifically with regard to slope heights, slope ratios, and pad elevations and configuration, the plan shall be reviewed by the Manager, Land Use Planning Division for a finding of substantial conformance with concurrence of Environmental & Project Planning. Failure to achieve such a finding may require processing a Change Plan or new Site Development Permit to be reviewed by the Orange County Planning Commission; per the Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-139 and 7-9-150. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 6 0 0 (4) WATER, A through I, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A FEIR 544A determined that the Phase III development will alter existing drainage conditions resulting in increased urban runoff generated from development of Phase III which will increase impervious surfaces. Development the Phase II -I area will also result in higher peak runoff values and increased runoff volumes. Pursuant to the LCP, a Refined Master Drainage Run-off Management Plan (MDRMP) was prepared and subsequently updated with an Addendum (1991) and a Revised Addendum (1994) which were approved by the County of Orange. FEIR 544A incorporated mitigation measures and project design features from the MDRMP (Revised and Attended) which will be incorporated into this -Addendum to adequately mitigate potential impacts to a level of insignificance. Implementation of this plan in the proposed project area will provide facilities and practices to address changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, erosion, and the rate and amount of surface water runoff. The SJHPC has implemented and incorporates National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Standards. These newer NPDES standards will be incorporated into the MDRMP. Mitigation Measure #5 Prior to issuance of building permits, permit applicant shall submit for approval of the Manager, Subdivision & Grading, a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on site to control predictable pollutant runoff. This WQMP shall identify the structural and non-structural measures specified in the Countywide NPDES Drainage Area Management Plan Appendix which details implementation of BMPs whenever they are applicable to a project, the assignment of long-term maintenance responsibilities (specifying the developer, parcel owner, maintenance association, lessee, etc.); and, shall reference the location(s) of structural BMPs. Mitigation Measure #6 Prior to recordation of final Tract Map or prior to the issuance of any grading permit, whichever comes first and if determined applicable by the Manager, Subdivision & Grading, the applicant shall submit a WQMP that identifies the application and incorporation of those routine structural and non-structural BMPs outlined in the Countywide NPDES Drainage Area Management Plan Appendix detailing implementation of BMPs not dependent on specific land uses, for approval of the Manager, Subdivision & Grading. Mitigation Measure #7 Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall show drainage consistency with the Refined Master Drainage Run-off Management Plan (MDRMP) and the Revised Addendum (1994) which was approved by the County of Orange meeting the approval of the Manager, Flood Programs. (5) TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION, A through G, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A Traffic and circulation is discussed on pages 4.5-1 through 4.5-37 of EIR 544A. The Phase III project, in conjunction with other development within the Irvine Coast Planned Community, will cumulatively contribute to increased demand on the existing roadway system, however, not beyond the level of service requirements set forth in the County's Growth Management Plan guidelines. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 7 0 0 (5) TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION,(continued) It is not anticipated that additional vehicular trips will be generated by the proposed project in addition to what is already existing and was analyzed in Final EIR 544A. The project would have no impact on parking within the site or in surrounding areas. The project would not impact waterborne, rail, or air traffic nor create significant hazards to equestrians, motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians. No mitigation measures are warranted. (6) AIR, A through D, No Impact Beyond FSIR 544A Final EIR 544A in its analysis of Air Quality in the Phase III project determined that the Phase III project is consistent with the adopted plans and the County General Plan and SCAQMD projections, however, Orange County is located within the South Coast Air Basin which is considered impacted, with average daily air quality pollutant levels exceeding the Pollutant Standard Index (PSI). The Phase III project will only add to the already impacted air quality since the site is currently undeveloped. Although EIR 486 addressed this issue in-depth, the impact is still considered potentially significant. The EIR provided a detailed discussion and included applicable mitigation measures to reduce the Phase III project impacts. The proposed project will generate short-term exposure of locally elevated air pollution levels, which includes fugitive particulates and exhaust resulting from construction activities. Sensitive receptors are not close to equipment emission sources during the initial construction activities and, therefore, will not be adversely impacted by the project. With the application of standard dust control procedures required by AQMD Rule 403 and by local ordinances, short-term construction impacts are expected to be insignificant. Final EIR 544A stated that the Phase III project will result in long -term -mobile emissions. Electrical power generation and natural gas usage associated with the completed land uses of the Phase III project will result in long-term stationary emissions. The proposed project is not anticipated to affect wind direction, air temperature or other atmospheric processes on a local or regional scale (EIR No. 544A). In addition, due to the residential, infrastructure and recreational nature of the project, and the relatively small size of the project area in a regional context, it is not anticipated that any aspect of the proposed project will cause a change in local or regional climate. During construction activities for the project, diesel exhaust will result in occasional odor effects within a few feet of the equipment. Because sensitive receptors are not located in close proximity to emission sources, odor is not considered an environmental concern. The residential/open space nature of the project will not produce objectionable odors. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 8 (6) AIR (continued) Mitigation Measure #7 A. Fugitive Dust Suppression: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project applicant shall demonstrate measures to ensure compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403, and shall identify the dust suppression measures, such as regular watering, which shall be implemented to reduce emissions - during construction and grading in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision & Grading. This shall assist in reducing short-term impacts from particles which could result in nuisances that are prohibited by Rule 403. B. SA Winds: Grading and excavation shall be halted during periods of high winds meeting the approval of the Manager, EMA, Subdivision Division, Grading Inspection Section. According to AQMP Measure F-4, high winds are defined as 30 m.p.h. or greater. This level occurs only under unusually extreme conditions, such as Santa Ana wind conditions. Notations in the above format, included with other notations on the front sheet of grading plans, will be considered as adequate evidence of compliance with this condition. (7) NOISE, A and B, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A Construction of the project will result in short-term noise increases. Noise generated by construction equipment (i.e., trucks, graders, bulldozers, concrete mixers, portable generators) and project construction activities can reach high levels. Construction equipment noise is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Noise Control Program (Part 204 of Title 40, Code of Federal Regulation). With implementation of mitigation measures, such as regulation of construction hours, noise impacts can be minimized. Noise impacts to planned single family homes will occur from vehicular traffic along Ridge Park Road and Vista Ridge Road. The current site plan indicates that the nearest noise sensitive single family development receptor will be located approximately 80 feet from Ridge Park Road. Although no significant noise impacts from Ridge Park Road are anticipated for the single family units planned as part of this project, The EIR will provide a detailed discussion of potential impacts a noise analysis will be prepared. Mitigation measures will be provided to help reduce project impacts. Future development will temporarily expose people to noise levels in excess of JL County standards, however, EIR 544A provided a detailed discussion of these impacts and included mitigation measures which will reduce project impacts. Although a noise analysis was performed for the site as part of FEIR Nos. 485 and 517, an update of the noise information is contained in FEIR Nos. 544A. Mitigation Measure #8 All residential lots and dwellings shall be sound attenuated against present and projected noise which shall be the sum of all noise impacting the project so as not to exceed a composite interior standard of 45 dBA CNEL in all habitable rooms and a source specific exterior standard of 65 dBA CNEL in outdoor living areas. Evidence prepared by a County -certified acoustical consultant, that these standards will be satisfied in a manner consistent with Zoning Code Section 7-9-137.5, shall be submitted as follows: Planning Area 14(SJHPC) Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) PA 960065 Page 9 0 • (7) NOISE, (continued) A. ACOUSTICAL RPT-MAP: Prior to the recordation of a final tract map or prior to the issuance of grading permits, as determined by the Manager, Building Permits, an acoustical analysis report shall be submitted to the Manager, Building Permits, for approval. The report shall describe in detail the exterior noise environment and preliminary mitigation measures. Acoustical design features to achieve interior noise standards may be included in the report in which case it may also satisfy "B" below. B. ACOUSTICAL RPT-BUILDING PERMITS: Prior to the issuance of any building permits for residential construction, an acoustical analysis report describing the acoustical design features of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards shall be submitted to the Manager, Building Permits, for approval along with satisfactory evidence which indicates that the sound attenuation measures specified in the approved acoustical report have been incorporated into the design of the project. C. ACOUST BARRIERS: Prior to the issuance of any building permits, all freestanding acoustical barriers must be shown on the project's plot plan illustrating height, location and construction in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Building Permits. (8) BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES A-F, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A Final EIR 544A (FEIR) contains the primary biolgical resources characterizing the project site. The FEIR indicates that the project site contains a number of significant biological resources and wildlife features including wildlife mobility corridors, oak woodlands, major ridgelines, rock outcroppings, etc. The FEIR also indicates that the project site contains significant Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) resources that were determined to be occupied by the California gnatcatcher. The project site is located within the Coastal subarea of the Central -Coastal Subregional Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP)/Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) program area. Specific CSS resources have been identified for removal as part of the implementation of the project. The applicant has applied for and obtained approval to remove these resources through the provision of a 4(d) Detailed Interim Habitat Loss Mitigation Plan (IHLMP) permit approved by the County of Orange, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game. Findings associated with the 4(d) permit determined that the project would not preclude the preparation of an effective NCCP/HCP program. In addition, the 4(d) (IHLMP) permit included certain mitigation measures that must be carried out as part of the project's development. Bran&e*Countyl o9afdto�f Supervisors. iIR__5 wasaalso certifies as°pars oY the Board's action. As such, the project must comply with the provisions of the NCCP/HCP. The applicant now proposes to modify the grading limits beyond those approved for the Phase III project area. The applicant re -surveyed the project area to determine if any additional impacts to biological resources would occur and determined that approximately .3 acres of CSS would be effected. Environmental and Project Planning Division staff, in consultation with the Administrator, Planning and Zoning, has determined that these modifications represent minor revisions and are in substantial compliance with the approved 4(d) permit. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 10 (8) BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES (continued) Mitigation Measure #9 Prior to the issuance of the first grading permit for Development Area 1 (PAs 14, SJHPC and 2C-9, ICPC), the applicant will provide a revision of the Detailed Interim Habitat Loss Mitigation Plan and Biological Mitigation Monitoring Plan for Newport Coast Phase III, Development Areas 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4 to reflect the revisions proposed by PA 960065, meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental & Project Planning Division. Mitigation Measure #10 Prior to approval of any grading permit, the developer shall include either graphically, as notes on grading or building plans, as written construction instructions, or as otherwise deemed appropriate, meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental Planning Division the following: a. Prohibit the driving or parking of construction vehicles within the drip lines of any oaks or oak woodlands: b. Avoid unnecessary driving in undisturbed areas; c. Do not remove brush except where necessary; d. Do not harass wildlife such as deer, foxes, coyotes, snakes, -etc. (harassment includes shooting, throwing rocks, etc.); and e. Installation of a wildlife watering facility in adjacent open space to mitigate the loss of the existing seasonal watering source: f. Contact person for field complaints: Gerhard Bombe, Sr. Park Ranger, Bruce Buchman at Laguna Niguel Park. g. Grading shall not be started without first notifying the.County of Orange Grading Inspector. A pre -grade meeting on the site is required before start of grading with the following people present: owner, grading contractor, design civil engineer, soils engineer, geologist, (and any others required by the EIR and LCP) as well as a County -certified Archaeologist and County -certified Paleontologist. The required inspections for grading shall be explained at this meeting. Notes in the above format, appropriately numbered and included with other notations on the front sheet of grading plans under GENERAL NOTES will be considered as adequate evidence of compliance with this condition. Mitigation Measure #11 Prior to the issuance of grading permits which include fuel modification a revised revegetation/landscape plan, which includes the revised graded areas and areas of remedial grading outside the Planned Community boundary line, shall be approved by the Manager, EMA Development Services Division with concurrence from the Manager, Environmental & Project Planning. Mitigation Measure #12 All remedially graded slopes shall be stabilized and revegetated with plant species from the Approved Plant List (FEIR 544A & PA 960065) and be consistent with the Revised Detailed Interim Habitat Loss Mitigation Plan and Biological Mitigation Monitoring Plan for Newport Coast Phase III, Development Areas 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4 meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental & Project Planning Division, Grading Review Section. Revegetation/landscaping of the remedially graded slopes shall take place as soon as is practical after grading, with completion of the revegetation landscaping within a one (1) year. Planning Area 14 (SJHPC) Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) PA_ 960065-'- Page 11 (9) AESTHETICS, A - D, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A Final EIR 544A determined that implementation of the Phase III development was potentially significant with regard to Aesthetics. Development of the Phase III project will change the appearance of the project area. Structures and grading associated with the development of the planning areas, roads and infrastructure systems, will alter the natural topography and vegetation of the area. A visual impact analysis was prepared for Final EIR 544A to address potential impacts and to be consistent with the Irvine Coast LCP viewshed analysis, along with the analysis of viewsheds contained in FEIR Nos. 485 and 517. The viewshed analysis was based on the conceptual grading plans included in EIR 544A, and addressed visual impacts associated with the alteration of the existing terrain of the project site resulting from the creation of cut and fill slopes. The revisions proposed are within substantial compliance and consistent with the visual impact analysis prepared for Final EIR 544A. The revised grading plan proposes remedial grading beyond the Planned Community boundaries. The results of this grading may potentially impact the viewshed, however, this potential impact will be mitigated to a level of insignificance through application of Mitigation Measure Nos. 10 and 11. (10) CULTURAL/SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES, A - E, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A , Final EIR 544A, within the Cultural & Scientific Resources Section, stated that in September, 1989, a record search and literature review was conducted for the project area by LSA personnel. The research revealed that the project area had been systematically surveyed in the past as part of several larger- regional projects (PCAS N.D.; Cottrell 1977; Macko 1986). The results of these, and subsequent monitoring projects, indicated some archaeological sites exists within the project area. Most of the archaeological excavation and salvaging has been completed. The following mitigation measures requiring completion of all salvage excavation and associated reports shall reduce proposed impacts below a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measure #13 Prior to the issuance of any grading permit which affects any of the following sites, the mitigation report(s) for CA-Ora-232, CA-Ora-233, CA-Ora-673, and CA-Ora-737 shall be completed by the landowner, and approved by the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division. At sites CA-Ora-274, CA-Ora-668 and CA-Ora-670, a data recovery program shall be conducted. This program shall follow the research design and tasks outlined in the Irvine Coast Archaeological Resources Technical Appendix. The tasks below list the general program to be followed: a. The first phase shall consist of an intensive on -foot survey of the site area in order to identify all surface artifacts. Subsequently, the cultural material shall be systematically collected, with the locations plotted on a base map. b. Following completion of the surface collection, excavation of a number of hand dug units shall be undertaken. This shall sample the subsurface area of the site. c. The third step shall be a detailed analysis of the cultural material retrieved during the surface/subsurface portions of the data recovery program. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 12 (10) CULTURAL/SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES(continued) Mitiaation Measure #13 (continued) d. Finally, a report shall be prepared thoroughly documenting the procedures and results of the data recovery program, and addressing the research design questions. The report shall included recommendations for monitoring if appropriate. e. All work at the sites shall be conducted under the direction of an Orange County certified archaeologist. Mitiaation Measure #14 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, Grading Section, that a County -certified archaeologist has been retained to conduct salvage excavation of the archaeological resources in the permit area. Excavated finds shall be offered to County of Orange, or designee, on a first refusal basis. Applicant may retain said finds if written assurance is provided that they will be properly preserved in Orange County, unless said finds are of special significance, or a museum in Orange County indicates desire to study and/or display them at this time, in which case items shall be donated to County, or designee. A final report of the salvage operation shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division. Mitiaation Measure #15 Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, EMA/Regulation/Grading Section, that a County -certified paleontologist has been retained to observe grading activities and salvage and catalogue fossils as necessary. The paleontologist shall be present at the pre -grading conference, shall establish procedures for paleontological resource surveillance, temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit evaluation of the fossils. Excavated finds shall be offered to the County of Orange, or its designee, on a first -refusal basis. Prior to the issuance of a precise grading permit, the paleontologist shall submit a follow-up report for approval by the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks/Program Planning Division. Monthly grading observation reports shall be submitted to the grading inspector on all projects which exceed 100,000 cubic yards, unless no earthwork has been done during the month. RECREATION A, B and C, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A The proposed project is partially within the Irvine Coast LCP, and partially with the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community. The Phase III project addressed both of these development areas and determined they provide for a large network of open space/recreation facilities. In addition, the Irvine Coast Planned Community provides substantial regional open space amenities. The revision to Phase III proposes to add a community recreation area which will include swimming pool and spa areas, patio and barbecue areas and restrooms. No mitigation measures are warranted. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 13 0 • (12) ENERGY & MINERAL RESOURCES, A and B, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A Final EIR 544A determined the Phase III project will generate an incremental increase in demand for electricity, natural gas, and gasoline. Projected energy demands will be satisfied by three principal sources, including electricity from Southern California Edison Company, natural gas from the Southern California Gas Company, and motor fuels from a variety of private oil companies. Utility providers have indicated with past approvals that they will be able to serve the proposed project. The revisions proposed by Site Development Permit PA 960065 do not propose impacts beyond EIR 544A, no additional units are proposed. (13) HAZARDS, A - E, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A• The Phase III project/FEIR 544A concluded that development of the Phase III project will not involve or expose people to levels of hazardous substances beyond those normally used in residential and recreational land uses (e.g., oil, pesticides, fertilizer). in addition, the proposed project will not be adversely affected by microwave transmissions from the microwave towers located on Signal Peak. Measurements taken at the project site by the EMA Environmental Health Division indicated that radio frequency radiation levels are below recommended standards and, as a result, there would be no negative health effects on the general population in the proposed housing development. There is also no risk of exposure to toxic or radioactive gas or industrial fire to surrounding residents. The project site will be used strictly for residential and recreational purposes. No impacts are anticipated. Potential impacts from the Coyote Canyon Landfill (closed in March, 1990) were discussed and thoroughly mitigated in FEIR No. 517. Increased fire hazard in designated high fire hazard areas (e.g., flammable brush, grass, or trees) such as the Phase III development area, as noted in the Orange County Master Environmental Assessment, December, 1980, due to the combined Irvine Coast & San Joaquin Planned Community size, its topography and wildland exposure required that necessary water and street improvements be made. In addition, consistent with LCP requirements and the requirements of FEIR No. 544A a fuel modification plan was prepared for the Phase III area. The following mitigation measure will ensure that potential impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measure #16 - Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, a revised fuel modification ' plan and program shall be submitted and approved by the Fire Chief. Contact the Wildland Fire Defense Planning Section at 744-0498 for requirements and clearance of this condition. The plan shall indicate the proposed means of achieving an acceptable level of risk to structures by vegetation. Include the method (mechanical or hand labor) for removal of flammable vegetation and the planting of drought tolerant fire resistant plants. The approved fuel modification plan shall be installed prior to the issuance of building permits, under the supervision of the Fire Chief, and completed prior to the issuance of any use and occupancy permits. The CC&R's shall contain provision for maintaining the fuel modification zones including the removal of all dead and dying vegetation and the inspection and correction of any deficiencies in the irrigation system three times a year. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 14 • (14) PUBLIC SERVICES & UTILITIES, A - E, No Impact Beyond FEIR 544A Final EIR 544A determined that potential impacts regarding Public Services were less than significant. Development Agreement (DA) 87-16 required the construction of Fire Station No. 52 to serve the fire service needs of the Irvine Coast area. Station No. 52 is located west of Newport Coast Drive (NCD), near the extension of Ridge Park Road, within the SJHPC directly adjacent to the project site. The County Orange Fire Authority operates this station. This Fire Station, as required by DA 87-16, is currently in service. No mitigation measures are warranted. Potential impacts regarding Public Services from the county and the City of Newport Beach were addressed in Final EIR 544A: a) County Sheriff's Department, in conjunction with the Newport Beach Police Department, has indicated it will be able to provide adequate police services to the project. b) The proposed project area will generate additional students for the Newport -Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD). NMUSD reopened several schools previously closed by NMUSD because of declining enrollment. These reopended schools will address the expected increased enrollment in the Phase III area. c) Maintenance: The proposed project will not result in any extraordinary impacts to public facilities that would require maintenance above and beyond routine upkeep. d) Transit: OCTA will provide service to the area e) Libraries: As mandated by the Irvine Coast Development Agreement (1988), the project applicant is required to pay the County fees to be used for the enhancement or construction of library facilities, which will serve the Irvine Coast and surrounding areas. The project would not impact the quality and quantity of any public services. The following potential impacts regarding Utilities were addressed in Final EIR 544A: a) Solid waste: b) Water/Wastewater: c) Electricity/Gas: d) Telephone: e) Cable Television: FINDINGS: A- The proposed project will not significantly jeopardize any fish or wildlife population or habitat neither will it affect any period of California history or prehistory beyond those addressed in FEIR 544A. B. The project has been redesigned to have as little impact as possible to the surrounding environment, thus achieving both short-term and long -term -goals. C. EIR's 544A, 460, 485 and 486 partially satisfied the requirements of CEQA for this project. The revision to Development Area 1, PA 2C-9 (ICPC) and PA 14 (SJHPC), of the Phase III Project's specific impacts are considered to be individually limited, and not cumulatively considerable. The project,is not expected to result in any impacts beyond those previously analyzed in FEIR 544A. The Statutory Findings found in EIR 486 (prepared for the Irvine Coast Planned Community Development Agreement) stated that no overriding considerations have been specifically identified for this project, therefore the overriding considerations set forth in FEIRs 485 and 544A are hereby incorporated by Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 15 • • FINDINGS: (continued) C. (continued) reference. The Board of Supervisors found that the benefits of the project will outweigh the adverse environmental effect found to be unavoidable. Based on this finding, the Board of Supervisors found that the unavoidable adverse environment effect would be acceptable, and therefore approved the project. D. The project, as proposed, will not have any adverse affects or impacts on humans or otherwise. The project will not have impacts on fish or wildlife habitats or communities, rare or endangered species or any periods of California history. Pursuant to Section 711.4 of the Fish and Game Code the applicant shall comply with the requirements of AB 3158 prior to the filing of the Notice of Determination for the project in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager of the Environmental Planning Division. Planning Area 14(SJHPC) PA 960065 Planning Area 2C-9 (ICPC) Page 16 SUNSET AOUATIC PARK S� o, e� 0 �a e� a COASTAL ZONE SUNSET BOUNDARY BEACH o` BOLSA CHICA y SANTA ANA RIVER ESTUARY_ SANTA ANA HEM NEWPORT ORMA -CB403) iANo Scale " SAN JOAQUIN HILLS PLANNED COMMUNITY IRVINE COAST PLANNED COMMUNITY NEWPORT BEACH ►JECT SITE 40 EMERALD BAY Q LAGUNA BEACH SOUTH LAGUNA, LAGUNA NI Coastal Zone Boundary '" San Joaauin Hills m e /Transpor • E ti DANA POINT CAPISTRANO B' F Regiona P A C 1 F I C +r FORMA �(CCsao3) SANot to Scale 0 C E A N CRYSTAL COVE STATE PARK Figure 3.1.2 Project Location Z E PROJECT LOCATION MAP PLANNING AREA 14 AND DEVELOPMENT AREA 2C-9 4EPINY WC U 2" NO S&M PA u SW WAY 1996 -ON 74TIMM oN Do < 0 O. 0 �. S C C 5 U) —u -u > -u -1 (D > 0) Oo (D a):5. CA) 0 0 C C M 1p • n cD CD• CD ii f"i co n 1 CD 0 D o m < C/) (1) e5 =3 :r M C- -0 =3 (D CD < m m r- Cl) CD c_ 0 Q 0 T CD CL CD 0 o 'II> m 00 0 0CD m x 3 9 3 :C C) 9 o =r m z a = a A) Z5 0 EMA REPORT June 27, 1995 PA 94-0149 The Irvine Company Page 2 of 8 and, Planning Areas 14, 15, 19 and 20 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community. These Planning Areas in the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community were designed and approved to be developed in concert with Planning Area 2C of the Irvine Coast Planned Community. The development regulations for both PCs are identical for this area. The applicant requests approval of the following: Irvine Coast Planned Community Planning Area Acres Land Use Dwelling units Lot Size (scr.ft.l 2C 258.1 single-family 490 --- 6-1 (1) 14.5 single-family 53 5,500 12D 32.7 private open space 0 * Planning area 2C is further divided into 10 smaller areas called "development areas" as follows: 2C-1 19.6 single-family 42 8,000 2C-2 15.2 single-family 38 8,000 2C-3 46.7 single-family 79 7,000 & 8,000 2C-4 57.8 single-family 81 5,500 2C-5 (1) 25.8 single-family 72 5,500 2C-6 42.9 single-family 97 5,500 2C-7 23.8 single-family 55 7,000 2C-8 (3) 12.5 private open space 0 --- 2C-9 (2) 7.8 single-family 26 4,000 2C-10 (4) 6.0 Signal Peak 0 --- San Joacruin Hills Planned Community 14 (2) 19.7 single-family 63 4,000 15 (1) 18.6 single-family 29 5,500 19 1.0 private open space 0 --- 20 16.3 private open space 0 --- Total Phase III 360.9 635 (1) Development Areas 2C-5, 6-1 and SJHPC PA 15 are developed as an integrated project. (2) Development Area 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 are developed as an integrated project. (3) Development Area 2C-8 is the Los Trancos Canyon view Park area and includes existing Irvine Ranch Water District facilities. Improvements proposed include two tennis courts, a recreational building, a view terrace and parking for 30 cars. (4) Development Area 2C-10, known as "Signal Peak" is a 6 acre site developed with microwave and cellular phone transmission facilities and also includes two community water tanks. No project approvals are requested for this development area. • EMA REPORT June 27, 1995 PA 94-0149 The Irvine Company Page 3 of 8 The following is a brief discussion of the major project development components of the Phase III development. Refer to Coastal Development Permit submittal package (Exhibit 2) Section II for additional background information. PROJECT ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Three different architectural/builder product types are integrated into the residential development of the project providing a total of 635 single-family dwelling units. The different product types are further varied by providing three model designs. The architectural elevations and character for all Phase III development proposal reflect the approved Mediterranean style of architecture using a consistent color palette for building materials, including tile roofs. Varying pad elevation and special building articulation creates visual interest for off -site and on -site view points. All homes, except for homes in DA 2C-9 and PA 14, have lots 5,500 to 8,000 square feet, are two-story with three -car garages, have four to five bedrooms, and range in floor area from 2,900 to 3,450 square feet. Homes in DA 2C-9 and PA 14 have lots averaging 4,000 square feet, are two-story with two and three -car garages, have three to four bedrooms, and range in floor area from 2,250 to 3,750 square feet. PROJECT PHASING While the project is anticipated to be developed in multiple phases, each of the residential Development Areas may also develop in phases depending on the prevailing market conditions. Generally, following completion of the community entry at Vista Ridge (the southerly road) and the extension of Ridge Park Road (the northerly road), residential clusters will be developed progressively along Ridge Park Road and the primary project collector, followed by the interior loop road. Phased development is also facilitated by Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14786 through the creation of individual single-family lots. To accommodate the project phasing, a series of nine (9) model home sales complexes are proposed with locations corresponding to the major individual development areas. PROJECT CIRCULATION Access to the site is from Newport Coast Drive via Ridge Park Road to the north and Vista Ridge Road to the south. Ridge Park Road is a public road that ends at a cul-de-sac at the eastern edge of the site in development area 2C-5. Development areas 2C-9 and 14; and, 2C-5 6-1 and 15 take access from Ridge. Park Road from a private gated streets. Vista Ridge Road is a public road from Newport Coast Drive to the recreation area in development area 2C-8 and then becomes a private gated road at the residential area. Vista Ridge Road terminates at its intersection with Ridge Park Road at Planning Area 20. A-11 residential lots take access from gated private streets that are laid out in a series of cul-de-sac. A total of four manned or unmanned gated entrance plazas are proposed to service the residential community. Sidewalks on both sides of the private collector streets and sidewalks on one side of the main loop street provides for safe pedestrian circulation. EMA REPORT June 27, 1995 PA 94-0149 The Irvine Company Page 4 of 8 PROJECT GRADING The grading plan is comprised of three distinct area of development. ICPC Development Areas 2C-1, -2, -3, -4, -6, and -7 make up the larger central portion of the project. Development Area 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 comprise the northern -most project area. Development Areas 2C-5, 6-1 and SJHPC PA 15 represent the eastern -most development. The project will be graded incrementally by Development Areas and will require approximately_ 4,400-,000 cubic yards of cut and fill to create the development and achieve an on -site balance. Although the Grading Plan provides an on -site balance in the earthwork necessary to develop the project, not all individual Development Areas will maintain an internal balance. Remedial grading will be required to correct several areas of geologic instability within and adjacent to the project site. Approximately 1,194,000 cubic yards of earth will require removal and replacement according to County Standards. Contour grading techniques will be used whenever possible along Vista Ridge and Ridge Park Roads, as well as along the interior private streets to achieve the appearance of a gradual transition between manufactured and natural slopes. All grading activities will be completed in a manner consistent with the Orange County Grading Codes, Irvine Coast and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community regulations. PROJECT LANDSCAPING The landscaping theme and design in the Irvine Coast Planned Community is controlled by the ICPC/LCP and the Master CDP. The landscaping in the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community is an extension of the Irvine Coast landscaping theme. The landscaping theme in these communities is influenced by the historic landscapes of the coastal Mediterranean region. The Mediterranean landscapes are characterized by "layering" of plant material in which the ornamental landscape of developed areas is blended with with the natural character of the undeveloped canyons and hillsides. The landscaping program for the project is composed of a simple palate of trees, shrubs and groundcover which unifies the separate neighborhoods into a coherent community. The theme emphasizes the usage of pines and eucalyptus in an open planning concept that affords greater views from adjoining parcels. The landscaping plan is shown on Exhibit 2.13 of the CDP submittal package. ALTERNATE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Included with the Coastal Development Permit/Site Development Permit is a request to allow alternate development standards in two development areas. The applicant's request is as follows: 1) Permit the lots in "Low Density" ICPC Development Area 6-1 to be developed at the "Medium Density" 'residential standards. Low Density permits residential development with 30,000 square feet minimum lot sizes. Medium density permits residential development with 2,500 square foot minimum lots. The purpose of the lot area reduction in Development Area 6-1 is for a development standard is to allow this portion of Planning Area 6 to be development in conjunction with the Medium Density development standards of Planning are 2C. This EMA REPORT June 27, 1995 PA 94-0149 The Irvine Company Page 5 of 8 alternate development standard does not change the total number of residential units permitted in Planning Area 6. 2) Permit driveways to be 18 feet in length from back of sidewalk to garage entrance in ICPC Development Area 2C-9 and SJHPC Planning Area 14. The site development standard for this area is driveway lengths be 20 feet or more; or, 7 or less from the back of sidewalk to the garage entrance. .MASTER COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Phase III development includes an amendment to the Irvine Coast Planned Community Master Coastal Development Permit (MCDP), as permitted by the LCP Sections II-11-B and II-11-C. The applicant's proposal includes a request for technical amendments adjusting the boundary line between residential and open space planning areas; and, the Planned Community Statistical Table update reflecting the current project. The Appendix section of the CDP submittal package has a detailed narrative of this component. The following is a summary of the Master Coastal Development Permit - Forth Amendment: 1) An adjustment to the MCDP boundary to include Planning Development Area- 6-1 from Planning Area 6; 2) A refinement to the boundary between ICPC residential PA 2C and private open space PA 12D; 3) An adjustment to the Planning Area boundary between PA 2C and PA 12A (Los Trancos Canyon open space). Acreage is not altered for either Planning Area. 4) An adjustment to the boundary line between PA 2C and 6; 5) Modifications to the alignment of Vista Ridge Road; and 6) A description of the emergency/utility road from development areas 2C-4/2C-5 to PA 12A. SURROUNDING LAND USE (See CDP submittal package Exhibit 2.1 for map) Direction ZONING/PC DESIGNATION North Al "General Agricultural" South Irvine Coast PC East Irvine Coast PC West Irvine Coast PC San Joaquin Hills PC EXISTING LAND USE Vacant, future San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor PA 12A open space PA 6 residential PA 12A open space PA 8, vacant, PA 2B residentia•l PA 13. vacant • • EMA REPORT June 27, 1995 PA 94-0149 The Irvine Company Page 6 of 8 PUBLIC NOTICES AND REFERRAL FOR COMMENT A -Notice of Hearing was mailed to all owners of record within 300 feet of the subject site and a notice was posted at the site and at designated posting areas in the County complex as is required by established public hearing posting procedures. A copy of the planning application and a copy of the proposed site plan were distributed for review and comment to 16 County Divisions, the cities of Newport Beach and Irvine, Friends of the Irvine Coast and Laguna Conservancy. COMMENTS RECEIVED Those County divisions submitting comments recommend applicable conditions of approval. The recommended conditions have been incorporated in to the project conditions of approval. The Draft EIR prepared for the project and the CDP package were distributed together. Most comments received related to the Draft EIR. These comments and the response to the comments are contained in the Draft EIR distributed to the Planning Commission under separate cover. The Planning Commission should refer to the "Response to Comments" Section in the Draft EIR for a complete discussion of the comments received. The were no site specific comments received that raised specific land planning or zoning issues that were not addressed in the Draft EIR. CEOA COMPLIANCE Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 554A has been prepared for the Irvine Coast Planned Community Phase III Development. A report on the EIR prepared by the EMA Environmental/Project Planning Division was distributed to the Planning Commission under separate cover. Environmental Planning Division staff -will present a separate presentation on EIR 554A at the hearing. The required CEQA finding for the Coastal Development Permit and Site Development Permit is included as Attachment A-1 of the draft Planning Commission resolution. REVIEW AND ANALYSIS The applicant's proposed Irvine Coast Planned Community and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community - Phase III development includes the following for major elements or components: 1) Coastal Development Permit/Site Development Permit to permit all associated development involved to allow for the construction of 635 detached single-family dwelling; and, 2) Forth Amendment to the Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit; and, 3) Amendments to the PC Boundary Map and PC Statistical Table; and, 4) Modifications to certain site development standards. 0 0 EMA REPORT June 27, 1995 PA 94-0149 The Irvine Company Page 7 of 8 Subject to approval of the requested alternate site development standards, the proposal is in conformance with the site development regulations of both the Irvine Coast and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community. That portion of the project in the coastal zone is conformance with the Land'Use Polices of the Local Coastal Program. The proposal is consistent with the overall development theme established for both PCs. The request for site development modifications does not appear to disrupt orderly development established in both the Irvine Coast and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community. The request for driveway lengths of 18 feet in ICPC Develment Area 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 is becoming a normal requested modification. More and more new residential developments are requesting this modification and it is becoming the normal driveway length. A driveway length of 18 feet still provides ample length for a car to park in the driveway while allowing pedestrians to pass by on the sidewalk. Staff has no issue with the requested modification. The request to modify the lot size standard in Development Area 6-1 from the minimum 30,000 square feet to a minimum of 2,500 square feet would appear to be an unreasonable request. However, when taken in context with this Phase III development and the future Phase IV development which includes Planning,Areas 3, 4, 5 and the balance of 6, the requested site development modification appears to be more reasonable. Presently PA 6 is designated as "Low Density Residential" which has the 30,000 square feet minimum lot size. PA 6 permits a total of 75 residential dwelling units. Also the present configuration of Planning Development Map shows PA 6 separated from the PA 2C Phase III development by the future extension of Sand Canyon Avenue. The future Phase IV development of PAs 3, 4, 5 and 6, as presented to staff, will involve a major revision to the ICPC and will necessitate an amendment to the Local Coastal Program. In part, Phase IV development proposes alter Sand Canyon by deleting the extension now show going to the City of Irvine. The Phase IV proposal has Sand Canyon connection with Ridge Park Road in the Phase III development. In addition to the major change to Sand Canyon, Phase IV proposed a major reconfiguration of the planning areas. Also, open space Planning Areas 12A (Los Trancos Canyon) and 12E (Muddy Canyon), which are presently separated by PA 5 and 6, are proposed to be joined to form one large open space, wild life corridor as opposed to two separate areas. By clustering the lots in'Development Area 6-1 and combining them with the PA 2C Phase III development, less grading and infrastructure improvements; and associated impacts to surrounding open spaces will occur than would the total improvements required for all the larger lots presently permitted combined. The lots in PA 6-1 will still maintain the LCP policies for development in PA 6 related to setbacks from public open space area and visual and habit resources of Muddy Canyon. The Planned Community Statistical Summary - Seventh Revised reflects the adjustments in acreage, which are the result of minor modifications to Planning Area boundaries; and, the final dwelling unit counts approved by this permit. The Planned Community Development Map - Fifth Revision incorporates the boundary • • BHA REPORT June 27, 1995 PA 94-0149 The Irvine Company Page 8 of 8 adjustments as well. These minor amendments requested are for "book keeping" purposes to reflect the current Phase III proposal. The Master Coastal Development Permit - First Amendment, permits Planning Commission approval of these minor refinements without the need for an amendment to the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program. The total acreage and total dwelling unit count for both Planned Communities is not affected by the requested modification. CONCLUSION The proposed project was reviewed by staff for consistency with the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan and Implementing Action Program; and, the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community development regulation. Staff's determination is that the proposed project, with approval of the requested site development modification and the incorporation of the recommended conditions of approval, is in conformance with the applicable development regulation of both the Irvine Coast and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community. Land Use Planning Division support the Irvine Company request for the proposed Phase III development. RECOMMENDATION EMA Land Use Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission: a. Receive staff presentation and public testimony as appropriate; and, b. Adopt Draft Planning Commission Resolution 95-13 approving Planning Application PA 94-0149 for Coastal Development Permit and Site Development Permit subject to Findings and Conditions of Approval. ' 1 ATTACHMENTS: A. EXHIBITS: 1. Respectfully submitted, John B. Buzas, Manager Land Use Planning Division Draft Planning Commission Resolution 95-13 A-1 Recommended Findings A-2 Recommended Conditions of Approval Coastal Development Permit/Site Development Permit Submittal Package. . t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13� 14 J > W F aZ; 15 ' WUuo 4 r - 16 1Li Z o o' c 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 N N O 27 • u Chairman of the Board of Supervisors SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Kathleen E. Goodno, Acting Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Orange County, California AYES: SUPERVISORS MARIAN BERGESON, JAMES W. SILVA, ROGER R. STANTON,WILLIAM G. STEINER, AND GADDI H. VASQUEZ NOES: SUPERVISORS NONE ABSENT: SUPERVISORS NONE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, Kathleen E. Goodno, Acting Clerk of the Board of Super -visors of Orange County, California, hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the said Board at a regular meeting thereof held on the 8th day of August, 1995, and passed by a unanimous vote of said Board. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of August, 1995. Kathleen E. Goodno, Acting Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3� 26 u T 27 28 - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 8, 1995 On the motion of Supervisor Bergeson duly seconded and carried, the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the entire Irvine Coast Planned Community, with exception of certain boundary adjustments approved'by Resolution No. 89-39, is within the Coastal Zone as defined by the California Coastal Act of 1976 and is coterminous with the Irvine Coast Planning Unit of the Local Coastal Program of the County of Orange; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Coastal Act, the County of Orange has prepared a Local Coastal Program (LCP) for the Irvine Coast; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Supervisors adopted the Irvine Coast LCP/Land Use Plan by Resolution No. 87-1606 and the Irvine Coast LCP/Implementing Actions Program by Ordinance No. 3674 on December 2, 1987; and the California Coastal Commission certified the Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program on January 14, 1988; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Supervisors adopted the Irvine Coast Development Agreement (DA 87-16) on April 20, 1988, which enables the Irvine Company to build out the Irvine Coast Planned Community over a 20-year period in accordance with the policies and regulations set forth in the 1988 certified LCP; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission approved MCDP 88- 11P by Resolution No. 88-46 on May 4, 1988; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission approved MCDP -- First and Second Amendments (CD 89-26P and CD 9005219001P) by Resolution 89-39 on October 16, 1989 and Resolution 90-19 on June 18, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission approved MCDP -- Third Amendment (CD 900703001P) by Resolution 92-08 on March 11, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Supervisors adopted.the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program by Ordinance No. 3814 and Resolution 91-183 on February 26, 1991; and Resolution No. 95-597 Public Hearing -- Appeal of Planning Application PA94-0149, Coastal -1 - Development Permit for Irvine Coast PC & San Joaquin Hills PC BPD:ep 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 J, W F. iz, 15 'o O u > W 16 1.-0 Z= 00 17 18 19 20 21' 22 23 24 25 26 N N Ch 27 U. �: :I WHEREAS, the applicable Residential Land Use Regulations/ Development Standards of Planning Area 2C of the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program and Planning Areas 14 and 15 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community are identical; and, WHEREAS, The Irvine Company, the major landowner in the LCP area, has submitted Planning Application PA 94-0149 for the Master CDP -- Fourth Amendment to establish the final boundary line between Planning Areas 2C and 12A, 2C and 12D, 2C and 6, to update the Planned Community Development Map and Planned Community Statistical Table contained within The Irvine Coast Master Coastal Development Permit, to expand the MCDP boundary to include a portion of PA 6; to modify the alignment of Vista Ridge Road; and to include the emergency/utility access road into Los Trancos Canyon (PA 12A); and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission has, concurrent with the consideration of this Planning Application PA 94-0149 for a Coastal Development Permit and has duly considered the MCDP — Fourth Amendment which was environmentally evaluated by EIR 544A; and WHEREAS, The Irvine Company, the major landowner in the LCP area, has submitted a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for PAs 2C., 12D and a portion of PA 6, as part of the Irvine Coast Planned Community -and a Site Development Permit (SDP) for PAs 14, 15,.19 and 20 as part of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community; and WHEREAS, it was the intent and approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, that Planning Areas 14 and 15 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community be developed concurrently with Planning Area 2C of the Irvine Coast Planned Community Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, the CD "Coastal Development" District Regulations, Section 7-9-118 requires that a Coastal Development Permit may be approved only after the approving authority has made the findings in the Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-150 and Section 7-9-118.6(e); and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 65000 et seq. the County of Orange has an adopted General Plan which meets all of the requirements of state law; and WHEREAS, in compliance with said laws a legally noticed public hearing was held by the Orange County Planning Commission on June 27, 1995 to consider Planning Application PA 94-0149 for the MCDP — Fourth Amendment/Coastal Development Permit/Site Development Permit proposed by the Irvine Company; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission approved PA 94- 0149 by Resolution No. 95-13 on June 27, 1995; and -2 - 8 9 10 11 12 13J 14 J T W f Z; 15 0 o�o � W 16 , U' 2 z 'o a 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 N N - 0 27 U. LIN WHEREAS, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public'Resources Code Section 21000 at seq.) and. the State CEQA Guidelines (California Administrative Code Sections 15000 at seq.) EIR No. 544A has been prepared to evaluate the potential adverse environmental effects of the proposed project; and' WHEREAS, this Board has considered the proposed Final EIR 544A and finds that it adequately addresses all potential adverse environmental impacts of the proposed project and meets all the requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines as set forth in Resolution No. adopted by this Board on August 8, 1995; and WHEREAS, EIR 544A and the EIRs for prior tiers of environmental analysis, including EIRs 485, 486, 511 and 528, and other documents constituting the Administrative Record in this action are located, at the Orange County Environmental Management Agency; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approval of PA 94-0149 was appealed on July 11, 1995; and WHEREAS, this Board has considered the appeal at a duly noticed public hearing on August 8, 1995. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That this Board considered Final EIR 544A prior to approval of the project and determined that it adequately addresses all potential adverse environmental impacts of the proposed project and meets all the requirements of CEQA and the State, CEQA Guidelines. 2. That the Orange County Board of Supervisors hereby denies the appeal and approves Planning Application PA 94 0149 for the Irvine Coast MCDP — Fourth Amendment, Coastal Development Permit for Planning Areas 2C, a portion of 6, and 12D of the Irvine Coast Planned Community/Local Coastal Program and Planning Application 94-0149 for Site Development Permit for Planning Areas 14, 15, 19 and 20 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community subject to the Findings as set forth in Attachment A-1 and the Conditions of Approval as shown in Attachment A-2 'to this resolution. 3. That the conditions adopted herein are reasonably related to the use of the property and necessary for appropriate development and operation of the uses permitted by the Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program and the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program. -3 - Environmental Management Agency Land Use Planning Division 300 N. Flower Street P. O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA, 92702-4048 TO: l . (JAd41./-)/ FROM: ✓Chief Site Planning Section SUBJECT: PA96-0065 Site Plan - Admin ICPC DAC-9 and SJHPC PA14 DATE FILED: May 7, 1996 Reponse Date: June 6, 1996 DATE: May 16, 1996 DEPT./DIST 04WW4W, Planner: Bill Melton 834-2541 Project Charge No: EP57918 PROPOSAL Site Plan to amend previously approved PA 94-0149 for refinements to development area ZC-9 of the ICPC and 14 of the SJHPC. LOCATION: Newport Coast- P.A. 14 Please review the attached proposal and return any comments or recommendation which you might care to offer. Returned comments, including a "no comment" are requested as an indication that you have received the proposal. Comments must be returned by the date indicated or it must be presumed that the -oroi.ect meets with your approval. If you indicate no comment we will not send revised plans for your review unless significant changes are incorporated in such plans or you ask that revised plans be provided. Please direct your comments to the planner assigned as noted above, or myself. Thank you for your cooperation. Charles M. Shoemaker. -Section Chief Initial Plans: xx Revised Plans: PLEASE RETWM THIS FORM No Comment See Attached Comments as follows: Z- BY: Date: (0— S — � Total Hours in Review t • CAourity of Ura.rige ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY • PLANNING APPLICATION • Application #: PA960065 Date Filed: 05/07/1996 Application Type: SITE PLAN - ADMINISTRATIVE Application Name: ICPC DA 2C-9 AND SJHPC PA 14 Parcel(s): Address(es): Location: NEWPORT COAST Project Area: 28.40 ACRE Public Project: N Initial Study Required: Y IS Charge #: P53390 IS Summary #: 082 Application Charge #: P57918 Summary #: 403 Owner Information Name: COASTAL COMMUNITY BUILDERS Address: 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA Zip: 92660 Phone: 714-720-2293 Applicant/Agent Information Name: CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES Address: 1 CIVIC PLAZA, SUITE 275 NEWPORT BEACH, CA Zip: 92660 Phone: 714-719-3000 Zoning: PC / APN: CAA: 47 Census Tract: 626.17 Supv District: 5 Coastl Zone: YES LUE: 1B Comm Profile: 1.4 PC/SP: ICPC AND SJHPC Previous Apprv: PA9401491 INCLUDES APN#47802120 Project Proposal: SITE PLAN TO AMEND PREVIOSLY APPROVED PA940149 FOR REFINEMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT AREA 2C-9 OF THE ICPC AND PA 14 OF THE SJHPC. DEPOSIT SUMMARY Total Deposit: 4,000.00 Payments: 4,000-.00 Balance Due: .00 • k Environmental Management Agency Land Use Planning Division 300 N. Flower Street P. O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA, 92702-4048 DATE: May 16, 1996 TO: DEPT./DIST i FROM: Chief, Site Planning Section SUBJECT: PA96-0065 Site Plan - Admin ICPC DA ZC-9 and SJHPC PA14 DATE FILED: May 7, 1996 Reponse Date: June 6, 1996 Planner: Bill Melton 834-2541 Project Charge No: EP57918 PROPOSAL Site Plan to amend previously approved PA 94-0149 for refinements to development area ZC-9 of the ICPC and 14 of the SJHPC. LOCATION: Newport Coast- P.A. 14 Please review the attached proposal and return any comments or recommendation which you might care to offer. Returned comments, including a "no comment" are requested as an indication that you have received the proposal. Comments must be returned by the date indicated or it must be presumed that the protect meets with your approval. If you indicate no comment we will not send revised plans for your review unless significant changes are incorporated in such plans or you ask that revised plans be provided. Please direct your comments to the planner assigned as noted above, or myself. Thank you for your cooperation. Charles M. Shoemaker, Section Chief Initial Plans: xx Revised Plans: PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM No Comment See Attached Comments as follows: BY: ate: S�Z3 rl�v Total Hours in Review Environmental Management Agency Land Use Planning Division 300 N. Flower Street P. O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA, 92702-4048 DATE: May 16, 1996 TO: DEPT./DIST 1 FROMF Chief, Site Planning Section SUBJECT: PA96-0065 Site Plan - Admin ICPC DA AC-9 and SJHPC PA14 DATE FILED: May 7, 1996 Reponse Date: June 6, 1996 Planner: Bill Melton 834-2541 Project Charge No: EP57918 PROPOSAL Site Plan to amend previously approved PA 94-0149 for refinements to development area ZC-9 of the ICPC and 14 of the SJHPC. LOCATION: Newport Coast- P.A. 14 Please review the attached proposal and return any comments or recommendation which you might care to offer. Returned comments, including a "no comment" are requested as an indication that you have received the proposal. Comments must be returned by the date indicated or it must be presumed that the proiect meets with your approval. If you indicate no comment we will not send revised plans for your review unless significant changes are incorporated in such plans or you ask that revised plans be provided. Please direct your comments to the planner assigned as noted above, or myself. Thank you for your cooperation. Charles M. Shoemaker Section Chief Initial Plans: xx Revised Plans: PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM No Comment See Attached —4z Comments as follows: BY: ��� S��/3�rPLc-� Date: 0 / Total Hours in Review TO;• ems: D/EA `zV hlohSe.�� Leh //i BY TENTATIVE TRACT NO. SCPM DEIR - - T.P.M. MmNTS The height, area and configuration of man-made slopes shall be clearly show. An slope areas shall be shown by type. SITE PLAN P,4 26 M 6 S- OTRER Typical building pads proposed for the location of structures shall -be- graphically indicated with approximate dimensions and setbacks. 3. _ Proposed finished grade elevations - shall be shown: A. along proposed streets and drives at one hundred (100) foot intervals cc opposite lot comers; and — B. On each proposed building pad. 4. A statement of the estimated volume of export or borrow earth material required and the location of the disposal cc borrow sites shall acoompany the tentative map. 5. A statemant of the maintenance responsibility for each slope — are& shall be made. 6. _ soils and"Geol.ogy Report A preliminary report, or reports, describing the soils and geologic conditions on the site and their effect on the feasibility of the plan of development, including the grading ooncept, shall be subsdtted with the tentative tract map. This report, or reports, shall be prepared under the -supervision of a soils engineer and an engineering geologist. 7. Height and inclination of man-made slopes exceed — requirements. _ A. Vertical height maximums for slopes in excess of (steeper than) five•(5) feet horizontal to one .1(l) foot vertical. (1.) Type A slope - tone. (2.) hype 3 slope - thirty-five (35) feet. (3.) hype C slope - twenty (20) feet. — B. .Ilan -made slopes shall not be constructed one on top of another or combined in such a manner so that they exceed the maximum heights specified. C. Man-sade-slapes shall be no steeper than two (2) feet horizontal to (1) foot vertical. S. Hillside Lot Design Criteria _ A. Length and contour of man-made slopes. Man-made slopes shall be designed to resemble -natural terrain where feasible, with a minim oaq Of l, flat, inclined plane surfaces and acute angles. _ I- Lots, shalt be deaigned so that where: Type C eloper are - proposed between abutting lots, the common property line shall be- at, the top of the slope. 9. _ Drainage: and Erosion Control standards Where• any lot is. designed in. an& a. manner that. it will not drain directly, to- a• street cc comm. drainage facility with r sdniaua,one. percent (It) grade, it shall be- designed, in- a. manner that will confort.to: that following: critaria.. A... Late sha1L be designed- ice- suchr a. master that man-made- slopes are cot -subject ta<shoat flow cc concentratedi drainage- runoff' fray- either the same = ace. adjacent lot. —3. All drainage flowing down sam-mmde•-lopes,except that draiaags from water falling on sac@ slope - shall. br contained -within -an appropriate drainage device. C. All drainage flowing from ots- lot to. or across soothe= lot shall br within an approved- drainage device located. within a properly executed easement; where appropriate. 3t:. )Ieasmation-Trsils l A. A note shall be placed our the tentative map which reads. 'Grading of recreation trails shall conform to the requirements of the Orange County Grading and Exonvation Code. • S. Major Cut/fill slopes and drainage devices related to recreation trails shall be show. �11t b1aD01-14 6182 ADDITIONAL RULAEUtS- ' 4A,4p 6, Al/D ?A C v l&/Ceq"73 3 "v. Aes eta cc eCv�/tr�,a� 020(b County of Orange '�LrFot�'r File: DR -Site Plan LC-Admin DATE: June 3, 1996 TO: Charles Shoemaker, Chief, Site planning Section Attention: Bill Melton FROM: Chief, EMA/HBP-Asset Management Division -Planning & Acquisition PROJECT: PA96-0065, ICPC PA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14, San Joaquin Hills Planned Community/Newport Coast Planned Community EMA/HBP-Asset Management planning staff has reviewed subject project and offer the following comments: A. Master Plan of Regional Recreational Facilities: There are no regional park dedication requirements. B. Master Plan of Regional Riding and Hiking Trails: There are no regional riding and hiking trail requirements at this time. However, a public Riding and Hiking Trail easement will be required to be Irrevocably Offered to the County within the adjacent PA15 or 20 to connect Los Trancos Canyon with open space northerly of Ridge Park Road. C. Master Plan of Local Parks (Local Park Code): The applicant shall provide compliance with the Local Park Code per subdivision, Screen Check Tentative Tract 15078 requirements as follows: The Local Park Code requirement for the Irvine Coast Planned Community portion of the subject site is 0.2 net usable acre of park land based upon a proposal to build 25 dwelling units at a gross residential density of 2.90 du./ac. (25 x 0.008ac/du). The Local Park Code requirement for the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community portion of the subject site is 0.512 net usable acre of park land based upon a proposal to build 64 dwelling units at a gross residential density of 3.23 du/ac. (64 x 0.008ac/du). Said requirement shall be satisfied as follows: The Local Park Code requirement shall be met by an allocation of Park Lands credit from the Park Implementation Plans for both the Irvine Coast Planned Community and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community. 1 y 9 0 PA95-0065 Page 2 D. Resources Element - Open Space Component: The applicant shall provide a landscaping plan for scenic preservation area lots, as applicable, in conjunction with an urban edge treatment plan to establish appropriate landscape/fuel modification treatments to provide compatible transition from the open space areas to private development areas at the subsequent subdivision level of approval as follows: 1. Preliminary Plan - Prior to the recordation of an applicable final tract/parcel map, an agreement shall be entered into and financial security posted guaranteeing landscape improvements and the maintenance thereof based on a preliminary landscape plan showing major plant material and uses, with a cost estimate for the landscape improvements. The preliminary plan and cost estimates shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager, EMA/BDS-Subdivision and Grading Division, in consultation with the Manager, EMA/HBP-Asset Management Division. Said plan shall take into account the EMA Standard Plans for landscape areas, adopted plant palette guides, applicable scenic and specific plan requirements, Water Conservation Measures contained in Board Resolution 90-487 (Water Conservation Measures), and Board Resolution 90-1341 (Water Conservation Implementation Plan). B. Detailed Plan - Prior to the issuance of any building permits(s), a detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, EMA/BDS-Subdivision and Grading Division, in consultation with the Manager, EMA/HBP-Asset Management Division. Detailed plans shall show the detailed irrigation and landscaping design. C. Installation Certification - Prior to the issuance of final certificates of use and occupancy and the release of the financial security guaranteeing the landscape improvements, said improvements shall be installed and shall be certified by a licensed landscape architect or licensed landscape contractor, as required, as having been installed in accordance with the approved detailed plans. Said certification, including an irrigation management report for each landscape irrigation system, and any other required implementation report determined applicable, shall be furnished in writing to the Manager, Construction, and the Manager, Building Inspection, prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Should you have any questions, please contact Trudy Teshima at 834-6789. Eri Jessen, ief CT tkt/ep57918 • Environmental Management Agency Land Use Planning Division 300 N. Flower Street P. 0. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA, 92702-4048 DATE: May 16, 1996 TO: r DEPT. /DIST IW4//� FROM: Chief, Site Plan ing Section SUBJECT: PA96-0065 Site Plan - Admin ICPC DA-kC-9 and SJHPC PA14 DATE FILED: May 7, 1996 0 Reponse Date: June 6, 1996 Planner: Bill Melton 834-2541 Project Charge No: EP57918 PROPOSAL Site Plan to amend previously approved PA 4-0149 for refinements to development area ZC-9 of the ICPC and 14 of the SJHPC. LOCATION: Newport Coast- P.A. 14 Please review the attached proposal and return any comments or recommendation which you might care to offer. Returned comments, including a "no comment" are requested as an indication that you have received the proposal. Comments must be returned _bvthe date indicated or it must be presumed that the proiect meets with your approval. If you indicate no comment we will not send revised plans for your review unless significant changes are incorporated in such plans or you ask that revised plans be provided. Please direct your comments to the planner assigned as noted above, or myself. Thank you for your cooperation. Charles M. Shoemaker, Section Chief Initial Plans: xx Revised Plans: PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM No Comment S Attached Comments as follows: By. Date: �C Total Hours in Review ., 4, � �''' �� Y ) fit- W B r: NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 ❑ Provide an adequate level of detail to permit the re -subdivision of the ICPC DA 2C- 9/SJHPC PA 14 portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 14786 with the lotting and construction shown on Tentative Tract Map No. 15078 (which is being processed concurrently as a separate and distinct entitlement document and is included in the appendices of this document for reference purposes only). Page 2 This document has been prepared to'be consistent with the previously -approved CDP/SDP and to meet the requirements for a Site Development Permit, as set forth in The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program (LCP), Chapter H-10-13 and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community Program, Chapter X. It is intended to provide the Director, Orange County Environmental Management Agency, with the necessary information to permit the above listed refinements to the approved CDP/SDP (PA 94-0149). Existing Conditions The topography of the site is comprised primarily of hilly terrain that has been partially modified by the grading and construction activities of the IRWD Reservoirs at Signal Peak and, more recently, by the construction of Ridge Park Road. Ongoing Tracking Procedures Although the Phase III CDP/SDP was processed and approved as .a comprehensive plan of development for the combined 361-acre project area, because it has been divided into as many as 16 planning areas/development areas to allow for the greatest opportunity to provide a variety of different land uses/project types, it is likely that a number of minor modifications to the approved development plan will be proposed prior to project build -out. These refinements will be processed pursuant to Orange County Zoning Code Section 7-9-150.3 (h) which provides Orange County EMA staff with some flexibility to determine if the proposed changes are in substantial conformance with the previously -approved discretionary action. To facilitate the orderly development of the project and provide a means for review of any proposed plan modifications in the context of the overall project approval, a 1 " =200'-scale Master Development Plan has been provided. This plan is intended to provide a comprehensive picture of the proposed Site and Grading Plan refinements by placing them in the context of the original approval. In addition, a revision block is provided to document descriptions of the ongoing plan revisions, a revised Project Statistical Summary (if appropriate) and any appropriate EMA project administrative references. It is anticipated that at the time any request to modify the approved CDP/SDP plans is made, the submittal would be accompanied within an updated Master Development Plan. In this way, County staff and the landowner will be better able to ensure the consistency of any proposed refinements with the original approval. Also, consistent with the approach for tracking ongoing refinements to the approved CDP/SDP, a similar method is proposed for monitoring progressive changes to the approved Tentative Tract Map No. 14786. A Master Community Subdivision Map will be provided to EMA Subdivision staff to demonstrate the compatibility and consistency between subsequently prepared maps intended to replace subareas of the originally approved Tentative Tract Map No. 14786. 794/02.000 July 3,1996 ca1pa6ph3-sdp.005 FORMA • NEWPORT COAST/NEWPORT RIDGE Phase, III Site Development Permit for DA 2C-9/PA 14 Page 1 A. INTRODUCTION I, PuMose A Site Development Permit is requested for the combined residential development area consisting of Irvine Coast Planned Community (ICPC) Development Area 2C-9 and San Joaquin Hills Planned Community (SJHPC) Planning Area 14, located along the northern side of Ridge Park Road, as indicated by Exhibit 1, Project Location Map. This area represents the first development project within the approved Newport Coast Phase III CDP/SDP. The combined CDP/SDP for the Newport Coast Phase III development projects (PA 94-0149) was approved by the Orange County Planning Commission on June 27, 1995 (Resolution No. 95- 13). Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 14786 was subsequently approved on June 28, 1995 by the Orange County Subdivision Committee. The project was later re -approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors with their denial of an appeal on August 8, 1995 (Resolution No. 95-597). The above stated project approvals provided for the construction of a total of 635 dwelling units on lots ranging in size from 4,000 to 8,000-square feet and all associated infrastructure on a combined total of approximately 361-acres (gross). The residential project area consists of 292.4-acres (gross), excluding Signal Peak facilities in DA 2C-10 and the Community Park in DA 2C-8. The total number of units approved as well as the project density of 2.2 dwelling units per acre fall far below the Medium -High Density Residential land use category which ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 dwelling units per acre. Additionally, the recreation/open space component of the approved project totals approximately 50-acres (gross), excluding the 12.5-acre active recreation and view park located adjacent to the existing IRWD reservoir site along Vista Ridge Road in DA 2C-8. This submittal is the result of design modifications that better represent the marketing program of the builder, California Pacific Homes, and also responds to more detailed engineering information now available for the ICPC DA 2C-9/SJHPC PA 14 site. Approval of this Site Development Permit will allow for the following modifications to the approved CDP/SDP (PA 94-0149) Site Development Plans: ❑ Provide for minor adjustments (1.1-acre total) in the Planning Area boundaries between ICPC PAs 8 and 2C and SJHPC PAs 13, 14 and 19; t] Substitute amended Site Development, Grading and Landscape/Fuel Modification Plans for ICPC DA 2C-9/SJHPC PA 14; ❑ Implement a process for tracking ongoing minor modifications to the approved CDP/SDP; ❑ Reduce ICPC DA 2C-9 by 1 unit; resulting in 489 total units within PA 2C; ❑ Increase SJHPC PA 14 by 1 unit from 63 units to 64 units; well under the permitted maximum of 89 units; ❑ Provide for revisions to the design of the gated community entrance; ❑ Provide for the inclusion of a community recreation area, including improvements such as a swimming pool, restrooms, sun deck and barbecue areas; and 794/02.000 July 3, 1996 ca1pac\ph3-sdp.005 FORMA -AN • Environmental Management Agency Land Use Planning Division 300 N. Flower Street P. O_. Box 4048 Santa -Ana, CA, 92702-4048 DATE: May 16, 1996 TO: DEPT./DIST FROM: Chief, Site Planning Section SUBJECT: PA96-0065 Site Plan - Admin ICPC DA U-9 and SJHPC PA14 DATE FILED: May 7, 1996 Reponse Date: June 6, 1996 Planner: Bill Melton 834-2541 Project Charge No: EP57918 PROPOSAL Site Plan to amend previously approved PA 94-0149 for refinements to development area ZC-9 of the ICPC and 14 of the SJHPC. LOCATION: Newport Coast- P.A. 14 Please review the attached proposal and return any comments or recommendation which you might care to offer. Returned comments, including -a "no comment" are requested as an indication that you have received the proposal. Comments must be returned by the date indicated or it must be presumed that the proiect meets with your approval. If you indicate no comment we will not send revised plans for your review unless significant changes are incorporated in such plans or you ask that revised plans be provided. Please direct your comments to the planner assigned as noted above, or myself. Thank you for your cooperation. Initial Plans: xx No Comment Charles M. Shoemaker, Section Chief Revised Plans: PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM See Attached Comments as follows: BY: Date: Total Hours in Review �A��oa6S'Lto 7 4/24/96 d z 2 cc LL ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING APPLICATION MANAGEMENT AGENCY (SEE FILING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING. FORM MUST BE TYPED) PROJECT NAME: ICPC DA 2C-9 and SJHPC PA 14 LOCATION: Irvine Coast Planning Area 2C (portion) and San Joaquin Hills Planning Area 14 (See Exhibit 1, Location Map) ACREAGEISQ. FT. Approximately 28.4 acres OF THE SITE OWNER: - COASTAL COMMUNITY BUILDERS ADDRESS: 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 PHONE: (714) 720-2293 Contact: Roberta Marshall APPLICANT/AGENT: Rn1= h rhPniPr (IF NOT OWNER) FIRM: CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES ADDRESS: 1 Civic Plaza Suite 275 Newport Beach, CA 92660 PHONE: (714) 719-3000 WE: CP: ZONE: PC (CD) P.CJS.P. The Irvine Coast PC SUPV. DiST: 5 CSTL. ZONE PROJECT PROPOSAL: APPLICATION FOR CASE NUMBER DATE INITIAL r PERMIT X .T F 15 3 3 REOUESTIO SCHEDULE GPA GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT COMM. PROFILE AMENDMENT ZONE CHANGE FEATURE PLAN AREA PLAN TRACT MAP PARCEL MAP USE PERMIT SITE DEV. PERMIT VARIANCE COASTAL DEV. PERMIT DETAIL PLAN X VE SITE DEV. PERT MIT S '1 S ^ -7 H L I - I This Administrative Site Development Permit, for residential Development Area 2C-9 of the Irvine Coast Planned Community and residential Planning Area 14 of the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community, proposes refinements to the previously approved Coastal Development Permit (PA 94-0149) for the Irvine Coast to include: • Expansion of this development project by 0.9 acres; • One additional residential unit in SJHPC PA 14 for a total of 64; • One less residential unit in ICPC DA 2C-9 for a total of 25; • Site Plan refinements to lot lines and street alignments; • Refinements to the Grading Plan to incorporate Site Plan Revisions and enhanced view opportunities; • Modifications to the gated entry courtyard and the Landscape/Fuel Modification Plan; and • The addition of a community recreation center within SJHPC PA 14. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: Portions of the site have been modified by the grading and construction of Vista Ridge Road, the IRWD's Zone 4 Reservoir, the 6.8 acre signal transmission towers site and the adjacent residential development in Planning Area 2B-3. The IRWD Zone G and 6 Reservoirs are currently under construction. Additionally, the site has been modified by construction of an SCE utility access road into Los Trancos Canyon. The SJHPC portion of the project is currently undeveloped except for temporary improvements such as dirt access and fire roads. PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT APPROVALS: ICPC: (1)The Irvine Coast LCP (Jan. 88); (2)CD89-36P (Oct. 89); (3)Vesting "A" No. 13337 (May 88); (4)EIR No. 486 (April 88); (5)Development Agreement 87-16 (March 88); (6)Master CDP 88-11P (May 88); (7)CDP PA 94-0149 (June 95); (8)Final EIR No. 544A (June 95) SJHPC: (1)PC Program, Resolution No. 91783 (Feb 91); (2)Final EIR No. 517 (Feb 91) F0250470 (7/87) CERTIFICATION O Z O LL (a) There are no assurances at any time, implicitly or otherwise, regarding final staff recommendations to the decision making body about this application. (b) Major changes of the proposed project may require a new application and payment of new fees. (c) Board of Supervisors policy contained in Resolution 79-1242 states that except for cases in which an important County policy or other extraordinary interest is determined to be present, the County will not provide an active legal defense to cases involving the issuance of permits or other entitlements for use or development of real property or zoning or General Plan Amendments. (d) I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the information I have presented in this form and the accompanying materials is true and correct. I also understand that additional data and information may be required prior to final action on this application. I have read and understand the content contained in statements (a) thru (d). SIGNATURE(S) DATE `S PROPERTY OWN R AGENT DATE AP#: LOT CAA: C.T. BAM: LEAD SECTION: REFERRED TO: ELEMENT PLANNING LAND PL.-COASTAL LAND PL•FOOTHILL ENVIRONMENTAL/ SPECIAL PROJECTS ACOUSTICS PROJ PLNG-COMM 1. PROPOSED LUE MAP (20) 2. EXISTING LUE MAP (20) 3. a. PROPOSED ZONING MAP (20) b. EXISTING ZONING MAP (20) 4. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (30) 5. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (22) 6. AREA PLAN MAP (20) 7. FEATURE PLAN MAP (20) 8: PLOT PLAN (20) ZONING ADMIN. SITE PLANNING SUBDIVISIONS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TRANSP. PLANNING STREET & DRAINAGE PROJ PLNG-O.S. 9. SDM (1) 10. FLOOR PLAN (20) 11. LANDSCAPE PLAN (20) 12. ELEVATIONS (20) 13. GRADING PLAN (2) 14. TOPOGRAPHY MAP 15. ENVELOPES (3) 16. PROPERTY OWNERS LIST. ENVELOPES AND AP MAP TRACT (OR ATTACH METES AND BOUNDS) PUBLIC REFERRAL LIST GRADING SURVEYOR OCTD IHDO HEALTH FIRE CAO 17. PHOTOS (2 SETS) 18. CERTIFICATION LETTERS (2 SETS) 19. AUTHORIZATION LETTER 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 21. AFFORDABLE HOUSING FORM 22. USGS QUAD SHEET 23. COLORED EXHIBITS 24. COMMUNITY PROFILE 25. F0250.670 (71871 ( ) = Quantity oil, Filed Case No.: D Date Sent Out: Date Filed: Comments Due By: I. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION Reply Sent Received Reguested Comments from the following: [ ] [ ] Board of Supervisors Attn: [ ] [ ] County Administrative Office Attn: Nancy Liao Fire Safety Specialist / O.C. F. A Development Review 180 So.Water St. Orange [ J [ ) Vector Control Disttrict Attn: J. Earnest, horse stables, farms [ ] [ J HCA/Environmental Health Attn: [ ] [ ] EMA/Development Services - Acoustics Attn: P. Wang [ J [ J EMA/Public Works - Flood Program Attn: Herb Nakasone ( ] [ ] EMA/Public Works - Special Projects Attn: Max Andersen EMA/Development Services/NPDES - M. Serizawa EMA/Advance Planning Attn: Marc Esslinger (S.A. Heights) EMA/Traffic Engineering - Attn: Grant Anderson [ ] ( ] EMA/Transportation Planning - R. Peterson [ ] [ ] EMA/Public Property Permits - A. Vasquez [ Vf [ ] EMA/HBP - Program Planning - Attn: E. Jessen [ ] [ ] EMA/HBP - Historical Preservation Attn: M. Gass EMA/Development Services - Grading Attn: J. Earnest ( V] [ ] EMA/Development Services - Drainage Attn: R. Young EMA/Development Sevices - Streets Attn: M. Idris Orange County Transportation District Attn: Bill Chandler II. SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION _ [ ] [ ] Cities Attn: Planning or Development Dept.: ( ] [ ] State/Federal Agencies: Special Districts (Schools and Water Districts) Review Boards: Homeowner Associations: Others: [ ] [ ] ..Others : y COUNTY OF ORANGE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY * REPRINTED * RECEIPT - -------------------------------------------------------- 05/08/96 10:00 Receipt Number: R9610187 Activity Number: PA960065 Payment Date: 05/07/199=6 Payer: CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES Address: 1 CIVIC PLAZA 300 NB CA 92660 Phone #: Trust ID: Applicant: CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES Address: 1 CIVIC PLAZA, SUITE 275 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Phone #: 714-719-3000 Job Address: Parcel: Additional Info: NEWPORT COAST - ICPC & SJHPC ACCUMULATIVE CHARGES Fee Item Description Charges Coding 1060 LAND USE FEE DEPOSIT 2,000.00 300327 92000015 1066 ENV. ANALYSIS - IS TRUST 2,000.00 300327 92000010 Total Charges: 4,000.00 Total Payment: 4,000.00 CURRENT PAYMENT Method: 11-12 Notation: CALIF PACIFIC Check/Cash: 4,000.00 Trust: .00 Total Paid: 4,000.00 Balance Due: .00 Operator: CASTILLA Account No.: