HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 - Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program FeesQ �EwPpRT c 9C/FOR TO: FROM: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report May 23, 2023 Agenda Item No. 14 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Jason AI -Imam, Finance Director/Treasurer — 949-644-3123, jalimam@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Michael Gomez, Deputy Finance Director, mgomez@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3123 TITLE: Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees ABSTRACT: The City of Newport Beach's consultant, ClearSource Financial Consulting (ClearSource), has updated the fees in the Community Development, Fire and Police Departments, following a cost recovery analysis. Staff has also identified other fee updates outside of the studied departments. In addition to the proposed fee updates, staff is recommending modifications to Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Sections 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) to facilitate the changes to authorized levels of cost recovery required by the fee changes that are recommended at this time. RECOMMENDATION: a) Conduct a public hearing; b) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; c) Adopt Resolution No. 2023-30, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Adopting and Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees; d) Adopt Resolution No. 2023-31, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Modifying Resolution No. 2019-105 Relating to the Paramedic Subscription Program Fee; and e) Waive full reading, direct the City Clerk to read by title only, and introduce Ordinance No. 2023-7, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery Percentages, and pass to second reading on June 13, 2023. 14-1 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 2 DISCUSSION: NBMC Section 3.36, City Council Policy F-4 (Revenue Measures), and Item 12 of the Fiscal Sustainability Plan (FSP), provide staff and the City Council with policy guidance related to setting cost recovery targets and updating user fees. User fees, or cost -of - service fees, are charged to a private citizen or group for services performed or provided by a government agency on their behalf. If the service primarily benefits an individual or group of people, then the burden of that cost should be borne by the person receiving the benefit. NBMC Section 3.36.030 sets the cost recovery for user fees at 100%, with the exception of the subsidized fees listed in Exhibit "A" of that same section, as well as those limited by California or federal statutes. A recommendation for less than a 100% cost recovery rate may occur when a service is beneficial to the community at large along with specific individuals or groups, and/or when there is an economic incentive, or disincentive, to do so. In these cases, another City of Newport Beach (City) revenue source — in most cases the General Fund — subsidizes the service. Any newly proposed fee or fee increase that is not approved by the City Council will, by default, be subsidized by the General Fund. The Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) primarily includes cost -of -services fees, which are designed to recover the City's cost to provide the related service. In order to establish fees on the basis of full cost recovery, it is necessary to determine the cost of services. Using well -established cost accounting methodologies, the City's consultant, ClearSource, conducts a comprehensive review and update of the Citywide cost allocation plan and direct user fee calculations for each department on a rotating basis every three to five years. This year, ClearSource studied the following departments at staff's direction: • Community Development • Fire • Police As part of this study, ClearSource met with City staff from each studied department to discuss the services provided, the annual volume for those services, and the staff resources and time estimates for delivering the related services. To factor in both direct and indirect costs, ClearSource calculates the department staff's fully burdened hourly rate, which includes both internal administrative as well as citywide overhead costs. The fully burdened hourly rates are applied to the time estimates provided by staff and the fee is calculated. Consistent with the City's round down policy and excluding Library Per Page Copies, all fees proposed that are $5 or more are rounded down to the nearest dollar and all fees proposed that are less than $5 are rounded down to the nearest quarter. Based on the results of the fee study, it is not uncommon for some fees to increase while others may decrease. The most common reasons for fees to go up or down are: 1) costs changing over time, most often increasing, 2) the staff performing the service changes, and/or 3) the amount of time to perform the service changes. Once the calculations are confirmed, department staff then recommends that the fee should either be fully recovered or subsidized. NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit "A" subsidy changes are detailed in Attachments C and D. 14-2 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 3 In addition to the City's cost -of -service fees, the SRFF includes rents, fines and penalties, and other charges imposed by the City or mandated by the State of California. The amount of these charges is determined in a variety of ways, most commonly market surveys when not mandated by a higher level of government. Where changes are recommended for these non -cost -of -service components of the SRFF herein, a description of the fee methodology and the reason(s) for a recommended change are provided. On April 13, 2023, staff presented the fee study updates to the Finance Committee for consideration. The Finance Committee recommended the fee updates as presented move forward for City Council consideration. The remainder of this report focuses on how studied fees are changing. Summaries and a before and after illustration of each department's studied fees can be found in Attachment A. Community Development Department The department administers the City's General Plan, as well as the City's zoning, building, subdivision, and environmental regulations, to ensure orderly physical growth of the community. Program activities include advance and current planning, building, plan review, permit issuance, and inspection; among other things not related to cost -of -service fees. The Community Development Department (CDD) was last studied in FY 2019-20. Prior to that study, in 2016, CDD converted valuation -based residential construction permits and selected deposit -based planning permits to flat fees. There are no changes proposed to this flat fee structure with this current study. Building — Fees in this division are collected to recover the costs associated with plan review, permitting and construction inspection for new and remodeled buildings and other structures. The existing permit extension fee was clarified to include permit and plan check extensions. While staff is not proposing any new fees, the fees proposed reflect an approximate 3% increase to align the fees with the City's current cost of providing these services. Planning - In reviewing the overarching types of services provided by the Planning Division, staff proceeded with categorizing activities and staff time in services related to current planning and advanced/long-range planning. Fee -related planning activities focus on the review of development projects, condition compliance, and counter permits including, but not limited to subdivisions, use permits, administrative permit, permit modifications and adjustments, sign permits, lot line adjustments/mergers, variances, etc. The fees proposed reflect an approximately 5% increase to align the fees with the City's current cost of providing these services. Adjustments vary depending on the specific fee category. 14-3 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 4 In this department, two new fees are proposed: 1. Litigation Defense Fee. This fee is proposed to be based on actual cost, on a time and materials basis, and is intended to serve as a pass -through fee that enables the City to fully recover its costs for projects that require external or internal support from a legal capacity. In cases where legal staff time is incurred, staff proposes utilizing the full hourly and burdened rate of personnel as well as the City and departmental overhead rates established by the most recently completed cost allocation plan in the fee calculation. 2. General Plan Maintenance Fee. The fee will be applied as 5% of all new construction, additions and alterations for residential and commercial project building permit fees. Amounts collected from this fee are intended to provide roughly $170,000 per year that should be dedicated to costs associated with maintaining and updating the City's General Plan and support documents. California Government Code Section 66014 states that fees collected by an agency, "...may include the costs reasonably necessary to prepare and revise the plans and policies that a local agency is required to adopt before it can make any necessary findings and determinations." Every county and city in California is required by State law to have a General Plan, and the plan is required to be updated on a regular basis. The General Plan discusses the City's goals, policies, and implementation actions regarding all future development. The Zoning Ordinance establishes the development regulations to implement the General Plan and must be consistent with the plan. Cities and counties throughout California often attempt to recover portions of the costs of updating and maintaining these plans through fees collected on various development projects. As the list below indicates, a similar fee is currently collected by several cities in Orange County and throughout California. The list is not intended to be comprehensive: • Fountain Valley • Huntington Beach • Orange • Placentia • Seal Beach • Roseville • Los Angeles • San Diego • Sacramento • San Leandro • San Jose • Ventura The proposed 5% surcharge is estimated to recover 12% of the City's estimated ongoing and future costs related to this core service area. Attachment D modifies NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit "A" to reflect the proposed 12% cost recovery. In addition, based on direction from the Finance Committee and City Council as part of the FY 2021-22 Fee Study, ClearSource and staff completed a comprehensive review of the structure of the City's types of appeals and the corresponding cost recovery for both successful and unsuccessful applicants. 14-4 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 5 Generally, and at the recommendation of the Finance Committee and the City Council, the City has included a cost recovery of less than 100% for both successful and unsuccessful applicants to not discourage potential appellants from exercising the right of appeal due to the fee(s) being cost -prohibitive. The planning application appeal fee (both to the Planning Commission and the City Council) is the only appeal fee remaining that is not refunded if the appeal is successful. On February 23, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended modifying NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit "A" to include the provision to recover 0% of planning application appeals to the Planning Commission and the City Council in cases where the applicant is successful. To further align the structure of the planning application appeal fee with the City's other appeal fees in cases where the applicant is unsuccessful, staff is also modifying NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit "A" to reflect a cost recovery of 50% in lieu of a flat fixed dollar amount (that was previously approximately 50%) for planning application appeals to the Planning Commission and the City Council. These proposed changes are reflected in Attachment D. Community Development staff met with the Building Industry Association (BIA) to discuss the proposed fees, and the BIA communicated no concerns with the proposed fees. Fire Department The Fire Department provides 24-hour protection and response to the City's residents, businesses and visitors. The Fire Department is comprised of the following: Emergency Medical Services, Fire Operations, Junior Lifeguards, Fire Prevention, and Lifeguard Operations. The department's cost -of -service fees were last studied in FY 2019-20, except for the Fire Prevention Division fees which were studied last fiscal year. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - The EMS division delivers high -quality emergency medical care to the community. First responders provide timely response, evaluation, treatment and transportation to a local hospital when necessary. Primary fees within EMS are the fees charged for the Fire Engine and Paramedic Unit responding to 911 calls and evaluating and treating a patient. The fees primarily fall into two categories: Advanced Life Support (ALS) or Basic Life Support (BLS). Overall, the ALS with Transport and BLS with Transport fees are both proposed to increase by 2% to align both transport fees with the current cost of providing these services. The increase was anticipated to be of a marginal nature and more of an inflationary adjustment since these fees were more significantly adjusted as part of the FY 2019-20 fee study to capture the vehicle and equipment cost along with the cost associated with the ambulance billing service and disposable medical supplies. Newport Beach residents and businesses have the option to participate in the Paramedic Subscription Program, known as Fire Medics, to protect themselves and their family, or employees and patrons against potential costs related to an unexpected medical emergency as outlined in NBMC Section 5.60.020. Staff is proposing to increase this fee from $60 to $84 per year, which results in a net increase of $2 per month, from the current $5 to $7. 14-5 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 6 This increase is due to the increased cost of transport services. The last subscription service fee increase occurred in 2015 byway of Resolution No. 2015-77, which increased the fee from $48 per year to the current fee of $60 per year, with a net increase of $1 per month. A separate resolution (Attachment E) will accompany the fee resolution presented to the City Council to amend resolution No. 2019-105 to modify this program fee. Fire Operations/EMS — These fees are only charged when Fire and EMS staff are requested to provide safety or service for activities that do not qualify for the special event hourly rates. There is one new fee proposed for a Fire Captain Unit, which is comprised of a Fire Captain and a suburban vehicle. By way of this fee, staff can retain operational flexibility when dispatching units and ensure the full cost of service can be recovered when a Captain Unit is sent. Fire Prevention — The Fire Prevention fees were most recently studied in FY 2021-22 and previously in FY 2019-20. While the fees in this division were not ordinarily due to be studied last fiscal year, these fees were reviewed due to their previously low City cost recovery. As part of the changes resulting from the fee study last fiscal year, the fees in this division were adjusted to 100% cost recovery based on a survey regarding cost recovery percentages for similar services by other Orange County fire agencies. There are two new fees proposed related to fire prevention inspections. In reviewing the existing fees, staff identified certain inspections where the fee collected is disproportionate to the time spent on the inspection. The inspections that warrant this additional time involve buildings that have a larger number of floors (whether above or below ground). The two fees are both proposed at a fee of $455 as the amount of time and the staff completing the inspections are consistent between the two services and are designed to capture the additional inspection work that is already occurring, yet not being fully recovered, for multi -level buildings as listed below: 1. Fire Prevention Inspection of a Fire Alarm System (NFPA 72): Per Story > 2 stories (includes above and below ground stories) 2. Fire Prevention Inspection of Commercial Fire Sprinkler System (NFPA 13): Per Story > 2 stories (includes above and below ground stories) As part of the fee study, a survey of other fire agencies was conducted to consider how the cost recovery for similar buildings is captured, which yielded that the Orange County Fire Authority has a comparable fee structure with an additional fee for each additional riser or floor in buildings greater than three stories. Similarly, these can be above or below ground. An example of when these fees would be applicable is if a senior care facility required inspection and structurally includes three stories above ground and one story below ground. The fee would be charged for the two stories above ground and the one story below. The proposed $455 fee would account for the two hours of an inspector's time per story and more accurately reflect the inspection time realized at these facilities. 14-6 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 7 Police Department The Police Department provides high quality police services to our community to maintain the quality of life valued by those who live, work and recreate in Newport Beach. The Patrol/Traffic Division is the front-line defense against criminal activity and quality of life concerns, including parking enforcement, animal control, and detention services. The Detective Division investigates thousands of reports taken by the Police Department each year. The Support Services Division offers administrative, technical, and fleet support to the department. The fees in this department were last studied in FY 2019-20. A majority of these fees are recommended for only minor inflationary adjustments, typically amounting to $10 or less, to align the fees with the current cost of providing these services. Similar to the efforts detailed above related to Fire Prevention fees, there were administrative updates to clarify fees. For Fingerprinting and Citation Sign -off fees, staff is recommending the City recover less than 100% of the full cost of these services as reflected in Attachment D. There are several new fees proposed related to Animal Control as follows: 1. Adoption Fees — staff is proposing two new fees relating to the adoption of a senior dog and a senior cat at $70 each respectively. For purposes of the adoption fees, an animal is considered senior if the animal is over eight years old. Staff is recommending recovering less than 100% of the cost of this service as outlined in Attachment D to encourage adoptions of older animals. 2. Miscellaneous Animal Inspection Services — Court Ordered Inspections. Staff is proposing a new fee in this category to cover instances where inspections are court ordered. The proposed fee is $155 which is consistent with the existing fees in this category relating to animal inspection services. 3. Owner Turn -In Fee — Unaltered Animal. Staff is proposing this new fee at an amount of $200, which is double the Altered Animal Owner Turn -In Fee, as previously there was only one fee relating to animals that are turned into the shelter. However, animals that are unaltered require additional staff time and incur additional medical expense that has otherwise been subsidized by the City. It is staff's recommendation that the owner turning the animal in to the shelter should cover the costs of these expenses. 4. Declared Dangerous Animal Fee. Staff is proposing a new fee of $248 for the staff time to conduct inspections, evaluate and permit, and maintain the record related to animals that are declared dangerous. When a court declares an animal dangerous, staff must complete an initial inspection and follow up review. The proposed fee is in addition to the base animal license fee. 14-7 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 8 Other Updates Even when a department is not scheduled for a comprehensive fee study, occasionally, operations will change enough that the non -studied departments will request one or two fee study changes for consideration and adoption, or there are administrative updates to clarify fees (e.g., name changes, removing fees, recategorizing fees, etc.). The SRFF included with this report reflects administrative updates to fees in an effort to simplify the presentation of the fees as well as to ensure the SRFF correctly captures all fees related to current operations. As part of this study and in an effort to present a comprehensive and thorough update on the City's fees and current operations, staff considered the following additional updates outside of the departments scheduled to be studied. The Finance Department is proposing to pass through parking pay -by -cell fees. The City has offered the option to pay for parking by mobile phone for over 10 years, and absorbed the transaction fees to increase customer adoption rate. This method of payment has increased in popularity, and, in FY 2021-22, represented 34% of all parking transactions in the city. For this fiscal year, the adoption rate has increased to just over 40%. Most cities pass through the transaction fees to the customer. The transaction fees will range from 15 cents to 25 cents per transaction. If the customer does not choose to pay for parking by mobile phone, they can still pay through the pay station without a transaction fee. CPI Updates - The applicable rental fees within each studied department, as well as all applicable fees listed in the SRFF that are subject to CPI increases based on prior resolutions, are due to be increased by CPI effective July 1, 2023. The City's methodology in calculating the change in CPI is by using the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics March CPI of the prior year to the March CPI of the current year. The change in CPI for this period of time is 3.7%. Subsequent to July 1, 2022, and for the applicable cost -of -service fees within each of the studied departments as part of this fee update, fees will again be increased annually in future years by the percentage change in CPI. FISCAL IMPACT: The effective dates of these updates will be next fiscal year and described in Resolution No. 202330. Staff estimates that these fees, if approved by the City Council as recommended, will amount to approximately $620,000 in additional revenues to the General Fund. However, this projection does not account for any fees where volume statistics are unavailable. The City Council's policy of ensuring regular review of the City's cost -of -service fees and adequate cost recovery will continue to ensure adequate cost recovery from users of the City's fee -related services. This then facilitates the redirection of general tax revenue currently subsidizing fee -supported services to maintaining and enhancing non -fee supported services and programs. 14-8 Ordinance No. 2023-7 and Resolution No. 2023-30: Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fee Study Update, and Resolution No. 2023-31: Approval of Amending Paramedic Subscription Program Fees May 23, 2023 Page 9 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to Government Code Section 66018(a) (two publications with at least five days intervening between the two dates), Government Code Section 66016(a) (notice mailed at least 14 days prior to the meeting to any interested party who files a written request) (notice mailed to Building Industry Association of Southern California, Southern California Edison, and Southern California Gas Company on March 29, 2022), and the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Fiscal Year 2022-23 Studied Department Changes Attachment B —Resolution No. 2023-30 Attachment C —Ordinance No. 2023-7 Attachment D — Redline Amended Newport Beach Municipal Code Attachment E — Resolution No. 2023-31 14-9 Attachment A Fiscal Year 2022-23 Studied Department Changes 14-10 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Permit Issuance Fee 1 Permit Issuance Fee 2 Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit 3 Building Standards (SB 1473) Fee (Valuation) a) $1- $25,000 b) $25,001- $50,000 c) $50,001- $75,000 d) $75,001- $100,000 e) Each Add'I $25,000 or fraction thereof $39 $40 3% $12 $12 3% $1 $1 $2 $2 $3 $3 $4 $4 Add $1 Add $1 $1 97% 100% $0 97% 100% 4 General Plan Maintenance Fee - % of Building Permit Fee n/a 5% new fee new fee 0% 12% 5 Record Management Fee -Per Sheet $2 $2 3% $0 97% 100% 6 Strong Motion Instrumentation (SMI) Fee a) Category 1 Construction (1 to 3 Story Residential) Greater of $0.50 or Greater of $0.50 or valuation x .00013 valuation x .00013 b) Category 2 Construction (Over 3 story Residential and all Commercial) Greater of $0.50 or Greater of $0.50 or valuation x .00028 valuation x .00028 7 Building Waste Management Administration Fee $27 $28 3% $1 97% 100% Note 14-11 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES lescription Building Permit 8 Additions of Residential Garages/Carports a) Plan Review $423 $436 3% $13 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $674 $695 3% $21 97% 100% 9 Fences/Retaining Walls a) Plan Review Same As Plan Same As Plan 97% 100% Review Review b) Permit & Inspection Same As Building Same As Building 97% 100% Permit Fee Table Permit Fee Table 10 Fire Sprinkler/Alarms/Misc. a) Plan Review $226 $233 3% $7 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $274 $282 3% $8 97% 100% 11 Harbor Construction a) Plan Review $336 $346 3% $10 49% 50% b) Permit & Inspection $321 $331 3% $10 49% 50% 12 Patios/Decks/Trellis a) Plan Review $326 $336 3% $10 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $397 $409 3% $12 97% 100% 13 Pool/Spa a) Plan Review $404 $416 3% $12 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $449 $463 3% $14 97% 100% 14 Re -Roof a) Plan Review $174 $179 3% $5 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $358 $369 3% $11 97% 100% Note 14-12 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES 15 Solar a) Residential i) 15 kW or Less: a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection ii) More than 15 kW a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection i) First 15 kW ii) Each Additional kW b) Commercial i) 50 kW or Less: a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection ii) 50 kW to 250 kW a) Plan Review i) First 50 kW ii) Each Additional kW above 50 kW b) Permit & Inspection i) First 50 kW ii) Each Additional kW above 50 kW iii) More than 250 kW a) Plan Review i) First 250 kW ii) Each Additional kW above 250 kW b) Permit & Inspection i) First 250 kW ii) Each Additional kW above 250 kW $210 $210 0% $0 $240 $240 0% $0 $210 $210 0% $0 $240 $240 0% $0 $15 $15 0% $0 $460 $460 0% $0 $540 $540 0% $0 $460 $460 0% $0 $3.22 $3.22 0% $0 $540 $540 0% $0 $3.78 $3.78 0% $0 $1,103 $1,103 0% $0 $2.30 $2.30 0% $0 $1,297 $1,297 0% $0 $2.70 $2.70 0% $0 Note 14-13 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Note 16 Non -Residential, Residential Alterations, Misc. Fences/Retaining Walls a) Plan Review 87% of Building 87% of Building 97% 100% Permit Fee Permit Fee b) Permit & Inspection i) $1.00 To $2,000.00 $114 $118 3% $4 97% 100% ii) $2,001.00 To $25,000.00 $115 $119 3% $4 97% 100% iii) $25,001.00 To $50,000.00 $520 $536 3% $16 97% 100% iv) $50,001.00 To $100,000.00 $843 $869 3% $26 97% 100% v) $100,001.00 To $500,000.00 $1,289 $1,329 3% $40 97% 100% vi) $500,001.00 To $1,000,000.00 $3,949 $4,071 3% $122 97% 100% vii) $1,000,001.00 to $5,000,000.00 $6,932 $7,146 3% $214 97% 100% viii) Over $5,000,000 $22,769 $23,473 3% $704 97% 100% 17 One/Two Family Addition a) Plan Review i) 0-100 SF $867 $685 -21% ($182) 127% 100% ii) 101-250 SF $867 $891 3% $24 97% 100% iii) 251-500 SF $1,212 $1,233 2% $21 98% 100% iv) 501-1,000 SF $1,670 $1,713 3% $43 98% 100% v) 1,001-2,000 SF $2,471 $2,535 3% $64 97% 100% vi) 2,001-3,000 SF $3,701 $3,768 2% $67 98% 100% vii) 3,001+SF $4,608 $4,727 3% $119 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection i) 0-100 SF $871 $657 -25% ($214) 133% 100% ii) 101-250 SF $871 $876 1% $5 99% 100% iii) 251-500 SF $1,384 $1,424 3% $40 97% 100% iv) 501-1,000 SF $2,132 $2,190 3% $58 97% 100% v) 1,001-2,000 SF $3,166 $3,285 4% $119 96% 100% vi) 2,001-3,000 SF $4,516 $4,709 4% $193 96% 100% vii) 3,001+SF $5,775 $6,023 4% $248 96% 100% 14-14 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES 18 One/Two Family Structure a) Plan Review i) 0-2,500 SF ii) 2,501-3,500 SF iii) 3,501-4,500 SF iv) 4,501-5,500 SF v) 5,501+SF b) Permit & Inspection i) 0-2,500 SF ii) 2,501-3,500 SF iii) 3,501-4,500 SF iv) 4,501-5,500 SF v) 5,501+SF 19 One/Two Family Shoring a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection $3,424 $3,530 3% $106 97% 100% $3,893 $4,013 3% $120 97% 100% $5,035 $5,191 3% $156 97% 100% $6,169 $6,360 3% $191 97% 100% $7,347 $7,574 3% $227 97% 100% $3,803 $3,921 3% $118 97% 100% $5,414 $5,581 3% $167 97% 100% $6,014 $6,200 3% $186 97% 100% $6,995 $7,211 3% $216 97% 100% $9,547 $9,842 3% $295 97% 100% $1,036 $1,068 3% $32 97% 100% $621 $640 3% $19 97% 100% Note 14-15 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Electrical Permit Fees 20 Combination Electrical Permit a) Residential Construction b) Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story Electrical Permit Fees - Per Unit Fees 21 Residential Appliances For fixed residential appliances or receptacle outlets for same, including wall - mounted electric ovens; counter -mounted cooking tops; electric ranges; self- contained room, console or through -wall air conditions; space heater; food waste grinders; dishwashers; washing machines; water heaters; clothes dryers; or other motor -operated appliances not exceeding 1 horsepower (HP) (746W) in rating. 22 Non -Residential Appliances For nonresidential appliances and self-contained factory -wired, nonresidential appliances not exceeding 1 horsepower (HP), kilowatt (kW) or kilovolt -ampere (kVA) in rating, including medical and dental devices; food, beverage and ice cream cabinets; illuminated show cases; drinking fountains; vending machines; laundry machines; or other similar types of equipment. 23 Receptacle, Switch and Light Outlets a) Fee For Each Outlets, First 20 b) Fee For Each Outlets, After First 20 c) Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, First 20 d) Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, After First 20 24 Lighting Fixtures a) Fee For Each Lighting Fixtures, First 20 b) Fee For Each Lighting Fixture, After 20 c) Fee For Each Pole or Platform -Mounted Lighting Fixtures d) Fee For Each Theatrical -type Lighting Fixtures Or Assemblies 7% of Bldg Permit 7% of Bldg Permit 97% 100% Fee Fee 14% of Bldg Permit 14% of Bldg Permit 97% 100% Fee Fee $7 $7 3% $0 97% 100% $7 $7 3% $0 97% 100% $2 $2 3% $0 97% 100% $1 $1 3% $0 97% 100% $2 $2 3% $0 97% 100% $1 $1 3% $0 97% 100% $2 $2 3% $0 97% 100% $1 $1 3% $0 97% 100% $2 $2 3% $0 97% 100% $2 $2 3% $0 97% 100% Note 14-16 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES 25 Power Apparatus (each) a) Up to and including 1 b) Over 1 and Not Over 10 c) Over 10 and Not Over 50 d) Over 50 and Not Over 100 e) Over 100 26 Busways Each 100 ft. or Fraction Thereof For Trolley & Plug-in Type Additional Fees For Other Fixtures Connected To The Trolley 27 Signs, Outline Lighting and Marquees - Each Supplied from one branch circuit 28 Services (Service Change) a) 600 Volts or Less and Not Over 200 Amperes in Rating b) 600 Volts or Less and Over 200 Amperes to 1,000 Amperes c) Over 600 Volts or Over 1,000 Amperes in Rating 29 Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors For electrical apparatus, conduits and conductors for which a permit is required but for which no fee is herein set forth. Carnivals and Circuses 30 Special Event, Each Generator, Electrical 31 Special Event Lighting Temporary Power Service 32 Temporary Power Service 33 Fee For Each Temporary Service Pedestal 34 Fee For Each Temp. Distribution System, Lighting, Outlet, Decorative Site, Temp Receptacles, Switches And Lighting Outlets In Which Current Is Controlled (Except Services, Feeders, Meters) Electrical Plan Review 35 Electrical Plan Review $7 $7 3% $0 97% 100% $20 $21 3% $1 97% 100% $40 $41 3% $1 97% 100% $78 $80 3% $2 97% 100% $119 $123 3% $4 97% 100% $11 $11 3% $0 97% 100% $42 $43 3% $1 97% 100% $48 $49 3% $1 97% 100% $99 $102 3% $3 97% 100% $196 $202 3% $6 97% 100% $29 $30 3% $1 97% 100% $42 $43 3% $1 97% 100% $11 $11 3% $0 97% 100% $42 $43 3% $1 97% 100% $42 $43 3% $1 97% 100% $21 $22 3% $1 97% 100% 87% of Total 87% of Total Electrical Permit Electrical Permit 97% 100% Note 14-17 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Mechanical Permit Fees 36 Combination Mechanical Permit a) Residential Construction b) Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story Mechanical Permit Fee - Per Unit Fees 37 Furnaces a) For the installation or relocation of each forced -air or gravity -type furnace or i) Up to and including 100,000 Btu/h ii) Over 100,000 Btu/h b) Fee For Each Floor Furnace, Including Vent c) Fee For Each Suspended Heater, Recessed Wall Heater or Floor -Mounted Unit Heater 38 Appliance Vents Fee For Each Installation, Relocation, Replacement of Appliance Vent 39 Repairs or Additions Fee For Each Repair, Alteration of, or Addition to Heating / Cooling Appliances 40 Boilers, Compressors and Absorption Systems a) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor to and Including 3 HP b) Fee For Each Absorption System to and Including 100,000 Btu/h c) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 3 HP to and including 15 HP d) Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 100,000 Btu/h & including 500,000 Btu/h e) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 15 HP to and including 30 HP f) Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 500,000 Btu/h & including 1,000,000 Btu/h g) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 30 HP to and including 50 HP h) Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 1,000,000 Btu/h including 1,750,000 Btu/h i) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor over 50 HP j) Fee For Each Absorption System Over 1,750,000 Btu/h 41 Air Handlers a) Fee For Each Air handling Unit To & Including 10,000 Cu Ft/Min Including b) Fee For Each Air Handling Unit Over 10,000 cfm 4% of Bldg Permit 4% of Bldg Permit 97% 100% Fee Fee 11% of Bldg Permit 11% of Bldg Permit 97% 100% Fee Fee $22 $23 3% $1 97% 100% $26 $27 3% $1 97% 100% $22 $23 3% $1 97% 100% $22 $23 3% $1 97% 100% $11 $11 3% $0 97% 100% $22 $23 3% $1 97% 100% $22 $23 3% $1 97% 100% $22 $23 3% $1 97% 100% $40 $41 3% $1 97% 100% $40 $41 3% $1 97% 100% $55 $57 3% $2 97% 100% $55 $57 3% $2 97% 100% $82 $85 3% $3 97% 100% $82 $85 3% $3 97% 100% $139 $143 3% $4 97% 100% $139 $143 3% $4 97% 100% $15 $15 3% $0 97% 100% $26 $27 3% $1 97% 100% Note 14-18 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES 42 Evaporative Cooler Fee For Each Evaporative Cooler Other Than Portable Type Ventilation and Exhaust 43 Fee For Each Ventilation Fan Connected to a Single Duct 44 Fee For Each Ventilation System Not Connected to Any Other System 45 Fee For Each Hood Served by Mech Exhaust, Including Ducts Incinerators 46 Fee For Each Domestic Type Incinerator 47 Fee For Each Commercial or Industrial Type Incinerator Miscellaneous 48 For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by the Mechanical Code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for which other fee is listed in the table. Mechanical Plan Review 49 Mechanical Plan Review P I g I g I Current Cost I Proposed Yost I rent Fee Proposed Fee Fee Change % Fee Change $ Recover Recover Note $15 $15 3% $0 97% 100% $11 $11 3% $0 97% 100% $15 $15 3% $0 97% 100% $15 $15 3% $0 97% 100% $26 $27 3% $1 97% 100% $112 $115 3% $3 97% 100% $15 $15 3% $0 97% 100% 87% of Total 87% of Total 97% 100% Mechanical Permit Mechanical Permit Fee Fee 14-19 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Note Plumbing Permit Fees 50 Combination Plumbing Permit a) Residential Construction 9% of Bldg Permit 9% of Bldg Permit 100% Fee Fee b) Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story 9% of Bldg Permit 9% of Bldg Permit 100% Fee Fee Plumbing Permit Fees - Per Unit Fees 51 Fee For Each Plumbing Fixture, Trap, Set of Fixtures on One Trap $16 $16 3% $0 97% 100% 52 Fee For Each Building Sewer, Trailer Park Sewer $40 $41 3% $1 97% 100% 53 Fee Per Drain In Rainwater Systems $16 $16 3% $0 97% 100% 54 Fee For Each Cesspool $58 $60 3% $2 97% 100% 55 Fee For Each Private Sewage Disposal System $118 $122 3% $4 97% 100% 56 Fee For Each Industrial Waste Pretreatment Interceptor, Excepting Kitchen Type $31 $32 3% $1 97% 100% Grease Inter. Functioning As Fixture Traps 57 Fee For Each Water Piping, Water Treating Equipment $8 $8 3% $0 97% 100% 58 Fee For Each Drainage or Vent Piping Fixture $8 $8 3% $0 97% 100% 59 Fee For Each Lawn Sprinkler System on One Meter, Backflow Protection Dev. $23 $24 3% $1 97% 100% 60 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers a) 1 To 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers $18 $19 3% $1 97% 100% b) Each Additional, In Excess of Five $4 $4 3% $0 97% 100% 61 Backflow Protective Device a) 2 Inches & Smaller - Each $18 $19 3% $1 97% 100% b)Over 2Inches -Each $40 $41 3% $1 97% 100% 62 Gas Piping System a) One to Four Outlets $8 $8 3% $0 97% 100% b) Each Additional Outlet $2 $2 3% $0 97% 100% 63 Water Heater and/or Vent Permit - Each $32 $33 3% $1 97% 100% Plumbing Plan Review 64 Plumbing Plan Review 87%of Total 87%of Total 97% 100% Plumbing Permit Plumbing Permit Fee Fee 14-20 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Note Grading, Drainage, and Water Quality Management Grading 65 Grading Plan Review a) Grading Plan Review by City Staff 87% of Grading 87%of Grading 97% 100% Permit Fee Permit Fee b) Grading Plan Review of Complex Projects by Consultant 133% of Consultant 133% of Consultant 100% 100% Fee Fee 66 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater a) 0-200 Cubic Yards $992 $1,023 3% $31 97% 100% b) 201-300 Cubic Yards $1,017 $1,048 3% $31 97% 100% c) 301-400 Cubic Yards $1,041 $1,073 3% $32 97% 100% d) 401-500 Cubic Yards $1,067 $1,100 3% $33 97% 100% e) 501-600 Cubic Yards $1,114 $1,148 3% $34 97% 100% f) 601-700 Cubic Yards $1,161 $1,197 3% $36 97% 100% g) 701-800 Cubic Yards $1,211 $1,248 3% $37 97% 100% h) 801-900 Cubic Yards $1,258 $1,297 3% $39 97% 100% i) 901-1,000 Cubic Yards $1,306 $1,346 3% $40 97% 100% j) 1,001-10,000 Cubic Yards $1,311 $1,352 3% $41 97% 100% k) 10,001-100,000 Cubic Yards $5,418 $5,586 3% $168 97% 100% 1) 100,001 Cubic Yards or more $9,651 $9,949 3% $298 97% 100% 67 Grading Permit Fees (Based on Site Improvements) Same As Building Same As Building 97% 100% Curb & Gutter, Paving, Erosion Control Permit Fee Table Permit Fee Table 68 Grading Bond Fee $464 $478 3% $14 97% 100% Drainage 69 Alteration to Drainage a) Plan Review $203 $209 3% $6 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $242 $249 3% $7 97% 100% Water Quality Management 70 Water Quality Management - Commercial Projects a) Plan Review $281 $290 3% $9 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $357 $368 3% $11 97% 100% 71 Water Quality Management - Residential Projects a) Plan Review $195 $201 3% $6 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $289 $298 3% $9 97% 100% 14-21 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Note Other Accessibility Hardship 72 Accessibility Hardship $1,259 $1,298 3% $39 97% 100% 73 Appeals a) Appeals Board Hearing - Applicant Unsuccessful $1,715 $1,768 3% $53 49% 50% b) Appeals Board Hearing - Applicant Successful $0 $0 0% $0 0% 0% Certificates and Reports 74 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $236 $243 3% $7 97% 100% 75 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Renewable $125 $129 3% $4 97% 100% 76 Residential Building Report a) Residential Building Report- Any Occupancy Type $202 $208 3% $6 97% 100% b) Residential Building Report - Re -Inspection $134 $138 3% $4 97% 100% 77 Real Property Document Prep/Transfer/Assign/Ext $298 $307 3% $9 97% 100% Demolition 78 Demolition - Multi -Family Structure a) Plan Review $329 $339 3% $10 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $115 $119 3% $4 97% 100% 79 Demolition - One Family Structure a) Plan Review $329 $339 3% $10 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $138 $142 3% $4 97% 100% 80 Demolition - Other Than Structure a) Plan Review $334 $344 3% $10 97% 100% b) Permit & Inspection $125 $129 3% $4 97% 100% Duplicate Drawings 81 Authorization to duplicate record drawings $40 $41 3% $1 97% 100% 82 Extension: 3-Year Building Permit Extension a) Request to Building Official $208 $214 3% $6 97% 100% b) Request to Hearing Officer $1,379 $1,422 3% $43 97% 100% 14-22 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - BUILDING FEES Note 83 84 Flood Zone Determination Flood Zone Determination Special Inspector Licenses a) Original Licenses Each Test - Per Classification b) Renewal - Per Classification $117 $115 $56 $121 $119 $58 3% 3% 3% $4 $4 $2 97% 97% 97% 100% 100% 100% Other Inspections Fees 85 Off -Hours Inspection Request - Per Hour, 2 Hour Minimum $251 $259 3% $8 97% 100% 86 Other Inspections - PerHour $213 $220 3% $7 97% 100% Inspections Not Otherwise Specified / One Hour Minimum 87 Re -Inspection - Per Hour $213 $220 3% $7 97% 100% Assessed When Corrections Are Not Completed Other Plan Review Fees 88 Alternate Materials & Methods Each Item $297 $306 3% $9 97% 100% 89 Determination of Unreasonable Hardship $364 $375 3% $11 97% 100% 90 Disabled Access Compliance Review 0.1% of 0.1% of 97% 100% Construction Cost Construction Cost 91 Energy Compliance Review 0.07% of 0.07% of 97% 100% Construction Cost Construction Cost 92 Expedite Plan Review 1.75 X Regular Plan 1.75 X Regular Plan 97% 100% Review Fees, $453 Review Fees, $479 93 Plan Check / Permit Extension $69 $71 3% $2 97% 100% 94 Repetitive Plan Review 25% of Plan Review 25%of Plan Review 97% 100% Similar Units In Tracts Containing More Than 5 Units After Model When Full Fee Is Fee Fee 95 Plan Check Hourly Rate - Per Hour $266 $274 3% $8 97% 100% 14-23 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PLANNING FEES Charge Basis Amendment 1 Amendment - General Plan $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour (Deposit Account) 2 Amendment - Local Coastal Program $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour (Deposit Account) 3 Amendment - Planned Community $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour (Deposit Account) 4 Amendment - Zoning Code/Specific Plan $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour (Deposit Account) Appeal 5 Appeal to City Council a) Applicant Successful $1,715 $0 -100% ($1,715) 41% 0% Fixed Fee b) Applicant Unsuccessful $1,715 $2,116 23% $401 41% 50% Fixed Fee 6 Appeal to Planning Commission a) Applicant Successful $1,715 $0 -100% ($1,715) 41% 0% Fixed Fee b) Applicant Unsuccessful $1,715 $2,116 23% $401 41% 50% Fixed Fee 7 Appeal of Coastal Development Permit Application $0 $0 0% $0 0% 0% Fixed Fee Decision to Planning Commission 8 Appeal of Decision to Harbor Commission a) Applicant Successful $0 $0 0% $0 0% 0% Fixed Fee b) Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 $1,250 0% $0 70% 70% Fixed Fee 9 Appeal of Harbor Commission Decision to City Council a) Applicant Successful $0 $0 0% $0 0% 0% Fixed Fee b) Applicant Unsuccessful $940 $940 0% $0 61% 61% Fixed Fee Approval in Concept 10 Approval in Concept $934 $1,008 8% $74 93% 100% Fixed Fee Banner Permit 11 Banner Permit $59 $59 0% $0 100% 100% Fixed Fee Certificate of Compliance 12 Certificate of Compliance -Subdivision Code $373 $389 4% $16 96% 100% Fixed Fee 14-24 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PLANNING FEES Description Coastal Development Permit 13 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) - Stand Alone $2,407 $2,537 5% $130 95% 100% Fixed Fee 14 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) / Parcel Map $3,448 $3,559 3% $111 97% 100% Fixed Fee Bundle 15 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) - When hourly $968 varies varies 100% 100% Fixed Fee Reviewed In Conjunction with Another Planning Application 16 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -All Others $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour (Deposit Account) 17 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Waiver $1,219 $1,287 6% $68 95% 100% Fixed Fee Compliance Letters / Minor Records Research 18 Compliance Letters / Minor Records Research $398 $412 4% $14 97% 100% Fixed Fee Comprehensive Sign/ Heritage / Innovative Permit 19 Comprehensive Sign/ Heritage / Innovative Permit $2,011 $2,344 17% $333 86% 100% Fixed Fee Condominium Conversion Permit 20 Condominium Conversion Permit $1,382 $1,539 11% $157 90% 100% Fixed Fee Development Agreement / Plan 21 Development Agreement Adoption $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour (Deposit Account) 22 Development Agreement Annual Review $1,42S $1,560 9% $135 91% 100% Fixed Fee 23 Development Plan - Planned Community $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour (Deposit Account) Director / Staff Approval 24 Director / Staff Approval $1,002 $1,110 11% $108 90% 100% Fixed Fee Environmental Documents 25 Environmental Documents 110% of Consultant Consultant Cost + 0% $0 100% 100% Fixed Fee Cost 10% City Administrative Fee Extension of Time 26 Extension of Time - Subdivision Code $17S $206 18% $31 85% 100% Fixed Fee 27 Extension of Time - ZC (except Abatement Period) $17S $206 18% $31 85% 100% Fixed Fee 28 Extension of Time - Non -Conforming Abatement $712 $826 16% $114 86% 100% Fixed Fee Period Extension 14-25 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PLANNING FEES Description In-Lieu Parking 29 In -Lieu Parking $150 $150 Fixed Fee - Per Space Limited Term Permits 30 Limited Term Permit - Less than 90 days $663 $723 9% $60 92% 100% Fixed Fee 31 Limited Term Permit - More than 90 days $2,279 $2,434 7% $155 94% 100% Fixed Fee 32 Limited Term Permit - Seasonal Sale $315 $388 23% $73 81% 100% Fixed Fee Lot Line Adjustment / Lot Merger 33 Lot Line Adjustment $2,362 $2,434 3% $72 97% 100% Fixed Fee 34 Lot Merger $2,362 $2,434 3% $72 97% 100% Fixed Fee Modification Permit 35 Modification Permit $3,284 $3,383 3% $99 97% 100% Fixed Fee Operators License 36 Operators License Application $993 $1,000 1% $7 99% 100% Fixed Fee 37 Operators License Appeal $965 $1,000 4% $35 97% 100% Fixed Fee Planned Development Permit 38 Planned Development Permit $6,513 $6,962 7% $449 94% 100% Fixed Fee Preliminary Application for Residential Development 39 Preliminary Application for Residential Development $792 $1,490 88% $698 53% 100% Fixed Fee Public Noticing 40 Public Noticing $518 $538 4% $20 96% 100% Fixed Fee Reasonable Accommodation 41 Reasonable Accommodation $0 $0 0% $0 0% 0% Fixed Fee Site Development Review 42 Site Development Review - Planning Commission $5,892 $6,119 4% $227 96% 100% Fixed Fee 43 Site Development Review - Zoning Administrator $3,359 $3,550 6% $191 95% 100% Fixed Fee 14-26 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PLANNING FEES Note Subdivision / Mapping 44 Subdivisions - Parcel Map $2,347 $2,378 1% $31 99% 100% Fixed Fee 45 Subdivisions -Tentative Tract Map $5,798 $6,119 6% $321 95% 100% Fixed Fee 46 Subdivisions - Vesting Tentative Map $5,798 $6,119 6% $321 95% 100% Fixed Fee Transfer of Development Rights 47 Transfer of Development Rights $4,580 $5,030 10% $450 91% 100% Fixed Fee Use Permit 48 Use Permit (Conditional) - Planning Commission $5,954 $6,109 3% $155 97% 100% Fixed Fee 49 Use Permit (Minor) - Zoning Administrator $3,358 $3,416 2% $58 98% 100% Fixed Fee Variance 50 Variance $5,487 $5,603 2% $116 98% 100% Fixed Fee Zoning Plan Check 51 Zoning Plan Check (Non -Residential and Residential $212 $215 1% $3 99% 100% Per Hour Alterations) Litigation Defense 52 Litigation Defense 100% of Actual 100% Time & Materials Costs Hourly Billing Rate for Services Not Listed 53 Planning $271 $272 0% $1 100% 100% Per Hour 54 Consulting Support, Specialized Services, Peer 110% of Consultant Consultant Cost + 100% 100% Review, etc. Cost 10% City Administrative Fee 55 Fees/Costs Collected on Behalf of Other Agencies Pass -Through Pass -Through (e.g. LAFCO, Department of Fish & Wildlife, etc.) 14-27 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FIRE PREVENTION FEES 1 Closure Report Review 2 Fire, Life Safety Or Special Hazard Consultation 3 Pre -submittal Review Includes CEQA, EIR, and advanced planning requests 4 Reinspection or Special Inspection 5 Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request 6 Technical Assistance of Complex Fire Protection Systems Code Compliance Review - Plan Review and/or Inspection Services Fire Prevention - Fuel Modification New and/or Change to Existing Plan 7 Inspection 8 Plan Review/Update Fire Prevention - Inspection 9 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) < or equal to 3,000 square feet (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (5) occupancies when required) 10 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) > 3,000 < or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 11 All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 12 Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) 13 Educational other than day care 14 High -Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, or Laboratory ( L) (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review fee also required) 15 Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access 16 Misc. Inspection including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awnings I I I Current Cost I Proposed Cost I rent Fee Proposed Fee Fee Change % Fee Change $ Recovery Recovery Charge Basis Note $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% Per Hour; 1 Hour Min. $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% Per Hour; 1 Hour Min. $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% Per Hour; 1 Hour Min. $238 $240 1% $2 99% 100% $225 $235 4% $10 96% 100% 2 Hour Minimum; Hourly if contiguous to normal business hours. $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% Per Hour; 1 Hour Min. $138 $140 $143 $144 4% 3% $5 $4 96% 97% 100% 100% $338 $348 3% $10 97% 100% $438 $455 4% $17 96% 100% $637 $670 5% $33 95% 100% $463 $480 4% $17 96% 100% $463 $480 4% $17 96% 100% $537 $563 5% $26 95% 100% $1,664 $1,764 6% $100 94% 100% $225 $235 4% $10 96% 100% Per Hour; 1 Hour Min. 14-28 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FIRE PREVENTION FEES 17 Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Base Fee) 18 Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Per Unit, Per Building) 19 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7-19 clients 20 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving>19 clients 21 Commercial Battery: Inspection 22 Fire Lane Inspection (Fire Master Plan) 23 Fire Access Gates: Inspection 24 Tank Installation Or Removal: Inspection Above or Below Ground (Per Tank) 25 Defensible Space Inspection 26 Nuisance Abatement Service 'Weeds, Rubbish And Other Nuisance Fire Prevention - Inspection Fire Alarm Systems 27 Fire alarm system: Base Fee 28 Fire alarm system: Per Device 29 Fire alarm system: Per Story Greater than 2 stories (Includes Above and Below Ground Stories) Fire Prevention - Inspection Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems 30 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Base per head With 1 Riser 31 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) : each add'I head 32 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Each Additional Commercial Riser 33 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Per Story Greater than 2 stories (Includes Above and Below Ground Stories) 34 Fire pump installation 35 Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper switches 36 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R)(Base Fee) 37 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (per unit) $367 $366 0% ($1) 100% 100% $9 $11 19% $2 84% 100% $537 $563 5% $26 95% 100% $788 $828 5% $40 95% 100% $238 $240 1% $2 99% 100% $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% Per Hour; 1 Hour Min. $162 $161 0% 0) 100% 100% $438 $455 4% $17 96% 100% $225 $235 4% $10 96% 100% Per Hour $225 $235 4% $10 96% 100% Per Hour $238 $240 1% $2 99% 100% $3.25 $3.50 8% $0.25 91% 98% n/a - new $455 n/a - new 0% 100% $238 $240 1% $2 99% 100% $3.25 $3.50 8% $0.25 91% 98% $125 $133 6% $8 94% 100% n/a - new $455 n/a - new 0% 100% $438 $455 4% $17 96% 100% $288 $294 2% $6 98% 100% $238 $240 1% $2 99% 100% $3.25 $3.50 8% $0.25 91% 98% Note 14-29 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FIRE PREVENTION FEES �� 1 38 Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes $537 within a single building or boat dock 39 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: $188 base fee 40 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: $3.25 per head 41 Underground fire protection - New $438 42 Underground fire protection - Repair $338 $563 5% $26 95% 100% $186 -1% ($2) 101% 100% $3.50 8% $0.25 91% 98% $455 4% $17 96% 100% $348 3% $10 97% 100% Note Fire Prevention - Inspection Special Fire Protection Equipment 43 Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) $238 $240 1% $2 99% 100% 44 Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system $288 $294 2% $6 98% 100% 45 Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid $238 $240 1% $2 99% 100% system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) 46 Spray Booth, Spraying area $438 $455 4% $17 96% 100% Fire Prevention - Operational and Special Event Permits 47 Candle Permit Program First time and special event 48 Operational Permits Level 1- New or Renewal - Annual Cutting and welding carts, Dry cleaning plants —1 to 2 machines, Liquefied petroleum gases, and Tents 49 Operational Permits Level 2 - New or Renewal - Annual All other operations pursuant to CFC Section 105.6 50 Special Event Permits Single Event Permit 51 Special Event Permits Level III as defined by the Recreation Department 52 Special Event Permits Public Display - Fireworks - ground display only e.g. homecoming 5-10 minutes 53 Special Event Permits Public Display - Fireworks - aerial display> 10 minutes 54 Temporary Change Of Use Use Of Retail Occupancy as a place of assembly - Special Use 55 Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request Fire Prevention - Plan Review $57 $63 10% $6 91% 100% $236 $254 8% $18 93% 100% $445 $476 7% $31 93% 100% $193 $204 6% $11 94% 100% $225 $235 4% $10 96% 100% $377 $401 6% $24 94% 100% $985 $1,054 7% $69 93% 100% $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% $225 $235 4% $10 96% 100% Per Hour Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum; Hourly if contiguous to normal business hours. 14-30 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FIRE PREVENTION FEES 'DescriptionBasis 56 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) < or equal to 3000 square feet $545 $618 13% $73 88% 100% (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 2016 CBC 57 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) > 3,000 < or equal to 10,000 $713 $815 14% $102 87% 100% square feet aggregate (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 58 All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used $900 $1,024 14% $124 88% 100% for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 59 Daycare Educational (E) or Institutional Daycare (1-4) $443 $499 13% $56 89% 100% 60 Educational other than day care $545 $618 13% $73 88% 100% 61 High -Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, or Laboratory ( L) $1,537 $1,724 12% $187 89% 100% (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review fee also required) 62 Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from $3,561 $4,094 15% $533 87% 100% lowest point of fire department access 63 Misc. Plan Review including elevators, elevator lobbies, $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% Per Hour generators, canopies, awnings 64 Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, $242 $253 5% $11 96% 100% condominiums (Base Fee) 65 Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, $8 $10 23% $2 81% 100% condominiums (Per Unit, Per Building) 66 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living $910 $1,020 12% $110 89% 100% facilities and similar uses serving 7-19 clients 67 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living $1,537 $1,724 12% $187 89% 100% facilities and similar uses serving>19 clients 68 Commercial Battery: Plan Review $241 $262 9% $21 92% 100% 69 Fire Lane Plan Review (Fire Master Plan) $228 $235 3% $7 97% 100% Per Hour; 1 Hour Min. 70 Fire Access Gates: Plan Review $190 $203 7% $13 94% 100% 71 Tank Installation Or Removal: Plan Review $342 $381 11% $39 90% 100% Above or Below Ground (Per Tank) 72 Emergency Responder Communication Coverage 'A SeRdCP $427 $477 12% $50 89% 100% (^............:n-.tinn; Divigian n M. half of the City Police and [ 14-31 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FIRE PREVENTION FEES lescriptionI Fire Prevention - Plan Review Fire Alarm Systems 73 Fire alarm system: Base Fee $190 74 Fire alarm system: Per Device $2.50 Fire Prevention - Plan Review Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems 75 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Base Fee $190 76 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) : each add'I head $3.25 77 Fire pump installation $443 78 Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper $165 switches 79 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA $190 13R)(Base Fee) 80 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA $3.25 13R) (per unit) 81 Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes $443 within a single building or boat dock 82 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: $140 base fee 83 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: $2.50 per head 84 Underground fire protection - New $376 85 Underground fire protection - Repair $190 $203 7% $13 94% 100% $3.00 20% $0.50 79% 95% $203 7% $13 94% 100% $3.75 15% $0.50 82% 95% $499 13% $56 89% 100% $178 8% $13 93% 100% $203 7% $13 94% 100% $3.75 15% $0.50 82% 95% $499 13% $56 89% 100% $144 3% $4 97% 100% $2.75 10% $0.25 84% 93% $420 12% $44 89% 100% $203 7% $13 94% 100% Note 14-32 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FIRE PREVENTION FEES Fire Prevention - Plan Review Special Fire Protection Equipment 86 Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) $140 87 Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system $545 88 Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid $292 system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) 89 Spray Booth, Spraying area $545 $144 3% $4 97% 100% $618 13% $73 88% 100% $321 10% $29 91% 100% $618 13% $73 88% 100% Note Fire Prevention - Staff 90 Life Safety Specialist II $199 $235 18% $36 85% 100% 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour 91 Life Safety Specialist III $202 $235 16% $33 86% 100% 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour Fire Prevention - State Mandated Inspections 92 Care Facilities $226 $240 6% $14 94% 100% 7-99 clients as defined in the California Building Code 93 Care Facilities $442 $473 7% $31 93% 100% > 99 clients as defined in the California Building Code 94 Commercial Day Care Facilities $260 $276 6% $16 94% 100% 95 High Rise Buildings $1,302 $1,333 2% $31 98% 100% 96 Hospitals $8,316 $8,952 8% $635 93% 100% 200 Or More Beds 97 Hotels/Motels $260 $276 6% $16 94% 100% 50 - 299 Rooms 98 Hotels/Motels $442 $473 7% $31 93% 100% 300 Or More Rooms 99 Residential Care Facility Pre -License Inspection $312 $323 3% $11 97% 100% California Health and Safety Code Section 13235 100 State Fire Clearance $111 $115 3% $4 97% 100% Requests for commercial occupancies, Clinics, Offices, and Treatment Facilities 101 Surgery Centers $476 $509 7% $33 94% 100% Annual Fee Annual Fee Annual Fee Annual Fee Annual Fee Annual Fee Annual Fee Annual Fee 14-33 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FIRE EMS FEES Fire Operations and EMS Staff 1 Fire Captain Unit (one person) $391 100% 2 Battalion Chief Unit (one person) $504 $521 3% $17 97% 100% 3 Paramedic Unit (two persons) $710 $716 1% $6 99% 100% 4 Fire Engine (three persons) $1,000 $1,020 2% $20 98% 100% 5 Fire Truck (four persons) $1,276 $1,316 3% $40 97% 100% 6 Firefighter (per person) $275 $296 8% $21 93% 100% 7 Paramedic Assessment Unit (PAU) Engine $1,080 $1,087 1% $7 99% 100% per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute increment; 1-hour minimum per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute increment; 1-hour minimum per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute increment; 1-hour minimum per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute increment; 1-hour minimum per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute increment; 1-hour minimum per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute increment; 1-hour minimum per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute increment; 1-hour minimum Note ALS / BLS Response 1 Advanced Life Support (ALS) $1,364 $1,392 2% $28 98% 100% per transport 2 Basic Life Support (BLS) $1,358 $1,392 2% $34 98% 100% per transport 3 Emergency Ambulance Transportation $512 $524 2% $12 98% 100% per transport 4 Advanced Life Support Non -Transport $400 $400 0% $0 30% 30% per response 5 Basic Life Support Non -Transport $400 $400 0% $0 30% 30% per response 6 Emergency Ambulance Transportation $9 $10 11% $1 90% 100% per mile Mileage Charge 7 ALS First Responder Fee $400 $400 0% $0 43% 43% per response 8 BLS First Responder Fee $400 $400 0% $0 43% 43% per response 9 Paramedic Subscription Service - Annual $60 $84 40% $24 varies varies per year [a] Fee - Resident 10 Paramedic Subscription Service - $60 $84 40% $24 varies varies per year [a] Business+ 10 owners and employees 11 Paramedic Subscription Service - $25 $25 0% $0 varies varies per year Business, each additional 10 owners and employees (maximum 150) [a] Proposed fee effective January 1, 2024. 14-34 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - POLICE FEES • . . Charge Basis Subpoena Fees 1 Civil Subpoena a) All Staff Except Sworn Officers and Firefighters $275 $275 0% $0 Per Day, Per Employee [a] b) Sworn Officers and Firefighters $275 $275 0% $0 Per Day, Per Employee [b] 2 Subpoena DucesTecum a) Labor Fee $6 $6 0% $0 per 15-minute increment [c] b) Per Page Fee i) Standard Size $0.10 $0.10 0% $0 Per Page [c] ii) Microfilm $0.20 $0.20 0% $0 Per Page [c] iii) Oversized / Non-standard Actual Cost Actual Cost Per Page [c] Concealed Weapon Permit 3 Concealed Weapon Permit a) New $363 $374 3% $11 per permit application [d] b) Renewal $25 $25 0% $0 per permit application [d] Disturbance Advisory Card / Response 4 Disturbance Advisory Card / Response $132 $143 8% $11 93% 100% Each Permit Review 5 Massage Permit - Operator $391 $412 5% $21 95% 100% Per Permit Application 6 Second Hand Dealer a) Second Hand Dealer Permit i) Initial $326 $341 4% $15 96% 100% Per Permit Application ii) Renewal $307 $312 1% $5 99% 100% Per Permit Application b) Second Hand / Pawn Dealer Tag Check No Charge No Charge 0% $0 0% 0% Per Check 7 Solicitor Application - Per Name $23 $42 0% $0 54% 100% Per Application, Per Name Emergency Response Billing 8 Emergency Response Billing Bill Hourly; per Bill Hourly; per 100% 100% Per Hour; Per Employee [e] employee employee 14-35 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - POLICE FEES - . . Charge Basis Motorized Scooter Penalty 9 Motorized Scooter Penalty $200 $200 0% $0 Each Towing and Vehicle Release / Repossession Fees 10 fane 's^ Tow Fee / Vehicle Release Fee 93% 100% a) Tow Operator Fee $55 $55 0% $0 Each b) Customer Fee $97 $110 13% $13 Each c) Vehicle Release Fee $19 $20 5% $1 Each 11 Vehicle Repossession $15 $15 0% $0 Each IfJ Registrant Fees 12 Registrant Fees a) Registrant - Narcotics No Charge No Charge 0% $0 0% 0% Each b) Registrant - Sex No Charge No Charge 0% $0 0% 0% Each Reports / Records / Recordings 13 Reports / Records / Recordings a) Arrest Reports $3 $3 0% $0 Per Report b) Crime Reports $3 $3 0% $0 Per Report c) Domestic Violence Reports No Charge No Charge 0% $0 0% 0% Per Report d) Missing Persons Report $3 $3 0% $0 100% Per Report e) Traffic Collision Reports $3 $3 0% $0 0% Per Report f) Audio Cassette i) Dispatch $96 $99 3% $3 97% 100% Per Request ii) Evidence $82 $85 3% $3 97% 100% Per Request g) Photographs - Digital $38 $42 11% $4 90% 100% Per Request h) Video $165 $169 2% $4 98% 100% Per Request 14-36 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - POLICE FEES 0 • . . Charge Basis Alarm Fees 14 Alarm Application a) Initial $58 $60 3% $2 Per Application b) Renewal i)Renewal-Commercial $35 $36 3% $1 Per Year ii) Renewal - Residential $35 $36 3% $1 Every Three Years (Triennial) 15 Alarm -Monitor Fee $208 $214 3% $6 Per Alarm System 16 Alarm -Monitoring Decal (10 Decal Package) $6 $6 3% $0 Per Package 17 Alarm -Monitoring Sign $10 $10 3% $0 Per Sign 18 False Alarm - Billable a) First and Second Response No Charge No Charge b)Third Response $50 $50 c) Fourth Response $100 $100 d) Fifth Response $125 $125 e) Each Additional Response Prior Violation + Prior Violation + $25 $25 Fingerprinting Fees 19 Fingerprinting Fees $19 $25 32% $6 45% 59% Per Request Clearance Letter 20 Clearance Letter $6 $6 0% $0 Per Request Citation Sign -Off 21 Citation Sign -Off $6 $10 67% $4 21% 36% Per Citation Bicycle License 22 Bicycle License No Charge No Charge 0% $0 Per Request [a] California Govt. Code 68096.1 [b] California Govt. Code 68097.26; AB2612 [c] California Evidence Code 1563 [d] California Penal Code 26190 [e] California Govt. Code 53150 [f] California Govt. Code 41612 14-37 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - ANIMAL CONTROL FEES '. ADOPTION FEES 1 Adoption Fee Current cost Proposed cost a) Cat recovery for animal recovery for animal i) Senior Cat - Animal Over 8 Years Old $90 $70 -22% ($20) regulation services is regulation services is per animal 17% 18% ii) Cat - All Others $90 $90 0% $0 y per animal b) Dog i) Senior Dog - Animal Over 8 Years Old $150 $70 -53% ($80) per animal ii) Dog - All Others $150 $150 0% $0 per animal c) Kitten $110 $110 0% $0 per animal d) Puppy $225 $225 0% $0 per animal e) Small Animal $45 $45 0% $0 per animal BOARDING FEES 2 Boarding Fee a) Animal Boarding - Per Day $25 $25 0% $0 per day [a] b) Small Animal Boarding - Per Day $10 $10 0% $0 per day [a] IMPOUND FEES 3 Impound Fee a) Impound Fee (Dogs, Cats, Other Similar Size $55 $62 13% $7 each b) Impound Fine for Nonspayed or Unneutered i) First Impound $35 $35 0% $0 each [b] ii) Second Impound $50 $50 0% $0 each [b] iii) Third Impound and Subsequent Impounds $100 $100 0% $0 each [b] KENNEL LICENSE 4 Kennel License a) 10 - 29 Animals $211 $217 3% $6 each b) 30 - 59 Animals $253 $279 10% $26 each 14-38 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - ANIMAL CONTROL FEES Note MISCELLANEOUS ANIMAL INSPECTION SERVICES 5 Miscellaneous Animal Inspection Services a) Pot Bellied Pig $141 $155 10% $14 each b) Wild Animal Permits $141 $155 10% $14 each c) Court Ordered Inspection n/a - new $155 n/a - new n/a - new each OWNER TURN -IN FEE 6 Owner Turn -In Fee a) Altered Animal $100 $100 0% $0 each b) Unaltered Animal $100 $200 100% $100 each DECLARED DANGEROUS ANIMAL FEE 7 Declared Dangerous Animal Fee n/a - new $248 n/a - new n/a - new per year (In addition to base animal license fee) ANIMAL LICENSE LATE PAYMENT FEE 8 Animal License Late Charge $3 $5 100% $3 each [a] Boarding fees also apply for animals impounded for quarantine. [b] Food and Agriculture Code Sections 30804.7 and 31751.7. These amounts are in addition to impound fees. 14-39 ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 2023-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AND REVISING CERTAIN FEES WITHIN THE SCHEDULE OF RENTS, FINES, AND FEES (SRFF) WHEREAS, Section 3.36.010 (Findings) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") provides that services and programs that primarily benefit a person requesting the service are traditionally funded in whole, or in part, from fees charged to the person requesting the service; WHEREAS, Subsection (A) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC provides that the cost recovery percentage appropriate for each user service shall be one hundred percent (100%), unless the amount is modified by Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC; WHEREAS, Subsection (B) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC provides that the City Council shall establish, by resolution, the actual fee or charge for each user service based upon the actual cost of providing the user service; WHEREAS, Subsection (C) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC provides that the City Council may, by resolution, modify the amount of fee or charge upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more cost factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing the service; WHEREAS, Subsection (C) of Section 3.36.010 (Findings) of the NBMC provides that to ensure fees charged for services are an accurate reflection of costs, the City should conduct a fee study at least once every five years; WHEREAS, in 2022, the City retained Clearsource Financial Consulting ("Consultant") to prepare the cost allocation plan and cost -of -services studies for the City on a rotating basis by department; WHEREAS, the Consultant prepared cost -of -service studies for the Community Development Department, the Fire Department, and the Police Department ("Cost Studies"); WHEREAS, statutory fees are mandated or capped by another authority, such as the state; 14-40 Resolution No. 2023- Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 2021-21, a fee or charge may be automatically adjusted for changes in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") for only three (3) consecutive years and shall not thereafter be adjusted for CPI until a cost study is conducted for that fee or charge, with the exception of rental rates which shall be subject to annual CPI adjustment unless modified by a separate resolution; WHEREAS, contemporaneous with this resolution, Ordinance No. 2023- was introduced to amend Exhibit A of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC to update the modification percentage for user services ("Cost Recovery Ordinance"); and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt and revise the fees and charges for those user services identified in the Cost Studies to reflect the decreases and increases set forth therein. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The City Council does hereby revise the Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees ("SRFF"), in part, as set forth in Exhibit 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which shall become effective July 1, 2023, with the following exceptions: (a) fees and charges affected by the Cost Recovery Ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) calendar days after the adoption of that ordinance, (b) development - related fees and charges shall be effective sixty (60) calendar days after the adoption of this resolution unless such fees and charges are affected by the Cost Recovery Ordinance, in which case they shall be effective sixty (60) calendar days after the adoption of that ordinance, and (c) the Paramedic Subscription Fee shall be effective January 1, 2024. Except where prohibited by law, all cost -of -service fees of five dollars or more shall be rounded down to the nearest dollar and cost -of -service fees less than five dollars shall be rounded down to the nearest quarter, except Library Department per copy fees shall be rounded down to the nearest nickel. Fees and charges for Electric Vehicle ("EV") chargers per kWh and the EV Overstay Charge shall not be rounded. Except as explicitly revised by Exhibit 1, all other provisions of the SRFF shall continue in full force and effect. Section 2: Direct pass through, actual, and statutory fees in the SRFF may be updated by the Finance Director as necessary to ensure recovery of all cost, without further action by the City Council. Section 3: The City Council hereby reaffirms all CPI adjustments to the SRFF j in accordance with Resolution No. 2021-21 that occurred prior to the adoption of this resolution. i i 14-41. Resolution No. 2023- Page 3 of 4 Section 4: The first annual automatic CPI adjustment, in accordance with Resolution No. 2021-21, to rental rates, fees and charges adopted by this resolution that are subject to adjustment, as set forth in Exhibit 1, shall occur on July 1, 2024. Section 5: Any portion of any prior resolution, the SRFF, or Master Fee Schedule that conflicts with this resolution is hereby repealed and of no further force or effect. Section 6: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 7: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 8: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Resolution No. 2023- Page 4 of 4 Section S: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 23th day of May, 2023. ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE �1� C.-:. ar n C. Harp City Attorney Attachment: Exhibit 1 — 2023 Update to SRFF Noah Blom Mayor 14-43 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees �SRFF� - Detailed Current a2rps Proposed C7laree5 Round.d do W n l I - ®Cnlleu f w.l SERVICE NAM{ 13MRIgF1pN T"W er pm I" kkwmulyf-]R appitnyfa} Tout or 8lfe Fa aluenurrrlal-]d ap Wk.M.) tateltt ene I" Mer4m.npl•]a appllrabk] iota! w Use Fee rncremrnral-]:I spgka62e] CPI empkmen r pate •[ en ALL GEPA"MEWn -B' Sire Vlaa Map Busk notes see note; 0711tiI [Qlb 'eSire Cokx notes see notes No 07126/20I6 'D- Lre M1ltas Shceur Mav+ see men Hu Lr7 20F6 .L. Lae M see nixes Ho 0712612D16 8 S'a li' U." add Whne Copy Per Pa 1+i;i $ 0.03 $ 003 5 00a No No D41 ZDxI OV/ 2021 55'a fi"Cola il- Pag. 0.07 405 An Kanl UEoMCe,sfW for uh'or nor tomf" herrm ettludes a als to hoesF see notes, min No 07101M.12 Appeals - ApAlK !. 54c 14 For W[ M rot rhed h-in extiudn appeals to Finn) s$e espies notes re0 0] 1 21D22 Art. Bucks see na1rP min een 07 t016 COIL ct n Costs Corm ind gmt es la CP1ll i­ of IN lmquent Fen spe notes ace na[es No 071d6/Z1)36 G eErt Gvd Fen on cb., .a,n excess of $20,000 TBD TW No 07101RQ20 Yendgr Traresaelron leefoe Online P t V'r,c M Pau- h Nu 071p1 ]D23 D01 Fee lox F[ rprmt Prorus$ Frpcefyn Char see notes No 0712612016 I]VLVCO Per usk 0 .To S D-d9 S u 49 ran 071M/1016 FL" Dv, Y Per 6-00 5 6.00 No 0710112021 Lolbtrost lkotistratW acu notes a notes No 07 11021 Notary fee Per Sig -tar. 15.D0 S 15.00 5 18 36 No 07JOI12022 Q-4, copy 5m'­ see onto sir nPrrs r4o 07121512016 PMaq and [nlerrit If Fees Ior se 'r am esµ "Ct Wt'en Our, lien in addNan to the leer foe srrYFpli a kste payment prnahy in the amoum en [a ten o 'car [ {10'Al of lK Imald amounl shall>x see apes lee rwl[S No D] 2W Z016 Puhbc Rreprd R4kigesti ` WK Recardi AS1 ReTli x rlolm see lips" NO D712512016 Records or [pinpu[cr OYO CDIF1.Ah Drrw P.blK Re Clh net Re is see Mtft s!e note, Nn IW74120jia Retnrn Chnk Fee Fxm Reeuned Check WnNm One Year Perwd 25.00 $ 05.00 No 07/M12016 Rubin Check fee Second And 5uGse"m ik t. d [hrcl-. Nh[!un f)n rrar Perad 35.00 5 3500 He 0217612016 Sr4nMd Copy P_ Par 001 $ 0.03 5 002 feu 04/7011rFil 11- Sr a rwt olbe­ derdlfied herein Ful hourly and hwden rare of oer rlga- Ire shag nut r.ceed the 3a 1 can me cared ue ew[4$ see notes No 0710112022 CUMMIiHRy DMLOPMENT- 8[IILINK Fees 1NIh'VeS� Gnder CPT wrarm iiwmtsed 8y CPr, unless Administration ArrnssihiM Nar�M Beard Raiff iu anon ].759W $ 1, 2911.00 3900 S 1,79a.p0 Yn 07I0112022 A ats Boerd fleann - A am 1lnux OLH f nos .lee im Appeal 1.715 A0 $ 1 768.00 53-00 $ 3536.00 No D7I01/2D22 als Ebard Nparr m 5lKx Lfl idrn Sec ror R al $ - S 3,536.00No ❑i10112622 Autha�la[wn w d fear. record draws s 401W 5 41.00 1-00 S 41.00Yes 0710l12027 Oralo,n Staaaards f5B 1473 F I VatW[wnl $1 52S.Wi I'm S 1.00 1-00 1.00Na 0110112023 Buldin Standard$ 661a73 fee alwlwnl S25,001 •sso.ow 200 S 2.D0 2.00 5 2.00No OW01 2023 Baldn 6tandards SO y473 Fee alualwnl 550-001 $75,000 3.00 S 3.00 300 $ 3.00No 0710112Q23 13. n SNrldards ]SB 1{73 fee aluappnl 515,{gl 51110 a 00 $ 4.00 400 $ 4.00He, 07101 2023 9wl�n Standards 58 1{73] Fee alwlion a Eadu Apd1525 ,, erar[wn [h4reer add $1 Add$1 AId SI Add 1No 07101/2023 Flood one Oelrn+ri�pwn Wntten Deleeminat- Y17.00 5 111..90 400 $ 1E.Nre, 07/01/2022 General Ran mweDllr I", xof gWldl Per t Fee S% MR- Nv 07 OW2023 Modlfr m To kill Material" Methph f Me, Rem Tetemplr wnn5ect.pn FOS a 1060E inn undprm Admadetratna Cod! 297.00 S 306.00 9.00 s moo 071u1/2022 Reel Pr r Zer t Pre ansier EKL 241r.00 S 307 D0 9 m 5 307 C0 vr. 07NIINII Rxoea Mar .Mein Pee Sheet Cif Ora Z.DD S 2 DID 5 200 Yn D7/Dl/2022 S !al ens fvr laeen.e4 RMemA Per cl, ss iration 56.00 5 50.00 i.m $ 5800 yes n710i 2072 S cal ens a Or N1 Lkmsn laeh Fe$t Per CFaS all Zion 115.00 5 F 19 % A 00 5 119 00 Ye$ 07 1 2011 3•Year BWld Permit E Kt- -First Regte41 for e.Wnsion I. 8L.1dng ON.W 208,00 5 7l4-W ti.00 5 2140u Yn 07101J202a 3 Tear 6ydpi Pain[ Erlmslan Suhu urnl P ues[s fteq� for l.Wnslon to Hearmp Olf-, rev"m Ksl1k now.. 1.37900 5 1,422.00 43 110 5 1,422.00 Fes D7 12022 Cxrmfe. and R4 5 P0-w bk T-isora Cemli-k-1 Ore putlkl Or t4mperrarr 011-a 11 A --I Prwr To Final11, rkkxwlce Fee 125.00 $ kjD.l1D A ip S 179.PP Tn 02 V20Z2 14-44 d5 db 47 dil 49 50 51 52 51 54 SS 56 51 58 59 W 61 s2 53 W 65 S6 $7 5B S9 7Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 T7 i9 79 80 B1 82 83 84 City of Newporr. Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees ISRFFI - Detailed Current Charges Proposed Charges $arm NAME BEyGL11t1Gr1 T w Sue For Inarffrefrtal • VC appBuLle) ioetla /ue FM kspress enial • [if App8-loll lord a lase Fre In[rrmrntal • {X apocatflr) TOW or Base Fee Irf[rrnM4lr -(8 aygkaBMl cm krOWN to Ion two R4srdenl alHnl ReperF MW 0[[ 1vW lu! W $ W9.00 Readen[tal lurid, Report Rc•I non IS, U0 $ 138.00 400, 5 Teri . C.rinf[ate nr O[[upary P n..l Or Tan oj O¢ anc R al P,- To Final '6 00 $ 24390 you 5 74.3,00 Te5 0710112022 lu CM H.- In �tson Rr Per Horn, 2 H.. Minimum 0 1 5A, :S] 00 $ 25900 BOO 5 2513.00 Yes. 07 112022 otI d- Per How tit%twit. NM 011,, w e 5PruffedI Onr Mow MIM- 21300 $ 220.00 700 s 220-00 Ta 07 ll2022 Re-lntpeetinn Pit How Ayr..ssed When CCrre[itofrs Are lid C- iM I13 00 S 120.00 700 5 220.d1 Tes 07JUV2022 Per"M F44F Atlde[Ws Of Re 6entidl 14351 Permit & i .On 674110 $ 69S.011 21m 5 695.00 Yes 07102022 eudd R Permit INon•Resfd.nl kl, Les denial Alters ivm, Nksc. Fencesf8ela9r Wa1&1 $L 0o To 57,000A0 11400 $ 11800 A00 s 11753 Well, 9710Wk72 B,.aaelsv P. .I�'Resfder". Res denial 4d[erations, K. FentrLlRetaW� W,XLsI $20, 00 to s25,000.80 115.00 17.00 5 119.00 5 L8.15 11.00 1.15 5 118.56 5 18.15 VC 07101/2022 BuYrMtg PnmiT INon Resldennal, M&W,om, Ms.. FeriveslRelaurl Wags $25.00100 To 550,00000 SI0 no 1200 S 536.00 S 13.3I 16.00 L37 6 531i.08 S 13.32 Tes 071OV2022 Bwldtna PMmk jNorn ResyMtlal, Resident lal ARer atiyns, Mr Frrite e= Wash 550,QM 0o Su $1oop00.W MIA] am 5 MOB S 8-20 2G00 L.20 S KA.07 $ 920 yes 0710112n22 Bui+r6ng PermH lHon R-4knlial, Residential Alweiry s• Mist Fen-mel-ingwallil S t00,00100 To 55W.00000 1.289.00 S00 S 1.329.00 S 5166 40.00 0.86 s 1,Izii-V S 5.6h We, ❑710112022 8uddfng POfnaT jto R.,Wcnhal, R.s[d.nttal Mermi its, M.-WailsM.- Wailsi 5SM001 xi To $L,0f81,000m 3,945.00 5.00 $ 4,071.00 $ GAS 122.00 1.15 S 4.073.13 S GAS Yes 0710112022 BWApA PnmM1 EHpp Re.Mrnlrel. R-1,11 al Aft- , Ms. Fenunl8et.'rin Wrflsl St,00W,001.00 To S5.000,00000 6.932.f10 3.75 $ 2146vu S a0e 214M 0.11 5 7,14619 5 4.00 yes 02/01/2022 8wlbng PermM1 I".- Resfdenlfal, 1-1,nlvl Astv.iom, Mess. ienceVitnf_ Walls] 11-55,000,000 22,769.00 3.75 $ 23,473.00 $ 4.08 7040o 0.33 S 23.47320 S 408 Yes 07 1170I7 [pmsenalton t earfcal Permit Resrd.ntal Cons1FWlW 7%o7 BI Perrin Fee 7%0l Penn" ter 7%pf BI PerrmM1 F No 07/0ll2012 coints-lion LN.Ntrroar is } t Nnn Restd.9tud Coe orison, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs vier 2 %t 14%Of NdIL Perms Fee 14%d PermR Fee 14%sA P-n F %v 01JOV2022 epmpinalfpn Methanfry Perfwt Reuderil.pr mtru 4%of 81 P.F[nll Fee 4%vl li Fee ►%oi Peni-Pi Fe Np 0710117027 Cvmbnatimf Median" Per...l ripe-RCAdMtw1 G Wrurtsl n Betels & Apart"M Sloss OVer I st 11%of Bidig Perrin Fee im 01 [R permit F" 11%d Sft Permit F No Q21o3l20$2 0ominna1lon PP-b,4 PVMiT Restdeniial [efutrue0m 9%n1 Will Pe-l' Fee 4%01 Uda Permit Fee 9%elf Bldg Pnma Fm Me 0710112022 Cpmhenalfon ps pnmk N4e•RelydnHial CwMIlWsoi,, fsolelk & AparrnbOT Bldgs pyre I st 9%of Bldg Perrin Fee 9%0l Prfintt Frr 9%0H Bids Pvifflit f No 07 t12022 DnffvFftfms: MWlHFamli Slructue 646/6471 Permit&1 t,on 11500 $ 11900 4on S it900 we, 07Iot120I2 Dons.1RgrSf'OnrymX 5[fuLlwY 545 PermR&I. Qn 138.00 s $4700 400 5 14200 Tit 11 111022 E olio Other Th4n StryYrte 91 Perrin 81 n 115 W 5 129.00 4.00 5 1M 00 T. 0710112022 Marie a Pclnn�:1 fit Aheration m M Inspe[bop a Dra kem 242.00 5 249.00 700 $ I49.00 1. 07/01/2022 L lecvical ll nil Permit Fee Fee Far Fach pAlets, Frst 70 7.00 S 7.00 S 2.06 Ye 0710112027 EL.clr-cal unit Permit Fee F- F. r Exh nottoTl• Afle Fits. 20 LOU S 1.00 S 1.03 1 Yet 07/01 ;zon Ekeeln[a1 Unit Perini[ Per tee Fa Fath ti F..l foO 20 2.00 5 2.00 5 2.06 Yes lr v;wl Eksir [aI unit Perm'T Fee Fee Fa Each Mi F•.Wie, 4ker 70 LOD S t.00 5 1.03 Te Q7/f11121122 tee P. I POner APpaFalle, Rating In nprtePpTr.r- h,Wiv tll. tXOVCk a klWyvll _eactl_ ll IC and iotly 1 7.00 S 7.00 S },00 yes 0710112022 fee tw Eath Power P4s jratrs,, Rating in bw,el-er. Wlowatls, kil-tt amp"". klbmy l rdH•r4x : Over I and Not firer W 20.00 $ 21.00 1.00 $ 21.00 yes 07/0112022 Fer For Earh Pwvav APparatuy Ra[iM in hnryrpower. krinryatH. kvkryotr am ,a kik7ynlFa rexliv.: Over t0.1 N. Oyer 5[1 4p 110 $ 41.Lq 1 00 $ 41.00 Tit 071OV2022 lle Fp. Eath Power Appuatps, R ,n hw,opew•.r, ktlew4tts, kd[neMt am Fnt. W k+koyrit•a •reetlrrP: Qei 50a0d Not Over ion 78m $ 50.0 2.00 $ 00.01], Yes 0710112022 Fee For Each Power Apparatfq Ratln4 in hor parer, kilo ntlt, klk�,A- arnpores, or HroaW[-arrfPeres reactive Oser too 119.00 S 1I1,00 400 S L23.00 Yes 07 112022 Fee Pot EK1, Power App-Uw, Rating to hoeuwon.r, kilnnatM bkoyok rf of k�kvoltu oYreaet[re Fee Fa Each 100 Feel Or Fraclfpn Thereof Or Sus ways, F. Trolley A Plug fn Type 13 ways. NW.- Additsonal Fees For Other Fit-C Red Ili The Teel* 1100 5 it-W 5 Tim yet 071tkt17022 Fe9 For Ea[h Porrn Apparat a, paling m Mrsepoyxr, Wlvn iTts, kAh-Pt Xri r u Wlorok amperes rextrvx: Fe4 For Exh Sint. Otftbrve Ughsbig and MxF er suppked from nit. march ortlR 42 W 5 43.00 100 5 d) 00 Yes 07/0112022 Fm IW Ed<h Power AWarnl N. R4Nng N ktOfl.pOwer, kFlPwat[f, kflereLt -P.Hr$.a 6WW-.rnperra•Fe4t ": 600 Volts Or Less and Net wee 200 es in Roung 4800 s d900 100 $ 4900 yes 07 01 70T2 F. For Exh Power Apparatus, Rating 9r horsepti-, kilawatts,kernolt ary a kFlwd[-amperes-rea[Ir.e 600 Volts or Less and Ores 200 Amfserea to 1,000 Amperes 94 DO 5 t0.00 3.00 5 102.00 ya 07/01/2022 Fpe For Exh Ppwer Apparn us. Rating m horsrppwrF, list tl, kilnrdf am rey, IX 4rloyolt am esreacrn.. [her GW Vnif+pr Oyet 1,000 Rm . Ps m ftrlu. 1%00 5 702.P0 600 $ N!2 00 7es 07101 71s77 fee, Exh Pbrrer Apparel uF, Ratfng m Mrsepower, kfkswvlis, Hloydl res, a kdPtgk•4m eYreMHe- MIu.Ilaneeuf rang, Cvndt:ks and Condwknrs 29o0 5 i0.00 1.00 5 90-f10 Ye 07101m22 14-45 85 86 67 90 91 92 93 94 99 97 9g 97 JIM 101 IO2 103 1101 105 206 I07 108 109 110 City of New part Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees {SRFFI - Detailed [umnt C1Fa n Proposed CharEea iFAInCE: HAM[ BfStldPT10M iWl oe EWe Faa Inuemental-ld applkA6ki Tegal sr Aae Fee fnuemeetN•[H applvbleP Incremental-l'd ivFal yr 6ece Fee applkahEei iaAl er Base Fe. Incramenlal•[I} apglsablel [PF Implemertailen Dare Fee Fw Cach Power AppaFetue, Hating In Iwrsepowxr. Wkswas[s .i a k+Wus71e- exuve ,r Eac+ Genrralw, EiM-1 4200 5 43-00 Cl. r122 fee For Exh Power Apparatw, Natingm henoppwer, WlpwaTts. Wloycvt ey, w Wwydt-a es-rrxi9re; special Event Ughtirg 11.00 5 11.00 5 1! W - Yes - OYJO112022 I -Far Each prwYt* Appararuc. Rating:n hprsvparrPr, lalo-M. ulovoh rcs, a Wlovdhar.gc n•rean nc S a Pawpr 5prnse a7 0P S 43 -00 1.D0 $ 43 Yn 0710112027 fee For Exh P=[Apparatus, Bating m norseppwnr- krkrr aTSs. Wlrwoh e>. or Wloyo6-amperes reael,ee Fee 1w Each Tc Dry SeFYFce Pedestal 4I00 S 43 M 1 .00 5 43.00 Yo 0710i12022 Fee For Each Power Apparel M, Rating m henepareer, kypwaFss, kdwds vs, or kdow0-am es-rearlr.e Fe<Fpr EKh Tamp DnlrihrAim 6yRem, LaghHng, Dints!, OP[Gatw Sae, Temp Bccepiades, S-Idws Md - ghFmg awlels In Which Current to Controlled liio epF S-rc Feeders, Met, sl 21.00 S 12.00 1.00 S 22.00 Yes ow(IVM22 Fye Spnnkter1AW_iMiu Permit&In [ion 27400 S 26200 8.00 S 16IDO Yes 07101)M22 Greta Bmd fee 464.W $ 478.00 14 C0 5 476.00 Yn 0710le2022 Grads Pp-t Fee • CakWatpd Wxd pre [PF yr hll which erer,s realer 0-MO CLoK Yards M2.00 S 1,073.00 31.op 5 1,Q23A0 reF 07 V;pu?2 Grad�n Permit Fee - Cakrlated baxdm M or }dl whrcR ever H N4`r 20I. 3D0 CHb,c Yrdt 1,017.00 $ 1,046.00 31 W 5 i ism Yes 07MV2022 Gradm Pemd Fee [akF114trd Atsed pre slit Fx }IM rHuch vice rs eater 301 400 Cub¢ Yards 1.041.00 S 1,073.00 32.00 S 1.073.00 Yn (1710117022 Gradn Pox Fee- Cakuk"d Eased m r,d or Till ,h+cheveCnC ea ter 401.5M CubK Yard, 106700 $ 1,10000 3300 5 S,E00W Yes 07101/1022 &.6tsg PMmn Fee-GkWarep ba"d on M V lilt whKh brrr n I SOI.GM Cut. Yarch I.IA.00 5 1.11411 O0 3A Oft S 1,148 00 1es 07/03/2022 C,fadwill Permit FM • CakWated bawd mcot or fill Hhwh ever u gmwEr 601-200 Cubs Yards 1-161.00 $ 1.1137.00 MOO S 1,197 m yes 0710112022 Graru Permit fee CakWaled based en ePt a 141 .vlydt mar i. rr nr MI 000 Cubw Yards 1,211 fla $ 1.2A6-00 37 o0 S 1.248.0111, Yes 07 i 2022 Grade Petrol[ FM - Lek ulAled Wald on Cut or PHI svh�ch ever is 1 90 1- 900 Cub. Yards 1,266.QP $ 1.297.00 39.00 5 t.S97.00 Y" 07/01/2072 Grade Permit Fee-GIFWated b-dmculorldlwhirhevern M2TV $01-1 TIM Cubic Yards I.W600 S 1.346.00 40.00 5 1.34fi.00 Yes 07101IM22 Gra&fig Permd Fee - CakJated based oarut or III WhO, even 1 1,001.10000 cubic Yards 1,311.0a 456 M S 5,3SMID 5 4MA4 41.00 I2.44 S 1,3S2.00 5 470.M Yes D710112022 GF¢d, PPrmil Fee CakJai*d Wxdm cut of fill whie esee is Fearer 1 001 IMOOO Cut4c Yk& 5.41000 45800 S 5.586.00 5 484.73 168 CID 26.79 S 9-566A0 5 404 7g Yes O7/011Mi2 Grade Permit Fee - CAIJatod Wsedan Cut or E0 Muth ever rs realer f OM00I Cub. Yxds or more 9.651.00 445.00 S 9$19.00 5 459,00 )95.m 14 00 s 9,449-0Q 5 459.24 Yes 07MI2022 Grad Parml lr a Banden Sde im weCnenlsl Cub & Gvtter, Pao Crown CmHdr ASBurdn Pemdl Fee 7aMe SFme As priding Penot FM Taoist Same As 8.1on Pe No 0710V2022 Harbor Per -T & IsiroV 32200 S pi loan 5 66200 YeF D7 P1 M22 taw Voltage System Fay For Each Low Vo a QW.1, First 20 2.00 5 L 5 2.00 Yes 07/0112022 I- vdl e 5 tom Feo Fee Each Low yeh a Pulpit, AFter First 20 1.00 $ 1-00 5 I.00 Yes 07101 M22 tow V[aFa a System Yea Ea Lath Pete M Piatfpm• Mvseded L Fn - 2-00 S 2-00 5 7410 Tes 07101 IQ22 I- volt. . Svs- Fee For Exh TheatFical-t mi Fut ores Or AF4ambl,n 2-00 5 2Afi 5 200 Yes 07101IW22 I- V4A. 95 rm Fee For Exh Iles,&mtral Apphantr or Rmr pFade Outict [New ca-t-tloo Ir no 5 7.p1 S 700 Yes 07101 2022 Low Voltage Fee Fw Exh tri--F evdenlol Appliances and 5ell{enlaln4d Fan Wired, Hot -,'I _ ho 1.00 S 7.00 S 7.00 YCF 0710112022 NWhanaal emit Permit Fees Fee fa fxh Fpr[ed Air n Grasty Type f untte up 1p and Kkwc6q 100,000 111 2220 S 23.00 I.00 5 23.00 Yes 0710I/2022 Mvcham-1 rind Pormn Fees Fee For E-1, Forced Air w Grants Type Fwnxe avav 1P3,000 Btutb 26.00 27.00 1.00 5 27.00 Yes 071OW022 M-har-I unit Perot Fees I- Far Exh Fkrm Furnace IF..Idg vent 22.00 S 23.00 1.00 5 23.00 Yes 07MV2022 Me amlcal unu PermrF fm I- Fur Each 9uW ded Healer. 64cexed Wall Hoatvr or Fiovr- W-164 Unit Haan 2200 b 23.00 1.00 5 23.00 Yes 07101/2022 MvchanrcA and Perron Fees Fee Fw Each hssiallslmn, Pclocatim, Bepls-rr- M Anpl;­ Vent 11.00 $ 11-00 5 ll.DO YPs 01 112072 Mecharoyt Wn PermlT Feo I" For F4ch P4Wrr- ABMTM9 of. Addn Tp Healing 1 Cooling 12.00 $ 23 AO I m S 23 00 Tn 07 IM22 Mocha Mull Um4 POMLT Fm Fe6 For Lath 6w1* or Compressor To and lwlkKhng 3 HP 2I.130 1 5 23-00 1.00 S 23.00 Yes 01 D31202I Me h-lral tend Pcrmit r- Fro For Exh AL on 9 join to and Mtl ph 100,000 Btvlh 22.m 23.00 1.00 S 73.00 Yes 07102/M22 14-46 120 IN IN E23 12a S 25 126 I27 123 129 13C 131 112 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 190 141 142 143 144 14S 146 147 149 149 1. IS] IS7 IS3 1S4 155 1S6 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 I" I61 168 Clty of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Flnes, aad Fees ISRFf) - petalled Current Charges prop-d! Charges SERVIAM MAMW. DESCYA"IOM Tad x Ben Fee MMnmemal-{If appataw ToW mr sew fle Fnaemanpl-IH liposablrl Total or RaW F" klcrrmrntal •I8 4pp11u101r1 [neremen[al-II! TotY waaee Fee applka6k] pPt ImpF.mrnyHan Pnr Mcdramcal Vnii Permit Fm Fee For Each Boller or Compreswr Over 3 HIP.. and nr.luih rip 15 Mp 4000 5 41.00 t O0 4, w res M Mlial Unit Permit F eft Fee Fer Each Absarptlen Sri. Oren 100-000 OtWh i n.cludirra 500-0081u1h 4000 S 41.00 l00 5 AlAO Yes WI01/2022 MrUUnital isms Permn Frrs Fer For Exh Boiler or Conrprnwr Over 15 HP lu and mchurtng 30 HP 5500 5 57.00 2.00 $ 57-Lei Yes _ D7 117022 Mrchammi Linn permit Fees Fee For Fwh Atnwprrpn 57s- 0- 500,00001 u1h & ac7uding 1, diap.saadirtwIt, 55.011 S STm 200 5 570v YK o7 1 p27 Mech4rHUV Vml Pbmil It Fee For Exh Swler or Compressor prey 30 HP to and N Jading W HP 82.00 S 05.00 3.00 $ e500 Veit 07MV2022 Mecivanl Unit Permn Fees Fee For Exh AleFerpl.pn SYx Oyer 1,000.0110 6tltlh mclul6no I IA - En 82AO 5 85.00 3 00 5 85.00 Vies O7/u112O22 MrcMwcal Vmr Pr-e Fen Fee For Exh 9d1rr w ft" or t 50 Hp 139.00 5 143 00 A Qn $ 14100 Yes 07101IM2Z M4chamur Ur.I peen." Fret fee for Exh Alintm ror, em Ore11 75o.Oce 6[Wh B9.00 5 34300 A OP S 14) O0 Yes. 07101/2022 M.0...I Unit Permn Fan Fee fa Exh tie hamdkg l7nn in& mcludme 10,000 Cu FI/Msrr InrlPpn A1Wched Ousts 15.m S 15 A0 $ 15.00 Yes 07 1 p27 Mechanical U" Fe -I Fars Fee Fm Each Arc Hanoi Unit Over 10,000 cfm 26.00 $ 27.p0 100 $ 27-00 Tes 071011pI2 Methir.tal llrr[ Permit Fees Fee Ter Exh Era a[rre Cooler 01her Than Pwtalble TWpO 15.00 5 15-00 5 ISM Yes 0710I/2022 hwhemtal Vmr Prr inn FM Fee Fare Each VentiWirm Fan Connected to+a SI- a Oucr 13 00 $ 11.00 S I1.00 Yea 0710F/2022 Merha-1 Um[ Permn Fees fee 1w Exh V-Ilat-1-1i +tat Cw.lr[trd la Any Othe- 5 em 15-00 S MO0 5 15-00 7e, 01101/]O77 Methanrul unit Permn Fee$ rN Far Each Hood Sr d by leech Erha ist, I ,cl um E uwls 15.00 S lS.EO S 15.00 YH 07101IM22 Mechamwl Umt Perm[ Fees ire For Each 0am099 T In4ml rator 260 $ 22p0 100 $ 27A0 we. 0710 p22 FAechanlrat UnH Pena peesrl Fee Fm Each, [emmKrthl w Imduslrlpl T IMInefaW 112.00 5 115.00 1 U0 S 115.00 Yes 0710I/2022 Merhanual unit Permn Fers Other EQuibmec0 or Applibm Hal listed m This Code, Far For Each 15.00 15.00 S IS In res 0710112022 hfscrllance-%Fe ct4.. Walls Permn 8 InsFa[tren As WLdine Prr mH err Table S.-A. 9n1 Permit Fer Table Sams As bun Per Mo 071¢1 M21 FC4RarKrolr{: ge-Mrs Permn & Irnpectwn 358 00 $ 369.00 non o0 S 369 00 Yes 0710112022 0UM PwAMFi 4leg PYWn G m9i 00 YK FMN Add0ion 433 0.100W hl Per &MsaevY.on $ 657.00 657.00 S 657.00 Yes 0710VW25 Orregwit Family Additkn 14M 101-250 h] Permn & frupc tron S 976.00 871fi.00 $ g16.00 Yes 07 11J023 Oaellwu Famie, Addition 14M 2s] -Sw 'q k{ Per inn& In;pettwn 1,384.p(I S 1424,00 40.00 5 3.WOW Yes 0710112022 One/Two Fam4Y Addition 14U 501-1p00 so, hI Pcrmnaw ban 2,132.00 5 "ME10 58.00 5 7190.00 Ycs 07/0112027 Orle/Tsm FamiFr Addtioa(43a111,001-ZWO h per mn3W LWn 3,166.00 $ I.285.00 119.00 $ 3,2ffi.00 YeF 07 ] p27 sea Fumy AAdn n+n (4341 t2,D0I.3,000 s YtI Per inn R lns 4,535.00 % 4 709.00 193.00 S 4.709.00 Yes -056172022 Or.e rep Famil .sddnipn a3a 3t101t h Penoll Slm 577500 $ 6,023.00 2Aa.00 S 0230o Yes 0701/2022 OneRrro Family 5nonn Permit & In [ion 621 W $ &W.00 19.00 $ 64021 Yes 07/0112022 One vro Family 5tivrtare F0111 Q1 0I,S0Q sit h ZZ & In 3,P03.00 5 1.421.00 118.00 $ 3,9p.67 Yes 07 112022 Or�e/Iwa Farm Structue I101/103] [2,SOl-1,SfIQ Ill PerrO g lnspertwn 5,414.00 $ S.SSI.0D 16700 5 5,5a1 44 Yrs 07/0112022 One/fw9 Fame Slrurlum 101 ]03 3,501 4,500 sit Ill Permit g M tionCOMM $ 6,200.00 586.00 $ 6,200 00 Ye$ 07 12022 p frm lane $IfrsRrK9 .1110X501.5,500 Ill Perrml 6lrn Icon 6,995.00 $ 7,21I.00 236.00 S 7,]]] F4 YK 07 117P21 O-,'F-fame ilrutitle 1011103 S.SOI.S M Perm4&Ins t3,an 9,Sg7.m $ 4,Fit"_ 295.00 $ s,S42.77 1n 07 p27 P relic 329 Iv- 61n$ bon 397.00 S 409 Do 12.00 $ 4p9.25 Vn 07MV2022 Permn Issuance Fear fsswrrce M pnmii mwner pill 39.00 S 4040 2-00 $ 4v.21 Visa 0710IJ2022 Pl.ene.n Ptmm.t Unit Fen Fer Far Fxh Plumbing Fixture, Trap, Set of Futures m One T.ap 14.V'1 $ MOD $ I600 VH 07 113022 17um Mir un[ FpeS ter Ir. {itch 8W Sere", Trailer Park Sewer 41-00 1.00 5 4100 Yes 07 2022 Plum Fermrt use Fen Tes Prr Pew In FW.nwalcr 5 te- 16.00 S 16-00 S 16 00 Yes 07 112022 Plumdn Perrnrt Vnrt Fen atT [ass )ee N. 5R.00 S 60210 7.90 $ Won Yes 07/0112022 Plumps Ptrcmn Vr.t Fen fee sw Exh Frivale Sew' Pn al tree 11&DO $ 112.00 41)0 S 172.00 Yes 07/01/2022 PP -bolt Permit Uw Fen Fee I. Each lnpy$t,,al WaAr Pll,vel,vern Inlcrceplor, E. -M,r%g Kitchen iypF GfeaSr {n3lr, funcban.ig As Fiatum Traps 31.00 $ 32.00 1.01 $ 32.00 Yes 07,QWQ 2 Plum Pnmit unn Fen Fri• Fol E4ch Wale+P Water ireatr E upmmi a D0 S a 00 8.00 Ves 07/01/2012 Plump Permit unst Fees Fer Fp loch prat or Vent P. in Fixture 8Aa1 S 5310 S 8.00 Yes 071011M122 pfum Pe-t Una fen Fer Fa Each lawn Sprinkle. 5Y Mni on One Meter. 0acSNaw Frmeo-Ore. 23.00 $ 24.0O F.00 $ 24.00 Yrs 0710111022 Plumbing Permn unit Frey I To 5 Alm k TWff Vxoum breakers 400 $ 19.00 1.00 $ 29.00 Yes 07 01/tOR Plwntn Feemnil Item Fees Fin Far Each Whir, Mere 11Wn 5 Al mospherk Typo Vxuum erl,AV,. 3.75 S 4.00 0.25 $ 4.00 Yes 07/01/2022 Irlornblies Perrot llnn Firs Fee For Each ether 9x19ow Protective Oewce 2Inches 3 5mallrr 15.00 S 19 00 Lw S 19.0p Ycs 07/01/1022 Plumb ecnnn Ufil Fees Fer• Far EKh Other 5Kkflow PrIX. 1w Orsr[r peer 2lnchn 40.00 $ Al 00 1.00 $ 41.00 Yes 07/01 2022 %ondw Perrrwl Uru1 Foes I Fee Fw Lath ins Rpoel swim, PI One to Fow Outlets 11.00 5 8.00 S 8.00 Yes 07AIM22 14-4 7 183 I4a 185 18G 167 188 11P1 19D 191 191 193 194 195 196 197 19$ 199 2O0 2D1 202 203 M4 205 206 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees 15RFFI - Detailed Ctueent Charges Proposed Charges SERVICE NAME UESCE pnm lad w EhM FR+ kaprReMaf -NI aPPlkabkl Total w Lk Fw Insx+ Mup • {lf kppfiubiel Twat pr Base F- menial • 1� aPzblel Total or Base Foe Incrcmanlal - [If apo-bl.1 CAf knO.m tl0n am Plym Pe -IT Vnn F- Fre Fw [ash QO 1n4 Gaa P,p,. 5 .[ m el Fmn d Mere Our WE, 1 !'. i $ 3.00 d 07103 2012 Peel S Prrm.t&la W9oq $ 463.60 1400 S S630n WrS 07101,20,22 0EE6T1 0O-A-83wspapw iaa-0+ �ws S01v a Reudenl.A 15 kW u less a Plan Srnewr 210.00 S 2111M S 238.W N. 01 10112022 D Pemnn & � .9n 5 24OW 5 240A0 5 2e9.00 No 0710112on u MOre Than 15 kW Alan Renew S 210.00 S 710.00 S 210.00 Hp 07101 1021 D Pwmn 6 i Fvq 15 kW 34000 S 1+0.00 $ I+Q PO HO 07101 7013 ,,I Each Aclftrinal kW 5 IsM 5 15.00 5 15.00 Ne, 071011202t b [nmmlRial i 50 kW a legs: 11 Plan Renews S a50.00 S 460.00 S 460.00 HPNO112022Aerrn.- 5 W-00 S 540.00 5 540.00 HeWM? SQkWwna1 Plan Renewkw5 460.00 $ 460.00 $ 460.DD hapW2022Fk;w,-lkw above SD kW S 3.22 S 3.22 322 Ho _21Sa0.00 5 540.00 He112022,,I E+Kh Addic'D.ml kw'bore so kw 5 3.78 5 3.2E 5 1.79112P22 n Mwc rani 150 kW a I,an Rermw . font 250 k'.M 5 1.103.00 S 110300 S 1,103.00 Hu g71P11g12 nlExh Ad4n�vnal kW A- 250 kw _ $ z.:W Is 2.30 5 1.30 Hn g71p]IXrl2 b Perrnil 8 in ion . F'vy125DkW 5 i 297.00 5 1297,00 5 1297,p0 hIP O71Q3 1023 E4rh addrien.y kW ahovp 250 kW $ 2.70 $ 7.70 071011022 DELETE weFwm see -owes W 1Wiaf7D7f. Sicang Wohon IrnGsrnenfalion ISMI] Fes P Ca. ] CMifr.Kugn 1 r0 3 Sto Residanr.al Greaser d $O.So ar ralwtiml R A0013 Grraur d! SD sou ralya lion R.OD033 no h] Ca[cyorY 2 Cuntr.xlipn lOvcr 3 story Residenld s.r.d all Caarm.eroal] Greater of ".So asr ral..atmn a.0002a Greaser of SOM val.ucion v A0028 H0 S lemental A-ifa lumme, Fee Fw Each Fermi 12.00 5 12-00 $ 12.00 Yes OMV2622 Wires Heater Pemq Fek fer Er.h W-, He.»p. and,- Venl 32 00 5 33 AQ Too $ 3300 ■es 07XI12022 Plan Ra.4ews Addl.vru of Reudenlsa.Gar Car ns a3s Plan Aesiew 423.0R $ +3fi.00 11W 5 +3fi.00 Yn 07/0112022 PemplBions� MWD Family SN.ct.se 6469071 Plan Aewew 329.00 5 339-00 WOO 5 919.00 Y.,07 2022 1 Per. Nh - 0- Faml Svucture 16451 wan ft r­ 329.00 $ 339.00 10.00 5 339.00 Yes D7/w2og 2 0e...F1R­ ()Thu, Than Strscl We [6481W9 Plan Rrvmw 334.00 5 344.00 I0.00 5 34A.D0 Yes M01 2022 Pe[ermmaf Wli vl V.Hra50naD.r HA-dSh.,p TP r-plyM. r>< b"'i Atcrss wreme- 364.07 $ 375A0 11.00 $ 375.D0 Yes 0710112072 Plsabled 4ccess Cc -puce Rewew Tnle 2a wmpliance resew of doe..menls 0 nt -1160 Cu['uc.wn Coil 0.1K of Cci-tr-t- Cost D.I%01 Consfr.KtiPn H0 07/002022 P.Ana a %an Renew 1enAlferaf.Pn to D­agi, Pa ccompUa..cr rcvMwd documents 20100 5 204.00 6.00 5 211%w Y(y 0710112022 Elec[r.y1 Plan k.- Coda corn sauce re.tew 01 e3RtrK41 pies L of Tala1 El"t,101 Devoid fee 87%of ]oral Fkvtncal Pem.l Fee 87%Pf Total Elenr.ca No 000E12022 E n,m tamv4ance 01- Title 24p Pllance reY.e v of docunents 0.07%9f Cwatr um- Casl 007%of tpnsl'W-Cost 007%atCMHrwtiO No 1311OU 077 Ec dlc Plan Review kv nest Tv Eapodae Plan Ckh- and Work PrPfT�mn ik y Fees, 5451 mmimum 1.75 % Rimcdar Plan Review 5453 minlcc r 1.15 %Rescam Alan Rwist- Fees-, 453 m�mmv.. Ycs 0710112012 Fvc Icr1+tW,nI. Plm Renc.y 22600 5 213A0 390 5 733.00 Vn o71o1 3027 Grad�n Alan RenewD CilStaff CPde COml-fter.ew 0 Grad,n Alam R7%OFGradin Pvmn Fee d7%o!bra Perms Fee 87'b of [wa Perm ryv 071031792z Gratl�n Plan Rewew o1 Compka Pro ech by[en>viOnT Cede Cvmplia..ae ka1r.(•w of Gramm Plan•. 133%0 C.] "atanl I - 133s3 of C-M.m Fee i33%of '.-Um F Ne 07/03/2022 Ha.bw ionstrucibn Plan Flier.ens• Code Com..- le -w 336001 S 346.00 1QA0 S 03.00 rn 07 01 201 14-48 207 log 209 210 211 2I2 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 324 22S 216 2b 228 229 230 233 232 233 73A 23 S 235 237 I" I39 240 147 292 U1 2A4 gas 2A4 Im 298 299 250 2s1 252 2$) 2St 2$5 256 757 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SR FF) - Detailed _ Current Charges _ Proposed Charges f Rounded dow.rl I - ® on - I'- I Va,ianra &nm Pr.u.nuc -, I Iul. r'k--.. wl... SERVICE NAFIE Nil[1N Teal a lasr Fee lncrem.mal-!H aW"bkl 'r Rw a lase fea Invemental-[I} .ppguitel Ivnemen.al-•{n Teul Pr Bare fee appllrablrj Tm.1 or bn Fee k.cremmtal-{d CPI Impkmenuclan Ds[e MechanKil Plan Renew Code pornli.m. renew pf HVAC plans f Toe a1 Mechanrcal Pnnv! Fee $7%of Taal FAmhani"P Permit Fr. 91% W Total Me[han No 071D712022 Mhcelloneous: FWtIlRel-na Nash Plan Aenrw Same M Plan Review Same As Plan Rwlew Same As Pun ft 11111 Mncellanenia Re-ch plan Hir" 174.90 179.00 5.00 S 17900 Ye / OEtl TE L g94f5 vac Onel7wo Famil Addilwn[/34] 4100 ft Plano- 862.00 5 685-00 fi82.001 $ 685 OD Yes 07/03120i3 OnOTwo Famrl Addl.on 939 10P 250 s in Plan Review 867,w $ 891.00 24.00 S 991M I Yro 07/0112023 Dnt/I wry Fa-ly Add4.DA [434} [251.500 $9 ill plan Review 1.212.o0 S 7 233.00 21,00 L 1,233m YK 07MV2021 Onel7wo FarrHl Add..m 43.[} 501-1.Om f7 Plan Reiiew 1,670.00 $ 1 713ID 43.00 $ 1 713.00 yes 07 1)2022 OnelF-Farad Addnlon A34 1�O1-2A00 R 'Plan Review 2 a7 S.00 $ 2,535.00 64.00 S 2-53500 Yes 07 112022 OneJlwo Fafrwl Addna. /34} 2,m1.3,Om II Plan Renew 3 7D1.00 $ 3,766.m 67.00 5 3,7F800 Yes 07/011202x On wo Farml Addnson 93a [I'o". fil Plan Review A,wllt-w S /,727.00 119.00 S 4,72700 Yry 0 071011222 wv iarril dr Sb Plan Renew 1.036.00 5 106HA0 72.00 $ 1.06a.m Vey 0171OV2022 One n0 iafrR Struetwe i01103 0-2,Spp tI PI.,n Rrwrw 3,42400 $ 3530D0 106.00 $ 3,53Dm Tps O7/o112022 OneR'am Farad Structure {1071303 7,50)-3,Sm s f[ Plan Renew 3,193.00 5 / 013.00 12000 5 4, 13.00 Tea 07/0112022 OneJTwO Famil Structue 3011103 3,501 4,500 sgft Alan A-- 5,035.DO 5 5.191.00 156m $ 5,191.00 Yes 07/03/2072 OneJfwv FarrRl Structure {10111031 4,SOI-5,500 m] Ytlan Review 6.169.00 $ 6,360.Op 191-00 $ 6,3w..00 Ves 07101/2022 One/TNG Farad StructuFe 1011203 5.501. h PlanA-w 7,347-00 S 7S74.00 227.00 5 7,57a-O0 Ye; 0710112022 Paf1p7/Deri7firyll.y 13292 Planaencw 326.00 $ 336 p0 f0.00 S 336.p0 Te5 0710IM22 Plan [heck IPerm.1 Ealens+oft Re PSa7 To E4end Plar. [hocAJpnrmM1 69-00 $ 71.m 2.00 $ 71m T. 07 0212022 PP-Ched Orur Rate fre perHour 26C..DO 5 274.00 am 5 27/.00 yes 0i10112022 Plae if wew jm-Rimidl*ncorj and Residential Altos kl 5 lwldrn 5 Or Slrucl wes 97%of Oudd Perna[ tee 82%of 8u16Parm1[ see 87%of 6uddmg Pe-14 Fee NO 07/03/2022 111-hunng man Rrnrw Lode c of pl6md ant of Teal Piumbi Permit Fee 87%01 Total PlMWO Permit I- 97%of to l Plympn Perrin[ FN Ho 07101/Hy21 Peal y Plan Renew /d100 S 415m 1200 $ 416.00 yn 0710112022 R dive Pion Renew 51"lar Unhs le Trxls Conlaining More Than 5 Ilf.ils After Model When Full Fee K Paid For Randee 25% W Pon Renew rep is%of Plan Renew fee 259s x Play. R-- F No OWD7 2022 5e1a.94241OFlf iE 81aa•Rauiew 1r I3780 Yaa r3077 Waste Marta pmpnt Admnustra40n Fee AtlmmnlFation Fer, Oemoddi 2700 S 2A.00 1-m S 28•0 Yes 07191 wafer Owk Mani emem `+ Ims [COmmercial P tsl Cade Lora ante Renewpnspec[Wns 357 00 5 168.00 ] ] m S 356.00 Yes 071031Mx2 Wall+OWhl Mina ement ms ipnr R( d-%w PfO cell code 1- Lance Rpnew/]n Was 269.m $ 291.170 900 $ 79g.m vpf 07/0112022 W'alef OwiOy Mana rmeni Man Reu.ct. Commcfcia[ Pro Code Cam Iwc, R.virw•pwl�n Fri, 281.m S YJ0.00 9100 S 290.00 07/01/2022 Water gva:i:Y Mana emeni P+an%ev.e.r lkes�denual Pro- [Ss Cone COm ra re RenewRwldin-tr. 19500 $ 2D1.00' FW $ 101.W Ty 07101:1n„ COMMUNITY DEVElOPM W-PLANNING Fees w+lh "Yes' Is�der Cl'I Ihveased by CPI, wless holed otherYWNe Ame-:dm,n:r :. er..I Pr.n apyl ra[xrn .Per pow {I)epvv[ Acrovnll 271-00 $ 272.00 1.00 5 277.00 0?1m12u2? Arn-dmensa-local f-Does!pr r R Irtal.on-Per hour De[A.ctovn[ 271.m $ 272.00 100 5 272.00 Ynf 071D1/2021 Arid n[s-Punf.en Comrt�.ennJa, A lr n- hi-, De Hr Ruovnll I71.00 $ 272.00 1.W 5 272.00 Try 07 i N22 Amendmenes • rani C0de15ppc der. Pun R Iaulion - per hour De t Accuvnl 371.O0 5 272.00 1.m S 222.00 Yes 07 01 M22 08lETE G-�4332.W Na Y717aii07i A y- Kam SHCCvislul Cil co d 1,715.00 S [1,715001 S 4,23;.00 No 0710112m3 h Ns AppkanT VnsKtef" Cd [oonc.l l,71s-m s 2.I16.00 40100 S 4,233.00 No 07113IM21 Aapeak-0fEETE i7FyL,W G 4r73 me QZADWD0,22 AARea1s• and successful pronun Cora ,Slur. 1,715 00 $ [1,715.001 $ 4.233 00 No 07/01/2023 Appea4s ApIAanllMsuccesNul Planru [ram.msslm 1,715.00 5 336.00 WIM Fao 0710112023 M1 al, - Ceipmal Dew inch. Permit A ic-Hoh Adrnir Trgo, W Planr.l Lommisv0n $ N,o0710117032Ap 7 -HWe er I7.651 ans $uccesyfui A al to Harbor Commisew $ U14. Nv 07J01 2022 A afs NOMC Ch ltt 17.65 Ilunt unsaceessful al to Hafpor F,omm.ys.Pn 1,25000 5 1.250.00 N0 07/01/2022 s - NIMCCha ter1765{ cantSuccessfulA al to Gi 1 a 1 $ N0 07/01/2022A ah NBMCCh lcr 17 65 [ untl ri-ccssl., A al to Ci Counol 99p 00 S 9R0 m No 07/Oi/1022 A ewal m[eake . A hcanvn 934 m S 1 008.00 7n 00 $ 1.008.00 yes 071m] 2022 8arHler Perms A liraiwn 5900 $9.V0 $ 59 op yes O7AIM22 Cemiiuteof Co Lance Subdmsla.Codr A IH_nen 37)00 S 389.W 1600 5 389.00 Yes 07/0112021 Coastal o"Wo mmH Permit iCDP A -Tien per hour j0eAcouirntj 271.00 5 172.00 Ica; $ 772.D0 Yes 07M 2012 Cranial Deyolopmon[ Perm.[ KDPI When Rcvlewed 10 Conlunrtkw wnh Ammer PLiunmrw Apphi,akwn S221 ,W.a 9O1.00 a 968m Yes 07/o112023 cm -al 0c fv meal Permit CDP Parcel VIP Rundle jApoiWilM Applhutm 3.-5 00 3 S 3,559.00 I T- $ 3,55900 1'tt 07JO112022 14-49 7'K 261 262 263 2E4 265 266 267 2W M 770 273 272 273 274 275 276 272 278 279 260 281 212 28) 303 304 305 3W City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, fines, and Fees ISRFFj - Detailed Cu rrent Charges Proposed [ha rgts Se11N0L NAME DESCRIPTION TR i a ease Fq IM.M*M4( • [d OPPlkablei TP W 8- Fee Innemental- Df aF 1-10.1 Tat"! a 6+srf Fox Ineermanlal • (d 4pD3lt/blri T.W 8ne Fee Incremental- (If aW.-bi.) Cfl lm pie men an Dater o.. Cassia! Developmml Permit (CDP1- SGr.4 QJ icaimr. Italian .:..l .r;� 5 2.537-00 t L].O] ),53 f W ;-A rnenl Parmi3 iCWJ W.- 1,MWO ; 1.28Y.00 6800 ; 2.28T.W Yes 071U112022 !u Pliarree utters 1 Mmpr 68eardt 1tescyrah ¢anon 398.00 5 412.00 1400 S 412.00 Yes 07/01/2022 Comprehensive SLCMJ nett lmcw r.e Permil AfPhcalim 2,1)1100 S 2.344 DO 333.00 $ 2,344.00 Yes 0710I/2022 Cwrd-ium[_swoon Perms -I.. 1,382.W 5 1S390D 1S7.Ov $ I.539.00 Yes CO 12022 rnent reen4ntA Ion ,a.w rhow lDe 1 A, --%I 21I.M. TK 0//2022-0 _,rem OW lte atnn .. 13A0 4.00 2meM mpM Plan-Planneoiomm wn-per Hour lne s+r Accw tl 27190 5 222.001 1.00 S 272.01) 07/0112022 Om 1c ISuffA rat Appkjl.nn WO?00 5 I1to.W I 108A0 $ 1,11100 Yes 071OW2027 Emir-.lal D-um. I.Fatwn IIn%at':"'Aadt Cast CP W1am C t • IMCity Admmntratry Fee Cvnsuftanl Cox r 105 Na 07101 2072 Erter.tlm W Tim. • s bdnsron :ode pan 17500 S 205.01D 9100 S 1r16.00 Yes 07/01/2022 6xte of th..e 2C e.r I Abar.m Per.odl A Fca[mn 175 W $ 206.00 31.00 5 20600 Yes 07MV2022 I.-treu po'wq Applaatro - mfspace MOO $ 150.00 S IS00D No 371010022 LmIed Term Permits less Than W dry, AM,_r_ 661 W S 72}.W woo $ 723.W Fry 07/0 I2022 Lmiled Term Permits - n than 90 days A0.1"k on 2 279 W S IA34.00 I S 2A34.W TK WM12022 Lmiled Tmn Permw seasanai sales R 6carw.n 115 W 5 398.00 73.W 5 388 00 Yes OVIE 2022 All appn Diii 3 3W% W As1-1 cW. IW%0 Att_I CPrtt N. 071OV21323 Lot'M,,A Rdimenl INatron 2, M200 S A434.W 72.00 $ 2,4M.W Tn 67/01/2022 L. Mer er Appiatwn 2, 36200 S 2A3400 7200 5 2A3n.p0 Yy 0710112022 Wdd¢arrnn PMMII Application 3.28400 3,383.00 99.W 5 ).M.00 Yet 07/01/2022 Nvn. Cvnlo, Abrt.mene Perlvd E.tem A 71) 00 S SAOD 114.00 S 81101 Yes 07 112022 Opr,-WLtevseA A 96S.00 5 1,00000 35.00 5 I,OW OD Yes 07/O112D22 Otwalm%L�CMfeA iea- Ap anon 993.00 S 1.00000 700 ; Low-00 Y.s 07/01/2022 Plamred Derel meal Permit i.(_ 6,513 oo 5 "ISZ W 4A9.00 5 6,962.00 V. 0710112022 PrNimma Applicatim for Res.denhal Oevelopmenl �[iibn 792.W S 1,490.T1) 893 W 5 1,490.00 Ye. p7 i12022 Public Nntid 518.00 5 SMOG 20.W 5 538.00 Tes 0710113032 R.-Ale ACCommad,t7iW. .at.pn S 5 3,484Au Yes 07101/2022 S."D-.I. meni ke- -Planm Cw .,Mon A ifapm 5892.00 5 6.119.W 22703 5 6, 119.00 Yes 07MI12022 Sde Dtmlp m at ftv -2C 1 Admmnpaler Rppt¢ Wn 1,3S9.00 $ 3,55D.W 19100 S 3.Ss0.W Yn 071M12022 Subdwlvns- Parcel M,p 4nplical.Pn I,34700 S 2.378.W 3100 S 2.378.00 Yes 07JO112022 SWdirinmi- Tentative Tract Map APPhcal.nn 579800 $ 6,119.0D 321OD S 6.11900 't- 07/01/2022 Subdls5ui Vexi Tenlalive Iy L,i ! L,r. 5. 198 W $ 6,1143.00 321.00 S G-11900 2022 Tt"slrr of Deerhprr.enl H Applc4r.un 4,58D.00 S 5,03000 450.00 S 5,03000 2022APpbal- 5,954.00 5 109A0 155.010 S 81D3 W 2022Ilse Pmnit Mugr[-ton M-Wstic . A -tn 3,358.00 S 3416.00 58.00 S 3.a16.W m22Varrar.pe 5,487A0 $ 5,6113.00 316.00 $ 5,603.00 MY-07fintI2022 _222aNn P1m ChM INrnRes.dentul and RKixMyl At[natgns A caS.Pn • hPu 21200 S I1500 3W S 215 00 20222aP.n non Check geudentul (eacepl Residential Aheratimsl see noses see rrmn - X122 1Npur E011 Ratr Iw 54rrkeb Not ENtd PLnnA .M.n- hour 27100 S 172.001.00 S M0D 2023 C­At'2K 5apWn. ialaed 5ery . Peer k"Wl r tit A "Wt [w .ham CPe1 • 10%GI Admmnlral.m F_ C.-um Cm1 . 10%6 Admmhirat4- Fee Consultant Cox • UFA CA Admen rnn N. 07/O112023 Fees%Cmi s[dl4eud an erhan el plhpr Ajen [e.F W CO, Dep4nm c Of Fish P. I4ddlde, et[ l Lutrun Pass -Faro h P4s T3.r9 h Pacs Thr Eh Na 07/01/2023 ENT• REAL PROPERTY 3lelb" ItUbt S3NM 5L Gar la panme..1 Rene als Apertmenu Per "mh I rlmenls MS 8 97 2.91131 S 2.918 31 - S 2.91F.32 See Wile, 071Ui12020 Gar .Rentals Per manrh 38705 S 39765 5 3870S See Nor., 07101121120 56Rentals 20'1h -pm Fv . W mmrh 25.02 S 2582 - S 6.82 No 071111/2020 SI. WI.I. 25' Shp - EW fp9l, P., r th 26.78 S 26 78 S 26.70 Na 1 07/0112020 She ReONrs 31' 56 - Per loot W month 29 35 ; 29.35 $ 29.35 No O71n117020 slip Rentals 32. 51 r Seer- j,, m h 29.84 S 29.84 S 29P4 Nn 07 112020 Shj> Rentals 34' SUP • per loot per month 34 14 S 34.14 5 M.14 W 01/01/2020 SF Rentals 35'91 - Imr, m9nlh 34147 S 34.14 1 5 34.14 n7:0 F12020 14-50 307 3Da 309 3l0 ill 312 W 314 315 3S6 3i7 328 3l4 320 921 an 323 324 325 326 327 328 339 339 333 332 333 334 335 33h 337 330 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 "I 349 City of Newport Reach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SR FFI - 0eta iled Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded dou,nl F.. B Rnnr. i iEnr1E> NAIVE OF3WPI10N Tamp or lax is ..... aPPBplpleJ Teral er lase FM MGreimntal - {If aPPR." law a we Fee In[nmenial-[d apgludei ord ar lass Fes Increments[-{i! 'PPB-b eJ CPI Impe,•i nrailnn 0- Ship Renlals 37' S1 a• fool, r .with 1a 24 $ U. Y4 S 34 24 No o7ru172f12rx SL Nentals 40' %v •per fool, per month 31.75 $ 37,75 S 37 75 No 07/01/2070 51-Aemels 45'54ip fm. M mpnrh 4Q47 S 40.47 S. nP 47 5 4h 84 hw Ala W7QI mu 07/01ROX1 56Rrn1a1F Su Sh -per fpat. go .Doll+ 45.&a S A6.l4 Sly ftenlR 40' Sli - per root. PWF mpnlh 51.69 $ 51.49 $ 5169 No 07/01/2070 ship Re k4v, 75'SIi -per 1ee0 per mmth 54.79 $ 54.79 5 54.79 Ne 07/0V2020 Pie. Commercial S-Rew, croon See Re"Aw'Oh 5-Re.dunon Np n7�7517011 Fier with "Tes' WidN �I wli...n in.eaxd W [PI, iarlesa nmM Odwr y Rayeriue Add[ flruncedeuamrs. Permit. Frrmri 1, 336 D0 5 1.38300 49M S 1.18396 0770172022 OUDI ss license-c eninmau fnrnn 2A 00 $ 25.00 I.00 S 2552 Yes 07/ul 2622 vlaicss laarx tc riot Crriilir,Ftr 1100 S 32.m 100 $ 1208 07/032027 11 n%t rgnFr Im[y1 iraliwr A Kation Yrort+si Fee 6100 $ 61.00 7.00 5 63.04 07/0i/2072 {lance Pprmie Permit 180 W S 166.00 6.00 5 156.83 Yw 07 2022 I,cenae Laic [ha lire Ch a 2-50 S S.00 2.50 $ S 00 N9 07/I6/2016 Irce T llment a TagR lacpme.nl 7.00 5 7.00 S 7.73 ref 07 1 2072 Iru-U-Pt..d Prr.Trar 5100 $ $3.Q0 2.00 $ 53 10 Ycs 07/01/2h17 Iircnu 5[crihxed Prr-rear 25.S0 5 2650 100 $ 5310 TfF 07 13022 C4ort Serene Per lmploym I srurr 1 m %7.O0 $ W900 22.00 5 609 75 Yey 07 ] 7027 Ex rSelTi-Pesnul PHmII T"L duGl Ex ISerurcn 1,I43.00 5 i.l R6-00 43.00 5 LAN 2i Tes 07/02022 Fdm 01-t FN S 5 No 11/25/2014 F dm F'rodu ,- Apoopm-WRh Film ua,O S 5 No 11/2W2014 Fdm NDdizi-ii ical--Without film I.-wn 301.00 $ 3130i 17.p0 S 31310 Yry 07/012022 film Pn it • GncHla[ron Fee For permits re ad rPc.i, weal fee -I- W"I" ate We$ Yey 07 20 1 22 Fdm Pn61 Rrnrw Fee 5 w fewer cast d crew 13.00 S 13.OU S 13.63 Tes 071014m Film Permit - R-ew Fee 16 w mwe cart & crewi 52.00 $ 54.00 200 $ 54 55 Tes -arfaviou Film P.mu 51aff Tlme It A -u- R-- .ee mlin sm voter e rwtes es Y 07/0 2022 FAmu tim Fee Maxmum 993.00 S 863.OD 5 663.00 NP 07/03/2022 F4Im4A Film Permit Rider Fee Maxrmun 137-00 S 137.00 $ 137.00 "a 07/01 2022 F,ImsA W-1. Fees - D. ble time Ma.mrum 82 DO 5 87.00 - S 82.00 NG 07101/7D27 FdmsA NWProfn we ion Fir MaxonuFn 69.D0 5 69.00 S 6900 roc 07I01 A2I2 F•Im[A NrnPraln Pr.mr[ pidrr Gpc Mumium R4 00 S )A.00 $ 94.00 no 07 2022 nir, 4 m.m. 1�o Maximum 4100 S 41.00 5 AF 00 N. 07/01/2027 Sum1A Monitor Feaa Qrenane Maximum 52100 s 62.00 5 62 00 No 07,* 2022 Fi+mlA Notilica[K+n fee 21500 S 215O0 $ is to No 07/011202Y A1mlA Stilt pii-t-Fee Maximum 8200 S 12.00 S 6700 No 07/O1/2022 fftLA SIi0 l0der Fee 28.00 S 26-00 $ 28-00 Ho 07/01/2022 FIImLA Si pdem Permix F" Compu Maximum 124.00 5 124.00 $ 124.Ip NO 07/0172027 Film[A Sludrnt Permit f rr SWO. Niaaime4a 13.00 s 3300 5 9300 No 07 2022 Fire Arms Sales Pnmrt PFnryI Far retail Saks 110.00 S 114.00 A.QO 5 314.87 Tes OTIOU2022 L-fnrrirwnR.rm Permit Fnmp 128.00 $ 181.00 6.m 5 184.69 Yrs D7/01/2072 Park. vermrt Re Ra54menl Fee 17.00 S 17.00 5 17.74 Trs 07/01/2077 P4 nr Pl.. Icxce Fares 25.00 $ 25.00 S 30.90 Yea 0710I 7 P [Plan iPaak $5 M [ / $26Ah Ocher $S Md .m / $25 Air Other 5 34.45 , 07/01/2027 Pr el -[ial Parkin Permit 1900 $ 20.00 i p0 S 2071 Yes 0710i12022 14-51 7F6 3Tr 3rd 379 m 331. 3S2 3S3 3Sl 3E5 M6 3ST Tal: 390 34E 392 391 FA 395 396 392 399 399 40D AD3 an am aN AN am 107 aN 4109 .10 411 173 113 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fuses, and Fees (SRFF E • Detailed CLarrleltl ChaanA Prayased EfrarExs 591gUs a1ARE DE.009PJDN rlo.Nr�1-2r 7eYL�YEIm BveRr�A1-Fn 0190-ew Iota whR FM IneNAIm.Or appladkfid TMW-lNe AEe RrpageMel-IN i11iffiihLO QI wrlPe+gerratiaw Dale Fl" Pxlagr �1 _al:;-. -W.41 Pxk x I•... ±s X. S 206A0 900 S ?W W r' Penns Opp-l- 1-7 Ji - 3 J13A0 6.00 $ 3R3s5 c:. _ Pemyi 3&iOm S in(* 6.00 S IM49 res C7Do 300 S 92 da33m $ J3.00 S !3?6 Yes 82261l2022 J:: 71 V. 0276 r"I mLa4e6 P-,-'N - ].Pe,.J- a tew[at- M-4 - IJrar�lvA ST950 S S360D 3850 # 1,0777E Trs 07 t72D'22 oPermr7 Perrmi 75.00 S 7500 3A0 S 75 T_ 07/OM-1ar H> - ApnLgJ PerVOW* IM Ar uil Per Vehicle moo S 35111AG sm $ ESa4i *� O7/WT2022 or HYe-Cersiofe CerOTTme1Pl.FeeFv [x7vYMele Shown ilelowF 2l99.00 S 2,2&1m F2m $ 2-m 10or lFRe DrrvchPrrnxt Elrrrefs Pev.M 4TffW S 151.00 1i 00 $ 95432 yry 02761J#TY n HNe-urmrs F,-, R"." Ore lP-Rereval 427..W 5 U1.00 36JW i 443.66 YES O7muml a HLrc-Fee Per rd,Ide Fie Far Eadr velrY 24100 5 250A0 9m S 250.42 Te5 CPPDUZW2 2-mpiepmrs 5 3 14.29 Eb OrrO172022 PmRb T 1A4.0 F1Nr[PAPJLEO 9I PARK 50.GO S szm Lm Yes 97,+01/262E 1T4)&09MA17AC PARSH46ON PU&1C 0*A 50 OD S 52m 2.m Yes OFIOUZOU S2% 130 MC PARKING ON KOCK so 1* 5 52(lF3 2FG Yes 07 2622 .1 01M000NPLUPKi WITH SIGN5 SOOD $ sue Lm }n OVOUZ022 3112i60 AK FEE HDT PARON IUT SOOD $ 52m 2m xe,. OFMIJ 022 E212mo MC PAOTORCYCLES Rl YIOF LOT SDAD S 5LW Zoo Yes 07MU26E7 12.92ZWDI WLALBOA MAW BLOEXINU EGRE5S SO.CO S Sim 7-W Yes o7vOWD32 12.40 ON AK"MVAYS Saw 5 52_00 7W Yts Or3V11M21 12AO 0;0 AK PAM HOG ON MY ATE PAr3PERFT 5D 06 S 52m LDO Yes Orluirm" 12.4101DA MC PRG ON MWAlt STREEt5fURJK5 50 OD $ 52A0 200 Yes 07MU2022 1240m w PARKING N tmCTSS 72"nul5 93.OD $ 96M too Yes OTfOUZO22 22A0OS MC T"UI(RWYNERLIEO VEHICLE SD 00 5 51 DO ?COYe[ OVOI)2022 12 MC P6: PR010d 1R1!FOR SAIE 93..OD $ %PO 36M Tti OPAIJ2022 3 AAC PI[G PRDHIB: NpN-6MR6NCT WPM 9300 S moo IDO Yn orrO3j2022 1ZA0 06CXDJ WK M P&M--_CAR WASHING %3 to S 96m 300 Y" OrfaIJ2022 114GO70 MC M ON GRADE. WKELS NUT 11RtN0 so OD 5 Sim 106 rC O7 U2022 1140 ON3 MC IELl107ES FwRA LEFT CURS SD.OD 5 SLW too YeL 07/0112022 12t0090 MC U1241 PAR13NG, OUTUX LINES 5D.06 S SLm rCO rn Or193r2O22 12.40310 MC ACRp557otffSIM SPACE hUyinR5 50.00 5 SLOG !Co Yes 07vov;i 72 12tl 3,10 MC PFT"T REQOMrtGLE LOA(fL"J)AO 50.1* $ SLW LW Yes 07101131722 12.40340 MC PARKW, AMACENT TO SC4DO5 S006 S SLm 206 Yns pT vmz 12 AO 150 MC PRCRR6 Pr •::.=P_u :'REE73 SO OD 5 52m 2OD ye,O7r07i1r122 1140-360 MC PCSKO N4'-"- - ----'VYING 931* S 96M 3,00 Yes gMV2022 12AO 17CCRS MC FWS--0 -:._ ._ =5 PftD--5 PLAO 5 7400 3oe Yes CFF/O/M22 12A0l rqa ME PE"� --- _ ;HIRE 21ln 5 7400 I m Yes 0 MV2012 374937CCL1 MC a; - - ': r RED 7100 5 7am 306 Y!y OTFV11A072 12+01$*w i ",;iz LOGO S 5Lm 406 rev 07117]/X122 53.00 # 590c LOD Yes 071x71J7027 1244OIW1'=":. -, LPi :.::r.-._� _.•tiE'. 57A0 # S9_w 700 Yes OrIV1r2022 37"OIG(Cl W OvFRTIMF 6 H.':- %F 57,10 $ "00 11* Yes ""YEO72 31i4D7TRCIMCACRC55MARFJKL'.'_rFRiREA SOAO j 52-Ce 2p6 T. 0r%61/2072 1L MCOUTSIM PAC SALt VARJPE1G 50.00 # 52-M 2m Y. 077020 3 r2 12."0 PACMCwwL INTO METER 5PACE 900o # 51-M 200 Yes or/OU2"? 3 1 " C64 RK FAR"* AT AN OCKRAISLE METER 67A'I S dN-OC E90 Ycs kTlVifb]II 32-" 100 W ACTTTAT3ON 6F MMIt 50A0 S P OO ; 06 T- 1)710L+20t2 12A4 SID PAC PATNOO TINY EPPIREO 7200 # I-LOD lA0 Yn O7 112022 1214-l50[ aft STREET SlOA004 G600 # 6s9D 290 Tex 07/OU•20r2 I 2A45 TAC PROHIBM MGH3 Fi R NG woo # S240 2A0 Tn OJr61A0t2 12.A604D ha01l;IIS DQPLA Y OF MACARN LIC PL r 57.00 $ S9A6 2.00 Sas D7fi71}202r RAR MC PAWAM N RED ZW 9300 # 96,'m 300 T. 00 2022 17ftbM51 MC FRO N LMU*O5 WNE OLWI 9300 S 961DD 3A0 Tes 07IWALtr 371&.OIOfCI W wNFTE 2ONT 33 Nvwu1E wADINGI 93.00 $ 960R 3(0 Tn 07Mk1"Z2 li MCOANF[ME GMN MW PALO AREA 9300 96_06 ]0o Teo 0711)w"22 12 UOMA MC CNI R-n r@ GRE EN ZM 7300 S P800 300 Tel. 0220if20t2 12'.16. W'.Uft7FE ZONE RUM 73m # 2SA0 300 Yes WfOTf2022 E2.410n AI MO LIE;TRKrE006E: WAXUOG CONE 7300 # 7GAO 3W Yn 07A1vlwz W AI&OMN MC 0E51i0CT(rSE-tDG 20r*PW-,Ri r3 CO # miDu 300 Tn 07AOim"k I2ABpB0!lt EiCE 5S3YM PAMIDA"F[IONI 73W S MA) 3L Yes U7$172022 17 JLOAI MC PARKING we1win 9.L00 9 S 9"X 3-t Yes O7AW2022 14-52 414 415 416 417 412 419 422 423 422 473 ■24 4ks 415 417 419 an 430 43K 4.12 4" 434 415 416 M 4M 419 Wa 44t 442 441 44a 445 446 447 44a 449 45a 45I a52 453 a54 a55 456 as, am 459 4w 461 M2 461 4Fd 46i 466 iv7 468 469 am 471 472 4n City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees {SRFFI - Detailed Current {tlargl5 Proposed Charges Ps..nn.AAn.....i .�fd e.ale.-i�rl rn�wL.�wa- o.r lr2Wirr ra—._ Sol=NAM EE90MVT104r T.W vMtle Fs M[temu4aE-Mr aPfm.OA* F.Cd 9F4!F— iFPI4aI4rW-{H 9Ppta14s1 TaMx5—Ip Ma —MA -PF —"Won"a T.W-6@14! Yswnul-(IF 4PPI-ld IM kvMM"IMdm Daft 12.4a IM 61 MC P4 0 W BL15 ZE"' SLOG 5 57A0 2 Z. Y4ri 07WD V2027 125}um MC W"Ma WRY CMf WAT STRIET 50 DG 5 5L00 2W ris VKW2022 12.61 14 WWROR715LFS�-FED PEMER SAW $ 52M 2.OG Tt5 07;D122R22 k3.25030 A7[FOA70N BEAdl Sam S 5200 2W Te5 02Fp172022 3 ti 13fog cWC PAM3W'W PUKK GROUNDS 6700 5 6300 200 Ytti 071g1mn 21211] q CVC PJk"M4G M&MY LANE 5700 5 6900 2.D0 Trs 071410M 2~ CVC PRLHIF P4aIl MZMI PUNC HMAT 90M 5 93M 3.DD Yes 0710VM2 225a11lAl CVC PAILM* Mr34P1 r FERSECWM 62M 5 6900 2.DD Yes CMI' a22 2 25M BI CVC PAR KrD W CR036WALA 6700 $ 64M 2DD Tas O2201j2022 275OWD CVC PR,360 PARIV5TOP: SAFETY NMI E7.00 S 6900 2-M YG 0"2022 RMMDI rWC Mg WjW ISFF OF FM STAnON fiMe i 6900 200 Fd 0714112D22 225W1E1 CWC ISLOCK oC DRPRWAY 671M 5 WM 2. DO Tel DTM1i2027 3 F]CVLPMXX<0MWtWAax 67.00 S 64W 20D Yn 07'%V2022 22Spgfrl n2 PAOMIa KY45TO5^ oR51RUCT 1P15F 000 5 6400 200 Yes W16112022 2MMHCWO0IIALEPARr£0 67.00 1 S 69A0 20D Tea 0XV2022 2MaMI COE 3ARUD W SUS PONE 53BSI0 S M00 2100 Yes 07ipI12O27 INMKI CVC PATiID OM 5023ME F7A0 S 69W 2WD I Yes 07xvW22 225MLj CVCOMAN FRONT OF HC ACCESS*00 SUM S SSBW 211M Yes 07M 2 2 M M I CSC fA0WOFG FFrt IAALL 57L0 S 690o 2A0 Tey 07{0112022 22504N CLIC WRONG WY ZMIMM FRO.I H7 a RB AFM $ 69DD 2L0 tes GY)O en 22502EEI CWC WRONG Yff 1WY%1&M FROM LI CURB 671M S W00 2A0 xes OIJ03fM2 3 rAWI CVC PKG O H STA FE HIGHWAY-P**WB 6700 S 69.W 200 Yes wjMV2U22 3607SW 0vc 05AALCD PAPMIf 59100 $ FIX00 22A0 07JOV2021 2 M7 ILLS I CWC Aux"K. MAW 059A E F 591W S 513.00 NAM te5 07M2i2033 2 r" KCI 11CO MIED CRCWHATOS VKD TKW 5Hoo S 613.00 2210 xes 07XV2022 2161L1 4VC LV PARAINO-NOT-CMULQ1F4ti 67a0 S 69M M 7n 07XV2022 225EIf P I CVC &LDflaSf. FY PARKu1G 6700 S 69.100 200 Y6s 07M1f2022 22S14 CiC VAp7HG WCrHIN S3FT OF HYI1RAFtr 6700 S f&90 700 Yes 07lb]{2022 IMIS CYC UFI4TTEN0404EtKiE 6700 S 6&.0G 2m Yes 07NV272a22 225r6CW1110CFLOVEHICLE 9000 S 93AD IAO 7n 07XV2021 71SIICNC 3FT FROM WC ACCE55 RAW MV3 S91M S SUM 2290 Yes 07102i2073 24003 CVC UIILAAEUL LAFAP5 vCo S WOO 2L0 xes 07101{2027 244M CSC aARXWWrTH HIGH SEAMS brou S M(10 2A0 Yes 07XV&22 26101[b] MOWED LK49"4G 6700 S 0 13U 2W Yes 07XV2022 7lY3LAl CVC REAR IIEt'.-+.:IPF-R 67W S F4on 200 Yes OVOV2022 7155[N[F[TEI T: .• 67O 5 64aa ZM Yes D7r10] 2022 1 CVCkN-`:::-�-;:;-=f'�'. 120W s 124A0 AM Yes 07XV2022 ISS5MFM" Y;HIUA RLC4S1RATNDH 6700 S EAM 700 YH UM312022 7C1[STaLErNlPilfpAMFAGED[+AOCFPLIs 67-00 S 69La 2W Yes DVOW2022 1 CNC MLLWSkWA05AEME0 PulCAf10 MOD 5 372,00 3100 Yes 07MV2022 1 t[M CVC RMSKMG A DMAHLFD PLAN 1S95W S 372M 1300 Yes p7M1{i072 4462UI1 C'IC FwpKtW L%TTdiftAY DF TaE6 670p S 691M L00 Yes 07MIM22 64 CK ALTERED SCE HSF PLAFTS 670o s fi9m LW Y. 07101{2021 5206CVC TWO LKEMSE PATES REVIARFO 57.00 5 am SW Yes 07MV2022 SIMCAP LVC P6WMMfAIG OF PLATES 57 OD 5 69.Oa 2L0 Yes I CWM3{2072 SMILRl CVC TEFAP PLT SIIHL ME AEPLWIPLF" b7OD S WOO 200 Yes 071OWM22 S241[C] CVC L1ZHW PLATE COMIiNG 67W s e9M 200 Tes O2rT11i 7ai2 5202CW LKEWE PLATC NOT ATFACH[:• 57.00 S "M 2 C0 res 07 S 2QI I A; FIT R EG TAR S Fl.'tfw ABA MT 6TW S L9LO `CO tes i2:•_:- F1RE "AHTAMEMT M LIMUAAFIS Fees weh Yes' tndsr CPI ad Wnn WoeaeE 5r CPL.IeAels rsltrd W-- Emer Ylr�5enirls Ad.srred LHe ALS I'SP.10 S ]}92W 28W i MAIM Yrs 07; C.r Bases W. [Pik] 1.35LOD S 3,s9180 3400 S ].39200 Yes E Art w— TrartSporlal,r.[hvA� 51200 5 SZ400 SI.W S $2400 Tes 07faIrM21 Aaransed Lire S.egvs MaFTrFnspws 40000 6 4WLp - S 2353LOO M. D710V2a22 Bra jdl k%..N. T,.— JKPiM S 4W Co S 3,15100 Iw D7F0lF3022 EmnorLo ArtYaseuxt TSatMpaSlnwa WoW CI—jr 9.W 3 kom 1A0. S 11000 5 3026 Yes MMU2022 PLS F.. Regporlder F- AW.00 S 4WX0 S 924W Yes 07MIF2022 BLSfrst R,4-5lr Fee 4D00O S 400L0 S 92400 Tes 07MV2022 Parartu6r.Abs[t94an Sentor IM CO 2R.00 - YJnCF r10 a1111M20 xanseac SJMtu on Sersu IrW#ee BsearsA• SO 0III1ers ar.d 6&M S F4AD 21.OD - .aver IFo 01107Ra2o Y4mrAr ionSMYY fer - fkamess, eaA add4Rlrsar ID pN91e15 antl nssmrwn Bal 25M S 3`t DO Wri4s I!A O11a2FM2a OPerati sand am tuff 14-53 Em 171 4h 47i 47E 475 4BT 491 48] 492 A$4 48S dw 49, A68 499 4m 491 491 493 49e 455 4% 497 49p 499 500 S0i 502 503 Soo i05 S06 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, fines, and fees (5 Rf F) - pet ailed [urre It Charges Proposed Charps 4wenoomm- of M m-.W-tN _ -- __ vsrrrnannl (ir Ineeermmel-{M Mn0Fag3errlallen $911ro "Am GE,.v I% TOW a Ism" Foe m,,$C*bp Toth Re can FN ap�uhse] ToW a 11 F IN Appoubw ToLd or base- �pPo 61e1 CR1 Oi[. .. 1 Hr M:ni�nuin To 7rie HeaF e.[ 15 MIxrrrrKnl �?�nr 1 H+. I rre C.p!a•n Un.0 lone Fee syr ryas 5 19100 19::k] 5 i3: 1 H, M,n- To the Ne-I 15 Mm Irl[remeni 0l I Hr, Battalion Chief umt nne apnl Fee Wr Ha 50400 5 521D0 1700 S 522.00 Yes P7101/2027 I Hr Mwmwn Tn TM N-1 Is Mm IrH-rehlenl Dyer I Hr, Par-". 1fid two Pcrsorul fee,, Hpv 710.r10 S 716.00 BA)a - S 716.00 Yes 07101 2072 I Hr Aaepmw.. To The Ne 11S Min Increment 0xr 1 Hr, fief three I- Per sloe _ Low p0 f 1.020.00 7u Ifl] f 1,020.110 Tps 071011ZD22 1 Hr. Mimmvm in The Nearest 15 MI .. Ir.aern.nt Oyer 1 HF, Fwe irpci 11wr sons Fee Per Hour 1.276.00 S 1,316.00 40.00 • 1,316.00 Yes07/01/2022 ] Hr. Mir4mWp To The Nearest 15 Min. IrHxen.gnl Orer 1 H,, F-I er 1 Person Fer Per F1ou 275 00 5 296.110 2100 5 296001 Yes 07/01/2072 1 m Mlnmun To The kem-t 15 MIn. fi-ry .Mt ()r 1 H,., PO4a ,,CK A.Mir* m Unit PAIL] E Fee Per How 1,060.00 5 1-OR7.90 7.00 S ] 7 v0 V- 071010022 Fbe Pres,ettl GMF (lossve Report Resew Per How - 1 Hour Minimlan 228.00 15 235.00 7.00 f 23SA0 Yea I 07ry112022 Fire, LIle S.Wy d Sp-1 IWrerd Oopsullat- Per Hors - 1 How Mir,.- 228.00 $ 235 00 7.p0 $ 235.00 yes 01/0112022 Pe, How - 1 How Mlmmum; mindm Oils., flit, y d,WJ-d Pre-sm-ITAl RPnerr plami requests 228.00 5 73500 7.00 S 235.00 07/01/2022 Rem of In I.w1 23600 5 24000 2.00 5 Mum Yes 07 l 2032 ] Hour Min.mum, hp.rM .! [phlr8ulus IO rgtrryy 6u61Filai Weekend, Ookilay, w No.. Lone uous 8 APw Haas In on Re qnt nowt 225.00 S 23500 low s 235.00 Yes 0710112022 CrfdFCpmplwnce Reyipw • %an Renew andlw inspc[1wn Te -r Ass"4nsv-4<p lax Fne Pr ql tW5 rams Sarvaes; rHour 22800 5 23S00 70o S 21S.001 Yes 07/01/1022 Fin Prwint" • FNN Mod fit2lI n taw RMIff OWspe to Editing Isar, W14-IW 13800 S IA 7.00 Soo 5 143.e Yn 07/01/2021 Plap Re.newlu 14000 5 144.00 400 5 144 n6 Yea 0710IM22 Fire N-rilkan I-pitcdon IAj, Fanory IN e n equal [p 3,OOfi sg4Fre feaq [also us.d 10, 6PHnecs {61.Osr-t,W IMI, aid Storage{%ccob roirs wh- uacd] 13B.ou 348.00 Icrou S 348.00 Yes 07/01/2022 A14 AssemGlY (A), Fxtory IFI • 3.000 t w equal to 10,000 square Fee[ a6prpge9e lA.-d iw 8- IRI.Merrantde fMI, and S-v I51 [ es when regwred 428.00 $ ASS-00 17.O11 S ASS yes 0711)11202: A71Assgmby [R1, Fxtory [F pla,oao cf agFreBaie la6p srsed Iy 8vsness 181,Mer-W. W1, arsd Slor s" I$] Mog,414,in Yhvn re ulredl 63700 5 670.00 33.00 5 610LW Yes 07101111022 On (am Ed",00al JE l m lnsbi.gH+rtii Ogre I-4 463.00 15 460.00 17.00 5 480.00 Yea 07AW2022 EOW.Innal plher Mond o a63.00 5 490.00 17.m 480170 Yes 07/Ol 2022 Hiph-Huard6Fonps Hi, H2, H3, FLt, H5, w Ubor,W:1 L] IOh, l Classilication TvchnHel Rp Rerxw lee .l, 537.00 5 SO 00 26.00 5 563 W Yn 07/01/2022 H,R,{ : $trW ureT Chet a,e 75 ft. w h,$hw measured IFwn iorrcsi point or Iv. de fiment a[recs 1,664.00 S 1.764 00 top.00 S 1, 764 W Yes RIIO112022 Mnc Inspectwn -Juding eleratmi, eleratpr Ipboes, Fen 4tor5. [anrw�es, .-Airs Per 1q , 225.00 5 235.00 low $ 235-00 Yes 0710W!30 2 IH'srdeniial I or 11: Hwrl, mp:[If. apartments. condo-.-, IHasp Fee 367W 5 36GOO I1.001 S 366.00 vo 071OV2022 Reydenu.l AI or R211[g A. ruaq H. ayarimenls, Fundomiraum! {PM LInil, sae 11k,11111,1193 900 S 11,00 200 S 11.PP Yes 07 112022 Reodent al ?A: iHelHed resleknrlal ure/assuted Im re fa[ihnes and i, w se F,11. 19cpenrs 517-00 S 563.00 2600 5 563.00 Y- 071m1/2022 Revdenhal R4 Iberued resrcµmtwr [arcJassKtedlinnF }aF+4hes ynd slmita, uses 19 e1.enle 7R8.00 5 828.00 40.W S 828.00 Yes OWal/2022 {o.ma oal 6aMvr .InsPecl.m 23800 S 140.00 200 S 2A0 rf0 Yes 0710=1i02-2 F-ve Lane m ton Fire Master Plan] PeF II.w • 1 H- M.-228.00 5 235.00 7.00 f 1l5.00 Ves 0710F/2073 er F-AsWtrs: IFnPecr- f62.00 S 161.00 100 $ 161.00 Yes 07/01/2022 rani ImtallaHon Or Remoral.I.n ctlm Ahvvp or Below Grp.nd Per ]anM Aham 0, Below C-L Per Tank 438.00 5 45soo 17.00 $ 455.00 yes 1 07101 2022 Orl-bW Space Inspeasors 225.00 5 235.00 10.00 S 135.00 Yes 07101/if173 Huaarce Ahatemem S-,. 'Weeds,BubEish Arid Omer Nuis.ne« weeds. Rquo -.h AAd Omv HbMar.se; jwNou 225.00 5 23500 ]O.DO 5 23S 00 res 07/0112022 Lira P-fl-- mWeeiJort Flre Alarm 5 rFem1 Fne alarms t� La Fee 118.00 5 740.00 t 24017 Yes 07 1 2072 F,re alarm s - per Oeybe 125 1 F.50 I 0.25 $ 3.S8 Yes 0710112022 14-54 Sus 51( S11 512 513 514 515 Sif 5I7 $18 511 520 szl M 523 534 535 S26 527 529 S29 530 531 532 533 534 535 Wr IEU 538 539 540 i41 S42 541 544 545 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFFj - Detailed Current Charges Proposed ch. SL1{VKE NAaFE ggBC IFIIF TaOal ae Ll. FM --- ' -OT `.pdIFahlel TefAl xiWeFe► Irrp[mrrantal-[k wpk+Elel Tplal. BM Fe4 LHremergal-1d appll m j Ton al or base Fee ineremental-[If appEluWR1 CR Implameneagaa Me N. aMrm system. Per S,oty Greaser Iran 2 uenn Ilneluers A6prp god Below Ground SWrunl 5 45500 4;500 Tes 0]/O]r7d23 FHe PreyenNpp - In Mn freed Fire EOM ill'.n $ Lemy Commcrtiat me s mt3cr snrcm [NFPA 131 Nax• nsatl w�1n 1 R•ser 2.38A0 $ HO-Op 1.00 $ 240.110 yr. 07MI12022 Cummerc+at fnp 5 Ilnklar y Hem IHF PA 131 . earh 44d'L!read 3.]S $ 3.5p 0,75 $ Isa Ye+ 0]/011?0?7 RaFh Ad&mnal CouHsscru41 Riser 17; pp 5 133M e.M S 133.00 Tes 07/0 t17027 Cpmm41Gat I1 0 Fprinkler"y 1NF PA 13j: per 5rvey Greases Than 2 11wiM [MK3z AW--68claw Ground Stodn) S 45SAO 455.00 $ 455-00 Flrc uy1R11,3twn 438.00 5 455.00 1700 5 455.00 Y" W10112022 i ire spnNkr mpndW i s em, . Np. it lam yvlµrF 268.00 $ 294310 G 00 S 29400 Yes 07/01/2027 Muh I•tAmgv &Avtft rewdevLUI lire sorintler syttem [NFPA 13R1 [ea4e rare 218d30 5 MAP 2.00 5 240.00 Yn 0710112022 Mrili•fa ly dwe6Rsa lesrdernw3 fila sppinelar system [NO PA 13a] !per umtl 325 S 3.50 0.25 S 3.5a 1`es ❑710517027 St4n6ppet. NFPA 5{ Gass 1. Ron N4 and mdudes abl standapea wtMn a s'Le hrulsUn or6oaL dock 537.00 _ $ 563.00 26.00 5 563-01) Ypt 0710312027 Tananl imprauement (711 NFPA I W 13R I" rinkl"r ,pm Aaw bra 188 00 S 196.00 0.001 S 1" 00 Yes 07/01/2022 Pnanl Impiwemevt {TI} NO PA 13 m 13R films rinkler s ten. per head 3.25 5 3.So 0.25 5 3.5a Yat 0710117077 under *XdAre polecm, - Pew 438JM S 455.00 17.00 $ 455.00 yes 07/01/7022 llndar rp,.Ie rare te(31pn- mt 338.00 s 3421.00 10.00 s 348A0 Te5 07103 2012 Fhr PrerelFthn -ass 9 Flee pntecu- E L ens Comvrrdat Cooke Hood and gun 23a.00 $ 24000 2.00 S M000 Tes 07JOW2022 Pry action fva s finkler larm s 28R.00 $ 2M.W 6.00 5 294.00 Yn 0710112022 Spedal to grvslWgsyalem dry diemlul, C04 loam Ngwd fyslem, inert as 2 lrrcr M,' 2LU.m S Moo 1.90 5 240.00 07/01/2022 a Boolt%S "W2.0 43S.p0 ; 455.00 11-01 ; 455.00 Yes 07/01/2021 E1n Na banal add SPELW t.rsrl Pwm11k Candle Fermi,P rJrr. Fort I— and spmkir awmt 57.00 $ 63.fJ0 6.00 5 63.p0 Ycs 07101+2022 O atianal Permits Leyel 1 - New W Rerlewar - A nuai LerN 1 - [uttirrg and weldne [4rs5. ❑ry ckJrunQ planb -1 [0 2 machines, G uefed [radon 10,al, uw ierrLs 236.00 $ 25A 00 1800 $ 254.00 ye& 07/u112022 0 ra[nnal Perrwls LesKl I-NewW Rrnrwut-A-wil l¢rN7 aN other rtwns "foam to[iC Section SO;.h 44500 5 476.00 31.uN S 476.00 Yes 07/01/2022 Sppnal Eyes[ Pprmlts le Eyedl PtrrrPl 193 00 S 704.00 11 AO S 204.00 O]/01I X727 $ a if e l P4rm44 Level til m defined bV the, Recreatnn pe rtn a !lour 22500 5 23500 10.130 $ 735.00 Yes 0710112022 5 w1 Even! Pennies AuhRC Display Fbewwks QrarPW diFp4y only r j hpme99m1 5-30 rrPnMh 317.m S 401A0 i4.00 S 401.00 Yes 01101IM2 5 -at Event Pe u P.UI 0 - Flrevrorks -acrid &WUv > 10 rnrnoles us 00 S 1 0SA.00 "im $ i-O54 00 Yes 07 112021 Tempura Clu a of aw Use of Road L]psuparry as a Plifc of aaaemhlY • Sporeal J.. per Hour 221LW $ 235.00 7.00 5 23500 Yes 07/0112022 WreRend- Hpltda , r Non [onl uosu & Ahn Horns In to Ppa t 2 Hour PAmmum; t w lyit Fontlaunus to namsal It es > Inns 2]5.op S 23540 10.00 $ 235 W Yp o1 1 2022 N" p]ayadllorl • plen Reyiaw All Assemble IAj, F.WN If] , or equal to 3000 sgrurc feet [also used !r Busieless [61. McrcanHlp{M}, and Storage 15) o¢Ipannas when urp6l N1l6 CBC 545AP 5 618.00 73.00 5 6M 00 Yn 0710IJ2022 All Assembly IA;, Factory IF) > 3LWO r or egwl to 10," square feet apgrcgatp !also use6 fen 5­ I13), Isk+r4ntilr IM), 4nd 510rapc 151 rKKF.han rF r.rrd 713.00 5 815.00 102.00 5 81500 Yes 07/01/2022 AR Asi{YrwblT 1Aj, rxewy IF)>10,000s 1, aW,c i, falsa vied la B,dvirN Ief. hw,.Mar IMI, and Sr rear i5! aecupaneen wi- cared] 900.00 S 1.024.00 12400 5 1,024.00 Yet 071 IM1 I7 O rn Eduuhonal F) nr h. tit utg-P Cwn.nt i141 443.00 ; 499.00 $6.00 $ 499.141 Yc. 07p1 N322 F.J.alowlother lhand tx 545.00 ; 61600 73.00 $ 618.00 Tee 07/01/2022 Hlkl.jlarard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, a latnrarury I L)1Chemu al Clamdrtaton Tedlnrcal Review ter oho rc 1,537.00 5 1.724.00 107.00 5 1.7b6.00 V. 07/0112022 Ni-Rise: St I YCLW4Y that are 75h d Maher meaflRe6 from 1pwclf poml pf lrvdp mrM across 3,561-00 5 4094.00 5;3A0 $ 4094.P0 Yea 07 1 2022 Misc wan 8evfew rrKfyAlg eIlY4LW5, Nevatna b6Wes, aerleeators, G per HOW 22&00 5 13500 710 4 00 Yes 07111112022 F udentul Rl r R7: Htrirls, malCH, aoartmvrns, wndpminumsl Basv Fee 74200 5 2S3.00 I1.00 5 753.ou yes 07/0117072 R_&pyne Rl a R2' Hp3cls, mrels, epartmenl s, condominums IPcr L3n0, Per R.Idnill IS 07 s 10.00 2.00 s 1000 Yes 0710112022 14-55 543 fide S49 S50 S51 m 553 554 555 556 557 559 559 560 561 562 563 564 56% 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 S71t 529 Sao 501 set S93 S114 595 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (5RFFI - Detailed [urrent Charges Proposed Charges . S1ililf!'L HAIIM. O9513YPT10F3 Teul or Aase Fee FAvemental. frf oppOcablr) 7olal or Base Fa Inuamantal-14 appikuhle} Thar er Bate Fee 6r"o-vrtal•lif apppgElaJ Teal of lAFa Fea Muremmtal-(2F apotablaj LN ynrfwlrllgYwF am* ReHcentiAl R4- firerrsed rniern[ur ureHssr3led llwng fauhtNs and lar uses to 11911*.0 ' OO 5 1,0120.00 1 : ii• S 1.020IX! Yes 0710312022 Reyidpnlial R4 ficMHed r(yirkydHl wrelaunlcd IiymR fxil4�n arM simdar user se 7.19PIrents l,53700 S 1.724.00 137.00 $ 1,724-00 Tes 07/0112022 C-rrorupi awe Plan Rrv- 141.0n $ 262.00 71,00 S 262.00 Yes G7101007 Fw Lane Plan Renew I1ur Matter Plan Per Maur 1 now Minimum 228.00 $ 235.90 1.00 $ 7t5 otl Yes 07 112022 Fro Gates Plan A-e . 350.00 S 203.00 13.00 5 n3 QQ Yn 07/01/2022 rahk I-T41rHlon Or Renwal: %an Renew AboY w Bd-Glolerd I Prr, Tank At- Or Below' r-L Per Tank 342 00 $ 311-00 3900 S 38100 Tes 07 V]fIW E.rr 1.e Responder CtxnmreRca[wn Coverage e- 5-ice to privately owned b-ck--al amplification sysxem.a by I" Orange Cpunll 5 Wdf-Col Doer CpnmumWrrpns pinwn on behalf pf 14 G Pol.re and IF I, menu 417.03 S 477.00 5000 S 477-00 Tes Q7 tmi ? Ffro 14•mWM • Ma0 Revkw Fir. Alarm 6 lit- Flrealarm 1pm. Lws F- 190.00 S 203.00 1300 S 20300 Yes 07101/2012 Fre Aurm em. Pei »suite 2 50 S 3.00 a Sa S 3 16 Yn 071d112022 Films pr4YenN9ir-plan Reek -Flied fire Earn ukW Serra Ci min al Fre SWIrk4eF system [NFPA 131 Base Fee 190.00 $ 203.00 1300 S 20}.1p Y<s O71U312022 (wnrn."l fire sprwk fir svN HFPA L31 each add'I head 3 25 S 3 75 0.50 5 3.95 Yn 37113317071 Fie w4-121101.- 44300 5 499.1t2 56.m $ 499.00 Yes 02/01/2022 Fire aphfiker mp 4 srm, water no -A umpa, switches 165 In S 17g.00 13.w S 578.00 Yes 0710112022 MrlrrQ-His dwtifn13 rrsidewial foe swAser system INFPA 13Ri 194w Fre" moo $ 703.p0 1300 $ 203.00 'ley o7 11022 Muhrf-111 1,41, 11 resrdcnrul hie spfmkrcr system I"", IM [per roil 3 75 5 3.75 0.50 $ 3.SK Tes 07/0112022 $landppr5 NFPA 14 (laF. r. IL 01 III and+ndudnv A standpipe, wi,N- a e1 Ie budsp or 6aald .s 44300 $ 499.00 5600 S 49900 V'ei 0710112912 Tenant 1m rpvemenl [TI j NFPA 13 or 11R hire swiriAl¢r s rem hase fee Sin Qn S 14400 4.00 S L44 w Fes IY71OL12022 T-T 1m 1 [Tli NFPA 13 or FIR fires Inktn "item: head 2.50 $ 2.75 0.25 5 7 96 Yrr 07/01/2022 Wde round fire proieclwn• New 37600 S 420.m 4400 $ 42000 Y45 D710IJ2022 undo owd hie wan.9n 190.00 S 203.00 1300 $ 20300 *es 07 i 2022 Hre preremien - Plan it sf- mI Fire prpteptlon F wN ent Cornmerual Cock. -N d and Duct (pef s rem 140.00 S 144 00 4.00 5 144.on Yn 07 i12027 Pre-Rctwn hie :Gnnkler •Vitem, mcl udes alarm system 545.00 S 516.W 73.00 $ file O0 Yes 0710111022 Speual pvvng wshmg s:- dch ry emical, COT, fwm liquid air-Nk. as IHalen, lost en 292.00 S 32100 29.00 $ 32100 07/OV2072 5pra &-I h. S45.00 Maw 71.00 S 619M 07 112022 Fire pfererrtfan • Staff Life soft iahu V 3 Hr Rlkdnt9fn To Thr 7l "T IS Mln 1rr[romen1 CHer 1 Hr • Fee Per Hima 199 00 6 235.00 36.00 $ 235.00 Tes ❑7 0VIG22 tdr Sal 'ahvi lipFen 1 Nr Aai= to the Nearest t5 Min. Irrremenr 0- 1 Hr.. Per Floir 20200 5 23S-W 33-00 S 735.00 Was 0710112022 Flm R-,AlFen • Sule Mandated Ins malpns Care F-In- Annual Fee 7 99 di4ms as deBrrrdm I*Cohrorma Bull INN Code 22&W 5 240.00 14.00 S 140.00 To 07 In 8117 [are Faplrin Annug lee a 99 dle % as delimd m me California&atdng 44200 5 473.00 3L 00 5 471.00 Yes 07101 2022 CommprrW Oa Care farwpes ee 26000 $ I76.00 16.00 S 276.00 Yn 0710212022 Hi h Rke 8relmi a rr 1. 3n2 ❑0 5 F 33,00 31.OP S 1,333.00 trs 07 OS 1021 Na H 200 Or Mae Barr 8.316g0 $ By.2.00 636,Q0 S 8,957.00 Y!s 071o1/7C172ee VCA� $0 - 2" Raafna 26G-W17600 1600 $ p6.0UH01N1/Motds ee 30001 Mote Aeons 4A2.00 S 473.00 31.10S 473 00 Yes 07Mt 20I2 Reytk-tW Car,• Fard-tY Nit-t.crn. Inspection a Hea11h and Safes Cede Seplgn 13235 312.O0 S 323.00 N.00 S 323.00 Yes 07101/2D22 Stale Foc[parance s For [vmmefc471 pttrp--. elurk%O es, and r Fanlities 31100 S 1t5.00 4.00 $ L15.00 rn 071Q117021 Sur Centers A-wl F!e 476.00 $ 509-00 33.00 5 509.00 YK nVov2027 umkw u heeler Guard Fes P. wl n1 856.00 $ 85600 No 071p1 2022 dn1Guad • Adm-11014r Fer Cancellpbpn Prior 1p eOAIWi Wdeadhnr Per P,1.0p,01 113.00 S 11890 5.00 S 1 L6 10 Yes 07101/2021 nerd atfdns Lil uafd OPRrer L Hr Mnimmn To The Hearst IS Min. lncr 1 Over 1 Hr., Fee TO elw. U900 $ f44170 500 - S 1444a Yet D7/0211022 ul yard Ca 1 Hr MPrimum To Thp %-e t 15 MIn. lrcaerraeret Wei 1 Hf.• 'Fee Per W. 204.00 S 212m 8-00 • S 211.49 Yes Q7/QV2922 14-56 566 Sal 533 "9 sw 592 592 S93 594 595 596 597 596 599 600 601 600 W3 6a WS 606 607 60e 609 610 fill 612 673 614 US 616 611 Oil 6j9 620 621 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees ISRF0 • Detailed Current charges Proposed Charges QnunA��An rww RPoiiry rerwr L.rl.nce From Previou. Vw.r Full!'onNari�x Lalu. SERVICE NAME 0E$CRIPTION I ... I a fLre Fe. [nere,nenlJ-pr •pP[Irah41 Tpul'a 6.f. F.e [nuemental-Id aPPHnNl j irrtal u 6ax Fee Ine,emenu[-{x • bre] Toby a Use FN w-.em.nt.k-�d .PPk Ale) an Impement,ncn Oro .... .. .,ern Oren l H,. L} yard Battalion Chwr uu 5 :a3.00 a M 5 241.92 071011�7: bf vud I 1 Hr M.nimym Tv T++- Nra,rai 1-5 ha.n In[ Cr M 0� j W , Fre P*r Hour 6500 5 G8.00 3 nn 5 6a.?a Yes OWGW&77 _ bf uarp I.!,Ir 1 Hr Mrnanum Te The Nearest 15 Wm Increment Carer 1 W, Fee Per H-, 76.IX0 $ MOD 3 w 5 79.05 Yn 0710112022 Pr•r[ur 5na! rrn•� n.l 1 Hr Mrnrmum T. TAr WA, Iq 15 M,ri IC?wr I Ht . Lrr Prr Hn ur ;h6 iY, $ 276 CT1 10 fn 7]G 54t Tra 07�01 r7022 IkAR601t 0EP1{RSM6ryi Fen Mth Yes" under CPI colunn ,messed b, CPI, -I- ApWak NBMC Cbap[ry 17 6S nl Sw-fgl A .1 to H+rfio. Cumm...i,m S S 1, 796 4l Nq 07F41/a0}2 A !r-NBMC Ch.M. l7-65f i-1 umuccesstd Appeal to Harbor CPmrnnVon 1,250 oa S 1-250.CR3 $ I.7%43 No_ 071u117070 App-4 • N6MC LMprer 17 6S jAqpik.ml 9uppessrul to UV Cousin S 5 I,550.69 No 0710112022 A ris NBMC Chapter 1765 I Appiicj-1 Vms"WAW M1 toCif CO"1 "0 r10 5 940.00 $ I,SSO.69 No 0710172022 D,P#hy Rack Rental APpIiFal inn Fee Iiullgn Fee to prp[ny mpnlN rental neement 19.00 $ 20.00 100 $ 20.40 Yes 07/0112022 Fnrtronmental Re 7400 S 71.00 3 [1n 77.5S Yn wjovM2 Harbor Nwkak I Y. m Com ter WO.0o S 519.00 l9 W 5 519.47 ye';01/01 2022 or HarbSpecwl Eren1S - $,m IP IR.I[ Up. tip.[ Race, etL 1 Cert tp .s mute 97 W 5 t07.00 400 $ 101.10 Yn 07/01IW22 Impound F- Imtul Cost w impound a Ynsrl on [he list day. 30600 S 130.00 4 CQ S t10 35 Yek 07/01/2022 wo F" - lop - t-t and Frond mnK v.krels Cost wimpound a Ynsel on the Frrst dar. Tvprcanv reuels antler 20 feet. Sd.00 5 56.00 2.00 S 56.05 Yes 07/0112022 [ Card Re aicmt l he cost m r Ihe.Itto the Manna Par/. f-M- 13.00 $ 53.00 $ 23.60 ves 07M(2022 e 9pa1 Escrwl oscori arw Yrur1 104.00 S 107.00 3.00 $ 107.94 Yee 07/01e2022 tar e0G1 Permit 1260 Lp 4r Fret I- w renew IOPIrc.Oon and assist 11" hosts in Harbor at anehpr a 75.00 $ 76.00 300 S 760S Yes 07/0172072 Eon r Bose Permit 220 irises' Feet Re r! Mlrr cv.c Coormrwtmn 751.W $ 779.00 22100 $ 779.14 07/0112022 Wn Aboud Perml[ * ar i61.00 395.00 1-100 5 395.72 V. 0710] 2022 tmLA rpken tree Cort w replace a lure Wmided ID renter Oal is nthe, retuned broken or not retuned at all 62.00 $ U.00 2.00 $ 6437 Yes 07/Ot12022 Manna Park C"ellwwO Fer Fee CNaf Mil r"0-4uM nancelled 13.00 13-00 5 13.60 Yn 07/012022 Manna Park ONX-t F_w reserve a slip a[ M_ paA • ¢�T fharj.d aR-m fray 50.00 $ 50.00 M 07M V2022 Marm Pam • Rai Rawl} EWctr.nlr Agw1 MI t3 yluk QMWI Der kWh S23 Ratut Per kWh e 5 13.94 S 013 Yry OWOV2022 Marulp AetMlirt Per ml • moral xo- Prawdw 373.00 5 36G.00 MOO 5 MO. Yes p7 1?2022 MAnne Aotwt," PeN 11 - Initial C-ws, Boa[ REMals, Human -Powered Rentals 1,160.00 $ 1.203.00 aion 5 1 70313 Yn 07 7l2072 Manna Ro ttin Permlk r eeval wl Charters, boa[ Rentals, Human P w rvdgpmals 448.00 $ 465.00 17.00 $ 465.17 Yn 07 112022 Marine ALt..A-Penns-renews[ annvat• 5-PmNdrn 8d 00 $ 97.00 100 5 6773 Yey 0710112022 MWring Ez[ep..wl Permit Cyst to e.4tune l he vMLt pl e.-fi amocrm "Oh S14.00 S 533 PO t900 $ 53303 07/0112022 M,/tkok Ve tMWI lam AmFgiwt4Qft Frr 514.00 S 53300 19.m $ 53303 Yed 0710112C122 Fen w Sea ttan 0.1.-1 LaS d} tlaff 10 Put in pLacr appropryty siv 1- drtnrrnt and mare when rywnrr coin h- 1,13 00 $ 341A0 Soo $ L.a.96 Tek 07/01/2072 l Fqe Boats over 14'1 JCpntracl p.. thm h 26 fps 100%[infractor C-t 527 u310ty4CMtrKtM Cast LOU 5 27.21 Yqy 07/01 2027 i Fe[ rllct -&1 141 cny s[aH 7100 $ 74.00 3.o0 S 74 So 07MV2022 Wmt LLO for Mbw YaMr Sian Shin And tiara es 33.00 $ 34.00 100 - $ 34.91 Yes 07/00022 WaN tiff tar 6aNpa Ya,ht 6a.nJM.nna P•1rt p.n n Risks 26.00 S 27.00 1.00 $ 27.21 Tps 07MI 2022 VvaH lm fvr the Aboard 26.00 5 27.00 I-M S 77 71 Yek 0710tOW2 II- Red Rgmar • Manna P.rk)AWbea Twhl 6uin Rental rare for rxN k rat Manna Park. and (ITS $37 yet Amnth $ex per M-11, I S MAO T. u710[17077 m 14-57 82] CM 6N 62! 624 627 628 625 DU 6;1 G92 9F 634 635 636 637 638 619 1W 641 642 643 6a4 645 W 647 FAR Bn9 650 651 652 653 684 655 656 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFFj • Detailed Current ChaFt[ei Proposed Charges SERHCE F1af{AE TOW a We Poe hkFalRlrrfy-pF aipam"1 j Teel vN7e See aPol-M.1 Ii141 a 1. Fee 1FrFnmanlal•1R aPPI1 0 Tvlal or 111- Fee Inrremenlal-flf appMrahtel CPI Implementation om pi SW' . 04"d ar. fhnhvre G-I M- Gncal Poet [e S0 69 per Llr.ral FPOt iLfjfnqht Us•.; 1; u1,r7022 Guns MWIfl s •Offshore frear-Ah uMO Rental rare to &pmcl t1he nrgnr on an off," il n 6 .33 9W Li oral sort [LF]In hl 51�l9 per L-M Foet [LFllr. ht 005 $ 1.39 Y<s 07l0112022 Guest Mconn s - onshore IYeaF-RmsEi Based on fair mafkLM1 rate aN fFer WFea! Foot uJ nr hr "M pw llrrat Foot LF n l 0.02 S 0.69 Yea 07101 2012 tin a Fee • Ni f41 $[or a Fir Nightly r¢eto hold an l-rded boat. The Gly ranelot rent thn space to a Pays -tourer S 5n 1 MO Hmg Rental Bales Sane eF Guest M-lg RerHat Flat<e doles y<F o710112012 tar Vessel isoe tf1 Ofthere Lku Moon Coal of ren[Fng a large vessel There is adddipnal ilmr eFWlved m 6nMn the ro lucapon .66 Per Umal Foot {LF Vmight 51.72 M Lirr¢at I m i LF ]rt 0f16 S 1.72 YM 07/0112022 l Vesu1 Guesr Arlolsor a Rate - Mon Clt T,[F'le - M peal Casl Of the lait:le in the water I0 a vessel is not lied .50 Umal Four Lf ni hr So 52 per U." F" LFII l p 02 5 0.51 Yes 07/01/2022 Marina Park Boat 40' L' Bautl rTr, tart marl el role aruNrn 585 M Night S&e W Night 336 S 8R 69 Y- 07101 22 Manna Park Beat 5 l55' $' I ute Mad m i- MRReL raana fey 5117 N SI21 t 4.00 S 171 91, Ye4 07/01/7077 Manna Pant 6x0 54n 10mimtigCNr I Maned m t- ma a late ana - $2 to 4m, Fwl/npght S2-27 m i 0.00 5 2 22 yes 07 1027 F.sppH - oNshare Omar }rot, to 61 5 ia.61 Sue R¢wtul- See Mote 111/01)2071 Moore - DneMre r Iln¢ar fool, P<r year 1429 $ f9.39 Srn Rrnotvtw See Note 01101)2021 Muni hull Vmx4 2 hulh Baud m far marker rat¢ -1a .60 Pu pnuN Fool 101jaight $1 66 W t"Ol FOOI JiSynigm o 06 5 1 eh YrY CF7 112022 Multi -null v-i - 3 hush Ma u!d F.F rav -rkrr rar, aei,y­ Al r Lneal Fpil tLeliv.,ghl $1-74 f L'Preal Fppl LF ❑ 07 $ 1 f4 Tcf o7/0112022 LIOLF"Y )EPPAIMENT ee,t r P rrod In OUll "d adjuFrmn.ts -a eas¢d yr Av* iv4 is End rat CW edtuetmene.- ssa ResRtulwn 1022 23 Idwed 4/11122. RAFltals *In -Yri under CPI rdumn Nlcreaved Ill CFI F4dW LtFv erL rrruren[r, Orpmiis And Sn[ .Q ices Mar ill, Ar -.I t Ma Me fsmn.e other %estr1ill M14 A CancrllatlPn dl < Libritro cancellation Chj,o All PFgrr and Fac,lil i 56 00 $ 511.00 2 00 5 58 17 Yes 01/03120`27 w Cmiraf LYru Cwmnunrt Roan FLO-da le, U- Puhhc Addr<ss loan 1L+000 s 100.00 S 100m M. 07126/2G16 mn k<I,>trNhk C]ePe Rehmdi.,, Cleann Flep¢srt %00 5 %.00 S N600 No 07/26/2016 Meer AOOms CerWal Libra Comnrunrt R1rim No -PrW 4 R-IIenl 0.1 r, For P. Hour 2 Hour Mm.mum 50 no S 50.00 5 50.00 Nn 0 I.C.12 lr. Ceraral Libra Communrt Room Non Profit N-dent Rate, F<e Per Hmrt 2 Mvue Minim"" 95 DO 5 95 G0 S 95.t10 W 0712W2016 Central L,br [irnrow.l Rppm Pr-te Res.de.n Raw. Fee Per Hour 2 Hr.r FA. -um 8ow $ 80-00 5 $0.00 No 07/26/2016 Central Librar Ca -my Room Pneale Faorw W-1 Ra1n, Tire Pcr Hour 7 Hour M:nlmum 160 Oo $ L60.00 5 160.M No 0711 2016 Seto And demo ien �rnval Libra Commuiirt11­ SM1, end Clranu 12g-m 5 134.00 sm S I.34.23 res 07101 2022 Firm fat 0,tinA-M.Wroh, bVbs Own-renratl F,oe for DWI- I- Matefial So.751ss to Ma. 120 0.251 to Max $20 Nv 0712W 2016 ca-crat Matenah, Al- Iwols. CM fine for Der 8- matenil 50.2SIday to Mar S10 SO-25ldby to Max $10 Ho 137F21W71316 L-Ptco For Ipr Wnrdue MalerW Who., to Ma. $3. M0 $ to Mu 51 700 Nv 0712612016 Pa packs, Penodi fs Fme F. 0-d� Malerrat $0. 25jdy to Mar SS S0251d to Max 55 No 0] 2612036 Tech T Fine fir Ov rdue MaW.1 W WMax $400 55e&v mMan $400 No 071261701E Vixo Games Fine In 0-0p Material S11 to Max S20 Sl?dy to Max S20 Ho P7 2016 Sarrlves elatY anp wt,Pr ry 56f StrY rcWIEr 0 is $ 0-35 S DAl No 0710 1027 [due Fit(Set!-5<fvirS Co iMl o45 5 0.45 5 0.50 NO 07/0112072 Mlack andwri- es I from Printer 0.15 $ US 5 0.68 No 071OV2022 Color [ s Itrmr Printed Per copr 0.45 5 o.t5 s 0.77 N. 07/0117022 toter Libra Lam Per Uml 5.00 5 S.00 $ M-43 No 07/01/2022 Malchah Use Vr Per LJ- 1-00 S 1.00 S 5.82 HP 0710t 2011 ten FIrmcirivis lf..d fee 24.001 MOD Ill] $ 25.E Yn 07/0112027 limpoirt SefYfGaF Pose Exec."- Foe Ay[hper2rd by thr U 5 GeFnrr[mnnt of Starr, &rwu ofCmsWar gf2,vrv, PassPPft Scroon Maz�mum mated b Gov t Codi. 35.o0 535.00 5 74.65 wee 0710I/M22 14-58 AM 65S 659 660 661 667 661 664 665 w 667 669 669 670 (w 67fi 677 67O 679 68P 6e1 692 693 w 685 6*6 Lim li&9 690 691 13512 693 694 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents. Fines, and Fees (SRFF( • ❑etailed Cement ChaMeA Prvprssed ChageF SENNR NAME DESCRIPTION raw tar lone tea I-Entm - {Ir A"N"64] T*W w 6Mr IM MtaNFtattdF-{iF -ppit- M) ivtalw la.e Fw ptonertantal-[N • TOW xftw I" lncr:mglM- CPI Impl.m.ntaFlola: D.C. Pas rr Phnlo lee 25.ilp $ 2G,W 00 $ 16 ID P.-w% rharl. fee It.pd. nc Ftem. Gen al M9t"'4Lf Iry05, V &t GPmes Nec­ -S ifta r e for rcalarel-I 1000 S 10.00 No 09IW2016 Pa 0-h [max _A.twpen ah Pr ""14 0.t 1. IAr r lacpm.nt LOD S 3.00 N•. 09/0e17015 Te& T Proce.ae g cha< a far r l.-t 20.00 S 20.00 N. 0211612026 Re -.m Cp of Mated. No u9/CW1 Dl6 Cp. at _T Cost M M.t_.,h 20.00 S 2000 No D9108/2016 C-PM 11- Cases Re IxRnten., per rase 1.00 S 1(l0 No 0910812016 Oa"o to e+rwde w RF9)1 M LJbf Mi "Il, 1.00 5 100 tip 09/08/2016 DY0/OOCO Cases Rc lacemem, 4.Od S 4 on No 09/08/1016 OW h 11 p1 ement Cost W MaW.% 25.00 S 25.00 Ha 09/08/1016 6e.aca1 Mal -Is Pxplac-1 Cos[ of Mal-ah AM 5 4.00 No 09AW2016 Terh i Lcement CP.t of MAter415 4W.W 5 400.00 No OWW12016 LOPKOP, wdla iphet OF ncplace-t Cost or Marvcials 1.20000 5 1.200.00 No o910a17016 Pa rbmk% Pe-Cilcals Replaren 1- W Marginal, 5.00 5 5.00 tae 09106/7016 V.den Games Ccsl or Matena:e 500p S 5000 No OWW2016 POLICE Fen w h'Yee under CPI Column M Jellied In, CM, urletl laced olherrr.r Adm.nsuation F-1 Per day, All other.Faff ­kpl. sW-fli ers or hre1, hren 175 oo S 275.00 5 3]$.00 N. 07/26/2016 Cnu Subpoena Pe. my. Sworn CIMCers and Ftreh Mon 27500 S 275.00 S 275.00 Nd OVM7016 Concealed we&pmi PermR FNnewal I'M of State f stabllshrd fee ]S.00 S 25.00 - S 356 W Yes 071011262] Concealed We Permit Mitial F00%of kale Esubl, h d F- 363.00 S 37400 11 00 - $ 37199 Yet 07/01110I2 Duwrbt 'Ady' Garde Rc 13200 S 143.00 u.00 S 14250hdppt res 071o11lpl7 AnknalCm[ro1 wn Fee Can 90.dp S 90 w S 7il.74 fcs O7/0112022 Ad,ptw Fee-semw Cat. -An-I Orera Yea, 90.06 S 70.00 120.001 Yes ion Fee 150.00 S t50.00 $ 279.92 Ye-, r77/O1j2022 tan Fer-Seruor DM A -1 Wet 9Tears 150.00 S 70.00 W.00f fell IP Fee • S11tens 1I0.00 S 110.00 5 246-34 Yes ❑7 i022 Adopoon Fee -P ies l75.00 S 225.L0 5 390.73 Y_ 0710MOn AdM­ Fee-Smap Amoral 45.00 S 45.00 S A3-97 Yes 07/011l022 Op dr Fee Animal 25.00 s ISAO $ afi 06 Yn 07101/2022 Boar di Fee Small Ammals per day 10.00 S 10.00 S 2S40 Yb 07/0112022 Impcund Fcc W& Cats, Other Similar Size An-K Small Animal$ SS.00 $ 42-00 7.00 $ 146.31 Y{r{ 010112022 Impaumd AeFrwse Nr Ahcr FO IM Im d 1O of State Ht,1LhshLd Fdv 35.00 S 35.00 No 07/0112020 by pond Relea.e NomAlter Fee. Ind 3MPUWd 100% W kale LubM3red Fee 5000 5 59.Oo No 07/01/2020 For d Itrlea No Ailey fe 3rd or more Fm d 100%tlr $law EslabIlOWd Fee 100.00 S 107 00 No 07 1/2020 Kennel tame to 79 animals 2t3.00 S I17.00 6.00 -is 117.pp Yo 07101/202I Kwe4 tic~ 30 S9 animal. 25300 S lMQO 26-00 S 279,00 we, 0701/2017 NI- Amoral Mpe,ta SerY.ces P&t R.Ried Nj 00 S 155.06 I4 00 - S 155 oO Ye. 07101/IOI7 PA. A-.1 Serryxy WOd Animal P-In 24100 S i55.00 3a 00 S 155 00 Ye. p]101 h1l2 NNU F7riM bnpMtloo Si-im Eou Ordered Irnperlfan 5 155T10 I 155.00 yes 0]1011 b123 er i1r11 rt Fee 4kd1ered Anmul ynn r1n 5 IOO.W S 260.41 YeF 07101 2022 14-59 695 694 fi47 698 599 700 701 702 703 104 Als 706 707 700 709 714) 711 712 733 714 5W 51v. 7E7 718 719 710 III 122 72.1 724 125 716 727 729 729 730 ICI 732 733 734 735 736 737 739 739 M City a[ Newport Beach Schedule of Rents. Fines, and Fees (SR FF) - Detailed Current Charges Proposed Charges SUMM NAME DESCRIPTION Total araasr Fee In-.ffW-ta "*fi-w TOW WOMF4w YNr4m4nxal.{M appouE10 TmM w 5n Fn Irrrrm4real•(IF Poh. q TeW w aeae Fee Ines-W-{rf ippkawj CPI Imgemrnxaxian Dal, Owveer Iran-m Fee - Ilnailered Anlmal W S )OG.M 100 00 we, 0. T; •.. Dedum D&Www Anim41 Fn {:n atltlrtwn sn ease an,:.., f 24$.00 24a 00 5 248.00 _ ouuu , I]1J Anlmal ucenu late [hare 2.50 5 5.00 2.50 No O71D312023 Da.Wft FAaf rper g ❑ rr,Frw 391.00 S 41100 2100 $ 412.00 Yr, 07/6112022 Seeend Hued D-Ikr porn.{ 326.o0 S 341 nn 15 n0 $ 341.06 Yes 07/n112022 S-d Hach DeA, Pmewal . 00) Fen el nm Pfp 307.00 S 312 D0 500 $ 312.00 07101 i027 Second Hued/ Pawn ONaW lag Cheek $ - 5 10.051 No 07101/2027 Padel Em a pee se &11,,g Gorr. Code 53350 sae hales see ndles a .1 Yes D7/0112022 MOxwilcd SPOOrer PcTulry 70000 f 200 w No 11/12/2020 Servk e iVarm "ken IHunerorrd or Vnrndna-d S6.v0 S 60.00 200 5 60 ❑0 Yn 07/01/2072 Aa.,Mmlmr Fee Annyal 209A0 S 71400 6.00 $ 21400 roc 01/0i12072 Annual A-, Fee [wnmernal Alarm Perini[ 35.00 S 36.00 1.00 6 3600 3es 07/0112D22 A-T Rl 3.25 $ 3J!, 5 3 25 Yes 07/0111072 Aude CatiW11, 0� ch %.D0 S 99.G0 3.00 5 99p0 Yes 07/03/2023 Audis C.Rkle • Fvndenc4 $2.00 S 85 00 3.00 5 65A0 I 07/0113022 Me lseemce lA0 NochAge eat Yes 0101121m Melon sin Off Foe Prr Si n DO a.00 $ ]c [n 4.00 S 28.11 011o11i027 OCIETC 6 -- - i aWa: yes 47fGNa77,1 V-ra ncc lel lea 6.00 $ 600 5 6.90 rn 01,31J2022 Cn me pl q n, 3.75 $ 3-75 - f 3 is roe (WOV7077 Do-- V,�-[ Repnrex S 5 74 No OIJO112022 FA. Ala- 641anic 1pewpeF 1re.rwFys. - kla G01 Vrf'^•• Ai F1ru 4r.d Second krepnnN Nn ChM N. Chwja No a7101/7t1I6 h TNde Rc a� 50.00 S MOD No 071oi/2D16 e1 someh Nos I00.1m $ 300.00 No 071ol/2016 d) Fifth Prr i75 00 S 125.00 No 07 0112016 0 Each Addeo al Nos Pnw 525 Prior Yldlauen - $2$ No 07MM16 FI er ftoung 19W $ 25.DD n Ln 5 42 25 Yes 07101mz,? Fra9chne Tow Fee 1 Vehide Flelease Fee Per -sew ji7-L.Yc�Fr Ky,Oa 1ya .1 r- star Fee eaxh 5500 S 55.00 5385 [Oral cmt ra0 b (;.I -&Fee each 97W $ 110AG 11.00 S165 cwar CPH lee r VMKI9RCIedref" oich 1900 5 70.00 100 fE651eta1 Po6r Yes h4sk Persem l 3.25 5 3.25 5 3.39 Yee 07101 7022 Nlnmlwi Decal Packs eol1m Derals 600 5 6.00 - $ 6.60 ym 07NIJ2022 Monowi TCICPHOnM Alarms em 1000 S 10.00 f 10.97 Y!S 07103/2022 Phu[ a hs- Dogiial ton CO ON } 3900 S 42.00 400 S 42-25 Yes 07/01/2022 N n .w -na N. 5 - 5 169 G0 Al. 07/0112022 ik u1rAm - i!a S - 5 169.00 He D7 112022 snanrwt kParern per nymr 7300 S 42-00 19.00 $ 4225 Yn 1)m lj_n27 $IA o0xan lecrm st,Mi ere nPtrs 600 see rlelee $ 6.00 $ 5165 Yes 07 1l2022 1101K CGIkHon Fe 3 25 $ 3.2$ S 3 39 res 07/61/2027 Trimnial aen-1 Fee Pr+.drnrial Alarm Prr-t 3i.00 S 36-00 1.00 $ 3642 rr. 07 1 21M aw a Sec 71J4kFiDii Vrh, r P.• ; Lo0%5[aw Estaehshed Ftt 15.00 $ i5.D0 No 07101/2022 Vnk'•r ]650o 5 16q.00 a.op 5 16900 Y,-, A] 1 7021 PueuOWORKS . fHGINFERIMG nwlh'1'n' under wnn ins3cased er CPI, unleyy CP1 cp[ Fe rroledolherw w C-err +anl nr A-vot. A A-- Foe Chel Va noun III w 5 177.00 1 b uo 5 177 81 1n 07/01/2022 ic 14-60 741 742 143 744 745 746 747 I" 749 ISO 751 752 753 Is - ;:,I 757 755 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 762 769 770 771 777 Pkv 777 7]8 770 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) - Detailed Current Charges Proposed Charges SLBIB %N D[SOIBPTION TMM a M" Fee IrhpryM4nnd • IH Appl4elesl Total w a- Pee Invemenlal - IH applluhkl ToW er B4se Fee Increm4elal • iH apgkabkl T-a -- Incremankl - (H _ I ImpkmenlHlgn CPI one O,n¢, Eno-h-m Permit I-1- gti9.IXl $ 486.oO 1700 $ 48645 Yes O7/0112022 Fhro Em,wenmenh Permit Tramin 215.00 S 221M 8.DO S 723A3 W.❑ir 31207) Pn� FnnvxMrenl Permit Annwl U.Fee Ouhs,de phnm Area 300 5 rl Or Lr% 169.00 $ 176 00 7 00 - S 176.(W Yes 071011202I Nit thxrOa4Nmenl Penns A7 Wl khe Fee Oulude Dimn Area O. 1D05q Ft 319.00 $ 33I.00 12 00 S 331.44 Te, 0710112022 Document ftecadativrh see 200L 00 $ 216.00 ILOO S 716.15 Yes 0710 2022 l asement Deed Research, Rey-VI-r-rd 257-M 5 266.DD 9-00 - $ 766.70 Yes 07lOi17t7)2 EnnWphnvn[6E A rmmn[Pr 587.00 S 609 O 22.00 - 5 609.59 Yes 0710112027 Eronxt,meMiF rer+henl Pr .P1NPrri Cwmmss�wr 3-202,00 S 3121.00 11900 - 5 3, 121.29 Yes 071011202I Fneroaehmenl Perms¢ W.th gNer D-P jo+ ftyar 45100 $ 468.00 17.00 $ 468.19 Yes tl71O11707I 1-arl-ml permnw'lhw,lOmer Pe Re 75700 S M&DO 9.00 5 266.70 Yn 07/01/2022 'F lr lfi Filly In tips CurhlGMrcr Std4+r Orryrw47 Norvstandard Imp. -Each Inspecn¢m I/W'15e /water mm.?Fire iaMC¢/�Meryraund Ulihlhn• Each amp 1FocalyprhlParA+ray Dralm-Each MspeCtion 140.00 S 1N6.00 6.00 5 M.01 Yes WMiI2022 Ewrow A -ow Adnms[ratem Escrow Acc-is AdminigrNi iw 12800 S U2.00 400 - $ 13792 Yes 07101F2022 Farr Shirr F¢e 225.64 $ 225.W NO 07 1 2020 Let 03 A "rw. 1h km FK 1.19700 $ 1,Zg 1.f10 4500 5 1,24101 1'es 07 11203i Munn on wNk PPrmlq IEPTEAI 35400 S 367.00 13.00 S 36760 Yes b7101 2o2) Hera Nxk Permrcs Permq 6).00 $ ".00 7.00 - 5 64 91 Yes 07/011202) O(e4nfrpn[ EMlWLhmenl A - -A Perron Depth Of Encroachmenl0 So Fee[ 4pS 00 $ 423.00 1S OO $ 42158 Ye$ oymi2023 Oceanfront Ennwcnm¢nl Anmre7 Permrc Dppo (it F-oath.". $ O 7 5 Feel 612.Od 5 635.00 21.00 S 635 30 071OV2022 OceanNmhr E ncrparhmenl A nnWt Permit Dcpq h0, 1nt-hmenl 7.5-1a F¢M 616.00 5 247.00 31 00 - 5 94717 Us 0 11.0. 12022 Oreanlrnot Encroarhmenl Annwl Pnmii D.mt, Olt n-.,h-I i035 Feel 1,226.00 5 1,272.0p 4600 - S 1.772 13 Yes 07/01/2022 Parcel Map[hrck S,169.00 5 3.2S6OO li2.OD $ 3, 756.66 Yer O7 112022 PIAn [heck f sneers Wan Check flee [hit howl 207.[q $ 21SA0 8.07 - $ 715.6$ Yp$ 07101/207] Street Closure Permii inch En inecrii f6yNyr Tern a Clwur¢ Dr Ppbk$ Pr ert ]9.p0 $ 8200 3-00 - $ 82.91 Yll 07 1 20I7 Slreel Unsure Permrc vnlNoul Fn cheer Re,rcw 7Mpwarlp rJ lcrm P,.4A¢ Prope,q 52.00 1-00 S 32.46 YW 07/011202 7 Street Eaxm 1 and Vuranon Prpc fee 1,03S.00 S 1 073 00 A&M - S I.DT3 85 Yes 071P112p27 Te N NO PNrmn S� T Na Parka Si its 0210 S 0.80 - S 0.20 No 0712612016 Trxl PIa90,e+1 Up Tv 1100,000 im oY room cost rwles see notes S NO IO12412016 Tract Plan Uat 5100,000 To $400,000 r ore ni cot 2,620.on 5 8.680 00 $ 8,680.P0 No 10/2412D16 Tray Plan Check C.er S4OO-0001m w most [psl )8,]1000 5 22,72000 - 5 28,710.00 No 10114/2016 Traffk Cmtrpl Plan Check Ss,- a I l'111- .1]': per .heel 7900 $ 82.00 IOU S 8291 Yes 07101/211I2 Traffk Cawrpl Plan 0-k raffic Study IA -, 36' Dcr shirt Md'ie, o."dp 171 Op see lute$ S 19300 see notes 6.00 S 193.79 S Yn No 071P1/202I IU12412036 Traff,r Sjbrirh.on Plan C r k Char ed hwrl 171 On $ 177.00 6.00 S 17701 Yes 071D1/7P12 Cf site O¢ r Arf,ind M- I woo $ 1.o0o W $ LMO 03 No I0124/2ulb I,,pro-m ee era By Cny Rtrundabll hY P."., wnrrs Clelerm,ned by PuhNe work, Oetwmllned by Pit IH No l0,'P712015 FOBE3C WORKS -HARBOR RUDURCES Pea 4M ^Fes" under I:M celtehn intrealed by CM, rYhllrs rM-4vthw Aw Peery ReOdemcw SP 55 Per s re foal $O.SS re fpph See He".c uri See Note 0310112021 Man RA - - a4 - NBFAC Vopwr 17 65 jAppl[ nl S6cce 0,0i 1 so Hob. Cpmnh$$m 5 S 2,330.66 Nn [WOV2022 APPeah • ryRMC CAAn 17 65 1ANarrt Lns,4cess[W al to Harbor Cwnnesirwh I•)$OOO f 1,250.00 S 2,130.66 No 07/0112027 M1pp¢aH NBMCChapin17.651h Nast S.. lLdj A cal to Ch C-P S S 1A6148 Np O7 31707E IN 14-61 EU 78l 7B2 78; !Ri 795 :a5 W 763 184 7sa �1 �vr 193 T9R ]9S ,b ]9FF :94 yT Sm 60t Bog B03 607 gas BD6 807 BOB 915 816 at, sit 819 vm ski s!r 8r3 a2a Us a26 Cdp of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (5RFFI - Detailed CLrraern Charges Proposed Charges Rounderd dorm! Varearee From rYeelorn_ I Flfnal � EIGMCE IIFAIE CESEFAVI 11 TmW 0-Fee �oaLFal-OF mph -No Fadlrr Emsm Lipueeneal-tA APpI j Tpglar 3ase see iry-.em.-+no-iLF .00G.M.; Inr,.m.mal-!r TOFtl er Lfax Pee applka6Lej �I irnsEdwrr+mori Dsr Appeals NBNC Chp[rr L7.6SgApW-Unf -hij La€11 {JdnUI WOd 5 9WAFl S 1_5biu No D71o112022 Nrr o•erntiA Trander Camr 0 Td-wn p lsmmer oal pens }#DDD 259db Tes 0:/4113022 Pi. Urecl[Fee New Caolr,rtwwl k ore' ]50-06 $ 359A0 5 759 i6 Tes 67r1F1/20Q2 Pbi 4,rd Feeai63 an Frr +i3rtNr (anFnsslnn PDhFT F/er C[Y51rirt[wn-4r AyPrvra: 7, 173OD S Z3SlAp S r.253w Yp 07m2022 Plss daLer4 ere F.1yn[tryvre b2.00 5 GilDO - i "91 Y, D710ON2 RGPd 3.127_m 23 L( 5 s2]5Is Ter n7; 0172022 INIYIfClROEIiS • Er�x oPFA1tnDNS Fees eaDr'res' order ! dOlpmn CeTeeeed RY FCPI..*. dprA'a PUere.sr Aery�,25r+rce m-Lxel-g Nin I Ciasl and Seer: A+ -e-g-, Pee Pes Pe UNL Fes Riomin B-7' S }D2 0.25 - $ 7D2 Yes WXU2022 Rt ' SM- :rF ­lansperl Iw Per Um Fee M_- fi_32 5 6s5 Oxi - $ 6.56 Ya I)YA112022 Sahe Write Franprse a- 969.90 5 WAGO 36 m - # 1.005 i@ Yef 07l0112027 Liie+^ercal Tree F See NO. See F/peel See Fetes Ha Q!@L2021 Tice $ee NaLeS ier NOt,. See Finn alo OV611707T w tan Strew Tras1L B+n Sae Nrerer See Noes see Nxes 71a Orjmimis DeewENan OLr>ra Flepasre-Yaiiulion NriO la Sa955 - vahiaeae ar 5o 110 WM 564im $ S"OD - $ 56s a4 1ae O71 xw, Dena FlPFvesrt vaAaataid �/F107m$9932 va6neim ed 55,a00to $4,994 r. 1,123"m i 3,1L7.Co S F.2V As Fee "t2QWU Erna-vahralivnd510JOP0 and F6vee aalLmmrs W s]O,L4W a t4ta 1,69200 5 1rW 00 s LW2.I9 N. O71D M16 °aueFx earn yrrian Fee aernrrseraerm Fee Drereo _ m00 S 2Fim 1a0D $ 291.10 ve Or1�711a'F22 PUB17C WORM-WATM quitlTl'J009MRVA7MMNY111 WALL 1MUi'Tee 6.d.4UM Ixkevl lnawiLed br CPf udess noUdoth- Y[ P.Wh 049 $ D.50 D02 $ D495 TA Orla]Jml2 v CkarLe P Aft ea*er IaO:rwe ode pin # D.10 NP OE122i2021 Cans4udart 5.lr -Loa a'LpeDpab hsim # Ea3.o0 6.00 i Le 1.39 Yes 0710112027 vvo [arrsterelge sqr kora-Mr4i 331/p.1- Am # 40AAn 10.00 - 5 aL7417 Tea Orp11><7!! �fonsL-,.e:or 4e1-.s�ectrcr-sH-S� ^_^spee!On 7, hii e%i 155YJ $ tL4jg6 $ 76Tt1P _690 SAO $ L.291.12 S :fi139 OFVl;72 AECFLEATM AND SENIOR SERVICES Fees ,acre lrs awd adJeaemeedsn.ade trasdeLn A� y "S'du am � CPl AdAm-. m Remhm m 2=.23 .dwe dA11VM 9w 1l ndih"us'ir.der[PI,,)I_ --dbvm Ad -,km drrirn Prase Fx 1d Or andF Use d-t,5 W S 8.00 - $ 54D FTp DF1Gl170l7 e Aeplamrc+i Soo $ SOD - 5 il.11 Na O7{o1j]fl l2 a.. Relusd FW d__S7Arr less aD)D $ WOO $ 17261 NO WOVIOt2 vs ft rr Fp daeses $75 gird- tom # 20A0 s Wes Fin 07MLYMU A6A Spots Auih ue Nxaeertlent Ps aer LarO For 25.m $ 2500 Fpa 07IDU20l2 d dir Le uc He ✓evdMF Rft-A. nTenF Ph,, Cad Per pby 14.0D 5 Isma N. VMV2o27 Aden iw Reerd.n stale Card Per PLe 7D.OD $ 20.OD Pfo 0711511POr2 Ad,01 Le ik ResrdrO[ Rnd.eevre.e PLrrn Ca rd Per Frka LDm S 10im Na OT/OW2)4, A4Wk > 1),WW IOD $ 300 IEp 07/D1P22 AdLA Spins Drop 4i 5 P-h Pose 15.m 5 ]sfo NO D7/01T222 "& Drop%^ 2DPL.Wh Pass• Ree:dsehL 5DW S 5o R1 Tf0 07r012072 d,A Sppris Drop F 21)Pjrm Ph k - PkW es.der,] 6G 00 $ w DD No 07/DIA022 Ad,& S1wm lee a Fee Lae acm FR 3CaD 5 30 00 No- 07MU2o22 rA�aod Nneesrd d Te7rril us nol6 see rsohes No 07111V7022 Sp-, Class Pv Person serous see i.4a No- o7JgtiLf2022 . Ami1LSFs Lap Lwn S F+va3r Pall it m i 36 CO Nd 67J471f202} LIP i.- TtLnaesidere Ai .LrY Pan XI) s no CO 1Fd a7 ] s,.rn lFur.cetivLf 70 ►.eeh Pass .s 66M s 56CO N� m1Vi{21F22 i.-AnSdrri Pan RAW $ 176DIR 4lNll2022 S+rrLi R_Ad WPae3i Pm 551F0 s 55.0D Ha P71at{202'1 Scan S"- LKmh Pass 11130 $ 1 Na 073UM32 SIA-Se 12aeev6en[ Ann1w Ones ]SA DO s 15E.aD FFe WYOV a22 Ljkp sw Sedsae No-+esidenl F9 ft-h a900 # M.W 1FO Q7KP1f2lr22 swvw Se men Drdni[ AnnLd Fa 377] s 37i90 rid 01p1UI0 Reseer.[ h,1 220F 0"'01{ .L-M esrrrw[a-RSteena !aed4 1300 33DB w 0010 14-62 027 82a R 29 030 831 631 833 83¢ 835 836 837 838 S39 Soo $A] 947 843 U4 845 046 547 949 B49 eat BSi 852 853 B54 05 656 857 850 959 860 861 852 863 854 865 am 867 AM 869 F70 473 572 973 04 875 836 077 87F A. Clty of Newport Reach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees ISAFFf - Detailed Current Char;es PrapaSed Charges Avund.d downI Fec ® Peli[Y I SUVWX FUME DESCPIPTIDM T.L d x Mesa Fee In[]emenxal-fit APPptehkl TOW S M FN kHaer"ntal•fit 4ppwait e] TW.P or Mace Fa AxrarNrrLl-[tf -Pok-w) � ToW or, 9. F. Inercmenyl [II e11110" rMl CAI up" Xeerea[wn swml ] 7 Y,, uad 6 under n•o:, 1, 7 W 3-W $ -2.00 - No 0710112022 Recrealwn S- AM.It D•o F u, 5 3A0 No 07/0112022 DELETE 6ax..P --644 B ltv 03iO4f202 E1E7E Gww-prwlr j yip,1p] L...n.3e«wsatw,.se+..wGEINIE o, - �w56.0D 101 fp W p7pp�.tpy2 S..- letso.•s 1114Ie4.ws Grv,rp S 56.00 Fro 07/01/2022 S- I.-, Resid- P-re 9300 $ 9300 No 07 112022 Swrm W-AeAdiP F 5-- iv 13900 5 ]19 rx. No 07102/2022 C&MOU14r2 F4 Refund Charp All Othe, "tams and F'""" p am lk Faul Ilse Iles than 575.Oo ram W.00 S 10.00 S ! 72.61 No 07MI2072 Ref-d Char e.Ml Other Pr r c end FardHn•i PI Or Faul i7sa $75Allsx rose ?am $ 20.00 S 58.69 No 07/01/2022 Farilit2 UN Inswance, t q-11s And Set-up reef M4Y Be Rep Wed, wail abi'lly May 6e HnAlep, [/{her Res[rtcrbm Ma A DepvNrN Gran, F.t• 15000 $ 150.00 No 07/26/2016 185.00 S 1MSA0 No 07/2G12D16 Meets Rooms Rnd Parks 100.00 S 100.00 No 07 2512016 P150.W 5 ISOAO Nv 07176/]O16 OASIS Evan[ Cemn, Prwm 200.W 5 Z" N2 0772 lnlfiOASIS FYcat Cram Rpon 40000 $ "ba No o7126/2M6 VRLStAr ClaA+eeawn F85.00 $ 1M5.00 No O711W2616 oM1515 SmNI Classroom No 07+2W20]6 16.00 5 36A0 No 07126/2G16Mari" P4Yk Mann PrBox EA aenlAI.2/22 20.D0 $ 21.00 100 S 2162 Yes 07/01 202I Moat Rental RS 11-i-1,d &Sahor 1500 $ 15110 1.00 S 16.21 Yes 07(01 2022 SalAacs Tert 66W 5 6M.00 i.0o S 68. 75 Yes 07101,r2022 PassAnnualMembenfamdrh25.00 S 6"M 2300 SU 55 Yes 07/01 1022 Pll Artnwl Memhershp-5ludenr M200 S am 00 12.D) S 324.27 Yes 07103/7077 h.p, 5l u*M M4.00 S 10a.00 402 S 108.09 Yes 07 1 2N22 Rcnuy 70-00 $ 21.00 1.00 S 31.67 rn o710112072 SUPIka ak - 5 Pwtch AAss 78.00 S 8100 3.00 5 82.07 Yes o7/0112012 S11P a ak 10 Pmch Pass 104 00 S 1C3M.00 4.00 S 1138.09 Yes 07/01/2022 MNn Movrm epnna C,srk. Carron Mock Lul} Drhr, k4arlr.rrsryiC Cocci-Iml Resrdem Rare, Fee Per Harr = Hpur %nma 16600 5 172.00 6.00 $ U2.0 res 07/01/2012 8mea Creek, Canon seek Cliff 0nve, MM1MMNlC Cammeetal Nanfwsidenr FAIe, Fee Per row 7 Hour Ali— 335 W S 1148.00 13.M S 548.14 7es o7/0112022 My 1. Crs. Carrot! Meek aff Drive, Man-e MC Non-Nerfn Aevelent Rats Pee Pp Hw a Now MaVmum SO.OII 5 52.00 2.00 $ S2.38 Yes DYXIJ2022 Owl" Creek, Cmrell Beek C1NF f]rhe kfuasrrlNtC Non MOM No -drnl M.W. Fps Per How 2 Hov Win- 97.00 S t02.00 4110 5 10149 7es 071.101P,321 Mmlla Creek, C..M eeek, Cltlf Drlre. Ma.IrHvsNiL Pdvue Ry1.NnI RAre• Fee. P., Hour 2 HPw hwurn n 12.00 S 85.00 100 $ 85 17 ■eF o7/0112022 M:2Swum Creek, Curdr Meek• [11fr or-, Manitr kNIC pt, Nmres,denr kw. it a Per How 7 Now Mmnnwn 16500 S 571.00 6.00 $ 17l 34 Yes o7/01 to27 . Creek. Carroll Beek, C1iIF Drive, MannersN1C A-denf lrour,-prck YeNh Se- raw- Aare 77.00 S 22.00 $ 22.97 Yes 07/0112022 [rvK CAMer Co--ty Rrwm CorOro-t Resident Rare• Fee Per Hart 2 How Mrnimum Moo S 372.00 14.00 $ 371-15 Ysy 07101 2022 Clvk C.Mer C--ty Repro Cwruperooi Np Il dent Pale. Fee Per How 2 Hour Mimm 650.00 S 574.00 m-W $ 614 45 'r" 07 ] M? Cmc C.Mer C--tv Rain No Pfdf t R"dent FAie, Fee P.r Haw I Haur MmIMI" 137.00 $ 142,00 5.00 5 3A7.97 Yes 07101/2022 Grit Cartier Cor,notr-ry Roph Hm Pruitt Nmre &M Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 How Mmimym 207.00 5 214-00 700 $ 21A." Yay 07/01/2022 Curie Lehrer Cunaruar Rgom pr qY Mwdeot hale, Fee Per Hour 2 Ho,e Minimum 202.00 $ 209-00 7.p0 5 209.54 Yes 07/01/2022 [iYtc [enter [pmmund RApm Pnrarn NWMrdent Ralc Fee Per How 2 Hpur Minmum 4,00 $ 335-00 12.00 S 335.04 Fes 07101/2022 C.-Center Cpmmund Ream knsidcv,I Non. O"'Tapsh Semple mcarion Rate BS.00 8M-00 3.00 S 88.4 Yes 070112N2 0r Cmeer Lawn Commertml Resident Fate, Fee Per How 2 How Mim- 266.00 S 27M.00 1000 5 276 t1 Yes 07/02/2022 I- Cener Ua Commncal tapnres. I nt Aate, Fee Per How 2 How M,tkmum 49LDO 5 516 00 19.0o S 516 21 Yes 07/01/2022 Csnc Center Lawn Hon. Praltl AeMdenr Rare, fee Per How 2 How Mlnuntpn 1500 S 7a o0 3.00 S 78 58 Yes 07/01/2027 Cure Ce M, L-rn den -Profs NeareN denl Fate, Fee Per HmP 2 Hvur Minimum I i6-oo $ t21 00 5.00 $ 121 14 Yes 0710112022 tryst Cbllar Lawn Prtra[c Resident Rate. Fh Per Now 2 Hour Mirvmvn 85.00 S 8M 00 300 $ 8840 YH 07103 2022 Cmc Center Lr Private Nmresldent Rare. Fee Per Hear 7 He. Mrnimum .10D S 142 00 5.00 S 142917 Ya; 071p112022 Cw Cents Wwn RevdcM Hm refit rputh Servrce Or anaa[wn Rare SE00 S 59.00 200 5 Sx 9i Yes 071D1/7022 Cvunul Chamoer Con,nsMtial Resident Pale, Fee Per How 2 Hour M,mmwn 270[p S 290.00 10.00 5 230.49 V. 077t01/2022 Counts Chamhr+ [ommelcial FNuvesidenr Role FM Per How 2 How Mlmmun 534.00 S 554.00 70.00 S 554.40 ■ef 07/0312022 Coancd Ch.rn e, Hon -Front ResrdarH Rate Fee Per How 7 Haw Minimum 52.00 5 5400 2.00 S 54.57 Yes 0710i12022 Cnund Ihamoer Non•Pfofi[ NM.epdeot Aare, Fee Yer Hour 2 Haw Mrni.W 97.00 S t01.90 4001 5 10149 Yes 07/01/2022 14-63 980 BRl 802 883 88d 585 586 A87 BBA B89 890 69i R97 893 044 895 896 R97 x9A x99 9D0 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 9lri 930 911 912 "I 914 915 916 9i7 13" 919 920 921 927 913 924 925 926 921 928 IM 930 Clty of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFFI - Detailed Current Charges Proposed Charges --1 {gNi'�eR NAM pgpcRwr p41 Ted er Lar Fee Inuammtail - (if a�ppkdde1 ToW or Base Fee Invemen[al-ri1 applluhle) Tens] a pose Pea Inrraman u1-0 apporarde3 T"M e4 ire F4o 1 IneremarAal-EN dlppka*j RPI ImpFem�nullen Me �]Jrl•I Chamlan Wrvale Resnknf Hale, Fee Per Horn' 2 Hour Minimum Om S 85.00 100 S RS 11 Council [hamhcr Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Pcr How 2 Haw M-MLIm 1n5.00 $ 171.00 E3.00 $ 171 34 � )!. 2D+ 2 Council ChamyCr A --lent Nan • aid Yourh Sernor Harwn aa+c 2800 § 2940 3 00 S 29.17 Yes o2jotlzon Nc rl Thealrr Ari Cantr Rad Pyle 4 ur at Ord 0 ytW ilea 4500f1 S 467 r30 1700 S 46l w Yes 07/01/2022 mynit Teueh [enter Small Classroom Commercuf Pendent Axle, Fee Per Hour 2 H0u AMnHnun ]94 00 5 19O.00 c 00 S 100 9? YeF 071D112022 $mall Cl--ri, Commercial Non-ilml Ayte, Foe Per He- 2 Hour hhremun 368 00 § 36t.00 13.00 $ 3M1.97 Yes 07/01/2022 Small ClyHroon N-PIa1e Resrden] Marc Fee Par Hoy 7 Haw Minimum 56.Op S 58.00 2.00 S 58.913 Yes D710112027 Small Classroom Non -Profit N-Pirsidenl Rate, Fee Per Hoer 2 Hou h4mmu i Moo 5 112.00 4.00 5 11141 1 Yes o7/n112072 Small cilia- N-1e R- Acnt Pale, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Wnrmum 9000 $ 93.00 300 5 93 96 Yos 07101/2022 5ma11 Ctassroam PHvara Norras.drm Ryle, Fee Per Ham 21ruur Minimum 182.W $ 18800 600 $ In 00 Yes 071OV2012 $mall Clasvoam R-dent NOn aril TaWh&- ,,.n R- M.60 S 2700 100 $ 2128 Yn 07 112022 uno4kr nalNlm 3 -1i,s Commercial Me -dent Rate, Fee Per Hew I He. Minimum 369.00 5 3M3.00 14 00 S 3M3 D6 YeF 07701/302 4ncolnG Cemmel"l Noar-Jenl Rate, Fee per Hour 2 Hour M-- 107,00 $ 733 Do 2600 $ 73131 ye, 07/01/2022 liKelO D mnaHum N -Pfesq Rgrgent Rafe. Fee Per Hare 7 Heur Nbr:- urri 87.00 S 85.00 3 an S 85 11 Yn 07/01/2012 14ncolnG n Hon-PrPIH Nonr-&-r pare, ire Ptr How 2 He. M-wv 143.00 $ 148.90 5.110 $ 149.42 Tai o7101 io2! l.rcoln GYmnasiomn Prl.w ft, lrl¢-wa Rate, Fee Per HPu 2 Hour Mmlmwn 112.00 $ 116.00 4.(G $ 116-77 Tes 07103/M22 t,a 2 G m prrvare Hanwsilenryl fare- Fag Per Heur 7 Maur Mrnunum 203.00 S MOU 7.00 $ 21063 Yes 07101/2D22 C l� !y Mdenr Non- alw it Teh Semeea a-t- Rat,- esi 17.w S 39A0 2.00 $ 39 29 Yes 071D117022 Marina Parknu tarn Caaoro C i Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 How Mmfmum 266.00 $ 276.m 10.00 $ 276 11 Tes 07AWZ022 U- NC Profit Rare Fe! Per Hour 2 Haw M--- 75 00 7907 3.90 $ 78.SS T. 07/01/2012 t- P-w Rite. Far Per Mora I Heur Murmur 8$ 00 $ moo ] Do 5 88.40 D7/ol/2012 lavm Mesieenl Nen-Moro Yomh Srrvrce 0r an 1un Ra[e 56.00 $ SA.[1R 7 M 5 58 93 Yes 071D112022 largeEvent center rommeroal Aesidml Hate, Fee Pcr Hmx2 Hou Minimum 40b.00 5 422-00 ism 5 421-N Tel 0710112022 W Event Crnirr C4mmerCral Naryelm$enr Rate, Fee Per Haw 2 Hoer Mm MTn 146.00 5 773 AO 2700 $ 773.76 07/U1/20l2 E rent [emer Non -Profit Resident Mare, fee Per Hear 2 Hwr rA-wo t47m $ 157.OD 5 00 S 152 79 Yes 0710112072 Mr a Ermt frn+rr N9Tr Pr9hr Nom[ardem Rote, Fee Pe, Hour 2 Haw Mnimum 332.00 § 3d.D0 12.00 5 344.86 yes o71Du7 wa la+ e 1 rem Carl it, a yar! Reader, Rate. Fag Par Haw 2 Haw Kli- n MOO $ moo ])-OP $ 268.47 Yes 07101 2022 W Event Cenrcr M.N. Nan -dent Rata. fee Per Hour 2 Hew M+remym 443.D0 5 459A0 moo $ 4S9.46 Tn 07NI12022 V Evert [enter Aesioeie Hon-sxolrr routh 5emee on Rate as. Do 5 89.00 3 m S 83.40 Yes 07/p 117072 Room CpmmffcW Res,&nl Rate, Fee PC, Howa2 How Minimum 154.00 5 360A0 am 5 JWAI Yes OM1 2022 1--y Mpam _ CemmcrrW Ndvnrdem Raxe, Fee Per Hour 2 Morr Mrror- 27400 5 284•CO 10 M $ 284 84 res 37/011i027 W e Raam Non Prollt Resiclent Rale, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour MBumum 54 m 5 56,66 200 $ 56.25 Yes 07/03/2022 Large Moo- 7FM PrahS rbmeLMnr Mot[ Fea PM How 2 He- mi-m- 121 W $ 126.00 .00 5 126.60 Yes 07/O112027 tar Roara Ptraat! RCLder] My3e 11 Per Hayr 2 Haw Minim- 94 00 $ 98A0 3 00 $ 98.22 Yes 07 i 2022 W a ZWO Prorate Nanressgent Rate. Fee Per HW 2 Hou Mmmawn 16500 $ 171.D0 600 $ 17114 YeF amnon a Ryem Residers Non ofi[ YouHr $ervree Or amxarwn Rafe I7 00 5 Mo0 1.00 S 78.37 Yes a7/0112027 Medlun Moam Dom Jar Resident Rate, Fee Per Hou 2 Nom FMrH+nrm 31600 5 121.00 500 1 S 121.14 Yes D710112022 Mednrn Roam Cpmmercw Nowe"4Pnr Ma39, Fee per, Nate 2 Hou MFnlmum 22200 S 230A0 8.00 $ 230.27 Yes 07 1 202! Mednan Pea" Nar-Proh, Reeldenr Rate- Fee Pee Heur 1 Huur Mi nmum 42A0 S 43.00 1.00 $ 43.65 Yey D7 317022 Meth wn Room Mon•Pro}il Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Now Minimum 97.00 5 IDf.00 4 00 $ 131 49 Yes 07MV2022 MCA- Room ft, err Res,drnl Rate, Fee Per Hou 2 Hour hMunysn 74.00 S 77.00 3.00 7] 49 Ycc W L12022 Mediran Poem P1mne Ncm, pdrm Rate, Fee Per Isau 2 hou Minimum 127A0 $ 132.00 5.00 5 137 AS Yes 0710112023 Mcdi+am Rm+m Me,.deHr Hen ❑tir TgAh Server Ch amrahon Aare 2l.DO 5 2100 $ 22 92 VC, 07 ] 202I Sreyw Ream Commer iII RayJ4µ Rita. Fog Pal Hoy 7 F ..'n,en 91.00 5 94.00 3.00 S 94AS Yes 07 ol/7[F22 S-11 Room Comrrvoar Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Nommr4H 168.00 $ 174.00 6.0o $ 17A 6l Yes 0710112022 Smelt faro" Non Prate Res dens Rate, Fee Per Hou 2 Ham Mim- 31.00 $ 34.W 2.00 $ 34.92 Yes 07101/2022 Small Rea" Hon-Prafrt Nonrrsiden3 RV , Fer Par Hau 2 Hou Mimmv, 76.00 5 79-00 3 00 5 79-67 Yes 0710112022 Small Room Private Meurkm Rare- Fee Per How 2 Now Minimum 56.00 $ 55-00 2.00 5 5&93 Tex 07 2 2022 Small Roam Prvate ManesHsem Rare, F4c Per Hour 2 Haar M-M- 103.W S 104A0 3 W $ 1M 77 Tes 07103 107! Small Room Resldem Non- rofe Torah.$enree Or -a- Rate 14.00 $ L5.00 1 W $ 15.28 Tes 07/01/2022 New Coast MY Center G rwv Commercial ResMenl Rare- Fee Per Ham 2 Hour Mimmwn 407.00 $ 422.00 1 15 00 5 422351 Yes 1 07101 2022 14-64 931 937 933 SN 93! 93E 931 019 9;6 94C 941 94] W5 994 9aS 946 947 948 949 950 95I 957 953 95a 955 956 957 956 959 960 961 all %3 954 %5 966 %7 9)U %9 97C all 5 72 973 9174 975 976 q77 975 979 SW 98L City of Newport Reach Schedule of Rents, fines, and Fees (SRFF) - Detailed Current Charges Proposed Charges 5ERvl[E NAM! 11OL1 Total or eeee Fee Inuementel-[d appYoBie] Yolal Or Base Fpv Inruemetr[al-fd appllnMef TPUF .Bate Fee Inrrrmrntal-{a applka61e3 To1a1 or 8as¢ Fee Irxremenial-[iF epplkeble) [M yt1FE G m cut Horae OML Rase, Fee Pet H" 2 HOr Mimrn.mr 782 00 S 811.00 ? iU .3.00 R 11 1 Ym 07JOlIM22 G r ha en P or-Proni. Rdent Rale, Fee Per H2 How Mlnanum Po 00 S 91011) S 93.0 Yes 07101/2022 G mnauum Npn-Profit N ,*.,OeM Wee. FK per H_ 7 No. Mmimrrrr S5a cc $ i6200 6.00 S i62 61 Tes n71v112u1] _ G Pr Nat; fl-&-ne Bate, Fee Per Hpr 2 HOW MmjI " 174.Of} S MAID Ux $ f 78 TS Ye5 07/01/2022 G PrWate Nmrvvd<nr Aare, Fee Per Hour 2 How M,mmum 224.00 S nion 9.00 S 232.46 Yes 07/01/2022 . R Wens Iipn W*hF YPwh mNkr Clrpamtam. Hale, Fee Per H,,W 7lWw'Minio a 4e.00 S SO -DO 7.00 S 5D 70 rn o7/Ol i02) Liar . Cl.Su Coln v "I Re dent Rate Fee Per Now 7 Hvur Minimum 311.01 5 323.00 17.00 S 323 04 Yes 07/0112022 Ear a C1PEF+P9m Commercial rypnr<vdem Rate, Fm Per How I How Mnem,an b m0.00 S 623.A2 23.00 $ h29 16 Ye4 070112022 Lx a IEEE Non •Nok 11c,4 n111mr, Fe0• Per How 2 Hou Mlnimurr 75.01] $ 76,00 3.00 5 7SSfl Tea 07 1"031 Lx a Classroom Non-Proht Non-Re2t Sale, rev Per Hour ) nor M.n m 15100 $ 157DO 6.00 $ 157 15 Tes 07/0112022 gar UesSYoom Pr+ralc Res+de.r[ ftaf< Fee Per Hour 2 Mow Minimum 145.00 S IS0.00 5.00 $ 1S0.61 Yes 071,M12022 la1 a CIOmVDOm Pr�wle raorPesiIS, Rare, Fee Per How 2 Hour Mmimrn 24A00 $ B490 10.00 $ 244-6G Y<4 071011i022 Lai Classroom Ressdml Han• rPfn YPurh ScrY¢v Or anixabnn Wfc 54.011 $ 56A0 2-P7 $ 5675 Yes 071111 Small ❑assroom [pnanivr:al Res�4m Naze. Fee Per Mrrvr 7 F1aw Minimum 184.00 $ 190A0 6.00 S 190.99 07/0112022 5mJllCWsrOvm C-o-oal hones.denl Rafe. F ee Per HOW 2 HOW Mmtmwn i68.00 S 311.00 13.00 S 383.97 Teen ❑110112022 Small Cfas4ro0m Npm Pluln fte5idenl Raw -Fee per How 2How m-mum S6.00 $ 58-00 3.00 5 5e-93 Yes ❑7/0f12072 Sma1lLUsarovm No Profit Hon-Res,dent Rate, Fee Per H 2 Hew Mwmwn I08.00 5 112A0 4AX S 112.41 Yes WIDOW? S-mtClatmr Pnwle Revdent Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum 90.9p $ 93-00 1.00 S 43.SO VMS 0710112072 Small [IasxPom Prruale HPn,rYdenr Ralt• FOO Per HOW 2 How M+nPnum 162.00 $ 1".00 600 $ 188 NO Yes o7 O1 2027 SmaOCtxsroan Itfti; l Hen- Old YPwfi 5 N" nimAimn Ralr 2600 $ Moo 100 $ 27 28 Tes 07/01/2027 0ASM Senlar Crr,mr OASIS Eu c Cenur Aoom COmmerc,al Flevdml Rare, Fee Per Hou 2 How M-mrn 41500 $ 431.00 1600 5 all 08 Yes 07101 2022 OA95 Event Center Room Corr -OW Nmvnt,nenf Ram- Fee PO•f How 2 Mow Mmrwm 146.110 5 773-00 27.00 S 773 76 Yes 07103 7022 OASIS Fvm1 C-W Room Nory Rroln Reuden[ Rue, iev P<f How 2 Il9yr Mimmwn I54-00 $ 160,00 6.C10 S 160.43 Tar 07101120)2 DA515 faint Censer 8". t 9 - "Ohl "On•Rewkrl Male, Fee Per How I Hou Rlinfmum 216.03 S 245A0 9.00 S 245.5S YH 07/01/2022 OASIS Evert Center Rouen PMrale 14wr4rnl Wir, Ftr Prr M9w 2 Hou Minimum 23100 5 740.00 9 00 S 240 10 Yet O7 01/2022 OASIS CYmt Cmcer Room Prm[e NOnrevnenl Role. Fe. Per Hour I HOW M.nm.um 390.00 5 MAO ism S 195.07 we, 07163/2022 DA%Evert Conger ft- Resid011t Non ofrt rough 5v_ 0 ganwt R45e 25.00 S Sd110 3 m 8840 Tes 07101120)1 OASIS Lai eCI.il.marn COmm A sesinent Rate, Fee Per Hou ] hour PA.— 311.00 5 323170 1200 $ 373.04 Yes 07JO112027 OASIS tar a Classroom [Pmmercra, N mdanl igle, fe<PW crow 2 Hou mom- 1.00 S 623D0 2300 S 6,23.16 Yes 07/01/2022 OASIS Ler r CWssrovm Non Profit Rn1 Rate, see Per How 2 HW Mimtnum 75.00 S 78.00 3-00 i 78.5E Yes 07 Ol 7R)7 OASIS gar a classroom NO Pref9 Na Roidwi Raw. I'm Per Hoar 7?1 w NHn,mwn IS1.00 S f57.00 6.00 S 15715 Yes 0710112027 OASIS iar c llassrovm PrHate Ae4Fdenl R4r<. FM Pvr XOr 2 Haw M�mmum 145A0 S ISO.% 5.00 S ISO.61 re5 0710112022 OA515 iar a Classroom Private NmreHn<,H Rite, Fee Pet How 7 Mau Mmimym 28400 $ 194.0O 1000 5 294.66 Yes O7/01/7027 OASIS Small Clam6fown Commercial Rendom Pale, Fee Per How 2 Md N4nmtuni .184 DO 5 190.00 6.m 5 L90.99 Tes onollml OASIS Small [{assroom Cpeme AC Hon, r. amr 341c. FOr• per, How 2 Hnw M,mmwn 969.00 S 301.00 13.00 $ 341-97 Yes 07 1/2022 OASIS Small Clasuoom Nc P"Il 14 t 6Cnf Wte. Fde Par How ?NOW MiNm V S6.00 $ Saw 2.00 $ S8 93 Yes 437/O1/2022 OASIS Small Cla5x n-it-dent $tal<, fee Per HOW I Nor M.n-- 108.00 $ 117.00 4.do 5 LL7A1 Ye4 0] 2022 OASIS 5mall Onuoan O j Pale, Fce Per Hour 2 How Nkn,mum 90-00 S 93.DO 3.p0 5 97 86 Yaa 07 T12022 OASIS Smalf 17a44rpem s+den' Rau, Fn Per How 2 How Mimmun 182.00 $ 188 00 6.00 $ 188 fiD Yes 07IW2022 Seca Md[ken Fees UAddA­1EK.9.�0sryT Erie. suCchar a w a L4 0s TP ft P r Ener YCrnts ueIFoles Fee MIQS Nv D7/2bJ2016 MBAC Pool Uve FinAOdq,-- U1 -w Hall on oar how 33.00 5 33.00 Nv 0710112022 En<r SFRmhara see F";l noun NP 072612o36 xtlulrrr utr %ara -Pa,[ • Resident 1 how 02.00 5 LS-00 3.0D Yes v] 11)077 Emle ute Rate Hon• Hon•revden rhou IN11) $ 107011 3-00 Tes 07/0312022 Earlusiuc Use Rate 1pmraFe. R<FFdd, 961g0 $ UIT013 600 Yes 07/0112022 E'd-O Use Rale P-le Noe-r"Cmm fhpmr Mal) S 215.00 7.00 V.S. 07101/2022 E6FIH1rre UsO Rate [ammncal, rnrdeM , how 335.00 $ 347 00 12 OG Yr. o71o112022 Eml." come Ram Commercial, non-r<ygeni Per how 363-00 376-00 13.C10 ve5 07/01/2022 SchpOl SHH Malnlmanre fee Pass thr rm[ 5O<rlocos s<e neleF my p7 2016 urn m MBA[ Rmlan 250-00 S 250.00 lye 0717fi1M16 Shared Ilse Rne HOn Prolil RnMOnc I per how $000 S 41.00 1.00 1'Os 07/0511012 14-65 100 I00'. IOP IOD 100 100' lap low Sall lot'. 101' lol; 1Gl, 101! IOU Iot, 1011 101! 1021 1n21 107; 102$ IN, 3025 1021 1021 10P1 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents. Fines, and Fees ISRFFI - Detailed 4arKd i2Hrg�5 Proposed Charges 56RHCY NAME G($OWPTION TYPE of bM Fee 4RYemPntal • Or ap A m4 rvial or 1- Fea In .-L.1- (N PPptLpbk) T9W W ■m Foe I-ea,mrmsl • itF ►pokauq Total oe8ase Fs MFre-I -1d Ppocow Llat Impkm<n som Oak ShandVll Ftaie Nan- hl,Nm-rel+denll I ,,,- 9300 96,00 3G0 Yes ',117077 51yr<dt7u Rat< Private, Reudevl Wplow 99 o0 5 IOI.00 3W T<s u7/o112021 Sha,edllu Rate Pl"; NP -IdIrt rh.. 121.00 125.00 d.GO Yes 072G112022 Shared Hu Rate LYnunereUl res,danl h- 23fx01 24;,00 8.00 Yci 01/01/2722 Shared U. Rate Ldm MaL rkan revdent pe, hour 275.00 5 785A0 1000 Yea 0710IJ2022 5 path Per Person 5.00 S 5.00 Nn 07 112022 Nowyl Resawm Nuwal Reso,.rujfide C. at- Pr q,am less Than 15 people 35-03 $ 35.00 No 07126/2036 Natural A--fTldeE.P10121COD Pr , Moe, That, LS vvtwl< 69.w S 69.00 No 07/26/7016 Pu61R Alter lasuanoe, t7e ft And Set-rp Fees May Be Regwred, A-L&bilily May Be limped, Other Rertrktipns M Pen,u . Park Gaeehv Cpmnr4rual kes d& l "t {Elea r'Vty S13 FRral Fee Per Hour 2 How Mlmmvm 23100 S 2a0.O0 9.00 5 NO 10 T'es 0710 2027 Perurdwp puk'iaaeao Cc -real hoorerdent Rate [Elninelty $S1 Ex[raj F« Per Flour 2 No., Muumum 463.00 $ aa0A0 17.00 $ 480.19 Tee 071o112022 Pemnarda Park oweho Hon-P-M R d{ k Rale iE �Vn'A' S33 Eatral Fee Per >rour 7 Nw, Mlnim al.f1G 5 a2.O0 1.00 $ 41.55, Yes 071011202I PatHnswe Pack (imw Nan•PraIN Nanteskdenl Rate IELM-W $13 EwAP Fee Per Noun 2 Hour Min RI -DO S 85A0 ;.[q $ 85 12 'Ies O71C1/2072 PesHns A. Park Gaeeho P-a iiend-t Rate lfle*.Irvit, S13 Enr01, F- PI Hour 2 11a.Y Mnim wn SO.fx1 5 5200 200 5 52.38 vas 07/01/2022 Pe um Park ramoo P Nat< Nantekd M Rate [E loel-ly 511 ErVa1, Fee Per How 2 W. morn- 103 AO $ 106.00 j.GO S 106 95 we, 07 l 2022 Perri uu Park Gareha It rde,rt NoN v it Youth Sr- -iialmn Rite 15.G0 5 16A0 1.00 5 16.37 Yes 07/u112022 P,eairlPark Neaa Comm -p Resident Rate tMax Uhl. Rcurratwn %m] Fee Per If, 2 Nr M-n. 231 CC 5 240.00 9.00 5 24010 Yes f)7/0112011 P,enir ark Me"Revdeni Non raf,[ rough Se,rkoe O, amra[wn Rare 15 00 5 16.W t 00 5 16.11 yea 07/O2 2072 Pirnlrp.Fk Areas Cemme-0 Non- Ra1<EN1.. Table Rr yalmn 5p4) Fee Per W. 2 Hr. Min 464.00 5 481.00 17.00 5 491.7a Yes 07/0112022 Pilni Palk Arens Non Profit AYwde Rate IM.. Tade RPur m- 509a1 Fee Per Hr 2H1 M. 4100 5 42.00 1.00 5 a256 Y4s W 1/i022 %rn,t ark A,cas Non-Prolrt Non-d-t Aal<[Ma.. Tahle R< wj,on W%) Frr Per Hr 2Hr Men. 82.00 S 115DO 3.00 5 a5 12 Y<s 07MI12022 N-CjP.Fk^ren Ptorµr Redden, Ralf ENFer Tabte Reserracw SO%l Fee Per Hr 3Hr M,n 47.00 S 49.00 2.00 $ 4911 Yea Gr 2022 Pr[ryrfP4r4Ateak Prwdte N-Pn nl Rate tM- Table Reservatmn 5t 1 Fee Per Hr 2W Min 94.00 5 98.00 4.00 5 9a 22 Yes 07101/2022 R and cvnlrart C1Rsses ❑asses Per Person ue notes see nPtn No 0710112022 Cca m Lan rrlwd f er AHer umv has started lee odes NO 07/03/2022 Nonreadent Addrtwnal Charge- Cam Per Person for 1"s 5124 and below 10.00 S LOGO Na G7 Ol/2022 Nanrevdent Add,l,Paal Chu a Camp. Per Person, for fees 5125 and adore 20 00 5 2000 Ho 07/01/2022 NonrtN&ni Addainnkl Chu < - faaS Per Person Fee less than $75 00 5.00 5 SLO hla 07101/2022 Nanmi&ne AdNtwnai Charge Vim- Per Person Fce$75 oOOr More JOT. $ ICAO No 1 0710112022 Senior SerWom OASIS WE LINE 5S Fitncm Comer nwlale.,denl 13700 5 131.00 Na 071OV2022 OA$1S•WELLNESS FHnea CPnten n.nwl Non-A-&nt 192.00 5 E92.G0 Na 071G1/2022 Senh, Reu<alHd+Classes se<not., remotes No 07/0112022 iranapPrta[wn Van 5<rrrce 51 - 53 $1 • $3 No 07/OL12022 SEWOP pale Field 5er 1l f,eld M-tt-_ rrr her Season 1C OO 5 10.00 $ 10.,11 Yea G7 2022 flcld P, aralidn Addnonal Char eWhen Prawded Fe< Per F acid 5000 5 52.00 200 $ S2.38 Yes 07 2022 lihu A"Iiwwl Charge When Pronded, fee Per Hou Per FWd 33.00 5 34.Gd 1.00 5 M 92 Yes 07/01/2022 qeY F44M Hriw in[e, r/elpcA%And Set. eeey Me Repweq a.ra,taMl,' Ms'. L,m,IM. [Nh[r Rpftayrl[" May 11L G-HA Crease S rtl Cam ea, BuHela HIIN Perk, Fill 61uH Park, Gram fia,"d Part. Lincoln Alhletlt Geld, MPr LS P4ak4. Penlmpke Ball ✓ ei& [urn mrra,al Rr dnnl Rate {l�phis & F*d Prey. Ekt,a] Fee k Haw 2 Hfrry M.. 167.00 $ 373 G0 G.00 5 173.52 Yes GYIOI 2a72 $41 Frrl� Commel[NI N--&,M pale [teahl.8 F,H I Prep e.tral Fee Per HI 2 H, Mm. 33;.a0 $ 3e4-p7 32.00 $ 34456 re. 07101110;7 EL 14-66 ion 1030 1D11 1D32 103 101M M35 1036 1037 1038 W39 1060 1041 1043 1043 7044 F045 1046 TCk17 104E 1049 1050 lost 10S2 1053 1054 IOU, p. ]Gx,. 1DSa 1065 1066 1D67 1068 1069 1070 1073 L072 1073 107, l0]5 307fi 1077 City of Newport Beath Schedule of Rents, fines, and Fees [SRFF} - Detailed Gfrrrnt LharQrF PrOpaud Cha ryes _ Roend.d down! le. Ap Rpli[r levelVFrYnee From ReNau: Vex Fell LvrtlMaryx valve SERVICE N E OESWmom 19W ar lose Fee hk[7emenlY - IM 4Pplcalari Terel w BIM Fee 6weme9tal • Of app1l-wej Tgvl x♦- FN 1--L41- lit 4ppgukilel iertal pr Bask Fe. Fn[remar.,., • lK applcalael CPI �1 04e San Fie145 Nun•Pral�l ReS�.'�•l F �•. • ii a i Y F rl.^. Prep Lapaf Fee Ptt Hf�•� 1 Hvw Min Ta DO $ i100 300 072o117022 UP Fxlds Pr AT Nor, -dens Rat. SuBhts L Fleld Prep Erual Fee Per ..• 2 Hiaur Mm 114.0W 6 123.00 500 5 F23 12 yes 0716112022 Ball Fkeld: P•iruta• em "dRare JO&I L FKId Peep Ea1r.) Fee Per How 7 He-M-- 97W 5 101.110 -0lYl 5 1111.49 Tea WD17022 Balk Fn ldc Pmate Npnre:rdent Rate (Llg4ts & FWd Prep. F1rra1 Fee Per Hour 2 H.. Km 165 OD S 171 no r oD $ 175 34 Yes 071o112022 Bap F..IdL Youth Spwes Cpr wM: ] m 6 S 00 5 ! m Ha 07126/2016 BJIt Fkkl6l Youth aComm�ss.on Club Rate, F- Per How ISM 5 15 n0 5 15.00 N9 07126/2016 Suf L•ontes!•Amately Ptt PerapW Prpr TO Re :1 ra1�M. D9adh- 3309 $ 31 M N. 67101 m21 Eyenl PerrNb B.md1.d Ey.m Pernrl F.. Ipr SO events 3, 2bD176 S 3-380 00!20 W $ $,69D OI Y[y 07/01/7022 De L-4 7 [P.M 7 8t5 00 S 8IS o0 Ha 0712612016 Vep-.t Le.w i L-O 3 V" 00 5 1 746.W Ne 07/26/2016 Lerei ! acrm•[ lbnres•tlenl Rou ed To Other Oepartmem' No Ryd tWswH, Attachmm[s Or Pe•ml[s Re rpd l nthrr mrnt. 974 00 $ 1,D10.00 3GAD $ 4,51976 Yes W7/D112022 L-1, t P-1 Nonresdem Late fee 5Phmltled Less than 20 Calendar Dayi. from k.- WI, t,746.00 S 1,292.00 46.00 Yes 07/01/2022 te"I ! Parm.t 8rvamt 497.00 S 510.00 18.00 5 3 833,61 YaF 07/01/2022 Iml I Lean¢ A.VA t Laee Fee SWm,ticd t- Than 20 Calendar Virr from Event Me 621.00 S 643.00 22.00 Yes 02 ] •111 7 level 2 P.- Norre:l k 2, IN 00 $ 1,283.00 81.00 $ 4,455.23 Yee O7/011M77 L-6 Perm.t N"ftet.nl l Ate Frn Cpmple. Fyente Regwrel( Rpad ClasLK'L Altachmr'N%or Permll3ly Oilier Dlgvin.rnl45:41m91rd tens Than W CPkedar pa F,C-1-1 pale 3,ISfi.OD $ 3177.90 Tl6.LU Yky 07/Oi(7071 LLvel 7 Perms Resl4 t 026.00 S 3 063.m 37.00 $ 4im 61 Yks 071o"2017 FCrel 7 Permit ReH4 n1 "IC FH [omAle• E.rnts Rrpeelr4 Read CWsLvrc ALSacrm.rr95 Or .e Perrls By 01hor prpairn v I, 6ubmmed L.F. Than 10 Ca4..4ar Days HcIo Event Dal. I S$2.00 S 1.640.00 58 00 TM 0710112022 level 3 Perms ri-r-dm 5,573.00 5 5 719.pv 206 00 $ 10,978.91 Yee 07/011NI22 Level 3 Pn mil NagreFi44..k Lme Fee M910r F v4n1s Rkgeuritq Rrgd Clot e_ Aiu,Lhn..nts 0, P.,mils lypmrr uepartme..es 6 1 Per r-T MCV,rg 5.6mined Less Than 1201 A-4x Days From E_t Dat. 9.53�2.ad 5 10,195.00 363.00 Y.r 07/01/2027 L[ve1I Perms Reud!nt 2,915.00 5 3-072A0 107.00 5 I1,112913 Yrs 071OV2022 Level 3 Per- "dent Lane Fee 5+P+mn ten less Than 1ID Cul.nr r D+ . from Eurnt DIM 4,915.00 $ $ moo L8100 Wei 0710112022 Sprnak Events a1 to Ci Cpu al APPI.cans llmuce.seld for l.re is 1, 7 an61 1.823 00 $ 1�9000 67L10 5 1.856 73 Wei OIMV2022 Sm,ak Ire I%Ap l • lv Ci C I-4 - rran15uccessfW For kre:s 1. =and 3 $ S 2.754.80 N. 0710i12022 5 tlSeMCFf Rklq[at.On Clf Sand YN Il Ceyrt 900.o0 $ RN 00 No 0710I/W22 Tqutlr 5 laher P 4rrtF ANx SchpplP late pirxu ehar e-Per me.erk 100 $ L.00 Ho D]lO117077 CETE P¢Y;hudla:R.asM. 40M0 aM ^er SPhpal PM-lLrs.d es Per Ch.ld T r.-Vr 390-W 5 3W.00 NO 071D112022 n Cam A,Mq,r ,l,NSh yard 15.W 5 15.00 He 07101 2022 •r Sam A&Iieaerl Tyhet SO-W $ 10.00 Fap 07/01/2022 .y Cam Fee Per chub plweN 17600 5 176.110 Nv 07101112022 •y Camp Fe. HaFEWh.p Fee Pm MNd per week moo 5 101.00 w 07NI I022 .y Cam /Pins Steed Campers filxetlitkon 6 days or less Hoke ww $ 50.00 No OVOI 2022 .•r Cam 'nl SW.J Cam s Canc.lyl.on 7+drrrotic. 75 m 25.00 Ne W7 Dl 3077 lww CLEfC iiE.klO lie pypil�} Pint Sale tam sRMNIw 139.W $ 139.00 No 0710112022 *1 .. K.Q&6*&4b-*mkn EtE IE Pa^MWW�r{LM i4ir1.V !W 07.eD117023 WePcheeFS6}JseRFry�pak9ELETE { 4y8.r11 !7e D7POif77, Preschrgl l0I AeHdrFn Per sesswn TRH 330.00 $ 310.00 N. O7/011202222 Prey hr.pl lOi And.M Per ussron MlwN 467.00 $ 497.00 No 071OU2022 Teen tradn,ch.p Pr - AnrR n Pass 195 00 $ 19S.00 No 07/01/2021 Teen Leaders m • Swmm.` E t5 OD $ IISAO Nq D710112022 RPl4h Is Fraei .d FiNd L telpar of Re i.tralmn Frr P"P-Sp0 $ S.i70 Hq 07 1120t7 V.wh tra:s., Per pe+ ee rwles Me MI- Np D7I0112D22 124l :Track and field Nom eF6e.n Per P.- 13.00 $ 13.00 No D71CA12022 I..h Spar[f lracl. and Field PN.s•d.m Per Peeves IO.OD 5 i0.90 Ncr D710112022 ViX111Ei 44s ' WOO CPI.Wwnn inveksrd by CPT, -I- nandmharrli:e Mfuegenequs Annual Grease Di:Mp i Mni a von f ee Annuu• rr,- fit l DW 6 634.00 [3 Du S 6; 01 Tes 071011iD22 Fo-An9ua1 Perron MneelFro $ S $79.74 Hp 07 1 2022 FpC: Hon-Cnmpliap[e per addLLW-1 in t- 7l 00 $ 7a 00 1(p - 5 74.041 1 WCi a 1OV2022 14-67 107F 107S 1090 349] i097 1093 109E loss 109E 1097 10911 loss 1100 IID1 1e02 1 HIS 1104 3105 110E IM7 119E 1109 ula 1213 1i12 1tr3 1114 ills 111E 1127 Ills 11I9 1120 1121 114 1121 1114 1125 1178 1227 1119 1129 1130 City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFFI - Detailed Current Charges I Proposed Charles Rounded down! I Fee 0 Pnllm level I -run[e FFem ArerieuF Veer LuY Lo�elYAuk�[ Lalu� SERVICE NAME OESCh1PT10k rctal et ease Frr 4�r/r+rrrMpl-� AppkmkWj Total oe sm Ha lavemental-Ilf 4ppit-wo] load m2- Fw Incremental-{N apphnhla] To1pl W P+he Fer uxrementet -[lf appMralM] Vr J-04nNntaalon Dale Re.n s UvIrcen FMd InUon Hotel 16Y.ep) S 175.00 7 Du - $ 175 2S 7/0 010M Sewer Corr-oorr/Wet r 5crnce- Pn msi-tion 274 w 5 284.00 1000 s 2U.89 Yes 0710]12M RtcwJtd Watrr keeled Fees C-o&ty Chu - knjOedl water Wa[cr LJW Aar HWClrvd C.6, FCA Of Waacr 213 $ 2.13 $ 213 No 01/0e12022 pmulpst. e R ledwmler mumhly 5efw4e Char e pei Hwdred Cuhre F rer of Weer 662 $ 062 - 5 067 No Dljolenn ReEydad Water Service - Re led Waln Meta - Under I csce Manthr Recycled water Snwce Chafe ] 1 94 $ 1194 - 5 )1 94 Na D1/01/2027 Water Service Reyded Warn Mew 1 mch Mown!rq,cwee' S.- ch., i 7 14 S 17.14 $ 1714 No 011,0112012 Water selvke - 6E4 Wares Mew i 112 inch Nt-1 MY Recycled Waw Snwe Civerge 30. e1 5 30.12 - s 30.12 No 01/0111027 Wprn $eFVYY R led Warr•F Ml- I inch Mnnrh RrC led Wate, Se v- Cl-a 45.70 s 45.70 $ 45.70 No ol/0112D22 Aeo,ded Warn See - Recyded waref 63e i,i - 3 m[h Mnrnh R"yllwd W9wr Ser- Cnx a 117.14 S 117-14 - S 11714 No 01/01/2077 A-ybed Weer Sera - Recycled Walef Meter A m[h m onthky Rnyded waMr k+yfCe Graf a 190.95 $ 1".95 - S 198.95 Nn O1R1f12022 T ledwa[nser%ke-Rec cl"Wa[n Meter 6-n[n Month A red Waln Sennce Char a 419,13 $ 419.73 - 5 am?] No 01/0I' D" Re cd WAIM Service ReC Ied WaCr PANr F 8 inch MnnthFE od Weer Snr.[e Char a 731.47 $ 731.42 - 5 MAI No 0110117022 Sevier pelNrd Fors New$ew,er Cerusecrron Fee [isr Per New (:aY 'm 250.00 5 250.ta - S 25000 No 02/2ti/2016 Sewer 4T7 Bar 11A.in erne•1 Serer Ckw Ow 38 79 5 1819 5 )8.79 Ho a710112021 Sewer 4T7 Bar ird IMmn erne] 51---C6eafr 0r4 34.48 $ 3498 - 5 M 48 Ho 0710112on Sewer Only Esaahlnhmenl Fee 50 5 52 DO 2.00 $ 57.06 yc-. 072[I17017 Sewer 5--Ce • Addi-al Ln UnAl On Comnrron Mon Wfyen few i -q rn euna W orre •all Nv 91/Otj2Dltl S-F 5- Fcv-518 inrh Manlh feefar Cnnrreelrea TOfewtr s [em 8.55 5 ILAS 5 855 No 0110111027 5-Se--Fee-30mch Montl, fee far mnh4clron to IyAM 8.55 $ 6.55 5 31% No 03 03 2022 5*w S<Mre FM 1 -h Monthly fee 1w mnneclwn to newer sytem 8.55 S ass 5 855 No py(p! 2027 Sewer s"AW Fcr 1.5 rruh MMM ter to, oonrrr4Uen To uwer s m 9.41 $ 9.41 $ 9.41 Na IWO1120.111 Sewer Sere fee -2,nClr Momilly fee roe Cd wWn IDfrwxrs lem URI $ e2.83 $ 1283 No 01MI/2022 Sewn S-w Fm 3 infh Monlhl lee tar Cent- to sevens tem 34 54 $ 14.54 S 14 S3 No OIMI 2022 fewer Service Fee -4mdr M-IMY fee for[onnectw to:exers em 17.11 S 1711 $ 1711 Nv 01/01/2022 sewer 5nrncr Ffr 6-1, Mrwrhl Ice for conr�c[twn to uxxrs 19.75 5 19 25 $ 19.15 No 0]1D3 7a12 Sewer Srf•nc. -$,no, M-Ihly Ice ru [onne[[rOn tvsewersyslem 21.39 $ 71.38 5 2139 No o11Di1 M27 Sewer 5 -Fee - 1D mch M-111y lee for cOnnreaion M sewer s rNn 27.37 5 21-37 $ 27.37 No O11Q112011 Sevier Scfri[e Fee- 12 wKi, Manrhl Iee r0f [-- co xwer snrem 14.22 5 34-22 8 34.22 No 131,0112D22 5ewrr ke"m Fee -No Water uw-518 mMh MMIhly CannKTWn T4 seN sy W. • wa[CF IF.. another 19.20 S e2 eD - $ 13.16 No 0710112022 Sewer Same. Fee - No water vu-314mch Monthly [mnectwn io sewtt iyi[4m water teem pnpahH 1310 5 11.10 5 33.10 No 01101 21722 $ewer 5erv,Ce Ff< ko Wow Use a rn[n MMrhly [Dope[- W sewn system •water IF- another a 15 34 S 15.34 5 15.34 No 0"112022 Sewer Sera[e Fee - No Water Use -e.5 Yrch Monthly sarn t-so-ve FVmem-water from anolhp 46.14 5 46,14 5 4E. 14 No DIMI12021 sewer 5er.iee Fee Ne warn use • 2. Menkhly rvhnccrmn co r.'e's+ Fyar¢m wweC k-another afltrKy 47 54 5 47.54 - $ 47 S4 No 0t10312022 Sewer--c-Fee lea Warn Use 3perch Moot" connectwn to sewer sY vim - water rrorn arwchef MAO $ 122-10 s 12270 No 03101I2021 r er 5enn<e Fn• • Na Waµr Vse • 4 nch Monthly CwrneClMM1 loyrwVf iyrlpfM1 • water It[wrs Nnl her i en 716.15 21625 - 5 716.15 No OM112022 'sewer Semce Fee -No Water use-8 m[N MordMy mane[ - io sewer sptem -water from -1 her 38107 $ 382.07 S 361-07 Ha D11U111022 wirer Sear 0 fee • No WW& Vfe • 8 esch Mofsrhtyiwvmcti- ro vvvor Sy TPm waier rrnm another, mail s 381.21 - 5 383.71 No 0110le2022 So- Serer Fee No walethe 10Fn[h Monthl,-o tie. la SeyraN system - water hom ygrtw, 389 20 5 389.211 5 369.20 Nn 03/0117071 5- Vse Fee Per Hwmked cub.[ Fen Of Wawf used 0 54 $ (1.54 5 0.54 Nn O1/0112022 W9stewarn 51.0.qll A0 Non ­.[- Cwrnec - MGrAh Fee Per Conrrecttan Fa Meters I Im kes Or LmWS S No 01 112021 water 1lalew Feet 314 m h Meer 8w DFW Multi Pwww 57.79 s 52.79 S 52.79 No DIMV2021 3/4 Imh Meter Bea e1d U.N. MUHi Prn pow 25.8E s 7S.f6 - 5 25.8E No OTMI 2021 SIS b 3/4 e-h VV tef Meter MyeHrr AM 172.40 172.40 $ 17140 Nv 01/011202e I Inch Mean Boa Of W mw12 Aee 79.32 s 78.32 $ 78.32 No 01/01/7071 3 WPI Meter S- Lid DrW MuIH Preprge 42.02 5 42.02 $ r2.02 Ha 47/0111011 1 Nich Water I5 W' Mueller AM11 I93.95 5 193.95 S 193-95 No 01 112021 1.5 ineh tWt- Water Meter Mueller AM 491 34 $ 491.34 $ 49134 No 07/0 ml. 153-h W." MnI [x M-4. AMI 463.33 MAI 5 46) 33 fJo Q710112021 7 I-h Mner a- DFW Multi Purpose 138.69 S 13&69 $ 13869 No 07/01/2071 I Imh Mnn Box erd OF W. Mulll P. 72.19 MIR S 77 19 No 01/0112021 1 leech T urhme Water Meter Mueller Me 57511 5 571.23 - s 57323 No 0710t/2021 1 if h water Meter mL,4w nett SE6.69 5 565.69 - s j65.69 No 07103 2021 Cpm1n4KdI Char •-PorahFCWe, Water use Per Hundred Cob, Ft t0l Wit, 1.601 IS$ 360 - $ 3.Gu Nu O]lO117011 14-68 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 113E 113$ 1140 1141 L142 1143 11" aUs 1146 1147 1148 1149 115D 1151 1152 1153 1154 I155 1156 I157 I158 1159 lit I' 1R City of Newport Reach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees {SRFF) - Detailed Current Charges Proposed Charges 501711111 IM11W 27ifp1p!'F701[ TOW W fi- Fee MImNFMMIF•iY APPRa") Topler Flrll Fee Yrp.nenxal •III IPPIWAWI TOW 01 Haar Fp r r rmm[al id apil0k blel T.W -ilm Fp Ine,emeRt41 • [M aP•pkab t) CPI gnPlemmlatien Ogee Cpn5lru Cvn Waxes Meta Ertabllshmen[Char lul Lk S iP6.00 OG S a17.o6 0710117v.': Eon -tro Water Meter Meta De t rel $ 1,I50A0 S 1,z50.ua Mo 071OV2021 Constr-twn Water Mete, Monlhty CT • sec 1Yorn Sn• No[4 07 OS IO21 DeRneyenl Warn Service D--t noun[. :-0 5 348.00 Sao 5 148 31 va 0710111D27 DO - -I Watef SevK R4$tpat- 0-"Herr$ :b 11111 S 26900 600 5 16944 ves 07 I 302T LIAnenent Water Servico F-Iburatim - Lo- lnrnme HO. Meld lbeow 200% Mahe federal p-eily uml E-,Hour 5900 1 S 50.t10 - 5 199.36 No 071011M122 0ebn cent Weep Service 8estdratlm Hen 1 u-n 14- _ 282M S M.00 7 al $ MIS Y.,-. 0]Ipl 71127 L7ebnmfent we. 5*-m R"o,aflm • Law intmnr 00us"d 16eiow 2t1 %e [he federal ny w>a• Non Dullness a-, 150.00 S 150.00 5 214 13 No 0710tr422 dram flow Im - Hitlava, Test Ml hl lime 51600 S $35.00 19.00 - $ 535.61 Yes 0710112022 Hdram Fla-TeA HmH hwav lRe -Iu HOVS 45E.o0 S 47500 :700 S 47$1l Yn 07 112022 Mar. une VA. 00. W.." Verve 50a 38 79 S 39.79 $ 38 79 N0 07/03/2021 rAm. I,ne Valve bm tid Wall, Valve 90n lad 34.49 5 34 AS $ 344E N. 07101 i721 Pr,.,e F ire lmr 5erwtr• 6T54Hh MWMf Water S-ce Char r 12.02 5 17.02 - 5 1707 na ollal X?7 Pr-W F,rc L.ve $M"w - 75,nch M.MMV Water S- chard. 12.23 5 12.23 - 5 12.I3 rye 0110112022 41-lte cue Lxre senile - 1 inth M.Mhly Water Service Oqe 12.77 5 iT.77 - S 12.77 N9 0110112D22 Pr,vee Fm Clue Service - 1-5 m[h NbPnthlj Water 5erv1cc Char a 1.3.70 5 13.7il - S 13.70 Nu 01/01/2022 P-te Fir¢ Lhae Servl[e-2Inch Mpr.$h Ww"5emcc, char a 15.11 5 15.11 S 1511 fw+ 01/0111027 Pr1ate free Llne 5ervrce- 3 incb M-thry Water Sefn[e char a l704 S 17114 S I7.01 N. 011011022 P,W.lefbr Llnr 54rvae flinch Writhly Water Se-fes•Char a 22.E3 $ 2293 S 22.83 No 01012027 11 ."I* Fxe Line Swvtw- 6 i-h Monthly W.- Se-r[e chw a 43.52 5 S3 57 - S 49.52 Ho O11D112o22 Pfrvare Fee une Sers,ee E mCh M-Wy Walrr Serva[e CAar a 79 M $ 79.25 $ 79 26 Me 03101 2022 P-le Fee une 5-e-11) inch M-1hly Walrr 5eryfce Chg, 132-99 $ M." 5 131" No 01/01/2022 Prryalc Frte Une Serv+ce 12 -h Mrmrh ware, Xfrse chary AN 46 S 207.4b S 207.46 Hn 2022 Wafer Xruxr Add,fional Oedporny� IlDR1 Md ihlr Fee lung m excess o!one- hWeVowldlhospilallu,e hon9' S - 5 No 2021 Ware Sevice - Addn tonal lelmLm7O unrh Meeilhl Fer Per 0mr 1n Epics Of One 5 - 5 No 2021 WeServcc 0-11-[Mete underinxfi Mm[hl Water Senirc 2348 S 23.4E 5 2348 No 2022 b0I Wale svvce - Dmm�h[ Mel. - I imh Mmlh Ware, Senxe Chore 36-39 S 3639 5 36 39 N0 2022 Wale $Vv,Ke Domrsln Mnn L 117 i 1, Mmlhl Wet. Service (: u 68.61 $ 68.63 $ 68 6L Nrs 2022 Wafer $ernee-DerritlK Mete• 2,n,h Month Wales Senace Chu 107.29 S 107.29 - $ 10729 No 022 mr Sevice-DomesticMe[e 3rneN AA -IN W4[n Sm-Chars M55 5 2E4.SS $ 284.s$ No 2o22 S.vice. 0-1. Mel.-4rrr[h Mmdd Wot"Senile Charge 487.60 $ 487.60 - 5 49760 No 01/01/2022 _ _"• $"cc Dwnesl,t Meler - 6 nxh MA luy Water $,-r cha. 1p55 5] 1,035 52 S 1,035.52 N0 0110112rJ2I =c•• Service D-Wi: fdetn • E r.sh AA-thly Wale Sevue [hat , 1,8d9.04 S 1 W9 07 5 1,809.04 No 010112027 :rr 5enrcr Wmeahs Meer • 10m[h Mo Aluf Water service cha,p 2.211A9 S 2.71149 - 5 7.711.49 I 01/01/2072 r.•, Scrwrn Domes[u Mere 17mCh MPrd Water S¢W-Chara 3,42C.58 $ 3,4X.58 - S 3420.58 1 011o31T027 r and 5- 5e•n[e Es[anirshmenr Fee - 9u5mess Hnurr, 12200 S L27.00 5.00 - S 127.19 Y. 0710112022 .1 aver and SM'rr Sc rwm EsiaM�slrment Fee (I - Hour. 01116ne t18.00 S 121.M 5.W 5 123.40 T. 07MIJ2022 Wa[e, endkwrr >r,rxc iafablisl9nenl Fee -Non-f4ernns H.-32700 S 339.00 12.00 S 339 ES WWI071011N322 Water Serw[r lnrlallaHnn Fn• fa v❑r Enw ed Water Seance 727.00 $ 75400 27.60 S 154.50 Yea 070112022 Water St.W oft lag el. rmem P.nF Ha,.cn 12Z 5 17 ud ! DO 5 33.E9 yes 07101 2022 14-69 ATTACHMENT C ORDINANCE NO. 2023- 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 3.36.030 RELATED TO COST RECOVERY PERCENTAGES WHEREAS, Section 200 of the City of Newport Beach ("City") Charter vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges, or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California; WHEREAS, the City funds certain municipal services, which are typically performed without request by the user, that benefit the public generally and are traditionally funded by tax revenue; WHEREAS, the City performs other services which are funded, in whole or in part, by a person requesting the service; WHEREAS, Subsection (A) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") provides the cost recovery for user service fees specifically requested by a person shall be at one hundred percent (100%), unless the amount is modified by Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC ("Exhibit A"); WHEREAS, the Finance Department conducts regular fee studies and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding adjustments that may be made to the cost recovery amounts provided in Exhibit A, to ensure compliance with the law, consistency with current practices, and the maintenance of a high level of customer service for our residents; WHEREAS, on April 13, 2023, the proposed revisions to Exhibit A were presented to the City's Finance Committee; and WHEREAS, City staff recommends the City Council adopt the proposed revisions to Exhibit A. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: 14-70 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 2 of 10 Section 1: Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC, is hereby amended to read as follows: Exhibit A The City's cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for services. Exhibit "A" limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts indicated below. Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees ALL DEPARTMENTS Appeals — for any user services 0% appeal not otherwise specified — Applicant Successful Appeals — for any user services 50% Appeal not otherwise specified —Applicant Unsuccessful COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Chapter 17.65 Appeal— 0% Applicant Successful Chapter 17.65 Appeal— 50% Applicant Unsuccessful Building Appeals Board Hearing— 0% Applicant Successful Appeals Board Hearing— 50% Applicant Unsuccessful 14-71 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 3 of 10 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees Harbor Construction 50% Preliminary Plan Review First Two Hours Free, Full Cost Thereafter Planning Appeals to City Council or 0% Planning Commission — Applicant Successful Appeals to City Council or 50% Planning Commission — Applicant Unsuccessful Coastal Development Permit 0% Application Appeals from Zoning Administrator to Planning Commission — Applicant Successful Coastal Development Permit 50% Application Appeals from Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission — Applicant Unsuccessful General Plan Maintenance Fee 12% Reasonable Accommodation 0% FINANCE DEPARTMENT Admin. Cite Hearings , 0% 14-72 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 4 of 10 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees Parking Hearings 0% Payment Plans (Except Parking) $25 Short Term Lodging Permit 0% Suspension or Revocation Hearing —Applicant Successful Short Term Lodging Permit 50% Suspension or Revocation Hearing —Applicant Unsuccessful Zero Bill Reprint 0% FIRE DEPARTMENT Emergency Medical Services Advanced Life Support (ALS)— $400 Nontransport Basic Life Support (BLS)— $400 Nontransport ALS First Responder Fee $400 BLS First Responder Fee $400 HARBOR DEPARTMENT Chapter 17.65 Appeal— 0% Applicant Successful Chapter 17.65 Appeal— 50% Applicant Unsuccessful 14-73 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 5 of 10 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Black and White Copies from Self -Service Copiers or Printers $0.15 Color Copies from Self -Service Copier or Printer $0.45 Use Fees —Materials $1 Inter -Library Loan $5 POLICE DEPARTMENT Bike Licenses 0% Citation Sign -off $10 Fingerprinting —City Portion $25 Secondhand/Pawn Dealer Tag Check 0% Registrant —Narcotics 0% Registrant — Sex 0% Animal Shelter Adoption Fee —Puppies $225 Adoption Fee —Senior Dog — Animal Over Eight (8) Years Old $70 14-74 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 6 of 10 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees Adoption Fee — Dog — All Other $150 Adoption Fee —Kittens $110 Adoption Fee — Senior Cat — $70 Animal Over Eight (8) Years Old Adoption Fee — Cat — All Other $90 Adoption Fee —Small Animals $45 Boarding Fee (per day)— $25 Animals Boarding Fee (per day) —Small $10 Animals Owner Turn -In Fee —Altered $100 Animal Owner Turn -In Fee — Unaltered $200 Animal Impound Fee —Dogs, Cats, $62 Small Animals PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Chapter 17.65 Appeal— 0% Applicant Successful Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City $940 Council —Applicant Unsuccessful Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor $1,250 Commission —Applicant 14-75 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 7 of 10 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Unsuccessful RGP Dredging Permit 42% RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES DEPARTMENT Adult Sports 50%-95% Administrative Processing Fee $5 Badge Replacement $5 After School/Camp Programs Camps 20%-50% After-School/Teen Program 20%-50% Preschool Program 20%-50% Aquatics 20%-50% Contract Classes 50%-95% Class Refunds $74 or less $10 $75 or more $20 Youth Sports 20%-50% Special Events —Levels 1, 2, and 3 14-76" Ordinance No. 2023- Page 8 of 10 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees Resident, Level 1 and Late Fees 0%-20% for Level 1 Resident, Levels 2-3 and Late 20%-50% Fees for Levels 2-3 Nonresident, Levels 1-2 and 20%-50% Late Fees for Level 1 Nonresident, Level 3 and Late 50%-95% Fees for Levels 2-3 Appeal to City Council — 0% Applicant Successful Appeal to City Council — 50%-95% Applicant Unsuccessful Natural Resources Programs 0%-20% Senior Services Oasis Transportation $1—$3 each way Contract Classes 20%-50% Fitness Center 50%-95% UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Construction Water Meter 50% Establishment Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) 0% Annual Permit 14-77 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 9 of 10 rcentage of Cost Amount to Be covered from ,ect Fees CITY COUNCIL, BOARD, COMMISSION, COMMITTEE OR ANY INDIVIDUAL MEMBER THEREOF WHEN ACTING WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR OFFICIAL DUTIES Review from a Lower Body or I $0 Official Section 2: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council -hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4: The City Council finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 5: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other Sections, Subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. 14-78 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 10 of 10 Section 6: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) calendar days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 23rd day of May, 2023 and adopted on the 13th day of June, 2023, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: NOAH BLOM, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE ff AARON C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY 14-79 Attachment D Redline Amended Newport Beach Municipal Code Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 3.36 COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES Chapter 3.36 COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES Page 115 3.36.030 Cost Recovery Percentages. A. The municipal functions the City Council has determined to be user services and for which the City Council has initially determined the actual costs and the appropriate cost recovery percentage are described in the fee resolution. The cost recovery percentage appropriate for each user service shall be one hundred (100) percent with the exception of the user services listed in Exhibit "A" and those services for which the fee is limited by statute. The City Council may include in the fee resolution a schedule to phase in specific fee increases over a period not to exceed four years. B. The City Council shall establish, pursuant to the fee resolution, the actual fee or charge for each user service described in the fee resolution. The fee or charge shall be based upon the actual cost of providing the user service, multiplied by the relevant cost recovery percentage. C. The City Council may, without amending this chapter, modify (increase or decrease) the fee resolution to amend the amount of any fee or charge for, and the actual cost of providing, any user service upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more of the cost factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing that service. D. The City Council may modify the municipal functions determined to be user services in the fee resolution and the cost recovery percentage for any service only by amending this chapter. E. Fees for service established in the fee resolution may be waived by: The City Council; 2. The City Manager, up to an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), per occurrence, for fees imposed on nonprofit organizations for nonprofit sponsored events; or 3. The City Manager or the Finance Director up to an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), per occurrence, if the City Manager or Finance Director determines that the imposition of the fee would exceed the actual cost to the City or would result in duplicative fees for services rendered. Exhibit A The City's cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for services. Exhibit "A" limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts indicated below. Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees All Departments Appeals —For Any User Services 0% Appeal Not Otherwise Specified — Applicant Successful Appeals —For Any User Services 50% Appeal Not Otherwise Specified Applicant Unsuccessful Community Development Department Chapter 17.65 Appeal — Applicant 0% Successful The Newport Beach Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2022-22, passed November 15, 2022. 14-81 Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 3.36 COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Chapter 17.65 Appeal' Council Applicant Unsuccessful $94050% r aui Building Appeals Board Hearing —Applicant Successful 0% Appeals Board Hearing —Applicant Unsuccessful $41, 50°/u Harbor Construction 50% Preliminary Plan Review First Two Hours Free, Full Cost Thereafter Planning Appeals to City Council or Planning Commission — Applicant Successful �5000 Appeals to City Council or Planning Commission — Applicant Unsuccessful �550% Coastal Development Permit Application Appeals from Zoning Administrator to Planning Commission — Applicant Successful 0% Coastal Development Permit Application 50% Appeals from Zoning Administrator to Planning Commission — Applicant Unsuccessful General Plan Maintenance Fee 12% Reasonable Accommodation 0% Finance Department Admin. Cite Hearings 0% Parking Hearings 0% Payment Plans (Except Parking) $25 Short Term Lodging Permit Suspension or Revocation Hearing — Applicant Successful 0% Short Term Lodging Permit Suspension or Revocation Hearing — Applicant Unsuccessful 50% Zero Bill Reprint 0% Fire Department Emergency Medical Services Advanced Life Support (ALS)— Nontransport $400 Basic Life Support (BLS)—Nontransport $400 Page 2/5 The Newport Beach Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2022-22, passed November 15, 2022. 14-82 Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 3.36 COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees ALS First Responder Fee $400 BLS First Responder Fee $400 Harbor Department Chapter 17.65 Appeal —Applicant Successful 0% Chapter 17.65 Appeal t� ro�:1 Applicant Unsuccessful $94050% C.Rmmission Applicant Library Services Department Black and White Copies from Self- Service Copiers or Printers $0.15 Color Copies from Self -Service Copiers or Printers $0.45 Use Fees —Materials $1 Inter -Library Loan $5 Police Department Bike Licenses 4-7-OA0% Citation Si ig i-off 10 Fingerprinting — City Portion 25 Secondhand/Pawn Dealer Tag Check 0% Registrant —Narcotics 0% Reistrant — Sex 0% Animal Shelter Adoption Fee S-1-50 Adoption Fee —Puppies $225 Adoption Fee — Senior Dog — Animal S70 Over Eight (88) Years Old Adoption Fee — Dog — All Other S150 Adoption Fee�,r,.t., sw Adoption Fee —Kittens $110 Adoption Fee — Senior Cat — Animal Over 70 Eight (8) Years Old Adoption Fee — Cat — All Other $90 Adoption Fee —Small Animals $45 Boarding Fee (per day) —Animals $25 Page 3/5 The Newport Beach Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2022-22, passed November 15, 2022. 14-83 Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 3.36 COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Boarding Fee (per day) —Small Animals $10 Owner Turn -In Fee — Altered Animal $100 Owner Turn -In Fee — Unaltered Animal S200 Impound Fee —Dogs, Cats, Small Animals $5 62 Public Works Department Chapter 17.65 Appeal —Applicant Successful 0% Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council —Applicant Unsuccessful $940 Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission —Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 RGP Dredging Permit 42% Recreation and Senior Services Department Adult Sports 500/-95% Administrative Processing Fee $5 Badge Replacement $5 After School/Camp Programs Camps 200/4-50% After-School/Teen Program 200/4-50% Preschool Program 200/4-50% Aquatics 200/-50% Contract Classes 500/-95% Class Refunds $74 or less $10 $75 or more $20 Youth Sports 200/4-50% Special Events —Levels 1, 2, and 3 Resident, Level 1 and Late Fees for Level 1 0%-20% Resident, Levels 2-3 and Late Fees for Levels 2-3 200/4-50% Nonresident, Levels 1-2 and Late Fees for Level 1 200/-50% Nonresident, Level 3 and Late Fees for Levels 2-3 500/-95% Appeal to City Council —Applicant Successful 0% Page 4/5 The Newport Beach Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2022-22, passed November 15, 2022. 14-84 Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 3.36 COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Appeal to City Council —Applicant 501/-95% Unsuccessful Natural Resources Programs 00/-20% Senior Services Oasis Transportation $1—S3 each way Contract Classes 200/4-50% Fitness Center 500/4-95% Utilities Department Construction Water Meter 50% Establishment Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Annual 0% Permit City Council, Board, Commission, Committee or Any Individual Member Thereof When Acting Within the Scope of Their Official Duties Review from a Lower Body or $0 Official Page 515 The Newport Beach Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2022-22, passed November 15, 2022. 14-85 ATTACHMENT E RESOLUTION NO. 2023- 31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, MODIFYING RESOLUTION 2019-105 RELATING TO THE PARAMEDIC SUBSCRIPTION PROGRAM FEE WHEREAS, since 1975, the City of Newport Beach ("City") has maintained and operated a paramedic service program for the community by providing funds for emergency personnel and equipment in support of emergency medical services (EMS) operations; WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 5.60 (Paramedic Service User Fees) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and via adoption of the City's Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF), the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ("City Council") has established user fees and charges for the provision of emergency medical services; WHEREAS, the City's General Fund revenues currently defray a portion of the cost of providing emergency medical services; WHEREAS, pursuant to City Council Resolution 2019-105, the City offers a Paramedic Subscription Program ("Subscription Program"), which is a mechanism for residents and businesses to receive emergency medical services at a greatly reduced rate through an annual subscription; WHEREAS, as part of the City's regular review of its user and service fees, Clearsource Financial Consulting has recently conducted cost -of -service studies for those fees, including the Subscription Program fee; and WHEREAS, the cost -of -service studies support increasing the Subscription Program base fee from $60 to $84 per year. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: 14-86 Resolution No. 2023- Page 2 of 4 Section 1: Section 5.d. of City Council Resolution 2019-105 is hereby amended to read as follows: d. Paramedic Subscription Fees. i. For a Resident Member: the Paramedic Subscription Fee shall be $84.00 per calendar year; ii. For a Business Member: the Paramedic Subscription Fee shall be calculated as follows: (1) Businesses with 10 or less owners and employees, cumulatively: $84.00 per calendar year. (2) Businesses with over 10 owners and employees, cumulatively: $84.00 per calendar year plus $25.00 per each additional group of 10 owners and employees, cumulatively, for a maximum of 150 owners and employees, cumulatively (14 additional groups) and a maximum Paramedic Subscription Fee of $434.00. (3) Businesses with over 150 owners and employees, cumulatively, will not be eligible for the Paramedic Subscription Program. 14-87 Resolution No. 2023- Page 3 of 4 Section 2: Section 5.e.i.. of City Council Resolution 2019-105 is hereby amended to read as follows: e. Payment of Fees. i. Paramedic Subscription Fees for Resident Members shall be paid as follows: (1) The payment of the required annual Paramedic Subscription Fees upon enrollment or renewal; (2) In the event a Municipal Services Statement is sent to the dwelling unit of the Resident Member, the payment of that portion of the annual Paramedic Subscription Fee shown on the Municipal Services Statement on or before the due date shown on the statement. Section 3: The revised Subscription Program base fee shall be included in the SRFF that is concurrently set for adoption by Resolution 2023-_ Section 4: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 6: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as. defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. E Resolution No. 2023- Page 4 of 4 Section 7: This resolution shall take effect January 1, 2024, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 23rd day of May, 2023. ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE Aaron C. Harp City Attorney Noah Blom Mayor