HomeMy WebLinkAbout3430 Irvine Ave./ f>:,'o'l. i?r ,," \~'1,. /,,)~,!cA~iO~ 'CQ USE VARIANCE PERMIT ,~,<, I (-J ',' ,-I :-.: ,\ ", ( ~, ( ) 1 ~', ~ A~~ A'vIf_ NDf_C •. :) (1 ~ ;-v ORA~Gt-_. CAl:FORN:A '-,; ~_: ';" :; 2.20 '-' c., "l: '-':', ',':::' ,'; .... .-! ,_; r-, (:: L)':;:' ~;-:_~" 2,iS63 H~AR!,N,"j I)il,':"~_ I~'(;:_t ! c : S: ~, -fC'-1N'C:", ,"-'(' -,-'(. ,,,,"-1 .-, ! • ;:.' '- _iRS:-S,l ;:"~FE'''I"-[:[; ";0' i(X1,LC,ger p;l'~G :".;::>f"'>'" ~_ .. "~..)._L '..!:..,,~_ ... I_~:-)~S.t _ D~~!_t . ~'.;~_~~PS-:F t 3~2C1, CQst§ __ !j=S§ ~ i_ r P_9F ~ _. Cor::~,:; . ',~~ ,-~ ['" S:" ; th 20351 !l.C2C;" S~rcet, Santa Ana -4-'''-2'' ~) ')-~,~ ~~ . --- - -0'_, ,C,' n" I,": £,.?.7 //T('6'_L3_-:./3_~Ly'1_ft i.5'.L9./ ___ L-.5--o...6-Q;l __ _ ~;"nl.: "dd •• " .. ,,,,r,r .. ,. TO Pt:~ MiT ~-:''''e cn("!s~-r~!c-:: ~n of 4 d\,·.le 11 i ng un i ts and 2 garages on Cl paree! n~ '~:~J contai~i~J ~ sln91e-faM~ ly residence and detached garage in !~e Al )2'-;,~r;_~i ~\c.r;cL:jtl\ral District. -r~:::." i;, -\j"-, t ", :ccc, c~; 2~, ,~:; -, gcrC:;Ij':':s ~.·"i 11 be substant i a l' y of the size and in the ,jicatcd on ri'e attached plot plan. ~~f-srreet P2rking for 4 cars will be provided in the attached garages, al'~ parking for 2 cars will be provided in the detached garage. ~ --~ ./ -2--0 ' 7/ ?1~ o;r~</ / (' ':--:'/ )(("' , '--,,;,J'/ .,-'-"" .~ -'~,rC:(",.::,. w·t~ ~I---f' ,-,11no:'h{,c. ;)io! pion wnich I~ he,eby "",ode 0'" par: :>'"r'"'~' :-<"' [J .. ~ ~:'.e ,},:,~ r:-1Q"l, rl~ .. ,::>i,('!t pion !>'nall ;>rovaiL herco~r" In any case 01 conflict betw~~n 'hI" lanql'':,,,<,, ,)i _: .. : r id'i rif :.,('RI PT1('.N ", C;UR,IEI:r PROPfRTY ;~,;-;2 ~,12~,;?:h~';. .Vorthecst ·k of 1.0: 77, iract 70E. S2r',t2 "" cd ,-, '" '''"ch . c~ sout~c2sterly sije of Acacia Street approx~Gately L90 ft. 5C:Jr-. ,:,/("5: ,),,:-?a"i 1saJ2S ~oadJ in Santa t1na rieights. :>,,-~.. ,f' n: r-',!''--''¥ Si~j12-~ami ly dwelling. '\":c'r~"" P",~,"""V " .... :'rei ('f I"n""'-!;,v n;q,,j,",,,,d: None. ~,,; '('," -'I' 502 attoci1Cd letter. -----"-------_. / 2 ;;:.~ ,) / .. /-/. ~ : ':~22;; oran3e county Plannlng CO''l2i3s1on 400 "). ~3th ""t. F,anta !Ina, ;alif. Honorable "',ire: Sente~ber 23. 1963 ~equest for a use variance 1s mrA0 with the attached doc~~entB. 'fhis !'::!(JU0st is being :uOOo for the)Ul'poee of obtainin; the maxi!!lU!!l bene?! tc from the property under consid.eration consistent ,:;i th the nelg.loJ.borll1G properties anl 1n no C!!/J,'9 inconsistent w1 t.h the adjacent uaea3ge. !1erewith sZ''': subllHtel eleven ~11) 00<,1013 of the plot ulan scale l/lS" to 1 foot applicable to thl? property WYler consideration. a--?Urthet':llore thsre 13 e ':,op<)i1,;I'apbical condition of this partil:mlar piece of lend ,",',ich !'en:ers it unfit fo!'s!'a'!i:;y irri::;ation. p.lec. due to ':,h~ nerro'v l,';id.t,h cOllbined. with the depth precludes the use of powcrei equipmel1t for agriculture. ~'herefore. US8 ::If this niece of lw..1 for &:~ricultl.lre ''1:J\.ll,;l be i:l1pl"scticable. b--~.'1:e varitmc0 requt?s-~ed 1:;;. necesDary for !.he ful13st use of the property l.·b;h'~ s()c()t'1:ItU"ily to t,he ol"iC;lne>~ intent. c--f..:~;ould. ~Jh{";! variance be ,~rD.n;te:l t.l":e lnten..i.ed use ~~1ould not 08 :na.teriru.ly le-~l'i::lent!11 ::'0 tha "1elfl'),I'e an..\levoLopment nor In,jurioUll to ;he nei '~hborln'~:')l:'ono~"ty f-In:l alefini tei::lprove:nent to ~he property. '.'11ore &:",8 a1.rae:~ly .-,;vellings of fl CO'TIpi?Xllblo flc'1:;ure on other properties in clone oroxi::li ty. 20351 f,eaeie "t. sants. ~na.;s"if. 92705 ~hone: 545-0528 :espectfully '3ubllit.ted, ~~ ~~ ~el. tor L 0 ,.~:!I.~-{".u LJ\f-Sd--~ !HNUTES ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COI.llJIISSION j·1EETING -OCTOBER 16. 1963 PUBLIC HEARING: P.C. TAPE NO. 49, RECORDING INDEX: 0793. 5SD UV-5229, OF vlALTER L. STU'rH, IN SANTA ANA HEIGHTS. Location: On southeasterly side of Acacia Stree·t approximately 490 feet southwest of Palisades Road. Request: To permit the construction of four dwelling units and two garages on a parcel of land containing a single-family residence and detachod garage in the Al General Agricultural District. according to application on file. CQI,IMISSION ACTION: OS14: Taken under submission until the meeting of November 69 1963p on motion of Krueger. A letter was read from the County Road Department recommending dedication and improvements on Acacia Avenue. A letter from the County Airport Commission was read stating that this application would not be discussed until their meeting of October 22. 1963. A report from Mr. Bell, of the Planning Department Staff. was read regarding the height limits of structures as permitte~ in this vicinity by the FAA criteria., since this property was il~ the vicinity of the Orange County Airport. Planner III Turner read the applicant's letter that was submitted with this application. Mr. Smith, the applicant. was present and explained to the COIIIIII1ssion why he felt this property would be suitable for use as multiple units. Department of Building and Safety representative Nelson read a list of the Use Variances for multiple units that had been approved and denied in this area. Assistant Planning Director Dickason commented on the study being made by the Planning Department regarding the density of dwelling units in the vicinity of the Orange County Airport. The Commission was of the opinion that this application should be taken under submission until a report was received from the Orange County Airport Commission. 18 I HEREBY CERTIFY iHH THIS IS A m~ GOPY Of AN EXCERPT FROM TliE MINUTES OF TilE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING CJiiMISSlott /1 r;:::7 .<J / ~/~~ Harry E. Bergh, Secretary 1'.1IN·UI~ES r'lR"'G"' ~our"'~'" PT ,mr"'p" (""-·<~S(··~O··1 ><''''''' •. ''''''''''1''---),.,-, ,,-1-l,. ~<;'H J..' V I~"".!...!.. . ....:r.t\)l·.[.U,l:r v!""l'~L"~_:" 0.>... -::\1 .V: ..... t...:~ __ :._:.'-' ~~ ~~ .... :\}.t'.J .. .!...d ... ::.!"_ bj: ';:_'70~i PUBLIC HEARING: P.C. TAPE NO. 50, RECORDING INDEX: 0036. P.C. TAPE NO. 49, RECORDING INDEX: Q793 5SD UV 5"'29 OF "AL'1'ER T S1'1"W' --"N" "'·'''0···. 'N' 'J1':1G"''T''' -', ~\, _ .u" ~·.l...1,.D:;-...i..1. .:J}1.:~ ; .• "1 ,.'11.R !a • .;.! ~r_ ... ,-.. ., Location,: On southeas'.:erly :,idEc of Acaci£-t St.reet approxjp?'~e'::'Y' ~.90 feet southwst of Falis&des ROe'il.d" Regues',;: 'fo permit the construct.ion of' four dwelling u.ni '~_s area. two garages on a parcel of land containir.;g a single-f<1rllily residence and datached garage in '~he ft.:'.. General AgricuJ.:t·ure: District, according to applicatio,. on file. (0814: Taken under submission ;,t meeting; oJ: October 16, :L 96.~ until today 0 ) A letter was read from ·the CO\).nt~y Road Dc:ollrtmsnt recomro.end~c'lg dedication and improvements on i-.c&eia A1Hmue. A letter from the County Airport Com.lliss:!.on was read. stE.tlng t.t.'.E! t this application would not; be d:!.scussed l::;:ltil thf!:l.I' meet.ing 0:: October 22, 1963. A report .fl-om r'Ir. Bell, of the PI.aDning Depari;!Jxent St,a.ff, was read regarding the height l.im:Lts ')f strut~u:res a::o. permitted in this vicinity by ·the FAA enterj.£!, since 'i;his p:N)perty Nas b. the vicinity of the Orange Cou.l1t;y Airport. Planner III Turner read. the applicant t:, :,-ettar that-",-as Sl1bmi·"t;eo with this application. r·u-. Smith, the applicant;, '''-is present an6. explaj3l.ed to t.h'2 C::-=iesiclJ. i,iny he felt 'chis ploperty """uld be suitable fo;:-'1se ae mul t.iple units 0 Department of Building and Safety representa'"i'9'e Nelson ;:-ead G~ list of the Use Variances foI' ml'~t,ip10 u;:;i"(;s 'chat; had bE,en approved and denied in this are •. ,. . Assistant Planning Director Dickason comrr.en:cod on the st.udyi:'<,i:ig made by the Planning Depar.t!!lent rsgarding the. decsity of dwe1:~::'Clg units in the 'ficinH;y of the OrB.uge County' Airport. The Commission was of the OP1U10:t! ·that this app::"::'oation shod'; 12E ta.ken under submission until a ~~~~::)~<r'~ \~:-as 1""eceiYE';j ,l'""!"o:::n the Orange County Airport Commiss:\.,:;u,·· cOmcrrSSION ACTION: 0042: Grant,ed upon the fonow~l'lg conti:\. t·~om. : (Continued OID! next, page) 14 JHNUTES ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING CO~~ISSION MEETING .~ NOVE¥~ER 6 s 1963 5SD UV .. 5229., OF WALTER L. SMITH, IN SANTA ANA HEIGHTS (CONTINUED). ~ L Notwithstanding the plot plan, the driveway from the !'ront property line to the proposed two"·car garage shall be paved h<l'dng a minimum width of 20 feet; ~ L:o ::'3. ?@ ~/w Y7-1I'1 L 5'c The driveway for the four-car garage between the units shall be paved in accordance with the plot plan; A masonry or wooden fence hawing a minimum height of 5 feet measured from the finished grade of the property shall be constructed along the side and rear property lines, except for that portion wlthi,n 20 feet of the Acacia Street property l:I.ne whi"h shall be a maximum of J feet ll.n height; Forty feet of right of way from the center line of Acacia Street along the entire fror,tage of. the subject parcel shall be dedicated to the County of Orange without further cons:lderation; Acacia Street, as dedicated, shall be improwed with concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drive approach and paving from the gutters to the en,sUng edge of the pavement in accordance with County $.t.andards and meeting the approval of. ~he Road Commissioner, (finding in accordance w:l.th pro1i'is:J.ODS of Orange County Zoning Codel on motion of Krueger. Planner III Turner inforced the Commission that a letter dated October 28, 1963, from the Count,y Airport Commission has been r-ece;l.ved stating that they had no objection to this application pro·t:lded t:;he applicant is not1.f:!.ed that the proposed construction 58 located within the vicinity of the approach zone of the Orange County Airport 0 Commissioner Krueger commented on the :f:l.eld :l-n';est;igation that he had made on properties in this area. The Commission was of the opinion that the applicant should be given the right to enjoy a property right as possessed and ~Illjoyed by ot,her property owners ill. t.h:i.s 'ficilllity. \\~')..I. -{o~ • ~ \.-I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE COPY OF AN I\) mmT FcDM TilE MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY PLAIWn,G GJf.:t:15SION • .i.~}a ft¥~ Harry E. Bergh, Secretary ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 400 West Eighth Street, Santa Ana, California Telephone 547-0547 NOVEMBER 21, 1963. Orange County Department of Building and Safety 400 West Eighth Street Santa Ana, California Attention: Mr. C. W. Donohue, Superintendent Re: UV-5229 Gentlemen: The Orange County Planning Commission at its regular meeting of NOVEMBER 6, 1963 authorized the issuance of USE VARIANCE PERMIT ApPLICATION No. UV-5229 OF WALTER L. SMITH SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AS STATED IN THE ENCLOSEC COPY Or THEIR MINUTES. The appeal period as provided for in the Orange County Zoning Code has expired. The determination of the Planning Commission is now final. Enclosures: Very truly yours, Harry E. Bergh, Planni~Bffectorf and Secretary to the Commission Application (3) Commission Action (3) m~rN";:Yi"\"? '.~~ ~L!b~~S,:J v .~~.:~::,;/ LAND USE DIVISION NUV :z I 1963 ORANGE COUNTY Bldg. & Safety Dept. ." County of Orange Highway Department 400 West Eighth Street Santa Ana, california November 22, 1963 Subject Use Variance Permit No. UV-5229 in the name of Walter L. Smith Gentlemen On November 6, 1963, the Planning CoMmission conditionally authorized the subject permit for the construction of 4 dwelling units and 2 garages on a parcel of land containing a single-family residence and detached garage in the AI "General Agricultural" district. The 4 un1 ts and garages will be located on the southeasterly side of Acacia Street apprOXimately 490 feet southwest of Palisades !load, in Santa Ana Heights. Condition No.5, imposed by the Planning CommiSsion, reads as follows: "ACACIA STREET, AS DEDICATED, SHALL BE IMPROVED WITH CONClIETE CUBBS, Gtrl'TERS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVE APPlIOACH AND PAVING FROM THE GUTTERS TO THE EXISTING EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH C01JNTY STANDARDS AND IlBETING THE APPROVAL OF THE ROAD COJIMISSIONER." When and if compliance with the above stated condit1on is obtained, please forward a letter so stating to the undersigned. Very truly yours C. W. DONORlJE Superintendent of Building and Safety ALBERT B. NELSON Land Use Adaini~:!tor ABlI ja ~ cc Walter L. Smith Walter L. Smith 20351 Acacia Street santa Ana, california Dear Mr. Smith November 22, 1963 The Orange County Planning Commission at a regular meeting held November 6, 1963, authorized your application for Use Variance Permit No. tIV-5229 SmJECl' TO TIlE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. NOTWITHSTANDING THE PLOT PIAN, THE DRIVEWAY FROIo! THE FROl-IT PROPERTY LINE TO THE PROPOSED TWO-CAR GAlIAGE SHALL BE PAVED HAVING A IlINlMUM WIDTH OF 20 FEET. 2. THE DRIVEWAY FOR THE PO~CAR GARAGE BETWEEII THE UNITS SHALL BE PAVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLOT PLAN. 3. A MASONRY OR WOODEN FENCE HAVING A MINIMUM HEIGIn' OF 5 FEET MEASURED FROIIl TBE FINISHED GRADE OF THE PROPE??Y SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG THE SIDE AND REAR PROPERTY LINES, EXCZi>T !'OR THAT PORl'ION WITHUl 20 FEET OF THE ACACIA STRlml' PROPERTY LINE WHICH SHALL BE A MA."UMUM OF 3 FEET IN BEIOIn', (4.; FORTY FEET OF RIOIIT OF WAY FROid THE CENTEll LINE OF ACACIA ST~ ALONG . THE ENTIRE FRONTAGE OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL SHALL BE DEDICATED TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE WITHOUT FURl'HER CONSIDERATION. 5. ACACIA STREET, AS DEDICATED, SHALL BE IMPROVED WITH CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVE APPROACH AND PAVING FROJII THE GUTTERS TO THE EXISTING EDGE OF THE PAVEIIENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY STANDARDS AND MEETIIo'U THE APPROVAL OF THE IIOAD COMMISSIONER, The condition ntllllbered " above SHALL BE SATISFIED BEroRE YOUR USE VARIANCE PERllIT MAY BE ISSUED TO YOU. COmpliance with the remaining applicable conditions and the establishment of the requested use, must be accomplished prior to November 20, 1964. ~fT>--,t~ G) k kJl.-n ~~/~/Vt.Jk . • Y7-llj ,u..rw 7.-'J-t-('/ Walter L. Sm1 th Use Variance Permit No. W-5229 " NOvember 22, 1963 Page 2 Issuance of the Certificate of USe and Occupancy is contingent upon the sattsfactory compliance with all stated conditions. Very truly yours c. W. DONOHUE Superintendent of Building and Safety AIBBRl' B. NELSON Land lise Admin' ABN ja cc Ri&:ht of Wav Department COUNTY OF ORANGE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MEMO N? 557 DATE 2-26-64 TO Orange County Building & Safety Department FROM Robert V. Wise, Deputy County Surveyor SUBJECT MATTER Project No. Y7 Project: ACACIA STREET C.S. No. 1817 Parcel No. 119 This is to confirm dedication of right of way, 40 foot center line of Acacia, Str'eet, along the frontage of the Noy,theasterly one-half of Lot 77 of Tract No. 706. This deed was recorded in Book 6822, Page 238, Official Records of Orange County. Grantor was Walter L. Smith et ux. INCOMING GGRRESPO~DENGE Date Rec'd FIEiB; 2 '. "91'1 ' C J .{. Revi ewed by: DONOHUE GOLDY N~LSCN Rete,te,~ i !ti,ti·t to I <_ 'Iter i, f'·,,;\ ~W " 'j , , " ~, (lO.Cl3) FORM R·21 I I , PI013-2 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA February 2, 1965 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California, also sitting as the Governing Board of the Districts governed by the Board of Supervisors, was held February 2, 1965 ,at 9 :30 A.M. The following named members being present: Wm. Hirstein, Chairman; C. M. Featherly, David L. Baker, William J. Phillips, Alton E. Allen and the Clerk. IN RE: AGREEMENT HEIGHTS AREA CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK SMITH SANTA ANA On motion of Supervisor Allen, duly seconded and unanimously carried, the Chairman and the Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement dated February 2, 1965, between the County of Orange and Walter L. Smith, for installation of concrete side- walks along the frontage of property located at 20102 Acacia Street in the Santa Ana Heights area, which is required as a condition as set forth in the application for Use Variance Permit L-N6: UV-5229. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } ss. County of Orange .....~ ~ . F-·,,-, ;:;:~,,,,",.l7'\'. ~ .. :' .. : ';""i,.! ~'-'.' _..., ...... ~_\J ., ~~~..-:-,;:,~ _._--. "'"~-.' ·3::'l";"'I'U'ei;:;' _______ ••. __ 0 __ • ~ -___ m~h1:~.bS', .... ~ "-;'"'_I.~ ~,f.c':~:Jl!:;:J,;~ " ____________ '. __ :=-:1!G: ~Q _____ _ ---.......... -"~,,..,:;:' . •..•.•.•.. .-(:":.t:,~,t "' . -n, ., \ ("' --, --/ -.0; :c ..,,\!.l\u... .'-u.N -z. > -L:~ _~\l'l ~lS -"'-' __ ~~ ...... wIQ .. dQ\.~ .--,._ ..... - I, W. E. ST JOHN, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California, hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the minute entry on record in this office. IN WITNESS WBElIEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and .eal thls 2nd doT of February, 1965. W. E. ST JOHN County Clerk and "",-ofCido Clerk of lb. Board of Sup....uon of o....ge County, c.urol'llia I'i' f:, ':-';" ... ' AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by lUMp 10. SKBII 20351. 'CIiC'l_ Itnet. Saata AlIa. Califlllll'llia. "Applicant", and the COUNTY OF ORANGE, "County". WHEREAS, Applicant has requested a ~.t .... Oec'IIpi&"· .t 'ifill' .... 1)," ... U ... tao ........ lIsaed ta 1-1 a. ral Jcrt....:L'\1rnl. Dlft.r.lct. ... U IN '1'eIi1lldv c-au... f4'.'f. sa, to __ I I'''· :lap:cz ,. as shown on Bid. nap on file with the (~dg. ,& Safety I?ep,t. ) , of the County of Orange, for certain Uil",-f· ... \g"",,,~ .~"~:,, property located_ 2Q)OZ Ie,," Stuet. B 1/2 LA "fl, h_t 10... ?i6t 'ata ... letaM---~~;:-::=~====;and WHEREAS. County deSires, for the protection and preservation of the health, safety and general welfare of the County, to {fRRSn such. ___ _ (Issue) ~ crt ... '" Ie S3!J*MV' only on certain conditions, Ole (1.) of which ~ as follows: 1. on. Jl'l' Q or Idrall 'nhll C I 'eta'" )Ire alaIiI ~ .f:rowtapcrt ..w JlriilWtw Ja aee u r • 1IltJl C I;f. ~ ...u..c tile '41. oial at 1IIIe .... On . ' ...... n -... \DIe _ sdjv "}Ir'OIUQ 18 , 2 oesA. or a pId.oIi or tal (11) ,.... ,...:In w __ ftnt. !\Ie ...... cattw. pa11Irc .... d:r1_ lUI ........ ~ ......, ...... t. Ie. ,.,.. all in accordance with, and as shown on, the attached _CIIIIt:t4_ .... teftll. ill B.Y. 5229 hereby made a part of this Agreement, designated Exhibit "A"; -1- NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED that County ~ !~p'h·t·) such ~ol"&Om_ ... and Applicant agrees to complete the construction of the m ...... -Wa.,k l"Iq .un fl'aatpp ot IIai4 Jle, $ V .. ~ ,.nties 88 :h I 11111 .". t1da ... t. '.' ' II 9 ~ ) 0; 0 .' Ii 1st? 3£ i;ilAj 7 an. liii_iIi , •.•••• _~~~~~~-i'~,_ .. ~ '. -'f &.,71" t '._pt e ? kiniPC7 d ,J;;p. •. 'p1piif!? Pitt'fl' to14',& bI-=::e:s a.:um£a ________________ , i Jail.. F r 4 t? to .hm Ijlj q wrr ?M"' •• '" 4 ••.••• j!? .. a ... 1 naN sa,., Be CJai-' pta kiu,enz8SI1&:Iiliitsl:Et&1&tis '/I r f" • ~ ... "" 11' ............ "" ......... 4 • ___ .-1 _) Permission to enter upon the premises o~med or leased by Applicant in order to inspect or to complete said construction is hereby granted County by Applicant. If the cost to County in the event of such failure to complete said construction is greater than said amount, Applicant agrees to pay County any excess cost. : Applicant agrees to pay County all fees for such inspections of said construction as are conducted by County. r Dated: ~~6 J o7r~')&~ 196 tJ ~~::-:: --Chairm&'L1 U. __ _ ~ L..,_ _ .,.... v"to .ouard of (SEAL) ATTEST: W. E. ST.JOHN County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California Supervisors California of Orange County, By 1zZaAeL~&i/' / ( Deputy - 2 - /#) // / -/" :.-7/ (A', 4", ./ /'/ / ;7( _____ ---:7'7...-'7 ....... .x' /{ /1/ (Signature o'fc-Applican£) (Authorized Agent) J/:J7k'-=) T'(Date) AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by W' ...... .,. 'lI.s.Iib .... ,I.IIU ... hUt At. "Applicant", --- and the COUNTY OF ORANGE, "County". WHEREAS, Applicant has requested a .. sua ........ 01 SIS' eI,.. I tn ... n........ .. h \, IIII.W '.ud '.11 u •• ...... .. Ie ..... lb. ... t !' "'1 .lTtm 11 t fill ............. IsHII. • L liU III'. --..--- as shown on ,... ,., on file with the ~Bldg.. ,&_ Saf.; ,e_t.y __ D_e=Pt .• )_ of the County of Orange, for certain property located .... 1 .......... 'J/f .LtIt. 'WI .... 10.. •• -"-."1,5._ ~~~====;and WHEREAS, County deSires, for the protection and preservation of the health, safety an. d gene. ral welfare of the County, to I~ n . ) II such ___ _ (lssue eMUn .. ",_ ... ,,-, Q J...,. __ ___ _ only on certain conditions, .. (I) of which Rib as follows: L _",_Ii» I r .. " tnt'" '7*"· 11. d'S . mba" ::: • ., ..... 1 1 •••••• , ..... 0. " V If :II: F X,. ... I.lusd it _ ..arm ,.,&IL Ii .. .... .. • .... 11 bill jill 41.tt u;r:,C4 _ ........ flit .. C... tA. bt. • I. , .......... k. • .... . . an l'rr~1t ....... .... ..... l$¥. lin .... ' .• abitA.' an , S''''~ all in accordance with, and as shown on, the attached ... ...... •• ... 1.1'. .. hereby made a part of this Agreement, designated Exhibit "A"; -1- ! ... t),~'.,,.:! .. f "~'~".:'" ~)..,: ,~.j} NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED that County f' F • .,.) such .. ,"' ... ., ... 'I £ IV and Applicant agrees to complete the construction of the ________ __ .' ....... "IFI\\ "nil ' ..... " .. '" .... __ I .... Iii .... I •••• .. IpIUlI", __ as L 11 •• ".-111-' -'" ,iII·--iil·lII-·ii" III-iii' fbi IiIMiluSf $N § gueemas Anl H R-il, Ii, t.-·".iIiIlj·U·I -iilli· 1I·linill '·~-· U-! ,I, ii· iI· i·" iiI'i illi 'iii "'1iI.iii--1Il.1ii fJ[' rtF ___________________ .> 11tH ph al ifTillilihtaudilOtttM1l1rilHUIi -, ,J i J 2 hi' a b dee d ... :h .... ~.+.::.!Iru-'Ln.±-.":i,~,. ""' """', & '"" C< ;:iF Q ?'Ii vr,'" ". .' -• • , , '. 1 , "' , -" , ___ .. _1 __ '- Permission to enter upon the premises o~med or leased by Applicant in order to inspect or to complete said construction is hereby granted County by Applicant. If the cost to County in the event of such failure to complete said construction is greater than said amount, Applicant agrees to pay County any excess cost. :_ Applicant agrees to pay County all fees for such inspections of said construction as are conducted by County. ~ 71/,--yvt ",)_1.. A/-;..' . Dated: FEB -21965 ,1:¢-___ ,c' --. "f-(./V~ • CNairman of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California ( SEAL) ATTEST: W. E. ST.JOHN County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County> .california B;:'4'27aA-eI'~4Z?< -,/ > Deputy .a~~~,-____ -d'~ S'igna£ure or-Applicant - 2 - [Authorized Agent) / -")-7 -{. 3- (Date) SMITH, WALTER L. UV-5229 Investigated premises. Noted an additional barn located to rear of the detached existing garage. Site is level. Curbs and gutters do not exist at this location. F. J. Daily 10-8-63 There is no record of any oil well activity in or within 150 feet of the outer boundaries of the subject UV-5229. W. C. Sample 10-9-63 District: A 1 "General Agricultural" A.P. No. 119-234-08 Plot plan and legal agree. The proposed off-street parking is sufficient for the proposed use. However, the proposed attached garage is only 38' wide and would hold only three cars under county standards. That portion of Atcacia Avenue upon which the subject property abuts falls in the Precise Alignment of Tustin Avenne which is proposed to be 80' wide. Accacia is presently a 60' Right of Way at this point. UV-4521 was approved by the board on 12-2~0 permitting the construction of a duplex on a lot containing a single family dwelling. Said lot adjoins the subject lot of the southwest. UV-3146 and UV-3492 also permitted duplexes in addition to an existing Single family dwelling on nearby lots. The former is located across the street and 132' southwest of the subject site and the latter is located approximately one block southeast of the subject site. UV-4644 was denied by the commission on 11-16-60. The use variance was to permit the construction of 5 single family dwellings on a lot located across the street and approximately 300 feet southwest of the subject site. R. W. White 10-9-63 f~ Uh/ev I) , / , --J-v-.J 5"V/:, .... 1 <;j'7 t>lA ~ ~~ /yf) V -G -; tX~ November 22, 1963 walter L. Smi th 20351 Acacia Street santa Ana, california Dear Ifr. SIIIi th The Orauge County Planning Coaa1ssion at a regular meeting held November 6, 1963, authorized your appl1cation for Use Variance Pel'lll1t No. UV-5229 StlBJECl' TO TIlE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: /" -;:-1."1. (!fk l -~ / v~ ofr/-"':"-rD 2. t cff< ,1-" 7-"'(3. r"?:! ()/15fi t?olA /-.'11.. '1 1 -,,1 @ J1 ,I • rr~c::' -" 'i c.~y'" r..rt> 5. ~ NOTWITHSTANDING THE PlDT PLAN, THE DRIVEWAY FIIOII THE PRONT PROPERTY LINE TO THE PIOPOSED TWO-CAR GARAGE SHALL BE PAVED HAVING A IUNIImIl WIDTH OF 20 FEET. THE DRIVEWAY FOR THE FOUR-CAR GAUGE BET.EEII THE IlNITS SHALL BE PAVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PlDT PLAN. A MASONRY OR WOODEN FENCE HAVING A IIINDroII HEIGBT OF 5 FEET MEASURED FROII THE FIlf:ESBED GRADE OF THE PlIDl?ERTY SHALL BE CONSTRUCl'ED ALONG THE SIDE AND !lEAR PROPERTY LINES, EXCEPT FOR THAT PORl'ION WITHIN 20 FEET OF THE ACACIA STREB'l' PROPERTY LINE WHICH SHALL BE A MAXIIItIM: OF 3 FEET IN BEIGIrl'. FORTY FEET OF RIGHI' OF WAY FIIOII THE CDnR LINE OF ACACIA STREET AIDNG THE E:lTIRE PIIOIITAGE OF THE StlBJECl' PARCBL SHALL BE DEDICATED TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE WITHOUT FUIttHER CONSIDEBATION. ACACIA STREET, AS DEDICATED, SHALL BE IMPROVED WITH CONCRETE CURBS, GU'I'1'ERS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVE APPROACH AND PAVING FROII THE Gtl'I"1'ERS TO THE EXISTING EDGE 0);' THE PAVEKENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY STANDARDS AND MBET1NG THE APPROVAL OP THE ROAD COMMISSIONER, The condition nlSilberad 4 above SHALL BE SATISFIED BEFORE YOUR USE VARIANCE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED TO lOU. COmpliance with the remaining applicable conditions and the establishment of the requested use, must be accomplished prior to NOvember 20, 1964. SMITH, WALTER L. UV-5229 3-9-64 Received new Use Variance UV-5229 today. Investigated premises. Noted that the construction of the four dwelling units has not been started at this time. The two car garage on the rear of the parcel has been completed. Will follow for compliance with all of the attached conditions and the completion of the four dwelling units. ~~~ F7J~ Daily 4-30-64 Investigated premises. Noted that the four dwelling units are in reality two duplexs which have been relocated on to the prope~ty, but have not been set on the foundation at this time. The garage on back of the parcel has been completed at this time. Will follow for compliance with all conditlons at the time of completion. ~ ./'~ =7 ,. /-f',{2_ ) F:Ji. Daily 5-29-64 Investigated premises. Noted forms installed for foundations. Duplexs not let down to date. Only Condition No.4 has been complied with at this time. , .;' ,I' ~ '. 'f~ F:,./i J. Da il y 7-2-64 Investigated premises and noted curbs and gutters installed. Move-in's are on foundations. Discussed conditions of UV-5229 with Mrs. Smith and she ackr101 .. 1edged she is cor:nizent of tLes3 conditi'lns. Work proceeding slowly. Follow for compliance with conditions. 8-12-64 9-28-64 10-26-64 10-27-64 Investigated premises. Noted unJt~ and garage nearing completion. Condition No. 5 hasA~~en complied with. 7( 9, /~-::s F.VJ. Daily Investigated premises. Noted buildings not completed to date. Follow for completion and compliance with all conditions. 7:.a.~ lC/J. Daily Investigated premises. Noted buildings nearing completion. Only Condition NO.4 has been satisfied to date. Follow for completion of units and compliance with all conditions. ;Z;Ch M~~ F;:/J ~ Daily' Investigated premises. Noted foundations are in for the required 5 foot block wall. Buildings not completed to date. Follow for compliance with all conditions and completion of buildings. r:.t?,.dC~ F0. Daily.) SMITE{, l:iALT SR L. UV 5229 Page 2 11-2i-64 1-8-65 1-18-65 1-20-65 1-22-65 2-4-65 Investigated premises. Koted the required wall is installed to comply with Condition NO.3. Said wall is of concrete block construction. Conditions No. 1 and 2 to be complied 1dth. L. A. Morgan to confirm that ~ondltion No.5 is satisfied per Road repartment. df, ~;Z~( F .7J. raily ) Investigated premises. Noted concrete being poured for driveway with a 20' width. Drive approach not installed to date. Pend for 1-26-65. ~~/kzY i.fl. Daily ) / F. Fowler phoned J. W. W. today regarding Mr. Smiths not wanting to install sidewalks. Spoke with Mr. Smith and informed him that he must file for a new Use Variance to eliminate the sidewalk as required by Condition No.5 of this Use Variance. Mr. Smith stated he will file for same this week. ~-)1.. ,##, F.0. Daily / Brande of the Road Department states that Mr. Smith has discussed the matter of installation of sidewalks with him and either Mr. Smith will sign an agreement to install sidewalks at a later date or will apply for an amen~~ent to eliminate same. Brande recommended that we allow a temporary releas~ of utilities. Thirty-day temporary release of utilities granted on this date. ~A-;'~_ L. A. Morg~ Above entry noted. Spoke with Mr. Smith and informed him of same. Mr. Smith stated that he will contact Mr. Brande of Road Department and attempt to get the agreement signed. If this can be done he will then request a "z" final in lieu of the proposed thirty day temporary. Pend for l~ 27-65. Condition No.5 remains to be complied with at this ~--cz ~ -. time. F·' J. rttlY~ Agreement as outlined in entry of 1-20-65 has been completed and a~")roved by the Board of Supervisors per Brande of Road Department, copy to be sent to us. All conditions now in compliance. "Z" final this date. Closet',. O{1'~