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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0075_20230612_Architect Authorization Formt-l FO
Authorization for Use and Copying
of Architecturai Drawings
Community Development Department Planning Division
100 Civic Center Drive / P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915
(949) 644-3204 Telephone / (949) 644-3229 Facsimile
General information
The City of Newport Beach (City) strives for transparency and ease of public access to information related to
development applications. As a result, architectural drawings submitted in support of an application may be
included in the agenda packets for public hearings and posted on the internet. However, in compliance with
Government Code Section 65103.5 and SB 1214 (Jones), Statutes 2022, a design professional or owner of
copyrighted plans may elect to withhold authorization of the reproduction of copyright-protected plans when a
separate site plan^ and massing diagram^ is prepared and submitted for reproduction within an agenda packet
and for posting on the internet for public view and reproduction.
Project Address:
Please select one of the following two options and sign the certification to confirm your election:
m Authoriz
ion to Pubiish and Post Architectural Plans
— rtiereby certify that I am the design professional or owner of copyright materials
who prepared the architectural drawings for the development application of the above-described property. I
hereby grant the City authorization to reproduce the plans within the agenda packet for public hearings and post
them on the internet and further acknowledge that members of the public will have access to these plans, and
they may be copied.
I I Election to Withhold Authorization (Alternative Site Plan and Massing Diagram Required)
I, , hereby certify that I am the design professional, or owner of copyright if
different from the design professional, who prepared the architectural drawings for the development application
of the above-described property. I do not wish to grant authorization to reproduce plans within the agenda
packet and post them on the internet. I acknowledge that as an alternative, I must submit a separate site plan
and massing diagram for these purposes. If I fail to submit the required site plan and massing diagram promptly
or refuse to submit a site plan and massing diagram, the failure or refusal to submit shall be deemed as having
provided permission to reproduce plans subject to copyright within the agenda packet and post on the internet
for public access under Government Code Section 65103.5 and SB 1214 (Jones), Statutes 2022. Nonetheless,
architectural plans protected by copyright will be made available for public inspection in the offices of the
Community Development Department without copies being produced.
Design ition (required)
Phone Number
nan" means a document for a project that is drawn to scale and displays most, if not all, of the following as applicable
to thejproject: 1) property lines; 2) setback lines; 3) topographic lines; 4) easements; 5) drainage; 6) utilities; 7) lighting; 8)
driveways; 9) surrounding streets and traffic flow; 10) parking lots and parking spaces; 11) landscaped areas; 12) setback
distance between buildings and property lines; 13) outline of existing and proposed buildings and structures; 14) distance
between buildings; and 15) ground sign location.
^"Massing Diagram" means a document that displays the three-dimensional form of a building and describes the general
profile, bulk, setbacks, and size of the building, but does not contain specific architectural detail.