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X2017-3708 - Permit Application
orm Worksfor Combo Building & Solar Permit Application }'I es' ential City of Newport Beach -Building Division X/ 999 )NOTE: PLAN CHECK FEES DUE AT TIME OF SUBMITTAL I Buil ing r Grading mage rElec FMech r Plum Cu Yd Cut Cu Yd Fill Project Address (Not mailing address) r Flood r Fire r Liq r Landslide (N/A Floor Suite No 34 CAPE A,il)ogE2 I (� Description of Work Use �-3 ConstType V-3 J�r t It, ViM4 = 1t931 5F. �F ucF 12 c)Irrxws QfCI�CE 31xtEAtct {�xvts IFStories # Units (if Res)F Valuation $ W/ cco Material/Labor ` �1EW CptF�.6p �(T+G(�-- � S.F �J.(,l�r1L �(QLL JEw I r • (�C=J Si '�py� • ��aiSlF 'e l� l�l New/Add SF Remodel SF I q'3Z 5 V Garage/New/Add I r OWNER'S NAME Last '�`lsctk E{(- First Cjc.oTT lErd ✓3 'EOtE Owner's Address Owner's E-mail Address 14 45 3-A COE (i AWgS2 EFt5cNE2�Zt '�GMMt,Cawt SPF w1ER�2� it C cs - City 1 ,,, '13FM,ta- State Zip �12000 Telephone eM-322-1120 APPLICANT'S NAME Last First SINE Applicant's Address Applicant's E-mail Address Z TAI`04 STEdE @ S � AacjijjF_t-r4. c-�j City I ALISO QkEao State I F — Zip �USG Telephone qqA . &-n- 93a4 ARCHITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME $GMD ABcth-[F-�-rs,t�l(. Last STf�O First STs.le Lic.No. Architect/Designer's Address Architect/Designees E-mail Address 2- city State F�T Zip g26S(, Telephone jj _& 4 '1"I - R3D ENGINEER'SNAME Last '�,�py First 1�� Lic.No. 37pI� P6so'uMHS � WC. Engineer's Address Engineer's E-mail Address Z211 Akca[,s..) 'D91,4E SVITE 4-5p �K4Zc�tL��Cr).duN M�SovoT3@Psr+rq.co City State I � Zip gZb12 Teleph-752-6601 CONTRACTOR'S NAME/COMPANY !7, P„47 T©i,/ CO/F57, 111C r Lic. No. 2 fg5©ClassF Contractor's Address Contractor's E-mail Address ''11 1 t/�[ 7,AO/%/ Af, City I 60--;;, A 1-145l State Gib Zip i2(o2k Telephone 11.4 'T` ,2c` (BD SETBACKS REAR SETBACKS FRONT PERMIT NO. SETBACKS LEFT SETBACKS RIGHT PLAN CHECK NO. USE ZONE DEVELOPMENT NO PLAN CHECK FEES $ ,