HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Minutes_05-03-2023Page 1 of 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARINA PARK – 1600 WEST BALBOA BLVD. MAY 3, 2023 REGULAR MEETING – 6 P.M. I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. II. WELCOME AND ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Gardner and Committee Members Phillip Brown and Kimberly Carter Staff: Community Development Director Jim Campbell and Principal Planner Ben Zdeba III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None IV. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2023 Motion made by Committee Member Carter and seconded by Chair Gardner to approve the minutes of March 22, 2023 with Mr. Mosher’s edits. The motion carried unanimously 3-0. b. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Applicants to Fill One Vacancy At the March 22, 2023, General Plan Update Steering Committee (GPUSC) meeting, four applicants were recommended for appointment to fill vacant seats on the GPAC. However, only two vacancies were posted by the City Clerk's Office, and since that time, an additional member resigned. Therefore, there are now three remaining vacant seats to fill. Principal Planner Zdeba reviewed the applicant posting process, clarified that the vacancy notice must be posted prior to the GPUSC identifying recommended appointees, and asked the GPUSC to reconfirm the prior appointments of Susan DeSantis and Harrison Rolfes, and to identify one new person to fill a seat which totals three new people being confirmed at the May 9 City Council meeting. The GPUSC reconfirmed the prior appointed candidates. Chair Gardner requested from staff a list of GPAC members who have not attended meetings so she can survey their interest. The GPUSC discussed each GPUSC member’s list of most-qualified and best-suited General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes May 3, 2023 Page 2 of 3 candidates to identify the one most qualified applicant for recommendation to the City Council as an appointment to the GPAC and identified Scott Laidlaw. c. Consideration of Identifying Dudek as the Recommended Consultant for General Plan Consulting Services Principal Planner Zdeba elaborated on the outreach component and additions since the last GPUSC meeting including a separate cost line item for website updates, widespread public events and engagement efforts, and performance markers. He indicated staff is confident that Dudek will provide a robust, revised scope that will incorporate the feedback and cover more ground than the initial proposal, including flexible optional tasks and an enhanced responsive proposal. Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that language can be provided to Dudek from a public relations or specialty firm for the purpose of educating the public without advocating. In response to a question by Jim Mosher, resident, Chair Gardner questioned the related costs and benefits of using postal mail for a community-wide survey and suggested considering other means if the City does not receive adequate responses. Curtis Black, resident, discussed the cost effectiveness and sample bias of digital outreach and offered to talk with the consultant about his perspective. Dennis Baker, resident, indicated he would like to see many approaches used to pursue community feedback and noted that surveys go to the property owners versus the property occupants. Principal Planner Zdeba noted a layered outreach approach is accounted for in the consultant’s scope. Charles Klobe, resident, expressed concern for a lack of digital outlook experience from Dudek’s subcontractor and Principal Planner Zdeba relayed this matter has been addressed with Dudek and also mentioned a meaningful website is a necessity. Nancy Scarbrough, resident, offered additional outreach suggestions and emphasized monitoring progress so the City can be responsive. Committee Member Carter reiterated her concern for reserving the right to move the public outreach effort to another party who is a specialist. Dennis Baker suggested other sources for public outreach approaches. Chair Gardner stated that if the City is not getting the public engagement it expects, then another way will be found to get it and suggested recommending Dudek to the City Council and monitoring the progress. In response to Committee Member Brown’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba indicated he will be the liaison to the GPUSC for reporting public outreach progress reports. Nancy Scarbrough suggested a marketing company create the tag line for the City website and public outreach. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes May 3, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Chair Gardner directed staff to bring marketing tagline suggestions to the GPUSC for review. Curtis Black offered to prepare a list for the consultant of public outreach tools and modalities. Motion made by Committee Member Brown and seconded by Chair Gardner to enter into an agreement with Dudek to assist with the comprehensive update. The motion carried unanimously 3-0. d. Revised Timeline for Updating the Land Use Element City staff recommended moving the timeline for the Charter Section 423 vote out from March 2024 to November 2024 to allow additional time for input from the GPUSC, GPAC, and the community on the policy changes and zoning overlays required to implement the Housing Element. In response to Committee Member Brown’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba noted there are no repercussions for moving the timeline because the City is still in compliance with State law. The GPUSC approved the recommendation to City Council that the Charter Section 423 vote be delayed until November 2024. Charles Klobe expressed interest in participating on the Land Use Element subcommittee. In response to Jim Mosher’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba noted a potential additional vote depending on what the GPAC, GPUSC, and City Council do with the Land Use Element unit intensity. Additionally, Jim Mosher suggested including two options on the ballot with one for the amended plan and the other for an alternative plan. V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) None VI. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2023 at 6 p.m. in the Civic Center Community Room.