HomeMy WebLinkAbout05_Barnard Residence CDP_PA2023-0018 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT June 29, 2023 Agenda Item No. 5 SUBJECT: Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) ▪ Coastal Development Permit SITE LOCATION: 3907 Seashore Drive APPLICANT: Ron Ritner, Ritner Group, Inc. OWNERS: Kenneth & Stephanie Barnard PLANNER: Afshin Atapour, Assistant Planner 949-644-3237, aatapour@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING • General Plan Land Use Plan Category: RT (Two Unit Residential) • Zoning District: R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) • Coastal Land Use Plan Category: RT-E (Two Unit Residential) - (30.0 - 39.9 DU/AC) • Coastal Zoning District: R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY The Applicant requests a coastal development permit to allow for the demolition of an existing 2,842-square-foot, two (2)-story, two (2)-unit dwelling with an attached 798-square- foot, four (4)-car garage and construction of a new 2,292-square-foot, three (3)-story, two (2)-unit dwelling with two (2) attached single-car garages totaling 414-square-feet and two (2) carport spaces. The project includes hardscape, drainage, and accessory structures all within the confines of the property. The project is located in the VE-15 Special Flood Hazard Area (“VE Flood Zone”), and includes a raised foundation supported by caissons to meet the minimum finished floor requirements of the Special Flood Hazard Area. The project complies with all development standards and no deviations are requested. All improvements authorized by this CDP will be located on private property. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 1 Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) Zoning Administrator, June 29, 2023 Page 2 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal Development Permit (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION Land Use and Development Standards • The subject property is located in the R-2 Coastal Zoning District, which provides for two (2)-unit residential development and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A coastal development permit is required and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is located in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area. • The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with a two (2)-unit dwelling. As shown in the aerial map provided as Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map, the neighborhood is predominantly developed with two (2)- and three (3)-story, single- and two (2)-unit dwellings. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with expected future development within the VE Flood Zone where new residential construction is required to be raised 3 to 5 feet above the ground. The project is consistent with applicable development standards. • The proposed two (2)-unit dwelling and accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans (Attachment No. ZA 3) and illustrated in Table 1 below. Table 1 – Development Standards Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front (Beach) 5 feet 5 feet Second Front (Seashore Drive) 0 feet 15 feet (garage) 0 feet (living area) Sides 3 feet 3 feet Allowable Floor Area (max.) 2,826 square feet 2,706 square feet Allowable 3rd Floor Area (max.) N/A1 282.6 square feet 551 square feet Allowable Combined 3rd Floor Area & Covered Deck (max.) N/A1 706.5 square feet 820.6 square feet Open Space (min.) N/A1 N/A Parking (min.) 2 per unit: 1 in garage and 1 covered 2 per unit: 2 single-car garages and 2 covered carports Height (max.) 24 feet flat roof 29 feet sloped roof 24 feet flat roof 29 feet sloped roof 2 Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) Zoning Administrator, June 29, 2023 Page 3 1. The project is exempt from the requirements of NBMC 20.48.180 because the lot is zoned R-2 and 25 feet wide. The maximum third floor area has been provided for reference purposes. Hazards • The development fronts the public beach and is approximately 350 feet away from the mean high tide line. The property is not protected by bulkhead. • A Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis was prepared by GeoSoils, Inc., dated November 9, 2022 for the project. The report concludes that the project will be reasonably safe from wave overtopping and future sea level rise. The estimates assume an approximate 3.2-foot increase from sea level rise over the next 75 years (i.e. the life of the structure). The maximum water elevation is 7.7 feet (NAVD88), therefore the future sea level is estimated to reach approximately 10.9 feet (NAVD88) (the likely range for sea level rise over 75-year design life of the structure based on low risk aversion estimates for sea level rise provided by the State of California, Sea Level Rise Guidance: 2018 Update). The finished floor elevation of the first floor of the proposed structure is approximately 17.25 feet (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.0-foot (NAVD88) elevation standard for new structures and exceeds the minimum requirements for future sea level rise (10.9 feet NAVD88). • The Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis also evaluates the potential for shoreline erosion and wave action at the site. The report concludes that future wave runup will likely not reach the site under severely eroded beach conditions and extreme storms. The report states that this section of Newport Beach does experience short term erosion, but that the erosion is temporary and largely the result of an energetic winter. The report concludes that the sandy beach in front of the property is typically over 350 feet wide and has provided adequate protection for the property over the last several decades. The proposed development will not need shoreline protection over the life of the development. • Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the project would be reviewed for compliance with building code and FEMA standards. The VE Flood Zone mapped for the site requires a base flood elevation (BFE) of 15 feet NAVD88, and the City requires an additional one foot of “freeboard” to the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. Therefore, the project has been designed with a raised finished floor of approximately 17.25 feet (NAVD88). The residential structure is also required to have a pile foundation. Therefore, although unlikely to occur at the project site over the life of the development, the structure has been designed to withstand potential wave overtopping in compliance with the FEMA VE Flood Zone standards and the associated requirements of the NBMC. 3 Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) Zoning Administrator, June 29, 2023 Page 4 • The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. • The property owner will be required to acknowledge any hazards present at the site and unconditionally waive any claim to damage or liability against the decision authority, consistent with Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 21.30.015(D)(3)(c) – (Waterfront - Development Standards). The Acknowledgement of Coastal Hazards is included as a condition of approval that will need to be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits. • Under NBMC Section 21.30.030(C)(3)(i)(iv), the property owner will be required to agree with the City waiving any potential right to protection to address situations in the future in which the development is threatened with damage or destruction by coastal hazards (e.g., waves, erosion, and sea level rise). The Waiver of Future Protection is included as a condition of approval that will need to be satisfied before the final building inspection. Water Quality • The property is located within 350 feet of the mean high tide line. Pursuant to Section 21.35.030 (Construction Pollution Prevention Plan) of the Municipal Code, a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) is required to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived from construction chemicals and materials. A CPPP has been provided and construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the CPPP. • Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.35.050 (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a preliminary Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. The preliminary WQHP was prepared by Thomas M. Ruiz, dated February 24, 2023 for the project. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of an LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQHP prior to building permit issuance. 4 Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) Zoning Administrator, June 29, 2023 Page 5 • The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post-construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather runoff and minor rain event runoff on-site. Any water not retained onsite is directed to the City’s storm drain system. Public Access and Views • The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces an existing two (2)-unit dwelling located on a standard R-2 lot with a new two (2)-unit dwelling. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. • The project site is not located adjacent to a Coastal Viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal viewpoint is on Newport Island and is not visible from the site. The site is located adjacent to Seashore Drive, which serves as lateral access and provides intermittent views of the beach where it intersects with street ends. As currently developed, the existing property and other residences along Seashore Drive impede views of the ocean from Seashore Drive and provide very limited opportunities to see the beach through side yard setbacks. The subject lot is located in the middle of the block, and existing views of the beach are available along the 40th and 39th Street ends. The proposed project would not block any existing views through the project site. Additionally, the proposed two (2)-unit dwelling complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building footprint consistent with the anticipated neighborhood pattern of development in the VE Flood Zone. • The project site is located in the viewshed of the public beach, which is not a designated viewpoint but provides scenic views of the ocean. The project will replace an existing two (2)-unit dwelling with a new two (2)-unit dwelling that complies with all applicable development standards. Although not required for the subject lot, the project also complies with the City’s Residential Design Standards that restrict the location of third floors. The project proposes a third-floor level, which is set back approximately 32 feet from the rear setback and approximately 15 feet from the front setback. For comparison, the City’s Design Standards would allow a minimum setback of 15 feet from the front and rear setback lines. The greater setbacks would minimize the appearance of bulk and scale from the adjacent beach, neighboring properties, and street. The project would be constructed with a finished floor that is approximately 5 feet above the existing beach elevation and the overall height of the structure will appear higher than 5 Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) Zoning Administrator, June 29, 2023 Page 6 neighboring properties. However, as the other 165 properties along the beach from 24th Street to 48th street redevelop, they will also be required to comply with the VE Flood Zone construction standards that necessitate raised foundations on caissons. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. • The rear of the proposed residence, which is visible from Seashore Drive, includes substantial architectural treatment and visual interest, in-keeping with the design guidelines of the NBMC, specifically Section 21.30.100 (Scenic and Visual Quality Protection). The existing structure does not include architectural treatment, with a solid building face and a garage door. There are no windows or architectural features, nor does it include any “see through” elements that reduce scale. There are also visible signs of aging since original construction in the 1970s. Although the proposed structure will appear taller as viewed from the street, the third-floor level has been setback 20 feet from the front property line and approximately 32 feet from the rear property line. The project design also includes “see through” elements such as open and glass balcony railings that prevent the appearance of the site being walled off from the beach and streets. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to existing public views. Figure 2- Existing Rear Elevation • Vertical access to the beach is available at the 40th and 39th Street ends. Lateral access is available on the beach in front of the property and along Seashore Drive to the rear of the property. The project does not involve the removal or creation of additional street parking spaces. The project design does not include any unique features in the rear of the property that could obstruct access or create hazards for Subject Property 6 Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) Zoning Administrator, June 29, 2023 Page 7 the motorists or pedestrians on Seashore Drive. The first-floor garage is setback approximately 15 feet from the property line and the carport posts are setback approximately 6 feet, which would allow the residents additional visibility to the bike path and street as they enter and exit the garage. • Any new encroachments within the Ocean Front Encroachment area would require review and approval by Public Works Department and the California Coastal Commission. No new encroachments on the beach are proposed as part of this project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. The Class 3 exemption includes the construction of up to six (6) dwelling units in urbanized areas. The proposed project consists of the demolition of an existing 2,842-square-foot, two (2)-story, two (2)-unit dwelling with an attached 798-square-foot, four (4)-car garage and construction of a new 2,292-square-foot, three (3)-story, two (2)-unit dwelling with two (2) attached single-car garages totaling 414-square-feet and two (2) carport spaces. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemption. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Program [LCP] Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 7 Barnard Residence (PA2023-0018) Zoning Administrator, June 29, 2023 Page 8 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: LW/aa Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans 8 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 9 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2023-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING TWO-UNIT DWELLING AND CONSTRUCT A NEW THREE (3)-STORY TWO-UNIT DWELLING AND TWO ATTACHED SINGLE-CAR GARAGES AND CARPORTS LOCATED AT 3907 SEASHORE DRIVE (PA2023-0018) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Ron Ritner with Ritner Group, Inc. representing property owners Kenneth and Stephanie Barnard with respect to property located at 3907 Seashore Drive, and legally described as Lot 4 of Block 39, requesting approval of a Coastal Development Permit. 2. The applicant requests a coastal development permit (CDP) to demolish an existing 2,842- square-foot, two (2)-story, two-unit dwelling with an attached 798-square-foot, four (4)-car garage and construct a new 2,292-square-foot, three (3)-story, two (2)-unit dwelling with two (2) attached single-car garages totaling 414-square-feet and two (2) carport spaces. The project includes hardscape, drainage, and accessory structures all within the confines of the property. The project is located in the VE-15 Special Flood Hazard Area (“VE Flood Zone”), and includes a raised foundation supported by caissons to meet the minimum finished floor requirements of the Special Flood Hazard Area. The project complies with all development standards and no deviations are requested. All improvements authorized by this CDP will be located on private property and no changes are proposed to the existing Ocean Front Encroachment area. 3. The subject property is designated RT (Two Unit Residential) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) Zoning District. 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is RT-E (Two Unit Residential) - (30.0 - 39.9 DU/AC) and it is located within the R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) Coastal Zone District. 5. A public hearing was held on June 29, 2023, online via Zoom. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303, Division 6, Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 2 of 11 Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Class 3 exempts the construction of up to six (6) dwelling units in urbanized areas. The proposed project consists of the demolition of an existing 2,842-square-foot, two (2)- story, two (2)-unit dwelling with an attached 798-square-foot, four (4)-car garage and construction of a new 2,292-square-foot, three (3)-story, two (2)-unit dwelling with two (2) attached single-car garages totaling 414-square-feet and two (2) carport spaces. 3. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemption. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 21.52.015(F) (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation is 2,826 square feet and the proposed floor area is 2,706 square feet. b. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 5 feet along the front property line abutting the beach and Ocean Front Encroachment area, 4 feet along each side property line and 0 feet along the rear property line abutting Seashore Drive. c. The highest guardrail is less than 24 feet from established grade (17.25 feet NAVD88) and the highest ridge is no more than 29 feet from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. Pursuant to Section 21.30.060 (B), the minimum required top of slab elevation for interior living areas of all new development within flood hazard areas shall be as established by the Flood Insurance Rate Maps recognized by the Building Division as part of flood safety requirements and maps adopted by the City Council. The subject property is located in the VE-15 Flood Zone and the minimum top of slab elevation is 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 3 of 11 required to be a minimum of 17.25 feet NAVD88. Pursuant to 21.30.060 (B), the height of a principal structure shall be measured from the top of slab elevation. Therefore, the established grade for the subject property is 17.25 feet NAVD88, and the maximum elevation allowed for a guardrail or flat roof is 41.25 feet NAVD88 and 46.25 feet NAVD88 for a sloping roof (minimum 3:12 pitch). d. The proposed development includes one (1) single-car garage for each dwelling unit and one (1) covered carport for each dwelling unit for a total of four (4) parking spaces, which complies with the minimum parking requirement for two (2)-unit dwellings. 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two (2)- and three (3)-story, single- and two (2)-unit dwellings. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with expected future development within the VE Flood Zone where new residential construction is required to be raised 3 to 5 feet above the ground. The project is consistent with applicable development standards. 3. The development fronts the public beach and is approximately 350 feet away from the mean high tide line. The property is not protected by bulkhead. 4. A Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis was prepared by GeoSoils, Inc., dated November 9, 2022 for the project. The report concludes that the project will be reasonably safe from wave overtopping and future sea level rise. The estimates assume an approximate 3.2-foot increase from sea level rise over the next 75 years (i.e. the life of the structure). The maximum water elevation is 7.7 feet (NAVD88), therefore the future sea level is estimated to reach approximately 10.9 feet (NAVD88) (the likely range for sea level rise over 75-year design life of the structure based on low risk aversion estimates for sea level rise provided by the State of California, Sea Level Rise Guidance: 2018 Update). The finished floor elevation of the first floor of the proposed structure is approximately 17.25 feet (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.0-foot (NAVD88) elevation standard for new structures and exceeds the minimum requirements for future sea level rise (10.9 feet NAVD88). 5. Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis also evaluates the potential for shoreline erosion and wave action at the site. The report concludes that future wave runup will likely not reach the site under severely eroded beach conditions and extreme storms. The report states that this section of Newport Beach does experience short term erosion, but that the erosion is temporary and largely the result of an energetic winter. The report concludes that the sandy beach in front of the property is typically over 350 feet wide and has provided adequate protection for the property over the last several decades. The proposed development will not need shoreline protection over the life of the development. 6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the project would be reviewed for compliance with building code and FEMA standards. The VE Flood Zone mapped for the site requires a base flood elevation (BFE) of 15 feet NAVD88, and the City requires an additional one foot of “freeboard” to the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. Therefore, the project has been designed with a raised finished floor of 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 4 of 11 approximately 17.25 feet (NAVD88). The residential structure is also required to have a pile foundation. Therefore, although unlikely to occur at the project site over the life of the development, the structure has been designed to withstand potential wave overtopping in compliance with the FEMA VE Flood Zone standards and the associated requirements of the NBMC. 7. The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 8. The property owner will be required to acknowledge any hazards present at the site and unconditionally waive any claim to damage or liability against the decision authority, consistent with Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 21.30.015(D)(3)(c) – (Waterfront - Development Standards). The Acknowledgement of Coastal Hazards is included as a condition of approval that will need to be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits. 9. Under NBMC Section 21.30.030(C)(3)(i)(iv), the property owner will be required to agree with the City waiving any potential right to protection to address situations in the future in which the development is threatened with damage or destruction by coastal hazards (e.g., waves, erosion, and sea level rise). The Waiver of Future Protection is included as a condition of approval that will need to be satisfied before the final building inspection. 10. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post-construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather runoff and minor rain event runoff on-site. Any water not retained onsite is directed to the City’s storm drain system. 11. The property is located within 350 feet of the mean high tide line. Pursuant to Section 21.35.030 (Construction Pollution Prevention Plan) of the Municipal Code, a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) is required to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived from construction chemicals and materials. A CPPP has been provided and construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the CPPP. 12. Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.35.050 (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a preliminary Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. The preliminary WQHP was prepared by Thomas M. Ruiz, dated February 24, 2023 for the project. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of an LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 5 of 11 the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQHP prior to building permit issuance. 13. Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075 (Landscaping). A condition of approval is included that requires drought-tolerant species. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. 14. The project site is not located adjacent to a Coastal Viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal viewpoint is on Newport Island and is not visible from the site. The site is located adjacent to Seashore Drive, which serves as lateral access and provides intermittent views of the beach where it intersects with street ends. As currently developed, the existing property and other residences along Seashore Drive impede views of the ocean from Seashore Drive and provide very limited opportunities to see the beach through side yard setbacks. The subject lot is located in the middle of the block, and existing views of the beach are available along the 40th and 39th Street ends. The proposed project would not block any existing views through the project site. Additionally, the proposed two (2)-unit dwelling complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building footprint consistent with the anticipated neighborhood pattern of development in the VE Flood Zone. 15. The project site is located in the viewshed of the public beach, which is not a designated viewpoint but provides scenic views of the ocean. The project will replace an existing two (2)-unit dwelling with a new two (2)-unit dwelling that complies with all applicable development standards. Although not required for the subject lot, the project also complies with the City’s Residential Design Standards that restrict the location of third floors. The project proposes a third-floor level, which is set back approximately 32 feet from the rear setback and approximately 15 feet from the front setback. For comparison, the City’s Design Standards would allow a minimum setback of 15 feet from the front and rear setback lines. The greater setbacks would minimize the appearance of bulk and scale from the adjacent beach, neighboring properties, and street. The project would be constructed with a finished floor that is approximately 5 feet above the existing beach elevation and the overall height of the structure will appear higher than neighboring properties. However, as the other 165 properties along the beach from 24th Street to 48th street redevelop, they will also be required to comply with the VE Flood Zone construction standards that necessitate raised foundations on caissons. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. 16. The rear of the proposed residence, which is visible from Seashore Drive, includes substantial architectural treatment and visual interest, in-keeping with the design guidelines of the NBMC, specifically Section 21.30.100 (Scenic and Visual Quality Protection). The existing structure does not include architectural treatment, with a solid building face and a garage door. There are no windows or architectural features, nor does it include any “see through” elements that reduce scale. There are also visible signs of aging since original construction in the 1970s. Although the proposed structure will appear taller as viewed from the street, the third-floor level has been setback approximately 20 feet from the front property line and approximately 32 feet from the rear property line. The 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 6 of 11 project design also includes “see through” elements such as open and glass balcony railings that prevent the appearance of the site being walled off from the beach and streets. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to existing public views. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces an existing two (2)-unit dwelling located on a standard R-2 lot with a new two (2)-unit dwelling. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. 2. Vertical access to the beach is available at the 40th and 39th Street ends. Lateral access is available on the beach in front of the property and along Seashore Drive to the rear of the property. The project does not involve the removal or creation of additional street parking spaces. The project design does not include any unique features in the rear of the property that could obstruct access or create hazards for the motorists or pedestrians on Seashore Drive. The first-floor garage is setback approximately 15 feet from the property line and the carport posts are setback approximately 6 feet, which would allow the residents additional visibility to the bike path and street as they enter and exit the garage. 3. Any new encroachments within the Ocean Front Encroachment area would require review and approval by Public Works Department and the California Coastal Commission. No new encroachments on the beach are proposed as part of this project. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 7 of 11 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves the Coastal Development Permit (PA2023-0018), subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF JUNE, 2023. _____________________________________ Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Zoning Administrator 16 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 8 of 11 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new Coastal Development Permit. 3. This Coastal Development Permit does not authorize any development seaward of the private property. 4. Coastal Development Permit No. PA2023-0018 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), unless an extension is otherwise granted. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the property owner shall submit a notarized signed letter acknowledging all hazards present at the site, assuming the risk of injury or damage from such hazards, unconditionally waiving any claims of damage against the City from such hazards, and to indemnify and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of development. The letter shall be scanned into the plan set prior to building permit issuance. 6. Prior to final building permit inspection, an agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney between the property owner and the City shall be executed and recorded waiving rights to the construction of future shoreline protection devices to address the threat of damage or destruction from waves, erosion, storm conditions, landslides, seismic activity, bluff retreat, sea level rise, or other natural hazards that may affect the property, or development of the property, today or in the future. The agreement shall be binding against the property owners and successors and assigns. 7. This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right-of-way. 8. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. 17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 9 of 11 9. All proposed accessory structures located within setback areas shall comply with applicable height limits consistent with Zoning Code Section 20.30.040 (Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Retaining Walls). 10. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 11. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stock-piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 12. Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 13. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings, non-invasive plant species and water efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 14. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 15. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 (Construction Activity-Noise Regulations) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise- generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise- generating construction activities are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. 16. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00AM and 10:00PM Between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA 18 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 10 of 11 100 feet of a commercial property Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 17. The applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of Native Birds pursuant to MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one (1) or two (2) short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 18. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 19. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 20. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 21. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final WQHP/WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. Implementation shall comply with the approved CPPP and WQHP/WQMP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the Building Division. 22. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 19 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 11 of 11 23. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 24. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 25. Prior to the issuance of building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 26. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner, or the leasing agent. 27. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Barnard Residence including, but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit (PA2023-0018). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 20 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 21 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit PA2023-0018 3907 Seashore Drive Subject Property Subject Property 22 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 23 DETAIL REFERENCE SHEET NUMBER SECTION INDICATOR REVISION NUMBER REVISION REFERENCE PLAN NOTE REFERENCE NUMBER FLOOR PLAN, SOFFIT/UTILITY,&ELEVATION KEYNOTESECTION INDICATOR SHEET NUMBER BUILDING SECTION PROPOSED USE: NEW DUPLEXNUMBER OF STORIES: 3CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-BOCCUPANCY: R-1 DWELLINGS, U- GARAGES FIRE SPRINKLERS: REQUIRED, CRC SEC. R313.3 SYSTEM - NFPA 13D SYSTEM THROUGHOUT INCLUDING ATTIC PER R309.6, R313.1, R313.2 & R313.3 ABBREVIATIONS XX XX X X WITHOUTW/O WROUGHT IRONWIWATER HEATERWHWINDOWWDWWOODWDWATER CLOSETWCWITHW/WASHERW VERTICALVERT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDUONUNFINISHEDUNFINUNIFORM BUILDING CODEUBC TYPICALTYPTELEVISIONTVTOP OF WALLTOWTOP OF PAVINGTOPTOP OF MASONRYTOMTOP OF CURBTOCTONGUE AND GROOVET & G TELEPHONETELTRASH COMPACTORTCT & B TOP AND BOTTOM SQUARESQSTANDARDSTDSTAGGEREDSTAGSERVICE SINKSSSHELF AND POLES & P SLIDINGSLSIMILARSIMSHOWERSHOWSHEATHINGSHTGSINGLE HUNGSHSELECT STRUCTURALSSSC SOLID CORE ROUGH OPENINGROROOF JOISTRJREQUIREDREQ'D REINFORCINGREINFREFRIGERATORREFRREDWOODRDWDROOF DRAINRDRETURN AIR GRILLERAGRADIUSR POLY VINYL CHLORIDEPVC PRESSURE TREATEDPTDFPOUNDS/SQUARE INCHPSIPOUNDS/SQUARE FOOTPSFPAIRPRPLYWOODPLYWDPUSH-BUTTONPB OPTIONALOPTOPPOSITEOPPON CENTEROC NOT TO SCALENTSNUMBERNONOT IN CONTRACTNICNGNATURAL GRADE MASONRY OPENINGMOMINIMUMMINMANUFACTURERMFRMEDICINE CABINETMCMACHINE BOLTMBMAXIMUMMAXMASONRYMAS LAG BOLTLB INTERIORINTINSUL INSULATION HORIZONTALHORIZHEADERHDRHCHOLLOW CORE GLUE LAMINATED BEAMGLBGARBAGE DISPOSALGDGALVANIZEDGALVGAUGEGA FOOTINGFTGFOOT/FEETFTFACE OF STUDFOSFACE OF MASONRYFOMFLUORESCENTFLUORFLOORFLRFLOOR JOISTFJFINISHFINFUEL GAS / FINISH GRADEFGFINISH FLOORFFFOUNDATIONFDNFORCED AIR UNITFAU EXTERIOREXTEACH WAYEWEQUIPMENTEQUIPEQUALEQELEVATORELEVEAEACH DOWNSPOUTDSDRAWINGDWGDOWNDNDOUBLE HUNGDHDIMENSIONDIMDIAGONALDIAGDIAMETERDIADETAILDETDRINKING FOUNTAINDFDOUBLEDBLDDRYER CONT CONTINUOUS CONST CONSTRUCTION CONC CONCRETE COL COLUMN CLR CLEAR CLG CEILING CJ CEILING JOISTCICAST IRON BTM BOTTOM BM BEAM BLKG BLOCKING BLDG BUILDING APPROXIMATELYAPPROXALUMINUMALALTERNATEALTAIR CONDITIONINGA/C ANCHOR BOLTAB DOUGLAS FIR AD AREA DRAIN CURTAINCURT DR DOOR EL ELEVATION FD FLOOR DRAIN DISPOSALDISP GI GALVANIZED IRONGLGLASS / GLAZING LTWT LIGHTWEIGHT OSA OUTSIDE AIR TB TOWEL BARTPD TOILET PAPER DISPENSERTEMPERED GLASSTEMP GL VTR VENT THROUGH ROOFVVOLTSGYPSUM WALLBOARDGYP BD A4.1 BUILDING SECTIONS (1/4" = 1'-0") ARCHITECTURAL A3.1 PROJECT DATA CODE COMPLIANCE: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - NFPA 13D OBTAIN FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ROOFSHEATHING INSPECTION 2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDINGSTANDARDS CODE2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY EFFICIENCYSTANDARDS CODECITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULATIONSAND ORDINANCES A4.2A4.3 RITNER GROUP, INC.503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663(949) 584-8987PHONE: ARCHITECT RON RITNERCONTACT: OWNER: LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653Email: WILLIAM GUIDERO DESIGN425 30th STREET #23NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663(949) 675-2626PHONE:BILL GUIDEROCONTACT: STRUCTURALRIGHT ENGINEERING26040 ACERO SUITE 100MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691(949) 855-2300PHONE:CONTACT: RAID GHOULI INDEX OF DRAWINGS COVER SHEET A5.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (1/4" = 1'-0") PROJECT DIRECTORY BARNARD FAMILY TRUST26081 MERIT CIRCLE #113 CONTACT: STEPANIE BARNARD A2.2 THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (1/4" = 1'-0")A2.3 DEFERRED SUBMITTALS: FIRE SPRINKLER - NFPA 13D SYSTEM THROUGHOUT INCLUDING ATTIC HVAC EQUIPMENT AND DUCTWORK ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: C1.1 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-COVER O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - C O V E R J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- N ROOF PLAN (1/4" = 1'-0") BUILDING SECTIONS (1/4" = 1'-0")BUILDING SECTIONS (1/4" = 1'-0") GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE UTILITY CONSULTING ENGINEER IS TO ATTENDON-SITE MEETINGS WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIESTO DETERMINE ALLOWABLE LOCATIONS. AMINIMUM OF 48 HOURS WRITTEN NOTICE FORTHE MEETING IS REQUIRED. 2. REQUIRED HERS TESTING AND/OR VERIFICATION MUST BEDONE BY A CERTIFIED HOME ENERGY RATER UNDER THESUPERVISION OF A CEC-APPROVED HERS PROVIDER USINGCEC APPROVED TESTING AND/OR VERIFICATION METHODSAND MUST BE REPORTED ON THE CF-4R INSTALLATIONCERTIFICATE. 3. ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORTBEACH DOES NOT RELIEVE APPLICANTS OF THE LEGALREQUIREMENTS TO OBSERVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS ANDRESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY BE RECORDED AGAINST THEPROPERTY OR TO OBTAIN PLANS. YOU SHOULD CONTAC YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENTOF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. 4. PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE CITYRIGHT-OF-WAYAN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THEPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. 5. A Cal-OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONSDEEPER THAN 5'-0" AND FOR SHORING AND UNDERPINNING.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A COPY OF OSHA PERMIT. 6. THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE AREA SHALL BE LESS THAN 500 sf 7. POOLS, SPAS, WALLS, FENCES, PATIO COVERS AND OTHERFREESTANDING STRUCTURES REQUIRE SEPARATE REVIEWSAND PERMITS. 8. FENCES, HEDGES, WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, GUARDRAILSAND HANDRAILS OR ANY COMBINATION THEREOF SHALL NOTEXCEED 42" FROM EXISTING GRADE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONWITHIN THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA. 9. ALL PERMITS RELATED TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SHALL BEISSUED AT THE SAME TIME, OR SEPARATE PLANS AND PLANREVIEW WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ITEMS NOT ISSUED WITH THISREVIEW. a. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, DETACHED PATIO COVERS ANDTRELLISb. MASONRY OR CONCRETE FENCES OVER 3.5 FT HIGHc. RETAINING WALLS OVER 4' FROM BOTTOM OF FOUNDATION TOTOP OF WALL RECYCLE AND OR SALVAGE FOR REUSE A MINIMUM OF 65% OF THENON-HAZARDOUS CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4.408.1 CalGreen CODE. DEFERRED SUBMITTAL TO BE REVIEWED BY PROJECT ARCHITECTOR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO SUBMITTALFOR PLAN CHECK OR APPROVAL BY THE CITY. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 10. 11. SOILSEGA CONSULTANTS375-C MONTE VISTA AVENUECOSTA MESA, CA 92627(949) 642-9309PHONE:DAVID WORTHINGTONCONTACT: CIVILFORKERT ENGINEERING INC.22311 BROOKHURST ST. # 203HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 62646(714) 963-6793PHONE:CONTACT: THOMAS RUIZ T-24HERITAGE ENERGY GROUP470 WALDIRVINE, CA 92618(949) 789-7221PHONE:RUDY SAINSCONTACT: LANDSCAPEERIC FENMORE2732 EAST COAST HIGHWAY SUITE ACORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625(949) 673-5450PHONE:CONTACT: ERIC FENMORE C1.1 COVER SHEET LEGEND INSPECTION PROGRAM: 1. DEPUTY INSPECTORS ARE REQUIRED TO BE REGISTERED WITHTHE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. PORTION OF WORK REQUIRING INSPECTION CONTINUOUS PERIODIC DESCRIPTION, LOCATIONS, REMARKS, ETC. X ---EXPANSION / EPOXY ANCHORS X ---ALL STRUCTURAL WELDING ---XSHEAR WALL NAILING ---XSTRUCTURAL MASONRY GROUTING, STEM AND FOOTING REINF. VICINITY MAP 2. SPECIAL AND / OR DEPUTY INSPECTIONS SHALL BE PROVIDEDDURING CONSTRUCTION ON THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF WORK: --- --- --- "HERS" VERIFICATION --- X A5.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (1/4" = 1'-0") SP-1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN (1/4" = 1'-0") SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (1/4" = 1'-0") ZONING: R-2 A2.1 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (1/4" = 1'-0") PROJECTSITE PROJECT ADDRESS 3907 SEASHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92663ASSESOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: 423-326-05LOT 4, BLOCK 39 - BOOK 3, PAGE 31 CIVIL C-4 C-2 EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRECISE GRADING PLAN A9.1 MAIN LEVEL & SECOND LEVEL OVERLAY PLANS (1/4" = 1'-0") SOILS REPORT: PREPARED BY: EGA CONSULTANTSREPORT No WG411.1 DATED 12-13-22 PROJECT SCOPE: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING TWO-STORY DUPLEX, GARAGE ANDASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING. CONSTRUCT NEW THREE-STORY 2,292 s.f. DUPLEX WITH ANATTACHED 414 s.f. TWO CAR GARAGE AND TWO CAR CARPORT.THE PROJECT INCLUDES HARDSCAPE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGEFACILITIES WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE PRIVATE PROPERTY. DESIGN SURVEY 1 OF 1 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Allowable Floor Area: Allowable combined Exception : Sec 20.48.180.A.1.b.i Planning Criteria SETBACKS: 0'Front 5'2nd Front 3'Side Yard 1 MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 24'Flat Roof (less than 3:12 pitch)29'Pitched Roof (greater than 3:12 pitch) FAR:2,024 Sq. Ft.Site Area MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA LIMIT: Buildable Area 2,826 Sq. Ft.Buildable Area 1,413 x 2 = 3'Side Yard 2 1,413 Sq. Ft. Development Standards R-2 Zone PARKING REQUIREMENTS: 2 Car off Street Parking Minimum Minimum Interior dimensions for Parkingspaces in residential zoning for a lot width30'-0" feet or less is 17'-6"x19'-0"(20.40) City of Newport Beach Area Tabulation Living Area: 2 Car Garage First Level Living 590 Sq.Ft.Second Level Living 568 Sq.Ft. 257 Sq.Ft.Third Level Living 1,415 Sq.Ft.Total Living Total Building Area 583 Sq.Ft.- 294 Sq.Ft. 877 Sq.Ft. Unit A Unit B 414 Sq.Ft. 1,173 Sq.Ft.568 Sq.Ft. 551 Sq.Ft. 2,292 Sq.Ft. 2,706 Sq.Ft. Total 71 Sq.Ft.Level 2 Roof Deck 35 Sq.Ft. 106 Sq.Ft. Carport 282 Sq.Ft. THIRD FLOOR LIMITATIONS: Only subsection (A)(2)(c) applyFloor & Deck Area: 15' from Front & Rear Setback LinesLocation of Structure: 388 Sq.Ft.Level 3 Roof Deck 304 Sq.Ft. 692 Sq.Ft. 459 Sq.Ft.Total Roof Deck 339 Sq.Ft. 798 Sq.Ft. A9.1 THIRD LEVEL & ROOF DECK OVERLAY PLANS (1/4" = 1'-0") Barnard Duplex 3907 Seashore Drive Newport Beach, CA 24 25 DA1-4.2 FA1-4.3 CA1-4.1 GA1-4.3 BA1-4.1 N52 46'30"E 79.46' EA1-4.2 Slope2% FS = 11.85High Pointof Garage Finish Pad = 10.188" concrete2" sand4" gravel ConcreteGarage Slab AA1-4.1 N3 9 5 3 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 3 ' N3 9 3 5 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 2 ' LOT 5 LOT 3 N52 46'30"E 79.33' A Se a s h o r e D r i v e 1'-3 " 8'-1034"8'-1034" 54'-1112" 1'-3 " 1'-3"1'-3" 18' - 1 0 " 8'- 2 " 1'-3"8'-912" 54'-1112" 7'-912" 8'-2 " 22'-4" 7'-912"1'-3"7'-912" 32'-712" 7'-4" 2 3'-9"6'-0"7'-012" 1 8'-6" 76345 Slab Edge Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SLAB EDGE PLAN PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A1.1 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-FLOOR O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - F L O O R J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- SLOPETO DRAIN SLOPE TO DRAIN 1/8" PERFOOT U.N.O. FINISH SLAB TO FINISH SLABDIMENSION NOTE: REFER TOCIVIL DRAWINGS FORADDITIONAL SLAB ELEVATIONINFORMATION SLAB LEGEND 1. THIS ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLAN IS FORDIMENSIONAL INFORMATION ONLY. THECONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE STRUCTURALFOUNDATION PLAN FOR ALL STRUCTURALREQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLNOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IF THERE IS ANYDISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE ARCHITECTURALFOUNDATION PLAN AND THE STRUCTURALFOUNDATION PLAN. 2. FOOTINGS SHALL BE EXAMINED AND CERTIFIED INWRITING BY THE PROJECT SOIL / GEOLOGYENGINEER PRIOR TO EMA INSPECTIONS ANDPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 3. VERIFY ALL INFORMATION REGARDINGCONCRETE SLAB, FOUNDATION, AND RETAININGWALLS, WITH STRUCTURAL AND CIVILENGINEER'S DRAWINGS. SLAB NOTES 4. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR SHEARWALLS AND HOLD DOWN LOCATIONS AND SIZES. 5. DEPRESSED SLAB FOR MATERIAL THICKNESS REFERTO LEGEND. 6. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT BELOW SLAB FOR FLOOROUTLETS, KITCHEN ISLAND OUTLETS AND APPLIANCES.VERIFY LOCATION WITH INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWINGS 7. SURVEYOUR TO FILE A CORNER RECORD OF SURVEY WITH THE OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR. EVIDENCE OF FILING SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION. 26 27 Dn10R Up14R 75'-9" 512"312"5'-2" 4'- 8 " Dn17R Up15R DA1-4.2 FA1-4.3 25'-6" 3'-8" 3'-9" 31'-412" 7'-11" 12'-3"19'-112" 3'-9"10'-112" 34'-6" 9'-412" 3'-7"7'-712" 5'-0" 4'-3" 6'-412" 11'-1112" 75'-9" 10" 16'-112" 3'-712" 4'-8"11'-5" MasterSuite 2'-9" 3'-9" 1'-5"4'-812" 8'-4" 10'-2" 6'-5" 6'-3" 12'-3"22'-3" 2'-8" 21'-1" 4'-9"4'-312"1'-612"3'-912"3'-1012"7'-6" 12'-1"9'-0" 10" 6'-2 " 3'-2" 7'-0 " 18 ' - 1 0 " Bed 2 5'-712" 11' - 1 0 " 10" Ba 2 MaBath Bed 2 Wic 4'-2" Kit Ba 2 Family A CA1-4.1 GA1-4.3 BA1-4.1 N52 46'30"E 79.46' B EA1-4.2 F.F. El. 20.01F.F. El. 27.25 AA1-4.1 N3 9 5 3 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 3 ' 3'-4 12" 4'-6" N3 9 3 5 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 2 ' LOT 5 LOT 3 N52 46'30"E 79.33' 21 76345 3'-912"3'-10" 3'-0" Second Level - Floor Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A2.2 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-FLOOR O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - F L O O R J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Area Tabulation Living Area: 2 Car Garage First Level Living 590 Sq.Ft.Second Level Living 568 Sq.Ft. 257 Sq.Ft.Third Level Living 1,415 Sq.Ft.Total Living Total Building Area (Buildable Area) 1,413 Sq.Ft. x 2 = 2,826 Sq.Ft.Maximum Floor Area : 583 Sq.Ft.- 294 Sq.Ft. 877 Sq.Ft. Unit A Unit B 414 Sq.Ft. 1,173 Sq.Ft.568 Sq.Ft. 551 Sq.Ft. 2,292 Sq.Ft. 2,706 Sq.Ft. Total max allowable 71 Sq.Ft.Level 2 Roof Deck 35 Sq.Ft. 106 Sq.Ft.388 Sq.Ft.Level 3 Roof Deck 304 Sq.Ft. 692 Sq.Ft. Total Roof Deck 798 Sq.Ft. Carport 282 Sq.Ft. Exception: Sec 20.48.180A.1.b.i No LimitThird Floor Limitations : Only Subsection (A)(2)(c) applyAllowable Combined Floor & Deck Area : FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES SYMBOLXX A Elevation Key D C B Interior 20. PROVIDE SMOOTH METAL DUCT FOR DRYER EXHAUSTEXTENDING TO OUTSIDE WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER.PER CMC. 21. FACTORY-BUILT FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS AND ALL OTHERCOMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED AND INSTALLED INACCORDANCE WITH THEIR LISTING AND MANUFACTURERINSTRUCTIONS. 22. DECORATIVE SHROUDS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED AT THETERMINATION OF THE FACTORY-BUILT CHIMNEYS EXCEPTWHERE SUCH SHROUDS ARE LISTED AND LABELEDFOR USE WITH THE SPECIFIC FACTORY-BUILT CHIMNEYSYSTEM AND ARE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITHMANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION.CMC 802.5.2.4 GASEOUS FUEL BURNING PAN MUST BEPERMANENTLY ANCHORED TO THE FIREBOX. FIREPLACEMUST COMPLY WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY STANDARDSMANDATORY MEASURES. 23. NET AREA OF SHOWER ENCLOSURES SHALL BE NOT LESSTHAN 1,024 Sq In (7.1 Sq. Ftt.) OF FLOOR AREA, AND A MINIMUMOF 30 INCH DIAMETER CIRCLE. PER CPC 408.6 24. HANDRAILS: a. HANDRAILS OTHER THAN CIRCULAR CROSS SECTIONS SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF 4 TO 6.25 INCHESWITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2.25 INCHES. R311.7.8.3item 1 b. HANDRAILS WITH A PERIMETER GREATER THAN 6.25 INCHESSHALL COMPLY WITH R311.7.8.3 item 2. c. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONBY NEWEL POST OR OTHER OBSTRUCTION, EXCEPT AT THELANDING, VOLUTE OR TURNOUT ON LOWEST TREAD.R311.7.8.2 Exception 1&2. 1 LINE OF CABINET(S) ABOVE 2 CABINET(S) 3 OPEN SHELVES 4 BUILT-IN MILLWORK 5 KITCHEN ISLAND 6 PANTRY WITH SHELVES 7 BROOM CLOSET 8 30" FARM HOUSE SINK WITHGARBAGE DISPOSAL 9 WOLF 48" GAS RANGE / OVENAS SELECTED BY OWNER 10 VENT HOOD TO OUTSIDE AIR 11 WOLF BUILT-IN OVEN ASSELECTED BY OWNER 12 HEARTH OVEN W/ WARMING DRAWERAS SELECTED BY OWNER 13 WOLF MICROWAVE OVEN ASSELECTED BY OWNER 14 SUB-ZERO PRO REFRIGERATORSELECTED BY OWNER 14B SU-ZERO 24" UNDER COUNTER REFRIGSELECTED BY OWNER 15A PERLICK WINE REFRIGERATOR 15B PERLICK 24" BEVERAGE CENTER 15C PERLICK 15" ICE MAKER 16 DISHWASHER AS SELECTED BY OWNER 17 TRASH RECYCLING BIN WALL LEGENDFLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED SUCHTHAT AT THE ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALLALARMS. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE "HARD WIRED" ANDSHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A BATTERY BACK UP. CARBONMONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE "HARD WIRED" ANDSHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A BATTERY BACK UP.CRC R314 & CRC R315.3 2. ROOMS CONTAINING BATHTUBS, SHOWERS, SPAS ANDSIMILAR FIXTURES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ANEXHAUST FAN WITH A MINIMUM CAPACITY OF 50 cfmCBC 1203.4.2.1, CMC T4-4 3. SHOWERS AND TUB / SHOWERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHPRESSURE BALANCE OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVECONTROLS. PER CPC. 4. WATER CLOSETS SHALL USE NO MORE THAN 1.28 GALLONSOF WATER PER FLUSH, LAVATORIES FAUCETSNO MORE THAN 1.5 GPM AT 60 PSI, KITCHENFAUCETS NO MORE THAN 1.8 GPM AT 60 PSI,SHOWER HEAD NO THAN 2 GPM, CGC SECTION 4.303 5. WHEN A SHOWER IS PROVIDED WITH MULTIPLE SHOWERHEADS, THE SUM OF FLOW TO ALL THE HEADS SHALL NOTEXCEED THE 20% REDUCED LIMIT, OR THE SHOWER SHALLBE DESIGNED SO THAT ONLY ONE HEAD IS ON AT A TIME.CGC 4.303.2 6. LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION WATER USE SHALL HAVEWEATHER BASED CONTROLLERS. CGC 4.304.1 7. PROVIDED WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE IRRAGATIONDESIGN WHERE POTABLE WATER USE DOES NOT EXCEED65% OF THE ETo. (TIER 1) 8. A MINIMUM OF 50% OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE IS TO BERECYCLED. CGC 4.408.1 9. THE BUILDER IS TO PROVIDE AN OPERATION MANUAL(CONTAINING INFORMATION FOR MAINTAINING APPLIANCES,ETC.) FOR THE OWNER AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION.CGC 4.410.1 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ENDS OF DUCT OPENINGS ARE TOBE SEALED, AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IS TO BECOVERED CGC 4.504.1 11. VOC'S MUST COMPLY WITH THE LIMITATIONS LISTED INSECTION 4.504.3 AND TABLES 4.504.1, 4.504.2, 4.504.3, AND4.504.5 FOR: ADHESIVES, PAINTS AND COATINGS, CARPETAND COMPOSITION WOOD PRODUCTS. CGC 4.504.2 12. THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF WOOD SHALL NOT EXCEED 19%BEFORE IT IS ENCLOSED IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOISTURECONTENT NEEDS TO BE CERTIFIED BY ONE OF 3 METHODSSPECIFIED. BUILDING MATERIALS WITH VISIBLE SIGNS OFWATER DAMAGE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN CONSTRUCTION.THE MOISTURE CONTENT MUST BE DETERMINED BY THECONTRACTOR BY ONE OF THE METHODS LISTED IN CGCSECTION 4.505.3 13. BATHROOM FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTEDDIRECTLY TO THE OUTSIDE AND CONTROLLED BY AHUMIDISTAT. CGC 4.506.1 14. IF PROVIDED, WHOLE HOUSE EXHAUST FANS SHALL HAVEINSULATED COVERS OR LOUVERS WHICH CLOSE THE FANIS OFF. THE COVERS OR LOUVERS SHALL HAVE MINIMUMR4.2 INSULATION. CGC 5.507.1 15. PROVIDE NON-REMOVABLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES AT ALL EXTERIOR HOSE BIBS. PER CPC. 16. PROVIDE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE WITH DRAIN TO OUTSIDEAT WATER HEATERS. PER CPC. 17. HEATING AND AC SHALL BE SIZED AND SELECTED BYACCA MANUAL J OR ASHRAE HANDBOOK OR EQUIVALENT.THE DUCT SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WIHT ONEOF THE ACCA METHODS LISTED IN CGC SECTION 4.507.2 18. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING LICENSEDCONTRACTOR, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER IN RESPOSIBLECHARGE OF THE OVERALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLETEAND SIGN THE GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CERTIFICATIONFORM AND GIVEN TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICALTO BE FILED WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. 19. PROVIDE FIRE BLOCKS AND DRAFT STOPS IN THE WOODFRAME FLOOR CONSTRUCTION CONTAINING CONCEALEDSPACE WHERE THERE IS USABLE SPACE ABOVE AND BELOWTHE CONCEALED SPACE. SUCH DRAFT STOPS SHOULD BEINSTALLED SO THAT THE AREA OF THE CONCEALED SPACEDOES NOT EXCEED 1000 SQ. FT. DRAFTSTOPPING SHOULDDIVIDE THE CONCEALED SPACE INTO APPROXIMATELY EQUAL AREAS. PER CBC. 18 DIRECT VENT TERMINATION CAP 19A PREFABRICATED METAL FIREPLACE:BY:"ORTAL" MODEL ORTAL MINIMAL130 TRADITIONAL 42" GAS ONLYDIRECT VENT OR APPROVED EQUAL.INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AND APPLICABLE CODESANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33a 19B PREFABRICATED METAL FIREPLACE:BY:"MAJESTIC" MODEL ODCOUG-36MAJESTIC COURTYARD 36 GAS ONLYOUTDOOR VENT-FREE OR APPROVEDEQ. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEMANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS, AND APPLICABLE CODES.ANSI Z221.97-2014, CSA 2.41-2014 19C PREFABRICATED MODULAR FIREPLACE:BY: "ISOKERN" MODEL 42" STANDARDGAS BURNING FIREBOX OR APPROVEDEQUAL INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AND APPLICABLE CODES.ICC REPORT NO. ESR-2316 20 FIREPLACE HEARTH 21 STONE VENEER 22 STONE TRIM 23 EXTERIOR FINISH OPENING 24 FLAT DRYWALL OPENING 25 FLAT CASED OPENING 26 3" THICK WOOD SHELVES 27 DECORATIVE WOOD BEAMS 28 SOLID SURFACE COUNTER TOP 29 HANDRAIL ONE HOURCONSTRUCTION LOW WALL 2 X 6 STUD WALL 2 X 4 STUD WALL 2 X 8 STUD WALL 30 GUARDRAIL 31 LOW WALL 32 LOW LINEN 33 LINE OF STAIR 34 SHELF AND POLE 35 DOUBLE SHELF AND POLE 36 LAVATORY 36B PEDESTAL SINK 37 FREE STANDING TUB 38 MUDSET CERAMIC TILE SEAT 39 HOT MOPPED SHOWER PAN WITH MUDSETCERAMIC TILED WAINSCOT TO 84" AFF W/PRESSURE BALANCE THERMOSTATICMIXING VALVE 40 BUILT-IN SOAP NICHE 41 TEMPERED GLASS SHOWER DOOR 42 TUB / SHOWER WITH MUDSETCERAMIC TILED WAINSCOT WITHPRESSURE BALANCE THERMOSTATICMIXING VALVE 43 MEDICINE CABINET 44 WATER CLOSET TO BE 30" MIN WIDE WITH24" IN FRONT OF TOILET. LOW FLUSHTOILETS 1.28 GALLONS PER FLUSH 45 BAR SINK 46 LAUNDRY SINK 47 WASHER SPACE. PROVIDE RECESSED HOT ANDCOLD WATER BIBBS, PROVIDE FLOOR DRAIN. 48 DRYER SPACE. PROVIDE DRYER VENT TOOUTSIDE AIR PER CMC 49 INSTANTANEOUS TANKLESSWATER HEATER .94 EF / 199,000 Btu/hr 50 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 51 TRENCH DRAIN 52 ATTIC ACCESS 53 ROOF ACCESS 54 LINE OF FLOOR ABOVE 55 FLOOR DRAIN 56 ROOF DRAIN 57 STUCCO OVER CMU WALLREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS 58 42" HIGH MINIMUM GUARDRAIL WALL 59 STUCCO OVER WOOD FRAMEDMECHANICAL SCREEN WALL 60 BUILT-UP ROOFING AT MECHANICAL WELL 61 ROOF MOUNTED AC UNITREFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS 62 STONE PAVER OVER CONCRETE SLAB BASEREFER TO CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 63 IPE WOOD LANDINGREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS 64 6' TALL IPE WOOD FENCEREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS 65 LINE OF STUCCO SHELF BELOW REFER TO SHEETS T24-1a & T24-1b FOR CF1R FORMS AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATION I N S U L A T I O N S C H E D U L E Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Total Cavity Winter DesignR-Value U-Value Garage Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c None 0.332 Garage Exterior Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c None 0.347 R-30 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x10 @ 16" o/c R-30 0.036 R-22 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c R-22 0.056 R-21 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.069 R-21 Wall 1 Interior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.064 Attic / Roof / Zone 2 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 Truss @ 24" o/c R-30 0.040 R-30 Roof HPA Ceilings Below Attic Wood Framed Ceiling 2x6 @ 24" o/c None 0.478 R-30 Floor Exterior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x10 @ 24" o/c R-30 0.033No Crawlspace R-19 FloorNo Crawlspace Interior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-19 0.049 NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL 28 2'-6" Dn14R Up4R 5'-712" DA1-4.2 FA1-4.3 Dn15R 16'-8" Up10R 56 3'-11" 6'-212" 5'-312" 15'-7" 18'-0"57'-9" 1'-712" 75'-9" 5'-1" 3'-912" 3'-712"8'-5" 6'-1" 12'-612" 16'-4" 75'-9" 57'-9" 1'-11" 4'-2" 6'-3" 18'-0" 4'-2"7'-214" 11' - 6 12" 1'-1012" 3'-1 12" 3'-712" 7'-3 12" 13'-10" 3'-10"1'-3"4'-914" 18' - 1 0 " 5'- 3 12" 7'-11" 4'-2 " 1'-812" 18' - 1 0 " 2'-1 " 4'-2 " 3'-1 " 3'-1 " Office B CA1-4.1 GA1-4.3 BA1-4.1 N52 46'30"E 79.46' A Ba 2 MaBedroom open tobelow Ma Bath EA1-4.2 Roof Deck 3'-2" F.F. El. 36.50 AtticF.F. El. 28.93 AA1-4.1 N3 9 5 3 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 3 ' N3 9 3 5 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 2 ' LOT 5 LOT 3 N52 46'30"E 79.33' A Se a s h o r e D r i v e 7'-2" 8" 6'-012" 6'-6" 21 76345 14' - 4 " A / C 3'-0"15'-0" 15'-0" Third Level - Floor Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A2.3 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-FLOOR O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - F L O O R J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Area Tabulation Living Area: 2 Car Garage First Level Living 590 Sq.Ft.Second Level Living 568 Sq.Ft. 257 Sq.Ft.Third Level Living 1,415 Sq.Ft.Total Living Total Building Area (Buildable Area) 1,413 Sq.Ft. x 2 = 2,826 Sq.Ft.Maximum Floor Area : 583 Sq.Ft.- 294 Sq.Ft. 877 Sq.Ft. Unit A Unit B 414 Sq.Ft. 1,173 Sq.Ft.568 Sq.Ft. 551 Sq.Ft. 2,292 Sq.Ft. 2,706 Sq.Ft. Total max allowable 71 Sq.Ft.Level 2 Roof Deck 35 Sq.Ft. 106 Sq.Ft.388 Sq.Ft.Level 3 Roof Deck 304 Sq.Ft. 692 Sq.Ft. Total Roof Deck 798 Sq.Ft. Carport 282 Sq.Ft. Exception: Sec 20.48.180A.1.b.i No LimitThird Floor Limitations : Only Subsection (A)(2)(c) applyAllowable Combined Floor & Deck Area : FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES SYMBOLXX A Elevation Key D C B Interior 20. PROVIDE SMOOTH METAL DUCT FOR DRYER EXHAUSTEXTENDING TO OUTSIDE WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER.PER CMC. 21. FACTORY-BUILT FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS AND ALL OTHERCOMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED AND INSTALLED INACCORDANCE WITH THEIR LISTING AND MANUFACTURERINSTRUCTIONS. 22. DECORATIVE SHROUDS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED AT THETERMINATION OF THE FACTORY-BUILT CHIMNEYS EXCEPTWHERE SUCH SHROUDS ARE LISTED AND LABELEDFOR USE WITH THE SPECIFIC FACTORY-BUILT CHIMNEYSYSTEM AND ARE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITHMANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION.CMC 802.5.2.4 GASEOUS FUEL BURNING PAN MUST BEPERMANENTLY ANCHORED TO THE FIREBOX. FIREPLACEMUST COMPLY WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY STANDARDSMANDATORY MEASURES. 23. NET AREA OF SHOWER ENCLOSURES SHALL BE NOT LESSTHAN 1,024 Sq In (7.1 Sq. Ftt.) OF FLOOR AREA, AND A MINIMUMOF 30 INCH DIAMETER CIRCLE. PER CPC 408.6 24. HANDRAILS: a. HANDRAILS OTHER THAN CIRCULAR CROSS SECTIONS SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF 4 TO 6.25 INCHESWITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2.25 INCHES. R311.7.8.3item 1 b. HANDRAILS WITH A PERIMETER GREATER THAN 6.25 INCHESSHALL COMPLY WITH R311.7.8.3 item 2. c. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONBY NEWEL POST OR OTHER OBSTRUCTION, EXCEPT AT THELANDING, VOLUTE OR TURNOUT ON LOWEST TREAD.R311.7.8.2 Exception 1&2. 1 LINE OF CABINET(S) ABOVE 2 CABINET(S) 3 OPEN SHELVES 4 BUILT-IN MILLWORK 5 KITCHEN ISLAND 6 PANTRY WITH SHELVES 7 BROOM CLOSET 8 30" FARM HOUSE SINK WITHGARBAGE DISPOSAL 9 WOLF 48" GAS RANGE / OVENAS SELECTED BY OWNER 10 VENT HOOD TO OUTSIDE AIR 11 WOLF BUILT-IN OVEN ASSELECTED BY OWNER 12 HEARTH OVEN W/ WARMING DRAWERAS SELECTED BY OWNER 13 WOLF MICROWAVE OVEN ASSELECTED BY OWNER 14 SUB-ZERO PRO REFRIGERATORSELECTED BY OWNER 14B SU-ZERO 24" UNDER COUNTER REFRIGSELECTED BY OWNER 15A PERLICK WINE REFRIGERATOR 15B PERLICK 24" BEVERAGE CENTER 15C PERLICK 15" ICE MAKER 16 DISHWASHER AS SELECTED BY OWNER 17 TRASH RECYCLING BIN WALL LEGENDFLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED SUCHTHAT AT THE ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALLALARMS. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE "HARD WIRED" ANDSHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A BATTERY BACK UP. CARBONMONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE "HARD WIRED" ANDSHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A BATTERY BACK UP.CRC R314 & CRC R315.3 2. ROOMS CONTAINING BATHTUBS, SHOWERS, SPAS ANDSIMILAR FIXTURES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ANEXHAUST FAN WITH A MINIMUM CAPACITY OF 50 cfmCBC 1203.4.2.1, CMC T4-4 3. SHOWERS AND TUB / SHOWERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHPRESSURE BALANCE OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVECONTROLS. PER CPC. 4. WATER CLOSETS SHALL USE NO MORE THAN 1.28 GALLONSOF WATER PER FLUSH, LAVATORIES FAUCETSNO MORE THAN 1.5 GPM AT 60 PSI, KITCHENFAUCETS NO MORE THAN 1.8 GPM AT 60 PSI,SHOWER HEAD NO THAN 2 GPM, CGC SECTION 4.303 5. WHEN A SHOWER IS PROVIDED WITH MULTIPLE SHOWERHEADS, THE SUM OF FLOW TO ALL THE HEADS SHALL NOTEXCEED THE 20% REDUCED LIMIT, OR THE SHOWER SHALLBE DESIGNED SO THAT ONLY ONE HEAD IS ON AT A TIME.CGC 4.303.2 6. LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION WATER USE SHALL HAVEWEATHER BASED CONTROLLERS. CGC 4.304.1 7. PROVIDED WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE IRRAGATIONDESIGN WHERE POTABLE WATER USE DOES NOT EXCEED65% OF THE ETo. (TIER 1) 8. A MINIMUM OF 50% OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE IS TO BERECYCLED. CGC 4.408.1 9. THE BUILDER IS TO PROVIDE AN OPERATION MANUAL(CONTAINING INFORMATION FOR MAINTAINING APPLIANCES,ETC.) FOR THE OWNER AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION.CGC 4.410.1 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ENDS OF DUCT OPENINGS ARE TOBE SEALED, AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IS TO BECOVERED CGC 4.504.1 11. VOC'S MUST COMPLY WITH THE LIMITATIONS LISTED INSECTION 4.504.3 AND TABLES 4.504.1, 4.504.2, 4.504.3, AND4.504.5 FOR: ADHESIVES, PAINTS AND COATINGS, CARPETAND COMPOSITION WOOD PRODUCTS. CGC 4.504.2 12. THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF WOOD SHALL NOT EXCEED 19%BEFORE IT IS ENCLOSED IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOISTURECONTENT NEEDS TO BE CERTIFIED BY ONE OF 3 METHODSSPECIFIED. BUILDING MATERIALS WITH VISIBLE SIGNS OFWATER DAMAGE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN CONSTRUCTION.THE MOISTURE CONTENT MUST BE DETERMINED BY THECONTRACTOR BY ONE OF THE METHODS LISTED IN CGCSECTION 4.505.3 13. BATHROOM FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTEDDIRECTLY TO THE OUTSIDE AND CONTROLLED BY AHUMIDISTAT. CGC 4.506.1 14. IF PROVIDED, WHOLE HOUSE EXHAUST FANS SHALL HAVEINSULATED COVERS OR LOUVERS WHICH CLOSE THE FANIS OFF. THE COVERS OR LOUVERS SHALL HAVE MINIMUMR4.2 INSULATION. CGC 5.507.1 15. PROVIDE NON-REMOVABLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES AT ALL EXTERIOR HOSE BIBS. PER CPC. 16. PROVIDE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE WITH DRAIN TO OUTSIDEAT WATER HEATERS. PER CPC. 17. HEATING AND AC SHALL BE SIZED AND SELECTED BYACCA MANUAL J OR ASHRAE HANDBOOK OR EQUIVALENT.THE DUCT SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WIHT ONEOF THE ACCA METHODS LISTED IN CGC SECTION 4.507.2 18. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING LICENSEDCONTRACTOR, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER IN RESPOSIBLECHARGE OF THE OVERALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLETEAND SIGN THE GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CERTIFICATIONFORM AND GIVEN TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICALTO BE FILED WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. 19. PROVIDE FIRE BLOCKS AND DRAFT STOPS IN THE WOODFRAME FLOOR CONSTRUCTION CONTAINING CONCEALEDSPACE WHERE THERE IS USABLE SPACE ABOVE AND BELOWTHE CONCEALED SPACE. SUCH DRAFT STOPS SHOULD BEINSTALLED SO THAT THE AREA OF THE CONCEALED SPACEDOES NOT EXCEED 1000 SQ. FT. DRAFTSTOPPING SHOULDDIVIDE THE CONCEALED SPACE INTO APPROXIMATELY EQUAL AREAS. PER CBC. 18 DIRECT VENT TERMINATION CAP 19A PREFABRICATED METAL FIREPLACE:BY:"ORTAL" MODEL ORTAL MINIMAL130 TRADITIONAL 42" GAS ONLYDIRECT VENT OR APPROVED EQUAL.INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AND APPLICABLE CODESANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33a 19B PREFABRICATED METAL FIREPLACE:BY:"MAJESTIC" MODEL ODCOUG-36MAJESTIC COURTYARD 36 GAS ONLYOUTDOOR VENT-FREE OR APPROVEDEQ. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEMANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS, AND APPLICABLE CODES.ANSI Z221.97-2014, CSA 2.41-2014 19C PREFABRICATED MODULAR FIREPLACE:BY: "ISOKERN" MODEL 42" STANDARDGAS BURNING FIREBOX OR APPROVEDEQUAL INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AND APPLICABLE CODES.ICC REPORT NO. ESR-2316 20 FIREPLACE HEARTH 21 STONE VENEER 22 STONE TRIM 23 EXTERIOR FINISH OPENING 24 FLAT DRYWALL OPENING 25 FLAT CASED OPENING 26 3" THICK WOOD SHELVES 27 DECORATIVE WOOD BEAMS 28 SOLID SURFACE COUNTER TOP 29 HANDRAIL ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION LOW WALL 2 X 6 STUD WALL 2 X 4 STUD WALL 2 X 8 STUD WALL 30 GUARDRAIL 31 LOW WALL 32 LOW LINEN 33 LINE OF STAIR 34 SHELF AND POLE 35 DOUBLE SHELF AND POLE 36 LAVATORY 36B PEDESTAL SINK 37 FREE STANDING TUB 38 MUDSET CERAMIC TILE SEAT 39 HOT MOPPED SHOWER PAN WITH MUDSETCERAMIC TILED WAINSCOT TO 84" AFF W/PRESSURE BALANCE THERMOSTATICMIXING VALVE 40 BUILT-IN SOAP NICHE 41 TEMPERED GLASS SHOWER DOOR 42 TUB / SHOWER WITH MUDSETCERAMIC TILED WAINSCOT WITHPRESSURE BALANCE THERMOSTATICMIXING VALVE 43 MEDICINE CABINET 44 WATER CLOSET TO BE 30" MIN WIDE WITH24" IN FRONT OF TOILET. LOW FLUSHTOILETS 1.28 GALLONS PER FLUSH 45 BAR SINK 46 LAUNDRY SINK 47 WASHER SPACE. PROVIDE RECESSED HOT ANDCOLD WATER BIBBS, PROVIDE FLOOR DRAIN. 48 DRYER SPACE. PROVIDE DRYER VENT TOOUTSIDE AIR PER CMC 49 INSTANTANEOUS TANKLESSWATER HEATER .94 EF / 199,000 Btu/hr 50 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 51 TRENCH DRAIN 52 ATTIC ACCESS 53 ROOF ACCESS 54 LINE OF FLOOR ABOVE 55 FLOOR DRAIN 56 ROOF DRAIN 57 STUCCO OVER CMU WALLREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS 58 42" HIGH MINIMUM GUARDRAIL WALL 59 STUCCO OVER WOOD FRAMEDMECHANICAL SCREEN WALL 60 BUILT-UP ROOFING AT MECHANICAL WELL 61 ROOF MOUNTED AC UNITREFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS 62 STONE PAVER OVER CONCRETE SLAB BASEREFER TO CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 63 IPE WOOD LANDINGREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS 64 6' TALL IPE WOOD FENCEREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS 65 LINE OF STUCCO SHELF BELOW REFER TO SHEETS T24-1a & T24-1b FOR CF1R FORMS AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATION I N S U L A T I O N S C H E D U L E Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Total Cavity Winter DesignR-Value U-Value Garage Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c None 0.332 Garage Exterior Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c None 0.347 R-30 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x10 @ 16" o/c R-30 0.036 R-22 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c R-22 0.056 R-21 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.069 R-21 Wall 1 Interior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.064 Attic / Roof / Zone 2 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 Truss @ 24" o/c R-30 0.040 R-30 Roof HPA Ceilings Below Attic Wood Framed Ceiling 2x6 @ 24" o/c None 0.478 R-30 Floor Exterior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x10 @ 24" o/c R-30 0.033No Crawlspace R-19 FloorNo Crawlspace Interior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-19 0.049 NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL 29 RIDGE VALLEY Top ofRailEl 41.25' Top ofRidgeEl 46.25' A/C WELL B RID G E Roof V V Dn10R N52 46'30"E 79.46' N3 9 5 3 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 3 ' N3 9 3 5 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 2 ' LOT 3 N52 46'30"E 79.33' Se a s h o r e D r i v e VAL L E Y Deck RID G E 3:12 3:12 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:12 3:12 3:12 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:12 15'-0" Minimum Setback to Roof5'-0" Setback 15'-0" MinimumSetbackto Roof Hig h P o i n t Hig h P o i n t StripDrainStripDrain StripDrain Roof Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOF PLAN PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A3.1 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-FLOOR O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - F L O O R J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- ROOF LEGENDROOF KEY NOTES 1 SLATE TILE "FAIRWEATHER WAY"ICC ESR- TABLE 1 WEIGHT 11.0 (psf)CLASS "A" OVER UNDERLAYMENTBY: AMERICAN SLATE OR APPROVED EQUALINSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS 2 BUILT-UP (CLASS "A")MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOFING OVEREXTERIOR GRADE ROOF SHEATHING1/4" : 12" MINIMUM SLOPE U.N.O. 3 STONE PAVING OVERDEX-O-TEX WEATHERWEARROOF AND DECK COVERINGICC ESR REPORT 1757INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS 4 LINE OF BUILDING BELOW 5 LINE OF COUNTER BELOW 6 LINE OF BALCONY BELOW 7 LINE OF ROOF BELOW 8 26 GA GALV METAL SADDLE AT CHIMNEY 9 CHIMNEY CAP, REFER TO DETAIL 22 /D1.1 SYMBOLXX DS INDICATES ROOF PITCH ANDDIRECTION OF ROOF SLOPE INDICATES LOCATION OF METALDOWNSPOUT. ROOF PLAN NOTES x : 121. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AREA OF ALLATTIC VENTS WITH MANUFACTURER. 2. ALL ROOF SHEATHING EDGES SHALL BEBLOCKED AND NAILED PER STRUCTURALPLANS. IN ADDITION, CONTRACTOR SHALLALSO PROVIDE MIN. BLOCKING AND NAILINGAS REQUIRED BY THE ROOFING MFR. 3. PROVIDE CLASS A ROOF WITH FIRE STOP TOPREVENT INTRUSION OF FLAMES ANDEMBERS OR 1 LAYER OF No. 72 ASTM CAP SHEET 4. PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN 26 GA. GALV. FLASHINGOVER No. 72 ASTM CAP SHEET. 5. ROOF GUTTERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THEMEANS TO PREVENT ACCUMULATION OFLEAVES AND DEBRIS. CBC 705A.4 6. ATTIC VENTS SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWINGREQUIREMENTS, CBC 1203. 7. OPENINGS SHALL HAVE CORROSION RESISTANT WIREMESH OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL WITH 18"MINIMUM AND 14" MAXIMUM OPENING. 8. 50% OF THE REQUIRED VENTILATION AREA MUST BELOCATED AT LEAST 3 FOOT ABOVE EAVE OR CORNICEVENTS WITH THE BALANCE PROVIDED BY EAVE OR CORNICE VENTS. 10 DECORATIVE CAP 11 COPPER METAL GUTTER TYPICAL 12 COPPER METAL DOWNSPOUT TYPICAL 13 ROOF DRAIN & OVERFLOWBY: THUNDERBIRD PRODUCTS, INC.SEE DETAIL 4 / D1.2ICC - ES REPORT PMG-1212CONNECTED TO SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEMOVERFLOW TO BE PIPED SEPARATELY R903.4.1 14 DECK DRAIN PER DETAIL 12 / D4.3BY:THUNDERBIRD PRODUCTS, INCICC - ES REPORT PMG-1212CONNECTED TO DRAINAGE SYSTEM 15 RECESSED DECK STRIP DRAIN PER DETAIL 5 / D4.2CONNECTED TO DRAINAGE SYSTEM 16 PARAPET 17 CLOAKED VENT TILESBY:"OHAGIN'S MANUFACTURING, LLC"ICC-ES-REPORT SBCCI-9650A 18 BALCONY RAILING 19 EXPOSED WOOD ROOF FRAMING 20 BUILT-UP CRICKET 2% MIN 21 MANUFACTURED ALUMINUM30" X 36" ROOF HATCHBY:"BABCOCK - DAVIS"MODEL # BA-3630 22 ROOF MOUNTED COMPACT AC UNITREFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS INDICATES O'HAGIN'S CLOAKED VENTSTANDARD LINE FOR COMPOSITIONSHINGLES OR APPROVED EQUAL.ICC-ES REPORT SBCII-9650ANET FREE AREA 72 SQ. IN. HATCHING INDICATESSOLAR READY ROOFING AREA TOTAL = 144 SQ. IN. SQ. IN.144SQ. IN. EA. =72DORMER VENT - LOW PROFILE SQ. FT. / =300X 144 = VENTILATION REQUIRED:ATTIC AREA = VENTILATION PROVIDED:(2) 243 ATTIC AREA: 1 .81117 SQ. FT.SQ. IN. TOTAL = 72 SQ. IN. SQ. IN.72SQ. IN. EA. =72DORMER VENT - LOW PROFILE SQ. FT. / =300X 144 = VENTILATION REQUIRED:ATTIC AREA = VENTILATION PROVIDED: (1) 106 ATTIC AREA: 2 .3551 SQ. FT.SQ. IN. BY: O'HAGIN'S INCOR APPROVED EQUAL BY: O'HAGIN'S INCOR APPROVED EQUAL 30 7'-1 " Ba 2 1034"T.Pl.EL. 28.01 1'- 1 " T.Pl.EL. 18.93 MasterSuite T.O.Shtg.EL. 37.54 8'-0 " 7'- 0 " Garage T.O.Shtg.EL. 20.01 T.O.Shtg.EL. 28.90 T.O.RailingEL. 41.25 3'- 8 " HP of GarageEL. 11.85 1'-7 34" W / D 6'- 4 12" Bedroom 2 B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28 T.Pl.EL. 35.90 7'-0 34" 3 12 SetbackSetback T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 Maximum HeigEL.46.25 3'-0"3'-0" 8'-0 " T.O.Shtg.EL. 28.90 T.O.Shtg.EL. 20.01 1034" 7'- 0 " 1'-7 34" 1'-1 " 6'-4 12" T.Pl.EL. 18.93 T.Pl.EL. 28.01 T.O.RailingEL. 41.25 H.P. of GarageEL. 11.85 7'-1 " 3'-8 " T.O.Shtg.EL. 37.54 Living Room Carport B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28 T.Pl.EL. 35.90 T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 Maximum HeigEL.46.25 3'-0"3'-0" SetbackSetback 3 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 Maximum HeightEL.46.25 T.Pl.EL. 35.32 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 T.Pl.EL. 44.02 T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 8'-1 " T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.46 7'- 0 34" 8'- 1 1 " 7'-7 12" T.O. Shtg.EL. 27.24 12 9'-0 " T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 Maximum HeightEL.46.25 29'- 0 " 3'-0" Setback 3'-0" Setback Section "B"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONS PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A4.1 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-ELEV O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - E L E V J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Section "A"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Section "C"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1. REFER TO STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DRAWINGS. 2. DETAILS REFERENCED IN THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR CLARIFICATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTENT. REFER TO ENGINEERINGDRAWINGS PREPARED BY OTHERS FOR DETAILED INFORMATION. 3. UPPER FLOOR DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM TOP OF SUB FLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL. SECTION NOTES SECTION KEY NOTES 1. TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY: A: STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF BY: CUSTOM BILT METALSB: RATED UL-580 CLASS 90C: TABLE 1 TILE WEIGHT - psfD: UNDERLAYMENTE: PLYWOOD SHEETING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWED .THICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 2. TYPICAL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLY A: FLOOR FINISH : SEE PLANB: GYPCRETEC: SUBFLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWEDTHICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERD: FLOOR JOISTS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERE: 2x WOOD FURRING (WHERE OCCURS).F: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD ( TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) 3. TYPICAL DECK / CEILING ASSEMBLY A: STONE PAVERS OVER FULL MORTAR BEDB: SLOPED EPS DECK SYSTEMC: ELASTOMERIC SHEET WATERPROOFINGD: SUBFLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWEDTHICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERE: DECK JOIST PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 4. TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY A: HARDBOARD SIDING BY "JAMES HARDIE" OR EQUALB: BRICK VENEER WHERE OCCURSC: WIRE LATH OVER MIN. 2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDINGPAPERD: PLYWOOD SHEATHING OR SHEAR PANELS WHEREINDICATED ON STRUCTURAL PLANSE: 2x WALL FRAMING WITH INSULATION PER TITLE 24CALCULATIONSF: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) 5. TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY A: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED)EACH SIDEB: 2x WOOD FRAMING PER STRUCTURAL PLANS 6. TYPICAL STAIR ASSEMBLY A: CONTINUOUS HANDRAIL SECURELY FASTENED TO WALL AT36" MAXIMUM AND 34" MINIMUM ABOVE TREAD AT NOSINGB: FINISH MATERIAL PER PLANC: 5/8" THICK RISERSD: 1 1/8" THICK TREADSE: MINIMUM (3) 2 x 12 STRINGERS AT STRAIGHT RUNF: (1) 2 x 8 AT FRONT AND BACK OF TREADS AT RADIAL RUNG: 2 x 8 JOISTS AT 16" O.C. MINIMUM AT LANDING. REFER TOSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGSH: POSITIVE CONNECTION TO FLOOR. REFER TO STRUCTURALPLANS FOR CONNECTION.I: 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) ATWALLS AND CEILINGS OF ALL USABLE AREA UNDER STAIR SYMBOLX 7A CONCRETE SLAB. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS. 7B RAISED CONCRETE SLAB 7C CONCRETE STEM WALL 7D CONCRETE GRADE BEAM 7E CONCRETE CAISSON 8 2x WOOD FRAMING 9 WOOD I-JOISTS. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS 10 WOOD CONVENTIONAL FRAMED ROOF. SEESTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. 11 2x CEILING JOIST 12 PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING. SEE STRUCT. DWGS.RADIANT BARRIER TO BE INSTALLED PERTITLE 24, REFER TO SHEET T-24.MM FORINSTALLATION METHODS 13 2 x T&G FLOOR SHEATHING 14 STEEL BEAMS WRAPPED IN WOOD 15 EXPOSED RAFTER TAIL 16 INSULATION, SEE TITLE 24 17 RIGID INSULATION 18 COPPER GUTTER / DOWNSPOUT 19 WOOD GUARDRAIL DETAILINGWITH HORIZONTAL STAINLESS STEELCABLE RAILING - PER DETAIL 12 / D4.2 20 WOOD SIDING 21 WOOD DETAILING 22 WOOD CEILING / SOFFIT /FALSE CEILING BEAMS REFER TOREFLECTED CEILING PLANS 23 DRYWALL CEILING / SOFFITREFER TO REFLECTEDCEILING PLANS TYPICAL 24 WOOD DOORS & WINDOWS 25 SOLID SURFACE STONE TOP 26 STONE TILE WALL CAP 27 BRICK VENEER 28 BUILT - IN CABINETRY REFER TO SHEETS T24-1a & T24-1b FOR CF1R FORMS AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATION I N S U L A T I O N S C H E D U L E Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Total Cavity Winter DesignR-Value U-Value Garage Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c None 0.332 Garage Exterior Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c None 0.347 R-30 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x10 @ 16" o/c R-30 0.036 R-22 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c R-22 0.056 R-21 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.069 R-21 Wall 1 Interior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.064 Attic / Roof / Zone 2 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 Truss @ 24" o/c R-30 0.040 R-30 Roof HPA Ceilings Below Attic Wood Framed Ceiling 2x6 @ 24" o/c None 0.478 R-30 Floor Exterior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x10 @ 24" o/c R-30 0.033No Crawlspace R-19 FloorNo Crawlspace Interior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-19 0.049 NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIALNOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL 31 8'-1 " T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 8'-1 1 " T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 T.Pl.EL. 35.32 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 T.O.Shtg.EL. 27.24 Max HeightEL.46.25 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.46 7'-0 34" T.Pl.EL. 44.02 7'-7 12" Living MasterSuite 3'-0"3'-0" Setback Setback 29 ' - 0 " 2'- 0 " 24 ' - 0 " T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 2'-0" Office Ba 2Bedroom 2 Entry B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.07 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 8'- 1 1 " 6'-8 " T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 8'- 1 " Maximum HeightEL.46.25 7'- 5 12" T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 T.Pl.EL. 35.32 Porch T.Pl.EL. 43.86 T.O. Shtg.EL. 27.24 8'- 0 34"Kitchen 312 3'-0" T.O.SlaEL. 17.2 MaximuEL.46.2 3'-0"SetbackSetback BUILDING SECTIONS PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A4.2 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-ELEV O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - E L E V J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Section "D"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Section "F"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1. REFER TO STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DRAWINGS. 2. DETAILS REFERENCED IN THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR CLARIFICATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTENT. REFER TO ENGINEERINGDRAWINGS PREPARED BY OTHERS FOR DETAILED INFORMATION. 3. UPPER FLOOR DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM TOP OF SUB FLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL. SECTION NOTES SECTION KEY NOTES 1. TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY: A: STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF BY: CUSTOM BILT METALSB: RATED UL-580 CLASS 90C: TABLE 1 TILE WEIGHT - psfD: UNDERLAYMENTE: PLYWOOD SHEETING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWED .THICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 2. TYPICAL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLY A: FLOOR FINISH : SEE PLANB: GYPCRETEC: SUBFLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWEDTHICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERD: FLOOR JOISTS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERE: 2x WOOD FURRING (WHERE OCCURS).F: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD ( TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) 3. TYPICAL DECK / CEILING ASSEMBLY A: STONE PAVERS OVER FULL MORTAR BEDB: SLOPED EPS DECK SYSTEMC: ELASTOMERIC SHEET WATERPROOFINGD: SUBFLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWEDTHICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERE: DECK JOIST PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 4. TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY A: HARDBOARD SIDING BY "JAMES HARDIE" OR EQUALB: BRICK VENEER WHERE OCCURSC: WIRE LATH OVER MIN. 2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDINGPAPERD: PLYWOOD SHEATHING OR SHEAR PANELS WHEREINDICATED ON STRUCTURAL PLANSE: 2x WALL FRAMING WITH INSULATION PER TITLE 24CALCULATIONSF: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) 5. TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY A: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED)EACH SIDEB: 2x WOOD FRAMING PER STRUCTURAL PLANS 6. TYPICAL STAIR ASSEMBLY A: CONTINUOUS HANDRAIL SECURELY FASTENED TO WALL AT36" MAXIMUM AND 34" MINIMUM ABOVE TREAD AT NOSINGB: FINISH MATERIAL PER PLANC: 5/8" THICK RISERSD: 1 1/8" THICK TREADSE: MINIMUM (3) 2 x 12 STRINGERS AT STRAIGHT RUNF: (1) 2 x 8 AT FRONT AND BACK OF TREADS AT RADIAL RUNG: 2 x 8 JOISTS AT 16" O.C. MINIMUM AT LANDING. REFER TOSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGSH: POSITIVE CONNECTION TO FLOOR. REFER TO STRUCTURALPLANS FOR CONNECTION.I: 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) ATWALLS AND CEILINGS OF ALL USABLE AREA UNDER STAIR SYMBOLX 7A CONCRETE SLAB. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS. 7B RAISED CONCRETE SLAB 7C CONCRETE STEM WALL 7D CONCRETE GRADE BEAM 7E CONCRETE CAISSON 8 2x WOOD FRAMING 9 WOOD I-JOISTS. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS 10 WOOD CONVENTIONAL FRAMED ROOF. SEESTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. 11 2x CEILING JOIST 12 PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING. SEE STRUCT. DWGS.RADIANT BARRIER TO BE INSTALLED PERTITLE 24, REFER TO SHEET T-24.MM FORINSTALLATION METHODS 13 2 x T&G FLOOR SHEATHING 14 STEEL BEAMS WRAPPED IN WOOD 15 EXPOSED RAFTER TAIL 16 INSULATION, SEE TITLE 24 17 RIGID INSULATION 18 COPPER GUTTER / DOWNSPOUT 19 WOOD GUARDRAIL DETAILINGWITH HORIZONTAL STAINLESS STEELCABLE RAILING - PER DETAIL 12 / D4.2 20 WOOD SIDING 21 WOOD DETAILING 22 WOOD CEILING / SOFFIT /FALSE CEILING BEAMS REFER TOREFLECTED CEILING PLANS 23 DRYWALL CEILING / SOFFITREFER TO REFLECTEDCEILING PLANS TYPICAL 24 WOOD DOORS & WINDOWS 25 SOLID SURFACE STONE TOP 26 STONE TILE WALL CAP 27 BRICK VENEER 28 BUILT - IN CABINETRY REFER TO SHEETS T24-1a & T24-1b FOR CF1R FORMS AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATION I N S U L A T I O N S C H E D U L E Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Total Cavity Winter DesignR-Value U-Value Garage Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c None 0.332 Garage Exterior Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c None 0.347 R-30 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x10 @ 16" o/c R-30 0.036 R-22 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c R-22 0.056 R-21 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.069 R-21 Wall 1 Interior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.064 Attic / Roof / Zone 2 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 Truss @ 24" o/c R-30 0.040 R-30 Roof HPA Ceilings Below Attic Wood Framed Ceiling 2x6 @ 24" o/c None 0.478 R-30 Floor Exterior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x10 @ 24" o/c R-30 0.033No Crawlspace R-19 FloorNo Crawlspace Interior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-19 0.049 NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL 32 T.O.Shtg.EL. 20.01 T.Pl.EL. 44.02 H.P. of GarageEL. 11.85 T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 8'-1 " 8'-1 1 " T.Pl.EL. 35.32 T.O.SlabEL. 25.31 T.O. Shtg.EL. 27.24 Maximum HeightEL.46.25 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 7'-0 34" B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.46 T.Pl.EL. 35.90 7'-7 12" T.Pl.EL. 18.93 T.Pl.EL. 28.01 7'-1 " 8'- 0 " 1'-1 " 7'-0 " T.O.Shtg.EL. 28.90 1'- 7 34" 1034" 3'-8 " T.O.RailingEL. 41.25 T.O.Shtg.EL. 37.54 -MasterCloset MasterSuite Bath 2 Attic Roof Deck 8'-0 34" Two-StoryLiving Dine Carport Garage StorageBath 2 Storage OpenAir OpenAir Kitchen B.O.Hdr.EL. 27.07 B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28 7'- 0 34" 6'-4 12" 7'- 0 34" B.O.Hdr.EL. 34.30 B.O.Hdr.EL. 34.30 4'-2 " 6'- 0 " 2'-0"3'-0" 5'-0" P L 2nd Front Setback 29' - 0 " P L T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 8'- 1 " T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 8'- 1 1 " Maximum HeightEL.46.25 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 T.O.Shtg.EL. 27.24 T.Pl.EL. 35.32 7'-0 34" 7'-7 12" T.Pl.EL. 44.02 B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.46 T.Pl.EL. 18.93 T.O.Shtg.EL. 20.01 H.P.of GarageEL. 11.85 5'-3 34" 7'- 1 " T.Pl.EL. 28.01 8'-0 " 7'-0 " 1034" 1'-1 " T.O.RailingEL. 41.25 T.O.Shtg.EL. 28.90 T.Pl.EL. 35.90 MasterBath Roof Deck Hall - Bedroom 2MasterSuite Office Roof Deck Kitchen Bedroom 2 MasterBathMasterSuite Garage Carport Two-StoryLiving B.O.Hdr.EL. 27.07 6'-4 12" B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28 7'-0 34" 7'-9 " 7'-0 " 7'-1 " Building Setback Dine Kitchen 2'-0"3'-0" 5'-0"15'-0" P L 2nd Front Setback 29' - 0 " P L Section "G"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONS PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A4.3 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-ELEV O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - E L E V J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Section "F"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1. REFER TO STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DRAWINGS. 2. DETAILS REFERENCED IN THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR CLARIFICATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTENT. REFER TO ENGINEERINGDRAWINGS PREPARED BY OTHERS FOR DETAILED INFORMATION. 3. UPPER FLOOR DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM TOP OF SUB FLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL. SECTION NOTES SECTION KEY NOTES 1. TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY: A: STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF BY: CUSTOM BILT METALSB: RATED UL-580 CLASS 90C: TABLE 1 TILE WEIGHT - psfD: UNDERLAYMENTE: PLYWOOD SHEETING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWED .THICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 2. TYPICAL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLY A: FLOOR FINISH : SEE PLANB: GYPCRETEC: SUBFLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWEDTHICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERD: FLOOR JOISTS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERE: 2x WOOD FURRING (WHERE OCCURS).F: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD ( TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) 3. TYPICAL DECK / CEILING ASSEMBLY A: STONE PAVERS OVER FULL MORTAR BEDB: SLOPED EPS DECK SYSTEMC: ELASTOMERIC SHEET WATERPROOFINGD: SUBFLOOR SHEATHING MATERIAL GLUED AND SCREWEDTHICKNESS PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERE: DECK JOIST PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 4. TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY A: HARDBOARD SIDING BY "JAMES HARDIE" OR EQUALB: BRICK VENEER WHERE OCCURSC: WIRE LATH OVER MIN. 2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDINGPAPERD: PLYWOOD SHEATHING OR SHEAR PANELS WHEREINDICATED ON STRUCTURAL PLANSE: 2x WALL FRAMING WITH INSULATION PER TITLE 24CALCULATIONSF: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) 5. TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY A: 5/8" GYPSUM WALLBOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED)EACH SIDEB: 2x WOOD FRAMING PER STRUCTURAL PLANS 6. TYPICAL STAIR ASSEMBLY A: CONTINUOUS HANDRAIL SECURELY FASTENED TO WALL AT36" MAXIMUM AND 34" MINIMUM ABOVE TREAD AT NOSINGB: FINISH MATERIAL PER PLANC: 5/8" THICK RISERSD: 1 1/8" THICK TREADSE: MINIMUM (3) 2 x 12 STRINGERS AT STRAIGHT RUNF: (1) 2 x 8 AT FRONT AND BACK OF TREADS AT RADIAL RUNG: 2 x 8 JOISTS AT 16" O.C. MINIMUM AT LANDING. REFER TOSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGSH: POSITIVE CONNECTION TO FLOOR. REFER TO STRUCTURALPLANS FOR CONNECTION.I: 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD (TYPE "X" WHERE REQUIRED) ATWALLS AND CEILINGS OF ALL USABLE AREA UNDER STAIR SYMBOLX 7A CONCRETE SLAB. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS. 7B RAISED CONCRETE SLAB 7C CONCRETE STEM WALL 7D CONCRETE GRADE BEAM 7E CONCRETE CAISSON 8 2x WOOD FRAMING 9 WOOD I-JOISTS. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS 10 WOOD CONVENTIONAL FRAMED ROOF. SEESTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. 11 2x CEILING JOIST 12 PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING. SEE STRUCT. DWGS.RADIANT BARRIER TO BE INSTALLED PERTITLE 24, REFER TO SHEET T-24.MM FORINSTALLATION METHODS 13 2 x T&G FLOOR SHEATHING 14 STEEL BEAMS WRAPPED IN WOOD 15 EXPOSED RAFTER TAIL 16 INSULATION, SEE TITLE 24 17 RIGID INSULATION 18 COPPER GUTTER / DOWNSPOUT 19 WOOD GUARDRAIL DETAILINGWITH HORIZONTAL STAINLESS STEELCABLE RAILING - PER DETAIL 12 / D4.2 20 WOOD SIDING 21 WOOD DETAILING 22 WOOD CEILING / SOFFIT /FALSE CEILING BEAMS REFER TOREFLECTED CEILING PLANS 23 DRYWALL CEILING / SOFFITREFER TO REFLECTEDCEILING PLANS TYPICAL 24 WOOD DOORS & WINDOWS 25 SOLID SURFACE STONE TOP 26 STONE TILE WALL CAP 27 BRICK VENEER 28 BUILT - IN CABINETRY REFER TO SHEETS T24-1a & T24-1b FOR CF1R FORMS AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATION I N S U L A T I O N S C H E D U L E Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Total Cavity Winter DesignR-Value U-Value Garage Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c None 0.332 Garage Exterior Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c None 0.347 R-30 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x10 @ 16" o/c R-30 0.036 R-22 Roof Volume Ceilings Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16" o/c R-22 0.056 R-21 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.069 R-21 Wall 1 Interior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-21 0.064 Attic / Roof / Zone 2 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 Truss @ 24" o/c R-30 0.040 R-30 Roof HPA Ceilings Below Attic Wood Framed Ceiling 2x6 @ 24" o/c None 0.478 R-30 Floor Exterior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x10 @ 24" o/c R-30 0.033No Crawlspace R-19 FloorNo Crawlspace Interior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x6 @ 16" o/c R-19 0.049 NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL NOTE: BUILDING SETBACK DIMENSION IS TO FACE OF FINISH MATERIAL 33 8'-1 " T.O.Shtg.EL. 27.24 T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 8'-1 1 " T.Pl.EL. 35.32 T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 Max HeightEL.46.25 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 7'-034" B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.46 7'-712" T.Pl.EL. 44.02 3'-0"3'-0" Setback Setback 29'-0" 2'-0" 24'-0" T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 2'-0" FS T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 8'-1 " 8'-1 1 " T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 T.O.Shtg.EL. 27.24 T.Pl.EL. 35.32 Maximum HeightEL.46.25 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.46 7'-034" T.Pl.EL. 44.02 7'-712" H.P.of GarageEL. 11.85 T.Pl.EL. 18.93 T.O.Shtg.EL. 20.01 7'-1 " 1'- 1 " 8'-0" 10134"" 7'-0" 1'-734" 3'-8" T.Pl.EL. 28.01 T.O.Shtg.EL. 28.90 T.O.Shtg.EL. 37.54 T.O.RailingEL. 41.25 T.Pl.EL. 35.90 6'-4 12" 7'-034" B.O.Hdr.EL. 27.07 7'-034" 8'-034" B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28 P L 29'-0" 2'-0"3'-0" 5'-0" P L 2nd Front Setback 15'-0" Building Setback 24' AboveT.O. Slab 2' 4' Right Side Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" BUILDING ELEVATIONS PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A5.1 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-ELEV BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro gre s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Front Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ELEVATION NOTES ROOFING MATERIAL: ELEVATION KEY NOTES GUTTERS /DOWNSPOUTS:5" DIAMETER HALF ROUND COPPER GUTTERS ANDDOWNSPOUTS - ALL COPPER TO BE DARK BROWNIN COLOR BRICK VENEER: BUILDING PAPER:PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF TWO LAYERS OF GRADE "D"PAPER OVER ALL WOOD BASED SHEATHING ANDUNDER ALL GROUT BASED MASONRY VENEERS. VAPOR BARRIER:PROVIDE VAPOR BARRIER AROUND ALL WALLPENETRATIONS INCLUDING DOORS AND WINDOWSPER DETAILS CHIMNEYTERMINATION:CHIMNEY SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST 2' HIGHER THAN ANYPORTION OF THE BUILDING WITH IN 10'-0", BUT SHALL NOTBE LESS THAN 3' ABOVE THE HIGHEST POINT WHERETHE CHIMNEY PASSES THROUGH THE ROOF. BRICK VENEER ( 1.5" THICK) MERIDIAN / OLD BAILEYBY MERIDIAN / BORAL BRICK, ICC REPORT ESR-1364(OR EQUAL) DOES NOT EXCEED 15 POUDS LPER SQ. FT.ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL COMPLY WITH THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 1405.10.1 ANDSECTION 6.1 AND 6.3 OF TMS 401/ACI 530/ASCE 5. WOOD SIDING:HARDBOARD SIDING BY "JAMES HARDIE"PAINTED. REFER TO COLOR SCHEME WOOD TRIM:2x WOOD TRIMPAINTED. REFER TO COLOR SCHEME 1 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 5 7 10 3 1 x 9 VERTICAL WOOD SIDING WITH WOOD DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR - PAINTED REFER TO COLOR SCHEME EXPOSED WOOD BEAM / CORBELCOLOR - PAINTED 11 GARAGE DOORS :COLOR - PAINTED MERIDIAN / BORAL MANUFACTURED BRICK 3/8" STRAIGHT GROVE 6 REFER TO COLOR SCHEME COLOR - PAINTED 4 8 CHIMNEY CAP - COPPERCOLOR - NATURAL AGED 9 WOOD ENTRY DOORCOLOR - PAINTED 2 EXPOSED WOOD RAFTER TAILS COLOR - PAINTED 12 13 WOOD GATE : WOOD GUARDRAIL DETAILINGWITH HORIZONTALS STAINLESS STEELCABLE RAILING - COLOR - PAINTED COLOR - PAINTEDREFER TO COLOR SCHEME 20 1 x 9 HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDINGWITH 3/8" STRAIGHT GROVECOLOR - PAINTED EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE 16 17 GUTTERS / DOWNSPOUT 15 WOOD DETAILINGCOLOR - STAIN COPPER EYEBROW ENVIRONMENTAL AIR DUCT VENT REFER TO MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION21 DIRECT VENT TERMINATION CAPREFER TO MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS STONE COUNTER TOPANTIQUE FINISH19 WOOD SOFFIT DETAILINGCOLOR - STAIN18 HOUSE STREET NUMBER VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROMSTREET (MINIMUM 4" HIGH x 1" WIDE) CRC R31922 STANDING SEAM PANEL ROOFBY:"CUSTOM-BILT METALS"CB-2000 2" PREFINISHED ALUMINUMRATED UL-580 CLASS 90TESTED ASTM E-1592, E-1680 & E-1646REFER TO COLOR SCHEME EXPOSED WOOD BOXED COLUMNCOLOR - PAINTED REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME 14 GLASS GUARDRAIL DETAILING LOUVERED BREAKAWAY WALLSHALL COMPLY WITH:23 ASCE 24 Sections 4.6.1 & 4.6.2ASCE 7 Section 5.3.3 34 T.Pl.EL. 18.93 HP of GarageEL. 11.85 T.O.Shtg.EL. 20.01 7'-1 " T.Pl.EL. 28.01 7'-0 " 10 34" 1'-7 34" T.O.RailingEL. 41.25 T.O.Shtg.EL. 37.54 1'-1 " 3'-8 " 8'-0 " T.O.Shtg.EL. 28.90 6'-4 12" 7'-0 34" B.O.Hdr.EL. 27.07 B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28 T.Pl.EL. 35.90 3 12 T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 Maximum HeightEL.46.25 29 ' - 0 " 3'-0"3'-0" SetbackSetback 8'-1 " 8'-1 1 " T.O. Shtg.EL. 27.24 B.O.SlabEL. 16.00 T.O.SheathingEL.36.40 T.Pl.EL. 26.16 T.O.SlabEL. 17.25 Maximum HeightEL.46.25 T.Pl.EL. 35.32 7'-0 34" B.O.Hdr.EL. 43.46 T.Pl.EL. 44.02 7'- 7 12" H.P. of GarageEL. 11.85 T.O.Shtg.EL. 20.01 T.Pl.EL. 18.93 7'-1 " 1'-1 " 8'-0 " 1034"T.Pl.EL. 28.01 T.O.Shtg.EL. 37.54 7'- 0 " 3'-8 " T.O.Shtg.EL. 28.90 1'-734" T.O.RailingEL. 41.25 T.Pl.EL. 35.90 6'- 4 12" B.O.Hdr.EL. 27.07 7'-0 34" B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28B.O.Hdr.EL. 35.28 2'-0"3'-0" 5'-0"15'-0" P L Building Setback 2nd Front Setback 24' AboveT.O. Slab 2'-0 " Left Side Elevation BUILDING ELEVATIONS PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A5.2 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-ELEV O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - E L E V J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Rear Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ELEVATION NOTES ROOFING MATERIAL: ELEVATION KEY NOTES GUTTERS /DOWNSPOUTS:5" DIAMETER HALF ROUND COPPER GUTTERS ANDDOWNSPOUTS - ALL COPPER TO BE DARK BROWNIN COLOR BRICK VENEER: BUILDING PAPER: PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF TWO LAYERS OF GRADE "D"PAPER OVER ALL WOOD BASED SHEATHING ANDUNDER ALL GROUT BASED MASONRY VENEERS. VAPOR BARRIER: PROVIDE VAPOR BARRIER AROUND ALL WALLPENETRATIONS INCLUDING DOORS AND WINDOWSPER DETAILS CHIMNEYTERMINATION:CHIMNEY SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST 2' HIGHER THAN ANYPORTION OF THE BUILDING WITH IN 10'-0", BUT SHALL NOTBE LESS THAN 3' ABOVE THE HIGHEST POINT WHERETHE CHIMNEY PASSES THROUGH THE ROOF. BRICK VENEER ( 1.5" THICK) MERIDIAN / OLD BAILEYBY MERIDIAN / BORAL BRICK, ICC REPORT ESR-1364(OR EQUAL) DOES NOT EXCEED 15 POUDS LPER SQ. FT.ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL COMPLY WITH THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 1405.10.1 ANDSECTION 6.1 AND 6.3 OF TMS 401/ACI 530/ASCE 5. WOOD SIDING: HARDBOARD SIDING BY "JAMES HARDIE"PAINTED. REFER TO COLOR SCHEME WOOD TRIM: 2x WOOD TRIMPAINTED. REFER TO COLOR SCHEME 1 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 5 7 10 3 1 x 9 VERTICAL WOOD SIDING WITH WOOD DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR - PAINTED REFER TO COLOR SCHEME EXPOSED WOOD BEAM / CORBELCOLOR - PAINTED 11 GARAGE DOORS :COLOR - PAINTED MERIDIAN / BORAL MANUFACTURED BRICK 3/8" STRAIGHT GROVE 6 REFER TO COLOR SCHEME COLOR - PAINTED 4 8 CHIMNEY CAP - COPPERCOLOR - NATURAL AGED 9 WOOD ENTRY DOORCOLOR - PAINTED 2 EXPOSED WOOD RAFTER TAILS COLOR - PAINTED 12 13 WOOD GATE : WOOD GUARDRAIL DETAILINGWITH HORIZONTALS STAINLESS STEELCABLE RAILING - COLOR - PAINTED COLOR - PAINTEDREFER TO COLOR SCHEME 20 1 x 9 HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDINGWITH 3/8" STRAIGHT GROVECOLOR - PAINTED EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE 16 17 GUTTERS / DOWNSPOUT 15 WOOD DETAILINGCOLOR - STAIN COPPER EYEBROW ENVIRONMENTAL AIR DUCT VENT REFER TO MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION21 DIRECT VENT TERMINATION CAPREFER TO MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS STONE COUNTER TOPANTIQUE FINISH19 WOOD SOFFIT DETAILINGCOLOR - STAIN18 HOUSE STREET NUMBER VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROMSTREET (MINIMUM 4" HIGH x 1" WIDE) CRC R31922 STANDING SEAM PANEL ROOFBY:"CUSTOM-BILT METALS"CB-2000 2" PREFINISHED ALUMINUMRATED UL-580 CLASS 90TESTED ASTM E-1592, E-1680 & E-1646REFER TO COLOR SCHEME EXPOSED WOOD BOXED COLUMNCOLOR - PAINTED REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME REFER TO COLOR SCHEME 14 GLASS GUARDRAIL DETAILING LOUVERED BREAKAWAY WALLSHALL COMPLY WITH:23 ASCE 24 Sections 4.6.1 & 4.6.2ASCE 7 Section 5.3.3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 35 N52 46'30"E 79.46' N3 9 5 3 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 3 ' N3 9 3 5 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 2 ' N52 46'30"E 79.33' Total Second Level Living"B" = 583 sq.ft Total Second Level Livinge "B" = 590 sq.ft 30'-11"3300'1111" 18 ' - 1 0 " 1810 18100 3'-4 "343-46""66" 4""""""444444444444"""" 3'-0 " 3-00" 3' 1'-2"22 3'-6 " 3' 6 " 36 4"4444" 3'-8" 25'-6"2255'66 18'-1 0" 5'-0"5555-00" 11' - 1 0 " 11 10" 11-100 4'-6"4444-66" 5'-15515-1112222"" 3'-2"3322223'-6" 10 ' - 5 " 1055 105 10"1100" 6" x 3'-4"B2 = 2 sq.ft B 30'-11" x 18'-10"B1 = 582 sq.ft 4" x 3'444444"xxxxx333333'B3 = 1 sq.ft.qBBBBBB333333===111111ssssqqqqqffftt 1'-2" x 3'-6"111-222222"""xxxx333333''-666666""B4 = 4 sq.ftBBBBB44444===44444ssssqqqffttt 4" x 3'-8"44444"xxxx33333--888"B5 = 1 sq.ftBBBBBB555555==111sssssqqqfffttt Second LevelMaster Deck"C" = 71 sq.ft Second LevelKitchen Deck"C" = 35 sq.ft 4'-6" x 5'-1 1/2"B6 = 23 sq.ft 6" x 3'-4"C2 = 2 sq.ft 3'-2" x 3'-6" B10 = 11 sq.ft 25'-6" x 18'-10"B7 = 480 sq.ftft 5' x 11'-10"B8 = 60 sq.ft 3'-9" x 18'-10"C1 = 71 sq.ft 3'-9"-9" 18' - 1 0 -1 10" x 10'-5" B9 = 9 sq.ft B A N52 46'30"E 79.46' N3 9 5 3 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 3 ' N3 9 3 5 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 2 ' N52 46'30"E 79.33' Total Maint Level Livingv "A" = 568 sq.ft" Total Garage Area "F" = 414 sq.ftf 18 ' - 1 0 " 10 20'-0"-0" 3'-0 " 3' 0 " 3 6'-9"666 ""9" 2'-4"22 7'-17'- 12" 6'-9" x 3'6'-9 x 3G2 = 20 sq.ftG= 2 sq t 20' x 18'-10" G1 = 377 sq.ft 2'-4" x 7'-1 1/2"G3 = 17 sq.ft 18 ' - 1 0 " 18100" 18-10 20'-4222200-4444114222"" 5'-6"5 "55'6666"'-3'3333'333' 1112222"" 7'-10"77 00 9'-299292112222" 6'-9"666699"-5"5555 5'-555- 6'-4 " 664" 644 4'-1"44'-11"4'-5"54'-555-554-44'--55" 7'-1717717 111222222" 20'-4 1/2" x 18'-10"222222000000-444444111//////222""xxx x111888''-111000000""A1 = 384 sq.ftAAAAA111===333338888844444ssssqqqqqq.ffttt 5'-6" x 3'-3 1/2"A2 = 18 sq.ft 7'-10" x 9'-2 1/2"A3 = 72 sq.ft 6'-9" x 5'-5"A4 = 37 sq.ft 4'-1" x 6'-4"'-44"'-4--4"444""''A5 = 26 sq.ftsqsqq.ft.ftsssqsqqq.fq.ftffftft 4'-5" x 7'-1 1/2"A6 = 31 sq.ft E 7 A OVERLAY PLANS PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A9.1 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-FLOOR-OVERL BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro gre s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- First Level - Overlay Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Second Level - Overlay Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Allowable Floor Area: Allowable combined Exception : Sec 20.48.180.A.1.b.i Planning Criteriag SETBACKS: 0'Front 5'2nd Front 3'Side Yard 1 MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 24'Flat Roof (less than 3:12 pitch)29'Pitched Roof (greater than 3:12 pitch) FAR: 2,024 Sq. Ft.Site Area MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA LIMIT: Buildable Area 2,826 Sq. Ft.Buildable Area 1,413 x 2 = 3'Side Yard 2 1,413 Sq. Ft. Development Standards R-2 Zone PARKING REQUIREMENTS: 2 Car off Street Parking Minimum Minimum Interior dimensions for Parkingspaces in residential zoning for a lot width30'-0" feet or less is 17'-6"x19'-0"(20.40) City of Newport Beach Area Tabulation Living Area: 2 Car Garage First Level Living 590 Sq.Ft.Second Level Living 568 Sq.Ft. 257 Sq.Ft.Third Level Living 1,415 Sq.Ft.Total Living Total Building Area 583 Sq.Ft.- 294 Sq.Ft. 877 Sq.Ft. Unit A Unit B 414 Sq.Ft. 1,173 Sq.Ft.568 Sq.Ft. 551 Sq.Ft. 2,292 Sq.Ft. 2,706 Sq.Ft. Total 71 Sq.Ft.Level 2 Roof Deck 35 Sq.Ft. 106 Sq.Ft. Carport 282 Sq.Ft. THIRD FLOOR LIMITATIONS: Only subsection (A)(2)(c) applyFloor & Deck Area: 15' from Front & Rear Setback LinesLocation of Structure: 388 Sq.Ft.Level 3 Roof Deck 304 Sq.Ft.692 Sq.Ft. 459 Sq.Ft.Total Roof Deck 339 Sq.Ft. 798 Sq.Ft. Hatching IndicatesGarage Area andDeck Area Hatching IndicatesLiving Area Hatching Legendgg Area OverlayTabulationy 384 Sq. Ft.A1:18 Sq. Ft.A2: Total First Level / Unit A 72 Sq. Ft.A3:37 Sq. Ft.A4:26 Sq. Ft.A5:31 Sq. Ft.A6: 568 Sq. Ft.Area: 582 Sq. Ft.B1:2 Sq. Ft.B2: Total Second Level / Unit A 1 Sq. Ft.B3:4 Sq. Ft.B4:1 Sq. Ft.B5: 590 Sq. Ft.Area: 23 Sq. Ft.B6:480 Sq. Ft.B7: Total Second Level / Unit B 60 Sq. Ft.B8:9 Sq. Ft.B9:11 Sq. Ft.B10: 583 Sq. Ft.Area: Second Level Master Deck / Unit A 71 Sq. Ft.C1: 71 Sq. Ft.Area: Second Level Kitchen Deck / Unit B 35 Sq. Ft.C2: 35 Sq. Ft.Area: 240 Sq. Ft.D1:17 Sq. Ft.D2: Total Third Level / Unit A 257 Sq. Ft.Area: 16 Sq. Ft.D3: Total Third Level / Unit B 22 Sq. Ft.D4:245 Sq. Ft.D5:11 Sq. Ft.D6: 294 Sq. Ft.Area: 116 Sq. Ft.E1: Total Third Level Deck / Unit A 106 Sq. Ft.E2:78 Sq. Ft.E3:88 Sq. Ft.E4: 388 Sq. Ft.Area: 21 Sq. Ft.E5: Total Third Level Deck / Unit B 257 Sq. Ft.E6:26 Sq. Ft.E7: 304 Sq. Ft.Area: 36 N52 46'30"E 79.46' N3 9 5 3 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 3 ' N3 9 3 5 ' 3 0 " W 2 5 . 0 2 ' LOT 5 N52 46'30"E 79.33' Total Third level Living "D" = 294 sq.ftB Total Third level Living "D" = 257 sq.ft A 16'-8"14' - 4 " 1'- 0 " 16'-0" 4" 6'-3 " 3'-9 "4'-2"16'-212" 3'-6 " 6'-1" 3'-4 " 3'-2" 16'-8" x 14'-4"D1 = 240 sq.ft 16' x 1'D2 = 17 sq.ft 15' - 1 12" Roof Terrace Area "E" = 388 sq.ft 6'-1" x 3'-6"D4 = 22 sq.ft 4'-2" x 3'-9"D3 = 16 sq.ft 16'-2 1/2" x 15'-1 1/2"D5 = 245 sq.ft 3'-2" x 3'-4"D6 = 11 sq.ft 4" x 6'-3"D3 = 2 sq.ft 6'-2"6'-2"22'-4" 18 ' - 1 0 " 17 ' - 2 12"15' - 4 " 3'- 6 " 22'-4" x 3'-6"E3 = 78 sq.ft6'-2" x 17'-2 1/2"E2 = 106 sq.ft6'-2" x 18'-10"E1 = 116 sq.ft 5'-8" x 15'-4"E4 = 88 sq.ft 5'-8" 15'-0"5'-0" 15'-0" Roof Terrace Area"E" = 304 sq.ft 1'- 1 0 " 11'-6" 13' - 0 " 19'-912"2'-3" 11' - 6 " 11'-6" x 1'-10"E5 = 21 sq.ft 2'-3" x 11'-6"E7 = 26 sq.ft 19'-9 1/2" x 13'E6 = 257 sq.ft Third Level - Overlay Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" OVERLAY PLANS PLOT REFERENCE DATE: 06-05-23 SHEET NUMBER: 503 32ND STREET, SUITE 130 TELEPHONE: (949) 584-8987 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Email: ritnergroup.com STAMP: TELEPHONE: FAX: A9.2 SHEET TITLE: © RITNER GROUP, INC. 2023 expressly reserves allcommon law copyright and property rights in these plans.These plans are not to be reproduced, changed orcopied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are theyto be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission and consent ofRITNER GROUP, INC. PROJECT DESIGNER: PROJECT CAD FILE: PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY: PROJECT MANAGER: 22012-FLOOR-OVERLAY O:\ 2 0 2 2 - P R O J E C T S \ 2 2 0 1 2 \ C D \ 2 2 0 1 2 - F L O O R - O V E R L A Y J u n e 5 , 2 0 2 3 BG RR22012 Lot 4, Block 39 Pro g r e s s S e t / 0 6 - 0 5 - 2 3 PROJECT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL: -REVISIONS: --- Hatching IndicatesGarage Area andDeck Area Hatching IndicatesLiving Area Hatching Legend Allowable Floor Area: Allowable combined Exception : Sec 20.48.180.A.1.b.i Planning Criteria SETBACKS: 0'Front 5'2nd Front 3'Side Yard 1 MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 24'Flat Roof (less than 3:12 pitch)29'Pitched Roof (greater than 3:12 pitch) FAR: 2,024 Sq. Ft.Site Area MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA LIMIT: Buildable Area 2,826 Sq. Ft.Buildable Area 1,413 x 2 = 3'Side Yard 2 1,413 Sq. Ft. Development Standards R-2 Zone PARKING REQUIREMENTS: 2 Car off Street Parking Minimum Minimum Interior dimensions for Parkingspaces in residential zoning for a lot width30'-0" feet or less is 17'-6"x19'-0"(20.40) City of Newport Beach Area Tabulation Living Area: 2 Car Garage First Level Living 590 Sq.Ft.Second Level Living 568 Sq.Ft. 257 Sq.Ft.Third Level Living 1,415 Sq.Ft.Total Living Total Building Area 583 Sq.Ft.- 294 Sq.Ft. 877 Sq.Ft. Unit A Unit B 414 Sq.Ft. 1,173 Sq.Ft.568 Sq.Ft. 551 Sq.Ft. 2,292 Sq.Ft. 2,706 Sq.Ft. Total 71 Sq.Ft.Level 2 Roof Deck 35 Sq.Ft. 106 Sq.Ft. Carport 282 Sq.Ft. THIRD FLOOR LIMITATIONS: Only subsection (A)(2)(c) applyFloor & Deck Area: 15' from Front & Rear Setback LinesLocation of Structure: 388 Sq.Ft.Level 3 Roof Deck 304 Sq.Ft. 692 Sq.Ft. 459 Sq.Ft.Total Roof Deck 339 Sq.Ft. 798 Sq.Ft. Area OverlayTabulation 384 Sq. Ft.A1:18 Sq. Ft.A2: Total First Level / Unit A 72 Sq. Ft.A3:37 Sq. Ft.A4:26 Sq. Ft.A5:31 Sq. Ft.A6: 568 Sq. Ft.Area: 582 Sq. Ft.B1:2 Sq. Ft.B2: Total Second Level / Unit A 1 Sq. Ft.B3:4 Sq. Ft.B4:1 Sq. Ft.B5: 590 Sq. Ft.Area: 23 Sq. Ft.B6:480 Sq. Ft.B7: Total Second Level / Unit B 60 Sq. Ft.B8:9 Sq. Ft.B9:11 Sq. Ft.B10: 583 Sq. Ft.Area: Second Level Master Deck / Unit A 71 Sq. Ft.C1: 71 Sq. Ft.Area: Second Level Kitchen Deck / Unit B 35 Sq. Ft.C2: 35 Sq. Ft.Area: 240 Sq. Ft.D1:17 Sq. Ft.D2: Total Third Level / Unit A 257 Sq. Ft.Area: Third Level Roof Deck - Overlay Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 16 Sq. Ft.D3: Total Third Level / Unit B 22 Sq. Ft.D4:245 Sq. Ft.D5:11 Sq. Ft.D6: 294 Sq. Ft.Area: 116 Sq. Ft.E1: Total Third Level Deck / Unit A 106 Sq. Ft.E2:78 Sq. Ft.E3:88 Sq. Ft.E4: 388 Sq. Ft.Area: 21 Sq. Ft.E5: Total Third Level Deck / Unit B 257 Sq. Ft.E6:26 Sq. Ft.E7: 304 Sq. Ft.Area: 37 LOT 4 BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OFSEASHORE DRIVE HAVING A BEARING OF N39°35'30"W PER RECORD OFSURVEY NO. 2016-1204, R.S.B. 290/47. VICINITY MAP BENCHMARK INFORMATION                                                                       TITLE REPORT/EASEMENT NOTES  NO TITLE REPORT PROVIDED LEGAL DESCRIPTION REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH,COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND ISDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 4 AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 5 IN BLOCK 39, THIRDADDITION TO NEWPORT BEACH, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORTBEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PERMAP RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAGE 31, OF MISCELLANEOUSMAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIDCOUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 5,THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE EXISTING PROPERTYLINE, 10 FEET; THENCE IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION 25FEET; THENCE IN A SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION, 1 FOOT;THENCE IN A NORTHEASTERLY DIRECTION, 25 FEET ALONGTHE EXISTING PROPERTY LINES, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LC EXISTING ELEVATION LEGEND ( ) AC ASPHALT PAVEMENT SEARCHED, FOUND NOTHING; SETNOTHING FS FL FINISHED SURFACE FLOWLINEFFG FINISHED FLOOR GARAGE CONCRETE SURFACE T.B.M.TEMPORARY BENCHMARKSET ON A LEAD & TAG STAMPED 'LS 5133'ELEVATION = 11.22 FEET HU N T I N G T O N B E A C H , C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 4 6 PH O N E : ( 7 1 4 ) 4 8 8 - 5 0 0 6 F A X : ( 7 1 4 ) 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 0 A P E X L S I N C @ G M A I L . C O M PAUL D. CRAFT, P.L.S. 8516 DATE NOTE: SECTION 8770.6 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODESTATES THAT THE USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY OR CERTIFICATION BY ALICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING OR THEPREPARATION OF MAPS, PLATS, REPORTS, DESCRIPTIONS OR OTHER SURVEYINGDOCUMENTS ONLY CONSTITUTES AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINIONREGARDING THOSE FACTS OR FINDINGS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF THECERTIFICATION AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE,EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. LICENSE RENEWAL DATE 12/31/22 PAUL DOMINICKCRAFTPROFESSIONALLANDSURVEYOR FF FINISHED FLOOR WATER VALVEWV EG EDGE OF GUTTER GAS METERGM CENTERLINE TS TOP OF STEP GRAPHIC SCALE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL PERMANENTLY MONUMENT PROPERTYCORNERS OR OFFSETS BEFORE STARTING GRADING. PLEASE CALL PAUL CRAFT @ 714-488-5006 TO SCHEDULE. SURVEYOR'S NOTES BLOCK WALL NG NATURAL GROUND BENCHMARK NO: NB2-7-77 DESCRIBED BY OCS 2002 FOUND 3 3\4" OCSALUMINUM BENCHMARK DISK STAMPED "NB2-7-77",SET IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A 7 FT. BY 4.5FT. CONCRETE CATCH BASIN. MONUMENT ISLOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THEINTERSECTION OF SUPERIOR AVENUE AND PACIFICCOAST HIGHWAY, 400 FT. EASTERLY OF THECENTERLINE OF SUPERIOR AVENUE AND 48 FT.SOUTHERLY OF THE CENTER MEDIAN ALONG PCH.MONUMENT IS SET LEVEL WITH THE SIDEWALK. ELEVATION: 8.565 FEET (NAVD88), YEAR LEVELED 2015 FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTEDHEREON TC TOP OF CURB WOOD FENCE (WDF) EPB ELECTRICAL PULL BOX WATER METERWM - LEAD AND TAG STAMPED 'LS 5133' TVLT SCO SEWER CLEANOUT MONUMENT NOTES - LEAD AND TAG STAMPED 'LS 6902' TELEPHONE VAULT PAUL D. CRAFT, 11/16/2022 38 39 40 Community Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment Memorandum To: Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Zoning Administrator From: Afshin Atapour, Assistant Planner Date: June 27, 2023 Re: Removal of Item 5: Bernard Residence Coastal Development Permit from the June 29, 2023 Zoning Administrator agenda (PA2023-0018) Staff requests to remove the item from the Zoning Administrator agenda so the Applicant may consider project design changes. Zoning Administrator - June 29, 2023 Item No. 5a Additional Materials Received Barnard Residence CDP (PA2023-0018) 1 From:Jim Mosher <jimmosher@yahoo.com> Sent:June 28, 2023 3:32 PM To:CDD Subject:Comment on ZA Item 5 (6/29/2021 meeting) Regarding Item 5 (Barnard Residence Coastal Development Permit (PA2023-0018 -- Site Location: 3907 Seashore Drive, Units A & B) on the June 29, 2023, Zoning Administrator agenda: 1. I applaud the planner for providing a clear description of the size of the structure to be replaced; and the architect for creating a design that does not intrude into the normal side setbacks. 2. Was Section 1.1 of the proposed resolution intended to describe the subject property as "Lot 4 of Block 39 of the Third Addition to Newport Beach"? 3. I do not understand the statement in Fact in Support of Finding A.1.b that the proposal conforms to the required 5-foot setback from the beach-facing property line. The diagrams on handwritten pages 34 and 35 appear to illustrate a structure with a 3-foot encroachment into what they label the 5-foot "2nd Front Setback" facing the beach (in contradiction to the terminology of Table 1 on page 2, which describes the "2nd Front Setback" as being on the Seashore Drive side). A 3-foot encroachment is consistent with the new "VE Ordinance" adopted by the City Council on June 27, but that awaits Coastal Commission approval. Is the encroachment consistent with current standards? -- Jim Zoning Administrator - June 29, 2023 Item No. 5b Additional Materials Received Barnard Residence CDP (PA2023-0018)