HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-2023 CAC Meeting Agenda PacketCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA Newport Beach Public Library - Central 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thursday, July 13, 2023 – 5:00 PM City Arts Commission Members: Maureen Flanagan, Vice Chair Leonard Simon, Secretary Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Marie Little, Commissioner Barbara George, Commissioner John Blom, Commissioner Melissa Kandel, Commissioner Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant The City Arts Commission meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the City Arts Commission agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Arts Commission. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The public can submit questions and comments in writing for the City Arts Commission to consider. Please send them by email to the Library Services Department at ArtsCommission@newportbeachca.gov by Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. to give the City Arts Commissioners time to consider your comments. All emails will be made part of the record. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 717-3801 or mhartson@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Library Services Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Page 1 I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.ELECTION OF OFFICERS The City Arts Commission shall nominate and elect Commissioners to serve as Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary for Fiscal Year 2023-24. 1 City Arts Commission Meeting May 11, 2023 Page 2 IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The City provides a yellow sign-in card to assist in the preparation of the minutes. The completion of the card is not required in order to address the City Arts Commission. If the optional sign-in card has been completed, it should be placed in the tray provided. The City Arts Commission of Newport Beach welcomes and encourages community participation. Public comments are generally limited to three (3) minutes per person to allow everyone to speak. Written comments are encouraged as well. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the time limit on agenda or non-agenda items. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. V. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are invited on agenda items. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. City Arts Commissioners have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending an action. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the City Arts Commission votes on the motion unless members of the City Arts Commission request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair. A. Approval of Minutes of the June 8, 2023, City Arts Commission Meeting 1. Draft of 06/08/2023 Minutes B. Consent Calendar Items 2. Financial Report Review of financial information. 3. Cultural Arts Activities Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. 2 City Arts Commission Meeting May 11, 2023 Page 3 VII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review and Possible Action 4. Revisions to City Council Policies I-9 and I-11 The City Arts Commission will review recommendations of City Council Policies I-9 Art in Public Places and I-11 Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach in accordance with a resolution adopted by City Council at their September 13, 2022 regular monthly meeting. 5. Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Timeline and Funding – Phase IX Staff will present Arts Orange County’s 2023-24 Phase IX Sculpture Exhibition timeline and the funding required for Phase IX for the City Arts Commission to review and discuss. B. Monthly Reports 6. Utility Box Art Ad Hoc Subcommittee Commissioners Leonard Simon and Maureen Flanagan VIII. CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Arts Commission. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. X. ADJOURNMENT 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Newport Beach Public Library 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Wednesday, June 8, 2023 – Regular Meeting City Arts Commission Members: Arlene Greer, Chair Maureen Flanagan, Vice Chair Leonard Simon, Secretary Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Marie Little, Commissioner Barbara George, Commissioner Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant DRAFT I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Greer called the City Arts Commission meeting to order at 5:03 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Chair Greer Vice Chair Flanagan Commissioner George Commissioner Little Secretary Simon Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Kaufman (excused) Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant III. PRESENTATION 1. Presentation of the FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants Chair Greer provided a brief history of the Cultural Arts Grants awards, organized the group photos, and with Secretary Leonard Simon presented the annual Fiscal Year 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants Recipients Awards to the following: Backhausdance Amanda Kay, Associate Artistic Director, accepted the grant award and had a photo taken with the City Arts Commission (CAC). 4 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 2 Balboa Island Improvement Association (BIIA) Penny Rodheim, Director, and Dr. Dan Abbott, Vice President accepted the grant award and had a photo taken with the CAC. Baroque Music Festival, CdM Vina Spiehler, Board Secretary, accepted the grant award and had a photo taken with the CAC. Laguna Playhouse Erin O'Flaherty, Grants and Community Outreach Manager, accepted the grant award and had a photo taken with the CAC. Pacific Chorale Molly Buzick Pontin, Vice President and Director of Education & Community Programs, and Thelma Valenzuela, Director of Development, accepted the grant award and had their photo taken with the CAC. South Coast Repertory Katherine Miranda, Associate Director of Development, accepted the grant award and had a photo taken with the CAC. Pacific Symphony A representative from the Pacific Symphony was unable to attend. IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V. PUBLIC COMMENTS None VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of the May 11, 2023, City Arts Commission Meeting 2. Draft of 5/11/23 Minutes Chair Greer called for edits of the draft minutes of the May 11 meeting. Commissioner Marie Little noted on handwritten page 9, paragraph 1: The word “create” should be replaced with “install” and the word “acquired” should be replaced with “hired”. Commissioner Little noted on handwritten page 10, item 6: “artwork” should be replaced with “new promotional material for membership and the upcoming Art In The Park”. 5 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 3 Motion made by Secretary Simon, seconded by Commissioner George, and carried (5-0-0-1 with Commissioner Kaufman absent) to approve the minutes of the City Arts Commission (CAC) Regular meeting on May 11, 2023. B. Consent Calendar Items 3. Financial Report Review of financial information. Library Services Director Hartson directed the Commissioners to Packet Page 12 for the financial report and reported that there will be further expenditures in the programming this month due to the Exhibition scheduled later in the month. The budget for the year will reflect a decrease with the addition of those expenditures. There will be a change in the grants budget due to the grants that were awarded earlier in the meeting. Professional services have been maintained with normal expenditures. The Sculpture Garden will reflect a big change due to the honorarium awards for Phase VI and Phase VIII, and the ongoing payments to Arts Orange County for the Phase currently being installed. There will be changes in the Special Events category due to the Sculpture Garden event later in June. Advertising will change because the events are being promoted. Commissioner Georgie inquired if staff anticipates the budget will zero out by the end of the month. Library Services Director Hartson explained that it will probably take one more meeting as the invoices will still be paid in July. The final Year End Financial Report will be available for review at the August meeting. Chair Greer added that the curator is scheduled to install the lobby gallery art at the end of June, along with the transcription of the minutes for the June meeting will also be reflected. Motion made by Vice Chair Flanagan, seconded by Secretary Simon, and carried (5-0-0-1 with Commissioner Kaufman absent) to approve the financial report. 4. Cultural Arts Activities Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. Library Services Director Hartson reported that the Colleen Johns exhibit was installed in May and will run through the Art Exhibition and Celebration of the Arts weekend, June 25. Director Hartson recognized Chair Greer for all of her years of service and her commitment to promoting arts within the City. Her involvement in all the various programs has been exemplary and appreciated. City staff intends to present her with something at the end of the meeting. Chair Greer thanked everyone on staff for their support and assistance and she thanked the Arts Commissioners for their support through the years, it made her tenure as Chair all the more successful. She leaves them with all the best in future successes and will continue to support the Commission through the Newport Beach Arts Foundation. Chair Greer stated it has been a pleasure working with the Commission since 2012, and that it 6 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 4 takes a village to do everything they do and she thanked them for doing their part. Additionally, she thanked the City Council past and present for all their amazing support of the City Arts Commission and the annual budget that they receive every year. They’ve gone above and beyond with their support of the Sculpture Exhibition program. In closing, Chair Greer stated it’s been a pleasure working with everyone and she looks forward to seeing them in the future. Library Services Director Hartson continued her report by providing information about all the activities scheduled for the month and the installation of Phase VIII. They are also looking forward to the return of the Newport Beach Art Exhibition on June 24, 2023. Festivities will begin at noon; more information will follow later in the meeting. Motion made by Secretary Simon, seconded by Chair Greer, and carried (5-0-0-1 with Commissioner Kaufman absent) to approve Consent Calendar as submitted by the City staff. AYES: Greer, Flanagan, Simon, Little, George NOES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENCES: Kaufman VII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review and Possible Action 5. Revisions to Council Policies I-9 through I-12 The City Council Policies Review Ad Hoc Subcommittee requests the City Arts Commission review and approve their revision recommendations of City Council Policies I-9 Art in Public Places and I-11 Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach in accordance with a resolution adopted by City Council at their September 13, 2022 regular monthly meeting. Chair Greer stated the ad-hoc committee information can be found on packet pages 16 through 29. Library Services Director Hartson reported that the City Council Policies Review Ad Hoc subcommittee met to review the Arts Commission policies. In review of I-9 (Art In Public Places) and I-11 (Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach), the subcommittee was tasked with deleting or reducing language within those policies. In an effort to streamline and be consistent, it was recommended that “works of art” be changed to “artworks” throughout the policies, in I-11 it was recommended that the City Collection be referred to as what it is currently, “art inventory”. The Commission now refers to art pieces within the City’s collection as the City’s art inventory. Those were the two major changes, along with a summary of all the iterations of convey and conveying be changed to “via conveyance” in all of its forms. Commissioner Little requested an explanation of why they are changing works of art to artworks and expressed the concern that works of art and artworks do not have the same meaning. If the majority of the Commissioners agree, she will support it as well, however the City does have more than just the art on the wall in the lobby. 7 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 5 Chair Greer replied to Commissioner Little it was in an attempt to minimize the language as Council wishes to see the change across the board, including the minutes of meetings, and inquired if they would have to be held to that in every application submission. Providing an example, Chair Greer explained that if someone were to want to donate a painting by Picasso, that meets all the qualifications of being a work of art. Library Services Director Hartson responded “artworks” would need to be on the application. Commissioner Little explained that “work of art” refers to fine art of all mediums. “Artworks” generally refers to an individual’s collection of different artworks. She’s not sure that should be changed across the board. Chair Greer explained they tried to be consistent with what they were already doing. Chair Greer asked Library Services Director Hartson her opinion. Library Services Director Hartson replied that art in public places is the display of art in public places, the acquisition of art by the City of Newport Beach is what the City has in their art inventory. Secretary Simon read the definition of artworks and works of art, artworks being a collection of art through various mediums and work of art being a single piece. He does not believe it really matters. Chair Greer commented she believes it does matter and might be worth it to consult with the person who assessed all of the City’s art inventory, who has 18 years experience. The CAC has always sought his consultancy for items such as this. It is the end of the year, and the budget is tight so that may need to wait until after the end of the Fiscal Year (FY). Commissioner George commented that she’s okay with the language of artworks. Commissioner Little stated she’s okay with the decision of the CAC majority. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, stated he had comments on other items but not this one in particular, he was alright with waiting for a more appropriate time in the meeting. Chair Greer called for a vote for the change. By a raise of hands, the CAC carried (4-1-0-1 with Commissioner Kaufman absent) to change the verbiage in the policies from “works of art” to “artworks”. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, provided public comment and noted if the CAC wanted to take more time to consider the revisions being suggested, that time is available. The City Council postponed their own deadline for their policies and while they did not extend that to the Boards and Commissions, to date the CAC is the only one that has taken any action on it. In the review there are policies that are not mentioned on the Agenda. Policy I-10 on financial support needs some attention or clarity on what it’s intended to mean, I-12 pertains to sister cities, and he didn’t believe that had been looked at by anyone since 1988 and has to do with culture which is also in the CAC’s purview. In addition to the policies there have been additions to the Municipal Code that have to do 8 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 6 with art and culture. The City’s website has the Municipal Code with a search box and when searching the word “art,” there’s some exceptions for artists displaying their work and selling them exempt from business licenses. There are also things about preserving historical buildings and landmark buildings, and both are within the CAC’s jurisdiction. On page 24, the redline mark-up, B. “All proposals to donate, exhibit, loan, sell or Commission Art to the City shall be reviewed by the Arts Commission for recommendation to City Council” has an error in the existing policy that talks about donation of artwork going to City Council for approval, and he didn’t believe it applied to exhibiting artwork. The CAC doesn’t need Council approval for that so he doesn’t believe the word “exhibit” should be included. Rather than saying “via conveyance,” his suggestion for clarity and conciseness is to say “all proposals to convey artwork to the City by donation, loan, sale, or commission shall be reviewed by the Arts Commission”. It is fewer words and more direct. In Part C it says the CAC “shall be responsible to,” the words “be responsible to” could be deleted and continue with the list of things to do. In the body of it he’s not sure why the original has the word “convey” in capital letters. In C-3, there’s a rather convoluted sentence with a lot of “and” and “or” in it. It also refers to the City’s “Commission, Committee’s and Boards” when in most of the City’s policies or verbiage, it’s referred to as the “Boards, Commissions, and Committees” and Mr. Mosher provided examples. At the bottom of the page in the very last line, an “and/or” has been inserted that could be reduced to “or”. At the top of the next page, it continues with “the person donating has to disclose the restoration costs estimated by an appraiser”, Mr. Mosher believes maintenance may also need to be included. Chair Greer paused Mr. Mosher and explained this item had been on their radar for about a month and they hadn’t had time to get to it until this meeting. She stated it would be helpful if Mr. Mosher could submit his comments and changes in writing. Mr. Mosher said he would be happy to write down his suggestions, but he wasn’t sure how that might affect their current decision. The biggest item is on page 25, Policy I-11 Section H-8, which is about the valuation of the art. He believes all that needs to be said is that the City does not provide an appraisal of artwork to the City. The original language is trying to inform the donor that if they are going to try to take a tax deduction, it's up to the donor to get the appraisal. It could be refined to say, “The City does not provide appraisals of artwork conveyed to them”, which would delete two entire sentences. Secretary Simon commented that Mr. Mosher’s comments were very valuable and asked him to provide them in writing, ultimately the document that gets revised will have to be reviewed by the City Attorney for approval. Library Services Director Hartson answered the recommendations from the CAC will go to the City Council ad-hoc subcommittee for review of policies before continuing through its process. If the CAC is not ready to approve the changes, the item can be continued for the July Agenda for additional conversations, which would also allow public comments to be submitted in writing. Chair Greer stated when they did this process in 2014-2015, it took the CAC about four or five meetings to get through it, because it has to be done during a meeting. It is important to go through the process and time is of the essence as there have been requests made by the artists regarding artwork and appraisals. The CAC wants to be able to update the document but also have to keep up with current business of the Arts Commission, so they 9 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 7 don’t want to take too long. She urged the Commission to get through it as quickly as possible so that City Council has ample time to get it through their process. Motion by Secretary Simon, seconded by Chair Greer and carried (5-0-0-1 with Commissioner Kaufman absent) to table the item and put it on the Agenda for July, providing additional time for continued study and review of Mr. Mosher’s comments that will be submitted in writing. AYES: Greer, Flanagan, Simon, Little, George NOES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENCES: Kaufman 6. Review of Phase VIII Sculpture Exhibition Timeline Staff will present Arts Orange County’s 2022-23 Phase VIII Sculpture Exhibition timeline for the City Arts Commission to review and discuss in preparation for the Phase IX Sculpture Exhibition timeline. Chair Greer directed the Commission to Pages 31 and 32 of the packet to review the timeline of Phase VIII of the Sculpture Exhibition and discuss preparations for Phase IX. She also requested Library Services Director Hartson provide a quick summary of the timeline and anticipated expenses for Phase IX given the recent increase in costs. Typically, it would be closer to December when they start preparing, however she expressed concerns of waiting until then and suggested the Commission consider moving up the normal timeline to July. If they can lock in the Arts Orange County’s (ArtsOC) proposal, they can make the request to the Art Foundation in time for their July Agenda. Library Services Director Hartson reported that the City’s budget for Phase IX will be at $135,000 dollars, which will not cover the entirety of the expenses, so they do anticipate there will be an ask to the Foundation for a contribution. However, if Chair Greer is expecting that ask to hit the Foundation’s July Agenda, that will be prior to the CAC’s July meeting. The CAC also needs ArtsOC’s proposal –which they have not yet received. Library Services Director Hartson confirmed the request is to get the ArtsOC’s proposal for the July CAC meeting. She is not yet sure if the City will have to go out for a bidding process. Vice Chair Flanagan commented another reason for getting the process started earlier was to allow ample time for more people to vote. Chair Greer commented that one of the dangers to putting the Sculpture Garden phases out to bid is the bids may come back higher than what the City can afford. The last time it went out to bid, the bids came back higher than the allotted budget and the CAC had to augment the funding with program funds. It may be more prudent financially to try to keep it with the existing vendor. Commissioner Little added that the current vendor already knows what to expect and the City is already familiar with their capabilities. Putting the job out to bid could add more time to the overall timeline of the process. 10 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 8 Secretary Simon asked Library Services Director Hartson if, ultimately, it’s left up to the City as to whether or not it goes out to bid. Library Services Director Hartson responded she’s not exactly sure, but she will work with the City’s Finance Department. Secretary Simon stated acquiring ArtsOC’s proposal is what is needed currently, regardless of the policy at this point. Chair Greer commented when she spoke with them last year, they talked about keeping the proposal the same. Commissioner Little commented that another benefit to starting this early is if ArtsOC returns with a proposal that is unattainable financially, it will allow time for potential negotiations. Chair Greer added that everyone at ArtsOC understands the financial capabilities of the CAC. She does not believe they will return with a proposal that is unattainable, particularly if it can be done with the same budget amount as last years. Council and ArtsOC have been very supportive of the program with full understanding of the costs needed to fund it. Commissioner Little requested Library Services Director Hartson relay the importance of the relationship between ArtsOC and the CAC to the Council and the consequences if they were to lose that through a bidding process. Secretary Simon commented that the discussion is getting ahead of what’s currently needed to move forward and requested Library Services Director Hartson acquire the ArtsOC bid and find out if the City will require the project to go out to bid. Library Services Director Hartson confirmed she will work on both. Chair Greer tabled the item until the July meeting with a reminder that time is of the essence. There was no public comment on this item. 7. Docent Program for the Native Plants and Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Vice Chair Maureen Flanagan provided an oral report recapping the new docent meeting she attended that highlighted native plants and the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park. Laura Curran suggested working with Sherman Gardens (who have over 100 docents) to see if any of their docents would be interested in also working with the Newport Beach program. They would like to organize an initial tour by the current botanist of the native plants to see if their docents would be interested. Once the docents are trained in the Garden and on the sculptures, the CAC can utilize them at special events. She would like a subcommittee to be created to help start that process. Chair Greer inquired if anyone is interested in serving on a subcommittee with Vice Chair Flanagan. 11 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 9 Secretary Simon volunteered to work with Vice Chair Flanagan. Laura Curran, Corona del Mar resident, provided public comment and thanked Vice Chair Flanagan and the Commission for their interest. There’s a great program already in place in Corona del Mar and it makes sense to cross utilize some of the resources from Corona del Mar with Newport Beach. Working with Newport Beach will also provide a great opportunity for their docents to work with both native plants and art and she believes there will be a good amount of interest. She showed the Commission a couple of examples of apps to use as tools that have worked for Corona del Mar. Tree of Life is one that is available in both English and Spanish. B. Monthly Reports 8. Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee Commissioners Arlene Greer, Maureen Flanagan, and Leonard Simon. Chair Greer reported that the Newport Beach Art Exhibition is Saturday June 24, and the art is to be submitted on Friday afternoon, June 23, between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. or the morning of the event from 8:30-10 a.m. The artwork will be displayed in the Community Room and on the plaza. Mayor Blom has agreed to assist the Commission with the awards ceremony in Council Chambers. The artists will be talking about their work in the Community Room. There will be children’s activities contracted by Arts In Motion, who will be onsite along with the Library Friends. The City’s Pavilion on the Green is an opportunity to enjoy the activities in the Garden with music by John de Patie and his percussionist. Food will be available for purchase by the Bistro Express café (Mario’s Pizza). The artwork will be available for sale and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Newport Beach Arts Foundation to support the Arts Commission programming, who is looking forward to being available to help with the festivities that day. Chair Greer would like to create a volunteer list for the day to help support on both Friday and Saturday. She would like either emails or a sheet passed around for everyone to provide information on their availability. Once she has the volunteers from the CAC lined up, she can return to the Arts Foundation with information on gaps they need to fill. Chair Greer thanked the Commission for the calls they made to artists. They currently have 144 artists lined up with 266 artworks. Cultural Arts Assistant Escareal-Garcia thanked Chair Greer for going to the Balboa Art Walk, that really made a big difference in the numbers. She believes the number of artists is 156, however she will have to confirm that. Chair Greer congratulated everyone as the event is back to where it was before, and it was a lot of hard work. The juror will be Professor Joseph S. Lewis, who has a very impressive bio. His works are in museums all over the country and he is educated as a professor at University of California, Irvine (UCI). There are sheets to be distributed to help with attendance on the table, and she asked that Commissioners take a few and post them around the City where they will be seen. There will be a banner on Balboa Bridge that Mr. Callahan has offered to hang. There will be ribbons on the art that will allow people to see the exhibition winners. 12 City Arts Commission Meeting June 8, 2023 Page 10 Laura Curran, Corona del Mar resident, provided public comment that she is interested in the online capability, and it might be a good topic for the local station news and UCI, which will also help attract attendees. 9. Utility Box Art Ad Hoc Subcommittee Commissioners Leonard Simon and Maureen Flanagan Secretary Simon reported that the utility box art wrapping is on the Agenda, there isn’t anything in the works right now because currently there is not a budget for the project. It can stay on the monthly report and as they get some answers and ideas from Public Works, he can provide updates. It might be helpful to create a list of utility boxes that would get the most traffic. 10. Newport Beach Arts Foundation Liaison Commissioners Maureen Flanagan and Arlene Greer. Chair Greer encouraged Commissioners and public in attendance to reach out and encourage people to apply for Art in the Park. The last meeting will be August 26. They will likely be circulating at the Art Exhibition, which will help to create interest. There is approximately $23,000 dollars towards this program. She asked that Commissioners feel free to let the Arts Foundation know if they have any idea suggestions or an interest in getting involved. The meeting was full last time, there has been an increased interest from people wanting to be involved with the Arts Foundation. Chair Greer thanked everyone for everything on the table. VIII. CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) The following current business items were recommended for future agenda items: • Sculpture Exhibition Phase IX Timeline and Proposal from Arts Orange County. • Utility Boxes Art Ad Hoc subcommittee report. • Native Plants and Sculpture Ad Hoc subcommittee report. IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None X. ADJOURNMENT – 6:25 p.m. The next meeting for the City Art Commission is scheduled for July 13, 2023. 13 As of June 30, 2023 ACCT NAME / #BUDGET DATE VENDOR EXPENSES BALANCE NOTES Programming 60,500.00 01060603-841004 07/08 DJE Sound & Lighting, Inc.3,646.25 56,853.75 COTG Sound (Billy Nation) 07/08 Tracy Kiggen / ARTovator 629.00 56,224.75 COTG Children's activities (Billy Nation) 07/15 Adam Shapiro 3,250.00 52,974.75 COTG Billy Nation 07/29 Tracy Kiggen / ARTovator 629.00 52,345.75 COTG children's activities (Young Guns) 07/31 LA Times Media Group 200.10 52,145.65 COTG marketing ads 07/31 Gotprint.com 223.12 51,922.53 Concert at Marina Park banners 08/05 Office Depot 27.13 51,895.40 Student Art Exhibition supplies 08/05 Office Depot 115.92 51,779.48 Student Art Exhibition supplies 08/05 DJE Sound & Lighting, Inc.3,646.25 48,133.23 COTG Sound (Young Guns) 08/05 Eric David Sage 3,250.00 44,883.23 COTG Young Guns 08/31 Gotprint.com 497.92 44,385.31 Sculpture Exhibition Brochures 08/31 Stu News Newport 225.00 44,160.31 Sculpture Grand Opening Ads 08/31 Stu News Newport 100.00 44,060.31 COTG marketing ads 08/31 Stu News Laguna 100.00 43,960.31 COTG marketing ads 08/31 Stu News Laguna 300.00 43,660.31 COTG marketing ads 08/31 Stu News Newport 150.00 43,510.31 COTG marketing ads 08/31 LA Times Media Group 200.10 43,310.21 COTG marketing ads 08/31 Stu News Laguna 150.00 43,160.21 COTG marketing ads 08/31 Stu News Laguna 300.00 42,860.21 COTG marketing ads 08/31 Gotprint.com 81.41 42,778.80 Marina Park rack cards 08/31 Gotprint.com 81.41 42,697.39 Marina Park rack cards 09/02 Robert John Bielma 2,200.00 40,497.39 COTG Britain's Finest 09/02 DJE Sound & Lighting, Inc.3,646.25 36,851.14 COTG Sound (Britain's Finest) 09/02 Tracy Kiggen / ARTovator 631.00 36,220.14 COTG children's activities (Britain's Finest) 09/16 Amazon.com 186.77 36,033.37 Student Art Exhibition supplies 09/30 Gotprint.com 140.10 35,893.27 Banners for Concert at Marina Park 09/30 Stu News - Laguna 100.00 35,793.27 COTG marketing ads09/30 Stu News - Laguna 100.00 35,693.27 Marina Park Concert Ad 09/30 LA Times Media Group 200.10 35,493.17 COTG marketing ads 09/30 LA Times Media Group 200.10 35,293.07 Marina Park Concert Ad 10/03 Amazon.com 18.63 35,274.44 Student Art Exhibition supplies 10/28 Amazon.com 14.57 35,259.87 Student Art Exhibition supplies 11/30 WESTAF (Paypal)150.00 35,109.87 CallforEntry (CaFE) Renewal Fee 12/02 Amazon.com 74.91 35,034.96 Student Art Exhibition supplies 12/02 Amazon.com 14.64 35,020.32 Student Art Exhibition supplies 11/30 Amazon.com 16.17 35,004.15 Student Art Exhibition supplies 12/16 Amazon.com 29.20 34,974.95 Student Art Exhibition supplies 12/16 Amazon.com 21.41 34,953.54 Student Art Exhibition supplies 01/31 Ralphs 525.00 34,428.54 Student Art Exhibition gift cards 02/28 Fund Adjustment 14,000.00 20,428.54 Funds moved to Sculpture Garden 03/31 Balloon Box 765.47 19,663.07 Balloon arch for Sculpture Exhibition opening 04/21 Alliant Insurance Service 1,254.00 18,409.07 Insurance for Cultural Arts events 05/26 Amazon.com 29.08 18,379.99 Art Exhibition supplies 05/31 Gotprint.com 221.73 18,158.26 Newport Beach Art Exhibition rack cards 06/02 John de Patie 1,072.28 17,085.98 Art Exhibition live music 06/02 Art in Motion 543.00 16,542.98 Art Exhibition children's activities 06/02 Art Installation Remedies 1,500.00 15,042.98 Art Exhibition installer 06/09 Ed Olen Photography 483.94 14,559.04 Art Exhibition photos 06/09 Mario's Pizza 576.00 13,983.04 Art Exhibition catering 06/23 Amazon.com 84.02 13,899.02 Art Exhibition supplies 06/23 Amazon.com 58.60 13,840.42 Art Exhibition supplies TOTAL 13,840.42$ FY 2022-23Cultural Arts Division 07/06/2023 1 of 3 14 As of June 30, 2023 ACCT NAME / #BUDGET DATE VENDOR EXPENSES BALANCE NOTES FY 2022-23Cultural Arts Division City Grants 30,000.00 01060603-821006 05/12 Pacific Chorale 4,500.00 25,500.00 FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants 05/12 Baroque Music Festival, CdM 5,000.00 20,500.00 FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants 05/12 South Coast Repertory 4,500.00 15,500.00 FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants 05/12 Balboa Island Improvement Association 3,000.00 11,000.00 FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants 05/12 Pacific Symphony 5,000.00 8,000.00 FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants 05/12 Backhaus Dance 3,000.00 3,000.00 FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants 05/12 Laguna Playhouse 5,000.00 0.00 FY 2022-23 Cultural Arts Grants TOTAL $ 0.00 Professional Services 22,000.00 01060603-811008 07/29 Svartifoss Corp.340.00 21,660.00 Art Installation (Rob Williams) 08/19 TAVD Visual Assistant 204.75 21,455.25 Transcription Minutes (07/14)08/26 Crown Building Services Inc.825.00 20,630.25 Ben Carlson & Sphere 112 cleaning 09/16 TAVD Visual Assistant 83.25 20,547.00 Transcription of Minutes (08/11) 09/23 Svartifoss Corp.325.00 20,222.00 Art Installation (Shant Beudjekian) 10/21 Restoration ARTechs 900.00 19,322.00 Cleaning of Bronze Sculptures 10/21 TAVD Visual Assistant 90.00 19,232.00 Transcription of Minutes (09/08) 10/28 Universal Building Maintenanc 600.00 18,632.00 COTG Maintenance (July-September) 11/07 TAVD Visual Assistant 117.00 18,515.00 Transcription of Minutes (10/10) 11/11 Crown Building Services Inc.825.00 17,690.00 Ben Carlson & Sphere 112 cleaning 11/18 Svartifoss Corp.250.00 17,440.00 Art Installation (Helen Polins-Jones) 12/23 TAVD Visual Assistant 216.00 17,224.00 Transcription of Minutes (11/10) 12/31 Image360 Southbay 105.82 17,118.18 Sculpture Exhibition Phase VII Plaques 01/20 Svartifoss Corp.350.00 16,768.18 Art Installation (Sandra Pipkin) 01/27 TAVD Visual Assistant 258.75 16,509.43 Transcription of Minutes (12/08) 02/24 TAVD Visual Assistant 258.75 16,250.68 Transcription of Minutes (01/12) 02/24 Crown Building Services Inc.825.00 15,425.68 Ben Carlson & Sphere 112 cleaning 02/28 Fund Adjustment 10,000.00 5,425.68 Funds moved to Sculpture Garden 03/10 Svartifoss Corp.225.00 5,200.68 Art Installation (Janice Steele) 03/17 TAVD Visual Assistant 425.25 4,775.43 Transcription of Minutes (02/09) 04/21 TAVD Visual Assistant 270.00 4,505.43 Transcription of Minutes (03/09) 04/28 Joseph Colagrossi 840.00 3,665.43 Sunset Years Bench Refurbishment 05/12 TAVD Visual Assistant 150.75 3,514.68 Transcription of Minutes (04/13) 05/26 PSMG Inc.200.00 3,314.68 Security services 06/09 Crown Building Services Inc.825.00 2,489.68 Ben Carlson & Sphere 112 cleaning 06/23 TAVD Visual Assistant 92.25 2,397.43 Transcription of Minutes (05/11) TOTAL 2,397.43$ Sculpture Garden 135,000.00 1800012-811059 11/21 Fund Adjustment (10,000.00)145,000.00 NBAF Gift Added 12/16 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 141,111.12 Phase VIII Management (1 of 9) 12/16 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 137,222.24 Phase VIII Management (2 of 9) 02/03 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 133,333.36 Phase VIII Management (3 of 9) 02/10 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 129,444.48 Phase VIII Management (4 of 9) 02/28 Fund Adjustment (14,000.00)143,444.48 Transferred funds from Programming 02/28 Fund Adjustment (10,000.00)153,444.48 Transferred funds from Professional Services 03/10 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 149,555.60 Phase VIII Management (5 of 9) 04/14 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 145,666.72 Phase VIII Management (6 of 9) 05/19 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 141,777.84 Phase VIII Management (7 of 9) 06/16 Arts Orange County 24,900.00 116,877.84 Phase VIII honorariums (1 of 2) 06/16 Arts Orange County 24,900.00 91,977.84 Phase VIII honorariums (2 of 2) (encumbered) 06/16 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 88,088.96 Phase VIII Management (8 of 9) 06/16 Arts Orange County 3,888.88 84,200.08 Phase VIII Management (9 of 9) 06/30 Arts Orange County 47,650.00 36,550.08 Phase VIII Installation 06/30 Arts Orange County 36,350.08 200.00 Phase VIII De-installation (encumbered) TOTAL 200.00$ 07/06/2023 2 of 3 15 As of June 30, 2023 ACCT NAME / #BUDGET DATE VENDOR EXPENSES BALANCE NOTES FY 2022-23Cultural Arts Division Special Events (NBAE)0.00 01060603-521450 02/13 WESTAF (CaFE) (176.42)176.42$ January entry fees deposit 03/15 WESTAF (CaFE) (425.66)602.08$ February entry fees deposit 04/07 NBAE Artist 50.00 552.08$ Artist Entry Refund 04/14 NBAE Artist 35.00 517.08$ Artist Entry Refund 04/25 WESTAF (CaFE) (551.42)1,068.50$ March entry fees deposit 05/19 WESTAF (CaFE) (817.46)1,885.96$ April entry fees deposit 06/14 WESTAF (CaFE) (4,880.56)6,766.52$ May entry fees deposit TOTAL 6,766.52$ Advertising 1340.00 01060603-871002 10/31 Firebrand Media LLC 380.00 960.00 COTG marketing ads 10/31 Stu News Laguna 100.00 860.00 COTG marketing ads 11/30 Firebrand Media LLC 530.00 330.00 COTG marketing ads 02/28 Firebrand Media LLC 530.00 (200.00)NBAE Call for Entries marketing ads 02/28 Firebrand Media LLC 175.00 (375.00)NBAE Call for Entries marketing ads 03/31 Firebrand Media LLC 350.00 (725.00)NBAE Call for Entries marketing ads 04/30 LA Times Media Group 200.10 (925.10)NBAE Call for Entries marketing ads 05/31 Stu News Newport 300.00 (1,225.10)NBAE Event marketing ads 05/31 Stu News Laguna 225.00 (1,450.10)NBAE Event marketing ads TOTAL (1,450.10)$ 07/06/2023 3 of 3 16 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson and Camille Escareal-Garcia TITLE: Cultural Arts Activities for June 2023 CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS An Arctic tern can fly as many as 50,000 miles in its annual migration. As it chases summer across the hemispheres, it sees more sunlight than any other living thing. In this luminous celebration of such astonishing aerial feats, author and visual artist Timothy Musso charts the migratory path of an Arctic tern family. His intricately designed woodcut illustrations propel the viewer along as a partner on this most incredible journey. This exhibit features all of the original black and white artwork from Musso’s forthcoming book, Chasing the Sun. The 19 hand-cut and hand-printed woodcut prints were inspired by field sketches Musso made while visiting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It was here that he first encountered and became intrigued by the Arctic tern. Musso’s artwork is exhibited in museums and galleries internationally. The picture book, Chasing the Sun, is available for pre-sale on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and will be available in bookstores beginning August 8, 2023. Tim Musso’s exhibit is on display at the Central Library Gallery from June 26 through August 18, 2023. UPCOMING 2023 CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS: • Jane Shehane (Watercolors): August 21 - October 13 • Sherry Marger (Acrylic Landscapes): October 16 - December 8 17 NEWPORT BEACH ART EXHIBITION & SCULPTURE EXHIBITION PHASE VIII GRAND OPENING: On Saturday, June 24, the City Arts Commission hosted a day to celebrate the arts in Newport Beach. The 2023 Newport Beach Art Exhibition featured 246 pieces of artwork by 143 artists. Attendees of the juried art show enjoyed visiting with the artists, live music, food and refreshments in the Civic Green Pavilion, and children’s activities. The day’s events also recognized the 10 newly installed sculptures of the Phase VIII Sculpture Exhibition. A number of the sculpture artists attended the grand opening celebration. Richard Stein and Nicholas Thurkettle from Arts Orange County gave a presentation highlighting the 10 new pieces. Council Member Robyn Grant presented the awards to this year’s art exhibition winners and presided over the dedication ceremony for Phase VIII of the Sculpture Exhibtion. CULTURAL ARTS CALENDER OF EVENTS: City Arts Commission (CAC) meetings are held at 5 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. • Next meeting – Thursday, August 10, 2023 2023 CONCERTS ON THE GREEN SUMMER SERIES All concerts held on the Civic Center Green. • Sunday, July 23, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – The Sully Band (R&B) • Sunday, August 20, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Tijuana Dogs • Sunday, September 17, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Boys of Summer 2023 FALL CONCERT AT MARINA PARK • Sunday, October 15, 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – Tiffany Dennis and Cruise Control 18 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson TITLE: Revisions to City Council Policies I-9 and I-11 RECOMMENDATION The City Council Policies Review Ad Hoc Subcommittee requests the City Arts Commission review and approve their revision recommendations of City Council Policies I-9 Art in Public Places and I-11 Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach in accordance with a resolution adopted by City Council at their September 13, 2022 regular meeting. DISCUSSION At its September 13, 2022 meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-58, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Municipal Code and City Council Policies and Make Recommendations to the City Council Regarding Possible Modifications Thereto and the Advisability of Using Sunset Provision. The committee will consist of three Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the entire City Council. The purpose of the Committee will be to review the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) and Council Policies and submit its recommendations back to the City Council by June 30, 2023. The Board of Library Trustees, City Arts Commission, Harbor Commission, Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission, and the Planning Commission are also directed to each form a committee to similarly review the NBMC and City Council Policies within that body's expertise and submit back to City Council by June 30, 2023. All of the committees will make recommendations concerning: 1. Deleting or reducing language, and 2. The advisability of applying sunset provisions for new and existing Municipal Code provisions. Resolution No. 2022-58 provided an expiration date for the Committee of June 30, 2023. At its April 11, 2023 meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution 2023-18 which extends the expiration date to June 30, 2024. The City Arts Commission Ad Hoc Subcommittee for City Council Policy Review recommends minor deletions and clarifications to both City Council Policies I-9 Art in Public Places and I-11 Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach. Most notably, references to “art” and “work of art” in the policies are changed to “artwork.” “City collection” references are changed to the current usage of “art inventory” and the various iterations of “convey” are summed together as “via conveyance.” 19 NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item). ATTACHMENT A: City Council Policy I-9 Art in Public Places ATTACHMENT B: Redlined City Council Policy I-9 Art in Public Places ATTACHMENT C: Revised City Council Policy I-9 Art in Public Places ATTACHMENT D: City Council Policy I-11 Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach ATTACHMENT E: Redlined City Council Policy I-11 Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach ATTACHMENT F: Revised City Council Policy I-11 Acquisition of Art by the City of Newport Beach 20 I-9 1 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES A.The City of Newport Beach recognizes the importance and desirability of enhancing and beautifying the public places within the City, by acquiring and displaying publicly accessible works of art for the cultural benefit of the City, its citizens and its visitors. B.The City seeks to involve professional artists in City planning and design projects; to integrate artworks in City capital improvement projects; and to commission and/or purchase new artworks for public places. C.Public art can include but is not limited to permanent and temporary sculpture, murals, as well as artist-designed fountains, mosaics and tile work, banners, park benches and other street furniture, water features, bus shelters, streetlights and lanterns, kiosks, retaining walls, and/or hardscape treatments. D.Reserved. E.Reserved. F.Reserved. G.The Arts Commission shall review any future modifications, relocation, repairs, and/or replacement of parts or works for Art located in public places. History Adopted T-1 - 9-8-1986 Amended T-1 – 1-24-1994 (changed to I-18) Amended I -18 – 5-26-1998 Amended I-18 - 4-8-2003 (changed to I-9) Amended I-9 – 8-8-2017 ATTACHMENT A - ORIGINAL 21 I-9 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES A.The City of Newport Beach recognizes the importance and desirability of enhancing and beautifying the public places within the City, by acquiring and displaying publicly accessible artworks of art for the cultural benefit of the City, its citizens and its visitors. B.The City seeks to involve professional artists in City planning and design projects; to integrate artworks in City capital improvement projects; and to commission and/or purchase new artworks for public places. C.Public art can include but is not limited to permanent and temporary sculpture, murals, as well as artist-designed fountains, mosaics and tile work, banners, park benches and other street furniture, water features, bus shelters, streetlights and lanterns, kiosks, retaining walls, and/or hardscape treatments. D.Reserved. E.Reserved. F.Reserved. G.The Arts Commission shall review any future modifications, relocation, repairs, and/or replacement of parts or artworks for Art located in public places. History Adopted T-1 - 9-8-1986 Amended T-1 – 1-24-1994 (changed to I-18) Amended I -18 – 5-26-1998 Amended I-18 - 4-8-2003 (changed to I-9) Amended I-9 – 8-8-2017 1 ATTACHMENT B - REDLINED 22 I-9 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES A.The City of Newport Beach recognizes the importance and desirability of enhancing and beautifying the public places within the City, by acquiring and displaying publicly accessible artworks for the cultural benefit of the City, its citizens and its visitors. B.The City seeks to involve professional artists in City planning and design projects; to integrate artworks in City capital improvement projects; and to commission and/or purchase new artworks for public places. C.Public art can include but is not limited to permanent and temporary sculpture, murals, as well as artist-designed fountains, mosaics and tile work, banners, park benches and other street furniture, water features, bus shelters, streetlights and lanterns, kiosks, retaining walls, and/or hardscape treatments. D.Reserved. E.Reserved. F.Reserved. G.The Arts Commission shall review any future modifications, relocation, repairs, and/or replacement of parts or artworks located in public places. History Adopted T-1 - 9-8-1986 Amended T-1 – 1-24-1994 (changed to I-18) Amended I -18 – 5-26-1998 Amended I-18 - 4-8-2003 (changed to I-9) Amended I-9 – 8-8-2017 1 ATTACHMENT C - REVISED 23 I-11 ACQUISITION OF ART BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A.The City of Newport Beach (“City”) believes that paintings, sculptures, drawings and other art (collectively, “Art”) placed on City property and in City buildings increases the aesthetic appeal and beauty of such property and buildings, and of the City in general. B.All proposals to donate, exhibit, loan, sell or commission Art to the City (collectively, “Convey(s),” “Conveyed,” “Conveying” or “Conveyance”) shall be reviewed by the Arts Commission for recommendation to the City Council. C.The Arts Commission shall be responsible to: 1. Confer with persons who have offered to Convey Art to the City, informing them of this policy, including criteria for approving Art and the policies, criteria and approval process. 2. Advise the City Council of the artistic merit and value of Art offered to the City. 3. Advise the City Council regarding appropriate City property or City buildings for display of Art, in conjunction with the City commission, committee, board and/or department which has responsibility for planning or maintaining the proposed location. D.The Arts Commission shall consider the following criteria in making a recommendation for accepting an offer to Convey Art to the City: 1. The Art should be an original creation or a limited edition by the original artist, and be of the highest quality and level of artistic excellence. 2. The Art should add to the balanced inventory of the City’s collection, representing a variety of style, design and media. 3. The person(s) seeking to Convey Art to the City shall complete all required forms, as provided by the Library Services Department. 4. The Art should be of satisfactory physical condition, be sufficiently durable as to not be easily damaged or destroyed, should not require restoration or extensive long term conservation, and should be of a physical size and weight that the Art can be managed in storage, transport and public display without difficulty. Art requiring restoration may only ATTACHMENT D - ORIGINAL 24 I-11 be considered with full disclosure of the restoration costs provided by a licensed art appraiser. 5. The Art should be consistent with and relevant to the civic interests and broad variety of tastes within the Newport Beach community. E.Art may only be recommended by the Arts Commission to the City Council for acceptance upon the majority vote of the Arts Commission. F.Art accepted into the City collection by the City Council is accepted with the understanding that the City Council reserves the right to place the Art on public display on either a permanent or temporary basis, and to store the Art when not on display. Acceptance of Art by the City Council does not guarantee that the Art will be displayed in perpetuity. The City Council may sell, donate or otherwise remove any Art in the City collection. Any proceeds received by the City from the transfer of Art shall be expended to acquire, restore or display Art. G.Art considered for inclusion in the City’s collection must conform to City Council Policy I-9 (Art in Public Places). H.The City does not provide valuations or appraisals of Art Conveyed to the City. The value of Art should be presented by the person(s) Conveying Art to the City at the time of Conveyance. It is the responsibility of the person(s) Conveying Art to the City to furnish a valuation to the appropriate government tax agency. I.The person(s) Conveying Art to the City shall obtain all intellectual and photographic property rights to the Art and transfer such rights to the City. The City reserves the right to photograph Art for any and all purposes, including, but not limited to, publicity and informational literature. J.Any person(s) that Conveys Art to the City shall represent and warrant in writing that it owns the Art and that the Art shall be Conveyed to the City free and clear of all liens, restrictions, security interests or agreements by which the City would be bound, but subject to all laws generally applicable to the transfer of title of any work of Art. K.Subject to compliance with California Civil Code Section 987, the City shall assume no liability in the event of loss or damage to any Art accepted into the City’s collection. 25 I-11 Adopted- February 24, 1986 Reaffirmed-January 24, 1994 Amended & Reassigned-April 8, 2003 Amended – May 12, 2015 Formerly F-23 Formerly I-13 26 I-11 ACQUISITION OF ART BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A.The City of Newport Beach (“City”) believes that paintings, sculptures, drawings and other art (collectively, “Artwork”) placed on City property and in City buildings increases the aesthetic appeal and beauty of such property and buildings, and of the City in general. B.All proposals to donate, exhibit, loan, sell or commission Artwork to the City (collectively, “Convey(s),” “Conveyed,” “Conveying” or “Conveyance”) via conveyance shall be reviewed by the Arts Commission for recommendation to the City Council. C.The Arts Commission shall be responsible to: 1.Confer with persons who have offered to Convey Artwork to the City, informing them of this policy, including criteria for approving Artwork and the policies, criteria and approval process. 2.Advise the City Council of the artistic merit and value of Artwork offered to the City. 3.Advise the City Council regarding appropriate City property or City buildings for display of Artwork, in conjunction with the City commission, committee, board and/or department which has responsibility for planning and/or maintaining the proposed location. D.The Arts Commission shall consider the following criteria in making a recommendation for accepting an offer to Convey Artwork to the City: 1.The Artwork should be an original creation or a limited edition by the original artist, and be of the highest quality and level of artistic excellence. 2.The Artwork should add to the balanced inventory of the City’s collection, representing a variety of style, design and media. 3.The person(s) seeking to Convey Artwork to the City shall complete all required forms, as provided by the Library Services Department – Cultural Arts Division. 4.The Artwork should be of satisfactory physical condition, be sufficiently durable as to not be easily damaged or destroyed, should not require restoration or extensive long term conservation, and should be of a physical size and weight that the Artwork can be managed in storage, transport and public display without difficulty. Artwork requiring periodic maintenance and/or restoration may only ATTACHMENT E - REDLINED 27 I-11 be considered with full disclosure of the restoration costs provided by a licensed art appraiser. 5.The Artwork should be consistent with and relevant to the civic interests and broad variety of tastes within the Newport Beach community. E.Artwork may only be recommended by the Arts Commission to the City Council for acceptance upon the majority vote of the Arts Commission. F.Artwork accepted into the City collection Art Inventory by the City Council is accepted with the understanding that the City Council reserves the right to place the Artwork on public display on either a permanent or temporary basis, and to store the Artwork when not on display. Acceptance of Artwork by the City Council does not guarantee that the Artwork will be displayed in perpetuity. The City Council may sell, donate or otherwise remove any Artwork in the City collection Art Inventory. Any proceeds received by the City from the transfer of Artwork shall be expended to acquire, restore or display Artwork. G.Artwork considered for inclusion in the City’s collection must conform to City Council Policy I-9 (Art in Public Places). H.The City does not provide valuations or professional appraisals of Artwork Conveyed to the City. The value of Artwork should be presented by the person(s) Conveying Artwork to the City at the time of Conveyance. It is the responsibility of the person(s) Conveying Artwork to the City to furnish a valuation to the appropriate government tax agency certified appraisal. I.The person(s) Conveying Artwork to the City shall obtain all intellectual and photographic property rights to the Artwork and transfer such rights to the City. The City reserves the right to photograph Artwork for any and all purposes, including, but not limited to, publicity and informational literature. J.Any person(s) that Conveys Artwork to the City shall represent and warrant in writing that it owns the Artwork and that the Artwork shall be Conveyed to the City free and clear of all liens, restrictions, security interests or agreements by which the City would be bound, but subject to all laws generally applicable to the transfer of title of any work of Artwork. K.Subject to compliance with California Civil Code Section 987, the City shall assume no liability in the event of loss or damage to any Artwork accepted into the City’s collection. 28 I-11 Adopted- February 24, 1986 Reaffirmed-January 24, 1994 Amended & Reassigned-April 8, 2003 Amended – May 12, 2015 Formerly F-23 Formerly I-13 29 I-11 ACQUISITION OF ART BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A.The City of Newport Beach (“City”) believes that paintings, sculptures, drawings and other art (collectively, “Artwork”) placed on City property and in City buildings increases the aesthetic appeal and beauty of the City in general. B.All proposals to donate, exhibit, loan, sell or commission Artwork to the City via conveyance shall be reviewed by the Arts Commission for recommendation to the City Council. C.The Arts Commission shall be responsible to: 1.Confer with persons who have offered to Convey Artwork to the City, informing them of this policy, including criteria for approving Artwork and the policies, criteria and approval process. 2.Advise the City Council of the artistic merit and value of Artwork offered to the City. 3.Advise the City Council regarding appropriate City property or City buildings for display of Artwork, in conjunction with the City commission, committee, board and/or department which has responsibility for planning and/or maintaining the proposed location. D.The Arts Commission shall consider the following criteria in making a recommendation for accepting an offer to Convey Artwork to the City: 1.The Artwork should be an original creation or a limited edition by the original artist, and be of the highest quality and level of artistic excellence. 2.The Artwork should add to the balanced inventory of the City’s collection, representing a variety of style, design and media. 3.The person(s) seeking to Convey Artwork to the City shall complete all required forms, as provided by the Library Services Department – Cultural Arts Division. 4.The Artwork should be of satisfactory physical condition, be sufficiently durable as to not be easily damaged or destroyed, should not require restoration or extensive long term conservation, and should be of a physical size and weight that the Artwork can be managed in storage, transport and public display without difficulty. Artwork requiring periodic maintenance and/or restoration may only ATTACHMENT F - REVISED 30 I-11 be considered with full disclosure of the restoration costs provided by a licensed art appraiser. 5.The Artwork should be consistent with and relevant to the civic interests and broad variety of tastes within the Newport Beach community. E.Artwork may only be recommended by the Arts Commission to the City Council for acceptance upon the majority vote of the Arts Commission. F.Artwork accepted into the City Art Inventory by the City Council is accepted with the understanding that the City Council reserves the right to place the Artwork on public display on either a permanent or temporary basis, and to store the Artwork when not on display. Acceptance of Artwork by the City Council does not guarantee that the Artwork will be displayed in perpetuity. The City Council may sell, donate or otherwise remove any Artwork in the CityArt Inventory. Any proceeds received by the City from the transfer of Artwork shall be expended to acquire, restore or display Artwork. G.Artwork considered for inclusion in the City’s collection must conform to City Council Policy I-9 (Art in Public Places). H.The City does not provide professional appraisals of Artwork Conveyed to the City. The value of Artwork should be presented by the person(s) Conveying Artwork to the City at the time of Conveyance. It is the responsibility of the person(s) Conveying Artwork to the City to furnish a certified appraisal. I.The person(s) Conveying Artwork to the City shall obtain all intellectual and photographic property rights to the Artwork and transfer such rights to the City. The City reserves the right to photograph Artwork for any and all purposes, including, but not limited to, publicity and informational literature. J.Any person(s) that Conveys Artwork to the City shall represent and warrant in writing that it owns the Artwork and that the Artwork shall be Conveyed to the City free and clear of all liens, restrictions, security interests or agreements by which the City would be bound, but subject to all laws generally applicable to the transfer of title of any Artwork. K.Subject to compliance with California Civil Code Section 987, the City shall assume no liability in the event of loss or damage to any Artwork accepted into the City’s collection. 31 I-11 Adopted- February 24, 1986 Reaffirmed-January 24, 1994 Amended & Reassigned-April 8, 2003 Amended – May 12, 2015 Formerly F-23 Formerly I-13 32 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson TITLE: Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Timeline and Funding – Phase IX RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Arts Commission review and approve a timeline for Sculpture Exhibition Phase IX and determine the funding amount request from the Newport Beach Arts Foundation to support Phase IX of the Sculpture Exhibition. DISCUSSION: The Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park is an integral feature of the Newport Beach Civic Center. The City Arts Commission has determined that a rotating exhibition remains a practical approach to bring sculptures to the City in a cost-efficient manner. The acquisition program that the City Arts Commission developed in 2013 for the exhibition created a model in which pieces are loaned for a two-year period. Sculptors of works chosen for the exhibition are provided with a small honorarium, not to exceed $5,000, to loan their work to the City. The City is responsible for installing the art, while sculptors are responsible for the maintenance and repair of their work. Pieces are rotated into the exhibition annually and displayed for two years. Phases overlap for a one-year period so that 20 pieces are typically on display. Civic Center Park was designed by renowned landscape architectural firm Peter Walker and Partners (PWP). PWP developed a master plan for public art in the park and identified various spots in the park where art, particularly sculpture, could be exhibited. Admission is free and the exhibition continues to be enjoyed by residents and visitors. The exhibition offers the temporary display of public art and allows the City to avoid the obligation and expense of owning public art. The City Arts Commission selects a well-balanced representation of public art that appeals to a diverse audience, while including artistic merit, durability, practicality, and site responsiveness as criteria in the selection. The rotational nature of the exhibit ensures that residents and guests are exposed to a variety of work. 33 ARTS ORANGE COUNTY: The City Arts Commission selected Arts Orange County (ArtsOC) to provide public art coordination and site management services for all phases of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park after issuing Requests for Proposals in 2013 and 2016. Given their background experience, expertise, and availability, staff will request a Professional Services Agreement to ArtsOC for this work. Arts Orange County was established in 1995 as the nonprofit, countywide arts council of Orange County, California. Arts Orange County has been recognized by the California Arts Council as a model agency based on the quality of its work. It has served as the officially designated arts agency and state-local partner of the County of Orange since inception. The ArtsOC project team successfully managed all previous phases of the exhibition and has strong working relationships with the City Arts Commission and City staff. COMMUNITY INPUT: Since the exhibition’s inception, the City Arts Commission has increased public engagement in the selection process of the sculptures through an online survey open to residents in Newport Beach. The following elements will be integrated into selecting Phase IX sculptures for the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park: •The City Arts Commission will not utilize an ad hoc subcommittee for Phase IX. The entire Arts Commission will select the pieces for the Phase IX Sculpture Exhibition online survey, in public, during the City Arts Commission’s regular monthly meetings. •The City Arts Commission and a curatorial panel will approve pieces for inclusion in the online public survey based on the following criteria: artistic merit, durability, practicality, and site appropriateness. •Through the online survey, the public can vote for their favorite sculptures and select the pieces for inclusion in Phase IX. The most popular pieces will be selected for the Exhibition, pending final approval by City Council. TIMELINE ArtsOC executed the following timeline for Phase VIII: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SCULPTURE EXHIBITION IN CIVIC CENTER PARK TIMELINE PHASE VIII – FY 2022-23 DATE TASK Sept. 2022 September 8 CITY ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING •Present overview of Phase VIII plan at City Arts Commission meeting Sept. 2022 Sept. 27 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING •City Council considers Arts Orange County contract 34 Oct. 2022 October 10 Contract executed (pending Council approval) ISSUE CALL FOR ARTISTS (RFP) • Disseminate RFP (PAN, CAC, LA Culture Net, PACSOCAL, Local Media, SparkOC, Personal Invitations) • Field questions from interested artists • Monitor arriving submissions for completeness • Upload submissions to the public voting page as they arrive Nov. 2022 Nov. 30 CLOSE RFP (7 ½ week period) • Ongoing promotion of RFP throughout the open period Dec. 2022 December 1 December 7 December 8 5 PM December 10 OPEN Online Review & Ranking by City Arts Commission & Guest Jurors CLOSE Online Review & Ranking by City Arts Commission & Guest Jurors CITY ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Approve qualified submissions for public survey OPEN Public online survey of Finalists January 2023 January 10 January 12 January 14 CLOSE Public online survey of Finalists (4-week period) CITY ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING • Presentation of public survey rankings ArtsOC advises selected artists of their status • Selection is subject to City Council approval. Confirm continued availability of artist work, artist availability for the installation window of time, review questions and concerns with artists, ascertain need for concrete pads, collect W9 forms from artists February 2023 February February CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING – FIRST MEETING IN FEBRUARY • Present City Arts Commission recommendations/public survey results for approval Inform artists of selection, provide City Attorney with all necessary information for Artists Loan Agreements 35 March 2023 March 11 City Attorney provides Artists Loan Agreements to ArtsOC to send to artists April 2023 April 11 ArtsOC delivers all artists contracts to City with Phase VIII FIRST invoices and Phase VI FINAL invoices May 2023 Additional concrete pads poured and footings for new installations poured as needed June 2023 June 1 June 1- 16 CITY: Provide ArtsOC with Phase VI FINAL payment checks and Phase VIII FIRST payment checks to give to artists during de-installation/installation. De-Installation of Phase VI Artworks Installation of Phase VIII Artworks June 24 City: Phase VIII Grand Opening and Dedication Ceremony For FY 2023-24, ArtsOC is proposing the following expedited timeline to conduct the public online survey to open a month earlier. However, this timeline does not afford the Arts Commission enough time to secure sufficient funding for the Phase IX project. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SCULPTURE EXHIBITION IN CIVIC CENTER PARK TIMELINE PHASE IX – FY 2023-24 DATE TASK July 2023 July 13 CITY ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING • Present overview of Phase IX plan and recommend contractor to City Council August 2023 August 22 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING • City Council considers Arts Orange County contract 36 September 2023 September 11 September 15 Contract executed (pending Council approval) ISSUE CALL FOR ARTISTS (RFP) • Disseminate RFP (PAN, CAC, LA Culture Net, PACSOCAL, Local Media, SparkOC, Personal Invitations) • Field questions from interested artists • Monitor arriving submissions for completeness • Upload submissions to the public voting page as they arrive October 2023 October 27 CLOSE RFP (6 week period) • Ongoing promotion of RFP throughout the open period November 2023 November 9 November 13 ArtsOC presents results of Public Poll at Regular City Arts Commission Meeting City Arts Commission and outside judges approve qualified submissions for public survey OPEN Public online survey of Finalists (4 ½ week period) December 2023 December 11 December 14 January 2024 CLOSE Public online survey of Finalists CITY ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING • ArtsOC presents public survey rankings January 9 January 10 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING • Present City Arts Commission recommendations/public survey results for City Council approval ArtsOC advises artists of their status and collects all necessary information to provide City for preparation of loan agreements 37 February 2024 February 15 City Attorney provides Artists Loan Agreements to ArtsOC to send to artists March 2024 March 15 ArtsOC delivers all artists contracts to City and first invoices April – May 2024 ArtsOC pours any additional concrete pads and footings for new installations as needed June 2023 June 3 June 3 - 16 CITY provides ArtsOC with checks for artists De-Installation of Phase VII Artworks Installation of Phase IX Artworks June 22 or 29 City: Phase IX Grand Opening and Dedication Ceremony FUNDING: Arts Orange County (ArtsOC) has provided a budget for Phase IX that totals $119,000. The budget remains unchanged from Phase VIII. SCHEDULE OF BILLING RATES PHASE ITEM DETAIL COST 9 Installation of Phase 9 Sculptures (June 2024) 10 Sculptures $25,000.00 9 Site Preparation Concrete pads, footings $15,000.00 9 Equipment Rental Cranes, forklifts $6,500.00 9 Project Management & Curation Management Fee $35,000.00 9 Contingency $8,000.00 Phase Sub-Total $89,500.00 9 De-installation of Phase 9 Sculptures (2026) 10 Sculptures $20,000.00 9 Project Management & Curation Management Fee $9,500.00 Phase Sub-Total $29,500.00 ARTS ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT TOTAL $119,000.00 In addition to the $119,000 project management costs, 10 artist honorariums of $5,000 each will add $50,000 to the budget resulting in the total cost of $169,000 for Phase IX. For Fiscal Year 2023-24, City Council has allocated $135,000 for Phase IX. There is a $34,000 shortfall. 38 As in previous phases, the City Arts Commission will need to utilize private funds to augment the total cost of the project. In Fiscal Year 2022-23, the Newport Beach Arts Foundation (NBAF) committed $10,000 to support the artist honorariums for Phase VIII. Staff also reallocated funds from other budget lines to help fund the project. FY 2022-23 FUNDING SOURCES AMOUNT Phase VIII Budget #01060603-811059 $135,000 NBAF donation (private funds) $10,000 Programming Budget #01060603-841004 $14,000 Professional Services Budget #01060603-811008 $10,000 TOTAL: $169,000 Staff recommends the City Arts Commission determine this year’s Sculpture Exhibition support request from the Newport Beach Arts Foundation so it may be presented for consideration at the Newport Beach Arts Foundation’s August 9 meeting. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item) 39