HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV(a)- Draft Minutes of February 1, 2023 (Attachment 1) Attachment No. 1 Draft Minutes of February 1, 2023 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE AND GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE JOINT-MEETING AGENDA CIVIC CENTER COMMUNITY ROOM – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING – 6 P.M. I. CALL THE JOINT MEETING TO ORDER - 6:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL FOR THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE (GPUSC) Present: Chair Nancy Gardner and Committee Members Kimberly Carter and Phillip Brown (arrived late) Absent: None Staff: Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis, Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell, and Principal Planner Ben Zdeba III. ROLL CALL FOR THE GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (GPAC) Present: Dennis Baker, Curtis Black, James Carlson, Jeremy Evans, Alene Greer, Laird Hayes, Charles Klobe, Ruth Kobayashi, Denis LaBonge, Jonathan Langford, Anthony Maniscalchi, Thomas Meng, Jim Mosher, Maxwell Pearson, Robert Rader, Nancy Scarbrough, Amber Snider, Debbie Stevens, Graham Wahlberg, Paul Watkins, and Lori Williams Absent: Jeff Cefalia, Annie Clougherty, Corine Doughty, David Guder, Lynn Hackman, Laurel Tippett, and Christy Walker Excused: Katie Love IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Jim Mosher asked for information regarding the cancelled request for proposal (RFP) to assist the GPAC and, in response to his inquiry, Principal Planner Zdeba noted the RFP was posted during the holidays, no bids were received, and another bid will be posted at the end of the week which will include clarifications based on feedback and an additional week to respond, and a question/answer opportunity with City Staff. Shannon Jachetta inquired if the legal settlement of the John Wayne Airport will be on the agenda, and in response to her inquiry, Chair Gardner noted that it will not be discussed at this meeting because it is an organizational meeting but will be included in a future agenda to be determined. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell thought reducing lead in jet fuel may be in the purview of the Aviation Committee and added the topic to his notes to include in the General Plan as well. Phillip Bettencourt, independent planning consultant, introduced himself and stated he served on the 2006 GPAC and 1971 Newport Tomorrow Advisory Committee. V. CURRENT BUSINESS General Plan Update Steering Committee and General Plan Advisory Committee Agenda February 1, 2023 Page 2 of 5 a. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes of January 18, 2023 (Attachment 1) Motion made by Committee Member Jim Mosher and seconded by Chair Gardner and Committee Member Carter to approve the minutes of January 18, 2023, with an edit by Mr. Mosher to replace “requires” with “allows” in the following entry on page 204: “In response to Paul Watkin’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba confirmed that the State 9 Environmental Justice Element policies be weaved throughout the General Plan and within each element.” The motion carried unanimously 2-0. b. Selection of General Plan Advisory Committee Chair and Vice Chair (Attachment 2) As directed in the City Council Resolution forming the Steering Committee, Chair Gardner and the Steering Committee selected the Chair and Vice Chair of the General Plan Advisory Committee from Committee members. Chair Gardner proposed and Council Member Carter agreed to appoint Jeremy Evans and Alene Greer as co-chairs. c. General Plan Element Subcommittees of the Advisory Committee and Meeting Conduct (Attachment 3) Chair Gardner noted that the subcommittees will be under the Brown Act and have an assigned staff member to assist in arranging for meeting rooms and taking minutes, may be combined, and will come back to all public GPAC meetings for discussion. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell reviewed the Land Use Element subcommittee focus and noted the first task will be to discuss policy changes of the Land Use Element to support the housing in the Housing Element. To keep the Land Use Element subcommittee to 14 members, volunteers dropped off the list. In response to Jim Mosher’s inquiries, Chair Gardner noted that initial visioning efforts took place a couple of years ago from outreach and the new consultants will do more, the elements to be discussed tonight, and wanting to get started. Additionally, she relayed that the subcommittees could decide if the members are permanent or not and the role of the GPUSC is to steer. Jim Mosher explained that he ranked the subcommittees on his form based on his interest level and wondered if others did the same, and in response, Chair Gardner clarified with those in attendance that most people listed the subcommittees they would like to be on and can make it known which subcommittees they would like to drop. Chair Gardner stated she will follow-up with people who used the ranking approach to clarify their interests. General Plan Update Steering Committee and General Plan Advisory Committee Agenda February 1, 2023 Page 3 of 5 In response to Christy Walker’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that the City Council needs to review the Land Use Element by the end of this year in time for the March 2024 ballot and the State’s deadline of February 2025 that includes a grace period. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell clarified that most of the work on the Land Use Element will be done in the next three to four months, recapped the timeline, and noted that the subcommittee members can move to a different subcommittee afterwards and revisit policies of public interest. In response to Paul Watkins’ question, Chair Gardner stated that it is not up to her to decide how many subcommittees a person is on, but the subcommittees must stay small enough to avoid the Brown Act requirement. Committee Member Carter suggested the subcommittee interest list be reviewed and clarified. In response to an unidentified speaker’s question regarding overlapping elements, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell envisioned initial subcommittee discussions as educational opportunities before a consultant and public outreach are added to develop future policy wording. In response to Nancy Scarbrough’s question, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted that the RFP includes an outreach plan proposal deliverable that will be reviewed by the Committee before finalizing and executing it. Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that initial community outreach can be made accessible for viewing and Chair Gardner relayed that the Committee will be notified where it is available. In response to Graham Wahlberg’s inquiry, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell indicated that the first three months of Land Use Element subcommittee meetings will be used to review draft policies to support the housing overlays and the subcommittee will also address rezoning and objective design standards to deliver and implement the Housing Element. He noted Section 4 of the Housing Element for the housing policies and the appendix for the sites. Chair Gardner confirmed that outreach will include landowners and developers. Chair Gardner announced that two GPAC members have dropped out and applications have been posted to fill the spots and asked the Committee to share this with people who may be interested in joining. Principal Planner Zdeba noted that GPAC meetings have not been set yet. Chair Gardner suggested a meeting date be established by looking at the room calendar and regular GPUSC meetings take place right before GPAC meetings. There was a consensus among the Committee to meet the first Wednesday of each month. General Plan Update Steering Committee and General Plan Advisory Committee Agenda February 1, 2023 Page 4 of 5 d. Consideration of Optional Elements Curtis Black proposed adding an element to address sustainability and resiliency, provided background, and noted concerns, templates, and benefits. Dennis Baker made a motion and Amber Snider seconded to support the recommendation. Jim Mosher expressed concern for the subcommittees working in silos when the elements interact with each other, noted that sustainability is included in the Natural Resources Element, suggested more thought about a GPAC process and organization, and explained how the GPAC of 20 years ago was organized. In conclusion, he was of the opinion that the GPAC is “jumping the gun” by dividing the group before the whole committee has discussed the process. Chair Gardner noted a subcommittee that will work on the vision statement that will provide direction and shape everyone, the subcommittees are starting the educational process, monthly meetings for open discussion, and subcommittee members can attend each other’s meetings to share as long as the group does not exceed 15 people. Paul Watkins relayed that he was inclined to vote against a Sustainability Element but is now in favor of the motion after talking with Curt about the marquee value of having it as an element and funding possibilities. In response to Graham Wahlberg’s question, Curtis Black indicated that his research shows a commonality in City templates including an assessment of vulnerabilities, a 15–20-year Sustainability and Resiliency Plan, a cost center team structure for grant writing programs, and a medium to long-term planning trend. Charles Klobe supported the motion and, in response to his question, Chair Gardner noted that the GPUSC will be making bimonthly reports to the City Council that will include recommendations for optional elements for their review. Robert Rader stated that he thought this is an excellent topic and fitting for GPAC and would want the subcommittee at all the meetings. Denis Labonge supported the proposed element, liked the idea of using the term “marquee,” and believed the element should be at the same level as the other elements. Debbie Stevens supported the proposed element if funding is available and, if not, thought the information still needs to be included in the General Plan and having a separate element is redundant. In response to her inquiry, Community Development Director Jurjis indicated that funding is unknown, but planning for potential future funding is a great idea. Chair Gardner believed that evidence for grant support could be shared more easily with a Sustainability Element. Lori Williams liked the idea of having a specific group of knowledgeable people who are General Plan Update Steering Committee and General Plan Advisory Committee Agenda February 1, 2023 Page 5 of 5 focused on the topic and can funnel information to the subcommittees and watch for funding opportunities. Charles Fancher suggested a sustainability/reliance focus in the General Plan to give subject validity. By a show of hands, there was a majority vote in favor of the motion. Chair Gardner directed staff to send a memo to the GPAC so members can indicate subcommittee elements they no longer want to be on and interest in joining the Sustainability Element. In response to Chair Gardner’s question, Community Development Director Jurjis confirmed that the GPUSC report can be drafted and circulated for comments before going to the City Council. Jonathan Langford suggested adding an Economic Development Element and will prepare a presentation for the next meeting. In response to an unknown speaker, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted tourism is sprinkled in the Land Use Element. VI. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Jonathan Langford suggested adding an Economic Development Element and will prepare a presentation for the next meeting. VII. ADJOURNMENT The next GPAC meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2023. A Land Use Element subcommittee meeting is scheduled for February 15, 2023. (The subcommittee members were confirmed.)