HomeMy WebLinkAboutIVa_Additional Materials Received_Mosher_Draft Minutes of February 1, 2023March 22, 2023, GPAC Item IV.a Comments These comments on an item on the Newport Beach General Plan Advisory Committee agenda are submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949- 548-6229) Item IV.a. Joint Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2023 Page 1, Item IV, paragraph 2, last sentence: “Deputy Community Development Director Campbell thought reducing lead in jet aviation fuel may be in the purview of the Aviation Committee and added the topic to his notes to include in the General Plan as well.” [Both the word “jet” and its attribution to Deputy Director Campbell are incorrect. According to the video, it was Ms. Jachetta who mentioned “taking the lead out of jet fuel.” But she shifted to expressing concern about “avgas,” which is not jet fuel, but rather the gasoline used in piston aircraft engines. Most avgas contains a lead-based antiknock compound. Mr. Campbell did not say “jet fuel,” instead referring to the suggested topic as “it.”] Page 2, Item V.a, paragraph 1: “Motion made by Committee Member Jim Mosher and seconded by Chair Gardner and Committee Member Carter to approve the minutes of January 18, 2023, with an edit by Mr. Mosher to replace “requires” with “allows” in the following entry on page 204 2 of 4:” [General comment: With members of two separate committees being referred to, it would be helpful throughout these joint minutes to more clearly distinguished which “Committee” is being referred to, using, for example, either “GPUSC member” versus “GPAC member”, or “Steering Committee member” versus “Advisory Committee member.” As it is, future readers will have to look at the attendance list to decide.] [Specific comment: It is unclear who seconded the motion on behalf of the GPAC if a separate second was required.] Page 2, Item V.a: In the paragraph in italics, the requested change from “requires” to “allows” is inexplicably shown as a struck-through numeral 9. It was presumably intended to read instead: “In response to Paul Watkin’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba confirmed that the State requires allows Environmental Justice Element policies be weaved throughout the General Plan and within each element.” Page 2, Item V.a, paragraph 3: “The motion carried unanimously 2-0.” [Comment: Considering the GPAC members’ votes, the number in favor was significantly higher than “2.”] Page 2, Item V.b, sentence 2: “Chair Gardner proposed and Council Member Carter agreed to appoint Jeremy Evans and Alene Greer as co-chairs.” [Comment: I recall this is what was said; however, the Council Resolution No. 2022-59 creating the GPAC explicitly states that the GPUSC is expected to nominate a GPAC chair and a vice chair for confirmation by the City Council (which has not yet happened).] General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting - March 22, 2023 Item No. IV(a) - Additional Materials Received Joint Meeting Draft Minutes of February 1, 2023 March 22, 2023, GPAC Item IV.a comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 2 Page 3, paragraph 6: “Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that initial community outreach can be made accessible for viewing and Chair Gardner relayed that the Committee will be notified where it is available.” [Comment: I am not aware of this happening, but most of the “initial community outreach” is already posted on the City website as Appendix C to the recently-adopted Housing Element. Essentially all the previous outreach that was done had to do with the Housing or Circulation elements, not the other elements. Some of the former “NewportTogether.com” website content can be found (very imperfectly) preserved by the Internet Archive. The current “NewportTogether.com” provides advice on golf shoes, golf balls and cheap motels.] Page 4, Item V.d, paragraph 5: “In response to Graham Wahlberg’s question, Curtis Black indicated that his research shows a commonality in City city templates including an assessment of vulnerabilities, a 15–20-year Sustainability and Resiliency Plan, a cost center team structure for grant writing programs, and a medium to long-term planning trend.” [Comment: “City” should be lower case since (according to the video) it was not a reference to the “City of Newport Beach,” but rather to “cities” in general.] Page 5, full paragraph 3: “Chair Gardner directed staff to send a memo to the GPAC so members can indicate subcommittee elements they no longer want to be on and interest in joining the Sustainability Element.” [Comment: I do not recall this happening, at least for me -- perhaps because I had already provided the information at the meeting?] General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting - March 22, 2023 Item No. IV(a) - Additional Materials Received Joint Meeting Draft Minutes of February 1, 2023