HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0315_20221221_Coastal Development PermitCoastal Development Permit Community Development Department / Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 www.newportbeachca.gov Rev: 11/28/17 General Information The California Coastal Act of 1976 (Coastal Act) and the City’s certified Local Coastal Program (LCP) requires a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for all development within the coastal zone, unless specifically exempted or excluded (see LCP Implementation Plan (IP) Section 21.52.035 and IP Section 21.52.040, respectively). Review of Coastal Development Permits Pursuant to IP Section 21.50.020 (Authority for Decisions), the Zoning Administrator has review authority for CDPs, unless: 1.The project also requires another discretionary approval (e.g., conditional use permit, variance, etc.), in which case, the review authority for the CDP shall be the authority for the other discretionary approval (i.e., Planning Commission and/or City Council); or 2.The project is located on tidelands, submerged lands, and public trust lands as described in California Public Resources Code Section 30519(b) or in deferred certification areas designated by the LCP Coastal Zoning Map and the Post-LCP Certification Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction Map, in which case, the California Coastal Commission (Coastal Commission) shall be the CDP review authority. 3.Amendments to coastal development permits approved by the Coastal Commission, either prior to certification of the LCP or on appeal after certification, have to be processed by the Coastal Commission. Required Findings Pursuant to IP Section 21.52.15 (F) (Findings and Decision), the review authority may approve or conditionally approve a coastal development permit application, only after first finding that the proposed development: 1.Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program (e.g. development standards, no impacts to public views, natural resources, etc.); and 2.Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Application Requirements 1.A completed Planning Permit Application (attached); 2.Project Description A written statement describing the proposed project in detail. Include secondary improvements such as demolition, grading, roads, driveways, outbuildings, fences, etc. Identify project details such as building gross square footage, grading cut/fill, unit count, bedroom count, parking count, building height, landscape area, and number of floors. This document will serve as the formal statement to the approving authority on what the project is. Please include any relevant information which supports the application and the required findings pursuant to Section 20.52.080 F., which are noted above. City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 1 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) City of Newport Beach Coastal Development Permit Rev: 11/28/17 3.Public Noticing Requirements. Applicant given original CDP Notice of Filing to post on site City staff will assist in completing the notice of filing form (see attached) and provide instruction on the number of notices to be posted and their location(s). Number of Notices: The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the sign(s) in satisfactory condition and for the removal of the sign(s) at the end of the applicable appeal period. Post on Site The applicant is responsible for posting a notice of filing that an application for a coastal development permit has been submitted to the City. The notice of filing must be posted at a conspicuous place, easily readable by the public and placed as close as possible to the site of the proposed development. Please refer to the Planning Division’s handout on Public Noticing Requirements for more information on the application materials required for a public hearing. 4.Plans Coastal development permit applications must be accompanied by one (1) full size set of plans for initial review, unless additional sets are required in conjunction with another discretionary review. Additional full size set of plans may be requested following initial review. Plans shall include the following: •Site plan, floor plans, cross sections, elevations, roof plan, demolition plan, preliminary grading/drainage, and erosion control plan indicating existing and proposed conditions. •The site plan must display the entire property, property lines, adjacent streets, and existing and proposed buildings/structures with emphasis on the request. •Topographic survey for new structures and major remodels that increase height. •A floor area exhibit showing area dimensions and calculations if proposed structure is within 10 percent of maximum allowable floor area. •Plans shall be drawn to scale and show all necessary dimensions to give a true and clear picture of the existing and proposed conditions. 5.Supplemental Materials Include applicable studies and materials (erosion control plan, coastal hazards report, landscape plan, construction pollution prevention plan, post development runoff plan, water quality and hydrology plan, etc.) for the property as indicated in the attached table. 6.Filing Fee A filing fee is required at the time of filing to partially defray the cost of processing and other expenses. The Planning Division will advise you of said fee. 7.Electronic Copy All of the above submittal items are required to be submitted in electronic format (i.e., CD, Dropbox or Email) as determined by the Planning Department prior to application submittal. City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 2 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) Coastal Development Permit Supplemental Materials Checklist (Rev: 02-15-22) The following checklist provides guidance for determining the appropriate supplemental materials that should be submitted with a Coastal Development Permit applicant. The checklist contemplates typical or routine development proposals such as single-family homes and duplexes. For complete information regarding the studies or for larger projects, refer to the captioned section of the Municipal Code. Please speak with a planner to confirm which studies may be required for your proposed development. An additional application deposit may be required for peer review of supplemental studies at the discretion of the Department based on individual project and site conditions. Water Quality Supporting Studies Preliminary Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) (Section 21.35.030) A report or erosion control plan, that describes temporary best management practices (BMPs) the development will implement to minimize erosion and sedimentation during construction, and to minimize pollution of runoff into coastal waters by construction chemicals and materials. The level of detail provided to address the plan’s requirements shall be commensurate with the type and scale of the development, and the potential for adverse water quality and hydrologic impacts to coastal waters. At minimum, the plan shall show what BMPs will be used and where, total disturbance area, and measures to prevent erosion, contain sediment and control drainage. (See attached sample plan for small-scale, single- family or two-family development projects. Larger scale projects or projects with a greater potential for adverse impacts shall provide additional analysis in compliance with Section 21.35.030). Required for: • Construction activities that include clearing, grading, or other activities that involve ground disturbance; building, reconstructing, or demolishing a structure; and creation or replacement of impervious surfaces. Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP)/Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) (Section 21.35.050) A report prepared by a qualified licensed professional, that includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for best management practices (BMPs), use of an LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. An alternatives analysis and description of the treatment control and/or runoff control BMPs the development will implement to minimize potential post-development water quality and hydrologic impacts may also be necessary. Required for: • Projects within 200 feet of coastal waters (Mean High Water Line) or environmentally sensitive habitat area that involve 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface area (WQMP threshold) • Projects that include more than 75 percent of impervious surfaces on-site within 200 feet of coastal waters (WQHP threshold) Coastal Development Permit Supplemental Materials Checklist (Rev: 02-15-22) • Hillside development on a slope greater than 15%, on a site with erodible soil (WQHP threshold) or 5,000 square feet on a sloping property with erodible soil (WQMP threshold) NOTE: For developments proposing drainage into the harbor, bay or beach, contact the Planning Division to discuss required studies. Other Supporting Studies Housing Crisis Act (SB 330/SB 8) Demolition Compliance The Housing Crisis Act Compliance for Demolitions Certification Form shall be completed and signed by the property owner of a proposed “housing development project” (defined as one or more residential units, or a mixed-use project with two-thirds residential floor area) that involves demolition of any residential units. Required for: • Any housing development project involving the demolition of residential units. Bulkhead Conditions Report (Section 21.30.15.E.3) A report that includes a statement of preparer’s qualifications, analysis of the condition of the existing bulkhead, recommendations for repair, augmentation, or replacement, recommendations to avoid seaward encroachment if augmentation or replacement is necessary, and recommended alternatives to relocate the bulkhead in alignment with adjacent bulkheads as far landward as possible. (Please reference Harbor Design Criteria, adopted March 23, 2021 by the City Council, for bulkhead design requirements and minimum bulkhead elevations needed to account for future sea level rise). Required for: • All properties with a bulkhead on-site Coastal Hazards Report (Section 21.30.015.E.2) A report that includes a statement of preparer’s qualifications, identifies coastal hazards affecting the site, an analysis of coastal hazards such as beach erosion, high tide conditions, storm waves, bluff stability, factors of safety for the economic life of the structure (75 years), a bulkhead determination, and necessary mitigation measures. (Please reference Harbor Design Criteria, adopted March 23, 2021 by the City Council, for bulkhead design requirements and minimum bulkhead elevations needed to account for future sea level rise). Required for: • Properties on the shoreline that are subject to current or expected future erosion, flooding/inundation, wave run-up, or wave impacts, including those resulting from sea level rise. Coastal Development Permit Supplemental Materials Checklist (Rev: 02-15-22) Geologic Stability Report (Section 21.30.15.E.4) A report that includes a statement of preparer’s qualifications, an analysis of the geologic conditions on-site, certifying the suitability of the site for development, and identifying necessary mitigation measures. Required for: • Properties on or within a bluff (B) or canyon (C) overlay • Projects that involve a new residential structure or a significant remodel in shoreline areas subject to liquefaction or seismic hazards (the report will be required for these projects at plan check, please provide if available with the CDP application) Post Development Erosion Control Plan (Section 21.30.015.E.7) A plan prepared by a registered engineer qualified in hydrology and soil mechanics, that incorporates drainage improvements, irrigation systems, and/or native or drought-tolerant vegetation into the design to minimize bluff or canyon recession and will eliminate or mitigate any adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply to the maximum extent feasible. Required for: • Properties on or within 100 feet of a bluff (B) or canyon (C) overlay Landscape Planting Plan (Section 21.30.075) A detailed landscape planting plan that specifies landscape area as well as plant selection and grouping, to determine compliance with drought tolerant species, invasive plant species, native plant species for dune habitats, environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA)/ESHA buffers, and deciduous trees. Required for: • Properties containing or within 50 feet of a sand dune, beach, bluff, stream, ESHA, water feature, or wetland • Projects that include 500 square feet or more of new landscaping in accordance with Chapter 14.17 of the Municipal Code • Projects that include 2,500 square feet or more of rehabilitated landscaping in accordance with Chapter 14.17 of the Municipal Code NOTICE: Waiver of Future Protection (Section 21.30.15.E.5) As a condition of approval of new development, an agreement in favor of the City is necessary waiving any potential right to future protection to address situations in the future in which development is threatened with damage or destruction from waves, erosion, storm conditions, landslides, seismic activity, bluff retreat, sea level rise, or other natural hazards. Required for: • New development where a natural landform or shoreline protection study is required Coastal Development Permit Supplemental Materials Checklist (Rev: 02-15-22) Less Common Supporting Studies Archaeological/ Paleontological Research Plan (Section 21.30.105.A) A document prepared by a qualified archaeologist/paleontologist to determine whether or not significant cultural resources are present, determine the boundaries of cultural resources, and provide measures that result in the avoidance and/or minimization of impacts to archaeological or paleontological cultural resources present on the site. Required if: • Projects where the site contains known or potential archaeological or paleontological resources • A potentially significant archeological or paleontological resource is identified in an initial study pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Conversion or Demolition of Affordable Housing (Chapter 21.34) Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Chapter 21.34 (one-for one replacement of affordable units in the following order of preference: on-site, in the Coastal Zone, within 3 miles of the Coastal Zone). Required for: • Conversion or demolition of eleven (11) or more dwelling units located in two or more structures • Properties that involve the demolition of three or more dwelling units Initial Historic Evaluation (Section 21.30.105.B) A site-specific study performed by a qualified professional that describes the significance of the resources, describes possible adverse impacts, and identifies mitigation measures designed to reduce or eliminate those impacts. Required if: • The site is listed on the City’s Historic Resource Inventory, or a Local, State, or Federal historic resource list • The site contains historic resources Initial Resource Survey (Section 21.30B.020) A site resource survey, recently prepared (within one year), identifying the presence or potential for wetlands or sensitive habitat, vegetation, or wildlife species on the site. Required for: • Properties that contain or are within 100 feet of sensitive habitat areas, southern coastal foredune, southern dune scrub, wetland, wetland buffer, or an ESA/ESHA/ESHA buffer • Properties within a 100-year floodplain • Properties that contain state or federally listed rare, threatened, or endangered species Coastal Development Permit Supplemental Materials Checklist (Rev: 02-15-22) Lower Cost Visitor Accommodations Impact and Feasibility Analysis (Section 21.48.025) A feasibility study explaining why providing lower cost accommodations as part of the project is not feasible. The study should address: land value; development costs; a breakdown of the estimated annual revenues (including average daily rate and occupancy rates); a breakdown of the estimated operating costs; and any other information necessary to address the feasibility of providing lower cost accommodations on-site. Required for: • Development of new visitor accommodations • The expansion, reduction, redevelopment, demolition, conversion, closure, or cessation of existing visitor accommodations. Visual Impact Analysis (Section 21.30.100) An analysis that includes recommendations to avoid or minimize impacts to public views from the identified public view points and corridors identified in Policy 4.4.1-6 and Map 4-3 of the Coastal Land Use Plan. Required for: • Property that contains or is visible from a viewshed, public view point, coastal view road, public park or beach, or public access as identified on Coastal Land Use Plan Map 4-3 • When an initial analysis indicates the need for a view impact analysis as determined by City staff. Rev 02/14/17 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FILING THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECENTLY RECEIVED A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: PROPOSED PROJECT: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ LOCATION: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT: ___________________________________________________________ APPLICATION NO.: ______________________________________________________ DATE NOTICE POSTED: __________________________________________________ The public hearing for this application has not yet been scheduled. When the hearing, or determination are scheduled, further notice will be provided. The application is available for your review at the Community Development Department Permit Center (Bay C-1st Floor), at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, CA 92660. Prior to the public hearing, the agenda, staff report, and documents may be reviewed. For more information, call (949) 644-3200 (please reference the application number). City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 8 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) 1CorrectionLists\WaterQualityMgmtPlanRevChecklist 4-24-17 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 www.newportbeachca.gov | (949) 644-3200 WATER QUALITY & HYDROLOGY PLAN (WQHP) PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Project Address: Plan Check No.:Date of Report: Report Prepared By: Plan Check Engineer: Sergio Gutierrez (sgutierrez@newportbeachca.gov)Phone: 949-644-3213 X 1st Review:2nd Review:3rd Review: Make the following corrections to the report. Return this correction sheet and check prints with corrected Water Quality Hydrology Plan. Submit a response sheet indicating how each correction was resolved. A WQHP is required for Coastal Development Permit Projects. For projects that will generate morethan 2,500 square feet of impervious, please comply with a “Priory WQMP Report.” ConceptualWQMP, provide tentative LID and Hydromodification BMP’s at the earliest planning phase for early review and approval: http://www.newportbeachca.gov/home/showdocument?id=21687 LID BMP’s shall follow the following hierarchy of BMP’s: infiltration, evapotranspiration, harvest/re-use, and biotreatment. Hydrology computations are based on a 2-year storm period. On the cover page identify the report as a “WQHP,” if less than 2,500 sf of impervious or “Priority WQMP” For Model WQMP: http://www.newportbeachca.gov/home/showdocument?id=10750 For design see Technical Guidance Document:http://www.newportbeachca.gov/home/showdocument?id=10749 For Total Maximum Daily Loads and 301(d) list:http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaana/water_issues/programs/tmdl/index.shtml City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 9 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) 2CorrectionLists\WaterQualityMgmtPlanRevChecklist 4-24-17 Prior to approval of the WQHP Report, attend to the following: _____________________________________________________________________ TITLE PAGE Name of project Site address (or addresses) OR planning area number if no address Owner/Developer name Owner/Developer address & telephone number Consulting/Engineering firm that prepared WQHP Consulting/Engineering firm address & phone number Date WQHP was prepared/revised Planning Application, Grading Application, or Building Application Registered Civil Engineer’s signature and stamp _____________________________________________________________________________________ OWNER’S CERTIFICATION A signed certification statement, in which the project owner acknowledges and accepts the provisions of the WQHP, follows the title page.______________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS A Table of Contents including a list of all figures and attachments.______________________________________________________________________ SECTION I, DISCRETIONARY PERMIT(S) AND WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS Permit/Application No. Address of Project and APN List Discretionary Permit(s) List, verbatim, the water quality conditions, including condition requiring preparation of WQMP, ifapplicable If not developed site, provide lot and tract/parcel map number Applicable WIHMPs and TMDL______________________________________________________________________ SECTION II, PROJECT DESCRIPTION 11.1 – PROJECT DESCRIPTION WQHP Development Category Project plan area SIC code No. of dwelling units (residential) Accurately describe where facilities will be located, what activities will be conducted and where onthe site, kinds of materials and products that will be used, how and where materials will be received and stored, and what kinds of wastes will be generated. Pre-project and post-project pervious and impervious areas and their percentages Does project include food preparation, cooking, and eating areas? Specify location and type of area Describe delivery areas and loading docks (specify location and design and if below grade and types of materials expected to be stored) Describe outdoor materials storage areas (describe and depict locations(s), specify type(s) ofmaterials expected to be stored). Describe activities that will be routinely conducted outdoors City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 10 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) 3CorrectionLists\WaterQualityMgmtPlanRevChecklist 4-24-17 Describe any activities associated with equipment or vehicle maintenance and repair, includingwashing or cleaning. Indicates number of service bays or number of fueling islands/fuel pumps, if applicable Describe all community facilities such as, laundry, car wash, swimming pools, Jacuzzi, parks, open spaces, tot lots, etc. Drainage pattern and connections II.2 - POLLUTANTS Identify the potential stormwater or urban runoff pollutants reasonably expected to be associated with the project List pollutant of concern II.3 - HYDROLOGY Discuss hydrologic conditions of concern Provide 2-year Storm period computations based on Orange County Hydrology Manual. II.4 – POST DRAINAGE CHARACTERISTICS Discuss post development drainage II.5 - OWNERSHIP Property ownership/management Will any infrastructure transfer to a public agency? ______________________________________________________________________ SECTION III, SITE DESCRIPTION III.1 - PHYSICAL SETTING Site address Land Use Zoning Acreage Predominant soil type III.2 - SITE CHARACTERISTICS Precipitation Zone Topography Drainage pattern/connection Soil type, geology, and infiltration properties Hydrogeologic (groundwater) conditions Geotechnical conditions (relevant to infiltration) Off-site drainage Utility and infrastructure information III.3 - WATERSHED DESCRIPTION Receiving waters 303(d) listed impairments Applicable TMDL’s Pollutants of concern Hydrologic conditions of concern Environmentally sensitive and special biological significant areas_____________________________________________________________________ SECTION IV, BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) IV. 1 - PROJECT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Hydromodification control performance criteria City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 11 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) 4CorrectionLists\WaterQualityMgmtPlanRevChecklist 4-24-17 WIHMP LID performance criteria in detail Treatment control BMP performance criteria LID storm capture volume computations IV.2 - SITE DESIGN AND DRAINAGE PLAN Site design BMP’s o Minimize impervious areas o Maximize natural infiltration o Disconnect impervious areas o Protect existing vegetation and sensitive areas o Re-vegetate disturbed areas o BMP’s incorporated to the MEP o List of BMP’s for each DMA Drainage plan o Calculations of DCV for each drainage area IV.3 - LID BMP SELECTION AND PROJECT CONFORMANCE ANALYSIS List hydrologic source controls Infiltration BMP’s Evapotranspiration, and rainwater harvesting BMP’s Biotreatment BMP’s Hydromodification control BMP’s Regional/sub-regional LID BMP’s Treatment control BMP’s Non-structural source control BMP’s Structural source control BMP’s IV.4 - ALTERNATE COMPLIANCE PLAN Water quality credits Alternate compliance plan information______________________________________________________________________ SECTION V, INSPECTION / MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR BMP List for each BMP, inspection/maintenance requirement, minimum frequency, and responsible party _______________________________________________________________________ SECTION VI, SITE PLAN AND DRAINAGE PLAN Has an 11” by 17” plot plan been included? Do all figures, maps, plot plans, etc. have a legend, including a north arrow and scale? Are all facilities labeled for the intended function? Are all areas of outdoor activity labeled? Are all structural BMPs indicated? Is drainage flow information, including general surface flow lines, concrete or other surface ditchesor channels, as well as storm drain facilities such as catch basins and underground storm drain pipes depicted? Depict where and how on-site drainage ties into the off-site drainage Provide the following minimum information: o Project Location o Site boundary o Landscape, hardscape, and paved areas o Suitability/feasibility constraints o Drainage connections and discharge points City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 12 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) 5CorrectionLists\WaterQualityMgmtPlanRevChecklist 4-24-17 ______________________________________________________________________ SECTION VII, EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS Provide educational materials _____________________________________________________________________________________ Additional corrections City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 13 of 14 (Posted: 11-28-2017) City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 14 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018)